Who are the Exoconscious? Analysis of the FREE Research Data

After 5 years of creating the world’s first comprehensive (4,200 individuals from over 100 countries) multi-language and international academic research study on UFO-related Contact with Non Human Intelligence (NHI), the FREE Foundation book is Available.  HERE.


I wrote Chapter 10 of the book, The Psychological Transformation of the Experiencer After Contact: An Exoconsciousness Analysis of the FREE Research Data

When Rey Hernandez, the co-founder of FREE, asked me to examine the survey data from an Exoconsciousness perspective, I had no idea what lay ahead as I dove into their mound of information. I had no idea how to even begin composing my thoughts, much less writing a chapter.

The Experiencer Data Speaks

Slowly, reading the data day after day, it took on a life of its own. The data began to speak to me. The 4,200 Experiencers who completed the survey spoke to me. What they had to say was, to say the least, astounding.

The data said that these Experiencers, who opened their hearts and poured their personal information out to FREE, signaled a new era in ufology and contact research.

The data spoke that the FREE research marks a clear delineation from objectified UFO Craft, Alien Abduction, MILAB and Psychopathological analysis of Experiencers. Also, it marks a clear delineation from select small samples of Experiencers as the basis for theorizing what happens in contact. While all of these former researchers and their theories contributed to our understanding of ET, NHI, and contact, the survey spoke of the need to develop new methods of research and accompanying theories.

In my chapter, I formed new theories of the Exoconscious Human based on FREE’s substantial database of Experiencer responses. I am grateful for the opportunity.

Specifically, what did the Experiencer Data Say

FREE Experiencer data affirmed the transformation of becoming an Exoconscious Human (EH). It affirmed that we are an international community of varied Experiencers for whom consciousness (including sensory, paranormal, and psychic experiences in the field of consciousness) is the foundation for our contact. And importantly, now is the era when we speak for ourselves. We release the filter of experts, researchers, and academics to dissect and analyze us.

We speak for ourselves. And in many cases, we speak for the Extraterrestrials NHIs with whom we communicate, collaborate, and co-create.

This is what I learned from the FREE Experiencer Data and wrote about in my Chapter.

  • Persons with ongoing conscious ET, NHI experience identify themselves as EHs
  • I propose EHs as a new category of Close Encounters, CE6, defined by contact as a conscious, integrated experience
  • EHs gradually identify with ET, NHI through a shared field of consciousness
  • Shared EH and ET-NHI consciousness define human self-identity and worldview
  • EHs transform through contact: The chapter provides An Exoconscious Typology of Transformation as it relates to FREE data, examined in 4 areas: 1) Physical Transformation, 2) Emotional Transformation, 3) Spiritual Transformation and 4) EH Transformation.

“EHs are modern and relevant. They bridge scientific and spiritual. This paper analyzes the FREE Experiencer Research Study data as it relates to who we are as EHs.  An Exoconscious analysis of the FREE Experiencer Research Study data demonstrates that contact with UAP related contact with NHI is an experience which results in the physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation of becoming an EH.

This chapter theorizes that individuals experiencing ongoing conscious NHI contact come to identify themselves as EHs. Their integration of NHI contact moves from the unconscious and unaware into consciousness. Through conscious awareness of ongoing contact, EHs modify and integrate their self-identity through participation in the field of consciousness shared with extraterrestrials NHI. Additionally, this analysis of the FREE data of the EH transformation proposes a new category of Close Encounters, CE6, defined by contact as conscious, integrated experience. Individual EHs gradually identify with extraterrestrials NHI. In these cases, their shared consciousness with NHI defines their self-identity and world-view.”


Video created by Lisa Galarneau, Ph.D. Disclosure Activists  


Thank you for reading.

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright created the term “Exoconsciousness” in a series of articles, blogs, presentations and her book, Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind.  She is the founder of the non-profit, Institute for Exoconsciousness, and is a leading expert in consciousness and extraterrestrial contact. Rebecca was a member of Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s, Quantrek international organization researching zero-point energy, consciousness and the ET Presence. For more information, please visit http://www.exoconsciousness.com

Our mission is to support ET Experiencers. The Community of the Exoconscious connects ET experiencers with an international network of experiencer groups.

QAnon Unmasks Britain as State Actor that Interfered in US Presidential Election

The military intelligence source QAnon has dropped another bombshell with the latest round of leaked classified information, which has been released with the tacit approval of the Trump White House. QAnon has revealed that contrary to popular perception and an ongoing criminal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it was senior government officials from the United Kingdom, rather than Russia, that interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.

QAnon has in previous articles been shown to be linked to a faction of U.S. military intelligence that recruited Trump to run for the U.S. Presidency in 2015. While the Deep State has leaked classified information to destabilize the Trump administration, Trump has responded in kind by authorizing QAnon to leak classified information that exposes the Deep State and its nefarious global activities.

On July 25 (post 1700), QAnon released the bombshell information by first posing a leading question and then went on to list different mechanisms by which this interference was attempted:

What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?
Data collection.
Creation of fake intel dossier using ex spy.
Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election. Co-sponsor insurance policy re: POTUS election.

What makes the scenario described by QAnon plausible is the nature of the Five Eyes agreement which makes it possible for the United Kingdom to gather intelligence on U.S. citizens and organizations, and then pass this on to U.S. officials. This practice is widely known as the means by which Five Eyes countries (U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) routinely circumvent domestic laws preventing intelligence agencies spying on their own national citizens without due legal process.

While the Five Eyes agreement makes it possible for information gathered by partner intelligence agencies to be shared through official channels, QAnon has revealed that this sharing can also be achieved unofficially. QAnon has pointed out that former government officials with the right security clearance, can get access to intelligence information when traveling to another Five Eyes country, and no official record is kept.

On May 8 (post 1320), QAnon referred to Hillary Clinton traveling to New Zealand and gaining access to U.S. Intelligence files through the Five Eyes system.

Why is HRC in NZ?
Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
Why is that relevant?
Suicide watch.

Former or serving officials can subsequently share or leak this information through unofficial means, as  Congressman Devin Nunes discovered when reviewing intelligence data used to launch the FBI investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign:

Normally, intelligence passed on from a member of the “Five Eyes” alliance — Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S. — to another member comes through an official channel for intelligence sharing.

However, Nunes, upon reviewing the document that formally launched the FBI’s investigation, said there was no intelligence shared through that official channel, meaning that the intelligence was shared through unofficial means.

QAnon is revealing that a number of US officials traveled to Britain to get access to Five Eyes intelligence information on the Trump Presidential campaign, which was then used to sabotage his campaign through a contrived narrative of Trump being secretly manipulated by Russia. This is consistent with what is known about the Christopher Steele Dossier which was produced through collaboration between elements of the British intelligence community and Obama administration officials.

QAnon listed some of the 32 U.S. officials that were part of this collective effort to derail the 2016 election regardless of the will of American voters:

[Peter Strozk]
LP. [Lisa Page]
No Name. [John McCain]
[James] Clapper.
[John] Brennan.
[Susan] Rice.
LL. [Loretta Lynch]
HRC. [Hillary Rodham Clinton]
BC. [Bill Clinton]
Hussein. [President Obama]

QAnon has pointed out in particular that trips to London by John McCain, Peter Strozk and Lisa Page were done in order to gain intelligence data on the Trump campaign through the Five Eyes system, without leaving a paper trail.

It is more than coincidental that on July 23, two days prior to QAnon’s above post, it was announced at a White House Press Conference that several former Obama administration officials, several of whom QAnon included in the above list, may have their security clearances revoked:

Sanders said the administration is reviewing clearances for former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director director James Comey, former national intelligence director James Clapper, former CIA director Michael Hayden, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe.

What gives plausibility to the above list of officials is the recent admission by James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, that President Obama authorized spying on the Trump Presidential campaign to investigate Russian collusion claims.


QAnon went on to describe how the Obama administration, along with the British government, actively colluded in framing Russia:

What if intel masked penetration(s) to frame Russia?
SR. [Seth Rich]
JA. [Julian Assange]
Why does the UK gov desperately want JA?
Think source files.
The more you know.

QAnon is here referring to Julian Assange’s knowledge that Seth Rich had access to Democratic National Committee servers, and was the real source for the files that were passed on to Wikileaks, not Russia as recently claimed by the Mueller indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers.

Clearly these are explosive claims, some of which are currently being investigated by U.S. Attorney John Huber with the assistance of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice. It is not known when Huber and the Inspector General will release their findings and begin prosecutions of those that have identified in thousands of sealed indictments.

However, what QAnon’s information does clearly reveal is the thinking behind the Trump administration when it comes to dealing with historic allies such as the United Kingdom, who Trump and his military intelligence advisors believe played a key role in manufacturing the Russia collusion claims to subvert his Presidency.

QAnon’s revelation helps explain Trump’s unprecedented recent intervention in British politics where he supported a hard Brexit strategy for leaving the European Union, and undermined Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit policy. More startling was Trump’s endorsement of former British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, who the President said would make an excellent Prime Minister.

Perhaps even more telling was Trump’s behavior when meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. He broke Royal protocols in a manner that led some to claim that the Deep State/International Cabal was signaling its surrender to Trump.

It has long been known that Britain is a key player in the Deep State through its powerful financial institutions based in the City of London. One of the key figures in the City of London is Baron Jacob Rothschild who is the fourth Rothschild to gain the hereditary peerage established by Queen Victoria in 1885.

According to QAnon, the Rothschild family controls world wide assets of over two trillion U.S. dollars and forms the occult leadership of the Deep State, which actively practices Satanism and performs child sacrifices. The Deep State compromises aspiring politicians through pedophilia as documented in books such as The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (1992) by a former State Senator for Nebraska, John DeCamp.

Therefore, it is very feasible that Deep State elements of the British establishment did set out to undermine the Trump Presidential campaign through manufactured evidence of Russian collusion, which was approved by President Obama and pursued by multiple officials in his administration as QAnon claims. The disturbing conclusion that emerges is that British government officials, rather than Russian intelligence officers, are most responsible for interfering in the U.S. Presidential process by contriving evidence and leaking classified information through the Five Eyes agreement.  

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

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UFOs: The Greatest Story Never Told

by Cheryl Costa               July 13, 2018                (syracusenewtimes.com)

• A 2012 National geographic poll revealed that 80 percent of Americans don’t believe the government when they say that there is no such thing as UFOs or extraterrestrials. The infamous New York Times article of last December revealed that the government/military had a formal program to monitor UFO activity. That article in December was to open the door to public disclosure of the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials visiting our planet. But that didn’t happen.

• The main problem is that the news media is still reluctant to discuss the topic seriously. They aren’t sure what position to take. Most barely grasp the context and implications of the issue. So instead they either take the safe ground and admit that there must be some “bacterial life out there somewhere”, or revert to joking and ridicule and talk about “little green men”.

• On May 30th, The Washington Post published a story with the headline: “UFOs are suddenly a serious news story. You can thank the guy from Blink-182 for that.” This emboldened this article’s writer to lobby media outlets in New York state to report on reported sightings in the state. New York state had moved from the sixth position to fourth in the United States for UFO sighting reports.

• Buffalo and Erie County both ranked No. 3 within New York state, and in the Top 100 counties for UFO sightings of more than 3,000 counties in the United States. Monroe County also ranked nationally in the Top 100 counties. This writer pitched the story to Buffalo’s ABC affiliate WKBW, as well as the NBC affiliate WGRZ and their Fox outlet WUTV and was met with silence. She pitched the idea to the news director at ABC affiliate WHAM. He snickered and said he’d present it to his editorial team. Silence. She reached out to WUHF and presented a similar pitch. Silence. She reached out to Albany’s Fox affiliate newsroom. Silence. She pitched to Binghamton’s CBS affiliate WBNG. Silence. She spoke to a newsroom person at Fox affiliate WICZ and she was asked to email them the facts of the pitch. Silence

• At one television station, she called the marketing and sales department and explained the significant demographics related to audience interest, especially with Sweeps Week coming up. She suggested that a locally flavored UFO story would be excellent for the ratings. The nice marketing lady was interested and had their news team call me. When I gave them the same pitch, I was greeted with silence.

• So, if you are not hearing about UFOs from your local television or radio news team, it’s because they’ve bought into the notion that UFOs are the topic matter of kooks and crackpots, and they do not want to be labeled as “that UFO news director or news reporter.”  Still, 220 million Americans would prefer to hear the truth about UFOs and the ET presence.


People ask me all the time why the government won’t come clean about UFOs and perhaps the ET presence. After all, based on a 2012 National Geographic poll, 80 percent of Americans think the government is not being square with the American people.

After the Dec. 16, 2017, New York Times and Politico revelation that the Pentagon had a formal program for monitoring UFOs with regard to military bases and fleet operations, the story took the news media by storm. There was a major news cycle about the Pentagon effort, the congressional folks who got them the money and the videos that were released.

A lot of UFO disclosure activists hailed Dec. 16 as the starting point for a new era of openness and expected an information avalanche about all things UFO. It just didn’t happen.

I’m still waiting for the offices of New York’s U.S. senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, to answer my correspondence. It has been more than a year.

But the real problem with UFO and ET disclosure in America is with the Fourth Estate, a.k.a. the Media.
The talking heads on some of America’s most popular daytime programs and news talk networks were unprepared for that Dec. 16 story. They seemed to be at a loss to discuss the topic intelligently, as they stumbled for words to express their thoughts. Most of them were barely grasping the context and implications.

