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  • Key Latino leader endorses Initiative 300 – the ET Affairs Commission

Key Latino leader endorses Initiative 300 – the ET Affairs Commission


P R E S S   R E L E A S E

For Immediate Release

Toronto September 24 2010  (ZNN) ZlandCommunications has learned from its sources in Denver Colorado that Ms. Veronica Barela, CEO and Executive Director of NEWSED , a major community development organization, has endorsed Initiative 300.

 In her recent public statement Ms. Barela said, “I support Initiative 300 to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission and I encourage people to vote yes.” NEWSWED also organizes the Cinco de Mayo celebration in Civic Center Park which draws around 300,000 people.

A Denver Post article by John Moore on June 24, 2010, called Ms. Barela “Denver’s West Side power broker”. The article quoted Denver councilwoman Judy Montero as saying “I also think it’s healthy that everyone listens to her.” Political candidates and parties, especially, will find it healthy to listen to Veronica about Initiative 300.

The obvious reason is that Latinos account for about 30% of the Denver population over age 18 who are eligible to vote. Less obvious is that Democratic and Republican political leaders have had similar views on the issue of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors.

 These include Presidents Kennedy, Carter, and Reagan, along with Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. They have either reported seeing UFOs or sought public disclosure of government files on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors.

While in some political quarters it may be considered ‘risky’ for civic leaders like Ms. Barela to come forward on such a controversial issue, it is indeed indicative of the growing level of acceptance given to the UFO/ET issue in America today.

Veronica Barela will also be urging voters to read the eight-page Initiative 300 voter education newspaper. In the Denver Post article, Montero added, “If you choose to believe that you can make your block better, your neighborhood better, your world better — then Veronica is a shining example that you can.”

Jeff Peckman co-ordinator of the Extra Campaign that is sponsoring Initiative 300 said in a statement to ZlandCommunications, “We at the Extra Campaign are extremely grateful and thrilled about Veronica Barela’s support for Initiative 300. We did not even have to ask for her support. She is an extraordinary human being with tremendous passion and vision who just saw the opportunity to do another great thing for humanity like so many other things she has done.  Having her endorsement is a huge boost to disclosure of evidence about extraterrestrial visitors.  Her well known influence within Denver’s Latino community is considerable but she will attract other non-Latino key supporters as well before election day.”

Initiative 300 is on the ballot for the November 2010 Denver election.  Find out more at http://www.extracampaign.org/Voter_Education.html
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