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Mysterious Light Beam Appears in the Sky over Argentina

by Paul Seaburn         October 29, 2017         (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• On October 24th, an anonymous woman took a photo of a wide bright beam of light stretching from the ground to the storm-cloud sky in San Jose de Feliciano, Argentina.

• The local newspaper suggested that it may have been unusual weather.

• Others suggest that it was caused by a “rolling shutter” photography phenomenon.

• Still, others insist it is a hoax.

[Editor’s Note] Of course, some people believe everything is a hoax.


It’s the beam that will finally prove Project Blue Beam. It’s a portal to another dimension. It’s an alien spaceship looking for people to abduct. It’s an alien sending a message to its mothership to please take it home from this wretched planet already. It’s a strange weather phenomenon. It’s a strange photographic glitch. It’s computer graphics. What is it?

‘It’ is a wide bright beam of light stretching from the ground to the storm-cloud sky in a photograph allegedly taken on October 24, 2017, in San Jose de Feliciano, Argentina. The photo appears to have been first revealed to the public the following day by the local media service Realidad Regional, which did not reveal the identity of the photographer, instead just referring to her as a “neighbor” who was “doing her daily walk in San Jose Park.” The photograph took the Internet by (no pun intended) storm with the above-mentioned speculations and more as to its cause.

Unfortunately, like many of these reports, this is the only photograph of the beam and the photographer is anonymous. San Jose de Feliciano is a real city, San Jose Park is a real park and there really was a storm that day, so let’s work with that.

To its credit, Realidad Regional presents the possibility that the beam is a weather aberration.
“The phenomenon could be two fronts of both cold and warm masses, which generate large amounts of rain in a short period and in a very short distance, for this reason you can see a kind of tube. Apparently, the lady just took the picture while there was a lightning, as the shock of these masses generate a lot of pressure and therefore generate many electric currents.”

Is this correct? Warm and cold fronts don’t usually slam directly into each other horizontally like two NFL linemen arguing over kneeling. Warm air, being lighter, comes in from above or at a downward angle. Then there’s the “lightning.” No bolt is seen and the light is only seen at the bottom of the column and is completely contained in the column.. What’s up – or down – with that?



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Argentina, strange light beam

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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