Physicist Describes Wormhole That Will Make Time Travel Possible

by Paul Seaburn       November 19, 2017       (

• Theoretical astrophysicist and science writer, Ethan Siegel, has theoretically created a theoretical time machine. “The place to start is with the physical idea of a wormhole.” Says Siegel. Thankfully, this theory abides by Einstein’s general theory of relativity and will not destroy the universe as we know it.

• Siegel starts with the accepted idea that positive/negative energy fluctuations can create a curve space wormhole that a particle could travel through from one point to another in spacetime. Since every known particle has positive energy and either positive or zero mass, it is possible to have negative mass/energy particles. With that assumption in mind, Siegel proposes a sort of reverse wormhole.

• Siegel proposes a wormhole with one fixed end and one that moves around at nearly the speed of light. Once the wormhole is created, you wait a year and then enter the end that has been in motion. When you come out at the fixed end, it’s 40 years prior. That means if you entered this wormhole today, you could travel back to 1978… provided someone in 1977 had created the fixed end of this wormhole.

• Regarding the grandfather paradox, you’ll be able to meet your grandfather when he’s still very young – perhaps even younger than you are now – but it will still, by necessity, occur at a moment in time after your parents were born.


Fans of Doc Brown, Mr. Peabody and Doctor Who may have already received the present they’ve wanted since they were kids.

“Thanks to some very interesting properties of space and time in Einstein’s General Relativity, traveling back in time may be possible after all.”

In a recent post on his Forbes blog, Starts with a Bang, theoretical astrophysicist and science writer Ethan Siegel lays out the parts and the plans for traveling backwards in time. Siegel claims this ‘time machine’ abides by Einstein’s general theory of relativity and will not destroy the universe as we know it. Yes! Tell us how to build one, Professor Siegel, so we can all go back change the answer on the test that kept us from getting into Harvard. Or one questionable election vote.

“The place to start is with the physical idea of a wormhole.”

Sigh. You skipped right over that part about Dr. Siegel being a “theoretical” physicist, didn’t you? Wormholes can exist theoretically – we just haven’t found one yet. Siegel starts with the accepted idea that positive/negative energy fluctuations can create a curve space wormhole that a particle could travel through from one point in spacetime to another. Who cares about particles, Dr. Siegel? We want to transport ourselves and possibly a cool-looking but poor-performing sports car back in time.

“If we want to scale that up, however, to allow something like a human being through, that’s going to take some work. While every known particle in our Universe has positive energy and either positive or zero mass, it’s eminently possible to have negative mass/energy particles in the framework of General Relativity. Sure, we haven’t discovered any yet, but according to all the rules of theoretical physics, there’s nothing forbidding it.”

With that assumption in mind, Siegel proposes a sort of reverse wormhole. Instead of the conventional “travel 40 light years out at nearly the speed of light, come back and you’ve aged 2 years while everyone else is 82 years older,” he proposes a wormhole with one fixed end and one that moves around at nearly the speed of light. The wormhole is created, you wait a year and then enter the end that has been in motion. When you come out at the fixed end, it’s 40 years prior. That means if you entered this wormhole today, you could travel back to 1978 …

… provided someone in 1977 had created this wormhole. So Dr. Siegel’s time machine wormhole is dependent on a previous Dr. Siegel-type with his theoretical physics knowledge and more. What if that person was your grandfather? Could you go back in time to meet him and prevent your own birth?



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XENDRAS as Inter-reality, Artificially Created Encounter Places between Spacetimes

XENDRAS as Inter-reality, Artificially Created Encounter Places between Spacetimes
Giorgio Piacenza
Actual xendra photo in the Dominican Republic by Ricardo Gonzalez.
Since 1974 in the Rahma contact groups and in similar or related human-ET contact groups, “Xendras” have been experienced. They are artificially generated environments where we and our physical reality can partly or completely meet other beings and another physical reality. Thus, they are places to receive vivid mental images, feelings, and information, to witness holographic-like projections of beings from other times and stars systems that communicate with us or places to physically meet other beings and even be transported to their worlds.  They also can be places to be transported in an astral-like and consciously to worlds that appear to be much more refined or subtle, almost “astral”.
If visible, Xendras typically look like half domes. There also are large and small xendras some xendras that are visible and some which aren’t. However, all of these varieties of xendras are encounter places. We can think of them as essentially safe EXOPOLITICAL encounter places. Since ETs are not going to risk their lives by stepping into The United Nations on a planet that doesn’t officially display any legal recognition of their rights, Xendras become quite useful also for Citizen or official diplomacy between Earth representatives and other intelligent beings from other civilizations, especially if these other beings exist in a frequency realm different from ours.
In Quechua Andean traditions we speak about a complimentary healthy, harmonious encounter (Tinkuy) of beings and worlds also creating a new reality. The three worlds can meet (as represented by how a paqo or traditionalist “shaman” holds the three coca leaves) and a highly developed human being can traverse them all and connect them all. Antennas (human communicators with extraterrestrials) and Xendras (artificially created encounter places) also, at least partly, do that. But how do the latter do it?
Let me indulge in an educated-guess exploration here. I presume that no new atoms are added to our physical bodies or structures while inside a xendra. That our atoms are only re-aligned under a higher time rate and corresponding higher frequency energy level plus different information patterns all of which gets us closer to the physical state, energy levels, and time rates in which our ET friends live.
We need to expand our notions of physicality to include the possibility not only of a “Block Universe” type of situation (in Einstein’s sense) regarding one physical universe; not only the possibility of beings in the future or in the past in that same “lock universe” with respect to our experience, but the possibility of there also being various “densities” of physical universes and the possibility that less “dense” physical universes may be – in some ways – be considered also to be “in the future” with respect to us. We also need to expand our notions of the “non-physical” so as not to be only equated with disembodied soul, mind, or consciousness and, instead, think that there can be non-physical realms that, nonetheless, possess a different kind of matter, of exteriorities and objects that place limits and modify what subjects can experience. And, perhaps (as I surmised from a writing that Sixto Paz’s father gave me years ago), various combinations (or encounters) of the physical and non-physical realms can generate – for one – the various “densities” of different physical universes.
The xendra would be an artificially generated, intermediate encounter level situated between our physical universe and their physical universe. The xendra frequency would pump our atoms but (unless prepared and taking other precautions), it would be safer not to frequency pump too much in order to have a complete same frequency physical encounter with one of our extraterrestrial friends. Let’s think that our physical bodies also are far from equilibrium, partially adaptive, open, biological system.
Alleged xendra (or perhaps fog bow) photo in Cuzco during a Mision Rahma camping-spiritual work field trip
The xendra itself inside which we may walk, is also frequency pumped. It would be easier not to do it excessively in this modified-spacetime meeting place which might also be part of a possible closed, time-like loop between us and the ETs.
The degree of difference between our ordinary world and the xendra suitable for a complete physical encounter with another physical being situated in a higher time rate, higher energy level and future frame of reference would require some serious preparation, implants, protective mechanisms, gradual previous encounters in which energies are received. Different beings situated in other time-energy situations may be less difficult to meet with physically.
It would be easier and safer perhaps in most cases to only prepare the xendra to a level just adequate to manifest a holographic projection of that being. That being would be in his or her own environment and appear as if he or she were in our environment (combined with being inside the xendra). We would also be perceived in his environment and inside his corresponding xendra. In fact, both xendras would be one single xendra connecting both original environments simultaneously.
The manufactured xendra state would also temporarily exist in a higher state of spatial symmetry, a conditioned space, or (using William Tiller’s concepts), something like a SU(2) symmetry, so to speak. That conditioned state is also more amenable to telepathic and other forms of mental imprinting. There’s a higher degree of “initia” over “inertia” in that conditioned space (or space-time).
Some kinetic energy would have been withdrawn from our normal physical surroundings whose entropy would have decrease. The potential energy state might be transferred to form an artificial space-time by means of a retrocausal conversion system that also serves to connect with the mental non-physical realm and through a level of this non-physical, mental realm) a specific information pattern (combining our denser physical spacetime reality with the extraterrestrial’s spacetime reality) is injected into the resulting xendra spacetime frequency patterns. This would accelerate the patterns that correspond to our world inside of that xendra (or temporary intermediate, physical environment).
Actual xendra photo by Mision Rahma with an illustration of a more concrete encounter. Photo by Ricardo Gonzalez
The key is the use of retrocausal influences to connect two possibly related times. Retrocausality would also be modulated to convert potential energy patterns into kinetic energy patterns, to manipulate the interplay between entropy and negentropy, to change the density, permeability, and permittivity of spacetime. Moreover, it would be used to cancel portions of our “denser” spacetime (of slower vibratory frequency, a slower rate of events (the time rate) as well as to cancel a portion of the less dense extraterrestrial’s spacetime returning a portion of these spacetimes to the null space, null time of the non-physical mental realm from which they derive and, using this realm, momentarily re-program, re-pattern and/or combine the information patterns of the extraterrestrials physical reality with those of our physical reality, creating an in-between, combined spacetime. Consciousness-being utilizing its mental vehicle and capacities would be able to re-pattern and combine the physical patterns transferred into the mental realm.
The time rates and frames combine, the energies combine, the physical reality patterns (derived from their more inclusive, shared and subjacent mental realm) combine. It is an encounter or (as previously mentioned) a “Tinkuy” of realities; both an intermediate spacetime state and the creation of something original. Thus, the product is more than the sum of the parts. it is creatively new. It adds new information to the universe.
Possible fog bow phenomenon mistaken as a Xendra in Punta Colorada, Uruguay, 2009.
Then, perhaps, when we exit the xendra (or when the xendra is over), we or the physical environment thus affected returns to its normal (less spatially conditioned) physical state and to its lower symmetry level and, as the rearrangement of atoms relaxes, some “energy” in the form of restored kinetic energy is released back into this environment. If the xendra is particularly strong and it matches the physical reality of the ETs and we step out we need to be previously conditioned to process this because perhaps the kinetic energy patterns re-released would also be in our organisms and affect us.
One sign of this could be how strongly we might affect electronic and electric equipment, perhaps due to the emission of scalar longitudinal waves, a component of overall electromagnetism which, is re-incorporated into the regular traversal wave components and from it to the electrical source of these waves.
A strong xendra can be consider an inter-reality portal (as well as a trans-reality portal) through which two realities, time frames, and time rates and, perhaps, two physical densities can encounter to the point of being able to transport the member of one reality into the other. If the differences between the realities or universes is great, the person being transported would have to be protected. If the xendra connects two different physical universes under the same “densities” and time rates, it would be much easy to traverse portal.
But these encounter places are usually activated for those that prepare in spiritual, mental, and psycho-physical ways. Normally, meditation, breathing, avoiding eating meat and heavy drinking, living a natural life, and an ethical life with the desire to serve others while also controlling one’s emotions are conducive. Furthermore, if we also consider xendras  as “exopolitical encounter places,” we may find that most persons thus far implicitly acting as humanity’s ambassadors by stepping into xendras are simple, idealistic, down-to-earth, progressively spiritually oriented, friendly, grassroots “citizen diplomats.”
Possible xendra photo by Mision Rahma
A different kind of xendra-like effect called a “Cosmic Fold.” Here in Bolivia, moments before a friendly close encounter. In the picture Mr. Luis Fernando Mostajo

The Deep State Institutions That Make Up The “Secret Government”

by Arjun Walia      November 22, 2017      (

• The Deep State refers to a coordinated effort by career government employees and other individuals to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

• “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.” “To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” – Theodore Roosevelt

• “There is somewhere a power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that [others] had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson

• When he coined the term “Military Industrial Complex”, Eisenhower was concerned about the “disastrous rise of misplaced power.”

• John F. Kennedy warned that we are living in “a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine… its preparations are concealed… its dissenters are silenced … no expenditure is questioned”.

• Today, government policy is largely dictated by corporations and the financial institutions that sit above them. We no longer live in a democracy, but rather, a “corporatocracy.”

• “An elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by… controlling the source of money.” – Foster Gamble

• The Federal Reserve is a privately owned central bank system in the United States disguised as a government-owned system. It’s an independent agency that can make decisions no other branches of government can oppose. The FED prints money in a way that keeps them protected, and bleeds everybody else dry.

• Our perception of politicians and presidents largely comes from mainstream media. Regardless of who is elected president, this hidden power has an agenda and they use politics to justify it.

• “More people are discovering that the system is all rigged, and that voting is just pacification for the voters and it really doesn’t count.” – former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul

• The “terror war industry” is based on a supposed “Islamic threat” maintained through false flag terrorism to support the deep state agenda of primarily the arms industry and the oil industry.

• The “military industrial complex” runs the unacknowledged Special Access Programs, better known as “deep black programs” that do not publicly exist. They are ongoing programs that are above the law, beyond scrutiny, and operating in near total secrecy.

• If we constantly look to one person, who is usually part of the “one percent,” to make significant changes, nothing will ever change. Politics seems like one big distraction, a place for powerful people to play games with the population and keep our attention. It’s become more of an entertainment platform as opposed to a real platform for change.

• But there is a massive shift in consciousness occurring. The veil that blinds the masses in so many ways is becoming transparent. We must create more awareness about these issues and speak up about them instead of just giving all of our power over to one individual, hoping that they can make some sort of change for us.

• “Until people are properly educated and informed, instead of indoctrinated to be ignorant mindless consumers, democracy is nothing more than a clever tool used by the ruling class to subjugate the rest of us.” – social activist Gavin Nascimento


The Deep State refers to a coordinated effort by career government employees and other individuals to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

“Democracy is popular because of the illusion of choice and participation it provides. But when you live in a society in which most people’s knowledge of the world extends as far as sports, sitcoms, reality shows, and celebrity gossip, democracy becomes a very dangerous idea. Until people are properly educated and informed, instead of indoctrinated to be ignorant mindless consumers, democracy is nothing more than a clever tool used by the ruling class to subjugate the rest of us.” – Gavin Nascimento

When Eisenhower coined the term “Military Industrial Complex,” his main concern was the potential for the “disastrous rise of misplaced power.” After him, John F. Kennedy (JFK) warned the citizenry that we are living in “a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” He went on to state that “its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Before both of these two, 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson revealed: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Perhaps one of the most revealing statements from modern history by a president comes from the 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, when he explained how little people know of how government really operates: “Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people.”

“From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”

“To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

What these presidents did, as many others have done, is reveal the existence of a government within the government that has infiltrated the United States. It’s no secret that government policy is largely dictated by corporations, and the financial institutions that sit above them. We no longer live in a democracy, but rather, a “corporatocracy.” This is easy to see if you simply follow the money.

“As difficult as it was for me, I’ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance. Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.” – Foster Gamble

The Deep State

The military industrial complex, the Deep State, those who the presidents above are referring to, is comprised of a small group of people and the corporations/institutions they run. It has been this way for many years, as so many presidential candidates, like Dr. Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders, have exposed. This organized power completely controls politics, and they do not care who you vote for.

Regardless of who is elected president, this hidden power has an agenda, and they use politics to justify it. Just look at the destabilization of the Middle East.

