In October 1973, Charlie Hickson and his young friend, Calvin Parker, were fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Suddenly a UFO landed nearby. Strange humanoid alien creatures came out and took the men into their spacecraft.
Article by Emma Parry August 20, 2019 (
• In October 1973, Charlie Hickson and his young friend, Calvin Parker, were fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Suddenly a UFO landed nearby. Strange humanoid alien creatures came out and took the men into their spacecraft. (See previous ExoArticles on the ‘Pascagoula incident’ here and here.)
• Parker, then 19 years old, underwent regressive hypnosis with the world’s top alien abduction researcher, the late Budd Hopkins, to recall the incident. These newly discovered session tapes were obtained by the Sun Online newspaper. (Listen to the actual recordings below.) Here are some excerpts from the hypnosis session while Parker was in a trance:
• Parker recalls seeing orange and blue lights coming towards him before a strange craft landed next to his car parked near the pier. Four creatures “built like football players” emerged. They had long arms and broad shoulders, but no face. As Parker’s eyes got blurry, one of the creatures grabbed him by the arm. “I felt a burning,” said Parker, “the second he touched me there was burning all the way through me. And it felt, it felt like hot coals.” Parker felt a “floating” sensation as the alien carried him onto the craft.
• Once inside the craft, Parker pleads, “Dear Lord, please take me. Please let me die… anything has to be better than this. What am I getting into?” Hopkins asks him what he would say to these creatures. Parker replied, “Leave me the fuck alone.”
• Parker feels himself being pulled into a room and strapped down on a table. “I’m strapped to this table, big black straps, there’s one around my legs, there’s one around my arms, there’s one on my stomach and then I’m left alone. … I’m pulling on them, but I can’t break them.” “Now I’m afraid.”
• Parker says that a door opens and a female alien wearing a mask enters the room. “[B]oy this bitch is ugly,” says Parker. He asks, “Who are you?” “She stuck her finger in my nose and she’s got… a bad attitude. Just as soon as I get loose I’m fixing to twist her head off.” Then Parker adds, “I’ve seen her before, I really hate her.” “She has something in her hand, she’s takes the thing down my nose, around my nose and she’s reaching for my lip.” “[S]he pulls my lip up and I feel a stinging… I can’t catch my breath and… my lip is bleeding. She grabs me by the side of the face.”
• Parker continues, “[A]ll I could think of was killing her, but I knew that I was gonna die in there. Then everything just settles down, so I just kinda lowered back down.” “That bitch just cut my right hand now, I’m bleeding, just a steady drip of blood onto the floor.”
• Parker says the female alien unties his straps and starts undressing him before injected him with something, adding, “I feel like she changed all my blood out of my veins. I’ve never felt anything that hot in all my life.” The alien leaves and returns to the room. Parker says, “She walked in and I grabbed her. “I got her round her skinny-ass little neck and I’m choking her right now… I’m beating her head against this mirror and there’s some kind of black stuff coming out.” A male alien comes in and stops Parker’s attack. “I felt a stinging again,” says Parker.
• Parker then says that he is taken back to the bank of the river, where his friend Charlie Hickson has also been returned. Hickson also publicly claimed to have been abducted. He died in 2011 at age 80, and never backed away from his alien abduction story despite ridicule.
• British UFO investigator Philip Mantle published Calvin Parker’s book, Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter. Mantle says, “To my surprise the hypnosis session produced quite a lot of information that had not previously been available.” Parker, now 64, made his UK debut at the Outer Limits magazine conference in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, on Saturday August 17th.
Calvin Parker underwent regressive hypnosis with the world’s top alien abduction researcher, the late Budd Hopkins, to unlock memories buried in his deep subconscious of his alleged close encounter.
Now newly discovered tapes of the session, obtained by Sun Online, reveal how Calvin claimed he grabbed one of his captors and banged her head against a mirror after she examined him on a table.
Calvin Parker in 1973
Calvin, then aged 19, was fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River, in Mississippi, with his pal Charlie Hickson when they claim a UFO landed nearby and they were grabbed by strange creatures with lobster-like claws.
Calvin was put under a trance by Budd who asks him a series of questions about the Pascagoula incident in October 1973.
He remembers seeing strange orange and blue lights coming towards him before a strange craft lands next to his car parked near the pier.
Suddenly four strange creatures “built like football players” emerge.
Calvin recalls: “They came closer and closer and I realise what a serious situation we were in. There’s something I’ve never seen before in my life, they’re coming forward.”
Asked to describe the creatures, Calvin says: “Like a football player. Very broad shoulders, long, long arms, like they don’t have a face, there’s still no face.
The Alien Creatures
“The second one has something else, my eyes were really blurry. I noticed some like dots in front of my eyes. This first one had hold of my arm and there’s a feeling. I almost get sick to my stomach, like I’ll throw up, but I couldn’t throw up.
