Short Film – History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda & the Coming Global Revolution

This short film presents the history of extraterrestrial intervention on Earth, and how competing factions have warred over humanity’s destiny. Learn how Earth became a prison planet under the control of a negative group of extraterrestrials and their human proxies ( aka the Cabal/Deep State) that have historically manufactured poverty, disease and war. Discover what lies ahead as positive extraterrestrials work with an Earth Alliance of international leaders from major nations to free our planet, and usher in a new age of prosperity, freedom and becoming part of a Galactic Federation.

Available on Rumble and YouTube

Grateful thanks to Angelika Whitecliff for creating and producing this Short Film

Feb 27, 2021 Webinar Intensive: The Earth Alliance, Full Disclosure & the Coming Global Revolution

US Gov Brought Down ET Craft With Bodies Inside Says FBI Doc

Article by Arjun Walia                                            January 27, 2021                                        (

• Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.” Last year, Pentagon UFO program astrophysicist Eric W. Davis confirmed retrievals of “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Apollo 13 astronaut Edgar Mitchell once told the world: “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”

• Numerous stories suggest that multiple governments have been successful in bringing down UFO craft in an attempt to find out more about them and reverse engineer them ever since the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO crash and the two Roswell UFO crashes in 1947. Former Air Force officer and US Atomic Energy commissioner Colonel Ross Dedrickson blamed the Roswell crashes on the disruption in the magnetic field caused by the detonation of nuclear weapons in the region, crippling the UFO craft’s navigation system.

• The most viewed document in the public FBI archive is an account of an Air Force investigator written by FBI agent Guy Hottel to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. According to Hottel, the Air Force investigator claimed that three flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico (two near Roswell in 1947, one near Aztec in 1948). They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots. According to the informant, the saucers crashed in New Mexico due to high-powered military radar in the area interfering with the controlling mechanisms of the saucers. Of course, others have subsequently claimed that the story was a hoax.

• The FBI document is from the 1950s, a time when UFOs were popular within the mainstream due to an explosion of UFO sightings after the US dropped the atomic bomb. Even President Truman stated that the subject of UFOs is brought up at “every conference that they’ve had with the military.” “[T]here’s always things like that going on, flying saucers,” said Truman, “and they’ve had other things you know.” This was also around the time in 1952 when a formation of UFOs flew over Washington DC unimpeded.

• If all of this was going on 70 years ago, what has been happening today? Not a lot. People have lost trust in the government to tell us the truth. Big media is being exposed as complicit in the mind-control of the public’s perception of events and issues. People are recognizing the illicit connections among intelligence agencies, government and big corporations.

• Still, after decades of ridicule and secrecy, UFO disclosure is exploding in the mainstream media. People are seriously considering the idea that we are being visited by other beings. Hopefully, the public’s awakening to the reality and acceptance of UFOs will be a catalyst to our awakening to the true nature of our reality, the prospect of a higher purpose in life, and the potential power of our collective human consciousness.


    astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Apollo 13 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell once told the world that “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” He is seen

        Defence Minister Paul Hellyer

making these statements in this documentary. Eric W. Davis, a renowned astrophysicist who worked with the Pentagon UFO program stated that he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department Agency, as recently as March 2020 about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 has confirmed that he was present during this testimony. He himself has been quite outspoken about the phenomenon over the past few years. Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University who was also the curator for The National Archives UFO Project from 2008–2013, came across some interesting documents suggesting that the UK was desperate to capture UFO technology. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister claimed that the protocol when military jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO was to “shoot first and ask questions after.”

The thought of attempting show aggressive actions against objects that show no aggression themselves is concerning to me. This activity on our part (humans) comes when the behaviour of these objects are not indicative of any type of threat. They often perform evasive maneuvers to avoid our aircraft and the majority of the time, there is no type of retaliation observed. This makes one question our own behaviour and the way our governments have responded to the UFO phenomenon, it’s not something to be proud of in my opinion.

    astrophysicist Eric W. Davis

The information above isn’t even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the topic of crash/UFO retrievals. There are numerous stories suggesting that multiple governments have been successful in bringing down these craft in an attempt to find out more about them and also, perhaps, reverse engineer them. Roswell is not the only case. Here’s an article I’ve wrote about the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO crash, for example.

    Colonel Ross Dedrickson

Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who had a long stint with the Air Force as well as the US Atomic Energy commision claimed that the detonation of nuclear weapons polluted the magnetic field which some of these craft relied on to operate.

