Article by Henry Holloway July 21, 2021 (
• Lue Elizondo (pictured above), former intelligence officer and head of the Pentagon UFO program until 2017, did the podcast talk show rounds on Witness Citizen UAP with Sean Raasch and Fade to Black with Jimmy Church, (see videos below)
Article by Matt Spivey July 17, 2021 (
• On June 25th, a 9-page ‘unclassified’ version of the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force report was released to the public. According to ‘The Black Vault’ author and podcaster John Greenewald, Jr., the classified version of the report is only 17 pages long.
Article by Katie Balevic June 5 2021 (
• Top US officials were pre-briefed on the Pentagon’s report that is due for release by the end of this month. In short, US intelligence cannot explain over 120 documented UFO sightings.
• Fox News’ Tucker Carlson remarked, “It doesn’t sound like they can say much of anything.” “The Pentagon cannot say that UFOs are from a different solar system, but they can’t say they’re not. They can’t say they’re from China or Russia, but they can’t say they’re not,” Carlson said.
• So Carlson turned his questions over to Lue Elizondo, a former Pentagon official who oversaw investigations of UFO sightings. Elizondo offered a history lesson on UFOs. Using the Freedom of Information Act, Elizondo obtained records that show the US military has been monitoring UFOs since 1950, possibly even earlier. “This is official government documentation from military personnel to very senior military brass,” said Elizondo.
• Elizondo says that senior military personnel and scientists have spotted UFOs over US military facilities on multiple occasions. “The US government has finally admitted that this is not some sort of secret US technology,” he said. “But now, there is some wiggle room to say, ‘Well maybe it is some foreign adversarial technology.'”
• Elizondo thinks the likely culprits would be either China or Russia. But Russia shared much of its UFO information with the US following the fall of the Berlin Wall, and “they were seeing the exact same thing in their skies that we were,” he said, eliminating Russia as a suspect.
• Elizondo noted that China is frequently behind the curve on technology in comparison to the US. He doubts that either China or Russia would have the technological capabilities to conduct such advanced surveillance on US military operations. It is extremely unlikely that either China or Russia would have this type of technology – at least 1000 years ahead of us – and kept it secret since the 1950s.
• While Elizondo appeared to dismiss theories that the UFOs could be Chinese or Russian technology, he didn’t suggest any other possible culprits. He did note, however, an increase in UFO sightings as the country developed its nuclear abilities. “We began to see an increased uptick of what appeared to be some sort of reconnaissance or surveillance of our nuclear technology, our nuclear development – whether it’s power or propulsion or weapons systems and related technology,” he said.
• [Editor’s Note] Elizondo – a former counter-intelligence official with the CIA – says that UFOs have been breaching US military airspace since the 1950s (true), and they aren’t American, Chinese or Russian. But government officials cannot say they are extraterrestrial in origin.
What are they hiding? They are hiding the fact that Hitler and the Nazi’s obtained advanced anti-gravity electromagnetic propulsion technology from extraterrestrials just prior to WWII, induced the American military industrial complex to join their evil alliance during the 1950s in return for access to this technology, and thus created both the modern deep state shadow government and the secret space programs – all of which has been kept from public knowledge. With the maniacal deep state politicians and generals controlling the nuclear arsenal, benevolent extraterrestrials stepped in to make sure that these nukes could not be used to destroy the Earth, and thereby causing severe repercussions throughout the galaxy.
So what is this game that Elizondo is playing? Is he truly trying to advance UFO disclosure by making it obvious that these UFOs, or at least the technology, comes from extraterrestrials? Or is he trying to advance the agenda of the deep state by creating confusion and fear of an extraterrestrial threat to the Earth, possibly setting up a deep state false flag alien invasion?
Former Pentagon official Lue Elizondo said the military has been seeing mysterious
Lue Elizondo
“tic-tac” UFOs since 1950, possibly even earlier.
On his show, Tucker Carlson brought on Elizondo to discuss the military’s history with UFOs, asking what the Pentagon’s report really means.
“The Pentagon cannot say that UFOs are from a different solar system, but they can’t say they’re not. They can’t say they’re from China or Russia, but they can’t say they’re not,” Carlson said.
In the Pentagon’s report that top US officials were briefed on this week, US intelligence couldn’t offer an explanation for over 120 mysterious UFO sightings.
“It doesn’t sound like they can say much of anything,” Calrson said, turning his
China’s supersonic weaponry
questions over to Elizondo, a longtime Pentagon official who oversaw investigations of UFO sightings.
