Alien Disclosure – Amnesty – Book Review

Alien Disclosure is a science fiction book based on a real-life event involving President Dwight Eisenhower meeting with an extraterrestrial delegation in February 1954. The author, Allan Kules, weaves a fascinating story of how a UFO researcher gets his hands on a copy of the film taken of the meeting, evades a secret government effort to capture him, and eventually takes it to the United Nations where it is played thereby disclosing the truth to the world.

Available at

The book’s plot provides an intriguing example of how full disclosure can be triggered by a positive faction of the secret government providing UFO/exopolitics researchers with leaked documents of real events. The first time this happened occurred in the 1980’s and 1990’s with the leaked Majestic Documents, and could easily happen again with a Wikileaks type release of UFO/extraterrestrial related documents.

In Alien Disclosure, a positive secret government faction arranges for the Eisenhower film to be given to the hero, James Broadhurst, and this group helps him to evade a negative faction. He was chosen because of his firm belief that amnesty would need to be given to all those involved in maintaining the secrecy system.

While on the run, Broadhurst gets to meet with human looking extraterrestrials that have infiltrated Earth society, who are also behind the full disclosure initiative. He also gets to witness some of the advanced technologies used by the secret government such as teleportation, and is taken for a ride on an extraterrestrial spacecraft.  

What I found especially helpful was the way the negative secret government faction was depicted. The villains were not dehumanized as psychopaths on a rampage of destruction as they carried out illegal orders, but as typical government agents with a highly skewed national security belief system that made them view extraterrestrial disclosure as a genuine threat for human society.

This made it easier to understand why amnesty, based on the Truth and Reconciliation model used by countries such as South Africa, could be used in a full disclosure scenario. Amnesty is going to be a controversial topic as the full enormity of what has been kept secret, and how the secrecy system has been ruthlessly enforced for over seven decades is eventually disclosed.

Kules’ book presents the pros and cons of an amnesty policy when it comes to full disclosure, and why amnesty is critical in getting the negative secret government faction to stand down. In our world today, there is little doubt that the advanced technologies possessed by the secret government could cause enormous destruction if unleashed by those backed into a corner with no other option.

Yet, as we are seeing with the QAnon movement, there are over 50,000 sealed indictments that have been issued against Deep State officials. The threat of being subjected to a military trial makes for a big motivator in getting cooperation from them. If QAnon is to be believed, the Deep State is on the verge of collapse.  So why would blanket amnesty be necessary for the perpetrators of crimes stretching back decades?

Would a “restorative justice” model based on Truth and Reconciliation be better than a “punitive justice” model in dealing with the complex legal and political issues raised by full disclosure? There are pros and cons with both models.

In the case of the Truth and Reconciliation model used in South Africa, many felt that the truths revealed in the process helped bring closure to the victims and/or their families, while others believed that the perpetrators of atrocious crimes were treated far too leniently, and literally got away with murder.

In the case of the Nuremburg War Crimes, while a few senior Nazi officials were punished, the vast majority escaped punishment since evidence was systematically destroyed, and/or such officials went underground to escape justice.

I believe the answer lies in finding some balance between these two justice models since those responsible for the most egregious crimes should be exposed and punished as occurred at Nuremberg. Yet, it’s clear that in the vast majority of cases, where evidence is lacking, a Truth and Reconciliation process has clear advantages. Furthermore, we the victims of such crimes need to move on into a post-disclosure world and forgiveness appears to be an important rite of passage into what lies ahead.

Kules’ book offers many insights into how the full disclosure process might play out, and how the world will react to the truth about extraterrestrial visitors, release of advanced technologies, and the exposure of those who brutally enforced the secrecy system.

Alien Agenda is a very entertaining read, with lots of fascinating plot turns, and inspires the imagination to think about how full disclosure will happen – something that is vital to how it all eventually unfolds.

On a personal level, I was gratified to see how my own research on the 1954 Eisenhower extraterrestrial meeting inspired Kules to write his book. The meeting was a formative event in world history that has been largely ignored by UFO researchers. The multiple diplomatic meetings Eisenhower had with alien ambassadors throughout his administration has shaped the nature of U.S. and world politics ever since.

One area that Kules’ book didn’t cover, is the existence of a German Secret Space Program operating out of Antarctica, which has morphed over the decades with corporate assistance into something quite sinister that operates in parallel with alien contact. Perhaps this is something he will cover later in his Alien Disclosure Trilogy.

I highly recommend Alien Disclosure: Amnesty as a book well worth reading. It is available on Amazon as a paperback and would make an ideal gift for those interested in science fiction, and have an open mind to the truth about extraterrestrial visitation.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Elon Musk Plans On Sending People Past The Dark Side Of The Moon: Will They See Bases?

by Arjun Walia                      September 27, 2018                    (

• Elon Musk plans to take his SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to the Moon and Mars. Tom DeLonge of the ‘To the Stars Academy’ wants to tell the world that UFOs are real. Is this part of a plan by the world’s elite to further their own selfish agenda? Or it is truly intended to disclose the truth?

• Donald Trump has announced the United States’ intention of putting a base on the Moon. Private corporations are jumping on the opportunity for some type of space “tourism.”

• A Tokyo-based lunar exploration startup named Ispace has signed up for launches on Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2020 and 2021. The first will carry a lunar lander into orbit around the Moon, and the second aims to put one on the moon’s surface so it can deploy a pair of rovers. And a Japanese billionaire has signed up for he and his guests to be the first paying passengers to travel around the Moon on a SpaceX rocket in the year 2023. Elon himself may even go on this voyage.

• Col. Ross Dedrickson is one of approximately 500 members of the United States military who have revealed the presence of extraterrestrials on the Moon. Dedrickson claims that in the late 1970’s extraterrestrials destroyed a nuclear weapon before it could be deployed on the Moon.

• Strange artifacts and bases have been said to exist on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon. The Society for Planetary research (SETI) has identified “Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C”, which non-human beings may have built.

• Remote viewers like Ingo Swann and Dr. Paul Smith from the Stargate program have ‘seen’ strange structures and humanoid creatures on the Moon.

• Will Musk be allowed to go to the Moon? If so, what will he find there? Will Musk be allowed to talk about what they find?


Elon Musk is making a lot of noise with regards to space. His latest announcement that he plans to send multiple people not just to Mars but also to the Moon is making headlines in the alternative news community for several reasons. One of the reasons is because there has been a tremendous amount of controversy surrounding what exactly is going on in space.

This confusion was further sparked when the To The Stars Academy, founded by Tom Delonge, revealed a plan dedicated to letting the world know that unidentified flying objects are real, despite the fact that it is well known. This is for the mainstream. They’ve released several videos in cooperation with the US government, and the team consists of world-renowned scientists, recently retired defense employees from the US government, former senior intelligence officers, and a recently retired Director of Lockheed Aerospace, who has stated that the technology utilized in these objects can actually alter space & time. You can read more about that here.

UFO Disclosure

We are in the midst of mainstream UFO disclosure; whether this is coming from good intentions that have humanity’s best interests at heart is another question. The global elite has always used major phenomena, like terrorism, to create solutions and implement political actions that best meets their needs. And since world domination seems to be at the top of the list, some have even suggested that mainstream UFO disclosure is driven by an elitist desire to stage a false flag alien invasion. Of course it’s also possible that it’s driven by good people from within, who actually want to get the truth out to the public. Is that what we’re now seeing?

The fact remains, we now have credible testimony from hundreds of military people, scientists, and academicians. We also have actual radar data, and materials have been retrieved from these objects. This is no longer taboo, and a large portion of the world seems to be well aware that many of these strange objects might actually be extraterrestrial in origin.

To The Moon

But what about the Moon? Will Elon Musk actually be allowed to venture to the Moon if something ‘out of this world’ is really going on there? For years, the lore surrounding the dark side of the moon, strange artifacts, bases and more have all been hinted at. Reports of artificially made structures on the moon are both common and persistent. Among the first were from George Leonard’s 1976 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon.



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Top Five Pilot Encounters With UFOs

by Robbie Graham                   September 27, 2018                (

• Cases of pilot encounters with UFOs stand among the most credible and dramatic ever recorded. Here are five of the most compelling:

1. Japan Airlines – On November 17, 1986, daytime, at 35,000 feet over northeastern Alaska, Japanese Airlines Boeing 747 cargo plane en route from Paris to Tokyo suddenly found itself facing two pairs of squarish arrays of pulsating “amber and whitish” lights each the size of a commercial jet, side-by-side, hovering directly in front of the aircraft. The objects lit up the cockpit where Captain Kenju Terauchi could feel heat on his face. Then the pilot noticed a third much larger “mothership” UFO eight miles away, toward which the two bright UFOs were heading. All of this was confirmed by radar at Anchorage flight control and a nearby Air Force base. After a half hour, the UFOs were gone. Years later, an FAA investigator publicly testified to a CIA cover-up of flight data relating to this event.

2. Frederick Valentich – On October 21, 1978, at 7:12 pm, 20-year-old Frederick Valentich vanished while was flying a Cessna 182L light aircraft over Australia’s Bass Strait. Just before his disappearance, Valentich had advised Melbourne air traffic control that he was being orbited by a large shiny craft with a green light 300 meters above him. Then he made is final statement, “[the] strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again. It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft.”  This was followed by a metallic scraping sound. No trace of Valentich or his aircraft was ever found.

3. Thomas Mantell – On January 7, 1948, 25 year old WWII vet Captain Thomas Mantell of the Kentucky Air National died while in pursuit of a UFO. The UFO was 300 ft. in diameter, white with a red border at the bottom. Against orders to break off pursuit, Mantell chased the UFO and got close enough to it to radio that the object was “metallic,” and of “tremendous size.” Then he lost consciousness, and his plane spiraled to the ground and crashed.

4. The ‘Tic Tac’ UFO – On November 14, 2004, (over the Pacific Ocean, off of the coast of San Diego), around noon on a clear day, the USS Princeton of the US Navy’s Nimitz carrier battle group instructed a pair of unarmed FA-18F Navy jets to intercept a radar blip. When pilots David Fravor and Jim Slaight reached the position, they noticed a disturbance in the ocean water below them, and then an object hovering 50 feet above the disturbance. The pilots described the UFO as resembling a large bright white “Tic Tac” (the breath mint) between 30 and 46 feet in length, with no visible engine or exhaust. As Fravor descended toward the object, it began to ascend, mirroring the Navy jet’s maneuvers. Then the UFO accelerated and was gone in two seconds.

5. Alderney, England – On 23 April 2007, Captain Ray Bowyer was flying a routine passenger plane from Southampton, England, to Alderney in the Channel Islands. For fifteen minutes, he and his passengers watched two very large, cigar-shaped UFOs, each a mile in length and emitting a brilliant yellow light, hovering stationary about 55 miles away. Peering through binoculars, Bowyer could distinguish their solid form. The plane flew to within 12 miles of the objects before the pilot flew away and landed. Another aircraft also confirmed the sighting.


