In the festival park, ‘alien’ debris was scattered across the grounds and children were invited to create their own spacecraft. “My kids love to come here each year and do this,” said Erin Moro.
In July 2019, Walker asked Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer to outline what resources the Navy is dedicating to investigating the sightings, whether the Navy had found “physical evidence” to substantiate the claims, and whether any foreign nations or private companies have developed breakthrough technologies that could explain these UAPs, i.e.: ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’.
The Air Force classified everything as top secret and silenced the witnesses through national security restrictions and good old-fashioned intimidation. Everyone, that is, except Filer who has spoken publicly of the incident ever since. The local newspaper, The Trentonian, first reported about the incident in July 2007.
The Vatican has also been active in discussions about extraterrestrial life, the ethics of space exploration and the religious significance of a universe that could be teeming with life.
Wallace believes that extraterrestrials are “here to encourage us to look at the higher vibrations of life, the higher choices of life, and really to talk about love, because I know that is what literally drives the world.” But she also thinks that extraterrestrials “cannot and will not intercede to persuade us, to guide us, to harm us, (or) to control us in anyway”.
Nick Pope (pictured above), a British investigator who headed up the UK’s Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, has just released a film called ‘Indistinguishable From Magic’ which explores what might happen if we encountered beings from outer space.
During a recent tech conference, (the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai), Tesla and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk addressed a few questions about the future of mankind.
The town of Exeter, New Hampshire recently held its annual UFO Festival. Ten-year resident of Exeter, the 92-year old Irving “Bill” Glater, had a story to tell to help mark the occasion.
In the summer of 1969, Michael Collins was the pilot for the Apollo 11 Command Module. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took the Moon Lander to the surface of the Moon, Collins remained in the Command Module and orbited the Moon.
During this time of heightened tensions between India and Pakistan over the region of Kashmir, Sabir warns that the primary threat to India is that extraterrestrial UFOs have been known to intentionally incite attacks between terrestrial enemies by posing as an enemy aircraft or initiating a cyber-attack, in order to provoke or escalate a war.
A 2013 story by Babak Taghvaee in Combat Aircraft magazine claimed that Iranian fighter jets have encountered mysterious ‘CIA spy drones’ flying over Iran’s nuclear power sites looking for an atomic weapons program. In 2012, one of these ‘flying robots’ reportedly also shot down an Iranian F-14 fighter jet attempting to intercept it.
On August 29th, President Trump announced the reactivation of the United States Space Command at a White House ceremony. But the new command of the US Armed Forces won’t be fighting invading aliens or UFOs. The US Space Command is designed to meet the threat presented to U.S. military satellites by the increasingly sophisticated anti-satellite capabilities of Russia and China.
British environmentalist and futurist, James Lovelock, thinks that artificially intelligent, self-aware cyborgs will become a new kingdom of life and rule the earth in a coming “Era of the Novacene”. Says Lovelock, “The Novacene will probably be the final era of life on Earth.” Lovelock warns that with the rise of the cyborgs, “Homo sapiens could vanish from Earth entirely.”
August 27th marks the 40th anniversary of “The Marshall County Incident” when in 1979, Marshall County deputy sheriff Val Johnson had a mysterious encounter that some have called one of the Top 10 most significant UFO encounters ever recorded. Marshall County is located in Northwest Minnesota near the North Dakota and Canadian borders.
Dr. Stephanie Olson is leading a study at the University of Chicago, using a NASA computer program that simulates the climates and seas of exoplanets outside of our own star system. She told the Goldschmidt Geochemistry Congress in Barcelona: “NASA’s search for life in the universe is focused on so-called Habitable Zone planets, which are worlds that have the potential for liquid water oceans. …
On August 28th, in his first news conference as defense secretary, Mark Esper (standing alongside Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford in image above) endorsed the US Space Command as the “next crucial step” in the Pentagon’s reorganization of space forces “to ensure the protection of America’s interests in space.”
The History Channel documentary series: “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” follows former US government worker Luis Elizondo’s quest to expose the truth about UFOs and the threat they could pose to humanity.
Scientists have identified a group of planets outside our solar system where the same chemical conditions that may have led to life on Earth exist in what they call the Abiogenesis Zone. Would it contain life? Intelligent life? Human-like intelligent life?