What Happened: A document that made some noise within the mainstream in 2013 due to the fact that’s it’s been viewed more than 1 million times and is, according to the FBI, their most viewed document, reads as follows

An investigator from the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.

According to Mr. (redacted) informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanisms of the saucers.



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Grandpa Called Star People Our Ancestors, “They Meant Us No Harm”

Article by Arjun Walia                                              January 25, 2021                                      (

• Richard Wagamese, a Native American storytellers from the Wabaseemoong First Nation in Northwestern Ontario, writes, “My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star People brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”

• Stephane Wuttunee, a Plains Cree and French Canadian author and storyteller, notes that when it comes to understanding the extraterrestrial phenomena, Native American culture gives far greater attention to the seeking of the spiritual understanding of things. Growing up, Wuttunee learned about the Star People around campfires and during traditional ceremonies. They were never a people to be afraid of.

• Dr. Ardy Clarke, a Cherokee/Choctaw and Professor Emeritus at Montana State University, also grew up being told about the Star People from her family and elders. She has written multiple books entitled: Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians documenting stories of encounters between extraterrestrials and Native American Indians.

• Clarke tells of a man named Darren who tells the story of his grandfather who, in the 1940s, witnessed a spacecraft landing in New Mexico around the same time as the Roswell crashes. His grandfather and some of his friends came across an alien wandering the desert. They hid the alien from government soldiers. The alien died and they buried him.

• Darren says that when he was young, he saw an alien come to his grandfather’s hogan, or house. Darren didn’t recognize the being as an extraterrestrial, but told his grandfather that there was a stranger outside. The stranger was tall with dark skin and dark eyes. His clothes were brown and form fitting. He had on a strange pair of boots with pointed toes. He wore gloves and a tight elastic hood over his head. The stranger told his grandfather that he was part of a ‘small exploring party’, and had gotten lost when his geo-positioning equipment had quit working. So Darren and his grandfather took the stranger into the canyon and back to his craft on the other side of the ridge.

• After that encounter, whenever Darren’s grandfather told stories he would begin with ‘it happened before the Star Man’ or ‘after the Star Man.’ My grandfather said that when he was a boy there were many stories about Star People, but this encounter had been only the second time he had ever seen one. He mostly talked about how they were ‘our ancestors’ who had visited Earth from the beginning of time. They were friendly and meant us no harm. “They come to remind us to keep everything in harmony”, his grandfather told him. The Star people also brought animals and plants to earth, and would come back and check on them.

• Darren described the space craft as dull silver in color, with no windows and a door that melded with the craft when closed. Darren was warned not to touch the craft. When Darren and his grandfather got to the craft other extraterrestrial men came out to greet them as friends. The Star Men bowed to his grandfather, and they stood there and talked. When the beings boarded their craft, Darren and his grandfather stood at a distance while the craft moved upward. Amazingly, it didn’t even stir the dust on the ground below.

• Darren said that the Star Man appeared two more times when he was much older. The second time, his grandfather gave the Star Man a gift of a pouch with turquoise stones which pleased the being. The final time he came, his grandfather was in his 80s and sick in bed. Late at night, the Star Man appeared suddenly without warning. He walked over to my grandfather’s bed and knelt over him. After a moment or two, he walked out. His grandfather told him that the Star Man came to say they were waiting for him. Three days later, Darren’s grandfather died at the town clinic.

• Just hours before he passed, his grandfather told Darren that the Star Men would be coming for him. After his grandfather’s passing, Darren would often work in the workshop behind his grandfather’s hogan. Recently, Darren arrived at the hogan to find the pouch with the turquois rocks sitting in the doorway. “I think it was my grandfather’s way of letting me know that everything was okay with him,” says Darren. “I have no other explanation.”


                         Dr. Ardy Clarke

Richard Wagamese, who was one of Canada’ foremost authors and storytellers from the Wabaseemoong First Nation in Northwestern Ontario, once wrote, “My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star People brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”

Another example from Canada comes from Stephane Wuttunee, who is a Plains Cree and French Canadian author and storyteller. He has explained that his perception and understanding of the ET phenomena as a Native person and its global implications comes from having been partially raised within the culture itself. He has made it a clear point to mention that they “give far greater attention to the seeking of the spiritual understanding of things.” He heard about “distant relations and Star People living amongst the stars many times, mainly around campfires and during traditional ceremonies. Far from being anything to be feared, Star People was just another term I grew up around.”