Most defaulted to “Little Green Talk.” When asked their opinion whether there was alien life, more than a dozen news hosts either said “no” or simply took the safe ground with comments like, “Oh, I suspect there is bacterial life out there somewhere.” Nobody on any of these programs wanted to be the newsperson who believes in little green men.

But there is another very painful and telling reality: News producers and their on-camera broadcasters really didn’t want to talk about the UFO subject beyond the immediate story about the Pentagon’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP).



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Why Kids May Be the Key to Communicating With Alien Life

by Kate Morgan                  July 12, 2018                   (slate.com)

• When we make first contact with extraterrestrials, how will be learn their language to be able to communicate? Do we gather the most prestigious, well-educated linguists in the world to suss out the alien language over a number of years? Sheri Wells-Jensen, a linguistics professor at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, advocates bringing in human toddlers.

• In reality, we probably won’t have any idea what extraterrestrial beings look or sound like when we first hear from them, says Wells-Jensen. If the language medium in a first contact scenario turned out to be something we can’t reproduce, Wells-Jensen acknowledges, it would present a fairly serious problem. What if their language were chemical or magnetic fluctuations? What if it were too high- or low-pitched for us to hear? There are a lot of what ifs, she says.

• At four months old, toddlers start learning language fast and furious. They’re capable of hearing and reproducing every individual sound – called a “phoneme” – used in all 6,500 or so languages on Earth. This is when we are at the peak of “neuroplasticity” when the brain’s primary focus is on figuring out how to give and receive information. Kids will naturally pick up communication patterns that even expert adults might miss. We lose this ability in adolescence.

• Toddlers are also a lot more flexible in terms of what sounds they’ll classify as language. That flexibility could really come in handy when we encounter sounds that may not exist on Earth, according to University of Texas professor Catharine Echols. Echols research shows that 13-month-olds are more willing to associate nonlinguistic sounds such as a beep, signal, or tone, whereas older children increasingly favor speech. “By 20 months, children won’t accept a whistle or a harmonica sound,” Echols said. “They’ll only accept words.”

• “Doing something this hard and this important is going to require our best, most gracious selves, so we better start getting ready,” Wells-Jensen says. “It’s dangerous and beautiful and impossible, and (ET contact) could happen at any moment.”


How do you teach a language nobody speaks or has ever heard? That’s the first question Sheri Wells-Jensen, a linguistics professor at Bowling Green State University, had to answer while designing the curriculum for her course in xenolinguistics—the study of alien languages.

“The problem of not having an existing alien language isn’t really a problem,” Wells-Jensen said. “If we ever get one, it would be nice if some people had thought about it ahead of time. You’ve got to get ready. We could make first contact tomorrow. We don’t know.”

If we did make first contact tomorrow, Wells-Jensen says, humanity’s first instinct would probably be to find the most prestigious, well-educated linguists around and “get them to our secret base,” à la Dr. Louise Banks, Amy Adams’ character in the 2016 movie Arrival. In the film, when 12 UFOs appear at locations around the globe, Banks gets tapped by the U.S. Army to go to the spacecraft hovering in Montana to decipher the utterly foreign language of the aliens in it and find out what they want. It’s Hollywood, of course, so it only takes a montage or two before she’s fluent.

If the real world actually got alien visitors, we’d probably start attempts to communicate similar to the ways they do in the movie—using pictures, and lots of pointing and gesturing, to establish a basic vocabulary of simple words and descriptors. But, unlike the depictions in Arrival, our best hope for learning to communicate quickly and effectively might rest not with the studied linguists of the world. Instead, we may want to bet on our planet’s best learners: toddlers.

But first, back to the adult experts. How do you teach something truly alien? It’s impossible, says Wells-Jensen, but we can start with the basics.

To study the hypothetical, Wells-Jensen’s university class in xenolinguistics discusses the relationship between language and thought and the types of message construction common in Earth languages. They also look at what Earth languages don’t do, but also what we could probably handle. Humans exhibit an extraordinary ability to communicate, and when it comes to communicating with aliens, Wells-Jensen says, there’s plenty of potential—so long as their style is at least a little bit “people-ish.”

For example, many of our communication methods are dictated by our bodies and by the way we manipulate the physical world around us. If the aliens had something resembling hands—and, preferably, a face that could direct attention toward an object—we might stand a chance at understanding one another.

“We could learn a humanlike language, and we could learn a furry bunny-shaped language, but we probably couldn’t learn the language of hyperintelligent sugar blobs,” Wells-Jensen said.



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Is Dan Aykroyd Attracting UFOs to Martha’s Vineyard?

by Holly Nadler                July 11, 2018                  (mvtimes.com)

• There seems to be a lot of UFO activity over Martha’s Vineyard, the island off of Massachusetts that has become the playground of the rich and famous. One resident is Dan Aykroyd who said in the 2005 UFO documentary, Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs, “There should be no debate anymore that UFOs exist. …“This is real. People are being abducted. Mind control is in play here, and we have to be vigilant.” Ackroyd maintains that 54 percent of Americans believe in UFOs, and that he’s seen UFOs zooming over his house on Martha’s Vineyard.

• In September 1953, a story in the Vineyard Gazette told of a woman who stood on her Martha’s Vineyard yard and watched orange lights in the sky.

• In April 1958, the Vineyard Gazette reported, “Signs in the sky continue to disturb Vineyard residents.”

• In 1967, Vineyard restaurant diners witnessed three lights “pulsating” low over the harbor.

• On Sept. 19, 2009, Vineyard residents reported multicolored spots on the southern horizon. Local fisherman reported a bright, tiny beam that morphed into a football shape, burned, exploded like a firecracker, then vanished.

•  Finally, in the summer of 1963, the Vineyard Gazette reported that John F. Kennedy was on his boat off of Martha’s Vineyard with a dozen friends when they all saw a 60-foot diameter disk-shaped object materialize within 100 feet of the boat. While JFK and friends gaped, the object shot up at tremendous speed and vanished. JFK instructed his guests, “We don’t talk about this.”

[Editor’s Note]  See previous ExoNews article on Dan Aykroyd discussing his UFO sightings, Men In Black, and why extraterrestrials are here.


Picture two aliens in a spacecraft. For seven gravity-free nanoseconds, they’ve glimpsed nothing but black ocean, then lights! Civilization! Their GPS tells them, “You’re closing in on Martha’s Vineyard. You are advised to hold here, because the social activity in the high season is more frenzied than anything we’ve studied anywhere else on the planet, with any of the species.”

So that’s a hypothetical about why our Island has been prey to a lotta lotta UFO sightings.

Chilmark resident, ghostbuster, and movie star Dan Aykroyd has made it a point to examine alien activity here or anywhere in earthly precincts. In the documentary, “Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs,” (bit.ly/mvUFO), released in 2005, he states, “There should be no debate anymore that UFOs exist.”

But back up a sec: Let’s look at E.T. tableaux over our own hemisphere. Normally it’s a sign of abject lunacy to admit you’ve glimpsed flickering lights over Katama. Heaven forbid you reveal you’ve been abducted by aliens for one of those unmentionable probes. Yet it happens!

Aykroyd says in the documentary, “This is real. People are being abducted. Mind control is in play here, and we have to be vigilant.”

Aykroyd maintains that 54 percent of Americans believe in UFOs. If you take a straw poll of all your Island friends and neighbors, chances are a few of them will have seen — well, something “rich and strange,” to pull Shakespeare in on the discussion.



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Author Says Now is the Time for Serious Research of UFOs

by Craig Hislop                July 11, 2018                  (cachevalleydaily.com)

• With the newly issued National Space Traffic Management Policy, which defends American assets in space and President Trump’s new Space Force Military Branch initiative, now is the time for more serious, long-term scientific research around the topic of UFOs says James T. Abbott, author of “The Outsider’s Guide to UFOs”.

• “The most important thing, I think, is that we’re becoming much more open and outward looking in terms of space,” says Abbott. “We’re talking seriously about going to Mars… So I think that outward facing aspect has prompted a more serious look, too, at some of the phenomena that are called UFOs.”

• “The need to find out what these things are is now becoming very pressing, and not really for defense purposes. The governments of virtually every developed nation in the world have decided whatever the phenomenon is, it is not a threat to humanity or any individual nation,” Abbott says.


In June, the White House issued the National Space Traffic Management Policy, which defends American assets in space.

James T. Abbott, author of The Outsider’s Guide to UFOs, said that new policy, combined with President Trump’s new Space Force Military Branch, means now is the time for more serious, long-term scientific research around the topic of UFOs, in support of a future Space Force.

James T. Abbott

“I think those assets are being defended on behalf of the free world, as you would call it,” says Abbott. “But the most important thing, I think, is that we’re becoming much more open and outward looking in terms of space.

“We’re talking seriously about going to Mars. We’re building some very competent pieces of kit at the moment. So I think that outward facing aspect has prompted a more serious look, too, at some of the phenomena that are called UFOs.”



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When an Alberta Town Decided to Build a UFO Landing Pad

CBC Archives               July 10, 2018                  (cbc.ca)

• In 1967, the town of St. Paul, Alberta, Canada built the world’s first UFO landing pad. The circular cement deck landing pad is attached to a spaceship-shaped Chamber of Commerce, and even has space sounds piped in for extra effect.

• The UFO landing pad was built in an effort to attract both tourists and Martians to this rural pocket, starting off as a tongue-in-cheek celebration of Canada’s Centennial but growing to full-fledged intergalactic fervor.

• In 1998, the town hosted a UFO conference for believers and the merely curious. Aliens have yet to land in St. Paul.


The town of St. Paul, Alta., took western hospitality to a new realm in 1967. When others in Canada were building roadside outhouses or enormous fish statues as Centennial projects, the small farming town built the world’s first UFO landing pad.

           the landing pad in the 1960’s
                     the landing pad today

The landing pad, a circular cement deck attached to a spaceship-shaped Chamber of Commerce, even had space sounds piped in for extra effect.

An enduring tourist attraction

It was built in an effort to attract both tourists and Martians to this rural pocket, starting off as a tongue-in-cheek celebration of Canada’s Centennial but growing to full-fledged intergalactic fervour. Folks could dine on Saturn Salads and Martian Burgers and cruise aboard the Martian Express.

Aliens have yet to land in St. Paul, but in 1998 the town hosted a UFO conference for believers and the merely curious.



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Mainstream Media UFO Stories Intrigues Public

by Neel Roberts               July 10, 2018               (vulcanadvocate.com)

• A documentary titled “Out of the Blue” reveals a March 19, 1999 NASA letter that presents the U.S. government’s position on UFOs. The government doesn’t deny the existence of UFOs but explicitly states that there is ‘no evidence alien life exists on other planets or that UFOs are related to aliens’. But the recent coverage of UFOs by the New York Times, CNN and Fox News are indeed the real deal. So, where are these UFOs coming from?

• UFO files are the highest classified files in the U.S. government – even higher than nuclear weapons, human cloning, etc. It is at least 21 classification levels above the President of the United States’ standard clearance. No wonder 50-year FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was denied access in July 1947.

• Former Canadian Defense minister Paul Hellyer has been a long-time advocate to make all UFO files public. Recently declassified documents reveal the Canadian government has long been documenting sightings.

• Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary at U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has run several articles indicating that the over $21 trillion missing from the military budget has been finally pinned down to black project technology. President Donald Trump has indicated his intention to disclose decades of hidden advanced technology which rightfully belongs to the people.


The term ‘fake news’ has been a meme for the last couple of years but the recent coverage of UFOs by the New York Times, CNN and Fox News are indeed the real deal.

Despite secrecy and reluctance to discuss the subject by government officials, there’s a lot of good, readily available public information to get any enthusiast educated.

While the definition of UFO is Unidentified Flying Object, it is not necessarily associated with aliens or extra-terrestrial objects.

A documentary called “Out of the Blue” gives a great overview of this phenomenon with government involvement.

A March 19th, 1999 NASA letter in the documentary, it doesn’t deny existence of UFOs but explicitly concludes ‘no evidence of alien life exists on other planets or that UFOs are related to aliens’.
Well, where are they coming from then?

Recent declassified documents reveal the Canadian government has long been documenting sightings as they skyrocketed between 1966-1967.

The UFO files are the highest classified files in the U.S.A government; even higher than nuclear weapons, human cloning, etc.

Believed to be ranked at ‘magistrate level’, it is at least 21 levels above the president of the U.SA. standard clearance.



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Organizers Reflect on UFO Festival’s Impact

by Alison Penn                July 9, 2018                 (rdrnews.com)

• The 23rd annual UFO Festival (July 6-8) in Roswell, NM was a rousing success. City Director of Public Affairs Juanita Jennings reports that the Roswell Visitors Center saw 3,341 visitors over the weekend, compared with 895 visitors that came to the center during festival in 2017. And that includes only those who signed the sign-in sheet. Jim Hill, Director of the International UFO Museum and Research Center, says this year’s museum attendance broke all records with 9,168 visitors.

• The Roswell UFO festival offered events and activities for all ages, including the ‘Down to Earth Brewfest’, the GalactiCon Sci-Fi & Film Festival and costume contest, and the Steampunk Ball. “It was our opportunity to showcase the amount of traffic our city receives due to this festival and what we do for the state of New Mexico,” Jennings said. “The feeling and energy in the downtown area was phenomenal.”

