‘Aliens and Spaceships’ Appear in Incredible Ancient Cave Paintings by Apache Indians

by Paul Harper           March 24, 2018            (dailystar.co.uk)

• Three-fingered mummies discovered near the Nazca Lines in Peru have ignited a wave of “ancient alien” conspiracy theories online. A study conducted by forensic doctor Jose Benitez revealed that the corpses do not belong to Earth, although they have striking similarities with the human body.

• Several American Indians tribes have long referred to spiritual and friendly “star people” or “star beings” visiting their ancestors in flying craft and passing on their knowledge. In fact, there have been stories and pictographs of intelligent beings from outer space for thousands of years. (See 5:51 minute video below on the Native American Star People.) Here are some of them:

• The Hopi of Arizona talk of “flying shields” that came down from the sky, and of “ant people” who led their ancestors to safety underground.

• The Zuni of New Mexico talk of ancestors who came from the sky.

• Native American cave drawing at Legends Rock in Wyoming depicts an alien-like figure. Some of these drawings are thought to date back 10,000 years.

• An ancient drawing near Christina Lake in British Columbia depicts a white disc with black wings hovering above four humans.

• A rock painting at Cayuse Creek in Idaho shows a rocket-like object with smoke and flame trailing behind it and a humanoid figure inside the rocket.

• Cave paintings in the Sego Canyon area of Utah dating as far back as 5,000 BC show beings with large eyes and craniums.

• Many conspiracy theorists claim incredible structures built thousands of years ago were the work of aliens – because it would not have been possible with technology of the age. Alien technology is also claimed in the building of structures such as Stonehenge in Wiltshire England made of stones weighing as much as 50 tons, and a 1,000-year-old interlocking stone fortress outside the Inca capital of Cusco in Peru, not to mention the nearby Nazca lines.


Bizarre three-fingered mummies discovered near the Nazca Lines in Peru have ignited a wave of “ancient alien” conspiracy theories online.

Tests on the mystery seven skeletons by experts have found that five of the male bodies could even be “extraterrestrial”.

And despite the scepticism, this is not the first time that there has been suggestion or claims of intelligent beings arriving from outer space thousands of years ago.

                   Sego Canyon, Utah

Several American Indians tribes have long referred to spiritual and friendly “star people” or “star beings” visiting their ancestors in flying craft and passing on their knowledge.

             Hopi rock painting

The Hopi, from Arizona, talk of “flying shields” in the third stage of the world.
We are currently in the fourth stage.

They also refer to “ant people”, that appear similar to the traditional image of an ET in rock carvings, who led their ancestors to safety.

The Zuni people from New Mexico talk of ancestors who came from the sky in their belief system.
A famous Native American cave drawing depicts an alien-like figure at Legends Rock in Wyoming, USA.

   Legends Rock, Wyoming

This amazing site contains more than 280 petroglyphs, some of which are thought to date back 10,000 years.

Another ancient drawing near Christina Lake in British Columbia, Canada, depicts a white disc with black wings hovering above four humans.


Christina Lake, British Columbia

A rock painting at Cayuse Creek in Idaho shows a rocket-like object with smoke and flame trailing behind it and a humanoid figure inside the rocket.

Cave paintings date as far as 5,000 BC in the Sego Canyon area of Utah by Anasazi and Fremont Native Americans show strange beings with large eyes and craniums.



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Bombshell QAnon Posts Link Clintons & CIA to JFK Jr Plane Crash

On April 8, QAnon posted two messages linking the Clintons and the CIA to the plane crash of John F. Kennedy Jr and how his death cleared the path for Hillary Clinton to start her political career by running unopposed by any major Democratic rival for the newly available US Senate seat for New York.

If the Clintons were involved in the death of JFK Jr it would be ironic since Bill Clinton sought to find out who killed President Kennedy just before his inauguration in January 1993, presumably to avoid a similar fate. The answers he received later helped Hillary Clinton launch her political career.

It’s worth repeating that QAnon represents several figures associated with U.S. military intelligence that are working through the Trump White House to release sensitive information to help expose and overcome the power of the Deep State through covert operations. Hence QAnon’s posts opens the reader to the rarefied world of actionable U.S. military intelligence.

Furthermore, QAnon’s posts reveal the thinking of military intelligence officials about leading political figures such as the Clintons and agencies such as the CIA. We are now ready to closely examine what QAnon had to say about JFK Jr:

The first two lines of the post reveal that Donald Trump had a relationship with JFK Jr. This is not that surprising since there are photos showing Trump and Kennedy together at his exclusive Mar-a-Lago club on Feb 29, 1996.

The fact that they were probably friends is significant in that Trump would likely be highly motivated to have the truth come out about what really happened.

The next line in the post refers to the Kennedy’s plane crash on July 16, 1999, which killed him, his wife and sister-in-law. The crash happened soon after JFK Jr had told two friends that he was planning to run for the U.S. Senate seat that had become available after the retirement of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Only months before the crash, Hillary Clinton had declared her candidacy for the Senate seat, but was running into criticism for being a carpetbagger since she and Bill Clinton were not New York residents.

According to a New York Daily News story published on July 20, 1999, JFK, Jr., was secretly planning to run for the Senate seat despite Hillary having already declared her candidacy. Given a 1997 private poll showing that “John F. Kennedy Jr. was by far the state’s most popular Democrat.”, it’s highly likely that he would have succeeded.

Kennedy’s entry into the Senate seat race would have denied Hillary the start she was seeking to her political career just before Bill’s impending Presidential retirement.

QAnon was clearly linking the plane crash to the start of Hillary’s political career. While some may consider this to be mere coincidence, QAnon’s next post suggested something sinister had in fact happened.

The link was to a January 1956 document in the CIA’s reading room that discussed an Earth Satellite Program that was linked to Guided Missiles and CIA operations. CIA Director Allen Dulles was mentioned as a part of the program.

QAnon was implying that that JFK Jr’s plane crash was linked in some way to this or a similar advanced aerospace program, the CIA and Dulles. The Dulles connection is highly significant since there is much documentation linking him directly to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

More specifically, there is a Memorandum containing  a set of eight policy directives drafted by Dulles on behalf of a mysterious committee called Majestic 12 (MJ-12) in charge of advanced aerospace programs. One of the eight directives, Project Environment, gave cryptic authorization for the assassination of any public official that threatened Majestic 12 operations.

The text of the above Directive reads:

Draft – Directive Regarding Project Environment – When conditions become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking any precipitation … it should be wet.

Dr Robert Wood, who is the foremost expert in analyzing MJ-12 documents using forensic methods, has concluded that the partially burned document is an assassination directive. In an interview discussing the burned document, he pointed out that the cryptic phrase “it should be wet” originates from Russia, where the phrase ‘wet works’ or “wet affairs” denotes someone who had been killed and is drenched with blood.

In the book, Kennedy’s Last Stand, I analyzed the testimonies, circumstances and documents supporting the conclusion that Dulles had arranged for the MJ-12 directives to be applied to the Kennedy administration in general, and to President Kennedy in particular.

The CIA’s Counter Intelligence chief, James Jesus Angleton, was given the authority to carry out the MJ-12 directives, as documented in a leaked November 12, 1963 Memorandum released only 10 days before Kennedy’s assassination.

The Top Secret Memorandum instructed the then Director of the CIA, John McCone, to share all classified UFO information with NASA, in order to fulfill its requirement as outlined in National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 271.

In short, the two memoranda Kennedy issued on November 12, 1963 would ensure that access to classified UFO files would be extended to more government agencies, ultimately resulting in direct Presidential access.

Such direct access had been denied to President Kennedy by McCone’s predecessor, Allen Dulles, who retired as CIA Director in November 1961, but likely continued on in his other position as head of the MJ-12 Committee as suggested in the eight MJ-12 Policy Directives.

It’s feasible that the MJ-12 Directives drafted by Dulles and approved by the MJ-12 Committee were used not only for the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, but also for the removal of his son, 36 years later.

There have been many questions raised about Kennedy’s plane crash and whether or not it was simply due to his inexperience as a pilot, compounded by marital and financial problems, as suggested in an official report by the National Transportation Safety Board. Was the report a cover up for the plane being shot down or sabotaged in a targeted assassination conducted by the CIA? This is exactly what QAnon appears to be suggesting.

So why would the CIA want to help Hillary Clinton attain public office, and was this related in any way to Dulles’ mysterious MJ-12 Directives?

To get an answer, we can begin with the Clintons involvement in a CIA run drug operation out of Mena, Arkansas during Bill’s governorship. There have been multiple witnesses and documents showing how then Governor Clinton was protecting and facilitating the Mena CIA operation.

In late 2017, a movie based on real events was released showing how a former TWA airline pilot, Barry Seal, was recruited by the CIA to a covert operation out of Mena, Arkansas, which involved illegal arms and drug running, and how Governor Clinton protected the entire operation.

More damning is the testimony and documents supplied by Roger Morris, an investigative journalist, who exposed the full extent of Clinton’s involvement in the CIA drug running program, and Seal’s involvement.

In a book, interviews and documentary, Morris revealed how the thousands of documents and many witnesses in his investigation were never published by the mainstream media, or investigated by the FBI or the U.S. Congress.

The reason why Morris’ investigative efforts got nowhere is that the drug money was used by the CIA to finance MJ-12 operations secretly conducted throughout the US in the development of advanced aerospace programs. Many UFO sightings were in fact advanced aerospace vehicles that were part of secret space programs under development by the US Air Force and Navy, with the help of major aerospace corporations.

Having shown his usefulness in the CIA drug running operation at a state level, the MJ-12 group cleared the path for Clinton to become President so he could do the same at a national level.

Just before beginning his first term on January 20, 1993, President-Elect Clinton made a very strange request to close family friend and lawyer Webster Hubbell: “If I put you over there in justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs.” According to Hubbell, who described the incident in his memoirs, Friends in High Places, “Clinton was dead serious.”

Hubble said that he was unsuccessful in finding satisfactory answers. He was eventually forced to resign as Associate Attorney General due to the Whitewater political scandal and was jailed in July 1995 for 18 months.

The Clintons quickly learned, because of what had happened to Hubble, that the Deep State, through the CIA and mysterious policy groups like Majestic 12, had great power. Despite all his power as President, Clinton could not thwart the Deep State’s plans.

The Clintons decided to end their efforts to get answers to questions concerning JFK’s assassination and what lay behind the UFO phenomenon. This was despite them knowing that the CIA drug running operations was secretly funding highly classified aerospace programs.

By the end of Bill’s Presidency, the CIA’s “unofficial” black budget was estimated to be as much as one trillion dollars annually, which was more than double the Pentagon’s budget at the time.

The Clintons had become a critical part of the CIA/MJ-12 operations at both state and national levels during Bill’s political career. As Bill’s Presidency wound down, Hillary’s political career offered another opportunity for a compliant and heavily compromised political leader that would support the CIA’s illicit fund raising for secret MJ-12 operations. 

Secret deals were subsequently struck and the CIA/MJ-12 (aka Deep State) supported Hillary’s rise to political power, and the New York Senate Seat was planned to be her launching pad for high political office.

Consequently, when JFK Jr was on the verge of publicly declaring that he was going to run for the Senate seat, not only did he threaten Hillary’s nascent political career, but he also threatened the carefully crafted plans for future CIA funding of MJ-12 operations. Consequently, the same or a similar policy directive to Project Environment, which had been used to assassinate President Kennedy, could now be used against JFK Jr for his threat to MJ-12 operations.  

QAnon’s posts linking JFK Jr’s 1999 plane crash with Hillary Clinton and the CIA are certainly a bombshell. Close examination of the history of the Clintons and CIA secret Deep State actors such as MJ-12 provides a powerful rationale for why JFK Jr was perceived as a threat, and assassinated in a plane crash made to look like an accident.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

The Shocking Truth About Aliens

by Dan Taylor            March 24, 2018             (morningticker.com)

Many scientists think it is not crazy to think that aliens exist somewhere in our universe, and for some very good reasons.

• In an online profile of a new National Geographic series entitled “One Strange Rock”, the website Mashable reached out to former American astronaut Jeff Hoffman, and former Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. Hoffman told the site that he believes there is “life elsewhere in the universe.” Hadfield noted that virtually every star has planets, and there are countless stars in our universe. So it is highly likely that there are other intelligent beings in the galaxy.

• So why haven’t we met an alien? The Milky Way galaxy is tremendously vast. It would take an entire lifetime to travel from one end of the galaxy to the other at the speed of light. Also, like ours, civilizations come and go. Intelligent life on Earth has only existed for a mere blip in Earth’s existence. Whether we will ever encounter them, however, is tough to say.

[Editors Note] Once again, the premise is that Extra-Terrestrials labor under the same galaxy-view and technology that the people do here on Earth. But what if ET technology isn’t limited to the speed of light? What if ET civilizations last for millions of years? What if ET are already here but reluctant to reveal themselves? The “shocking truth” about aliens is far beyond most people’s imagination.


Take a poll of scientists when it comes to the existence of aliens, and you may get a surprising answer. While we often think of aliens as the stuff of science fiction, the surprising truth is that many scientists think that it is not only possible that aliens exist somewhere, but likely.

Take a recent report by Mashable, which profiled an upcoming series called One Strange Rock on National Geographic that involved interviewing some astronauts on their thoughts about aliens. Jeff Hoffman told the publication that he believes there is “life elsewhere in the universe.” Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield noted that virtually every star has planets, and there are countless stars in our universe.

The idea that aliens exist, when you think about it, isn’t so crazy. After all, we somehow exist, so why is it insane to think that this could happen somewhere else in our universe?

Of course, many might point out the lack of alien encounters. But think about it: our universe is practically infinite for our purposes. The closest star to our solar system is more than four light years away. And if you got in a spaceship as a baby and traveled at the speed of light, you wouldn’t even reach the end of the Milky Way galaxy before you died of old age. And there are billions upon billions of other galaxies out there.



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Astronomer Portrayed by Jodie Foster in ‘Contact’: Man Will Discover Alien Life by 2100

by Rick Neale            March 24, 2018            (floridatoday.com)

• Jill Tarter (pictured above) is a former project scientist and current research chair for the NASA-funded SETI program (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Tarter was the astronomer portrayed by Jodie Foster in the 1997 movie “Contact”, and in 2004 she was named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world.

• Speaking at the Florida Institute of Technology’s Cross Cultural Management Summit in Orlando, Tarter told the audience, “I think that in this century we are going to be finding life beyond Earth.”

• The problem thus far is that the galaxy is just so big. “We’re out in the boondocks. And our star, the sun, is only one of 400 billion other stars in the Milky Way galaxy.” So it is like searching for fish in the ocean by using a water glass, says Tarter.

• Tarter’s conference discussion, entitled “A Cosmic Perspective: Searching for Aliens, Finding Ourselves”, was one of about 75 talks she plans to deliver this year to fundraise for Allen Telescope Array upgrades. In recent years, scientists have focused the ATA on roughly 20,000 nearby stars – mostly small, dim red dwarf stars. Tarter also expressed hope for a new “Laser SETI” initiative. She said the first prototype will be installed within a month and a half at the Lick Observatory, near San Jose, California.

[Editor’s Note] How can such a brilliant scientist be so oblivious to the ET presence, beings that have studied and manipulated humans on Earth for thousands of years, up to and including the present day? Note that her paycheck comes from SETI, funded by NASA.


ORLANDO — Though scientists have scanned the cosmos for signals from alien civilizations for a half-century, Jill Tarter likens mankind’s micro-scale campaign to searching for fish in the world’s oceans — by withdrawing a 12-ounce glass of water.

“We’re out in the boondocks. And our star, the sun, is only one of 400 billion other stars in the Milky Way galaxy,” Tarter told a conference-room crowd Saturday afternoon.

“And our Milky Way galaxy is only one of about 200 billion other galaxies in the observable universe,” she said.
Tarter — whose astronomical career was portrayed by Jodie Foster in the 1997 movie “Contact” — served as closing speaker during the Florida Institute of Technology’s third Cross Cultural Management Summit at Caribe Royale in Orlando.

The former project scientist for NASA’s SETI program, Tarter is research chair at the nonprofit SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, She has received two NASA Public Service Medals, and in 2004 she was named one of Time’s 100 most influential people in the world.

SETI stands for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The SETI Institute owns the Hat Creek Radio Observatory, and Tarter helped develop the facility’s Allen Telescope Array in the Cascade Mountains about 290 miles north of San Francisco.

       Jodie Foster in “Contact”

 “I think that in this century we are going to be finding life beyond Earth,” Tarter told the audience.
“We can discover it: We can find biomarkers on planets or moons of our solar system. We can find artifacts in the solar system as we explore. We can look for remote biosignatures in the atmospheres of distant exoplanets,” Tarter said.

“Or, perhaps we can detect the work product of technological civilizations: technosignatures,” she said.

Tarter displayed PowerPoint photos of telescopes, stars and galaxies to the audience. Included were “selfies” of distant Earth, as photographed by Cassini from Saturn’s orbit (2013) and Voyager 1 as the spacecraft was passing Neptune (1990).

“We’re really working on an ancient human question. And that’s very, very rewarding. We might, within the 21st century, have the answer to whether there is life beyond Earth. And we’ve been asking that question for a very, very long time,” she said.