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the film “Alien” by Ridley Scott, where a creature called a ‘xenomorph’ attacks and eats the entire space crew except for Sigourney Weaver’s character. (see ‘Alien’ 1979 movie trailer below) But as movie making has developed and as modern science has changed, so has the industry’s idea of what an alien would probably look like. ‘The days of little green men and giant scaly monsters in alien movies are over.’
This writer, Gwen Rigby, began to research the UFO phenomenon after she visited Roswell, New Mexico and attended a UFO Congress in Phoenix where she found “normal people who had extraordinary things happen to them”. She became convinced that there was truth out there, and she became less of a skeptic and more of a believer.
On July 19th, Politico’s defense editor, Bryan Bender, moderated a panel at the Aspen Institute’s annual Aspen Security Forum, in Aspen Colorado. Bender has been following the recent UFO developments at the nation’s capital, and he broke the story regarding the US Navy developing new guidelines for reporting UFOs.
• [On September 6th, India’s Chandrayaan-2 Vikram lander was scheduled to land near the South Pole of the Moon. At the last minute, it deviated off course and crashed. The cause for the crash is still unresolved.]
• Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies, believes the loss of communication and telemetry was no accident but a warning from extraterrestrials. Said Sabir, “UFO researchers around the world believe that the extraterrestrials have sent a message to the Indian government to ‘get rid of your nukes before you explore other worlds’.” “Why do you think the Americans refused to go to the Moon after 1973?”
• “[T]he failure of Chandrayaan 2 is not at all surprising to me,” says Sabir. “Both India and Pakistan have been openly threatening each other with nuclear attacks. But what the leadership of both these nations do not realize is that they can use their nuclear weapons only if the UFOs decide to allow them.”
• Former US Air Force Missile Launch Officer, Robert Salas, witnessed a UFO switching off ten nuclear missiles under his command in 1967, and concurs with Sabir. Salas noted that Mr Hussain cited numerous instances and statements to support his claim of alien interference in the world ‘s nuclear affairs. Said Salas, “Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, has openly stated that aliens have already visited earth. US astronaut, Gordon Cooper in his 1978 letter to the UN has acknowledged it. Mercury Seven astronaut, Donald Slayton, has described seeing a three feet wide UFO from his P-51 fighter jet at an altitude of 10,000 feet in 1951.”
• Soviet cosmonaut and Soyuz-5 spacecraft pilot, Yevegni Khrunov, cosmonaut, Vladimir Kovalyonok and cosmonaut, major general Pavel Popovich have also acknowledged UFO sightings, one of them on May 5, 1981 from the Salyut-6 space station.
• Sabir says that in 2014-2015, the UFOs were toying with American nuclear aircraft carriers, Theodore Roosevelt and Nimitz. “UFOs are very concerned about humans playing with nuclear weapons.”
While the reasons for the failure of India’s Chandrayaan-2 programme are still being studied, some bizarre theories on what could have led to it are already making the rounds – extra terrestrials interfering with the moon landing!
Mr Sabir Hussain, a Chennai based independent researcher on UFO sightings and director of the Indian Society for UFO Studies (INSUFOS) believes the loss of communication that Isro scientists suffered with the Vikram lander just before it was to land on the moon’s surface was no accident but a warning from extra terrestrials.
Sabir Hussain
” You will not be allowed to land on the moon unless ‘they’ decide to allow you. The Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) researchers around the world believe that the extra terrestrials have sent a message to the Indian government to ‘get rid of your nukes before you explore other worlds’,” he said.
“As a researcher studying the UFO-Nuclear Weapons, the failure of Chandrayaan 2 is not at all surprising to me,” Mr Hussain added in a chat with the Deccan Chronicle.
“Recently some Indian ministers have been making very irresponsible and dangerous statements on the use of nuclear weapons. If we had taken the warnings on UFO activity seriously, this situation could have been averted. Why do you think the Americans refused to go to the Moon after 1973?” he asked.
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• British pilots have reported dozens of “near misses” with UFOs in the skies over the United Kingdom. Investigations by the UK Airprox Board showed 36 such near misses involving aircraft and ‘unknown objects’ since May 2017 – with nearly a quarter of them involving a “high risk” of collision.