• Kathy Lay, Executive Director for MainStreet Roswell, said the rock painting at the craft station and the music and entertainment were highly praised events in the festival. Lay has received “wonderful reports” from vendors and attendees alike. Repeat attendees have said this was the best year they have attended. Lay has noticed a trend where visitors stayed in Roswell for 4 to 5 nights, instead of one to two nights as in the past.

• This year drew crowds early and people wanted to stay up until the end. 78 vendors occupied 88 spaces ranging from $50 to $250 per booth. One vendor reported quadrupling their sales this year. “So we feel like… from all of the response we’re getting, it was a big success,” said Lay. In fact, visitors have requested the festival be extended to five days for more time to experience it all.

• Guest speaker, alien abductee Travis Walton, was well-received, along with the other speakers in the many facilities around the city (including Stanton Friedman who announced his retirement at the festival. See ExoNews article here).

• Another goal of the festival was in keeping the city clean and beautiful through the work of the sanitation department. The city asked vendors to bring their own electric generators. Jennings said the city will be working to providing more power and electricity for next year’s festival.

• “I think it was just an exceedingly well-run event and I can’t imagine the city of Roswell not having benefited greatly from this festival,” Hill said.

[Editor’s Note] All across the board, the popularity of events and conferences promoting information and disclosure of UFOs, and humanity’s ongoing relationship with extraterrestrial beings, is noticeably increasing. More and more people are waking up to the truth and thereby raising our collective consciousness on this planet.


As the dust settles from the 23rd annual UFO Festival, organizers and city partners are reflecting on its impact over the weekend. Now that the festival is over, organizers will be reviewing various data and surveys to determine turnout for the festival.

City Director of Public Affairs Juanita Jennings said the festival was a phenomenal and well put-together event for all ages. With activities for children, adults, sci-fi fans, adventurists and more, Jennings said she felt the festival was welcoming and inviting for visitors.

Including other events — like the first annual Down to Earth Brewfest at Third Street Station and GalactiCon Sci-Fi & Film Festival at the Roswell Mall — Jennings said, “the feeling and energy in the downtown area was phenomenal.”

Jennings said the significant digital exposure from the “selfie-stations” and other social media experiences, and the film crews, were beneficial for promoting the city.

One area for growth that she and her team touched on in their department recap meeting was they would like to see more community participation in the light parade in the future. Last year, Jennings said the parade was “amazing” and drew a huge crowd. This year some visitors said the parade was shorter than expected and Jennings said the delivery, “fell a little bit short this year compared to last year.” However, she said she thinks with more community involvement and planning it can improve next year.

Near the visitor center, the state’s tourism department had its NM True bus and Jennings said their presence extended visitors an opportunity to experience tourism around the state. Jennings added their presence was important, considering their tour from last week when Roswell received its NM True report card, in strengthening the partnership between the city and the state.

“It was our opportunity to showcase the amount of traffic our city receives due to this festival and what we do for the state of New Mexico,” Jennings said.



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Cousteau Family Members to Investigate Nova Scotia’s Shag Harbour UFO Incident

by Alexander Quon                July 8, 2018               (globalnews.ca/news)

• Fifty years ago, around 11 pm on a clear and moonless night of October 4, 1967, residents of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia saw the string of flashing lights fall from the sky and crash into the nearby waters. Witnesses included three Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, scores of fishermen, and airline pilots flying along the province’s southwest coast. But a series of searches turned up nothing. No wreckage. No bodies. No clues. Thus the Shag Harbour incident became Canada’s best-documented and most intriguing UFO sighting.

• Now, Celine Cousteau and Fabian Cousteau, grandchildren of the famed undersea explorer, Jacques Cousteau, have announced their intention to investigate the infamous UFO Incident this summer, and will attend this year’s Shag Harbour UFO Conference to be filmed as part of the Cousteau’s documentary series.


A nearly 51-year-old mystery will be getting a fresh set of eyes in August, and they’ll belong to one of the world’s most famous families in ocean exploration.

Celine and Fabian Cousteau

Celine Cousteau and Fabian Cousteau, grandchildren of Jacques Cousteau, are set to visit Shag Harbour, N.S., to investigate the infamous Shag Harbour UFO Incident next month.

The organization that promotes and celebrates the mystery made the announcement on their Facebook page.

The Shag Harbour Incident

It was around 11 p.m. on the night of Oct. 4, 1967, when the first accounts of an unusual, lit-up object crashing into the water off of Shag Harbour, N.S., first began filtering through the community.

Among those who saw the string of flashing lights on that clear, moonless night were three RCMP officers, scores of fishermen and airline pilots flying along the province’s southwest coast.

But a series of searches turned up nothing. No wreckage. No bodies. No clues as to what really happened that night nearly 51 years ago.

A Halifax-area man later uncovered a trove of government and police records that would make the Shag Harbour incident Canada’s best-documented and most intriguing UFO sighting.



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Hawaii Volcano Eruption Largest in 200 Years – was it Manmade?

It’s official, scientists with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) say that the lava outflow in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii is the largest in 200 years. In a newly released video titled: “Hawaii Eruption Unprecedented In Past 200 Years”, Steven Brantley from the USGS Hawaii Volcano Observatory said the lava currently flowing out of the East Rift Zone of the Kilauea Volcano, is the “most voluminous”, with the “highest eruption rate”, “highest SO2 emission rates” and already dwarfs the Pu’u O’o lava flow which lasted for 35 years.

The lava outbreak is also unprecedented in the scale of destruction with over 800 homes lost, and 12.5 square miles (32.5 square kilometers) of pristine forest and farmland overrun.  In addition, the lava flow has filled in many popular tourist locations such as Kapoho Bay, Tidal Pools, and Warm Ponds, and thereby created over 700 acres of new land.

It is estimated that in the next day or so, the lava flow will overrun Pohoiki Bay which has the only boat ramp in the region, and is a popular recreational area used by swimmers, surfers and fishermen.

The following USGS map shows the lava flow as of July 16 and the areas (in red) that have been overrun:

Brantley compared the current lava flow to previous years which was summarized in a slide with the following information.

Kilauea Volcano, lower East Rift Zone

1840: 26 days, 205 mcm [million cubic meters]

1955: 88 days, 81 mcm

1960: 37 days, 122 mcm

2018: 80 days, 450 mcm (?}

The amount of lava (450 million cubic meters) has already more than doubled the previous largest lava outflow which occurred back in 1840, and continues to be very active.

Brantley emphasized: “Clearly this activity now is unprecedented in the past 200 years”.

All this raises the question of whether the Puna Geothermal Venture, which used a form of fracking called enhanced geothermal system (aka geothermal fracking) is responsible in some way for what is happening in lower Puna.

Snopes and other critics of any linkage between drilling activities at the geothermal plant and the current lava flow claim that it is normal for lava outbreaks to occur in the East Rift Zone, and that there is nothing unusual in what we are currently witnessing.

Well that argument has been shown to be completely wrong given the latest scientific data. The language used by Brantley and other USGS scientists asserting an unprecedented volume of lava flow makes it worthwhile to more closely investigate what has actually been occurring at the Puna Geothermal Venture, and its role in the current eruption.

In a previous article, I showed how the Puna Geothermal Venture has been using a form of drilling and geothermal energy extraction which is very similar to fracking. The plant would extract heated fluid and steam from a brine lake thousands of feet under the ground, use the steam to generate energy for electricity production, and then pump the brine along with added chemicals back down through its injection wells.

The following diagram illustrates what generally happens in the geothermal energy extraction process:

Geothermal Francking aka Enhanced Goethermal System

In the case of the Puna Geothermal Venture, it was drilling into a large brine lake (formed by seawater trapped in an old lava tube) that was heated by the underlying rock and deeper layers of magma.

All this would form the alleged “closed system” by which the geothermal plant would extract heated brine and steam, and reinject the brine and other chemicals in order to maintain the pressure and equilibrium in the lake.

This alleged equilibrium that would be maintained by the reinjected brine, which Snopes emphasized, would only last if the underlying rock was not damaged or fractured by the reinjected brine and other fluids. However, as can be expected, drilling multiple wells into a fragile rock geology which lies above a large brine lake, which in turn is sitting atop an active lava channel (the East Rift Zone) created unnecessary danger and stress in a very complex ecosystem.

It’s worth emphasizing that Puna Geothermal Venture has drilled wells to extract geothermal fluid, and then drilled injection wells to pump the brine and added liquids back down. In the following geological study conducted over a 100 month period within a 10 km radius of the geothermal plant, it was found that there existed a clear link between the re-injection wells with earthquake activity.

This leads to the critical question, why did Hawaii county and state authorities ignore the correlation between the injection wells and earthquake activity up to 2013? The scientific study clearly showed the danger in digging additional wells into the East Rift Zone, over and above what had been initially permitted by government authorities. Yet this is precisely what happened.

A former US Department of Energy employee who was familiar with the geothermal energy extraction process used at the Puna Geothermal Venture provided the following information in a private email that explains why additional wells were being built:

The Geothermal plant digs wells thousands of feet deep. The wells reach a brine water lake reservoir heated by lava. That heated brine is pumped up to create power. However, due to irregular electricity demand by HELCO, the pipes sit empty and salt in the brine sticks to the pipes and makes the pipes unusable. They then need to drill new wells. They have spent more money than they wanted to in drilling wells.

This is very significant since it shows that the number of wells that needed to be dug into the brine water lake, had increased well beyond initial estimates. Exactly how many wells did the Puna Geothermal Venture and its parent company Ormat Technologies get licenses to drill, and why were increases allowed?

On December 16, 2014, despite strong local opposition based on scientific data showing the dangers, the County and Hawaii State authorities granted the Puna Geothermal Venture a license to drill a 16th well, called KS-16:

It is worth noting that approval to drill an additional well was given after the 100 month geological study [see earlier graph] had shown that the fluid injection occurring at the geothermal plant  was correlated with increased seismic activity within a 10 km radius of the plant. Therefore, despite concern over increased seismic activity from previous wells and strong local opposition, Hawaii authorities still granted the permit to drill.

It’s important to emphasize that drilling a 16th well through thousands of meters of rock in an area already destabilized by earthquakes caused by prior wells would only further damage the underlying geology. The big question is whether this occurred sufficiently to cause a major channel of lava flowing from the Kilauea summit all the way down to the East Rift Zone.

When one examines the 23 fissures formed after the May 3 outbreak, one notices a critical fact. These are all within a six kilometer radius of the Puna Geothermal Venture. This startling fact needs to be considered in the context of the 100 month study that had measured an increase in earthquake activity within a 10 kilometer radius of the plant.

The appearance of the fissures within a six kilometer radius supports the conclusion that the drilling of new wells and the injection of fluids caused earthquakes, which destabilized the underlying geology sufficiently to cause the appearance of the lava fissures.

Furthermore, a Duke University scientific study completed in 2010, showed that the Puna Geothermal Venture had drilled into the lava flow at a depth of 2500 meters (7500 feet), and had brought lava to the surface.

Consequently, in understanding why the lava flow into the East Rift Zone has exceeded all historic records, we need to consider that the Puna Geothermal Venture drilled a total of 16 wells thousands of feet into the East Rift Zone since the plant’s inception in 1993.

All these wells were approved by county and state authorities despite scientific data published in 2013/2014 showing earthquakes in a 10 kilometer radius of the plant showed a correlation with drilling and injection activities. At least one, if not more of the wells, even penetrated into the underlying layers of magma facilitating it to rise up through the brine lake, further destabilizing the underlying ecosystem in the process.

These cumulative activities subsequently destabilized the East Rift System to the degree that massive outflow of lava would eventually begin draining from the Kilauea summit into the direct vicinity of the geothermal plant. The fact that all 23 fissures lie within a six kilometer radius of the plant, as the above map clearly shows, is smoking gun evidence that the disaster was manmade.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the largest outpouring of lava in the last 200 years was caused to a significant extent by human activity which at best was reckless and dangerous in meeting electricity production targets.

More troubling questions arise as to whether the lava outbreak was caused by corrupt corporate and Hawaii government officials, as claimed by veteran investigators Dr. Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane in their new documentary Spacegate; and was the disaster contrived as part of a secret geoengineering effort by a global elite connected to the Deep State wishing to destabilize the Hilina Fault System sufficiently to generate a mega tsunami to devastate Hawaii and the U.S. Pacific Coast as described in a previous article?

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Note: Audio Version of above article is available here or can be viewed below]

Further Reading

Stanton Friedman Explores Future of Ufology; Retirement

by Alison Penn                July 6, 2018                   (rdrnews.com)

• On July 6th, nuclear physicist and world renowned ufologist, Stanton Friedman (84), attended his retirement party with 100 well-wishers at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico. For over 60 years Friedman has given 700 lectures in all 50 U.S. states and in many other cities internationally on the topic of UFOs. In his retirement, Friedman plans to find out what the aliens have in mind for Earth from testimonials of communications with extraterrestrials.

• Regarding his contribution to the historical narrative, Friedman said, “Man is not alone and our kids will grow up… knowing that — and that’s good.” Friedman said that the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, Kathleen Marden, will carry on his work. He also singled out John Greenwald who runs the Black Vault because he is “a sharp young man with plenty of data.”

• The International UFO Museum and Research Center staff presented Friedman with a plaque and a watch for his dedication, time and service, loyalty, friendship and generosity. He will be remembered as “one of the greats” of the museum. Friedman said the large number of visitors to the UFO Museum shows there is a genuine interest in aliens and UFOs. He thanked the city of Roswell for sharing controversial topics in a “sensible” way instead of being “ridiculous.”

