My long time contact JP has sent me a compelling video of an antigravity craft he personally witnessed and recorded on the night of February 6, 2021. The video shows a flying saucer shaped craft flying over North Carolina. JP is currently serving with a branch of the US military, and wishes to maintain his anonymity for personal and professional reasons.
I have known JP since 2008 when he first contacted me about an extraterrestrial encounter he had in Brazil. He has over the subsequent years supplied me many photographs and videos of different shaped antigravity craft and encounters with their occupants. These include both extraterrestrial entities and military personnel, including Air Force Special Operations.
I have written multiple articles about his previous encounters along with supporting photos and videos here.
The flying saucer craft he videotaped on Feb 6 is very similar to one that he witnessed on May 24, 2018, which landed near his home in Orlando, Florida. The Nordic looking extraterrestrial occupant offered JP a ride which he declined. He wore an Air Force uniform and said his group was working with the USAF. JP took a photo of the departing flying saucer which I wrote about here.
JP believes that the same Nordic group wanted to let him know that they are ready to make contact again, and are aware of his current position with the US military. His Feb 6 video can be viewed on Rumble or in the following YouTube video.
All photos and videos sent to me by JP are originals and have not be altered in any way. Enhancements are provided in addition to the original to provide clarity on what is being witnessed. The photos and videos are empirical evidence of other worldly contact and of secret space programs operating on Earth using antigravity technologies.
Article by Jesse Marcel III, Denice Marcel and John Marcel December 7, 2020 (
• In 1947, our grandfather, Major Jesse Marcel (pictured above), was an intelligence officer stationed at the 509th US Army Bomb Group in Roswell, New Mexico, at the time the only atomic bomb unit in the world. In July of that year, a mysterious crash occurred in the desert outside Roswell that would change our father’s (Major Marcel’s son, Jesse Marcel Jr.) life, and our family’s lives, forever.
• The officer in charge of the 509th, Colonel William H. Blanchard, chose Major Jesse Marcel to investigate the crash site near Roswell and to report back. What Major Marcel found was remarkable, and he believed that the craft that had crashed was not made by human hands. We, Major Marcel’s grandchildren, were told growing up that he had broken protocol and a few orders by packing up some of the debris to share with his son and wife, our father and grandmother. As he shared these illicit pieces of crash material with his family members, our dad recalls grandpa saying that they were looking at “pieces of a flying saucer.”
• Dad would talk about seeing, as a 10 year old kid, foil sheets that were incredibly strong yet light as a feather, and other details of that night. He described small structural beams from the craft with hieroglyphic-looking writing that would appear when you looked at them at an angle. Roswell researchers Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmidt spoke to eyewitnesses who also saw foil-like material that would return to its original shape no matter how much you twisted or tried to wrinkle it.
• On summer trips to visit our grandfather in Louisiana, grandpa would add to the story. He told us that he had also seen glass-like fiber optic materials strewn throughout the debris, and even what appeared to be an animal hit by the craft when it crashed. He described how it took five or six large cargo trucks to transport all the debris back to the base. But grandpa was still very guarded when it came to telling us too much. We could see that he was conflicted between the need to expose the entire story and the need to honor his military oath.
• As a (US Navy) military family in the early 1970s, we moved to wherever our father, Jesse Marcel Jr., was stationed – from the Great Lakes of Michigan to the rural town of Clancy, Montana. Our father educated us in everything from physics to astronomy. When not in school, we would stand side-by-side with dad working on one of his many projects. One such project was to grind thick plates of glass into a parabola shaped mirrors for a telescope he was building in the backyard. We would spend awe-filled nights looking at the sky, the rings around Saturn or the moons of Jupiter, through that telescope. When we were peering through his telescope, dad would say that we humans are not alone in the universe and there was a chance that extraterrestrial beings could be looking right back at us.
• While our father, Jesse Marcel Jr., had been silent for decades (before his passing in 2013), people never stopped asking where the debris ended up, or whether our grandfather had kept a memento. We, his children, found a diary amongst his things which had not been shared with the public. The contents of the diary were finally shared in a History Channel three-part series: “Roswell: The First Witness”, which premiered on December 12th.