• On July 5, 2018 at around 9:30 am, the pilot of a small propeller aircraft reported a small “rectangle or elliptical object pass 500 to 1,000-ft below” the plane as he was cruising at around 16,000-ft about 10 nautical miles north of Birmingham. “There was no time to take any avoiding action.”
• The pilot of an Airbus A321 was flying at around 900-ft on final approach to Birmingham Airport “when he saw an object pass directly beneath the aircraft”. The pilot said that the object, which passed about 25 feet below the plane, “was either some sort of balloon or drone”. The Board listed this one as a category ‘A’ high risk of collision event.
• The Civil Aviation Authority says the vast majority of reports involved drones, model aircraft or balloons – although it is against the law to fly drones above 400-ft and close to airports.
• Nick Pope, who investigated UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence in the 1990s, says the authorities may be “missing a trick by being too quick to blame drones”. Most unidentified objects were sighted at altitudes much higher than drones would typically or can legally be flown.
• The UK Airprox Board has a significant number of such accounts and there are numerous reports in the MoD’s UFO files. Pope says that, “In most cases, sightings turn out to be birds, weather balloons, plastic bags or bin liners, or Chinese lanterns, while some are indeed attributable to drones. However, other cases remain unexplained even after thorough investigation, and this is of concern.” “[I]t raises important defense, national security and – as we see here – air safety issues.”
• Dr David Clarke, from the Centre for Contemporary Legend at Sheffield Hallam University, is not convinced the sightings are of intergalactic spacecraft. “Things that are unexplained are likely to be natural phenomenon – not aliens from other planets.”
• David Taylor of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena believes we should be cautious about witness testimonies of strange objects in the sky. “The majority of all anomalous reports – I would say around 95 per cent – are explainable in rational terms, either with known phenomena (misidentification, drones, birds, military tests etc.) and currently little understood phenomena (ball lightning, earthquake lights etc).” But, Taylor says, “[W]e must resist the temptation to dismiss them all out of hand.”
A close encounter with a mystery object in the skies near Birmingham was among dozens of baffling near misses reported by pilots in UK airspace, a Newsquest data investigation has revealed.
Investigations carried out by the UK Airprox Board show 36 such near misses involving aircraft and ‘unknown objects’ have been reported in UK skies since May 2017 – and nearly a quarter involved a high risk of collision.
One of the reports tells how the pilot of a BE90 small propeller aircraft saw a “rectangle or elliptical object pass 500 to 1,000-ft below” the plane as he was cruising at around 16,000-ft about 10 nautical miles north of Birmingham.
The incident happened on July 5, 2018, at around 9.30am, and the report states the pilot estimated the object to be 50-100cm long and it was “either hovering or travelling in the opposite direction” but “he only saw it for about 2 seconds before it passed underneath the aircraft”.
The Board, which monitors close calls between aircraft and other objects in the skies such as drones and balloons, determined the risk of collision was low but the report stated: “There was no time to take any avoiding action.”
Another incident involving an ‘unknown object’ was listed as a category A high risk of collision event and the report says the pilot of an Airbus A321 was flying at around 900-ft on final approach to Birmingham Airport “when he saw an object pass directly beneath the aircraft”.
It says the reported separation between the aircraft and the unidentified object was just 25-ft vertically and it adds that the pilot “thought it was either some sort of balloon or drone”.
The Board concluded there had been a definite risk of collision but it was not able to ascertain whether the object was a drone or a balloon so it was listed as ‘unknown’.
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• Bow hunter Josh Brinkley (41) of Santa Fe, New Mexico (pictured above left with his friend Daniel Lucero) often hunted for elk at Cerro de la Olla, also called “Pot Mountain”, near Ute Mountain in the Taos Plateau Volcanic Field in northern New Mexico. Brinkley has hunted the area for fifteen years. Brinkley’s friend and co-worker Daniel Lucero (26) had never been up to Pot Mountain. So they both went to scout the area a couple of days before the September 1st start of elk bow-hunting season.
