Article by Caroline Delbert December 16, 2020 (
• In 1899, Nikola Tesla claimed to have heard an extraterrestrial signal, and exclaimed. “I have a deep conviction that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars.” In 1923, Tesla told a reporter from the Albany Telegram: “I caught signals which I interpreted as meaning 1–2–3–4. I believe the Martians used numbers for communication because numbers are universal.” At the turn of the 20th century, before airplanes, canals were important for worldwide commerce. There was a theory that Mars had canals made by some kind of intelligent species. According to NASA, it follows that Tesla would have assumed that the mystery signals that he was detecting were from a intelligent beings on Mars.
• The late Gordon Cooper, one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts in the early 1960s, claimed to have seen a UFO in space. Although NASA would not support him on it, they admitted to spotting something in the sky, and after ruling out the small number of satellites at the time, decided it must be something else. People in the 1960s were paranoid with the Cold War space race and keen to identify anything in the sky. Time magazine mentioned the space object in 1960, This, together with Tesla’s claim, gave rise to the existence of an alien satellite in a polar orbit perpendicular to ordinary equatorial satellite orbits, dubbed the ‘Black Knight’ satellite (pictured above). And a 1970 paper added the “13,000-year-old alien” origin twist.
• According to Vice, declassified documents have revealed that the mystery object was part of the US military’s Cold War ‘CORONA Project’, the world’s first successful space photo-reconnaissance flights to monitor Soviet missile facilities. In 1998, NASA astronauts on the International Space Station saw and photographed the “amorphous black object” in space, noting its dark and curious shape. NASA dismissed it as an errant thermal blanket.
• NASA is satisfied that the object, glimpsed very occasionally, is probably a piece of lost space junk. Believers cite signals dating back to Nikola Tesla of observations of a polar satellite many millennia older than human technology. Scientists have now determined these signals to be naturally occurring by pulsating space objects known as ‘pulsars’.
The Conspiracy
The Black Knight is a space object that, believers insist, is both artificially made and approximately 13,000 years old. That’s supposedly it in the NASA photo above. The agency says the object, glimpsed very occasionally and “detected” sometimes over the decades, is probably a piece of space junk lost from a mission. But believers cite history dating back to Nikola Tesla of observations of a polar satellite many millennia older than human technology. Could it come from ancient aliens?
The Origins
Vice reported on the Black Knight in 2015: “In 1899, Nikola Tesla heard from aliens. ‘I have a deep conviction that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars,’ Tesla told a reporter from the Albany Telegram in 1923. ‘I caught signals which I interpreted as meaning 1–2–3–4. I believe the Martians used
Gordon Cooper
numbers for communication because numbers are universal.’”
The ‘CORONA Project’ “bucket satellite”
At the time, there was an influential theory that Mars had canals made by some kind of intelligent species. “The importance of canals for worldwide commerce at that time without a doubt influenced the popular interest in ‘canals’ on Mars,” NASA explains. The zeitgeist coil surely have affected Tesla—a genius by any measure, but still a human being trying to understand the confusing things he might have encountered.
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Article by Alejandro Rojas October 23, 2020 (
• The news has been ablaze with UFO headlines. The US government has been forced to seriously confront the UAP/UFO issue. In fact, The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has requested a public report from the Director of National Intelligence on what has been done thus far with regard to Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.
• This focus on the UFO phenomenon was the result of a string of media events: a tweet by Sky Hub founder Steve McDaniel followed by a Danny Silva blog; an article by Leslie Kean in The Huffington Post in May 2016; Open Minds UFO Radio interviews of Bryan Bender and NY Times writer Leslie Kean in the summer of 2017; a blockbuster NY Times article in December 2017; a Washington Post op-ed in March 2018; an article by Politico’s Bender in June 2019; a History Channel show; and finally the US Navy authenticating Navy cockpit video of UFOs, admitting that they are for real, and issuing Navy personnel guidelines for reporting them.
• The focus of all of this media attention over the past four years has been former Senate intelligence analyst Chris Mellon and former Pentagon intelligence officer and head of its UFO program, Luis Elizondo. (both are pictured above with Tom DeLonge) It began with Elizondo’s difficulty in being granted a meeting with defense officials to reveal unexplained craft. It would end with Mellon and Elizondo invited to Capitol Hill for high level UFO briefings. “They couldn’t any longer deny it… when they had active-duty pilots and others going on the record,” said Mellon.
