by George Knapp and Matt Adams May 31, 2019 (
• The former Navy fighter pilot who first saw the ‘Tic Tac” UFO in the 2004 incident off of the coast of San Diego, David Fravor, was a speaker at the UFO Festival in McMinnville, Oregon on May 18th.
• Fravor said that he has since spoken with many military pilots who have reported ongoing encounters with unknown craft along the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida.
• Below is an excerpt from Fravor’s on-stage interview with I-Team Chief Reporter George Knapp and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. (above image shows Corbell and Fravor riding in the festival parade)
LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — A former Navy fighter pilot confirms that there have been dozens of recent intrusions of America by highly sophisticated, unknown crafts. Former Commander Dave Fravor, the same pilot who has a close encounter in 2004 with the so-called Tic Tac UFO off the coast of Southern California, told an audience in McMinnville Oregon, that he has since spoken with many military pilots who have reported ongoing encounters with unknown craft along the East Coast, from Virginia to Florida.
Videos of UFO incidents from 2015 were even released by the Pentagon.
Two videos of UFO incidents from 2015 were even eleased by the Pentagon. The I-Team participated in the event with Fravor. Videos of the full interview with Commander Fravor will be posted on social media in the next few days.
In the meantime, here is an excerpt from Fravor’s on-stage interview with I-Team Chief Reporter George Knapp.
1:42 minute clip of pilot David Fravor speaking with George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell at the UFO Festival in McMinnville, Oregon on May 18, 2019
5:40 minute clip of David Fravor at the McMinniville, Oregon UFO Festival (VICE News)
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by George Knapp and Matt Adams April 29, 2019 (
• U.S. Navy officials recently announced that it is changing its policy regarding the reporting of UFOs/UAPs by Navy pilots and personnel (see announcement article). But since a December 2017 New York Times article (see here) revealed a 5-year/$22M Pentagon UFO study program that ended in 2012, along with several videos with images of apparent UFOs, the Pentagon has insisted that the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) had nothing to do with UFOs, and it has denied that the videos came from the Department of Defense (DoD). Now, George Knapp’s ‘I-Team’ has learned that this is not accurate.
• The U.S. Navy’s 2004 encounter with a ‘Tic Tac’ UFO off of San Diego; the 2015 incursion by multiple unknowns off the coast of Florida dubbed ‘Gimbal’; and a zippy craft off of the coast of Virginia known as “Go Fast” did, in fact, come from the DoD. “The videos were released by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense made the decision to release them,” said Lue Elizondo, a former DoD intelligence officer and director of the Pentagon’s AATIP study.
• Before Elizondo resigned from his Pentagon detail, he initiated a process to get the three videos, and many more, declassified for public release. He insisted in a June 2018 interview these UFO encounters were not isolated incidents. “There were many incidents we looked at and we looked at them on a continuing basis,” said former US Senator Harry Reid. Senator Reid confirmed ‘there’s a lot more where these came from’.
• To back up their assertions, the I-Team obtained a copy of the DD 1910 form issued by the Department of Defense office of prepublication and security review, the final step in a multi-step process to have them publicly released. (click here for the DD 1910 form) The request specifies the three videos: Go Fast, Gimbal and FLIR, which was the original name for the Tic Tac encounter. The document shows that authorization for release was granted on August 24, 2017. The I-Team also acquired the DoD directive which spells out how the video release procedure works.
• Since their release, the three videos and the pilots involved in those encounters have been part of several closed door briefings given to Congress, set up by Chris Mellon who formerly worked for the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Department of Defense. High ranking Navy officials claimed to be ‘just as surprised’ at the UFO evidence as congressional staff. The Navy now wants to encourage pilots to report unusual encounters without fear of damaging their careers.
• Mellon, now of ‘To The Stars Academy’, told the I-Team that the Navy officials realized it was “indefensible” to not have a system that allowed more reporting of these incidents.
U.S. Navy officials issued a stunning statement a few days ago. The Navy announced it is developing new policies that will make it easier for pilots and other military personnel to file official reports about encounters with “unexplained aerial phenomena”, otherwise known as UFOs.
What’s behind this dramatic announcement? And is it related to the UFO videos which were made public at the end of 2017?
