Overview of Human-looking extraterrestrials & their agendas
In this fourth interview with Dr. Michael Salla on Exopolitics Today, Elena Danaan gives an overview of the origins, history, and alliances of different human looking extraterrestrials as they relate to recent Earth history. She explains how different human extraterrestrials from Aldebaran and Alcyone (rebel Pleiadians) interacted with Nazi Germany and Draco Reptilian extraterrestrials in setting up bases in Antarctica, Moon and Mars.
Elena further discusses the mysterious connection between George Adamski’s famed Venusian scoutcraft and Nazi Germany’s Haunebu flying saucer craft, and how members of the Dark Fleet would claim to be Venusians when meeting with human contactees.
Discussion also covers the recent liberation of the Moon by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and how this has been handed over to humans to determine their destiny. Recent official announcements by different national space agencies that humans will return to the Moon beginning in 2024, are discussed in relation to these recent exopolitical developments, and earlier reports that humans were told to leave the Moon in 1972.
The summary of the history and origins of human looking extraterrestrials that have interacted with humanity’s evolution is represented in the following diagram extracted from Elena’s book, A Gift from the Stars: Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races (2020).

More Interviews with Elena Danaan
- Supersoldiers & Extraterrestrial Agreements: Interview with Elena Danaan on Death of Stephen Chua
- Extraterrestrial Contact & the Galactic Federation – 2nd Interview with Elena Danaan
- Galactic Federation Intervention on Mars, Moon & Earth
Further Reading
- Apollo Missions Ended Because Extraterrestrials Prevented US Navy Bases on Moon
- Did German Astronaut Pretend to be from Venus during Adamski 1952 Encounter?
- Did Armstrong & Aldrin receive death threats to keep moon secrets?
- Video Shows UFO watching Apollo 15: Were Astronauts Warned to Leave the Moon
- Multiple Moon Bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles as Cover Programs
Alycone, Elena Danaan, Galactic Federation of Worlds, moon, Pleiadians, Taygeta