Article by Donald Burleson March 30, 2020 (
• UFOs have long been seen in our skies. With reliable eyewitness accounts, radar tracks and valid photographs, the evidence for their presence is clearly overwhelming. If we assume that these are alien visitors from other star systems, why are they here? Why do they visit us?
• In sci-fi movies, Hollywood’s typical answer is something like: “We’re from a planet that’s dying, and we have come to take over Earth.” But these anomalous UFOs are obviously of advanced technology and they have been visiting our planet for so long — quite possibly for centuries — that if their intention was to take possession of Earth, they could long since have done so. This reasoning of course assumes that one can infer things about an aliens’ thought process. It seems improbable though, that an alien race in need of a new home would wait for centuries before securing it, when they could so easily prevail.
• It may not be coincidental that a spate of UFO events followed so soon after the atomic detonations at Trinity and Hiroshima. Possibly, alien UFO crews thought: “What are these miscreants up to now? Maybe we ought to keep an eye on them.” If they’ve lingered nearby for years, closely watching the antics of humankind, one could scarcely blame them for having some concerns about our mental stability as a species.
• Perhaps some UFO crews are time travelers from the distant future of our own planet, coming back to visit us, their ancestors. Seeing as they have mutilated cattle and abducted humans, are they collecting DNA to prevent animal extinction or for some future use of human DNA? The first step in the process of answering questions is to ask them.
Unidentified flying objects have long been seen in our skies. In terms of reliable eyewitness accounts, radar tracks and valid photographs, the evidence for their presence is clearly overwhelming, but we’ll probably always have more questions about them than we have answers. One haunting question: Why are they here? Why do they visit us?
Let’s entertain this question first under the assumption that at least some UFOs are indeed alien visitors from other star systems. Hollywood offers a reason for their presence, almost surely not the right reason. In dozens of sci-fi movies, aliens have told their human contacts something like: “We’re from a planet that’s dying, and we have come to take over Earth.” In reality, such plans of conquest are exceedingly unlikely, for one compelling reason. The anomalous airborne objects we have observed are so obviously of advanced technology, and have been visiting our planet for so long — quite possibly for centuries — that if their intention was to take possession of Earth, they could long since have done so.
This reasoning of course assumes that one can infer things about aliens’ thought processes from their observed behavior. Arguably this is a dubious assumption, since their minds may be as different from ours as ours are different from the brain of a housefly or an ant. It seems improbable though, that an alien race in need of a new home would wait for centuries before securing it, when they could so easily prevail.
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• Jesuit philosopher and astronomer, Father Jose Funes, has been appointed to the advisory council of METI International. Father Funes will join over 80 experts that make up the advisory council. METI’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, said, “It’s natural for METI to be in dialogue with Jesuit astronomers because they understand the science behind our search, giving us common ground, while also having expertise in theology, providing a new perspective for our scientists.”
• METI, or “Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, is an offshoot of SETI, “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” which began its search for ET in 1959 by scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast and mysterious universe.
• The Vatican has also been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life. Father Funes is the former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.
• Father Funes, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina, and also chairs a think tank initiative called “OTHER”, says that these Catholic organizations help us to understand alien life “in order to understand better who human beings are”. This is instrumental in educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion.
• Vakoch is an astrobiologist and psychologist who spent 16 years at the SETI Institute, where he was director of Interstellar Message Composition. Vakoch says that if METI/SETI does find life out there someday, “many people will look to their religious leaders to help understand what it means to all of us down here on planet Earth.” “One of the great misconceptions of the general public is that discovering life beyond Earth will threaten people’s religious beliefs,” Vakoch says. “But time and again, across the centuries, we have seen that religions adapt to scientific discoveries. The same will be true if someday we discover we’re not alone in the universe.”
• Father Funes has introduced “something new or at least original” for SETI research to consider: the search for spiritual signs or signatures in the universe. Is spirituality a part of our evolutionary process? Vakoch said that “Hollywood portrayals of marauding aliens, coming to Earth to annihilate us” serve to generate fear or negative reactions to potential alien life. But there are “hopeful depictions of first contact,” says Vakoch, such as Steven Spielberg’s ‘E.T. the Extraterrestrial’ where a visitor comes to Earth, transforming lives and overcoming death through love. The same for ‘Starman,’ starring Jeff Bridges in the title role that was a thinly veiled reference to Christ.”
• Father Funes said the Catholic Church is optimistic in its faith because “we trust in God” when it comes to space exploration and messaging potential intelligent life. Vakoch says, “Some worry that learning about the existence of extraterrestrials will make humanity less unique. I suspect just the opposite will happen.” “[T]here will never be a duplicate of Homo Sapiens. There may be beings out there who are more wise or powerful than we are, but they will never be more human.”
• [Editor’s Note] It is no surprise that METI/SETI would team up with the Vatican in trying to dominate the limited soft disclosure dialog of the massive extraterrestrial presence, and the government’s long standing cover-up. They are both dedicated to doing the Deep State’s bidding. They see that the public’s revelation about the true existence of extraterrestrials is imminent, so who better than the combination of scientific and religious “experts” to guide the public through this transition. But the primary agenda of these institutions is to maintain control over the populace once the extraterrestrial presence is finally revealed. They want to position the Catholic religion as the savior of the people, thereby assuring its continuance after the extraterrestrial disclosure. While at the same time, METI/SETI will continue to deny any extraterrestrial presence until the very last minute.
More than 2 million people RSVP’d to a recent social media invitation to “storm” Area 51 in Nevada, in the hope of discovering whether alien life or spacecraft may be secretly stored at this U.S. Air Force base.
Though the proposed raid was a spoof, it has morphed into a real, more peaceful encounter. Now dubbed, “Alienstock,” the Sept. 20-22 festival aims to be a place “where believers gather” to discuss and celebrate confidence in the existence of alien life and the wonders of the unknown, according to its website,
Father Jose Funes
But another brand of believers — a “Men in Black” of a spiritual kind — are the pope’s own Jesuit astronomers; they have long been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life.
The huge amount of interest the general public has shown in life existing elsewhere in the universe is part of the age-old question, “Are we alone?” said Jesuit Father Jose Funes, former director of the Vatican Observatory and an expert in galaxies and extragalactic astronomy.
The fascination with seeking extraterrestrial life or intelligence “reflects very deep human issues that are important for us” and makes people think about “who we are,” he told Catholic News Service in late August.
Douglas Vakoch
“We have to become alien somehow” and step outside oneself “in order to understand better who human beings are,” said the priest, who holds the chair in science, religion and education at the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina. The chair and the think tank initiative, “OTHER,” he directs are instrumental for educating the general public, teachers and students about the dialogue between science and religion, he said.
Father Funes’ multidisciplinary expertise in astronomy, philosophy and theology has now earned him a unique place in ET research — serving on the advisory council of METI International.
METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, takes the next step in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI.
The SETI project, which started in 1959, represents a major coordinated effort in scanning the sky for unusual radio and laser signals from sources that may indicate signs of alien technology. METI looks at what and how to communicate in a vast mysterious universe.
Part of the METI mission, according to its website,, is to conduct high-level scientific and multidisciplinary research, discuss the importance of searching for life beyond Earth and study the impact searching for, detecting or messaging ETI would have on the world.
More than 80 experts from a huge array of fields — including ethics, linguistics and theology — make up METI’s advisory council, and it was just last year that the group’s president and founder, Douglas Vakoch, asked Father Funes to join the team.
