Tag: extra terrestrial life

Overview: What is Exopolitics?

UFOs-over-washington ufos over washington 2

 ufos over washington 3

(Sequence: UFO’s Over Washington DC, 1952. Birds or a more serious reason for the alert that occurred?)



In simple terms, I’ll say that EXOPOLITICS is the field of research and political activism dealing with the cultural and practical implications of an extraterrestrial presence. While serious evidence exists regarding a complex, interacting, intelligent extraterrestrial presence, it is not absolutely necessary to believe in this, but it is minimally necessary to consider the implications of this possibility either in the past, the present or the future. Exopolitics: Definitions by Outstanding Researchers Michael E. Salla PhD: Exopolitics is the formal discipline that studies the implications of extraterrestrial life in relation to public policies. It is the study of the key individuals (actors), institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.


Dr. Salla’s style tends to be more academic but operating under an extensive conceptual range. http://exopolitics.org/about/founder/ Relying on decades of diverse accumulated evidence with assigned degrees of credibility, at the Exopolitics Institute founded by Dr. Salla, the extraterrestrial presence is already considered to be a concrete reality of immense cultural, legal, political, religious and scientific interest for humanity.


Alfred L. Webre JD: Exopolitics is the study of political processes and governance in inter stellar community. Dr. Webre –a Canadian- coined and-or popularized the term “exopolitics.” On my account, Webre’s style is more “interpersonal” as he values more personal evaluations based on interviews. He may be correct regarding some less verifiable aspects but probably also tend to fall into some exaggerations. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/about.html I think that Dr. Webre and Dr. Salla’s definitions complement each other.


Stephen Bassett: Exopolitics is the art or science of government as concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena and extraterrestrial beings.  Mr. Bassett also refers to “exopolitics” as “exopolitical actions, practices, or policies” as “the exopolitical opinions or sympathies of a person” and as “the total complex of relations between the human race and non-human, intelligent beings.” Stephen Bassett (who organized public audiences for the disclosure of the extraterrestrial cover-up at the National Press Club in Washington, DC) focuses more on political activism, especially vying for the great world powers in the know to reveal to their citizens and to the world what is what they really know and secretly research about the extraterrestrial presence. http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/


Ed Komarek: Exopolitics is the study of politics pertaining to extraterrestrial contact. According to Mr. Komarek “Exopolitics is based upon the understanding that earth is being visited by many advanced extraterrestrial races with diverse ethics, motives and agendas. http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/


The Core Exostrategy Group in 2009, which included Manuel Lamiroy, Victor Viggiani, Robert Fleischer and Neil Gould: Exopolitics is the convergence of an interdisciplinary science, a political movement and a new paradigm which relate to the vast range of implications regarding extraterrestrial life.


Paola Harris: Exopolitics also is the study of the contacts and relationships between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations. http://www.paolaharris.com


All the previous mutually enhancing definitions and associated exopolitical research aim at understanding the complexity of extraterrestrial life and at developing adequate, mutually beneficial policies.


The development of well-informed, life-enhancing policies about the extraterrestrial presence so as to peacefully and intelligently integrate humanity in a respectful way within a vast cosmic community of intelligent beings is a crucial goal in Exopolitics.


There also is a short and a longer formal definition of Exopolitics worth mentioning because they were developed within Exopolitics Institute as a group consensus process in 2009. The group participants were Michael Salla Victor Viggiani, Manuel Lamiroy, Pepón Jover, Robert Fleischer, Paola Harris, Neil Gould, Come Carpentier.


The FORMAL DEFINITION: Exopolitics is an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.


The SHORT DEFINITION Exopolitics is the convergence of a new interdisciplinary science, an international political movement and a new paradigm, which all deal with the wide range of implications of extraterrestrial life.


Please go to this link  http://exopoliticsinstitute.org/?page_id=1043 Further Development of the Concept Exopolitics has various aspects. It can be understood as a scientific discipline (as an emerging social science) involving research, education and the creation of policies (focusing upon actors, institutions and processes) in order to treat in a coherent way the implications of extraterrestrial life, including an intelligent extraterrestrial presence.