Elizondo used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain records that show the military has been monitoring UFOs since 1950, possibly even earlier.
“This isn’t some eye witness report from a civilian,” Elizondo said. “This is official government documentation from military personnel to very senior military brass.”
Elizondo said senior military personnel and scientists have spotted UFOs over US
Russian advanced weaponry
military facilities on multiple occasions.
“The US government has finally admitted that this is not some sore of secret US technology,” he said. “But now, there is some wiggle room to say, ‘Well maybe it is some foreign adversarial technology.'”
Elizondo says the likely culprits would be either China or Russia, but doesn’t think either of them have the technological capabilities to conduct such advanced surveillance.
Russia shared much of its UFO information with the US following the fall of the Berlin Wall, Elizondo said.
“They shared a lot of their UFO information with us, and by the way, they were seeing the exact same thing in their skies that we were,” he said, eliminating Russia as a suspect.
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Article by Sean Ellard June 2, 2021 (
• According to Lue Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force, we may not be alone – and not just in the universe, but here on Earth. One area of speculation looks at whether these strange craft that are actually ‘ultra-terrestrials’, or some kind of Earth-based entity that is more advanced than we are that predates modern human civilization.
• It could be that we are being observed by these ultra-terrestrials using ‘probes’, or drones, which could account for a majority of benign sightings and encounters. Like naturalist Dian Fossey observing gorillas in the Virunga Mountains, we might be a curious and lesser developed version of primate to be observed, but not concerned about. Perhaps our inferior status made us irrelevant to their greater purpose – until the nuclear age.
• The ultra-terrestrials may have a direct connection to the ocean or water. Many UFO sightings in North America tend to happen around coastal areas or places like the Great Lakes Region. From equipment being sucked underwater by giant objects beneath the surface, to fast-moving objects entering and exiting water with seemingly no resistance, there are sightings over and under the water that defy our logic. The same goes with many military encounters not linked to nuclear weapons or facilities. Declassified US Navy videos have capture objects moving between air and water with no means of propulsion, avionics or heat signature. Traveling between air and water appears to be a common theme.
• USO’s (Unidentified Submersible Objects) seem to be another common oddity with no explanation. For decades, there have been reports of submarines encountering things travelling at seemingly impossible speeds at extreme depths underwater. Sonar operators have offered stories of strange readings similar to those of their surface companions monitoring radar. We know little about the bottom of the oceans, and sightings of strange crafts and glowing objects may go back centuries.
• Elizondo suggested the possibility that craft are coming from outside our planet and venturing to underwater bases on Earth. What does Earth have that makes it so unique that it draws other non-human intelligences to come here? Is it humans or some other entity that draws them here? Are these probes AI controlled? Might they produce synthetic entities that can pop-up upon their arrival from deep space? Could we be seeing a result of quantum science applied to time travel? Despite our best efforts and our most advanced technology, the picture remains as murky.
• A point of concern helping to fuel the push for the UAP Disclosure Report is the need to get everyone on the same national security page. In order to address the security issue, the Pentagon needs to create an environment where people feel comfortable coming forward with UFO/UAP reports. The data proves these are real. The Pentagon confirms they are real. Presidents confirm its real, and witness testimony and logic solidifies it. It’s just that we don’t know what it is we are seeing, or who is controlling them.
• Humans have gone from warring bi-pedal hominids to creatures with the power to end all life. You wouldn’t give a handgun to a chimpanzee and a sit across from it indefinitely. So imagine your violent-prone neighbor acquires the ability to obliterate your entire neighborhood over domestic squabbles about religious books. It doesn’t bode well for anyone.
• We are at a time when so much of our collective faith is challenged in ways we never have imagined. As the Vatican prepares to shepherd its followers through the coming uncertainty, it is becoming clear that we all must work to unify ourselves and bring humanity together. Because, as former President Reagan said to the UN, we must ask how quickly humanity will push petty differences aside in the face of an off-world existential threat.
Being a good neighbour is as much about doing the right thing, as it is about putting up with another person’s terrible, annoying habits you just have to live with. But, at some point, when things become untenable, it can force a confrontation.
According to Lue Elizondo, former head of the Pentagon’s UAP/(UFO) Task Force, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), there is a chance we are not alone. Not just in the universe, but maybe here on Earth. And we might even be the new kid on the block. As experts go step by step unravelling the evidence, some of the possible options that arise appear to be the most outrageous.
entrance to an underwater base near Malibu, California (Google Earth image)
According to Elizondo, one area of speculation looks at whether these strange craft that are being reported are being controlled by something deemed ‘ultra-terrestrials’. Some kind of earth-based entity that is more advanced than we are and could predate modern human civilisation.
