Important Global ‘Experiencer’ Survey to Promote a Better Understanding of the Contact Experience
FREE (Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) is conducting a distinctive large-scale survey dedicated to experiencers of direct contact with intelligent, ‘non-human’ extraterrestrial beings. This survey is anonymous, with easy to respond questions, producing statistics displayed in pie charts. It can be done in 15-20 minutes.
We recognize the research thus far conducted but intend to reach many more people directly. Instead of waiting for particular researchers to gradually illustrate The People of the world with assessments about what they understand what the contact experience is about and who is who among alleged extraterrestrials, this survey attempts to bring FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE from experiencers themselves and, if possible, from experiencers from all over the world. This survey unbiasedly accepts information from persons claiming to have experienced ANY VARIETY OF DIRECT EXTRATERRESTRIAL ENCOUNTER EVENTS.
If you are a genuine experiencer, through this survey you can directly contribute to humanity’s greater understanding about what may be really happening. It can provide greater evidence to the conventional mindset that many healthy and normal indiduals are reporting and having unique, physically-interactive experiences with non-human extraterrestrial intelligences. It can also improve our information about the varieties of the contact experience, plausible intentions, modus operandi, messages, effects on people, and other details needed to work for an intelligent, constructive and mutually respectful exopolitical response.
The objective of this study is, for the first time, to have comprehensive statistical and cross- tabulated data findings about the phenomena of ET Contact as well as interview data to back up the quantitative data. We also strive to extend this survey to non-English-speaking countries and expect to have an initial publication of our findings by the Spring of 2016. After the publication of this initial report, all of our data will be placed in the public domain in our new FREE website (not yet available) to be used by all researchers and the public.
ANONYMITY: Confidentiality and Anonymity is extremely important to us. As a participant in our 2 surveys and formal interview, the Participant has a choice to remain completely “ANONYMOUS”. There will not be a way for anyone to find out who is the Participant, where they live, or any other personal information to identify you. In addition, the Interviewer will not have any personal identifying information about you. Instead, the Participant will be given a Respondent Number. During your Interview you will not be asked any information to identify who you are (name, address, or other sensitive personal ID information). All of the voice interviews will be audio taped and later transcribed to paper via appropriate software. This is the reason why it is important to maintain complete anonymity. After the voice files have been transcribed, they will be destroyed. What will be left is a transcribed document that will not have any personal identifying information except for the Respondent Number.
This survey (The FREE Experiencer Research Study) is the first ever long term, comprehensive, statistical ACADEMIC research study on the ET Contact Phenomenon. No one has ever attempted this type of study before. It will involve two comprehensive quantitative surveys totaling more than 600 questions and a follow-up formal interview comprised of 50 open-ended questions. Phase 1 is our initial simple survey, comprised of only 125 questions that can be completed in 15-20 minutes. At that time you can chose whether to participate in our more extensive quantitative survey, our Phase 2 survey, which totals approximately 450 questions and will be provided to those individuals that choose to participate in our research study and have completed the Phase 1 survey. The formal interview will be the Phase 3 component of our study and will involve a series of 50 “open ended” questions. So far, FREE has received over 1,200 responses as of June 1, 2015 to our Phase 1 Survey and of these 97% have indicated a willingness to serve as a participant in our research project. We have also received 543 responses to our Phase 2 Survey.
The Mission of FREE will focus on “Research and Education.” Our primarily focus will be on scientific investigation through surveys and interviews on individuals who have had UFO related contact experiences with non-human sentient beings (commonly known as “ET Contact”) and to compare this group with individuals that have had other types of “paranormal contact experiences” through the following: NDEs, OBEs, Hallucinogenic/ Entheogenic natural substances, hypnotic regression, Mystical Meditation Travel, Channeling, Remote Viewing, and human encounters with non-human intelligence, and related paranormal contact experiences.
FREE has been established by various academics, Ph.D. physicists, Ph.D. psychologists, various scientists, medical professionals, researchers and a diversity of “EXPERIENCERS”, working under one umbrella, to bring together diverse voices in the subject areas of human encounters with non-human intelligence and related “paranormal” phenomena, and “Consciousness Studies.”
All FREE Board of Directors endorse the Post-Materialist Paradigm (PMP), promulgated by Dr. Edgar Mitchell since the early 1970s who helped to establish the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a paradigm that firmly believes that consciousness is non-local and independent of the brain. This view of non-local consciousness allows us to possibly explain a wide variety of special states of consciousness and all the so called “paranormal” contact phenomena. A more advanced science will understand these ocurrences as “natural” and we strive to come to a better understanding of that science.
In addition, FREE will also uphold the views established by the field of “Transpersonal Psychology” that investigates the “Spiritual” aspects of our reality with openness and to help others who have had direct personal contact experiences to integrate these experiences into their daily lives and possibly into their spiritual practice. To this end, FREE will continue to support all “Experiencers” of paranormal experiences through the “FREE EXPERIENCER BUDDY PROGRAM” and other support services.
Please inform all “EXPERIENCERS”, individuals that have had any type of UFO related “ET Contact” with a “Non-Human Intelligent Being”, about our FREE Experiencer Research Study and encourage them to take our initial survey.
LINK TO PHASE 1 SURVEY (in the English language):
ENLACE A LA FASE 1 DE LA ENCUESTA (En Español – Link to Survey in Spanish):
abductees, contactees, Exopolitics News Service, Experiencer Research Study, experiencers, extraterrestrial contact, F.R.E.E., Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Studies and Conscious Studies, FREE-CS, galactic diplomacy, Post-Materialist Paradigm, Quantum Hologram, Survey