Another aspect of exopolitics refers to a global, multicultural, multinational and-or grassroots social movement with educational purposes advocating to transform the current (scarce, often dismissive and excluding) management of information on extraterrestrial life. It also advocates the creation of new, democratically and publicly sanctioned national and international policies of research, aperture, contact and education.


Furthermore, exopolitics is in agreement with the necessity of broadening and actualizing our metaphysical and scientific concepts about the nature of reality, basing ourselves on more inclusive and new philosophical, methodological, scientific, ethical and spiritual paradigms which can help us understand in a more complete and profound way the nature of possible interactions with a diverse cosmic community which apparently transcends the classical limits of space-time and an excessively simplistic dichotomous way of thinking.


The shifts and additions in “paradigms,” worldviews and in their implicit metaphysics would relate with increases in the capacity of consciousness to take in more perspectives in first, second and third person subjectivity. Open systems theories, autopoiesis and complexity sciences, “exoconsciousness” (or the role of consciousness in cosmological, organizational, and evolutionary processes), holographic theories (like astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s), information-based physics, alternative non-classical technologies, quantum computing, non-standard, coherent interpretations and applications of quantum and quantum-relativistic phenomena, variations on M-Theory, zero-point energy, possible forms of canceling gravity and inertia as well as studies in relation to a physics connecting consciousness, retrocausality, information, multiple realities, geometry, higher dimensionality and even “subtle energies.”


Deeply related to Exopolitics is the field of Exoconsciousness, a concept developed by Mrs. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright andpertaining to the extraterrestrial origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness. http://rebeccahardcastlewright.com/about/


The very unfoldment of the Cosmos would also be related in a fundamental way to the expressions of consciousness.   Moreover, I think that recognizing the primacy of Consciousness as Non Dual (distinct and prior to subjective consciousness and its simultaneously-arising objective “material” counterparts, processes and mechanisms in multi-tiered levels of “reality”) is crucial not to fall yet into another form of reductionism, however subtle, even if it is based on a post-classical science.  Furthermore, I think that  – in regards to philosophy – it will be important to extend our concepts and practice in a transdisciplinary manner, partially based upon elements of Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” (and in other compatible Meta integrative models) which challenge the primacy of a classic materialist realism and-or reductionist materialism contributing to the creation of less dichotomous, more integral and inclusive “paradigms” and rational metaphysical foundations. 


Considering the recent developments in Meta Philosophies and or Integrative philosophies (like Basarab Nicolescu’s, Edgar Morin’s, Ken Wilber’s and Roy Bhaskar’s) I think that Exopolitics should advance beyond (or rather transcend and include) interdisciplinarity becoming TRANSDISCIPLINARY as common axioms and principles behind the various disciplines that contribute to this discipline are discovered.   In this manner Exopolitics will resonate more in accord with the philosophical shift bound to modify other disciplines related to the possibility of a profound transformation and reestructuring of civilization (disciplines like Astrobiology, an emergent consciousness and information-based, hyperdimensional physics and even perhaps Ecology, Economy and the Complexity Sciences). I think that discovering how to integrate qualitative and quantitave conceptual structures and methods under shared axioms, patterns and principles will assist humanity in establishing a less dichotomous and more intelligently inclusive dialogue with extraterrestrial civilizations.  


Currently, Exopolitics primarily uses the more qualitative methods of the social sciences basically to produce evaluations or assessments (akin to intelligence assessments) about different cultural, political, strategic, legal, interactive and social situations pertaining to an actual or to a possible extraterrestrial presence. It aims at being useful for political decision-making in relation to extraterrestrial life and – as an extension – in relation to space law and the actual use of space. In case of acknowledge the discovery of extraterrestrial life (even if microbial) and in contact with ET intelligences working in conjunction with the United Nations would likely be necessary. Find out about the United Nations’ OOSA at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0cOFMgKUFw


The legal status of extraterrestrial beings and even of their alleged bases on Earth and rights to traverse the skies of current modern nation-states is also considered. Whenever possible serious exopoliticians analyze and compare information with (verified or probable) leaked or declassified official documents. The probable motivations behind individuals, institutions and groups are also analyzed. Likewise, probable historical patterns of interaction in what appears to be an ancient human-extraterrestrial relationship are researched and there’s an attempt to elucidate the diverse probable interests and purposes behind policies of cover-up and-or release of information as much as the diverse probable interests and purposes of a variety of extraterrestrial beings.