• UFO investigator Donald Schmitt said of Friedman during the retirement party. “If not for this gentleman right here, this museum would not be here. Roswell would not be here. … The (weather) balloon explanation would have remained the extent and that would be it…” “Stan Friedman led the charge… (and) got the ball rolling.”


A crowd of around 100 people joined Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist and world-renowned ufologist, for his opening talk titled “Traveling through the Stars” on Friday morning and another audience gathered for a retirement party in the afternoon to celebrate Friedman’s potentially last UFO Festival.

The International UFO Museum and Research Center was buzzing with visitors and even had a line out the door around 9:30 a.m. The smaller crowd came at 4 p.m. for his retirement party in the North Library with an impromptu question-and-answer session that covered Friedman’s lectures and personal life. Friedman will be 84 on July 29 and said he has contributed over 60 years of work using science and collecting data to his UFO crusade.

Stanton Friedman

In the morning lecture, Friedman guided the audience through the famous 1947 Roswell Incident, his career as a nuclear physicist — and then his research on ufology.

As a believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life and its visitation to earth, Friedman said, “Man is not alone and our kids will grow up, grandkids, great-grandson will grow up knowing that — and that’s good.”

In March, it was announced Friedman intends to retire from the UFO Festival circuit. He estimates that he has done 700 lectures on this subject in all 50 states and even internationally. When asked about his retirement plans, he said he plans to philosophize on the big picture more and traveling for pleasure instead of work. Agreeing that he is still curious about ufology, he added in his retirement he intends to find out what the aliens have in mind for earth from testimonials of communicating with extraterrestrials.

Stanton Friedman with Kathleen Marden

To pass on his torch of research, Friedman said Kathleen Marden, niece of the allegedly abducted Betty and Barney Hill, is another author and lecturer that will carry on his work. Friedman said his first choice would be John Greenwald, who runs the Black Vault because he is “a sharp young man with plenty of data.”

His lecture and retirement party had themes regarding what he called “the galactic community” that may be a reality one day and there are more questions to be answered. To have this community, he said earthlings need to let go of the ego of being the center of the universe and examine the proclivity to war and how humans operate on planet earth. He said he has an 11-year-old great-grandson and often thinks of what world his descendant inhabits in the future.



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The Alien Protocols Exist to Communicate With Aliens

by Greg O’Shalae              July 4, 2018                (hiddenremote.com)

• With the October 2017 discovery of the cigar-shaped “asteroid” from another star named Oumuamua, cruising through our solar system, and the December 2017 release by the US Navy video of a “tic tac” shaped UFO off of San Diego and similar videos released in March of 2018, it appears that extraterrestrials are already here. An episode of The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens (S13 E3, aired May 11, 2018) addresses the question of how we should attempt to communicate with them.

• The International Academy of Aeronautics, an informal “study group” endorsed by SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has adopted a written set of communications protocols called the “Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”. This non-binding set of guidelines for extraterrestrial communication emphasizes process transparency, third party verification, full media disclosure, and submission of findings made to the International Astronomical Union.

Ancient Aliens suggests that we avoid welcoming parties, international squabbles over who will represent the Earth, and wholesale integration of alien beings into our society.

The Brookings Report (as usual) advocates releasing information slowly to culturally acclimate the population and avoid widespread paranoia.

• In 1977, the Voyager 1 probe contained “the golden record” which set forth the story of humanity in glowing terms for any extraterrestrial with a golden record player.

[Editor’s Note] – It is apparent that there is no official representative body or protocol for communicating with extraterrestrial beings. When the time comes, might I suggest that the world turn to Dr Michael Salla and the thirteen years’ worth of study on the subject by the distinguished members of the Exopolitics Institute to form an initial delegation to represent the interests of humanity on Earth in negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations.


What if aliens visit Earth? Indeed, what if they have already visited? Ancient Aliens explores this concept and links multiple data sources to the conclusion.

Additionally, Ancient Aliens discusses multiple possibilities for future contact. Theoretically, how should humanity interact with aliens? As space exploration continues, this is a subject humanity will have to discuss.

Have aliens visited our planet?

If you’re a frequent watcher of Ancient Aliens, you know the answer to visitation is the same as the age old “Does a bear defecate in the woods”-question. A discovery less than a year ago has propagated this belief.

On October 19, 2017, at the Haleakala Observatory in Maui, a mysterious cigar-shaped object traveling at high speed was detected with a massive telescope and technology that takes a astrophysics Ph.D. to figure out. The object had a unique hyperbolic trajectory like none other, seemingly moving too fast for gravity to force the typical circular or elliptical orbit. It was determined that, for the first time ever, an asteroid entered our solar system from a different star system. It was named Oumuamua, which is Hawaiian for “scout.”

Some leaders in the field – like Avi Loeb, theoretical physicist and Professor of Science at Harvard University – have suggested the ideal shape/environment for an extraterrestrial vessel would be an elongated cylinder not unlike Oumuamua. The classification (i.e. asteroid or comet) of the object, however, has since been debated. Of course, many of the Ancient Aliens crew suggest a third alternative:

The Alien Protocols theory.

The good folks at SETI were very interested in Oumuamua, and have reignited the conversation about how humans should communicate with aliens when we are contacted. Furthermore, the International Academy of Aeronautics, an informal collection of people who deliberated in 1989 on a response to alien visitation, published the “Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.”

Since the aforementioned document is not legally binding, which government or scientific community should communicate with aliens? Ancient Aliens suggests the decision and plans have already been made, and they exist deep in the bowels of government obstruction and obfuscation.



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Space Force Operating Secretly Since 1960’s, Says UFO Researcher

by Barnett Parker               July 3, 2018               (fox5vegas.com)

• In an interview with Fox 5 KVVU-TV in Las Vegas on World UFO Day July 2nd, Dr. Steven Greer (pictured above) offered his take on President Trump’s announcement of the creation of a Space Force branch of the U.S. Military.

• Greer alluded to secret government space technology projects that have been going on for more than 50 years. “I have a man who is a very top secret technology management office whistleblower from the Pentagon who has acknowledged to me that we have operational systems on satellites in space that can track and target and destroy any object in space, and those have been fully operational for many years,” said Greer. “[Trump is] calling for… something that has existed in an unacknowledged special access project… [and] operational in one form or another since the mid-to-late ‘60s.”

• Greer doesn’t fault Trump for not knowing about the government’s long-running secret space program. “The leaders in Congress and in the presidency rarely have full access, never mind ‘control’, over those [secret] projects. This is something that needs correcting as soon as possible,” said Greer.

• Regarding to the notion that extraterrestrial beings from other planets are operating so-called “UFO’s” in Earth’s orbit, Greer says that’s just silly. “The silly stuff gets all the attention because it’s silly,” laments Greer.

• You can learn more about Dr. Greer’s singular viewpoint on his webpage siriusdisclosure.com, and in his documentary “Unacknowledged” on Netflix, Amazon or YouTube.


LAS VEGAS (FOX5) – Dr. Steven Greer offered a wry smile when told he was being interviewed on World UFO Day on July 2.

“There are two things going on,” Greer said from his home in Virginia. “There is the silly season of the UFO subject , which is 90-plus percent of it, and there are the very important operations that are going on. The silly stuff gets all the attention because it’s silly.”

Greer has said he’s been involved in the serious business of providing information about UFOs to at least two U.S. presidents since 1993.

So he had an insider’s perspective in June when President Trump announced he wanted to create a Space Force that would be a new branch of the military.

Greer said: “In a sense what he’s calling for is acknowledging something that has existed in an unacknowledged special access project, black project, that has been operational in one form or another since the mid-to-late ‘60s.”

“I have a man who is a very top secret technology management office whistleblower from the Pentagon who has acknowledged to me that we have operational systems on satellites in space that can track and target and destroy any object in space, and those have been fully operational for many years.”



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Marcel Family Shares Never-Before-Seen Artifacts; Treasure Trove for UFO Researchers

by Christina Stock              July 5, 2018               (rdrnews.com)

• A treasure trove of never-before-seen historic documents, military records, photos and a personal journal by intelligence officer Maj. Jesse Marcel (pictured above with supposed ‘debris’ in 1947, and who died in 1986) were recently uncovered by members of the Marcel family, long considered to be the first family of the Roswell, New Mexico UFO Incident.

• On the morning of July 7, 1947 World War II combat pilot and Army intelligence officer Maj. Jesse Marcel was called to the desert just outside Roswell to investigate a mysterious object that had crashed from the sky. Marcel personally handled and transported the wreckage debris, which he characterized as “not of this world.”

• The next day, the U.S. military issued a press release stating they had recovered wreckage of a flying saucer at Roswell, which was published in the Roswell Daily Record. Two days later, the military reversed the release claiming the wreckage was actually a weather balloon. Marcel was ordered to pose for photos with the balloon debris. This resulted in the widespread belief of a government cover-up.

• Relatives and friends of Jesse Marcel have also been asked to contribute any documents, photos and correspondence they’ve had with Maj. Marcel. With this new trove of Jesse Marcel’s personal papers, Jesse Marcel III, his brother John Marcel and family are determined to find out if their grandfather left behind any clues to what actually happened in Roswell. “My grandfather was used as the fall guy and I owe it to him and my family’s legacy to get to the truth about what happened back in July 1947,” Jesse Marcel III said.

• “We’re hoping that these artifacts and personal writings during the time of the incident will blow open the years-long cover-up.” said John Marcel. One of the biggest finds is Marcel’s journal. “It’s his personal journal from back then, which is so intriguing and may potentially shed light on the truth of what really happened,” said Larry Landsman, a media producer who is documenting the process.

• Forensic document examiner John Osborn has also been tapped to examine the papers and artifacts for authenticity and to help shed light on what really crashed to earth in July 1947. Was it a weather balloon or an extraterrestrial craft?

• The International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell will ultimately curate the historical cache. “The family’s commitment to authenticating the materials speaks volumes as to their resolve to learn the truth. We look forward to the day these documents will be available for public viewing,” said Jim Hill, director of the museum.

• Since its’ opening in 1991, the International UFO Museum and Research Center has seen more than 3,900,000 visitors from around the world. The museum’s library is the second-largest collection of its kind in the world and is open to the public year-round.


A treasure trove of never-before-seen historic documents, military records, photos and a personal journal by intelligence officer Maj. Jesse Marcel were recently uncovered by members of the Marcel family, long considered to be the first family of the Roswell Incident.

On the morning of July 7, 1947 Maj. Jesse Marcel was called to the desert just outside Roswell to investigate a mysterious object that had crashed from the sky. Marcel, a World War II combat pilot and intelligence officer entrusted with oversight of the first and only atomic-bomb strike force in the world, personally handled and transported the debris, which he characterized as “not of this world.”

The next day, the U.S. military issued a press release stating they had recovered wreckage of a flying saucer at Roswell, which was published in the Roswell Daily Record. Two days later, the military reversed the release claiming the wreckage was actually a weather balloon. Marcel was ordered to pose for photos with the balloon debris. This resulted in the widespread belief of a government cover-up. The Roswell Incident — as it has come to be known — went on to become the world’s most famous and enduring UFO mystery.

Did their grandfather leave behind clues to what actually happened in Roswell among his papers and journal? Jesse Marcel III, his brother John Marcel and family are determined to find out. “My grandfather was used as the fall guy and I owe it to him and my family’s legacy to get to the truth about what happened back in July 1947,” Jesse Marcel III said.

Jesse Marcel III had hinted at last year’s UFO Festival that the family was planning a huge project. He had said his grandfather had always been proud of his military career and about the Roswell Incident. “People don’t realize that it was a badge of honor for him (his grandfather),” he said. “He liked being associated with it. He felt that this was life-changing news — something that will change history forever.”



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Da Vinci’s Forbidden Codes Link Him to Aliens

by Greg O’Shalae               July 1, 2018              (hiddenremote.com)

• A recent episode of the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” presented a side of Leonardo da Vinci (pictured above), the illegitimate son of a nobleman and a maid who became one of the world’s greatest inventors, painters, and thinkers, that few have considered. What if de Vinci was given knowledge or an IQ boost from an encounter with extraterrestrial beings?

• The only period in his lifetime when da Vinci disappears from the record is between 1476-1478. Just before this time he writes in his journal of being drawn to a cave while hiking when he was 24 years old. He relates that he was pulled into the cave by the desire to experience the wonder inside. Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that it was here that he interacted with aliens who revealed to him the future.

• During his life, da Vinci was scrutinized by the Roman Catholic church because of his unorthodox philosophical tastes. Consequently, he had to hide information in his paintings to avoid being labeled a heretic. Some example of these may include:

“The Virgin of the Rocks” – The painting (see below) depicts toddlers Jesus and John the Baptist in a rocky place reminiscent of the cave that da Vinci visited. They are under the protective watch of Virgin Mary and the angel Uriel, who is actually an extraterrestrial from the heavens.

“Adoration of the Magi” – Analysis in 2002 on da Vinci’s painting “Adoration of the Magi” (see below) using a technique called thermographics revealed layers of paint that were not painted by the original artist. Apparently da Vinci’s original contained a Pagan temple which was painted over. In the background is a temple with the lotus flower, the lotus ostensibly referring to alien beings.

“Salvator Mundi” – In his portrait of Salvator Mundi, da Vinci depicts his subject holding a Hindu/Buddhist Chintamani stone with three white dots that align to the stars of the Orion constellation.

