Listen To Astronaut’s Awe as UFOs Surround NASA Capsule Before Contact is Lost

by Jon Austin                December 28, 2017                 (

• On February 20 1962, John Glenn became the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth in a space capsule for an extended period of time. During this flight, Glenn contacted mission control as he was seeing a “brilliant blue horizon” coming up behind him at sunrise.

• Suddenly, Glenn begins to describe an incredible sight. “I am in a big mass of some very small particles that are brilliantly lit up like they’re luminescent. I never saw anything like it. They’re coming by the capsule and they look like little stars. A whole shower of them coming by.” He said he could see them for miles in each direction.  Glenn reports that  there are literally thousands of them, spaced about eight feet apart and brilliantly lit, all around the capsule.

• Glenn took video of the sea of little lights and describes them in the video. (see 6:42 video below)

• Later in 1962, astronaut Scott Carpenter made a similar orbit on the Aurora 7 capsule and also saw these “fireflies.” Carpenter was able to tap the sides of the capsule and make them float off.

• NASA concluded they were ice particles that had accumulated on the outside of the capsule and caught by sunlight.


A NASA astronaut can be heard explaining his amazement at the sight of his capsule being surrounded by strange UFOs.

The recording is between astronaut John Glenn and mission control on Earth as he orbited Earth in a space capsule on February 20 1962 as the first US astronaut to do it for an extended period.

In the audio Mr Glenn, who calls himself Friendship Seven, can heard describing seeing a “brilliant blue horizon” coming up behind him as it approaches sunrise.

Then, he suddenly realises something peculiar is happening as several UFOs appear.

He said: “This is Friendship Seven. I’ll try to describe what I’m in here.

“I am in a big mass of some very small particles that are brilliantly lit up like they’re luminescent.
“I never saw anything like it.

“They’re coming by the capsule and they look like little stars.

“A whole shower of them coming by.”

he said they swirled around the capsule, were brilliantly lit, at seven or eight feet apart and all around the capsule.

He was asked by mission control if he heard any impact with the capsule, to which he said no.

He added: “They’re very slow. They’re not going away from me more than maybe three or four miles per hour.”

He then gets no response for sometime as he continues to describe what’s happening.

Mr Glenn said: “they do have a different motion from me because they swirl around the capsule and then depart back the way that I am looking.

“Are you receiving over…

“There are literally thousands of them.”



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The Final Part of Britain’s Real-Life X-Files Has Been Released – But Does the Government Have Something to Hide?

by George Harrison             January 5, 2018              (

• Britain’s Ministry of Defence has spent ten years releasing a trickle of declassified files relating to UFO sightings. The final three documents were made public on January 1, 2018. These MoD “X-Files” are formerly top-secret papers containing eyewitness accounts, sketches and police reports of UFO sightings from the 1970’s to the early 2000’s. But the final three documents just released are all dated from 1986.

• Defence officials decided to release the documents to save the hassle of responding to thousands of freedom of information requests about the government’s knowledge of UFOs. But these last three won’t be available online (as are all of the previous documents). Anyone who wants to read them will have to either visit the National Archives or order a copy of the documents for a copying fee.

• UFO enthusiasts are glad that the British military has released their UFO files, but why did it take ten years to do so?

• Former MoD official Nick Pope says, “There’s no smoking gun in these files that says UFOs are extraterrestrial.”


The MoD (Britain’s Ministry of Defence) has spent ten years releasing a trickle of declassified files relating to UFO sightings… and now the final three documents have been made public.

This final release completes the Government’s long process of publishing Britain’s real-life X Files, formerly top-secret papers containing eyewitness accounts, sketches and police reports of UFO sightings from the 1970s to the early noughties (ie: the early 2000’s for Americans).

Over the past decade, the files, which have been drip-fed into the public domain to hush any claims of a conspiracy, were ushered out without any fanfare from the Government, with batches steadily and unceremoniously cropping up online.

The final three documents appeared on the National Archives website on January 1, and are all dated from 1986.

One is described as UFO incidents, while the others are filed under UFO reports and UFO correspondence.
But, even after spending the past three decades behind the closed doors of the MoD, they’re unlikely to satisfy conspiracy theorists.

Unlike many of the releases before it, this final wave of files won’t be available online, and the timing of their publication is sure to cause more a stir among the UFO community.

Officials originally decided to circulate the documents to save the hassle of responding to thousands of freedom of information requests about the Government’s knowledge of UFOs.

But Nick Pope, who used to run the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project, says conspiracy theorists are likely to be “incensed” by the questions thrown up by the final file dump.

Now, believers will want to know why the Government waited ten years to release these files, and why they’ve been made so hard to get hold of.

Why January 1?

One reason why UFO hunters are unlikely to be happy is the precise timing of the release, on New Years Day.

Nick says: “This looks suspiciously as if The National Archives tried to sneak out this release when nobody was looking.”

Some will be asking whether this was an attempt to bury the release by shuffling it out on a bank holiday when everyone was in bed.

It’s true that January 1 is a common release date for public files, but hardcore UFO hunters will want to know why the MoD has held on to these for so long in the first place.

Is there a link to the Pentagon’s UFO research?

This final wave of files, which caps off a ten-year release programme, was published after the big news broke that the American government was hiding its own X Files.

Nick said: “Coming so soon after the revelations about the Pentagon’s UFO program, this will raise suspicion in the UFO community that there’s been co-ordination between the US and UK government on this.”



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Nuclear Weapon Signature on Mars Have Expert Saying This is Proof of Extraterrestrial Life

by Arjun Walia          December 28, 2017           (

• Dr. John Brandenburg is a well-known and respected plasma physicist who has worked on plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion for NASA, and invented the Microwave Electro-Thermal plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion. Brandenburg was the Deputy Manager of the NASA Clementine Mission to the Moon that discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994.

• According to Brandenburg, the superabundance of Xe 129 in the Mars atmosphere is a “nuclear weapon” signature, indicating that there was a nuclear blast on Mars that completely changed the planet’s surface.

• Brandenburg says that there are things “out there” that have been deliberately kept from us. Whether this information has been concealed because the human race is not ready for this information, or that it’s just too “mind-altering” and would change too many things, or because its disclosure would threaten to various corporate interests remains unclear.

• As we move through 2018 and beyond, more people will become open and aware to the idea that we are not alone, that we’ve never been alone, and that there is plenty of evidence to prove these claims.


A lot of people reading the title of this article are probably rolling their eyes, and that’s a problem. Paradigm-changing discoveries are being made every day, and if these discoveries don’t make mainstream media headlines, people dismiss them as fake news, conspiracy theories, or pseudoscience. But the small group of people who control mainstream media also have control over our perception of reality, over what we consider to be real or not real, and that’s a problem.

The world has witnessed the birth of several different “alternative” news outlets in response to this issue, yet the information they provide never makes mainstream headlines despite coming from credible sources. This has especially been the case when it comes to UFOs, extraterrestrials, and life on other planets.

Despite studies being published in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals bringing forth some very intriguing questions, this type of information is still greeted with skepticism more often than not, though things are slowly changing. As we move through 2018 and beyond, more people will become open and aware to the idea that we are not alone, that we’ve never been alone, and that there is plenty of evidence to prove these claims.

One person working to prove them is Dr. John Brandenburg, a well-known and respected plasma physicist who joined a number of colleagues in blowing the whistle on the need for disclosure. They argue there are things “out there” that have been deliberately kept from us. Whether this information has been concealed because the human race is not ready for this information, that it’s just too “mind-altering” and would change too many things, or because its disclosure would threaten to various corporate interests, remains unclear and too broad a subject to tackle here.

Since coming out, Brandenburg has been ridiculed by the mainstream, as any Department of Defense scientist making such claims would be, but the information he shares correlates with scores of other papers and documents available in the public domain, as well as the information that’s been shared by a number of scholars over the years, about this subject.

We’ve presented his work in multiple articles, but he has now come out with new revelations.
Brandenburg worked for NASA for a number of years. He was also the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994.

He has also worked on space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion, and invented the Microwave Electro-Thermal plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion.


“The more we observe Mars, the more information we’re getting that it really is a fascinating planet, from the Curiosity Rover we now know that Mars once was like a planet very much like Earth, with long salty seas, with fresh water lakes, probably with snow capped peaks and clouds and a water cycle just like we’re studying here on Earth. . . . Something has happened to Mars, it lost its water.”

The quote above is from John Grunsfeld, a five-time space flow astronaut and associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directive. It was given at a NASA press conference where representatives told the world that there is a water Mars, that it’s not the dry, arid planet we imagined it to be, and that it was once very much Earth-like and still holds the possibility of harbouring life. After all, water means life.

In that conference, they admit to a drastic atmospheric shift that occurred on Mars which took it from its Earth-like composition to the one we see today. They provide no explanation for how this happened.
According to Brandenburg, there was a nuclear blast that completely changed the planet (the changes mentioned at the press conference linked in the above paragraph. He states: “The question has been raise as to why a superabundance of Xe 129 in the Mars atmosphere, relative to every other major planetary isotopic reservoir in the Solar System can be considered as “nuclear weapon” signature on mars. In this brief article I will summarize how Xe 129 superabundance occurs physically and is associated in the open literature with “fast neutron fission” found in supernova – the close physical analog to a hydrogen bomb explosion (3,4,5). I will also show that Earth atmospheric data compared between 1937 (1), just before the dawn of the nuclear age, and that done in 1950 and 1978, clearly shows an increase of Xe 129 from 1937 relative to other Xe isotopes and can therefore be associated with open air nuclear weapon testing and plutonium production, which itself produces large amounts of fast neutron fission of Uranium and Plutonium isotopes.”



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Revealed: ‘Secret Area 51 Airline’ Flies in Special Planes From Guarded Las Vegas Terminal

by Taryn Tarrant-Cornish           January 5, 2018           (

• Sonic booms, and a very loud double sonic boom heard in December over the Nevada Air Force testing ground known as Area 51 prompted locals to demand answers, and this led to the discovery of a hidden airport in Las Vegas serving the military to and from Area 51. In addition to testing experimental aircraft and weaponry, rumor has it that Area 51 is where the U.S. government is hiding extraterrestrial craft and even some ETs themselves, and is reverse-engineering these alien craft. The U.S. government admitted to the existence of Area 51 in 2005.

• Researchers discovered that a fleet of 737s, painted with a distinctive red stripe and call signs that begin with ‘XXX’, routinely fly from a secret terminal named “Janet” (‘Just Another Non-Existent Terminal’) at McCarren Airport in Las Vegas, to Area 51, and also to the Tonopah nuclear facility. The terminal is used exclusively for military personnel, is protected by armed guards, and flight schedules from that terminal do not appear on airport information boards.

• UFO truth seekers believe the double sonic boom heard over Area 51 military could be a sign of something otherworldly being hidden in the classified location.


Suspicious flights have been seen leaving McCarran Airport in the city of sin with their schedules and manifest shrouded in complete mystery.

The airline flies from a terminal named Janet exclusively serves military personnel carrying them from Vegas to the desert base where many believe the US hides evidence of UFOs and aliens.

Janet is reported to be an acronym for Just Another Non-Existent Terminal.

The fleet of 737s painted with a distinctive red stripe carry call signs which start XXX.

The planes do not appear on departure boards and no civilians are able to get near the terminal which is protected by armed guards.

Former Ministry of Defence employee Nick Pope said: ”Area 51 exists – it’s part of a military testing range in Nevada – and because of the remote and sparsely-populated location, it’s where various secret prototype aircraft and drones are developed and test flown.”

Flights travel to nuclear facility Tonopah and another unnamed destination which is accepted by many to be the infamous Area 51 air force base.

Despite its massive size and reputation as the centre of extraterrestrial activity in the US, it took until 2005 for the US government to openly acknowledge the existence of the base.

It is thought the base is used to carry out experimental aircraft and weapons tests deep in the Nevada desert.

Mr Pope told The Sun: “The UFO and conspiracy theory community think it’s the place where crashed UFOs are kept and where the US military is trying to back-engineer this alien technology.

“Sadly, despite the rumours, I’ve seen no evidence that we’ve recovered any extraterrestrial technology.”

Revelations about the secret airline come after demands for information after a mysterious double sonic boom was heard over the base.

UFO truth seekers believe a double sonic boom being heard over the mysterious Area 51 military could be a sign of something otherworldly being hidden in the classified location.

A video showing the strange noises over the Nevada US Air Force base posted on YouTube by channel UFO Seekers has racked up more than 40,000 views.

In the clip, F-22 fighter jets can be seen flying over Area 51.

The stealth planes leave strange trails as they cut through the Nevada skies at speeds of up to 1,500mph.

Then, as one accelerates away, a frighteningly loud double booming sound can be heard.



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Preparing for Contact

by Anela Izadi Ph.D., M.D.