If you’ve never done any research on the UFO topic, you might be forgiven for thinking that the only people who see them are hicks with worrying family trees; certainly this is the stereotype that has been perpetuated by Hollywood. In reality, however, UFOs are reported by men and women from all walks of life, and from all social and economic backgrounds: from burger-flippers to bankers, sex-workers to surgeons, pot-washers to politicians. With this in mind, it should come as little surprise that those who spend their working days in the skies above us also see their fair share of anomalous aerial phenomena. Indeed, cases of pilot encounters with UFOs stand among the most credible and dramatic ever recorded in the history of this enduring enigma.

Here are five of the most compelling…

#5. Alderney Sighting, 2007

Captain Ray Bowyer got the fright of his life on 23 April 2007 while piloting a routine passenger flight from Southampton, England, to Alderney in the Channel Islands. Over a 15 minute period, he and his passengers witnessed two UFOs so large and imposing that Bowyer–a pilot with 18 years of flying experience–wanted nothing more than to land his aircraft as soon as humanly possible “and have a cup of tea.” Typical Brit.

Bowyer’s aircraft gradually converged on two stationary, cigar-shaped craft, each emitting a brilliant yellow light. To the naked eye, the objects appeared unnervingly large, despite initially being some 55 miles away, and Bowyer would later estimate that the two mystery craft were each up to a mile across. Bowyer also viewed the objects through 10X magnification binoculars, through which he could distinguish their seemingly solid form, which grew clearer still as his aircraft drew nearer to them.

Bowyer would later recall: “I found myself astounded but curious, but at 12 miles’ distance these objects were becoming uncomfortably large, and I was glad to descend and land the aircraft. Many of my passengers saw the objects as did the pilots of another aircraft, 25 miles further south [a plane near Sark, which confirmed the presence, general position and altitude of the first object from the opposite direction].”

The encounter was thoroughly investigated but remains unexplained. Bowyer conservatively maintains that what he and his passengers witnessed was “definitely nothing from around these parts.”

#4. USS Nimitz Radar/Visual Encounter, 2004

At around 12:30 EST on November 14, 2004, an operations officer aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Princeton contacted two airborne US Navy jet fighters from USS Nimitz, instructing the pilots to change their course and investigate an unidentified blip that was showing up on the Princeton’s radar. The first fighter aircraft was piloted by Commander David Fravor, with his weapon systems officer in the back seat. The second jet was piloted by Commander Jim Slaight.

The weather conditions that day were near perfect: blue sky, no cloud cover, calm sea. When the jet fighters–both FA-18F Super Hornets–arrived at the site of the radar blip, the crew of four could see nothing untoward in the air. Below them, however, on the surface of the sea, they noticed an area “the size of a Boeing 737 airplane with a smoother area of lighter color at the center,” as if the waves were breaking over a large object just under the surface. Moments later, the crew noticed a strange object hovering erratically some 50 feet above the disturbance in the water. Both pilots later described the unidentified object as resembling a large bright white “Tic Tac” between 30 and 46 feet in length, with no visible engine or exhaust plume.

As Commander Fravor started a circular descent towards the object, it began ascending along a curved path, keeping a safe distance from the F-18 and mirroring its trajectory. Fravor then attempted to plunge his fighter below the object. No chance. The UFO accelerated “like a bullet from a gun” and was lost from his sight in less than two seconds. The nature and origin of the object remain a mystery (at least officially).

In 2017, Fravor spoke publicly about his “Tic Tac” encounter as part of a broader and ongoing public initiative to draw attention to the Pentagon’s shadowy UFO study program (now allegedly shut down), officially titled the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).



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Alien Spaceship Spotted Passing Through the Sun

by Sean Martin                October 3, 2018                    (

• Looking through images online of the Sun from NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite, Scott C Waring, author of website UFO Sightings Daily, found a spaceship shooting out from the side of the Sun. (see images above)

• “The UFO is huge. Since the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth, this UFO is an exact match in size (with the Earth), and yet it shot away so fast that it was not captured on any other photos,” said Waring. “Only an ancient alien race could build a ship that could travel inside the Sun and withstand such temperatures.”

• Waring speculates that UFO was using the Sun to refuel.


A UFO has been spotted shooting out from the side of the Sun, leading one alien hunter to believe the spaceship was using the star to refuel.

As far as humans are concerned, there is no man-made material which could withstand the heat of the Sun.

But UFO enthusiasts believe an ancient alien race could have developed such sturdy technology which would be able to travel through the Sun – which is 15million degrees Celsius at its core.

This the theory of one conspiracy theorist who believes he has spotted a UFO shooting through the Sun.

By observing images from NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite, Scott C Waring, author of website UFO Sightings Daily, says he saw the UFO.

Mr Waring believes that the UFO is roughly the same size of the Earth.

Writing on UFO Sightings Daily, Mr Warning said: “The objects luminosity indicates that its not the same material seen on the surface of the Sun since no white glowing surface areas exist, only yellow.

“The UFO is huge, since the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth, this UFO is an exact match in size, and yet it shot away so fast that it was not captured on any other photos.

“That is a mystery, unless it quickly accelerated to light or faster than light speed then thats called alien technology.



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Has US military Built Space Ship to Travel the Universe?

by Sean Martin                      September 27, 2018                         (

• A pair of triangular craft have been spotted in the middle of a massive 900 metre circle in the desert of New Mexico near the Holloman Air Force Base. Conspiracy theorists are speculating the US Air Force could be leading a new age space race to the moon after spotting the two crafts, one much larger than the other.

• The video was uploaded to YouTube by the UFO hunting channel ‘Third Phase of the Moon’. The video narrator says, “What’s really strange is that when I first searched these coordinates, Google Earth didn’t really work so we had to go through a few different ways of trying to find this location.” (see 3:48 minute video below)

• Commenters on the YouTube video say that the craft could be the US governments replicas of alien technology, or they could be of extraterrestrial origin. One commenter suggests that the two ‘craft’ “…look like a couple of shade cloth tarps to keep the sun off whoever is under them”.


A MYSTERIOUS craft has been spotted near a US military base which has led some to believe a high tech spaceship could be involved in the new age space race.

Global powerhouses are in a race to get back to the moon, and ultimately to Mars, and conspiracy theorists are speculating the US could be leading the race after spotting something suspicious.

Users of Google Earth have been trawling the online globe to spot any suspicious activity and believe they have found something in New Mexico.

Two triangular crafts have been spotted in the middle of a massive 900 metre circle in the desert of New Mexico.

To make matters more mysterious, the two crafts, one much larger than the other,were found near the Holloman Air Force Base.

The Holloman Air Force Base is something of a UFO hotspot and was centre of a 1974 documentary which claimed experts there had been in contact with aliens.

Now conspiracy theorists believe that authorities at the air force base are using their ET knowledge to get into space.

3:48 minute video of triangular craft near Holloman Air Force Base



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The Hunt for Planet X Turns Up a New Solar System Object

by Ashley Strickland                   October 3, 2018                      (

• The International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center has found a small object located in the Inner Oort Cloud at the furthest reaches of our solar system, having a perturbed orbit that astronomers believe is caused by a massive but as yet undetected distant tenth planet, or “Planet X” (including the dwarf planet Pluto). This object, formally known as 2015 TG387 and dubbed “the Goblin”, is about 2½ times farther from the Sun than is Pluto, and has a 40,000-year orbit around the Sun.

• The Goblin never comes close enough to the known giant planets in our solar system to be affected by their gravitational influence. Therefore, it must be another unknown large body much further out in the solar system. “We are very uniform in our sky coverage and can find all types of orbits, yet we seem to only be finding objects with similar types of orbits that are on the same side of the sky, suggesting something is shepherding them into these similar types of orbits, which we believe is Planet X,” said Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science. “I think we are nearing the 90% likelihood of Planet X being real with this discovery,” said Sheppard. “[This] would redefine our knowledge of the Solar System’s evolution.”

• Fellow researchers include Chad Trujilllo of Northern Arizona University and David Tholen of the University of Hawaii. “What makes this result really interesting is that Planet X seems to affect 2015 TG387 the same way as all the other extremely distant Solar System objects. These simulations do not prove that there’s another massive planet in our Solar System, but they are further evidence that something big could be out there,” Trujillo said in a statement.

[Editor’s Note]  Because of the perturbations of the Goblin and other distant objects, they presume that the massive object causing the gravitational pull is a planet. But what if it is an unseen brown dwarf star in our binary star system, which holds its own system of orbiting planets, including the fabled planet Nibiru?


While searching for the mysterious Planet X that some astronomers believe lurks on the edge of our solar system, researchers instead found an extremely distant object they dubbed “the Goblin.” And this object provides compelling evidence for the existence of Planet X.

The object is on the small end of being a dwarf planet, with a 40,000-year orbit — meaning it takes that long to go around the sun. That’s more than 2,000 times the distance between the Earth and the sun. Its current location is about 2½ times farther from the sun than from Pluto.

“I think we are nearing the 90% likelihood of Planet X being real with this discovery,” said Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science.

The Goblin got its nickname because the scientists first observed it around Halloween 2015. It is considered an Inner Oort Cloud object. The Oort Cloud is a predicted bubble around our solar system far beyond Pluto, filled with trillions of icy bodies and the supposed birthplace of long-term comets.

The International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center announced the object, formally known as 2015 TG387, on Tuesday. The researchers, including Sheppard, Northern Arizona University’s Chad Trujilllo and the University of Hawaii’s David Tholen, have also submitted a paper to the Astronomical Journal detailing their findings.

“This new object has the largest orbit of all the extremely distant objects that stay well beyond Pluto,” Sheppard said. Given its orbit, the Goblin never comes close enough to the giant planets in our solar system to be affected by their gravitational influence.

It joins other objects Sheppard and his team have found on the edge of the solar system since 2012. Their isolation makes them unique. “They can be used as probes to understand what is happening at the edge of our solar system,” Sheppard said.



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UFOs Around the World: Australia

by Robbie Graham                  September 23, 2018                    (

• This installment of “UFOs Around the World” brings us to Australia. Robbie Graham interviews Bill Chalker, a veteran UFO researcher and author in Sydney, about the historical development of Australia’s Ufology movement.

• Edgar Jarrold was a foundational figure in Australian ufology with his 1952 group, the Australian Flying Saucer Bureau, and his publication, The Australian Flying Saucer Magazine. By the end of the 1950s, individual state groups began their rise with people like Peter Norris, Stan Seers and Dr. Miran Lindtner. Judy Magee and Paul Norman became prominent and Colin Norris provided a focus in South Australia.