• Our family is not surprised about the continued interest in Roswell given the inconsistencies in the early explanations shared by the government, along with a number of witness testimonies. Although the US Air Force stated in the 1990s that there was no “cover-up”, but that the object that crashed was a top secret balloon that was part of Project Mogul, designed to monitor Soviet nuclear testing. Still, there are many who believe it is still an unsolved “UFO” mystery.
• Grandpa considered himself lucky to have been the right person at the right place at the right time, even though it came at the cost of exposing our family to the world. With the actions that Major Jesse Marcel took both at the time of the incident and leading up to his death, we believe he showed that he well understood the extraordinary uniqueness of the event. Today, it is widely accepted that we are not alone in the universe, whatever that truly means. Incidents like the 1947 Roswell incident have inspired scientists, astronauts, and even a few grandchildren to look into the sky with hopes of someday meeting our celestial family. Grandpa would be pleased.
Maj Jesse Marcel’s grandkids: Jesse Marcel III, Denice Marcel and John Marcel
Our grandfather, Major Jesse Marcel, was a decorated intelligence officer in 1947 stationed at the 509th Bomb group, at the time the only atomic bomb unit in the entire world. He played an integral role in planning the group’s nuclear strike sorties over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and had an illustrious career guarding some of the most important secrets of the Second World War.
Maj. Jesse Marcel and others looking over dubious crash material
In early July of that year, a mysterious crash occurred in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico and he was chosen to investigate the crash site and report back to his superior, Colonel William H. Blanchard. What he found was remarkable, and he believed that what he was examining was not made by human hands. We were told growing up that he broke protocol and a few orders by packing up some of the debris to share with his son and wife, our father and grandmother, before returning to the army base. This was an event that would change our father’s life, and our own, forever. As they were examining the material, our dad clearly recalls grandpa saying that they were looking at “pieces of a flying saucer.”
Maj. Jesse Marcel’s son, Jesse Marcel III
Dad would share with us many more details of that night, often at dinner time with Star Trek playing in the background for effect. He would talk about seeing foil sheets that were incredibly strong yet light as a feather. He would further describe beams with hieroglyphic looking writing that he claimed would appear if you looked at them at an angle.
In their book Witness To Roswell, Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmidt spoke to eyewitnesses who said
The US military ‘accidentally’ reporting the truth about UFOs in 1947
that they saw “metal” material, like that described by our father, that returned to its original shape no matter how much you twisted or tried to put a wrinkle in it.
On summer trips to visit our grandfather in Louisiana, he would add to the story. He told us that he had seen glass-like fiber optic materials strewn throughout the debris in the field and even what appeared to be an animal hit by the craft that had crashed. He would describe how it took five to six large 2.5 ton 6×6 cargo trucks to transport all the debris back to the base.
As we grew older, Grandpa would share more of the story with us but was still very guarded when it came to telling us too much, maybe out of concern that information that haunted him would come back to haunt us. We could see on his face that he was conflicted between the need to expose the entire story as he saw it and the need to honor the oath he had taken to his country. We would try to get him to tell us more, but with a career in intelligence, he knew how to record and keep a secret.
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Article by Dave Basner October 13, 2020 (
• The melting polar ice cap on Antarctica might have just uncovered proof of extraterrestrial life. The receding ice has revealed a flying saucer on Google Earth. (see 9:19 minute video below)
• YouTuber MrMBB333 was sent the coordinates of the craft by a follower and created a video showing the strange, seemingly perfect circular shape, partially obscured by a rocky overhang. He says, “This appears to be a 60-foot-wide disc sticking out of the ground apparently being recently revealed by the melting snow and ice. There is the object, it looks like it was intelligently designed.”
• To support his theory, he alters the colors of the image and proposes that there is an “elevated circle” on the top of the structure. YouTube commenters say, “It doesn’t look stuck in the ground, it looks like it’s hovering,” while another added, “The black area under it looks like a shadow and if you look to your left, you will see a light source which looks like it’s coming from inside the cave or tunnel.”
• One ‘never UFOer’ skeptic insists, “It is just a small pool of water. If you look around at the other features locally you will notice that the other bodies of water also have a similar hue.” You be the judge.
The melting polar ice caps are causing many problems, from rising sea levels to extreme weather events to the extinction of certain species and the loss of fresh water for the world. However, they also might have just uncovered proof of extraterrestrial life. That’s according to one conspiracy theorist who claims the receding ice has revealed a flying saucer on Google Earth.