Based on the archeological findings, whistleblower and contactee testimonies, there is no doubt that humans have been visited by various ET races for centuries. Through certain times in our history, ETs and inner-earth beings walked freely among us and even acted as our teachers and Gods, influencing our current reality. At some point in our evolution, open human-ET interaction ceased as our collective memory of the events faded. However, as Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D. points out, humans possess extraterrestrial consciousness which links us directly to our ET ancestors. It appears that the time has come for humanity to remember on an individual and global scale who we are, where we came from, and our purpose in the Universe.

Unfortunately, our stratified political structure has been a hindrance to the unveiling of our collective memories and to the disclosure process involving our historical events and human-ET interactions. Fortunately, as Dr. Salla says, the ‘First Contact’ is not a purely political process but rather it is also a social process due to the large number (millions in USA alone) of ordinary individuals having direct interactions with ETs.

In this article I am going to focus on this social process in relation to preparation for contact.

Those Who Believe vs. Those Who Don’t

A 2015 Newsweek poll found that 54% of Americans believe in ET existence and approximately 30% of those believe that we have had contact with ETs, which has been covered up by our government(s). A 2012 survey by National Geographic found that 77% of Americans believe that ETs have been visiting Earth.

The key word in these polls is “belief.” Whether the belief in ET existence, or communication is true is not a prerequisite for the belief itself. For example, an individual with no ET contact who believes that ETs exist and have contacted humans can share the same belief with an individual who is an abductee or a contactee. The former individual has a priori, non-empirical knowledge, which is independent of their experience while the latter has a posteriori knowledge that is acquired by experience.

To prepare for contact, whether as a collective or as an individual, those who don’t believe ETs exist must participate in the process of changing their belief system through attaining a priori or a posteriori knowledge base. The belief in the existence of ETs is the foundation upon which an individual or a group prepares for contact. Our government(s) make this process more challenging by refusing to officially disclose existence of ETs and by persecuting whistleblowers like Phil Schneider. However, due to social media connectivity across the globe and ease of travelling, sharing of ET-related information and knowledge is becoming increasingly difficult to control. It appears though that partial government-controlled disclosure is underway either because of government’s inability to control the social process and spread of information or because of the secret government-ET interactions where our government(s) feel pressured to start the disclosure process

On the other hand, what must the individuals with either a priori or a posteriori knowledge base prepare for?

One word comes to mind…


Psychological Reactions to Life-Changing Information

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was a Swiss-American psychiatrist who was one of the early scientists to study near-death experiences. In her book On Death and Dying, she discussed the five stages of coping with grief as related to death and dying. The five stages are abbreviated as DABDA and stand for:

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

Since 1969, when her book was published, these five stages have been accepted as the best description of the psychological responses individuals experience when faced with any life-changing situations. These stages are reactions to events and are unique to each person who is experiencing them. The most important thing to keep in mind is that not everyone who experiences a life-changing event feels all five of the responses in their linear progression.

I believe that the knowledge and understanding of these qualitative descriptors of human emotional states can be used to prepare individuals and groups for indirect and direct conscious contact with ET or inner-earth races. The two stages that I will focus on in this article are Denial and Acceptance with brief description of anger, bargaining, and depression as they relate to realization and knowledge of the ET presence among us and the ET interaction with humans.


When an individual experiences a traumatic event (i.e. car accident, alien abduction) not remembering what happened is a common occurrence because the brain shifts its focus from making memories to escaping danger. It enters the survival mode or the basic fight-or-flight response. The same happens on an emotional level when an individual is faced with life-changing information (i.e. their religion is a cult, ETs are real). He or she enters the denial stage, which can last from a brief moment to a lifetime.

During the fight-or-flight response, excessive production of noradrenaline destroys the brain’s ability to store memories. Adrenaline rush facilitates quick reflexes and extra physical strength focusing the individual only on knowledge beneficial to survival.

Immediately after the inciting event, the individual’s first thought is rooted in disbelief and denial (i.e. Did I really experience this? This is not real. This did not happen.) Humans have evolved or are made not to see reality as it is. Instead, we perceive reality with our senses. Our behavior in response to any reality is directed toward our survival (physical, mental, and emotional) and not necessarily the truth. In addition, based on our individual knowledge base, we can mentally and emotionally process only what we know.

Our ability to resort to denial when faced with something we cannot mentally or emotionally process is the greatest hindrance to our spiritual evolution as well as to conscious interaction with ETs. Our ignorance (intentional and un-intentional) of our perceptions outside the realm of five senses compound the problem of processing the information that seems unreal or out of the realm of our current reality. I believe this is the reason as Carl Jung suggested why majority of ET contact experiences occur in Delta brain wave range while the person is in deep sleep and why ETs appear to abduct or contact individuals while they are in Theta/Delta brain wave ranges.

Interaction with ETs while in Theta/Delta brain wave range removes an individual’s ability to fight-or-flight, reducing the hormone-induced physical stress response. It also brings to focus reality that was not perceived with our five senses. As the interaction takes place within our subconscious or even in an unconscious state, the experience is reduced to a dream-like quality and memories which have to be processed on an emotional level. The more we start paying attention to our senses beyond the physical five senses, our dreams and emotional states, the more we become prepared for this contact to occur. At the same time, it becomes easier for contact to take place and be remembered. The sooner we stop denying our experiences, we can establish conscious contact in the Alpha/Beta brain wave range.

              Lyssa Royal

Author and contactee Lyssa Royal suggests that ETs prefer human-ET interaction to take place in the Theta/Delta brain wave range because it is the equivalent of the ET waking state. Although this is highly possible, I believe that human-ET interaction in Theta/Delta range are related to neutralizing our responses and making them more predictable. Our unpredictable physical responses could present a safety hazard to the ETs and ourselves during the interaction. However, as someone who is a sleep walker, I can attest to being in Delta brain wave range, being physically active around our home, and fully remembering what I was doing while sleep walking.

As I tell my husband, what happens in Theta/Delta brain wave range, stays in Theta/Delta brain wave range. Dreams are easier to deal with and harder to deny than the Alpha/Beta waking conscious reality of an ET contact unless an individual is predictable to himself and the ETs in his physical and emotional responses for a face-to-face, consciously aware interaction.

I also believe that majority of us are in telepathic communication with ETs but again, we are not necessarily consciously aware of it or simply deny that it is the case. Based on a personal experience, I don’t believe that an individual must be in a trance or a dream-like state for this interaction to take place. I have also had the experience of attempting telepathy while in a dream state. It is possible that telepathy is independent of the brain activity and rather depends on the person’s energetic state.

Anger, Bargaining & Depression

As an individual accepts the reality of ET presence or realizes that they are an abductee or a contactee, they may start to ask, “Why me and Why now?” Realization that his reality has been turned upside down, that instead of being on top of the world he is a bottom-feeder, or that he is not as intelligent as he initially thought, can bring about anger and frustration which is often directed out at world and at random. When anger does not bring about inner peace, he may turn on to bargaining especially with their God or the ETs themselves. I believe the bargaining stage maybe an emotional reaction which could be easily exploited by the ETs with a negative agenda.

When it comes to death and dying, individuals who enter this stage learn quickly that it does not work and inevitably enter the depression stage. During the depression stage, individuals may experience reactive and/or preparatory depression. Reactive depression occurs as a reaction to current and past losses. For example, if a woman realizes that she provided her womb and genetic material to an alien-hybrid program, she may feel a sense of loss with each pregnancy. Preparatory depression occurs when an individual feels a deep sense of future loss. For example, a wealthy oil executive realizes that with the announcement of ET technologies, he will suffer a major financial loss.

              Charles Hall

The two whistleblowers/contactees who come to mind to best illustrate their coping mechanisms when faced with ET presence are Charles Hall and Clifford Stone. In the simplest of terms, Mr. Hall is left brained and Mr. Stone right brained. We all have an inherent tendency toward a particular way of assimilating and processing information. Right brained individuals focus on the visual and process information in an intuitive way, absorbing the whole picture then the details in an intuitive fashion, using pictures rather than words. The left brain is verbal, processing information in an analytical, linear way, observing first the details and then formulating the whole picture. While Mr. Stone experienced anger, bargaining and depression during his preparation for contact and while actively participating in contact with various ET races, Mr. Hall skipped right over them while staying in denial stage until he had accumulated enough evidence for himself to move right into the acceptance stage.

I suspect that this is exactly how the public will react when faced with the information that ETs are real and have been in secret contact with our government(s) making treaties which have been withheld from public knowledge. Depending on an individual’s personality and inherent left or right brain predisposition to analyze information, some will not stay in these stages for long or may skip them all together while others may take their time to move to the acceptance stage.

                   Clifford Stone

I believe that our government(s) are most concerned with the anger stage and will utilize every possible tool at their disposal to control individuals and masses to minimize harm as a result of anger directed toward government, ETs themselves and even individual whistleblowers who have had contact or have been abducted by ETs.

I think it is extremely important to educate abductees and contactees who are trying to recollect their experiences or make sense of their reality on these stages of psychological reactions because, in effect, they are grieving. A part of them dies when they realize they have had these incredible experiences no matter whether they were positive or negative, and, a new individual is born – one with a greater sense of reality.


As I explained earlier, humans are governed by biological factors and individual-specific perception when faced with life-changing events. However, how we respond to these events not only depends on whether we are right or left brained but also on our two basic primary emotions, love and fear. As Kübler-Ross says: “These two emotions cannot co-exist – they are opposites. From love comes happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety and guilt. “

Acceptance is rooted in love – love of something greater than self. It is giving up ego-based control of people and situations that cannot be controlled. With acceptance of new belief systems, new knowledge, situations, or previously suppressed experiences, an individual must do a fair amount of forgiveness to self and others. The acceptance stage is marked by peaceful resolution and quiet expectation of inevitable future to come. Time spent in acceptance is spent in inward contemplation and letting go of all negative emotions.

I love Eckhart Tolle’s definition of acceptance as a “this is it” response to anything occurring in any moment of life. When a person stops struggling to resist whatever they are facing, they become psychologically stronger because of the peace and serenity that overtakes their emotional and physical responses. When we as individuals and a society at large reach the acceptance stage, we will be ready for contact.


This article was originally written by Anela Izadi PhD, MD, as part of an Exopolitics 101 course, which introduces students to the field of Exopolitics as the study of the key individuals, institutions and political processes associated with extraterrestrial life, and to the main evidentiary sources and perspectives that relate to an extraterrestrial presence on Earth that has not been disclosed to the general public and most elected officials.

Russia is Planning a Luxury Hotel on the Space Station

by Paul Seaburn          December 27, 2017          (

• The Russian space agency, Roscosmos, announced that it plans to install a luxury hotel module on the International Space Station to cater to space tourists by 2020.

• It will be a 20-ton, 51-feet long module designed to accommodate four visitors, each having sleeping berths, a shared bathroom, a common lounge area, WiFi and exercise equipment. Each sleeping berth will have a 9-inch porthole and the lounge area will have a 16-inch porthole to view space. The cost for this vacation is $40 million, with a $4 million down payment.

• An upgraded luxury package goes for $60 million for a month-long stay, and includes guided spacewalks accompanied by a cosmonaut.

• Russia’s primary space contractor, RKK Energia, will build the space station over the next five years. A decade ago, RKK Energia sent seven space tourists to the ISS, including American multimillionaire Dennis Tito, who paid $20 million for an 8-day stay.

• The only wrinkle in the plan is that the US and Russia have agreed to retire the ISS in 2028.

• But if you miss the Russian space hotel, there’s always Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin or Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic suborbital tourism programs.


Now that everyone is talking out in the open about UFOs, including the US government and military, it will only be a matter of time before outer-space hotels start opening up to cater to tourist who want to see the unidentified objects from a better vantage point than their backyards. How much time? Try right now. The Russian space agency Roscosmos announced it is planning to install a luxury hotel module on the International Space Station to cater to space tourists. Will the Russian ISS hotel minibar be stocked with vodka and Tang?

The news about this planned Red Roof-of-the-Atmosphere Inn comes from Popular Mechanics magazine (motto: Grease is our favorite scent), which revealed this week that it somehow obtained access to a proposal by Roscosmos State Corporation, the government body overseeing the country’s space program, to add a 20-ton, 15.5-meter (51 feet)-long module to the ISS whose sole purpose would be to cater to space travelers. The 92 cubic meter (3249 cubic feet) will be designed to give four visitors their own 2 cubic meter (70 cubic foot) bedroom and one-half of a 2 cubic meter “hygiene and medical” station (bathroom). This orbiting B&B will also have a common area for lounging with fellow tourists, WiFi and exercise equipment (zero-gravity weightlifting anyone?).