For the U.S. Navy to issue such a forceful statement about UFOs and the importance of investigating each incident is such an abrupt change. It stands in marked contrast to all the conflicting statements made by the Pentagon in the past 15 months — claims that the secret study sponsored by Nevada Senator Harry Reid wasn’t really about UFOs, that it ended years ago, and that the three videos weren’t really released by the Department of Defense. Suffice to say, those Pentagon statements are simply not accurate.
The U.S. Navy’s 2004 encounter with an object dubbed the Tic Tac UFO. The 2015 incursion by multiple unknowns off the coast of Florida dubbed Gimbal. And a zippy craft aptly known as “Go Fast”.
Two of the three videos were made public in December 2017, released simultaneously by the New York Times and To The Stars Academy. The provenance of the videos has been disputed ever since.
“The videos were released by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense made the decision to release them,” said Lue Elizondo, a former intelligence officer.
Reporter George Knapp: “So, someone gave this the green light?”
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by George Knapp and Matt Adams February 27, 2019 (
• George Knapp’s Las Vegas-based CBS affiliate KLAS Channel 8 “I-Team” recently interviewed former Nevada Senator Harry Reid (pictured above) who is continuing to make the case for renewed studies into UFOs. Reid says that the Russian and Chinese military are certainly studying how UFOs work and how to build their own. (see 5:10 minute interview below)
• In 2007, Reid and a few senate colleagues sponsored a secret Pentagon program that investigated mystery aircraft and related phenomena. This is known as AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), but Reid revealed that the original name for it was the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program (AAWSAP). This program ended six years ago. The former senator wants to see these ‘X-Files’ released to the public along with a renewed effort to get to the bottom of things.
• First there was the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO which buzzed the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004 was not only seen by pilots and cameras but also by several high tech sensor systems, as documented in a 13-page report written for the Pentagon. Debunkers have tried to explain it as a rocket or something. Reid confirms that these craft are not [Earthly]. “People… who are in positions of responsibility, whether it’s the Pentagon or whatever it might be, …don’t want to have to try and explain something that many times is not explainable,” said Reid. “This has been going on a long time.”
• Then there was the so-called Gimbal UFO video recorded by military pilots in 2015. It was one of dozens of similar objects encountered off the coasts of Florida and Virginia over the past three years, according to Pentagon sources.
• More recently has been the release of the titles of 38 unclassified scientific papers produced by the AATIP/AAWSAP study, five of which has been made public in its entirety. Reid confirms that one of the unreleased studies involve the investigation reports of UFO activity over American nuclear missile bases. Another focused on a mysterious (Skinwalker) ranch in northeastern Utah, once owned by businessman Robert Bigelow, and the harmful health consequences for dozens of people who had close encounters there.
• Dr. Hal Puthoff, a Bigelow Aerospace physicist, says that the program also looked closely at a Brazilian investigation from the 1970’s that included a thousand pages of documents by the Brazilian Air Force, 500 photographs, 15 hours of film, and a lot of medical reports of injuries to people who encountered UFO craft at close range.
• Knapp asks Reid “What’s their [ETs] interest in us? Why are they buzzing around?” Reid replied, “Well, let’s turn that around. Why are we interested in them? Same answer to your question, because we don’t know.”
• [Editor’s Note] Since the AATIP/AAWSAP Program was revealed in December 2017, over 1200 Freedom of Information Requests have been filed with the Department of Defense for complete information on these declassified reports.
LAS VEGAS – Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid is continuing to make the case for renewed studies into the UFO mystery.
Back in 2007, Reid and a few senate colleagues sponsored a secret Pentagon program that investigated mystery aircraft and related phenomena.
The program was based in southern Nevada, but that effort ended six years ago, and very little from the study has been made public. Now, the senator not only hopes the X-Files get released but thinks there should be a renewed effort to get to the bottom of things.
“I’ll bet you anything that China is spending money to check this out I’ll bet you anything that KGB Putin is spending some money checking this out,” said former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
He dropped hard-edged hints that he knows potential adversaries Russia and China have carried out their own military studies to figure out how UFOs work and how to build their own.
The so-called Gimbal UFO recorded by military pilots in 2015 is one of dozens of similar objects encountered off the coasts of Florida and Virginia in the last three years, according to Pentagon sources.
