Where US Space Power is Incubated


Article by Peter Garretson                        January 23, 2020                          (thehill.com)

• According to US Naval theorist Alfred Thayer Mahan, the United States achieved dominance and “victory” over the “high seas” on Earth by enabling and protecting global commercial shipping. Through a strong Navy, a civilian Merchant Marine, and control of strategic geography including coaling stations, island possessions, choke points, and great works such as the Panama Canal, the American shipping domain included all of the “blue waters” of the world’s oceans. This in itself projected dominant American military power without necessitating victory in battle. In other words, the US Navy’s presence transcended warfighting.

• In the same way, today’s spacepower doctrine is not limited to warfighting capabilities in space. An American military presence in space will establish the U.S. as a true “spacepower state” with unchallenged access to the vast energy and material wealth of the inner solar system, from the Moon out to the Asteroid Belt. The resources of the inner solar system will enable the expansion of our society to trillions of humans and quintillions of dollars in gross World Domestic Product. A U.S. military presence will allow humanity to exploit these vast resources under conditions of liberty rather than constraints imposed by a foreign power.

• This “Bluewater School of Spacepower” doctrine is being incubated in the halls of the Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) Schriever Scholars and Space Horizons Task Force located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. Since 2014, a cadre of active duty and retired spacepower advocates have been developing this comprehensive strategic theory of the space domain. This Air Force Command think tank mirrors the Air Corps Tactical School of the 1920s and 1930s, when experts gathered to develop a similar theory of victory in the aviation domain.


Recently, while participating in a wargame, I was asked by a military officer whether today’s Space Force has the equivalent of an Air Corps Tactical School, the military institution which originally matured the modern theory of airpower.

The answer, in a nutshell, is “yes.”

The enduring importance of the Air Corps Tactical School (ACTS), in its day during the 1920s and 1930s, was to serve as a center of intellectual gravity where experts gathered to develop a theory of victory of how to apply power in their domain. Today, in the context of space, such a center definitely exists at the Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) Schriever Scholars and Space Horizons Task Force. Since 2014, a cadre of serving and retired spacepower advocates there have been developing a distinct school of spacepower and an associated theory of victory.

This doctrine posits that the central geopolitical struggle of the next century will be over access to and control of the vast energy and material wealth of the inner solar system. The resources of the inner solar systems (from the Moon out to the Asteroid Belt) vastly exceed those available on Earth, and would enable a society of trillions of humans and quintillions of dollars in gross World Domestic Product. Their control will undoubtedly determine who has the power to secure a future of freedom from autocracy.

Political victory in this contest will entail ensuring sufficient military presence and might for humanity to exploit these vast resources under conditions of liberty rather than under constraints imposed by a foreign power. The strategy to achieve this requires a peacetime strategic initiative to command Cis-Lunar space in order to enable all legal and non-hostile actors to have a presence, and to ensure the United States and its allies cannot be denied access to the prime locations of value and advantage.

This is protracted conflict in the form of a struggle for technological dominance. It is primarily a contest to secure relative advantage in the domain and to get to key celestial lines of navigation first and with the most capabilities. Doing so requires specific doctrine, training, technology investments, deployments and missions.



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Space Force Recruits Special Ops Commander to Lead Space Commandos With Antigravity Spacecraft

The United States Space Force has just recruited and promoted the Commander of the Air Force’s 1st Special Operations Wing who had led covert operations around the world and in space. This clears the way for antigravity vehicles that were secretly deployed out of select Air Force bases to be transferred over to Space Force and for many “Air Commandos” to be renamed as “Space Commandos”.

Brig General Michael Conley

Colonel Michael Conley who headed the Air Force’s 1st Special Operations Wing was promoted to Brigadier General in his new assignment as second in charge of Space Operations Command that currently makes up the bulk of the newly created Space Force with nearly 16,000 personnel.

The personnel are distributed over five Air Force bases – Vandenberg, Peterson, Patrick, Schriever, and Buckley – which according to the head of Space Force, General Jay Raymond, are soon to be renamed space bases.

In his previous assignment at Air Forces Special Operations Command (AFSOC), as head of one of the Air Force’s eight special operations wings, Conley led covert personnel known as “Air Commandos” which the AFSOC website describes as follows:

We are America’s Air Commandos
We are Air Commandos, quiet professionals, Airmen personally committed to our craft. As the air component of U.S. Special Operations Command, we are capable and ready to conduct special operations anytime, anyplace. We are disciplined professionals dedicated to continuous improvement. Innovative and adaptable, our rigorous and realistic training helps us manage uncertainty and mitigate risk. By training smarter and harder than others, we define our limits, and learn when and where to push them. Inherently joint, we build credibility through habitual relationships that sustain us in the fight. We believe that one person makes a difference. And as our Air Commando heritage demands, we remain culturally bound to get the mission done, or find a way where none exists.

Conley led the 1st Special Operations Wing, from 2018 to 2020 at Hurlburt Field, in Florida. It was during his leadership that a number of triangle and rectangle-shaped antigravity vehicles were photographed near MacDill Air Force Base, home of Pentagon’s Special Operations Command.

The photographer, who uses the pseudonym JP and currently serves with the US Army, says that he was taken aboard several of these vehicles, which he photographed on several occasions with the active encouragement of covert Air Force personnel.

JP witnessed personnel on a rectangle-shaped antigravity vehicle who wore patches of Air Force Special Operations. The same patches are worn by the special operations wing that was led by Conley at Hurlburt Field, which worked closely with MacDill’s Special Operations Command in covert operations around the world and in space.

This raises the distinct possibility that Conley was involved in the decision to allow antigravity vehicles manned by Air Force Commandos flying near MacDill AFB to be photographed by JP.

If so, then Conley was actively part of the covert disclosure initiative by the USAF to reveal its arsenal of antigravity vehicles to the general public, which I described in detail in the book, US Air Force Secret Space Program (2019).

This possibility gives added significance to Conley’s appointment and promotion to Space Force, and strengthens claims that the Space Force was created with the intent of revealing the Air Force’s secret space program (SSP).

Regardless of the question of whether Conley was part of an Air Force initiative to publicly begin acclimating the public to its secret space program in 2018, his new position as deputy commander of Space Force’s “Space Operations Command” means that he is in charge of transferring relevant Air Force covert aerospace operations over to Space Force.

General Conley will now oversee the reassignment of “Air Commandos” to “Space Commandos”, and transfer covert space assets used by the Air Force’s “1st Special Operations Wing” – some of which were photographed in 2017-2018 near MacDill AFB – to Space Force.

As Space Force continues to develop with the acquisition of personnel and resources, it is expected that more of the bureaucratic structures that supported the Air Force’s SSP, will be increasingly made transparent as it is transferred over to Space Force.

General Conley and the transition of “air commandos” to “space commandos” is merely one step in a transition process, which ultimately aims to have decades-old technologies deployed by the USAF SSP to be declassified as recent acquisitions by the new Space Force. This process will simultaneously inspire the American public with the impressive technologies deployed by Space Force, boost recruitment interest in the new military service, while deflecting away from troubling questions of why such technologies were not declassified decades earlier.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading


Coming Soon

China to Launch Mars Probe in July

January 23, 2020                (outlookindia.com)

• On January 23rd, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation announced that it will launch its first Mars mission probe in July 2020. The probe will land and deploy a rover on Mars.

• How to safely land on Mars is one of the biggest challenges facing the mission. A test simulation of the probe’s hovering and descending to the Mars surface in a one-third gravity environment was successfully conducted in China’s remote Hebei province in November.

• The Mars probe will be carried to Mars by the Long March-5 Y4 carrier rocket. The rocket recently completed testing on its high thrust hydrogen-oxygen engine in preparation for its final assembly. The Long March-5 rocket will carry out several missions in 2020, including the Mars probe launch and the lunar sample return.


Beijing, Jan 23 (IANS) China announced that it will launch its first Mars mission probe in July this year,

Long March-5 Y4 carrier rocket

China Youth Daily reported on Thursday.

This is the first time the country disclosed the launch month of its Mars exploration programme, according to the newspaper which cited sources from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

The Mars probe will be sent by the Long March-5 Y4 carrier rocket.

The Long March-5 Y4 rocket has recently completed a 100-second test for its high thrust hydrogen-oxygen engine, which is the last engine examination before the final assembly, Xinhua reported.

According to the CASC, China will send a probe to orbit and land and deploy a rover on Mars.

In 2020, the Long March-5 rocket will carry out several missions, including the Mars probe launch and the lunar sample return.



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The Pentagon’s Plan to Pepper Space With Surveillance Satellites Takes Shape


Article by George Dvorsky January 22, 2020 (gizmodo.com)

• The first major initiative from the DoD’s new Space Development Agency (SDA) to to build the National Defense Space Architecture (NDSA). The NDSA will consist of seven layers, or “constellations” of the U.S. military. Launched in March 2019, the stated mission of the SDA is to unify and integrate the military space capabilities necessary to ensure U.S. technological and military advantages in space, and to detect and knock out surface-to-air and hypersonic missiles on the Earth below. The SDA will become a part of the US Space Force in 2022.

• Speaking at a Pentagon briefing on January 21st, the director of the Space Development Agency, Derek Tournear., announced that the first layer of the NDSA, the ‘Transport Layer’, will consist of hundreds of surveillance satellites that will attain full global coverage by 2026. By as early as 2022, however, the Transport Layer should be capable of ‘regional coverage’, pinpointing targets on the ground or at sea and tracking advanced missiles.

• The seven NDSA ‘constellations’ are described as follows:
       • Transport Layer: to coordinate global military data and create a full range of “warfighter platforms”
       • Battle Management Layer: to facilitate mission command and data control
       • Tracking Layer: to provide global-tracking and targeting of missile threats
       • Custody Layer: to constantly track enemy missiles and missile launchers
       • Navigation Layer: to provide an alternative back-up to GPS navigation
       • Deterrence Layer: to deter hostile actions up to lunar distances
       • Support Layer: to enable integration between ground and space-based assets

• Under the plan, one new satellite will be constructed per week. Each satellite will be relatively small, weigh a “few hundred kilograms,” cost around $10 million, and have a life expectancy of around five years. To that end, the SDA issued a broad agency announcement that it is looking for commercial partners to help develop and implement these technologies. The SDA will be soliciting bids for the first batch of satellites in late spring 2020 and awarding contracts in the summer.