                      Richard Wagamese

Stories of the Star People are well documented in Native Canadian and Native American lore, and in this article I will share a story, as I’ve done so many times before, from the work of Dr. Ardy Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw. She has been researching the Star People and collecting encounters between them and Native Indians for many years. She also grew up being told about the Star People from her family and elders.

She’s written multiple books documenting her research. This particular one is taken from her book, “Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians.”

The Story: In this particular story, Clarke spoke to a man connected through a mutual friend, on the Navajo Indian Reservation, named Darren. Clarke spoke to his aunt, who was the one who told her of his extraterrestrial experience.

I am not the first in my family to see the Sky Gods. My grandfather told me that one time a spacecraft landed over in New Mexico and some Indians hid an alien.”
Said Darren.

He said it happened “Back in the 40s. It was about the same time as Roswell.”

My grandfather said that he and some of his friends came upon the alien wandering in the desert. They realized he was one of the Sky Gods and they hid him from the government soldiers. He died though and they buried him.



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Ziggy Marley Talks About UFOs

Article by Claudia Gardner                                          January 23, 2021                                        (

• On Thursday January 21st, Rastafarian reggae music legend Bob Marley’s eldest son, the current pop singer Ziggy Marley (51), posted on his Instagram page with over 1.2 million followers, a post entitled “Can we talk about the UFOs, Extraterrestrial Flying Objects now?” along with a graphic of a grainy, grayscale photograph with a black dot resembling a bug in the center of it.

• “So much was happening in 2020 we could have missed it,” wrote Ziggy. “[T]he “governments afraid to open the eyes of the people’ and “we need to get the whole truth” as “the mass acceptance of this knowledge/truth will reset and expand the mindset of people”.

• Ziggy seemed engrossed with the UFO topic as he posted several other comments, and kept himself very engaged with his followers’ comments. “Already know life exists beyond this planet. It’s just something I know it is inborn. It is good to see it revealed through credible channels so the minds that are closed can be open.”

• In response to a fan comment, “We are not alone, for sure,” Ziggy agreed, writing: “[H]umanity needs to wake up and work together for this planet. We definitely haven’t been alone yet we are so lonely in this universe.” When another Instagram follower commented that there were “Humans throughout the galaxy”, Ziggy replied: “yea I feel that. One humanity we are all different but share something common that connects us.”

• While Ziggy received a large number of supportive messages and testimonies of sightings of extra-terrestrial beings, there was a lot of jeering, particularly from Americans. “Legend has it that they only come too earth to listen to Reggae music then fly back to their universe singing don’t worry about a thing,” one troll jeered. Another troll wrote: “Kinda looks like bigfoot to me…” Still another troll posted: “If it Hasn’t been confirmed by THE SIMPSONS then it isn’t.”

• Another dubious commenter noted that Ziggy’s “flying objects” were actually specially designed US military aircraft to which regular people were unaccustomed. “US have been making airplanes that look like disk and other shapes since the 1900’s. Come on now. They have pictures and show us to our faces ain’t no EFO or ETs,” Another commenter chimed in: “No brothers it’s our own government flying those don’t let them fool ya’ll.” “My money is on UFOs being our own government. They have technology beyond our imagination that they don’t tell us about.” But Ziggy stood his ground, responding: “ok, if you say so that’s’ a cool. Then I must ask what are the extraterrestrials using for transportation these days?”

• One skeptic even implied that Ziggy’s his claims of extraterrestrials run contrary to the Rastafarian faith and the Bible: “I think it’s an intriguing subject, but even with today’s technology we don’t have a detail pic or vid of this objects… always blurry. Also I don’t think the Bible mentions any other races that JAH created.”

• Some Instagram commenters, including ex-military personnel, insisted that they had seen extraterrestrial beings with their own eyes. Said one commenter: “I got a video of one (UFO) pulsating in Illinois. I wish could share it here, I saw them another time in Phillipsberg, Montana. The altitude was way up there.” Another commenter wrote: “I saw one in Colorado in the mountains when I was in the military, scared the crap out of me and a squadmate who was guard with me. We hid in a bush and just watched for about two hours.”

• Some commenters claimed that the extraterrestrials could be “from the future” and the “government” was hiding it: “[W]hat if they are just humans from the future in their time machine?” “There is definitely Babylon government secrets hiding the alien vehicles.” Another proposed a time-machine theory: “I always thought they might be us but from the future. Time traveling craft. Perhaps coming back to earth from another planet we inhabited thousands of years from now. Our present is their past…”

• One female commenter told Ziggy that she hoped the UFOs would be “more benevolent than human beings.” Ziggy replied: “[I]f the only source of their meaningful contact is governments and military and the knowledge is held in secret then we will have issues all humanity should be made aware of the truth of these connections.”