• In the 1970’s, the efforts of Vladimir Godic and Keith Basterfield encouraged a number of the state groups to adopt the generic group name of UFO Research and a scientific investigation focus and spark the rise of a national focus, ultimately leading to the Australian Centre for UFO Studies operating from 1980. By the nineties, most serious researchers abandoned the smaller research societies in favor of the national ‘UFO Research Australia’ led by Vlad Godic and Keith Basterfield, and later Robert Frola and Diane Harrison’s Australian UFO Research Network.

• According to Chalker, ten Australian UFO cases illustrate the complexity and nature of the UFO phenomenon ‘down under’.
1. August 31, 1954 – Sea Fury case, near Goulbourn, NSW, Australia – UFO confirmed by naval pilot, radar, and ground witnesses
2. July 23, 1992 – Peter Khoury “Hair of Alien” DNA case, Sydney, Australia – abduction by female Nordic blonde of “hybrid origin”
3. June 27, 1959 – Father Gill UFO entity sighting, Boianai, Papua New Guinea – multiple witness sighting of animate entities on a UFO with intelligent interactions
4. September 30, 1980 – George Blackwell’s Rosedale UFO landing, Rosedale, Victoria Australia – compelling array of physical evidence
5. August 8, 1993 – Kelly Cahill’s abduction experience, Narre Warren North, Victoria, Australia – multiple witness UFO encounter with physical evidence
6. January 19, 1966 – George Pedley’s Tully UFO nest encounter, Tully, Queensland, Australia- daylight close encounter with UFO take off leaving physical evidence
7. April 4, 1966 – Ron Sullivan’s experience, Burkes Flat, Victoria Australia – UFO encounter, physical traces, bent light beams, possible related fatality
8. April 6, 1966 – Westall school daylight UFO landing” encounter, Westall, Victoria, Australia – multiple witness daylight landing, physical traces
9. 1977-78 – Gisborne UFO abduction milieu, Gisborne New Zealand – UFO and abduction milieu, entities, multiple witnesses, multiple abductions
10. May to August 1973 – Tyringham Dundurrabin UFO, NSW, Australia – intense UFO flap, multiple witness, physical effects, paranormal dimensions

• After some 44 years of official ‘Defence’ handling of UFO matters, albeit grudgingly and decidedly un-scientific, the Australian Defence Department officially washed their hands of the UFO/UAP matter in 1996 and is no longer accepting civil reports, following the lead of its major defence partners—the US and the UK. Currently, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and Air services Australia (ASA) accepts UFO reports from civil aviation flight crews. Australia’s Department of Defence accepts reported military UFO cases. The Aussie government has taken stock of the UK approach which in recent years has become more open with their UFO files.

• The Australian UFO Research Network (AUFORN), which is similar to MUFON in the US, is the most recent of the national UFO investigation organisations in Australia. But this slowly lapsed following the closure of the national UFO magazine, the “UFOlogist.” MUFON in Australia has had a rather ad hoc history in recent years. Its most recent reincarnation appears to be playing out under the umbrella of the Internet site Australian UFO Action. The proliferation of Internet and social media sites has made detailed UFO investigation by experienced researchers more difficult and problematic than in the past.

• “I have extensively researched high strangeness close encounter cases and hundreds of so-called abduction and contact cases,” says Chalker. “I’m an advocate of open scientifically based investigations… but far greater mainstream support is needed.” “Less politicized scientific investigations need to be the norm rather than the exception.” “Greater networking, sharing and cooperation is needed.” “I am optimistic rather than pessimistic about the future of UFO research.”


Over the next several weeks, I’ll be conducting interviews with leading UFO researchers from countries around the world in an effort to paint a picture of global UFOlogy today. This week, our global UFO trek takes us to Australia, and to Bill Chalker, a veteran UFO researcher based in Sydney with a background in chemistry and mathematics. He has contributed to such publications as Rolling Stone and Reader’s Digest and has written chapters for books including UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiryand all three volumes of Jerome Clark’s The UFO Encyclopedia. He is the author of The OZ Files (1996) and Hair of the Alien (2005) and Coordinator of the Sydney-based UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC) and the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group (APEG).

RG: Who have been the defining figures in Australian UFOlogy over the past 70 years (for better or for worse), and why?

BC: Edgar Jarrold is generally seen as a foundational figure in Australian ufology with his 1952 group, the Australian Flying Saucer Bureau, and his publication, The Australian Flying Saucer Magazine. More controversially, it is his departure from public ufology that helped spawn Gray Barker’s version of the “men-in-black” saga with his colourful book, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers (1956). South Australian ufologist Fred Stone tried unsuccessfully to take over Jarrold’s national reach. By the end of the 1950s, individual state groups began their rise with people like Peter Norris (the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, later VUFORS), Stan Seers (the Queensland Flying Saucer Bureau, now UFO Research (Qld)) and Dr. Miran Lindtner (the Sydney based UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC) which I continue today). Judy Magee and Paul Norman became prominent in the Victorian group. Colin Norris provided a focus in South Australia, until the efforts of Vladimir Godic and Keith Basterfield during the 1970s encouraged a number of the state groups to adopt the generic group name of UFO Research and a scientific investigation focus. The 1970s also saw the rise of a national focus, following Dr. Allen Hynek’s 1973 visit, ultimately leading to the Australian Centre for UFO Studies operating from 1980.

                      Bill Chalker

It limped into the nineties a pale shadow of its former self. Most serious researchers had long since abandoned it in favour of the national networking vision established by ACOS and the earlier ACUFOS manifestation and UFORA, and because ACUFOS had lost direction and credibility with what was seen as the uncritical promotion of dubious material by its final incumbent co-ordinator. Vlad Godic led a revived national focus with his UFO Research Australia Newsletter and with Keith Basterfield, the UFO Research Australia organisation, which ended with Godic’s untimely death. The national focus was effectively re-empowered with Robert Frola and Diane Harrison’s Australian UFO Research Network (AUFORN). Robert Frola also focused on a national newsstand magazine—the Ufologist—which continued for two decades. While the Internet helped break down a lot of the barriers of a big country like Australia, it effectively energised individuals and state orientated groups. For example the blogs of Keith Basterfield, Paul Dean, and myself in terms of the individual approaches, and in terms of state orientated groups—UFO Research Qld, UFO Research NSW, and Victorian UFO Action (VUFOA). Other organisations and individuals provide alternate focuses such as my own low profile networking continuation of UFOIC, Moira McGhee’s INUFOR (Independent Network of UFO researchers), the Campbelltown based UFO-PRSA (The UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia), Rex and Heather Gilroy’s Blue Mountains UFO research, John Auchettl’s rather secrecy obsessed group PRA (Phenomena Research Australia) and Damien Nott’s Australian Aerial Phenomena Investigations (AAPI).

RG: What do you consider to be the most compelling Australian UFO incident on record, and why?

BC: I prefer to put forward my own list of “top ten” regional Australian cases, rather than one single case, as the list better reflects the complexity and nature of the UFO phenomenon. Despite various efforts to explain away some of my listed cases, they have stood up well. You can explore the details of each case, in part, through entries about each on my blogalong with a whole lot of other cases.



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“The Consistency Is Mind Boggling” – University Professor On Alien Abductions

by Arjun Walia                  September 21, 2018                    (

• “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel” – Roscoe Hiellenkoetter, first CIA director in 1947.

• “Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles… actually have ET crews [that] catch and release humans.” — Dr. Don Donderi, retired McGill University Psychology Professor.

• Dr. David M. Jacobs, retired Temple University professor, says that there are millions of people all over the world who share remarkably consistent stories of being abducted by intelligent extraterrestrials. “I’ve worked with people from Africa, and Asia, and Latin-America, and Europe and so forth… the consistency (of abductee stories) is mind-boggling,” says Jacobs. “[W]ithout consistency there is no phenomenon, and it is the consistency that keeps coming back…People come back with unusual scars on their body, fully formed scars that weren’t there before.”

• To distinguish, there are forced abductions we call ‘abductees’. Then there are simply contactees who don’t experience any type of forced abduction or strange procedures that are performed on them. A lot of people have friendly, informative, and mysterious type of contact experiences. And there are a range of beings that have been reported with consistency, including human looking ones.

• Along with these contact experiences come telepathic messages, in many cases to warn of future destruction unless human rapidly evolves and, grows up, so to speak. Many abductees also report a sense of remorse and empathy within some of these forced abductions, others do not.

• Humanity is at a crossroads, and our hesitance to accept certain realities these days is drifting, and acceptance is coming in. Our perception of reality is shifting. The experiences of contactees and abductees could perhaps help us decipher a message for humanity where we can be free from the chains of economic slavery and allowed to grow and advance as a species. Our destiny is no doubt in the stars.


“We know that the phenomenon is very, very widespread around the world. People think that this is an American phenomenon, it is not. I’ve worked with people from Africa, and Asia, and Latin-America, and Europe and so forth… All say the same thing all around the world, it does not matter where they’re from. People often ask me whether there’s any consistency in abduction accounts, the consistency is mind-boggling.”

The quote above comes from Dr. David M. Jacobs, a recently retired professor of History at Temple University. He’s one of many academics who’ve been studying the ‘alien abduction’ phenomenon for a long time. We’re talking about full-out investigations and actual case work. Himself and practically every other researcher in this field would tell you that yes, the consistency is indeed jaw-dropping. People who claim to have been abducted by intelligent extraterrestrials, or come in contact with beings, and there are millions of them all over the world, all share remarkably consistent stories.

     Dr. David M. Jacobs

“I work with people who have MD’s, or psychiatrists, psychologists… people who are university professors, and people who have never been able to hold a job…and everybody in-between. The vast material that they talk about has never been in the public domain, without consistency there is no phenomenon, and it is the consistency that keeps coming back…People are physically missing from their normal environments when they are abducted, people come back with unusual scars on their body, fully formed scars that weren’t there before.”

It’s important to make a distinction here. There are all sorts of contacts happening. There are forced abductions, we call these people abductees, then there are simply contactees. Contactees don’t experience any type of forced abduction or strange procedures that are performed on them like abductees, there is also a wealth of data showing that a lot of people have friendly, informative, and mysterious type of contact experiences as well, and there are a range of beings (which also show up with consistency in multiple experiencer accounts) that have also been reported with consistency, including human looking ones. Along with these experiences come telepathic messages, in many cases appear to warn of future destruction unless human rapidly evolves and, grows up, so to speak.

Many abductees also report a sense of remorse and empathy within some of these forced abductions, others do not.

Dr. Jacobs goes on to state, regarding abductions, a very interesting point, “Now, let us suppose it is not happening, all those things still remain, and yet it’s not happening, there is no such thing as the abduction phenomenon. If that is the case, we have found the most important thing ever in the history of neurology, brain function, cognition… All these people are saying the same thing at their risk, this is not going to bring applause to them, that they say they’ve been abducted by aliens from outer space. High functioning people say this knowing full well it could destroy their careers, and they say this around the world…And it’s not happening, then what?”