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Article by Aylin Woodward August 20, 2019 (
• This year marks the 40th anniversary of the film “Alien” by Ridley Scott, where a creature called a ‘xenomorph’ attacks and eats the entire space crew except for Sigourney Weaver’s character. (see ‘Alien’ 1979 movie trailer below) But as movie making has developed and as modern science has changed, so has the industry’s idea of what an alien would probably look like. ‘The days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.’
• Physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz says that Hollywood attempts to depict what the public is afraid of. In the old days, aliens were scary, unintelligent creatures bent on the destruction of the human race. Dr Strangelove tapped into the public’s anxiety over nuclear holocaust. But Hollywood director’s decisions to make extraterrestrials appear human-like could simply boil down to cost. “Humanoid aliens are cheap to portray,” says Perkowitz.
• Andrew Siemion, the director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center (ie: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) thinks that the chances that alien life would look humanoid is infinitesimal. “We don’t have any reason to believe that they would look anything like us,” says Siemion. “The form of a human being is the result of several billion years of evolution.”
• Today’s scientific thinking is that extraterrestrials will likely be non-humanoid and have compassion for the human race, as depicted in the 2016 movie “Arrival” where Amy Adams’ character learns to communicate with passive, non-humanoid creatures. The destructive aliens have become a viral microbial contagion, such as in Jake Gyllenhaal’s 2017 movie “Life”. But Perkowitz doubts that even dangerous biological entities would likely exist in space. “Nothing lives for pure evil,” Perkowitz insists.
• Modern astrobiologists only expect to find errant microbes in outer space or on alien planets. Perkowitz feels that the decidedly non-human and microbial aliens that are currently in vogue in sci fi movies will help to establish more appropriate expectations for any discovery of life that NASA might make. And if they are falsely depicted as deadly microbes, says Perkowitz, it is only because “Hollywood isn’t concerned with the social responsibility of getting the science right.”
• [Editor’s Note]Hollywood isn’t concerned with the social responsibility of getting the science right? These so called “experts” – a physicist writer and of course the Deep State’s reliable mouthpiece, SETI, have some nerve. They are carrying forward a false propaganda war that has been waged by the Deep State since the 1940’s!
First they mocked the small Grays and the pale Ebens that were covertly recovered at various UFO crash sites in the 40’s and 50’s as “little green men”, which the public adopted as too strange and silly to be believed. Then Hollywood began to depict aliens as scary humanoid creatures to make the public fear and reject any ET presence. Now, the Deep State has altered Hollywood’s game plan to completely erase the possibility that extraterrestrials could be human-like, or even humanoid. At the moment, they want us to believe that there’s nothing out there, and certainly nothing out there to fear.
Well we know that there is good and evil out there, and the evil has had its way with this planet for millennia. And we know that the galaxy and universe is absolutely teeming with intelligent star civilizations of countless varieties of species. In our particular star cluster, the vast majority of these species are, in fact, human-like. The Deep State either intends to stage a false flag invasion by malevolent humanoids, or wants the public to reject and fear any benevolent human-like beings who might come to assist us in our planet’s imminent spiritual transition.
This Deep State can always rely on highly compromised academic and scientific institutions, such as SETI, and its Hollywood propaganda machine to manipulate the public’s conceptions toward its own agenda of casting the extraterrestrials as the scary bad guys and the Deep State as the good guys, so that when spiritual transition begins the people will look to the Deep State Illuminati cabal – the folks who got us into this mess – to save us.
The 1979 blockbuster “Alien” opens with a tension-filled scene: A spider-like creature attacks an astronaut named Thomas Kane on an unknown planet.
The crew of Kane’s ship brings him back on board with the mysterious critter still attached to his spacesuit. Under the fluorescent lights, the creature seems to die, detaching from Kane’s face. When the astronaut eventually wakes up, he seems unharmed by the encounter.
But a miniature alien later bursts out of his chest in a shower of blood as his shocked crewmates scream.
The xenomorph, as it’s called, grows to be larger than any human, with glossy black skin, razor-sharp teeth, claws, and a tail.
In the four decades since “Alien” came out – the film’s 40th anniversary was in May – that creature’s image has influenced moviegoers’ mental pictures of alien life.
But as NASA has embraced the objective of searching for extraterrestrial life in our galaxy, the scientific understanding of what extraterrestrials might look like has converged around a type of lifeform far different from the director Ridley Scott’s brainchild.
Today, astrobiologists suspect that extraterrestrial lifeforms are likely to be microscopic in nature, akin to the bacteria scientists find in extreme environments on Earth.
Hollywood filmmakers have started to embrace this idea and depict aliens as less humanoid, according to the physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz. In other words, the days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.
Sidney Perkowitz
“In the old science-fiction flicks of the 1950s and ’60s, if you did an alien, monster, or robot, it was a guy dressed up and stomping around a sound stage,” Perkowitz, who cofounded the National Academy of Sciences’ Science and Entertainment Exchange group, which connects directors with science advisers, told Business Insider. “In the last few decades, CGI has changed that, allowing for the potential of really life-like, imaginative creatures.”
No more little green men
The chance that alien life looks humanoid is infinitesimal.
“We don’t have any reason to believe that they would look anything like us,” Andrew Siemion, the director of the Berkeley SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research Center, told Vox. “The form of a human being is the result of several billion years of evolution.”
Perkowitz said that Scott and other directors’ decisions to make extraterrestrials appear human-like could simply boil down to cost.
“Humanoid aliens are cheap to portray,” he said.
He added that the problem with “Alien” wasn’t just that the movie portrayed the alien as humanoid – it was that the extraterrestrial was depicted as unintelligent and beast-like. The xenomorph doesn’t try to communicate with the astronaut crew; instead, it eats the crew members one by one until Sigourney Weaver’s character blasts it into space.
“It’s hard to imagine a different lifeform would have such a negative reaction to another lifeform – nothing lives for pure evil,” Perkowitz said, adding: “If we always decide that ‘the other’ is hostile or contemptible, how does that encourage our efforts to relate to them?”
But the examples of nonhostile aliens in Hollywood are few and far between (Steven Spielberg’s E.T. notwithstanding). That’s because, according to Perkowitz, society uses film to explore what it’s afraid of.
2:10 minute trailer for the 1979 movie “Alien” (20th Century Fox)
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• Apparently, enough incidents have occurred in “various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace” in recent years to cause members of Congress to ask questions and to prompt military officials to establish a formal system to collect and analyze the unexplained phenomena. The U.S. Navy is drafting new rules for Navy officials and pilots to report such sightings. The Navy is trying to assure its pilots that they won’t be laughed out of the cockpit or deemed unhinged if they bring it up.
• While the Navy indicates it’s willing to discuss the taboo topic, it is loath to make any reference to “UFOs”. Instead, they’re called “unexplained aerial phenomena,” “unidentified aircraft,” “unauthorized aircraft,” and, perhaps most intriguing, “suspected incursions.” This is peculiar since it was the military that came up with the phrase “unidentified flying objects” in the first place.
• Government programs dedicated to investigating UFO sightings in the late 1940s treated UFO sightings as a big joke. As a rule, officials dismissed and debunked any reports as hoaxes and hallucinations. The military created Project Blue Book to investigate claims of strange objects in the sky. Its director, Edward Ruppelt, introduced the term ‘unidentified flying object’ sometime around 1953. The definition carried no hint of extraterrestrial life.
• Edward Ruppelt probably didn’t imagine the journey his three-letter abbreviation would take over the years. Military reports were careful to avoid any mention of the dreaded ‘UFO’. In 1955, Ruppelt wrote: “… facts have been obscured by secrecy and confusion, a situation that has led to wild speculation on one end of the scale and an almost dangerously blasé attitude on the other.”