• The entire National Defense Space Architecture system will eventually involve thousands of satellites. Each layer will perform a different function, such as detecting incoming missiles, alerting ground forces of potential threats, keeping tabs on potentially hostile weapons systems, and augmenting navigational capabilities, among other important defense roles. Considering that Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starlink megaconstellation may deploy up to 45,000 internet satellites, low Earth-orbital space is quickly becoming cluttered.


New details have emerged about the Pentagon’s ambitious plan to build seven different defense constellations, the first of which will include hundreds of surveillance satellites that are expected to attain full global coverage in just six years.

Known as the National Defense Space Architecture (NDSA), it’s the first major initiative from the newly hatched Space Development Agency (SDA), a part of the Department of Defense.

             Derek Tournear

Once it’s built, the NDSA will consist of seven constellations, or “layers” in the parlance of the U.S. military. Each layer will perform a different function, such as detecting incoming missiles, alerting ground forces of potential threats, keeping tabs on potentially hostile weapons systems, and augmenting navigational capabilities, among other important defense roles.

Launched in March 2019, the SDA is “responsible for unifying and integrating [the Department of Defense’s] space development efforts, monitoring the department’s threat-driven future space architecture and accelerating the fielding of new military space capabilities necessary to ensure U.S. technological and military advantages in space,” according to a press release from the DoD. The agency is on track to become part of the U.S. Space Force in 2022.

Speaking at a Pentagon briefing yesterday, Derek Tournear, who was appointed director of the SDA in October 2019, said the first of these layers, the Transport Layer, will consist of several dozen satellites by the end of 2022, reported SpaceNews. Once at this early threshold, the system will “show that we can operate a proliferated constellation and that the constellation can talk to weapon systems,” said Tournear.



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The Secretive Inventor of the Navy’s ‘UFO Patents’ Finally Talks


Article by Brett Tingley                            January 22, 2020                               (thedrive.com)

• Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais (pictured above) is the inventor of next-generation technology that has been patented and assigned to the US Navy. These patents include high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact fusion reactors, and high-energy electromagnetic field generators. Pais has patented a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” that seemingly bends the laws of physics as we know them. Mainstream scientists and physicists have made it clear that they find the patented technology largely absurd and not grounded in scientific fact. But while the US Patent Office initially rejected the validity of the patents, the Chief Technology Officer of the US Naval Aviation Enterprise personally attested to the reality of these inventions in the successful patent appeal.

• So what exactly is going on with these patents? Are they proactive of future technology or simply misinformation aimed at rival nations? Is the Navy on the verge of changing human technological progress as we know it? Or do they represent a breakthrough that has already occurred?

• Dr. Pais published a new academic paper in the journal IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science detailing his work on his patented Plasma Compression Fusion Device – a compact fusion reactor capable of creating a net energy gain that would revolutionize energy production. It’s worth noting that the US Navy did not make use of the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 to make these patents classified and unavailable for public viewing. Pias’ patents were filed publicly.

• The IEEE publication notes that Dr. Pais currently works at the U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs which develops the Navy’s submarine-launched ballistic missiles, nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, and the new hypersonic Intermediate-Range Conventional Prompt Strike that can potentially reach any target on Earth within an hour, depending on the location of the launch platform.

• The author section in this new academic paper states that Dr. Pais has “advanced knowledge… in aerodynamics… and missile design”… as well as “expertise in electro-optics and emerging quantum technologies, particularly the laser power… high-energy electromagnetic field generation… (and) condensed matter physics, such as… room temperature superconductivity, as related to advanced field propulsion.”

• Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais recently responded to a few questions from The War Zone by email. Reiterating what is already on public record, Pais confirmed that he is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University earning his Ph.D in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in 1998. But Pais stresses that all of the former patent work he did was conducted under NAVAIR/ NAWCAD. His current position with Navy’s Strategic Systems Programs has nothing to do with this type of advanced physics work. As testing by the Naval Air System’s Chief Technology Officer ostensibly showed that his patents were indeed feasible, it is puzzling that Pais would transfer to another unit in a separate field of study.

• In his emailed response to Brett Tingley, Pais stands behind the science underlying his ‘Compact Fusion Reactor’ which is patented and published in the prestigious IEEE TPS journal. Pais explains that his work culminates in the “Pais Effect” where energy flux is generated by electrically charged matter changing from solid to plasma states, and subjected to accelerated vibration and spin via rapid acceleration transients, to create a “Macroscopic Quantum Coherence” – the fundamental structure from which everything else in our Quantum Reality emerges.

• In 2001, the Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry concluded that “… breakthrough energy sources… such as nuclear fusion and anti-matter, must be credibly investigated in order for us to practically pursue human exploration of the solar system and beyond”. “[T]hese energy sources should be the topic of a focused… research effort.”

• However, Carl Willis, a nuclear engineer at the University of New Mexico and Senior Research Engineer for Verus Research, says the literature for Pais’ plasma compression fusion device contains invented jargon, nebulous adjectives and adverbs, and nonsensical statements that seem to contradict basic and accepted physics.

• Dr. Charles Collett, assistant professor of Physics at Muhlenberg College (in Allentown, Pennsylvania) also remains skeptical. While he admits that the theoretical basis for the so-called Pais Effect “is not outlandish”, there are likely “significant engineering challenges in creating a device” capable of producing such high electromagnetic forces. Collett says that he “cannot see how that interaction could lead to any of the claimed effects.”

• Some scientists even suggest that the intended audience of the empty jargon and pseudoscience contained in these patents may not be the scientific community. In fact, not a single mainstream scientist or engineer will corroborate the claims made in Dr. Pais’s patents. Nevertheless, Dr. Pais assures, “[M]y work shall be proven correct one fine day…”.


Over the last six months, The War Zone has been deeply reporting on a set of bizarre patents assigned to the U.S. Navy. The patents, which are all the product of a single inventor, truly sound like the stuff of science fiction and include high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact fusion reactors, and high-energy electromagnetic field generators. Most radical of all is the “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” claimed to be able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by seemingly bending the laws of physics as we know them. Together, these patents seem to be the building blocks of a vehicle with truly out-of-this-world, UFO-like performance. As part of our reporting, we have been working to better understand the mind behind this mysterious intellectual property. Now, the elusive Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais has spoken to The War Zone.

Despite the patents sounding extremely far-fetched, official documents show that the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Naval Aviation Enterprise personally attested to the reality of these inventions and their importance to national security and peer-state competition in appeals with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Meanwhile, the scientists and physicists we have talked to on and off the record have made it clear that they find the claims largely absurd and not grounded in scientific fact. At the same time, there is, in fact, many decades of government research into similar technologies that are very much alike in concept to some of Pais’s work. As such, while these are obscure ideas and remain on the edge of science, they are not exactly brand new.

All of this has led many to wonder what exactly is going on with these patents and a multitude of questions remain unanswered. Are the Salvatore

Pais patents simply proactive, hoping to get ahead of the game for when or if these technologies actually become feasible? Are they part of a

                Salvatore Pais

misinformation campaign designed to lead America’s adversaries on a fruitless wild goose chase? Could they be an attempt by the Navy to try to emulate seemingly unexplained craft with incredible capabilities that its personnel have encountered? Could the Navy really be on the verge of changing human technological progress as we know it? Or maybe they even represent a breakthrough that has already occurred. Then again, could they be just the flimsy product of a persuasive and imaginative inventor and his gullible Navy bosses?

The one person who would actually know the answer to these questions and more is Dr. Pais himself.

New Details Emerge

Dr. Pais recently published a new academic paper in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science journal detailing his work on his Plasma Compression

     Carl Willis
    Dr. Charles Collett

Fusion Device. That device, the patent for which The War Zone has previously reported on, is a compact fusion reactor claimed to be capable of creating a net energy gain, a breakthrough that would revolutionize energy production if truly feasible.

Like all of Dr. Pais’s other patents and publications, the paper claims that this revolutionary new fusion reactor employs “controlled motion of electrically charged matter through accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth, yet rapid acceleration–deceleration–acceleration transients, to generate extremely high energy/high-intensity electromagnetic (EM) fields.” In the case of this reactor, those EM fields are claimed to both heat the plasma within the core and also confine and compress it, enabling energy production levels currently out of reach.

In the author section of the paper, it is stated that Dr. Pais has “advanced knowledge of theory, analysis, and modern experimental and computational methods in aerodynamics, along with an understanding of air-vehicle and missile design, especially in the domain of hypersonic power plant and vehicle design” as well as “expertise in electrooptics and emerging quantum technologies, particularly the laser power generation arena, and high-energy electromagnetic field generation, besides condensed matter physics, such as the emerging breakthrough field of room temperature superconductivity, as related to advanced field propulsion.”



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To Find Intelligent Alien Life, Humans Need to Start Thinking Like an Extraterrestrial


Article by Adam Mann                            January 22, 2020                               (livescience.com)

• Claire Webb is an anthropology student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Since 2017, Webb has worked with Breakthrough Listen to examine how SETI researchers think about aliens and place anthropocentric assumptions into their work. On January 8th at the 235th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Honolulu, Webb pointed out the potential flaw in SETI’s $100 million Breakthrough Listen Project, which scours the cosmos for intelligent alien signals, being that scientists tend to bring with them their human biases. Webb’s job is to get SETI researchers to be mindful of their human behavior in order imagine new ways to perform scientific studies.

• At the conference, Webb pointed out how Breakthrough Listen scientists use artificial intelligence (or ‘AI’) to sift through large data sets to uncover potential ‘technosignatures’ to indicate technology or tools use by alien beings. Researchers that employ AI “tend to disavow human handicraft in the machines they build,” said Webb. “I find that somewhat problematic.” AI is trained by human beings. In doing so, they predispose their algorithms to certain biases.”