“John the Baptist” – In this painting, St. John pointing upward with a knowing look on his face (see below), as if to point to ‘another realm’. Also, if you mirror the right side of John’s face in the painting it resembles a gray alien.


Sometimes Ancient Aliens makes a compelling case. Other times the case is not as iron clad. This is one of those in between cases. It takes a bit of faith and confidence in the overall plot to see the entire picture.

Some ancient astronaut theorists may not know all the details to this particular theory. It’s up to viewer discretion to determine if Leonardo da Vinci is linked to aliens. What’s the saying? “I want to believe.”

Dan Brown missed everything.

The Virgin of the Rocks

Eat your heart out Dan Brown. “The Da Vinci Code” may have unveiled some interesting links between religion, cover ups, secret societies, and Renaissance artwork, but it missed everything important. Some researchers claim there are even MORE hidden message found in da Vinci’s work. Furthermore, there is a likely extraterrestrial influence.

It goes without saying that Leonardo da Vinci (LDV) was ahead of his time. The prodigious volume of his ouevre makes it difficult to fully explore in a lifetime. His notebooks and manuscripts remain, however, and contain everything from construction plans for tanks and helicopters to wild inventions that have come into reality centuries later.

His impact is so profound that his “Salvator Mundi” was bought by a Saudi Prince for a new museum in Abu Dhabi for $400 million. During his life, LDV was scrutinized by the Roman Catholic church because of an appearance of wide-ranging philosophical tastes. Consequently, he had to hide information in his paintings to avoid being labeled a heretic.

                “Adoration of the Magi”

Leonardo da Vinci disappears.

Between the years 1476-1478, LDV disappeared from records. His life did not otherwise have gaps in terms of coverage. Just before this time, however, he had an interesting experience. One of the autobiographical anecdotes from his journal tells the story of being drawn to a cave while hiking. He was pulled in by the desire to experience the wonder inside. Some of the ancient astronaut theorists suggest that his experience inside the cave permitted him to see the future, and it is likely related to interaction with aliens.

“Adoration of the Magi”

Using a technique called thermographics, LDV’s “Adoration of the Magi” was analyzed in 2002 in Florence, Italy. An under-drawing was discovered inside the painting of the three wise men visiting the infant Jesus. The analysis, however, showed much more than what is visible to the naked eye.

        “Salvator Mundi”

As it turns out, there were layers of paint, some additions, that were not painted by the original artist. One such detail painted over was of a Pagan temple, would would have been a problem at the time with the prevailing church. In fact, one of the background drawings is a temple with the lotus flower (i.e. the flower of life). Some of the ancient astronaut theorists contend LDV was obsessed with the lotus flower, which may indicate his connection to potential alien contact. 


               “John the Baptist”





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Britain’s Race to Beat Russia to Alien Weapons Revealed in Secret Files

by Mark Branagan              July 1, 2018               (express.co.uk)

• According to a 1000-page dossier called “UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) in the UK Air Defence Region” recently obtained by British X-Files expert Dr. David Clarke, the British government had been running two separate UFO desks. The public UFO desk was only set up to gather reports of sightings. The real work was being done by experts within Defence Intelligence.

• The dossier reveals that the RAF (Royal Air Force) was “particularly interested in any novel technologies which might be useful to their programmes”. Intelligence service chiefs urged the British government to be on the alert for sightings of strange foreign aircraft showing sinister signs of extraterrestrial tinkering. “Particular attention should be paid to any aircraft behaving like a UFO with the tell-tale signs of “high velocities, sharp manoeuvre, stationary ‘flight’, and few radar returns”.

• British spies planned to capture a flying saucer and use its alien technology to build superweapons, the secret files revealed. After the Cold War, there were fears that the Soviet Union or China were harvesting UFO secrets to develop superfast warplanes that could hover in mid-air and be invisible to radar.

• By 1997, the British government had determined that investigating things such as ‘alien abductions’ had become “a diversion from their main duties” and ordered the X-Files desks to be shut down. This 1000-page dossier was held back from the UFO records earmarked for transfer to the National Archives as part of the Open Government project from 2008 to 2013. But earlier this year, a complete set of redacted copies of the dossier was sent to Dr. Clarke ahead of its release to the National Archives. Says Dr. Clarke, “Even though they have been partly censored they can’t conceal the fact the UK military were interested in capturing UFOs.”


BRITISH spies planned to capture a flying saucer and use its alien technology to build superweapons, secret files reveal. Even after the Cold War, there were fears that the Soviet Union or China had impounded a UFO and were harvesting its secrets to develop superfast warplanes that could hover in mid-air and be invisible to radar.

Intelligence service chiefs urged the Government to be on the alert for sightings of strange foreign aircraft showing sinister signs of extraterrestrial tinkering.

The dossier, obtained by British XFiles expert Dr David Clarke, reveals the Government was running two UFO desks.

  Dr. David Clarke

The public UFO desk was only set up to gather reports of sightings.

The real work was being done by experts from Defence Intelligence.

For half a century, spy bosses pored over the reports convinced they represented “as grave a threat to the Realm as the Soviet Union”.

But by 1997, the word had come down from Whitehall that the security services investigating “X-files stuff such as alien abductions” had become “a diversion from their main duties”.

A review was ordered to confirm the desk should be shut down, but also to determine whether anything had been learned over the years which could be useful to military.

The dossier reveals the RAF were “particularly interested in any novel technologies which might be useful to their programmes”.

“Propulsion, stealth, and any novel electromagnetic technologies are of particular interest,” the confidential memos added.


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Insider Reveals More about Extraterrestrials working in Classified Programs

Emery Smith, a former US Air Force Surgical Assistant, has revealed more about his knowledge and face to face interactions with extraterrestrials he encountered while working on classified programs. He encountered the extraterrestrials at Kirtland Air Force Base, and other classified facilities in New Mexico such as White Sands and Dulce; along with Denver, Colorado and Charlottesville, Virginia, all of which he has previously discussed on Cosmic Disclosure (Gaia TV).

In the July 10 episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Smith talked about encyclopedic databases with extensive information on different extraterrestrial races he was shown after he began working on the classified programs in 1992 while stationed at Kirtland AFB:

After a few years in the projects and your clearance gets up and you’re getting briefed on different scenarios and different types of extraterrestrials where they’re saying they’re extraterrestrials or beings from other than Earth origin, and also getting access to the most amazing libraries of encyclopedias that they have there – it’s all on computer mainframes – you get to really understand that we’re just a small, small part of such a wide and vast array of other beings that are spread out through the universe and multiverse.

Smith’s information dovetails with what Corey Goode, another insider discussing classified programs involving extraterrestrial life and technology, says he encountered while working on a U.S. Navy created secret space program. Goode says he was given access to smart glass pads which contained classified encyclopedias on extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

Corey Goode with Smart Glass Pad. Source: Sphere Being Alliance/Gaia.com

Similarly, Clifford Stone, another whistleblower/insider says that he was given access to a First Aid manual with extensive medical data on 57 extraterrestrial races while working on a classified crash retrieval programs, Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly, during his U.S. Army service from 1969 to 1990.

Importantly, Smith says that it was a corporation that was running the classified extraterrestrial and advanced technology programs at Kirtland. While he had a regular USAF assignment at Kirtland from 1990 to 1995, the classified work he did began in 1992, and was under the authority of a corporation.

Smith’s information is consistent with the revelation of an anonymous archivist who described being employed in the mid-1980’s for a six month period to professionally catalogue files about extraterrestrial life and technology possessed by a major aerospace company (later revealed to be Rockwell International).

In an interview with Project Camelot in May 2006, Mr X described his main purpose in cataloguing all kinds of records concerning extraterrestrial life and technology:

I just gathered and organized information. I think my purpose was to aid those in speculating and understanding the material gathered and to give those specialists an opportunity to learn from the material I gathered because it was organized. I helped our government to research by organizing the material to be gone through.

Two years after his initial interview, Mr X died in mysterious circumstances, and his identity was never publicly disclosed.

Mr X helps us understand the role of corporations in developing encyclopedia-like databases used by those working inside classified programs such as Smith, Goode and Stone. It’s worth emphasizing that Rockwell’s aerospace  business was taken over by the Boeing Corporation in 1996.

Phantom Works Logo

The classified Rockwell extraterrestrial archives were very likely incorporated into Boeing’s advanced technology division, Phantom Works, which was acquired after Boeings’ merger with McDonnell Douglas aircraft company in 1997.

This means that the Boeing company, either through Phantom Works or another highly classified division, prepares the encyclopedia-like databases describing different extraterrestrial races that Smith, Goode and Stone had previously witnessed.

One of the races that Smith discussed at length in his July 10 interview with David Wilcock on Cosmic Disclosure are Reptilians who he says he encountered while working at classified facilities:

David: I find it very interesting: when we look at Indian history in the Mahabharata and the Vedas that we have what appears to be an evil Reptilian race called Rakshasas, but that there also was a benevolent Reptilian race called Nagas that they actually ended up making temples out of.

Emery: Right.

David: And you actually see lots and lots of stone inscriptions of what looks like humans, but then they have like a Reptilian tail like a snake. So do you think that these benevolent Reptilian ETs that you were talking about could have been there at the time of the Indian civilization where those texts were written?

Emery: Yeah, I 100% believe that. I know all the texts you’re talking about. I know of the statues that you’re talking about. I know of the amulets they made of them and some of the carvings down there.

So I agree that these Reptilians I’m associated with that I know are this . . . a little bit more docile, hybrid-type, human-type figures, and they were looked up [to] as gods.

David: Now, it’s also interesting because Pete Peterson did say that there was a benevolent Reptilian race as well. And he had told me that they were very keenly interested in our religious development, our spiritual development, that they were very wise, very advanced, and they really seemed to want us to become ethical and to learn how to all get along with each other.

Emery: Yea, I can concur with that. They do have a religious background that I don’t know everything about. But they’re very strong about it and they do carry amulets and jewelry that show their belief in this system.

They also have sometimes special clothing for certain holiday-type things that they may wear, such as a scarf or a ribbon on their arm. And these things celebrate this religion that you speak of, which is the unity of all and one that they believe in.

And they believe even though they’re of different genetic DNA, they also believe that everyone HAS their DNA. And they believe in the system that they were kind of the first ones in the solar system and universe that actually seeded it. And over billions of years, other formations of their genetic lineage has mixed around and is actually where WE come from.

And that’s why you see sometimes in the medical society of people saying, “Well, we have the reptile part of the brain and this because we’re associated with an iguana or something.

So it’s very funny that this is all coming out in the questions that you ask because I do believe there’s a correlation with this race, and we might have a little bit of that DNA in us to some extent….

Illustration of Reptilian witnessed by Emery Smith. Source Gaia.com

The existence of an indigenous race of highly intelligent Reptilian beings that is involved in classified military/corporate programs has been discussed by many others.

My own research into the existence of an intelligent indigenous Reptilian race began with reports of human rights abuses occurring at the classified Dulce base facility, in New Mexico. In The Dulce Report (2003), I discussed how an indigenous Reptilian helped an alleged security guard, Thomas Castello, escape and tell the world about what was happening there.

Veteran Cryptozoology researcher, John Rhodes, has written extensively about Reptilians/Reptoids and his website has many articles that will help inform readers about what people all over the world have experienced in hundreds/thousands of encounters with intelligent Reptilian beings.

It’s important to point out that Smith had no knowledge of an aggressive off world Reptilian race called the Draconians (likely the “Rakshasas” depicted in Vedic Indian texts). In contrast, both Corey Goode and William Tompkins have discussed Draconians as an imperialist extraterrestrial race that formed an alliance with Nazi Germany to establish a base in Antarctica using advanced antigravity technologies.


In my Dulce Report, I discussed how the Draconians, according to Castello, were in charge of the base there, and were using indigenous Earth Reptilians (the “Nagas” in Vedic Indian texts), to run the facility, where many abuses were occurring.

After discussing his knowledge of the Reptilians and his interactions with them at classified military/corporate facilities, Smith next talked about highly intelligent aquatic races that are extraterrestrial origin:

I think maybe I should talk about the more liquid-state planets that are associated with ETs. You know, everyone thinks ETs are all just of the 3D in this Earth-air atmosphere, and it’s not the case.

You have beings that have to live in water or come from a water planet. You have these types of beings that come from the Pleiades system, and we call them Aquafarians – some of the first of these extraterrestrials that live in water. They don’t need to, but their planet is 98% water.

He said that the “Aquafarians” originate from Pleiades and Sirius star systems:

The Aquafarians started in the Pleiades and then migrated, I know, to Sirius section. I don’t know where in there, but I’m only telling you what I’ve read from the history of being in that library.

And I was fascinated, of course, with dolphins and whales. I have a really good connection with them. I’ve done a lot of underwater photography and have a great bond with these fish and the mammals.

Smith went on to assert that there are aquatic races that are indigenous to Earth who he also worked with at Kirtland and other classified facilities. He said that many legends about Mermaids are based on people accidently interacting with them, as the following dialogue with Wilcock illustrates:

Emery: Well, there are many types of water-type extraterrestrials. There are some that look like manatees, there are some that look like dolphins, and there are even some that do have a shape from the waist down that’s kind of scaly and has fins on the outer edges of these beings. But from the chest up, they actually look pretty human.

David: Now, just to be clear, these are extraterrestrial live coworkers that you’re seeing on these bases, correct?