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Google Earth: Is This Proof of ‘Hollow Earth?’ – UFO Hunters Found This Mystery Structure

by Eloise Craven-Todd           March 23, 2018             (express.co.uk)

Google Earth UFO hunters believe they have uncovered a mile high structure under the Pacific Ocean. Is this the spooky proof Hollow Earth theorists have been waiting for?

• On Google Earth, the computer geobrowser that accesses satellite and aerial imagery to create a 3D representation of the world, UFOlogists have discovered a massive structure under the Pacific Ocean measuring a massive one mile in height.

• Shefket, the author of the website Perfect Edition, shows the large blue spike sticking out of the undersea ground with no other surrounding objects explaining the spooky structure. Shefket says that the structure is not natural, and that nothing else “remotely resembles it on Earth.”

• “More than 95 per cent of the world’s seas and oceans are entirely unexplored and most of the globe is covered in water, so mankind only knows very little about the planet it inhabits,” says Shefket. “If aliens could travel through space then a UFO would have no problem whatsoever submerging and navigating the oceans just like a submarine.”

• Located in exact line with the oldest of the three Giza pyramids in Egypt, Shefket speculates that the tall structure is part of global network used by ancient advanced civilizations to transmit and receive large amounts of energy through great distances.

• For believers of the Hollow Earth theory, wherein a whole other civilization exists beneath ours, this is all the proof needed.


Google Earth is a computer geobrowser that accesses satellite and aerial imagery to create a 3D representation of the world for viewers to browse and explore.

Similar to Google Maps, this tool allows visitors to virtually explore the globe from the comfort of their bedroom.

From the highest of mountains to under the ocean, a detailed map has captured the world in a way that way never possible before. However the tool doesn’t only capture the wonderful, some users use the tool in search of the ‘unexplained.’

In a spot in line with the great Giza Pyramids, has one user captured proof of extraterrestrial activity? UFOlogists have discovered a massive structure under the ocean measuring a massive one mile in height.

Located in exact line with the oldest of the three Giza pyramids in Egypt, the strange structure can be seen protruding out of the depths.

Whilst zooming into the site, UFOlogists show the large blue spike sticking out of the ground with no other surrounding objects explaining the spooky structure.

Author of The Perfect Edition, Shefket, explains that most believe the structure is not natural, and that nothing else “remotely resembles it on Earth.”

For some, the believers of the Hollow Earth theory, who believe that a whole other world lies beneath ours, this is all the proof needed to confirm such beliefs.

Shefket went on to add that after close inspection a “very large gap somewhere deeper than the ocean floor” has been discovered.

“These people also claim that the race inhabiting inner Earth don’t really hide there, but have chosen to come out very rarely, which probably means they do so in order to study us and not for resources.”

“More than 95 per cent of the world’s seas and oceans are entirely unexplored and most of the globe is covered in water, so mankind only knows very little about the planet it inhabits.”



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Harry Reid on What the Government Knows About UFOs

by Eric Benson           March 21, 2018            (nymag.com)

• In a follow-up to the New York Magazine’s March 20th article “Reasons to Believe”, this is the extended version of an interview of the former US Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (pictured above), about the US government’s research into the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

• When Reid began to practice law in Las Vegas in the 1960’s, one of his first cases involved the local owner of Bigelow Carpet Company who died in a plane crash at LA Int’l Airport. His son and heir, Robert Bigelow, was told by his grandparents about an incident when they themselves saw a UFO near Las Vegas. As Bigelow increased his own wealth in hotels and real estate, he would financially sponsor UFO seminars and conferences, bringing in scientists and academics.

• Reid’s friend, popular Nevada TV journalist George Knapp, introduced Reid to Robert Bigelow. Bigelow began sending Reid material on UFOs and extraterrestrials which Reid found interesting. Bigelow’s approach to the study of UFOs was more scientific than fanciful, and as he began accumulating information, he built a warehouse in which to store all of this information. In time, Reid would also speak with people such as John Glenn, Bill Clinton, and John Podesta on the subject.

• When Reid had become the leader of the Senate, he reached out to two close friends – Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska and Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii – about this UFO phenomenon. Stevens revealed that as a pilot during WWII, he had flown next to a UFO. As Stevens and Inouye controlled the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, they decided to create the Pentagon UFO research program, and awarded the $11M contract to Robert Bigelow ‘because he had spent his own money first’. But it remained a secret program, says Reid, “because I wanted to get something done. I didn’t want a debate that no one knew what the hell they were talking about on the Senate floor.” Reid was never even briefed on the program afterward.

• Reid says that this Pentagon research program has generated hundreds upon hundreds of pages of information, 80% of which has been available to the public. “You know something?” says Reid, “the press has never even looked at it. Not once. That’s where we are. I wanted it public, it was made public, and you guys have not even looked at it.” “So, in short, it’s my belief you guys kind of want to be spoon-fed. You don’t want to do any work on your own.”

• “I’m glad somebody is interested, because it’s a subject that is being terribly neglected,” says Reid. “I’m happy to talk to you.”


Yesterday, we outlined thirteen reasons to take recent reports of UFOs and extraterrestrial life seriously, including a chat with former Senate majority leader Harry Reid about the government’s research into the topic. Here, an extended version of that conversation.

Hi, this is Eric Benson from New York Magazine.

Hi, Eric. Why do you want to talk to me?

Well, because of the New York Times article and the program that you helped bring about.

Well, I’m happy to talk to you. Just let me preface this by saying this, if we’re here to talk about little green men or stuff that you want to look at that was found in New Mexico or something, I’m not interested. If you’re here to talk about science, I’m happy to do that. I’m really glad to do that. I’m glad somebody is interested, because it’s a subject that is being terribly neglected, so I’m happy to talk to you.

Great. Well, I don’t want to talk to you about little green men.


One thing I am curious about, though, is just where your interest in this subject comes from.
That’s pretty easy. When I first got out of law school many, many years ago, in the mid-’60s, I worked with three other lawyers. A big case we had was a case involving a bunch of rich Las Vegas businessmen. They went into L.A. International Airport, tried to take off, and the plane crashed and killed them all. It was a very interesting case. It went to Supreme Court, a mistrial declared, hung jury, went on for years.

One of the people who was killed in that plane crash was a guy by the name of Bigelow. He was not as wealthy, but he was a wealthy man in Las Vegas who ran a carpet company, Bigelow Carpet. His son was 18 years old when that crash occurred. He’s a central figure in all this. I didn’t know him, but when he was a young man, he heard a story from his grandparents about driving down from Mt. Charleston — that’s a 12,000-foot mountain just ten miles out of Las Vegas — where they saw something in the air. This so-called flying saucer, for lack of a better description. It piqued his curiosity.

He became a very wealthy man. I mean extremely wealthy. During the time that he had some money, he said, “I would like to know more about this.” He would have, several times a year, at his big office here in Las Vegas — knew how to make money buying and selling real estate. He would pay for these seminars, these conferences, and he would bring in scientists, academics, and a few nut cases. That’s a bad way of talking about some people, but, you know — people who were really, in my opinion, kind of on the fringes.

Probably the No. 1 TV journalist in Nevada was a guy by the name of George Knapp. He and I were friends. He had known me for years. He said to me one day, “Hey, I know this guy Bigelow, he’s interested in a subject, I don’t know if you have any interest in it all, but you should get to know him. He’s got a lot of money. He’s kind of an interesting guy. I’ll introduce you. You’ll go to one of those little deals and spend a few hours with him.”

I did that. It was really fascinating quite frankly because there were people trying to figure out what all this aerial phenomenon was. Bigelow knew I was interested.

I’ve always been a voracious reader. I blinded myself in one eye — I used to read really, really fast, and I can still read fairly fast with only one eye; not nearly as fast as I used to. Just a little side note: I took the Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course here in Las Vegas, and I was told I was the fastest reader they ever had in Nevada. I can read so fast.

How fast are you? Is there a number that represents —

I don’t know. I don’t know. But anyway, to make a long story short, he started sending me tons of stuff. I mean tons of stuff. I read it. A lot of it was nothing that interested me. It was, they reexamined and examined and reexamined the crash in New Mexico that happened down there that everybody knows about that knows anything about this subject. It was repetitive, and I didn’t care. But there was some stuff that interested me. Mainly what interested me is so many people had seen these strange things in the air. That was interesting to me.

I’m in the Senate now and one day was joined by John Glenn, who I thought was just such a wonderful human being. I said to John, “Hey John, I’ve been reading all this stuff, do you have any interest in it?” He said, “I’ve always had an interest in it.” You get the picture so far, right?


I’m in Washington in the Senate and Bob Bigelow called me — I kept in touch with him over the years. He called me and he said, “I got the strangest letter here. Could I have a courier bring it to you?” I said, “Sure.” He didn’t want to send it to me over the lines for obvious reasons.

I read the letter. The letter was from a federal national-security agency. Okay? The letter said, “I am a senior, longtime member of this security agency, and I have a Ph.D.” — I can’t remember in what, in physics for sure, maybe math also. “And,” the letter said, “I’m interested. I’m interested in talking to you, Mr. Bigelow. I have an interest in what you’ve been working on. I want to go to your ranch in Utah.”

Bigelow had bought a great big ranch, a 70-, 100-acre ranch in Utah that was in a basin for more than a century.

Was that the Skinwalker Ranch?

Yeah, that’s it. I called Bigelow back and said, “Hey, I’ll meet with the guy.” I called the guy. He said, “I don’t want to meet at my office, I don’t want to meet at your office. Where can we meet?” I said, “Come to my home.” The two of us met and I was terribly impressed with him. Very low-key scientist. He told me of his interest. I called Bigelow and I said, “This guy, I’ve checked him out and he seems like a pretty nice guy and his credentials are as he says.”

He went, met Bigelow, and after I don’t know how much time went by, he came to me and said, “Something should be done about this.

Somebody should study it.” I was convinced he was right. I said, “Well, if you were me, what would you say to people in power in the United States Senate who have huge control over the spending of defense money?” And here’s what he said: “What I will do is prepare something for you that anyone can look at it that wants to, it’s strictly science.” He put it in scientific language — what the study should consist of.

I, at the time, was the leader of the Senate, and I called two of my friends who for many, many years were like brothers. One a Democrat, one a Republican. They controlled for quite a number of years the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. It was Stevens and Inouye.

As I said in the New York Times article, it was the easiest meeting I ever had. I walked in and I knew so much and Ted Stevens interrupted me and said, “I’ve heard enough.” He said, “Since I was a pilot in World War II, I’ve been tremendously curious, concerned about stuff that we don’t know anything about.” He said, “I was in my airplane alone and off to my left was an object. I could see it. It was so close to me. I would veer up, down, sideways. Wherever I went, it was there. I was starting to get low on fuel, went and landed, and went to the air-traffic controller. I said, ‘Was there anybody up in the air with me?’ The guy said, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’”

That’s why it was an easy sell for him. He, Ted Stevens, when he was in the military, didn’t go to his superior and say, “I saw the damnedest thing in the air.” Why? Because the work we did, pilots would almost refuse to report this stuff. Why? Because it would hurt them in their promotions and make them look like goofballs.

What we decided to do — it would be black money, we wouldn’t have a big debate on the Senate floor over it. They would put in their defense appropriation bill, 11 million bucks. The purpose of it was to study aerial phenomena. The money was given, a directive was given to the Pentagon, to put this out to bid, which they did.

People may be inquisitive: “How did Bigelow win that bid? Why?” Because he had spent his own money first. For two years, the federal government helped him. Thousands of pages were gathered, just like I told you, of things that had happened. There was no central location where all this stuff was gathered — that’s what he did. He built his building for it. For two years, when we got financial help — but there was a change in leadership and it didn’t work. So the federal government dropped out of the project.

As you’ve heard from a few people since this story came out, Luis Elizondo, for example, he quit, because they wouldn’t do anything seriously. He was terribly interested in this. They’re all mad because the federal government has done nothing. The guy that came to me, his job was in jeopardy because he tried to do something he felt was appropriate. He said to me first time we met, “I don’t know why we’re not doing anything.” He said, “I’ll bet the Chinese are.” He said, “I’ll bet the Russians are. I’ll bet the Japanese are. Why aren’t we doing anything?”

That’s the story. You’ve got in a nutshell, that’s how I got involved in this.



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The UFO Sighting on Kangaroo Island

March 22, 2018            (nationalgeographic.com.au)

• During the 1960’s, Adelaide (in southern Australia) became a hotspot for UFOs. The Bunyip Newspaper publication published several articles of unexpected and unexplained sighting and experiences.

• In August 1969, Alan Potter an apprentice radio technician, was servicing a radar at Adelaide Airport when he spotted something peculiar on the radar head. As Potter was tracking a Fokker Friendship flying from Adelaide to Kingscote on Kangaroo Island, the radar pinged a large object approaching from Port Lincoln. it was like nothing he’d seen in the area before.

• Then a smaller object separated from the larger object and flew in a line towards the Fokker plane. The two signals met over Rapid Bay, and then the smaller signal returned to the larger one.

• No pilots or passengers on the Fokker reported anything unusual. Potter’s sighting was logged by the Australian UFO Research Network in 2004.


Was Australia visited by aliens in the 1960s?

In August 1969, Alan Potter an apprentice radio technician, was servicing a radar at Adelaide Airport when he spotted something peculiar on the radar head.

Potter was tracking a Fokker Friendship flying from Adelaide to Kingscote on Kangaroo Island, but as the radar turned slowly, it pinged a large object approaching from Port Lincoln, it was like nothing he’d seen in the area before.

The Fokker flight was flying towards Kangaroo Island, when a small object, looked to leave the large object and fly in a line towards the Fokker plane.

The two signals met over Rapid Bay before the smaller signal returned to the larger one. Potter laughed at the idea the two signals could have been a UFO checking out the Fokker, but after further thought, there was nothing else it could be.



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QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State

In a recent series of posts, the anonymous whistleblower (group) QAnon made an important connection between the Vatican, Rothschild family, and Reptilian symbolism. Many followers of QAnon, who fall into the camp of Christian patriots, perceive the connection as exposing an other-worldly Satanic influence over the Vatican, the Rothschilds, and other forces making up the Deep State.

Closer analysis, however, suggests that what QAnon is really referring to by the symbolism is a very physical “this-worldly” influence over the Deep State: Reptilian extraterrestrials.

To begin with, I need to point out what has become very clear to those closely following the QAnon posts, which first appeared on October 28, 2017. QAnon represents several military intelligence officials who are leaking sensitive information in a cryptic and coded manner due to the pervasive influence of the Deep State over many institutions of political, financial and cultural power.

QAnon’s close relationship with President Donald Trump has been demonstrated in various public ways. This has signaled he supports the QAnon revelations and is very familiar with who is really behind the Deep State attempting to sabotage his Presidency. In regard to Deep State efforts to sabotage the Trump Presidency, I highly recommend reading Dr. Jerome Corsi’s book, Killing the Deep State.

We are now ready to take a closer look at what QAnon is saying about the Vatican, Rothschilds and the Reptilian connection.

On April 3, QAnon made the following post where he attached an image posted by another anonymous source asking the question, “If Satanists took over the Vatican would you notice?”

The image was of an auditorium built by the Vatican that was completed in 1971, with a seating capacity of 6,300. Named the Paul VI Audience Hall, it is filled with Reptilian imagery, and clearly alludes to a powerful influence exerted by such beings over the Vatican.

In the following video, the narrator gives five reasons why the Audience Hall’s symbolism leads to the conclusion that the Vatican is run by Reptilian beings.


So does the symbolism in the Paul VI Audience Hall really show Reptilian control over the Vatican?

QAnon helps answer such a question by his response to the posted image: “Symbolism will be their downfall, MONEY. POWER, INFLUENCE.” By emphasizing symbolism, QAnon is saying that we need to closely examine the Reptilian imagery in the picture in order to really understand who controls the Vatican.

QAnon’s reference to “MONEY, POWER, INFLUENCE” points to a nexus of actors that underscore control of the Vatican. This is where another QAnon post becomes helpful in understanding this nexus of actors.

On April 4, QAnon posted the following:

He pointed out that the Vatican Bank (Institute for the Works of Religion) is at the fulcrum point of its financial influence through its shady relationship with the CIA (“Clown connection”).

Indeed, this close relationship between the Vatican and the CIA gave rise to Operation Gladio that was targeted against left wing organizations that threatened to tear Italy away from NATO, towards a closer relationship with the Soviet Union. To understand the Vatican’s role in Operation Gladio, I highly recommend Paul Williams book, Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia.

However, QAnon’s most intriguing reference was to the 1832 Rothschild loan. QAnon suggested here that the 1832 loan made the Vatican dependent on Rothschild financing at the time, and this dependence continues into the modern era. This is not surprising since at the time, the Vatican was desperate to maintain its diminishing temporal authority over the remaining territory of the Papal States (754-1870), which was increasingly being challenged by Italian secular nationalists.

It was this effort to maintain political control over the Papal States that made the Vatican increasingly dependent on the Rothshchilds, who could move their agents into senior positions in the Catholic Church hierarchy. This included the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta, which continues to be a powerful force that links Rothschild finances with elites drawn from around the world.