It might be that we are being observed by them using probes, or the more pedestrian sounding, drones, which could account for the majority of benign sightings and encounters. Like naturalist Dian Fossey observing gorillas in the Virunga Mountains, (only, I’m pretty sure Fossey’s favourite Silverback, Digit, never acquired
Dian Fossey and her gorillas
a hydrogen bomb) we might just be a curious and lesser developed version of them to be observed, not concerned about.
under water Earth creature
We may be seeing them, and vice versa. Perhaps our inferior status made us irrelevant to their greater purpose – until the nuclear age. But, as former US President Barak Obama agrees, these things are real, unidentified and likely not American. So what could they be? It might depend where they are from.
Water world
The entity may have some kind of direct connection to the ocean or water. Many of the UAP sightings in North America tends to happen around coastal areas or places like the Great Lakes Region, which are huge bodies of water. Many military encounters, not linked to nuclear weapons or facilities, seem to have a relative proximity to water.
We have evidence, from equipment being sucked underwater by giant objects beneath the surface, to fast-moving objects entering and exiting water with seemingly no resistance, there are sightings that defy our logic (the video of the USS Omaha incident and the Puerto Rico trans-medium bifurcating object are great examples). Traveling between the two mediums appears to be a common theme witnessed on many US military UAP encounters.
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Article by Arjun Walia May 8, 2021 (
• UFOs have become a big topic of discussion within the mainstream. These objects perform maneuvers and travel at speeds that no known machinery can. They truly defy our understanding of aerodynamics and, in some cases, physics. Now the question is: who is the manufacturer and operator of these UFOs?
• There is testimonial evidence that these objects are not human made. The former director of the Pentagon’s UFO program, Lue Elizondo, recently gave an interview to the NY Post saying that he had a meeting with a very senior Department of Defense official who agreed that these UFO craft were not of human origin. Former Air Force Colonel Ross Dedrickson also claimed to have information that these objects were not human made, and from what he knew, the beings are benevolent and concerned about the well-being of our planet. Beyond these testimonies are documented cases of sightings and “contact experiences” that point to a non-human origin.
• The ancient Greek philosopher Plato distinguished between the animals and men who reside on the Earth and the so-called ‘elementals’ that dwell in the ‘ether’ (or ‘aether’) of the Earth. Humans can only see within a tiny frequency of the entire visible light spectrum. The truth is, much of our “reality” isn’t even perceivable to our human senses. Quantum mechanics and post-material science has shown us that the “invisible” parts make up the vast majority of ‘space’. Even Rene Descartes proposed the theory that what we perceive as space is completely filled with matter in various states.
• Who is to say that life does not dwell in these ethereal realms? Stories can be found in ancient Buddhist and Vedic philosophy, along with oral stories passed down from Native cultures throughout the world, which refer to ‘magical’ and ‘mythical’ lands that co-exist alongside our reality. The German-Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus wrote: “Man lives in the exterior elements and the Elementals live in the interior elements. The latter have dwellings and clothing, manners and customs, languages and governments of their own…”
• What’s interesting is that these mysterious UFOs are commonly observed “taking off” at tremendous speeds and entering or exiting our oceans. Sometimes when they “fly away” they seem to ‘dematerialize’. It truly calls into question what we think we know about the nature of reality. And chances are, not all objects originate from the same source.
• It is disconcerting that most people do not see UFOs as legitimate reality unless and until it is presented as such by the mainstream media. Footage had to be verified by the Pentagon before people would deem them as real. This highlights just how reliant humanity has become on these media sources for information. But it is difficult to trust mainstream media, or government for that matter, to get an accurate depiction of what’s really happening. Perhaps the UFO phenomenon is one that requires a citizens’ initiative as well, to get an honest depiction of UFOs.
• One thing to look out for is the US government’s suspicion that these objects are Russian or Chinese in origin. This narrative is meant to heighten the national security state, for no legitimate reason, while simultaneously controlling the extraterrestrial hypothesis. The government paints UFOs as a threat, even though the vast majority of the time these objects perform evasive maneuvers to avoid our own aircraft. We always seem to be the ones chasing them.
Ethereal beings on this earth?
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), now commonly known as Unidentified Aerial
Phenomenon (UAPs) have become a big topic of discussion within the mainstream as of late. We are talking about objects that have been photographed, videotaped, tracked on radar, and seen by high ranking military personnel as well as civilians on the ground and in air-craft. These objects perform maneuvers and travel at speeds no known man made piece of machinery can. They truly defy our understanding of aerodynamics and, and in some case
s, physics.