What about UFO spotting opportunities? For those on the standard package, each sleeping room will have a 9-inch (228 mm) porthole (think airplane window) while the communal lounge will have a 16-inch (426 mm) window (think small manhole cover) for four people to push and shove their way in front of for a better view. However, those who upgrade to the luxury package will get guided spacewalks accompanied by their own personal cosmonaut, who will point out the sights and say, “Look, there’s your house!” when the tourist starts to ask too many questions about strange objects whizzing by.

How much would you pay for a luxurious one-week-to-one-month stay at the ISS? If you have to ask the price, you probably can’t afford the $40 million minimum and the $4 million down payment so RKK Energia, Russia’s primary space contractor, can begin working on the space hotel. This is the same group that ran Russia’s original space tourism program which sent 7 space tourists to the ISS between 2001 and 2009, starting with American multimillionaire Dennis Tito, who paid $20 million for an 8-day stay. RKK Energia estimates it will take 5 years and 16.4 to 26.2 billion rubles ($279-$446 million) to complete its new outer-space place, so it’s looking to sign up as many people as it can for this out-of-this-world timeshare deal. They will probably be pushing the luxury package — which includes spacewalks but requires a month-long stay, for just $20 million more.



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US Fighter Pilot Reveals Close Encounter With UFO and Warns World Leaders to Take Sightings Seriously

by Hugo Daniels and Emily Saul             December 31, 2017            (

• Retired Navy Commander, David Fravor, 53, was flying one of a pair of fighter jets on a routine training mission about 100 miles into the Pacific ocean off San Diego in 2004, an incident which has become the subject of a Department of Defense cockpit video released to the public in mid-December, causing a furor in the UFO and scientific world. Fravor and his wingman were diverted by the Navy cruiser the USS Princeton to check out an object spotted on their radar. The Princeton operator said they had been tracking up to a dozen mystery aircraft over two weeks but hadn’t deployed any aircraft when Fravor’s F/A-18 Super Hornet arrived on the scene.

• The object first appeared at 80,000 ft, then hurtled towards the sea, stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering before dropping out of radar. When Fravor arrived he saw a white aircraft hovering 50 feet above a disturbance in the ocean. The UFO craft was 40 ft long and rounded, resembling a tic tac with no wings. It was bright white but wasn’t reflecting a lot of light. It had no windows, no exhaust flume, and no visible form of propulsion.  (see 43-second video below)

• As Fravor flew towards it, the craft began ascending towards him, passing him at about 12,000 ft. He thinks he got within half a mile of it. Fravor says, “I literally chased the thing and it started to mirror us, it was like it became aware we were there. I cut across to see if I could get closer and it rapidly accelerated and disappeared. Within a matter of a second it was gone.” “In 16 years of flying I had never seen anything like that.”

• Fravor said, “I know what I saw. It was impressive, it had incredible performance.” “I honestly don’t think humans have that technology to do what that thing did. Nor could the human body withstand accelerations like that.” Fravor insists that the object was alien in origin.

• Fravor offered his advice, “You can ignore them and hope they’re just going to observe, or you can do something about it and try to understand what they’re doing.” “We all need to take these seriously as a species, because right now we don’t know the intent of these things.”


Retired US Navy pilot commander David Fravor spoke out in support of ex US government intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, who last week revealed he ran a real life “X Files” UFO research department at the Pentagon named the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) funded by £16 million ($22m) “black ops money” from Congress.

Elizondo secured the release of previously classified US Defense Department videos of UFO encounters – one of which shows the craft Fravor saw darting off at an incredible speed.

Commander Fravor, 53, was flying one of two fighter jets on a routine training mission about 100 miles into the Pacific ocean off San Diego when they were diverted to check out an aircraft spotted on radar from their navy cruiser the USS Princeton.

The operations operator said they had been tracking up to a dozen mystery aircraft over two weeks but hadn’t had manned planes deployed when they showed up.

The object first appeared at 80,000ft, then hurtled towards the sea, stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering before dropping out of radar.

When Commander Fravor arrived he saw a white aircraft hovering 50 feet above above a disturbance in the ocean.

He said: “It was just moving randomly around – this 40 foot long white tic tac looking thing, with no wings.

“It was a clear day with a blue background and it was perfectly white. We didn’t see any windows, no form of propulsion, nothing, just a big white object.

“It was rounded on both ends and had a cylindrical body which rounded in, same front to back.

“I couldn’t tell what it was made of, it was bright white but it wasn’t reflecting a bunch of light.”

Fravor flew towards it and the aircraft began ascending towards him, passing him at about 12,000 ft. He thinks he got within half a mile of it.

He said: “I literally chased the thing and it started to mirror us, it was like it became aware we were there. I cut across to see if I could get closer and it rapidly accelerated and disappeared. Within a matter of a second it was gone.”

Asked what was going through his mind, he said: “I was thinking ‘That’s pretty strange’. In 16 years of flying I had never seen anything like that. Nothing that can hover and climb at that rate up and then accelerate and just disappear.

“I was more curious then afraid. I wanted to see how close I could get to it, to see what it was.”
The two fighter jets were told to head to a rendezvous point 60 miles away.

However the radio operator on the Princeton then radioed and said the mystery aircraft had turned up before them.

At this point another aircraft was sent to investigate and recorded radar footage of the aircraft. The 90 second video shows the oblong shaped object hovering before it darts off to the left at what appears to be an unprecedented velocity.

Fravor said: “It jammed the radar, you couldn’t lock it with a conventional radar, you could passively track it and see it, but if you tried to grab a lock it wouldn’t allow you to do that.

“When it takes off and goes to the side that’s a significant amount of distance to travel in a very short period of time, we’re talking miles, that thing just goes poof and in about a second it’s off the side of the screen.

“You look at the video of it there’s no exhaust flume, there’s no indication of how that thing is moving around. Having seen a lot of different airplanes, you can always at least hot spots where the exhaust is coming out. I was close enough visually to go ‘we don’t have anything like that’.”
He insisted the object was alien in origin.



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UFO Hunter in Shock Claim ‘Alien Ship’ Found on the Moon

by David Rivers         January 2, 2018          (

• Streetcap1 has uploaded a YouTube video of a large, unusual object on the surface of the Moon titled “Alien Ship on the Lunar Surface” (see 1:38 video below)

• Streecap1 claims he sourced the image from the Chinese Chang’e 3 lunar rover, launched in 2013 saying, “I don’t know what else it could be. Look at the detail. No brightness or colour adjustments have been made at all. This is exactly how it appears on the Chinese Chang’e 3 photographs.”


The video uploaded to YouTube titled “Alien Ship on the Lunar Surface” shows pictures of a large, unusual object on its surface.

Truth-seeker Streetcap1 claims he sourced the snaps from the Chinese Chang’e 3 lunar rover, launched in 2013.

He said: “I don’t know what else it could be. Look at the detail.

“No brightness or colour adjustments have been made at all, this is exactly how it appears on the Chinese Chang’e 3 photographs.”

YouTube is up in arms over footage, and so far it has been viewed by over 31,000 people.
One commented: “That is spectacular. No one can possibly doubt what that is. Fantastic find.”

Another added: “Wow now that was something. How did you find that and more people need to see it? Alien ship or not it is something that shouldn’t be ignored.”



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Mystery Surrounds Why Four Nations Launch Rockets in Four Days

by Paul Seaburn        December 29, 2017        (

• During a four day period in December 2017, the US, Russia, China and Japan all launched rockets carrying satellites into space.

• On December 22nd, the US SpaceX launched 10 more Iridium Next satellites, adding to a constellation of over 60 satellites providing worldwide voice and data communication.

• Also on December 22nd, Japan launched an H-2A rocket, putting a climate monitoring satellite in polar orbit, and a demonstration satellite in lower orbit.

• On December 26th, China launched a Long March-2C carrier rocket with remote sensing satellites to conduct electromagnetic environmental probes.

• Also on December 26th, Russia launched a rocket carrying Angola’s first-ever telecommunications satellite, but announced it had lost contact with it shortly after it entered orbit.

• Coincidence? Is there something going on? Or have we reached a point where rocket launches to put more satellites in orbit have become a weekly event?


It’s been barely a week since the government released two UFO videos … that’s more than enough time to start connecting this “disclosure” to other events/dots that are strange, government-or-military-related and potentially linked to space travel, UFOs and government cover-ups. Just such a confluence of incidents occurred over the past week when the US, Russia, China and Japan all launched rockets during a brief four-day period. All were reportedly carrying satellites and some had unusual circumstances surrounding them. Let’s start connecting.

Credit for noticing the four launches in four days goes to the folks at UFO Sightings Hotspot, who think the satellite payloads means that “Something” Is Being Monitored In Space!” That’s obvious, but what? And why four different programs?

The US. launch was the iconic and infamous SpaceX launch of a completely recycled two-stage Falcon 9 booster from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on December 22 11:27 p.m. EST (8:27 p.m. local California time). This was the launch that launched 10 more Iridium Next satellites and thousands of UFO sighing calls as the rocket blazed a condom-shaped trail across the evening sky. The Iridium satellite constellation consists of over 60 active satellites covering the entire planet to provide worldwide voice and data communication. While this historic launch caused quite a stir, it doesn’t appear to be unusual.

On the same day, Japan had its own unusual launch from the Tanegashima Space Center. One H-2A rocket released satellites in two different orbits by first putting a Shikisai climate monitoring satellite into a polar orbit around 500 miles (800 km), then reigniting twice and dropping a demonstration satellite in a lower orbit between 280 and 400 miles (450-643 km). Spaceflight Now reported that the Japanese launch occurred just 72 seconds before the SpaceX liftoff – the shortest interval between two successful launches in history. Coincidence or intentional?

Just four days later, China launched remote sensing satellites on a Long March-2C carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Chinese media reports the satellites will conduct electromagnetic environmental probes and other experiments. However, Spaceflight Insider points out that China has been very secretive about other launches in what is called the Yaogan-30 project and most experts believe it’s a secret military project.

That brings us to the Russian launches. The Russian space agency Roscomos launched a rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome carrying Angola’s first-ever telecommunications satellite late on December 26th, but announced it had lost contact with it shortly after it entered orbit.



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The Earth is Hollow: Growing Community Believe Superior ‘Alien’ Humans, Vikings, and Nazis Live in Paradise in the Center

by Scott Campbell           December 25, 2017             (

• Some theorists believe the Earth is hollow, that superior ‘alien’ humans live inside, and that a paradise lies at the Earth’s core resembling the Garden of Eden. There are openings to the inner Earth in the Himalayan Mountains and at the North and South Poles leading to lands that have become home escaped Nazis from World War II and lost Viking colonies. They believe that the moon and other planets were also formed hollow.

• The hollow-Earthers even believe UFOs are sent from the globe’s interior by ‘guardians of the planet’ to spy on the human race. “They want to keep an eye on us and stop us from starting nuclear war. The majority of UFOs actually come from inside our planet,” says author Rodney Cluff who is spearheading the movement with thousands of followers.

• In 2007, Cluff organized a voyage to the hollow Earth via the opening in the North Pole, although the £15,000-per-head expedition was ultimately cancelled.

• In 1811, a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen claimed he had sailed through an entrance to the inside of Earth at the North Pole. He claimed to have lived in the beautiful paradise for years with his father, among humans who were 12 feet tall and immune from illness.


A group of conspiracy theorists believe the Earth is hollow – and that superior “alien” humans, Vikings and Nazis live inside.

Instead of thinking that the world is flat, they are convinced that it actually contains a paradise at its core that resembles the Garden of Eden.

The ‘hollow-Earthers’ even believe UFOs are sent from the globe’s interior by ‘guardians of the planet’ to spy on the human race and avert a potential nuclear war.

Author Rodney Cluff is spearheading the bizarre movement which he claims has thousands of followers after a boom in numbers.

He is so confident in his theory that he organised a voyage to the hollow Earth in 2007 via an ‘opening’ in the North Pole.

Although the £15,000-per-head expedition was cancelled, Cluff is convinced that an inner paradise with its own solar system exists. They believe the same about the moon and other planets.

The conspiracy theorists believe there is another portal in the poles and one in the Himalayas – leading to a land that is home to immortal escaped Nazis from World War II and the lost Viking colonies.

Cluff told the Sun: ‘I don’t know how the flat-Earthers can be so confused. They are obviously wrong. The world is not flat – it’s hollow.’

He continued: ‘They regularly spy on us using spacecrafts and flying saucers.

‘They want to keep an eye on us and stop us from starting nuclear war. The majority of UFOs actually come from inside our planet.’

In 1811, a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen claimed he had sailed through an entrance to the inside of Earth at the North Pole.

He claimed to have lived in the beautiful paradise for years with his father – among humans who were 12 feet tall and immune from illness.

Jansen told author Willis George Emerson: ‘The city of ‘Eden’ is located in what seems to be a beautiful valley, yet, in fact, it is on the loftiest mountain plateau of the Inner Continent.’



