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Extraterrestrials Are Concerned About Destruction and War Say ‘Contactees’

Article by Arjun Walia                                             February 16, 2021                                           (collective-evolution.com)

• On a hilltop known as Khao Kala, in a mountainous forest reserve in the central Thailand near the city of Nakhon Sawan, large groups of people who climb up to a large Buddha statue that sits atop the hill (pictured above) have reported seeing UFOs hovering over the hilltop. Khao Kala is three hours by rail north of Bangkok. The pilgrims who regularly gather there claim that the UFOs are extraterrestrials from the former planet Pluto sending them telepathic messages. The ETs are said to be thin beings with silver looking skin. They travel in spaceships through a wormhole that ends just above the Buddha statue where craft are seen spontaneously appearing and disappearing.

• The Plutonians telepathically warn of environmental disaster and/or a nuclear war if humanity does not get its affairs in order. The ETs are worried that a disaster on the Earth could impact Pluto as well. They also want to help Earth survivors rebuild human civilization in the event of a massive extermination. In 2019, the gatherings at the top of Khao Kala had become so large that the government petitioned the courts to ban mass gatherings in the area and tried to prevent multiple groups from going there. Many UFO enthusiasts who gathered in the area were confronted by police and forestry officials.

• The gatherings at the Buddha statue at Khao Kala began in 1997 when retired Sergeant-Major Cherd Chunsamnaun was at his home, deep in Buddhist meditation, when he received mental messages from the Plutonian extraterrestrials. Cherd’s daughter Wassana scoffed at him and told him to “tell the aliens to show themselves”. The next day, the daughter watched as her brother and brother-in-law “were yanked up from the living room sofa and spun simultaneously, like whirling dervishes, out of the house and into the yard.”

• When Wassana saw her brother and brother-in-law spinning like tops in the front yard, she called her sister, nurse Somjit. When Somjit arrived home, her husband Charoen Raepeth told her that he had lost control of his body and spun out to the front yard of the house where he was shocked to see a UFO in the sky above. “I saw a big, round flying object with a bright orange light in the center and many other smaller lights spinning around it,” said Charoen. The sisters looked each other and said, “It is real.” They both quit their nursing jobs to champion the extraterrestrials as their father continued to receive telepathic messages over the years. “Before my father died (in 2000), he taught us how to communicate with the aliens,” said Wassana. Today, she says more than 100 other Thais have developed the ability communicate with the ETs as well.

• In the 1950s, Dr. George King founded the Aetherius Society after receiving telepathic messages from an extraterrestrial. According to King, the ETs were also very concerned about humanity’s use, testing and manufacturing of nuclear weapons, and the direction in which humanity on Earth was heading. But as former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer stated, “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”

• It is a matter of public record that UFOs have been seen, many times, hovering over nuclear missile storage facilities when the missile launching capabilities were inexplicably shut down. In March of 1967, witnesses saw a red, glowing UFO hovering just outside the front gate of Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, a USAF nuclear weapons launch facility. According to USAF Captain Robert Salas, all of the nuclear missiles shut down and went completely dead.

• A declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 revealed just how seriously the U.S. government wanted to detonate a nuclear weapon on the Moon. USAF Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who also worked extensively with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, said that he learned “about incidents involving nuclear weapons.” Apparently, in the late 1970s and early 80s, the U.S. military “attempted to put a nuclear weapon on the Moon and explode it for scientific measurements and other things, which was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials,” said Dedrickson. “They destroyed the weapon before it got to the Moon….And that is their major concern, to preserve the integrity of the Earth, because it (also) affects their own system….The idea of an explosion in space by any Earth government was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials and that has been demonstrated over and over.”

• In 1977, a British news broadcast was supposedly overtaken over by an extraterrestrial called Vrillon. The message was a warning to the people of Earth to change our ways before we destroy the planet. And in 1994, more than 60 children at a school in Zimbabwe telepathically received the same messages of imminent annihilation of the planet if we do not change our destructive ways. Harvard psychiatrist John Mack investigated the case and confirmed that all of the schoolchildren recounted the exact same experience and drew the same pictures of the extraterrestrial beings who communicated to them that we must change our ways on this planet.


