UFO Researcher Spots Strange Buildings and Structures on Lunar Surface

by Nirmal Narayanan                   July 26, 2018                       (ibtimes.sg)

• After analyzing various lunar photos released by NASA, UFO researcher Tyler Glockner of the YouTube channel “Secureteam 10” has spotted a white square-shaped structure on the Moon that doesn’t seem like natural formation. The square structure also casts a shadow on the ground. (see 10:27 minute video below)

• “I noticed that the square structure was not sitting in a random area on the lunar surface. It can be assured that the square structure is not a glitch. After analyzing the 3D view, I learned that the white building is actually sitting on the top of a mountain. The white building offers a perfect view of all of the craters and areas of the moon,” says Tyler Glocker in the video.

• In the same video, Glockner released another image which was apparently taken from NASA’s Ames Research Centre. In the image, two researchers were seen looking at the monitor. But the real mystery of the image lies on the picture on the working table, revealing a gigantic building-like structure on the lunar surface.

• “They are hiding what’s really there with this square white object! There’s something they don’t want us to see,” commented YouTuber Billy Anderson. Other conspiracy theorists believe that the new findings might be the remnants of an advanced alien civilization that lived in moon years ago.

• Skeptics argue that these structures in the lunar surface are the result of pareidolia, a peculiar capability of the human brain to form a recognizable pattern or image on unknown objects.


After analyzing various lunar photos released by NASA and other space agencies, a UFO researcher named Tyler Glockner has spotted a white square-shaped structure which made many people believe that aliens are living on earth’s natural satellite. In the video, the UFO researcher also indirectly alleged that NASA is trying to coverup many secrets surrounding alien presence in the moon.

Interestingly, the square structure spotted in the moon does not seem natural, and it literally resembles many buildings which humans have built on earth. It should be also noted that the square structure in the moon has also cast a shadow on the ground.

The conspiracy theorist also reveals that the square structure in the moon is being built on the moon purposefully.

“I noticed that the square structure was not sitting in a random area on the lunar surface. It can be assured that the square structure is not a glitch. After analyzing the 3D view, I learned that the white building is actually sitting on the top of a mountain. The white building offers a perfect view of all of the craters and areas of the moon,” said Tyler Glocker in the video.

10:27 minute video of Tyler Gockner of the
YouTube channel “Secureteam 10” describing structures found the Moon


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Aliens In a Diner?

by Nick Redfern                  July 26, 2018                   (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• In the early 1950s, Truman Bethurum encountered an attractive alien female humanoid being named Aura Rhanes. The first time he saw Rhanes was at a distance out in the desert, with ‘her crew of little men’ next to their large spacecraft. But Redfern’s tale focuses on a subsequent encounter when Bethrum saw Rhanes with a ‘little man’ in a diner.

• It was at 3:00 am on an August morning in 1952, Bethurum and a work friend, Whitey, had just finished their work shift and went to an all-night diner in Glendale, Nevada. Bethurum had confided in Whitey about his experiences (?) with Aura Rhanes, but Whitey was skeptical. But when they went into the diner, they saw the petite woman with a diminutive man. She was dressed in black except for a “glaring red” skirt. They watched as the pair sat down at a table.

• Soon, Bethurum worked up the courage to walk up to her table. Whitey freaked out and went out to his truck to wait. Bethurum asked politely,“I beg your pardon, lady, but haven’t we met before?” Rhanes glared at Bethurum and just said ‘no’, almost like a “deadly hiss,” in Bethurum’s own words.

• Bethurum persisted, “You very closely resemble a lady I met some time ago out on Mormon Mesa.” Again the woman said ‘no’, threateningly. This went on with each question he asked her. The little man remained silent.

• Bethurum went back to his seat. The waitress came over to him and wondered if these folks were “the saucer people you told us about.” The waitress noted that the little man had ‘penciled on’ a scar on his face. The little man paid their bill and left. The waitress immediately came back over to Bethurum and said, “The lady told me to tell you that she knows you, and that she was sorry and ‘yes’ is the answer to some of your questions.”

• Bethurum went outside to find Whitey standing out front. When Bethurum asked where the pair went, Whitey replied, “They never came out. Honest, not a blessed soul passed through that door until you came out.”


The strange saga of Truman Bethurum – a man who, in the early 1950s, claimed flirty encounters with a hot space-babe named Aura Rhanes – is one which provokes either hoots of derision or deep intrigue. I have friends who fall into the former category and others who fall into the latter. A good case can be made, though, that Bethurum’s encounters were born out of a combination of sleep paralysis and a yearning for something beyond two failed marriages. But, according to Bethurum, it wasn’t all fun and flirty action.

Truman Bethurum

On two occasions, Bethurum said, he encountered Aura Rhanesunder circumstances very different to those which occurred out in the desert, with Rhanes’ huge flying saucer and her crew of little men in view. These additional encounters saw Rhanes operating in what can only be termed disguise. There was nothing flirty or friendly about these close encounters, however: they were downright hostile. The first occurred around 3:00 a.m. – a time when a wealth of supernatural activity typically occurs – one August 1952 morning.

Bethurum and a work friend, “Whitey,” had just finished their shift and decided to head off in Whitey’s pick-up truck to a favorite, all-night diner in Glendale, Nevada. Whitey was someone who Bethurum had quietly confided in about his experiences with Aura Rhanes. He was also someone who, although fascinated by Bethurum’s claims, was somewhat skeptical of the story. That is, until they entered the diner. Any skepticism Whitey had was very soon to be wiped out. As the pair sat and drank coffee and ate pie, a noticeably quiet Whitey elbowed Bethurum in the ribs and motioned him to take a look at the end of the counter. Bethurum looked up. He was amazed and shocked to see Aura Rhanes, and an equally small male individual, standing there.

“It’s her, isn’t it?” asked Whitey. Bethurum nodded, pretty much in a state of near-shock. Both men watched carefully as Rhanes and her colleague took seats at a window table. In stark contrast to everyone else in the diner, Rhanes was dressed in black: black beret, wraparound black sunglasses, black velvet blouse, and black boots. The only thing that wasn’t black: a “glaring red” skirt.

A worried Whitey asked: “What are you going to do?” Bethurum knew exactly what he was going to do. He composed himself, and walk over and talk to them. Whitey, however, was having none of it. He quickly exited the diner, preferring to sit in his truck, in the overwhelming darkness of the desert, rather than confront creatures from another world.



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Strange Object Spotted on Google Earth, Triggers UFO Crash Rumors

by Nirmal Narayanan                 July 26, 2018                (ibtimes.sg)

• YouTube channel ‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’ has released a video which shows a round flying saucer-shaped object spotted in the Aegean Sea, just a few miles off the Greek coast. The video description states that the image can be viewed on Google Earth at coordinates 40°27’4.62″ 22°51’39.78″.

• In the 2:01 minute video (below), the narrator of the video zooms into the coordinates and soon, object emerges below the oceanic water. The object spotted in the sea might be measuring more than 220 feet in width.

• Some theorists claim that the object might be a “USO” – an Unidentified Submerged Object which is being used by aliens to travel in the depths of the ocean.


Conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘The Hidden Underbelly 2.0’ has released an eerie video which shows a strange object spotted in the Aegean Sea, just a few miles off the Greece coast. The conspiracy theory channel alleges that the newly discovered object spotted with the help of Google Earth might be actually a crashed unidentified flying object (UFO).

In the video, the narrator of the video zooms into the coordinates and soon, a round flying saucer-shaped object emerges below the oceanic water. After initial analysis, the conspiracy theorist revealed that the object spotted in the sea might be measuring more than 220 feet in width.

“This image can be viewed on Google Earth and here are the Coordinates 40°27’4.62″ 22°51’39.78″ So please have a look for yourself and according to the Google earth measurements this object is over 220 feet in length,” wrote the conspiracy theorist in the video description.

In the meantime, a section of conspiracy theorists has started claiming that the object found underwater might be an unidentified submerged object (USO) which is being used by aliens to travel in the depths of the ocean. Previously, several conspiracy theorists had claimed that aliens are living in the depths of the ocean, and they argue that the increased UFO sightings above oceans are an indication which proves their existence.

2:01 minute video of submerged “USO” in the waters off of Greece



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Letter to President Jefferson May Be Earliest Recorded Visit of Aliens

by Sean Martin                July 28, 18                  (express.co.uk)

• In a letter to President Thomas Jefferson (in office from 1801 to 1809), a tavern keeper in Portsmouth, Virginia, and a friend visiting from Baltimore relate to the President that they saw a large ‘ball of fire’ in the sky. Barkeeper Edward Hansford and Baltimore’s John Clarke, describe in their correspondence how this object in the sky began to change shape, first taking on the form of a turtle and then the shape of a human skeleton, then a man, and quickly ascended and descended. According to the website Monticello.org, it “is perhaps the earliest recorded observation of a UFO.”

• The letter reads: ““We the subscribers most earnestly solicit, that your honour will give us your opinion on the following extraordinary phenomenon.” “We saw in the South a Ball of fire full as large as the sun at Maridian which was frequently obscured within the space of ten minutes by a smoke emitted from its own body, but ultimately retained its brilliancy, and form during that period, but with apparent agitation.” “It then assumed the form of a Turtle which also appeared to be much agitated and as frequently obscured by a similar smoke.” “It then assumed the shape of a human skeleton which was frequently obscured by a like smoke and as frequently descended and ascended. It then assumed the form of a Scotch Highlander arrayed for battle and extremely agitated, and ultimately passed to the West and disappeared in its own smoke.”

• It is unclear whether President Jefferson ever responded.


A tavern keeper in Portsmouth, Virginia, and a friend visiting from Baltimore believe they saw a UFO in the sky.

The two men, barkeeper Edward Hansford and Baltimore’s John Clarke, describe in their letter to President Jefferson how they saw a meteor-like object in the sky.

However, this object in the sky began to change shape, first taking on the form of a turtle “which also appeared to be much agitated and as frequently obscured by a similar smoke.”

The UFO then apparently “assumed the shape of a human skeleton” which ascended and descended quickly, according to the mail which was reprinted in 2010 in The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series.

The letter reads: ““We the subscribers most earnestly solicit, that your honour will give us your opinion on the following extraordinary phenomenon.

“We saw in the South a Ball of fire full as large as the sun at Maridian which was frequently obscured within the space of ten minutes by a smoke emitted from its own body, but ultimately retained its brilliancy, and form during that period, but with apparent agitation.

“It then assumed the form of a Turtle which also appeared to be much agitated and as frequently obscured by a similar smoke.

“It then assumed the shape of a human skeleton which was frequently obscured by a like smoke and as frequently descended and ascended—It then assumed the form of a Scotch Highlander arrayed for battle and extremely agitated, and ultimately passed to the West and disappeared in its own smoke.”

It is unclear whether President Jefferson ever responded, but according to the website Monticello, it “is perhaps the earliest recorded observation of a UFO.”



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Pence Details Plan for Creation of Space Force in What Would Be the Sixth Branch of the Military

by Christian Davenport and Dan Lamothe                  August 9, 2018                    (washingtonpost.com)

• On Thursday August 9th, Vice President Pence laid out an ambitious plan to establish a “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the U.S. military as soon as 2020. Pence issued what amounted to a call to arms to preserve the military’s dominance in space. “Just as we’ve done in ages past, the United States will meet the emerging threats on this new battlefield,” Pence said in the Pentagon news conference (see 5:25 minute video below).