• Most SETI research assumes that beings on different worlds will be able to communicate in the same way that we do, says Webb. It presumes a technological compatibility in using radio telescopes and understanding the universal language of science and math. “(But) if E.T. was looking at us, what would they see?” Webb asks.

• Biases also come from assuming that other species’ technological development would mirror our own, such as dealing with nuclear weapon proliferation and climate change. We can’t automatically assume that the history of another species will unfold in the same way, says Webb.

• Veteran SETI scientist Jill Tarter suggested that we may be looking for a better version of ourselves, hoping that a message from advanced beings will include blueprints for a free energy device that can alleviate poverty. This assumes that an advanced species will have an equal moral advancement. Says Tarter, “I think that’s something that can be contested.”

• “One thing Jill [Tarter] has said many times is, ‘We are doing what we think makes sense now, but we might one day be doing something totally different… We reserve the right to get smarter.'”


HONOLULU — Our hunt for aliens has a potentially fatal flaw — we’re the ones searching for them.

         Claire Webb

That’s a problem because we’re a unique species, and alien-seeking scientists are an even stranger and more specialized bunch. As a result, their all-too human assumptions may get in the way of their alien-listening endeavors. To get around this, the Breakthrough Listen project, a $100-million initiative scouring the cosmos for signals of otherworldly beings as part of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), is asking anthropologists to help unmask some of these biases.

“It’s kind of a joke at Breakthrough Listen,” Claire Webb, an anthropology and history of science student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said here on Jan. 8 at the 235th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Honolulu. “They tell me: ‘We’re studying aliens, and you’re studying us.'”

              Jill Tarter

Since 2017, Webb has worked with Breakthrough Listen to examine how SETI researchers think about aliens, produce knowledge, and perhaps inadvertently place anthropocentric assumptions into their work.

She sometimes describes her efforts as “making the familiar strange.”

For instance, your life might seem perfectly ordinary — maybe involving being hunched over at a desk and shuttling electrons around between computers — until examined through an anthropological lens, which points out that this is not exactly a universal state of affairs. At the conference, Webb presented a poster looking at how Breakthrough Listen scientists use artificial intelligence (AI) to sift through large data sets and try to uncover potential technosignatures, or indicators of technology or tool use by alien organisms.

“Researchers who use AI tend to disavow human handicraft in the machines they build,” Webb told Live Science. “They attribute a lot of agency to those machines. I find that somewhat problematic and at the worst untrue.”



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Space Force must create Pax Americana in Space or China will according to USAF General

On January 17, 2019, newly retired US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven Kwast wrote an article in Politico about the need for Space Force to quickly break free of USAF strategic doctrine to create a “Pax Americana” in space otherwise China will quickly step into that role and take the strategic high ground. He explains that China is building a space navy with the equivalent of destroyers and cruisers, and that America must do the same. Is Kwast unaware that the USAF has already built a secret space program or is he laying the foundations for its future disclosure to the public?

Kwast retired from the USAF in September 2019 and gave a lecture two months later at Hillsdale College where he first presented his thinking about Space Force. In his Politico article, Kwast elaborates on many of the ideas he presented in his Hillsdale lecture.

Kwast begins his article by focusing on the future economy of space:

Space is so powerful and so full of resources that it will change the way humanity consumes energy, information, goods and services. It will also transform the way we travel more profoundly than the invention of the automobile and airplane combined. The newly established Space Force is imperative if we want to avoid war and manage this journey into the future of a new trillion-dollar space economy with the power to peacefully protect our people and values.

He warns that the USAF does not appreciate the strategic importance of protecting the future “trillion-dollar space economy”, but China is:

The problem is that the Air Force is proposing a Space Force that will not protect the marketplace of space beyond earth’s orbit. But China is.

Kwast is very critical of the Air Force approach to space and asserts that it doesn’t have the right mindset for utilizing the full potential of space:

First, the Air Force is trapped in an industrial-age mindset. It is projecting power through air, space, and cyber yet does not properly consider the space geography beyond earth’s orbit… In short, the current Air Force plan for the Space Force will lose the race to dominant the strategic high ground.

Kwast goes on to warn about the danger posed by China which is building a “guardian force” to protect its interests in the future “marketplace of space”:

If America wants peace in space, it must supply some form of guardian force with the power to hold participants accountable to international law and American values. China is already building its guardian force. China is building a navy in space, with the equivalent of battleships and destroyers that can move fast and kill. America’s satellites will be helpless to win against the superior speed and firepower in China’s force.

He describes China’s ability to destroy America’s satellite communications system and the superior strategy it has developed for space:

China is winning the space race not because it builds better space equipment but because it has a superior strategy. For example, if China stays on its current path, it will deploy nuclear propulsion and solar power stations in space within 10 years. While China will claim that power stations in space can beam clean energy to anyone on Earth, the alarming fact is that the same capability can be used to turn off any portion of the American power grid, and has the ability to paralyze our military might anywhere on the planet.

Kwast concludes his article by asserting that Space Force needs to become independent of the Air Force thinking:

There is one simple action that can propel America to win. Congress must take steps to make the Space Force independent of the Air Force and give it the mission to defend the economy of space. If not it will evolve too slowly and lose this strategic high ground. There may not be time to recover.

Kwast’s proposal that the US Space Force takes on the role of establishing a Pax Americana in space where US interests in the future “trillion-dollar space economy” has much support within the Trump administration.

After the passage of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act establishing the creation of Space Force, its newly created Chief of Space Operations, General Jay Raymond, has transferred 16,000 USAF personnel into Space Force, is converting USAF bases to “space bases”, and approved a seal for the new service.

While Kwast lays out the need for a strategic doctrine of a Pax Americana in space involving the development of space cruisers and battleships, he does not appear aware that such a military force already exists. Is Kwast simply out of the loop about the antigravity vehicles of the USAF’s secret space program or is he laying the foundation for the Air Force to disclose its existence?

In the US Air Force Secret Space Program, I lay out the historical documents and insider testimonies showing how the Air Force began deploying spacecraft using exotic antigravity propulsion systems in the 1970s. Since that time, the USAF’s space arsenal has steadily grown into fleets of triangle, rectangle and saucer shaped space vehicles that dominate near-earth operations.

In short, the Pax Americana that Kwast forcefully argues needs to be established has existed for over four decades and China does not lead the way in establishing a “guardian force”, but is instead quickly catching up to what the USAF did decades earlier. In fact, China is so quickly bridging the technology gap thanks to its huge economy and industrial espionage, that its military strategists are planning for China to become the new global and space hegemon by 2030, thanks to the unrestricted embrace of Artificial Intelligence.

Coming Soon!!!

A case can be made that Kwast was simply out of the loop of the existence of a USAF secret space program since his career assignments did not involve positions where he had a “need to know” of such a highly classified program. His last assignment was Commander of Air Education and Training Command in San Antonio, Texas.

It’s also very possible that his justification of Space Force is designed to have the American public give uncritical support for the creation of a Pax Americana in space while covering up the fact that it was established decades ago, without the American public being informed. An inconvenient fact that is sure to make many angry over the decades-long delay in sharing the revolutionary advances in electromagnetic propulsion technologies, new energy systems and healing modalities that have been kept hidden from the general public.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Breathing New Life Into Colonizing the Moon? ESA to Produce Oxygen From Lunar Dust


January 20, 2020                       (rt.com)

• NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) are working together towards “a sustained human presence on the Moon and maybe one day Mars.” Toward that end, the ESA has built a prototype oxygen plant in Noordwijk, Netherlands that extracts breathable oxygen from moon rocks, or “lunar regolith”. The space agency’s goal is to create a functional, portable version of the system, ready for testing by the mid-2020s, that could one day be flown to the Moon .

• “Being able to acquire oxygen from resources found on the Moon would obviously be hugely useful for future lunar settlers, both for breathing and in the local production of rocket fuel,” says Beth Lomax of the University of Glasgow, a researcher working on the prototype at the European Space Research and Technology Centre.

• It turns out that lunar regolith (moon rock) is made up of 40 to 45 percent oxygen by weight, making it the Moon’s single most abundant element. Lunar rocks are placed in a metal basket with calcium chloride salt and then heated to 950 degrees Celsius (or 1742 degrees Fahrenheit). Then, by passing an electric current through the heated rock it releases the oxygen contained within.

• With this process, the regolith becomes a usable metal alloy which may also have uses beneficial to a future colony on the Moon, such as raw material for lunar-based 3D printers to construct parts for lunar bases or even spacecraft.


        Beth Lomax

The European Space Agency (ESA) has fired up its prototype oxygen plant to begin producing the element out of

                a moon rock

simulated moondust, with a view to creating a sustainable breathable air production facility on the Moon.

“Being able to acquire oxygen from resources found on the Moon would obviously be hugely useful for future lunar settlers, both for breathing and in the local production of rocket fuel,” says Beth Lomax of the University of Glasgow, a researcher working on the prototype at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC).

The current prototype is set up in a lab in Noordwijk in the Netherlands, but the next step is to begin fine-tuning, reducing the operating temperature and streamlining the design to create a portable version of the system that could one day be flown to the Moon.

Based on samples brought back from the Moon over the years, it turns out that lunar regolith (moon rock) is made up of 40 to 45 percent oxygen by weight, making it the satellite’s single most abundant element, which is incredibly fortunate for future human colonization plans.



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Japan Becomes the Latest Country That’s Prepping to Fight World War 3 in Space


Article by Jasper Hamill                          January 20, 2020                             (metro.co.uk)

• Currently, the idea of space warfare involves rival nations destroying or jamming each other’s satellites. Whilst this would knock out communications on the ground and potentially cause economic damage, it would not actually kill civilians on Earth. But U.S. intelligence agencies have said that both China and Russia would have ‘destructive’ space weapons within a few years that can interfere, disable or destroy satellites and spacecraft. Global commercial interests such as the British space trade association ‘UK Space’, who anticipate a lot of sophisticated technology going into orbit in the future, want “somebody out there who is going to protect the interests of all in space.”