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Scientists Weigh In On ‘Alien Alloys’ Stored in Las Vegas Hangars

by Brett Tingley          December 27, 2017            (

• In mid-December, The New York Times reported on a secret $22 million Pentagon program known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which investigated reports of unidentified flying objects and analyzed artifacts and debris allegedly gathered from crashed alien craft.

• According the NYT report, the Department of Defense has a collection of “alien alloys” and other materials stored in a hangar in Las Vegas which defy scientific explanation.

• However, several chemists have come forward to say that the existence of such unknown material is impossible. Oregon State University chemist May Nyman, explained that thanks to X-ray diffraction, the crystalline structure of any metal alloy can quickly be identified.

• But do these scientists grasp the situation? We’re talking about extraterrestrtial craft from a distant star system. It is really ‘impossible’ for unknown elements or alloys to exist in the galaxy? Seven new elements were discovered right here on Earth in the last thirty years.

[Editor’s Note] It would seem that these mainstream scientists still labor under the assumption that what we have here on Earth is all there is. Where are all of the open minded scientist who will usher us into the 21st Century?


UFO watchers and truth-seekers everywhere got an early Xmas present this year when The New York Times reported on a secret $22 million Pentagon program known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. This program, the NYT article claims, investigated reports of unidentified flying objects and analyzed artifacts and debris allegedly gathered from crashed alien craft. Many of the article’s claims should sound familiar to the world of UFO research – black money, reverse-engineered alien technology, classified military reports, etc. – but one detail jumped out: according the report, the Department of Defense has a collection of “alien alloys” and other materials stored in a hangar in Las Vegas which defy scientific explanation.

One of the authors of the NYT article, Ralph Blumenthal, told an MSNBC interviewer that these materials are unlike anything found on Earth: “They have, as we reported in the paper, some material from these objects that is being studied so that scientists can find what accounts for their amazing properties, this technology of these objects, whatever they are. They’re studying it, but it’s some kind of compound that they don’t recognize.”

Claims of strange and amazing alien metals are nothing new, found in other UFO cases such as in the mysterious “memory metal” found after the Roswell incident – and throughout science fiction, of course. After these most recent claims received such widespread coverage, scientists around the world weighed in to share their thoughts on these so-called “alien alloys.” According to several chemists, the existence of such an unknown material is impossible. Oregon State University chemist May Nyman, told LiveScience that thanks to X-ray diffraction, the crystalline structure of any metal alloy can quickly be identified, “These are all very standard techniques in research labs, so if we had such mysterious metals, you could take it to any university where research is done, and they could tell you what are the elements and something about the crystalline phase within a few hours.”

Maj. Jesse Marcel showing metallic ‘debris’ from Roswell crash site, 1947

Richard Sachleben, a retired chemist and member of the American Chemical Society, says it’s “quite impossible” that there are alloys we can’t identify, “There’s not as many mysteries in science as people like to think. It’s not like we know everything — we don’t know everything. But most things we know enough about to know what we don’t know.”



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Fact or Fiction: The Vrillon Incident – Proof of Alien Contact?

by Susan Leighton       December 28, 2017         (

• 1977 was a banner year for signals from extraterrestrials. We received a 72-second signal from the constellation Sagittarius, and a television broadcast from an ET that called himself Vrillon.

• On August 15, 1977, Ohio University’s Big Ear telescope captured and recorded a signal from the constellation Sagittarius for a full 72 seconds. The transmission is nicknamed the “Wow” signal.

• Later that year, on November 26, 1977, Southern Television’s broadcast of the news in the UK was interrupted by what appeared to be a transmission from an alien named Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, who presented a dire warning to the inhabitants of Earth. (see the creepy 7:24 video of this transmission below) It seemed like an ordinary evening news program until half-way through when the signal was hijacked. Viewers heard a voice from another world speaking to them for six minutes.

• Skeptics say that something seems too “Hollywood” about this. One question that springs readily to mind is how did they manage to find an on-air teleprompter so that we could read their dialogue? Rather than a nebulous television broadcast, a real life visual confirmation would better prove that the aliens exist. Also, a being from another world with the ability to travel to the Earth could have picked a more prominent television station to hijack than the remote UK Southern Television network.


In November of 1977, Southern Television’s broadcast of the news in the UK was interrupted by what appeared to be a transmission from an alien named Vrillon. Is this real or just a hoax perpetrated by a clever techie?

“Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.” – Vrillon

The WOW Signal

1977 was a banner year for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence otherwise known as SETI. For a full seventy-two seconds, Ohio University’s Big Ear telescope captured and recorded a signal from the constellation Sagittarius.

The transmission was nicknamed the “Wow” signal. To this day it is still mentioned whenever the possibility of life existing on another planet rears its head. This event might be the best candidate to prove that aliens may be out there and listening to us.

While this is the more well-known example of potential contact, another one exists. According to Creepypasta Wiki, in that same year, Southern Television was broadcasting the news when an interruption from an “outside” source took over their programming.

Klaatu, Barada, Nikto

It seemed like an ordinary evening news program, nothing amiss. Until half-way through it, the signal was hijacked and then viewers heard a voice from another world speaking to them.

Tune into the ITN News feed:

Now, while I find this freaky, I do have reservations about it being an actual message from an alien race. One question that springs readily to mind is, “How did they manage to find a teleprompter so that we could see their dialogue?”

Believers could argue that they have the technology, I mean they do come from another star system so they are pretty advanced. Ok, that’s a plausible explanation but it seems to me that it would have had more impact if Vrillon would have just talked instead of making a production out of it.



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Disclosure Perspectives

Disclosure Perspectives:
Yes, I think that the main impetus for a good universal Disclosure is from the People for the People. But including ALL of us (even authorities as much as possible) and not only the awakened “choir.”
Full Disclosure and a healthy, long-term incorporation of its implications into society require a majority of consciousnesses expanded to a point beyond of only reluctantly tolerating its associated multidimensional, otherworldly interactions. As of today, still most people don’t care, don’t value it enough to get serious about it, and don’t want to get personally involved working on it. They are afraid, take it as entertainment, dismiss it, roll their eyes blank, don’t like it or, quite simply, are uninterested. As if they had been resistantly inoculated against it.
The whole awakening process of humanity pivots around how our individual and collective consciousnesses can awaken and be able to embrace more of reality.
But what can we do to stimulate this massive awakening?
What can we creatively do beyond what we (the civilian disclosure community) have been doing for 70+ years?
Blaming the powers that be is old fashion logic. Those powers are where they are because of what their consciousnesses can embrace and because the collective average is where it is.
Some propose not “doing” but simply Being more conscious and a trickle-down effect eventually becoming a 100th Monkey Effect will ensue through a quantum holographic, information field connection.
Others expect a planetary, vibrational shift affecting our DNA and energy patterns and forcing us all to make a soul decision whether to “ascend” and move onto the next level or to remain in this level (I’m not particularly inclined to leave the Earth as it is in its current dense physical beauty without collectively solving our problems first).
Others propose political activism and sharing more irrefutable facts with citizens. Some think that, for the most, only official Government disclosure will be taken seriously ad shake the reluctant, sleeping majority from its slumber. Still others propose linking our consciousness in a mental community with a coherent purpose and group meditations-visualizations to shift our reality.
Perhaps “all of the above” would be best? But is it enough? How much time do we have before the Earth ecosystems suffer excessive damage or our window of opportunity to make it as a unified, responsible, world civilization is over? All of the separate efforts might not be enough if we keep subdividing ourselves into separate camps just as the rest of the world (who is not particularly interested in disclosure) does.
We live in times of opportunity for successfully passing the “disclosure test” if the gradual, semi-official disclosure associated with the “To the Stars Academy” efforts continue and prosper. Let us think how we can work together as one civilization promoting further disclosure while remaining vigilant of not being (as many fear) duped or manipulated into just another MIC (military industrial complex) agenda. The knowledge of “experiencers” and the multiple wisdom of our multiple perspectives must come together to offer guidance if need be.
Several citizen-initiated, private efforts like the “Disclosure Project” with a wonderful collection of testimonies and the 2013 “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” have brought some interest and awareness. 
But perhaps most people need unambiguous declarations connected with big, formal institutions like the DOD, DIA, The New York Times, CNN, FOX.
Or perhaps ETs themselves allowing themselves to be seen and interacting with more persons in a verifiable way will also contribute to disclosure. This may appease the fear people have of extraterrestrials. 

“Alien encounter Mount Shasta – Paola Harris 2017”
Sketch of Antarel & Ivika from Apu

Area 51 Worker Claims He Piloted a UFO and Traveled in Time

by Paul Seaburn           December 20, 2017            (

• In a video by ApexTV (see video below) Robert Miller claims to be a former Area 51 worker who was selected to be a test pilot in a secret government program at the Area 51 Groom Lake facility. On his first day at Area 51, he was met by men in black suits who informed Miller that he would test pilot a new aircraft that was reverse-engineered from an alien craft that crashed in Roswell, NM in1947.

• They put him in the craft where he sat in the pilot’s seat. There was no joystick, no steering wheel, no other controls. There was only a helmet. “They told me the craft was controlled telepathically. I was told to imagine the craft starting to float off the ground, but it didn’t work. Instead I had to imagine that I was the craft, like part of it, and I began thinking of myself floating off the ground and I felt the vibrations.”

• “I was 500ft off the ground, then the vibrations of the engine stopped. There was no ejection button on the craft. I was effectively helpless. It was plunging towards the ground and I went unconscious. The next thing I knew I was in hospital. A man in a black suit came in and explained to me what happened. He said right before the craft hit the ground, it just went, boom, disappeared.”

• “Then in the middle of the night, they heard a loud crashing noise outside, the craft had crashed in the same spot. The scientists had hypothesized that the craft had time-traveled.”


Since the big Pentagon/Tom deLonge UFO announcements and video releases, those who have been keeping their own secrets are coming out of the woodwork. A man claiming to be a former Area 51 worker released his own video maintaining he once piloted a reverse-engineered alien spacecraft and he may have traveled in time during the trip. Is this the opening of the disclosure floodgates (#IflewaUFOtoo) or the start of a new round of hoaxes?

In a video produced and uploaded by ApexTV, a man introduces himself as Robert Miller, gives some personal background (his father once worked at Area 51) and then warns that what he’s about to reveal will put him in danger and he’ll probably be chased or silenced by the government.

Miller claims that he was selected to be a pilot in a secret government program at the Area 51 Groom Lake facility and, when he arrived on his first day in the middle of the night, he was met by men in black suits. He was soon informed he’d be a test pilot on a new aircraft reverse-engineered from an alien craft that crashed in 1947. He briefly describes it, then gets into his alleged experiences … as best as he can remember them.

“I do remember they brought me inside the craft and up to the pilot’s seat. There was only room for one person in the giant craft. I looked around the cockpit and only saw a seat. No joystick, no steering wheel, no other controls. There was, however, a helmet. They told me the craft was controlled telepathically. I was told to imagine the craft starting to float off the ground, but it didn’t work. Instead I had to imagine that I was the craft, like part of it, and I began thinking of myself floating off the ground and I felt the vibrations.”

And …

“I was 500ft off the ground, then the vibrations of the engine stopped. There was no ejection button on the craft. I was effectively helpless. It was plunging towards the ground and I went unconscious. The next thing I knew I was in hospital. A man in a black suit came in and explained to me what happened. He said right before the craft hit the ground, it just went, boom, disappeared.”

There’s that man in a black suit again, who told him what happened next.

“Then in the middle of the night, they heard a loud crashing noise outside, the craft had crashed in the same spot. The scientists had hypothesized that the craft had time-traveled.”



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Bizarre Cases of the Men in Black Caught on Film

by Brent Swancer         December 24, 2017         (

• This article presents three instances where Men In Black have been photographed or video recorded. Men In Black are the creepy human-like people, typically men dressed in black suits or trench coats and sunglasses, who threaten and stalk people with information about UFOs. There seem to be both ordinary looking government-originated MIB and the weirder alien MIB.

• In 1968 in Jersey City, NJ, UFO researcher Jack Robinson and his wife, Mary, would often come home to find that the UFO files in their apartment had been ransacked. Mary began to notice a peculiar unemotional and zombie-like stranger, dressed all in black and wearing sunglasses, lurking and staring up at their window. Their friend, Tim Beckley, managed to get a photo (seen below). This is one of the first and clearest photos of an alleged Men in Black.