• The task of creating a new military department, which would require approval by a reluctant Congress, may require significant new spending and reorganization. The idea of a Space Force is opposed by the Air Force in particular which could lose some of its ‘Space Command’ responsibilities. Deborah James, who served as Air Force secretary in the Obama administration, said Trump’s decision to create a full new department is “a solution in search of a problem.”

• Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said last year that he opposed a new military branch. This week, Mattis said the Pentagon and the White House “are in complete alignment” on the need to view space as a warfighting domain. But he stopped short of endorsing a full-fledged Space Force.

• The first step is to create a new U.S. Space Command led by a four-star general, and pulling space experts from across the armed services. The Pentagon would create an assistant secretary of defense for space, a top-level civilian who will report to the defense secretary “to oversee the growth and expansion of the sixth branch of service.” There would be a separate acquisitions office dedicated to buying satellites and developing new technology. The White House intends to work with lawmakers to introduce legislation by early next year.

• Space is vital to the way the United States wages war. The Pentagon’s satellites are used for missile defense warnings, guiding precision munitions and providing communications and reconnaissance. Russia and China have made significant advancements, challenging the United States’ assets in space.

• Pence said to the military brass attending the press conference, the “commander in chief is going to continue to work tirelessly toward this goal, and we expect you all to do the same.” After the announcement Thursday, members of the House Armed Services Committee Reps. Mike D. Rogers (R-Ala.) and Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) praised the move, saying, “We have been warning for years of the need to protect our space assets and to develop more capable space systems.” President Trump tweeted, “Space Force all the way!”


Vice President Pence laid out an ambitious plan Thursday that would begin creating a military command dedicated to space and establish a “Space Force” as the sixth branch of the U.S. military as soon as 2020, the first since the Air Force was formed shortly after World War II.

Pence warned of the advancements that potential adversaries are making and issued what amounted to a call to arms to preserve the military’s dominance in space.

“Just as we’ve done in ages past, the United States will meet the emerging threats on this new battlefield,” he said in a speech at the Pentagon. “The time has come to establish the United States Space Force.”

But the monumental task of standing up a new military department, which would require approval by a Congress that shelved the idea last year, may require significant new spending and a reorganization of the largest bureaucracy in the world. And the idea has already run into fierce opposition inside and outside the Pentagon, particularly from the Air Force, which could lose some of its responsibilities.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said last year that he opposed a new department of the military “at a time when we are focused on reducing overhead and integrating joint warfighting functions.”

This week, Mattis said the Pentagon and the White House “are in complete alignment” on the need to view space as a warfighting domain. But he stopped short of endorsing a full-fledged Space Force. In a briefing with reporters after Pence’s speech, Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan suggested that Mattis’s comments opposing the Space Force were made at a different time, before the Pentagon received a bolstered budget.

White House officials have been working with national security leaders to aggressively move ahead without Congress. The first step is creating a new U.S. Space Command by the end of the year, which would be led by a four-star general, the way the Pentagon’s Indo-Pacific Command oversees those regions.

The new command would pull space experts from across the armed services, and there would be a separate acquisitions office, dedicated to buying satellites and developing new technology to help the military win wars in space.

After the announcement Thursday, President Trump tweeted, “Space Force all the way!”

5:25 minute CNN video of Vice President Pence
announcing the formation of the U.S. Space Force



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Former Pentagon Official Calls for Big UFO Reveal After Secret Investigation

by Michelle Basch                   July 26, 2018                  (wtop.com)

• Retired Air Force Col. David Shea, 80, was the U.S. Air Force press spokesman from 1967 to 1971. In 1969 he announced the end of Project Blue Book by concluding that there was no threat to national security, no sign of advanced technology and no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial. Retiring from the Air Force after 29 years, Shea then spent 20-plus years working for Hughes Aircraft and Raytheon.

• Shea is a staunch skeptic of the existence of UFO’s from other worlds. “I would believe if I saw some evidence that showed we were visited by alien spacecraft, but there hasn’t been evidence to my mind of such,” says Shea.  (see 2:24 minute video of Col. Shea below)

• In 1947, when a veteran pilot reported seeing nine ‘flying saucers’ near Mt. Rainier in Washington, the Army Air Corps began to investigate. By the end of 1949, the Air Force had determined that “… there was no threat, and there was no visitation, there was no advanced technology.” But the Air Force continued to investigate UFOs under projects such as Project Blue Book.

• As a public relations man, Shea thinks that the Air Force inadvertently created a PR nightmare. “What was initially an intelligence matter quickly evolved into a PR problem of the greatest magnitude,” says Shea. “The Air Force, ignoring public opinion on the subject, failed to communicate its conviction that UFOs were no cause for alarm and consequently was unable to convince the American public that what it was saying about UFOs was true.” “During its more-than-20-year history of investigating flying saucers, the Air Force has been accused of almost every conceivable sin, and had been guilty of most,” says Shea.

• Shea is not swayed at all by the NY Times’ revelation of a recent Pentagon program that studied UFOs and the release of several military videos of UFOs. “They saw something, but we don’t know what it is, and we don’t have the evidence to suggest what it may be. So again, it comes back to the word ‘evidence.’” Shea thinks that with the closing of Project Blue Book, the government ‘washed its hands of UFOs’. So he wonders, “Why would the government want to do that again? …We’ve been there, done that.”

• Shea says that the Air Force was placed in the impossible position of trying to prove that aliens are not whizzing around above Earth. According to Shea, despite “exhaustive” investigations and studies of UFOs, the government has come up with nothing. “No eureka moment. No threat. No advanced technology. No alien spacecraft.” “You can’t prove that something doesn’t exist. Why doesn’t the other guy prove that (UFOs do) exist?” he said. Asked if, to his knowledge, the government has covered up evidence of alien visitation in the past, Shea says, “Absolutely not. It would be impossible to do so in our environment of leakers and whistleblowers.”

• Shea thinks the Air Force is misunderstood. “The Air Force has never said that UFOs aren’t spacecraft from another civilization. What the Air Force has said is that there’s no convincing evidence that they present a threat, or they advance scientific knowledge, or that they are alien spacecraft. Convincing evidence is the key, and that’s what we don’t have,” said Shea. Just because a military pilot spots or chases a UFO doesn’t mean the unidentified object should be considered a threat to national security, said Shea. “I would say we would be concerned if they were fired upon. We would be concerned if they started bombing our bases. None of that has happened, so whatever they’re seeing doesn’t seem to be hostile in nature. Not to worry, is what I would say.”

[Editor’s Note] Where is the evidence of UFOs? Take a look at this website. At 80 years old, Shea is clinging to his Air Force pension with both hands. The government hides all evidence of extraterrestrials, and then uses the lack of evidence to prove that extraterrestrials do not exist. Shea’s reasoning is: ‘so long as the government says that UFOs do not pose a threat, then who cares what they are?’ Shea is completely brain washed. He thinks that the whole issue of UFOs and extraterrestrials should remain hidden from the public in black projects and secret space programs. This is the attitude of the ‘old guard’ military and government authority, and this is exactly why our society has been prevented from making any real technological advancement in the past 70 years. So keep spouting your disinformation, Col. Shea, and keep collecting those retirement checks.


NORTHERN VIRGINIA — If evidence proving that extraterrestrials visited Earth has been squirreled away behind locked doors in Nevada, a former Pentagon official is calling for a big reveal.

“Show it to the National Academy of Sciences. Don’t hide it. Show it! We’ve been waiting for it! We’ve been waiting for it forever,” retired Air Force Col. David Shea said, raising his voice. “But so far, that hasn’t happened, and I don’t know why.”

Shea, 80, was the Air Force’s press spokesman on UFOs at the Pentagon from 1967 to 1971. He considers himself an “agnostic” when it comes to whether some unidentified flying objects are ships piloted by intelligent beings from faraway worlds.

      Retired Air Force Col. David Shea

“I would believe if I saw some evidence that showed we were visited by alien spacecraft, but there hasn’t been evidence to my mind of such,” he said in an interview at his Northern Virginia home.

In 1969, Shea wrote the news release that announced the end of Project Blue Book, an Air Force investigation of more than 12,000 UFO reports.

It concluded that there was no threat to national security, no sign of advanced technology and no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial.

And with that, it appeared to the public that the government had washed its hands of UFOs.

But in December, almost 50 years after Project Blue Book ended, came explosive news.

The New York Times reported that Bigelow Aerospace had been storing material recovered from “unidentified aerial phenomena” in its buildings in Las Vegas as part of a secret Pentagon UFO investigation project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

Shea was not surprised by news of the project’s existence, but he thinks if more people were aware of the government’s history with UFOs, they would better understand why, in his opinion, the government should not get involved again.

“The UFOs never seem to go away,” he said.


2:24 minute video of Ret Col. David Shea discussing the lack of evidence of UFOs



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I-Team Obtains Some Key Documents Related to Pentagon UFO Study

by George Knapp and Matt Adams              July 25, 2018               (lasvegasnow.com)

• Since the December 2017 NY Times article releasing U.S. military video of the “Tic-Tac UFO”, and subsequent UFO videos, thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests have been filed by UFO researchers. So far, the Pentagon hasn’t complied with any of the requests for more information. According to Luis Elizondo, the man who ran the military’s secret UFO study for years, says that there are as many as two dozen more unreleased videos still in the Pentagon vaults. The Las Vegas KLAS-TV “I-Team” has managed to obtain key documents related to the UFO inquiry.

• Former Senate Majority Leader, Nevada Senator Harry Reid instigated the Pentagon study back in 2007. Since his role was revealed last year, he’s had calls from many other lawmakers in Congress. Reid believes there have likely been classified Congressional briefings involving military eyewitnesses to similar UFOs. Reid wants the military UFO program to continue and its findings made public.  (See 2009 letter from Reid to the Deputy Secretary of Defense asking for more personnel to increase productivity in the Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program.)

• As the chief scientist for Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, a government-sponsored research project, physicist Hal Puthoff made the first public presentation about the UFO study. In a newly released document, research subjects are listed including warp drive, invisibility, metamaterials from crash sites, worm holes, antigravity, and how to track hypersonic vehicles.

• “You’ve got these advanced aerospace vehicles flying around, that we don’t know where they come from, what the intent is, possibly off-world even,” said Dr. Puthoff. Puthoff says he doesn’t know if more UFO videos will be released, but says there is big news coming about the ones already made public.


LAS VEGAS – Those secret UFO files at the Pentagon are still secret, but not for a lack of trying.
Thousands of researchers have filed requests via the Freedom of Information Act, hoping to force the military to unleash documents or videos generated during the secret study. The main contractor for the Pentagon was a Las Vegas company.

So far, the Pentagon hasn’t complied with any of the requests for more information. But now, the I-Team has obtained key documents related to the UFO inquiry.

The Pentagon’s release last December of a 2004 encounter between pilots from the USS Nimitz and a mystery machine dubbed the Tic Tac UFO generated huge headlines and demands for more releases.

Two more followed. The Gimbal video from 2015 and another nicknamed Go Fast. As many as two dozen more videos are still in the Pentagon vaults, according to the man who ran the military’s secret UFO study for years.