The next discussion to arise is, are those manning these craft human or something else?
Based on my years of research, just as there was strong evidence for the existence of these objects decades ago when they were deemed a conspiracy theory, there is strong evidence now, and in my opinion, there is evidence these objects are not
Rene Descartes
human made.
As far as credible sources that support this idea, Colonel Robert Friend, in his very last interview before his death, who was a director of Project Blue Book from 1958-1962, suggested that the U.S. Air Force knew what these objects were even at that time. The former director of the Pentagon’s UFO program, Lue Elizondo, recently gave an interview to the NY Post saying that he had a meeting with a very senior Department
Arjun Walia, author and philosopher
of Defense official who mentioned he knew the craft were not of human origin as well. Former Air Force Colonel Ross Dedrickson also claimed to have information that these objects were not human made, and from what he knew, the beings are benevolent, concerned about the well being of our planet.
I recognize not all people will consider these sources ‘credible evidence.’
Beyond these testimonies are things like documented cases of sightings or “contact” experiences. According to these cases, people report both benevolent and malevolent experiences, often linked to the UFO phenomenon.
So, if they are not human, what are they? The obvious truth is, we don’t know, but there’s no harm in speculating.
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Article by Bryan Bender March 25, 2021 (
• The Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the director of national intelligence and the Defense Department to provide a public accounting on unexplained sightings of advanced aircraft and drones that have been reported by military personnel or captured by radar, satellites and other surveillance systems by June 25th. The request came after revelations in 2017 that the Pentagon was researching a series of unexplained intrusions into military airspace, including high-performance vehicles captured on video stalking Navy ships.
• But those in the UAP Task Force advising the investigations are advocating for significantly more time and resources to retrieve information from agencies that have shown reluctance, if not outright resistance, to sharing classified information. They worry that without high-level involvement, it will be difficult to compel agencies to release what they have. “I know that the Task Force has been denied access to pertinent information by the Air Force and they have been stiff-armed by them,” said former Pentagon intelligence official Christopher Mellon. “That is disappointing but not unexpected.”
• The report due to Congress was to include “a detailed analysis of unidentified phenomena data” collected by a host of means, including imaging satellites, eavesdropping equipment and human spies. It was to include a detailed analysis of data collected by the FBI and a detailed description of an interagency process for “ensuring timely data collection and centralized analysis of all unidentified aerial phenomena reporting for the federal government, regardless of which service or agency acquired the information.”
• Gathering such information from across the national security bureaucracy is enormously challenging, Mellon said. “They have to repeat that painful process with scores of different agencies,” citing the Army, CIA, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. A spokesperson for Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said that the report to Congress is in the works, but declined to offer further details. “We are aware of the requirement and will respond accordingly.”
• There is growing pressure from Congress for a more organized effort to compile what the government has learned and reveal how it is trying to solve the mysteries. “I can tell you it is being taken more seriously now that it ever has been,” said Florida Senator Marco Rubio who sits on the Senate committee who requested the UFO report. Rubio does not believe military and intelligence agencies have come to any solid conclusions about the origin of the UFOs. But he insisted that the reports demand a more comprehensive intelligence-gathering effort. “We have to try to know what it is,” said Rubio. “Maybe there’s a logical explanation. Maybe it’s foreign adversaries who made a technological leap?” Of course, any delay will be perceived by the public as another attempt by the government to hide what it knows.
• The pressure to disclose what the government is doing has only intensified after recent comments from the former top intelligence official. “We have lots of reports about what we call unmanned aerial phenomenon,” said John Ratcliffe, who served as director of national intelligence under President Donald Trump. “When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have [been] seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain.”
• Ratcliffe cited UFO/UAP “movements that are hard to replicate that we don’t have the technology for … or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.” One such case was recently revealed by The Drive website where a swarm of unidentified “drones” bedeviled a flotilla of Navy destroyers off the California coast in 2019.
• There has been enormous resistance inside the government bureaucracy to releasing findings on UFO/UAP. Lue Elizondo led research on UFOs/UAPs in the Pentagon until 2017 when he publicly resigned in frustration that the issue was not being treated seriously enough. “You have all the stigma and the taboo that is associated with it,” said Elizondo, who now serves as an informal adviser to the military. “There’s been so much public taboo about this for decades that no one wants to risk their professional careers and that of their bosses on a topic like this without being directed.” Elizondo describes military and government reluctance to cooperate as “passive resistance”. “[T]hey’re just not going to do anything to support it.”