Also, there’s an attempt to understand which would be the more adequate “paradigms” and rational metaphysical presuppositions needed to constructively assimilate the reality of an interacting extraterrestrial presence. Moreover, there’s an attempt to predict the consequences of a greater degree of publicly recognized contact events with extraterrestrial beings and to educate and (given that representatives from several extraterrestrial civilizations seem to have been continuously interested in establishing various degrees of direct contact with citizens from different countries) promote greater levels of responsible citizen contacts or a responsible “citizen diplomacy” establishing contact protocols based upon the principle of mutual respect.


Although at Exopolitics Institute there’s a provisional overall extraterrestrial typology developed on the basis of observing consistently reported interactive behavior patterns (Helpers, Observers, Manipulators and Intruders),there is also an attempt to study all aspects of these interactions ever more profoundly and to understand how may the cosmic community be organized; a “community” which would probably be interacting with us under norms and principles based on a more inclusive logic. Mr. Manuel Lamiroy gives a good overview about exopolitics in his web site as follows: http://www.exopaedia.org/Exopolitics  and at http://www.exopoliticssouthafrica.org/exopolitics.htm  He also created a good diagram which at a glance illustrates some of the basic areas of exopolitics. It can be found at http://www.exopoliticssouthafrica.org/exopolitics.htm Lamiroy has been a long-time, integrative researcher who has also published an “Exopaedia” with vast information including some possible extraterrestrial typologies, possible planetary origins and more. The “Exopaedia” can be found at http://www.exopaedia.org/Exopaedia




Extraterrestrial Science through Understanding the “Etherians”?

  Advanced Wave Retarded Wave



What are some of the basics behind the different kinds of ET craft that seem to come in and out of our physical reality frame, to counteract gravity and inertia, to create MACRO QUANTUM effects and so on? All ET may have to behave according to some rules and most seem to be respectful toward us. Perhaps a minimum degree of a more ORGANIC consciousness would be necessary to be allowed to operate on Earth (and inside) whether positively or negatively inclined.  That consciousness would go hand in hand with a science that probably makes use of a realm that transcends and includes what we normally experience as the “Physical Realm.”  


To understand who is positive and primarily in “service to others” or negative or primarily in “service to self” would be innacurate based on the more dichotomous judgment standards we employ along with a common sense and science based on our classical physical experience. We would need to beging to understand retrocausality applicable to the Physical Realm but ultimately stemming (along with regular time-forward causality) from a higher non physical symmetry. However (as a brief comment diverging a little from the main theme of this article) I think that there should be much more recognition of benevolent extraterrestrial groups, similar in typology to Earth humans. By “benevolent” I mean respectful of consious free will choice and not only of subconsious free will. Also respectful of a preparation for contact process.



In spite of the interest in abductions (whether Et or human made) and a sense of reality that only validates an “us vs. them” mentality) these friendlier, conversant, respectful contacts (which have been ridiculed and misunderstood) are also real and would be highly beneficent for humanity helping us to (re) insert ourselves into a vast cosmic community; a vast galactic “family.” Those ETs of similar typology and human demeanor,  character and ‘feel’ may be for us (at this point in our individual-collective awareness) easier to contact as was the case of the 1950’s contacts. However, not all ‘space brothers’ need to be “Nordic” as mindlessly repeated in some places and eventually not all of them need to be human. And -while still benevolent and quite sufficiently human-looking – not all of them need be as easy to relate with psychologically as the kind space ‘friends’ George Adamski met. But that’s another theme. However, don’t miss it:  Carefully check out www.adamskifoundation.com and check out Steckling video interviews like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z39tL4m6Vm4



Now, regarding the “Ethereans” (Etherean ETs) sometimes referred to in (non classical physics “nuts & bolts” limited UFO literature): This should be clarified to get a more scientific idea of it so that people may not think that space brothers (blond human shaped or not) is not a wishful thinking situation: Thinking about “ethereans” for some years I think that various rates of physical density (degrees of limitation into time forward space time experience) exist as the larger Physical Realm (a realm predominantly organized according to specific space time principles, material causality and its logic) interacts (in corresponding various degrees) with the Subtle Realm (also organized under space and time inclusive principles, another form of material causality and logic). In the Subtle Realm interiors (subjectivities) and exteriors (limiting material correlates to experience) would be causally co-equal and posses another form of substance; a space and time transcending and including “mental substance” (some of its sublevels are called the ‘astral subplanes’).