• On January 20th, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (pictured above) said in a policy speech marking the start of the 2020 parliamentary session that the ‘Space Domain Mission Unit’ will launch in April as part of Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force. Abe said that Japan’s space domain force will defend itself from cyberspace threats and protect its satellites, and ‘drastically bolster capability and system in order to secure superiority’ in those areas. The unit will cooperate with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and with the US Space Command. Abe has pushed for Japan’s Self-Defense Force to bolster cooperation and weapons compatibility with the US.

• Will Whitehorn, president of UK Space, advocates for the establishment of a UK space force to get ready to fight terrorists and wage war in the heavens. Industry leaders fear that terrorists and hostile nation-states will be able to wreak economic havoc by targeting communications satellites. Speaking at the UK Space Conference, Whitehorn said, “We are about to go through an industrial revolution in space. …We are at the stage where a lot of technologies have been developed …(and) a lot of the industrial processes or necessities that we will need are going to be …in that hostile environment in space.” “[W]e have to be able to defend ourselves in space. …”[A] time [is] coming when having a co-ordinated approach to space across all of our military is going to be important.”


The Space Domain Mission Unit will launch in April as part of Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force, Abe said in a policy speech marking the start of the year’s parliamentary session today. He said Japan must also defend itself from threats in cyberspace and protects its satellites. A number of nations are now developing space weapons, with concerns growing that China and Russia are seeking ways to interfere, disable or destroy spacecraft.

Japan will ‘drastically bolster capability and system in order to secure superiority’ in those areas, Abe said. The unit will cooperate with the US Space

           Will Whitehorn

Command that Trump established in August, as well as Japan’s space exploration agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Abe has pushed for Japan’s Self-Defense Force to expand its international role and capability by bolstering cooperation and weapons compatibility with the US. It will also work alongside American troops and as it grows concerned about the increasing capabilities of China and North Korea. Abe, in marking Sunday’s 60th anniversary of the signing of Japan-U.S. security treaty, vowed to bolster Japan’s capability and cooperation with the U.S., including in the areas of space and cybersecurity.

The UK needs to build a space force and get ready to fight terrorists and wage war in the heavens, industry leaders have warned. In the future, terrorists and nation-states will be able to wreak economic havoc by targeting communications satellites. The incoming president of UK Space, Will Whitehorn, has said ‘we will see and should see the creation of a space force in the UK’ to help protect the nation against these new threats. Speaking at the UK Space Conference in Newport, the former president of Virgin Galactic said: ‘My view is that as we go forward, there clearly has to be a complete and utter co-ordination of the way that government at all levels responds to the industrialisation of space. ‘We are about to go through an industrial revolution in space, and it will be nothing short of that. ‘We are at the stage where a lot of technologies have been developed that can do many of the things – that if you were listening to Greta at the UN yesterday, or you see what is going on in the reality of climate change – a lot of the industrial processes or necessities that we will need are going to be up there, in that hostile environment in space.



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Are the Aliens Us? UFOs May be Piloted by Time-Traveling Humans


Article by Leonard David                         January 20, 2020                           (space.com)

• UFOs have captured the public’s attention for decades and the discovery of new exoplanets is on the rise. Could reports of people coming into contact with alien beings actually be our own human descendants returning from the future to study their own evolutionary past? Michael Masters, a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Technological University in Butte (pictured above), has advanced this theory in his book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon.

• Reasoning why aliens are likely humans in the distant future, Masters notes that contactees typically describe extraterrestrial visitors as bipedal, human-like beings with the ability to communicate with us in our own languages. They possess advanced technology that is clearly built upon today’s technological prowess. Unlike an alien traveling vast distances across the galaxy to happen upon us, our descendants would already know that humans are on this Earth at this time. Says Masters, “I think the simplest explanation, innately, is that it is us.”

• Masters observes how much more we could learned about our own evolutionary history if we possessed the technology to visit the past. “The alleged abduction accounts are mostly scientific in nature,” says Masters. “It’s probably future anthropologists, historians, linguists that are coming back to get information in a way that we currently can’t without access to that technology.” Masters thinks that some are simply space tourists. “Undoubtedly in the future, there are those that will pay a lot of money to have the opportunity to go back and observe their favorite period in history.”

• Jan Harzan, executive director of the Mutual UFO Network, or ‘MUFON’, agrees with Masters. “[W]e know for sure is that we are not alone,” Harzan says. “Now the question becomes, ‘Who are they?’ And Masters makes a great case for the time-traveler hypothesis.”

• UFO skeptic Robert Sheaffer responds, “There is nothing (here) to take seriously, as it depends on the belief that ‘time travel’ is not only possible, but real.” “This is a highly dubious claim.” Sheaffer notes that Masters tries to deduce aliens’ evolutionary history from witness descriptions. “[H]e takes such accounts far too literally,” says Sheaffer.

• British astronomer and writer David Darling argues that there’s precious little credible evidence that big-brained aliens exist at all. He says that one of the least likely explanations for UFOs is that they are not of this world. So it’s just as reasonable to suppose that they might be time machines from our own future. But neither explanation is realistic, so “there’s really no need for such a thesis in the first place.” It’s all a myth.

• Larry Lemke, a retired NASA aerospace engineer, finds the prospect of time-travelling visitors from the future intriguing. “[T]hese (UFOs) don’t seem to be obeying the usual laws of aerodynamics and Newtonian mechanics,” said Lemke. Considering reports of ‘missing time’ and the consequences of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, some UFOs do demonstrate the effects of general relativity. The idea that somebody has figured out how to manipulate space-time, on a local scale with a low-energy approach, would explain a lot of things about the UFO phenomenon, including those baffling Tic-Tac-shaped objects reported by jet-fighter pilots and radar operators.


Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have captured the public’s attention over the decades. As exoplanet detection is on the rise, why not consider that star-hopping visitors from afar might be buzzing through our friendly skies by taking an interstellar off-ramp to Earth?

On the other hand, could those piloting UFOs be us — our future progeny that have mastered the landscape of time and space? Perhaps those

          Jan Harzan of MUFON
  skeptic Robert Sheaffer

reports of people coming into contact with strange beings represent our distant human descendants, returning from the future to study us in their own evolutionary past.

The idea of us being them has been advanced before. But a recent book, “Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon” (Masters Creative LLC, 2019), takes a fresh look at this prospect, offering some thought-provoking proposals.

Multidisciplinary approach

The book was written by Michael Masters, a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Technological University in Butte. Masters thinks that – given the accelerating pace of change in science, technology, and engineering – it is likely that humans of the distant future could develop the knowledge and machinery necessary to return to the past.

The objective of the book, Masters said, is to spur a new and more informed discussion among believers and skeptics alike.

“I took a multidisciplinary approach in order to try and understand the oddities of this phenomenon,” Masters told Space.com. “Our job as scientists is

        UFO-denier David Darling

to be asking big questions and try to find answers to unknown questions. There’s something going on here, and we should be having a conversation about this. We should be at the forefront of trying to find out what it is.”

Human evolution

Dubbing these purported visitors “extratempestrials,” Masters notes that close-encounter accounts typically describe UFO tenants as bipedal, hairless, human-like beings with large brains, large eyes, small noses and small mouths. Further, the creatures are often said to have the ability to communicate with us in our own languages and possess technology advanced beyond, but clearly built upon, today’s technological prowess.

Masters believes that through a comprehensive analysis of consistent patterns of long-term biocultural change throughout human evolution — as well as recent advances in our understanding of time and time travel — we may begin to consider this future possibility in the context of a currently unexplained phenomenon.

“The book ties together those known aspects of our evolutionary history with what is still an unproven, unverified aspect of UFOs and aliens,” he said.



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Does Hangar 18, the Legendary Alien Warehouse, Exist?


Article by Sarah Pruitt                       January 17, 2020                           (history.com)

• Like Area 51, the legend of Hangar 18 at Wright Field – now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base – outside of Dayton, Ohio is one of flying saucers, extraterrestrial remains and even captured aliens secretly being held in a sealed and guarded warehouse called ‘Hanger 18’ or “the Blue Room”.

• Wright Field was home to the Air Force’s UFO investigation effort, Project Blue Book, from 1951 to 1969. Senator Barry Goldwater, Republican nominee for president in 1964, notoriously tried to gain access to the Blue Room through General Curtis LeMay, and was soundly rebuked. In 1974, a UFOlogist named Robert Spencer Carr publicly claimed that the Air Force was hiding “two flying saucers of unknown origin” inside Wright-Patterson’s Hangar 18. Carr claimed to have a high-ranking military source who saw the bodies of 12 alien beings as autopsies were being performed on them. A 1980 movie, Hangar 18, helped to cement the legend of Wright-Patt as a hotbed of the government’s UFO-related activities.

• The stories of Wright-Patterson go back to its alleged involvement in the cover-up of a UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. At the time, a Roswell Army Air Field press release said the Army had recovered a “flying disc” and sent it on to “higher headquarters” at Fort Worth. But Fort Worth immediately recanted the story saying it was only a weather balloon. Many UFO researchers believe that some of the debris from Roswell were sent to Wright Field and stored in Hangar 18.

• One military pilot, Oliver Henderson, told his wife that he flew a plane loaded with (flying saucer) debris, along with several small alien bodies, from Roswell to Wright Field. Children of another pilot, Marion “Black Mac” Magruder, claim that their father saw a living alien at Wright Field in 1947 and told them “it was a shameful thing that the military destroyed this creature by conducting tests on it.”

• The Air Force has categorically denied any of the rumors tying the Ohio base to UFOs and aliens. They even deny there is a ‘Hanger 18’ at Wright-Patt, although there is a ‘building 18’. In an official statement in 1985, the Air Force said, “There are not now, nor have there ever been, any extraterrestrial visitors or equipment on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.”