During his time running the AATIP program, Elizondo set into motion the release of these and other videos. He doesn’t know if the spigot has been turned off now that he is longer there. Since October, he’s been working with To the Stars Academy to help change the perception of the UFO issue, particularly in Washington. And without revealing too much, Elizondo hints that progress is being made.

“It’s about changing the paradigm in which our government can finally take this issue seriously without worrying about their political survival, right, allowing Congress to have a conversation in open or closed session saying, all right guys, gals, what do we do about this?”



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Did Hawaii Geothermal Plant Conduct Scalar Weapons Experiments that led to Eruption?

In part 2 of this Exonews TV interview series, Aurora Garcia discusses events she witnessed during the 24 years she lived adjacent to the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii.

She discusses highly suspicious helicopter flights into the old volcano crater (Pu’u in Hawaiian) on the PGV property; strange sounds coming from the crater; weird temporal anomalies and orbs near the crater; U.S. Department of the Interior visits to the crater; an unexplained U.S. military presence, and a mysterious second generating plant which was built without the knowledge of Hawaii County officials.

All these strange events, along with what Aurora was confidentially told by workers at the geothermal plant, led her to conclude that earth penetrating experiments were being secretly conducted at PGV.

The synchronicity of some of these events with the Fukushima 2011 earthquake and tsunami led her to suspect that some kind of scalar weapons technology had been secretly built in the old volcano crater, and it was sending scalar waves deep into the Earth’s core.

Aurora asserts that the electrical production goals of the geothermal plant was a cover for what the Israeli owners of PGV, Ormat Technologies were really up to – testing scalar technology.

She believes that the May  2018 lava outbreak caused by 23 fissures appearing in a six kilometer radius of PGV may be connected to the scalar technology experiments being secretly conducted at PGV, as well as the drilling practices she discussed in part one.  

Aurora’s view is that geothermal energy was chosen to be developed on the Big Island of Hawaii for a sinister purpose by Israeli and global interests interested in the development and use of scalar weapons. Geothermal energy production was used as a cover to conduct these experiments, which required a location that provided direct access to the Earth’s molten core.

The Hawaiian Hotspot under the Kilauea volcano provided such access to the owners of PGV. The possibility that an old crater located on the 500 acre PGV property had become the site of a scalar weapons facility, and that scalar waves were being sent down the Hotspot that had created the Hawaiian Islands, deep into the Earth’s core for weapons development is very important to investigate.

It’s worth pointing out that as an eyewitness to events that occurred at PGV from 1989 to 2012, Aurora’s testimony is admissible in a court of law or Congressional Inquiry. Consequently, further investigation is needed to determine whether such weapons development was secretly occurring in the lower Puna region of Hawaii, in contravention of local, state and federal laws, and whether it contributed to the May 2018 lava outbreaks that has severely impacted the lower Puna region.

To watch part two of Aurora Garcia’s interview view embedded video above or click here 

For Part One video, click here.

[Note: If you have information about the 2018 lava outflow and Puna Geothermal Venture, you can contact Dr. Michael Salla at drsalla@exopolitics.org]

Permission granted for free circulation of this article in full.

Further Reading

Moon Could Have Been Habitable Once, Scientists Speculate

by Ryan F. Mandelbaum               July 24, 2018                  (gizmodo.com)

• The Moon appears to be dusty and dry. However, scientists Dirk Schulze-Makuch from TU Berlin and Ian Crawford from Birkbeck, University of London speculate that the Moon is wetter than scientists have previously thought. Perhaps it once had the conditions for life. “Whether life ever arose on the Moon, or was transported to it from elsewhere, is of course highly speculative,” say the scientists who presented their theory in the journal Astrobiology.

• The scientists believe that the Moon could have been habitable after the Moon’s formation from a massive collision with Earth 4.5 billion years ago, or 3.5 billion years ago, after a period of volcanism which may have resulted in a thin lunar atmosphere. Such an atmosphere would have lasted perhaps tens of millions of years.

[Editor’s Note]  NASA has admitted to evidence of water under the Moon’s surface, particularly at the poles. Insiders say that the Moon was created elsewhere, was parked in the orbit of Mars before the destruction of Maldek, was then loaded with Martian refugees and transported to Earth’s orbit. Insiders also claim that the Moon still has a thin atmosphere, particularly inside its deep craters.


The Moon today is not habitable. It’s covered in potentially killer dust and seemingly dry as a bone. But though it seems wild to think, a new perspective wonders: What if the Moon used to be friendly to life?

Scientist Dirk Schulze-Makuch from TU Berlin and Ian Crawford from Birkbeck, University of London speculate that, while it might seem “outrageous,” recent results show that the Moon is wetter than scientists have previously thought—so maybe, once, it had the conditions for life.

   Dirk Schulze-Makuch

They’re not saying it did, of course. “Whether life ever arose on the Moon, or was transported to it from elsewhere, is of course highly speculative and can only be addressed by an aggressive future program of lunar exploration,” they write in the article, published in the journal Astrobiology. I encourage you to read the article, as it’s free and pretty comprehensible for a scientific paper.

This habitability period, if it really occurred, might have happened either just after the Moon’s formation from a massive collision with Earth 4.5 billion years ago, or 3.5 billion years ago, after a period of volcanism which may have resulted in a thin lunar atmosphere.

Ian Crawford

Such an atmosphere would have lasted perhaps tens of millions of years. Maybe water existed on the Moon at this point. Maybe 10 million years was enough time for some rudimentary life to evolve on the Moon. Maybe Earthly life traveled over to the Moon on asteroids. Who knows.



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Military Insiders Confirm Thousands of Extraterrestrials Live Among Us

As the scientific community continues to speculate about whether intelligent extraterrestrial life exists on exoplanets being discovered throughout our vast galaxy, military insiders have come forward to reveal that national governments are hiding a stunning truth. Extraterrestrials who look just like us not only exist throughout the galaxy, but tens of thousands of them have infiltrated communities all over the planet as neighbors, co-workers, teachers, doctors, humanitarians, etc.

Emery Smith and Corey Goode claim to have worked on highly classified extraterrestrial related programs that are run by the U.S. and other military forces, which are under the authority of transnational corporations.

Smith says that he encountered human looking extraterrestrials living among humanity while working at highly classified facilities such as Kirtland Air Force Base, Sandia National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and other military facilities.

In a series of interviews completed on the popular online streaming show “Cosmic Disclosure,” Smith says that while working at these facilities he encountered human looking extraterrestrials who are indistinguishable from modern humans. In the August 7 episode, he responded as follows to a question about whether extraterrestrials live among us:

Well, extraterrestrials also come to watch over us and look at things on the Earth. And they’re here to gather information to make sure we don’t blow up the Earth or kill each other.

So they’re here just to get information and have it and to also experience the life of a human, which is quite preferably like a vacation for them.

So it’s a very interesting scientific job for an extraterrestrial to have. It’s kind of an honor to come here, live amongst us, and do things, just living like a normal human being, actually, and interacting with human beings. . . It’s like a universal Peace Corps.

He says that in addition to encountering such extraterrestrials in classified projects run by corporations on U.S. military facilities, he was also recently briefed that up to 100,000 of them are presently living all over the planet.

In past interviews, Smith has discussed completing tissue extractions from the bodies of deceased human looking extraterrestrials, and also working alongside some live ones who participated in autopsies of their deceased compatriots. In his August 7 interview, Smith furthermore described what he knew from briefings about extraterrestrials who had infiltrated human civilization.

Smith said that around 1997, he left the classified program when he realized that the bodies of the extraterrestrials that were being autopsied were still warm. He became suspicious that some of them had only recently died, presumably tortured and killed by the corporations that were running the programs.

Goode’s experiences were different, but very consistent with what Smith described. Goode said that he served in an “Intruder, Intercept, and Interrogate program” where he was part of a covert team whose job it was to capture and interrogate extraterrestrials that had infiltrated human society.

In the August 7 interview, he responded to a question by David Wilcock about whether the extraterrestrials had come to Earth with permission or not:

[Corey] It’s both. Some of them are from other star systems far away that are paying very close attention to what’s going on here, including the Draco conquest of star systems. So they’ll send people in to do a little reconnaissance.

Emery: Sure.

Corey: And when they come in, and they come in without permission, if they get caught, it’s not a good thing for them at all.

Emery: No, right.

Corey: There’s actually a program that I was a part of called the Intruder, Intercept and Interrogation Program. And we ran into quite a few different species that were here without permission.

Goode and Smith then went on to describe how the human looking extraterrestrials were able to blend into societies all over the planet:

Corey: What was interesting is: in the Intruder, Intercept and Interrogation program, only about 10% to 15% of the beings that we processed were what we would call “alien-looking”.

Emery: Right.

Corey: Most of them were very human-looking. And they weren’t augmented to look human. They were humans –

Emery: Right.

Corey: . . . just from a different planet. And they would normally be picked up in countries where they would most likely blend in.

Emery: Sure.

Corey: Like there were some Polynesian-looking ones.

Emery: Right. The Nordics and all this. Right.

Photo taken by August C. Roberts at the New Jersey home of Howard Menger in 1959 allegedly showing three human looking extraterrestrials – Valiant Thor and his companions Dunn and Jill.

Goode described one example of an extraterrestrial who had infiltrated a company and over the course of a decade had risen to a senior executive position:

Corey: And I was there when some – it was a high-level executive – was pulled out of a high-rise building in the middle of the day.

They delta-waved everyone there, went in, and ingressed-egressed from the roof, took him out, and brought him up for interrogation. And he had been on the Earth for well over a decade and had blended in, had created an identity, and was now at a high position in a corporation.

David: Wow!

Emery: Yeah, they prepare these extraterrestrials to come to this planet, so there is some genetic, you know, inoculations going on like what we do here as far as frequency goes, how they survive here – and even as far as getting certain procedures done on their body so they can digest our food and things like this.

It’s worth pointing out that the recently deceased aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, says that he worked with “Nordic” extraterrestrials that had infiltrated companies such as Douglas Aircraft Company, North American Aviation, etc., in the 1950’s and 1960’s, who had helped the U.S. Navy develop its secret space program.

Goode says that the “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate” program could be brutal in how captured extraterrestrials were treated.

He says that those who were captured but belonged to human looking groups that had permission to be on Earth, were released as stipulated in agreements. Those that were here without permission, were harshly interrogated, and turned over to a transnational corporate entity called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC).

Some of those that were turned over to the ICC, ended up dead and were examined in classified facilities similar to where Smith had worked.

Smith and Goode’s accounts were very consistent with one another, and gave different perspectives on a similar covert process set up to deal with off-world visitors. The key question that arises is whether their information is true or not?

Aside from documents corroborating their respective military and employment histories, there is no hard evidence provided either by Smith and Goode to directly substantiate their claims. However, others have interacted with human looking extraterrestrials that have infiltrated human society, and have been allowed, even encouraged, to take photos of their spacecraft.

One example is my anonymous source JP who has met with human looking extraterrestrials that are part of secret agreements reached with the U.S. Air Force (USAF). He says that he has met with them in remote areas of Tampa and Orlando, Florida, where they have worn USAF uniforms, and communicated with him. He has taken photos of their craft which have been published on my website.

JP is a civilian and has never served with the U.S. military or been a worker in any classified government/corporate facility. He has no professional background that supports his claims, which is perhaps why he is being allowed to take photos of these craft and disseminate them.