• In the documentary “The Phenomenon”, Mellon says his professional interest in UFOs arose from early claims by astronaut Gordon Cooper. Cooper was a part of the famed ‘Mercury Seven’, the first seven US astronauts to go into space. Prior to this, in 1951, Cooper’s squadron of jet fighters had chased a group of round objects that could stop mid-air and make instant 90 degree turns. In 1957, Cooper and his crew at Edwards Air Force base filmed a saucer-shaped object land on a dry lake bed and then take off again. The Air Force sent a courier to collect it. Cooper never saw the film again.
• Just prior to the end of President Clinton’s second term, Clinton told his Secretary of Defense, Michael Cohen, to investigate Cooper’s claims. Cohen assigned the matter to Chris Mellon, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security and Information Operations for The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Mellon would later become the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for the Senate Committee. Apparently, Mellon wasn’t satisfied with the records that the US Air Force kept on UFOs, including Cooper’s. He was told that most of them had been removed in order to “clean up” or “save space”. Mellon’s curiosity was piqued.
• Mellon retired from the government and joined a UFO monitoring system called UFODATA. Then he learned about the existence of a Pentagon UFO program. The UFO topic “was something that I had always been interested in,” said Mellon. “So, I was surprised to see they had anything organized at all.” Mellon quickly offered to assist Elizondo to help get data of the Nimitz Strike Carrier Group encounter with a UFO/UAP to the Secretary of Defense. The Office of the Secretary of Defense did not want to escalate the issue. “People were still afraid to touch it and afraid to let the secretary even be exposed to the issue,” says Mellon. Even with Mellon’s connections to senior officials in the Department of Defense, they were unable to secure a meeting with the Secretary of Defense.
• Mellon and Elizondo began to consider more drastic measures – to take their information directly to the media and the public in order to force Congress to take some action. They invited Leslie Kean to Washington on October 4, 2017. “I went down and went to Washington, and we spent three or four hours together,” says Kean. “Luis had resigned (his) position literally the day before we met.” “I was shown the videos… (and) was shown documents about Harry Reid’s involvement. [T]he story was kind of laid out for me at this meeting.” “I realized at that point that it was a New York Times level story, given the documentation that was available for the program and for the people involved and everything else,” Kean continued. “And so that’s how it all started.”
• The world was introduced to Mellon and Elizondo on October 10, 2017, with the press conference launch of Tom DeLonge’s ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science’. Elizondo and Mellon had joined ‘To the Stars’ team of former high level UFO investigators. The announcement was accompanied by Kean’s article in The Huffington Post. Still, no one seemed to take notice of Elizondo who claimed that he ran a UFO program despite the government telling us for decades they had no interest in the topic.
• Then in December 2017, Kean along with co-writers Ralph Blumenthal and Helen Cooper, published a blockbuster NY Times article revealing that the Pentagon had run a secretive UFO program from 2007 to 2012 called the ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP). The article’s primary source was Elizondo who claimed AATIP did not end in 2012 and that it continues to this day. The Times article also included two videos allegedly showing infrared camera footage from Navy F-18 fighter jets of a UFO, which Mellon had clandestinely received from an anonymous DoD official in a parking garage. (see previous ExoArticle on this)
• On March 9, 2018, Mellon wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post (see previous ExoArticle here) asking ‘Why Doesn’t the Pentagon Care? “Senators and staffers have been kept in the dark,” said Mellon. “There’s some important unanswered questions here.” Soon thereafter, the US Navy announced new formal guidelines for Navy personnel to report UFO encounters. “There’s no doubt in my mind that that report requirement (by the Navy) would not be in there, wouldn’t exist if we had not been engaged in bringing witnesses forward and advocating this and writing about it and so forth,” said Mellon.
• Mellon called upon Congress to require an ‘all-source study’ by the Secretary of Defense, and promoted research into new forms of propulsion that might explain how these vehicles achieve such extraordinary power and maneuverability, as it pertains to national security. “[H]opefully (this attention) will force the Executive branch to get its act together… establish some accountability and force them to take a position in black and white, as opposed to just giving some briefings.”
• In less than three years, Mellon and Elizondo’s strategy has resulted in the US government admitting they take UAP seriously, reversing their decades-long denials of the fact, and the Senate Intelligence committee taking notice by asking for more information. “It’s a tremendous step forward,” said Mellon. “Regardless of what the phenomenon turns out to be in the end. At least now we can have some faith that a serious effort is going to be made to hold and analyze the data, probably implement a new collection strategy… So it has a lot of potential ramifications, all of them positive.”