• Last July, the New York Times published an article titled “No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public” which noted that “despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway — renamed and tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence.” The article goes on to say that government officials continue to “study mystifying encounters between military pilots and unidentified aerial vehicles,” and quotes Senator Marco Rubio expressing his concerns “that China or Russia or some other adversary had made “some technological leap” that “allows them to conduct this sort of activity”. Rubio says that “some of the unidentified aerial vehicles over US bases possibly exhibited technologies not in the American arsenal” and that “maybe there is a completely, sort of, boring explanation for it. But we need to find out.”


                         Ziggy Marley

Ziggy Marley’s Instagram page has been awash with drama since Thursday afternoon, after the Rastafarian singer posted an

                      Bob Marley

image and a series of statements, acknowledging the existence of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), which he referred to as ‘Extraterrestrial Flying Vehicles’.

According to Ziggy’s statements, the “governments afraid to open the eyes of the people’ and “we need to get the whole truth” as “the mass acceptance of this knowledge/truth will reset and expand the mindset of people”.

While he got a large number of supportive messages and even testimonies of sightings of extra-terrestrial beings, there was a lot of jeering, particularly from Americans, who felt the Love is My Religion singer had gone bonkers.

Ziggy’s graphic contained a grainy, grayscale photograph with a black dot resembling a bug in the center of it, with the words “Can we talk about the UFOs, Extraterrestrial Flying Objects now?’ “So much was happening in 2020 we could have missed it. #EFO not #UFO,” the Tomorrow People artiste who has more than 1.2 million followers captioned the post.

4:31 minute Ziggy Marley video “Love Is My Religion” (‘Deck” YouTube)



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Harvard Scientist Says Solar System is Full of ET Ships

Article by Berny Torre                                           January 23, 2021                                            (

• In September 2017, a Hawaiian observatory using the highest definition telescope available detected an object traveling at 450,000mph from direction of the star, Vega, some 25 light-years away, which had entered our solar system. The elongated space object was dubbed “Oumuamua”, Hawaiian for “scout”. The object was studied by Harvard astronomy professor Avi Loeb (pictured above). Loeb noted that Oumuamua “showed an excess push away from the Sun, in addition to the Sun’s gravitational force acting on it”.

• Comets are known to swerve wildly away from the Sun due to evaporation, creating their distinctive tails. But no tail was seen on this object which instead accelerated smoothly from the Sun. Professor Loeb noted that Oumuamua’s change of speed suggested it lost about a tenth of its mass, which is quite a lot. “[W]e should have seen a very clear cloud of gas around it,” said Loeb. But they didn’t. Loeb’s conclusion was that the object was ‘powered’ by the light of the Sun. Therefore, the most rational explanation for Oumuamua was that it held alien technology. It was, in essence, an extraterrestrial craft.

• Professor Loeb has written a book called, Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth. In it, Loeb says that the space object shot past Earth before “moving swiftly toward the constellation Pegasus and the blackness beyond”. Given the odds of such an extraterrestrial object traveling through our solar system, Loeb surmises that “there should be one in every volume roughly the size of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. …So it means that there are plenty of them, a quadrillion of them, inside the Oort cloud. Inside the solar system.” A quadrillion extraterrestrial spaceships within our solar system – with humans outnumbered 140,000 to one.

• Professor Loeb believes more spaceships like Oumuamua are on the way, close enough so that human technology should soon allow us to detect these objects every month.



A top Harvard astronomer says our Solar System could be filled with a quadrillion alien spaceships.

That’s one followed by 15 zeroes with humans outnumbered 140,000 to one.

Professor Avi Loeb reckons a space rock that visited Earth in 2017 was an alien – and believes more are on the way with a “quadrillion” similar objects within our Solar System alone.

The academic told the New Statesman that “there should be one in every volume roughly the size of the orbit of the Earth around the sun… it’s pretty small. So it means that there are plenty of them, a quadrillion of them, inside the Oort cloud. Inside the solar system. There are lots of them.”

Prof Loeb, who runs the Department of Astronomy at one of the world’s most prestigious universities, claimed an object travelled towards Earth’s solar system from the direction of Vega, some 25 light-years away, and intercepted our solar system’s orbital plane on September 6, 2017.