“Please let me die”
“I felt a burning, the second he touched me there was burning all they way through me. And it felt, it felt like hot coals.”
Calvin said he felt a “floating” sensation as one of the aliens carried him onto the craft.
Once inside the craft Charlie pleads with God to let him die. He said: “Dear Lord, please take me. Please let me die, I don’t know whether this is the way things are supposed to be but please just let me die. Please take me because anything has to be better than this. What am I getting into?”
Budd Hopkins
Budd asks Calvin: “Let’s just say right now that you could say something to them, right now, a chance to say something to them, what would you say to them?” to which Calvin replies: “Leave me the f**k alone.”
“I’m being strapped down”
Things start to turn sinister as Calvin feels he is being pulled into a room and strapped down on a table.
He said: “I’m scared. I’m wondering where I am, but I’m being pulled by something but don’t know what’s pulling me and then I’m being strapped down. I’m strapped to this table, big black straps, there’s one around my legs, there’s one around my arms, there’s one on my stomach and then I’m left alone.
“Then I feel the adrenaline running through my body. I don’t know if I can break these straps if it’s the last thing I do.
“And I’m able to tug on them and I’m breaking them and I’m pulling on them, but I can’t break them.
11:20 minute audio of Parker’s hypnosis session with Budd Hopkins in 1974 (UFO History YouTube)
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Scientific American interviewed University of Virginia astronomer Professor Kelsey Johnson (pictured above) on her personal opinions of the existence of extraterrestrial life, which was published in UVA Today. Here are some paraphrased excerpts from this interview:
• Scientific American interviewed University of Virginia astronomer Professor Kelsey Johnson (pictured above) on her personal opinions of the existence of extraterrestrial life, which was published in UVA Today. Here are some paraphrased excerpts from this interview:
• As a scientist, I have to acknowledge that ET life could have visited Earth. Some of the unresolved cases could be genuine, such as the “Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident” in 1956 where radar tracked, and military aircraft chased, bright glowing objects over southeastern England. It was witnessed by both the US Air Force and Royal Air Force, so it cannot be summarily dismissed. But “just because we don’t know what it was, doesn’t mean that it was ET life.”
• Galactic travel distance and modern speed restrictions shouldn’t prevent us from assuming that technology could develop to allow humans to travel to distant star systems. We went from the first airplane to space travel in only fifty years. But if we developed a way to travel at 1/100th the speed of light, which is 500 times faster than anything we currently have, it would still take over 400 years to reach Proxima Centauri, which is the nearest star. But a 400 year span of time might not be as daunting to ET lifeforms that could live far longer lifespans than humans.
• Any ET life that could visit us is likely to be millions of years more advanced than we are. Why would they visit us? Perhaps they are benevolent and checking in to see how we’re doing. Or maybe we are a science experiment they are checking up on. I doubt their intentions are hostile, or we would already be obliterated.
• The human need to colonize beyond Earth seems to be hardwired into our collective behavior. If we survive as a species long enough to become technologically advanced, I would be shocked if we don’t eventually visit other planets. This brings us to the core of Fermi’s Paradox. If humans would naturally spread out into colonizing the galaxy, why don’t we see other advanced civilizations doing so? The depressing answer is that any civilization that becomes sufficiently technologically advanced is doomed to destroy itself. But if we can survive our technological adolescence, I think that human creativity, bravery, and perseverance will compel us to journey to far-flung places in the galaxy.
• As far as we know now, we are the only species in the universe capable of trying to understand this grand cosmos. This gives us a set of ethical responsibilities – to not only survive, but to take care of our planet, and each other, ourselves, and the universe.
• [Editor’s Note] Most of the time, we hear from scientists who insist that physics will never allow travel beyond the speed of light; or that there is a perfectly logical scientific explanation for the UFO phenomenon besides visiting extraterrestrials; or that, since humans could not survive intergalactic travel, then an alien civilization would be equally prohibited; or that if extraterrestrials did come to the Earth, they would exterminate us.
It is refreshing to hear from a mainstream scientist who allows for the possibility of the eventual development of advanced technologies that defy our known physics, or that an alien species’ physiology might be dramatically different than our own. Professor Johnson concedes the possibility that advanced ET civilizations could be capable of intergalactic travel and visit the Earth, even though her scientific credentials will not allow her to admit that this is indeed occurring. She even allows for the possibility that humanity itself could be a scientific experiment conducted by advanced extraterrestrial beings.
This is the fine line that today’s academics and scientists must walk: to think beyond the restrictive mainstream mindset while at the same time avoid being mocked and disparaged by their peers who pander to a Deep State that economically controls them and these academic and scientific institutions.