Luis Elizondo
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) has requested that the Director of National
Chris Mellon
Intelligence organize research into Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP – aka UFOs) and provide a public report on what has been done thus far. It is an extraordinary move that further legitimizes a topic that has historically been relegated to mythological stories like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. However, the public did not know that there were those in the US military and intelligence communities who took the issue seriously and wanted more to be done to figure out what those UFOs are.
Leslie Kean
“We have an intelligence community for a reason, partly to support our military, partly to avoid strategic surprise, and the intelligence community was failing on both counts,” former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon told in a recent interview. “The intelligence community was completely unresponsive, completely dropping the ball. I mean, it could be Russian, it could be Chinese, it could be something else.”
Bryan Bender
Mellon served for ten years as a Staff Director of the SSCI. From 1998 to 1999, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Security and Information Operations, and from 1999 to 2002, he was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
In a recent interview for a documentary called The Phenomenon, Mellon says his professional interest in the topic of UAP began with a request by astronaut Gordon Cooper.
Cooper was a part of the famed Mercury Seven, the first seven US astronauts to go into space. He claims to have had two UFO incidents. The first was in 1951. He claims his squadron of jet fighters chased a group of round objects that could stop mid-air and make instant 90 degree turns. He also claimed that in 1957 a crew he managed at Edwards Air Force base filmed a saucer-shaped object land on a dry lake bed and then take off again. He reviewed the film and reported it. The Air Force sent a courier to collect it. He never saw the film again.
the ‘Mercury Seven’
According to Mellon, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, Michael Cohen, tasked him to investigate the matter.
“Astronaut Cooper had spoken with the President,” Mellon says in The Phenomenon. “At a cabinet meeting, he raised this with Secretary Cohen, and then Cohen’s office called me and asked me to pursue this and chase it down.”
“The Air Force colonel that I spoke with got very frustrated, and when I asked him what happened to all of these records,” explained Mellon. “He said, ‘Well, that was all cleaned up or thrown out to save space.’ Something like that. It sounded ludicrous, but that’s what he told me.”
Mellon’s interest in the UFO topic was the focus of an article in The Huffington Post in May 2016 titled Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out. The article was written by Leslie Kean and was about Mellon joining a group of scientists interesting in developing a UFO monitoring system called UFODATA.
Kean was also one of The New York Times authors, along with Ralph Blumenthal and Helen Cooper, who broke the news in December 2017 that the Pentagon had run a secretive UFO program from 2007 to 2012 called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The article’s primary source was Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence official who claims he retired to get more attention to what he felt was important information regarding UFOs. He also claimed AATIP did not end in 2012 and that it continues to this day.
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• [On September 6th, India’s Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander was scheduled to land near the South Pole of the Moon. At the last minute, it deviated off course and crashed. The cause for the crash is still unresolved.]
• Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies, believes the loss of communication and telemetry was no accident but a warning from extraterrestrials. Said Sabir, “UFO researchers around the world believe that the extraterrestrials have sent a message to the Indian government to ‘get rid of your nukes before you explore other worlds’.” “Why do you think the Americans refused to go to the Moon after 1973?”
• “[T]he failure of Chandrayaan 2 is not at all surprising to me,” says Sabir. “Both India and Pakistan have been openly threatening each other with nuclear attacks. But what the leadership of both these nations do not realize is that they can use their nuclear weapons only if the UFOs decide to allow them.”
• Former US Air Force Missile Launch Officer, Robert Salas, witnessed a UFO switching off ten nuclear missiles under his command in 1967, and concurs with Sabir. Salas noted that Mr Hussain cited numerous instances and statements to support his claim of alien interference in the world ‘s nuclear affairs. Said Salas, “Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, has openly stated that aliens have already visited earth. US astronaut, Gordon Cooper in his 1978 letter to the UN has acknowledged it. Mercury Seven astronaut, Donald Slayton, has described seeing a three feet wide UFO from his P-51 fighter jet at an altitude of 10,000 feet in 1951.”
• Soviet cosmonaut and Soyuz-5 spacecraft pilot, Yevegni Khrunov, cosmonaut, Vladimir Kovalyonok and cosmonaut, major general Pavel Popovich have also acknowledged UFO sightings, one of them on May 5, 1981 from the Salyut-6 space station.