• Notwithstanding, UFOs infiltrated the public consciousness. They sailed into Hollywood with stories about aliens, from friendly creatures to nightmarish monsters. The lines between fiction and reality blurred. People told harrowing stories of nighttime abductions. UFOs became the focus of conspiracy theories about government secrecy. The people who believed in UFOs and aliens were regarded as ‘crazies’, a lasting stigma surrounding UFO truthers.
• After two decades in operation, Project Blue Book eventually concluded there was “no evidence that [UFOs] were intelligently guided spacecraft from beyond the Earth.” They attributed most sightings to clouds, weather balloons, and even birds. And any project that studied UFO was deemed a waste of time and money.
• Christopher Mellon, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and Bush administrations and an advocate for UFO study, has said service members worry that reporting UFOs puts their careers at risk. They also worry that staying silent could threaten national security, in case one of those mysterious objects turns out to be a new form of aircraft from a rival country. “Nobody wants to be ‘the alien guy’ in the national-security bureaucracy,” Mellon wrote in a Washington Post op-ed last year. “Nobody wants to be ridiculed or sidelined for drawing attention to the issue.”
Pilots are about to receive a new memo from management: If you encounter an unidentified flying object while on the job, please tell us.
The U.S. Navy is drafting new rules for reporting such sightings, according to a recent story from Politico. Apparently, enough incidents have occurred in “various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace” in recent years to prompt military officials to establish a formal system to collect and analyze the unexplained phenomena. Members of Congress and their staffs have even started asking about the claims, and Navy officials and pilots have responded with formal briefings.
The Washington Post provided more details in its own story: In some cases, pilots—many of whom are engineers and academy graduates—claimed to observe small spherical objects flying in formation. Others say they’ve seen white, Tic Tac–shaped vehicles. Aside from drones, all engines rely on burning fuel to generate power, but these vehicles all had no air intake, no wind and no exhaust.
The Navy knows how this sounds. It knows what you must be thinking. But the fact stands that some pilots are saying they’ve seen strange things in the sky, and that’s concerning. So the Navy is trying to assure pilots that they won’t be laughed out of the cockpit or deemed unhinged if they bring it up. “For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report,” the Navy said in a statement to Politico.
Yet even as the Navy indicates it’s willing to discuss the taboo topic, it’s also shying away from three notorious little letters. UFO carries an airport’s worth of baggage, bursting with urban legends, government secrecy, and over-the-top Hollywood movies. The statements and quotes that the Navy provided to news outlets are devoid of any reference to UFOs. Instead, they’re called “unexplained aerial phenomena,” “unidentified aircraft,” “unauthorized aircraft,” and, perhaps most intriguing, “suspected incursions.”
The message is, if you see something, say something, but for God’s sake, lower your voice. Don’t call it a UFO. Which is funny, since the military came up with the name in the first place.
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by Nirmal Narayanan April 15, 2019 (
• The YouTube channel, UFO Mania, has released mysterious video that shows a huge UFO trying to hide behind the moon. The video was taken by Daniil Tumanny of Indianapolis, Indiana.
• The UFO seems to be so large in size that it appears right next to the Moon, and looks like a classic Hollywood space vessel. Is it going behind the Moon toward a ‘dark side’ base?
• Some YouTubers think that it is an alien craft. Others say that it indicates that Donald Trump’s Space Force is already operational and patrolling in ‘near space’.
• “At this point, people are so dumbed down you could have space ships flying all over the place and people wouldn’t even notice because they are too addicted to looking at their cellphones. I have seen many UFO’s flying around over my house in the last two years but who would believe me? It is sad how most humans are now just zombies,” commented YouTuber Synthia Burns.
• “A 500km diameter object not seen in any other country in the entire world… I don’t buy it. Besides it’s a computerized model of Kubrick’s space station in 2001: A Space Odyssey,” commented YouTube skeptic Diego Rucci.
Conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts have long been claiming that extraterrestrials from deep space used to visit the earth to monitor human activities. As per these conspiracy theorists, the rise in UFO sightings all across the world is an indication of alien activities, and some of them even believe that disclosure is going to happen soon. Adding heat to their views, popular conspiracy theory channel UFO Mania has now released a mysterious footage that shows a huge UFO trying to hide behind the moon.
image from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey
The video was originally uploaded to YouTube by a user named Daniil Tumanny, but it gained popularity after it was shared by UFO Mania. In the video, the UFO which seems so large in size can be seen hovering very near to earth’s natural satellite. Interestingly, the shape and nature of the flying object spotted near the moon seem very similar to the alien vessels that we have seen in Hollywood sci-fi films.
As the video went viral on YouTube, most of the people who watched the clip argued that this UFO is nothing but an alien spaceship from the deep space. Some conspiracy theorists even went a step ahead and revealed that aliens have a secret base on the far side of the moon.
2:18 minute video of circular object hiding behind the Moon
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• With the release of CW’s newest series ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ on January 15th, we take a cursory look at the truths and misconceptions perpetuated by Hollywood when it comes to the topic of aliens and UFOs.
• According to Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers, “Hollywood takes a huge amount of liberties obviously with any adaptation of any real event. Even Hollywood’s adaptations of well documented, agreed upon historical events often take great artistic liberties. There is a popular misconception that the phenomena as we understand it today has sprung from Hollywood’s imagining of such events.”
• Author and paranormal investigator Kitty Janusz, a UFO witness herself, says, “A lot of paranormal investigators avoid alien energy because it makes them really uncomfortable. …[T]hat kind of energy it is not a benevolent energy. In fact, not all paranormal investigators tap into the alien energy at all. …It makes some people nervous because they don’t know what their agenda is or what their intentions are.”
• Janusz believes that there is something far bigger going on here. Just like in the ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ television series, she does believe that it’s a possibility that there are incognito aliens walking among us. “I think it’s definitely a plausibility that aliens are infiltrating our society pretending to be one of us. Flying overhead and doing fly byes doesn’t seem beneficial unless they were infiltrating us. There are some schools of thought that say we are just an experiment, like a little farm, and I wouldn’t be surprised.”
• Former CIA agent Derrel Sims claims to have had several abduction experiences with extraterrestrials, and they were not good. In 1988 Sims founded Saber Enterprises to analyze evidence of extraterrestrial/human interaction. “Aliens have lied to every culture they have had contact with,” says Sims. “They are not like humans. It is a serious mistake to try to judge the alien based on the idea that they’re just like us, but a little different.”
• In shows like ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ aliens are always portrayed to have some kind of power that humans do not possess. Sims gives two examples: “Aliens appear to have a total understanding of gravity. This is how they move rapidly without injury. They understand the infrared and UV spectrum and use it to their advantage to cloak themselves and their craft. DSP (Defense Support Program) satellites knows this better than anyone.”
• Sims is also an expert on alien implants. There are thousands of medical accounts that truly have no other explanation. Says Sims, “Alien implants are a device or object left inside the human being by the alien presence. In 1994, I had spoken to 250 doctors and surgeons at the John Muir Medical Hospital in Northern California. [D]uring our first two surgeries, both surgeons were startled by the results. …There was a biological cocoon surrounding the objects. The cocoon was a non-inflammatory response, not made by the body, and according to the pathologist, was impossible for it to be in that location.”