Emery: Yes…. And I think this is maybe where the mermaids come from. You know, I think this mythological background of the history of these sailors seeing these beings could possibly have had a base here on the planet.

And there’s a lot of cities that people are discovering, but the Cabal does not let people know this, that are underground, and it wasn’t because they were flooded. It’s because that’s where they really were – these cities – under the ocean. I’m sorry, under the ocean.

And that also proves the fact that these extraterrestrials lived here and they flourished here at some point in time. And I know you know a lot about the history of the mermaids and some of the extraterrestrials over in Asia.

Dolphin Man encountered by Emery Smith. Source: Gaia.com

In the July 10, Cosmic Disclosure interview, Smith went on to give detailed descriptions of the different types of Aquafarian races he encountered, and even of the underwater autopsies he participated in.

Smith’s revelations of him working with different types of extraterrestrials at classified facilities reveals the extent of diplomatic agreements that these races have secretly reached with the U.S. and other major nations. In an earlier article, I explained how these agreements may have legal standing under international law, despite never being ratified by the U.S. Senate.

Extraterrestrials have been secretly working with different elements of the military industrial complex in classified facilities for decades. The fact that many of these advanced extraterrestrial related projects are under the control of major aerospace companies who operate in strict secrecy with little to no government oversight is a major cause for concern.  

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

Further Reading

UFO Crashes 80 Miles From England World Cup Match Site

by Will Stewart             July 7, 2018              (mirror.co.uk)

• On July 5th, two glowing balls were seen lighting up the midnight sky in western Kazakhstan, and a UFO with pulsating lights crashed and exploded near the village of Bostandyk (pictured above), 80 miles from the Russian city of Samara where England played Sweden in a World Cup soccer match. The explosion caused local houses to “tremble” and ignited a fire on the parched bushes and grass of the area.

• Residents who rushed to the scene discovered a silver-colored object partially buried in the ground, with a sealed hatch and a protruding valve.  (see images below)  Locals evidently tried to open the hatch without success. A smaller but similar object was nearby. One witness said, “The UFO material does not look like metal. It is soft like fabric.” A law enforcement source said the weird 10-ft in diameter object that fell from the sky was like “a ball that had been welded shut”.

• Village residents saw the object spinning in the sky with bright lights pulsating before it crash landed. A local woman exclaimed, “This glowing sphere seemed to be spinning around and turning over our village. …Then it fell down somewhere behind the village and exploded.” Locals have crowded to the scene to inspect the alien object.

• One theory is that it was a satellite or spacecraft that crashed to Earth. There has been no official comment from the Kazakh authorities nor from space officials in neighbouring Russia.


A spooky UFO with pulsating lights crash landed and exploded just 80 miles from the Russian city hosting England’s World Cup quarter final clash with Sweden.

Locals inspecting crashed UFO

Two glowing balls were seen lighting up the midnight sky over the west of the ex-Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.

The eerie UFO crashed near the village of Bostandyk some 1,000ft from the Zhalpakatal-Karasu highway, say police.

The object “exploded” on landing – causing local houses to “tremble” and igniting a blaze on the parched steppe destroying bushes and grass covering 100 hectares.

Immediately, mobile communications in the remote area were cut, say frightened locals.

Residents rushed to the scene and amid the flames found a silver-coloured object partially buried in the ground.

It has a sealed hatch with a protruding valve. Locals evidently tried to open the hatch without success.

A smaller but similar object was nearby.

One witness said: “The UFO material does not look like metal. It is soft like fabric.”

A law enforcement source said the weird object that fell from the sky was like “a ball that had been welded shut”.

The edges of the UFO had melted possible oil entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Residents of Karasu village saw the object spinning in the sky with bright lights pulsating before it crash landed.



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Could Stories of Alien Encounters Be Real?

by Kyla Cathey              July 1, 2018             (earth.com)

• Former NASA research scientist and current physics professor at State University of New York, Albany, Dr. Kevin Knuth, recently wrote in a column for The Conversation that the idea that extraterrestrials exist is actually more realistic than the belief that they don’t. Given the probabilities, “there should be a number of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy”, writes Knuth. “It’s time to reconsider whether we’re really alone.”

• “The problem is that there has been no single well-documented UFO encounter that would alone qualify as the smoking gun. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that many governments around the world have covered up and classified information about such encounters. But there are enough scraps of evidence that suggest that the problem needs to be open to scientific study,” says Knuth. “Government instigated “skepticism surrounding alien encounters has taken on a life of its own.”

• When scientists do look at UFO sightings, they find that they’re more common than previously thought. A survey of astronomers found that more than 60 percent reported seeing unexplained activity in the night skies. Many felt that UFOs should be better studied, and a majority were willing to do so.

• “This is a topic worthy of open scientific inquiry, until there is a scientific consensus based on evidence rather than prior expectation or belief. If there are indeed extraterrestrial craft visiting Earth, it would greatly benefit us to know about them, their nature and their intent,” Knuth wrote.


Humans have always wondered whether they are alone in the universe, from stories about trolls, elves and other mythical beings to modern speculation about beings from other planets. Now, one physics professor is questioning whether humanity should take reports of UFOs and alien encounters more seriously.

In a column for The Conversation, Dr. Kevin Knuth – a former NASA research scientist and current physics professor at State University of New York, Albany – thinks it’s time to reconsider whether we’re really alone.

             Dr. Kevin Knuth

“I have always been interested in UFOs. Of course, there was the excitement that there could be aliens and other living worlds. But more exciting to me was the possibility that interstellar travel was technologically achievable,” he wrote.

The idea that extraterrestrials exist is actually more realistic than the belief that they don’t, Knuth points out.

“Even if intelligent life developed on a very small percentage of these planets, then there should be a number of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy,” he wrote.

However, the distance between planets and stars and the nature of time and technological discovery makes the chances of other sentient beings finding us – or vice versa – much more unlikely. Even so, there should have been evidence of other civilizations existing, even if humans and aliens have never met one another, he wrote.

And there might be.

“The problem is that there has been no single well-documented UFO encounter that would alone qualify as the smoking gun. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that many governments around the world have covered up and classified information about such encounters. But there are enough scraps of evidence that suggest that the problem needs to be open to scientific study,” Knuth wrote.



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Exopolitics, Andean Wisdom and Contacts

UFO in Samaipata, Bolivia possibly reminding us of an ancient exopolitical relationship

EXOPOLITICS: An interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.”

“Exo” (a Greek prefix) means “outside” and “politics” can be defined as a branch of practical moral activity in which free persons seek the common good. Their range of activity was traditionally called the “polis” and it originally meant a Greek city-state in which free and property-owning individuals could engage in debates, voting behavior and political decisions.

In our era (and in spite of a current, temporary re-entrenchment into illiberal camps) the concept of “polis” is expanding, beginning to include the globalized reality of relations among nation-states and an awareness that there might be “others” in the cosmos already interacting with us and our planetary reality. The more we become aware and capable of integrating with the “others” (even beyond our physical and planetary “human” world), the more we will integrate to a “cosmo-politics” no longer with beings “outside” of our lifeworld but as one People in one Polis.

And as an interdisciplinary scientific field (that -in my view – should expand into a transdisciplinary one), “exopolitics” would be a way, not only of “studying” actors, institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life but also of relating with extraterrestrial (and possibly ‘interdimensional’, multi-reality), intelligent beings. 

Here the key word is “relating” and some pre-hispanic Andean Quechua principles which apply to LIFE under the categories of feeling (Munay), understanding (Yachay) and work (Yankay) should be explored for their practical application to EXOPOLITICS. They aim to relate people in harmony with what exists through feeling, understanding and practical work (and “feeling” is considered most important). And relating well would require understanding how to align ourselves as political actors with universal principles and patterns.

In Andean thinking, the main issue emphasized in reflective thought is not substance nor essence (as is the case in foundational Western traditions) but RELATIONS. What we call “God” in Western and Middle East philosophy and theology is called “KAUSAY” in Quechua Andean traditions, a term which can normally translate as “LIFE”, perhaps as the ultimate connecting Source enlivening all relations (and beings dependent on them). Furthermore, another concept approaching or coinciding with an educated metaphysical concept of a creator “God” is referred to as “Illa Tecse Wiracocha Pachayachachi.”  

Having “knowledge” in the Andean traditions (especially in the Quechua traditions) not only refers to conceptual knowing but is about wisely living experiential relations in daily life and, in doing so, promoting, protecting and nourishing more of life. That is the ideal. Its understanding is an integral wisdom called “Yachay.”

A lack of emphasis in instrumental, analytical, excluded middle thinking seems to have been circumvented in many ways through a relational way of thinking inclusive of feeling, relational rituals and a balanced, equitably distributed collective work in which some of the practical results also somehow included the moving and precise placement of multi-ton stones assembled as structures embracing multiple reality.

I do not say that life in the Quechua Andean world was perfect or idyllic as (varying from place to place and according to distinct “eras”) there also were wars of conquest and different kinds of political problems. However, the overall vision of Life stemming from a deep wisdom (which apparently includes the existence of beings from previous more advanced civilizations) was probably more in harmony with Life itself and there were more conscious attempts to align with it.  

Correspondence is key in the so-called “pari verse” (a concept explored by Mr. Javier Lajo) in which the woven thread of life – of living relations – is made of interconnected pairs and in which participating in a nourishing way involves forms of non-conceptual – but symbolic – mediation in which human beings (Runas) mediate between realities like bridges. In this participation, celebration (celebrating aspects of Life) is also important to act as a living bridge.

Under this way of thinking, nothing exists in isolation but only exists because of its complement: PARITY. And the complement of something is its counterpart only not antagonistically.  We (considering myself a participant in the Andean worldview) emphasize the INCLUSION of relational opposites. Thus while the excluded middle thinking exists, the included middle is prioritized under various customs and practices; perhaps not so much in an analytical, critical manner but in practical life. Thus, outer technology – while it exists – is not the emphasis even though at times, unique feats (which in modern culture would have required such more materialistic approach) were accomplished. 

In fact, reciprocity is a principle of inevitable participation, a give and take that is considered to be just and proportional practiced first in our immediate HOME and local community or Ayllu extending it towards the whole living tapestry.

In this system, “Chakana” is a bridge, a connector, a crossing point located in transitions between realities and is made of souls or living entities. In a way, they are one with the source of all relations.  People are natural chakanas. Community members would responsibly participate in each “chakana” crossing point and themselves be “chakanas.”  Reciprocity is also practiced within the community as a way to reflect the same principles.


Inside the Chakana room at the sacred Waka of Chavin de Huantar, Perú.

“NUNAS” (spirits) are found in these transition phases, crossing points or chakanas connecting worlds and generating new life expressions from the encounters that ensue in living awareness.

As mentioned, “Runas” or humans are very important chakanas/bridges but they are not the only ones. The role of Runas (or humans) is first and foremost that of preservers and custodians (ARARIWA) of this world, the present world, their perceived world (Kay Pacha). We have vital. Important, critical responsibilities as connectors.

According to various contactees, some ETs may be considered as “runas” in a broad sense of being able to connect realities. However, some (whether approximating human form or not) may not have as many potential capacities as we do and may want to have our powers to affect more of reality.

Complimentary sexual polarity is represented in some “mesas” or ritual ceremonial spaces: The Masculine (“qhari” is represented on the right-hand side of a sacred ritual space) and the feminine (“warmi” is represented on the left-hand side of the sacred ritual space). However, both always occur in every manifestation of life, in mountains spirits and also all in beings.

 “Hanan” (the upper geographical position, refers to established principles, higher order). “Hurin” and “Uku” (geographically below) refer to emerging life, the subconscious, possibilities, the subtle and the underworld). The meeting place is the creative product of that meeting and constitutes perceived world or “Kay Pacha,” our actual world of experience originally created from the meeting or encounter (TINKUY) of the pre-established higher order (Hanan) and the emergent, chaotic, future-oriented (Uku). The meeting of the past and future of structured order and the ambiguity of possibility is the encounter of worlds from which creatively new worlds or outcomes can ensue, especially if the meeting is mutually reinforcing, harmoniously complimentary or occurs under “YANANTIN.”   

A side not about “deities”

 “Pachacamac” was the name given to a deity whose cult extended across several ethnic groups in the Andes, particularly along the coastal regions. It was recognized as a force or power whose name could be interpreted as “the one who moves the world,” not the “creator” of the world. The genuine force can be understood as a cosmic principle and then there was an entity that used people demanding to be fed sacrifices, a blood-thirsty entity used to administer an oracle.   

Also, in the Andean world the name of Illa Teqse Wiracocha Pachayachachiq as universal lord and teacher is recognized in some places.  I think that it must be related, comparable or equal to the concept of Life as “Kausay.” In the aforementioned name, we find the word “Wiracocha” which possibly has a higher meaning in that it (akin to the Western and Oriental concepts of Non-Duality) relates the irreconcilable unifying it.  

There also is a more popular understanding that a white teacher with a beard popularly called “Wiracocha” came to the Andes and taught many things. This is why when the Spaniards arrived, they were also referred to as “wiracochas” (and this sometimes applies to any white person nowadays). However, a deeper meaning of the term may exist. Etymologically, “Wiracocha” contains the word that stands for grease (Wira) and for a body of water (Cocha), two elements that don’t usually combine but that now – in a single word – are unusually mixed together.