         Dr. George King

We are living in a time in which the collective mind is opening and has opened itself to the possibility that “we are being visited and have

        Buddha statue on Khao Kala

been visited” (Lord Admiral Hill Norton) by beings from other worlds. This topic is no longer taboo, especially since the fact that the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) or Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAPs) has been confirmed multiple times by many governments and agencies around the world, the latest example being the United States Navy and the Pentagon.

We have seen legitimate coverage on the topic from mainstream media organizations like the New York Times and CNN for example, coverage that hints to the idea that these objects do not originate on Earth or from our civilization. This type of “mainstream disclosure” has many people skeptical given the fact that so many people are having a hard time trusting these networks. For years we’ve seen a campaign within the mainstream to ridicule this topic and place it into the “conspiracy theory” bin. Therefore, it is indeed an important question to ask ourselves why they are legitimizing the topic all of a sudden after so many years of secrecy and ridicule. I propose that what we are receiving and will receive from the mainstream is simply an attempt to control the narrative on a topic that is so vast and leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. We will probably get nothing but a heavily sanitized version of the ‘truth,’ if anything and an attempt to control our perception of the phenomenon, but that’s just my opinion. Right now we don’t know what we are going to get.

                  Ross Dedrickson

Although the collective mind is opening to the reality of unknown objects performing physics defying maneuvers thanks to radar tracking data, videos, pictures and witness testimony, as well as the extraterrestrial hypothesis, when it comes to actual stories that exist within the lore of this field it still seems quite unbelievable to many, and that’s very understandable.

What Happened

One (of many) interesting recent supposed contact experiences that may currently be ongoing comes from a forest reserve in central Thailand. A hilltop (Khao Kala) there has been attracting many people, especially those who have an interest in the UFO phenomenon due to reports of UFOs seen in the area hovering above a large Buddha statue that sits atop the hill. It’s all happening approximately three hours by road or rail

               Robert Salas

north from Bangkok in Nakhon Sawan, which translates to “City of Heaven.”

                      Paul Hellyer

Those who gather there and have been gathering claim that these objects are piloted by extraterrestrials, and that they receive telepathic messages that are quite similar to the messages and teachings that come from Buddhism. To someone who hasn’t studied the lore of extraterrestrial phenomenon this may seem funny and ridiculous, but supposed telepathic communication with extraterrestrial beings is quite commonplace among those who claim to have had such experiences. In many cases the “teachings” and messages supposedly received also seem to corroborate to many other encounters from around the globe. The corroboration among experiencers is actually quite eye-opening and vast. There are thousands of experiences that corroborate with each other in several fascinating ways.

Another common corroboration seems to be the idea that we as a human race are on the brink of destroying our planet, and in doing so we may also affect beings that live on other worlds around us. These particular beings in Thailand have warned of environmental disaster and the threat of World War 3 as well if humanity does not get its affairs in order. Some of these beings in Thailand apparently come from Pluto, they arrive in spaceships via a supposed wormhole above the statue, and the beings and craft are seen spontaneously appearing and disappearing. They are supposedly thin beings with silver looking skin.

                      Vrillon 1977

“Pluto aliens worry about something so devastating happening on Earth, such as war or in the environment, that it might impact

            John Mack

their planet. They also want to give some people the ability to communicate with them, so if humans destroy everything in a nuclear war, the aliens will be able to help survivors rebuild human civilization.”

This is interesting, Dr. George King who founded the Aetherius Society after, according to him, receiving telepathic messages from an extraterrestrial. The messages given through Dr. King from the 1950’s onward corroborate with UFO activity disclosed today, in 2021, and the messages that come from these people in Thailand.

What I find intriguing about Dr. Kings transmissions is the fact that the information he was relaying to the public in the 1950s correlates with a lot of information we now know about the phenomenon today, in 2021. For example, he stated that they were highly concerned about humanity’s use, testing and manufacturing of nuclear weapons. Fast forward today and we have a lot of information about the phenomenon which suggests this.

For example, a declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 shows just how seriously the United States government wanted to detonate a nuclear weapon on the Moon for scientific measurements and such. According to Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who had a long stint with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, they did try this. While with the Air Force and the Atomic Energy Commission, he learned “about incidents involving nuclear weapons.”



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Aetherius Society, Cherd Chunsamnaun, Dr George King, ET Contactees, John Mack, Khao Kala Buddha statue, Malmstrom Air Force Base, Nakhon Sawan Thailand, Paul Hellyer, Robert Salas, Ross Dedrickson, Vrillon

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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