• And as to the crashed saucer outside of Roswell which the Army/Air Force later claimed was a weather balloon? In 1994 the Air Force changed its story, again, saying that it was actually debris from a surveillance “balloon device” (called “Project Mogul”) that was designed to spy on nuclear research sites in the Soviet Union. (see July 1994 USAF Roswell Report featuring the Project Mogul balloon explanation here)


As home to Project Blue Book, ground zero for government investigation of UFOs from 1951 to 1969, Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson Air Force

Jesse Marcel with “weather balloon” debris

Base) outside Dayton, Ohio, ranks up there alongside Area 51 as a subject of enduring speculation.

Many of the rumors surrounding Wright-Patt, as it’s known for short, involve what might have gone on inside a particular building, known as Hangar 18. UFO enthusiasts believe the government hid physical evidence from their investigations—including flying saucer debris, extraterrestrial remains and even captured aliens—in this mysterious warehouse, specifically inside a sealed, highly guarded location dubbed “the Blue Room.”

The legend of Hangar 18 goes back to the supposed crash of a UFO in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. According to a press release issued by the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) at the time, their personnel inspected the “flying disc” and sent it on to “higher headquarters.” A subsequent press release from an Air Force base in Fort Worth, Texas (assumed to be the aforementioned headquarters) claimed the disc was a weather balloon—a claim the Air Force acknowledged was untrue in 1994, admitting it had been testing a surveillance device designed to fly over nuclear research sites in the Soviet Union.

But in addition to Fort Worth, many UFO researchers believe some of the materials from Roswell were also transported to Wright Field after the crash and stored in Hangar 18, based on unsubstantiated reports from former military pilots. One, Oliver Henderson, reportedly told his wife that he flew a plane loaded with debris, along with several small alien bodies, from Roswell to Wright Field. According to the children of another pilot, WWII ace Marion “Black Mac” Magruder, their father claimed to have seen a living alien at Wright Field in 1947 and told them “it was a shameful thing that the military destroyed this creature by conducting tests on it.”


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Where Space Force Must Go


Article by Ret. Lt. Gen. Steve Kwast                         January 17, 2020                        (politico.com)

• Space is so powerful and so full of resources that it will change the way humanity consumes energy, information, goods and services, and will profoundly transform the way we travel. It is imperative that the newly established Space Force manage this journey into a trillion-dollar space economy, peacefully protect our people and values, and avoid war through dominance.

• In the 20th century, America delayed in utilizing new inventions that ultimately changed the world with the airplane, the tank, and nuclear weapons. It was only the intervention of the President and Congress that saved the day. Today, we find ourselves in the same situation with space. The speed of technological change promises to make the contest much more consequential to the future of American liberty and freedom.

• Space Force needs to be independent of the Air Force, which has an extremely limited mission. The Air Force isn’t interested in building spacecraft fueling stations in orbit to help commerce, or rescuing stranded Americans, or stopping space pirates. It isn’t interested in protecting the Moon, key “lines of communication”, or travel corridors in space to and from strategic resource locations. The Air Force doesn’t plan to deploy personnel in space at all.

• Recently developed propulsion technologies and inventions have created a new marketplace in space that offers raw materials worth trillions of dollars. Unless Space Force is independent and given a mission beyond Earth’s orbit in order to guard our private commercial economic interests, America will fall behind China’s progress and domination in space.

• Another problem is that the Air Force is dependent on a military-industrial complex that is only interested in building the current output of military hardware, employing Washington lobbyists to maintain this status quo. President Eisenhower warned America about the potential danger of the military-industrial complex.

• China is already building its guardian force. China is building a navy in space with battleships and destroyers. China will deploy nuclear propulsion and solar power stations in space within 10 years. China will have the capability of turning off the American power grid and paralyze our military anywhere on the planet. China is winning the space race with better space equipment and a superior strategy.

• If America wants peace in space, Congress must give an independent Space Force the mission to defend the American space economy and American values as a guardian force. And it must be done before we lose the strategic high ground.

• Lt. Gen. Steve Kwast, USAF retired, is CEO of Kwast Enterprise, a consulting company dedicated to building a future space economy.

[Editor’s Note]  Former US Air Force Lieutenant General Steven Kwast was on the short list to be the Commander of Space Force before he abruptly retired last September. Rumor has it that he was shown the door for talking too much about building up the Space Force as a guardian for American economic interests. (see ExoArticle here) But is Kwast really worried about China surpassing the United States in its space technology and development? The United States shadow government has been at this secret space program game since the 1940’s. They have created a vast, nearly unimaginable presence in this solar system and beyond. China is desperately trying to catch up.

So the question is, is Kwast truly ignorant of the US secret space program? Is he unaware that for decades, the US Air Force Space Command has patroled a near Earth orbit, while the US Navy’s Solar Warden fleet patrols the galaxy? (Not to mention a Moon base, bases on Mars, and space-age technologies from anti-gravity propulsion and portal travel to food replicators and medical scanners.) Or is Kwast cleverly sending out a false alarm to the public to force the shadow government to disclose our true presence in space, without violating his non-disclosure agreement?

And is China also pushing for the disclosure of the US secret space program in its own way? The more that China creates the illusion of a space technology race, the more pressure is put on the US to disclose the truth. How long will the deep state shadow government get away with only giving drips of information disclosure, now and then, to stem American concerns that we are falling behind in modern technological development? How long can this ‘limited hangout’ continue?

And it should be noted that President Eisenhower’s concerns about the military industrial complex weren’t that they would procrastinate in developing advanced technology, allowing the Chinese to outpace us. It was the opposite. Eisenhower knew that a shadow government, which evolved into a massive “deep state”, had plans to ally with not-so-nice extraterrestrials to create a secret space program by plundering the wealth and resources of the United States and the world, while keeping it all hidden from the mind-controlled populace. And Eisenhower was 100% correct. But I suspect that Kwast knows this too.


Three times in the last century America found itself on the brink of disaster because it sat on the sidelines and delayed utilizing new inventions that ultimately changed world power. The development of the airplane, the tank, and nuclear weapons all caught the United States off guard. It was only through the intervention of president and Congress that saved the day. Today, we find ourselves in the same situation with space.

However, this time the speed of technological change promises to make the contest much more consequential to the future of America’s liberty and freedom. Space is so powerful and so full of resources that it will change the way humanity consumes energy, information, goods and services. It will also transform the way we travel more profoundly than the invention of the automobile and airplane combined. The newly established Space Force is imperative if we want to avoid war and manage this journey into the future of a new trillion-dollar space economy with the power to peacefully protect our people and values.

But it is not enough to simply build the Space Force. Unless the Space Force is independent of the Air Force and given the mission to defend the economy of space beyond earth’s orbit to the Moon and beyond, and achieve dominance over any other competitor, it will fail at its purpose to protect our values into the future. The problem is that the Air Force is proposing a Space Force that will not protect the marketplace of space beyond earth’s orbit. But China is.

This is happening for two reasons. First, the Air Force is trapped in an industrial-age mindset. It is projecting power through air, space, and cyber yet does not properly consider the space geography beyond earth’s orbit. The Air Force does not plan to accelerate the new space economy with dual-use technologies like spacecraft fueling stations in orbit to help commerce and the military rescue tourists and stop space pirates. It does not plan to protect the Moon or key “lines of communication” or travel corridors in space to and from resource locations and other strategic high ground. The Air Force does not plan to deploy Space Force personnel in space to see, build, and apply human creativity to the physical environment. Not does it plan to rescue Americans who may get stranded or lost in space. In short, the current Air Force plan for the Space Force will lose the race to dominant the strategic high ground.



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Hawaii Air National Guard to Create Space Force Squadron


Article from The Associated Press                       January 12, 2020                         (airforcetimes.com)

• In December, President Trump signed the $738 billion National Defense Authorization Act creating the Space Force, the first new armed service since 1947, alongside the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard.

• The Space Force already has offensive and defensive space control squadrons. But America’s Air National Guard was asked to create four more offensive units. The four new offensive space control squadrons will come from the Air National Guards of Hawaii, Florida, Colorado and California.

• Hawaii Air Guard commander Brig. Gen. Ryan Okahara told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that the state Air Guard will select 88 military members for the 293rd Space Control Squad based at the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai. Okahara said that in April, he’ll likely begin to hire existing trained officers and enlisted personnel from other locations for the highly technical positions.

• Operations by the new squadron are classified, but their main objective is to protect and defend our satellite communication systems. Said Okahara, “[A] Space National Guard …(is) probably in the works. But right now, Hawaii Air National Guard will care for and feed the space squadron.”


HONOLULU — The Hawaii Air National Guard will start selecting candidates in April for one of four space control squadrons in the country in the Air National Guard, military officials said.

  Brig. Gen. Ryan Okahara

The state Air Guard would select 88 military members for the 293rd Space Control Squad based at the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports.

“We’re not going to be able to hire 88 on day one, because it’s highly technical positions,” Hawaii Air Guard commander Brig. Gen. Ryan Okahara said.

“So it’s going to take us a while. But because of that a third of the people that we start the unit with will be likely trained, experienced space officers and space enlisted that are in other locations.”

Operations by the new squadron are classified, but their main objective is to protect and defend our satellite communication systems, he said.

The announcement comes after President Donald Trump signed the $738 billion National Defense Authorization Act in December funding the military and creating the Space Force, the first new armed service since 1947.



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President Trump Unveils Space Force Logo

Article by Rebecca Kheel                    January 24, 2020                (thehill.com)

• On Friday, President Trump unveiled the logo for the sixth branch of the Armed Forces – Space Force. Trump tweeted: “After consultation with our Great Military Leaders, designers, and others, I am pleased to present the new logo for the United States Space Force, the Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military!”

• Space Force was established in December with the signing of the annual defense policy bill. Though Trump coined the name Space Force, the idea for a separate branch of the military for space originated as a bipartisan House idea in 2017. Space Force’s goal is to protect U.S. military assets in space from threats from Russia and China, which have tested anti-satellite weapons and created their own space military services.

• A US Space Force spokesperson said in a statement Friday that the newly unveiled seal “pays tribute to the newest Armed Service that organizes, trains, and equips space forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force.”