The nexi or intermediate combinations between the space time exteriorly experientially expressed Physical Realm and the null space time exteriorly expressed Subtle Realm is what we may call or experience as the “physical” etheric planes. They are stable intermediate states that retransmit the vivification of experiential menaing from the Subtle Realm into the Physical. They are actual but only perceived as potential from our ordinary causally time-forward, conscious experience. However, these intermediate “etheric” states transduce the retrocausal aspects (transcended and included under a higher metaphysical symmetry in the Subtle Realm). These retrocausal aspects are needed to materialize physical substance under space time parameters. They are expected under some quantum mechanical solutions that incorporate Einstein’s relativity (like the Klein-Gordon solution to Einstein’s original equation which in itself included physical momentum under a square root that gave a positive time-forward causal result and  time-backward causal solution). http://www.sintropia.it/thesis.pdf



The internal, non-local, holographic universe would originate in a Subtle Realm state prior to an experiential subdivision of time-forward and time-backwards complementary causalities. Also, inasmuch as the time-forward and time-backward physically relevant causalities cancel each other, we experience a partial return to the Subtle Realm state from which physical experience and the Physical Realm stem from.   Both degree of duality experience (and experiential decoding/interpretation (or epistemology) and exterior reality (ontology) co-exist inextricably. Only pure, non-dual “Consciousness” includes them both (and is not limited to subjectivity and epistemology).
The ETs are of the Physical Realm which is subdivided into various “densities” and rates of vibration according to how it stably relates with the Subtle Realm. Many ETs (while still physical and within space time exterior material causal predominance, thus still needing physical technology) originate in less “dense” alternative stable physical sub realms, with less inertia, entropy and other space time dependent physical parameters. The subtler (or more connected with the Subtle Realm) a physical reality is, the more negentropy, syntropy or self-organizing (converging) tendencies are experienced in a conscious manner from what could be today understood as “quantum potential retrocausal influences.”
We may perceive almost as spiritual forms and-or as luminous forms (from our ‘denser’ perspective) some of the less physically dense ETs (beyond what’s been termed “4th density” which still experience 3 Space directions of ‘distance’+ 1 Time rate of experience combining time-forward and time-backward to various degrees for the conscious mind). These can more easily be called “ethereans” (especially from our less etherean perspective) as some early contactees and researchers (Mead Lane comes to mind) did. However, we would also be “ethereans” to a lesser degree that normally limits us experientially to a linear (time-forward related) causality, greater exterior inertia (and less of its opposite “initia”) and so forth.  However, as said, even if the more etheran ETs can make more conscious and psychic use of Subtle Realm causality through a more conscious mental aactualization/manipulation of (normally subsconsciously experienced) retrocausal physical aspects, they are not purely Subtle or discarnate beings.

Congressman’s office acknowledges receipt of USAF officers’ affidavits on unauthorized disabling of nuclear missiles

For Immediate Release:

Roswell, New Mexico – June 30, 2012 – [ZNN] Captain Robert Salas USAF (Ret) – currently speaking in Roswell New Mexico – has announced that the office of Congressman Peter King (R), NY has acknowledged receipt of affidavits from retired Air Force officers and other documents pertaining to multiple, unauthorized incursions over US nuclear installations and the disabling of nuclear missiles at these installations by craft of unknown origin.

These evidentiary documents are directly related to national security concerns.

These documents have been submitted to Congressman King for his consideration as the Chairman of the House Committee for Homeland Security.  Copies of these documents and correspondence have been sent to other members of the Committee for Homeland Security.

Contact Information for Congressman King:

Ms. Michele Ingwersen Legislative Assistant – 202.225.7896

e-mail: michele.ingwersen@mail.house.gov

Kevin Fogarty Chief of Staff – 202.225.7896 – e-mail: kevin.fogarty@mail.house.gov

[Members of the press may access affidavits and documents by contacting Captain Robert Salas or Victor Viggiani using the contact details below.]