• Sabir says that in 2014-2015, the UFOs were toying with American nuclear aircraft carriers, Theodore Roosevelt and Nimitz. “UFOs are very concerned about humans playing with nuclear weapons.”
While the reasons for the failure of India’s Chandrayaan-2 programme are still being studied, some bizarre theories on what could have led to it are already making the rounds – extra terrestrials interfering with the moon landing!
Mr Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies (INSUFOS) believes the loss of communication that Isro scientists suffered with the Vikram lander just before it was to land on the moon’s surface was no accident but a warning from extra terrestrials.
Sabir Hussain
” You will not be allowed to land on the moon unless ‘they’ decide to allow you. The Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) researchers around the world believe that the extra terrestrials have sent a message to the Indian government to ‘get rid of your nukes before you explore other worlds’,” he said.
“As a researcher studying the UFO-Nuclear Weapons, the failure of Chandrayaan 2 is not at all surprising to me,” Mr Hussain added in a chat with the Deccan Chronicle.
“Recently some Indian ministers have been making very irresponsible and dangerous statements on the use of nuclear weapons. If we had taken the warnings on UFO activity seriously, this situation could have been averted. Why do you think the Americans refused to go to the Moon after 1973?” he asked.
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• Early 1960’s NASA astronaut, Gordon Cooper, was secretly asked by the U.S. government to look for ‘nuclear threats’ – which likely meant Russian submarines or nuclear missile sites using special ‘long range detection equipment’. Cooper was able to do this. He also noted many shipwrecks and anomalies in the Caribbean Sea, privately creating a map of these things.
• Darrell Miklos (pictured above) says that he was a close friend of Gordon Cooper, and that before dying in 2004 aged 77, Cooper gave Miklos the Caribbean map containing detailed charts and exact coordinates. Using the map to discover shipwreck treasures, Miklos and the TV production company AMPLE Entertainment created a tv show called “Cooper’s Treasure” which has run for two seasons on the Discovery Channel.
• In the first season of “Cooper’s Treasure”, Miklos and his team used Cooper’s map to recover a centuries-old anchor believed to be from one of Christopher Columbus’ ships. Cooper’s maps have led Miklos to dozens of significant ship wrecks across the Caribbean worth millions of dollars.
• During his post-NASA career, Cooper became well known as an outspoken believer in UFOs and claimed the government was covering up its knowledge of extra-terrestrial activity. “Gordon believed in aliens,” says Miklos. “He believed that we had visitors from other planets and he also believed that a lot of these things landed in this particular part of the world (ie: the Caribbean).”
• In the early days, Cooper wasn’t going to overstep the bounds of what he could reveal out of fear of getting killed (by the government). So he kept quiet until later in his life. In 1985, however, Cooper told a United Nations panel, “I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth.” “I feel that we need to have a top-level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the Earth concerning any type of (ET) encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion.” Cooper added, “For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us.”
• Using Cooper’s maps from the 1960s, Miklos identified more than 100 magnetic ‘anomalies’ in the Caribbean which Cooper had labeled as shipwrecks. But one area near the Bahamas was tellingly labeled ‘unidentified object’. “I realized that there was something else on there that Gordon was referring to,” Miklos said. “Then it made sense to me why it wasn’t identified as a shipwreck… he had to mean it might be something from another world.”
• Miklos said Cooper often told him stories of UFO sightings and believed a lot of the world’s technological advances had been passed on to governments by messengers from alien planets. “[G]iven what Gordon has told me about visitors from another planet and the things that I’ve seen, I think it’s definitely worthwhile investigating,’ says Miklos.
• While filming episode seven of “Cooper’s Treasure” at the Bahamas location, Miklos was looking for a Francis Drake era shipwreck based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon’s charts. Sitting in a two-man submersible, Miklos suddenly noticed a huge unidentified submerged object with fifteen 300ft-long ‘obtrusions’ jutting from its side all around. “It’s almost like there are… arms coming out of a steep wall cliff, and each one of these is the size of a gun on a battleship.” It was like nothing he’d ever seen, and it was too big to be a shipwreck. The deepest part of the site is 300 feet below the surface. Divers had to use special breathing apparatus and a state of the art submarine to access it. Miklos found other unexplained formations around the main object, all of which were covered in thick coral which he believes are hundreds if not thousands of years old.