• “The U.S. Space Force seal honors the Department of the Air Force’s proud history and long-standing record of providing the best space capabilities in the world. The delta symbol, the central design element in the seal, was first used as early as 1942 by the U.S. Army Air Forces; and was used in early Air Force space organization emblems dating back to 1961. Since then, the delta symbol has been a prominent feature in military space community emblems.”


President Trump on Friday unveiled the logo for Space Force, the newly established sixth branch of the Armed Forces.

“After consultation with our Great Military Leaders, designers, and others, I am pleased to present the new logo for the United States Space Force, the Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military!” Trump tweeted Friday afternoon,The logo is similar to the one that was used by Air Force Space Command, which was the predecessor to Space Force.

Space Force was established in December with the signing of the annual defense policy bill.

Its establishment fulfilled a top priority for Trump since he first floated the idea in 2018 and turned it into a reliable applause line at his campaign rallies.

Though Trump coined the name Space Force, the idea for a separate branch of the military for space originated as a bipartisan House idea in 2017.

Space Force’s goal is to protect U.S. military assets in space from threats from Russia and China, which have tested anti-satellite weapons and created their own space military services.

Since the idea for Space Force was first pitched, there has been much speculation and interest in some of the lighter, cultural aspects of the service, including what its uniform, logo and official song will be.



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Luis Elizondo Opens Up On Why the Pentagon Keeps Changing Its Story on AATIP and UFOs


Article by Jazz Shaw                       January 13, 2020                        (hotair.com)

• Since we first learned of the (Pentagon’s $22 million) ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’ (AATIP), we’ve been told that it was a Department of Defense study of UAPs/UFOs, which Luis Elizondo ran before leaving the Pentagon to join the ‘To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences’. Both Elizondo and Harry Reid, the former Nevada Senator who initiated the Pentagon program, have gone on record confirming the UFO program and Elizondo’s role in it.

• Then more recently, DoD spokesperson Susan Gough backtracked saying that Elizondo was not involved with AATIP. Even stranger, Elizondo didn’t come forward to defend his statements. Said Elizondo, “There are elements in the Pentagon that are seriously upset with me for me ‘breaking rank’ in their eyes.” “I think (this disinformation is) a vendetta by a few in the Pentagon. But I think we will all know the real reason this year.”

• In a recent interview with John Greenewald of The Black Vault, Elizondo broke his silence stating, “As the senior ranking person in the AATIP program, I was ultimately responsible for ensuring the efficient and effective operations …performed by the outstanding men and women we had working in the program. My job was primarily to fend off the distractions so the rest of the team could do their job. …This includes fighting for resources, support, and personnel.”

• So why would Susan Gough keep insisting Elizondo wasn’t involved? Was the Pentagon deliberately and knowingly lying about Elizondo? Or was it a case of the DoD having lost the accurate records, as Gough has said? Elizondo suggests that this may have been a case where some in the Pentagon made “a deliberate attempt to confuse, hide, and conceal the truth.” Given the Pentagon’s casual relationship with the truth on this subject, that’s not so tough to believe.

• Toward the end of the interview, Elizondo refers to the recent admission from the Navy that there is at least one more, longer video of the tic-tac UFO encounter – something the Pentagon has repeatedly denied. “I am happy with the fact that recently some Navy former senior officials have come out and admitted there were more videos (of) greater length,” said Elizondo. “Also the Navy’s admission about the reality of UAPs and the fact they are creating new (UAP reporting) policies. … (This) is definitely a step in the right direction. I am not sure I can take credit for it but I like to think I played a small part in it.” “[I]t makes me feel a little vindicated.”

• Elizondo is still under an Non-Disclosure Agreement and doesn’t want to lose his security clearance, so he can’t say more. But perhaps he’s let something slip here. When referencing the “thousands of documents” related to the AATIP program that haven’t been cleared for release, he mentions “videos”… plural. There could be many UAP videos in the Navy’s possession from other incidents, but no one has filed a FOIA request for them. Still, Elizondo is confident that we will see a major disclosure of UAPs/UFOs by the Department of Defense this year.


One of the repeating themes we’ve run across in our coverage of the ongoing story of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)

       John Greenewald

and the search for information about UFOs/UAP is the disconnect between what the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA) has said about Luis Elizondo and what the Pentagon has had to say about him. If you ask TTSA, Harry Reid (who requested the program initially) or Elizondo himself, he ran the program. If you run the question by the Pentagon, specifically spokesperson Susan Gough, Elizondo had “no assigned duties” in the Defense Intelligence Agency and was not involved with AATIP.

          Susan Gough

So what’s with that disconnect? It’s a question I asked early on when researching this subject and never found a convincing answer. And the fact that Elizondo himself never seemed to come forward to defend his statements made it seem all the more strange. But now he’s broken his silence. In an interview with John Greenewald at The Black Vault, Elizondo tackles that question and many others. There’s no new documentation coming out of this interview (at least not yet) but at least we get to hear his side of the story. I’m going to include a couple of the more interesting snippets from the interview here, but if you have any interest in the subject I would suggest you click through and read the entire thing for yourself.

First of all, what does Elizondo say his role in AATIP was?

“As the senior ranking person in the AATIP program, I was ultimately responsible for ensuring the efficient and effective operations of the overall effort. However, in fairness, the lion’s work was performed by the outstanding men and women we had working in the program. My job was primarily to fend off the distractions so the rest of the team could do their job. In essence, my job was to catch the proverbial bullets so our folks could do their job without distraction. Not an unusual role for the senior person in any program to assume. This includes fighting for resources, support, and personnel.”

So if that’s the case, how does the Pentagon get the story so wrong? Why would Susan Gough keep insisting he wasn’t involved? Elizondo mentions that he’s kept quiet about this in the past primarily because he was threatened with having his security clearance taken away when he first came out with TTSA and he doesn’t want to lose it. But now he feels he needs to set the record straight.



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Paper on Nuclear Fusion Reactor for Hybrid Spacecraft Published in Prestigious Journal

A major breakthrough has occurred in the scientific community’s almost unanimous skeptical reaction to Dr. Salvator Pais’ patent for a portable nuclear fusion reactor that would power his proposed “Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft” – a prestigious engineering journal has published a paper authored by him describing his incredible invention and its applications.

The paper is titled “The Plasma Compression Fusion Device—Enabling Nuclear Fusion Ignition” and it appeared in the November 2019 edition (Vol 47, Issue 11) of the journal, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. The journal is published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and only publishes articles that are peer reviewed in a blind submission process.

The importance of Pais’ paper being published in such a prestigious journal is that prominent electrical engineers have concluded that his concepts are worthy of being taken seriously even though most scientists, including patent examiners, have expressed outright skepticism about their feasibility.

In a January 22 article describing the publication of Pais’ paper, the Drive’s Brett Tingley interviewed a number of scientists that ridiculed Pais’ ideas as “pseudo-science and empty jargon”. Yet, as Tingley has pointed out previously, the Chief Technology Officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise, Dr. James Sheehy, firmly supports Pais’ inventions as “operable”, and decades of government research support the feasibility of similar concepts.

Now the IEEE paper adds another level of scientific credibility to Pais’ invention since the anonymous reviewers clearly concluded it was not “pseudo-science and empty jargon”.

In the abstract to his paper, Pais writes:

The plasma compression fusion device (PCFD) generates the energy gain by plasma compression-induced nuclear fusion. This concept has the capability of maximizing the product of plasma pressure and energy confinement time to maximize the energy gain, and thus give rise to fusion ignition conditions….

The concept uses controlled motion of electrically charged matter through accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth, yet rapid acceleration transients, to generate extremely high-energy/high-intensity EM radiation (fields of high-energy photons) which not only confines the plasma but also greatly compresses it so as to produce a high power density plasma burn, leading to ignition. The PCFD concept can produce power in the gigawatt to terrawatt range (and higher) with input power in the kilowatt to megawatt range and can possibly lead to ignition (self-sustained) plasma burn. Several important practical engineering and operational issues with operating a device such as the PCFD are discussed.

Pais’ nuclear fusion reactor with a proposed output of 1000 gigawatts (one terrawatt) or even higher, far exceeds the maximum output of the largest nuclear power plant in the US, Palo Verde in Arizona, which produces a paltry four gigawatts in comparison. Indeed, Pais’ invention dwarfs the power supply of the nuclear fission reactors powering the new Gerald Ford Class aircraft carriers, which produce only 0.7 gigawatts (700 megawatts).

Put simply, if Pais’ invention proves to be feasible, then it could virtually end the fossil fuel industry overnight and revolutionize the aerospace industry since it is fully portable.

In fact, Pais proposed the nuclear fusion reactor as the power supply for his “Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Vehicle” he described in an earlier patent granted on December 4, 2018, after it had been earlier turned down by a skeptical examiner. Pais fully intended his nuclear plasma fusion reactor to be used in future generations of air and space craft.

In an earlier article, I discussed how Pais’ nuclear fusion reactor would be capable of powering the kilometer-long spacecraft that several insiders claimed to have been secretly built and deployed as far back as the early 1980s.

According to the late William Tompkins, a former aerospace systems engineer, Nautilus class nuclear powered attack submarines were retrofitted to be able to perform the hybrid maneuvers of underwater, air and space operations in the late 1970s. The retrofitted submarines were used as prototypes for the larger kilometer-sized spacecraft then secretly under construction near the Wasatch Mountains, Utah.

The retrofitting of a nuclear submarine would have required swapping out its nuclear fission reactor, with something far more powerful, like Pais’ nuclear fusion reactor, in order to convert submarines into hybrid water, air and space craft. All this occurred back in the late 1970s, which means that something similar to Pais’ nuclear fusion reactor must have existed at that time and was being secretly used by the US military.

This is where the testimony of David Adair becomes important to understanding the history of the clandestine development and the use of nuclear fusion reactor engines. Adair claims that back in 1971, he built a prototype “electromagnetic fusion containment engine” for a 10-foot rocket he developed with the active support of the US Air Force. Adair says that he was backed by General Curtis LeMay, the former USAF Chief of Staff from 1961 to 1965, who secretly provided Adair with resources and USAF personnel even though he was only 17 at the time on a science project.

