Exoconscious Factor in Space Exploration

The release of How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space-Faring Future

Phoenix, Arizona, October 16, 2018–What if the space exploration formula of computer science, robotics, meta-materials, and chemical rocketry lacks a key ingredient needed for advancement? In her recent book, How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space Faring Future, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, a former member of Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell’s, Quantrek organization, proposes that humans having direct experience with extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings are the missing ingredient for space exploration.

According to Dr. Hardcastle Wright, founder of the non-profit Institute for Exoconsciousness, “Humans possess the ability to connect, communicate, and co-create with extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings through the vast field of consciousness. This ability to access the field of consciousness is an untapped resource for humanity’s ventures into space.”

The author examines experiencers’ advanced abilities.  “We use the term Exoconscious Humans to define those who integrate and utilize their on-going relationship with extraterrestrials and multi-dimensional beings. These individuals are transformed by contact events that include missing time, conscious out of body travel, the dissolving and rematerializing of matter that includes the body, and co-creative relationships with beings that leads to the adoption of innovative technological tools.”

Further, she asserts that direct experience of extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings is the basis for a revolution in science. “These individuals who contact, communicate, and co-create with extraterrestrial, multi-dimensional beings have experiences that material science fails to acknowledge or explain.  Their experiences pose unanswered questions that space travel requires. How and why do these experiences happen? Does consciousness impact human advancement in space? Who inhabits space and how do we communicate?

The book proposes that the study of consciousness science is necessary to travel and live off-planet because material science is reaching its known limits.

“At this point in technological science, information comes from a closed loop that is limited by repetitious circuitous data.  The frontiers of human consciousness hold vast resources waiting to be tapped as science moves into mind.”

How Exoconscious Humans Guide our Space-Faring Future is a practical proposal for integrating material and consciousness science through Exoconscious Humans. The book provides a comprehensive, documented overview of consciousness science, Ufology, space history, religion, astronaut witnesses, and the emerging diplomatic framework for space travel.

The Institute for Exoconsciousness is the first and only organization operating as a sustainable nonprofit, focused exclusively on scaling technology, teaching, art, and healing through co-creation between humans, extraterrestrials and multidimensionals. Our organization affirms that extraterrestrial and multidimensional contact accelerates social impact, co-creating a healthy cosmos.

 The Institute for Exoconsciousness is accelerating the impact of extraterrestrial and multidimensional experiencers, building an Exoconscious civilization.

More information about the book and the work of the Institute is available at www.exoconsciousness.com. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright is available for interviews.

   Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, is a leading expert and advocate in consciousness and extraterrestrial contact. She is CEO of the non-profit Institute for Exoconsciousness, an international community of ET, multi-dimensional experiencers. The Institute’s mission is to create a post-disclosure, Exoconscious civilization, supporting experiencers who pioneer education, training, media, art, and technology co-created with ET, multidimensionals. 

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Exoconscious Humans, exoconsciousness, Extraterrestrials, Institute for Exoconsciousness, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright


  • This is Awesome… I plan on purchasing this book this week. Dr. Steven Greer, and his c e – 5 groups are doing this all the time. Personally, I think that our telepathy abilities are increasing. Thus, as long as we have a clear and loving consciousness. I believe we all have the capability of communicating with our brothers and sisters highly-evolved beings.

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