YouTuber MrMBB333 was sent the coordinates of the craft by a follower and created a video showing the strange, seemingly perfect circular shape, which is partially obscured by rocks. He states, “This appears to be a 60-foot-wide disc sticking out of the ground apparently being recently revealed by the melting snow and ice. There is the object, it looks like it was intelligently designed.”
To support his theory, he alters the colors of the image and proposes that there is an “elevated circle” on the top of the structure.
9:19 minute video showing GE images of saucer craft on Antarctica (MrMBB333′ YouTube)
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• On July 7, 1947, when ranch worker William Brazel, discovered unusual debris 75 miles north of the town of Roswell, New Mexico, he wouldn’t have believed that this would be the first incident in a long sequence of events, spanning over seven decades, to form a rich and mysterious conspiracy theory that continues to fascinate and bewilder UFO theorists today. The ‘Roswell Incident,’ as it has now come to be called, provided to many the proof of extraterrestrial visitation and spawned a cultural movement.
• In 1947, stories of ‘flying discs’ or ‘flying saucers’ had already been circulating in the national press. So when Brazel discovered the debris, did the previous news of flying saucers lead him to believe that this may have been of an extraterrestrial origin? Brazel informed Roswell’s sheriff, who, in turn contacted Colonel William Blanchard, the commanding officer of the Roswell Army Air Field. The following day saw the RAAF issue a shocking press release confirming that a “flying disk” had, indeed, crashed at a ranch near the town of Roswell.
• As scientists arrived to the area, a press conference was hastily put together to explain that debris tinfoil, sticks and rubber strips was no more than that from a fallen weather balloon. The Roswell Daily Record newspaper which initially claimed that the debris came from a UFO, corrected their story to fit the RAAF’s weather balloon narrative.
• The incident faded from the news until 1980 when authors Charles Berlitz and William Moore published a book called The Roswell Incident. This book alleged that the weather balloon story was nothing more than a cover-up. Then in 1994, the US Air Force released a report claiming that the debris actually came from a spy device designed to fly at high-altitudes over the former USSR to detect sound waves, called Project Mogul, with the purpose of monitoring the Soviet Union’s efforts to develop an atomic bomb.
• But the USAF report did not address the eyewitness accounts of bodies seen at the crash site. So a follow up report was drawn up in 1997 to debunk the theory that alien corpses were discovered and transported by the US government to a top secret facility, saying that the figures were merely parachute test-dummies.
• To many, the reaction of the US government remains suspicious. Some have contended that, in attempting to originally claim one version of events, and then immediately backtrack on it, the government’s response had the unintended effect of attracting even greater attention to, not just the incident, but the covert operation as well.
• Roswell has since become the unofficial UFO capital of the world, and houses the International UFO Museum and Research Center. Since 1996, Roswell has also been the home of an annual UFO festival that sees thousands of tourists congregate at the little town to conduct scientific experiments, workshops and seminars, perform plays, experience its planetarium and even dissect fake alien corpses as part of the spectacle.
The little town of Roswell, New Mexico has been made famous for an incident that took place in 1947 that several conspiracy theorists maintain was
Major Jesse A. Marcel with tinfoil, sticks and rubber strip “debris”
proof of extraterrestrial visitation.
When ranch worker William Brazel, discovered what he thought to be unusual debris 75 miles north of the little town of Roswell, New Mexico, on that fateful day of July 7, 1947, he wouldn’t have, in his wildest dreams, believed that his was to be the first incident, in a long sequence of events, spanning over seven decades, forming a rich and mysterious conspiracy theory that continues to fascinate and bewilder UFO theorists even today. The ‘Roswell Incident,’ as it has now come to be called, has spawned a cultural movement, that has defied both, reason and time.
A whole host of conspiracy theories have made their way into the mainstream over the last few decades, and, it appears that we may never actually learn the full truth, amid all the cacophony. Nevertheless, some facts of the tale remain undisputed beginning with Brazel’s discovery.