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Is Earth Ready For Alien Contact? It Is Now – Government UFO Expert Pens Contingency Plan

by Sebastian Kettley                  September 26, 2018                  (

• Nick Pope, who investigated alien sightings for the UK Government’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) between 1985 and 2006, says the world is incredibly underprepared for the eventuality of extraterrestrial contact. He has drafted a five-page contingency plan for the day humans discover extraterrestrial life.

• Pope said he believes that after the Apollo program failed to extend humanity’s reach into the stars, public excitement around the hunt for alien life dampened and people have grown disillusioned with outer space. This in turn has left our defenses wide open. “It’s an uphill struggle. It’s always tricky to convince people to spend money on what a lot of people might consider white elephant projects, considering a lot of the social problems we have,” says Pope.

• Pope says that people are simply unaware of the dangers lurking in space. According to Pope, one of the biggest threats surrounding Earth’s lack of readiness is the possibility of coming in contact with deadly alien contaminants, described as ‘back contamination’. Outside of NASA’s Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, there is no adequate legislation in place, to deal with potentially lethal extraterrestrial microbes and viruses. Pope urges the UK Government to ensure proper biological hazard containment protocols are in place.

• Pope thinks that there are three ways in which humans might one day find the answer to “are we alone in the universe”. The most likely is the discovery of alien microbes on alien worlds such as Mars. The second is technologically advanced alien civilizations beaming signals toward Earth. The third is advanced alien civilizations sending spacecraft to Earth. Pope’s contingency plan outlines the immediate actions that would need to be taken to ensure the safety of the planet.

[Editor’s Note]     See original article (link below) for Nick Pope’s 23-paragraph contingency plan.


A UFO expert who investigated alien sightings for the UK Government has drafted a contingency plan for the day humans discover extraterrestrial life.

Nick Pope, who worked for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) between 1985 and 2006, says the world is incredibly underprepared for the eventuality of extraterrestrial contact.

Whether humans discover alien microbes on Mars or detect radio signals from a distant civilisation, Mr Pope said “top-level strategic planning” needs to be readily available.

And exclusively for, the UFO expert took it upon himself to draft a five-page-long document outlining what he thinks is an adequate response to discovering aliens.

You can read the entire contingency plan written by Mr Pope below.

Mr Pope said he believes people have grown disillusioned with outer space after the Apollo program failed to extend humanity’s reach into the stars.

He thinks this somewhat dampened public excitement around the hunt for alien life, which in turn has left our defences wide open.

Mr Pope said: “It’s an uphill struggle. It’s always tricky to convince people to spend money on what a lot of people might consider white elephant projects, considering a lot of the social problems we have.

“As often as I like to say questions like ‘are we alone or not in the universe’ – that is one of the most profound questions we could ask.

“And if we can get an answer to that, we want that answer and why wouldn’t we really push hard for it?”
According to Mr Pope, one of the biggest threats surrounding Earth’s lack of readiness is the possibility of coming in contact with deadly alien contaminants.

The UFO expert fears outside of NASA, there is no adequate legislation in place, to deal with potentially lethal extraterrestrial microbes and viruses.

In his drafted plan, Mr Pope urged the UK Government to ensure proper biological hazard containment protocols are in place.

He wrote: “In scientific terms, this danger is described as ‘back contamination’ and is part of ‘planetary protection’ policy.

“In NASA, this falls under the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA).

“In the event of any sample-return or discovery-return mission, Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) will wish to seek robust assurances that the lead agency – probably NASA, but maybe the space agency of another nation, or a private company such as SpaceX – has appropriate biological hazard containment protocols in place.”

Earlier in August, Mr Pope told world governments are making a “big mistake” by not preparing for this eventuality.



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NASA to Hunt for ‘Technosignatures’ of Alien Life, Hopes Giant Structures and Even Pollution Will Give Away Extraterrestrial Activity

by Cheyenne MacDonald                September 25, 2018                    (

• NASA hosted a ‘Technosignatures Workshop’ in Houston TX, September 26th thru 28th, to assess current efforts to find radio signals, atmospheric pollutants, or other emissions caused by extraterrestrial activity coming from deep space, that can be traced to an advanced civilization.

• Scientists have been searching for technosignatures for decades, with NASA’s own SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) work beginning in 1971. Today, NASA’s Kepler and TESS missions lead the search for worlds outside of our solar system. But even on Earth, scientists can detect signals emanating from distant sources far beyond our own skies, such as the mysterious ‘fast radio bursts’ that have been repeatedly detected in the last few years, with no solid explanation as to where they’re coming from.

• “Although we have yet to find signs of extraterrestrial life, NASA is amplifying exploring the solar system and beyond to help humanity answer whether we are alone in the universe,” NASA says.” But, signatures alone won’t confirm the existence of alien life. “We will need more than an unexplained signal to definitively prove the existence of technological life.”


NASA is ramping up its search for life outside of our solar system. The space agency is hosting a workshop in Houston this week to assess the state of current efforts to find ‘technosignatures’ coming from deep space and explore new areas. These signatures are those that could be traced to an advanced civilization, reaching Earth as radio signals or other emissions caused by extraterrestrial activity.

The space agency’s Technosignatures Workshop in Houston will take place from September 26 to 28 to address promising areas in the field and possible investment.

‘Technosignatures are signs or signals, which if observed, would allow us to infer the existence of technological life elsewhere in the universe,’ NASA explains.

‘The best known technosignatures are radio signals, but there are many others that have not been explored fully.’

NASA’s Kepler, and now TESS mission, have led the search for worlds outside of our solar system.
But even on Earth, scientists can detect signals emanating from distant sources far beyond our own skies.

Such is the case with the mysterious fast radio bursts (FRBS) that have been repeatedly detected in the last few years, with no solid explanation as to where they’re coming from.

Technosignatures could be radio or laser emissions, for example, or even an atmosphere full of pollutants, NASA explains.

‘Complex life may evolve into cognitive systems that can employ technology in ways that may be observable,’ NASA’s 2015 Astrobiology Strategy states.

‘Nobody knows the probability, but we know that it is not zero.’



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What Are The Odds Of Seeing A UFO In The US? It Depends On Where You Live

by Mark Lugris                     September 24. 2018                        (

• The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has cataloged almost 90,000 reported UFO sightings since it was founded in 1974. However, some are actual UFOs of extraterrestrial origin, and some are not. has launched a webpage where visitors can find the probability of seeing a UFO in their state, as well as learn about notable UFO sightings throughout history.

• In the United States, the highest probability of seeing a UFO is in Wyoming, where your odds are one in 20,500. In Florida the odds drop to one in 348,500. Meanwhile, in Missouri, which only has a population of 6,113,532, there have been 7,467 UFO sightings, yet in New York, with a population of 19,849,399, there have been a scant 7,641 sightings.

• On January 13, 2018, a witness in Pasadena, California saw five “circular UFOs” at 12:45 pm. A second witness 90 miles away in Carlsbad, California saw the five circular objects at 2:30 pm. Two and a half hours later in Hollywood, Florida, a police officer reported seeing “numerous orange lights above the coastline”.

• In addition to UFO sightings, a sociological research poll revealed that nearly four million Americans have been abducted by aliens. Consequently, 40,000 Americans have purchased alien abduction insurance.


Despite that the fact that aliens are usually seen as a futuristic lifeform, UFO sightings date back thousands of years. In 1440 BC, the scribes of Pharaoh Thutmose III reportedly saw “fiery disks” floating over the skies. And in 74 BC, a Roman army under the command of Lucullus was engaged in battle with Mithridates VI of Pontus when “all on a sudden, the sky burst asunder, and a huge, flame-like body was seen to fall between the two armies. In shape, it was almost like a wine-jar, and in color, like molten silver,” according to Plutarch, a Greek biographer. The UFO was reportedly seen by both armies.

Nowadays, the odds of seeing a UFO depend mostly on where you live. In the US, you are most likely to see a UFO in Wyoming, where your odds are one in 20,500. However, if you live in Florida, your odds drop to one in 348,500. Meanwhile, in Missouri, which only has a population of 6,113,532, there have been 7,467 UFO sightings, yet in New York, which has a population of 19,849,399, there have been a scant 7,641 sightings. has launched a site that explores UFO sighting odds where users can check the probability of seeing a UFO in their state, as well as learn about notable UFO sightings throughout history.

This year in California and Florida, three different residents in three different cities reported seeing UFOs on the same day. On January 13, a witness in Pasadena, California said they had seen at least five “circular UFOs” at 12:45 pm. The second sighting took place at 2:30 pm about 90 miles away in Carlsbad, California when five circular objects were seen. Two and a half hours later in Hollywood, Florida, there was another sighting of “numerous orange lights above the coastline,” by a police officer.

Sightings can be reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), an organization that investigates UFO sightings and/or alien contacts. NUFORC, which has operated continuously since it was founded in 1974 by Robert J. Gribble, has cataloged almost 90,000 reported UFO sightings. However, it is estimated that 90-95% of sightings are not UFOs. They can be weather events, military tests or other incidents. Still, there are many sightings that cannot be explained.



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ExoNews Review of Sekret Machines, Part Two, “A Fire Within”

by Duke Brickhouse, Chief Editor,

On September 18th, the highly anticipated second installment in Tom DeLonge’s Sekret Machines novel series was released. The book, A Fire Within, was well worth the wait. This second book by DeLonge and co-author A.J. Hartley is well-written and highly readable, and lives up to the standard set by book one, Chasing Shadows.

Once again utilizing the information he’s gleaned from his high-level contacts in the military and intelligence communities, Tom DeLonge has teamed up with the award winning writer and novelist, A.J. Hartley, to pen a very thoughtful and entertaining fictional story. But is it just a story? Do the esoteric concepts depicted in A Fire Within describe a reality that is closer to the truth than we know?

            co-authors A.J. Hartley
                 and Tom DeLonge

A Fire Within continues to follow the story line and characters that were developed in Chasing Shadows. A pair of childhood buddies, who have grown up to become a marine and a military test pilot, find themselves involved in some of the most highly classified programs on the planet. A website journalist lends a critical eye to a series of inexplicable events. And a wealthy young heiress provides the resources for their collective effort to make sense of the new realities confronting them.

But the more they uncover, the more questions emerge as their individual stories weave together culminating in a contentious showdown over an archaeological dig on the Greek island of Crete. Whether or not any ‘real answers’ are found, their pursuit reveals the existence of concealed layers of high consciousness and advanced technologies that raises the ultimate question: why have these undeniable truths been intentionally hidden from the public?

This is not an outer space saga with alien overlords threatening humanity. In A Fire Within, the exploits of this scrappy group of young people is set right here on Earth as they confront a deep state government establishment that conspires to keep its’ mystical and technological knowledge a secret. This newer generation is not afraid to ask tough questions, and they expect answers.