Documentary support for Adair’s remarkable testimony comes from local newspaper reports describing the Air Force certificate he won for his 10-foot rocket project. An April 19, 1971 news story from the Mount Vernon News says that his rocket exhibit “has been selected as the most outstanding in the field of engineering sciences”.

Adair’s story was first covered in a 2002 interview with Robert Stanley published in Nexus Magazine. In short, Adair claims that as a result of his success in building a prototype nuclear fusion engine for his 10-foot rocket, he was given access to a much larger “electromagnetic fusion containment engine” at Groom Lake, Nevada (aka Area 51). Adair learned that the engine at Area 51 was extraterrestrial in origin and the Air Force was attempting to reverse engineer it.

While there are differences in the way Adair described the operation of his “electromagnetic fusion containment engine” to Pais description of the operation of his “Plasma Compression Fusion Device”, the similarities are remarkable. Both use electromagnetic energy in unconventional ways to ignite a nuclear fusion process in a portable engine that can generate an enormous energy output.

Adair’s testimony gives us crucial insights into the timeline for the development of nuclear fusion engines using plasma and electromagnetic devices. These were being studied and developed in the early 1970s, making the initial prototypes ready for deployment by the late 1970s – the time Tompkins says that the Navy began deploying its retrofitted Nautilus submarines as hybrid water, air and space craft.

It’s no coincidence that Pais’ inventions are being exposed to the scientific community at the same time that Space Force has been officially created. As detailed in my Secret Space Program book series, both the US Air Force and Navy have a number of antigravity craft that use non-conventional energy systems for their power supply. The most important undoubtedly are the nuclear fusion reactors that are ignited via plasma and electromagnetic devices such as Pais and Adair’s inventions.

The antigravity spacecraft secretly developed by the USAF are being increasingly leaked to the general public as exemplified in photos taken of triangle and rectangle-shaped antigravity craft near MacDill Air Force Base in 2017 and 2018.

Space Force, as discussed in my USAF Secret Space Program (2019), has been created to unveil to the general public the arsenal of spacecraft and weapons that have been developed in classified programs and covertly deployed. This is supported by statements made by the USAF Secretary, Barbara Barrett, in December 2019, when she said the following about classified Air Force technologies:

Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea… You would have to be careful about what we declassify, but there is much more classified than what needs to be.

The publication of Pais’s paper in a prestigious engineering journal in November 2019 is a sure sign that the scientific community is being given advance notice that revolutionary energy systems exist that use unconventional electromagnetic and plasma devices to ignite the nuclear fusion process, and scientists/engineers need to start paying attention.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

[Special Note: I will be presenting Dr. Salvator Pais’ revolutionary patents and the relevance to Secret Space Program disclosure at my upcoming Webinar with Portal to Ascension on March 21, 2020. You can register here.]

Further Reading

US Space Force to Stand Up a Doctrine Hub


Article by Valerie Insinna                       January 10, 2020                        (defensenews.com)

• Space Force was formally established on December 20th as an independent military branch inside the Department of the Air Force. Major General John Shaw, who leads Space Operations Command as commander of the U.S. Space Command’s combined force space component, said on January 10th that the Space Force is setting up a “space doctrine center” where planners from both the Air Force and Space Force “can figure out how …(to) set up a United States Space Force.” “[E]ven as we speak,” said Shaw, “there are folks meeting in Colorado Springs trying to lay this all out.”

• Although Shaw predicts that “war fighting (in space) is going to happen very quickly”, much needs to be done from laying out an organizational structure and creating a Space Force logo, to establishing bases and recruiting personnel. In December the 14th Air Force “Space Command” (headquartered at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California) was re-designated as Space Force Operations Command.

• At the January 10th event in Washington D.C., Shaw assured the audience that they’ve been working on Space Force’s structure. In December, before President Trump had even signed Space Force into law, Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett told reporters an initial planning cadre was beginning to hammer out some details. They created monthly goals leading up to February 1st when an initial organizational structure for the Space Force is due to be presented to Congress.

• Shaw has told his planning team to “create a war-fighting service for the 22nd century.” “‘Don’t even think about… the next decade or even the century.” “We started with that.” Shaw predicts that next century technology is going to come ‘fast’, and envisions Space Force as “ a lean, agile service that can quickly respond to threats.”

• Shaw also spoke about the “nerdy” aerospace engineering students who normally wouldn’t be interested in joining the military, but are attracted to a career in the Space Force. “[T]here’s something going on,” says Shaw. “There’s an excitement about space that I feel we can tap into.”


WASHINGTON — The Space Force is setting up a “space doctrine center” where the brand-new American armed service can begin to hammer out how to optimally operate in space, the head of Space Operations Command said Friday.

                  Maj. Gen. John Shaw

The Space Force was formally established on Dec. 20 as an independent military branch inside the Department of the Air Force. But much still needs to be done to get the fledgling service up on its feet, including laying out its organizational structure, creating a logo, potentially changing the name of bases and transferring airmen over to the Space Force.

Both the Air Force and Space Force have been working to fulfill these tasks, said Maj. Gen. John Shaw, who leads Space Operations Command and holds the title of U.S. Space Command’s combined force space component commander. Space Operations Command was formerly known as 14th Air Force up until the creation of the Space Force.

“We have been authorized some billets for a space doctrine center, and we’ll be holding a space doctrine conference in Colorado Springs next month,” Shaw said at a Jan. 10 breakfast event. “So I think we’re already thinking about how do we think about this anew.”

In December, just hours before President Donald Trump signed off on legislation that would codify the Space Force into law, Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett told reporters that her service had identified an initial planning cadre that would hammer out many of the major details needed to stand up the Space Force.



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The Dark Connection Between UFOs and Grisly US Mutilations


Article by Colin Bertram                    January 10, 2020                       (history.com)

• Reports of unexplained mutilations carried out on animals in the US Western and Midwestern states have baffled investigators for decades. Incidents of mutilated cattle, sheep, horses, rabbits, deer, bison and elk with the bloodless corpses, often lacking jaw flesh, eyes, ears, tongue, lymph nodes and genitalia, have been reported since the early 1970s. Many have speculated that the perpetrators might be otherworldly beings conducting biological experiments on Earth’s inhabitants.

• In 2009, The Denver Post reported four calves were found mutilated in similar ways. NPR reported on a 2019 incident in (Oregon) in which five young purebred bulls showed up dead, drained of blood and with body parts cleanly excised. (see Exoarticle here) “A lot of people lean toward the aliens,” Harney County Sherriff’s Deputy Dan Jenkins told NPR. “One caller told us to look for…a depression under the carcass, ‘cause he said that the alien ships will kinda beam the cow up and do whatever they are going to do with it. Then they just drop from a great height.”

• Author Ben Mezrich writes in his book, The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America’s UFO Highway, that dating back at least 50 years, some 10,000 cattle have been mutilated in the Midwest area along latitude line 37. No official answer has ever been given for these strange incidents, and they remain unsolved. But these aren’t limited to animal mutilations. There are compelling incidents of human beings similarly mutilated.

• In March 1956, Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette was assisting Major William Cunningham at the White Sands missile testing grounds near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, searching for scattered debris from a recent rocket test. Suddenly, Cunningham heard a loud scream. He crossed over a dune and saw Lovette being dragged by a long serpentine arm wrapped around his legs, connected to a silver disk hovering in the air 15 feet above him. Cunningham watched as Lovette was pulled inside the craft, which then rose up into the sky.

• According to Military Encounters With Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds by Frank Joseph, Holloman Air Force base personnel confirmed an unidentified radar contact that day. Search parties were dispatched to the desert. Three days later, Lovette’s nude corpse was discovered 10 miles from the abduction site. The Air Force investigated the case under Project Grunge, a short-lived precursor to the better-known Project Blue Book, which allegedly resulted in a 600-page document labeled “Project Grudge Report 13.” Problem is, though Grudge Reports 1 through 12 have been declassified, along with Report 14, there is no official mention or accounting of Report 13. The U.S. government denies its very existence.

• Two men came forward to say that they had actually read ‘Report 13’. William Cooper said that in the early 1970s, he was tasked with analyzing an annotated version of Grudge Report 13. Former Green Beret captain William English says he too was asked to analyze the document while assigned to a US Air Force base in England. English dictated two audio cassettes outlining what he remembered from Report 13, as documented in Joseph’s Military Encounters. Cooper’s and English’s accounts closely match one another.

• According to Report 13, Lovette’s body had been cleanly mutilated. His tongue had been cut from the lower portion of the jaw, his eyes gouged out and his anus removed. The body had been completely drained of blood, but there was no vascular collapse usually associated with death by bleeding. English alleges that the coroner remarked on the apparent surgical skill used to remove the organs—in particular that the anus and genitalia had been neatly extracted like a plug.

• In 1988, a human body was found at the Guarapiranga Reservoir in Brazil. According to reports, the victim had been dead for 48 to 72 hours, but there was no sign of decomposition. The eyes, ears, tongue and genitalia had been removed, as had the digestive organs. Officials were never able to identify the victim.


The details are both grisly and strangely surgical: corpses found under the open sky with their eyes plucked out, tongues removed and private parts excised—all extracted with the utmost precision and leaving not a drop of blood.

Reports of such unexplained mutilations, carried out on both humans and animals, have baffled investigators for decades, leading to speculation about whether the perpetrators might be otherworldly beings conducting biological experiments on earth’s inhabitants. While scores of reports have emerged from U.S. western and midwestern states detailing mysterious bloodless animal mutilations, human cases have been far less common—and often much sketchier in their documentation.

The enigmatic ‘Project Grudge Report No. 13’

One of the most shocking cases, the Lovette-Cunningham incident, involves an American Air Force sergeant allegedly abducted by a saucer-like aircraft, after which his cleanly mutilated body was found in the New Mexico desert. In ufology circles, reports have circulated that the case was studied by Project Grudge, one of the earliest U.S. Air Force programs tasked with investigating sightings of unidentified flying objects in the years after World War II. (Project Grudge was a short-lived precursor to the better known Project Blue Book, which ran from 1951 to 1969, many documents from which are now declassified.) The result of the Air Force investigation into the purported abduction was allegedly a 600-page document labeled “Project Grudge Report 13.”