• “One of the challenges that [the Defense Department] has had in the past is that a lot of these intelligence-gathering organizations, a lot of the military services’ organizations that gather data on intrusions, are all extremely stovepiped and federated,” said Ellen Lord, who served as Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment until January. “In reality, there is a lot of technology that has been leveraged by our adversaries and we have ways to deal with that.”
• The secrecy surrounding the effort has been demonstrated by the Pentagon’s refusal to even discuss any details of its UAP task force, not even how many personnel are assigned to it or what budget it has been given. Elizondo believes there is little chance such obstacles can be overcome by June and is advocating for an interim report that requests more time and resources. “We can do this right or we can do it right now,” he said. “It’s certainly not sufficient time to provide a comprehensive, government-wide report that Congress not only expects, but that Congress deserves and frankly, so does the American people,” Elizondo added.
• Mellon thinks the process could take months or longer. “In addition to the onerous job of trying get everyone to come clean, there will be a sensitive and probably difficult process of getting all the players … to agree on the language and approve it. That process alone could take weeks or months.” Mellon thinks that the direct involvement of senior executive branch officials “is likely to prove necessary to compel the cooperation needed to do the job properly.” However, Mellon does believe that “the leadership on both sides appear to be taking this issue seriously and are acting in good faith.”
The truth may be out there. But don’t expect the feds to share what they know
Florida Senator Marco Rubio
anytime soon on the recent spate of UFO sightings.
Some military and spy agencies are blocking or simply ignoring the effort to catalog what they have on “unidentified aerial phenomenon,” according to multiple current and former government officials. And as a result, the Biden administration will likely delay a much-anticipated public report to Congress.
Christopher Mellon
The Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the director of national intelligence to work with the Defense Department to provide a public accounting by June 25 on unexplained sightings of advanced aircraft and drones that have been reported by military personnel or captured by radar,
Avril Haines
satellites and other surveillance systems.
The request came after revelations in 2017 that the Pentagon was researching a series of unexplained intrusions into military airspace, including high-performance vehicles captured on video stalking Navy ships.
But those advising the investigations are advocating for significantly more time and resources to retrieve information from agencies that in some cases have shown reluctance, if not outright resistance, to sharing classified information. And they worry that without high-level involvement, it will be difficult to compel agencies to release what they have.
Ellen Lord
“Just getting access to the information, because of all the different security bureaucracies, that’s an ordeal in itself,” said Christopher Mellon, a former Pentagon intelligence official who lobbied for the disclosure provision and is continuing to advise policymakers on the issue.
Luis Elizondo
For example, he asserts that a Pentagon task force established last August and led by the Navy has had few personnel or resources and only modest success acquiring reports, video or other evidence gathered by military systems.
The Pentagon task force is expected to be the primary military organization contributing to the wider government report.
“I know that the task force has been denied access to pertinent information by the Air Force and they have been stiff-armed by them,” Mellon said in an interview. “That is disappointing but not unexpected.”
The Air Force, which is historically most associated with UFOs from its investigations during the Cold War, deferred all questions on the subject to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which has similarly said little publicly about the effort.
“To protect our people, maintain operational security and safeguard intelligence methods, we do not publicly discuss the details of the UAP observations, the task force or investigations,” said Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough, who declined to address the criticism.
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Article by George Knapp November 4, 2019 (
• When former Nevada Senator Harry Reid was the Majority Leader, he was the go-to guy when it came to UFOs. When Bill Clinton was still president, Reid discussed UFOs with him during a White House visit. Reid told George Knapp that the truth behind UFOs was “something (Bill Clinton) was interested in”. In 2016, Hillary Clinton vowed to open up the Pentagon’s UFO files if elected. The Clintons still seek out Reid for his advice on UFOs.
• Reid had similar conversations with other national figures during his years in the Senate, including Senators Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye, and former astronaut John Glenn. Knapp, a KLAS-TV Channel 8 reporter in Las Vegas (a CBS-affiliate), asked Reid what specifically John Glenn was interested in about UFOs. Reid said that Glenn remained tight-lipped about the subject, but he was “very interested”. “I didn’t want to push him,” said Reid.
• Bigelow Aerospace was the Nevada contractor who spearheaded Reid’s initial government sponsored UFO study. After that contract ended, Reid, along with Senators Stevens and Inouye appropriated funding for a scaled-down Pentagon UFO program in 2007 called Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP. In 2010, Lue Elizondo became the point man for AATIP. Now the Pentagon denies that Elizondo ever worked there.
