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Report on Launch of Peruvian Air Force’s UFO Department

Peru Air Force and UFOs-2By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera (Lima, Peru)

The launch of the DIFAA (Departamento de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos/Anomalous Aerial Phenomena Research Department) of the Peruvian Air Force was cordial and successful.  It took place within the gorgeous Tudor Style house built in the 1920’s in Miraflores, Lima, Perú and which is the current seat of the DINAE (División de Intereses Aero Espaciales/Aero Space Interests Division) of the Peruvian Air Force.

Even while taking place on a Friday morning, the event was approximately attended by 60-70 individuals, among whom was a small group of academics, people involved in political and cultural life, Peruvian Air Force personnel, a representative of the National Police, a varied contingent of local and international media and even some alleged UFO and contact experiencers (one of which had been associated to the Air Force and briefly stood up speaking up in favor of the new Department). The ceremony proceeded formally, smoothly, mostly on time and with the attendance of Peruvian Air Force Operations Commander, Lieutenant General Carlos Bohorquez Castellanos and the director of DINAE Col. Julio Vucetich Abanto representing the Air Force.

Col. Vucetich announced that the DIFAA was assisted by a team of civilian experts forming the Advisory Council currently composed of Barthelemy D’ans (president of the Peruvian Astronomy Association), Manuel Aguirre Morales (archeologist, philosopher), Enrique Álvarez Vita (engineer, mathematician), Patricia Meseth (librarian, information systems), Marco Barraza (journalist and researcher), Luis Enrique Alvizuri (writer, journalist, philosopher) and I.

Archeologist Manuel Aguirre Morales gave a remarkable presentation on what is scientifically known about the Nazca Lines, their historical timeline, the probably shamanic aspect, their astronomical alignments and the associated Nazca cultural artifacts, debunking undue claims made in popular accounts. While agreeing with him on these explanations (and agreeing with him that these figures were NOT physically made by extraterrestrials), I gave a presentation on evidence for an extraterrestrial presence among a small percentage of anomalous aerial phenomena suggesting that such a presence might have inspired or influenced ancient cultures such as the Nazca whose geometric figures and geoglyphs are better seen from the sky.

I also mentioned that a widespread verification of the extraterrestrial presence – for which there’s serious evidence accumulating – would encourage a reassessment of our cultural premises.  In this context, and after mentioning some UFO sightings in the Nazca and nearby and associated areas (such as Palpa, Ica and Paracas), I briefly mentioned the academic approach to “Exopolitics,” calling it an emerging discipline, mostly based on the social sciences and providing assessments based on objectively comparing multiple sources of evidence. Besides, I also spoke about highly unique, alleged ET implants recovered and analyzed through the efforts of Dr. Roger Leir, mentioned the 1999 COMETA Report from France, the declarations of former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer, and the need to demystify and de-stigmatize UFO reporting.

Both General Bohorquez and Colonel Vucetich spoke about the practical need for keeping track, researching, cataloguing and understanding the wide range of events  that constitute “anomalous aerial phenomena,” some of which (like meteorites reaching the ground, falling satellites, or even spy airplanes and probes) might pose more prosaic threats to civilian population or to national sovereignty. From what I’ve seen there’s a genuine interest to objectively understand all aspects of these phenomena, yes, including the possibility that some might refer to the extraterrestrial presence. I evaluated that neither these gentlemen nor most people in the audience discarded the possibility that a small percentage of observations and events might even refer to extraterrestrial vehicles. I think that the latter idea – while still generating some uneasiness – is gaining recognition as a perfectly rational option in some cases.

Almost immediately after the official launch of the DIFAA some credible witnesses of anomalous aerial phenomena (even bringing along some interesting supporting evidence) have come up to provide their report. All were thankful that there was an office willing to take their reports in and after evaluating them be willing to look into chosen cases more deeply.


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Peru, Peruvian Air Force, UFOs

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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