I will be discussing JP’s photos and his experiences at my upcoming lecture on the “US Air Force Secret Space Program and Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances” at the Dimensions of Disclosure Conference from August 17-19.  JP plans to be in the audience as an anonymous guest of the Conference Organizers.

If you would like to contribute to a GoFundMe campaign to fund JP’s travel and other expenses for attending the conference, you can do so here.

In addition to the photographic evidence provided by JP that human looking extraterrestrials are on Earth as part of secret agreements with the U.S. military, there is also testimonial evidence from highly credible sources that are available.

Undoubtedly, the most significant comes from the former President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, who says that he was given a top secret file about human extraterrestrials that live among us, and an international organization that monitors the off world visitors:

Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.

The “absolutely secret special service” described by Medvedev, appears very similar to Goode’s “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate” program, which was fictionalized in the Men In Black movies.

Robert Dean, who reached the rank of Command Sergeant Major with the U.S. Army, says that in 1964, while stationed at the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), he read a Cosmic Top Secret Assessment that described human looking extraterrestrials living among us.

There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them…. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you’d never know the difference. And being military and being primarily paranoid, that bothered the generals and the admirals a little bit. That the fact that these intelligent entities could be involved with us, walking up and down the corridors of SHAPE, walking down the corridors of the Pentagon. My God, it even dawned on a couple of them that these guys could even be in the White House! Of course, as I said, being paranoid in those years it really shook things up a little bit.

Earlier, in the 1950’s, famed contactees such as George Adamksi, Howard Menger, and Daniel Fry say that they encountered human looking extraterrestrials who sought their assistance in infiltrating human society. While the general public and UFO researchers widely ridiculed such claims at the time, Smith and Goode said that such a process has indeed been underway for decades involving tens of thousands off world visitors.

David: Well, we’ve talked about this before, Corey, but I also think it’s important to reiterate. And I know you don’t have really specific data, but do we have any sense as to how many approved immigrants there are on this planet that are not from here that are blending in our society?

Corey: It was . . . Back in the ’90s, it was many, many tens of . . . I mean, many thousands.

Emery: 100,000 was the numbers I’m recently getting in the past six months.

Corey: Yeah. And it was probably a smaller number when I was in, but it was a . . . And it was in just about every country. It’s well known that they were integrated.

Smith and Goode’s testimonies provide a stunning perspective on what is really happening on Earth when it comes to the existence of extraterrestrials who appear indistinguishable from modern humans. They also discuss how other non-human looking extraterrestrials can blend in using advanced technologies, and what happens to them if discovered by programs such as Goode’s “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate”.

While scientists speculate and argue over the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing on exoplanets discovered in distant regions of the galaxy, it is stunning to think that all this time many thousands of human looking extraterrestrials have been interacting with us on Earth for decades, and infiltrated societies all over our planet.  

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice 

[Author Note: On Saturday, August 11, I will be conducting my first online  Webinar on “Antarctica’s Hidden History and Secret Space Programs.” Please click here or banner to learn more.]

Further Reading

Men in Black: Not Human

by Nick Redfern                July 23, 2018                (mysteriousuniverse.org)

• Hollywood has successfully imprinted on society the idea that so-called “Men in Black” are agents of clandestine government or military programs, and therefore they must be human. In Nick Redfern’s research, most of the people who have been terrorized by MIB say that they are not human.

• In the early 1950’s, when Albert Bender began the whole MIB phenomenon with his book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men, he was confronted not by agents of the FBI, CIA, etc., but by grim-faced, shadow-like characters with shining eyes and who left behind them an odor of brimstone when they quite literally vanished.

• When John Keel was investigating sightings of the “Mothman” in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, he was flooded with accounts of encounters with both ‘Men and Women in Black’. They were often described as looking not quite human. Their skin resembled plastic. They wore wraparound sunglasses that only partially masked their oversized eyes. They were clearly unaware of our customs and manners. Some of them didn’t even know how to eat food or drink water.

• Some people who have encountered MIB have suddenly become ill. The MIB are able to place people under some form of mind-control, something which compels the targeted person to open the door and let them in, regardless of the time of day or night.

• It has also been reported that people have encountered MIB when they are on the hallucinogens mescaline and DMT. 1960’s voice-over actor Peter Beckman said that while on mescaline, MIB came into his living room. “They were dressed in square, Eisenhower-era cop-clothing, or FBI clothing – which in 1969, 1970 was not that unusual. They came in and sat on the couch. They were pale and sickly; their clothes hung real loose and they looked as though they might expire at any moment. They appeared to have either trouble breathing, or trouble being. I don’t believe they said a thing,” claimed Beckman. In another incident, people on DMT described how uninvited MIB seemed surprised that they could see them.

• MIB seemingly have the ability to invade peoples’ dreams and turn them into nightmares. There are even a few stories of MIB shapeshifting into the form of a large, black dog with glowing, red eyes.


Just a couple of nights ago – while I was promoting my latest book, The Black Diary – I was asked by a caller to the radio show why I “insist” on stating that the Men in Black are supernatural in nature, rather than “accepting” that they are the secret agents of a clandestine agency within government. The answer to that question is very simple: it’s the witness testimony which makes me come to the supernatural conclusion. I have always said that the most important people in the collective field of Forteana are not the writers, the researchers, the radio-hosts, or the TV producers. It’s the witnesses who are the most important. Time and time again I am approached by people who have been terrorized by the MIB. On only a small number of occasions do the witnesses describe the MIB as looking human. For the most part, they look anything but human.

I know all too well why so many people assume that the MIB are agents of governments, of military agencies, and / or of clandestine projects buried deep within the world of officialdom. It largely comes from the Men in Black movies, starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Yes, the trilogy makes for fun viewing. But, by presenting the MIB as the agents of a classified organization, the makers of the movies instilled in the minds of many the image of the Men in Black being “secret agents.” But, the Hollywood portrayal is actually very different to what the witnesses tell us – and that’s a very important issue to be aware of.

It’s worth noting that the man who largely began the whole MIB phenomenon in the early 1950s – Albert Bender, of Bridgeport, Connecticut – was confronted not by agents of the FBI, CIA, etc., but by grim-faced, shadow-like characters with shining eyes and who left behind them an odor of brimstone when they quite literally vanished. Bender’s strange story – which comes across like something akin to H.P. Lovecraft meets The X-Files – is told in Gray Barker’s 1956 book, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers and in Bender’s own book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men.

When, from 1966 to 1967, John Keel immersed himself in the wave of sightings of what became known as “Mothman” in the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, he was flooded with accounts of local encounters with both MIB and Women in Black. They were often described as looking not quite human. Their skin resembled plastic. They wore wraparound sunglasses that often only partially masked their huge, oversized eyes. They were clearly unaware of our customs and manners. Some of them didn’t even know how to eat food or drink water – as bizarre as it certainly sounds.

Things get even more disturbing: people who have encountered the MIB have fallen sick – and quickly, too. A kind of paranormal infection, we might say. The MIB are able to place people under some form of mind-control, something which compels the targeted person to open the door and let them in, regardless of the time of day or night. Witnesses to UFO activity who have been visited by the MIB talk of poltergeist activity occurring in the home – and in the immediate aftermaths of the MIBs’ vanishing acts.



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Scotland’s Greatest UFO Mysteries

by Susan Swarbrick                  July 22, 2018                  (heraldscotland.com)


• Here are some of the more famous UFO sightings in Scotland:

• On November 9, 1979, forestry worker Robert Taylor came across “a huge flying dome” in a woodland clearing near Dechmont Law in Livingston, Scotland. Taylor described it as a circular sphere, approximately seven yards (6.4 metres) in diameter, hovering above the forest floor. It was made of “a dark metallic material with a rough texture like sandpaper”. The outer rim was “set with small propellers”. As Taylor approached the sphere, two smaller spheres, each about three feet wide with protruding metal spikes “similar to sea mines”, dropped down from the mother craft and rolled towards him. Taylor claimed to have experienced an acrid smell “like burning brakes” and the sensation of being dragged. Taylor then lost consciousness and awoke, with his head pounding and a bitter taste in his mouth, to find the objects were gone. Taylor was unable to walk or talk. He crawled to his van but couldn’t start it and had to walk the mile to his Livingston home. Taylor was disorientated and disheveled with scrapes on his legs and chin, and torn work pants. The police returned to the site with Taylor where they found “ladder-shaped marks” in the soil where the craft was said to have hovered, and further marks following the path of the mine-like objects. The case is unique in British history as the only example of a UFO sighting becoming the subject of a criminal investigation. Taylor, who died in 2007, never sought publicity or financial gain – and always stood by every word of his account.

• In October 1996, Barry MacDonald captured a video of an orange oval light in the skies above Falkirk, Scotland. He watched as the UFOs changed from “big, black and cigar-shaped” to “a bright light criss-crossed by stripes of different colours”, and then becoming the classic white disc “flying saucer”. Falkirk continues to be a UFO hot spot with an accumulation of incidents stretching from the early 1990’s right up until last year.

• In April 1984, Sid and Gwen Freeman from Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland saw a UFO hovering over their garden. They were then visited by twelve men dressed in black. The town often gets reports of strange balls of light in the sky, and it is the location of Scotland’s first ever crop circle in 1990.

• In 1767, the Annual Register reported a pyramid-shaped object that moved “with great speed and disappeared a little above Blairgowrie (Scotland)” leaving a partly destroyed house and bridge.

• On August 17, 1992, Garry Wood and Colin Wright were travelling on the A70 near Harperrig Reservoir when they saw a two-tiered, disc-shaped object above the road. When they passed beneath the UFO, it appeared to emit a “curtain of white light” and the pair reported being temporarily enveloped in a black void for what felt like 10-15 seconds. Their car began shuddering and they emerged to find themselves driving on the wrong side of the road, with several hours were unaccounted for. Later, under hypnosis, both men recalled an alien abduction and being subjected to a medical-type examination.

• On October 7, 1990, at the Forth Rail Bridge just west of Edinburgh, Lyn Livingston caught sight of a circular object with a base made up of intermittent red, white and blue lights in the sky. The UFO was said to have rotated and appeared to change shape, forming a projecting cone of white-colored lights. It stayed in position for 15 minutes before drifting off towards the Fife coast. There were a number of witnesses and the incident received a lot of publicity.

• In December 1983 in Glasgow, Scotland, Tom Coventry saw what looked like a railway carriage-shaped object passed 20ft above his head. Coventry could see three windows at the front of the craft and swirling yellow smoke inside. He also said that everything stood still for a moment.

• In 1955 in west Glasgow, a UFO was reported at Belhaven Terrace children playing outside saw several ‘entities’ dressed in long white clothes and floating above the ground. In 1976, in nearby Westbourne Gardens, several people saw this silver disc-shaped object hovering about 100ft above the ground.

• In 1992, David Evans began seeing UFOs regularly flying over his home from a ‘base’ inside hills near Dunblane, Scotland. Evans also believed that something had come into his house and disturbed various things.

• One of the puzzles of the UFO phenomenon is that people do report different shaped objects and types of aliens. In one case, a 10-year-old girl walking in the woods in Meigle, Perthshire, Scotland, came across a group of small, blue beings. She was beamed up into a spacecraft where the beings looked at her and then beamed her back down. She had been gone for hours.