• In April 2012 at a Canadian hotel, a bellboy told his manager that two strange-looking men in black suits and hats had come the day before looking for the hotel manager who had taken the day off. They freaked everybody out, talking about governments and conspiracies. They had identical faces and no facial hair – no eyebrows, no eyelashes, nothing. They looked like they wore wigs attached to their hats. Their large blue eyes never blinked. The hotel manager went to the security camera footage and, sure enough, found the MIBs’ images. (see video image below)

• A New Orleans man claimed that he’d encountered grey aliens as a kid, and ever since he’d been stalked by Men In Black. In April 2014, as he and a friend were waiting for a streetcar on a hot day, he again saw two MIBs dressed in their black suits, hats and sunglasses, loitering around the station staring at him like “twin lizards in suits”. They had oblong faces and a thin line for a mouth. They would lean in to communicate with one another, but never actually talk. Their whole vibe was cold and creepy. When the streetcar finally arrived they got into a black car parked next to the station and drove away. The man got a video of the MIBs. (see video image below) But when he sent the video file to a couple of friends, both of the friends’ phones inexplicably deleted the file.


For just about as long as the UFO phenomena has been around there has been the complimentary anomaly known as the notorious Men in Black. These phantom figures have long been reported to threaten and stalk certain eyewitnesses or those with insider knowledge of UFOs, usually warning them away from sharing what they have seen or know and always freaking them out. Reported from around the world, the Men in Black are typically almost universally described as being individuals, usually male, dressed in black suits or trench coats, often with sunglasses on even at night, mostly at least a bit odd-looking, and always displaying extremely bizarre behavior and mannerisms, and this is a phenomenon which my fellow Mysterious Contributor Nick Redfern has covered in far more detail than I intend to go into here. However, what has always intrigued me are the times when these frightening and creepy specters have actually been allegedly photographed or even filmed, and there are actually a few cases where this has allegedly happened. This is what I plan to delve into here, so let’s take a look.

Perhaps the earliest and best known purported image of a Man in Black comes from 1968, in Jersey City, in the United States, where a UFO researcher named Jack Robinson lived with his wife, Mary. The couple began to notice something strange going on when they would come home to find that their house seemed to have been searched or rummaged through, ransacked even, especially their files of the UFO phenomena, although there was never any sign of forced entry or burglary. Shortly after this, Mary claimed that she began to notice a peculiar stranger dressed all in black and wearing sunglasses lurking and loitering about the area of their apartment, who could sometimes be seen staring up at their window. This was all spooky to be sure, and the creeped out couple told a friend of theirs, Tim Green Beckley, about what was happening. My esteemed colleague Nick Redfern, an expert on the MIB phenomenon and author of numerous books on the matter including The Real Men in Black, talked about this stranger and what happened next in an interview with New Dawn Magazine, saying: “Mary said he had an unsettling look on his face, kind of unemotional and zombie-like. Mary happened to mention this to Tim and Jim, and because the guy appeared three days in a row, they decided to drive over early one morning and see if they could see the Man in Black for themselves. Sure enough, he was there, staring ahead, with the black sunglasses, long black coat, and enigmatic stare.”

Beckley allegedly came by one day when the enigmatic man was prowling about and managed to capture a photograph of him before he sauntered off and was gone. Although it is inconclusive to say the least, the resulting photograph is believed to be one of the first and clearest photos of one of the alleged Men in Black. What does this picture show? Is this really one of the Men in Black or just a guy in black clothes hanging out on the street? It is hard to say, and the authenticity of the photograph has been much discussed in UFO circles.

    Beckley photo outside NJ apartment

Perhaps even more impressive than this is a purported piece of video footage that is said to show two of the Men in Black, which surfaced in April of 2012 from the Aerial Phenomena Investigations Team. The incident allegedly began at a hotel in Canada, when the hotel manager was approached by one of his bellboys, who seemed to be rather unsettled about something and wanted to talk in private. He then claimed that two mysterious men dressed in black suits and trench coats had approached him, and he told the manager: “Something really weird happened here yesterday, and you weren’t here. There were a couple of guys looking for you. Well, this is really hard for me to say, but there were a couple of really strange looking men that were here, and they kind of freaked everybody out, and they were asking questions about you. And I said, ‘I’m sorry, he’s actually not working today’.”

The bizarre strangers were described as being very tall, and of exactly the same height, with very pale skin and generally looking “odd.” It was also noted that they appeared to have the same face, as if they were twins. The bellman claimed that the two strangers had not seemed to really believe that the manager wasn’t in at the time, and proceeded to look around the premises and question other employees, with one other hotel staff member who was approached saying of them: “They asked some questions about you, and they said strange things that I didn’t understand, and they were talking about governments and conspiracies, and none of it made any sense to me, but they were very, very scary. They had no facial hair, none. They had no eyebrows, no eyelashes, nothing. Their hair looked like they had a wig on, like it was attached to their hat, like it wasn’t even real. And the scariest thing, their eyes were so big, and so blue, that they almost hypnotized me a little bit. These men, they didn’t blink. Not once did I see them blink.”

The hotel manager was a bit disturbed to hear all of this, but was still skeptical about the whole thing. He claims that he then went through the security footage to check it out and found exactly what had been described, with two strange men dressed in black entering the hotel through the front doors. Is footage this the real deal? If it is not a hoax, then who were these mysterious gentlemen and what did they want? Were these really the legendary Men in Black? We will probably never know.

     video image of MIBs in hotel lobby

Even more recent is a case of supposed photographic evidence of the Men in Black that came out in 2014, according to a UFOGrid report. In the report, two witnesses came forward to tell their tale of being harassed by the Men in Black in New Orleans, Louisiana. One of the witnesses was identified by the alias Jack Smith, now in his 50s, who claims that he had been relentlessly stalked by a pair of the mysterious entities wearing identical black suits his whole life, which he surmised was due to encounters he had had with the “grey” aliens back in his youth. He says that ever since, he had been menaced by the Men in Black for decades, saying: “They have let me know that I could be found where ever I was. What was said to me was threatening and they have caused me to live in fear a lot of the time. I know the truth. My good, close friends know the truth, as well.”

On April 13, 2014, he claims that he and a friend were followed by the mysterious strangers, and that this time he managed to capture them on video staring directly at them. The day had started with Jack and his friend, Jane, going out for some sightseeing and lunch, and they found themselves waiting for a streetcar at the French Quarter’s Bienville Street station near Jackson Square. It was here where they would notice two weird looking men dressed in stuffy black suits despite the hot weather at the time, standing there milling about at the station, and Jane would say of them and their behavior: “I knew something was wrong immediately. They looked like identical twins. They were slim, and much taller than the average person. They were dressed in identical black suits, white shirts, skinny black ties, fedoras, and black sun glasses. They just looked so odd. They were pale, they were stiff, and they moved eerily in unison. They had oblong faces with a thin line for a mouth. Their whole vibe was cold and creepy. (They were) calm, but like how a reptile can appear calm. Twin lizards in suits. They leaned in simultaneously to communicate with each other. Their mouths opened slightly, but they were not talking. They were communicating something to each other, but not talking!”

The two strange men apparently waited there and repeatedly stared at Jack and Jane the entire time, but when the streetcar finally arrived after a 20-minute wait, the two men reportedly turned away and walked over to a shiny black car with a foreign license plate. The two then simply got into the vehicle and drove away. Jack had captured some of the encounter on his cell phone, and he would later relate to Jane what he thought they were, and although she was taken aback she had indeed seen it all herself so there was no denying that these were not ordinary people. Eerily, Jack later sent her the video footage he had taken, but Jane’s phone inexplicably deleted it, as well as all of the data on her SD card, which the cell phone company was unable to explain. The mysterious video also supposedly deleted itself off of another friend’s phone when Jack attempted to send it. Jack would finally send it to UFOGrid, telling them: “The thought of giving (the video) to anybody scares the hell out of me because when I tried to share it before bad things happened. The thought of what could possibly happen to me if I did release this…I honestly do fear for my life. This experience is awful. I can’t even begin to explain to you how awful it is. The very thought of stirring things up scares the heck out of me. I hope it can help someone that is struggling in silence because of MIB harassment. Whatever or whoever uses these [MIBs] to keep us in fear to control us, is despicable.”

    MIBs at New Orleans Station



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Government Proof Surfaces That UFOs Exist

by Dave Peyton             December 27, 2017             (

• Recently, we discovered that the government has recently been researching UFOs as real phenomena reported by military pilots whose sightings and reports cannot be ignored. With this news, we find that UFOs are not a figment of the imaginations of the insane. UFOs are real and the reason they have come to Earth will soon be revealed (says Dave Peyton).

• For the past 70 years, the government has studied UFOs under different programs. But as soon as the public discovers them, they are shut down. All the government apparently does is to change the programs’ names to make it seem they were terminated, when they weren’t.

• The government has been hiding the true nature of UFOs fearing the public can’t handle the truth because it would bring panic and the dissolution of the current culture that could lead to revolution. But it is getting more difficult for the government to lie to us about UFOs.

• Peyton recommends the Netflix documentary “Unacknowledged”, presenting the point of view of ufologist Steven Greer who presents interviews from scientists, government officials, and astronauts as proof of the existence of extraterrestrials and UFOs.

• Greer believes it will take a revolution to pry the truth out of the top secret UFO project leaders who are hiding the truth because of, primarily, greed. Greer relates how Nikola Tesla was on the verge of learning how to draw unlimited electricity from the atmosphere and send it through the air without wires many miles away, which he claimed to have learned from extraterrestrials, but he died before he could finish the project. As soon as he died, the government raided his house and removed all of his papers. They were never seen again. Dwight Eisenhower warned us of the military-industrial complex. That complex relies on oil and natural gas too much to allow free power from the air around us coupled with an extraterrestrial force that might demand peace on earth, according to Greer.

[Editor’s Note] An interesting point of fact is that President Trump’s uncle John G. Trump, an MIT professor during the 1940’s, was part of the FBI group that ransacked Tesla’s apartment when Tesla died in 1943. Also, Greer’s galactic view assumes that all ETs are benevolent, which is not the case.


Unaccustomed as I am to gloating, I am breaking that longstanding tradition with this column. I am going to gloat.

Perhaps 10 years ago, I wrote a few columns expressing my belief that UFOs are not a figment of the imaginations of the insane. I wrote a few more like that recently.

I have felt for years that UFOs, which are creations of aliens, are real and the reason they have come to earth are for peaceful purposes that will soon be revealed.

Last week, we discovered that the government is admitting that it has been researching UFOs recently, not as creations of human eccentrics but as real phenomena reported by military pilots whose sightings and reports cannot be ignored.

The government agency that researched the sightings said a few million dollars were spent on the program but was concluded several years ago.

The New York Times says that government sources report the program continues and that credible sightings are still studied.

For the past 70 years, the government has studied UFOs under different programs. But as soon as the public discovered them, they were hastily shut down. But all the government did apparently was change the programs’ names to make it seem they were terminated. It’s clear they weren’t.

Why have they hid the results of these searches into the true nature of UFOs? It has been said they fear telling us, the “unwashed little people” what they know, fearing we can’t handle the truth because it would bring panic and the dissolution of the current culture that could lead to revolution.

Well, maybe and maybe not.

About the same time the report of government UFO research was revealed, an important two-hour documentary was posted on Netflix.

It’s called “Unacknowledged” and if you have Netflix, you ought to watch it a few times.
Noted UFO expert Steven Greer offers powerful information that tends to prove the existence of extraterrestrials and the UFOs they pilot within earth’s atmosphere on a regular basis.

No proof they exist? Balderdash. Greer presents interview after interview from reputable scientists, top government officials, astronauts and more, all of whom believe and some of whom have seen UFOs, including two presidents – Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.

It’s getting more difficult for the government to lie to us about UFOs. In fact, some believe that government and scientists are on the verge of laying the truth out there for all to see. Why? Because we can no longer be lied to. The truth is obvious.


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Global Elite Taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications

The internet has been buzzing with rumors that high level VIP members of the Deep State (aka Cabal/Illuminati/Global Elite) are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there.

While these are still only rumors, recent events point to their plausibility.  If accurate, these secret investigations, arrests and extractions to Gitmo where they face extended detention and military justice has enormous political implications, and makes possible the release of suppressed information previously withheld by the Deep State.

One source of such rumors comes from David Todeschini, a former USAF veteran who wrote an expose about covert operations during the Vietnam War. He describes what he learned from a reliable FBI source about recent events at Guantanamo in a December 24, 2017 Youtube video, which he summarized as follows:

High-level confidential sources tell this reporter that the U.S. Military prison at Guantanamo Bay has been alerted to expect high-profile prisoners shortly – possibly as a result of over 10,000 Sealed FEDERAL indictments. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to provide security for “special prisoners”.…

Another source for secret extractions to GITMO via sealed indictments is veteran journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi who tweeted:

A third source is Brenden Dilley, a radio host running for the US Congress, who received information from another anonymous whistleblower who has a track record for reliability. The whistleblower’s information appeared in a December 27 post that was mistakenly attributed to QAnon [see update below for discussion of misattribution to QAnon] The post refers to recent VIP arrivals at Gitmo discussion:

What is worth emphasizing in the alleged QAnon post is that new residents began arriving at Gitmo on December 26, 2017, and more were expected. This was after President Trump had issued his Executive Order on December 21 declaring a “national emergency” in response to human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.