• UFO critics have pounced on the claim that Elizondo never worked for a Pentagon UFO project. Reid says he’s not surprised. Reid says that there is a fringe group who want to control the UFO narrative, the “so-called conspiratorial folks”. “They go online and try to belittle Elizondo and me and anybody else that is trying to (figure out the UFO stuff) in a scientific way,” says Reid. “Elizondo is a man with a great record serving our country and …he’s not backing off. And I appreciate that very much.”
• Although the Pentagon says AATIP ended in 2012, Reid is informed that the program is ongoing, with greater resources than it had before. And the US Navy has announced that it will encourage UFO encounter reports by pilots, indicating that the subject is no longer taboo. The ongoing wave of media interest has even convinced Reid’s most formidable skeptic – his wife who admitted, “[M]aybe you aren’t crazy after all.”
• [Editor’s Note] I’ll bet that the “conspiratorial folks” are even more nervous about how close Harry Reid is with Deep State toadies like Bill and Hillary Clinton.
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid says he’s enthusiastic about reaction to a once-secret study of UFOs that Reid and congressional colleagues authorized more than a decade ago.
The last two years have seen an explosion of interest in UFOs among mainstream media, but there’s been push back from conspiracy enthusiasts, and some military officials.
astronaut and senator John Glenn
When Bill and Hillary Clinton came to Las Vegas in May to speak to a large audience on the Las Vegas Strip, their first stop was the Henderson home of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It’s the same path followed by many Democratic politicians and presidential candidates who visit Nevada, seeking guidance from the retired, but still-crafty senator.
Reid and the Clinton”s share an interest in a controversial subject — UFOs. As a presidential candidate in 2016, Hillary Clinton vowed to open up the Pentagon’s UFO files. And when Bill Clinton was still president, Reid asked him about UFOs during one White House visit.
Lue Elizondo
George Knapp: “You discussed it with Bill Clinton. Don’t know if we can talk about this?”
Harry Reid: “Yeah, yeah Bill is, one thing about President Clinton, no one ever said he wasn’t smart. He was and is an extremely intelligent man, and this is something he was interested in.”
Reid was cagey about whether the Clintons discussed UFOs during their recent visit, but told us the subject is definitely on the agenda for their next get together. Reid had similar conversations with other national figures during his years in the senate, including Senators Ted Stevens and Daniel Inouye, who lent their support to the creation of a secret Pentagon study of UFOs, as well as senator and former astronaut John Glenn.
Knapp: “Did he ever give you specifics about why?”
Reid: “Nope, nope, but he, I didn’t want to push him, but he was very interested.”
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• Former high-ranking US defense and intelligence officials, aerospace-industry veterans, academics and others associated with ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ are asking: ‘why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?’ Their investigations are the subject of HISTORY’s limited series “Unidentified.”
• In the past century, more than a few UFO sightings have been reported in military contexts. In late World War II, U.S. airmen called the bright orange UFOs flying along the French-German border “foo fighters”. During the Korean War, soldiers claimed that a blue-green light emitting “pulsing rays” made their whole battalion sick with radiation poisoning.
• In the last 75 years, high-ranking U.S. military and intelligence personnel have also reported UFOs near sites associated with nuclear power, weaponry and technology—from the early atomic-bomb development and test sites of the past to active nuclear naval fleets in the present. “All of the nuclear facilities—Los Alamos, Livermore, Sandia, Savannah River—all had dramatic incidents where these unknown craft appeared over the facilities and nobody knew where they were from or what they were doing there,” said investigative journalist George Knapp.
• “There seems to be a lot of correlation there,” says Lue Elizondo, who from 2007 to 2012 served as director of the Pentagon UFO study program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.
• Robert Hastings, a UFO researcher and author of the book: UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, says that ‘Nuclear-adjacent’ sightings go back decades. Witnesses to these incidents are often highly trained personnel with top security clearances. In recent years, their reports are being corroborated by sophisticated technology.
• In late 1948, “green fireballs” were reported in the skies near atomic laboratories in Los Alamos and Sandia, New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was first developed and tested. A declassified FBI document from 1950 mentions “flying saucers” measuring almost 50 feet in diameter near the Los Alamos labs. Over a dozen workers from the Nevada desert atomic test site told Knapp that UFO activity was commonplace.
