Scientists Narrow Search After Shocking Find About Extraterrestrials

by Sean Martin                 June 11, 2019                  (

• Scientists searching for habitable alien worlds usually focus on the ‘habitable zone’, where the region of space is neither too cold nor too warm for life to exist. Star gazers at the University of California Riverside believe that scientists have failed to take into account a build-up of toxic gasses within a planet’s atmosphere which would not allow complex life to evolve.

• For example, any planet on the coldest outer edge of the habitable zone with liquid on the surface would require carbon dioxide at levels thousands of times that of Earth’s to maintain liquid and not have it freeze, according to Edward Schwieterman, lead author of a study published in The Astrophysical Journal. “That’s far beyond the levels known to be toxic to human and animal life on Earth,” said Schwieterman.

• Another inhospitable example  is intense ultraviolet radiation as from the Earth’s two closest alien stars – Proxima Centauri and TRAPPIST-1, which would batter any planets within their habitable zones, leading to a build up of poisonous carbon monoxide.

• “This is the first time the physiological limits of life on Earth have been considered to predict the distribution of complex life elsewhere in the universe,” says Timothy Lyons, one of the study’s co-authors and a professor of biogeochemistry in UCR’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and director of the Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center.

• “As far as we know, Earth is the only planet in the universe that can sustain human life,” concludes Schwieterman.

[Editor’s Note]    I’m sure that there are alien civilizations out there who consider this planet to be blanketed in a “poisonous” gas – oxygen. How can educated ‘experts’ make such ludicrous statements as “Earth is the only planet in the universe that can sustain human life”? Human-type beings exist throughout not only the universe, but throughout the galaxy and our own star system of 52 stars. This is just more disinformation calculated to make the public falsely believe that there is no alien presence on our world, or even close by. Lately, in the press there seems to be a concerted effort to push this Deep State agenda of ‘keep moving, there’s nothing to see here’.


Scientists’ search for aliens has become more focused on a smaller number of planets after making a discovery about the composition of most planets’ atmospheres. Typically, alien hunting experts have been analysing planets which are in the habitable zone of their host star – an region in space where it is neither too cold nor too warm for life to exist.

However, experts from the University of California Riverside (UCR) believe other scientists have failed to take into account a build up of toxic gasses within a planet’s atmosphere which would not allow complex life to evolve.
For example, by using computer models the researchers found that any planet on the outer edge of the habitable zone with liquid on the surface would require carbon dioxide – a greenhouse gas – levels thousands of times that of Earth’s to maintain liquid and not have it freeze.

Edward Schwieterman, lead author of the study published in The Astrophysical Journal, and a NASA Postdoctoral Program, said: “To sustain liquid water at the outer edge of the conventional habitable zone, a planet would need tens of thousands of times more carbon dioxide than Earth has today.

“That’s far beyond the levels known to be toxic to human and animal life on Earth.”



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Edward Schwieterman, habitable zone, Proxima Centauri, The Astrophysical Journal, Timothy Lyons, TRAPPIST-1, University of California Riverside

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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