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Experts Weigh In on Hollywood’s Take on Aliens and the Myths Surrounding Extraterrestrial Activity That Began in Roswell

by Sam Davidson                  January 12, 2019                     (meaww.com)

• With the release of CW’s newest series ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ on January 15th, we take a cursory look at the truths and misconceptions perpetuated by Hollywood when it comes to the topic of aliens and UFOs.

• According to Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers, “Hollywood takes a huge amount of liberties obviously with any adaptation of any real event. Even Hollywood’s adaptations of well documented, agreed upon historical events often take great artistic liberties. There is a popular misconception that the phenomena as we understand it today has sprung from Hollywood’s imagining of such events.”

• Author and paranormal investigator Kitty Janusz, a UFO witness herself, says, “A lot of paranormal investigators avoid alien energy because it makes them really uncomfortable. …[T]hat kind of energy it is not a benevolent energy. In fact, not all paranormal investigators tap into the alien energy at all. …It makes some people nervous because they don’t know what their agenda is or what their intentions are.”

• Janusz believes that there is something far bigger going on here. Just like in the ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ television series, she does believe that it’s a possibility that there are incognito aliens walking among us. “I think it’s definitely a plausibility that aliens are infiltrating our society pretending to be one of us. Flying overhead and doing fly byes doesn’t seem beneficial unless they were infiltrating us. There are some schools of thought that say we are just an experiment, like a little farm, and I wouldn’t be surprised.”

• Former CIA agent Derrel Sims claims to have had several abduction experiences with extraterrestrials, and they were not good. In 1988 Sims founded Saber Enterprises to analyze evidence of extraterrestrial/human interaction. “Aliens have lied to every culture they have had contact with,” says Sims. “They are not like humans. It is a serious mistake to try to judge the alien based on the idea that they’re just like us, but a little different.”

• In shows like ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ aliens are always portrayed to have some kind of power that humans do not possess. Sims gives two examples: “Aliens appear to have a total understanding of gravity. This is how they move rapidly without injury. They understand the infrared and UV spectrum and use it to their advantage to cloak themselves and their craft. DSP (Defense Support Program) satellites knows this better than anyone.”

• Sims is also an expert on alien implants. There are thousands of medical accounts that truly have no other explanation. Says Sims, “Alien implants are a device or object left inside the human being by the alien presence. In 1994, I had spoken to 250 doctors and surgeons at the John Muir Medical Hospital in Northern California. [D]uring our first two surgeries, both surgeons were startled by the results. …There was a biological cocoon surrounding the objects. The cocoon was a non-inflammatory response, not made by the body, and according to the pathologist, was impossible for it to be in that location.”

• Do shows like ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ even get it remotely right? It’s not so crazy to think that perhaps Hollywood builds these narratives around some type of truth. According to Graham, “I think it’s always been a constant struggle to figure out what is going on here. I am sure people have drawn private conclusions in various intelligent and military circles, but I don’t think anyone has the truth. I mean the phenomena that has been reported over seven decades is so bizarre and it seems to be related to us a species and our consciousness levels as well. We play a part in manifesting this phenomena.”


Popular culture has been creating extraterrestrial narratives for about 70 years now, and each story explores the legends of aliens in different ways. With the release of CW’s newest series ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ coming in just a few days, we decided to dig deeper into these fascinating myths to perhaps find some kernel of truth in what many assume to be a highly fictionalized topic. According to Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers and expert on all things extraterrestrial in popular culture, Hollywood does indeed twist whatever truths exist in regards to the topic of aliens and UFOs. Additionally, Graham even thinks that Hollywood is somewhat to blame about the common misconceptions surrounding this taboo topic.

                        Robbie Graham

“Hollywood takes a huge amount of liberties obviously with any adaptation of any real event. Even Hollywood’s adaptations of well documented, agreed upon historical events often take great artistic liberties. There is a popular misconception that the phenomena as we understand it today has sprung from Hollywood’s imagining of such events.”

However, with that being said, there has to be some truth behind these crazy theories, right? We spoke with author and paranormal investigator Kitty Janusz, who explained the type of energy that people in her field feel when trying to tap into the extraterrestrial realm. Janusz herself says that she has seen UFOs several times in her life, so is a believer that there is something else out there, but it likely isn’t what many perceive it to be.

              Kitty Janusz (on right)

“A lot of paranormal investigators avoid alien energy because it makes them really uncomfortable. We have an open mind and we would love to learn because we have a scientific mindset, but when we actually do encounter that kind of energy it is not a benevolent energy. In fact, not all paranormal investigators tap into the alien energy at all, as it can be very sporadic and tense. It makes some people nervous because they don’t know what their agenda is or what their intentions are.”

Even though Janusz is unclear on what it is that aliens would want from us, she does believe that there is something far bigger going on here. Just like in the ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ television series, she does believe that it’s a possibility that there are aliens incognito walking among us, but the million dollar question is, why?

                           Derrel Sims

“I think it’s definitely a plausibility that aliens are infiltrating our society pretending to be one of us. Flying overhead and doing fly byes doesn’t seem beneficial unless they were infiltrating us. There are some schools of thought that say we are just an experiment, like a little farm, and I wouldn’t be surprised. I don’t think we are the high ones on any ladder by any means.”

Derrel Sims, former CIA agent and one of the world’s leading experts on alien abductions, claims to have had several experiences with extraterrestrials, and they were not good. In 1988 Sims founded Saber Enterprises, and the initial objective was to collect physical evidence that would support the reality of extraterrestrial/human interaction and to analyze that evidence to learn as much as possible about the phenomenon. Sims has some fascinating stories and theories that explore both the intentions and methods aliens have when interacting with humans.

“Aliens have lied to every culture they have had contact with. They are not like humans. It is a serious mistake to try to judge the alien based on the idea that they’re just like us, but a little different.”



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‘Roswell New Mexico’ tv show, Derrel Sims, Hollywood, John Muir Medical Hospital, Kitty Janusz, Robbie Graham

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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