Stories of ‘flying discs’ or ‘flying saucers’ had already been circulating in the national press that year, and, perhaps, these may have been what led Brazel to believe that the tinfoil, sticks and rubber strips he uncovered, may have had extraterrestrial origins. He soon informed Roswell’s sheriff of his discovery, who, in turn, contacted Colonel William Blanchard, the commanding officer of the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF).
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• On the weekend of September 21st, the Lewis County Historical Museum in Chehalis, Washington (state) hosted the first annual Flying Saucer Party to commemorate Kenneth Arnold’s famed 1947 sighting of flying saucers over nearby Mt Rainier while piloting a plane from Chehalis to Yakima. The incident gave rise to the term “flying saucer” because he described the objects as saucer shaped.
• In the ’60s and ’70s, Chehalis held events called ‘Krazy Days’ where they tossed flying discs off of the town museum’s gazebo. The townspeople renewed the tradition of the ‘saucer drop’ at the Flying Saucer Party. The saucers have prizes attached for the kids.
• The event featured a talk by Arnold’s granddaughter Shanelle Schanz of Boise, who calls Arnold “the godfather of the UFO field”. Schanz says that her grandfather had no interest in UFOs before he spotted them (on June 24, 1947, just before the Roswell crash a month later). Said Schanz, “His first instinct when he spotted the flying objects was that they were some kind of Russian intelligence aircraft.”
• The event featured other speakers as well, and museum exhibits of local UFO sightings and on the impact UFOs have had on popular culture. The Chehalis Theater screened a pair of films: ‘Mystery Science 3000’ and the 1956 alien-attack flick ‘Earth vs. the Flying Saucers.’ A downtown restaurant hosted live music and an alien costume contest.
• Ever since Kennth Arnold’s “flying saucer” report made international headlines in 1947, Chehalis has loved the flying saucer. There have been plenty of other more recent UFO sightings there, too. The museum’s executive director Jason Mattson remarked, “I’ve been hearing stories from people I wouldn’t have expected who’ve seen things that they can’t explain.”
On Saturday, the flying saucers will return to Chehalis.
Kenneth Arnold in 1947
The occasion is the Lewis County Historical Museum’s first Flying Saucer Party. The event commemorates Kenneth Arnold’s famed 1947 sighting of what appeared to be flying saucers.
But the saucers that will take flight Saturday aren’t unidentified flying objects. They’re flying discs that will be tossed from the museum’s gazebo. It’s the return of the saucer drop, a beloved tradition at Chehalis’ Krazy Days during the ’60s and ’70s. The idea now, as then, is that kids can catch the discs, which will have prizes attached.
Though those saucers are the only ones expected to fly on Saturday, there’ll be plenty of other flying-saucer themed goings on, all inspired by the objects Arnold saw above Mount Rainier while piloting a plane from Chehalis to Yakima. The incident gave rise to the term “flying saucer” because he described the objects as saucer shaped.
Shanelle Schanz
Chehalis has loved the flying saucer ever since, and there have been more recent UFO sightings there, too, said Jason Mattson, the museum’s executive director.
In fact, more people have been talking about strange things they’ve seen since the museum announced the saucer soiree.
“I’ve been hearing stories from people I wouldn’t have expected who’ve seen things that they can’t explain,” Mattson told The Olympian.
The event will feature a talk by Arnold’s granddaughter Shanelle Schanz of Boise, who’ll talk about her memories of Arnold — whom she calls the godfather of the UFO field — and show some of his documents.
2:59 minute video: ‘The Return of the ‘Saucer Drop’
in Chehalis, WA (Pacific NorthWEIRD YouTube)
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In the final installment of this four part interview series we discuss photos JP took of spacecraft belonging to human looking “Nordic” extraterrestrials over MacDill AFB, Tampa, and also near his new home in Orlando, Florida. He describes an encounter he had with a Nordic in a USAF uniform who says they are helping the Air Force with advanced technology projects. JP described the Nordic’s uniform and a distinct patch he wore, before taking photos of the departing craft.
• Today, there is a general acceptance of sentient life beyond our planet. There is no denial of that unless you’re naive about the sheer size and space of our never-ending universe. But instead of fearing an invasion of alien species as in the past, now we are actively seeking them out. Thus our media and storytelling has transformed as well when it comes to aliens.