• Do shows like ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ even get it remotely right? It’s not so crazy to think that perhaps Hollywood builds these narratives around some type of truth. According to Graham, “I think it’s always been a constant struggle to figure out what is going on here. I am sure people have drawn private conclusions in various intelligent and military circles, but I don’t think anyone has the truth. I mean the phenomena that has been reported over seven decades is so bizarre and it seems to be related to us a species and our consciousness levels as well. We play a part in manifesting this phenomena.”
Popular culture has been creating extraterrestrial narratives for about 70 years now, and each story explores the legends of aliens in different ways. With the release of CW’s newest series ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ coming in just a few days, we decided to dig deeper into these fascinating myths to perhaps find some kernel of truth in what many assume to be a highly fictionalized topic. According to Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers and expert on all things extraterrestrial in popular culture, Hollywood does indeed twist whatever truths exist in regards to the topic of aliens and UFOs. Additionally, Graham even thinks that Hollywood is somewhat to blame about the common misconceptions surrounding this taboo topic.
Robbie Graham
“Hollywood takes a huge amount of liberties obviously with any adaptation of any real event. Even Hollywood’s adaptations of well documented, agreed upon historical events often take great artistic liberties. There is a popular misconception that the phenomena as we understand it today has sprung from Hollywood’s imagining of such events.”
However, with that being said, there has to be some truth behind these crazy theories, right? We spoke with author and paranormal investigator Kitty Janusz, who explained the type of energy that people in her field feel when trying to tap into the extraterrestrial realm. Janusz herself says that she has seen UFOs several times in her life, so is a believer that there is something else out there, but it likely isn’t what many perceive it to be.
Kitty Janusz (on right)
“A lot of paranormal investigators avoid alien energy because it makes them really uncomfortable. We have an open mind and we would love to learn because we have a scientific mindset, but when we actually do encounter that kind of energy it is not a benevolent energy. In fact, not all paranormal investigators tap into the alien energy at all, as it can be very sporadic and tense. It makes some people nervous because they don’t know what their agenda is or what their intentions are.”
Even though Janusz is unclear on what it is that aliens would want from us, she does believe that there is something far bigger going on here. Just like in the ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ television series, she does believe that it’s a possibility that there are aliens incognito walking among us, but the million dollar question is, why?
Derrel Sims
“I think it’s definitely a plausibility that aliens are infiltrating our society pretending to be one of us. Flying overhead and doing fly byes doesn’t seem beneficial unless they were infiltrating us. There are some schools of thought that say we are just an experiment, like a little farm, and I wouldn’t be surprised. I don’t think we are the high ones on any ladder by any means.”
Derrel Sims, former CIA agent and one of the world’s leading experts on alien abductions, claims to have had several experiences with extraterrestrials, and they were not good. In 1988 Sims founded Saber Enterprises, and the initial objective was to collect physical evidence that would support the reality of extraterrestrial/human interaction and to analyze that evidence to learn as much as possible about the phenomenon. Sims has some fascinating stories and theories that explore both the intentions and methods aliens have when interacting with humans.
“Aliens have lied to every culture they have had contact with. They are not like humans. It is a serious mistake to try to judge the alien based on the idea that they’re just like us, but a little different.”
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by Nick Redfern July 23, 2018 (
• Hollywood has successfully imprinted on society the idea that so-called “Men in Black” are agents of clandestine government or military programs, and therefore they must be human. In Nick Redfern’s research, most of the people who have been terrorized by MIB say that they are not human.
• In the early 1950’s, when Albert Bender began the whole MIB phenomenon with his book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men, he was confronted not by agents of the FBI, CIA, etc., but by grim-faced, shadow-like characters with shining eyes and who left behind them an odor of brimstone when they quite literally vanished.
• When John Keel was investigating sightings of the “Mothman” in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, he was flooded with accounts of encounters with both ‘Men and Women in Black’. They were often described as looking not quite human. Their skin resembled plastic. They wore wraparound sunglasses that only partially masked their oversized eyes. They were clearly unaware of our customs and manners. Some of them didn’t even know how to eat food or drink water.
• Some people who have encountered MIB have suddenly become ill. The MIB are able to place people under some form of mind-control, something which compels the targeted person to open the door and let them in, regardless of the time of day or night.
• It has also been reported that people have encountered MIB when they are on the hallucinogens mescaline and DMT. 1960’s voice-over actor Peter Beckman said that while on mescaline, MIB came into his living room. “They were dressed in square, Eisenhower-era cop-clothing, or FBI clothing – which in 1969, 1970 was not that unusual. They came in and sat on the couch. They were pale and sickly; their clothes hung real loose and they looked as though they might expire at any moment. They appeared to have either trouble breathing, or trouble being. I don’t believe they said a thing,” claimed Beckman. In another incident, people on DMT described how uninvited MIB seemed surprised that they could see them.
• MIB seemingly have the ability to invade peoples’ dreams and turn them into nightmares. There are even a few stories of MIB shapeshifting into the form of a large, black dog with glowing, red eyes.
Just a couple of nights ago – while I was promoting my latest book, The Black Diary – I was asked by a caller to the radio show why I “insist” on stating that the Men in Black are supernatural in nature, rather than “accepting” that they are the secret agents of a clandestine agency within government. The answer to that question is very simple: it’s the witness testimony which makes me come to the supernatural conclusion. I have always said that the most important people in the collective field of Forteana are not the writers, the researchers, the radio-hosts, or the TV producers. It’s the witnesses who are the most important. Time and time again I am approached by people who have been terrorized by the MIB. On only a small number of occasions do the witnesses describe the MIB as looking human. For the most part, they look anything but human.
I know all too well why so many people assume that the MIB are agents of governments, of military agencies, and / or of clandestine projects buried deep within the world of officialdom. It largely comes from the Men in Black movies, starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Yes, the trilogy makes for fun viewing. But, by presenting the MIB as the agents of a classified organization, the makers of the movies instilled in the minds of many the image of the Men in Black being “secret agents.” But, the Hollywood portrayal is actually very different to what the witnesses tell us – and that’s a very important issue to be aware of.
It’s worth noting that the man who largely began the whole MIB phenomenon in the early 1950s – Albert Bender, of Bridgeport, Connecticut – was confronted not by agents of the FBI, CIA, etc., but by grim-faced, shadow-like characters with shining eyes and who left behind them an odor of brimstone when they quite literally vanished. Bender’s strange story – which comes across like something akin to H.P. Lovecraft meets The X-Files – is told in Gray Barker’s 1956 book, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers and in Bender’s own book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men.
When, from 1966 to 1967, John Keel immersed himself in the wave of sightings of what became known as “Mothman” in the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, he was flooded with accounts of local encounters with both MIB and Women in Black. They were often described as looking not quite human. Their skin resembled plastic. They wore wraparound sunglasses that often only partially masked their huge, oversized eyes. They were clearly unaware of our customs and manners. Some of them didn’t even know how to eat food or drink water – as bizarre as it certainly sounds.
Things get even more disturbing: people who have encountered the MIB have fallen sick – and quickly, too. A kind of paranormal infection, we might say. The MIB are able to place people under some form of mind-control, something which compels the targeted person to open the door and let them in, regardless of the time of day or night. Witnesses to UFO activity who have been visited by the MIB talk of poltergeist activity occurring in the home – and in the immediate aftermaths of the MIBs’ vanishing acts.
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By Paola Leopizzi Harris Journalist / Researcher UFO/ Exopolitics
Paola Harris with Gort
In 2008 when asked by CNN’s Larry King on his TV show “Tell us what will happen if Obama wins?†the American entertainer Chis Rock responded, “I’m sure he will check to see if there are UFOs. That is what I would do. Where are the UFOs at?â€Chris Rock is an American comedian, actor, screenwriter, television producer, film producer and director. He was voted by Comedy Central as the fifth greatest stand-up comedian of all time. He represents one of a many entertainers who believe in UFOS and is speaking freely about it this year.
