Overview: What is Exopolitics?

UFOs-over-washington ufos over washington 2

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(Sequence: UFO’s Over Washington DC, 1952. Birds or a more serious reason for the alert that occurred?)



In simple terms, I’ll say that EXOPOLITICS is the field of research and political activism dealing with the cultural and practical implications of an extraterrestrial presence. While serious evidence exists regarding a complex, interacting, intelligent extraterrestrial presence, it is not absolutely necessary to believe in this, but it is minimally necessary to consider the implications of this possibility either in the past, the present or the future. Exopolitics: Definitions by Outstanding Researchers Michael E. Salla PhD: Exopolitics is the formal discipline that studies the implications of extraterrestrial life in relation to public policies. It is the study of the key individuals (actors), institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life.


Dr. Salla’s style tends to be more academic but operating under an extensive conceptual range. http://exopolitics.org/about/founder/ Relying on decades of diverse accumulated evidence with assigned degrees of credibility, at the Exopolitics Institute founded by Dr. Salla, the extraterrestrial presence is already considered to be a concrete reality of immense cultural, legal, political, religious and scientific interest for humanity.


Alfred L. Webre JD: Exopolitics is the study of political processes and governance in inter stellar community. Dr. Webre –a Canadian- coined and-or popularized the term “exopolitics.” On my account, Webre’s style is more “interpersonal” as he values more personal evaluations based on interviews. He may be correct regarding some less verifiable aspects but probably also tend to fall into some exaggerations. http://exopolitics.blogs.com/about.html I think that Dr. Webre and Dr. Salla’s definitions complement each other.


Stephen Bassett: Exopolitics is the art or science of government as concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy toward extraterrestrial-related phenomena and extraterrestrial beings.  Mr. Bassett also refers to “exopolitics” as “exopolitical actions, practices, or policies” as “the exopolitical opinions or sympathies of a person” and as “the total complex of relations between the human race and non-human, intelligent beings.” Stephen Bassett (who organized public audiences for the disclosure of the extraterrestrial cover-up at the National Press Club in Washington, DC) focuses more on political activism, especially vying for the great world powers in the know to reveal to their citizens and to the world what is what they really know and secretly research about the extraterrestrial presence. http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/


Ed Komarek: Exopolitics is the study of politics pertaining to extraterrestrial contact. According to Mr. Komarek “Exopolitics is based upon the understanding that earth is being visited by many advanced extraterrestrial races with diverse ethics, motives and agendas. http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/


The Core Exostrategy Group in 2009, which included Manuel Lamiroy, Victor Viggiani, Robert Fleischer and Neil Gould: Exopolitics is the convergence of an interdisciplinary science, a political movement and a new paradigm which relate to the vast range of implications regarding extraterrestrial life.


Paola Harris: Exopolitics also is the study of the contacts and relationships between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations. http://www.paolaharris.com


All the previous mutually enhancing definitions and associated exopolitical research aim at understanding the complexity of extraterrestrial life and at developing adequate, mutually beneficial policies.


The development of well-informed, life-enhancing policies about the extraterrestrial presence so as to peacefully and intelligently integrate humanity in a respectful way within a vast cosmic community of intelligent beings is a crucial goal in Exopolitics.


There also is a short and a longer formal definition of Exopolitics worth mentioning because they were developed within Exopolitics Institute as a group consensus process in 2009. The group participants were Michael Salla Victor Viggiani, Manuel Lamiroy, Pepón Jover, Robert Fleischer, Paola Harris, Neil Gould, Come Carpentier.


The FORMAL DEFINITION: Exopolitics is an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.


The SHORT DEFINITION Exopolitics is the convergence of a new interdisciplinary science, an international political movement and a new paradigm, which all deal with the wide range of implications of extraterrestrial life.


Please go to this link  http://exopoliticsinstitute.org/?page_id=1043 Further Development of the Concept Exopolitics has various aspects. It can be understood as a scientific discipline (as an emerging social science) involving research, education and the creation of policies (focusing upon actors, institutions and processes) in order to treat in a coherent way the implications of extraterrestrial life, including an intelligent extraterrestrial presence.


Another aspect of exopolitics refers to a global, multicultural, multinational and-or grassroots social movement with educational purposes advocating to transform the current (scarce, often dismissive and excluding) management of information on extraterrestrial life. It also advocates the creation of new, democratically and publicly sanctioned national and international policies of research, aperture, contact and education.


Furthermore, exopolitics is in agreement with the necessity of broadening and actualizing our metaphysical and scientific concepts about the nature of reality, basing ourselves on more inclusive and new philosophical, methodological, scientific, ethical and spiritual paradigms which can help us understand in a more complete and profound way the nature of possible interactions with a diverse cosmic community which apparently transcends the classical limits of space-time and an excessively simplistic dichotomous way of thinking.


The shifts and additions in “paradigms,” worldviews and in their implicit metaphysics would relate with increases in the capacity of consciousness to take in more perspectives in first, second and third person subjectivity. Open systems theories, autopoiesis and complexity sciences, “exoconsciousness” (or the role of consciousness in cosmological, organizational, and evolutionary processes), holographic theories (like astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s), information-based physics, alternative non-classical technologies, quantum computing, non-standard, coherent interpretations and applications of quantum and quantum-relativistic phenomena, variations on M-Theory, zero-point energy, possible forms of canceling gravity and inertia as well as studies in relation to a physics connecting consciousness, retrocausality, information, multiple realities, geometry, higher dimensionality and even “subtle energies.”