Perhaps, “Illa” can be understood as “ineffable light,” “Teqse” (or Ticsi) as the “foundation,” “Wiracocha” as the entity that can reconcile normally irreconcilable opposites and “Pachayachachi” as “the maker or creator of the world.” It is not clear if the maker of the world made the world out of nothing or out of itself-himself-herself or if, perhaps, the question is irrelevant because however it happened (or happens) in both cases it is correct.

Interestingly, “KAUSAY” or Life emanates from the “center of the center” or “the center of its center” (Chaupin) depicted as an empty hole in the “Andean Cross” (or chakana representation) and this center.potential from which the ineffable Life emanates connects everything in the four directions and in the multi-level – but three-tiered – thread of life.


Then, places like the (perhaps improperly called) “temple” of Chavin de Huántar in the central Andes of Perú refer to a historically important “WAKA” (or a particularly powerful connecting place). Its name (according to researcher Mr. Mario E. Osorio Olazábal) derives from the key idea of “Chaupin” or “the center of the center”. And a powerful “waka” like Chavín de Huántar would have been a particularly important place of observation to relate with and converse with as a caretaking friend with more aspects of life located from within the tapestry of life.

I recently recorded a video with my cell phone from inside the Chavin de Huantar Temple, specifically inside a room that depicted the Andean Cross on an entrance and a closed “window” opposite to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv_oR3eLzRo

Also, in the Quechua Andean traditions, the concept of “SUMAQ KAUSAY” and/or “AYIN KAUSAY” reminds us of living a “good life” or “splendid life” in alignment the universal thread.

Also, geometrically speaking, “PACHATUSAN” (the ideal line of alignment with life) also appears in the Chakana as another line at 22 degrees 30 minutes and aligned with “WAKAS” (commonly referred as “temples” but more accurately could be “power places” or “conversation or relational centers in the world” or the reality-tapestry.

Generally speaking, the “Capaq Ñan” is the Inca and pre-Inca road system but, in a more restrictive sense, it also refers to those segments of the road system which connect important aligned sacred sites. Thus, there are Capaq Ñan ‘wakas’ for instance at 45 degrees due West from the Lake Titicaca region and Tiwanaku and there are the “Pachatusan” aligned wakas at 22 degrees 30 minutes due West with the center in Cuzco.  Mathematician Maria Scholten made important discoveries about this.

“Pachatusan” (the line that aligns with of Life) is also known as “chekalluwa” (the Line of Truth) and it makes a 22.30 0 angle West of 00 (true north) when the Chakana symbol (the “Andean Cross) is overlaid with its “chaupin” center or central opening over the Ccoricancha Temple of the Sun in Cuzco. And on a larger geographic scale, along with this line there are some Inti watana” wakas, special places where the Sun is said to be “tied up” or “held” probably on a subtler energy level to realign it with Mother Earth… Pacha Mama.  And the line is close to the 23.50 degrees of the Earth’s axis. Interestingly, some researchers of Andean traditions like Mr. Javier Lajo consider that Earth’s alignment with the 22.30 0 angle is the ideal cosmic alignment with the Sun. Therefore, perhaps the Inti Watana wakas and specific sacred ritual practices related with them realign the Earth with the Sun on a subtle energy level. 

Diagram by Javier Lajo, researcher of Andean wisdom and traditions. It shows the Capaq Ñan line and another alignment with the Sun at 22.300

According to contactees in the Mision Rahma tradition and some researcher-contactees like Mr. Antonio Portugal Alvizuri, ancient places like Tiawanacu (or Tiwanaku) hold secrets related with more advanced civilizations that were in direct contacts with extraterrestrials.

In fact, there may have been various powerful cosmic alignment practices that are now forgotten (or perhaps some of them partially survive but are kept for a few initiates). Knowledge is given to those that can handle it responsibly.

Contactees like Luis Fernando Mostajo also claim that there is – in relation to some places in the Andes – there are degrees of contact with “spiritual masters” (some of them advanced human-extraterrestrial hybrids now living underground and in different physical and non-physical frequencies). And allegedly, these “masters” have kept Earth’s subtle energies in balance since the time of civilizations like fabled Atlantis and Mu. And they want us to evolve to the point of assuming responsibilities. 

They claim that humanity can grow up in collective awareness, activate genetic consciousness codes, recognize its role in the larger scheme of Life learning to represent planet Earth as a unified civilization amidst a vast extraterrestrial and spiritual cosmic organization of benevolent beings, thus taking some of Earth-representation responsibilities away from the shoulders of the masters. These issues would constitute a core of secret or esoteric knowledge known not only to a few contactees but also to some high-level Andean initiates… true “Altum Misayoq.” Occasionally some contactees in South America have also physically met these private and enigmatic initiates.

Naturally, an inclusive, relational worldview with all beings and with “all of life” includes the acceptance of extra-planetary intelligences. And in this relationship, not all are considered to be kind but this is also naturally understood and processed without focusing on fear, or on an obsessive need for confrontation.

These teachings and attitudes are not unlike those of Native American ‘nations’ in the U.S. and Canada and may reflect how important aspects of a universal knowledge (related to the so-called “Great Chain of Being”) is understood in some pre-modern societies.

Thus far, procuring various degrees of personal (and often collective) empirical verification requires openness, and respect for ancient wisdom, personal preparation, and participation besides effort invested in various ancient traditions and/or contact modalities. And (from what I have seen in esoteric contact groups), generally-speaking, more emphasis is placed in feeling or sentiment rather than in judgmental critical thinking, a past history of conflicts, power seeking, technologies, cabals and such. However, a basic level of objectivity cannot be abandoned.

The overall feeling-based attitude may seem to Western sensibilities to be “wishy washy” and not set well to Western minds seeking knowledge from a more analytical, material results-oriented and scientific perspective and this may be why some Rahma contact group practices originating in Latin America may feel somewhat way too “religious” or “cheesy” to truth-seekers operating from a more technologically-based perspective. However, after reflecting over it for years, contact with the highest benevolent extraterrestrial types and associated spiritual masters seems to require first and foremost a positive attitude and a loving feeling.

Why would integrating the existence of God (the Profound Love of Cosmic Consciousness according to some of our ET friends) and spiritual masters into the issue of extraterrestrial contact be necessarily wishy-washy?  

A focus on mental understanding would be so over our heads and difficult that the first choice on how to initiate, maintain and process these contacts, actually a way more easily available to us would be through feeling. This may be why many persons participating in these particular contact events seem to be quite simple, well-intended and even some “true believers,” especially to academically-oriented truth seekers. But it is a way for a segment of humanity to interact with an important aspect that is spiritual in emphasis while also conected to real, physical ETs.

Human-type extraterrestrial friends Antarel & Ivika, allegedly from one of our probable futures in the Alpha Centauri region.

However, ideally, the possibility of operating both through feeling and through great mental objectivity and acuity (beyond that of closed-minded, pseudo-skeptics) would be more advanced, integrative and best and, in this respect, a contactee-researcher like Ricardo Gonzalez seems to be showing the way as one of the few individuals capable of integrating qualitative and quantitative elements better than most while also representing a more advanced phase of direct personal contact possibilities and responsibilities.

The spiritual side of life and contacts (including spiritual principles, sacred geometry, karma and the role of spiritual masters like Jesus the Christ) is perfectly compatible with the processes that lead to material manifestation. Both stem from the same Source differently disclosed through diverse worldviews in different parts of the world, including the Quechua Andean. And these worldviews (like different ‘pearls of wisdom’ represented by different sides of a mountain as in Fr. Thomas Merton’s example) can relate with each other. Once again, using Quechua terms, all of them also require an integral, harmonious combination of Munay (feeling), Yachay (understanding) and Yankay (practical work) in alignment with universal patterns.

If we are to produce a wise exopolitics of peace and nontoxic participation with Earth and all sentient life-forms instead of extending a traditional blind obsession for power into developing cosmic relations (in alignment with conflicts expressed by technologically advanced beings that are still carrying old, unhealthy attachments from previous stages of evolution) we need to come to terms with the positive elements of universal wisdom. And we need to recognize them (remember them) re-acquire them, re-incorporate them into the new more inclusive cultural premises woldview that emerges. And more powerful practical technologies would need to be produced accompanying this emerging worldview to be fully accepted.

To creatively produce an adequate exopolitics we need to align our lives with the spiritual-material patterns that connect stemming from Source. The deeper, “mystical” Andean-Quechua worldviews seeking to establish this alignment can be a great source of guidance for this.

Two of Canada’s Famous Unsolved UFO Mysteries

July 2018            (cbc.ca)

• Here are two of Canada’s best known UFO encounters, both occurring in 1967.

• Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia – On October 4th, 1967, the night skies above the village of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, were lit up by a string of as many as four flashing lights that crashed into the waters of the Shag Harbour. People could see a large round, orange object, glowing in the water as it sunk. An attempt was made to rescue the crashed ‘aircraft’ but the local Coast Guard and divers could find no debris. No planes were reported missing and eventually the case was labeled as a UFO. Shag Harbour now has a UFO center and every summer holds a festival dedicated to the incident.

• Falcon Lake, Manitoba – On May 20, 1967, Stefan Michalak was walking along the shore of Falcon Lake, 150 kilometers east of Winnipeg when he saw two strange shapes hovering in the sky. One landed near to him. Thinking it was some sort of military aircraft he walked up to an open door on the craft. It suddenly took off and Stefan was singed by a blast of hot air. When he got home he saw that he had burns on his chest in a grid pattern, like the vents he’d seen on the ship. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigated the site and found bits of melted metal. In April of 2018, the Royal Canadian Mint released a special coin to mark the Falcon Lake Incident.  (see previous ExoNews article on the Falcon Lake incident and commemorative coin here)


A UFO, or an unidentified flying object, is something moving in the sky that can’t be explained. Many times these objects turn out to be satellites, weather balloons or planes, but some sightings remain mysteries. Some people even believe that UFOs are actually alien spacecraft. Even if no one knows for sure what UFOs are, it’s fun to imagine visitors from other planets. What’s more, Canada has had some UFO sightings of its own. Let’s find out about two of our best known UFO mysteries.

Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia

On October 4th, 1967, the night skies above the village of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, were lit up by a string of as many as four lights. The lights flashed on and off before seeming to crash into the waters of the harbour. People watching saw a large round object, glowing orange in the water before it sunk. Thinking that a plane had crashed, the RCMP organized a rescue attempt. But nothing was found by local boats or the Coast Guard. Divers were called in to search the seafloor, but they too found nothing. No planes were reported missing and eventually the case was labeled as a UFO.

The witnesses aren’t sure what it was, but they know they saw something. Shag Harbour now has a UFO centre and every summer holds a festival dedicated to the incident.

Falcon Lake, Manitoba

The year 1967 was a busy one for UFOs, because on May 20th there was another mysterious sighting — this time about 150 kilometres east of Winnipeg, on the shores of Falcon Lake. Stefan Michalak was an amateur geologist looking for valuable rocks when he saw two strange shapes hovering in the sky. He wasn’t scared, thinking that they were military aircraft and even made sketches of one when it landed nearby. Stefan decided to approach the craft and saw bright lights from an open door on the ship. It took off and Stefan was hit with a blast of hot air that burned his clothes. He managed to get back home and discovered that he had burns on his chest in a grid pattern, like the vents he’d seen on the ship.

Stefan Michalak with grid pattern burns

The RCMP investigated and found melted bits of metal, along with Stefan’s burned clothing at the site. No one could say what the strange ships were, and while Stefan never claimed to see aliens, it is considered one of the best-documented UFO encounters in Canada. In April of 2018, the Royal Canadian Mint released a special coin to mark the Falcon Lake Incident as one of Canada’s most famous mysteries!



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Is Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy a Deep State Operation?

Former Blink 182 rockstar, Tom DeLonge, is having great difficulty in convincing many UFO researchers that his To the Stars Academy is not a Deep State operation. Many believe that DeLonge has been coopted by savvy Deep State operatives who gave him access to the rarefied world of highly classified Special Access Programs in order to manipulate him.

Despite the success of the To The Stars Academy in getting mainstream media attention to study UFO files released by the U.S. military intelligence community, a number of UFO researchers have become very vocal in their criticism of DeLonge, basically claiming that he is in over his head and is being played by the Deep State.

The concern has become so great that Peter Levenda, one of DeLonge’s co-authors in his book series, Sekret Machines, attended the Contact in the Desert Conference in June to dispel such concerns. I recently was able to view the video of his presentation given on June 3, 2018 which was aptly titled: “Conspiracy Theories & UFOlogy: Tom Delonge & the Deep State Scenario”.

In the abstract he wrote:

This will be a discussion of the current theories in Ufological circles that Tom DeLonge and the To The Stars Academy are agents of a “deep state” that wishes to manipulate Ufology, or expectations concerning UFOs, for the benefit of a secret cabal of government insiders. .

In his nearly two hour presentation, Levenda offered a strident defense of DeLonge, the To the Stars Academy, and his own involvement in the book series. However, Levenda’s defense was so unconvincing that he inadvertently raised doubts with viewers, such as myself, over whether DeLonge may indeed be in over his head and has been coopted into a Deep State operation.

Levenda began by describing his own background and research that has made him a successful book author, who has travelled widely and interviewed many infamous individuals. His first book, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult (1995) has become a classic and was among the first that examined the cult beliefs that dominated Nazi Germany’s ruling elite.

I read the book and have it on my bookshelf as a reliable source on Nazi occult beliefs. Levenda’s scholarship won him many fans, including myself.