Our perception of politicians and presidents largely comes from mainstream media, not our ability to think critically about what is going on. If mainstream media praises a candidate, like Hillary Clinton, that’s who the masses prefer. Their power to influence us is tremendous.

Despite the fact that Donald Trump has been vilified, he’s actually taken more action against this powerful group of elite and their interests than most, but it’s hard for people to see this because these corporations (who own the mainstream media, incidentally) continue to slander him — not that he hasn’t made it easy for them.

1. The Terror War Industry

One great example is the terror war industry, and the presence of a supposed “Islamic Threat.” This perceived threat is maintained through false flag terrorism, a concept that even the mainstream has acknowledged, particularly since multiple politicians and academics have revealed it to the world. Vladimir Putin, for example, recently said the attack in Syria was a false flag, and the globate elite use “imaginary” and “mythical” threats to push forth their agenda.

He, along with many others, also called out the United States and their allies for funding terrorists organizations. In his recent visit to Saudi Arabia, Donald Trump did the same.

The term “terror war industry” comes from FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who referenced it during an appearance on RT news. She is a former FBI translator and the founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). She gained a lot of attention in 2002 after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals, which included serious security breaches and cover-ups, alluding to intelligence that was deliberately suppressed.

The Deep State institutions involved with this would be the arms industry and the oil industry, among others.

2. The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned central bank system in the United States disguised as a government owned system.

“The Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that, there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.” – Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve

Henry Ford said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

No matter who you vote for, the banking system remains the same. These people have the ability to print money in a way that keeps them protected, and bleeds everybody else dry. As the quote above from Alan Greenspan illustrates, it’s an independent agency that can make decisions no other branches of government can oppose. The people that control the money control the government, and the presidency. If an institution like the Federal Reserve isn’t considered a Deep State institution, I don’t know what is.

Every four years we look to somebody to spark change, but perhaps that whole process is meant to distract us. Perhaps we are looking for change in the wrong places.

3. The Military Industrial Complex

Former Republican Congressional Aide Mike Lofgren, who retired in 2011 after spending 28 years as a congressional staffer, defines the Deep State as follows: “It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street.”

The military industrial complex is huge, and full of private contractors, intelligence agencies, and other defense agencies that have, just as Eisenhower warned us, amassed a great deal of power. The crazy thing about it is, nobody knows what’s going on in here, not even the President. If the President and the United States Congress doesn’t even have access to this information, just ask yourself, who does?

We’re talking about Special Access Programs (SAPs), in which we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as “Deep Black programs.” A 1997 U.S. Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” Welcome to the world of secrecy.



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Earth’s Transition Into The Age of Aquarius – According to Carl Jung & A 33rd Degree Freemason

by Arjun Walia        November 18, 2017       (

  • By all historical accounts, we are at the end of one spiritual age and transitioning into a new one. There is discrepancy among experts where exactly we are, but most seem to agree that we are in a very important transition period. According to Western astrology we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. In ancient Vedic astrology we are at the end of the Kaliyuga Age.  This alsocorrelates with the cycles described by ancient Native Americans.

  • We have been living in an age of Darkness, also described in The Mahabharata as a time when mental capabilities and moral virtues reach their lowest point. When this age ends we will cycle back to the beginning, an age that hasn’t been seen since the time of great knowledge and understanding of the spiritual sciences, mysticism, consciousness, and non-materialism.

  • Throughout human history, major solar activity such as we are now witnessing has directly correlated with major spiritual events.

  • Our emerging interest in UFOs and other things esoteric are a part of this massive shift in human consciousness.

  • Carl Jung wrote, “We are now nearing the great change, which may be expected, when the spring point enters Aquarius.” Jung was also a heavy researcher into the topic of UFOs. (He also accused the U.S. Air Force for covering up information about the subject.)

  • “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla


Astrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years. It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been concealed and forbidden from public viewing. Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity, and those driven by greed and personal gain, have also used this type of ancient knowledge. From Atlantis to ancient Sumer, Vedic astrology to ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, many great minds throughout the ages have practiced astrology, and for good reason. Despite its many skeptics, astrology has much to offer.

It’s also import to mention here that many of our founding fathers of modern science, especially in the fields of mathematics and physics/quantum physics, were all spiritual mystics.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”- Nikola Tesla

A new age, astrologically speaking, for man began at the dawn of Christianity. Prior to this, we had the secret societies, concepts like the Philosopher’s Stone, and other ‘magical’ concepts, including the use of magic and sorcery. With the advent of Christianity, the concept of God took their place, yet more recently, concepts that were used and practiced prior to the beginning of modern day religion have been emerging once more, which is interesting because we are at the end of an age, and transitioning into a new one. There is discrepancy among experts where exactly we are, but most seem to agree that we are in a very important transition period.

In Western astrology, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. In ancient Vedic astrology, we are at the beginning of the end of a 300 cycle (currently living in the transition period at the end of the Kaliyuga Age).

The Vedic doctrine also tells us what Western astrology philosophies do, and correlates with the cycles described by ancient Native American wisdom as well.

They tell us that we are living in an age of Darkness, also described in The Mahabharata, a time when mental capabilities reach their lowest point and moral virtue is stripped from the Earth. As independent researcher Bibhu Dev Misra writes, when the “World Soul” is full of blackness and corruption, and only a small fraction of virtue remains, it “slowly dwindles to zero at the end of the Kali Yuga. Men turn to wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear of scarcity dominate. Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse. All creatures degenerate. Change passes over all things, without exception.”

These descriptions accurately reflect our society’s progression. As we’ve moved through modern history, this past age — which has lasted approximately 2,100 years — is coming to an end, a conclusion marked by a time when global tensions have never been so high. During this age, humanity has indeed experienced the most darkness, and it seems that the more ancient a civilization, the more spiritually (and technologically) advanced they might have been — also interesting because after this age ends, we will be cycling back to the beginning, an age that hasn’t been seen since the time of great knowledge and understanding of the spiritual sciences, mysticism, consciousness, and non-materialism in general.
This all seems to be part of the massive shift in collective consciousness that is going on today.
Carl Jung’s Explanation

Dr. Jung writes: “As we know from Ancient Egyptian History, these events are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one platonic month, and at the beginning of another. They are, it seems, changes in the constellation of psychic dominance, of the archetypes or gods, as they used to be called, which bring about or accompany long lasting transformations of the collective psyche. This transformation started within the historical tradition and left traces behind it. First, in the transition from the age of Torus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity (mentioned above). We are now nearing the great change, which may be expected, when the spring point, enters Aquarius.”

Interest quote above, it’s taken from his book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies. It’s hard to find a non translated version that was written by Jung in 1958, that’s why the recording below, from Manly P. Hall, who had a relationship with Jung, as being recognized as two of the greatest minds of their time – they were also into each others work, is so important.

Hall has been recognized as one of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult. Many great minds have been attracted to his work, including the late Carl Jung, who, when writing his Psychology and Alchemy, borrowed material from Hall’s private collection.
One of his most recognized books is a great resource of information, The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy.

Jung, contrary to popular belief, was a heavy researcher into the topic of UFOs, during the time he published his book he also accused the Air Force for covering up information about the subject.



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They Thought She Was Insane Before Doctor Finds RFID Chip In Sex Trafficking Victim

by Kalee Brown      November 19, 2017      (

• In October 2016, a 28-year-old woman walked into a hospital claiming that she had a tracker inside of her body. The doctor’s were dubious until their x-ray showed a small metallic object only a little bit larger than a grain of rice embedded in the right side of her torso. It was an RFID (radio frequency identification) chip, the kind one would use to tag an animal or pet. The woman said that her boyfriend had implanted it to force her to comply with prostituting herself for sex and giving him the money.

• As many as 88% of sex trafficking victims end up in ERs while they’re still being held captive. There are almost 6,000 hospitals in the United States, yet only 60 of them have specific protocols in place if they suspect one of their patients is a trafficking victim. 95% of ER personnel are not adequately trained in treating trafficking victims and to help them to escape.

• Between 2015 and 2016 there has been a 35.7% increase in the amount of known human trafficking victims in the U.S. At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry.

• The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million human trafficking victims worldwide and 4.5 million people trapped in forced sex trafficking around the globe.

• The United States accounts for half of the child pornography websites in the world. Each year, countless Americans will also engage in sex tourism, traveling to countries with less strict or no laws surrounding prostitution and child sex slavery.

• Ted Gunderson, former FBI special agent and head of their L.A. office, worked to uncover years’ worth of information on high-level pedophilia, sexual abuse, and satanic rituals performed by the elite.

• Former U.S. representative Cynthia McKinney knew about the government’s relationship to human trafficking, and she actually addressed it in 2005. She grilled Donald Rumsfeld on DynCorp’s child trafficking business of selling women and children.

• In 2009, multi-millionaire Jeffrey E. Epstein pleaded guilty to charges of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as fourteen. According to former U.S. State Department official Steve Pieczenik, Epstein would fly his friends down to the Bahamas on his private plane called the ‘Lolita Express’, to engage in sex with young girls. Friends of Epstein included England’s Prince Andrew, and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

[Editor’s Note] Pedophilia is a common thread among the deep state government elite. Disguised as an FBI investigation into possible links between Russia and the Trump Presidential campaign, FBI Director Robert Mueller may actually be investigating the vast pedophile network that has monopolized power in the United States government, with sealed indictments numbering over 1100 now.  Click to see Dr Michael Salla’s article of November 27, 2017.


The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million human trafficking victims worldwide and 4.5 million people trapped in forced sex trafficking around the globe. At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. This is an extremely lucrative business, as pimps typically make between $150K and $200K per child annually and exploit 4-6 girls, on average.

Human trafficking remains a major problem worldwide, and it’s not just pimps and escaped convicts involved. It’s politicians, the elite, wealthy businessmen, your neighbours, and oftentimes the people that you’d least expect. There was an astonishing 35.7% increase in the amount of human trafficking victims in the U.S. between 2015 and 2016, and that’s just the known number of victims. This begs the question: Are we getting better at finding them, or are an increasing number of people being forced to sell their bodies? Sadly, statistics suggest the latter.

Technology has played an integral role in finding these victims in recent years; however, technology can also enable human trafficking through the dark net and even through the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips. One doctor recently came forward, whose identity will be kept anonymous, to share his story in surgically removing an RFID chip in a female sex trafficking victim. How can the healthcare system help these victims and what can we do to put an end to human trafficking?

Doctor Extracts RFID Chip From Sex Trafficking Victim

In October 2016, a 28-year-old woman walked into a hospital claiming that she had a tracker inside of her body. Although the doctor said the woman looked respectable, the nurses and doctors on site were still skeptical of her story, until they gave her an X-ray.

“Embedded in the right side of her flank is a small metallic object only a little bit larger than a grain of rice. But it’s there. It’s unequivocally there. She has a tracker in her. And no one was speaking for like five seconds — and in a busy ER that’s saying something,” the doctor explained.

As it turned out, that small metal object was an RFID chip. “It’s used to tag cats and dogs. And someone had tagged her like an animal, like she was somebody’s pet that they owned,” he continued.

It’s important to note that RFID chips aren’t like every other tracking device or GPS system. The type of chip that was inside this woman could only have been used to track her if the person tracking her was nearby. This means that she was likely kept in a confined area with her captor, as if she truly were a pet who needed to be kept close to her owner.

In truth, she was forced into the world of sex trafficking by her boyfriend, who was acting as her pimp. He chipped her to ensure her compliance, forcing her to sell her body for sex and then give him the money. This isn’t an unusual practice, either, as many industries, from prostitution to manufacturing to domestic service, will chip their “employees.”

Already in use, RFID chips stand to become common technology. An American company called Applied Digital Solutions developed one the size of a grain of rice and it’s already been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for distribution and implementation.

The potential issues regarding microchipping the human race are endless. Would we have any privacy? It’s easy to imagine how the elite and the government could use microchips to further control the general population. Is it even safe to put inside of our bodies or would we experience another drastic increase in cancer rates? Plus, if this becomes common practice in the world of human trafficking, would this help us find victims or would it only help those controlling them?

How Healthcare Providers and Others Can Help Trafficking Victims

Human trafficking has been a serious issue for decades, from underground elite pedophile rings to slavery to sex trafficking. The level of corruption may seem overwhelming, but there’s always something we can do to help! One industry in particular that can help free sex trafficking victims is the healthcare system.

As many as 88% of sex trafficking victims end up in ERs while they’re still being held captive. This means that hospital staff have the opportunity to interact with these victims and thus help them escape. The difficulty is identifying sex traffickers and then understanding how to get them the help they need.

A quarter of healthcare providers believe that their patients have been involved with human trafficking, yet very few are actually educated on how to correctly handle this situation. There are almost 6,000 hospitals in the United States, yet only 60 of them have specific protocols in place if they suspect one of their patients is a trafficking victim. As a result, an alarming 95% of ER personnel are not adequately trained in treating trafficking victims.

Unfortunately, it all comes down to lack of funding, as many hospitals simply cannot afford to run education programs for their staff or offer additional services to trafficking victims. Fortunately, that’s not the case in every instance. A number of hospitals and doctors in Hawaii, New York, Texas, and Massachusetts have recently opened up free clinics for trafficking victims.

And it’s not just healthcare providers that are stepping up; for example, Ashton Kutcher recently designed a software that is currently being used by 4,000 officers in the U.S., which allows law enforcers to reduce investigation time by 60%. Another tool that his company developed, Solace, is anticipated to be able to cut down investigation time from three years to only three weeks.

Kutcher actually highlighted another industry that has the power to make a huge difference to the lives of sex trafficking victims during his speech to U.S. Congress — the foster care system. In 2016, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children estimated that one in six endangered runaways reported to them were likely sex trafficking victims.

Ashton states, “I was astonished to find out that 70% of the inmates in the prisons across this country have touched the foster care system and 80% of the people on death row were at some point in time exposed to the foster care system… Foster care children are 4 times more likely to be exposed to sexual abuse. That’s a breeding ground for trafficking, I promise you that.”

Another trafficking pipeline he mentions is the lack of mental health support offered to both the victims and their perpetrators. We cannot just hand people prescriptions and assume that this will put an end to their nightmares. Anyone who is subject to this kind of abuse, or is the abuser themselves, will likely require long-term counselling and therapy.

This isn’t just an issue of search and rescue, either. Human trafficking can only be stopped if we work toward fixing the entire system. This means understanding why this happens in the first place so we can prevent it from occurring as well as providing better support to victims and perpetrators after the fact.

Perhaps if the government allocated more resources toward finding these victims and preventing these underground rings from existing in the first place, human trafficking wouldn’t be such a large-scale issue. However, the sad reality is, the U.S. government and the forces that control it are a huge part of the problem.

U.S. Government and Elite Involvement in Sex Trafficking

According to the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, the U.S. has the largest share — a whopping 50% — of commercialized child pornography websites in the world. Countless Americans each year will also engage in sex tourism, which is when someone travels to countries with less strict or no laws surrounding prostitution and child sex slavery, yet they’re very rarely caught doing so.