As a researcher of thirty years, I have never seen such interest in the UFO phenomena as I have seen this year on the part of Hollywood and the movie industry as well as rock stars. Four years ago I wrote a course for Dr. Michael Salla’s Exopolitics Institute called “Hollywood and Disclosure. The film Industry from those vintage to the modern films like “Prometheus†have a contradictory message to disseminate. This course examines film clips and celebrity statements in order to see how Hollywood handles this controversial material. It is surprising how Disney studios to Star Wars/ Lucus/ Spielberg conglomerate deliver powerful messages that although seen as science fiction are really delivering truth. To listen to a free lecture click here. A special early bird price of $100 off is provided for those who register early. Check on the Exopolitics Institute Website.
These people think UFOs are real. It seems that they have “ carried the ball down the court†more effectively in the disclosure movement than any of the veteran researchers have. They get instant media attention. They have more credibility. And like Nina Hagen from Germany, they are able to produce expensive television specials that reach millions of people in an instant. Most UFO documentaries produced up until now were considered “fringe entertainmentâ€, science fiction or second-rate movies.
 It was not until last February 2008, when Robbie Williams from the rock group “Take That†walked into the International UFO congress in Laughlin Nevada, that I became astonished how people reacted to the celebrity presence. So Robbie Williams believes in Aliens, so does Keanu Reeves. During the BFI 52nd London Film Festival at the Odeon West End on October 21, 2008 in London, England, Reeves said, “I’m sure there is life on other planets. It’s crazy to think extraterrestrials don’t exist. The actor stars in forthcoming sci-fi movie The Day TheEarth Stood Still, and the filming experience left him wondering about alien beings. Reeves said, “I’ve met people who have seen UFOs but I don’t know anyone who has been abducted. How could there not be life on other planets? The universe is so vast.â€
Well, Nina Hagen says she has been abducted in Los Angeles when she was very young. She did not consider it a very positive experience. I was surprised to see her and an entire German film crew outside of Roswell in the Hanger 84, originally known as Hanger p-3 where the alien bodies were stored. They had come to film the people during the Roswell Festival in 2008. She sought the advice of hypnotherapist researcher Yvonne Smith  Her book is called Chosen. YvonneSmith was lecturing at the famous UFO museum in Roswell.
Robbie Williams, Nina Hagen, Chris Rock and later actress Shirley MacLaine in her book Aging While Saging spoke about UFOs, Colonel Philip Corso’s back-engineering testimony, and most detrimental of all, presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich’s close-up UFO sighting near Shirley’s house in New Mexico. This helped end Kucinich’s political career. In an interview with Matt Lauer co-anchor of NBC News’ Today Show, MacLaine spoke quite honestly about her views on the government cover-up. She received incredible publicity. Most of the cast of this NBC network show later admitted on screen that they believed that UFOs were real. Only Shirley MacLaine can do that.
But they can also sing about UFOs, or at least Exopolitics. The British Rock Group Muse has produced a song called Exopolitics that is getting a great deal of play. For those who still need a working definition of Exopolitics: It is a study dealing with the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and its sociological, as well as political, implications for humanity.
Elvis and John Lennon Knew
 Author Richard Daniel, on the 30-year death Anniversary of Elvis’ death, wrote, “We pause to take stock in the King’s abiding interest in UFOs. Because even if you’re a hardcore Presleyphile, you probably didn’t know Elvis was born beneath the light of a mysterious celestial object, in an eerie echo of the Star of Bethlehem. In the book†Alien Rock: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Extraterrestrial Connection†by New York author/promoter Michael C. Luckman, he talks about the numerous UFO encounters with Elvis, plus this claim that Elvis made to longtime friend Wanda June Hill: “I am not of this world.â€
According to Luckman, quite a few famous musicians have had UFO experiences.
Craggy-faced rocker Mick Jagger is said to have seen two UFOs in the course of his life. One, a cigar-shaped “mothership,†appeared in 1968 while he was camping in Glastonbury with then girlfriend Marianne Faithful
 Most famous people, among them, John Lennon was aware of UFOS. Luckman speaks about Lennon in an article that he wrote about a mutual friend May Pang who was with John Lennon during a sighting in New York. He writes “In the summer of 1988, I had a conversation with May Pang. Larry Warren writes†John Lennon saw a UFO at his apartment in New York with his girlfriend May Pang. The object was cone-shaped, but flattened at the top, crowned with a steady red light, and featuring a row of smaller, pulsating white lights. It drew close to the amazed couple in their 17th floor apartment before passing on by. They managed to take some photographs of the object but all came out over-exposed.
 Most notably, I saw the gold record presented to John Lennon for his introspective album “Walls and Bridges”, and it was this record that Lennon was recording when he had his amazing UFO sighting. Fourteen years had passed since the event, however, to May Pang, it was as if it had happened yesterday.
 May Pang recalls that the apartment was hot that night, but by 8 O’ Clock the night air had cooled off enough for her to have turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows to get a breeze off the river. Just off the apartment’s living room was a part of the building’s roof that also acted as a private observation deck, with a great view of east New York. Access was only granted by climbing out of a window, which Lennon often did. The haze had now cleared over New York’s skyline. At about 8:30 p.m., May decided to take a shower, leaving Lennon alone in the living room reviewing mock-ups of his new record’s cover. What did surprise her was what he was pointing at. Just south of the building now was a brightly lit “classic” circular UFO, floating silently and less than 100 feet away from the couple. As John Lennon would later describe, “I wasn’t surprised to see the UFO really, as it looked just like the spaceships we’ve all seen on the cinema growing up, but then I realized this thing was real and so close, that I could almost touch it!†As they watched, the UFO moved silently away. May told me that the lighting on the thing left them awe-struck, as it would change its configuration with every rotation. The object made no sound. The main structure of the craft could also be clearly seen for the duration of the event, due to the last remnants of the still setting sun. May ran back into the apartment and grabbed a 35mm camera, and once back on the roof both she and John took numerous pictures of the craft. May remembers John’s arms outstretched as he yelled at the UFO to come back and take him away! “He was very serious and I believe he really wanted that thing to take him with it back to wherever it came from, but then that was John Lennon, always looking for the next big adventure”. Soon the object passed the United Nations building and slowly veered left, crossing over the East River, then over Brooklyn and soon the UFO simply blended in with the heavy commercial air traffic in southern Long Island. John Lennon and May Pang, were both shaken by the experience. John Lennon also felt that the craft he saw was part of a much larger fleet stationed just north of New York city, up in the area of the nuclear power plant at Indian Point.
 Maybe Steven Spielberg will begin some move towards disclosure in Hollywood. In an Actor’s studio interview in the late nineties when a young girl asked him if he believed in aliens, he responded:
 “ Yes! I do believe in Aliens.†Spielberg has made many films addressing this issue, both positive and negative. It all started with Close Encounters of The Third Kind.
Ironically, he is also quoted as having said :
“If NASA took the time to write me a 20-page letter, then I knew there must be something happening. When they read the [Close Encounters] script, they got very angry and felt that it was a film that would be dangerous.â€Â
– Steven Spielberg, Director, Close Encounters of the Third Kind
 In the end, we are of Star Trek generation. There are millions of Trekies Internationally, in every country. They see some truth in this series. Maybe because its creator Gene Roddenberry “ built a bridge to tomorrow with the materials of today: curiosity, tolerance openness, intelligence, discipline, daydreams, a willingness to help, technology, love determination and courage. All those things exist within us. He said use them!â€
 Did you know there an asteroid called 4659 Roddenberry and a crater on Mars that were named in his honor? Our celebrities count a great deal in this world.