• On September 1st, 2019, the two men set up along the tree line on different sides of a field and waited. By 9:30 am Brinkley got restless and began walking through the woods looking for elk. He walked up the mountain to the crater-caldera at the top of the collapsed volcano and stood at the southwestern side of the crater’s edge. Brinkley then noticed two tall figures standing side by side about 35 yards away, staring at him. Brinkley walked around a bush, looked again, and they were gone.
• Brinkley described the figures: “The shape that would be like their heads, it looked like they had huge hoods on. It looked like two ribbons coming off either side to a point at the top and bottom (like a banana). The right side was black, left side was white and a little shiny. Torsos were kind of black, I couldn’t see many details. It definitely looked like clothes. In middle of the oval was just gray.”
• Brinkley went back to where Lucero was still waiting. Brinkley told Lucero that he’d seen a couple of hunters who probably scared off the elk. He didn’t mention the men’s strange appearance. Said Brinkley, “I was a little weirded out.” Once they reached their campsite, Brinkley finally told Lucero what he saw. “I told him what I saw was weird. They were too tall, their heads were too big to be hunters,” said Brinkley. “Anyone who knows me knows I don’t tell these weird stories.”
• On September 2nd, they again set out in the morning looking for elk. But they couldn’t figure out why there weren’t any in the area. At 2:30 in the afternoon, they drove their Jeep to the other side of the mountain but saw no signs of wildlife or anyone who might scare the animals away. Suddenly they saw what they thought was a movie production base camp. They are both employed as builders for movie sets. Brinkley described what they saw: “It’s this big tent structure, like a circus tent, 50-60 feet tall. Coming off the left of it was this long building, almost like what you would build for an archery lane for target practice. It was a third the height, but really long, maybe a couple hundred feet.”
• They were about a quarter mile away and couldn’t see the bottom of the structure. They watched it for about a minute as they drove. Driving around trees, they lost sight of the structure for five seconds, Brinkley said. “When we topped the hill, it was gone. Just gone.” Lucero said, “There was no dust, there was nothing.” The men drove around the area searching until dark, but found nothing.
• When they reached a place with a cell phone signal, they contacted Peter Davenport, the longtime executive director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Washington state. Davenport called the incident “profoundly unsettling.” Davenport said that of the thousands of calls he gets every year about alien sightings, they rarely describe seeing aliens on the ground. Brinkley and Lucero said they weren’t drinking and weren’t on drugs. After listening to some 350,000 phone calls over 25 years, Davenport thinks he can tell those that are credible. This was one of them.
• Brinkley said he didn’t believe in UFOs, but “I sure do now.” “People probably think we are insane.” Lucero said he doesn’t know about aliens. “I just know I’ve never seen anything that big just disappear.”
Bow hunters Josh Brinkley and Daniel Lucero, dressed in camouflage gear, looked a little uncomfortable sitting in chairs at a local newspaper.
The Santa Fe County residents had just come into Taos after several days in rugged terrain near Cerro de la Olla, also called Pot Mountain, northwest of town near Ute Mountain.
Tao County, New Mexico
They had a strange tale to tell and they weren’t sure of their reception.
“We’re a couple of guys that don’t believe in much, but we believe now,” Brinkley said.
They went hunting for elk.
They encountered aliens or something else so strange they don’t know what to call it.
Sketch made by Josh Brinkley of the strange beings
Brinkley, 41, said he’s been going to the Pot Mountain area hunting for 15 years. He had never seen anything particularly odd.
He said he works construction and on movie sets. He’s a family guy who doesn’t want anyone to think he’s crazy.
He and Lucero have worked together for eight years.
They say they aren’t prone to seeing things and didn’t particularly believe in aliens.
Odd figures
Opening morning of bow hunting season was Sunday (Sept. 1). The two men had gone a couple of days early to scout the area for elk. Lucero, 26, had never been there.
Taos Plateau Volcanic Field
They set up along the tree line on different sides of a field and waited. After three hours and no elk, Brinkley became restless. It was about 9:30 a.m.
“I take off walking, creeping around through the woods, looking for elk,” Brinkley said.
He reached the top of the mountain where there’s a caldera, a kind of wide bowl left behind by a collapsed volcano. He went to the edge on the southwest side. As he walked to the edge he noticed two figures on his side of the caldera. He thought at first they were hunters. But, they were “very tall shapes of these beings, standing side by side, staring right at me,” he said.
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