Many people have a knee-jerk reaction when it comes to extraterrestrial life. Claims of sightings often are immediately dismissed or ridiculed as being crazy. Alternately, some people assume that scientists or the government are hiding something. Thanks to Hollywood, and sometimes-irresponsible “documentaries,” many misconceptions exist regarding E.T. life – whether or not E.T. life actually exists.
University of Virginia astronomer Kelsey Johnson recently weighed in with a commentary for Scientific American. Here’s what she has to say for readers of UVA Today.
Q. There is a lengthy history of claimed sightings of UFOs and abductions of humans by aliens. Some ancient cave paintings seem to depict UFOs and aliens. Do you think it’s possible that we have been visited by aliens?
A. “Possible” is a loaded word from a scientific perspective. We don’t have any scientific evidence that E.T. life has not visited Earth, so sure, it is possible. But there are only a handful of investigated cases that don’t have other possible, and more plausible, explanations.
But those handful are highly intriguing. One particular open case that has caught people’s attention is a famous unresolved case from England in 1956 known as the “Lakenheath-Bentwaters Incident.” One of the reasons this incident garnered attention is that it was witnessed by both the U.S. Air Force and Royal Air Force. The official record includes both visual sightings of aerial phenomena and radar contact. Although it is tempting to jump to conclusions, just because we don’t know what it was, doesn’t mean that it was E.T. life.
Keeping an open mind is essential for scientific progress, but this progress also requires that claims can be either falsified or verified. Unfortunately, virtually none of E.T. life sightings come with a preponderance of testable evidence.
But as a scientist, I have to acknowledge that E.T. life could have visited Earth; some of the unresolved cases could be genuine, and we can’t rule that out.
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Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) are very brief and “mysterious space signals” that originate from galaxies throughout our universe, though not from our own Milky Way galaxy. FRBs are composed of compact, complex radio waves, and are difficult to track and pin down. Many of the intense flashes have traveled billions of light-years across space.
Mathew Roberts sounded a call to “Storm Area 51” in Nevada, as a joke. Then 2 million people signed on to the Facebook event, the Air Force warned people not to raid a military base, and things got out of hand. So now, he and Arkansas college student Brock Daily are turning the entire September 20th event into a three-day festival called “Alien Stock”.
US Representative Mark Walker wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Navy expressing concern over the recent surge in UFO-related events affecting American military forces. Walker noted a December 2017 article in the New York Times about the secret Pentagon UFO program called AATIP and revelations that Navy pilots encountered anomalous aerial objects off of the coast of California in 2004 and off of the East Coast in 2015, …
• Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s) are very brief and “mysterious space signals” that originate from galaxies throughout our universe, though not from our own Milky Way galaxy. FRBs are composed of compact, complex radio waves, and are difficult to track and pin down. Many of the intense flashes have traveled billions of light-years across space.
• Now, according to the New York Post, a doctoral student at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia named Wael Farah has matched the Molonglo telescope in Canberra with an artificially intelligent machine-learning system that recognizes FRB signatures as they arrive to produce the finest records of FRBs yet. Farah’s research was recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
• FRBs have “mysterious structures, patterns of peaks and valleys in radio waves that play out in just milliseconds”, quite unlike what you’d expect to see from a massive collision or explosion that randomly happen throughout the universe. So what are they? Are they signs of intelligent alien civilizations? If so, they must be up to something pretty spectacular to produce enough energy to reach us with that much power from far off galaxies.
• Then the question is, is detecting aliens a good enough excuse to unleash even more Artificial Intelligence into the global web? Carl Sagan warned us long ago that alerting advanced extraterrestrial civilizations to our presence was probably a bad idea. Steven Hawking once warned that while AI doesn’t hold actual malice against humans, if the AI’s goals aren’t aligned with our own, we’re in trouble.
• So now we’re mixing the search for possible extraterrestrials with Artificial Intelligence. What could possibly go wrong?
While still being a bit on the frightening side, the science behind this story is still kind of cool and worth a look. The “mysterious space signals” referenced in the title are probably more familiar to those of you who follow such topics as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). They originate all over the universe, though not from our own Milky Way Galaxy (yet, thankfully), and are composed of compact, complex radio waves that don’t seem like the sort of thing you’d get from a normal spacial event like a supernova or the creation of a black hole.
Wael Farah
The problem is, they are rare and very brief, so we’ve had trouble trying to track them and pin them down. Now a laboratory in Australia has worked out a way to use Artificial Intelligence to do just that.
(NY Post quote) Wael Farah, a doctoral student at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, developed a machine-learning system that recognized the signatures of FRBs as they arrive.
Farah’s system trained the Molonglo telescope in Canberra to spot FRBs and switch over to its most detailed recording mode, producing the finest records of FRBs yet.
“It is fascinating to discover that a signal that traveled halfway through the universe,” he said. The research was recently published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Many of the intense flashes have traveled billions of light-years across space.