There has also been a lot of speculation lately on child sex rings being used by the U.S. government. You may be familiar with the PizzaGate scandal, which allegedly unearthed a very high-level elitist global pedophile ring the U.S. government was involved in.

It emerged when Wikileaks released tens of thousands of emails from the former White House Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton, Jon Podesta, who also served as Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. It’s because of these emails that many claimed Jon Podesta was a part of these child trafficking rings as well.



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Blocked Entrance to Mysterious Mayan Temple Tunnel Found

by Paul Seaburn      November 17, 2017      (

• The ancient Mayan culture built their temples over underground aquifers, which were used as the Mayan’s primary source of fresh water.

• In 2015 an aquifer was discovered underneath the Temple of Kukulkán. This in turn has led them to a never-seen-before blocked passageway from the Chichén Itzá ossuary (bone vault) to the Kukulkán temple – a passageway that was apparently sealed by the ancient Mayans and has never been opened.

• Legends hold that these sinkholes were gateways to the underworld of the afterlife. These were the sites where human sacrifices were made to the rain god Chaac and where archaeologists have found hundreds of human bones.

• The archeology team has been granted permission to break into the sealed chamber.

[Editor’s Note] As the Mayan civilization was able to leave the planet and establish an off-world civilization, the findings in these deep aquifers may be quite compelling.


A bold project in Mexico has brought archaeologists, biologists, underwater photographers and cave divers to the Yucatán Peninsula to study the network of sinkholes known as cenotes that make up the Mayan Aquifer. These natural openings formed by the collapse of the underlying limestone bedrock led the ancient Mayans to what became their primary sources of water, since the peninsula has few lakes and rivers.

As a result, it’s no surprise that they were used for sacred ceremonies and sacrificial offerings and became starting points for the building of temples. A cenote was detected in 2015 underneath the El Castillo (The Castle) pyramid, also known as the Temple of Kukulkán at the Chichen Itzá archeological site using the ground-penetrating electrical resistance survey technique. Those 3-D images and further underground exploration led the Great Mayan Aquifer (GAM) team to a never-before-seen blocked passageway from the Chichén Itzá ossuary (bone vault) to the Kukulkán temple … a passageway they believe was sealed by the ancient Mayans and has never been opened.

“We will enter again and, this time, we will try to open it to see if the passageway leads us to the entrance of the cenote beneath the Castle.”

El Universal reports that team leader Guillermo de Anda is ready to break the seal and open the passageway to the temple’s cenote, despite the legends that these sinkholes were gateways to the underworld of the afterlife and the fact that these were places where human sacrifices were made to the rain god Chaac – the GAM team has already found hundreds of human bones in the Sacred Cenote (Well of Sacrifice) at Chichén Itzá.



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New University Class Claims Alien Conspiracy Theories Are Real, Government Is Covering Up Extraterrestrial Civilizations

by Kastalia Medrano      November 27, 2017     (

• Tazelenme University in Turkey is offering a course called “Ufology and Exopolitics” to prepare students for the possibility of extraterrestrial contact.

• The exo-class instructor says, “… representatives from the world and extraterrestrial civilizations will soon be making official contact with each other… in an open and mass contact. [It will be the] biggest change seen in the history of the world.”

• The instructor also says that aliens have already visited Earth, and he expects open and mass contact with ET within 15 years. He maintains that technologies like fiber-optic cable, microchips and night-vision devices were developed from intelligence gathered at UFO crash sites.

• The course will focus on practical preparations, galactic diplomacy, and the history of cover-ups related to alien contact. The instructor claims that public knowledge of alien activity is being suppressed by a group known as MJ-12.


A Turkish university is including a new course called “Ufology and Exopolitics” in its curriculum. The Dogan News Agency reported that the purpose of the class is to prepare students for the possibility of extraterrestrial contact.

“We believe representatives from the world and extraterrestrial civilizations will soon be making official contact with each other. We think they will be in an open and mass contact,” the class’s tutor, Erhan Kolbaşi, told the Dogan agency. “[It will be the] biggest change seen in the history of the world.”

The course will focus not just on practical preparations and galactic diplomacy but also on the purported history of cover-ups related to alien contact. Kolbaşi, who told Dogan he expects contact within 15 years, also maintains that aliens have already visited Earth and that technologies like fiber-optic cable, microchips and night-vision instruments were developed from intelligence gathered at crash sites. He claimed that public knowledge of this kind of alien activity is being suppressed by a group known as MJ-12.

Kolbaşi is the deputy chair of the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center, in Istanbul. MJ-12 has been the province of conspiracy theorists for years and also is the plot basis of the 1997 film Men in Black.

MJ-12 is short for Majestic 12, a vast, allegedly secret organization that President Harry Truman (allegedly) created to handle instances of alien contact and to (allegedly) keep them hidden from the public, even if that meant killing those who learned too much. Allegedly, anyway.


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Scientists Transmit Songs to Planet With Potential Alien Life

by Paul Seaburn       November 18, 2017        (

  • On October 16-18, scientists from Tromsø, Norway transmitted radio signals to a “habitable zone” planet called GJ273b orbiting a red dwarf star in the constellation Canis Major.

  • They used the transmitter itself as a musical instrument, sending basic melodies by transmitting pulses at a series of different radio frequencies that maintain the same sort of intervals between one another that we see in the intervals between musical notes.

  • The “music” was composed for this project by sound artist Holly Herndon, French composer Jean-Michel Jarre, and the experimental electronic-music duo Matmos.

  • The signal also contained a sort of ‘cosmic clock’ to help the ETs figure out our concept of time.


There are serious questions being pondered and actions being taken by our top minds these days and there’s no reason why the thought process shouldn’t be open to all humans, especially since the end result could potentially put all humans in danger of being destroyed by aliens … especially aliens who don’t like techno-pop music. The questions? Would you broadcast radio signals at a planet that may contain alien life? If you say yes, would you send music or words? If you chose music, what songs would you send? Space Oddity? Rocket Man? The 1812 Overture? Space Cowboy?

GeekWire reports that a group of scientists and artists calling themselves Sónar Calling GJ273b didn’t bother to ask us before transmitting signals on three successive days, Oct. 16-18, from the EISCAT radio antenna in Tromsø, Norway. The transmissions were aimed at GJ273b, a planet twice the mass of Earth, orbiting GJ273 or Luyten’s Star, a red dwarf in the constellation Canis Major. GJ273b is in a habitable zone orbit and could harbor life, so it’s a prime target for messaging extraterrestrial intelligence (METI) according to METI International, a co-sponsor of Sónar Calling GJ273b.

The other sponsors are the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia, Spain, and the Sónar music festival in Barcelona. So the inhabitants of GJ273b will someday be tapping their toes (or whatever appendages they’ve developed) to flamenco, opera, Spanish jazz and classical guitar songs – right?

“We will turn the EISCAT transmitter into a musical instrument, sending basic melodies by transmitting pulses at a series of different radio frequencies that maintain the same sort of intervals between one another that we see in the intervals between musical notes.”

What is that … polka? (Sorry, polka fans). Do we want them to like us or hate us? Douglas Vakoch, president of METI International, says those “pulses” were composed especially for this project by people like sound artist Holly Herndon, French composer Jean-Michel Jarre and the experimental electronic-music duo Matmos.


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Nearby Exoplanet May Support Life and is Moving Towards Earth

by Paul Seaburn        November 16, 2017        (

• The journal Astronomy & Astrophysics has published a report from the European Southern Observatory about a small, dim, inactive red dwarf star 10.89 light years away in the constellation Virgo called Ross 128. Their data shows a wobble in Ross 128 indicating that something is speedily orbiting it every 10 days. This is the signature of an orbiting planet they call Ross 128b.

• Ross 128b is Earth-sized with a surface temperature ranging between -78 degrees and 68 degrees. It orbits closer to its sun, but since it is dim and inactive it isn’t fried by radiation. Therefore, it is one of two planets that have been identified as most likely to harbor lifeforms.

• The star system is moving rapidly in our direction and will become our nearest stellar neighbor in about 79,000 years.


After all of the recent predictions of a collision between Planet X/Nibiru and Earth have come and gone, a little announcement from a credible source sneaks in with actual sightings of a real exoplanet that’s not only near to Earth but may support life and it and its star may be on a collision course with Earth and the Sun. Should we celebrate, panic or both?

The announcement comes from the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics which published a report from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) whose scientists used ten years of data from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) in Chile on Ross 128, a small red dwarf in the constellation Virgo (named for American astronomer Frank Elmore Ross) that’s a mere 10.89 light years from our solar system. That data showed a wobble in Ross 128 indicating that something is speedily orbiting it every 10 days. That something is an exoplanet with some special characteristics.

“The new world has the designation Ross 128 b and is now the second-closest temperate planet to be detected after Proxima b. It is also the closest planet to be discovered orbiting an inactive red dwarf star, which may increase the likelihood that this planet could potentially sustain life.”

Ross 128 b is about the same size as Earth and, despite being 20 times closer to its star, has an Earth-ish surface temperature raging between –60°C and 20°C (–78°F and 68°F). Couple that with the fact that its dim red sun can’t fry it with radiation either and Roth 128 b becomes a better candidate for life than Proxima b orbiting Proxima Centauri. ESO astronomers will know more in 2025 when they’re able to look for oxygen biomarkers using the new Extremely Large Telescope.

2025? What about the collision? Will we still exist by then?

“Although it is currently 11 light-years from Earth, Ross 128 is moving towards us and is expected to become our nearest stellar neighbour in just 79 000 years — a blink of the eye in cosmic terms. Ross 128 b will by then take the crown from Proxima b and become the closest exoplanet to Earth!”



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‘Aliens Have Been Visiting Earth for Thousands of Years’ Claims Ex-Defence Minister

by Sean Martin      November 25, 2017      (

• The ex-minister of National Defence for Canada, Paul Hellyer, said at least four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for decades and claimed top authorities are constantly in discussions with extraterrestrial beings.

• In the 35 second video clip. Mr Hellyer relates an incident in 1961 when about 50 UFOs flew in formation from Russian south across Europe, turned and went back north toward the North Pole.

• Hellyer says that a subsequent investigation revealed that at least four different extraterrestrial species have been visiting the Earth for thousands of years from different star systems. “Many [ETs] are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. …I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleadies,” says Hellyer. “There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moon’s.”

• Hellyer continures, “There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited.”

• Hellyer says’ the alien visitors have tried to warn the human race about the way civilisation is heading… and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after’.

• Hellyer notes that the United States has spent billions of dollars on so-called “black projects”. “It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both Congress and the Commander-in-Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.”


ALIENS have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and nearly caused chaos at the height of the Cold War, a former defence minister has sensationally claimed.

The ex-minister of National Defence for Canada said at least four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for decades and claimed top authorities are constantly in discussions with extraterrestrial beings.

Paul Hellyer, who was the Canadian Minister of National Defence in the 1960′s during the Cold War, claims to have inside information that top governments are in cahoots with aliens.

Mr Hellyer first spoke about his belief that aliens were on Earth in 1995, and since then has become an authoritative figure in the UFO community.

Speaking to RT, Mr Hellyer said: “In one of the cases during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe.

“The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole.

“They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years.”

Mr Hellyer alleged the alien species travelled to Earth from different star systems. He said: “Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. They come from various places, for a long while I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleadies.

“There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moon’s.”

“There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited.”



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UFO Hunters Rage Over Mysterious White Object Spotted in NASA Launch Footage

by Jeff Parsons      November 26, 2017      (

• People are taking another look at a NASA video of a shuttle launch on May 16, 2011. At 1:44 an angular white object appears close to the shuttle Endeavor’s spent fuel tank.
• The YouTube channel that posted it claims that it is the “White Knight” satellite, ‘a rumoured extra-terrestrial craft that has been secretly orbiting the Earth for thousands of years’ (an apparent companion to the more famous “Black Knight” mystery satellite).
• [Editor’s Note] Comments from viewers identify the white UFO as something ordinary ranging from space debris to ice. Commenter “bangbang” points out that at 4:33 another white anomaly can be seen in the lower left hand corner of the video.


A strange white object has been spotted in archive footage of a NASA shuttle launch that took place in 2011.

Predictably, UFO hunters across the internet have been sent into a frenzy by the find, claiming it is evidence of an alien craft.

The shimmery white spectacle can be seen in the clouds alongside the fuel tank discarded from the space shuttle Endeavour after it blasts off for its final mission in May 2011.

Originally posted on NASA’s official YouTube channel, the old footage has been dug up and re-examined by UFO enthusiasts. It was re-uploaded to the channel UFO Today, which is dedicated to “the UFO phenomena”.

According to the channel’s interpretation, the strange object is the “White Knight Satellite” – a rumoured extra-terrestrial craft that has been secretly orbiting the Earth for thousands of years.
It can be seen in the clip when the fuel tank is jettisoned from the NASA craft minutes after take-off.



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Craft With Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Greek Letters & Handprints To Steer

by Arjun Walia           November 18, 2017              (

  • It’s impossible to say whether UFOs represent a genuine threat to humanity or not, but to assume they do without learning more is unwise.

  • Take, for example, possibly the most infamous of UFO crashes, the Roswell crash. When it came time to back-engineer the craft, no engine was discovered. When the ET pilots placed their humanoid hands in slots on the pilot’s chair, they would guide the craft using their mind.

  • Both Stanton Friedman, a retired nuclear physicist and longtime UFO researcher, and U.S. army veteran Colonel Philip Corso have pointed out that the Roswell craft was adorned with characters from the Greek alphabet and Egyptian Hieroglyphics.

  • University of Nebraska Physics Professor, Dr. Jack Kasher, was quoted as saying “There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.”

  • Former Director of National Intelligence, Louis Elizondo, and former director for Advanced Systems Development at Lockheed Skunk Works, Steve Justice, both now members of To The Stars Academy – have stated that the UFO phenomenon is indeed real and involves a physics we have yet to understand, and that there are technologies within the Black Budget world that could benefit humanity.


It’s great to see the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials amass more credibility as the years pass. It receives little attention from the mainstream, at least beyond ridicule, so this may come as a surprise to some, but there are hundreds of high ranking people who have come forward to tell the world that UFOs are not only real, but also that some of them are in fact extraterrestrial in origin.

There are too many examples to choose from, such as a former Chief of Defence and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee telling us that “we are being visited, and have been visited by people from outer space.” More recently, Louis Elizondo, a former National Counterintelligence Executive and Director of National Intelligence, became the Director of Global Security and Special Programs for Tom Delonge’s recently launched To The Stars academy, just one week out of retirement.

Other high ranking executives from the intelligence and aerospace community have also joined this program, including Steve Justice, the recent director for Advanced Systems Development at Lockheed Skunk Works. They aim to let the world know that we are not alone, and that there are highly advanced technological objects in our atmosphere performing maneuvers that defy our laws of physics.

In a recent video of them speaking during a live broadcast, Elizondo mentions that through is work, he learned “the phenomenon is indeed real” and it deals with a physics we have yet to understand, and also that there are technologies within the Black Budget world that could benefit humanity.