QAnon is telling us that the Rothschild family influence is very important for understanding the financial power behind the Deep State, and how the Vatican is a key player in all this. However, there is more to the Rothschild family than simply possessing financial influence over the Vatican.

This is where it becomes very helpful to recount a story told by a former U.S. Air Force doctor, Bill Deagle, M.D., who described in a Project Camelot interview a mysterious encounter he had with a leading member of the Rothschild family, Baron Guy De Rothschild, in 1992:

I woke up in the middle of the night, bolt upright, and I sat up. And I had all the lights on because I’d have to periodically go to the restroom or whatever. I had all the lights on. And this guy was standing in front of me with what I call a $5,000 tuxedo, not a gray hair in his head, mid-50s, slim and trim.

I said: How did you get in here?

And he says: It’s wonderful to see you, my son.

I said: You’re not my father.

And I looked at this guy, and he looked like French nobility. Right? And I said: Who are you?

He says: I am the Baron Guy de Rothschild, the Pindar.

And I had this really kind of, what I call a check or a kind of a cringe in my spirit. And I knew right away, because I have this gift. Right? Without getting into a big long discussion, I knew right away.

I said: I know who you are. You’re the representative of the Luciferic power that controls Earth.

He says: Yes, I am the CEO of Earth, Inc., and I am the man that sits in the 13th chair of the Druidic Council. I want you to be my understudy, and when I transcend I want you to take over my job.

And I said: No, I’m not going to.

He said: We know your bloodlines; we know your genetics; we know everything about you and you’re a perfect replacement for me.

And I said: No!

What is interesting here is Rothschild’s claim that he was the “Pindar” and was the “CEO of Earth, Inc”. This suggests that he is merely running the Earth on behalf of others, but who?

For an answer, we can look to information about the Pindar supplied by British researcher David Icke. Icke wrote about the Pindar in The Biggest Secret after interviewing a former participant in Satanic occult ceremonies, Arizona Wilder. Icke wrote:

Pindar means ‘Penis of the Dragon’…  Arizona says that Pindar, like all the reptilians when they shape-shift, has very powerful hypnotic eyes (the ‘evil eye’ of legend) and at sacrifices the victims face is turned to Pindar at the moment of death for him to steal the person’s soul or energy through this ‘evil eye’ magnetic process…. Pindar attends the major Satanic ceremonies in Europe and then flies to California for the rituals there. [pp. 302-3]

The idea that a high ranking member of the Rothschild family, Guy de Rothschild, was a shape shifting Reptilian, or a hybrid of some kind, will come as to a shock to many who disbelieve that extraterrestrial life is a physical reality on Earth. 

This disbelief will be markedly the case for those coming from a Christian background, who ascribe the Satanic/Luciferian influence on Earth to other-worldly demonic entities associated with Hell, as described in Biblical passages.

However, only last week, Pope Francis declared that there is no Hell! In an interview, he was quoted saying:

They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls.

While the Vatican immediately tried to walk back the Pope’s comments, his intent was very clear. Hell is no mere spiritual dimension where Satan rules and acts as a distant, but disruptive, influence on Earth through his legion of demonic spirits.

The Pope has clarified that Hell is a very physical reality and corresponds to the world created around us by sinful souls participating in Satanic rituals involving human sacrifice and pedophilia. The implication here is that Satan is a very physical being who is present on Earth, and has overlordship of the planet through hybrid intermediaries, such as the Pindar, which collectively make up the Deep State. 

In making his statement about Hell, Pope Francis appeared to be breaking ranks with the Vatican hierarchy, and alluding to the awful truth about covert Reptilian influence over the Catholic Church in a very physical and tangible manner.

Further evidence of a Reptilian influence over Deep State officials involved in human sacrifice, comes from another former participant and victim in these dark ritualistic events, Cathy O’Brien. Her book, Trance Formation of America, shows the widespread belief of many political elites in secret Reptilian overlords.

In addition, John DeCamp’s book, The Franklin Coverup, reveals how pedophilia and human sacrifice is used to compromise upcoming political leaders into a corrupt system in Washington DC.

If we connect all the threads emerging from QAnon’s reference to the Vatican, Rothshchilds and Reptilian symbolism, then we reach some very disturbing conclusions.

The Vatican is largely under the influence of Reptilian extraterrestrial entities that have chosen to reveal themselves through symbolism, as found in the Paul VI Audience Hall.

Satan is one or more members of an extraterrestrial Reptilian race that has secretly ruled over humanity for centuries through human or hybrid intermediaries.

The Rothschild family is deeply implicated in this confluence of Satanic forces involving the Vatican and Reptilians, and one of its members plays the role of the Pindar, CEO of Earth, reporting to something like a Reptilian Board of Directors.

QAnon’s frequent references to the evil of the Deep State, and allusions to Satan and Satanic practices, is his careful way of referring to Reptilian entities who have historically dominated the Deep State though a subservient clique of political, financial and cultural leaders. These elite figures have been compromised through their participation in rituals involving human sacrifice, as the condition for their elevation to high office.

We now finally have an explanation for why QAnon (U.S. Military Intelligence), despite clear Trump White House support, has to communicate using cryptic and coded language about its ongoing operations to “Drain the Swamp”. QAnon is methodically exposing the historic power behind the Deep State – a very physical Reptilian extraterrestrial force – which still has influence through a subservient clique of leaders wishing to ingratiate themselves with their Reptilian overlords.

While many may be skeptical of the above conclusions, it does appear that QAnon believes that the time is ripe for the American Patriot community to be finally awakened to the truth, and therefore become active in exposing what really lies behind the Deep State in order to end its corrosive influence over human affairs.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Audio Version of the Above Article Appears Below

Reasons to Believe

by David Wallace-Wells, James D. Walsh, Neel Patel, Clint Rainey,Katie Heaney, Eric Benson, and Tim Urban
March 20, 2018 (nymag.com)
How seriously should you take those recent reports of UFOs? Ask the Pentagon. Or read this primer for the SETI-curious.

• This is an essay in the New York Magazine suggesting “thirteen reasons” why people should take the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings seriously. It cites the revelations made in the New York Times about the secret Pentagon UFO program, the various UFO videos that have been released (or allowed) by the Department of Defense, and President Trump’s new “Space Force” branch of the military.

• The article includes an excerpt from an interview with the former US Senator, Harry Reid, on how he dared to look at the facts and became a central figure in the UFO disclosure effort. (This was followed the next day by a NYM article with the full Harry Reid interview.)

• Scientists are beginning to warm to the idea that this galaxy could very well be teaming with life – even on Mars: “Although [Mars] looks like a barren wasteland these days, there’s little reason to write off any chance we might find aliens residing in some cavern or crevice.”

• Prominent billionaires such as Robert Bigelow, Elon Musk, Paul Allen, and Jeff Bezos have been putting their money and reputations on the line to openly consider extraterrestrial life in our galaxy. Same for many prominent military and government folks such as former British Defence Minister Nick Pope, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, former US Army Intelligence officer Philip Corso, former US Senator and Republican Party Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater, former CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter, former US Congressman and current candidate for governor of Ohio Dennis Kucinich, and former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta.

• Then there are the numerous UFO/ET encounters from WWII foo fighters and ‘the Battle of Los Angeles’ in 1942, to Betty and Barney Hill in the 1960’s, to the Ohio State “Wow” Signal, to the Phoenix lights in 1997.

• When pondering why we still have no ‘proof’ of an ET presence – ‘are they hiding?’ ‘are they all dead?’ – the possibility is raised that perhaps ‘the aliens are already here and we just haven’t figured it out yet. They might be taking some time to study us before unveiling themselves, or maybe they have already let themselves be known to certain groups.’

[Editor’s Note] While the article’s writers are keen to discuss the wide spectrum of ufology from the plausible to the most implausible, this is nevertheless a positive step forward for the stubbornly jaundiced and myopic mainstream community. With seventy years of strong circumstantial and anecdotal evidence of the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors to the Earth, the mainstream is now beginning to open their minds and take notice.


In the good old days, the arrival of UFOs on the front page of America’s paper of record might have seemed like a loose-thread tear right through the fabric of reality — the closest that secular, space-race America could have gotten to a Second Coming. Two decades ago, or three, or six, we would’ve also felt we knew the script in advance, thanks to the endless variations pop culture had played for us already: civilizational conflicts to mirror the real-world ones Americans had been imagining in terror since the beginning of the Cold War.

But when, in December, the New York Times published an undisputed account of what might once have sounded like crackpot conspiracy theory — that the Pentagon had spent five years investigating “unexplained aerial phenomena” — the response among the paper’s mostly liberal readers, exhausted and beaten down by “recent events,” was markedly different from the one in those movies. The news that aliens might actually be visiting us, regularly and recently, didn’t provoke terror about a coming space-opera conflict but something much more like the Evangelical dream of the Rapture the same liberals might have mocked as kooky right-wing escapism in the George W. Bush years. “The truth is out there,” former senator Harry Reid tweeted, with a link to the story. Thank God, came the response through the Twitter vent. “Could extraterrestrials help us save the Earth?” went one typical reaction.

Then, in March, a third video emerged, featuring a Navy encounter off the East Coast in 2015, with the group that released it hinting at an additional trove. “Why doesn’t the Pentagon care?” wondered a Washington Post op-ed — surely the first time the newspaper of Katharine Graham was raising a stink about aliens. The next week, President Trump seemed to announce he was creating an entirely new branch of the military: “We’ll call it the Space Force.” You could be forgiven for thinking you’d woken up in a science-fiction novel. At the very least, it is starting to seem non-crazy to believe. A recent study shows half the world already does.

Alien dreams have always been powered by the desire for human importance in a vast, forgetful cosmos: We want to be seen so we know we exist. What’s unusual about the alien fantasy is that, unlike religion, nationalism, or conspiracy theory, it doesn’t place humans at the center of a grand story. In fact, it displaces them: Humans become, briefly, major players in a drama of almost inconceivable scale, the lasting lesson of which is, unfortunately: We’re total nobodies. That’s the lesson, at least, of a visit from aliens, who got here long before we were able to get there, wherever there is; if humans are the ones making first contact, we’re the advanced ones and the aliens are probably more like productive pond scum, which may be one reason we fantasize about those kinds of encounters a lot less than visits to Earth. Of course, when the aliens are the explorers, we’re the pond scum.

But a lot of people in the modern world will take that bargain, which should probably not surprise us given how dizzying, secular, and, um, alienating that world objectively is. Most conspiracy theory is fueled by a desire to see the universe as ultimately intelligible — the bargain being that things can make sense, but only if you believe in pervasive totalitarian malice. Alien conspiracy theory keeps the malice (cover-ups at Roswell, the Men in Black). But rather than benzo comforts like order and intelligibility, it offers the psychedelic drama of total unintelligibility — awe, wonder, a knee-wobblingly deep, mystical experience of existential ignorance.

Which does mark a change. Beyond the mysticism, American stories of alien encounters have been (often anxious) meditations on the status of American power — meditations informed, surely, by both the memory of European settlers, for whom “first contact” was a story of triumphant genocide, and sympathy for those they trampled. Given the option, America will always prefer to play the cowboy, and through the post–Cold War 1990s, the dominant alien-encounter template was still the swaggering military strut of Independence Day. (The closest thing we got to a counterpoint was the cover-up paranoia of The X-Files, which just expressed a darker faith in the same American power.) By the time we got an alien epic for the War on Terror era, even Spielberg staged it as a story about armed conflict: The War of the Worlds. Of course, in that story, the winner was always going to be the humans — that is, the Americans. And then came the financial crisis, the recession, and Trump, and the new hope that E.T. may take pity on us.

Elsewhere in the world, where things are looking up, relatively speaking, you might expect a different perspective on aliens — and indeed, as The Atlantic’s Ross Andersen documented last fall, the Chinese have recently opened the world’s largest radar facility to listen for signs of aliens, wherever they are out there. But even our future Chinese overlords, projecting power for the first time into the ever-receding reaches of the universe, are a bit nervous about aliens; as Andersen points out, their popular science fiction bears the evidence. And why wouldn’t they be? They have their own memory of colonial contact — the Opium Wars, the end of that empire — to reckon with. And, besides, the unknown is just scary. Things have to get pretty bleak before you take a chance on the arrival of a total blank slate, just for the sake of change. —David Wallace-Wells

1. The Government Literally Just Admitted It’s Taking UFOs Seriously
And, according to researchers, it’s only pretended to end the program.

In 1952, a CIA group called the Psychological Strategy Board concluded that, when it came to UFOs, the American public was dangerously gullible and prone to “hysterical mass behavior.” The group recommended “debunking” campaigns to tamper the public’s interest in unexplained phenomena. But the government seems to have been interested, too: In December, the Pentagon confirmed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Created in 2007 by senators Ted Stevens (who reported being chased by a mysterious object), Daniel Inouye, and then–Majority Leader Harry Reid, and funded with $22 million of “black money” from the Department of Defense’s budget, the program investigated and evaluated reports of UFO sightings, many of which came from American service members.

So much of what the program uncovered remains classified, but what little we know is tantalizing. Based on data it collected, the program identified five observations that showed mysterious objects displaying some level of “advanced physics,” also known as “stuff humans can’t do yet”: The objects would accelerate with g-forces too strong for the human body to withstand, or reach hypersonic speed with no heat trail or sonic boom, or they seemed to resist the effects of Earth’s gravity without any aerodynamic structures to provide thrust or lift. “No one has been able to figure out what these are,” said Luis Elizondo, who ran the program until last October, in a recent interview.

Elizondo has also talked about “metamaterials” that may have been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena and stored in buildings owned by a private aerospace contractor in Las Vegas; they apparently have material compositions that aren’t found naturally on Earth and would be exceptionally expensive to replicate. According to a 2009 Pentagon briefing summarized in the New York Times, “the United States was incapable of defending itself against some of the technologies discovered.” This was a briefing by people trying to get more funding — but still.

Some of the accounts Elizondo and his team analyzed supposedly occurred near nuclear facilities like power plants or battleships. In November 2004, the USS Princeton, a Navy cruiser escorting the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off the coast of San Diego, ordered two fighter jets to investigate mysterious aircraft the Navy had been tracking for weeks (meaning this was not just a trick of the eye or a momentary failure of perspective, the two things most often blamed for unexplained aerial phenomena). When the jets arrived at the location, one of the pilots, Commander David Fravor, saw a disturbance just below the ocean’s surface causing the water to roil around it. Then, suddenly, he saw a white, 40-foot Tic Tac–shaped craft moving like a Ping-Pong ball above the water. The vehicle began mirroring his plane’s movements, but when Fravor dove directly at the object, the Tic Tac zipped away.

The Pentagon has said funding for the program ran out in 2012 and wasn’t renewed. But Elizondo has claimed the project was alive and well when he resigned in October. —James D. Walsh

2. Harry Reid Says We’re Not Taking Them Seriously Enough
The former Senate majority leader is definitely a truther.

Eric Benson: I’m curious about just where your interest in this subject comes from.

Harry Reid: Bob Bigelow [the founder of Bigelow Aerospace and Budget Suites]. He’s a central figure in all this. When he was a young man, he heard a story from his grandparents about driving down from Mt. Charleston, near Las Vegas, where they saw a so-called flying saucer, for lack of a better description. Bob became a very wealthy man. He would pay for these conferences about UFOs, and he would bring in scientists, academics, and a few nutcases.

There were people trying to figure out what all this aerial phenomena was. Bob started sending me tons of stuff. Mainly what interested me is that so many people had seen these strange things in the air.
EB: So tell me how this program got started.

HR: I was in Washington in the Senate, and Bob called me and said, “I got the strangest letter here. Could I have a courier bring it to you?” I said sure. He didn’t want to send it to me over the lines, for obvious reasons.

The letter said, “I am a senior, longtime member of this security agency, and I have an interest in what you’ve been working on. I also want to go to your ranch in Utah.”

Bigelow had bought a great big ranch. All this crazy stuff goes on up there — you know, things in the air. Indians used to talk about it, part of their folklore.

So I called Bigelow back and said, “Hey, I’ll meet with the guy.” The program grew out of that, to study aerial phenomena.

We decided it would be [funded by] black money. I wanted to get something done. I didn’t want a debate where no one knew what the hell they were talking about on the Senate floor.

EB: I saw that you tweeted, “We don’t know the answers, but we have plenty of evidence to support asking the questions.” To you, what’s the most compelling evidence to support asking the questions?
HR: Read the reports. We have hundreds of — Eric, two, three weeks ago, maybe a month now, up in Montana, they had another strange deal at a missile base up there. It goes on all the time.

EB: Do you know things about this program that you can’t discuss publicly?

HR: Yeah.

3. Scientists Are Suddenly Much More Bullish About the Possibility of Life Out There
The universe is really big, people.

Just 30 years ago, we had not discovered a single planet outside our solar system. Now we know of more than 3,000 of them, and we know nearly every star in the night sky has at least one planet in its orbit. “Even people who are not terribly interested in science know that we’ve found that planets are as common as fire hydrants — they’re everywhere,” says Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute. “One in five or one in six might be a planet similar to the Earth.”