• In the distant past, primitive humans recorded UFO and extraterrestrials sightings with petroglyphs and cave art. The Puritans were among the first Europeans in America to see them. During the 1900’s, aliens were scarier to us because they represented a vastly evolved technological civilization.
• By the 1950’s, post-war hysteria, fear of Russian weaponry and rocket experimentation manifested in a wave of “flying saucer” sightings. People were afraid that their bodies would be used for experiments. People were afraid of modernization and the growing eye of big brother.
• But today, aliens represent our ascent and ownership of advanced technology and cyberspace. Our world has transformed and therefore so has our lore and our urban legends. As our own technology has evolved, it appears that the number of reported sightings and abductions, and the fear of them, have diminished.
• [Editor’s Note] This is the simplistic view of the modern mainstream philosopher. We feared the unknown in the past, and that manifested our collective fear of UFOs and extraterrestrials. But today we are used to advanced ‘space age’ technology and we no longer fear extraterrestrial technology, and therefore the UFO/ET threat is gone. Problem solved. This goes out of its way not to address the very existence of UFOs and our continuing interaction with extraterrestrials, and alludes that UFOs and ET are somehow not real. This discussion is meant to side-step the issue and keep a mind-controlled public in a state of blissful ignorance. It is time that our society woke up and addressed the ET issue head-on, and not through editorials suggesting that our perception of the VERY existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials is merely a societal reaction depending upon our species’ level of technological development.
When was the first time you learned about aliens? I remember being fascinated by the idea of their existence when I was younger.
First I was exposed to E.T. and then I would spend hours googling different stories of UFO sightings and encounters. I would pretend blips in the night sky were alien spacecrafts instead of boring airplanes. They permeated our culture, we have always had a fear and fascination of what lies beyond our small (in the grand scheme of things) place in the universe.
History of Extraterrestrial Sightings
Of course, UFO sightings have been part of our history for thousands of years. The Puritans were some of the first known Americans to see them. But there were signs of primitive humankind having their own theories about extraterrestrials too, with petroglyphs and cave art being found as evidential relics of prior beliefs.
1940 UFO sightings were far different than the UFO sightings and stories we hear about today; they evolve along with humankind. Aliens were scarier to us in the 1900s because they represented a vastly evolved technological civilization. As our technology has evolved, alien sightings have become more scarce.
The Smithsonian featured a fascinating article by writer Greg Eghigian about how UFO reports have evolved with the technology of the times.
“Flying saucers” weren’t actually common until the post-war hysteria, fear of Russian entanglement in American space and rocket experimentation manifested these visuals and terrors of foreign weaponry. Prior to the 1940s, alien sightings were more celestial in nature and less about the technological component.
I believe, today, aliens represent our ownership of technology. It explains why people used to fear abductions and invasions. Many sightings (research specific cases) were people afraid their bodies would be used to conduct experiments. People were afraid of modernization and the growing eye of big brother.
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by Pallab Mukhopadhyay August 5, 2018 (
• The Charama region of the Kanker district in central India is the location of a pre-agrarian human settlement where prehistoric cave paintings have been found. Recently, 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting UFOs and extra-terrestrials have been discovered in caves hidden deep within dense jungle. One of the intricate prehistoric cave paintings depict aliens and UFO type spacecraft next to a ‘wormhole’ formation in the sky (see above).
• The images may be depicting extra-terrestrials and UFOs as the paintings include large, humanoid beings descending from the sky, some wearing what looks like a helmet or antennae, as well as a disc-shaped craft with three rays (or legs) from its base. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. The nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing spacesuits.
• A clear image of what might be an alien or ET in a spacesuit can be seen in a cave painting along with a classic flying saucer shaped UFO that appears to be either beaming something down or beaming something up, in what might be an ancient UFO abduction scenario. A force-field or trail of some sort is seen at the rear of the UFO. Also visible is another object that might depict a wormhole, explaining how the aliens were able to reach Earth.
• According to indigenous locals, their ancestors told of the ‘rohela people’, which translates to “the small sized ones”. The ‘rohela people’ would come from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away villagers who never returned. The findings suggest that prehistoric humans may have seen beings from other planets.
• Indian Vedic texts are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas as a double-decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with “the speed of the wind” and made a “melodious sound”. Two of the objects depicted look like hats floating in mid-air, and one of them appears to have port holes on it.
