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  • Israeli Scientist Reveals US Extraterrestrial Agreements & Joint Mars Base

Israeli Scientist Reveals US Extraterrestrial Agreements & Joint Mars Base

Prof Haim Eshed, a senior scientist who for nearly 30 years headed Israel’s space security program has revealed secret US extraterrestrial agreements, a joint US ET base on Mars, and how a Galactic Federation is closely monitoring human affairs. Major media around the world is covering Prof Eshad’s revelations. He further declared that President Trump was on verge of extraterrestrial disclosure but was told to hold back by the Galactic Federation since we weren’t at the right level of technological development. Apparently Space Force was created.to help speed up humanity’s technology base.

In this podcast, Dr. Michael Salla covers Prof Eshed’s revelations, the close historic cooperation between Israel’s Mossad, the CIA and the National Reconnaissance Office when it comes to satellite surveillance and the covert use of advanced antigravity craft. He also discusses how the alleged Galactic Federation wants humanity to get closer to Type 1 civilization status according to the Kardashev scale, and how the lifting of national security orders on 5900 patent applications could quickly achieve this goal.

Video also available on Rumble.com

A mainstream news article about Prof Eshed’s revelation is here.

Article about President Trump’s Memorandum to release national security orders on 1000 patent applications is available here.

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alien life, CIA, Donald Trump, extraterrestrial agreements, Haim Eshed, Mossad, NRO, space surveillance

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