What did raise my eyebrows during his Contact in the Desert presentation was Levenda’s account of how in 1968, as a 17 year old, he was involved in establishing a cult church in New York city where he and his buddy were self-appointed bishops.

Levenda described how he and his buddy gate-crashed the Robert Kennedy funeral impersonating high level church dignitaries who were transported in a limousine. Was this all simply an elaborate lark by two precocious 17 year olds as Levenda contends, or was something more sinister at play?

What we do know for certain is that Levenda and his buddy became targets for recruitment by rival strange churches, which were fronts for the CIA and other intelligence agencies as Levenda has publicly acknowledged. He says that he declined such offers, and his subsequent worldwide travel and research, was prompted by intellectual curiosity into the bizarre and unusual.

Perhaps, but the legitimate question can be raised about whether his subsequent writing career was established as a suitable cover for recruitment as a CIA agent and/or operative. After all, as a precocious 17 year old, he had displayed a clear talent for deception and establishing fake identities. This surely would have made him an ideal recruit for the shadowy world of CIA covert operations.

It is what Levenda had to say about critics of the To The Stars Academy that really raised my suspicions during his presentation. He called out Dr. Steven Greer as one of the more prominent critics, and set out to contrast Greer and DeLonge’s approaches to gathering UFO evidence.

Whereas Greer was depicted as touting up to 1000 unnamed whistleblowers/insiders spilling the beans on the UFO/extraterrestrial cover up, DeLonge was credited with getting former high level government and corporate officials to come forward and risk their reputations by joining his To The Stars Academy.

The audience was told that Greer was touting speculation by unknown sources, whereas DeLonge was promoting scientific research by having hard facts and evidence discussed by experts who had verifiable credentials in the military industrial complex.

There was a major flaw in Levenda’s critique of Greer. It is simply not true to say that Greer has touted unknown whistleblowers as sources on the UFO coverup. In his May 2001, Disclosure Project Press Conference, he got 21 former military, government and corporate figures to go public. In the subsequent book, Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History, there were over 60 individuals who by a vast majority went on the record in terms of their identities and credentials.

While it is true that the bulk of Greer’s hundreds of Disclosure Project witnesses (currently estimated up to a 1000 according to Levenda) have not been named, a significant number have been publicly identified and their testimonies are available for research and analysis. Distorting the record of a prominent critic certainly did not help Levenda’s main goal of rebutting Greer’s criticism of DeLonge as out of his depth when it came to dealing with the Deep State.

Levenda went to great effort to stress that DeLonge had been researching the UFO field for decades, and was sufficiently familiar with the issues and main figures in the field to make good judgement calls on who’s authentic or not.

Essentially, Levenda was saying we can trust DeLonge and not see him as an inexperienced dupe, who has been taken in by the Deep State as Greer and other critics were contending.

My own knowledge in this regard is limited to an incident where Tom DeLonge got to hear the views of William Tompkins and Dr. Bob Wood regarding a secret space program, Solar Warden, established by the U.S. Navy with the aid of corporations such as Douglas Aircraft/McDonnell Douglas. Both Tompkins and Dr Wood have decades of experience with Douglas Aircraft and the aerospace industry.

DeLonge expressed his disbelief that such a thing could have happened. I know that DeLonge is not alone in disbelieving that the U.S. Navy could have secretly developed kilometers long space carriers out of its classified facilities as Tompkins contends. There is testimonial evidence that U.S. Air Force officials, have investigated Tompkins and Corey Goode’s claims in this regard as well, as I have written about here.

My book, the US Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance, lays out all the evidence that Solar Warden was real, and that it continues to operate in Deep Space. Perhaps DeLonge is merely reflecting the worldview of his insider sources, largely drawn from the US Air Force, who disbelieve that they would have been out of the loop on such an advanced technology program.

What the above incident does show, however, is that DeLonge has an inability to reconcile information that is contrary to what he is being told by his insiders. That’s a red flag and doesn’t help build confidence that he is not being duped by the military industrial community.

It is what Levenda had to say about the John Podesta – DeLonge link that finally shifted me from being an agnostic on the “DeLonge is an agent of the Deep State” perspective. Levenda described the Pizzagate controversy raised by Wikileaks release of thousands of Podesta emails by dismissing it as yet another example of the fear and paranoia that is so prevalent in the UFO community.

Levenda assured the audience that there’s nothing to Pizzagate and that Podesta isn’t the pedophile child sacrificing deviant that many now believe due to the Wikileaks release. In the past, I’ve written admiringly of Podesta, and also of Hillary Clinton, in their respective roles in promoting UFO disclosure dating back from the 1990’s during the Clinton Administration, right up to the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Like many in the UFO/exopolitics communities I saw them as heroes fighting the good disclosure fight, and supported them above other politicians/public figures who remained silent on the UFO issue.

All that changed with the October-November 2016 Wikileaks releases of the Podesta emails that showed coded language using pizza related words being used by Podesta, Clinton, and their associates. Investigative reporter Ben Swann and other investigators showed that this was an elaborate code used by known pedophile networks that indulged in child trafficking, and even ritual human sacrifice. The fact that many of the symbols and codes were known to law enforcement agencies merited close examination of such claims despite debunking efforts by the mainstream media such as the New York Times and Snopes.


I had earlier been made aware of the connection between child trafficking and the Washington D.C. political establishment (Deep State) through the pioneering research of John DeCamp in The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska and Cathy Obrien’s seminal book, Trance: Formation of America. Both of these books showed how an elaborate sex-trade in children was used to compromise young upcoming politicians, and ultimately make them agents of the Deep State as they were rapidly promoted into senior positions.

I understand that this is all very controversial, and why UFO researchers would want to steer clear of all of this. However, with the Wikileaks release of Podesta’s emails, we have someone long viewed as among the few public officials supporting UFO disclosure being directly implicated in an alleged network of child traffickers that practice many kinds of abusive rituals.

I would have understood it if Levenda had simply skirted around all this controversy and merely pointed out that DeLonge’s association with Podesta pre-dated the Wikileaks email release (they began meeting in mid-2015). This would have meant that DeLonge, along with Levenda, were simply unaware of what Podesta may have been involved in, and merely wanted to elicit his support for a UFO disclosure initiative that they were pursuing.

Tom DeLonge, Peter Levenda, and John Podesta pictured from left during a 2015 interview

However, what Levenda did instead was to offer a full-throated rebuttal of the entire Pizzagate controversy. Levenda said it was all another example of the systemic fear and paranoia that is part of the UFO community, and there was nothing of substance in the Pizzagate controversy. He even made a crude pizza joke about it all, to the stunned silence of his audience.

That is not the position an objective researcher would take when looking at all the data and evidence. The Podesta emails are a part of the public record, and in many of them he and other Clinton affiliated figures appear to be using pizza related code words and symbols recognized by law enforcement bodies as common among pedophile rings.

Levenda was not interested in seriously examining the Wikileaks email release in terms of what the use of a coded pizza words meant for Podesta and Clinton.

That’s when it finally hit me. Levenda was a Deep State agent/operative after all. His history and recruitment by the Deep State was hidden in plain sight with his account of his exploits as a precocious 17 year old which brought him into contact with CIA/Deep State operatives in an “innocent lark” involving the creation of a fake church cult.

Furthermore, who would be unscrupulous enough to use deception and a fake identity to gate crash the funeral of Bobby Kennedy who had just been assassinated after clinching the Democratic nomination for the 1968 Presidential campaign? Certainly not any normal person, but instead a future CIA agent/operative with a talent for using deception in public interactions.

Ironically, Levenda’s attempt to prove he was not a Deep State operative only succeeded in converting me from being an agnostic on the whole “DeLonge is an agent of the Deep State”  narrative, to now accepting it.

DeLonge may still be a well-meaning researcher wanting to promote UFO disclosure, but he has been coopted by Deep State operatives, including Levenda, and that is not a good foundation for any kind of genuine disclosure of the truth behind UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

The Real-Life UFO Encounter That Inspired ‘Critters’

by Nat Brehmer                   June 29, 2018                  (bloody-disgusting.com)

• The 1986 cult-classic monster movie, “Critters”, begins in space as the goblin-like Critters break out of their asteroid prison and crash their hijacked spaceship in Grover’s Bend, Kansas. Soon they besiege an isolated farmhouse where the frightened family holds them off with shotguns.

• As pointed out by veteran writer, Matt Molgaard, and by Bruce G. Hallenbeck in his chronology of Comedy-Horror Films, “Critters” is loosely based on a real-life alien confrontation known as the Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter, one of the most well-documented UFO incidents out there. (see previous ExoNews article on the Hopkinsville Incident)

• On the evening of August 21, 1955 in a rural farmhouse located between the towns of Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky, five adults and seven children were besieged by little monsters from space. As Billy Ray Taylor was drawing water from the well he saw shooting star streak across the sky and land somewhere nearby behind a tree line. Billy Ray and his friend Elmer Sutton went to investigate. They came upon a creature, ran back to the house and barricaded their family inside. Before long many of these creatures were besieging the farmhouse as Billy Ray and Elmer held them off with shotguns. Although the creatures were shot several times, even at point-blank range, they were apparently unharmed. At one point Billy Ray’s hair was grabbed by a huge, clawed hand. And several times family members would leap back, startled, from the glowing eyes and twisted faces of the creatures staring in at them through the window.

• After several hours, the family took an opportunity make a dash to their car, and they drove to the police station where they reported the entire thing. Four police officers raced out to the scene, alongside five state troopers, three deputy sheriffs and four military police from the nearby US Army base. They searched the property and found nothing except evidence of gunfire.

• In the early 1980’s when film writer/director Steven Spielberg was considering ideas for a UFO-themed movie, he planned to do a movie called “Night Skies” about a family besieged by vicious aliens in a farmhouse, while one of the children would befriend a gentler alien who was different from the others. Ultimately, Spielberg split the ideas into two different movies – “E.T.: The Extraterrestrial” about a child befriending an alien, and “Poltergeist” about a family besieged by a paranormal entity. Spielberg also produced Joe Dante’s “Gremlins” which has similarities to the creatures that visited Hopkinsville in 1955, but in a family-friendly way as Spielberg had envisioned “Night Skies”.

• But “Critters” is the film that most closely mirrors the Hopkinsville encounter, complete with a shooting star, vicious creatures from outer space, a family barricaded in a farmhouse with shotguns, glowing red eyes peering in through the window, and a space critter’s clawed hand grabbing one of them.


Critters is, with good reason, a cult classic of the mid-eighties. It followed on the heels of Gremlins and certainly has its similarities to Joe Dante’s little monster masterpiece, but Critters still manages to stand apart. It has a flavor all its own.

Whereas the Gremlins remained much more mysterious in origin—unless you go by the novelization, which goes obsessively into detail over their backstory—the Critters are extraterrestrial from the first moment we’re introduced to them. The movie begins in space, watching them break out of their asteroid prison before crashing their hijacked spaceship into Grover’s Bend, Kansas, where the film begins in earnest. That’s not only where we’re introduced to our main characters, but where we set up the surprising siege movie that Critters actually becomes.

For as fun and goofy as it is, Critters takes to heart the inherently unnerving concept of a family in a small, isolated farmhouse being besieged by little monsters. And that’s very interesting, not just because of how well it works tonally and stylistically for the film, but also because of the fact that it was based on an actual, famous real-life incident in which a family in a small, isolated farmhouse was apparently besieged by little monsters.

I’m not the first to make the connection. A great writer named Matt Molgaard, who tragically passed last year, wrote a terrific piece for Blumhouse.com that was how I first learned of the incident and how it connected to Critters. But I thought it would be worth not just looking at the fact that Critters takes its inspiration from this encounter, but specifically breaking down how it takes inspiration and what moments from the encounter clearly made their way into the film.

The incident is now widely known as the Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter, though it has also been cited over time as the Hopkinsville Goblins Case and the Kelly Green Men Case. It is one of the most well-documented incidents in the history of UFO sightings and became famous because of that.

Said incident took place in 1955 in Kentucky, just between the towns of Kelly and Hopkinsville. Two families rushed into the police station claiming that they had been holding off vicious, small creatures for several hours, which they believed to have come from a UFO. Five adults and seven children apparently witnessed these events unfold over the course of the evening of August 21st. Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray Taylor seemed to take charge during the farmhouse siege, shooting at twelve to fifteen creatures that repeatedly attacked the group over the course of the evening.

It began around seven o’clock, when Billy Ray looked up while he was drawing water from the well to see what appeared to be a shooting star streak across the sky and disappear behind the tree line, somewhere behind the house. Taylor and Sutton went back out to investigate, running back into the house when they saw a creature outside, kicking off an apparent invasion that would last for the next three hours. At one point, Taylor’s hair was grabbed by a huge, clawed hand. At several points, family members would leap back, startled, from the glowing eyes and twisted faces of the creatures staring in at them through the window.

Although the creatures were shot at several times, none were killed, otherwise the incident would have become much more famous. Once they had a clear shot, the two families piled into their cars and drove to the police station where they reported the entire thing. The police responded, not because they believed the claims, but because they were legitimately worried about a possible gun battle erupting between local citizens. Four police officers raced out to the scene, alongside five state troopers, three deputy sheriffs and four military police from the nearby US Army base. They searched the property, but found nothing but evidence of gunfire; bullet holes were found in the trees, the side of the house and through the screens of the doors.

They found no monsters. No evidence that it was a hoax, either.


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