Deeply related to Exopolitics is the field of Exoconsciousness, a concept developed by Mrs. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright andpertaining to the extraterrestrial origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness. http://rebeccahardcastlewright.com/about/


The very unfoldment of the Cosmos would also be related in a fundamental way to the expressions of consciousness.   Moreover, I think that recognizing the primacy of Consciousness as Non Dual (distinct and prior to subjective consciousness and its simultaneously-arising objective “material” counterparts, processes and mechanisms in multi-tiered levels of “reality”) is crucial not to fall yet into another form of reductionism, however subtle, even if it is based on a post-classical science.  Furthermore, I think that  – in regards to philosophy – it will be important to extend our concepts and practice in a transdisciplinary manner, partially based upon elements of Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory” (and in other compatible Meta integrative models) which challenge the primacy of a classic materialist realism and-or reductionist materialism contributing to the creation of less dichotomous, more integral and inclusive “paradigms” and rational metaphysical foundations. 


Considering the recent developments in Meta Philosophies and or Integrative philosophies (like Basarab Nicolescu’s, Edgar Morin’s, Ken Wilber’s and Roy Bhaskar’s) I think that Exopolitics should advance beyond (or rather transcend and include) interdisciplinarity becoming TRANSDISCIPLINARY as common axioms and principles behind the various disciplines that contribute to this discipline are discovered.   In this manner Exopolitics will resonate more in accord with the philosophical shift bound to modify other disciplines related to the possibility of a profound transformation and reestructuring of civilization (disciplines like Astrobiology, an emergent consciousness and information-based, hyperdimensional physics and even perhaps Ecology, Economy and the Complexity Sciences). I think that discovering how to integrate qualitative and quantitave conceptual structures and methods under shared axioms, patterns and principles will assist humanity in establishing a less dichotomous and more intelligently inclusive dialogue with extraterrestrial civilizations.  


Currently, Exopolitics primarily uses the more qualitative methods of the social sciences basically to produce evaluations or assessments (akin to intelligence assessments) about different cultural, political, strategic, legal, interactive and social situations pertaining to an actual or to a possible extraterrestrial presence. It aims at being useful for political decision-making in relation to extraterrestrial life and – as an extension – in relation to space law and the actual use of space. In case of acknowledge the discovery of extraterrestrial life (even if microbial) and in contact with ET intelligences working in conjunction with the United Nations would likely be necessary. Find out about the United Nations’ OOSA at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0cOFMgKUFw


The legal status of extraterrestrial beings and even of their alleged bases on Earth and rights to traverse the skies of current modern nation-states is also considered. Whenever possible serious exopoliticians analyze and compare information with (verified or probable) leaked or declassified official documents. The probable motivations behind individuals, institutions and groups are also analyzed. Likewise, probable historical patterns of interaction in what appears to be an ancient human-extraterrestrial relationship are researched and there’s an attempt to elucidate the diverse probable interests and purposes behind policies of cover-up and-or release of information as much as the diverse probable interests and purposes of a variety of extraterrestrial beings.


Also, there’s an attempt to understand which would be the more adequate “paradigms” and rational metaphysical presuppositions needed to constructively assimilate the reality of an interacting extraterrestrial presence. Moreover, there’s an attempt to predict the consequences of a greater degree of publicly recognized contact events with extraterrestrial beings and to educate and (given that representatives from several extraterrestrial civilizations seem to have been continuously interested in establishing various degrees of direct contact with citizens from different countries) promote greater levels of responsible citizen contacts or a responsible “citizen diplomacy” establishing contact protocols based upon the principle of mutual respect.


Although at Exopolitics Institute there’s a provisional overall extraterrestrial typology developed on the basis of observing consistently reported interactive behavior patterns (Helpers, Observers, Manipulators and Intruders),there is also an attempt to study all aspects of these interactions ever more profoundly and to understand how may the cosmic community be organized; a “community” which would probably be interacting with us under norms and principles based on a more inclusive logic. Mr. Manuel Lamiroy gives a good overview about exopolitics in his web site as follows: http://www.exopaedia.org/Exopolitics  and at http://www.exopoliticssouthafrica.org/exopolitics.htm  He also created a good diagram which at a glance illustrates some of the basic areas of exopolitics. It can be found at http://www.exopoliticssouthafrica.org/exopolitics.htm Lamiroy has been a long-time, integrative researcher who has also published an “Exopaedia” with vast information including some possible extraterrestrial typologies, possible planetary origins and more. The “Exopaedia” can be found at http://www.exopaedia.org/Exopaedia




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Astrobiology, exopolitics, Exopolitics Institute, extra terrestrial life, extraterrestrial life, Extraterrestrials, NASA, Stephen Bassett, ufo, UFO disclosure

Giorgio Piacenza

After a clear UFO sighting with multiple witnesses within 300 feet in the Peruvian coastal town of "Chilca" in 1975, I participated with the Mission Rahma contact group and befriended several contactees from this and other contact efforts. I also researched many aspects of the UFO phenomenon for several decades and feel inclined to contribute in the confluence of philosophical and scientific perspectives.

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