For further information, contact:

Captain Robert Salas USAF (Ret)

((805) 798 0813



Victor Viggiani  M.Ed.

(905) 278 1238



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Retired US Navy Commander briefs Indian parliamentarians & academics on the implications of ET issue

Dr Scott Jones (Commander, US Navy, Rtd.)

Dr. Scott Jones (Commander, US Navy, Rtd.) visited New Delhi, India from April 19th to April 23rd, 2011 after spending three days in Pune, Maharashtra where he made a presentation to the Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) and met with various representatives of the academic community.

In Delhi, Dr. Jones gave a talk on April 20th at 6.30 pm at the prestigious India International Centre, the premier public cultural and intellectual forum in India’s capital. The talk was moderated by Come Carpentier de Gourdon, Convener of the International Board of World Affairs, the Journal of International Issues, and was well received by the audience, which asked many questions and engaged in a lively discussion with the speaker.

In the morning of the 20th, Dr. Jones met with Dr. Manmohan Sharma, the Secretary General of the Indian Association of Parliamentarians for Population and Development (IAPPD) and its Chairman, Prof. P J Kurien, an eminent physicist and member of the National Parliament (Lok Sabha) who sits on the Parliamentary Defense Commission. Dr. Kurien who held several portfolios as a Cabinet Minister in the Government and who was chairman of the Indian Institutes of Technology Central Board is a close friend of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and the Defense Minister, Mr. Antony. Dr. Kurien was accompanied by another Member of Parliament, Mr. Khanna and by a University Professor who is one of his advisers.

During more than one hour, Dr. Jones briefed the Indian visitors on the ET/UFO related issue and its global, strategic, cultural and spiritual implications. Dr. Kurien said that he was broadly aware of the matter and showed strong interest as well as an intention to bring it up with the relevant members of the Government. He paid special attention to the draft “Space Peace Treaty” that was presented to him by Dr. Scott Jones and he highlighted the passage referring to the incidents of “ICBM shutdowns” caused by UFOs in the US on various occasions.

On the following day, April 21st, Dr. Jones sent by courier three briefing documents, including the text of the aforesaid Treaty to the respective Ambassadors to India of the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The courier package sent to each included a seal-shaped symbol of P.E.A.C.E, the not-for-profit organization founded and run by Dr. Scott Jones and Mr. Neil Freer. That symbol featured one of the oldest icons of Indian civilization, an exquisite engraving of the great Indian humped bull or Zebu (bos Indicus), from the 7000 year old Indus-Saraswati civilization, that is also the animal totem of the great God Shiva, the lord of Nature, yoga, generation and destruction.

A similar briefing package has been delivered, to the care of Dr. Manmohan Sharma for the Indian Minister of External Affairs, Dr. Krishna.

Dr. Scott Jones left New Delhi to return to the United States on April 23rd, 2011.


Report on “Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011” lecture

By Neil Gould 

On the 2nd January 2011, Hong Kong’s HITEC Center played host to ET Abductee, Jim Sparks, who presented his testimony as to the reality of the ET presence to an audience of over 500 people. Galactic Diplomacy between human and extra terrestrials, threw the mainstream press into total confusion whilst mesmerizing the audience. The Exopolitical train had moved into Hong Kong surging ahead with an extensive program of future exopolitical events.

Jim Sparks told the audience about his 23 years of abduction, carefully following the script of his book “The Keepers”. Exopolitics Hong Kong and Meoow guide [an internet radio portal, active in intuitive consciousness and regression hypnotherapy], the executive organizers of the event, had Jim’s book translated into Chinese by an aspiring 20 year old student and translator, MC Choy.

          “The Keepers“  in Chinese

By the end of the presentation Sparks had almost sold out of his of books. Executive creative director Stan Ho, an experiencer and avid supporter of exopolitics designed the book cover capturing the intense expressions of Jim Sparks and an Alien, facing each other amidst a background of royal blue. The HITEC Centre venue has an extremely up market auditorium which the organizers felt would help lift the perceptions of this taboo subject by shifting from the pokey venues of Tsim Sha Tsoi into more prestigious accommodation thus reinforcing the momentum that Exopolitics needs to gain public recognition.