While the first book, Chasing Shadows, drew primarily from historic references such as the Nazi development of advanced propulsion technology, Operation Paperclip, and the Roswell crash, to drive the story line, A Fire Within draws largely from general themes that the seasoned conspiracy theorist will find familiar, i.e.: cattle mutilations, crop circles, fairy rings, telepathy, psychokinesis, zero-point energy, time travel, intuitive technology, and group consciousness.

An underlying theme throughout the story is the notion of integrating ancient mysticism with our current understanding of modern physics to take it to the next quantum level. As one enlightened scientist in the novel imparts, “The concept of energy fields connecting all things is ancient wisdom in matters of religion… What if we stopped viewing these ideas in the contemptuous terms of antiscience and the primitive? What if we were able to assimilate both positions as compatible within an expanded notion of physics, a unified theory…?”

It is not surprising that such an accomplished writer as A.J. Hartley, a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of adventure books geared toward young adults, would create yet another highly regarded novel. What is surprising is the depth of information that the story conveys, which the world is only now on the brink of perceiving. This is the contribution that DeLonge brings to the project.

The resulting work will appeal to truth-seekers of all generations whose consciousness will expand a little bit more from reading it, and will motivate them to continue to pursue an understanding of our true collective reality. The end result of media projects such as A Fire Within will be a more enlightened populace that demands full disclosure from the ‘powers that be’ who are intent on keeping this reality a secret.

Scientists Weigh in On Cigar-Shaped UFO, Believed to Carry Alien Life

by Rhian Deutrom                  September 26, 2018                  (

• A group of astronomers from NASA, the European Space Agency and the German Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, have released a report, appearing in The Astrophysical Journal this week, on the origins of the cigar-shaped asteroid known as Oumuamua.

• First observed in October 2017, Oumuamua is a metallic or rocky object, approximately 400 metres in length and about 40 metres wide with a dark red surface. “(The red surface suggests) either an organic-rich surface like that of comets and outer solar system asteroids, or a surface containing minerals with nanoscale iron, such as the dark side of Saturn’s moon Iapetus,” the report said.     [organic-rich surface = alien life]

• The report suggested Oumuamua left its deep space home millions of years ago and was likely sent on its lonely journey when it was “ejected during planet formation and migration” and has been linked to four possible star systems.

• It was also calculated that Oumuamua moved faster than the existing laws of celestial mechanics.

• Scientists have struggled to explain what exactly the long, thin asteroid was and why it was flying so close to Earth, prompting suggestions that the rock was actually an alien spaceship or probe, used to explore our solar system.


Scientists have uncovered the truth about a mysterious space rock called Oumuamua which has been hurtling through Earth’s solar system and was spotted last year.

A group of acclaimed astronomers, including members from NASA, the European Space Agency and the German Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, released a report this week on the origins of the cigar-shaped asteroid which was first observed in October 2017.

The name Oumuamua is Hawaiian for “messenger from afar arriving first” and was named by the site who first spotted it.

According to the report, “a fast moving object on an unbound orbit was discovered close to the Earth” by a high-powered telescope, located in Hawaii.

The report claims Oumuamua is a metallic or rocky object, approximately 400 metres in length and about 40 metres wide.

It has a “comet-like density” and a dark red surface.

“(The red surface suggests) either an organic-rich surface like that of comets and outer solar system asteroids, or a surface containing minerals with nanoscale iron, such as the dark side of Saturn’s moon Iapetus,” the report said.

The report suggested Oumuamua left its home millions of years ago and was likely sent on its lonely journey when it was “ejected during planet formation and migration” and has been linked to four possible star systems.

It was also calculated that Oumuamua moved faster than the existing laws of celestial mechanics.

The report has been accepted into The Astrophysical Journal.



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An Alien Investigator Reveals Which ‘The X-Files’ Storylines Are 1000% Legit

by Matt Galea                     September 21, 2018                     (

• Alien investigators are almost unanimously in agreement that The X-Files tv show portrays the most accurate image of how extraterrestrials look and act, according to Mary Rodwell, founder of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network.“Many may call this information a conspiracy theory but in fact it is often based on hard evidence,” says Rodwell.

• “In many sci-fi series’, the non-human beings are… conveyed as negative and this is not the case. Many thousand, if possibly millions, are having benevolent interactions and communication with these beings if my clients information is credible,” says Rodwell, “and I believe it is.” According to Rodwell, “In a recent academic study of over 4,000 people, 85% said their interactions [with ET beings] were benevolent against only 15% who said they were not.”

• So just how much is the X-Files tv show based on fact? “Far more than you would probably like it to be,” says Rodwell.

• Rodwell notes that the eleventh season of the X-Files tv show explores the Mandela effect, the phenomenon where some people have a memory that isn’t part of the overall consensus reality. For example, some people had recalled that Nelson Mandela died at an earlier time than the consensus recalls. Some say this is because they have tapped into a parallel universe or different timeline.

• In Rodwell’s work with over 3,000 people who claim to have encountered non-human intelligences (NHI), a high number mention that they feel and sense they are part human/ part non-human hybrids. There is a wealth of data which suggests that there are numerous covert programs that are exploring and doing genetic research like cloning, mixing species and hybridisation. On the X-Files, FBI Agent Scully has a hybrid son.

• Another X-Files episode explores the treatment of military personnel exposed to biological weapons, vaccinations, and nuclear weapon radioactivity as test subjects to see what effect they had on the body and mind. This is based on the many governmental programs that were eventually revealed in real life.

• Operation Paperclip brought scientists from Nazi Germany who were experimenting on humans to America, although England and Russia took their share of Nazi scientists as well. Since the 1940’s under MK-Ultra and Project Bluebird, the CIA has conducted mind control testing with drugs such as LSD, even using disabled children and prisoners as test subjects. This has been a subject of the X-Files show.

• The X-Files show that deals with Scully’s ET hybrid son also refers to such children having telepathic abilities. Whistle-blower Emery Smith claims that there is a covert military program that experiments with telepathy.

• There are many people who believe that there are protocols being implemented to reduce the population, including Chemtrails which are not only used for weather control, vaccinations that cause infertility, food deliberately polluted with insecticides and preservatives, and the neurotoxin fluoride which is put into our water supply to dumb us down. The X-Files exposes our exposure to this sort of biological weaponry.


Of all the sci-fi films and TV shows out there, alien investigators are almost unanimously in agreement that The X-Files portrays the most accurate image of how extraterrestrials look and act.

So with the 11th season of the popular series now on DVD, Pedestrian.TV asked Mary Rodwell, Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network, to analyse the series and separate the fact from the fiction.

Scarily, there is more truth in the show than there is BS.

“There is always an aspect of sensationalism in all fiction but being involved as a researcher in this field for over 25 years I can tell you that many of the concepts covered in The X-Files are based on real information that most of the public may be unaware of unless they are exploring what is hidden from them,” Mary says.

“Many may call this information a conspiracy theory but in fact it is often based on hard evidence.”

As Mary states, the show obviously exaggerates concepts to make it entertaining, so I asked her if she feels like the series is helpful or a hindrance on the study of the unknown. Brace your fkn selves for her response…

“I believe there is much more truth in fiction than the mainstream realises,” she says. “The series helps to open minds and get people thinking. On the other hand, it can also promote fears that may be unfounded as with the alien abduction scenarios which are not a reflection of the truth.”

Adding, “In many sci-fi series’, the non-human beings are in a majority of instances conveyed as negative and this is not the case, however, many thousands – if possibly millions – are having benevolent interactions and communication with these beings if my clients information is credible and I believe it is.”

Which leads to one of the greatest alien-related questions that believers have: are extraterrestrials benevolent or malevolent?

“In a recent academic study of over 4,000 people, 85% said their interactions were benevolent against only 15% who said they were not,” she says.

Here, I’ve asked Mary to take the reins and discuss some theories explored in The X-Files’ 11th season that ring true.



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Scientists On the Brink of Finding New Life, Astrobiologist Says

by Sean Martin                  September 21, 2018                   (

• Professor Lewis Dartnell, an astrobiologist at the University of Westminster in London, thinks that scientists are on the brink discovering extraterrestrial life within the solar system! “We’d be looking for life that is fundamentally different from us and most likely single-celled organisms,” said Dartnell, speaking at the New Scientist Live exhibition in London. “We are exploring our local cosmic neighborhood with machines.”

• Professor Dartnell says if organisms can survive in extremely harsh conditions on Earth, there is no reason why they could not survive on other worlds. For example, methane worms are small worms measuring about two centimeters in length which live deep underwater and survive on methane ice. Saturn’s moon Titan has an average temperature of -150 Celsius and expels large amounts of methane.

• Billions of years ago, Mars was more Earth-like with an abundance of water and a thick atmosphere which made the planet warmer than it is today. Dartnell says, “There is no reason to suppose life didn’t have its genesis on Mars as we did on Earth.”

[Editors Note]   How are these mainstream scientists going to feel when they finally learn that their academic knowledge, and that which has been passed along to their students, has been tremendously suppressed by deep state institutional actors, and that we have been in regular contact with intelligent extraterrestrials since World War II?


ALIEN life is out there in our solar system and scientists believe they have the power to find it, an astrobiologist said.

Experts and laymen have been on the hunt for alien life elsewhere in the cosmos for centuries – but scientists now believe extraterrestrials may be in our galactic back garden and they are on the brink of discovering it.

Lewis Dartnell, an astrobiologist at the University of Westminster, says the “huge advances” in technology will lead to the discovery of aliens within the solar system in the not so distant future.

Speaking at the New Scientist Live exhibition in London, Prof Dartnell said: “One of the reasons that scientists are hopeful we might find alien life somewhere in the solar system is because we are exploring our local cosmic neighbourhood with machines.

“We’d be looking for life that is fundamentally different from us and most likely single-celled organisms.”

The astrobiologist – a scientist who hunts for life in the cosmos – says if organisms can survive in extremely harsh conditions on Earth, there is no reason why they could not survive on other worlds.
Prof Dartnell gave the example of methane worms – small worms measuring about two centimetres in length which live deep underwater and survive on methane ice.

He said: “As well as being astonishingly ugly, this animal life form can eat nothing more than frozen fart gas.

“It is an incredible example of the extreme conditions which life can live in.”

The scientist stressed that some conditions on Earth are similar to the environments on other planets, such as the desert-like terrain of Mars or the freezing conditions of Saturn’s moon Titan.
And he also states billions of years ago, Mars was more Earth-like.

The Red Planet once had a thick atmosphere which made the planet warmer than it is today and allowed an abundance of water to build up at a point “when life was just getting started on Earth”.



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NASA Blasts Off Space Laser Satellite to Track Ice Loss

September 15, 2018                   (

• On September 15th, NASA launched its most advanced space laser satellite on a three-year mission to track ice loss around the world and improve forecasts of sea level rise as the climate warms. The $1 billion, half-ton, ICESat-2 satellite was launched aboard a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force base in California. This will follow-up the original ICESat mission that lasted from 2003 to 2009.