Ahead of the Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference 2018 in Glasgow next weekend (July 28), we recount some of the most intriguing unexplained cases of flying saucers, strange lights in the sky and alleged alien abductions.

West Lothian: The Livingston Incident

Forestry worker Robert Taylor found himself at the centre of one of Scotland’s most famous UFO mysteries when he stumbled across a “a huge flying dome” in a woodland clearing near Dechmont Law in Livingston on November 9, 1979.

Taylor was checking the progress of new saplings when he saw what he described as a large, circular sphere approximately seven yards (6.4 metres) in diameter, hovering above the forest floor.
He said the object was “a dark metallic material with a rough texture like sandpaper”. The outer rim was “set with small propellers”.

As he approached, two smaller spheres, each about three feet wide with protruding metal spikes “similar to sea mines”, dropped down from the mother craft and rolled towards him. Taylor claimed to have experienced an acrid smell “like burning brakes” and the sensation of being dragged.

Taylor said he then lost consciousness and awoke to find the objects were gone. Head pounding and with a bitter taste in his mouth, Taylor was unable to walk or talk.
Eventually he managed to crawl to his van parked nearby but couldn’t start it and had to walk the mile to his Livingston home.

Taylor’s wife, shocked by his disorientated and dishevelled appearance, called the police and a doctor. There were grazes on Taylor’s legs and chin, but no other signs of injury; although the heavy work trousers he had been wearing were ripped.

The police returned to the site with Taylor where they found “ladder-shaped marks” in the soil where the craft was said to have hovered, and further marks following the path of the mine-like objects.
The case remains unique in British history as the only example of a UFO sighting becoming the subject of a criminal investigation. Taylor, who died in 2007, never sought publicity or financial gain – and always stood by every word of his account.

There would later be suggestions that he had suffered an epileptic seizure, mini-stroke or hallucinated after ingesting deadly nightshade berries. Yet, Ron Halliday, co-organiser of the Scottish UFO and Paranormal Conference 2018, gives short shrift to such theories.

“There was no evidence that Bob had any illness before he had this encounter,” says Halliday. “He was always personally convinced that he had seen something ‘out of this world’. Everyone agreed that Bob was a sincere person. He hadn’t made anything up. Something had happened to him.

“He definitely did see something ‘out of this world’ because I don’t know what else can explain what he saw. There was physical evidence that something had been there and clearly something had happened to him.

“I would say that of all the Scottish cases it is the one that seems to me that gives the most direct evidence of contact from another world.”

UFO capital: Bonnybridge and the ‘Falkirk Triangle’

The phenomenon of the “Falkirk Triangle” – which includes Bonnybridge and Camelon – was first reported in 1992 and the area continues to register more UFO sightings, around 300 a year, than any other place on Earth.



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In 1952, the Flatwoods Monster Terrified 6 Kids, a Mom, and a Dog

by Roy Wenzl                  July 20, 2018                  (history.com)

• At dusk on Sept. 12, 1952, brothers Ed, 13, and Freddie May, 12, had been playing in their schoolyard with their 10-year-old friend Tommy Hyer when they saw a pulsing red light streak across the sky and crash on a nearby farm. The three boys and the Mays boys’ mother, went to check out where the light had landed. A few other boys and a dog showed up too. According to the local newspaper, “Seven Braxton County residents on Saturday reported seeing a 10-foot Frankenstein-like monster (see illustration above) in the hills above Flatwoods,” a central West Virginian mountain town of less than 300 people.

• “A National Guard member, [17-year-old] Gene Lemon, was leading the group when he saw what appeared to be a pair of bright eyes in a tree,” stated a local newspaper account. Lemon screamed and fell backward “when he saw a 10-foot monster with a blood-red body and a green face that seemed to glow.” The story got picked up by national radio and big papers all over the country. Mrs. May and Gene Lemon ended up going to New York to talk to CBS television news.

• Local newspaper publisher A. Lee Stewart said, “Those people were the most scared people I’ve ever seen.” State police laughed off the reports as hysteria,” It was the era of Cold War anxieties. LIFE magazine had recently published a story about flying saucers. The Korean War was raging and Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Minnesota had been stoking fear of communism in every corner of the nation.

• People across the nation were “seduced by the story,” said behavioral psychologist Clay Routledge who has studied brain science, UFO beliefs and culture. “There’s the hope that we are not just insignificant organisms walking around aimlessly on a rock floating in space,” says Routledge, “There’s the hope that we’re part of something bigger.”

• The U.S. Air Force sent investigators. They concluded that a meteor had streaked across the eastern sky. And that the ‘monster’ was likely an owl. But that didn’t stop the townspeople from promoting the incident with merchandise, a museum, and a highway sign that reads, “Home of the Green Monster.”

• Freddie and Ed May are in their late 70s now, and still stand by their story. “As far as for myself,” Freddie says, “It doesn’t matter to me whether people believe, or don’t believe.”


The Flatwoods Monster has not hissed at boys in the little village of Flatwoods, West Virginia, since Sept. 12, 1952.

People grin about it now—and take Monster souvenir money, from hundreds of Monster tourists every week. But it scared people plenty back then, including the eyewitnesses: six boys aged 10 to 17, a dog and a Mom.

“One of the boys peed his pants,” said John Gibson, a high-school freshman at the time, who knew them all. “Their dog (Rickie) ran with his tail between his legs.”

The encounter made the local and national news, scaring a wider swath of people.

Then it prompted a U.S. Air Force UFO inquiry, part of a project called Project Blue Book that dispatched a handful of investigators around the country to look into such claims.

It also became a local legend, a Southern spook story that defined the tiny village of less than 300 people for more than six decades. To this day, tourists come out of their way to Flatwoods—secluded in the low, timbered Appalachian hills of central West Virginia—to visit its monster museum and buy Green Monster tchotchkes and T-shirts.

What they witnessed

It was dusk when they saw it. The May brothers Ed, 13, and Freddie, 12, had been playing in their schoolyard with their 10-year-old friend Tommy Hyer. After noticing a pulsing red light streak across the sky and crash on a nearby farm, the three youngsters ran to grab the Mays boys’ mother, then high-tailed it up that hill to check out where the light had landed. A few other boys, one with a dog, showed up too.

They ran back down—in sheer and credible terror.

“Seven Braxton County residents on Saturday reported seeing a 10-foot Frankenstein-like monster in the hills above Flatwoods,” a local newspaper reported afterward. “A National Guard member, [17-year-old] Gene Lemon, was leading the group when he saw what appeared to be a pair of bright eyes in a tree.”

Lemon screamed and fell backward, the news account said, “when he saw a 10-foot monster with a blood-red body and a green face that seemed to glow.” It may have had claws for hands. It was hard to tell because of the dense mist.

The story made the local news, then got picked up by national radio and big papers all over the country, said Andrew Smith, who runs the Flatwoods Monster Museum and the Braxton County Convention Visitors Bureau. “Mrs. May and the National Guard kid ended up going to New York to talk to CBS,” Gibson said.



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Spectators Left Baffled After Three UFOs Appeared in China

by Nirmal Narayanan                  July 20, 2018                 (ibtimes.sg)

• On July 18, 2018, Chinese commuters spotted a weird UFO in the sky. The UFO was circular in shape, and it had illuminating lights in the body.

• The ‘mavi777’ YouTube channel (see below) also uploaded clips of other two UFO sightings which they claim to have happened in other regions of China.

• YouTube commenter, Christos Kaloudis, thinks that humans are being observed by aliens from deep space. “We are definitely being observed… but when will they reveal themselves is the question?” asks Kaloudis.

Commuters in a Chinese town spotted a weird UFO in the sky on July 18, 2018. A video showing the bizarre incident was later uploaded to YouTube by conspiracy theory channel ‘mavi777’, and it is now the hottest debating point among UFO buffs and alien enthusiasts.

The video looked very authentic in nature, as the onlookers were seen pointing fingers to the skies when the UFO appears. The UFO was circular in shape, and it had illuminating lights in the body. The conspiracy theory channel also uploaded clips of other two UFO sightings which they claim to have happened in other regions of China.As the video went viral, conspiracy theorists strongly argued that alien life is a reality. These theorists made it clear that aliens used to visit earth to monitor human activities, and now they are slowly gearing up for a disclosure.

After watching the video, viewers of ‘mavi777’ put forward various theories explaining the spooky sky sighting. Christos Kaloudis, a YouTube user argued that humans are being observed by aliens from deep space.

“We are definitely being observed… but when will they reveal themselves is the question? To me, it looks like one object spinning and thus we see this rotation in the light formation. Unbelievable footage brother, undeniable proof ” commented Kaloudis.

6:44 video of ‘leap-frogging’ UFOs over China July 18, 2018
from ‘mavi777’ YouTube channel

1:33 minute video of better camera angles of the
three UFOs over China from Daily Mail YouTube channel


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When a U.S. Fighter Pilot Got Into a Dogfight With a UFO

by Colin Bertram                 July 19, 2018                  (history.com)

• On October 1, 1948, a 25-year old former World War II fighter pilot named George F. Gorman (standing at left in  above photo) had a 27-minute encounter with a white orb UFO at high altitude above Fargo, North Dakota. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Gorman told a local newspaper following the event. “If anyone else had reported such a thing I would have thought they were crazy.” The incident was recorded both on the ground and in the sky by numerous reputable sources, and investigated by the U.S. Air Force under Project Sign, a precursor to Project Blue Book.

• Gorman was serving as a second lieutenant in the North Dakota Air National Guard, and was taking part in a cross-country flight in a P-51 Mustang alongside other National Guard airmen. When the other pilots landed at Fargo’s Hector Airport, Gorman stayed in the air in order to get in some night-flying time in the cloudless conditions. Having circled over a lighted football stadium, he was preparing to land at about 9 pm when he saw the taillight of another craft passing on the right, though the tower had no other object on the radar.

• Gorman closed to within 1,000 yards to see a white orb “…about six to eight inches in diameter, clear white and completely without fuzz at the edges.” “It was blinking on and off. As I approached, however, the light suddenly became steady and pulled into a sharp left bank. I thought it was making a pass at the tower.”

• Gorman tried in vain to catch up with the object, and got behind it at around 7,000 feet when it made a sharp turn and headed straight for his P-51. Almost at the point of collision Gorman dived and said the light passed over his canopy at about 500 feet before cutting sharply once more and heading back in his direction. Then the object shot straight up in the air in climb so steep that his plane stalled. The object was not seen again. Gorman had been engaged in aerial maneuvers with the UFO for 27 minutes by the time he brought his plane in to land.

• Gorman reported that he noticed no sound, exhaust trail or odor from the object. And while he had reached speeds of up to 400 m.p.h. while in pursuit—he couldn’t keep up with whatever it was.

• “I’m convinced that there was definite thought behind its maneuvers,” Gorman said in a sworn statement to his commander. “I am further convinced that the object was governed by the laws of inertia because its acceleration was rapid but not immediate… [and] followed a natural curve.” “The object was not only able to out-turn and out-speed my aircraft… but was able to attain a far steeper climb and was able to maintain a constant rate of climb far in excess of my aircraft,” said Gorman.

• The small white orb UFO was also witnessed by air-traffic controllers Lloyd D. Jensen and H.E. Johnson, who were manning the Hector Airport tower. According to Johnson, the object was “travelling at a high rate of speed” and was “fast enough to increase the spacing between itself and [Gorman’s] fighter.” Johnson described the object as appearing to be “only a round light, perfectly formed, with no fuzzy edges or rays leaving its body.”

