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ZNN’s Victor Viggiani Interview on Coast to Coast AM Trending

Provocative C2C Interview Post Nearing Viral on the Net


Toronto [ZNN] ZlandCommunications has just learned that the interview of Victor Viggiani, News Director of the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork on Coast to Coast AM on December 15.2014 has reached near viral proportions on the internet. As of this posting – the You Tube interview has reached over 30,650 hits.

 ZNN reports that its web sites have received over 5700 hit/reads and counting. Furthermore, ZNN has been receiving countless e-mails from listeners from all over the US and Canada – sharing their views on what some have described as an ‘awesome conversation of epic proportions’.

Canadian broadcaster Richard Syrett, the host of that evening’s Coast to Coast AM program, has informed ZNN that the interview with Victor Viggiani is currently trending in the number 4 position on Coast to Coast’s most Popular Shows.

This highly provocative interview features Richard Syrett vividly probing Viggiani’s career as a Catholic elementary school Principal to elicit a very unsettling description of how one young student at Viggiani’s school and another older student relayed to him as Principal – two horrifying alien abduction experiences.

Viggiani later consulted with the late Dr. John Mack in his Harvard University office in Cambridge Massachusetts about this occurrence in an effort to determine its validity and the actions Viggiani might take, if any.

In a statement for the media Victor Viggiani stated: “This remarkable and chilling event makes this particular interview an historic one for educators. Educational leadership in school boards throughout North America may now have to contend with information that appears to indicate some students in their school districts have had encounters with Extraterrestrials; no doubt a highly controversial hypothesis.”

The interview also featured Viggiani’s assessment of the global UFO/ET Disclosure movement and re-counting his historic interaction with the Hon. Paul Hellyer – former Minister of Canadian National Defence, leading to Mr. Hellyer proclaiming at the University of Toronto that, “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.”  

Audio Graphic SmallListen to Victor Viggiani’s interview at: UFO Disclosure and Abductions.  The interview begins at the 40 min 44 sec mark.

Readers are also invited to the Coast to Coast AM Insider to review this and all other interviews.

Journalists and educators wishing more information about this interview and the work of Victor Viggiani at ZNN are invited to use the contact details below. Due to the very sensitive nature of this information ZNN guarantees confidentiality to all media reporters, columnists and educators who may wish to make inquiries.

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