 So will President Obama step up to the plate as Chris Rock suggested? In the words of Gene Roddenberry:
 I have a great fear that our human leaders will fail to understand that a world such as Star Trek is possible, that all the glorious things- not that Star Trek represents but the human being represents- will fall on deaf ears. That frightens me. There is always the chance that not enough humans will understand and appreciate themselves enough to make a great change in the human equation.
Learn more about Hollywood and Disclsure – click here
In Men In Black (MIB) III, an idea is presented in an outrageously comedic way. Extraterrestrial visitors live on our world and are monitored by a secretive governmental agency that hides the truth from the American public. The movie is based on stories circulating since the early 1950’s of mysterious MIB traveling around in dark suits in vintage cars, persuading people to be silent about their experiences concerning UFOs and alien life. MIB III is a highly entertaining comedy, and well worth the admission price. Yet upon leaving the movie theater, one naturally wonders if any of it could possibly be true? Does MIB III use comedy to hide the truth in plain sight?
The most effective way to hide something from others is to put it in front of them in such an outrageous way that they will ignore it. If you are an unfaithful husband wanting to hide the truth of your infidelity, you can hire your paramour as a personal secretary and travel with her to out-of-town business meetings required by your job. If you are a government and want to hide secrets from your citizenry that have, or are about to be exposed, you hire somebody to come forward and publicly reveal the ‘secret’ in such an sensationalist way that people will dismiss it as a lie. When the sensationalist account is revealed to be untrue the original secret is subsequently dismissed and discredited. Those genuinely exposing the secret in the first place, are now considered to be con artists and liars, and their supporters dismissed as foolish true believers. In the world of military intelligence, hiding the truth in plain sight is a time honored strategy used in psychological warfare operations.
It is a fact that psychological warfare has been used on the American public to hide the truth about possible extraterrestrial life visiting our world since the early 1950s. Most importantly, Hollywood and the movie industry have been a key part of this psychological warfare program. In January 1953, the CIA convened a panel to review evidence of flying saucers that the public increasingly believed were extraterrestrial in nature – the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). Named after its chairman, Dr Howard Robertson, the Robertson Panel reviewed cases of flying saucers over a four-day period for a total of 12 hours and found none of them to be credible. Conclusions by the Panel were released in a document called the Durant Report. It recommended ridiculing the ‘flying saucer phenomenon’ and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, for national security reasons.
The Robertson panel recommended an ‘educational program’ to remove the threat posed by enemy nations exploiting the public’s belief in flying saucers. This “educational program†is where the movie industry is explicitly mentioned :
The Panel’s concept of a broad educational program integrating efforts of all concerned agencies was that it should have two major aims: training and “debunking.†…The “debunking” aim would result in reduction in public interest in “flying saucers” which today evokes a strong psychological reaction. This education could be accomplished by mass media such as television, motion pictures, and popular articles [emphasis added].… Such a program should tend to reduce the current gullibility of the public and consequently their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.
The Report issued by the Robertson Panel endorsed a government policy of using the movie industry to “educate†the public that there is no truth behind the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Yet, there have been a number of credible whistleblowers and witnesses that have come forward to reveal that extraterrestrial life is not only visiting us, but living among us!
Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean worked at NATO’s Supreme Headquarters from 1963-1967, and during this time was stationed in the Operations Center with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance. He claims to have viewed a secret NATO study that was commissioned to analyze the threat posed by UFOs to NATO operations in Eastern Europe. The classified report was titled: “An Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military threat to Allied Forces in Europe.†It focused on the dangers of UFOs being mistakenly identified as an incoming ballistic missile attack from the Soviet Union. Dean claimed that the NATO study identified four different extraterrestrial civilizations visiting the Earth. He said that what really worried the NATO top brass was that some of the visitors looked so much like us that they were virtually indistinguishable. Dean says that NATO generals were paranoid over the possibility that some of the extraterrestrial visitors could be walking in the corridors of NATO or the Pentagon, or even the White House itself. In an interview Dean explained:
There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them…. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you’d never know the difference. And being military and being primarily paranoid, that bothered the generals and the admirals a little bit. That the fact that these intelligent entities could be involved with us, walking up and down the corridors of SHAPE, walking down the corridors of the Pentagon. My God, it even dawned on a couple of them that these guys could even be in the White House! Of course, as I said, being paranoid in those years it really shook things up a little bit.
Dean’s testimony reveals official knowledge that extraterrestrials are living among the human population. His testimony demonstrates that official military and government agencies have been developing strategies for responding to extraterrestrial life among us. We get a better idea of the official strategy used to respond to extraterrestrials among from another whistleblower – Ingo Swann.
Swann was the first psychic employed in the CIA’s remote viewing program that began in 1975: Project Star Gate. Swann’s success rate was so impressive that by 1975 he was recruited by a covert government operative, “Mr Axelrod,†to spy on extraterrestrials. Swann remote viewed extraterrestrials on the moon who had bases on the dark side. In later interviews and in his book, Penetration, Swann claimed that he viewed various structures on the surface and observed extraterrestrials near them who were able to breath unaided, thereby suggesting an atmosphere on the moon. Swann’s remote viewing was confirmed by Axelrod who sent Swan a book by George Leonard describing similar structures he viewed on the moon using photographic analysis of NASA images. The success of Swann and Project Star Gate in delivering accurate remote viewing data to intelligence agencies quickly led to military agencies asking Swann to develop the necessary protocol for training military remote viewers. Swann’s involvement with the covert activities of “Mr Axelrod†provides valuable evidence on extraterrestrials living among us.
In one incident, Swan describes how he was taken by Axelrod to a remote location, thought to be Alaska, where they traveled to a lake to view UFO activity. The goal was for Swann to psychically gain information on what the extraterrestrials were doing at what appeared to be a secret UFO base. Swann described in detail an incident involving a UFO coming out of a lake, drawing in some of the lake’s water, and expanding in size from a tiny spot into a large triangular vehicle. He passed on the psychic information to Axelrod before they quickly left the area in order to escape detection by the UFO. What is most remarkable in Swann’s testimony about his covert work for Axelrod is a supermarket incident where he encountered a strikingly attractive female who he psychically intuited was extraterrestrial.
Swann claims that he was shopping in a Los Angeles supermarket when he noticed a very attractive, scantily clad female. He claims that his body physically began buzzing as he viewed her out of the corner of his eyes and intuitively received information that she was an extraterrestrial. At first dismissing the idea, he got independent confirmation of her extraterrestrial identity by observing her being followed by two of Mr Axelrod’s operatives, also in the supermarket. Frightened by the presence of Axelrod’s operatives Swann quickly exited the venue due to his fear of what might happen. Final confirmation that the female was extraterrestrial followed not long afterward when Axelrod phoned Swann to discuss whether the female had telepathically communicated with him. Axelrod had been told by his two operatives that Swann had been in the presence of the extraterrestrial and had possibly communicated with her. Axelrod was very worried about this possibility and Swann assured him that no telepathic communication had occurred. Investigative reporter Garry Bekkum describes what happened :
The renewed phone contact by Axelrod was far from ordinary. First Swann received a mysterious phone call from a female operative, directing him to a different phone. The call ended in dead silence, suggesting that the phone line had been cut and spliced into. Once he reached the designated phone, Swann engaged in a scrambled conversation with Axelrod, asking about the strange sexy woman in the supermarket. Axelrod warned, “I feel obliged to tell you that she is really dangerous.” Apparently Swann believed that Axelrod’s warning had confirmed his worst fear. Not only were extraterrestrials on the moon, but they had operatives here on Earth, among the ordinary people. If Axelrod was to be believed, they were to be avoided at all possible cost.