• In the 1960s and ’70s, repeated UFO sightings emerged at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, a storage site for nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles. At one such sighting in 1967, former Air Force Capt. Robert Salas reported several of those missiles becoming inoperative, or “unlaunchable”, at the same time that base security reported seeing a glowing red object, about 30 feet in diameter, hovering over the facility.
• In December 1980, the US Air Force secretly housed nuclear weapons in 25 fortified bunkers beneath the Royal Air Force base at Bentwaters in Suffolk, England. USAF master sergeant Ivan Barker saw an object on radar having remarkable speed and maneuverability, covering 120 miles in a matter of seconds. He looked out of the window and saw a craft hovering over a water tower. “It was between about 1,500 and 2,000 feet high. The thing was…at least a city block…in diameter,” said Barker. Barker says it was shaped like a giant basketball, with portholes around the center, from which lights were emanating outward. “I was shocked… There was nothing aerodynamic about it. Basketballs don’t fly.” Then in a second it was gone. But Barker didn’t report the sighting to his superiors. “You don’t understand what the Air Force did to people who reported UFOs,” he said.
• Colonel Charles Halt was the deputy commander at RAF Bentwaters that night. Halt led a patrol to investigate the strange colorful lights seen descending into the nearby Rendlesham Forest. He saw a red light moving horizontally though the trees, “obviously under some kind of intelligent control.” A laser-like beam, he said, “landed 10-15 feet away from us. I was literally in shock.” Then the object flew north towards the base. Says Halt, “We could hear chatter on the radios that the beams went down into the weapons storage area.” The Air Force generals closed the case without investigation.
• In recent years, the US Navy has reported several UFO encounters off of both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Navy F-18 fighter pilots saw UFOs almost daily for several months between the summer of 2014 and the spring of 2015 along the Eastern seaboard between Virginia and Florida. “Wherever we were, they were there,” said Ryan Graves, an F-18 fighter pilot who holds a degree in aerospace engineering. The objects appeared in three shapes, Graves says—some were discs, others looked like a cube inside a sphere, while smaller round objects flew together in formation. All lacked visible engines or exhaust systems. Some tilted, mid-flight, like spinning tops, as seen in cockpit video. One UFO almost caused a collision by zipping dangerously between two jets. Graves said that the UFOs also appeared in the Persian Gulf.
• In November 2004, Navy pilots and radar operators from the USS Nimitz carrier fleet saw a 40-foot long tic-tac shaped object flying just above the ocean, 100 miles off the coast of California near San Diego. When F-18 fighter jets were scrambled to approach the object, it accelerated and easily outran the supersonic Navy craft.
• Chris Mellon, former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence said that a carrier battle group being shadowed by UFOs all the way across the Atlantic to the Middle East “makes an extremely compelling case for the existence of technologies we didn’t think were possible.”
• There is an increasing openness in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill to taking these sightings seriously as potential threats. In April 2019, the US Navy announced that it was updating its guidelines for how pilots and personnel should report unexplained aerial phenomena—making it easier for military members to report sightings to superiors without facing stigma and backlash. And now Congress has taken more interest in these UFO briefings.
• George Knapp says there is more UFO activity now than he has seen in three decades. Knapp notes that personnel at the military facilities, bases, ships and submarines where nuclear weapons are built, tested and deployed “have seen these things”. “Are they all crazy?”
Why are so many UFOs being reported near nuclear facilities—and why isn’t there more urgency on the part of the government to assess their potential national-security threat?
Those are questions being asked by a team of high-ranking former U.S. defense and intelligence officials, aerospace-industry veterans, academics and others associated with To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science. The team has been investigating a wide range of these sightings—and advocating more serious government attention.
Their investigations are the subject of HISTORY’s limited series “Unidentified.”
Throughout history, unexplained aerial phenomena (UAPs) have shocked, frightened and fascinated sky watchers. And in the last century, more than a few have been reported in military contexts. In late World War II, U.S. airmen called them “foo fighters”: strange orange flying lights by the French-German border. During the Korean War, some soldiers claimed a blue-green light emitting “pulsing rays” made their whole battalion sick with what, to some, resembled radiation poisoning.
Less known: In the last 75 years, high-ranking U.S. military and intelligence personnel have also reported UAPs near sites associated with nuclear power, weaponry and technology—from the early atomic-bomb development and test sites to active nuclear naval fleets.
“All of the nuclear facilities—Los Alamos, Livermore, Sandia, Savannah River—all had dramatic incidents where these unknown craft appeared over the facilities and nobody knew where they were from or what they were doing there,” says investigative journalist George Knapp, who has studied the UAP-nuclear connection for more than 30 years. Knapp has gathered documentation by filing Freedom of Information Act requests to the departments of defense and energy.