• Now, Miklos is hoping that the Discovery Channel will order a third season of “Cooper’s Treasure” so he and his team can bring the ‘alien spaceship’ to the surface.
A treasure hunter has made an astonishing ‘unexplained’ discovery deep beneath the Bermuda Triangle that he believes could provide the first evidence of an extra-terrestrial visit to earth hundreds of years ago.
Explorer Darrell Miklos has been using secret maps created by his close friend and famed NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper to find shipwrecks in the Caribbean.
His amazing discoveries have featured over two seasons of hit Discovery Channel docu-series Cooper’s Treasure.
But in recent months his team stumbled on something that he believes will shock the world.
Using maps put together in the 1960s by Cooper to identify more than 100 magnetic ‘anomalies’ in the Caribbean, Miklos dived at an undisclosed location near the Bahamas to investigate what he thought could be an ancient shipwreck.
But instead the veteran treasure hunter found a bizarre structure like nothing he’s ever seen.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper
The huge unidentified submerged object (USO) has 15, 300ft long obtrusions jutting from its side.
In an exclusive interview with Miklos, 55, described what he found while filming episode seven of Cooper’s Treasure and tells how he and his team want to bring the ‘alien spaceship’ to the surface.
He recalls: ‘We were doing a scene where I was sitting in a two man submersible.
‘We were out in the Bahamas and we were on an English shipwreck trail, somehow related to Sir Francis Drake.
‘I was trying to identify shipwreck material based on one of the anomaly readings on Gordon’s charts when I noticed something that stuck out, that shocked me.
‘It was a formation unlike anything I’ve ever seen related to shipwreck material, it was too big for that.
‘It was also something that was completely different from anything that I’ve seen that was made by nature.
‘It’s almost like there are five arms coming out of a steep wall cliff and each one of these is the size of a gun on a battleship. They’re enormous and then there’s five over here and five over there, 15 in total.
‘There’s identical formations in three different areas and they don’t look nature made, they don’t look man made, certainly nothing I’ve ever seen based on my experience and I have years of experience at doing this, we’ve identified multiple different types of shipwreck material, this doesn’t match or look anything like that.’
The deepest part of the site is 300 feet below the surface, divers had to use special breathing apparatus and a state of the art submarine to access it.
The explorer also found other bizarre and unexplained formations around the main object, all of which are covered in thick coral which he believes are hundreds if not thousands of years old.
Blown away by the discovery, when back on board his ship, Miklos decided to dig further into Cooper’s files to find further clues.
Significantly, the astronaut had written ‘unidentified object’ on the chart of the area rather than mentioning any historical shipwreck.
‘I investigated some of Gordon’s charts, I realized that there was something else on there that Gordon was referring to,’ he said.
‘Then it made sense to me why it wasn’t identified as a shipwreck… he had to mean it might be something from another world.
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• Countries such as Great Britain and Russia have released their once classified UFO files for public consumption, leaving no doubt about the true existence of UFOs. After 500 days in office, has President Trump been briefed about UFOs? Or is the ultra ‘top secret’ truth about UFO’s above even the President’s security clearance?
• In 1969, before becoming Governor of Georgia and President of the United States, Jimmy Carter was speaking at a Lions Club meeting in Leary, Georgia when he and 20 other people saw a multi-colored UFO moving across the sky. Carter said, “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.” In 1977, President Carter asked then CIA Director George H.W. Bush to disclose what information the CIA had on UFOs. Bush told Carter, “You have no need to know,” and that was the end of it. Thereafter, Carter inexplicably distanced himself from UFO disclosure, citing “defense implications”. Years later, after George H.W. Bush himself had served as President, he was asked about the existence of UFOs. Bush replied, “You don’t know the half of it.”
• On September 4, 1971, the Costa Rican National Geographic Institute was taking aerial photos from 10,000 feet above Lake Cote when they captured what some experts say is the best UFO photograph in the world (see below). In 2016, a tourist in Costa Rica captured amazingly clear photos of a UFO hovering above Irazu Volcano National Park in Cartago. (see below)
• Commercial airline and military pilots from around the world have described seeing and photographing UFOs. But most keep their sightings a secret for fear of being ridiculed. The astronaut Gordon Cooper gave an interview before he died in which he described witnessing and filming a UFO landing in Germany and taking off. Cooper said that before he could view the film it was seized by government officials and sent to Washington. Cooper never again heard anything about the film footage he captured.