• The first ICESat revealed that sea ice was thinning, and ice cover was disappearing from coastal areas in Greenland and Antarctica. In the intervening nine years, an aircraft mission called Operation IceBridge, has flown over the Arctic and Antarctic, taking height measurements of the changing ice.

• “The mission will gather enough data to estimate the annual elevation change in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets even if it’s as slight as four millimeters – the width of a No. 2 pencil,” NASA said in a statement. The new space laser will fire 10,000 times per second, compared to the original ICESat which fired 40 times a second, with measurements taken every 2.3 feet (0.7 meters) along the satellite’s path.

• The space laser will have the ability to monitor the changes taking place within the ice. This will improve NASA’s knowledge of areas such as the deep interior of Antarctica, which is “one such area of mystery,” said Tom Wagner, cryosphere program scientist at NASA.

[Editor’s Note]   I wonder what else they intend to monitor with their new space laser under the ice sheets of Antarctica? See Dr Michael Salla’s book: Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs, and recent article, “More Scientists Confirm Volcanoes Rapidly Melting Antarctica’s Ice Sheets”.


NASA’s most advanced space laser satellite blasted off Saturday on a mission to track ice loss around the world and improve forecasts of sea level rise as the climate warms.

Cloaked in pre-dawn darkness, the $1 billion, half-ton ICESat-2 launched aboard a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force base in California at 6:02 am (1302 GMT).

“Three, two one, liftoff!” said a launch commentator on NASA television.

“Lifting ICESat-2 on a quest to explore the polar ice sheets of our constantly changing home planet.”

The launch marks the first time in nearly a decade that NASA has had a tool in orbit to measure ice sheet surface elevation across the globe.

The preceding mission, ICESat, launched in 2003 and ended in 2009.

The first ICESat revealed that sea ice was thinning, and ice cover was disappearing from coastal areas in Greenland and Antarctica.

In the intervening nine years, an aircraft mission called Operation IceBridge, has flown over the Arctic and Antarctic, taking height measurements of the changing ice.

But a view from space — especially with the latest technology — should be far more precise.



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Diversity in UFO Statistics: The Truth is in the Shapes

by Cheryl Costa               September 14, 2018                  (

• Publishing numbers of UFO sightings scares the hell out of the skeptics. They reassure themselves with the notion that UFO reports are largely misidentifications and the product of kooks and crackpots. They are certain that UFOs can’t be real.

• In writing the UFO Sightings Desk Reference, authors Cheryl Costa and Linda Miller Costa had an epiphany that “The Truth is in the Shapes!” “The diversity of exotic UFO shapes suggests a wide variety of species and builders,” reported Miller Costa.

• Focusing only on exotic-shaped UFOs, the authors first removed those UFOs identified as ‘man-made’ or confused with man-made craft such as the reported triangle, boomerang, chevron, bullet/missile and cigar-shaped craft. “What we wanted was only exotic shapes, UFO shapes that have high probability for not being man-made.”

• Then they made a chart of the NUFORC and MUFON sighting reports from 2001 through 2017. The total number of sightings was 139,876. Exotic-shaped craft amounted to 33% of the total, or 45,894 eyewitness accounts. “In my estimation, those kinds of numbers are still something significant to talk and write about,” said Costa. In other words, even without the craft that skeptics like to point to, saying that UFOs are all man-made and not of extraterrestrial origin, a significant percentage of sightings remain a mystery and very likely come from someplace other than Earth.


It’s funny how publishing UFO sightings numbers scares the hell out of some people. Many have written to me, “They (UFOs) can’t all be real!” They reassure themselves with the notion that UFO reports are largely misidentifications, and the product of kooks and crackpots.

Cheryl Costa and Linda Miller Costa

A number of other people who have purchased my book UFO Sightings Desk Reference seem to go out of their way to twist my words and suggest that I think only 7 percent of UFO sightings are real. Then there are the debunkers who fail to accept good research and data. These are the folks who have their own opinion, and, by gosh, they’re right!

An important step in the scientific process is gathering data for analysis. My co-author Linda Miller Costa had an opinion she arrived at after editing and assembling the first draft of the publication. In 2018 she said, “The Truth is in the Shapes!” More recently she stated, “The diversity of exotic UFO shapes suggests a wide variety of species and builders.”


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Luxembourg Establishes Space Agency and New Fund

by Jeff Foust                  September 13, 2018                    (

• On September 12th, Luxembourg formally announced the creation of a national space agency, to expand its role in the global space economy. Deputy prime minister Étienne Schneider named Marc Serres, previously the head of space affairs at the Ministry of the Economy, as the new space agency head.

• The Luxembourg Space Agency will focus primarily on building up the country’s space industry, supporting education and workforce development, and attracting space-related companies to Luxembourg.

• The space agency will also establish the Luxembourg Space Fund, a public-private partnership in the amount of $116 million (US) to “provide equity funding for new space companies with ground-breaking ideas and technology.”

• The timing of the announcement ahead of the October 4th parliamentary elections is meant to ensure that the ongoing space initiatives survive the current government in the event that Schneider is elected out of office.


PARIS — The government of Luxembourg continued work to expand its role in the global space economy Sept. 12 by formally establishing a national space agency, a move designed in part to ensure the effort continues after an upcoming election.

In a ceremony in Luxembourg City, Étienne Schneider, deputy prime minister and minister of the economy, formally announced the creation of the Luxembourg Space Agency. The agency will be led by Marc Serres, previously the head of space affairs at the Ministry of the Economy.

Unlike traditional national space agencies, which support spacecraft missions and scientific research, the Luxembourg Space Agency will focus primarily on building up the country’s space industry as well as supporting education and workforce development.

Schneider noted that Luxembourg’s recent efforts, most notably the project to attract companies working in the nascent space resources field, had led to 20 countries establishing a presence in the country. “All this is why it’s so important to me to launch today this Luxembourg Space Agency in order to professionalize our approach to this new community,” he said.

Serres said that the agency will work with a wide range of other organizations, both within the government and the private sector, to meet the agency’s goals. “The agency will be well-equipped to support industry in their daily challenges, and it leads to the most favorable environment for this sector to continue to grow,” he said, describing its four “strategic lines” as expertise, innovation, skills and funding.

That last item will include a new fund for supporting space companies. Schneider announced that the space agency will work with other government agencies and the private sector to establish the Luxembourg Space Fund, valued at 100 million euros ($116 million). The fund, according to a government statement, will “provide equity funding for new space companies with ground-breaking ideas and technology.”



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White House Could Stage ‘Public Hearings Into Aliens’ Exposing Truth Behind UFO Project

by Paul Harper                September 15, 2018                 (

• The U.S. Armed Services Committee has been investigating the public funding of the Pentagon UFO project, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated flying saucer reports from 2008 to 2012, according to Nick Pope who probed the UFO phenomenon for the UK’s Ministry of Defence in the 1990’s. Officials working alongside scientists from Bigelow Aerospace have examined videos of UFOs and reportedly studied debris from crashed objects. Video of one AATIP case study showed U.S. Navy pilots in the Pacific in 2004 watching an object appear suddenly at 80,000ft before hurtling towards the sea and stopping at 20,000ft.

• Luis Elizondo, who ran the Pentagon project, said researchers concluded some of the UFOs are using time-travel jumps to achieve such speeds and dramatic movements.

• Pope believes the investigation by the U.S. armed service committee could lead to a major public hearing which would be a “political bombshell”. “Some committee members and staffers may have been angered that they were kept in the dark about AATIP, not least because the US government had previously denied there was any official interest in UFOs,” said Pope.

• “(Congressional) hearings should probably go wider than just looking at AATIP, and should look at the UFO phenomenon as a whole,” said Pope. “It would be a great opportunity to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery.”


The influential US Armed Services Committee has been investigating the money spent on a top-secret X-Files type Pentagon project.

Seen as one of the most powerful committees in Washington, the group oversees military spending and legislation.

Top political members asked how much taxpayers’ cash was spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) which investigated flying saucer reports for four years from 2008.

Officials working alongside scientists from Bigelow Aerospace have examined videos of UFOs and reportedly studied debris from crashed objects.

VIdeo of one AATIP case study showed US pilots in the Pacific in 2004 watching an object appear suddenly at 80,000ft before hurtling towards the sea and stopping at 20,000ft.

Luis Elizondo, who ran the Pentagon project, said researchers concluded some of the UFOs are using time-travel jumps to achieve such speeds and dramatic movements.

Nick Pope, who probed the UFO phenomenon for the Ministry of Defence, believes the investigation by the US armed service committee could lead to a major public hearing which would be a “political bombshell”.

Mr Pope said: “I think the powerful House Armed Services Committee was as fascinated and mystified by the revelations about the Pentagon’s UFO project as everyone else.

“Some committee members and staffers may have been angered that they were kept in the dark about AATIP, not least because the US government had previously denied there was any official interest in UFOs.



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Do Aliens Exist? Blink 182 Co-Founder and Ex-Pentagon Official Are Determined to Prove We’re Not Alone

by Keith Kloor                    September 20, 2018                       (

• On July 29th, Luis Elizondo, the former career military intelligence official in charge of the Pentagon’s UFO research program from 2007 to 2012 and current member of rock star Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’, spoke at the annual Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Symposium at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

• Elizondo’s background is typical of a straight-arrow military officer with a distinguished career. He is the son of a Cuban exile who participated in the Bay of Pigs in 1961. Elizondo worked as a bouncer while attending the University of Miami. After graduating in 1995, he joined the Army and trained to be a military spy. Later, at the Pentagon, Elizondo showed no sign of being a disgruntled employee, spending much of his career chasing militants in South America and the Middle East.

• In 2010, Elizondo was made the head of a small group within the Pentagon charged with investigating reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena” – a less controversial term for UFOs. It was an ¬obscure, low-budget initiative created in 2007 at the behest of then-Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, and operated jointly by Elizondo and Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace. But the results of their UFO investigations made Elizondo a true believer. Although the Pentagon program was officially shut down in 2012, Elizondo insists it remains ongoing.

• Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon in October 2017 protesting what he considered lackluster support and unnecessary secrecy. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this (UFO) issue?” Elizondo wrote to Defense Secretary James Mattis in his resignation letter, “Despite overwhelming evidence at both the classified and unclassified levels, certain individuals in the Department (of Defense) remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots, sailors, and soldiers, and perhaps even an existential threat to our national security.”

• When Tom DeLonge launched ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science’ in October 2017, Elizondo joined and quickly became its public face. Its mission: to advance UFO research, produce science-fiction-themed entertainment about UFOs and, with luck, glean some insight into the super-advanced technology displayed by UFOs (such as spaceships that can seemingly defy gravity) that the Pentagon keeps ignoring. Over the past year, the Academy claims to have attracted more than 2,000 investors and raised roughly $2.5 million.