 HITEC Auditorium

MC Choy translated into Cantonese after each sentence spoken by Sparks which took up a lot of time leaving some of the audience disgruntled at not being time enough for any new information by Sparks.  To the beginners, everything was new but to a few of the Hong Kong UFO veterans, they wanted more, having exhausted themselves watching old You tube interviews of Sparks.

The following day we received many messages of thanks and congratulations from the audience; but the South China Morning Post printed a rather negative article. I called their reporter who told me that he had submitted a well balanced article; but the editing room had completely changed its content and that he was afraid to confront them. The reporter assured me he would put it right in a follow up article. It seems someone in Hong Kong ensures certain UFO related articles are scuttled, just as they ensured the Hong Kong University Exopolitics lectures were cancelled in 2008.

As an organizer of the event I was privileged to have spent three solid days and nights with Jim sparks; watching, listening and studying his every word and his every move. The most obvious problems were as a result of his PTSD [as indicated by John Mack MD]. Jim is extremely withdrawn and takes his time before answering questions. I found him to be a delightful and polite person and extremely honest throughout all my dealings with him, since 6 months prior to the event. A point of interest, my daughter stood at the other end of a crowded room and called Jim in her mind to turn around and look at her, whilst he was facing the other way. He immediately turned around and looked her in the eye. The same happened with another person but Jim denies any telepathic abilities on that level but prefers to stick with “I have slightly enhanced abilities”. It is quite clear that Jim is still firmly in the hands of his ET abductors and although he has not had an abduction for 2 years; the ETs are running him. 

I filmed an interview with Jim Sparks [as below]; thereafter Jake Gould [Film Director] dealt a more probing interview with Jim. Jim signaled that my interview was OK for public release whilst Jakes interview would have to remain hidden pending Jim’s approval. It contained information that would show another 2 or 3 degrees of perspective on how the ETs are helping humanity, outside of the current abduction paradigm. I cannot stop myself from at least telling you that it was extremely chilling!

 Part 1 – Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011

Part 2 – Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011

Part 3 – Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011

Jim revealed that he had a few missions, one of which he seemed quite concerned had not come to fruition as yet. He showed a certain amount of anxiety over this with regard to his arrangements with the ETs. His second mission involved collecting a world database of awakened people who could declare the full extent of their resources, to be used to activate”Awakened Humanity”; the effects of which would be complimentary to the healing of the planet and perhaps the quickening of an amnesty for those working in the Black Operations Projects.

The Jim Sparks in Hong Kong 2011 experience has ongoing programs involving Meoow Guide, which include discussion on the Sparks case, videos and a series of Q& A.

Paul Davies: Exopolitical Prescription – Part 2

By Neil Gould.

Part 1  of this article presented Dr Paul Davies, Astrobiologist as a man whose vision is embedded within the current imposed and skewered worldview. On Coast to Coast radio, Davies debunked and ignored the exopolitical evidence that Ets engage our planet. In this article the exopolitical prescriptions are presented so that Dr Davies has an early opportunity to dig himself out of his politically polluted worldview.

“Is Davies a typical example of the gatekeepers that Hawking sought the human race to circumvent? I say yes and suggest that Dr Davies embraces the processes available within the multidisciplinary field of Exopolitics.  

“Through collaborations and meetings with clinicians, “experiencers”,

psychologists, Epidemiologists, historians, pgysicians, philosophers,

anthropologists, physicists, Theologians and political scientists,

Dr. Mack has encouraged members of different disciplines to bring their talents to this exploration”.  

Below I present to Dr Davies an “Exopolitical apical bud of knowledge”, beginners tools that he could use to begin his reeducation as to the existence of UFOs and their engagement with planet Earth; perhaps a process adopted by ET anthropologists and geneticists who are following a principle of non [mass] intervention with a fledgling species who appear to be aiming ballistic missiles at themselves whilst their mainstream scientific community peer through a single telescope lens with both eyes.

Disclosure Project

At an event  organized by Dr Stephen Greer at the National Press Club in 2001, over 400 military and corporate witnesses with security clearances testified as to the reality of military involvement with Ets, back engineering of ET craft, alternative energy and advanced technology some of which could advance astronomy and astrobiology.

ET Beacons

a) Dr Paul LaViolette  argues compellingly that the interesting and quite intricate behaviors of pulsars fit much more easily with a model of an ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) beacon carrying information. The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnants.