• Dr. A. E. Cannon, the pilot of the Piper Cub also flying in the vicinity, and his passenger also viewed the object both in the sky and upon their return to the airport where they immediately joined the traffic controllers in the tower. Two Civil Aeronautics Authority employees on the ground also reported seeing the object.

• Back in Fargo, after the Air Weather Service revealed it had released a lighted weather balloon 10 minutes before Gorman first saw the object, Air Force investigators pounced, proclaiming the balloon the likeliest explanation for the object seen. They determined that Gorman’s own maneuvers and high speed gave the balloon the appearance of moving in opposite directions as he passed by. Investigators also noted the bright appearance of Jupiter on that date, and that Gorman had been attempting to chase the bright dot of the planet at the same time the weather balloon was in range. This became the official government explanation.

• Gorman returned to the Air Force full-time, retiring at the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1969. He never spoke publicly about the encounter again, though he did tell friends “he was never convinced that he had been dueling with a lighted balloon for 27 minutes.” Gorman died in 1982.


In the words of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, the man who investigated unidentified-flying-object reports for the U.S. Air Force in the early 1950s, the Gorman Dogfight remains one of the “classics” among UFO sightings.

                     newspaper account

The incident, which still lacks an airtight explanation, involved a 27-minute air encounter between a veteran World War II fighter pilot named George F. Gorman and a mysterious white orb at high altitude above Fargo, North Dakota. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Gorman told a local newspaper following the October 1, 1948 event. “If anyone else had reported such a thing I would have thought they were crazy.”

Captain Ruppelt operated Project Blue Book, which continued the work of Project Sign and Project Grudge, a series of hush-hush studies conducted by the U.S. Air Force between 1947 and 1969. His mission: to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security and to scientifically analyze UFO-related data.

What makes the Gorman Dogfight unique in the now-declassified pages of Project Blue Book is not only the length of the encounter, but that it was recorded both on the ground and in the sky by numerous reputable sources.

Chasing—and being chased by—a light

At the time of the incident, Gorman, a 25-year-old former fighter pilot, served as a second lieutenant in the North Dakota Air National Guard. It was this role that placed him behind the flight controls of a P-51 Mustang on Oct. 1, 1948, taking part in a cross-country flight alongside other National Guard airmen.

George F. Gorman in later years

While the other pilots landed at Fargo’s Hector Airport, on that fateful evening Gorman stayed in the air in order to get in some night-flying time in the cloudless conditions. Having circled his P-51 over a lighted football stadium, he was preparing to land at about 9 P.M. Advised by the control tower that the only other plane in the vicinity was a Piper Cub (which Gorman could see about 500 feet below him), he witnessed what he believed to be the taillight of another craft passing on the right, though the tower had no other object on the radar.

Deciding to take a closer look at the unidentified object, Gorman pulled his plane up and closed to within about 1,000 yards. “It was about six to eight inches in diameter, clear white and completely without fuzz at the edges,” he said of the object in his report. “It was blinking on and off. As I approached, however, the light suddenly became steady and pulled into a sharp left bank. I thought it was making a pass at the tower.”

Deciding to follow, Gorman tried in vain to catch up with the object, reporting that he finally got behind it at around 7,000 feet, where it made a sharp turn and headed straight for the P-51. Almost at the point of collision Gorman dived and said the light passed over his canopy at about 500 feet before cutting sharply once more and heading back in his direction. Just as collision seemed imminent once again, Gorman said the object shot straight up in the air in a steep climb—so steep that when he tried to intercept, his plane stalled at about 14,000 feet. The object was not seen again, but according to Gorman he had been engaged in aerial maneuvers with it for 27 minutes by the time he brought his plane in to land.



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Eyewitness Account of Geothermal Drilling & Hawaii Volcanic Eruptions

In this two part video series, Aurora Garcia reveals her first hand witness testimony about the history of geothermal drilling on the Big Island of Hawaii, and its relationship to the disastrous lava outbreak that began impacting the lower Puna region in May 2018.  The events she witnessed raise disturbing conclusions about the real agenda behind geothermal energy production in Hawaii.  

In part one, she discusses the first geothermal drilling that occurred on the Big Island and how this immediately led to lava outbreaks from Kilauea Volcano that overran the drilling site in Kahaualea in 1983. Rather than stopping further geothermal drilling due to the risk, government authorities gave approval for new drilling areas that resulted in further lava outbreaks culminating in the current outbreak in the Leilana Estates subdivision of Puna.

Aurora moved to the Kalapana region of Lower Puna in 1982. She witnessed how this area was overrun by lava outbreaks linked to the 1983 geothermal drilling in Kahaualea, which subsequently became known as the Pu’u O’o vent that continued to erupt until 2018.

Aurora purchased a property in Lanipuna Gardens in 1988. The next year, Puna Geothermal Venture purchased the 500 acres adjacent to her property and began construction of its drilling wells. She lived next to Puna Geothermal Venture up to 2012 when she relocated under a government sanctioned plan for residents impacted by the gas emissions.

She discusses the deadly gases that regularly emerged from these lava outbreaks and how Puna Geothermal Venture evaded any meaningful monitoring of the gasses, and how government authorities did nothing to stop this.

She witnessed events at Puna Geothermal Venture that made her believe that the plant’s real agenda was far more than merely producing electricity for the Big Island.

Permission granted for free circulation of this article in full.

Further Reading

The UFO Sightings That Launched ‘Men in Black’ Mythology

by Justin Sablich                    July 20, 2018                    (history.com)

• On June 27, 1947, Harold Dahl was boating on the Puget Sound near the eastern shore of Washington’s Maury Island when he saw six donut-shaped objects hovering about a half a mile above his boat. Suddenly, one of them fell nearly 1,500 feet raining metallic debris, some of which hit Dahl’s son, Charles, on his arm, as well as the family dog who didn’t survive. Dahl was able to take some pictures of the UFO with his camera which he later showed to his supervisor, Fred Crisman. A skeptical Crisman went back to the scene to look for himself and saw a strange aircraft with his own eyes.

• The following morning, Dahl was visited by a man in a black suit. At a local diner the man was able to recount in extraordinary detail what Dahl had just experienced. “What I have said is proof to you that I know a great deal more about this experience of yours than you will want to believe,” the man said, according to author Gray Barker’s 1956 book They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. Dahl was told not to speak of the incident, or else bad things would happen.

• Dahl and Crisman called Kenneth Arnold, a pilot who had his own UFO encounter on June 24, 1947 near Mt. Rainier, Washington, three days after the Maury Island incident. This touched off the ‘flying saucer’ sensation.

• The mention of the man in the black suit would evolve into a key obsession for UFO enthusiasts and spread into American popular culture, thanks to a comic-book series and a blockbuster movie trilogy on the ‘Men in Black’. MIBs typically show up to muzzle witnesses of paranormal phenomena. They almost always wear black suits and hats with dark sunglasses, drive black cars and arrive in groups of two or three. Sometimes the MIB will have supernatural features like glowing eyes and strange complexions.

• Dahl and Crisman reached out to a Chicago magazine in an attempt to sell their story. The magazine editor contacted Arnold, hoping he could help verify their account. Arnold summoned two Army A-2 Intelligence officers to aid in the investigation of Dahl and Crisman’s claim. Afterward, the intelligence officers left aboard a B-25 plane. The plane caught fire and crashed, killing both officers.

• In 1956, author Grey Barker wrote a book on the Maury Island incident and mentioned that, just as a man in a black suit met with Harold Dahl after the incident, three men in black suits also met with another UFO enthusiast named Albert K. Bender in 1953. This sparked the ‘Men In Black’ lore. Barker described Bender’s visitors as, “Three men in black suits with threatening expressions on their faces. Three men who walk in on you and make certain demands. Three men who know that you know what the saucers really are!”

• In 1962, Bender wrote his own book and described the MIB as follows: “They floated about a foot off the floor… They looked like clergymen, but wore hats similar to Homburg style. The faces were not clearly discernible, for the hats partly hid and shaded them… The eyes of all three figures suddenly lit up like flashlight bulbs… They seemed to burn into my very soul as the pains above my eyes became almost unbearable.” But Barker’s motives were questioned. UFO researcher Robert Sheaffer corresponded with Barker and found that Barker “did not take the MIB… very seriously.”

• Nevertheless, countless MIB encounters have been reported over the past 60 years, not to mention books and motion pictures on the topic.


It’s possible that the story of the Men in Black, the mysterious figures that would become the subject of fascination in UFO conspiracy circles and eventually break into mainstream popular culture, can be traced back to one day: June 27, 1947. It’s quite possible that it all started with a man, a boy and a dog on a boat.

               Harold Dahl

As the story goes, Harold Dahl was on a conservation mission on the Puget Sound near the eastern shore of Washington’s Maury Island, gathering logs, when he saw six donut-shaped obstacles hovering about a half a mile above his boat. Before long, one of them fell nearly 1,500 feet, followed by raining, metallic debris, some of which hit Dahl’s son, Charles, on his arm, as well as the family dog, who didn’t survive the ordeal. Dahl was able to take some pictures of the aircraft with his camera, which he later showed to his supervisor, Fred Crisman. A skeptical Crisman went back to the scene to look for himself and saw a strange aircraft with his own eyes.

The following morning, Dahl was visited by a man in a black suit. They end up at a local diner, where the man was able to recount in extraordinary detail what Dahl had just experienced. “What I have said is proof to you that I know a great deal more about this experience of yours than you will want to believe,” the man said, according to author Gray Barker’s 1956 book They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers.

Dahl was told not to speak of the incident. If he did, bad things would happen.

The supposed events of Maury Island have continued to fuel conspiracy theories to this day, even though a U.S. government investigation deemed it a hoax after Dahl and Crimson later admitted as much. In particular, the mention of the man in the black suit would evolve into a key obsession for UFO enthusiasts and spread into American popular culture, thanks to a comic-book series and a blockbuster movie trilogy.

                    Kenneth Arnold

In all of their different incarnations, the Men in Black (MIB) usually have one main purpose: to muzzle witnesses of strange, paranormal phenomena. They almost always wear black suits and hats with dark sunglasses, drive black cars and arrive in groups of two or three. Some describe them as one would an FBI agent, while others recall the MIB as having strange appearances, sometimes with supernatural features like glowing eyes and strange complexions.

So how did we get from Harold Dahl to Will Smith?

“The transformation of the story from a first press report to a folkloric tale to a comic book and now to a film illustrates how the myth is transformed,” wrote Phil Patton in The New York Times around the time the first Men in Black movie was released in 1997. “That process is not unlike the children’s game of ‘telephone’ or what the literary critic Harold Bloom calls ‘innovation by misinterpretation.’ ”



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QAnon Goes Mainstream at Trump Rally while Tripcodes Point to Exopolitics Books

President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31 saw many attendees bearing QAnon shirts and signs, and even had the President approvingly point to someone carrying a QAnon sign. This led to multiple mainstream media (MSM) stories later attacking the QAnon movement. Rather than putting a stop to the rapidly growing movement, the MSM attacks are instead putting QAnon on the radar of millions more Americans.