• ‘To The Stars Academy’ also boasts such heavy-hitters as Chris Mellon, the former deputy ¬assistant secretary of defense for intelligence during the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations who had oversight of the Pentagon’s super-¬secret ‘special access programs’ and highly classified ‘black operations’; Jim Semivan, a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service; and Hal Puthoff an electrical engineer who conducted controversial research on psychic abilities for the CIA and the DIA.

• The $22 million Pentagon UFO project marked the first time that the U.S. government admitted to studying UFOs since the Air Force’s ‘Project Blue Book’ was shut down in 1968. Despite Senator Reid’s assertion in an interview with New York magazine that “we have hundreds and ¬hundreds of papers… 80 percent at least, is public,” and Mellon’s statement in Washington Post op-ed, that referred to a “growing body of empirical data,” Elizondo says that much of these “large volumes” of academic studies and data are “FOIA-exempt,” meaning the public is not given access to them.

• There are those in the UFO community who are skeptical of DeLonge’s motives. They believe he simply wants to profit off his UFO-related books, websites and merchandise, and that his antics are part of the business plan.

• As the Academy’s head of Global Security and Special Programs, Elizondo serves as a liaison to the government, including Congress, the Pentagon and the intelligence services. Elizondo thinks that the next six months or so will be pivotal to the success of ‘To the Stars’ when he expects to be able to present more data on UFO sightings. “I’m not worried about credibility,” Elizondo says. “I’m worried about facts.” Reminded that the only facts the public has now are grainy videos, he insists, “There is data. It’s not out yet.”

• Elizondo understands why many remain dubious. “I get it. I’m a career spy,” he says.” “No, I am not running a government disinformation campaign.” “I took a huge risk in leaving a safe job to do this. If this doesn’t pan out, I’ll be working at Walmart.” “But…as crazy as it sounds, this is real.”


“I know what I saw.”

It was late July, and Teresa Tindal, a 39-year-old administrator for a consulting firm, was describing the incident that made her a believer: a round, golden object hovering in the evening sky over Tucson, Arizona. Weather balloon? No way. It could only be one thing: a UFO.

This kind of certainty had brought her—and 400 other people—to the Crowne Plaza hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Symposium, the “premiere UFO event of the year,” according to its literature. They had gathered to talk about extraterrestrials, UFOs and how to avoid being abducted by an alien mothership (hint: yelling at it doesn’t work). “There are too many people that have seen things,” Christine Thisse, 44, a soft-spoken mother from Michigan, told Newsweek.

There were the typical guest speakers giving talks with titles like “Unexplained Disappearances in Rural Areas” and “Report From Mars,” in which a physicist lays out his theory that 75,000 years ago an intergalactic nuclear war wiped out a Martian civilization. And there were famous abductees, like Travis Walton, a former logger whose story of alien captivity became the 1993 movie Fire in the Sky.

But this year offered another attraction—a new, and extremely unlikely, superstar: Luis Elizondo. Seven months earlier, The New York Times had published a front-page story on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, a “shadowy” initiative at the Pentagon that “investigated reports of unidentified flying objects.” Elizondo, a burly Miami native with a billy-goat beard and colorful tattoos, was the career military intelligence official put in charge of the program a few years after it formed in 2007, until, according to the Pentagon’s press office, it was discontinued in 2012. (Elizondo insists the work is ongoing.) Last year, he resigned from the Pentagon, protesting what he considered lackluster support and unnecessary secrecy—red meat for the X-Files crowd. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue?” he wrote to Defense Secretary James Mattis in his resignation letter.

In the private sector, Elizondo soon found an unlikely ally in his quest for the truth: Tom DeLonge, the former frontman for the pop/punk band Blink-182, the group behind a song called “Aliens Exist.” Turns out DeLonge actually believed it. In 2017, he launched To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, and Elizondo quickly became its public face. The mission: to advance UFO research, produce science-fiction-themed entertainment about UFOs and, with luck, glean some insight into the super-advanced technology displayed by UFOs (such as spaceships that can seemingly defy gravity) that the Pentagon keeps ignoring.

The academy claims to have attracted more than 2,000 investors and raised roughly $2.5 million, and Elizondo found a mostly enthusiastic crowd in Cherry Hill. “Sometimes people may have associated you with being fringe—being out there,” he told the MUFON audience over a buffet dinner. “All along, you were right.” Not everyone was convinced: Some cited a lack of evidence in his presentation. Tindal was suspicious of the Pentagon connection. “It could be a cover for something else,” she said.

But if Elizondo is trying to lend credibility to research on unexplained sightings, why would he partner with a guy whose band had a hit album titled Enema of the State? And why would he choose as a venue a UFO conference teeming with conspiracy theorists?

“We have to start somewhere,” he told Newsweek that day. “I don’t get invited to Stanford or MIT.”

Super Hornets and Tic Tacs

Each year, thousands of people report UFO sightings to various authorities—the police, the Pentagon, radio talk show hosts. By one count, more than 100,000 sightings have been reported since 1905. Nearly all can be explained away as clouds, meteors, birds, weather balloons or some other quotidian phenomenon. Efforts at rational debunking serve only to harden the conviction of the true believers, who are convinced that abundant evidence of alien visitations is hidden in secret military documents—literal X-files—locked away in the bowels of the so-called deep state.

The X-files conspiracy theory is the beating heart of the UFO community—an article of faith among enthusiasts and the basis of almost every call to action on social media (#Disclosure). It is also encouraged by some prominent people, including John ¬Podesta, who lamented on Twitter a few years ago that he’d failed to secure the #disclosure of the UFO files, “despite being President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff.

When Elizondo went public, it gave a sheen of credibility to the conspiracy crowd. His background is typical of a straight-arrow military officer with a distinguished career. He is the son of a Cuban exile who participated in the Bay of Pigs—the failed CIA-¬sponsored plot to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961. Elizondo worked as a bouncer while attending the University of Miami. After graduating in 1995, he joined the Army and trained to be a military spy. Later, at the Pentagon, Elizondo showed no sign of being a disgruntled employee or a loon, spending much of his career in the shadows, chasing militants in South America and the Middle East.

In 2010, he started to run a small group charged with investigating reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena”—a less controversial term for UFOs. It was an ¬obscure, low-budget initiative created three years before at the behest of then-Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. Details are murky, but the $22 million program seems to have been operated jointly by Elizondo and Bigelow Aerospace, a Nevada-based defense contractor whose billionaire owner, Robert Bigelow, is an avid believer in UFOs.

Two months before the Times published its front-page story, Elizondo retired from the Pentagon. He shows Newsweek what he says is a copy of his resignation letter, dated October 4, 2017, and addressed to Mattis. The letter expresses some frustration about the lack of attention his program was getting. And it suggests that something he learned at the Pentagon turned him into a true believer. “Despite overwhelming evidence at both the classified and unclassified levels,” he wrote, “certain individuals in the Department remain staunchly opposed to further research on what could be a tactical threat to our pilots, sailors, and soldiers, and perhaps even an existential threat to our national security.”



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When Dozens of Korean War GIs Claimed a UFO Made Them Sick

by Natasha Frost                  September 13, 2018                  (

• In May 1951, one year into the Korean War, PFC Francis P. Wall and his regiment found themselves stationed near Chorwon, about 60 miles north of Seoul. Suddenly, as they were preparing to bombard a nearby village with artillery, the soldiers saw an orange-glowing flying craft resembling a “jack-o-lantern” come wafting down across the mountain and into the Korean town they were about to attack.

• As the artillery bursts began, the soldiers could see that the strange craft hovering in the center of the town remained unharmed, according to Wall in a 1987 interview with John P. Timmerman of the Center for UFO Studies.

• Suddenly, the object began to pulsate a brilliant blue-green light. The U.S. soldiers began firing at the object with armor-piercing bullets from an M-I rifle. As the bullets ‘dinged’ off of the craft, it began to swerve from side to side as its lights flashed on and off. The object then strafed the U.S. soldiers with “some form of a ray that was emitted in pulses, in waves that you could visually see only when it was aiming directly at you,” recalled Wall.

• Wall remembered a burning, tingling sensation sweeping over his body. The soldiers rushed into underground bunkers and peeped through the windows, watching as the craft hovered above them and then shot off, at a 45-degree angle. “It was there and was gone,” said Wall.

• Three days after the incident, the entire company of men was evacuated by ambulance. When they received medical treatment, they were found to have dysentery and an extremely high white-blood-cell count, possible symptoms of radiation.

• Before the Korean War ended in July 1953, dozens of soldiers reported seeing UFOs over the battlefields. As many as 42 of these reports were corroborated by additional witness reports.

• At first, the U.S. suspected these mysterious craft belonged to the Soviet Union. But after the war it was learned that the Soviets themselves had reported seeing strange unidentified craft over Korean battlefields.


In May 1951, one year into the Korean War, PFC Francis P. Wall and his regiment found themselves stationed near Chorwon, about 60 miles north of Seoul. As they were preparing to bombard a nearby village with artillery, all of a sudden, the soldiers saw a strange sight up in the hills—like “a jack-o-lantern come wafting down across the mountain.”

What happened after—the pulsing, “attacking” light, the lingering debilitating symptoms—would mystify many for decades to come.

As the GIs watched, the craft made its way down into the village, where the artillery air bursts were starting to explode. “We further noticed that this object would get right into…the center of an airburst of artillery and yet remain unharmed,” Wall later told John P. Timmerman of the Center for UFO Studies in a 1987 interview. Suddenly, the object turned, Wall said. And whereas at first, it had glowed orange, now it was a pulsating blue-green brilliant light. He asked his company commander for permission to fire at the object with armor-piercing bullets from an M-I rifle. As the bullets hit the body of the craft, he recalled, they made a metallic “ding.” The object started behaving still more erratically, shunting from side to side as its lights flashed on and off.

Wall’s recollections of what happened next are stranger still. “We were attacked,” he said, “swept by some form of a ray that was emitted in pulses, in waves that you could visually see only when it was aiming directly at you. That is to say, like a searchlight sweeps around and the segments of light…you would see it coming at you.”

He remembered a burning, tingling sensation sweeping over his body, as if he were being penetrated. The men rushed into underground bunkers and peeped through the windows, watching as the craft hovered above them and then shot off, at a 45-degree angle. “It’s that quick,” he said. “It was there and was gone.”



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Q Confirms Secret Space Programs Real & Extraterrestrial Life Exists

On September 19, Q Anon dropped two bombshell posts affirming the existence of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. The two posts open a big door for the millions who have been following the Q information, to learn about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, and how these have been hidden from the general public.