“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” –  Dr. Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Nebraska 


“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”– Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon

For someone who hasn’t spent time researching this subject, it might be hard to believe that an actual extraterrestrial craft crash landed on planet Earth. But when you take into account the above statements, especially the most recent coming from Tom Delonge’s team, along with hundreds of thousands of documents that show these objects are commonly tracked on radar, and military jets are constantly scrambled to check them out, it becomes far more plausible.

The Roswell incident is one of dozens, if not hundreds of downed extraterrestrial craft resulting from human aggression. This is better explained by Paul Hellyer, Canada’s former Minister of National Defence: “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”

Hieroglyphics found on Roswell craft

Elizondo shares a similar story, stating that one of his jobs was to track and observe these objects, as he was head of the program which investigates “aeriel threats.”

To The Stars will be working directly with the U.S. government to release authentic videos and images of real UFOs to the public, but there are already many credible videos and photos of these objects, and it’s a shame they must come from a government authority in order for people to deem them credible. This is a problem within itself, as our government has deceived us on so many topics, on so many levels, making it extremely difficult to trust their intentions on any subject, be it UFOs or terrorism. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see where this initiative goes.

Again, threat is the main word here. It’s impossible to say whether these objects represent a genuine threat to humanity or not, but to assume they do without learning more is unwise.

Bottom of Form

There is evidence proving the existence of this kind of exotic technology that dates back to before the Second World War. A classic example would be the CIA keeping tabs on developments in Germany, as explained by this document, which looked into “a German newspaper” that “recently published an interview with George Klein, famous engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.” 

Then there is the story of a large UFO hovering over L.A., which was witnessed by one million people. Dubbed the “Battle of Los Angeles,” it was an event that showed us how the U.S. military was learning to lie about UFOs five years prior to the Roswell Incident, which occurred in 1947.
So, as you can see, there is a lot to this.


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Head Transplant Doc Successfully Tests Procedure With Corpse

by Paul Seaburn          November 18, 2017            (

  • Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero announced on November 18th that he is ready to transplant the head of a living human onto the body of a brain-dead donor.
  • Canavero has transplanted a rat’s head onto another rat’s body, and a dead human’s head onto a human cadaver. The next step involves transplanting a “live” but brain-dead head on the body of another “live” but brain-dead human.
  • The final procedure will cost $100 million for the team of specialized doctors, hospital facilities for the 24-hour operation, post-op care for the recipient and a percentage for the lawyers.
  • Canavero and his team perform these operations in China, where ethical standards are apparently lower than in the U.S. or Europe.
  • [Editor’s Note] The Secret Space Program has reportedly perfected replacing limbs – and even heads – with holographic cellular regeneration technology. We surface dwellers here on Earth are still in the dark ages of medical technology.


“The first human transplant on human cadavers has been done. A full head swap between brain dead organ donors is the next stage. And that is the final step for the formal head transplant for a medical condition which is imminent.”

With that announcement today at a news conference in Vienna and reported in The Telegraph and USA Today, Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero claims he is ready to do what he’s been promising for years – transplant the head of a living human onto the body of a brain-dead donor. This is just months after he claimed success with rats, even though the new-headed rodents died within a month, which experts said was too little time for nerves to successfully grow back together. Also, there was some question whether the spinal cords were completely severed to begin with.

Dr. Canavero obviously learned his lessons from that experiment and performed his next operation using corpses that couldn’t die again and cast doubts on his results. He claimed the 18-hour ‘rehearsal’ ended with one cadaver body getting a new head and having its spinal cord and blood vessels connected. By ‘connected’ he means glued together with his special technique of using a solution containing polyethylene glycol, a plastic with binding properties.
Of course, there was no electrical jolt applied to start the heart and see if the plumbing had any leaks, so this connection was a ‘success’ only in the loosest of terms. A better test will be the next step involving transplanting a brain-dead head on the body of another brain-dead human. Gruesome? Yes. Proof of success? A little closer. Unethical? Canavero and his team perform these operations in China, where ethical standards are apparently lower than in the U.S. or Europe.

“Chinese President Xi Jinping wants to restore China to greatness. He wants to make it the sole superpower in the world. I believe he is doing it.”
That depends on your definition of “greatness.” One thing the Chinese government definitely has is money – Canavero says the final procedure will cost $100 million for the team of specialized doctors, hospital facilities for the 24-hour operation, post-op care for the recipient and a percentage for the lawyers.


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Did President Trump Endorse Q Info on Secret Indictments of Pedophile Network?

On November 25, President Donald Trump re-tweeted an alternative news article lauding many of the accomplishments achieved during his administration so far. The site he retweeted, MAGAPILL soon crashed as many of the President’s 42 million followers went there to learn more.

What is significant about the article and site he retweeted is that it featured a November 19 story about an alleged whistleblower called Q, who has been releasing a lot of information about what is really going on behind the scenes in Washington DC.

In retweeting the story and link to the MAGAPILL site, which he lauded as a genuine news site in contrast to “fake news” sites, was Trump indirectly endorsing Q’s information as genuine? If so, then the ramifications are enormous. First, let’s begin with Trump’s re-tweet.

The article he referred to is titled “President Donald Trump’s Accomplishment List” and an archived copy is available here. It lists his accomplishments across a broad spectrum of political, economic and national security areas.

What is arguably more significant is that at the very top of this article was a large banner linking to a featured story “Q Clearance Patriot: The Storm and the Awakening: follow the white rabbit”.

By clicking the banner’s link, Trump interested readers are taken to a November 19 article that discusses the revelations of Q, an alleged high-level insider spilling the beans on what is happening behind the scenes.

The Q material discusses an enormous number of topics such as secret indictments of the political elite, current events in Saudi Arabia and Trump’s national security briefings by figures such as NSA Director, Admiral Michael Rogers.

The preface found on the MAGAPILL site mentions the enormity of the information released in this article, and provides some highlights of the released material. Among the more interesting is the view that rather than former FBI Director Robert Mueller conducting a serious investigation into the links between Russia and the Trump Presidential campaign, Mueller is really investigating a corrupt pedophile network that has secretly monopolized power in the US:

The Special Counsel is not corrupt. Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across the nation right now that have not been executed, over 1100 sealed indictments at last glance.

Many high level officials will soon be arrested to actually ‘Drain the Swamp‘ beyond what anyone thought was possible. Once the corruption and the ‘type of corruption’ is revealed to the American people, it will trigger ‘The Awakening’. This event will be something unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed, Americans will unite behind Trump and his administration for cleaning house.

There have been persistent rumors of hundreds of secret Grand Jury indictments that are on the verge of being unleashed. These rumors have been circulating for weeks and a number of alternative media figures have closely analyzed some of the Q material that refers to them.

Among these figures is Jordan Sather, whose “Destroying the Illusion” Youtube channel has gained over 65,000 subscribers due to his cogent analyses of the Q material and other topical issues. Sather released a video on November 26 analyzing Trump’s retweet of the MAGAPILL article, and was the first to raise the possibility that Trump was indirectly endorsing the legitimacy of the Q material.

While the Q material is quite extensive, its core claim that Mueller, as Special Counsel, has really been investigating a corrupt pedophile network, rather than the alleged Russia Trump campaign connection, is very significant.

Of special interest is Meueller’s background as a former US Marine Corps Captain (1968-1971) who was highly decorated for his bravery during the Vietnam War. It’s worth noting that the Secretary of Defense, James Mattis is a retired four star USMC general, as is Trump’s Chief of Staff, John Kelly. Given the deep loyalty of former USMC personnel to their military service (semper fidelis – always faithful), it’s very possible that Meuller is secretly following an agenda sanctioned by Mattis and Kelly.

We also need to keep in mind claims that on November 18, a number of USMC helicopters allegedly buzzed the CIA’s Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. While initial reports erroneously referred to the CIA’s HQ being stormed by the USMC, a former FBI agent, Hal Turner confirmed through credible sources that the helicopters had only “buzzed” the CIA HQ for roughly 30 minutes.

Did nearby residents in McLean suddenly notice a large number of loud helicopters overhead, moving toward or from the area of the CIA.   The repeated answer to that question has been “Yes.” 

Many (very many) residents of McLean, VA have confirmed they found themselves hearing large numbers of loud aircraft overhead on Saturday, and that the sounds lasted more then 30 minutes!

The intent was clear, the USMC was threatening the CIA’s clandestine services division to get on board with the Trump administration or else. This is not the first time that the CIA has been intimidated by a US President threatening to unleash the US military against its facilities.

In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened the CIA’s Area 51 facilities in Nevada with invasion by the US First Army stationed at Colorado if the CIA did not fully disclose all its classified programs there. In a May 2013 video interview, a former CIA operative revealed what he heard Eisenhower tell his boss to relay to the mysterious MJ-12 Committee in charge of the Area 51 facility, for which the CIA provided operational security:

We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing…. I want you and your boss to fly out there. I want you to give them a personal message…. I want you to tell them, whoever is in charge, I want you to tell them that they have this coming week to get into Washington and to report to me. And if they don’t, I’m going to get the First Army from Colorado. we are going to go over and take the base over. I don’t care what kind of classified material you got. We are going to rip this thing apart.”

This takes us finally to the testimony of Michael Gerloff, who has served with the USMC, US Army Rangers and Seattle Police over a period spanning 20 years from 1978 to 2001. Gerloff says that he was part of a secret USMC intelligence group established by President Eisenhower in the early 1950’s, that continues to the present day.

According to Gerloff, the USMC was given special responsibility by Eisenhower to act as an institutional bulwark against systemic corruption that threatened the US Constitution and the Republic. This corruption stemmed from the creation of secret space programs that worked closely with major defense contractors at remote locations such as Area 51.

What we are witnessing now with over a thousand secret indictments allegedly generated by Mueller, Trump’s USMC/Navy dominated administration, USMC helicopters buzzing CIA HQ and Gerloff’s claims, is that we are on the verge of major revelations about deep systemic corruption that has plagued the US. The role of the USMC in taking the lead in cleaning up this systemic corruption is slowly being revealed.

Trump’s retweet of the MAGAPILL article appears to be an endorsement of the view that secret indictments established by Meuller are on the verge of being disclosed, thereby triggering many further revelations that will awaken the general public. In the meantime, Trump is encouraging those among the American public who are ready, to go down the rabbit hole to learn the truth about systemic corruption, powerful pedophile networks, and secret space programs.  

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

1955: A Really, REALLY Close Encounter

by Nick Redfern         November 16, 2017          (

  • This is the story of an incident that occurred on August 15, 1955 in Kelly, Kentucky, a small town ten miles from Hopkinsville.

  • About 7pm on this night, Billy Ray went out of the house to fetch some water from the well. He saw a large, illuminated, circular object land in a gully. He and his friend Elmer grabbed their shotguns and went to have a look. Suddenly a three-foot tall silver ape-like creature with long arms held high in the air came at them. Elmer blasted it with his shotgun but it didn’t harm the creature. It did a back-flip and disappeared into the darkness. Back at the house one of these creatures was peering through the window and got shot in the face. The creature ran away unharmed. When they went outside one of the creatures on the roof grabbed Billy Ray’s hair. Another creature was watching perched on a nearby tree branch. When they started shooting at it, it floated to the ground. Soon a group of these creatures were going nuts all around them, lasting into the night. Elmer, Billy Ray and family left the house and drove to the Hopkinsville sheriff’s office. When they all returned to the house, the creatures were gone.

  • Major John E. Albert of the United States Air Force investigated the incident and officially determined that some silver-painted monkeys had escaped from a traveling circus.

  • UFO researcher Dr. J. Allen Hynek also investigated the incident. He noted that there had been no traveling circus in that vicinity at that time.


The subject of UFO research is filled with cases that positively reek of high strangeness. And they don’t get much stranger than a very weird incident which occurred in August 1955, in the vicinity of Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Depending on whose version of events you accept as the truth, either aliens landed or a band of marauding circus monkeys – painted silver, no less – were on the loose! Kelly was, and still is, a small, rural town which is situated just short of ten miles from Hopkinsville. It was the night of August 15 when absolute chaos broke out. It all went down at the farmhouse of the Sutton family, who had visitors in from Pennsylvania: Billy Ray Taylor and his wife. Around 7.00 p.m. Billy Ray left the farmhouse to fetch water from the family’s well. And what a big mistake that was.

In mere minutes, Billy Ray was back, minus the water. Terrified Billy Ray told the Suttons and his wife that as he headed towards the well he saw a significantly sized, illuminated, circular-shaped object come to rest in a nearby gully. As the group tried to figure out what on earth (or off it…) was going on, they mused upon the possibilities of shooting stars, meteorites, and good old leg-pulling. By all accounts, it was none of those. In just a few minutes, the Sutton’s dog began to bark, growl, and snarl in aggressive, uncontrollable fashion – after which it raced for cover underneath the porch. Clearly, something strange was going down. Exactly how strange, soon became very apparent.

Intent on making sure they were in control of the situation, Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray Taylor armed themselves with a shotgun and headed out into the darkness. In no time, they were confronted by something terrifying: a small, silvery, creature – in the region of three feet tall – that was scurrying towards them with its long, ape-like, arms held high in the air. Sutton did what most folk might do when confronted by a strange, dwarfish thing after sunset: he blasted the beast with his shotgun. To the consternation of both men, the gun had no effect, aside from causing the creature to do a quick, impressive back-flip, after which it disappeared into the darkness – for a while.

Rather wisely, Elmer and Billy Ray raced for the safety of the farmhouse and locked the doors behind them. In mere moments, the same creature – or, at least, a very similar one – was seen peering through one of the windows. Elmer’s son, J.C., took a shot at it. The only damage was to the window. The small beast scurried away at lightning speed. Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray took a tentative walk outside to see if they could see the creature – or creatures. That was a very bad move: as they prowled around the property, a clawed hand came down from the roof and seized Billy Ray’s hair and head.

Terrified Billy Ray pulled away, screaming, to see the creature charge across the roof. To their horror, a second creature was staring at them from the branch of a nearby tree. A second shoot-out achieved nothing, aside from the remarkably weird sight of the creatures floating – rather than leaping or falling – to the ground and then racing into the darkness. The tumultuous events continued throughout the night, with guns firing, and the creepy little beasts seemingly doing their very best to create as much havoc and mayhem as was conceivably possible.

Realizing that the situation might very well go on all night, the group decided there was only one option available to them: they had to flee the farmhouse, which they did in two cars, making their speedy way to the sheriff’s office in nearby Hopkinsville. The sheer, collective state of fear into which the Suttons and the Taylors had been plunged, pretty much immediately convinced the sheriff that whatever had happened, it was no drunken prank.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on one’s perspective), by the time the sheriff and the family arrived back at the farmhouse, the creatures were gone – they did, however, put in a reappearance in the early hours, and conveniently after the police had left. In no time at all, the media got onto the story, as did the U.S. Air Force – the latter coming up with a very bizarre explanation as its staff sought to lay matters to rest.


With thanks to Mojo Jojo and the Powerpuff Girls, and Cartoon Network.