Finally, we have former Forbes Magazine correspondent, Benjamin Fulford, who wrote on January 1, 2018:

In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say.  “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Department of Defense spends $500M to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines,” the sources say.

What can be distilled from these independent sources is that high level Deep State members, many of whom are part of a Pedophile Satanic global network, are being detained by U.S. Special Forces and taken to Gitmo where they are to be held indefinitely, while military justice is applied to their cases. In the process, Gitmo’s holding facilities are being significantly upgraded with expansions and more guards to accommodate an infusion of VIP prisoners.

Among the first to refer to U.S. Special Forces being used to investigate and detain Deep State figures under the authority of sealed indictments was Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode. He referred to such military investigations back on August 9, 2017 after being briefed by a source he described as retired FBI and career military:

[T]here were teams of US Special Forces that were conducting “domestic surveillance and investigations of a Satanic group that had infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the military. These Special Forces teams have been in place since the middle of the election cycle…. I was informed that a secret report on how pervasive these infiltrations are is more shocking than what was expected. Strangely, this report also had notes from several secret grand juries that are active right now in D.C.

The report states that the conspiracy involves the majority of powerful people within the UN, EU, US, State and local (City) power structures. These government organizations are completely complicit in what is going on. All the way down to local Post Offices and Police Offices.

More recently, Goode says that his sources have told him that Gitmo is being upgraded to host VIP detainees, and includes wheelchair access for some of them, who are being detained by Special Forces working around the globe He explained in a November 5 communication with best selling author David Wilcock:

Secret Grand Juries were almost totally complete with their investigations when everything changed. They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast.

Their investigation has since expanded dramatically. So much about the plans of a coup is known about by the Cabal that I don’t know how much longer the Alliance can wait to act and prevent the Cabal from sneaking out of the country.

Some of the really bad ones have already left. Our SF [Special Forces] teams are planning on going in to some of these countries that are hiding these Cabal members and taking them by force.

Are such claims true? In scrutinizing public records what is known fact is that James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, did visit Gitmo on December 21 becoming the first Secretary of Defense to do so since 2002.  It was the same day that Trump issued his “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”, where he declared:

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

The timing suggests that this was more than coincidence, and raised a possible link between Mattis’ visit and the Executive Order. Such a link is strengthened by an earlier visit to Gitmo in July 2017 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions who called Gitmo:

a “perfectly acceptable” place to detain new terrorist suspects, as opposed to holding them in the US and having his own Justice Department try them in civilian courts.

It is quite feasible that Gitmo would be used to house detainees under Trump’s Executive Order. They could be treated similarly to terrorists under the Executive Order’s “national emergency” which delegated authority to any US agency capable of enforcing the Order’s primary function of cutting off the financial assets of targeted individuals and groups:

Sec. 8. … The Secretary of the Treasury may, consistent with applicable law, redelegate any of these functions to other officers and agencies of the United States. All agencies shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.

Consequently, Trump’s Executive Order provided a firm legal foundation for U.S. Special Forces to physically detain targeted individuals in the U.S. mainland and anywhere around the planet, and have them relocated to Gitmo when necessary.

Military law rather than US domestic law would apply to those detained by U.S. Special Forces acting under the authority of Sealed Indictments and the December 21, Executive Order. This would be powerful leverage that could be used to gain confessions and cooperation from lower level Deep State operatives against their superiors who are being taken to Gitmo.

Another pertinent fact is that Todeschini claims that 1000 marines accompanied Mattis and will remain to provide special security for the VIP prisoners. Similarly, Fulford refers to both Marines and National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo.  

As far as USMC personnel being taken to Gitmo, a Miami Herald news story refers to a proposed upgrade at Gitmo that includes barracks for 848 prison troops to be ready in four years. This is very close to the alleged 1000 marines that Todeschini (and Fulford) claim have been sent there to guard the VIP prisoners.

There is also corroboration for the claim regarding National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo. On December 29, 2017, it was reported that the Arizona National Guard was deploying over four dozen military police to Gitmo for a nine month term.

A Department of Defense Report cited in a May 24, 2016 US Congressional statement, described the peak prison population at Gitmo was 684 prisoners in June of 2003, and this had been reduced to about 80 by 2016. More recent estimates of the Gitmo prison population is roughly 40 Islamic terrorists

The Miami Herald story from August 21, 2017 revealed that the Trump administration was planning to spend up to $500 million on upgrading Gitmo facilities. This included a Navy proposal to build a five bed hospital at a total cost of $250 million.

The fact that a five bed hospital is to be built at such significant cost does suggest that Trump plans to significantly expand the number of prisoners at Gitmo. These would not be suspected Islamic terrorists, however, but VIP prisoners behind international human rights abuses and corruption who will not be allowed medical treatment on the U.S. mainland.

Finally, we arrive at the key claim that thousands of sealed indictments have been prepared which have been used to authorize the detention and extraction of Deep State personnel. The Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system was scrutinized to confirm the existence of 4289 sealed Federal indictments by November 22, 2017, according to former FBI agent Hal Turner.

More recently, sources claim that this has risen to over 9000 sealed indictments as of December 24, 2017. This figure has not yet been substantiated, but it would be reasonable to conclude that the November figure may have significantly increased during December.

In conclusion, there is compelling evidence to support claims that leading figures from a Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and extracted to Gitmo via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces.

The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound.

There is grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects of “full disclosure” will substantially increase as more corrupt Deep State officials are taken to Gitmo. Their removal from powerful global leadership positions will help greatly in ending their decades-long policies of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life all over the planet.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Update, January 3, 2018: I received the following comment on my Facebook page about an alleged Q post on December 27, 2017. The commenter, Ann Schrock that it is a misattribution since Q Anon has not posted since Dec 25. She says she transcribed the anonymous source for the December 27 quote and wrote:

That info came from a ‘source’ who has/had been feeding Brenden Dilley, who was doing a Periscope on his personal twitter page. I watched and transcribed as I listened. I have no idea if this info is true, I simply wrote what I heard. It is for you to keep in mind…or don’t.”

Ann Schrock posted additional material which can be read here. While there is reason to believe the Brendan Dilley source is legitimate, the December 27 post was misattributed to QAnon. I have henceforth corrected the article and added this update to clarify the situation. Thanks to Ann Schrock for pointing out the error. M.S.]

Further Reading


If the Pentagon Is Hiding Aliens from Us, the Zoo Hypothesis May Explain Why

by Paul Ratner           December 26, 2017          (

• Recent revelations that the Pentagon had an actual alien-hunting division have rocked conspiracy theorists, adding fuel to the long-held beliefs that the government is hiding the truth from us.

• While the government may be privy to unexplained encounters with flying objects, why haven’t the aliens made their presence known to the rest of us? If this is a universe brimming with intelligent life, ”where is everybody?” as the Nobel laureate physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked.

• The answer may be found in “The Zoo Hypothesis” proposed by the MIT radio astronomer John A. Ball in 1973. Ball said that aliens may be avoiding contact with us on purpose, so as not to interfere with our evolution and the development of our societies. By staying clear of us, they avoid interplanetary contamination. Perhaps the aliens are waiting for us to reach a certain technological or moral point before they will reveal themselves to the mass population. Or they may be simply trying to protect themselves.

• This idea of The Zoo Hypothesis presumes that aliens would want to have some relatively benevolent system of belief – perhaps a universally-accepted law about how to treat lower-level cosmic inhabitants. Maybe that’s what the Earth’s alien hunters are picking up on – random, unsanctioned interactions. It also stands to reason that if there is some kind of Universe-wide law of non-interference with other species, someone at the Pentagon could be in on it.

[Editor’s Note]  I would say that John Ball got it half-right. The benevolent ET beings do abide by a non-interference code, just like in Star Trek. However, there are also malevolent ET beings swarming all around us who don’t reveal themselves because secrecy is a big part of their manipulative plan for humanity on Earth. And yes, the government is in on it.


Recent revelations that the Pentagon had an actual alien-hunting division have rocked conspiracy theorists everywhere, adding fuel to the long-held beliefs of many that the government is hiding the truth from us. Luis Elizondo, the military intel official who headed the now-defunct “Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program,” which ran from 2009 until 2012, was so convinced by what he saw that he continued his search for E.T. until this day. He now has a UFO-research startup and alerted CNN that there’s “compelling evidence” we are not alone.

While Elizondo’s evidence may be based on being privy to a number of unexplained encounters with flying objects, the aliens haven’t made their presence very clear. If the universe contains at least two trillion galaxies full of billions of stars like our sun, shouldn’t there be other complex life forms out there by now? It would only make sense. So “where is everybody?” as the Nobel laureate physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked about the absence of evidence and the high probability of alien existence.

There are certainly many speculations about whether the possibility of aliens and their potential motives. It could be that there’s been no contact because they are too far away, and we need for our technologies to catch up before we meet up. They could look like something else entirely so we can’t even perceive them yet. Or maybe we underestimate the uniqueness and preciousness of humanity and we really are alone. But an idea formulated in the 70’s takes a different swing at this compelling issue.

                         John A. Ball

The Zoo Hypothesis, proposed by the MIT radio astronomer John A. Ball in 1973, says that aliens may be avoiding contact with us on purpose, so as not to interfere with our evolution and the development of our societies. The human civilization could be essentially living in a “zoo” or a space wildlife sanctuary, where others populating the cosmos dare not go. By staying clear of us, they avoid interplanetary contamination.

Perhaps the aliens are waiting for us to reach a certain technological or moral point before they will talk to us. Or they may be simply trying to protect us and themselves. You’ve seen “Independence Day” – there may be a similar movie made thousands of light years away about us.


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Pentagon UFO Study Catches Attention of Congress

by George Knapp          December 22, 2017             (

• In his only television interview, former Nevada Senator Harry Reid told the I-Team about the pivotal role he played authorizing a secret Pentagon study of UFOs that ended five years ago. (see five-minute video below)

• The explosion of news coverage about the UFO issue has caught the attention of Congress. Reid’s phone started ringing immediately from people from Congress and the business community who’ve always been interested in the subject but were afraid to admit it. Reid thinks the time may be right to re-launch a formal Congressional inquiry in to the UFO phenomenon.

• “Now that it’s out, why shouldn’t they do this? Reid said.


LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Former Nevada Senator Harry Reid thinks it might be time to hold congressional hearings into the mystery surrounding UFOs.

In his only television interview, Reid told the I-Team about the pivotal role he played authorizing a secret Pentagon study of UFOs that ended five years ago.

The project was based in Nevada, carried out by Las Vegas businessman who is no stranger to paranormal investigations. In fact, Robert Bigelow’s mysterious Skinwalker ranch played a role in the Pentagon investigation.

A picturesque ranch in northeastern Utah, shunned by its Native American neighbors and long considered a hotbed of UFO sightings and other unexplained phenomena, played a pivotal role in the creation of the once-secret Pentagon study of unknown aerial objects.

In the mid 90s, Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow bought the property and sent in his research team, the National Institute for Discovery Science, or NIDS, to study the ranch and the larger Uintah Basin.
Over the next 10 years, NIDS scientists had dramatic encounters with the unknown, including daylight mutilations of livestock, mysterious aircraft, and discarnate entities.

“The ranch is not just UFOs. Performances of anomalies go back many years,” said Robert Bigelow.
The I-Team’s 2007 conversation with Bigelow, his first on camera interview on any subject, never aired but he told us that his NIDS team experienced more than 100 baffling encounters, though they had no idea what was behind it.

“And that we don’t have to worry about aliens coming and taking us away. That’s for somebody else to talk about,” said former U.S. Senator Harry Reid.

When Senator Reid and colleagues authorized funding for a Pentagon study, they made a point of saying it was not a search for little green men. The primary aim was to identify, analyze, and eventually duplicate the other worldly technology that had been demonstrated in multiple dramatic encounters involving the U.S. military.

“The phenomenon is real,” said Luis Elizondo, former Pentagon official.

The man who ran the Pentagon’s study, Luis Elizondo, resigned in October and has since said the technology of these craft is beyond anything known on earth, but he declines to guess where it originates. No one involved wants to mention space aliens, for obvious reasons.

“I’m not into that,” Reid said. “I’m interested in science, what’s going on in our world.”



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What Neil deGrasse Tyson Completely Fails to Acknowledge About UFOs & Potnential ETs

by Arjun Walia            December 22, 2017            (

• The Pentagon’s recent admission of having a program that studies UFOs, not to mention a cockpit video of a Navy jet chasing a UFO, has created a lot of buzz in the media. But prior to this blockbuster revelation, there have been millions of documents released via governments, military, and intelligence agencies that clearly document the fact that these things are tracked on radar, and that military pilots are often scrambled to take a closer look. When our pilots come too close to these craft and they perform evasive maneuvers or shut down the pilots’ critical instrumentation and electronic equipment, it’s clear we are looking at an intelligently controlled and highly sophisticated piece of technology.