“The neutron star lighthouse model predicted that pulsars would be formed in supernova explosions and in fact several of them have been found near supernova remnants 

If that were truly how they were formed, one would expect to find pulsars concentrated toward the center of the galaxy where most supernovas occur. However, LaViolette has noticed that the distribution of observed pulsars in the galactic plane differs markedly from that.”

“The position of these anomalies at a one-radian angular distance from the galactic center (g.c.) is especially odd because:

1.       the radian is arguably a natural angular unit that would be recognized by many societies

2.       this particular angular position would exist only from a point of view located exactly where we are – giving the impression of a deliberate signal or sign to our society or any society at our location”

“This strongly implies that the pulsars appear where they are by design, and furthermore that the design is intended to get the attention of a society that lives exactly where we are.”

b) A  ‘monolith’, was snapped from 165miles away using a special high resolution camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Fuel was added to the flames after Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, alluded to a similar monolith detected on Mars’ moon Phobos. In the video below Aldrin commented:

‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.’

Little green men

Whistleblowers testimony to western legal standards, by people who stand to face ridicule or even worse, lose their pensions cannot be ignored. Sgt. Clifford Stone gives testimony  to his involvement in black operations where he retrieved UFO craft and their occupants that had been either shot down by exotic weapons or had simply crashed. The testimony of Charles Hall  a meteorologist who worked at Nellis Airforce base. Hall interacted with ET beings “Tall Whites”, guests of agencies within the U.S. Military.

Charles Halls Testimony “Fastwalkers”


Alan Hynek

In an interview  with research journalist and author Paola Leopizzi Harris she told ZlandCommunications:

“My recollection is that Hynek said it was backstage of one of the many Johnny Carson Tonight shows [Carl] Sagan did. He basically said [to Hynek] in 1984, ‘I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public.[…] “I had started out as an outright ‘debunker,’ taking great joy in cracking what seemed at first to be puzzling cases. I was the arch-enemy of those ‘flying saucer groups and enthusiasts’ who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary.” Hynek, J. Allen. ‘The Hynek UFO Report’. Dell Publishing Co. 1977”

Sleep paralysis and Abduction

In a paper by Caroline McLeod, Barbara Corbisier, and John E. Mack, A More Parsimonious Explanation for UFO Abduction, the writers make it clear that abductees are not victims of sleep paralysis.

“Furthermore, sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations of such long duration tend to be symptoms of narcolepsy -a neurological disorder characterized by an overwhelming desire to sleep at any time. Individuals with narcolepsy also suffer from cataplexy -a sudden loss of voluntary muscle tonus with full consciousness, often during emotional events (Carlson, 1994). Individuals in our sample of experiencers deny such symptoms. Those experiencers who have undergone electroencephalograph (EEG) testing in an attempt to find a neurological cause for their experiences report no significant findings. Thus, there is no evidence that sleep paralysis can account for the abduction phenomenon.”

Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1996


A reason as to why UFOs would come, especially when the human civilization is just beginning is made quite understandable by the NICAP reports of UFO sightings at ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas. Robert Hastings  provides all his sources some of which make up the hundreds if not thousands of UFO sightings around nuclear installations including the shutting down of missile launch systems as in the case of Capt. Robert Salas. The Ets are mentoring us; they are awakening us to the dangers of the nuclear age.

Artifacts left behind by ET civilizations

The Dogon tribesmen of Mali, West Africa, contain astronomical knowledge which the native people could have neither learned by themselves nor guessed. Dogon legends speak of Jupiter’s four moons and Saturn’s rings, which were not seen by human beings until the invention of the telescope. At the temple of Abydos, Egypt highly developed crafts, specifically a helicopter, a submarine, some form of flying saucer, and a jet plane. In Iraq there are 5000-year-old Sumerian seals that depict our solar system.

Dr Davies is part of our scientific community, most of whom have a cycloptic and 3-D view of our reality imposed onto them by the politics of ontology. It is an insult to our experiencers and contactees and proves how effective the ET media truth embargo is and how mankind’s progress is being retarded. When official disclosure takes place one day, you will hear our mainstream scientists say; “Well what I really meant was…….!!

Neil Gould is a Member of the Board of Directors

Exopolitics Institute.

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