Axelrod’s efforts to monitor the extraterrestrial female, his concern about Swann being in telepathic communication with her, and his warning that she was dangerous suggested that Axelrod’s efforts were part of an official policy to prevent any ordinary civilians from fraternizing with extraterrestrials. The two operatives that followed the extraterrestrial bore a striking resemblance to one another and wore black suits. They appeared to be genuine MIBs.
Dean’s and Swan’s striking testimonies reveal that the core idea behind the Men in Black movie series is based not in fiction, but in fact. Extraterrestrials do live among us, and blend into human society as depicted in the three MIB movies. Also, there does exist a shadowy government agency – embedded within the CIA and sister intelligence organizations from around the world – that is responsible for monitoring extraterrestrial life on our world. This shadowy government agency does employ individuals similar to those depicted in MIB to maintain public secrecy.
It is a fact that psychological warfare has been used to keep the truth behind the UFO/flying saucer phenomenon and the extraterrestrial hypothesis from the public. The movie industry has been a part of this secret effort. Scriptwriters and movie producers have been covertly recruited to assist the officially sanctioned government policy of educating the public that there is no truth to the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Yet whistleblowers and witnesses have come forward to reveal the reality of extraterrestrials among us. Men in Black III is a clever comedy that hides the truth in plain sight. Next time you go to a movie theater to watch a science fiction movie, don’t take it for granted that the person sitting next to you is from this world.
On Monday night, September 20, NBC premieres its new show – The Event. The Event is a high powered television mini-series that shows a black U.S. President who is given possession of a highly classified file about a program that he officially had not been made aware by his national security officials. In the NBC trailer (see below), he has a confrontation with his CIA Director, who informs the President that only those with a need-to-know were informed about the classified program. The President declares to the CIA Director that by virtue of the office of the President, he has need-to-know. The President learns that the program involves 97 prisoners or mysterious ‘others’ being held in a secure facility in Alaska. He travels there to meet them and their leader. He then announces a major Press Conference and a failed assassination attempt then ensues. While the NBC trailer of The Event does not explicitly mention the ‘others’ as extraterrestrials, the context does point firmly in that direction.
A number of UFO researchers claim inside knowledge of who the ‘others’ being held in Alaska are. Larry Lowe, a veteran UFO researcher, claims: “I can assure you that the viewer will be treated to the unprecedented visualization of the President of the United States finally admitting to the public that ET exists—and that some of them look a lot like us and are here on the planet already.†We will have to watch the series to learn who the ‘others’ are and what The Event is all about. If it is about an officially sanctioned UFO cover-up, the Event would be the latest in a long line of Hollywood productions that hides the truth about extraterrestrial visitation in plain sight. Putting the truth out in the open through various movies and television series makes the public aware of a possible official cover-up of extraterrestrial life while simultaneously making it appear to be science fiction.
Hiding the truth in plain sight is not limited to Hollywood and the entertainment industry putting out movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Trek, The Day the Earth Stood Still; or television series such as X-Files, Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, and most recently V. There has been a decades long series of testimonies by whistleblowers from the government, military and corporate sectors; and leaked official documents that all point to secret government and corporate involvement with an extraterrestrial presence. Such testimonies and documents typically suffer from the same mix of a lack of supporting hard evidence, inconsistencies in whistleblower testimonies, and even character flaws making it all hard to accept. This is despite the obvious sincerity of those disseminating the information who are typically convinced of its earth shaking significance. Many of these testimonies and documents ultimately find their way to a Hollywood scriptwriter who puts out another compelling movie/TV series that many believe must be close to the truth, but which skeptics can easily dismiss as science fiction. If an observer from another world visited our planet, they would be intrigued at how well the truth about extraterrestrial visitation is hidden in plain sight.
Unraveling the truth about extraterrestrial visitation, government, military and corporate cover-ups, and the extent to which Hollywood and the entertainment industry is involved is no easy task. Fortunately, some do specialize in exposing the link between Hollywood and extraterrestrial visitation. Paola Harris holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has been researching UFOs for over 30 years. She has written a series of books detailing the testimonies of many of the hundreds of whistleblowers and witnesses she has personally interviewed. Some of their testimonies reveal the very important role played by Hollywood in hiding the truth in plain sight. In an online course titled “The Role of Hollywood and the Media in the Disclosure Process,†Ms Harris reveals how Hollywood and the entertainment industry is gradually preparing the public for the truth about extraterrestrial life. If you want to learn more about how Hollywood is part of a gradual disclosure process, then you’re in luck since her Fall Semester class has just begun.
If you want to learn what The Event is and who are the mysterious ‘others’ held secretly in Alaska, then tune in to NBC on Monday at 9 pm EDT. If The Event does indeed feature a black President officially announcing the existence of extraterrestrial visitors that look just like us, then Hollywood may finally go a step beyond hiding the truth in plain sight, and be actually preparing us for an impending government disclosure of the truth.
Robbie Williams (center) pictured with Nick Pope (on left) and Paola Harris
Paola Leopizzi Harris Journalist / Researcher
When asked by CNN’s Larry King on his TV show “Tell us what will happen if Obama wins?†the American entertainer Chis Rock responded, “I’m sure he will check to see if there are UFOs. That is what I would do. Where are the UFOs at?†Chris Rock is an American comedian, actor, screenwriter, television producer, film producer and director. He was voted by Comedy Central as the fifth greatest stand-up comedian of all time. He represents one of a many entertainers who believe in UFOS and is speaking freely about it this year.
As a researcher of thirty years, I have never seen such interest in the UFO phenomena as I have seen this year on the part of Hollywood and the movie industry as well as rock stars. These people think UFOs are real. It seems that they have “ carried the ball down the court†more effectively in the disclosure movement than any of the veteran researchers have. They get instant media attention. They have more credibility. And like Nina Hagen from Germany, they are able to produce expensive television specials that reach millions of people in an instant. Most UFO documentaries produced up until now were considered “fringe entertainmentâ€, science fiction or second-rate movies.
It was not until last February 2008, when Robbie Williams from the rock group “ Take That†walked into the International UFO congress in Laughlin Nevada, that I became astonished how people reacted to the celebrity presence. Since I am on the Board of Directors of the IUFOC, I welcomed Robbie and asked him why he was there. His answer was that he came to hear the lectures, in particular, the lectures of ex-British Ministry of Defense employee, Nick Pope and the lecture of contactee Ann Andrews. He was dressed like Fidel Castro in order to avoid being noticed. But instead Robbie stood out in the crowd of 600 participants. He said he was hungry for information. He has since done many interviews, created songs about “aliens†and has received more publicity for the subject than astronomer and Blue Book director J. Allen Hyneck ever did. When I asked Robbie at another conference near San Francisco, California for an interview, he answered that he did not want to do an interview but he liked my book. He said that he preferred to listen to the information given by David Icke and the other speakers present. He wanted to “learn!“ He has a sincere desire to know.