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In July, London’s Royal Society and the U.K. SETI Research Network launched a survey on the subject of public attitudes toward alien contact. Martin Dominik, an astronomer at the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland joined the discussion by advocating a legally binding framework in international law for responding to a signal received from an alien civilization. It would be prudent to make these policy determinations now, rather than sometime in the future in the midst of the inevitable media circus that would erupt with proof of other intelligent life in the universe.
The world is choking on carbon emissions and drowning in plastic garbage, all primarily caused by the oil industry and fracking, which also adds environmental waste to the picture. But at the same time it appears that government entities have gleaned new energy technologies, such as anti-matter, anti-gravity and electro-magnetic propulsion technology, from sources including retrieved extraterrestrial UFOs. Why then is the government and industry aggressively continuing down this fossil fuel road toward a Blade Runner-type dystopia?
In June it was reported that the US Navy had filed patent applications for seemingly implausible technologies, including a room temperature superconductor and a high-energy electromagnetic field generator. ‘The Drive’ website has obtained documentation that states unequivocally that these technologies may in fact already be in operation.
The $100 million 10-year project funded by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, called the “Breakthrough Listen” project, is the most extensive SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program in history. The project, which began in 2015, has surveyed over 1,000 stars within 160 light-years away from Earth for signs of alien radio signals, with no positive results.
If killing a newly discovered extraterrestrial life form in the name of research is wrong, then why is the routine carnage here on Earth for the same reason okay? Is a bat or a gulper eel somehow less valuable to the universe or less worthy of survival than a microbe on Mars?
There have long been reports of UFOs buzzing above Hampton Roads. Located in Southeastern Virginia, Hampton Roads, which includes Norfolk and Virginia Beach, is home to several military installations and NASA facilities.
A Dyson sphere is a structure with platforms orbiting in tight formation that surrounds and encloses a larger celestial body, such as a gas giant planet like Jupiter or the system’s star itself, like a shell. Such an artificial structure would offer plenty of living space and energy production, drawing from the gas planet or star’s radiation.
Jacco van Loon, an astrophysicist at the University of Keele in Staffordshire, England, has issued a warning about the potentially disastrous effects of the light pollution and radio transmissions that we send into space. In an article for The Conversation, van Loon writes, ‘Images of the Earth at night reveal our presence in spectacular fashion. Cities and roads outline the contours of continents…
On December 9th, 1965, people across six states and Canada reported seeing a fireball streak across the sky before crashing into a wooded area in Mt. Pleasant Township, Pennsylvania, a southeastern suburb of Pittsburgh. (Note: The Army and State Police cordoned off the area, and claimed that they found nothing there in the woods. But locals have come forward to say they saw a military truck removing an acorn-shaped object the size of a Volkswagen Beetle with hieroglyphics on it.)
One of the main reasons for President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 was Saddam Hussein’s alleged ‘weapons of mass destruction’. But those weapons were never actually found. So then, why would Bush and his British counterpart, Tony Blair, risk their political careers and legacy on such an unreliable pretext?
January 23rd, 1974 at about 8:30 pm, people near the Berwyn Mountains in North Wales, UK, reported hearing a huge bang with earth tremors and claims of brilliant lights in the sky above the mountain range. Explanations have ranged from a series of coincidences including an earthquake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale whose epicentre was Bala Lake, along with a meteor shower and poachers with lamps, to a UFO crashing on the mountain side with an alien craft taken away by the military.
Rep Mark Walker, R-N.C., ranking member of terrorism and counterintelligence, member of the House Homeland Security Committee. On Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News on July 26th, he said he is “concerned” about recent reports by U.S. Navy pilots of encounters with unidentified aircraft that some have speculated could be extraterrestrial.
Author of the book on Area 51 titled “The Thirteenth Guardian”, believes saucer did crash near Roswell, NM. However, the occupants were not little green men. We have been searching for the wrong truth.” While the Roswell occupants came from a different star system, they are in fact our distant ancestors. “The question is …
On July 14th, 1949 Mrs. V. Dardeau, of Ville Platte, and her sister, Mrs. Edward Wolff, saw a flying saucer over Alexandria. The two sisters were sitting on the lawn of Mrs. Wolff’s residence one night when they became aware of a saucer zooming overhead.” They said it was the size and shape of a plate, flew lower and slower than an airplane, made no sound, and had a yellow light in the center. The sisters were “emphatic that it could not be anything else but a saucer.”
During the 1980 Christmas party at the twin Royal Air Force bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, in Suffolk, England, US Air Force servicemen stationed at the base were sent out to investigate strange goings on in the nearby Rendlesham Forest. The American witnesses have since maintained stories of encountering a strange craft in the woods.
A Facebook event entitled “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” has created an internet frenzy. To date, almost 2 million people have RSVP’d for the September 20th gathering.