• Hundreds of academics and scientists have published articles in peer-reviewed journals, and given lectures around the world regarding the scientific data and evidence that’s already been obtained from the UFO phenomenon.

• The recently retired director of the Pentagon UFO program, Louis Elizondo, confirmed on CNN that there is a great deal of evidence suggesting we are currently being visited, and have been visited, by intelligent extraterrestrials. Even the pilot of the UFO video released by the Pentagon stated his belief that this particular object was “not from this world.”

• When you have several hundred individuals who’ve held high ranking positions within the military, the academic community, and within intelligence agencies as well as private military contractors like Lockheed Martin, telling us that some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial in origin and are much more technologically advanced than our own, it’s not something to ignore.

• But when celebrity astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was asked about intelligent extraterrestrials visiting Earth in a CNN interview (see 5:27 video below), Tyson responded, “The evidence is so paltry for aliens to visit Earth, I have no further interest. .   It seems to me, aliens who visited us . . . would manifest more convincingly than fuzzy video, and there’s no reason to assume that because you don’t know what you’re looking it equals aliens that visited us from outer space.”

• Tyson may be correct that we don’t know what the UFO is for certain, but that doesn’t mean we should therefore ignore the phenomenon. The fact that Tyson doesn’t even acknowledge the operating characteristics of this craft (in the cockpit video) goes to show that he doesn’t really recognize the significance and implications of such sightings. Tyson says that, from a scientific standpoint, none of this constitutes evidence at all.

• Tyson clearly hasn’t done his research or examined the evidence. The fact that Neil deGrasse Tyson has been popularized, given so much credibility and a mainstream media platform, is dangerous.

[Editor’s note] Is Neil deGrasse Tyson simply a paid shill for the media cabal’s disinformation campaign? Is he trying to preserve his head-in-the-sand point-of-view because this is what his top-selling books say and he wants to stay relevant? Or is he just happily ignorant due to his intentional refusal to actually look at the plethora of UFO evidence out there? When the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon is finally revealed to be true, will Tyson publicly admit what a close-minded fool he really is and go away?


“People I think have conflated the concept of a UFO with whether we’re [being] visited by aliens. UFO means unidentified flying object, this is a highly non-specific term, it is so non-specific it admits you don’t know what you’re looking at. . . . The universe brims with mysteries, just because you don’t know what it is you’re looking at, doesn’t mean it’s intelligent aliens from another planet.”

When asked about his skepticism about intelligent extraterrestrials visiting Earth, Tyson responded, “The evidence is so paltry for aliens to visit Earth, I have no further interest. . . . It seems to me, aliens who visited us . . . would manifest more convincingly than fuzzy video, and there’s no reason to assume that because you don’t know what you’re looking it equals aliens that visited us from outer space.”

The Pentagon’s recent admission of having a program that studies UFOs has created a lot of buzz in the media. It’s official disclosure, but there have been millions of documents released via governments, military, and intelligence agencies that clearly document the fact that these things show up in our atmosphere all the time, that they are tracked on radar, and that military pilots are often scrambled to take a closer look.

The Pentagon claims the program was shut down, but the recently retired director of the program, Louis Elizondo, says otherwise. He also recently appeared on CNN stating that there is a great deal of evidence suggesting we are currently being visited, and have been visited, by intelligent extraterrestrials. Even the pilot of the UFO video released by the Pentagon stated his belief that this particular object was “not from this world.”

What Neil Is Not Acknowledging

First off, Neil is not recognizing that this is a common occurrence, and has been for decades. He is not recognizing that it’s quite clear we are looking at an intelligently controlled and highly sophisticated piece of technology.

Encounters with UFOs have been tracked on radar as well as visually confirmed thousands of times, and this is just one example of multiple encounters, many of which are far more extraordinary than this one.

That being said, this one was quite extraordinary. We are talking about objects travelling at tremendous speeds and performing maneuvers that no known aircraft can perform, some of which even defy our current understanding of physics.

One of the pilots of this particular encounter, David Fravor, describes his experience as follows: “As I got close to it, probably within a mile to half a mile, it rapidly accelerated to the south and and disappeared in less than two seconds. . . . It had no wings . . . there’s no rotors. . . . This was extremely abrupt. Like a ping pong ball bouncing off the wall, it would hit and go the other way and change directions at will. And then the ability to hover over the water and then start a vertical climb from basically zero up towards about 12,000 feet, and then accelerate in less than two seconds and disappear — it is something I had never seen in my life.”

Neil may be right about the fact that we don’t know what it is, but that doesn’t mean we should therefore ignore the phenomenon. He also fails to provide any alternative explanations. He doesn’t even speculate on the matter, which is weird because we’re talking about, again, an object performing never-before-seen maneuvers, displaying extremely technologically advanced capabilities.

It may not be ET, but if not, where is it from? From what we’ve been told, the military doesn’t even have access to this type of technology. If it did come from the military, how would the military pilots and their superiors not know about a craft in their vicinity, given the fact that they are themselves representatives of the military?

Is the craft manmade, perhaps from a rogue aerospace program that not even the U.S. military knows about? Who knows. But the fact that Tyson didn’t even acknowledge the operating characteristics of this craft goes to show that he doesn’t really recognize the significance and implications of such sightings.

Another interesting fact is that it is only when our pilots come too close to these craft that they perform evasive maneuvers or shut down the pilots’ critical instrumentation and electronic equipment.

“The Evidence Is So Paltry”

“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc. . . . They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.” – Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire.

Prior to the official disclosure of UFOs, and mind you, not just any unidentified flying objects, but again, objects travelling at tremendous speeds and performing maneuvers that no known aircraft can, skeptics like Tyson stated that the evidence for “UFOs” was practically nonexistent.

This simply isn’t true. The evidence for UFOs, before their official disclosure, was abundant. This really showed how little Neil had researched the topic. As a wise man once said, “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance,” and that’s exactly what’s happening here.

“It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.” – Hermann Oberth, one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry.

He stated that, from a scientific standpoint, what we had at the time did not really constitute evidence at all. Meanwhile, hundreds of other academics and scientists were publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals, and giving lectures around the world regarding the scientific data and evidence that’s already been obtained from the UFO phenomenon.

The fact that Neil has been popularized, and given a mainstream media platform, is dangerous. Because he’s been given so much credibility, his words have the power to influence the minds and perception of anyone watching.

Well, when it comes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, there is, as a former NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor once said, “abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.”

To portray the extraterrestrial hypothesis as ridiculous, which Neil does, is simply ignorant. From a scientific standpoint, witness testimony is not credible, but when you have several hundred individuals who’ve held high ranking positions within the military, the academic community, and within intelligence agencies as well as private military contractors like Lockheed Martin, telling us that some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial in origin, and are much more technologically advanced than our own, it’s not something to ignore.

“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.

Neill is also not taking into account the Black Budget, which funds programs that have no oversight from Congress, just as described by a 1997 U.S. senate report.

Does that mean the scientific developments within this world are not real because we don’t have access to them? Absolutely not.



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Existence of UFOs ‘Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt’, Says Former Chief of Real-Life ‘X-Files’ Department at the Pentagon

December 24, 2017            (

• The former head of a Pentagon UFO Program unveiled on December 16th, Luis Elizondo, said that UFOs visiting Earth has been ‘proved beyond reasonable doubt’. Elizondo told The Independent: “I think it’s pretty clear this is not us, and it’s not anyone else. So one has to ask the question where they’re from.”

• In addition to interviewing pilots and military personnel who reported experiences with UFOs ‘acting in a way that seemed to be beyond human beings’ current capabilities’, the program also investigated the science of ‘wormholes’ and ‘warp drives’. Elizondo further stated that UFOs have often been found near nuclear and power plants.

• Elizondo said he resigned from the Pentagon program in October because he believes the government needs to provide more funding and support to UFO research. He immediately joined up with Tom DeLonge to form ‘To The Stars Academy’.

• The DoD UFO program was created by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), with the support of the late Senators Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Republican Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), based upon their fears that the unexplained phenomena could be advanced weaponry or technology from foreign states such as Russia or China which could threaten the US, and therefore posed a national security issue.

• After seven years, and ‘very little to show for it’, Reid decided it wasn’t worth continuing. The program ostensibly ceased in 2012, but according to its backers the program remains in existence and officials continue to investigate UFO episodes brought to their attention by service members.

• Speaking to CNN, Elizondo said: ‘My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone. (see video below)


The former head of a Pentagon program to understand the mysteries of UFOs has said that such objects visiting Earth had been ‘proved beyond reasonable doubt’.

Speaking to The Telegraph, former Intelligence Officer Luis Elizondo said that unidentified flying objects of advanced capabilities have been seen ‘lots’ over the years.

Elizondo, who presided over the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program until two months ago, told The Independent: ‘I think it’s pretty clear this is not us, and it’s not anyone else, so one has to ask the question where they’re from.’

The program, inaugurated in 2007 and funded with $22million of government funds, was revealed to the public earlier this month.

Elizondo further said that UFOs have often been found near nuclear and power plants.

He said he resigned from his government job because he believes the government needs to provide more funding and support.

The Defense Department finally acknowledged the existence of its long-secret UFO investigation program earlier this month, when officials shifted attention and funding to other priorities.

Its initial funding came largely at the request of former Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat long known for his enthusiasm for space phenomena, the newspaper said.

The program was created by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), with the support of the late Senators Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Republican Ted Stevens (R-Alaska).

Their fears were that the unexplained phenomena could be advanced weaponry or technology from foreign states such as Russia or China which could threaten the US.

‘Was this China or Russia trying to do something or has some propulsion system we are not familiar with?’ a former staffer told Politico.

While Elizondo, who ran the initiative, stressed he wanted to take the ‘voodoo’ out of a ‘voodoo science,’ the program investigated some issues that sound like they’re straight out of a science fiction movie.

They included ‘wormholes’ and ‘warp drives’ as well as interviewing pilots and military personnel who reported experiences with UFOs.

Elizondo said that many of the Navy pilots described aircraft moving and acting in a way that seemed to be beyond human beings’ current capabilities.

‘We had never seen anything like it,’ he said.

The former staffer said that Reid believed there could be a valid national security issue and so agreed to fund the program.

But after a few years, and very little to show for it, Reid decided it wasn’t worth continuing.

‘After a while the consensus was we really couldn’t find anything of substance,’ he recalled. ‘They produced reams of paperwork. After all of that there was really nothing there that we could find. It all pretty much dissolved from that reason alone—and the interest level was losing steam. We only did it a couple years.’

‘There was really nothing there that we could justify using taxpayer money,’ he added. ‘We let it die a slow death. It was well spent money in the beginning.’

According to the Pentagon, the program ‘ended in the 2012 timeframe.’

Yet according to its backers, the program remains in existence and officials continue to investigate UFO episodes brought to their attention by service members, the newspaper said.
The Pentagon openly acknowledged the fate of the program in response to a Reuters query.
‘The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ended in the 2012 timeframe,’ Pentagon spokeswoman Laura Ochoa said in an email.

‘It was determined that there were other, higher priority issues that merited funding and it was in the best interest of the DoD to make a change,’ she said.

But the Pentagon was less clear about whether the UFO program continues to hover somewhere in the vast universe of the U.S. defense establishment.

‘The DoD takes seriously all threats and potential threats to our people, our assets, and our mission and takes action whenever credible information is developed,’ Ochoa said.

What is less in doubt is former senator Reid’s enthusiasm for UFOs and his likely role in launching the Pentagon initiative to identify advanced aviation threats.

‘If you’ve talked to Harry Reid for 60 seconds then it’s the least surprising thing ever that he loves UFOs and got an earmark to study them,’ former Reid spokeswoman Kristen Orthman said in a message on Twitter.

Or as Reid himself said in a tweet that linked to the Times’ story: ‘The truth is out there. Seriously.’

Elizondo has since joined former Blink 182 vocalist Tom DeLonge’s company To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences – described as a ‘public benefit corporation’ that has ‘mobilized a team of the most experienced, connected and passionately curious minds from the U.S. intelligence community, including the CIA, Department of Defense, who have been operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades.’

Speaking to CNN, he said: ‘My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.



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Everything We Learned About (Probable) Aliens in 2017

by Lauren Tousignant          December 27, 2017            (

• 2017 marks the most convincing year yet for the belief that life must exist beyond our planet. Believing in extraterrestrial is no longer reserved for conspiracy theorists in tinfoil hats. Nearly half of humanity believes aliens are out there, according to a recent study.
Here are five stories that prove it’s only a matter of time before we meet our celestial neighbors:

• 1. Scientists keep finding Earth-like planets – In 2017 there were dozens of discoveries of earth-like “Super Earths” contained within a planetary “Goldilocks zone” where conditions are just right for water to exist.