The Tic Tac UFO which buzzed the USS Nimitz carrier group in 2004 was not only seen by pilots and cameras but also by several high tech sensor systems, as documented in a 13-page report written for the Pentagon, a document that went into the data base of AAWSAP, that’s the original acronym for the study Reid sponsored. The senator said these craft are not ours.
Reporter George Knapp: “What’s their interest in us? Why are they buzzing around?”
Former Sen. Harry Reid: “Well, let’s turn that around. Why are we interested in them? Same answer to your question, because we don’t know.”
Reporter George Knapp: “The Tic Tac. People have tried to explain it away, it’s almost an insult to our best pilots and sensors. It was real and we don’t understand it?”
Former Sen. Harry Reid: “This has been going on a long time. These sightings are said to have been set off by a rocket in California or something. People do not want, who are in positions of responsibility, whether it’s the Pentagon or whatever it might be, they don’t want to have to try and explain something that many times is not explainable.”
5:10 minute KLAS Channel 8 I-Team CBS News video of
Former Senator Reid’s interview (and Dr Hal Puthoff)
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by George Knapp and Matt Adams October 31, 2018 (
• For years, the Pentagon has secretly studied the seemingly impossible abilities of unknown craft captured in military videos. Scientists now want to know if the materials used in these UFOs allow them to do what they do. They’ve been collecting so-called “metamaterials”, especially any associated with crashed UFOs, from all over the world.
• Many material samples come through Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’s “A.D.A.M.” Research Project. “We have multiple samples from multiple sources, a wide range of variety and integrity,” says Luis Elizondo.
• One of the secret studies was carried out by BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), a Las Vegas operation hidden within Bigelow Aerospace, under contract with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to study metamaterials as well as futuristic technologies. Last year, the New York Times reported that a sample of metamaterial was secretly stored at Bigelow aerospace. Managers of the BAASS program told George Knapp’s “I-Team” news team in Las Vegas that while they are familiar with some of the metamaterial samples, none were ever stored in Las Vegas.
• A type of metamaterial studied by Dr. Hal Puthoff with the Institute for Advanced Studies (in Austin, TX) was “… a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about 10 times the size of a human hair, supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an advanced aerospace vehicle. It looks like it’s been in a crash.” Puthoff and his colleague Dr. Eric Davis are on the cutting edge of attempts to identify an assortment of bits and pieces that are seemingly beyond anything we can create.
• Astrophysicist Dr. Jacques Vallee has been analyzing metamaterials since the 80s, often using the technical expertise of Stanford University and Silicon Valley to unravel unknown samples acquired from all over the world. Vallee pointedly steers clear of any military funding and he’s shared his findings at public conferences.
LAS VEGAS – A global scramble is underway to identify and perhaps replicate unidentified mystery materials that have been collected at multiple sites around the world.
A few of the samples have defied analysis by leading scientists, who say they don’t know how the material was engineered, or why, or by whom?
Some of the metamaterial was allegedly collected in connection with UFO incidents, which gives the whole endeavor an otherworldly glow.
For years, the Pentagon secretly studied the seemingly impossible abilities of unknown craft captured in military videos.
Scientists now want to know if the materials used in these mystery aircraft allow them to do what they do. For years, one of the secret studies was carried out by BAASS (Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies), a Las Vegas operation hidden within Bigelow Aerospace.
Documents first reported by the I-Team show that BAASS landed a contract with the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), and one of the objectives was to study so called metamaterials, as well as futuristic technologies.
“It was a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about 10 times the size of a human hair, supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an advanced aerospace vehicle. It looks like it’s been in a crash,” said Dr. Hal Puthoff, with the Institute for Advanced Studies during a presentation in Las Vegas.
In June, physicist Hal Puthoff came pretty close to saying that the weird wedge of metamaterial came from a crashed saucer, but he can’t know for sure. Puthoff and his colleague Dr. Eric Davis are on the cutting edge of attempts to identify an assortment of bits and pieces that are seemingly beyond anything we can create.
This one sample is engineered in layers thinner than microns, through a process unknown on earth, and for a purpose we can only guess.
“Nowhere could we find any evidence that anybody ever made one of these when we talked to people in the materials field who should know, they said we don’t know why anybody would want to make anything like this,” Dr. Puthoff said.
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