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Asgardia, The World’s First ‘Space Nation’, Takes Flight

by Andrea Lo        (

• On November 12th, Russian scientist Dr Igor Ashurbeyli included a foot-long satellite within a NASA resupply rocket to the ISS, containing 0.5 TB of data including family photographs, digital representations of the flag, coat of arms, and constitution for the 18,000 citizens of “Asgardia”, to be subsequently released into Earth’s orbit.

• Thus, Asgardia is the world’s first independent nation to operate in outer space.
• The “nanosat” satellite containing the Asgardia data will remain in orbit for between five and eighteen months, the typical lifespan of this type of satellite, before it burns out and disappears.

• Asgardia’s mission is to provide a “peaceful society”, to offer easier access to space technologies, and to protect Earth from space threats such as asteroids and man-made space debris. The Asgardian team hopes to create habitable platforms in low-Earth orbit.

• Asgardia is free to join. Anyone over 18 years old, with an email address, regardless of gender, nationality, race, religion, or financial standing can apply for citizenship.
• Today, there are 114,000 Asgardians from 204 countries.

• Dr Igor Ashurbeyli is a 53-year-old rocket scientist from Moscow who promoted and single-handedly bankrolled the Asgardia project.

• Asgardia’s administrative center will be in Vienna. They plan to elect a government in March 2018 and will ask to be recognized by the United Nations. To achieve this, the UN’s Security Council must first approve Asgardia’s application to be considered a nation, then two-thirds of members of the General Assembly must vote for its admission.

• The plan is to send the first permanent human inhabitants to an orbiting Asgardia by 2026.


The world’s first “space nation” has taken flight.

On November 12, Asgardia cemented its presence in outer space by launching the Asgardia-1 satellite.

The “nanosat” — it is roughly the size of a loaf of bread — undertook a two-day journey from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, the United States, to the International Space Station (ISS).

It contains 0.5 TB of data belonging to 18,000 of Asgardia’s citizens, such as family photographs, as well as digital representations of the space nation’s flag, coat of arms and constitution.

Russian scientist Dr Igor Ashurbeyli founded the world’s first independent nation to operate in outer space in October 2016.

Named after a Norse mythological city of the skies, Asgardia is free to join and so far, about 114,000 people have signed up.

Ashurbeyli says the project’s mission is to provide a “peaceful society”, offer easier access to space technologies, and protect Earth from space threats, such as asteroids and man-made debris in space.

While Asgardia’s citizens will — for the time being — remain based on earth, the satellite launch brings the nation one step closer to space.

The satellite’s mission

Asgardia-1 made its journey to the ISS aboard the OA-8 Antares-Cygnus, a NASA commercial cargo vehicle.

Now it must wait for about three weeks as vital supplies and scientific equipment are transferred from the NASA ship to the six people currently living at the ISS.

The nanosat will then be detached from the NASA vehicle and begin its own orbital journey around the earth. Citizens’ data will remain in orbit for between five and 18 months, the typical lifespan of this type of satellite. It will then burn out and disappear.

For Ashurbeyli, the launch fulfills a pledge he made when establishing the “space nation” to take its citizens to space via their data.

“I promised there would be a launch,” he says. “We selected NASA as a reliable partner … because we have to meet the commitments that I made 13 months ago.”

Getting it off the ground

Within 40 hours of the project being announced in 2016, over 100,000 people had applied for citizenship on Asgardia’s website. After three weeks, Asgardia had 500,000 applicants.

Anyone over 18 years old, with an email address, regardless of gender, nationality, race, religion, and financial standing can apply for citizenship — including ex-convicts, provided they are clear of charges at the time of application.

Today, there are 114,000 Asgardians from 204 countries — a population drop from 211,000 in June, when voting to determine the details of Asgardia’s constitution began.

Only those who agreed to adopt the finalized constitution are counted as Asgardians.

Turkey currently has the largest number of Asgardians, with over 16,500 residents.

Rayven Sin, an artist based in Hong Kong, told CNN that she signed up to become an Asgardian in November 2016 after hearing about it on a Chinese radio show while she was in Toronto.

“I really want to be able to see if human beings are able to have more opportunity to express their opinions,” she told CNN. “The society we live in now — everything seems to be either capitalism or communism — there’s a lot of conflict.

“As a human being, I would hope (to see) if we could have other ways (of living). For a better life, and for more options.”

John Spiro, a digital marketing specialist who organizes a monthly meet-up for Hong Kong-based Asgardians, told CNN it was the possibility of sending personal data into space that excited him.

“I help translate and preserve Buddhist sutras as a hobby and the symbolism of sending one of those religious texts in electronic form ‘up to the heavens’ seemed very nice.”

Out of this world idea

Going forward, the Asgardia team hopes to create habitable platforms in low-earth orbits — the first one located 100 to 200 miles (161 to 321 kilometers) from space, which is also where the ISS is located.

The first human flight to this location is projected to take place in eight years’ time.

“We want to give equal opportunities to everyone who has a mind, who can do something, for their protection,” Ashurbeyli said.

“Our real home is not the house or the city where we were born. (Our) home is planet Earth, (and) we want to protect it.

“(It’s) not a fantasy. Going to Mars, the galactics, so on — that’s just fake. I intend something more real.”

Further satellite launches are in the works but no dates have yet been confirmed.

Dr Igor Ashurbeyli

Rocket scientist

A 53-year-old rocket scientist, Ashurbeyli says he is single-handedly bankrolling the project — for a sum that’s undisclosed.

Regularly reported to be a billionaire — although he has never appeared on the Forbes rich lists — the Azerbaijan-born Russian graduated from the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in 1985, and three years later founded Socium, a software and consulting firm turned holding company with over 10,000 employees, according to his website.

After moving to Moscow in the 1990s, he became a heavyweight in the science industry and, in 2010, was awarded the Russian State Science and Technology Prize. Three years later, he founded the Aerospace International Research Center (AIRC) in Vienna, and today he is chairman of UNESCO’s Science of Space committee.

In short, Ashurbeyli is no beginner when it comes to space.

He did, however, resign from all governmental organizations in 2011, according to his website, and now claims to be politically neutral.

At a press conference in Hong Kong in June 2017, Ashurbeyli explained that Asgardia is a project he has been dreaming of since childhood.

“I was interested in doing something unusual that nobody else was doing,” Ashurbeyli told CNN. “It was my dream to create an independent country.”

That ambition became more concrete after Ashurbeyli gave a speech at a conference on space law at McGill University in Montreal in 2016, where he was inspired by a discussion about the laws governing murder, marriage and divorce in space.

“I thought: ‘Why not organize a country?’ Not only for lawyers. But for technicians, for engineers, for every human … because he’s currently restricted by the laws of the country he was born in.”
Currently space law is adhered to in the form of the Outer Space Treaty, signed by 103 countries including the US and Russia.


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OK Be Paranoid: Crazy, Crackpot Conspiracies That Were Real

by Brent Swancer        November 14, 2017         (

  • This article contains a collection of so-called “conspiracies” that are very true and worthy of your paranoia.

  • The Bohemian Club – Founded in San Francisco, California in 1872 as a social group for artists, musicians, writers, poets, and journalists, including Mark Twain. By the 1930s it had become a place where the western world’s rich and powerful meet annually for two weeks of heavy drinking, opulent feasts, and all manner of debauchery. Historical deals, government and business decisions, and even the Manhattan Project were all hatched there.

  • The Bilderberg Group – Around 150 of some of the planet’s most powerful elite meet every year for private and highly guarded conferences that began in 1954 at the request of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands to promote U.S.–European relations, which has evolved into the promotion of a one-world government. Members sworn to absolute secrecy.

  • Propaganda Due (P2) – In the 1980s, an offshoot of the Freemasons in Italy known as the P2 comprised of thousands of members of influential businessmen, military, police, government officials, and intelligence operatives who infiltrated and secretly controlled Italy from within. When it was discovered that his cabinet was stacked with P2, the Italian Prime Minister Arnaldo Forlani was forced to resign.

  • MKUltra – Originating in the 1950s by the CIA and the US Army Chemical Corps, the project investigated the use and effects of mind control techniques on human beings. It started small and escalated rapidly until it was being pursued in an estimated 86 universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.  These “experiments” included electroshock treatment, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and verbal and physical abuse, and many of the patients developing brain damage and permanent mental and behavioral issues. The vast majority of the files were destroyed in 1973.  There has never been any accountability for the horrors the program carried out on American citizens.

  • The Tuskegee Experiment – In 1932 the US government launched a program to study the effects of syphilis on black males in Tuskegee, Alabama. Four hundred poor, illiterate, black males were infected with the disease and intentionally not treated. The program was not revealed until 1972.

  • Operation Sea Spray – In 1950, the U.S. Navy sprayed a bacteria all over the San Francisco Bay Area to monitor the effects of the pathogens on a population of 800,000. One person died as a result.  The program wasn’t revealed until 1977.

  • Operation Drop Kick – in 1955 and 1956 U.S. military dumped 330,000 mosquitos all over the state of Georgia, and particularly in Savannah, to monitor diseases such as yellow fever.

  • Project SHAD – In the 1960s the Department of Defense released dangerous chemical and biological agents aboard Naval ships to test the crews’ reaction.

  • Project Sunshine – Beginning in 1957, the government snatched hundreds of stillborn babies and adult corpses for use in experiments, including the testing of radioactivity.

  • Project Mockingbird – In the 1950’s the CIA began a worldwide program to use journalists to gather intelligence and print propaganda designed to mold and shape public opinion, with the consent of the news agencies. Over 400 American TV, radio and newspaper  journalists participated over the course of nearly three decades.

  • Operation Northwoods – In 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff made plans to turn the American people against Fidel Castro in Cuba by orchestrating a false flag terrorist campaign in Florida, planting bombs, shooting down passenger planes, and sinking boats carrying innocent Cuban refugees.

  • The Gulf of Tonkin Incident – In 1964 the Navy reported a North Vietnamese attack on two ships in the Gulf of Tonkin, and responded with a barrage of artillery. President Johnson used this opportunity as an excuse to go to war in Vietnam. It was later revealed that no such attack ever took place.

  • COINTELPRO – In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, the FBI implemented program to infiltrate, harass, and smear a variety of civil rights leaders and political groups critical of the Vietnam War, and attempt to sow dissent and fracture these groups from within, bolstered by bogus media reports, slander, and psychological warfare. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a prime target.

  • Soviet Sabotage – During the Cold War, the Soviets had implemented a desperate last resort plan to sabotage the US with firearms, bombs, mines, and sleeper agents hidden throughout the country to create as much mayhem as possible.

  • The Satanic Panic – From 1972 to 1974, in response to dissention in Northern Oreland and knowing that the Irish are very superstitious, British military intelligence agencies set up a campaign of psychological warfare by planting Satanic imagery such as black candles and upside-down crucifixes in rundown areas of the region, and releasing fake news stories of black masses, human sacrifices, and sinister rituals to convince the Irish that their dissenting paramilitary forces were responsible for evil forces unleashed across Northern Ireland, as if they had opened a portal to darkness and evil.


There have been conspiracies for as long as we have contemplated such things. In many cases these can be paranoid delusions openly mocked by the masses and yet forever debated in the shadows of the fringe. After all, how could any of these crazy, far-out notions be real? Yet, sometimes the tinfoil-hat wearing crackpots are not as crazy as one might expect. From secret societies looking to rule the world from the shadows to strange human experiments, cover-ups, and insane government plots, sometimes truth can be just as weird as fiction, and here is a selection of conspiracies that turned out to be every bit as insane as advertised, and which show that perhaps paranoia is not always such a bad thing after all.

Secret Societies

Shadowy secret societies have long been a staple of the sprawling domain of conspiracy theories. The Freemasons, the Illuminati, secretive powerful cabals pulling the strings from behind the scenes and seeking to start a new world order are the bread and butter of many good conspiracies, and their plots must mostly seem like they must surely be set within the world of pure fiction, except for those times when they aren’t. Indeed there are many conspiracies involving such groups that have been proven to be very real indeed.

One such very real secret society is known as the Bohemian Club, which was founded in San Francisco, California in 1872, mostly as a social group for artists, musicians, writers, poets, and journalists, including amongst their number the author Mark Twain and the poets Charles Warren Stoddard and George Sterling. It was meant to be a casual venue for these artistic, creative individuals to get together to throw around ideas and talk shop together. As time went on, some of the more influential, wealthy, and powerful members sought to fashion the burgeoning club into something more, and they began to become highly associated with a massive campground in Monte Rio, California known as the Bohemian Grove, where members would make an annual pilgrimage in order to meet and carry out ever stranger rituals.

By the 1930s, the Bohemian Club had gone from informal get-togethers for starving artists to almost exclusively a gathering place for the rich and powerful, and would gather prominent members such as former presidents Richard Nixon and Herbert Clark Hoover, business and media tycoon William Randolph Hearst, and numerous influential politicians, CEOs of major companies, industry leaders, corporate major players, military officials, senior media executives, and various other people of power, and its waiting list for membership would get to be over 33 years long. What went on behind closed doors during their secretive get-togethers has always been top secret, and although they claim that there is no business discussed during their meetings and that ulterior motives are all left at the door, one does wonder what they get up to in there. It is known that there have been many important, even historical deals, government and business decisions, and projects laid out here, including the concept of the Manhattan Project, which was first laid out here and led to the development of the atomic bomb, so something is definitely going on to some extent or other.

                       Bohemian Grove

The Bohemian Grove where these important figures would meet for 2 weeks a year, and still do, is itself dominated by towering redwood trees and a large stage and 30-foot-tall idol shaped like an enormous owl. The stage is used for various performances and ceremonies, such as the “The Cremation of Care,” which is a lavish, extravagant production complete with pyrotechnics that is meant to signify a “banishing of worldly cares,” and which culminates in the burning of an effigy. There are also supposedly various Druidic rituals carried out at the grove, all set to the backdrop of heavy drinking, opulent feasts, and all manner of debauchery. It is a place that has been described in The Washington Post as “a place where the rich and powerful go to misbehave,” and of which former president Richard Nixon said in 1971:  “The Bohemian Grove (an elite, secrecy-filled gathering outside San Francisco), which I attend from time to time. It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine…”.

The Bilderberg Group

Another secretive meeting of the world’s elite is called the Bilderberg Group, which meets every year in a private conference of around 150 of some of the planet’s most powerful figures, including monarchs, high-ranking politicians, senior military officials, economic leaders, powerful journalists, and experts from industry, finance, and academia. The covert meetings began in 1954 at the request of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and were originally intended as a way to promote the strengthening U.S.–European relations in a concept known as Atlanticism, but it has grown to cover wide ranging topics and agendas, most of which pertain to, well, no one really knows for sure. Although it is well-known that these meetings really do take place and it is even known who attends them to some extent, the contents of the meetings are highly guarded and the members sworn to absolute secrecy. This has of course led to the idea that this is an honest-to-God Illuminati type group seeking to impose one world government. The Bilderberg Group itself has been rather vague in dealing with such accusations, with one founder and member of over 30 years named Denis Healey somewhat ominously saying:  “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.”