That doesn’t mean we’ll ever find an exact replica of Earth, but maybe we don’t have to. Our study of other planets and moons in the solar system shows us many worlds possess the ingredients necessary for life — an atmosphere, organic compounds, liquid water, and other necessities. (The moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn, for example, feature whole subsurface oceans.)

And even though these places are extremely harsh environments, that doesn’t mean as much as we might once have thought it did; recent discoveries on Earth itself demonstrate that life is much tougher than we thought. We’ve found organisms in blisteringly hot geysers in Yellowstone National Park, in the darkest crevices under the most ungodly pressures in the deep ocean, in dry hellscapes like the Atacama Desert in Chile (an analogue for Mars). These “extremophiles” don’t need a warm and fuzzy paradise to call home — in fact, they have already evolved to live in environments as harsh as those on other planets. Some, like tardigrades, can even survive the bleak vacuum of space itself. If there’s life in most of those places, “it’s going to be pond scum,” says Shostak. “But it’s alien pond scum. It shows that biology is all over.”

And where there’s biology, there may well be intelligence, and our increasing understanding of evolution also tells us life can evolve faster than we ever anticipated. Millions of years is a long time for us, but it’s the blink of an eye on the cosmic scale. Blink too fast, and you’ll miss that pond scum turning into an intelligent civilization sending out messages every which way, looking for friends.

And we’re now at the point where we could one day find those messages and send a reply. New technology gives us a better chance to actually make contact with extraterrestrials. Our radio telescopes can scan more of the night sky for an intelligent message than ever before. Our optical telescopes and observatories can peer farther into space and look for new planets, moons, and perhaps even signs of something altogether artificial (see “Tabby’s Star”). Our ability to parse volumes of data in mere seconds means we could conceivably survey much of the galaxy in just a few decades. That’s why, in the past few years, Shostak has continually bet a cup of coffee with everyone he knows that humans will find aliens by around 2029. “We’d have to be dead above the neck if we weren’t interested in this,” says Penelope Boston, the director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. —Neel Patel

4. They’re Especially Bullish About These Planets
Adventures in the “Goldilocks zone.”

Scientists now think every one in five or six planets might be habitable, based on two general criteria: They’re rocky, and they reside in a region of the star’s orbit called the “Goldilocks zone,” where it’s not too cold and not too hot, but just right to allow for liquid water to form on the surface. And where there’s water, there can be life. Extraterrestrial researchers and enthusiasts are most excited about these seven:

Proxima B: The closest exoplanet ever discovered is also a potentially habitable world in its own right, if the intense stellar winds don’t make it barren. It’s not totally inconceivable we might be able to actually send a probe and study it directly this century — even travel to it ourselves one day.

TRAPPIST-1 System: The red dwarf at the center of this possesses a whopping seven planets in its orbit — three of which reside in the Goldilocks zone, but all of which seem to possess some degree of potential habitability — and they’re so close to one another that life on one planet could quickly spread to another.

LHS 1140b: This wouldn’t be a planet we could colonize. It’s almost seven times the mass of the Earth and 40 percent larger, making it a “super-Earth.” But its mass means that it would retain a thicker atmosphere capable of keeping it warmer and more comfortable for life than most other places.

Ross 128 b: One of the best chances we have so far at finding life on another planet. It orbits an inactive red-dwarf star, meaning it’s likely not being bludgeoned by solar radiation. And we’ve detected strange signals emanating from the nearby host star — signals that perhaps have intelligent origins?

Mars: Mars has water, as we’ve known since 2015. Although the planet looks like a barren wasteland these days, there’s little reason to write off any chance we might find aliens residing in some cavern or crevice.

The Ocean Worlds (Europa, Enceladus, Titan): Many of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons show signs of possessing a liquid ocean underneath the surface.

GJ 1214b: Nicknamed “waterworld” by scientists; signs of potential clouds give us some hope the planet has an atmosphere.



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The Reality Behind ‘Earth vs. The Flying Saucers’

by Robbie Graham              March 16, 2018                   (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• One of the most significant UFO movies of the 1950s is Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956). The film is loosely based on Donald Keyhoe’s 1953 non-fiction documentary book, Flying Saucers From Outer Space, which drew extensively from the U.S. Air Force’s own investigations. When the movie was released, however, Keyhoe was dismayed to find that that they had made it into a ‘schlock sci-fi B-movie’.

• Nevertheless, the film retains a considerable amount of UFO detail from Keyhoe’s source material. Special effects supervisor Ray Harryhausen received acclaim for his ‘realistic’ design of the alien saucer, with a stationary central dome, a rotating outer-rim, slotted vanes and a high-pitch whirring sound. These were based upon real-life descriptions by Keyhoe and George Adamski. (Watch 3:38 video clip of contemporary film director Joe Dante interviewing Ray Harryhausen with regard to Earth vs. the Flying Saucers below.)

• Another example of similarities to real life were the glowing balls of light that hovered over a house in the film and are casually explained as ‘foo lights’. This is a reference to the anomalous flying fireballs often reported by military personnel known as ‘foo fighters’. The Air Force conducted a two-year program at Holloman AFB known as Project Twinkle to study these types of anomalies.

• In the movie, a dying alien species arrives on Earth seeking a new home. Naturally, the Earthlings take this as an existential threat and use sonar pulses to disable and bring down the alien saucers. The movie’s sonar device closely resembles an invention by Wilhelm Reich that ostensibly would draw orgone energy from the atmosphere through 15-foot long aluminum pipes connected to a body of water by cables which he called the “cloudbuster”. Reich claimed to have used his cloudbuster device to successfully attack and ‘suck the energy’ from ‘hostile’ alien UFOs over Tucson AZ in 1955.

• Finally, when the protagonists remove the space-suit from one of the dead aliens, the being bears an uncanny likeness to the alleged Roswell beings as described by witnesses in 1947, although these testimonies would not come to light until more than twenty years after the release of Earth vs. the Flying Saucers.


One of the most significant UFO movies of the 1950s was Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956), which was very loosely based on Donald Keyhoe’s 1953 non-fiction book, Flying Saucers from Outer Space. In the movie, the last of a dying species of aliens arrive on Earth seeking a new home. The aliens request a meeting with world leaders to discuss their plans for occupation, but the US military, assisted by one America’s top scientists (played by Hugh Marlowe), formulates a plan of attack involving the use of sonar canons mounted on trucks to be fired at the alien saucers—the sonar supposedly interfering with their propulsion and navigation systems, and disabling their force fields.

Conspiracy writer Kenn Thomas has noted that the fictional battle strategy in Earth vs. the Flying Saucers seems to have been directly inspired by real-life UFOlogical events which occurred just one year prior to the release of the movie when legendary scientist Wilhelm Reich claimed to have used his “cloudbuster” invention to attack UFOs (which he believed were hostile) by sucking the energy out of them. Reich’s cloudbuster was an atmospheric device constructed from two rows of 15-foot aluminium pipes mounted on trucks and connected to cables that were inserted into water. Its appearance and functionality were strikingly similar to that of the sonar cannons in Earth vs. the Flying Saucers. Reich believed that his cloudbusters served to unblock cosmic ‘orgone’ energy in the atmosphere, which he said would be beneficial to human health. Apparently, Reich also found them handy for shooting down alien spacecraft in what he described as a “full-scale interplanetary battle” in Tucson Arizona in 1955.

The production history of Earth vs. the Flying Saucers is intriguing. In 1955, Donald Keyhoe, then a jagged thorn in the side of the US government’s UFO secret-keepers, was approached by a group of Hollywood producers seeking to buy the rights to his aforementioned non-fiction book. The producers told Keyhoe their film was to be a serious documentary about UFOs. Although initially suspicious, Keyhoe eventually went along with the deal. Big mistake. Upon its completion in 1956, the “documentary” turned out to be the schlock sci-fi B-movie of our discussion. Keyhoe was outraged and demanded that his name be removed from the film’s credits, to no avail. Someone, it seemed, had it in for this outspoken advocate for government transparency on UFOs (perhaps the same “someone” who, two years later, censored Keyhoe’s statement on live TV that flying saucers were “real machines under intelligent control”).



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Do We Unite Against Alien Threats or Ignore Them to Avoid Mockery?

by Chris Reed               March 21, 2018                 (sandiegouniontribune.com)

• In 1985, Ronald Reagan was so stirred by the notion that an extraterrestrial invasion would overshadow national differences that he brought it up in a meeting with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. In a 1987 speech to the United Nations, Reagan said, “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” To his detractors, this was evidence of how out of touch Reagan was with reality.

• In December 2017, the New York Times detailed the experiences of U.S. military pilots who encountered a fleet of rotating aircraft traveling at high speed off the coast of San Diego in 2004. But according to former Senator Harry Reid, UFO sightings were not often reported up the military’s chain of command because service members were afraid they would be laughed at or stigmatized.

• In March 2018, the military released additional videos capturing advanced UFO technology. In a Washington Post op-ed, former defense intelligence analyst Christoper Mellon expressed bafflement that these stories did not trigger national security concerns. He called on authorities to “set aside taboos regarding ‘UFOs’ and instead listen to our pilots and radar operators.”

• So far, the mainstream media had avoided any rational discussion of the UFO topic. Perhaps it’s unsurprising given how conditioned reporters are to disbelieve. Still, they are ignoring the the biggest scoop of the 21st century.

• Why are these UFOs keeping their distance from us, or remaining hidden altogether? Maybe it’s because they treat Earth like a giant zoo. Maybe they are actually extraterrestrial tourists and anthropologists who are fascinated with the exotic life, unique social systems, and the stunning natural beauty found on Earth. Perhaps untold numbers of aliens watch our planet’s adventures unfold on an intergalactic reality show. We don’t know.

• The fact is that the presence of advanced UFO craft in our skies has become our reality. It is time that we moved past the giggle factor and the institutionalized ridicule, take the existence of UFOs seriously, and begin to investigate their reasons for being here.


In 1987, in a unifying speech to the United Nations, President Ronald Reagan delivered an address without any precedent before or since. “Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize the common bond,” Reagan told diplomats from all over the planet. “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

This was far from the first time Reagan made such a reference. As chronicled in The New York Times, Lou Cannon — perhaps Reagan’s most acclaimed biographer — had learned that the 40th president …
… was so stirred by the notion that extraterrestrial invasion would trump national differences that he floated the scenario upon meeting Mikhail Gorbachev at Geneva in 1985. This departure from script flummoxed Reagan’s staff — not to mention the Soviet general secretary. Mr. Cannon writes that, well acquainted with what he called the president’s interest in “little green men,” Colin L. Powell, at the time the national security adviser, was convinced that the proposal had been inspired by “The Day the Earth Stood Still.”

Whether inspired by the 1951 science-fiction film or not, this triggered ridicule of Reagan that has endured for decades. In a 1991 review of one of Cannon’s Reagan biographies, Sidney Blumenthal — then still a journalist, not yet a cut-throat Clinton operative — cited this and other stories showing Reagan finding inspiration in movies as evidence of his ignorance and lack of intelligence. In 2013, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow called Reagan’s U.N. comments “one of the truly weirdest things” he had ever said.

In December, Harvard’s Nathan J. Robinson — editor of Current Events magazine — offered a different take: Reagan’s U.N. speech is exactly correct. It’s a refreshing departure from the usual nationalist rhetoric to hear a president talking about the common bonds that unite humanity, and the cosmic insignificance of all our intraspecies conflicts.

One week after Robinson’s essay appeared, a staggering scoop appeared in The New York Times that indirectly offered another theory of how individuals might react to evidence of the existence of aliens — not with alacrity or with terror but with fear they’d be mocked if they shared the news with a skeptical world.

The scoop, citing hard evidence that had been declassified by the Pentagon — not the Weekly World News, InfoWars or one of the many other sources that traffic in wild conspiracy theories — detailed the experiences of U.S. military pilots who encountered what the Times reported as a fleet of rotating aircraft “surrounded by some kind of glowing aura traveling at high speed” off the coast of San Diego in 2004. Instead of treating this experience as an epochal close encounter, the pilots and their superiors didn’t much want to talk about it. Here’s why, according to the Times:
The sightings were not often reported up the military’s chain of command, [Nevada Sen. Harry] Reid said, because service members were afraid they would be laughed at or stigmatized.

A March 9 commentary in the Washington Post by Christopher Mellon, deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, added to this hard-to-fathom big picture: The [San Diego] videos, along with observations by pilots and radar operators, appear to provide evidence of the existence of aircraft far superior to anything possessed by the United States or its allies. Defense Department officials who analyze the relevant intelligence confirm more than a dozen such incidents off the East Coast alone since 2015. In another recent case, the Air Force launched F-15 fighters last October in a failed attempt to intercept an unidentified high-speed aircraft looping over the Pacific Northwest.

A third declassified video … reveals a previously undisclosed Navy encounter that occurred off the East Coast in 2015.

Mellon, who works for a research company that wants these reports thoroughly investigated, expressed bafflement that these stories could circulate in the upper reaches of the U.S. government without triggering national security concerns that such advanced technology might be a threat to the U.S. He called on authorities to “set aside taboos regarding ‘UFOs’ and instead listen to our pilots and radar operators.”



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The Coming Solar Flash & the Galactic Federation – Q&A with Corey Goode

In an article and interview regarding his December 2017 off-world meetings near Jupiter and Saturn, Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode discussed how full disclosure is related to an upcoming Solar Flash series of events. He also discussed a solar system wide quarantine imposed by a “Galactic Federation”, which is a very different body to the “Super Federation” comprising 40-60 human looking extraterrestrial races he says have been involved in genetic engineering experiments on Earth.

Part one in this series about his December meetings discussed the “Super Federation” ending its long term genetic experiments, and part two discussed the development of a new representative body comprising an Earth delegation and representatives from 52 adjoining star systems. This leads to a number of questions about how the Galactic Federation plays into all these changes.

In order to clarify issues concerning the Solar Flash events and the role played by the “Galactic Federation” Corey has agreed to answer a number of questions. What follows are the Q&A between us, followed by some analysis on my (Michael Salla) part that make up this co-authored article.  

Questions for Corey Goode followed by his responses

Q1 What is the Galactic Federation? Who are its members?

I have referenced it as the Galactic Federation, through Tear Eir, while the Anshar are calling it the “Galactic Confederation”. The members are highly spiritually and technologically advanced (6th + Density) civilizations that cooperate to facilitate both cosmic law and the various cosmic cycles. The members of the Sphere Being Alliance (Guardians) are members of this federation.

Q2 How is the Galactic Federation different to the Super Federation?

The Super Federation is made up of 4th-5th Density beings that compromise the “Genetic Farmer” races as well as civilizations that were products of the “grand experiment” that advanced to the point of becoming a part of the group doing the experiments. We are supposed to be graduating to this same point very soon. The Galactic Federation as stated above is more responsible for maintaining this Universe/Reality for the One Infinite Creator and exist within what we would consider Other Density or even an Angelic realm. One of the messages I got from the SBA was “We are the messengers and facilitators of the One Infinite Creator”.

Q3 You say that Earth Representatives will be joining a newly reconstituted Super Federation, does Earth have any representative role with the Galactic Federation?

No, the Galactic Federation is for 6th and higher density beings. Humans are considered 3rd-4th Density Transitional Beings. We are set to finish that transition in a relatively short number of years.

Q4 You say that in 2014, the Galactic Federation took over the Solar System wide quarantine from the Sphere Being Alliance, does this mean that they cooperate at all with Solar Warden?

No, the SBA/Guardians quarantined the Solar System in 2014 from all groups. The energetic bubble/sphere that surrounded our Sol System phased out at the same time the giant spheres phased out from inside of our Sol System just prior to the Blue Avians turning the stage over to 2 other SBA beings as I reported would happen early in my testimony. At that time, the Galactic Federation arrived and placed a blockade of extremely high technology that we would really have no way of understanding. Vessels made of light were shown to me though I don’t think I was capable of fully understanding what I was shown. I was under the impression that 6th density beings didn’t need a form of conveyance.

Q5 Does the Galactic Federation correspond to the Nordic races that William Tompkins said are helping the US Navy/Solar Warden build its SSP?

The Nordic races are not the same race. They are multiple races and groups that look similar enough that people mistakenly lump them all into one group. Some are from other Star Systems, some from other timelines within this reality and others are from a completely different reality (Dimension). In most cases these beings are 4th or 5th Density. I have no information about Nordic races that have transitioned into 6th Density other than what is currently on the Internet.

Q6 You have mentioned some confusion over when and how a Solar Flash event is going to play out over the next decade, can you clarify?

Some of the confusion was my own. I am still wrapping my head around all of the information and imagery I was shown while I spent the 3 days with the Anshar. I have said for a while that I was told that it was not one solar event but a series of events that led up to one large event. During my meeting on the LOC while giving my briefing the time frame of 2018-2023/24 arose because of the new information shared with me by the Anshar. I was told that the Elite had expected the final “solar sneeze” to occur at the end of this Solar Minimum period (2018/2019 from their estimates). “Are we officially in Solar Minimum?” was the question of one of the people present. To my dismay that question went unanswered as the people being briefed were paying very close attention to this particular topic.

The Elite began moving underground in large numbers based on this probable timeline. The “Programs” had used probable future technology to nail down the time of Alien and Suppressed Technology Disclosure and The Solar Event. None of them agreed on what the Solar Event would be as many thought it would be a flash that would turn them into ascended light beings while others expected it to be a terrible day for the planet Earth.