Is there a level of ultra ‘top secret’ security above the President of the United States when it comes to UFOs? Certainly President Donald Trump, after 500 days in office, has been briefed about UFOs from NASA, the CIA and perhaps others, but then again maybe not. This question is intriguing and not stretching reality. Are there secrets ‘from out there’ that demand such secrecy? Maybe so! But why?
With all the Star Wars movies going back decades and dozens of science fiction films featuring extraterrestrial visitors from ‘outer space’ within or beyond our on Milky Way galaxy –what is there now to hide from the public? If the government did reveal that UFOs were real … so what? Regardless if we know they are here there are no answers as why UFOs are here, but they are here. For believers and seers of UFOs there is no doubt of their existence. Other countries such as Great Britain and Russia have released their once ‘top secret’ UFO files for public consumption that leave no doubt about the true existence of UFOs.
Feb 2016 UFO over Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica
What will it take for President Trump to unexpectedly land Air Force One at the infamous and secretive ‘Area 51’ in the Nevada desert and demand a full-facility inspection from top-to-bottom and wall-to-wall? There are those that believe ‘Area 51’ contains actual captured or crashed UFOs.
One revealing statement from the lips of former President George H.W. Bush, a former CIA director, when asked about the existence of UFOs he said, “You don’t know the half of it.”
In 2016, a tourist in Costa Rica captured amazingly clear photos of a UFO hovering above Irazu Volcano National Park in Cartago. The pictures were sent to the Mutual UFO Network for analysis, as reported in the Costa Rica Star News.
Maybe the most famous UFO sighting in Costa Rica took place on September 4, 1971, the Costa Rican National Geographic Institute was taking aerial photos from 10,000 feet of Lake Cote, the small body of water that would later become the larger Lake Arenal, as part of preliminary studies for the future hydroelectric project. Some experts say that this is the best UFO Photograph in the world.
Sept 4, 1971 UFO over Lake Cote, Costa Rica
It’s well known that former President Jimmy Carter (1977-81) witnessed unexplained aerial phenomena in Leary, Ga., in 1969 two years before becoming governor of Georgia. He was speaking to a Lions Club group at about 7:15 pm when someone — that noticed the strange light in the sky about 30-degrees above the horizon — spoke up and pointed it out to the 20 or so people that saw the UFO.
“All of a sudden, one of the men looked up and said, ‘Look, over in the west!’ And there was a bright light in the sky. We all saw it. And then the light, it got closer and closer to us. And then it stopped, I don’t know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees. And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to white. And we were trying to figure out what in the world it could be, and then it receded into the distance,” Carter said in an interview about the sighting. “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.”
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• In 1963, NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper claimed to have seen an unknown satellite in space. NASA said Cooper was hallucinating. In 1998, the space shuttle Endeavour took a photo of the mysterious satellite and dubbed it ‘The Black Knight Satellite’. Now, video feed from the International Space Station has captured the satellite to the astonishment of control personnel. (see YouTube channel Section 51 video below) In the video, the Black Knight is seen floating near the Soyuz spacecraft set to dock with the ISS.
• Conspiracy theorists claim the satellite is 13,000 years old, of extraterrestrial origin (from Epsilon Boötis to be exact), and orbiting the Earth in near-polar orbit. NASA says that it is a thermal blanket dropped by space shuttle crew.
• [Editors Note] For me, the most compelling part of the video is a gasp made by a female crew or control personnel when the satellite appears on screen. This is no lost blanket.
The Black Knight Satellite is the name given to an object captured on camera by NASA astronauts during a 1998 space shuttle mission.
Conspiracy theorists claim the satellite is of extraterrestrial origin and possibly up to 13,000 years old and orbiting Earth in near-polar orbit.
The legend has been circulating since the Sixties and now footage uploaded to YouTube channel Section 51 claims to be evidence of the alleged craft.
A caption beneath the video reads: “Leaked pictures from ISS show the 13,000 year old Black Knight Satellite UFO very close to Soyuz Spacecraft during approach to the Station.”
In the video, a mysterious and long looking black object can be seen floating near the Soyuz spacecraft, which is set to dock with the ISS.
As astronauts are heard mumbling in the background, the black knight seems to stay in the distance as if it were keeping an eye on what is happening.
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