• 2. Reported UFO sightings are at their highest ever – A George Mason University doctoral student found that UFO sightings have hit an all-time high and that most of the sightings come from the US. Since the first recorded UFO flew over Portugal in 1905, there have been at least 104,947 sightings. Annual sightings have spiked from about 5,000 in 1980 to about 45,000 in 2010.

• 3. Life may already be hanging out in our own solar system – NASA scientists revealed that ice planets, like Pluto and Neptune, could harbor life deep beneath their icy surfaces. Their moons could have enough gravitational pull to create energy beneath the planet’s surface – generating heat and allowing a sub-surface ocean to exist.

• 4. NASA hired someone to protect us from aliens – In August, NASA posted a job listing for a ‘planetary protection officer’ to make sure that spacecraft and astronauts don’t contaminate other worlds and don’t bring back anything that could contaminate our own. The job pays between $124,406 and $187,000 and is only one of two full-time posts in the world. The applications closed on August 14th and there’s been no update on who landed the gig.

• 5. The Pentagon has receipts – In December, the Pentagon released footage of Navy F/A-18F ‘Hornet’ pilots off the coast of California tracking a glowing white orb rotating while the pilots try to figure out what they’re looking at. Cmdr. David Fravor, one of the pilots who saw the UFO, said, “It was a real object, it exists and I saw it.” It resembled a white Tic Tac and was “something not from the earth.”


The truth is probably already here.

The evidence that aliens exist has been slowly mounting for decades and 2017 marks the most convincing year yet for the belief that life must exist beyond our planet.

And believing in the extraterrestrial is no longer reserved for conspiracy theorists in tinfoil hats. Nearly half of humanity believes aliens are out there, according to a recent study, and in June, the European Space Agency signed off on a $668 million mission that will hunt for other life forms 932,000 miles into space. Meanwhile, scientists continue to be baffled by a bunch of mysterious signals that keep emanating from faraway galaxies.

Here are five stories that prove it’s only a matter of time before we meet our celestial neighbors.

1. Scientists keep finding Earth-like planets

Scientists have long presumed that if we’re going to find life on other planets, we’re going to find them in the “Goldilocks zone” — spots throughout the universe where conditions are just right for water to exist.

The intergalactic search for our neighbors grew more promising in 2017 with dozens more “super-Earth” discoveries.

And even though we don’t yet have the technology to reach these planets, 2017’s “super-Earths” have included:
• Wolf 1061c: Discovered in January, located 14 light years away

• LHS 1140b: Discovered in April, located 40 light years away

• Ross 128b: Discovered in November, located 11 light years away

• K2-18b: Discovered in December, located 111 light years away

In June, NASA’s Kepler telescope found 10 “Goldilocks-zone” planets and in October, the telescope found 20 more “hiding in plain sight.”

“Are we alone?” Kepler scientist Mario Perez asked at a news conference following NASA’s June discovery. “Maybe Kepler today has told us indirectly, although we need confirmation, that we are probably not alone.”

2. Reported UFO sightings are at their highest ever

In February, a doctoral student found that UFO sightings have hit an all-time high and that most of the sightings come from the US.

Sam Manafort, who’s studying Human Factors and Applied Cognition at George Mason University, crunched numbers from the National UFO Reporting Center. In his report, he found that since the first recorded UFO flew over Portugal in 1905, there have been at least 104,947 sightings.

But the number of yearly sightings has spiked dramatically from about 5,000 in 1980 to about 45,000 in 2010. In the US alone, there are 2,500 sightings per 10 million people — something Manafort attributes to the fact that most of the US has access to the internet.

Most of the sightings have come from the West and Northwest, an area that lines up with America’s “UFO highway” — a latitude line across the U.S. that a pair of sibling alien hunters believes is an entrance for extraterrestrial spacecraft.

The duo, whose book “37th Parallel” is being made into a movie, state that during years-long travels across the US, the most bizarre paranormal phenomenon took place along the 37th latitude line.

This line stretches from California through Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and across to Virginia.

3. Life may already be hanging out in our own solar system

Pluto might have been demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet back in 2006, but the icy world could be holding a lot more than hurt feelings.

In November, NASA scientists revealed that ice planets, like Pluto and Neptune, could harbor life deep beneath their icy surfaces, thanks to their moons.

Dubbed Trans-Neptunian objects, these celestial bodies might benefit from tidal heating. This means that these icy planets have moons with enough gravitational pull to create energy beneath the planet’s surface — which generates heat and allows a sub-surface ocean to exist. The findings were published in Icarus.

“These objects need to be considered as potential reservoirs of water and life,” Prabal Saxena of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center said in a press release. “If our study is correct, we now may have more places in our solar system that possess some of the critical elements for extraterrestrial life.”

A separate study published in May suggested that Pluto, Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Jupiter’s moon Europa may have life due to a different process known as radiolysis. And in December, the American Geophysical Union reported that tectonic activity on Europacould be feeding life to Jupiter’s icy moon.

4. NASA hired someone to protect us from aliens

In August, NASA posted a job listing that quickly went viral.

The space agency was looking to hire a planetary protection officer — someone in charge of making sure that spacecraft and astronauts don’t contaminate other worlds and don’t bring back anything that could contaminate our own.

“NASA maintains policies for planetary protection applicable to all space flight missions that may intentionally or unintentionally carry Earth organisms and organic constituents to the planets or other solar system bodies and any mission employing spacecraft, which are intended to return to Earth and its biosphere with samples from extraterrestrial targets of exploration,” the job description stated.



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US Navy Pilot Who Flew Close to UFO Discloses: A Technology That’s “Not From This World”

by Arjun Walia          December 21, 2017          (

• For the first time in history the United States has released official footage of a real UFO – referring to the recent cockpit video showing an encounter between two Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets and an unknown “tic tac” object – apparently one of multiple objects travelling against 120 mph wind at a speed faster than the jet interceptors.

• Within the mainstream, this is new information and has never before received this type of serious inquiry and revelation.

• The pilot of one of the F/A-18 Super Hornets, David Fravor, states, “As I got close to it, probably within a mile to half a mile, it rapidly accelerated to the south and disappeared in less than two seconds…It had no wings…there’s no roters (like a helicopter)…this was extremely abrupt like a ping pong ball bouncing off the wall it would hit and go the other way and change directions at will. And then the ability to hover over the water and then start a vertical climb from basically zero up towards about 12000 feet, and then accelerate in less than 2 seconds and disappear – it is something I had never seen in my life.” (see five-minute video of former Navy pilot David Fravor below)

• When it comes to information sharing, mainstream media and the government have always used, distorted and completely changed information to shape the perception of world events such as 9/11. This is why it’s important to exercise caution and critical thinking. Is the existence of UFOs being used for an ulterior motive the same way “weapons of mass destruction” and terrorism was used to push political global elitist agenda?

[Editor’s Note] This UFO video and accompanying information comes from Tom DeLonge and his group of former CIA, US Air Force, and Pentagon officials now calling themselves ‘To The Stars Academy’. In a December 24, 2017 article by Michael Salla in, Dr Salla points out that Tom DeLonge’s 2016 “fiction-based-on-fact” book, Sekret Machines, downplays any existence of extraterrestrials, but attributes both the United States’ and Russia’s development of anti-gravity propulsion technology to the reverse-engineering of advanced Nazi German technology. Dr Salla suggests that this recent DOD disclosure may be a “limited hangout” partial disclosure, setting things up to eventually identify the tic tac UFO as Russian in order to obfuscate the government elite’s existing and far-reaching Secret Space Program, and to fuel a new round of anti-Russian (and anti-Chinese) hysteria in the United States to induce massive expenditures for the construction of a new anti-gravity fleet of spacecraft to counter this new Russian technology.


The US Department of Defense recently admitted to running, tracking, monitoring and sending military jet pilots to intercept UFOs. Although they claim the program ended a few years ago, insiders from within the Pentagon, including the former director of the program, Louis Elizondo, say the program is still in operation today.

Regardless, for the first time in history the United States has released official footage of a real UFO. The video shows an encounter between two Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets and an unknown object. This has hit multiple mainstream media platforms, and it’s concerning because it’s been more than a decade and there are now millions of pages of documents from military, governments and intelligence agencies detailing hundreds, if not thousands of UFO encounters.

These encounters have had multiple factors in common, one being the fact that they can travel at speeds no known air-craft in the world can. Secondly, they perform maneuvers that no known air-craft can perform, and last but not least, jet interceptors, when approaching the vicinity of the object, commonly experience critical instrumentation (weapons and electronic equipment) failure.

This may be new information within the mainstream, as it’s never received this type of serious inquiry and revelation before, but for those who have been researching this subject for a long time, this type of thing is a common occurrence, and the most shocking footage that’s been held by the Department of Defense and governments of this world is, most likely, a lot more eye opening.

That being said, the incident below is also quite extraordinary. This is one of multiple objects from the video, which was travelling against 120 mph wind at a speed faster than the jet interceptors.

The one this pilot is describing is a glowing white bright object, approximately the size of an airplane. He also mentions seeing two other smaller objects which came out of the bigger one.

“As I got close to it, probably within a mile to half a mile, it rapidly accelerated to the south and and disappeared in less than two seconds…It had no wings…there’s no roters (like a helicopter)…this was extremely abrupt like a ping pong ball bouncing off the wall it would hit and go the other way and change directions at will. And then the ability to hover over the water and then start a vertical climb from basically zero up towards about 12000 feet, and then accelerate in less than 2 seconds and disappear – it is something I had never seen in my life.”

The pilot’s name is David Fravor.


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How we Tend to Think Exopolitically

On our Intimate Psychological Perspectives and how we Treat the UFO and ET Contact Phenomena

Our most intimate perspectives about reality influence our exopolitical responses; for instance, whether we deify, condemn, reject or embrace evidence and an actual ET-multidimensional presence. As exopolitically aware individuals we need to become aware of these psychological dynamics in order to attempt to respect all these partially correct ways of understanding. This becoming aware would be a meta-understanding of the ways our perspectives possess, limit and free us.

How we think and the exopolitical decisions we are inclined to make once ET reality is progressively acknowledged depends on our capacity to embrace reality in various more or less inclusive ways. This idea is based on Integral Theory.

The manner how we also respond and relate to the UFO and contact phenomena and to anything which we encounter in this world (or any other world) depends on what we can manage in our consciousness. And consciousness (here understood as a capacity) can increase so that we don’t end up being unconsciously possessed by the objects of reality we encounter. Of course, this also applies to exopolitics.

The UFO and ET encounter experiences, as well as other otherworldly phenomena, enhance our consciousness capacity to handle more of reality without denial, suppression, repression, selective cognitive bias, applied either in a personal or in a social context together with all the other self-identity protection mechanisms. This applies to those suppressing the information and protecting our ignorance and the rest of us somehow participating in the same.

Fortunately, these multi-world, multi-reality contact experiences also enhance our appreciation of the precious fact that living entities connect to the most beautiful intimacy. We need these multi-world experiences to change and learn to act sensibly and to live together; to adapt to a much needed greater reality so as to survive as intelligent beings in mutual harmony with all forms of life.

According to the predominant evolutionary perspectives in our self-identities, attachments, and capacities for awareness, more advanced ETs (capable of manipulating our reality limits more effectively) could be interpreted as 1) Powerful, magical deities, part of (natural) intelligent forces-beings all around us and capable of controlling these forces; 2) ETs as deities/gods or rejecting them as deities/gods in order to defend our attachment to other deities/gods or defend our exclusivist version of God; 3) ETs as rational, mathematical, physical and genetic engineers, advanced and precise, but not interested in emotion or spirituality; 4) ETs as essentially equal space brethren needing us as we need them; 5) ETs as all of the above. The evolution of perspectives
Perspectives 1-4 tend to be mutually exclusive. Perspective 1 is a blurry blend of material and spiritual experiences as part of a single reality. It may be comfortable with what we call the otherworldly but is not keen on discriminating and analyzing. Perspective 2 is highly exclusivist as ETs may be considered a friend or foe according to our religion and doctrinal beliefs. Perspective 3 is highly skeptical of anything beyond material proof and requires concrete and socially accepted verification from “experts.” It is focused on external material verification, discrimination and analysis partly as a backlash against the first two perspectives. Perspective 4 feels discomfort against hierarchical differences and seeks equality: Thus, it feels discomfort against perspectives 2,3 and 4. Only perspective 5 may be inclusive and comprehensive enough to be useful in understanding the range of experiences associated with the experiencer and UFO phenomena.
Giorgio (based on Integral theory)

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