It is unclear just what these powerful individuals get up to behind closed doors, but it is certainly not just to idly chit chat. In the meantime the conspiracy theories on this very real secret society go deep, with claims ranging from they are controlling the world with an iron fist to that they are actually alien lizard people invading Earth. All we know is that the group does exist and they still have their incredibly secretive powwows every year.

Propaganda Due (P2)

While it is unclear if these secret organizations and shadowy meetings are really controlling world affairs to any degree, there has been at least one case where this actually did happen. In the 1980s, an offshoot of the Freemasons in Italy called the Propaganda Due (P2), which was led by the notorious fascist Licio Gelli, crawled into society like a parasitic worm. The group had the expressed goal of infiltrating and secretively controlling Italy from the inside via a shadow government, and to this end it had thousands of members including influential businessmen, military, police, and government officials, intelligence operatives, and other prominent figures among their ranks. Through these members the group was able to influence the press, burying certain news stories, exert pressure in the government on key issues of policy, including bringing Juan Peron back to power in Argentina, and cover up crimes such as the 1980 bombing of a Bologna train station, which killed 85 people and was orchestrated by Italian terrorists sympathetic to P2.

This may have gone on indefinitely if the hugely influential banker and P2 member Michele Sindona had not been busted for money laundering. Authorities would find within his records a list of around a thousand members of the secret society embedded like vermin all throughout the government and media, eventually leading to the resignation of Italian Prime Minister Arnaldo Forlani, whose cabinet was found to be absolutely crawling with P2 members. Some political figures linked to the group committed suicide rather than face charges, and the leader of the sect, Gelli, promptly hi-tailed it out of the country to Switzerland, where he would stay until he was eventually extradited for fraud.


Secret Government Experiments

Another fixture of any good conspiracy theory is the idea that the government is covertly carrying out secret experiments on human beings, sometimes on whole populations against their will for nefarious purposes, and I hate to say it but there is a depressingly long list of occasions where this has really happened. One of the more well-known and dramatic secret government projects that was very real was the shadowy mind-control project known as MKUltra. Originating in the 1950s, the project was launched by the CIA and the US Army Chemical Corps, and sought to investigate the potential use and effects of mind control techniques as well as to “develop a capability in the covert use of biological and chemical materials.” Although it started small, the program escalated rapidly, blowing up until it was being pursued in various institutions including an estimated 86 universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.

Many of the often sadistic experiments involved heavy use of mind altering drugs such as LSD, the effects of which were poorly understood at the time and which were often given to unwitting test subjects in highly dangerous doses, which would lead to many of the patients developing brain damage and permanent mental and behavioral issues. There were also various chemicals tested, as well as gas propelled sprays and aerosols. In a lot of instances these tests were performed on terminal cancer patients to limit any lifelong problems they would have from the treatments and cover the tracks of the program. Other techniques pursued were electroshock treatment, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and verbal and physical abuse, often with no medical personnel on hand and the effects of which left at least two dead and many others mentally or emotionally scarred, with one report stating:  “The deaths of two Americans can be attributed to these programs; other participants in the testing programs may still suffer from the residual effects. . . . The fact that they were continued for years after the danger of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting individuals was known, demonstrate fundamental disregard for the value of human life.”

It is unknown just what exactly went on within the program because the CIA director at the time, Richard Helms, had the vast majority of the files utterly destroyed in 1973. In 1976 and 1977 the U.S. Senate made serious investigations into the goings on of MKUltra, but this got nowhere. There has never been any accountability for the horrors the program carried out on American citizens, and all of the researchers who contributed to it have had their names withheld from the records, their names exempt from the Freedom of Information Act due to the CIA wanting to protect them as “intelligence sources.” The true horrific extent of MKUltra and their murky activities remain unknown.

The list of experiments such as these goes on and on, and some of them are rather reprehensible to say the least. In 1932, the U.S. government launched the “Tuskegee Experiment,” in which they planned to study the effects of syphilis and analyze those who had the disease. The study was carried out in Tuskegee, Alabama, and involved gathering around 400 poor, illiterate black males who had contracted the disease in order to put them under the microscope so to speak. Throughout the whole thing none of the patients were given any form of treatment for the disease, even though this existed, and many of them didn’t even know they had it, and they were put through various physical tests such as painful spinal tap procedures without their consent until they died, after which the corpses would by dissected, analyzed, and swept under the carpet. It would not be until 1972, 40 years after it began, that the whole experiment would be blown wide open by the whistleblower Peter Buxtun, who went to the Center for Disease Control with the whole sordid story.

In this case at least the government did not actually go about deliberately infecting people, merely going through the motions of doing so, but this would not be the case in other “studies.” Surely the government would not test possibly dangerous substances on its own citizens?  Oh, how wrong you would be. In 1950, the U.S. Navy put into effect Operation Sea Spray, in which Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii bacteria, the effects of which we had no idea of at the time, were liberally sprayed all over the San Francisco Bay Area of California. The idea was to monitor the effects of the pathogens, and nearly 800,000 people were exposed during this time. 11 people would check into hospitals complaining of urinary tract infections and at least one patient died from complications. There was also a spike in cases of pneumonia during the time, as well as other health complications, with rates of these cases far beyond the norm.

During the whole operation the Navy made no attempts to alert the populace or even health authorities that this was all going on, and the experiment wouldn’t even come to light until 1977, when it was brought before a Senate subcommittee. Unbelievably, it would be decided that all of these various infections had been incurred within the hospitals, and that they had no relation to the experiments. Cover up? What do you think?

This is not even the only such shadowy experiment carried out by the U.S. government on its own citizens by a long shot. In 1955 the U.S. military went about dumping around 330,000 mosquitos all over the state of Georgia in an effort to conduct the feasibility of entomological warfare, or basically spreading diseases such as Yellow Fever among the enemy through insect vectors. The study aimed to investigate the logistics of such a thing, the dispersal rate, and the survivability of the insects during the process, and although none of the mosquitos was actually infected, someone forgot to tell the hundreds of thousands of civilians in the area that this was all going on. Similarly we have Operation Drop Kick in 1956, in which hundreds of thousands of mosquitos were dispersed over Savannah, Georgia and then monitored for how aggressively they infiltrated homes and bit people. It was a success in that the mosquitoes survived the drops and went about biting people with relish.

In the 1960s there was also Project SHAD, which saw the Department of Defense authorizing the release of dangerous chemical and biological agents aboard Naval ships in order to test the crews’ abilities to detect and react to the invisible threat. The thing is, many of these subjects were not at all aware that any of this was going on. This sort of experimentation with human guinea pigs goes way back, with the government conducting tests of the effects of radiation on unwilling or ignorant participants as early as the end of World War II, when the government engaged in willingly giving people radiation infused food, releasing radioactive substances into populated areas, and injecting radioactive substances into people, including pregnant women and prison inmates.

The cases involving such unethical tests are numerous, and the government even went to such lengths as robbing graves in order to gain tissue on which to experiment, including the corpses of babies. In one case from 1957, a mother named Jean Prichard lost her baby during childbirth, but when she requested to receive its corpse she was told that it was not available, and it later came to light that it had been gathered by the government for use in experiments. This would not be the only such case, and the U.S. government allegedly secretly procured hundreds and hundreds of adult and stillborn baby corpses for use in testing the effects of radioactivity in what was called Project Sunshine. These are just the tip of the iceberg, and the list of such experimentation is long, but I would suggest not going through it too carefully if you want to keep some semblance of faith in humanity.



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Russian Billionaire to Fund Trip to Saturnian Moon Enceladus

by Paul Seaburn          November 14, 2017          (

  • Russian billionaire and internet oligarch, Yuri Milner, announced plans to pay for the first privately funded interplanetary space mission to search for life on Enceladus, Saturn’s sixth-largest moon.

  • Famous for its columns or ‘plumes’ of water vapor venting from the moon’s southern polar region, Enceladus is considered by mainstream scientists to have the best chance of harboring some form of life in the solar system besides Earth.

  • Milner wants to beat NASA to Enceladus, which is also planning a billion dollar trip to the distant moon in ten years.

  • It appears that Milner is more interested in deep space exploration than his contemporaries, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, who are looking to create near-space business enterprises.


Look out Elon and Jeff … there’s a new billionaire in space town and he’s planning to boldly go – or at least boldly fund a trip – where no billionaire has gone before. Russian rich man Yuri Milner, one of the biggest players in the Russian part of the Internet, announced plans to pay for the first privately funded interplanetary space mission to search for life on Enceladus, Saturn’s sixth-largest moon and the solar system object considered to have the best chance of harboring some form of life. Is Milner serious or just trying to distract attention from revelations in the “Paradise Papers” about his involvement in helping the Russian government covertly invest in Facebook and Twitter?

“We formed a sort of little workshop around this idea: Can we design a low-cost, privately funded mission to Enceladus which can be launched relatively soon and that can look more thoroughly at those plumes and try to see what’s going there ahead of a more expensive mission that NASA is considering right now, which might take maybe 10 years to launch?”

GeekWire reports that Milner made this statement at The Economist’s New Space Age conference at the Museum of Flight in Seattle last week. The ‘plumes’ are the columns of water vapor and simple hydrocarbons venting from the moon’s south polar region that were first seen and later passed through by the Cassini probe. The “more expensive mission” he’s referring to is NASA’s proposed $1 billion New Frontiers program which would not launch until at least the mid-2020s.

If you’re wondering whether he will accomplish this lofty goal, Milner is a billionaire who has put money into space projectsbefore. He’s invested $100 million in the radio search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Breakthrough Listen), another $100 million to send a fleet of nano-probes to the Alpha Centauri star system (Breakthrough Starshot) and more financial support to enhance the capability of the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope and to launch – both for improving observations of the Alpha Centauri system.



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Mysterious Object Confirmed To Be From Another Solar System

by Dr Stuart Clark         November 20, 2017          (

• Astronomers are now certain that the mysterious object detected hurtling past our sun last month is indeed from another solar system. They have named it Oumuamua, a Hawaiian term for messenger or scout.

• It is the first space rock in our solar system to have been identified as forming around another star.

• Oumuamua is extremely elongated and roughly 400 metres long. It is thought to be an extremely dark object, absorbing 96% of the light that falls on its surface, and it is red – the hallmark of organic, carbon-based molecules.

• Oumuamua will take about a decade to cross our solar system and then disappear back into interstellar space. It also rotates once every 7.3 hours.

[Editor’s Note] Hmmmm. A long cigar-shaped object coming from a distant solar system. Now where have we seen this before?


Astronomers are now certain that the mysterious object detected hurtling past our sun last month is indeed from another solar system. They have named it 1I/2017 U1(’Oumuamua) and believe it could be one of 10,000 others lurking undetected in our cosmic neighbourhood.

The certainty of its interstellar origin comes from an analysis that shows its orbit is almost impossible to achieve from within our solar system.

Its name comes from a Hawaiian term for messenger or scout. Indeed, it is the first space rock to have been identified as forming around another star. Since asteroids coalesce during the process of planet formation, this object can tell us something about the formation of planets around its unknown parent star.

The latest analyses with ground-based telescopes show that ’Oumuamua is quite similar to some comets and asteroids in our own solar system. This is important because it suggests that planetary compositions like ours could be typical across the galaxy.

It is thought to be an extremely dark object, absorbing 96% of the light that falls on its surface, and it is red. This colour is the hallmark of organic (carbon-based) molecules. Organic molecules are the building blocks of the biological molecules that allow life to function.

It is widely thought that the delivery of organic molecules to the early Earth by the collision of comets and asteroids made life here possible. ’Oumuamua shows that the same could be possible in other solar systems.

Its characteristics have been published by two independent groups of astronomers. The first group, led by Karen Meech, University of Hawaii, also found that ’Oumuamua was extremely elongated and roughly 400 metres long. Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope(VLT) they also found that it rotated once every 7.3 hours.

The other group of astronomers, led by David Jewitt, University of California Los Angeles, estimated how many other interstellar visitors like it there might be in our solar system.

Surprisingly, they calculate that another 10,000 could be closer to the sun than the eighth planet, Neptune, which lies 30 times further from the sun than the Earth. Yet these are currently undetected.



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Bizarre Government Experiments and Strange Psychic Powers

by Brent Swancer      November 12, 2017        (

• Some people have psychic abilities far beyond the norm. Governments around the world have long sought to try and harness the untapped powers of the human mind to mixed results. Here are some of the oddest such experiments:

• Believing that the Soviets were engaged in psychic research, the U.S. government began exploring psychic powers in the 1970’s by establishing “Operation Stargate”, a special psychic phenomena unit at Fort Meade, Maryland.

• A psychic probe involved placing an individual into a self-hypnotic trance in a controlled darkened environment, and causing him/her to vocally describe images and other impressions that came to mind. The “viewer” would be given the parameters of a target area or an intelligence question and the subject’s verbalization would be closely monitored.

• In 1974, a Soviet site in present day Kazakhstan was targeted. The viewer was given the coordinates and was able to draw a layout of buildings and a massive crane. Satellite imagery would later confirm this as perfectly matching what the psychic had drawn.
• In 1976, a Stargate psychic named Rosemary Smith located within a few miles a Soviet bomber which had gone down in the jungles of Africa, allowing a team to recover the plane.

• In 1979, Stargate viewer Joseph McMoneagle described what he saw at the coordinates given as a low, grey windowless building wreathed in the stench of Sulphur. This was confirmed by a second viewer. It turned out to be a Chinese nuclear complex called Lop Nor.

• Also in 1979, a remote viewer describe seeing a drab building along the sea which stank of gasoline and harbored a weapon of some sort that looked like a “shark.” Later, satellite imagery would show that the base indeed held a massive new type of nuclear class of submarine that the Soviets called the Akula, which means “shark” in Russian.

• In 1987 the remote viewers were used to try and track down a CIA mole. They were able to divine the information that the man lived in Washington, was married to a Latin American woman, likely from Colombia, and drove an expensive foreign car. The mole was Aldrich Ames who lived in Washington, was married to a Columbian, and drove a Jaguar.

• For all of these successes there were just as many failures and ambiguities. Attempts to use the viewers to locate the whereabouts of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 1986 and fugitive Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, attempts to locate certain weapons of war, and efforts to locate prisoners of war still kept after the Vietnam War, all failed to produce any actionable intelligence or useful information.

• Project Stargate was disbanded in 1995. With so many instances false positives and vague, confused, irrelevant, ambiguous, or flat out wrong data, the CIA to conclude that the technique was not worth pursuing for intelligence gathering purposes.

• In 2003, roughly 73,000 pages of Project Stargate records were declassified. However, another 17, 700 were marked as too sensitive to be released.

• In 1981, the Chinese government began testing psychic children who were able to teleport small objects from one place to the other, even through physical barriers.

• In 1990, further testing of psychic children by the Chinese teleported objects through sealed paper envelopes, paper bags, and glass bottles. The specimens would simply disappear from their resting place in the container to reappear somewhere else. Even living things such as insects made it through without any negative effects or noticeable change.