 If the Anshar are correct, the true answer is somewhere between the two theories. The “Egg Heads” and the Smart Glass Pads described all of this occurring in the 2018-2023/24 time window. Sigmund told me that now that we are entering into Solar Minimum and the Solar Event has not occurred, it is agreed that it will most likely occur when the Sun comes out of Minimum and into Maximum. This is a process that takes approximately 11 years to complete. If the Anshar are correct, we may need every bit of that time to prepare ourselves and manage our Karma and vibrations.

While spending time with the Anshar Elders, they shared their history which would be our future if we indeed follow that timeline. In this history they described how the Sun has been pulsing since the 1930’s and that it continues today. This pulsing is releasing the cosmic energies that enter the Sun from both the Cosmic Web and its EM Field as it passes through the cosmic energy, pulls it in through its magnetic poles and releases the energy through the Sun’s corona into our Solar System. These energies have built up since then which required the presence of the giant spheres to baffle some of the effects on our planet and its inhabitants. Once we had acclimated to these energies a bit more the spheres were removed to allow us to go through the process with less planetary turmoil and end time madness symptoms in humanity. With what we are seeing now, can you imagine what society would be like if the energies had not been buffered?

It was communicated through one elder in particular that there is always some sort of destructive event on the planets that are ascending to 4D and bringing their inhabitants into 4D along with them. The flashes (not necessarily all flashes are visible) that have been occurring will build up to one large solar event. The Anshar described a major Solar Event in their past (Our Future?) that was very much like the “full circumference mass coronal ejection” that I described being one of the scientific theories about the Solar Event.

They described the solar blast being so powerful that it caused a physical pole shift on the Earth of several degrees. They described the atmosphere being breached by the CME in the Northern Hemisphere which caused massive fires that wipe out a large area and in doing so knocks out all technology on the planet. There was a fair amount of loss of life in the actual event.

The final explosion from the Sun had a major effect on the consciousness of the survivors and the Planet. How the survivors handled the blast of energy depended directly on their mental and spiritual states prior to the blast. Those who had dealt with much of their Karma came out of the event virtually unscathed emotionally while those who hadn’t dealt with their spiritual and emotional health needed quite a lot of assistance from some of our cosmic cousins.

This sounds scary, and is to be honest… But they said that this event knocks out the A.I. and allows beings from the Super Federation to openly assist the survivors. The AI has been a major problem for the ET’s and the Anshar. Once removed, all of the beings influenced by the AI will be confused and in a weakened state. This allows the Super Federation (mostly our cosmic cousins at this point) to arrive on Earth openly without being attacked by the various “AI Prophet” species that currently infest our planet. I was also told that there was some sort of cosmic law loophole that allows the ET’s to directly interact with humans on the surface after a potentially civilization ending event. Our civilization is built on electronics at this point. Such an event would change our civilization forever.

This is a very basic summary of the Anshar’s history. I plan to share much more. They also shared how difficult of a transition humanity had in the beginning as we find out how we have been manipulated and then rebel against the entire “Grand Experiment”. While those that fare well through the solar event embrace our cosmic cousins those that did not fare well reject the help of the visitors that come offering assistance as there will be quite a lot of distrust towards non-terrestrials by this group.

A large percentage of our surviving population, the people that did not fare well in the final solar event, apparently rebel by hacking their own DNA and creating designer body effects as well as purposely mixing all human races. This mixing is said to go on for a number of generations before it causes a genetic degenerative disease that seemed to be a form of failsafe built in by a few of the original Super Federation members. This forces that group of humans to then request assistance from one ET Group who also assists them in catching up to the part of the population that fared better. After that rough patch, according to the Anshar, we enter our own “Consciousness Renaissance” that truly turns into the Golden Age of Humanity.

The question is, is this OUR future? This info is different than what I had heard while inside the programs. Is it more accurate than the “scuttlebutt” from the SSP scientists and probable future technologies mentioned in the Smart Glass Pad? Is delivering this information to me a way for the Anshar to “maintain” their timeline?

This is the debate that went on around the table during the briefing at the Lunar Operations Command. I look forward to spending 2 weeks with the Elders in the near future as well as addressing this with Tear-Eir in our dream communications. When I was sitting at the table it was noteworthy that Gonzales, who has spent so much time with the Mayans, didn’t seem shocked nor did he rebut the version of the Anshar shared. I plan on addressing this in much more detail with Gonzales the next time we meet.

I have not sensed manipulation or deception from them to this point so, I am now relaying the information to you. This info will filter through your own lens of perception and challenge your reality bubble. It is worth noting that Mica stated that these things never occurred as they believed they would or exactly how they appeared in their prophesies. I assume we can expect the same.

I am doing what I was instructed to do by the Blue Avians. To witness, process and understand the best I can and then report it to the public and allow the information to enter our joint consciousness. People believing it or not doesn’t affect the process.

Q7 How will this Solar Flash contribute to the melting ice sheets in Antarctica?

If the Pole of the Earth does indeed shift “several degrees”, it would possibly put Antarctica in the position that Australia holds today. The Anshar discussed how differently our Equator was prior to the last the event around 11,600 Years or so ago.

How the Earth may have looked at the last Ice Age before a Pole Shift

Q8 Do you think a Pole Shift is possible given the upcoming Solar Flash and melting ice sheets?

According to what was shared with me by the Anshar, Yes.

Q9 What do the Anshar have to say about a combination of Solar Flare, a Pole Shift, and an Asteroid Impact? Will the Asteroid impact be an accidental aspect of galactic process or is it deliberate in some way?

It is a part of the earth changing in electrical frequency and attracting objects during the process. I don’t fully understand and didn’t follow up with questions at the time as I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of information that was being shared. About a year or more a go I was shown a number of things by Tear-Eir. One of the things was a massive increase in Earth Quakes, Highly Energetic Storms and lastly Volcanoes erupting in a short period of time.

One of the other things that was shown was a meteor exploding over the ocean but not impacting. This caused a huge tsunami and leaves traces of a metal and a large amount of radiation in the ocean. I know all of this sounds like doom and gloom and not a positive timeline. If what I am told is true, all transitions have a rough phase when the planet the beings are on goes through the last symptoms of transitioning to a higher density. I am told that planets react very similarly when moving densities or higher energetic planes.

I would like to believe that we transition in a smoother way, though from what I have seen of humanity… we do everything the hard way. I hope that when I meet with Tear-Eir next he tells me that we can co-create a different reality. Maybe what we should focus our intent on assisting our planet to make the transition in a smoother way. If the Anshar history is indeed our future, then it gives us even more urgency on focusing on our inner work and raising our vibrations.

Analysis of Q&A by Michael Salla

Corey’s description of the Galactic Federation as 6th+ density beings existing largely in the Angelic realm, who use light technologies to travel around the universe, and that the Sphere Being Alliance is a member of this Federation was very revealing.

There have long been reports of light ships and contacts with Angelic looking humans throughout our recent history. Many contactees have referred to a Galactic Federation or Confederation, and how contact with its members have led to life changing experiences.

In South America, in particular, there is a long line of contactees who claim to have interacted with the Galactic Confederation, and have focused on consciousness raising activities as a result. These include Sixto Paz Wells, Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens and Ricardo Gonzales.

Naturally, there is always going to be the question of whether these contacts genuinely involve beings from the Galactic Federation or imposters from the Super Federation, Inner Earth Alliance, and/or Draconian Empire. Contactee’s such as George Kavassilas claim to have experienced many of these different extraterrestrial/inner Earth groups and has discussed at length the deception that underscores them to varying degrees.

This is where discernment is important and some fore knowledge of who the different groups are and how they interact with humanity will help differentiate between them.

Regarding Corey’s visit to Lunar Operations Command, he is referring to a follow up meeting on a secret Moon base where he gave a briefing to the Secret Space Program Alliance about his earlier meetings at a temporal anomaly/space station near Jupiter (Super Federation encounter – December 16, 2017) and a few days later at a similar anomaly/station near Saturn. 

Corey said that the elite had “used probable future technology” [likely based on “Looking Glass” technology] to determine what would happen during this current Solar Minimum period [2018-2019]. His reference to elites being divided over whether humanity would ascend into light beings or descend into global chaos reflects a similar diversity of opinions expressed by public figures.

For example, investigative mythologist, William Henry, has been describing the process by which humans can ascend into light beings, and he conducts seminars to assist members of the public in achieving this goal. Others, such as the remote viewer, Ed Dames, have been describing the global chaos that will occur as a result of a solar killshot/flash occurring thereby recommending a number of survival coping strategies.

Corey pointed out that the Anshar believe both processes are likely to occur in the upcoming 2018-2023/24 time window which spans the current Solar Minimum up to the next Solar Maximum. His description of the “full circumference mass coronal ejection” that leads to a Pole Shift, and to much devastation in the Northern Hemisphere is certainly a scary scenario involving much loss of life.

As he points out, however, the upside is that an Artificial Intelligence signal which has been become a big problem for Secret Space Programs, extraterrestrials and our planet more generally, is all but wiped out. The removal of AI influence makes possible the landing of Super Federation extraterrestrials, our Cosmic cousins due to shared genetic lineages to presumably help humanity deal with the coming Earth changes.

This corresponds to the long-predicted mass flying saucer landings that contactees such as Michael Elegion have discussed in his book, Prepare for the Landings, and interviews. 

Most fascinating is how Corey discusses the nexus between our immediate future, and how this corresponds to the Anshar’s past, given that they are our descendants who time traveled into the remote past (18 million years BCE) to maintain a positive time line.

It appears that they and we have been largely successful in maintaining this positive time line, and that they will likewise be very helpful in assisting with the coming global events given their intimate knowledge of the timeline we are currently traversing.

Corey says that he will soon spend a couple of weeks with the Anshar where he will get more information that will help humanity deal with what lies ahead, and that through “Gonzales”, the former Navy Lt Commander who now is a liaison with an ancient Mayan Secret Space Program, he also hopes to get more information about the Solar Flash and other events.

Cavern used by Anshar for a vast underground city that Corey Goode has visited. Source: Gaia.com

I should point out here that when I met two representatives of a Mayan Secret Space Program in Mexico City in 2010, who offered to recruit me in a training program for pilots to fly the Mayan’s spacecraft. I was told that there would be major Earth changes around 2023 and that the trained pilots would serve both in the evacuation and assistance of the population, as well as fighting off Draconian Reptilian influence. I declined the offer since I strongly held the opinion that destructive Earth changes were highly unlikely.

However, given my recent research for my latest book, Antarctica’s Hidden History, and what Goode has revealed about the upcoming Solar Flash event(s), it appears that a Pole Shift is now very possible. Therefore what I was told by the Mayan representatives back in 2010 about 2023 being the date for Earth changes was a fairly accurate long term prediction after all.

It does appear that the upcoming Solar Maximum, which is expected to peak around 2023/2024, is going to be life changing for all of us on the planet. It therefore behooves us to take the necessary steps to deal with such contingencies. I for one look forward to hearing more from Corey Goode about what the Anshar and Mayans have to share about our immediate future, and the respective roles played by the Galactic Federation and Super Federation in all these coming changes.

Michael Salla, Ph.D. and Corey Goode. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

An In-Depth Look Into Who Really Controls the US Government (Deep State) – Because It’s Not the People

by Kalee Brown               March 21, 2018                  (collective-evolution.com)

• The “Deep State” shadow government refers to the deeply embedded career government officials who reside primarily within the national security, intelligence and law enforcement agencies who have created laws that enable them to stay hidden while making important governmental decisions in secret, above elected officials such as Congressmen or even the President of the United States who exist only to maintain the illusion of democracy.

• The Deep State began in the 1700’s with the Rothschild banking dynasty. By the early 1800’s they had gained control over the emerging industrial revolution through banking and marital relationships throughout Europe. In the late 1800’s, the Deep State infiltrated the American industrialists, who gained control over the U.S. federal and state governments. Theodore Roosevelt described it as an “unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics”.

• By the early 1900’s these bankers and industrialists secretly created the centralized banking system known as the Federal Reserve, controlling the largest banks of America and Europe. President Woodrow Wilson revealed at the time, “there is a power… so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

• By the 1930’s, the Deep State controlled the banking industry. A decorated and popular WWI war hero was General Smedley Butler who dedicated his post military career to exposing the Deep State. As a commissioned Army officer, said Butler, “I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”

• A primary American Deep State family, the Rockefellers, gained control over practically every American industry, including banking, health/medicine, oil, and food production. The Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations began to alter university medical curricula to reflect a greater focus on pharmaceuticals, so they could increase their profits and make the drug industry the main focus of modern day healthcare by lobbying Congress through the heavily compromised American Medical Association. For instance, other countries prohibit the advertising of drugs while it is prevalent in America. Today, Big Pharma spends upwards of $270 million annually on lobbying.

• After World War II, the Deep State turned its focus on the U.S. military and the corporate defense industry, which Eisenhower termed the ‘military industrial complex’ when he warned the American people of the potential for the “disastrous rise of misplaced power” as he left the Presidency. As a result, the Pentagon, along with their private defense contractors, became immune to the rule of law and accumulated vast technologies and wealth. These advanced technologies were kept hidden from the mass population as either privately-owned by defense contractors or by using the time-worn excuse of a ‘threat to national security’. And despite ‘misplacing’ trillions upon trillions of dollars of public funding, the Pentagon has never been audited.

• Post WWII America also saw the rise of the highly secretive intelligence community spearheaded by the CIA and completely controlled by Deep State career officials. In the 1950’s, the CIA created Project Mockingbird to influence and control the information given to the public by mainstream journalists and news outlets. It also ensured that the Deep State itself was kept secret from the public. All of the five main global media corporations are influenced by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. Amber Lyon, a CNN journalist, went on record stating that mainstream media outlets are routinely paid by the U.S. government as well as by foreign governments to selectively report and manipulate information on specific events, giving the Deep State editorial control over mainstream media content in both America and Europe.

• By the early 1960’s, President John F. Kennedy stated that we are living in “a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” Kennedy went on to say that “its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

• After JFK, the Deep State aimed to control politics itself. The Rockefellers helped to establish the United Nations. Politicians were put in place to control both American and European legislatures who would advance the Deep State agenda, which is to control industrial production and to reap the corporate profits derived from it. The shadow government routinely manipulates legislation through Deep State organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Funded by global corporations such as Exxon Mobil ALEC is a conservative group of state legislators and corporate leaders that allows corporations to literally write legislation. ALEC has played a crucial role in influencing laws surrounding gun control, the prison system, voting laws, environmental policies, minimum wage, and more. ALEC-backed legislation is not created for the people, but rather, is designed so corporations can increase their profits and create loop holes in the law to specifically benefit them. (See 3:18 video below in which John Oliver explains ALEC)

• The Deep State controls the food industry through corporations such as Monsanto. Public health laws are based on false health and environmental safety data. The government subsidizes the meat and dairy industries, foods that cause cancer, heart disease, obesity, and many more health problems, by $38 billion annually. Fruits and vegetable production is subsidized at only 0.04% of that amount.

• While Wall Street, Big Oil, and Big Pharma are all incredibly profitable, the most profitable Deep State business by far is perpetual war. The shadow government will stage false flag terrorist attacks to justify the infiltration of a foreign country for its own purposes, whether it be to increase the money suppy, oil production, or pharmaceutical sales. The false flag is designed to create a necessary villain to heighten a national state of fear in order to solidify their pro-war legislation and control the masses. People don’t question terrorist bills and lax surveillance laws because they’re implemented in the name of “national security.”

• The end result of this steady growth of the Deep State has been the creation of a New World Order controlled by a globalist elite. This shadow government has effectively stripped the people of their rights and covered most of the world with U.S. military bases to enforce the will of big banks and multi-national corporations. But it doesn’t stop there. Daniel K. Inouye, a U.S. Senator from 1963 to 2012, stated, “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

[Editor’s Note] This article presents only half of the situation. The Deep State has created a system whereby they control the goods and services available to the masses, and we all serve as economic slaves funneling wealth into the Deep State. But what does the Deep State do with these industrial resources that they control and the trillions upon trillions of dollars that they generate? By developing the advanced technologies that have been denied the people on Earth, the Deep State has built a ”breakaway civilization” that permeates our solar system, extends into the vast cavern systems beneath the Earth’s crust, and expands deep into the far reaches of the galaxy and time travel. This parallel civilization routinely deals with extraterrestrials and has become aligned, for the most part, with the more negative of these beings in return for advanced space technology. This is not going to change until we raise our collective consciousness through the Divine Realm, beginning with our understanding of the true history of our species’ mass manipulation.


If you’re familiar with CE’s content, you may have noticed that we frequently refer to the shadow government, the deep state, the cabal, the Illuminati, and the elite. We often use these words synonymously, though some of these terms have slightly different meanings.

If you’re unfamiliar with the true meanings of these terms, then this article is for you! This article will examine what the shadow government is, what people and which companies fall within it, and how they gained so much control over the U.S. government and society in general.

What Do “Shadow Government” and “Deep State” Mean?