Problem is, no official information on Report 13 exists and the U.S. government denies its very existence, so its details are known only from second-hand sources who claim to have seen and analyzed the document. One account came from controversial conspiracy theorist William Cooper (1943–2001), who asserts he was tasked with analyzing an annotated version of Grudge Report 13 in the early 1970s. The other came from William English, a former Green Beret captain who says he too was asked to analyze the document, while assigned to a U.S. security service at a former Royal Air Force base in Chicksands, England.

English dictated two audio cassettes outlining what he remembered from Report 13, and according to Military Encounters With Extraterrestrials: The Real War of the Worlds by author Frank Joseph, English also participated in a 1991 Colorado radio broadcast where he discussed his findings. Cooper’s and English’s stories echo one another closely.

A terrifying abduction, a curious autopsy

Both recount an alleged incident of March 1956 involving Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette, who was assisting Major William Cunningham in the White Sands missile testing grounds near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. While searching for scattered debris from a recent rocket test, Cunningham was shocked when he heard a loud scream. Thinking Lovette had perhaps been bitten by a snake, English recounts Cunningham crossed the dune to aid his partner when he purportedly witnessed one of the more bizarre human-extraterrestrial encounters.

Instead of finding Lovette nursing a snake bite, Cunningham, according to English, recounted seeing the soldier being dragged by a long serpentine arm, wrapped around his legs, connected to a silver disk hovering in the air 15 to 20 feet away. Cunningham watched, frozen in horror, as Lovette was pulled inside the craft, which then rose vertically into the sky. The major then stumbled toward his jeep and radioed for assistance.

Security teams arrived and the disturbed Cunningham was confined to the base hospital for observation and treatment after retelling what he believed he witnessed. According to Joseph’s Military Encounters book, base personnel did confirm an unidentified radar contact near Holloman at the time Lovette vanished. The base dispatched search parties into the desert, but it would be three days before Lovette’s nude corpse was discovered—some 10 miles from the site of the alleged abduction. From all indications the body had been exposed to the elements for 24 to 48 hours. According to English, the report offered no explanation of what might account for the missing third day, and the autopsy performed on Lovette raised more questions than delivered answers.



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The Navy Has a Secret Classified Video of an Infamous UFO Incident


Article by MJ Banias                        January 10, 2020                         (vice.com)

• In response to a FOIA request submitted by Christian Lambright, the US Navy says that it has ‘briefing slides’ that are classified TOP SECRET and videos classified SECRET, under Executive Order, pertaining to the “Nimitz Encounter” ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video taken in 2004 off of San Diego (see 2:45 minute video below) and two other UFO videos taken off of the East Coast in 2015, which were released to the public in late 2017 and early 2018. The Original Classification Authority has determined that the release of these newer materials would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States.

• But the Navy also possesses a video classified SECRET for which the Office of Navy Intelligence is not the Original Classification Authority. Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough told Motherboard “The Department of Defense, specifically the U.S. Navy, has the video. As the Navy and my office have stated previously, as the investigation of UAP sightings is ongoing, we will not publicly discuss individual sighting reports (or) observations.” “We do not expect to release this video.”

• Last November, Popular Mechanics reported that several original witnesses of the Nimitz incident saw a longer, higher resolution video of the UFO encounter. A Petty Officer who served on the USS Princeton (part of the USS Nimitz carrier group), Gary Voorhis, said that he “definitely saw video that was roughly 8 to 10 minutes long and a lot more clear.” However, Navy pilot Commander David Fravor has stated that the longer video probably does not exist.

• Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon staffer who ran the Pentagon’s ‘Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program’(AATIP), resigned in 2017, and along with ‘To The Stars Academy’, was instrumental in releasing the ‘Tic Tac’ and the other two UFO videos, said that due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement he made with the government, he was “not able to comment further on the existence of a longer video”. But Elizondo did say that “people should not be surprised by the revelation that other videos exist and at greater length”

• Luis Elizondo remarked that straightforward messaging does not seem to be the Pentagon’s strong suit. In (December) 2017 the New York Times ran the story about the $22 million AATIP Pentagon UFO program which Elizondo ran. The Pentagon has repeatedly changed its story since then. In September of 2019, the Navy confirmed the videos contained footage of “unknown aerial phenomena”. Last month, a Pentagon spokesperson said that AATIP had nothing to do with UFOs. “The Pentagon has a long history of sometimes providing inaccurate information to the American people,” says Elizondo. “I can only hope that the inconsistent message is due to the benign results of a large and cumbersome bureaucracy and not something more nefarious like a cover-up or deliberate misinformation campaign.”


The Pentagon has Top Secret-classified briefings and a Secret-classified video about an infamous UFO incident, the U.S. Navy said in response to a public records request.

              Susan Gough
                        Luis Elizondo

The files concern the 2004 encounter between the USS Nimitz and strange unknown aerial objects. In 2017 and 2018, three videos of bizarre aircraft taken by Navy pilots from their fighter planes made national news. In December 2017, The New York Times ran a story about Navy pilots who intercepted a strange object off the coast of San Diego on November 14th, 2004, and managed to shoot video of the object with their F-18’s gun camera. In September of 2019, Motherboard reported that the Navy confirmed the videos contained footage of “unknown aerial phenomena.”

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request sent by researcher  Christian Lambright seeking more information on the incident, the Navy said it had “discovered certain briefing slides that are classified TOP SECRET. A review of these materials  indicates that are currently and appropriately Marked and Classified TOP SECRET under Executive Order 13526, and the Original Classification Authority has determined that the release of these materials would cause exceptionally grave damage to the National Security of the United States.”

“We have also determined that ONI possesses a video classified SECRET that ONI is not the Original Classification Authority for,” the letter continued.
Motherboard independently verified the FOIA response with the U.S. Navy.

“The Department of Defense, specifically the U.S. Navy, has the video. As Navy and my office have stated previously, as the investigation of UAP sightings is ongoing, we will not publicly discuss individual sighting reports/ observations,” Susan Gough, a Pentagon spokesperson, told Motherboard. “However, I can tell you that the date of the 2004 USS Nimitz video is Nov. 14, 2004. I can also tell you that the length of the video that’s been circulating since 2007 is the same as the length of the source video. We do not expect to release this video.”

2:45 minute FLIR1 ‘Tic Tac’ UFO video from 2004 (‘To the Stars Academy’ YouTube)



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Declassified UFO Report Documents ‘Green Circular Object’ Over Soviet Missile Range


Article by Andrew Whalen                         January 10, 2020                      (newsweek.com)

• In the summer of 1973, a Soviet source was working at the Soviet Union’s Sary Shagan Weapons Testing Range in present-day Kazakhstan. Also known as “Site 7”, the base was the headquarters for the “warhead checkout unit” with a garrison of Soviet Air Force personnel stationed there. That evening, the source stepped outside “for some air”, looked up and saw a “green circular object or mass in the sky.” The sky was clear with no clouds, and there was no sound. In a matter of minutes, the green circle widened and several green concentric circles formed around the center mass. Then the green mass disappeared.

• The CIA made note of this Cold War-era intelligence at the time. In 1978 the CIA released a heavily redacted, one paragraph version of the full intelligence report detailing the UFO sighting. Recently, John Greenewald of The Black Vault requested a Mandatory Declassification Review of the document and received a more detailed declassified CIA intelligence report on the incident, including rough maps of the facilities, the command hierarchy and personnel estimates. Weapons tested at the facility included experimental missiles, possible laser weapons, and warheads with cartridges loaded with hundreds of metal balls.

• Greenewald drew a parallel between Cold War-era sightings and modern UAP encounters documented by the U.S. Department of Defense. “This is very much similar to the context we see today, with threats on military facilities,” Greenewald told Newsweek in a telephone interview. A May 2019 Newsweek article (see here), first reported by Politico and The Washington Post, revealed that UAPs intrude upon military airspace as often as several times per month.


An intelligence report newly declassified by the CIA sheds new light on a nearly 50-year-old UFO mystery, revealing details gathered from an experimental missile range in present-day Kazakhstan.

The report not only includes unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), but rumored Cold War “laser weapons.”

The UFO sighting took place in 1973 and was first revealed to the public in an “Intelligence Information Report” released by the CIA in 1978. Heavily redacted, the declassified version of the document contains only a single paragraph, detailing an encounter with a UFO at a location called “Site 7.”

The UFO encounter took place in the summer, when the sighting’s source “stepped outside for some air,” taking a break from watching a Canada vs. USSR sports match on TV. It was evening, and the source saw above “an unidentified sharp (bright) green circular object or mass in the sky.”

The UFO spotter believed the object was hovering above the cloud level, though it was a clear sky at the time of the sighting. The source was not, however, able to estimate the object’s diameter.

The sighting got weirder from there: “Within 10 to 15 seconds of observation, the green circle widened and within a brief period of time several green concentric circles formed around the mass. Within minutes the coloring disappeared. There was no sound, such as an explosion, associated with the phenomenon,” the document says.



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E223 Embark on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life in Documentary ‘Wow Signal’

Beginning January 21, 2020, distributor TriCoast Entertainment will release the feature length documentary “WOW SIGNAL” on streaming platforms Amazon, iTunes, FlixFling, Vimeo on Demand, and Google Play. Produced by Bob Dawson and Michael Shaw, the film documents a night in 1977 when Ohio radio telescope operators discovered a strong, interstellar signal that is said to be the world’s best evidence of communication from an extraterrestrial civilization.

E222 How the CIA Tried to Quell a UFO Panic During the Cold War

In the 1950s, when Cold War anxiety in America ranged from Soviet psychological warfare to nuclear annihilation, LIFE Magazine published a story titled “Have We Visitors From Space?” that offered “scientific evidence that there is a real case for interplanetary saucers.” A few months later …

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