• Local archaeologist, Wassim Khan, has personally seen the images. He claims that the objects and creatures seen in them are totally anomalous and out of character when compared to other examples of prehistoric cave art depicting ancient life in the area. As such, he believes that they might suggest beings from other planets have been interacting with humans since prehistoric times.
The former central province of India, presently Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, was the place of pre-agrarian human settlement even before the great tectonic plate movement.
That’s the reason why a number of sites of prehistoric cave paintings have been found in the region. Some of them are known to us like Bhimbetka where we mainly find cave paintings made by a hunter-gatherer population.
Recently in the Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh, just 43 miles from the local administrative centre of Raisen, ancient 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting UFOs and extra-terrestrials have been discovered in the caves. The caves are hidden deep within dense jungle in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region. Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.
A group of anthropologists working with hill tribes in a remote area have made a startling discovery of intricate prehistoric cave paintings depicting aliens and UFO type craft next to a look-alike ‘wormhole’ formation in the sky.
A few years back, a three-and-a-half- million-years- old prehistoric human skull was discovered in the Ahthnor village of Madhya Pradesh by geologist Dr. Arun Sonakia. Possibilities that above image was drawn by those ancient humans can’t be ruled out, said Dr. Sonakia.
The state of Chhattisgarh has an abundance of ancient rock paintings. Many sites have paintings of humans and animals in everyday scenes. However, some researchers have referred to some rather unusual paintings, such as those depicting what appear to be kangaroos and giraffes (mainly in Kabra hills of Raigarh area of the state of Chhatishgarh) which are not native to the country, as well as human-fish hybrid creatures. Now, it is claimed that aliens and UFOs can be added to this collection.
The paintings are done in natural colors that have barely faded despite the passing of years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features.
Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing spacesuits. The newly-discovered depictions date back some 10,000 years.
The images may be depicting extra-terrestrials and UFOs as the paintings include large, humanoid beings descending from the sky, some wearing what looks like a helmet or antennae, as well as a disc-shaped craft with three rays (or legs) from its base. There are several beliefs among locals from the area.
While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about ‘rohela people’, which translates to “the small sized ones”. According to legend, the ‘rohela people’ used to land from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons of village who never returned.
According to one archaeologist, the art reflects the belief among ancient humans that we are not alone in the universe. The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still arouse curiosity among people and researchers.
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by Henry Holloway August 6, 2018 (
• Declassified CIA files of compiled interviews with a German engineer named George Klein from between March 11 and May 20, 1952 reveal claims that the Nazis had a flying saucer that was capable of reaching heights of 12,400 metres in three minutes – with speeds of up to 2,500 mph. Nazi flying saucers appear twice in the CIA’s trove of documents as part of their investigations into UFOs. The Klein testimony was published in newspapers in Greece, Iran and the Congo.
• “Klein said he was an engineer in the Ministry of Speer (i.e.: Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production for Nazi Germany) and was present in Prague on February 14, 1945, at the first experimental flight of a flying saucer.” Klein claims the Third Reich actually successfully carried out a test of their “flying saucer” in Prague of Valentine’s Day, 1945, only months before the Czech capital was liberated by the Soviet Union’s advancing Red Army.
• Exceeding 2,500 mph (Mach 3) would make the Nazi saucer almost twice as fast as the state-of-the-art F-35 warplane being rolled out in the US and UK during World War II. Klein claimed the saucer could take-off vertically like a helicopter, and had been in development since 1941.
• The CIA document alleges the saucers were constructed at the same slave-labor driven factories which made the dreaded V2 rockets. Nazi engineers were reportedly evacuated from Prague as the Red Army bared down upon them. Klein claims one team was failed to be notified of the order to escape – and they were captured by the Soviets.
• The CIA file reads: “Klein stated recently that though many people believe ‘flying saucers to be a postwar development, they were actually in the planning stage in German aircraft factories as early as 1941.” “Klein was of the opinion that the ‘saucers’ are at present being constructed in accordance with German technical principles and expressed the belief that they will constitute serious competition to jet-propelled airplanes.” Klein claimed the saucers were being built by the Russians, but no-known Soviet saucers ever materialized.