Shadow government and deep state are both political terms in a sense, as they’re used to define the groups of people who control the U.S. government. I’m not referring to the people within political parties that perceivably control the system — not the Presidents or Congress — but the individuals and the companies who control the government and influence policies and decisions.

The very definition of the shadow government lies within the term itself; it’s the real government entity that hides within the shadows, making all of the important decisions in secret. Their political agenda and true motives are completely hidden from the public. These aren’t the people you see on mainstream media, nor are they the people you vote for; they’re the individuals who lurk in the shadows, which is precisely how they’re able to maintain control over the population, feeding the illusion of democracy.

The term deep state refers to “a state within a state,” a group of people who have so much control inside of a state that they don’t actually have to abide by the same laws, largely because they’re the ones creating them. The deep state can even include elements of the government, including the Pentagon, which has acted immune to many laws. Up until this year, for instance, they had never been audited, despite the fact that this is illegal and an astounding $10 trillion in tax payer money had gone completely unaccounted for since 1996.

According to an in-depth report by journalist Mike Lofgren:
The Deep State does not consist of the entire government. It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street.

Numerous politicians have publicly discussed the people who secretly control the U.S. political system, and are creating laws and bending them.

As John F. Hylan, former Mayor of New York City, explained:
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation . . . The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties . . . [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.

Senator Daniel K. Inouye, a high ranking Asian-American politician, has also stated: “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

Theodore Roosevelt, former President of the United States, stated:
Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests, which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

When former President Eisenhower coined the term “Military Industrial Complex,” his main concern was the potential for the “disastrous rise of misplaced power.” After him, former President John F Kennedy (JFK) warned citizens that we are living in “a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” He went on to state that “its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed.”
Even before both of these two, former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson revealed:
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

Who Is a Part of the Shadow Government and the Deep State?

Since the shadow government and the deep state are fairly broad terms to define the people and the corporations that control the government, they include a lot of people and a lot of corporations.

To begin, the shadow government includes billionaire families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds became very wealthy in the 1700s off the banking system, and then spread out all over Europe, gaining more power through other industries. The family also has strategic marital ties to big names such as Du Pont, Hilton, and Guinness. However, the Rothschilds are most well-known for their control over the American Federal Reserve Bank, though they own countless big banks all over the world.

The Rockefellers have their hands in practically every industry, including banking, health, oil, food, and more. Over a century ago, the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations began to alter university medical curricula to reflect a greater focus on pharmaceuticals so they could increase their profits. They put their money into drug-based research and made that the main focus of modern day healthcare.
Since then, the Rockefellers and banking elite have been able to control and profit from the drug industry. The AMA, the largest association of physicians in the U.S., enforces the drug-treatment paradigm by heavily lobbying Congress and publishing one of the most influential journals, JAMA, which is largely funded by pharmaceutical advertisers.

Mainstream media networks are owned by fewer than five multinational corporations, and all of these corporations have ties to the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. The Rockefellers were also involved in the creation of the United Nations (UN). This may not raise red flags to those who aren’t familiar with the Rockefeller family, but consider this: The UN was created in 1945 as a result of World War 2. In practically every global conflict, something is created out of that conflict to give the illusion that whatever is created will solve it. Have you ever thought that the people who created the conflict are doing so they can propose the solution in order to manipulate the population and gain further power?

George Soros is another key member of the shadow government, disguised as a philanthropic billionaire. His donations seem heartfelt and meaningful, but if you look a little closer, you’ll realize that every donation he makes has an ulterior motive behind it, helping to secure his control over the political landscape and in turn profit from it. Similar to the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, he has secured his political control all over the U.S. and in other places like Europe and holds many strategic investments, including in the DNC and in organizations that support the DNC.

Many large corporations fall into the shadow government as well. SONY is one of these corporations, as the CIA and the government have strong ties to the movie industry. In a statement made last year, Wikileaks wrote: “The Sony Archives show that behind the scenes this is an influential corporation, with ties to the White House (there are almost 100 US government email addresses in the archive), with an ability to impact laws and policies, and with connections to the US military-industrial complex.”
The list of corporations that could be seen as members of the shadow government goes on and on: Exxon Mobil, Monsanto, Big Pharma companies, Corrections Corporations of America, Wall Street (Goldman Sachs, etc.), American Bail Coalition, other big oil corporations, big players in the factory farming industry, and more. Corporate members of the deep state or the Military Industrial Complex include big military contractors like Lockheed Martin. According to William Hartung, the Director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy, contractors will “periodically intervene to try to stop practices that would make them more accountable.”

How They Influence Legislation and Gain Control Over the Government

It’s clear that corporations have a strong hold on government regulations; why else would chemicals be put in our food and the environment? Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has strong ties to oil companies, despite the fact that they’re supposedly the government agency that protects the environment.

The simple answer to this question: money, the promise to gain more control over the population, and lobbying efforts. The shadow government can manipulate, or in some cases, create legislation through either close ties to politicians or even organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

ALEC is a conservative group comprised of state legislators and corporate leaders that allows corporations to help write, or in some cases, just hand over legislation that the “official lawmakers” can then take credit for and formally propose. ALEC has been responsible for numerous immoral bills including those that aim to lower minimum wage, suppress voter rights, pro-gun laws, ag-gag (animal cruelty) bills, and more.

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) conducted research into ALEC’s funding while looking into Exxon Mobil and the company’s wrongdoings regarding climate change denial. CMD found that 98% of ALEC’s funding comes from private sources other than state legislators. This means that ALEC is basically entirely funded by global corporations, including Exxon Mobil.



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Lockheed Martin Patents Nuclear Fusion-Powered Fighter Jet

by Tyler Durden            March 31, 2018             (zerohedge.com)

• The Maryland-based defense contractor Lockheed Martin has recently obtained a patent associated with its design for a fully compact fusion reactor that could potentially fit into a fighter jet and revolutionize the aeronautic industry. The prototype system would be the size of a normal shipping container but capable of producing enough energy to power 80,000 residential homes or a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.

• Nuclear fusion is created when hydrogen gas gets squeezed into four hydrogen nuclei to form one helium atom.

• Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs, also known as Skunk Works, has been developing the compact fusion reactor since about 2014, with latest reports suggesting the technology could be ready for production by 2019. The revolutionary part is the compact size of the reactor. Instead of taking five years to design and build a concept, it would now take only a few months.

• As the size of the fusion reactor shrinks, it can be mounted on a truck, aircraft, ship, train, spacecraft, submarine, or even small aerial drones. This could revolutionize the entire transportation industry (not to mention military weaponry). “…the compact fusion reactor could take 11kg of fuel in the form of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, and run the reactor for an entire year without needing to stop,” said Dr. Thomas McGuire, head of Skunk Works’ Compact Fusion Project.

• The global superpowers know that the first nation to possess these technologies will not just revolutionize their civilian and military programs, but will dictate the future path for civilizations on planet Earth. As such, a new arms race is on.


Lockheed Martin has secretly been developing a game-changing compact nuclear fusion reactor that could potentially fit into a fighter jet. The Maryland-based defense contractor recently obtained a patent associated with its design for a fully compact fusion reactor, after filing for the patent in 2014.

If the latest patent from the defense company serves as a benchmark, nuclear fusion technology could revolutionize the aeronautic industry and eventually begin the quantum leap from fossil fuels to compact fusion reactors for the industry.

According to CBS Washington, the prototype system would be the size of a normal shipping container but capable of producing enough energy to power 80,000 residential homes or a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, sometime in the next year or so.

The patent, tilted “Encapsulating Magnetic Fields for Plasma Confinement,” is dated Feb. 15, 2018. CBS indicates that Skunk Works, also known as Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs or its advanced R&D group, has reportedly been developing the compact fusion reactor since about 2014, with latest reports suggesting the technology could be ready for production by 2019.

Nuclear fusion is the same process of what happens to hydrogen gas in the core of the Sun. Hydrogen gas gets squeezed into four hydrogen nuclei combine to form one helium atom; thus, nuclear fusion is created.

Lockheed said, “Our concept will mimic that process within a compact magnetic container and release energy in a controlled fashion to produce power we can use.” Here is how Lockheed describes nuclear fusion power: Lockheed indicates that the compact size of the reactor has induced a technology revolution, which instead of taking “five years to design and build a concept, it takes only a few months.”

“The compact size is the reason that we believe we will be able to create fusion technology quickly. The smaller the size of the device, the easier it is to build up momentum and develop it faster. Instead of taking five years to design and build a concept, it takes only a few months. If we undergo a few of these testing and refinement cycles, we will be able to develop a prototype within the same five year timespan.”

As the technology advances, the size of the fusion reactor shrinks. Lockheed has dropped the bombshell and indicated the reactor could be ready to mount on “a truck, aircraft, ship, train, spacecraft, or submarine.” Across the board, Lockheed could revolutionize the transportation industry in the very near term.

“Some embodiments may provide a fusion reactor that is compact enough to be mounted on or in a vehicle such as a truck, aircraft, ship, train, spacecraft, or submarine. Some embodiments may provide a fusion reactor that may be utilized in desalination plants or electrical power plants.”



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Secret Diplomatic Meeting near Saturn Discussed Humanity’s Future

In the three years that Corey Goode has been revealing his stunning information about secret space programs, extraterrestrial civilizations, and diplomatic meetings, there has been a steady build up to some major revelations about humanity’s future. It appears that a critical threshold was reached in a December 2017 meeting near the planet Saturn where multiple delegations met to discuss humanity’s future in light of the ending of 22 genetic experiments run by multiple human-looking extraterrestrial civilizations.

In a prior article, I discussed Goode’s report about an earlier December 16  “Super Federation” meeting he attended near the planet Jupiter involving over 60 human-looking extraterrestrial delegations, where he played the role of spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance. This is a group of higher density beings (6th to 9th density consciousness) who have been acting as a kind of Galactic umpire over the last few years to encourage diplomatic solutions to Earth’s multiple conflicts involving dozens of competing extraterrestrial groups, Inner Earth civilizations, global elites and secret space programs.

At the Super Federation meeting, Goode said he was told to relay to the assembled extraterrestrial delegations that their long term genetic experiments involving humanity needed to come to an end, and that humanity would be left alone to determine its own future. Despite some initial protests, Goode revealed that this decision was accepted by the Super Federation, making it possible for another diplomatic meeting a few days later (December 19-21, 2017) where the process for creating a new Super Federation governing human affairs would begin.

To some, what has been written so far may sound delusional and many will demand evidence to prove at least part of it before even considering it possible. At the moment, however, there is no hard evidence to substantiate Goode’s claims. On the other hand, there is no hard evidence to disprove any of them either, despite determined attempts by some critics to discredit his testimony and credibilty.

In the three years that I have been researching and writing about Goode’s incredible assertions, I have found no evidence of deception. Instead, I have found multiple sources corroborating his information from many different perspectives, e.g., whistleblowers/insiders, documents, and contemporary events.

My research has been documented in three books so far, which detail, compare, and analyze his amazing claims. Comprising over 1200 written pages and 1500 references, the clear conclusion reached in the Secret Space Program Series is that Goode is very credible, honest and truthful about the events he has witnessed, and taken part in.

In addition, I have met and communicated with senior military intelligence officials who have likewise accepted Goode’s information as accurate, and have quietly assisted him with some very high level national security information. If Goode was perpetuating a hoax, as some of his critics contend, I doubt such high level officials would be helping him.

For those drawn to the Corey Goode information, keeping an open and discerning mind is required to fully understand what he is telling us, and how it is relevant to our lives. Goode’s revelations not only inform us about key historical events and political processes that have not been publicly disclosed, but also what the future holds for us.

It’s quite clear that Goode has been chosen to play a unique and special role as a witness to extraordinary galactic events and meetings occurring today. He has no other formal role except occasionally acting as a spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance when they choose to appear at off-world diplomatic meetings. Where Goode is used to relay information to participants even when the Sphere Being Alliance members are physically present.

This was spectacularly demonstrated at a meeting in March 2015, where afterward Goode described how he appeared on stage along with two members of the Sphere Being Alliance before roughly 120 VIPs and delegates drawn from multiple secret space programs, global elites and private civilian groups at a secret facility on the Moon called Lunar Operations Command. It was this March 2015 meeting that launched Goode into a series of meetings, abductions, and encounters, which subsequently led to the December 2017 meetings that have become the most significant to have occurred so far.

Corey Goode on Stage at Lunar Operations Command with Blue Avian and Golden Triangle Headed Being. Source: Gaia.com/Credit: Steve Cefalo

It is Goode’s role as delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance, and the status this accords him from the perspective of other groups and forces both on and off-planet, that requires us to keep an open and discerning mind to what he is telling us. Goode is giving us all vital information about events that lie ahead, and we should not be distracted by the noise of competing voices wanting to distract us, intentionally or not, from important galactic developments.

This takes me to the most recent galactic meeting that Goode attended, only a few days after the December 16 Super Federation meeting near Jupiter. He discussed both of these meetings in a January 13 article and his March 27 Cosmic Disclosure interview.

Goode described being taken to a nearly identical temporal anomaly near Saturn by representatives of seven Inner Earth civilizations. The craft that transported him had a total of 40 Inner Earth participants comprising the seven groups.

Inner Earth Representatives boarding flying saucer taking them and Corey Goode to Saturn anomaly meeting. Source: Gaia.com/Credit: Daniel Gish

Intriguingly, Goode says that these Inner Earth beings are descendants of humanity’s future selves, a small group of whom time traveled into the distant past to maintain an optimal timeline. They did this to ensure that Draconian Reptilians would not overtly take over the planet, thereby establishing a global tyranny.

Goode says that when he arrived at the Saturn facility, he was met with representatives of 52 civilized worlds from the local cluster of stars in our region of the Milky Way. In his March 27 interview, Goode described the physical appearance of these representatives:

They were all humans of different types, and most of them were not Caucasian. They were different types of olive skin, brown skin, and even a kind of a tan skin. But they were representatives of each of the local 52 stars. And they are all basically our cosmic cousins. They are human beings, just different types.

He pointed out that one of these groups, the famed Olmecs who had mysteriously helped develop human civilization, were in fact extraterrestrial refugees relocated to Earth due to the Draconian control of their home world.

Goode elaborated about this in his March 27 interview:

Many, many, many times on Earth in our history, refugees have been brought from other planetary systems to stay here and live here. And they’ve lived here for many generations at times. That was the Mayans. But the Olmecs, when there was a major issue going on in their star system, many of them were brought here as refugees to survive here and wait out the issues there. Then they were brought back.

In past interviews, Goode has described his interactions with “Mica”, the representative of the Olmec group, who had previously played Goode’s role as the Sphere Being Alliance representative for his civilization.

According to Goode, neighboring star systems have experienced similar histories to our own in terms of corrupt global elites secretly allied with a group of extraterrestrials described as Draconian Reptilians. In these adjacent star systems, the Sphere Being Alliance appeared and choose a single individual to be their delegate/spokesperson in the subsequent negotiations and struggle to rid the planet of the corrupt elite control systems that plagued these worlds.

In this regard, Goode said:

Each of them have either been in contact with the Blue Avians or the Triangle-Head being and gone through a similar thing that I have in their planetary system.

Apparently, in all these worlds, the function of the Sphere Being Alliance delegate/witness was to relay what was being observed to the rest of the population. This was a critical aspect in the awakening of each planetary population, and gaining freedom from their corrupt elites and Reptilian overlords.

Goode explained:

Well, we were told that we were witnesses, that we were the conduits for each of our collective consciousnesses, that each of our groups was a collective consciousness on our planetary systems that we were on, like here on Earth. The information I was receiving, what I was witnessing, was on behalf of the collective consciousness here in this Solar System.

At this Saturn meeting, Goode says he was chosen once again to play the spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance members before the assembled delegates. The three Blue Avians and Golden Triangle beings that were present said they would be leaving our physical reality and would be replaced by another two members of the Sphere Being Alliance, as Goode had previously announced in 2017.

All present at the Saturn meeting were subsequently introduced by Goode to the new Sphere Being Alliance members who “began to give us some cosmic ground rules for going forward.”

They would be responsible for assisting humanity in an unprecedented era where it would not be dominated by competing extraterrestrial groups. Essentially, humanity would be fully informed about the truth of their global situation, and would then be able to determine its future free of corrupt elites and extraterrestrial interference.

Of particular interest was the appearance of a group of entities called the “Sentinels” at the Saturn meeting, who are custodians of still functional Ancient Builder Race technologies that are up to two billion years old. Up to approximately 500,000 years ago, according to Goode. Builder Race technologies were used to establish a very powerful protective grid around our local cluster of 53 solar systems (52 + Sol), to keep out aggressive extraterrestrial races until it was destroyed in an internal Solar System wide war.

The Sentinels communicated with the Sphere Being Alliance in a spectacular light show that all participants witnessed. This was very significant since it suggested that the Sentinels would continue their present role, thereby ensuring that Builder Race technologies that continue to operate would only be accessed by individuals whose ethical standards and behavior meet with the high expectations set by the Sphere Being Alliance.

Blue Avians, Golden Triangle Being, Sentinels, Inner Earth representatives and 52 local stellar representatives at Saturn meeting. Source: Gaia.com/Credit: Daniel Gish

Goode has previously described how “Gonzales”, a U.S. Navy Lt Commander, had been turned away by the Sentinels when he approached one of the functional Builder Race installations. The Sentinel told Gonzales that he lacked humility, and a request was subsequently made for Goode to make the same trip later to learn about the installation.