• Is any of this being used today? Are there psychic warriors in operation behind conflicts that we do not even know about? To what extent has any of this research been pursued and is it being covered up? [Editor’s Note] You betcha.


Do we humans harbor within us vast mental powers beyond our imagination? Are some of us gifted with psychic abilities far beyond the norm, and if so what does that mean for us as a society? Whether one believes in extra sensory perception, mental powers, or any of the phenomena that go with them, some governments of the world have certainly at some point or another taken notice to entertain the idea. After all, wouldn’t such amazing abilities be useful for warfare or intelligence gathering? Governments around the world have long sought to try and harness the untapped powers of the human mind to mixed results, and here are some of the oddest such experiments, which were perhaps surprisingly taken quite seriously in their time, perhaps not to be dismissed out of hand.

Although it had dabbled in extra sensory perception abilities in the 40s and 50s, the United States government began to truly pursue the potential application of psychic powers in warfare starting from the 1970s, when the U.S. Army, CIA, and Defense Intelligence Agency established a special unit at Fort Meade, Maryland, for the purpose of investigating psychic phenomena. Ordered by Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson, then the Army’s top intelligence officer, and overseen by a Lt. Frederick Holmes “Skip” Atwater and later on Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, what would be variously called Grill Flame, Sun Streak, and ultimately eventually fall under the general blanket code name of Project Stargate began here, and one of the main original focuses of the research was into what is referred to as “remote viewing,” or basically the ability for a psychic operative to observe and describe places, information, or objects from afar.

Left: Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson, Right: Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine

The great potential military application for this sort of thing is obvious, and the U.S. government pursued it with vigor, believing that the Soviets were also engaged in such research and vice versa, essentially setting off a sort of “psychic arms race,” so to speak. One part of an overview of the project that is part of declassified documents stated:

Driven by the notion that the Soviets might develop capabilities in this area, key personalities in the intelligence community were determined to explore the potential usefulness of psychic phenomena.
It was not a particular extravagant affair at first, poorly funded, run out of an old, decrepit barracks and only employing around 20 people or less in the beginning, and although there were certainly those in the military who thought it was all a bonkers, crackpot idea, the organization itself was very serious about what they were investigating. Psychics were recruited to the program, who then underwent scientific tests of their supposed abilities and programs to try and hone them in order to basically create an army of psychic spies. One former researcher with the program describes what they did thus:

In short, it involved placing an individual in a controlled darkened environment, descending him or her into a self-hypnotic trance and causing him/her to vocally describe images and other impressions that came to mind. In an intelligence context, the subject would be given some parameters of a target area or an intelligence question and the subject’s verbalization would be closely monitored.

There were a few stand out supposed successes within the secretive program in the over 20 years that it existed. In 1974, a Soviet site called Semipalatinsk, located in present day Kazakhstan was targeted as a suspicious location by the U.S. government for reasons it did not seem willing to discuss. Not much was known about the location at the time, and a remote viewer with the program was tasked with trying to get a peek at what was going on in there. The viewer was given the coordinates of the site, after which he managed to draw a layout of buildings and a surprisingly massive crane, and stated that it seemed to be a facility for perhaps housing missiles underground. Amazingly, satellite imagery would later confirm this, perfectly matching what the psychic had drawn out during his visions.

In 1976, the remote viewers were tasked with the mission of trying to track down the whereabouts of a downed Soviet bomber, which had gone down into the wilds of Africa and vanished into the jungle. The CIA came to Stargate in desperation more than anything else, as all other attempts to locate the missing plane had met with failure, including satellite imaging, ground searches, and human intelligence. One psychic named Rosemary Smith, who also happened to be a secretary at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, managed to conjure up location of the downed plane to within a few miles. A team was sent to the area that she had described and discovered the crash site, an unbelievable feat and no one was able to figure out how this woman could have possibly produced this intelligence that no one else could. It was seen as evidence that the technique could work.

In another instance in 1979, a man once only known as Remote Viewer #1, who was actually named Joseph McMoneagle, under deep hypnosis described what he saw at the coordinates given to him by his handler. He explained that he could see a low, grey windowless building wreathed in the stench of sulphur, which he then drew onto some paper. This same image would be reproduced independently by a Remote Viewer #29, with the two drawn images being strikingly similar and the added detail that the place had numerous pieces of heavy machinery and that there was smelting of some sort going on. In both cases, the descriptions and the drawings closely matched a Chinese nuclear complex called Lop Nor, which was located in those coordinates and which neither of the men had ever seen with their own eyes, nor had had any contact with each other.

Also in 1979 was the case of remote viewers from an offshoot of the program called Detachment G to look into a shadowy and secret Soviet Naval base. In this case, the psychics were able to describe seeing a drab building along the sea which stank of gasoline and harbored a weapon of some sort that looked like a “shark.” Later, satellite imagery would show that the base indeed held a massive new type of nuclear class of submarine that the Soviets called the Akula, which means “shark” in Russian.

In 1987 the remote viewers were used to try and track down a CIA mole, and several of the viewers were able to divine the information that the man lived in Washington, was married to a Latin American woman, likely from Colombia, and drove an expensive foreign car. When the mole was found to be an Aldrich Ames in 1994 it was found that he did indeed live in Washington, was married to a Columbian, and drove a Jaguar. Spookily, the psychics had detailed this nearly a decade before.

Cases such as these kept the top secret agency going, with the government pumping an estimated $20 million into their activities. However, for all of these alleged successes there were just as many failures or instances where things were ambiguous to say the least. Attempts to use the viewers to locate the whereabouts of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 1986, fugitive Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega after the U.S. invasion of the country, attempts to locate certain weapons of war, and efforts to locate prisoners of war still kept after the Vietnam War, among others, all failed to produce any actionable intelligence or useful information at all. On top of this, despite the occasional successes there were just too many instances of false positives and vague, confused, irrelevant, ambiguous, or flat out wrong data to make psychic powers a viable pursuit at the time. This led the CIA to conclude that the technique was not worth pursuing for intelligence gathering purposes, and that it was not ready for any real, trustworthy application in the field. Simply put, it was deemed to be more trouble than it was worth.

Other experiments carried out by the program were those dealing with telekinesis, clairvoyance, and even trying to stop the hearts of animals with the power of the mind, but none of them ever produced consistent, reproducible results, if any. Amidst growing skepticism and lack of clear results and lowered funding, Project Stargate was disbanded in 1995. Project Stargate is the subject of the 2004 book The Men Who Stare at Goats, by Jon Ronson, as well as the 2009 film of the same name. In 2003, the long top-secret, need-to-know only project saw roughly 73,000 pages of records declassified, yet interestingly a further 17, 700 were marked as too sensitive to be released. One wonders just what exactly is on those mysterious pages.



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Harvard Med School Researcher Discusses the Science of Where “Consciousness” Comes From

by Arjun Walia      November 13, 2017      (

  • We are living in the beginning stages of a second scientific revolution, one where scientists from all over the world are coming together to emphasize something that has tremendous implications for us all – that physical matter is NOT the only reality.

  • It’s a field full of published studies called non-material science.

  • The American Institutes for Research has concluded: “The statistical results of the [non-material] studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted.”

  • Our individual consciousness does not reside in the brain, but is a part of a non-material realm.


As Nikola Tesla said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”  And truly, we are living in the beginning stages of a second scientific revolution, one where scientists from all over the world are coming together to emphasize something that has tremendous implications for us all — that physical matter is NOT the only reality.

It’s called non-material science, and despite what skeptics might think, it’s a field full of published studies just as rigorously researched as those in the ‘hard’ sciences. As the American Institutes for Research (AIR) has concluded:
The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.

The statement above is more than two decades old, written in the same year the U.S. government declassified parts of their STARGATE program, through which they investigated and used psi concepts such as telepathy and remote viewing.

The modern scientific worldview has been predicated on assumptions derived from classical physics. Many of these assumptions turned into scientific dogma, dogma that most people rely upon and accept as fact today. It was the introduction of quantum mechanics that brought the non-material world to reality, and our subsequent recognition that consciousness plays a huge role in understanding the nature of what we call our physical material world.



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A Video of John Lennon Explaining A Truth About Our World That’s Become More Obvious Since He Passed

by Joe Martino      November 20, 2017       (

  • Our world is run by psychopaths. As Foster Gamble put it, “an elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and health care, but over virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance.”

  • We’ve recently learned that our elections are rigged and mainstream corporations have been undermining the ‘War on Terror’ for profit. It’s clear we’re in desperate need of change.

  • John Lennon’s name is synonymous with peace and political activism. The former Beatle helped millions to think differently about their world.

  • A shift in consciousness comes with understanding, which leads to taking new actions, which helps to create a different world and bring about solutions. But it starts with knowledge and consciousness.


Between the wars on terror and on drugs, recurring economic disasters and the disappearing middle class, racial wars, Big Pharma, GMOs, and corporate lobbying, it’s clear we’re in desperate need of change, and you have to wonder how we got here in the first place.

It was in my later years of high school that I began to feel relief about something that had bothered me for a long time: I started to realize how the world really works. Now, at 30 years old, I’ve interviewed and worked with many of the top researchers in the field of truth seeking. These conversations have illuminated many truths about our world, but none more so than this one: Our world is run by psychopaths.

I want to be very clear here — my aim is not to judge these men and women or call them evil, nor is it to stir up strong emotions amongst my readers. This is about taking a good, hard look at what’s really going on in our world so we can actually begin the work of changing it.

“As difficult as it was for me, I’ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and the corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance. Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.” – Foster Gamble

Why It’s Important

You know it; you feel it. Something is not quite right with our world, and as each day goes by, more and more people are realizing this in a big way. In 2016 we witnessed millions begin to realize how elections are rigged and that we truly have no choice about who governs us.

We began to learn that our world leaders are closely involved with companies who fund terror and that the War on Terror is fabricated to justify certain actions.

Coming to understandings like this shows a shift in our overall consciousness as a planet and helps us to realize how we can move forward. Should we keep voting expecting to see change when that’s not how our world actually works? Should we spend money supporting companies who are harming us and our environment? Should we support the medical system blindly rather than working to create better health and wellness so we experience fewer illnesses overall?

The more we understand how the game works, the more we can determine how to change it. Think of it this way: Imagine you are playing a game and you find out someone is cheating, rigging the rules so you always lose. You might get up, walk away, and refuse to keep playing. Since that person can’t play alone, they’re forced to stop altogether. In a sense, this is exactly what we need to work towards.

A transformation in consciousness comes from understanding, which leads to taking new actions, which helps to create a different world and bring solutions. But it starts with knowledge and consciousness.

John Lennon Speaks Truth

John Lennon’s name is synonymous with peace and political activism. He was always a bit of a rebel, even early in life, and helped millions to think differently about their world. His song “Give Peace a Chance” became an anthem for the anti-war movement and is still heard today during peace marches around the world.

Best known for his time with The Beatles, John has always had strong views about politics and today might be equally as known for his activism and wisdom.

Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.

You don’t need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!

My role in society, or any artist’s or poet’s role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all. 

Lennon had a deep sense of wisdom about him, and even to this day, his words have the power to affect millions. Here is a video clip of Lennon being interviewed in 1968.


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Scientists Create A Magnetic “Wormhole” That Connects Two Regions Of Space

by Arjun Walia         November 10, 2017         (

• In 2015, scientists in Barcelona created a magnetic wormhole in a lab that tunnels a magnetic field through space. Wormholes are cosmological objects that allow one to create “shortcuts” through space in order to travel vast distances in a shorter period of time.

• Mathematically predicted by his general ‘Theory of Relativity’, Einstein referred to wormholes as “bridges” through space-time.

• Say the scientists, “We experimentally show that the magnetic field from a source at one end of the wormhole appears at the other end as an isolated magnetic monopolar field, creating the illusion of a magnetic field propagating through a tunnel outside the 3D space.”

• “The overall effect is that of a magnetic field that appears to travel from one point to another through a dimension that lies outside the conventional three dimensions.”

• The manufactured wormhole is not [yet] able to transport matter. It’s able to transport a magnetic field from a physical object by having it disappear at one point, and then reappear at another, which is still very significant in the world of science.

• A paper was recently published in the Annals of Physics that offers mathematical evidence that a massive black hole in our galaxy is actually a wormhole. If this is true, it should be possible for humans to navigate it.

[Editor’s Note] Mainstream science is slowly inching their way toward understanding the physics of technologies commonly used by the more advanced beings for transportation throughout our galaxy known as the “Cosmic Web”.


Wormholes are fascinating (but theoretical) cosmological objects that can connect two distant regions of the universe. They would allow one to create “shortcuts” through space in order to travel vast distances in a shorter period of time. They are predicted by the general Theory of Relativity, and are what Einstein referred to as “bridges” through space-time. Wormholes are mathematically predicted, if not proven, and a new study illustrates how scientists have taken these theoretical anomalies – which many physicists believe to be real – and created one for themselves.

Researchers in Spain, from the physics department at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2015, actually created a magnetic wormhole in a lab that tunnels a magnetic field through space.
“Using matematerials and metasurfaces, our wormhole transfers the magnetic field from one point in space to another through a path that is magnetically undetectable. We experimentally show that the magnetic field from a source at one end of the wormhole appears at the other end as an isolated magnetic monopolar field, creating the illusion of a magnetic field propagating through a tunnel outside the 3D space.”

Just to be clear, the manufactured wormhole is not able to transport matter, it’s able to transport a magnetic field from a physical object by having it disappear at one point, and then reappear at another, which is still very significant in the world of science.

The wormhole is invisible to the human eye, but it’s a sphere made up of an outer ferromagnetic surface, an inner superconducting layer, and then a ferromagnetic sheet rolled into a cylinder internally.

Prior to this accomplishment, the researchers were able to create a tunnel to transport magnetic fields. What makes this finding so much more interesting is the fact that again, because of materials used to build the wormhole, they’ve managed to keep the magnetic field completely invisible.

“This result is strange enough in itself, as magnetic monopoles do not exist in nature. The overall effect is that of a magnetic field that appears to travel from one point to another through a dimension that lies outside the conventional three dimensions.”

Alvar Sanchez, the lead researcher, said that the magnetic wormhole is an analogy of the bigger, theoretical gravitational ones that are commonly used in science fiction. Despite this, there is still, according to modern day science, no way to know if similiar magnetic wormholes exist throughout space.

A paper that was recently published in the Annals of Physics offers mathematical evidence that a massive black hole in our galaxy is actually a wormhole. If this is true, it should be possible for humans to navigate it.

“Our result is very important because it confirms the possible existence of wormholes in most of the spiral galaxies.”



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How The Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics

by Robert David Steele         November 7, 2017         (

• In this article, the former CIA agent and nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize who has blown the lid off of the Deep State, Robert David Steele, speculates as to arbitrary black-balling on social media sites and who is behind it.

• Steele believes that three recent actions – the lawsuit filed against Google by Prager University, and Twitter’s deletion of Alt-Right Roger Stone and Alt-Left Charlie Peach, could publicly reveal the behind-the-scenes manipulation of social media by the Deep State as represented by the CIA in America and by the Zionists in Israel.