• Claims about the Nazis advanced technology is often tied to alleged links between Hitler and the occult. Conspiracy theorists claim that remnants of the Third Reich fled to South America under the guidance of SS commander Hans Kammler. The Nazis are claimed to continued testing their experimental weapons from secret bases in the Antarctic. UFO sightings from the era are alleged to be secret tests of experimental technology by the Nazis – and the US and Soviets. Theories persist to this day about advanced Reich technology – and still cause controversy.
• [Editor’s Note] It makes sense that late in the war, Klein would have witnessed test flights of Nazi ‘flying saucer’ prototypes in Prague, because the last manufacturing plants were located within the mountains of Czechoslovakia before they were relocated to the Antarctic. This corroborates the revelations made by William Tompkins that U.S. Navy spies reported to Admiral Botta on the manufacturing of spacecraft by the Nazis in his seminal book Selected by Extraterrestrials: My Life in the Top Secret World of UFOs, Think-Tanks and Nordic Secretaries. For an extensive and cutting-edge examination of the Nazi’s development of spacecraft that could travel to the Moon and beyond before the end of WWII, see Dr. Michael Salla’s book series Insiders reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015); The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (2017); and Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs (2018)
Unsealed documents from the US spy agency reveal intelligence officials probed claims about Adolf Hitler’s advanced technology.
Nazi flying saucers appear twice in the CIA’s trove of documents as part of their investigations into UFOs.
CIA spooks mark the information as “unevaluated” – but the claims made in the files are extraordinary.
Modern myths have long been associated with Hitler’s secret technology – with outrageous claims going as far to allege the Nazis landed on the Moon.
Files reveal claims the Nazis had a flying saucer that was capable of reaching heights of 12,400 metres in three minutes – with speeds of up to 2,500mph.
CIA files compiled interviews with a German engineer named Georg – or George – Klein from between March 11 and May 20, 1952.
Declassified files recount his testimony, which was published in newspapers in Greece, Iran and the Congo.
Klein claims the Third Reich actually successfully carried out a test of their “flying saucer” in Prague of Valentine’s Day, 1945.
The Czech capital was liberated just months later by the Soviet Union’s advancing Red Army.
CIA files reveal Klein claimed the aircraft “reached an altitude of 12,400 metres within 3 minutes and a speed of 1,370mph”.
He claimed the saucer could theoretically reach speeds of 2,500mph – which is more than three times the speed of sound.
Exceeding Mach 3 would make the Nazi saucer almost twice as fast as the state-of-the-art F-35 warplane being rolled out in the US and UK.
Klein claimed the saucer could take-off vertically like a helicopter, and had been in development since 1941.
The CIA document alleges the saucers were constructed at the same slave-labour driven factories which made the dreaded V2 rockets.
Nazi engineers were reportedly evacuated from Prague as the Red Army bared down upon them.
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Exopolitical activist Mr.Stephen Bassett has come up with a worthy revision of key terms and concepts inherited from “Ufology,” the media and allegedly from some government tactics. However, they are inaccurate but are still used in “Exopolitics.” I find the revision of terms and concepts necessary. Remaining focused upon a limiting and inaccurate set of terms we probably contribute to keeping these fields limited to non-serious, popular accounts. We reassert a poor treatment of a most crucial event in human history: Recognizing the extraterrestrial presence and its implications. Thus, to enhance acceptance and respectability we need to think more clearly and to use more exact terms. Here are some points shared by Mr. Bassett at a conference called “Experiencers Speak.”
“Disclosure” = Formal acknowledgement by governments of an intelligent extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Some candidate governments for this would be France, Russia, China and the U.S. It should be distinguished from small “d” disclosure or the gradual release of information (often with a “spin”) gradually suggesting that an intelligent extraterrestrial presence is a valid proposition.
“Cover-up” = While it represents hiding the truth of an ET presence it also connoted an illegal action. However, according to Bassett it was a legal action. Therefore, “Truth Embargo” would be more accurate and is the term created and preferred by Bassett. I think that the legality and constitutionality of the secrecy can be debated either way even if it was initiated by an Executive Command from the President: How far can something so important extend without adequate checks and balances?
What is clear for Mr. Bassett (and I concur) is that unending secrecy and lies over things that matter to us all are a “toxic poison” to the social contract.