“There seems to be a lot of correlation there,” says Lue Elizondo, who from 2007 to 2012 served as director of a covert team of UAP researchers operating inside the Department of Defense. The program, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), received $22 million of the Pentagon’s $600 billion budget in 2012, The New York Times reported. Elizondo now helps lead To the Stars’ investigations.
The UFO-nuclear Connection Began at the Dawn of the Atomic Age.
Nuclear-adjacent sightings go back decades, says Robert Hastings, a UFO researcher and author of the book UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. Hastings says he’s interviewed more than 160 veterans who have witnessed strange things in the skies around nuclear sites.
“You have objects being tracked on radar performing at speeds that no object on earth can perform,” Hastings says. “You have eyewitness [military] personnel. You have jet pilots.” Witnesses to these incidents are often highly trained personnel with top security clearances. In recent years, their reports are being corroborated by sophisticated technology.
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by George Knapp and Matt Adams April 29, 2019 (
• U.S. Navy officials recently announced that it is changing its policy regarding the reporting of UFOs/UAPs by Navy pilots and personnel (see announcement article). But since a December 2017 New York Times article (see here) revealed a 5-year/$22M Pentagon UFO study program that ended in 2012, along with several videos with images of apparent UFOs, the Pentagon has insisted that the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) had nothing to do with UFOs, and it has denied that the videos came from the Department of Defense (DoD). Now, George Knapp’s ‘I-Team’ has learned that this is not accurate.
• The U.S. Navy’s 2004 encounter with a ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of San Diego; the 2015 incursion by multiple unknowns off the coast of Florida dubbed ‘Gimbal’; and a zippy craft off of the coast of Virginia known as “Go Fast” did, in fact, come from the DoD. “The videos were released by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense made the decision to release them,” said Lue Elizondo, a former DoD intelligence officer and director of the Pentagon’s AATIP study.
• Before Elizondo resigned from his Pentagon detail, he initiated a process to get the three videos, and many more, declassified for public release. He insisted in a June 2018 interview these UFO encounters were not isolated incidents. “There were many incidents we looked at and we looked at them on a continuing basis,” said former US Senator Harry Reid. Senator Reid confirmed ‘there’s a lot more where these came from’.
• To back up their assertions, the I-Team obtained a copy of the DD 1910 form issued by the Department of Defense office of prepublication and security review, the final step in a multi-step process to have them publicly released. (click here for the DD 1910 form) The request specifies the three videos: Go Fast, Gimbal and FLIR, which was the original name for the Tic Tac encounter. The document shows that authorization for release was granted on August 24, 2017. The I-Team also acquired the DoD directive which spells out how the video release procedure works.
• Since their release, the three videos and the pilots involved in those encounters have been part of several closed door briefings given to Congress, set up by Chris Mellon who formerly worked for the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Department of Defense. High ranking Navy officials claimed to be ‘just as surprised’ at the UFO evidence as congressional staff. The Navy now wants to encourage pilots to report unusual encounters without fear of damaging their careers.
• Mellon, now of ‘To The Stars Academy’, told the I-Team that the Navy officials realized it was “indefensible” to not have a system that allowed more reporting of these incidents.
U.S. Navy officials issued a stunning statement a few days ago. The Navy announced it is developing new policies that will make it easier for pilots and other military personnel to file official reports about encounters with “unexplained aerial phenomena”, otherwise known as UFOs.
What’s behind this dramatic announcement? And is it related to the UFO videos which were made public at the end of 2017?
For the U.S. Navy to issue such a forceful statement about UFOs and the importance of investigating each incident is such an abrupt change. It stands in marked contrast to all the conflicting statements made by the Pentagon in the past 15 months — claims that the secret study sponsored by Nevada Senator Harry Reid wasn’t really about UFOs, that it ended years ago, and that the three videos weren’t really released by the Department of Defense. Suffice to say, those Pentagon statements are simply not accurate.
The U.S. Navy’s 2004 encounter with an object dubbed the Tic Tac UFO. The 2015 incursion by multiple unknowns off the coast of Florida dubbed Gimbal. And a zippy craft aptly known as “Go Fast”.
Two of the three videos were made public in December 2017, released simultaneously by the New York Times and To The Stars Academy. The provenance of the videos has been disputed ever since.
“The videos were released by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense made the decision to release them,” said Lue Elizondo, a former intelligence officer.
Reporter George Knapp: “So, someone gave this the green light?”
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