• Steele believes that the conservative YouTube channel, Prager University’s lawsuit against Google for banning over fifty videos is “the most important case of our time”.

• Steele says that the Deep State is seeking to censor and in some cases digitally “assassinate” both those on the right and those on the left who challenge official narratives.

• The Zionists in Israel have perfected the use of human trolls and automated bots to refine the system that the Deep State now uses to control social media and muzzle critics by submitting false reports of bullying, spamming, hating, and “x-rated content”. “Hate speech” has become code for repressing those critical of the Zionist and Deep State narratives, known in the aggregate as “Alternative Media.”

• Google has blocked over 400 websites, censored millions and digitally suppressed thousands of people, many in the U.S. The Deep State institution, the Council in Foreign Affairs, has determined that anyone who questions authority should be treated as “domestic terrorists”.

• Those with pro-Zionist opinions are protected, and they slander and libel with impunity – while those who challenge Zionist atrocities and improprieties and the government party line find themselves de-monetized with no recourse.

• The pro-Israeli media “watchdog”, Media Matters, marshalls a “troll army” that is very capable at persistent pervasive crowd-stalking. Every YouTube channel that Steele has been on has been attacked. Most hosts have been forced to disable all comments. Crowd-stalkers have also succeeded in getting videos deleted through multiple false reports of “bullying”.

• Anytime twelve or more “reports” come in, they are assumed to be authentic and the person being reported is automatically assassinated – banned, blocked, deleted.

• Organizations such as IndieGoGo and PayPal will receive hundreds of emails falsely claiming that a particular individual, organization, or campaign is a scam or a fraud, although to their great credit, both IndieGoGo and PayPal have proven to be fair and discerning.

• Internet security services such as Kaspersky and Norton often rely on automated processes to filter out individuals and sites on the basis of what are largely false reports from Zionist trolls, thereby blocking relevant information from libraries and universities. The First Amendment implications are staggering.

• The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) appears to be the Zionist social media spy service and enforcer.

• Eric Schmidt was hired to build Google after they stole Yahoo’s search engine and received funding from the CIA’s Office of Research and Development. Schmidt went on to create a virtual Censorship Board that included Facebook, Twitter and others. The Censorship Board actively demonetizes and censors anyone whom they judge to be a source of “fake news”. Google has become an arm of the CIA.

• Eric Schmidt is so proud of his ability to control, censor, and manipulate social media through his Censorship Board that he has offered this system to the People’s Republic of China.


This is a speculative account based on personal experience and broad reading. In no way is it a substitute for a proper legal discovery process – but it could be useful in guiding such a process.

The recent arbitrary deletion with no appeal by Twitter of two accounts – one belonging to my friend Alt-Right white male Roger Stone and the other to an Alt-Left black female activist who goes by the name of “Charlie Peach” and reminds me of my friend Cynthia McKinney, should be the death rattle of #GoogleGestapo. If Roger Stone and “Charlie Peach” were to sue Twitter together, in combination with my own lawsuit against three apparatchiks and their many co-conspirators, and the new potentially formidable case by Prager University against Google, YouTube, and DOES 1-25, I believe these three cases and perhaps others might converge in a most constructive manner assuredly in the public interest.

The above juxtaposition is important – the Deep State is seeking to censor and in some cases digitally assassinate both those on the right and those on the left who challenge official narratives. This is discrimination based on political affiliation or belief.

While I identify the Deep State as the ultimate antagonist, it is the Zionists who have refined the system that the Deep State now uses to control social media and digitally assassinate critics and those espousing conservative values or support for the US Constitution as well as opposition to the prevailing “Israel First” mantra at the federal, state, and local levels. “Hate speech” and related filters are code for repressing those critical of the Zionist and Deep State narratives, known in the aggregate as “Alternative Media.”

I have found it helpful to distinguish early on between a few very powerful extremist Zionists who serve a foreign agenda that calls for the complete subversion of the United States of America (USA) and other countries, and millions of loyal decent Jews world-wide, nine million of whom reside in the USA. My focus is on a limited number of extremists who are certain they are above all laws; they do not represent decent Jews – or the established religion of Judaism – as a whole. My focus is also only on social media control, not on other methods used by the Zionists to subvert entire countries.

In combination with false flag events that perpetuate a climate of fear and astronomic levels of spending on a militarized domestic total surveillance and control system in which police forces abandon community-based policing and go straight to treating the public as the enemy, with a complicit Mainstream Media (MSM), #GoogleGestapo has emerged as the social control mechanism of the 21st Century, not only blocking over 400 websites (I suspect the number is much higher) but censoring millions and digitally assassinating tens of thousands of individuals, many of them in the USA. The intent of the Deep State has recently been made clear by one of its fronts, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): dissidents and those who question authority should be treated as “domestic terrorists.”

I do not address the related issue of #GoogleGestapo as a global surveillance enterprise violating all rights to anonymity, identity, privacy, and security – my focus here and now is on discrimination.
It bears noting in passing that Fourth Amendment protections against search and seizure do not apply to third party cloud holdings – this is yet another sucking chest wound in the GooglePlex waiting for the law to catch up.

The Prager University team includes Alan Dershowitz, who is both a celebrated scholar and defense lawyer and an Israel Firster – a mixed blessing when one is suing a Zionist system that is relied upon by the Deep State. Having this enormous but conflicted talent on the team reminds me of the Warren Commission, where Allen Dulles, the mastermind of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) assassination, was put on the Commission by Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), the man who signed JFK’s death warrant, to ensure that the falsehoods being put forward by the government were adhered to. The Plaintiffs may wish to consider adding someone like Judge Andrew Napolitano to their team, and be most wary of Dershowitz negotiating a pro forma settlement behind the scenes that results in a limited victory that forestalls the much larger Title 7 challenge to the entire #GoogleGestapo system administered for the Deep State by the Zionists. I predict You Tube will quickly restore the videos in question and apologize, so as to stop this case, potentially the Title 7 case of the century, from going to discovery, trial, and logical expansion.

Here is a simple example of a discovery question that the Prager U team could ask, given that they have over fifty videos that have been banned from YouTube:
Provide a list of all banned videos in the past five years, the specific reasons why each video was banned; and the identity of and contact information for each of the related individuals or organizations for each of the banned videos.

This matters because no one, anywhere, has been able to compile a list of all banned videos. The legal discovery process is the only means by which we can compel the revelation of this vital information while assuring that the resulting information is of evidentiary quality.

Properly done, a larger challenge would also document through a legal discovery process – and then hold accountable – organizations such as Kaspersky, Rolling Stone, Slate, Mother Jones, and others that have been lazy and allowed Zionist trolls to “game” their reporting systems and digitally assassinate individuals critical of Zionist Israel (or skeptical of the Deep State narrative) by submitting false reports of bullying, spamming, hating, and even – the latest – “X-Rated Content” such that entire web sites are blocked from being accessed. As Congress has recently determined, the social media endeavors – which should be but are not regulated as public utilities – have been cutting corners on screening content, and been severely remiss in both technical and human quality control. As most cases against the #GoogleGestapo monolith should show if legal discovery is pursued, there is both a failure to be serious in terms of properly screening content, and a double standard – those that agree with the Deep State – or serve the needs of the Deep State – are allowed to threaten assassination, spew hateful language, and crowd-stalk at will. Those that do not agree with the Deep State are at the capricious mercy of an unregulated system that excels at censorship and crowd-stalking with impunity.

#GoogleGestapo Overview

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and In-Q-Tel, both early sponsors of Google and other social media innovations, clearly understood the value of these enterprises to create a desired “total surveillance” architecture. It was the Zionists, however, who appear to have perfected a pervasive blend of people, organizations, and technologies to achieve persistent and pervasive censorship and crowd-stalking that is now in the service of the Deep State, both in the USA and around the world.

Below are the key elements of #GoogleGestapo based on my broad reading and direct personal experience. Pending proper legal discovery, I speculate that all levels are connected – this is a system.
• Deep State – banking families including Vatican, City of London, Wall Street
• Zionist Government of Israel/Benjamin Netanyahu/Mossad
• American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
• Eric Schmidt, Arnon Milchan, George Soros, Media Matters and many more
• Complicit Internet services companies including Facebook, MeetUp, Twitter
• Paid sub-contractors that do live-streaming defamation on command
• Paid trolls — Israeli reservists, ADL, Media Matters and others
• Volunteer trolls too stupid to know they are being lied to — sayonim
• Dumb algorithms and lack of investment in ethics, human oversight, etc. by design
• “Shadow banning” (demonetization), subscription list neutralization, service cancellation
• Lack of government regulation, not holding social media to anti-discrimination standards
Not included in my own experience with #GoogleGestapo, but highly pertinent to YouTube’s lack of professionalism in both algorithms and human quality control and respect for customers given the ease with which false reports can destroy entire channels, is the entire matter of grand-fathered changed terms of service, moronic keyword and meta data restrictions, and malicious copyright strikes (to include the destruction of negative reviews of a product) and copyright extortion.

My Personal Experience
Live-Streamed Defamation

On 13 June I did a live-streamed interview with George Webb, whom I respect very much. He was being “handled” at the time by one Jason Goodman with Patricia Negron as his partner. In the course of that interview, I raised the prospect of Goodman himself being handled – perhaps unwittingly – by the Mossad. I speculate now that legal discovery will reveal both monthly payments to Goodman on the order of $3,000 a month, and a pattern of email and cellular contacts suggestive that Goodman has been taking direction, first toward undermining George Webb (who was getting too close to the truth about the Awan brothers being patsies for a Mossad operation via Debbie Wasserman Schultz, spying on and blackmailing Members of Congress) and then #UNRIG, Earth Intelligence Network, and me.

From that day forward, Goodman began a campaign of defamation, video slander, crowd-stalking libelous commentary, and tortuous interference that I have carefully documented. I will not litigate this case in public. Goodman and his many co-conspirators will have their day in court – but I note with interest that YouTube, a surrogate of Google, has not – despite my repeated complaints – deleted any of the many slanderous videos by Goodman, Negon, and “Queen Tut” now known to be Susan Lutzky. Based on my personal experience, I speculate that #GoogleGestapo – the full list of elements yet to be defined through legal discovery – is a co-conspirator with those who seek to manipulate public perception with aggressive character assassination and discrimination, the “Alt Right” and pro-Trumpers being top targets at this time.

YouTube appears to be the most prominent element within which slander and libel occur daily – those with pro-Zionist opinions who parrot the government party line are protected – they slander and libel with impunity – while those who challenge Zionist atrocities and improprieties and the government party line find themselves de-monetized (“shadow-banned”) or digitally assassinated – in many cases an entire life’s work destroyed – with no recourse.

Troll Armies – from Israel to Media Matters to the Sayonim

In my speculative view based on my direct experience, the Zionists have perfected the use of human trolls and automated bots; one overtly active Mossad collaborator can inspire a crowd-stalking campaign that mobilizes over 400 distinctly identifiable trolls and bots (my best guess is one third human, two thirds artificial). While I have no direct knowledge, my understanding from secondary sources is that there is a clear division of labor between Israeli Army reservists based in Israel, the primary Zionist agents in the USA, not only the ADL but also its parent organization AIPAC, and specific sympathetic organizations such as Media Matters, whose “troll army” has been widely publicized.

Then there are the sayonim. These are volunteers who buy the Zionist “party line” and dedicate themselves to destroying anyone they see as an “enemy” of the Zionists. I have dealt personally with many such individuals who have emailed me, and it is with great sadness that I report my impression that these people, while well-intentioned, are out of touch with reality and often poorly educated.
In my direct personal experience, these troll armies are very capable at persistent pervasive crowd-stalking. Every YouTube channel I have appeared on has been attacked (not just current, but past), to the point that most of my hosts have been forced to disable all comments, depriving the honest viewers of the interaction that I take pains to provide when not being crowd-stalked. Many hosts have not invited me to return, perhaps influenced by the demonetization (“shadow-banning”) of any interview with me rather than the substance of my work that led to my being recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017.

These crowd-stalkers have also, on occasion, succeeded in getting videos deleted by marshalling multiple reports of “bullying” which is patently absurd in my case, but effective when YouTube is lazy (or complicit). Here is one case of a perfectly reasonable interview deleted by YouTube – there are others.

In my direct personal experience, these crowd-stalkers are skilled at destroying fund-raising campaigns, to include pursuing all 1,500 Facebook shares (in the case of the #UNRIG IndieGoGo-Generosity campaign) such that a campaign raising $29,237.44 the month prior to the crowd-stalking, can quickly be brought down to $8,054.14, then $4,733.41, then $1,200 or so in two subsequent earnings. The most recent was $542.51.

In my direct personal experience, these crowd-stalkers engage in campaigns of defamation intended to make their target destitute. Apart from alienating all possible donors, funding channels such as IndieGoGo and PayPal appear to receive hundreds of emails claiming that a particular individual, organization, or campaign is a scam or a fraud. To their great credit, both IndieGoGo and PayPal have proven to be steady level-headed organizations able to discern such obvious defamation endeavors in my specific case, but I am troubled by some instances where they have closed accounts on the basis of what appear to me to both illegal and often capricious discriminatory actions.

In my direct personal experience, these crowd-stalkers do not read. They worship at the altar of video and social media blurbs. They are so myopic that they are incapable of visiting my personal website where my life’s work is free online, including two books with Forewords by US Senators, and my recent recommendation for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Media “Hit Jobs” On Demand

I appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWars on 29 June 2017, speaking for two hours on the subject of pedophilia. Few people know that I am both a Commissioner for the International Tribunal for International Justice (INTJ) and its project on elite pedophilia led by Chief Justice Sir John Walsh of Brannaugh, and I am also nurturing a book by West Point graduate Joachim Hagopian, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State. My remarks clearly scared at least one major pedophile in the media world. On the very same day, Ben Collins at The Daily Beastpublished a story intended to discredit me, “NASA Denies That It’s Running a Child Slave Colony on Mars,” that was quickly repeated by Peter Holley of The Washington Post and then a number of other international outlets. This stuff does not happen by accident. This was a hit job.

During a two-hour interview with Alex Jones, I spoke in depth about pedophilia and the fatal exploitation of children (on Earth), including their murder and the harvesting of their blood, body parts, and bone marrow. Only at the very end, in answer to a caller who in retrospect may have been setting me up, did I address children sent into space on “20 year and out missions” to leverage growth while in transit; and an existing colony on Mars, established fifteen years ago, with 10,000 people there now.

The Daily Beast conflated these three completely separate factual concepts to discredit me. I believe that legal discovery will determine that Ben Collins was “fed” the conflated false story and lacked the integrity to refuse the lead. Who, exactly, put Ben Collins on to this story and authorized the follow on by The Washington Post is discoverable by due legal process. If I had to guess, I would look to Media Matters, which is led by an individual with some serious issues, and “ruthlessly targets conservatives.”

This aspect of #GoogleGestapo represents the total complicity between the MSM and the new social media control network – the larger “system” is comprehensive and includes – in addition to the ability to marshal public communications including Hollywood movies – the ability to interfere with commercial contracts.



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