Builder Race technology is particularly relevant to nations with military run secret space programs, such as the U.S. Navy’s  Solar Warden, wishing to extend contemporary military concepts such as “full spectrum dominance” into outer space battlefields. It is doubtful that the Sentinels would allow Builder Race technologies to be used in this way for the military benefit of a single nation or planet.

Goode was told that a new, and  more representative, Super Federation would be assembled. Then the newly liberated and now awakened humanity would interact on a more equal basis with the different extraterrestrial groups, and would be joined by representatives from the nearby 52 star systems.

Goode also said that at the December 16 Super Federation meeting had a representative from the “Council of 200” (a corrupt elite control group) seated as the head of the Earth delegation. Presumably, our newly awakened humanity will at some point choose a more representative individual as humanity’s spokesperson for Galactic affairs.

It will be very interesting to see what process is adopted by our planet’s seven billion inhabitants and/or their political representatives to choose one or more delegates to a newly reconstituted Super Federation. I highly doubt the global populace will accept major nations simply choosing a representative similar to how the United Nations Secretary General is appointed without any kind of grass roots participation.

In addition, the Inner Earth beings will be represented in this expanded Super Federation, presumably opening the door for them to further interact with surface humanity, and publicly reveal themselves in the near future.

As to when all these stunning changes are going to be publicly revealed, Goode has discussed an upcoming series of solar flash events that will act as the trigger for full disclosure and humanity’s awakening.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

[Continued in Part 3. See Further Reading for Part 1].

Further Reading

Once Upon a Time, Betty and Barney Hill Told a Story That Was Out of This World

by Ray Duckler            March 17, 2018              (concordmonitor.com)

• This article recounts the alien abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill (pictured above) in 1961. Betty was a white college graduate and a social worker, and her black husband, Barney, was an honored member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. The couple were driving from Canada back home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, when they encountered the UFO.

• As Betty and Barney Hill drove south on Route 3 through the White Mountain National Forest, they reached Indian Head Resort where the encounter first occurred. Today, a green historical marker near Indian Head Resort reads: “On the night of September 19-20, 1961, Portsmouth, NH couple Betty and Barney Hill experienced a close encounter with an unidentified flying object and two hours of ‘lost time’ while driving south on Route 3 near Lincoln. They filed an official Air Force Project Blue Book report of a brightly-lit cigar-shaped craft the next day, but were not public with their story until it was leaked in the Boston Traveler in 1965.”

• Between the Indian Hill Resort and Lincoln NH, Barney noticed cigar-shaped UFO hovering above the tree-line. He stopped and got out to take a look. Through his binoculars he could see humanoid beings in the UFO’s windows looking back at him. Barney immediately ran back to the car yelling at Betty that they had to leave. Their car began to vibrate and they both felt a tingling sensation. This is when they lost all memory, which was later regained through hypnosis. They recalled that by the time they had driven past Lincoln and were almost to Thornton NH, a group of aliens blocked their car on Route 3 and took the couple aboard the UFO craft.

• Barney described the beings as having spindly legs, a bulky torso, cat-like eyes, and they wore shiny black uniforms. Betty recalled throwing a punch or a kick, which might explain why her dress was torn. She said they tried to probe her naval but it hurt so much that they stopped. They were examined by the alien beings on board the UFO for two hours.

• The next thing that Betty and Barney Hill knew, they were again driving on Route 3, thirty miles south of Thornton near Ashland. By sunrise, they reached their home in Portsmouth. They reported their UFO sighting to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. Continuing to suffer from severe anxiety, Barney went to see Boston psychiatrist, Dr. Benjamin Simon. Dr. Simon hypnotized Barney and learned that his anxiety was caused by his belief that he and his wife had been abducted by aliens. Betty’s description of the event, also made under hypnosis, matched up closely with Barney’s.

• In 1965, a Boston journalist got a tip on the encounter and ran with the story, although the Hills declined requests for an interview. The Hills took refuge from the ensuing media storm at Betty’s mother’s house in Kingston NH near the Massachusetts border. Barney died in 1969 at age 46 from a brain aneurysm. A book and a movie were eventually made based on the UFO abduction. Betty recovered from a brain tumor, but died in 2004 from lung cancer at age 85.


Leon Noel moved carefully toward the row of twisted, sagging apple trees near the Interstate 93 overpass in Lincoln, each step swallowed by two feet of snow.

He pointed with a sweeping motion across the horizon. “There,” he said. “That’s them.”

The trees had been zapped by radiation emitted from an alien craft in 1961. At least that’s what Noel had always told his children and then his grandchildren. “They thought it was gospel,” Noel said.

That was a family joke. The part about Barney Hill squinting through binoculars and seeing humanoids above this same field, peering from windows like passengers on a plane, was not.

Neither was the part about Hill making a mad dash back to his car on Route 3, screaming in terror to his wife, Betty Hill, that the couple had to leave, fast, or risk capture.

Or the piece about the Hills being taken aboard the craft somewhere near Thornton, then losing all memory for two hours, then arriving at home in Portsmouth as the sun rose and their thoughts were unchained, allowing them to focus, at least partially, on what had happened.

It occurred during a six-hour stretch, beginning near midnight on Sept. 19, 1961, if you believe in that sort of thing.

And don’t take my word for it.

Look it up.

“Who knows?” Noel said. “I don’t. All I know is something happened.”

                      Betty Hill in 2003

Noel drives the steam locomotive at Clark’s Trading Post. He’s lived in Lincoln for nearly 50 years.
His hands and smile are gigantic, and his silver hair rises from his head and shoots in different directions, sort of like that craft that Barney and Betty Hill insisted they saw that night 57 years ago.

The yarn is part of the town’s landscape, much like those funny-looking apple trees.
As Noel worked his way through the high snow, a 12-year veteran of the Lincoln Police Department pulled over to see what was happening. He declined to give his name.

“I have more than a passing familiarity with what happened,” the officer said. “But that doesn’t mean I’m a believer.”

What about you?

An alien concept

The Hills lived in Portsmouth and were just passing through on their way home from Canada. A mixed marriage before those unions were fully accepted, Barney, an African American, died in 1969 from a brain aneurysm at age 46, and Betty, who was white, passed in 2004 from lung cancer at 85.

And yet, like Noel and that steam locomotive, they’re forever connected to the Lincoln region. As Noel says, “It was a big thing. My aunt lived here and she was right here, so it was a big thing to talk about. But nothing ever came of it because …”

Noel’s voice trailed off, then he laughed, as though his mind had hit that universal stop sign we all approach. Look one way, and your mind tells you it’s not true.

Look the other way, however, and your mind asks, “Why not?”

“There is something out there,” Noel says. “For the billions of stars that you look out at with the naked eye at night, we can’t be the only flea on the dog.”

If what Betty and Barney – the most famous couple with those names since the Flintstones – claimed was true, the 1969 moon landing would be transformed into a walk in the park. But no matter what you believe, the story was out of this world once the media got a hold of it four years after the incident.

A zany-sounding episode, sure, but whiffs of legitimacy – including government scrutiny and hypnosis by a respected Boston physician – followed this like a comet’s tail. In fact, even the state added some credibility, planting one of those green historical markers near Indian Head Resort, right there on Route 3, to celebrate the 50th anniversary in 2011.

      New Hampshire historical marker

It reads: “On the night of September 19-20, 1961, Portsmouth, NH couple Betty and Barney Hill experienced a close encounter with an unidentified flying object and two hours of ‘lost time’ while driving south on Route 3 near Lincoln. They filed an official Air Force Project Blue Book report of a brightly-lit cigar-shaped craft the next day, but were not public with their story until it was leaked in the Boston Traveler in 1965.”

Then come the words that push you to Google: “This was the first widely-reported UFO abduction report in the United States.”



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NASA Probe Makes Huge Water Discovery on Surface of Alien Dwarf Planet Ceres

by Jasper Hamill            Friday 16 Mar 2018            (metro.co.uk)

• Italian scientists analyzing recent photos transmitted by NASA’s Dawn Probe of the largest asteroid, Ceres, have observed images of water ice in a dozen sites and seasonal changes on the frozen surface of the dwarf planet.

• Andrea Raponi of the Institute of Astrophysics and Planetary Science in Rome said, “The combination of Ceres moving closer to the sun in its orbit, along with seasonal change, triggers the release of water vapor from the subsurface, which then condenses on the cold crater wall.

• Ceres is also famed for its ‘alien mystery lights’ (pictured above) which appear to shine from its surface.  

[Editor’s Note] This corroborates Tony Rodrigues’ account of his time spent on the asteroid Ceres and the highly populated subsurface Dark Fleet colony there. See video below of Tony describing the water geysers that periodically shoot up from the surface. Also, note the ‘mystery lights’ that have been detected on Ceres could confirm an advanced civilization inhabiting the dwarf planet.

Nasa’s Dawn Probe has snapped images of water ice in a dozen sites on Ceres, which is the largest object in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Italian scientists then analysed the photos and were able to observe alterations in the frozen surface of the dwarf planet. ‘This is the first direct detection of change on the surface of Ceres,’ said Andrea Raponi of the Institute of Astrophysics and Planetary Science in Rome. ‘The combination of Ceres moving closer to the sun in its orbit, along with seasonal change, triggers the release of water vapour from the subsurface, which then condenses on the cold crater wall.

‘This causes an increase in the amount of exposed ice. The warming might also cause landslides on the crater walls that expose fresh ice patches.’ Although this discovery does not necessarily mean aliens are present on the far-flung mini-world, it could mean extraterrestrial organisms could survive there because water is essential to life here on our planet.

Last year, Nasa spotted organic molecules which ‘are necessary, though not sufficient, components of life on Earth’ on Ceres. The dwarf planet is also famed for its ‘alien mystery lights’ which appear to shine from its surface. These are likely to be caused by light reflecting from ice.

FROM 4:00 to 9:00 MINUTE MARK



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Signal Received From Deep Space is Strongest Ever Recorded

by Sean Martin           March 15, 2018            (express.co.uk)

• Astronomic researchers at the University of California Berkeley SETI Research Center created the ‘Breakthrough Listen’ project, a $100M initiative utilizing some of the world’s the most powerful telescopes to scan alien radio waves coming from stars that are billions of light years away. Begun in January 2016, the project has detected 33 alien radio signals to date.

• In March 2018, three new signals were detected. On March 1st and 13th, astronomers at the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia identified typically weak signals emanating from deep space. On March 9th however, it detected the strongest ‘fast radio burst’ ever received.

• Fast radio bursts (FRBs) can emit as much energy in a second as the sun does in 10,000 years. Scientists don’t know what causes them and they are exceptionally difficult to study. They can last as little as a millisecond and there is no way to predict when they are coming. Some experts say that these FRBs are caused by natural phenomenon, such as exploding neutron stars and enormous cataclysmic events. Others believe they may be caused by extraterrestrial interstellar travel, or are intentionally sent to Earth by extraterrestrials.


Astronomers have detected the strongest-ever radio signal coming from deep space and are completely baffled by the burst’s origin – leading to theories aliens could be responsible.

Researchers working on Breakthrough Listen – a major project which is scanning the stars in search of intelligent life – announced they have found three more deep space signals, with one being the strongest ever detected.

The mysterious and rare signals are what is known as ‘fast radio bursts’ or FRBs but scientists are still unsure what causes them.

However, the experts know these bursts can emit as much energy in a second than the sun does in 10,000 years.

They are exceptionally difficult to study as they can last as little as a millisecond and there is no way to predict when they are coming.

On March 9, astronomers working at the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia picked up the strongest FRB – dubbed FRB 180301 – ever received.

Just eight days earlier on March 1 a weaker signal was intercepted, while another FRB was detected on March 13, taking the total discovery count to 33.

Breakthrough Listen researchers wrote on a Berkley University blog: “While astronomers don’t know all that much about FRBs – only tens of bursts have ever been detected – we can infer some intriguing details about them.



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UFOs: “Deception…Is The Key To This Whole Business”

by Nick Redfern           March 14, 2018          (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• The 1950’s was the heyday for the ‘Contactee/Space Brother’ movement wherein people like George Adamski (pictured above) were routinely visited by benevolent non-terrestrial beings. Also known as “Orthons”, these Space Brothers have appeared throughout history on mountain tops, in deserts, and have appeared to walk on water, or fly in the sky. The Contactee is a sort of psychic lightning-rod who is highly susceptible to receiving psychic messages. The Orthon will plant ideas and stories into the mind of the Contactee as a seed to spread these ideas to the rest of the population. These implanted ideas are meant to provide a helpful cultural message to humanity. Orthon was the name of Adamski’s Venusian ‘space brother’ whom he “met” in November 1952.

• In his book Looking for Orthon, the late Colin Bennett explains that these Orthon’s are figments of the imagination triggered by extraterrestrial forces for the purpose of implanting information into a susceptible Contactee, including the physical presence of the being itself. The Contactee is certain that he has met an actual physical being, and may even photograph it. So there is a measure of deception and manipulation happening. The psychic implant may also extend to materializing objects and situations.

• In his book Passport to Magonia, Jacques Vallee says that Orthons and Space Brothers may be a form of ‘alien’ life that has been with us for a long time. Such ethereal beings are part of the structure that creates a “mystical experience” in a Contactee. When someone says that they’ve seen a fairy being, and another says that is impossible as fairies don’t exist, it still leaves the idea of the possibility that nevertheless, they may in fact exist.

• Writes Vallee, “[Orthons] allow humanity to breathe and access a Matrix world in which anything that can be imagined can happen. It might be denied by [the] social-scientific left, but the truth is that dreams, fantasies, and mystical experiences of all kinds play an absolutely essential part in all human mental operations.”

• “George Adamski played a significant part in establishing New Age thinking,” continues Vallee. “It might be well to remember that the entire body of our moral philosophy and spiritual life is formed by visions and inspirations… Those who thoughtlessly dismiss mystical experience cut themselves off from all art, literature, and no small part of all thought and philosophy… The greatest tribute that can be paid to Adamski is that through both foul means and fair, he helped to create one of the very few routes to the unconscious that we have.”


As some readers of Mysterious Universe will know, one of my big interests is the Contactee/Space Brother phenomenon, which was most prominent in the 1950s. It’s a subject which is very often derided by many in Ufology (and, at times, with good reason…). But, that doesn’t take away the fact that the issue is an important one. Of those who tackled the whole controversy, certainly one of the most knowledgeable was the late Colin Bennett. He wrote what – in my opinion – remains the most important and insightful book on contactee George Adamski. The title of Colin’s book? Looking for Orthon – Orthon being the alleged name of the equally alleged alien that Adamski claimed to have met in November 1952.

Back in 2009, I interviewed Colin about his ideas on Adamski, the Space Brothers and the Contactee crowd. And, today, I thought I would share with you – and without interruption – Colin’s observations on those long-gone times of the 1950s when the Contactee movement ruled the ufological roost. Colin, who died in 2014, told me:

“Many Orthons have appeared throughout history. The equivalents to Adamski’s Venusian ‘space brother’ have appeared on mountain tops, in deserts, and have appeared to walk on water, or fly in the sky. Their sole function is to sow seeds in the head; just as a farmer grows a particular crop. These seeds act on the imagination, which replicates and amplifies whatever story-technology is around at the time. People such as Adamski and the rest of the contactees were, and still are, like psychic lightning-rods for certain brands of information. Undoubtedly, rich or poor, clever or dumb, they are possessed by a kind of higher cerebral disturbance, and like Moses, they are as prepared for the ‘visitation’ as they anxiously await for a new product brand, for the equivalent to RFID-type branding is what ‘contact’ is all about.

“Contactees are host-nutrients for whatever cultural sales lines are on offer from visions conjured up by clouds, sea or sand. The message is ‘consumed’ and thoroughly processed exactly as a viral product is absorbed. The incomprehensibility of the received stories is irrelevant. They represent a heavily codified branch of postmodern intellectual consumerism. In receiving ‘messages’ at all, Contactees are bar coded as it were, and elements of the induced story-technology are ready to crystallize out into that final alchemical stage called the mechanical real. But we must be careful here. As the alchemist said to his apprentice, ‘The game may be rigged, but it’s the only game in town.’

“Deception and all its ramifications is the key to this whole business. This does not burst the bubble of the mystery however, for manipulative levels of faction may well be our first clue as to how a possible alien mind might work. If the levels of deception of all kinds in human culture are anything to go by, the range of such within an alien culture must be both multiple and profound.”

“The ‘space-folk’ are sculptured by wars between rival viral memes competing for prime-time belief. It may be that, as an independent form of non-organic life, memes as active viral information can display an Orthon entity at a drop of a hat. They come complete with sets of cultural agendas. After they have rung the doorbell as it were, and the goods are sold, these metaphysical salesmen disappear like the traditional Men in Black, no doubt traveling on to seed other dreams in other towns and other heads. The goods we have unwittingly bought are half-formed memories of having met someone from another world.”