All this was occurring at the same time as researchers found an important link between QAnon’s tripcodes and lists of books, some of which deal with the topic of “exopolitics” – broadly defined as the political implications of extraterrestrial life. Is this a harbinger that future Q drops will deal with extraterrestrial disclosure and the control groups that have kept all this secret from Americans for decades?

First let’s begin with the Trump rally where QAnon members were prominent in the crowd and Trump approvingly acknowledged them as evidence in a short video featuring Trump pointing directly at someone holding a QAnon sign.

A question about QAnon was even directed to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Spokeperson.

QAnon listed in multiple posts, many of the subsequent MSM article attacking QAnon supporters using terms such as “outlandish”, “fringe conspiracy”, and even “deranged conspiracy cult” as exemplified in his/her August 2 post (#1797):

Many of the MSM stories skeptically covered some of QAnon claims such as the Clintons and Democratic Party being secretly dominated by pedophile groups; that George Soros is manipulating domestic U.S. groups to promote political violence; that the Rothschild family is at the apex of a global Satanic network; and of course that the Russia collusion charge was an insurance policy contrived by the Deep State operatives with the help of Britain’s MI6 and other Five Eyes intelligence partners in case Trump won the 2016 election.

The result that emerges from the Trump Tampa rally is that QAnon has now gone mainstream and has reached a critical threshold in terms of many millions of Americans learning about it.

What makes the rapid growth of the QAnon movement significant, despite negative mainstream media coverage, is that QAnon has now gained a mainstream platform for reaching millions of Americans who for the first time will be exposed to intelligence data that is highly classified.

According to several researchers, QAnon has dropped clues about the future direction of the intelligence dumps through the specific tripcodes that have been chosen. Rather than QAnon’s tripcodes being randomly chosen sequences of numbers and letters used for a temporary period for identification purposes on the 4chan and 8chan posting boards, it has been shown that these are references to lists of books on Googlebooks.

The following video posted on July 22 shows how QAnon’s tripcodes have referred to a series of ground breaking books dealing with a range of topics that have been covered in Q posts:


In a later July 29 article titled, “EVERY TripCode & UserID used by Q Points to a Book”, the author writes:

Q has used 11 TripCodes, and 1100 UserID’s. EVERY one of them points to a book when you search them in Google Books. Some are even pointing to specific pages within that book.

Sure enough, when one goes to the Google Books website and enter different tripcodes used by QAnon, one gets a list of books. The writer includes the following examples:

1 Ramtha, Last Waltz of the Tyrants, the Prophecy REVISITED
Author: Ramtha
Found: TripCode CbboFOtcZs
Used: 376 times

2 Alraune
Author: Hanns Heinz Ewers
Found: TripCode 4pRcUA0lBE
Used: 106 times

“I Love Learning; I Hate School”: An Anthropology of College
Author: Susan D. Blum
Found: TripCode 2jsTvXXmXs
Used: 9 times

Barbelo: The Story of Jesus Christ
Author: Riaan Booysen
Found: TripCode xowAT4Z3VQ
Used: 429 times

Behold a Pale Horse
Author: William Cooper
Found: TripCode UW.yye1fxo
Used: 620 times
Notes: Interview with Bill Cooper

The above books cover a wide range of conspiracy related topics, in particular William Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse (1991) comes up a staggering 620 times when entering QAnon’s trip codes and ID’s. Behold a Pale Horse is a classic when it comes to the topic of a government/military coverup of extraterrestrial life, which falls under the rubric of “exopolitics”.

In 1989, Cooper became one of the first whistleblowers to come forward to reveal what he had seen in classified U.S. Navy intelligence files when he served on the briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. Perhaps most importantly for QAnon readers, he provided some pretty detailed information about the Illuminati (Deep State) and their connection to ruling bloodline families and Satanism.

Of particular interest to me was the tripcode used by QAnon from November 9 to December 15, 2017 (!ITPb.qbhqo) which included my first exopolitics book in page one of the listed books as illustrated below (highlighted by red bar).

On page 3 of the same tripcode, another one of my exopolitics books is listed: Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET.

Based on tripcodes, the conclusion that can be reached is that QAnon is signaling that in the future important disclosures about extraterrestrial life are going to be made, and that it behooves people to get up to speed with what the available “exopolitics” literature is telling us.

The Exopolitics and Galactic Diplomacy books were respectively published in 2004 and 2013. I recommend both of these, along with my more recent Secret Space Programs series as critical for any wanting to understand the decades long cover up of extraterrestrial life and technology.

As the QAnon movement grows rapidly with the mainstream media fixation on discrediting Q’s information only serving to rapidly accelerate Q’s popularity, we can get an idea of the direction of future Q drops by the tripcodes and ID’s that have been used, and what shows up on the Google Books listings for these.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

NASA Accused of Deleting Images of ‘Alien Structure’ on Moon

by Jasper Hamill                  July 19, 2018                      (metro.co.uk)

• In 2014, ufologist Scott C Waring, who runs the blog ‘UFO Sightings Daily’ and scours NASA photos for signs of alien life, found strange white structural formations on the surface of the Moon. Now he claims that the ‘buildings and discoveries have been deleted by NASA or the URLs don’t exist anymore’.

• Waring believes the structures were built by aliens (see image above). Waring describes the structures he sees in the NASA images, “The structures measure about 100-150 meters long and 10-15 meters wide.” “The structures seem to have been built one rib at a time and then later linked together to make a series of ribs that make a single structure. Most the ribs are attached to one another through one or two long tunnels which pass through all the ribs of the structure from one end to the other.”

• Some people have apparently confirmed Waring’s findings, saying that the structures could be seen on Google Earth but not in official NASA images. Others suggest that it is simply a photographic glitch.

• Waring also claims to have discovered an alien city within the Reiner Crater on the Moon. Says Waring, “At the center of the city is a glowing orb. The city is made of massive black tunnels the move in every direction but they vary in size from 2km wide to a few hundred meters wide. ‘Below this mass of black structures is more of the city, which is sealed underground.”


An infamous alien hunter has accused Nasa of deleting images showing mysterious ‘structures’ on the surface of the moon. Scott C Waring, who runs the blog UFO Sightings Daily, first glimpsed strange white formations on the lunar surface in 2014. Now he’s claimed the ‘buildings and discoveries have been deleted or the URLs don’t exist anymore’.

enhanced image of “ribbed” structure

He has republished his findings and claimed they were built by aliens,’ he wrote. ‘The structures measure about 100-150 meters long and 10-15 meters wide. I don’t think they are structures to live in, but probably have a purpose like air or breathing filtration or collecting of energy or even as a transmitting antenna.’ Waring added: ‘The structures seem to have been built one rib at a time and then later linked together to make a series of ribs that make a single structure. Most the ribs are attached to one another through one or two long tunnels which pass through all the ribs of the structure from one end to the other. ‘Each one is different, but can you find the differences? Look carefully at the details and you will be in awe at what you see.’



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Littlefinger Chases Aliens in History’s Good-Looking UFO Drama

by Tim Surette                 July 18, 2018                    (tvguide.com)

• A television series entitled “Project Blue Book” is in production for the History Channel, based on the real UFO investigations by the Air Force in the ’50s and ’60s. Robert Zemeckis, director of “Contact” and “Forrest Gump”, is behind the show. Aidan Gillen, who plays Little Finger in HBO’s “Game of Thrones”, plays J. Allen Hynek in the History Channel series.

• As portrayed in the trailer below, Gillen’s character, J. Allen Hynek, initially doubts the existence of UFOs and then tells anyone who will listen that there are aliens out there, much as the real Hynek did.

• The stories are pulled from the actual declassified files of Project Blue Book, a military program that studied the existence of unidentified flying objects based on eyewitness accounts. However, the series will be more about government cover-ups than the aliens themselves.


Anyone who tells you aliens don’t exist is a fat liar, and finally someone on television other than that weirdo “It was aliens” guy is here to help us spread the truth about the existence of our intergalactic neighbors. Game of Thrones’ Aidan Gillen stars in History’s upcoming Project Blue Book, a drama about real UFO investigations by the Air Force in the ’50s and ’60s, back when our species was still worth it for extraterrestrials to be curious about.



Aidan Gillen (left) as J. Allen Hynek

The first extended trailer is a two-minute journey of Gillen’s character J. Allen Hynek initially doubting the existence of UFOs and then telling anyone who will listen that there are aliens out there deforming children and tearing up our Air Force. The stories are pulled from the actual declassified files of Project Blue Book, a military program that studied the existence of unidentified flying objects based on eyewitness accounts. However, the series will be more about government cover-ups than little green men, so don’t expect to see the Washington Monument blown up.

       the real J. Allen Hynek

Robert Zemeckis, director of Contact and Forrest Gump, is behind the show, which is the latest from the network that continues to teeter on success with historical dramas after initially being dominated by black-and-white footage of WWII. Vikings is great and will conclude its fifth season later this year, but military drama Six was canceled after two seasons and Knightfall had a lukewarm debut when it premiered late last year.

Project Blue Book does not have a premiere date yet.


2:54 minute trailer for the History Channel’s Project Blue Book



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Police Helicopter Circles UFO Above Los Angeles

by Callum Hoare                      July 22, 2018                     (dailystar.co.uk)

• A Los Angeles, California resident by the name of ‘Tom’ video recorded an LAPD helicopter circling a UFO for about 12 minutes. “It sounds ridiculous, but it looked like a craft with two windows on it,” said Tom.

• The video was shared on YouTube channel ‘thirdphaseofmoon’, where it has racked up more than 14,000 hits (see below).


The clip, recorded in Los Angeles, California, USA, was captured by a local resident after he heard a loud noise outside his house.

Tom, who filmed it, revealed he then pulled out his phone after spotting something unusual being tracked by the LAPD.

He said: “They were circling non-stop for like 12 minutes.

“It caught my eye, I thought they were looking for someone, but when I walked outside something stood out that they were circling.

“I can’t really tell what it was, it sounds ridiculous but it looked like a craft with two windows on it.”

The video was shared on YouTube channel thirdphaseofmoon, where it has racked up more than 14,000 hits.

And viewers were left shocked.

One comment read: “Wow surprised the military didn’t show up or the government but there is many things we the citizens are not being told about.”

Another claimed: “That UFO is probably staying still because it’s afraid of the helicopter.” And a third claimed: “Wow, that looks real.”


10:02 video of LAPD Helicopter flying around UFO with commentary
from ‘thirdphaseofmoon’ YouTube channel



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The Secret History of Marxist Alien Hunters

by A.M. Gittlitz                July 14, 2018               (theoutline.com)

• With billionaires Robert Bigelow, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Jeff Bezos, in the vanguard of space exploration, and rock star Tom Delonge attempting to create a “perpetual funding machine” to research and reveal alien activity, what will this capitalist-driven disclosure of extraterrestrials mean to the economic hierarchies of nationality, class, race, and gender?

• It was the communists who started the Space Race by launching Sputnik in 1957. Cosmism — the revolutionary belief in space travel — was part of the Bolshevik program. Cosmist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky believed that a socialist humanity ought to free itself of its geocentrist outlook and seek contact with advanced extraterrestrial societies. Carl Sagan and Soviet scientist Iosef Shklovsky made a similar argument in their 1966 book, Intelligent Life in the Universe.