In the first post, Q responds to questions about whether extraterrestrial life exists and whether the Roswell UFO crash really happened, and replies as follows:

Q’s response makes clear that we are not alone and that the truth about the Roswell flying saucer crash has the “highest classification”.  The response is significant since it affirms what a senior official with the Canadian Government’s Department of Communications reported back in 1950 when he inquired about the Roswell crash among senior U.S. government scientists.

Wilbert Smith’s official report was eventually released through the Freedom of Information Act:

The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States government, rating higher even than the H-bomb.

Perhaps anticipating skepticism, Q further advocates that readers consider the vastness of space to realize that our galaxy, and the universe more generally, is certain to be teeming with life, some of which has technologically evolved sufficiently to travel through our galaxy and visit the Earth as occurred with the Roswell incident.

In the second bombshell post from September 19, Q responded to a number of questions about secret space programs, and replied:

In stating that the “moon landings are real” Q is refuting conspiracy theories that the moon landings were hoaxed. This removes an impediment to the general public learning the truth about what has been really happening on the moon subsequent to the Apollo moon landings.

In the next statement, Q affirms the existence of space programs that “are outside of public domain”. This means that Q wants readers to understand that the information on these non-public domain” space programs is highly classified and restricted to those with need to know access.

Furthermore, Q is alerting readers to the fact that much information about these secret space programs is found in the private corporate domain, and not necessarily in the hands of the US government and the military services.

Two insiders, Emery Smith and Corey Goode have recently spoken about how corporations are in charge of secret space related programs run out of military installations such as Kirtland Air Force Base. In the book, Antarctica’s Hidden History and the Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Program, the historical genesis of corporate control over space programs is described in detail. 

While Q did not explicitly refer to President Donald Trump’s Space Force initiative, it can be inferred from Q’s reply that this is related to the existence of secret space programs.

This is the first time that Q has explicitly referred to secret space programs. Previously, Q posts have alluded to a secret space program being involved in intercepting a ballistic missile attack on Hawaii.

In can be expected that Q will reveal much more as the general public becomes open to the possibility that the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life has been hidden, and the Space Force initiative becomes a means of wresting control away from corporations and back into Presidential Executive control.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

New Pentagon Memo Lays Out Action Plan to Establish Space Force by 2020

by Sandra Erwin                     September 13, 2018                   (

• A September 10th memo issued by Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan entitled “Space Reorganization and Management Tasks” outlines a detailed plan of action to be taken to establish Space Force as the sixth independent branch of the United States military by the year 2020.

• The first order of business is to establish a ‘Space Command’ and the subordinate unified command by the end of 2018. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joseph Dunford and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood are responsible for leading this effort.

• Next, the DOD will establish a Space Development Agency, led by Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Michael Griffin and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson. This agency “will initially focus on rapidly developing and fielding new space capabilities that leverage commercial space technology and access in support of warfighter and U.S. Space Command… consolidating space development efforts under the SDA as the equipping arm for the space warfighter, with an initial operating capacity in calendar year 2019”.

• A “Space Operations Forces” office will be set up to “produce a complete inventory of all forces and functions conducting or directly supporting space operations and designating space operations forces.”

• A new office of “Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space” will be established to consolidate civilian oversight of space and outline how it could evolve into the future headquarters of the Space Force.

• The Pentagon’s director of cost assessment and program evaluation will develop a five-year cost estimate. The memo says the budget should include the cost for the Space Force, the Space Development Agency, the Space Operations Forces, U.S. Space Command and the path for transferring space budgets to the Space Force.

• The establishment of the Space Force as a military branch must be approved by Congress and written into legislation. These reorganization and management directives will ultimately be written into a legislative proposal.

• A “Space Governance Committee” led by Shanahan will have the final word on any reorganization action and on the legislative proposal before it goes to the White House. Shanahan’s orders have short deadlines. Many of the tasks are due in the coming weeks, and the legislative proposal could arrive at the White House as early as Dec. 1, 2018.

• The Air Force, which owns 90 percent of the military’s space programs and functions, will have only a limited support role in shaping the transition to the future Space Force.

[Editor’s Note]  The President is taking the authority of space defense out of the hands of the Deep State controlled Air Force and into the hands of the Alliance-friendly Pentagon.


WASHINGTON — Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan this week issued a detailed plan for how the Pentagon will move forward to create a Space Force as the sixth branch of the armed forces by fiscal year 2020.

The plan, laid out in a Sept. 10 memo titled “Space Reorganization and Management Tasks,” includes actions that the Pentagon will pursue using executive branch authorities — standing up a unified command for space, a Space Development Agency and Space Operations Forces. These proposals were presented to Congress in a report on Aug. 9. The establishment of the Space Force as a military branch must be approved by Congress and written into legislation. Shanahan’s Sept. 10 memo, a copy of which was obtained by SpaceNews, explains the steps DoD will take to develop a legislative proposal.

The memo makes it clear that the space reorganization is being led from the top down. Shanahan is overseeing the entire effort, but the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the undersecretary of defense for policy also have significant roles. The Air Force, which owns 90 percent of the military’s space programs and functions, only will have a limited support role in shaping the transition to a future Space Force.

The changes directed by Shanahan only apply to DoD and not to the intelligence community, even though organizations like the National Reconnaissance Office and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency have key responsibilities in national security space. “Only DoD space functions would move into the Space Force,” the memo says. “National security space components outside of the DoD should not be included in the legislative or budget proposal, but will be considered in an interagency process.”
The Director of National Intelligence is cc’ed in the memo.

Shanahan’s orders have short deadlines. Many of the tasks are due in the coming weeks, and the legislative proposal could arrive at the White House as early as Dec. 1, 2018. To avert concerns that a new service will saddle the military with billions of dollars in added overhead costs, the memo says the Space Force should have a “lean” bureaucracy.

A “Space Governance Committee” led by Shanahan will have the final word on any reorganization action and on the legislative proposal before it goes to the White House. Shanahan also will establish and designate the leader of a “working group” to help with the implementation that will include representatives from all military branches and relevant DoD agencies.

Upcoming steps in the reorganization

The first order of business is to stand up U.S. Space Command, a unified combatant command responsible for space. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joseph Dunford and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood are responsible for leading this effort. A U.S. Space Command “should be established by the end of calendar year 2018,” the memo says The Joint Staff will draft an amendment to the Unified Command Plan to establish U.S. Space Command and the subordinate unified command, and a detailed plan will be developed to “transfer requisite authorities and capabilities.” Rood and Dunford will be responsible for “identifying any operational authorities that are needed for U.S. Space Command.”

The creation of a Space Development Agency also could happen relatively soon. Shanahan directs Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Michael Griffin and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson to “each develop a concept for establishing the SDA.” The draft concepts are due to the governing committee by Sept 14.



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“Enigma” –Unexpected Gain in Speed: Oumuamua, First Interstellar Object Discovered in the Solar System

September 12, 2018             (


• ‘Oumuamua’, the first interstellar object discovered in the Solar System, is moving away from the Sun faster than expected. Oumuamua is still slowing down because of the pull of the Sun — just not as fast as predicted by celestial mechanics. Oumuamua has been the subject of intense scrutiny since its discovery in October 2017. Mainstream scientists now believe that Oumuamua is most likely an interstellar comet and not an asteroid. “The true nature of this enigmatic interstellar nomad may remain a mystery,” concluded Olivier Hainaut, an astronomer at the European Space Agency.

• An international team of astronomers, led by the ESO’s Marco Micheli, explains the faster-than-predicted speed of Oumuamua as due to the venting of material from its surface due to solar heating, or “outgassing”. The thrust from this ejected material is thought to provide the small but steady push that is sending `Oumuamua hurtling out of the Solar System faster than expected. Such outgassing is a behaviour typical for comets.

• The research team could not detect any visual evidence of outgassing, however. “We did not see any dust, coma, or tail, which is unusual,” explained co-author Karen Meech of the University of Hawaii. “We think that ‘Oumuamua may vent unusually large, coarse dust grains.”

• Not only is Oumuamua’s hypothesized outgassing an unsolved mystery, but also its interstellar origin. The team originally performed the new observations on Oumuamua to exactly determine its path which would have probably allowed it to trace the object back to its parent star system. The new results means it will be more challenging to obtain this information.

• The theory that `Oumuamua could be an interstellar spaceship was rejected because the object is tumbling on all three axis, inconsistent for an artificial object.

[Editor’s Note]  Mainstream scientists are reaching for any reason they can find to explain Oumuamua’s anomalous behavior, or its very existence. If it is a derelict space craft, as insiders have said, then that would explain its out of control tumbling and the reason why it’s characteristics are consistent with neither an asteroid or a comet.

`Oumuamua, the first interstellar object discovered in the Solar System, is moving away from the Sun faster than expected. This anomalous behavior was detected by a worldwide astronomical collaboration including ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. New results this June suggest that `Oumuamua is most likely an interstellar comet and not an asteroid.

“The true nature of this enigmatic interstellar nomad may remain a mystery,” concluded team member Olivier Hainaut, an astronomer at ESO. “`Oumuamua’s recently-detected gain in speed makes it more difficult to be able to trace the path it took from its extrasolar home star.”

Oumuamua was first discovered using the Pan-STARRS telescope at the Haleakala Observatory, Hawaii. Its name means “scout” in Hawaiian, and reflects its nature as the first known object of interstellar origin to have entered the Solar System.

`Oumuamua — the first interstellar object discovered within our Solar System — has been the subject of intense scrutiny since its discovery in October 2017. Now, by combining data from the ESO’s Very Large Telescope and other observatories, an international team of astronomers has found that the object is moving faster than predicted. The measured gain in speed is tiny and `Oumuamua is still slowing down because of the pull of the Sun — just not as fast as predicted by celestial mechanics.

The team, led by Marco Micheli (European Space Agency) explored several scenarios to explain the faster-than-predicted speed of this peculiar interstellar visitor. The most likely explanation is that `Oumuamua is venting material from its surface due to solar heating — a behaviour known as outgassing. The thrust from this ejected material is thought to provide the small but steady push that is sending `Oumuamua hurtling out of the Solar System faster than expected — as of 1 June 2018 it is traveling at roughly 114 000 kilometres per hour.

Such outgassing is a behaviour typical for comets and contradicts the previous classification of `Oumuamua as an interstellar asteroid. “We think this is a tiny, weird comet,” commented Marco Micheli. “We can see in the data that its boost is getting smaller the farther away it travels from the Sun, which is typical for comets.”

The team tested several hypothesis to explain the unexpected change in speed. They analyzed if solar radiation pressure, the Yarkovsky effect, or friction-like effects could explain the observations. It was also checked if the gain in speed could have been caused by an impulse event (such as a collision), by `Oumuamua being a binary object or by `Oumuamua being a magnetised object. The unlikely theory that `Oumuamua is an interstellar spaceship was also rejected: the facts that the smooth and continuous change in speed is not typical for thrusters and that the object is tumbling on all three axis speak against it being an artificial object.


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