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You Can Now Join the Search for Alien Worlds

by Sequoyah Kennedy          March 13, 2018           (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• When gathering light signal data from various online mega-telescopes in their search for exoplanets, astronomers drew-the-line at a certain level of signal-to-noise ratio that they were able to monitor. This still left a lot of “noise” below that threshold to sift through. So Google is making the search code available to the general public, so that ordinary folks can monitor these feint signals on their computer.

• In a March 8th blog post senior Google software engineer Chris Shallue detailed the “machine learning code” and how it can be used by anyone to help search for alien planets.

• If the feed indicates an anomaly such as a conspicuous dip in the signal, it could indicate a planet moving in front of its Sun. An algorithm calculates the probability of it being an exoplanet. If it is confirmed by a professional astronomer, you have just found a new planet.

• In fact, a new satellite called the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite will launch April 16, 2018 on a two-year mission to observe potential exoplanets. This will provide still more data for the public to sift through using the Google code. Instructions on how to download and use the code can be found at GitHub.


Have you always wanted to explore space and find strange new alien worlds? Are you too lazy to leave your comfortable chair and the warm, reassuring glow of your computer screen? Google has some good news for you armchair star-ship captains out there. The machine-learning code responsible for the discovery of two exoplanets back in December has been released to the public, so you can now join the ongoing search for exoplanets and help uncover the strange secrets of our universe.

In a blog post published Thursday, March 8, senior Google software engineer Chris Shallue detailed the machine-learning code and how it can be used to help search for alien planets. To detect planets outside our solar system using tools like the Kepler space telescope, astronomers look at the light and other cosmic radiation that hits the telescope’s photometer. When there’s a conspicuous dip in an otherwise stable amount of light being detected by the telescope, there’s a chance that a planet, star, or something else may be responsible for blocking out some the light. There’s a chance, too, that it might just be instrumental noise. Once an anomaly in the signal is noticed, an algorithm makes a calculation as to the probability of an exoplanet’s existence. It’s not confirmed, however, until an astronomer manually looks through the data and can make an informed decision about what is causing the anomaly.

Because of the immense amount of data being analyzed, astronomers had to develop a way to avoid being overwhelmed by false positives caused by instrumental noise. A signal-to-noise cutoff ratio is applied to the data and any signals below the cutoff point are deemed too likely to be noise to warrant further review. While necessary, such a practice means there may be a number of actual exoplanets who’s signal was below the cutoff ratio, most likely smaller Earth-sized planets, the planets most likely to harbor alien life. That’s where Google’s code comes in.



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New Documents Reveal Canadian Government’s Knowledge of UFOs

by Brett Tingley            March 13, 2018             (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• Between 1966 and 1967, the number of UFO reports in Canada increased by over 400%, and several government departments began taking serious interest.

• Canadian ufologist, Chris Rutkowski, has recently uncovered 27 pages of documents in Canada’s national archives detailing six UFO cases that were reported by Wing Commander Douglas Robertson in 1967.

• The documents include written reports, photographs of various UFOs, anomalous radar sightings, and even crop circles. They are divided into seven categories: 1) hoaxes, 2) mass hysteria, 3) psychological suggestion, 4) misinterpretation of natural events, 5) advanced military technology, 6) sightings likely due to psychological conditions, and 7) “unusual sightings” or UFOs.

• Among these documents is the ‘Falcon Lake incident’, one of Canada’s most famous encounters. The Ministry of Defence found evidence of radioactivity which corroborates eyewitness testimony, and that scientists were unable to explain the anomaly, noting “a satisfactory ending or conclusion is still lacking.”

• In another incident, a man reported a UFO flying over trees near Clear Water Bay and found evidence of wilted leaves on the trees. The Department of Forestry were “unable to explain the reason for the wilting.”

• Is this new evidence meant to placate us just a little longer, keeping our attention on the government bureaucracies which hide these secrets as opposed to on the skies?


Given all of the declassified files and recordings of unexplained aerial phenomena being made public in the United States, it’s no surprise that other countries including America’s closest neighbors would begin disclosing their own interest in or knowledge of UFOs. Case in point: a new trove of documents have been released which shed light on the Canadian government’s role in researching UFO phenomena. What will these add to the growing body of declassified UFO files?

Noted Canadian ufologist Chris Rutkowski uncovered the documents in Canada’s national archives and recently posted them to his blog Ufology Research. The 27 pages of documents detail six UFO cases recorded in 1967 and were prepared by Wing Commander Douglas Robertson. It is unknown to whom the documents were presented, though Rutkowski speculates it could have been for a newly-appointed Minister of Defence. Between 1966 and 1967, UFO reports went up by over 400% in Canada and several government departments began taking serious interest in these phenomena.

The documents ultimately breakdown numerous sightings and reports into seven categories: hoaxes, mass hysteria or psychological suggestion, misinterpretations of natural events, advanced or unknown military technology, and sightings likely due to psychological conditions. However, the report does list a category which includes truly anomalous sightings defined as “unusual sightings which the viewer is unable to identify or explain, namely, UFOs.” The document also contains references to various educational and medical institutions which aided the Ministry of Defence in debriefing, interviewing, and assessing witnesses.



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Three-Fingered ‘Mummified Creatures’ Found With Elongated Skulls in Peru Are Aliens, Claims Controversial Russian Scientist

by Harry Pettit              March 12, 2018            (dailymail.co.uk)

• In cave in the Nazca region of Peru, a guy named Mario discovered twenty mummies. There were 20 chalky-covered, three-fingered, big-headed, small-bodied beings in the cave. He turned them over to Mexican journalist and ufologist, Jamie Maussan, in early 2017 when Gaia TV also got involved by bringing in Russian ‘expert’ Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at Saint-Petersburg Federal University. (See previous ExoNews article)

• Although the mummies have been dismissed as a hoax by the mainstream scientific community, Dr Korotkov claims that DNA tests of tissue samples taken from the mummy “Maria” as well as a second mummy “Vavita” (possibly Maria’s nine month old child) prove the Nazca mummies are not human, but in fact are ‘aliens’. Dr Korotkov’s team says that the mummified bodies date back to about the 5th century AD and could be extraterrestrials or cyborgs.

• Dr Korotkov says, “Tomographic scans reveal their skeletons. The tissue has biological nature and their chemical composition indicates that they are humans. Their DNA features 23 pairs of chromosomes, just like we have. They appear human but they are not. Their anatomic structure is different.” Korotkov added that the beings’ rib structure is different to that of humans as the bones are keel-shaped in the upper part, and the rib cage consists of semicircular ribs.

• Korotkov team member Natalia Zaloznaya added, “We clearly see the contours of the trachea and the bronchi, of the heart and its chambers; we can even see the shape of the valves; we can also see quite clearly the contours of the diaphragm, the liver, and the spleen.” The new tests also show that the white powder that covered the beings when found is an antibacterial chemical cadmium chloride.

• Supporters of the hoax theory point to the critisizm Dr Korotkov received when he claimed to have created a camera that could photograph the human soul in 2008. In 2015, Jamie Maussan promoted photographic slides claiming to be pictures of an alien recovered from the Roswell flying saucer crash which turned out to be pictures of a mummy in a museum exhibition. And some believe that GaiaTV might be prolonging the work on the Nazca mummies to draw more subscribers to their pay internet channel.

• See 6:17 minute video below


They have largely been dismissed as a hoax by the scientific community.

And yet, it seems, conspiracy theorists are still fascinated by the ‘three fingered mummies’ with elongated heads that were found in Peru last year.

Now, one Russian ‘expert’ claims he has done DNA tests to prove they are not human.
Dr Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at Saint-Petersburg Federal University believes the mummies are ‘aliens’.

Dr Korotkov is no stranger to controversy. He was widely criticised in 2008 when he claimed to have created a camera that could photograph the human soul.

One of the mummies, known as Maria, was found by a team led by controversial Mexican journalist Jamie Maussan in early 2017.

The conspiracy group drew attention to the body’s deformed head and elongated fingers in a short documentary on the discovery.

Dr Korotkov of Saint-Petersburg University said at the time the features were not a deformity and that the find was ‘another creature, another humanoid.’

Now Dr Korotkov his team claim to have undertaken genetic tests on tissue samples taken from the mummy, as well as a second individual found nearby named Vavita, Sputnik News reports.

They said the bodies date back to about the 5th century AD and could be extraterrestrials or cyborgs.

But British alien expert Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said the finds are most likely a hoax.

He told MailOnline: ‘I think the whole saga of finding these mummies is laughable and they are very probably fakes.

‘The new evidence does indicate the Maria is human, the only strange thing is that she has an unusual rib structure. This is probably because she is a so-called bone montage made by fakers.

‘If you think about it how would humanoid aliens with three long fingers survive? They would be incredibly clumsy and it seems doubtful they would be capable of making a cup of tea let alone a flying saucer.

‘It also doesn’t look good that this Earth shattering news was originally fed to us via a website you have to subscribe to, rather than through officially recognised scientific channels.’

Nick Pope, who used to investigate UFOs and other mysteries for the Ministry of Defence, and is a leading expert on conspiracy theories, told MailOnline he also doubted the validity of the find.

‘All these stories of mummified aliens – or mummified human/alien hybrids – are either fake news, or misunderstandings of normal human variation, perhaps where something has been lost in translation,’ he said.

‘In this case, I suspect a hoax, and the ‘mummy’ looks more like a plaster model than anything else.

‘If this was real, we’d be seeing peer-reviewed articles in magazines such as Science or Nature.’


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Long-Haired Aliens Bite The Dust – Or Don’t

by Nick Redfern             March 10, 2018                (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• Leonard Stringfield (1920-1994), a former military intelligence operative turned ufologist, was told by a French professor at Wright-Patterson AFB about the pummeled bodies of at least two very human-like extraterrestrials after being recovered from a UFO crash being held at the base.

• Stringfield said that the beings were 7 feet 3 inches tall and bore hideous mutilations on their bodies as if from a terrible accident. Their heads were intact. The forehead was high and broad. They had very long blond hair. Their eyes were stretched towards the temples which gave them an Asiatic look. The nose and mouth were small. The lips were thin, perfectly delineated. The chin was small, slightly pointed, and beardless. They looked like twins.

• There are quite literally dozens of such tales of extraterrestrial beings held by the U.S. military, with the majority of them being kept at Wright-Patterson in Dayton, Ohio. Typically, the extraterrestrial corpses are said to be preserved and stored deep below the surface of the base.


As most people here will know, I’m not much of a believer in the theory that aliens crashed outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. You only have to look at what else was going on in New Mexico in that same period – classified programs using transplanted Nazi scientists, rocket tests, high-altitude experiments using massive balloons, and much more. One of the most controversial aspects of the Roswell affair is that which suggests small, alien bodies were found on the Foster Ranch and secretly flown to Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) in Dayton, Ohio.

Tales of “dead aliens in the freezer” absolutely abound. And, while such cases and claims are certainly not exclusive to Wright-Patterson, there is no doubt that the vast majority of them are tied to the base, one way or another. Typically, the extraterrestrial corpses said to be preserved and stored deep below the surface of the base are of the dwarfish, large-headed type. There are quite literally dozens of such tales. On occasion, though, there will be a significantly different kind of case. There is one report which suggests that bodies of the very human-looking “Space Brothers” of “Contactee” lore are held below Wright-Pat.

For those who may not know, the Space Brothers dropped in to see us, and have a cup of tea (maybe…), in the early 1950s. They were the good old days, so I’m told, when the ETs referred to us as “earthlings.” They were eerily like us. They sported long blond hair and were scared to death that we might destroy the Earth with our atomic arsenals. They spoke English and claimed to have come from such inhospitable worlds as Mars and Venus. Their names very often including the letters “Z,” “X,” “Q,” and “V” and they appeared before the likes of George Adamski, George Van Tassel, George King, and George Hunt Williamson. Evidently, the Space Brothers felt that anyone named George was of good character. Or, maybe it was just a big coincidence.

All of which brings me to one particular story of a couple of Space Brothers who got into a fatal situation while cruising around our skies at some unknown time and place. Maybe their hair got entangled in the “steering-wheel,” and they lost control. Whatever the answer, I’m certainly not in a position to criticize anyone’s hairstyle! All of which brings us to the matter of long-haired aliens at Wright-Pat.

The late Leonard Stringfield, a former military intelligence operative, was without doubt the world’s leading collector of stories, accounts and tales on the subjects of “UFO crash-retrievals.” In 1981, he learned from a certain French professor that at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio the pummeled bodies of at least two very human-like extraterrestrials were said to be held, following their alleged recovery from a presumed UFO crash or accident.



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Nikola Tesla Wasn’t the Only One: U.S. Places ‘Secrecy Orders’ On Thousands of Inventions

by Arjun Walia              March 11, 2018               (collective-evolution.com)

• The National Security Act was created in 1949. As a result, a number of intelligence groups and executive bodies followed. None of these groups had any active congressional oversight. From this, the Invention Secrecy Act was created in 1951 which provided that new inventions may be subject to secrecy orders and restrict their publication if government agencies believe that their disclosure would be harmful to national security. “National security” has become a justification for the classification of a large amount of information on a variety of topics in which the public is deliberately kept in the dark. As a result, the U.S. Government has been classifying upwards of over 500 million pages of documents per year.

• The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office uses a secret system called the Sensitive Application Warning System (SAWS) to delay the approval of applications deemed a possible threat to national security.

• A 50-page document obtained by a law firm that represents major tech companies describes the SAWS system: When an application is submitted for patent approval, it requires a couple of examiners to go through the process which usually takes 1 to 2 years. Applications that are filed under SAWS, however, must be approved by several people and can be delayed for a number of years. There were over 5000 inventions languishing under secrecy orders in 2014. There is no official channel to notify an applicant once their patent is placed in the SAWS system. The Patent Office denies requests to even divulge what applications are on the SAWS list.

• How secret is this system? To find any records we have to go back 45 years. In 1971, patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies in “excess of 70-80%. Dr. Gerald F. Ross filed a patent application for a new invention he had devised to defeat the jamming of electromagnetic transmissions at specified frequencies. It took almost 37 years before his patent was granted.

• What happens to these “restricted” patent applications? Over many decades now, an elite group has had access to information such as this that the public has not. Utilizing these restricted patents, this elite group is no doubt living in a world far different from ours. It is a world within a world, a separate “breakaway civilization”. President Eisenhower warned us in 1960, “The potential disaster of the rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.” This appears to be exactly what has happened.


Government secrecy is running rampant in an age where more and more people are demanding transparency. Did you know that the U.S. Government classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year? Justification for the mass classification of information is (apparently) done for the sake of “national security,” but as we know:
“The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger that an announced need for an increased level of security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment. That I do not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control.” – JFK
If a scholar wanted to research political, historical, scientific, or any other type of archival work, it would prove difficult and limiting seeing that most of their government’s activities are kept a secret. It is truly impossible to access the factual history of their country. The declassification of classified documents (a small portion) does not occur until decades after that information has been concealed, one great example of that is the UFO phenomenon, once believed to be a “conspiracy theory” by the masses before the substantial release of government documents showing otherwise. Evidence is now pointing to the fact that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is no different.

The office is supposed to legally protect the inventions of entrepreneurs and companies, some of whom have developed ground breaking technology. Unfortunately, that’s not the case as new documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal how the Patent Office has been using a secret system to withhold the approval of some applications.

This 50-page document was obtained by Kilpatrick Towsend & Stockton, LLP, who commonly represent major tech companies that include Apple, Google and Twitter (to name a few).

The program delaying patent applications is called the Sensitive Application Warning System (SAWS). Usually, when an application is submitted for a patent approval it requires a couple of examiners who work with the Patent office to go through their process of approval. This process usually takes approximately 1 to 2 years, but applications that are filed in SAWS must be approved from several people, and can be delayed for a number of years.

“There is no official channel to notify an applicant once their patent is placed in the system, and the Patent Office has denied requests to divulge what applications are on the SAWS list.”

The documents also indicate areas of technology that might have a patent application placed in the SAWS program – these include smartphones, internet-enabling systems and more. This information is set to be published in an online journal called “Law360” to inform the public. Tech Columnist Alyssa Bereznak at Yahoo News states that most companies are fully aware of this.

I first came across this recent information in her article, but I felt compelled to add more information.

As you will see below, there is more information that has surfaced prior to these documents that suggest this type of “invention secrecy” goes far beyond these technologies.

One great example (out of many) of delayed patent applications comes from Dr. Gerald F. Ross. He filed a patent application for a new invention he had devised to defeat the jamming of electromagnetic transmissions at specified frequencies. It was not until June 17, 2014 (almost 37 years later) that this patent was granted.

Invention Secrecy Is Still Going Strong

As great as it is to see new information pertaining to invention secrecy come to light, it’s also important to note (as reported by the Federation of American Scientists; see annotated bibliography) that there were over 5000 inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2014, which marked the highest number of secrecy orders in effect since 1994.

This is all thanks to an act many people are unaware of. It’s called the “Invention Secrecy Act” and it was written up in 1951. Under this act, patent applications on new inventions can be subject to secrecy orders. These orders can restrict their publication if government agencies believe that their disclosure would be harmful to national security.

As mentioned earlier, “national security” has become an excuse and justification for the classification of a large amount of information on a variety of topics that the public is deliberately kept in the dark about. Apparently, many of these projects and inventions go far above and beyond presidential knowledge.



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