• There were also ‘Marxist Ufologists’, mainly from the exiled Bolshevik tradition of Leon Trotsky. After Trotsky was exiled, he became a fierce critic of the Stalinist bureaucracy that swallowed the revolutionary foundations of the Soviet Union. The Ufologists among them took Tsiokolvsky’s assessment that, “Time must pass until the average level of humankind’s development is sufficient for nonearthly dwellers to visit us.” The aliens, like communism it seems, linger in the air, waiting for us to prepare the world for them.

• In 1968, Latin American Trotskyite, J. Posadas, wrote that aliens “have no aggressive impulse.” “They have no need to kill in order to live: they come only to observe…[W]e must call on them to intervene, to help us resolve the problems we have on Earth. The essential task is to suppress poverty, hunger, unemployment, and war, to give everyone the means to live in dignity and to lay the bases for human fraternity.” For Posadas, the idea that aliens might pose a threat comes from our history of wars of conquest and economic exploitation. Any species advanced enough to travel light years would have long solved these issues caused by the temporary afflictions of capitalism and the nation-state. Posadas was also interested in communication with dolphins. These unorthodox writings made him an object of ridicule even among his own and has since earned him the status of a memetic folk-hero. He never published on UFOs after 1968.

• One of Posadas’s lieutenants, Dante Minazzoli said in 1947 of the Roswell crash, “I drank coffee with some comrades in Buenos Aires… and told them that for me they were probably space ships.” Minazzoli began to focus exclusively on political readings of the great scientific Ufologists like Hynek and Vallee. He was convinced that UFOs were alien observers who recognized that humanity was becoming technologically advanced enough to join a galactic community, but was still too dangerous. He predicted that the end of the Cold War could make the ETs change their minds, but that the imperialist United States would attempt to suppress first contact and mobilize war against the visitors to defend their hegemony.

• The German-Argentinian Paul Schulz, a central member of the communist party’s industrial core in the ‘50s and ‘60s, started to receive telepathic messages which prophesized a nuclear war that would rip the fabric of space-time. Schulz found an explanation for these messages in the work of Swiss Ufologist Eduard “Billy” Meier, who believed these benevolent aliens communicated with the most advanced humans in an attempt to steer the human race toward enlightenment. Major religious, political, and scientific figures, including Marx, presumably owed their revelations to Plejoran intervention.

• Peter Kolosimo, an Italian born anti-fascist partisan was kicked out of the Communist Party for his support of Tito’s anti-Stalinist Yugoslavian socialism. In 1965 he wrote Not of This Earth, which argued that aliens had influenced or created early human civilizations. It became a bestseller in Italy. Modern proponents of his theories, such as Graham Hancock and Erich von Däniken, find Kolosimo too politically radical to give him any credit.

• But if artificial economic scarcity based on hoarded wealth is replaced with free energy, automated technology, and unlimited off-planet resources, this would create the conditions for a “fully automated luxury space communism.” Freely sharing such technology with mankind would threaten the pretenses of a capitalist class society.

Marxist Ufologists viewed UFO investigation as part of the scientific and intellectual tradition of humans attempting to understand themselves and their place within nature, with the aim of creating a truly free and equal society. In searching for aliens we are forced to confront the logic of capital that controls the world. Marxist Ufologists saw a potential ally in our interstellar neighbors. The prospect of such an encounter might be terrifying, but it’s hard to imagine our new alien overlords could be any more inhumane than the humans who currently dominate the planet.

[Editor’s Note]  According to insiders like Corey Goode, the breakaway Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate secret space program that operates at least fifteen work colonies on Mars, as well as innumerable mining outposts, relies on barter and trade to conduct commerce with over 900 intergalactic species. Indeed, according to these sources, our “Babylonian money magic” system is a classic form of slavery intentionally imposed on humanity by extraterrestrial Anunnaki overlords.


In case you missed it — and there’s a lot of weird stuff going on, so it makes sense that some things would slip through the cracks — aliens exist.

At least that’s what military officials and major politicians believe, according to a New York Times report from December that the Pentagon gave $22 million to aerospace research firms to investigate the UFO phenomenon. Much of that went to Robert Bigelow, a hotelier attempting to expand operations to space. Like Tom Delonge, the ex-Blink-182 guitarist who releases UFO videos and literature in an attempt to turn his To The Stars Academy corporation into a “perpetual funding machine”, he seeks to reverse-engineer UFO technology, and, in the process, give Ufology (the study of UFOs) a corporate makeover.

While the “New Space Age” entrepreneurship of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Jeff Bezos have caught criticism from the labor advocates and the left, Bigelow’s privatized Area 51 and Delonge’s “Uber for UFOs” ambitions have flown under the radar.

Though Ufologists tend to possess an anti-authoritarian streak (it’s hard to be pro-“The Man” when you’re convinced The Man is also lying to you about alien visitors), their singular focus on the truth being out there tends to overlook things like political economics. After all, wouldn’t the revelation of extraterrestrial intelligence be revolution enough? It’s hard to imagine that the global order — let alone the hierarchies of nationality, class, race, and gender — would remain the same after such an occurrence. But they also ought to question what it means that this new vanguard of Ufology appears far more interested in securing funding and turning a profit than bringing liberatory truth to mankind.

Space has not always been such an apolitical void. It was the communists, after all, who started the Space Race by launching Sputnik in 1957. The United States reluctantly followed. Even before they took power, Cosmism — the revolutionary belief in space travel — was part of the Bolshevik program.  Cosmist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who NASA called a “Father of Rocketry,” believed a socialist humanity ought to free itself of its geocentrist outlook and seek contact with advanced extraterrestrial societies. Carl Sagan, who was at least sympathetic to socialism, and Soviet scientist Iosef Shklovsky made a similar argument in their 1966 book, Intelligent Life in the Universe.

There were also Marxist Ufologists, mainly from the exiled Bolshevik tradition of Leon Trotsky. After Stalin consolidated power, Trotsky was exiled and became a fierce critic of the bureaucracy that swallowed the revolutionary foundations of the Soviet Union and turned the communist Third International into an agent of Soviet foreign policy. Trotsky’s followers declared a Fourth International that continued to push for the communist future envisioned by the early Bolsheviks. The handful of Ufologists among them took Tsiokolvsky’s assessment that “Time must pass until the average level of humankind’s development is sufficient for nonearthly dwellers to visit us” as a messianic prediction. The aliens, like communism, linger in the air, waiting for us to make the world ready for them.



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Giant Planet-Sized UFO Detected by NASA’s Stereo Spacecraft

by Nirmal Narayanan                 July 14, 2018                 (ibtimes.co.in)

• A video clip originally from YouTube channel ‘A51:S’ (that went viral on the ‘UFOmania’ YouTube channel) shows a spherical UFO the size of a planet moving across deep space with an imprinted marking on its surface. The video description explains, “While researching the site of the (NASA ‘STEREO’ observation mission), I found this fantastic UFO that as you can see has such a planetarium and seems to have a force field around it.”  (see video clip below)

• Conspiracy theorists claim that the bizarre object in the video might be an alien mega-ship from deep space, or an alien space station, or the killer planet Nibiru, and that President Trump has responded to this threat by implementing a ‘Space Force’ branch of the US military.


A video clip originally made by YouTube channel ‘A51:S’ is now the hottest debating point among conspiracy theorists and alien enthusiasts. The strange clip shows a spherical UFO moving across deep space, and interestingly, the flying object has imprinted drawings on its body. The YouTube channel claims that they have spotted this bizarre object while researching the website of NASA’s stereo mission.

Even though the video was uploaded a month back, it gained popularity after it was shared online by conspiracy theory channel ‘UFOmania’.

“While researching the site of STEREO mission, I found this fantastic UFO that as you can see has such a planetarium and seems to have a force field around it,” wrote UFOmania on the video’s description.

The uploader of the video reveals that the UFO spotted in the Stereo mission live feed is so gigantic, that it is of the size of a planet. As the video went viral, conspiracy theorists have started claiming that the bizarre object in the video might be an alien mega-ship from deep space.

The video which was uploaded a day ago has already racked up more than 4,100 views, and viewers were quick to speculate what the eerie object could be.

2:19 minute video clip from YouTube channel ‘A51:S’



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UFOs Are Real and Often Narrowly Miss Crashing Into Planes

by Nick Pope                July 13, 2018                  (thesun.co.uk)

• Aliens, UFOs and death rays sound like the stuff of science fiction. But from his 21 years with the UK’s Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope (pictured above) knows that UFO’s are real and that our government leaders take them very seriously. The recent disclosure of MoD documents show that the UK government has spent 50 years investigating alien technology.

• Pope says that while the majority of UFO sightings could be explained, but around five per cent remain mysterious. And there are several cases of near-misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft. Pope also got to look into other X-File types of cases such as crop circles, alien abductions, ghost sightings, and psychic phenomenon.

• The declassified MoD documents revealed that the Russians had put a lot of effort into researching and investigating not just UFOs, but parapsychology – telekinesis (moving objects with the mind), psychic phenomena and similar things.

• The British military viewed this in terms of threats and the possibility that “novel military applications” might result from a better understanding of UFOs. It was suggested that UFOs might not objects, but rather the result of changes in energy in the atmosphere. This raised the intriguing possibility of channeling this energy to develop a death ray weapon.

• All the while, the Americans were conducting their own research through a Pentagon program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Some declassified videos surfaced of US Navy jets chasing UFOs. 

• If anyone was laughing about UFOs before, they’re not laughing now. Those who have looked at this subject from within the government knew better. RAF pilots had seen UFOs and occasionally chased them. The MoD had gun camera footage similar to the declassified US Navy videos. Radar operators tracked UFOs from time to time, and the speeds and maneuvers were astounding.

• The MoD told Parliament, the media, and the British public that UFOs were of “no defense significance”. However, this was a meaningless soundbite designed simply to get people off our backs, said Pope.


ALIENS, UFOs and death rays sound more like the stuff of science fiction than the subjects of top-secret government briefings… but I know from my 21 years at the Ministry of Defence that our leaders take these threats more seriously than they let on.

I also learned from my time there that UFOs are real. And I should know, because my job throughout the nineties was to investigate them.

World UFO Day fell last week, and it was very clear that the usual scepticism and ridicule had been replaced with a far more serious tone.

This may be helped by the fact that details recently emerged of MoD documents showing the UK government’s interest and involvement in UFOs – and suggesting that we had spent 50 years investigating the possibilities of developing alien technology.

I worked on these files and came out of retirement to help with the MoD’s release project – the decade-long declassification of top-secret papers – which concluded in January.

And while the Official Secrets Act binds me for life, now that the government itself is releasing more details of my old MoD job, I can give people an insider’s perspective on what we really got up to.

From UFOs almost crashing into planes to alien abductions

The bottom line was that we knew UFOs were real, but we didn’t know what they were.

The majority of UFO sightings could be explained, but around five per cent remain mysterious.

The cases that concerned me most were the near-misses between UFOs and commercial aircrafts – there are several such cases in the MoD’s UFO files.

What was much more fun was the other weird stuff that came our way simply because there was nowhere else in government to send it: crop circles, claims that people had been abducted by aliens, ghost sightings and people who claimed to be psychic and volunteered their services to British intelligence.

But is it really true, as the latest declassified files suggest, that we were racing against the Russians and the Chinese to acquire alien technology and develop some sort of super-weapon?

Not quite, but the reality is almost just as bizarre.



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