So Robbie Williams believes in Aliens, so does Keanu Reeves. During the BFI 52nd London Film Festival at the Odeon West End on October 21, 2008 in London, England, Reeves said, “I’m sure there is life on other planets. It’s crazy to think extraterrestrials don’t exist. The actor starred in the sci-fi movie The Day TheEarth Stood Still, and the filming experience left him wondering about alien beings. Reeves said, “I’ve met people who have seen UFOs but I don’t know anyone who has been abducted. How could there not be life on other planets? The universe is so vast.â€
Well, Nina Hagen says she has been abducted in Los Angeles when she was very young. She did not consider it a very positive experience. I was surprised to see her and an entire German film crew outside of Roswell in the Hanger 84, originally known as Hanger p-3 where the alien bodies were stored. They had come to film the people during the Roswell Festival in 2008. She sought the advice of hypnotherapist researcher Yvonne Smith  Her book is called Chosen. YvonneSmith was lecturing at the famous UFO museum in Roswell. When told that the cameras and lights were not welcome there, singer Nina Hagen simply sat down as Robbie Williams had done and she listened to Yvonne’s entire lecture on “Abductions.â€
Robbie Williams, Nina Hagen, Chris Rock and later actress Shirley MacLaine in her book Aging While Saging spoke about UFOs, Colonel Philip Corso’s back-engineering testimony, and most detrimental of all, presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich’s close-up UFO sighting near Shirley’s house in New Mexico. This helped end Kucinich’s political career. In an interview with Matt Lauer co-anchor of NBC News’ Today Show, MacLaine spoke quite honestly about her views on the government cover-up. She received incredible publicity. Most of the cast of this NBC network show later admitted on screen that they believed that UFOs were real. Only Shirley MacLaine can do that.
But they can also sing about UFOs, or at least Exopolitics. The British Rock Group Muse has produced a song called Exopolitics that is getting a great deal of play. For those who still need a working definition of Exopolitics: It is a study dealing with the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and its sociological, as well as political, implications for humanity.
Elvis and John Lennon Knew
Elvis Presley in Concert. Photo: Paola Harris
Author Richard Daniel, on the 30-year death Anniversary of Elvis’ death, wrote, “We pause to take stock in the King’s abiding interest in UFOs. Because even if you’re a hardcore Presleyphile, you probably didn’t know Elvis was born beneath the light of a mysterious celestial object, in an eerie echo of the Star of Bethlehem. In the book†Alien Rock: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Extraterrestrial Connection†by New York author/promoter Michael C. Luckman, he talks about the numerous UFO encounters with Elvis, plus this claim that Elvis made to longtime friend Wanda June Hill: “I am not of this world.â€
According to Luckman, quite a few famous musicians have had UFO experiences.
Craggy-faced rocker Mick Jagger is said to have seen two UFOs in the course of his life. One, a cigar-shaped “mothership,†appeared in 1968 while he was camping in Glastonbury with then girlfriend Marianne Faithful
Expert military witness in the Rendlesham Forest case, Larry Warren is a well-known lecturer on the international UFO conference scene and has co-authored a book called Left atEast Gate with UFO researcher Peter Robbins. The book covers many of his UFO experiences along with the associated government and military cover-ups. Most famous among them is that of John Lennon. He speaks about Lennon in an article that he wrote about a mutual friend May Pang who was with John Lennon during a sighting in New York. He writes “In the summer of 1988, I had a conversation with May Pang. Larry Warren writes†John Lennon saw a UFO at his apartment in New York with his girlfriend May Pang. The object was cone-shaped, but flattened at the top, crowned with a steady red light, and featuring a row of smaller, pulsating white lights. It drew close to the amazed couple in their 17th floor apartment before passing on by. They managed to take some photographs of the object but all came out over-exposed.
Most notably, I saw the gold record presented to John Lennon for his introspective album “Walls and Bridges”, and it was this record that Lennon was recording when he had his amazing UFO sighting. Fourteen years had passed since the event, however, to May Pang, it was as if it had happened yesterday.
May Pang recalls that the apartment was hot that night, but by 8 O’ Clock the night air had cooled off enough for her to have turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows to get a breeze off the river. Just off the apartment’s living room was a part of the building’s roof that also acted as a private observation deck, with a great view of east New York. Access was only granted by climbing out of a window, which Lennon often did. The haze had now cleared over New York’s skyline. At about 8:30 p.m., May decided to take a shower, leaving Lennon alone in the living room reviewing mock-ups of his new record’s cover. What did surprise her was what he was pointing at. Just south of the building now was a brightly lit “classic” circular UFO, floating silently and less than 100 feet away from the couple. As John Lennon would later describe, “I wasn’t surprised to see the UFO really, as it looked just like the spaceships we’ve all seen on the cinema growing up, but then I realized this thing was real and so close, that I could almost touch it!†As they watched, the UFO moved silently away. May told me that the lighting on the thing left them awe-struck, as it would change its configuration with every rotation. The object made no sound. The main structure of the craft could also be clearly seen for the duration of the event, due to the last remnants of the still setting sun. May ran back into the apartment and grabbed a 35mm camera, and once back on the roof both she and John took numerous pictures of the craft. May remembers John’s arms outstretched as he yelled at the UFO to come back and take him away! “He was very serious and I believe he really wanted that thing to take him with it back to wherever it came from, but then that was John Lennon, always looking for the next big adventure”. Soon the object passed the United Nations building and slowly veered left, crossing over the East River, then over Brooklyn and soon the UFO simply blended in with the heavy commercial air traffic in southern Long Island. John Lennon and May Pang, were both shaken by the experience. John Lennon also felt that the craft he saw was part of a much larger fleet stationed just north of New York city, up in the area of the nuclear power plant at Indian Point.
Maybe Steven Spielberg will begin some move towards disclosure in Hollywood. In an Actor’s studio interview in the late nineties when a young girl asked him if he believed in aliens, he responded:“ Yes! I do believe in Aliens.†Spielberg has made many films addressing this issue, both positive and negative. It all started with Close Encounters of The Third Kind. Ironically, he is also quoted as having said :
If NASA took the time to write me a 20-page letter, then I knew there must be something happening. When they read the [Close Encounters] script, they got very angry and felt that it was a film that would be dangerous.
In the end, we are of Star Trek generation. There are millions of Trekies Internationally, in every country. They see some truth in this series. Maybe because its creator Gene Roddenberry “ built a bridge to tomorrow with the materials of today: curiosity, tolerance openness, intelligence, discipline, daydreams, a willingness to help, technology, love determination and courage. All those things exist within us. He said use them!â€
Did you know there an asteroid called 4659 Roddenberry and a crater on Mars that were named in his honor? Our celebrities count a great deal in this world.
So will President Obama step up to the plate as Chris Rock suggested? In the words of Gene Roddenberry:
“ I have a great fear that our human leaders will fail to understand that a world such as Star Trek is possible, that all the glorious things- not that Star Trek represents but the human being represents- will fall on deaf ears. That frightens me. There is always the chance that not enough humans will understand and appreciate themselves enough to make a great change in the human equation.†(From the book: The Last Conversation by Yvonne Fern: University of California Press: Berkley)
“Jeff Peckman, promoter of Initiative 300 to create and Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver, talked to May Pang at a Denver event about her UFO sighting with John Lennon. She said that many more people were asking about the incident again.”
The activism of the  exopolitical disclosure cluture which includes TV is accelerating. Jeff Peckman’s Denver Initiative 300 to address the Extraterrestrial issue coincides  nicely with the debut of NBC’s “The Event.” Voters will need to reflect and decide!Before them, they have a historical as well as a formidable task.
[Notice: Paola Harris, M.Ed., has just begun teaching a course titled “Hollywood and the Media in the Disclosure Process”. More course info here. Her website is:]