According to Mr. Bassett the word “Alien” should go. I agree because it implies disconnection, extreme difference and a distance not conducive to the possibility of improving mutually agreeable relations. On the other hand, he prefers the term “extraterrestrial” which – although lengthy – is more appropriate. However, I think that a new term may have to be invented to take into consideration the possibility that in many cases we may be dealing with beings coming from alternative physical universes including other physical densities connected with ours.
Mr. Bassett proposed that the acronym “UFO” would also have to go as it always refers to an unknown or unidentified object while in some cases we can be sure that some UFOs are vehicles. He prefers (I suppose when applicable to some cases only) “ET vehicle” or “ET craft.” The word “flying saucer” would also have to go and for accuracy’s sake I agree. Definitely these vehicles are not“saucers” and such terms decrease the chances of others taking them seriously. If we drop the limiting tern “UFO” Mr. Bassett also logically suggested we should replace the term “Ufologist” suggesting “Extraterrestrial Phenomenon Researcher.” It makes sense to me.
In the same vein, Mr. Basset suggested that “Believer” should be dropped because it is an epithet and also a classical government prop to make people interested in the reality or possibility of extraterrestrial presence sound too deficient or weak of mind. “Truther” would be alike. Instead of speaking about us as “believers” we should say that we are “convinced by the evidence” as that opens the stage for speaking about evidence thus showing that such conviction can be substantiated by reasonable individuals.
Also Mr. Bassett said that the word “paranormal” should be eliminated because – as Mr. Bassett asserts – there is nothing in this universe which is not NORMAL. “Paranormal” is only that which has not been explained yet by current science (or rather scientists) and this current understanding doesn’t have to be the last word.
This reminds me of a common mistake which many regular individuals and even committed skeptics make. I think that when they can’t understand what may be causing a phenomenon quite habitually they erroneously say that they “can’t find a logical explanation.” They should in fact be saying that they “cannot find a conventionalexplanation” because in some cases the presence of extraterrestrials capable of producing advanced space-time manipulation effects can be a perfectly logical possibility. Saying that we can’t find a “logical” explanation commits us to treating the phenomenon forever outside of the realm of reason and understanding.
Regarding the geometric formations appearing every year on cereal fields Mr. Bassett mentioned that “Crop Circles” was basically harmless even if inappropriate. However he preferred the more precise term “agriglyphs” which I also prefer (along with “agroglyphs”)from a more technical standpoint.
Finally, Mr. Bassett mentioned the words “contactee,”“abductee” and “experiencer.” As a practical person Mr. Bassett preferred the word “contactee” as a unifying term. But since there are different kinds of contact experiences, shouldn’t we distinguish “abduction contactees,” “voluntary contactees” “mental contactees” and so forth or lump these and other variations together under the term “experiencer” as Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack used? I don’t know which term or classification system would be best but I also think we need to distinguish among types of experiences.
In “Experiencers Speak” Mr. Bassett also suggested that the varieties of beings interacting with us (at least those most commonly seen) may be our “near peers.” That is an interesting observation with which I tend to concur. Given the long time other civilizations may have had to evolve in the Universe, the ones interacting with us may not be so advanced. However, he also proposes that the odds of “them” being physically similar to us or to some Earth-based species must be low so that the types of being observed may be enhancements of beings previously taken from Earth. I’m not so clear about this; it could be that certain forms are adaptable and reappear in similar environments.
However, the issue of how far our species already exists in some form or another beyond Earth has to be considered. If we are a combined product of a divine blueprint inhabiting local anthropoid-hominid biological vessels enhanced by various ET groups we may already be a universal species. Aspects of our humanity may exist as other beings in the Cosmos. Also, who qualifies as a “Human” with all the rights to be treated as such? Are there Earth humans and otherworldly humans some of which are closer to the way we are as mammals and some which may not be? According to a theological perspective being created in “God’s image” refers to having a self-conscious intelligence, being able to recognize other beings with those qualities and being capable of making conscious free will choices. In that case whether we have a torso, head, two arms and two legs or eight slippery tentacles and three eyes would not be the essential fact that matters. What do they sense and feel? How refined their feelings and emotions can be and how self-reflective and free they are to make choices above and beyond their evolutionary bio-psychological tendencies may be more important to keep in mind to come up with new definitions.
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