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Passenger Films Plane’s Near Collision With ‘UFO’

Article by Jess Hardiman                                               January 20, 2021                                           (

• On January 17th just before 8am, a Singapore Airlines flight was heading to land at Zurich Airport in Switzerland when, an anonymous passenger had turned on their camera in preparation to record the plane’s landing. In the video clip (below) lakes and fields of the distant Swiss landscape can be seen out the plane’s window before the aircraft begins to tilt to the right to apparently dodge something in the sky. As the plane’s engines roar and passengers began to panic, a small white object suddenly zips past the plane, just below its flight path. According to reports, the pilot followed safety protocol and managed to avoid the UFO, making a safe landing at Zurich Airport.

• Earlier in January, former British Ministry of Defence (MoD) staffer, Nick Pope, said he believes that the ‘clock is ticking’ on new UFO revelations that could have worldwide significance. “There’s a momentum building up,” says Pope. “The clock is now ticking on the (US) Senate Intelligence Committee’s demand for a report on the UFO phenomenon from the Director of National Intelligence.” Pope is referring to a 180 day deadline for government intelligence agencies to disclose their declassified UFO reports, which was triggered by the recent enactment of the Intelligence Authorization Act.

• “[T]he US Department of Defense has known since June of the committee’s request, and the US Navy’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force is probably already working on drafting the response,” noted Pope. “[S]o we may get it sooner than the late June deadline.” “This report, important though it may be, is only one part of a wider process. There’s a lot going on and we’re going to see some big UFO stories in 2021.”

• Nick Pope says that the American military’s ‘UAP Task Force’ has shared some of its findings with its British counterparts, and that the MoD is looking into UFO/UAP sightings despite its official position that it has no interest in UFOs. “I’m aware that the UAP Task Force has shared some interim findings with the UK and other allies,” said Pope. “[B]ut I don’t know if the MoD has formally engaged with the US on this, or has simply noted the findings.”

• “Officially, the position of the (British) MoD is that they’re no longer interested, and haven’t been since UFO investigations were terminated at the end of 2009,” says Pope. “However, I understand from reliable and well-placed sources that this isn’t entirely correct, and that sightings are still being looked at, in the margins of other defense business, with terms like ‘UFO’ being scrupulously avoided, to try to avoid creating Freedom of Information Act liability.” “The UFO phenomenon is global, so no single nation has a monopoly on any of this.”


Video footage from a plane shows what a passenger reckons may have been a UFO zooming past them – with the clip showing the pilot apparently dodging something in the sky.

The Singapore Airlines flight was heading to Zurich Airport, Switzerland, on 17 January.

At some point between 7.30am and 7.50am, the unnamed passenger had turned on their camera in preparation to record the plane’s landing into Zurich, but was surprised when he captured what he believes was a near collision with a UFO.

              Nick Pope

In the clip, we see lakes and fields of the distant Swiss landscape, before the aircraft begins to tilt to the right.

A small white object then suddenly zips past the plane, just below its flight path.

According to reports, the pilot followed safety protocol as the plane’s engines roared, while passengers began to panic.

Thankfully, the pilot managed to avoid the unidentified flying object and later made a safe landing at Zurich Airport.

LADbible has reached out to Singapore Airlines for comment.

Earlier this month, a UFO expert said he believed ‘clock is ticking’ on new revelations that could have worldwide significance.

Nick Pope explained how a task force, set up by the US government, has shared some findings with its British counterparts.

Pope claims that sources have told him that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is looking into sightings despite its official position that it has no interest in UFOs.

1:26 minute video of UFO streaking past airliner over Zurich, Switzerland (‘Random Views’ YouTube)


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Navy UFO Patents Testing “Space-Time Modification Weapon”

Article by Brett Tingley                                             January 26, 2021                                             (

• The latest round of The War Zone’s Freedom of Information Act responses by the US Navy focuses on the Navy’s testing of the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais. Citing Chinese advances in similar futuristic propulsion technologies. Pais’ inventions have been supported by the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) and successfully patented.

The War Zone has received hundreds of pages of detailed technical drawings, photographs, and data related to the Navy’s NAWCAD testing of Pais’ inventions between 2017 and 2019, and particularly the “High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator” (HEEMFG). US Navy spent at least $466,810 on a team of at least ten technicians and engineers who put in over 1,600 hours toward the design and testing of an experimental demonstrator, and to assemble technical papers and final reports.

• Dr. Pais’s inventions are said to be enabled through what Pais describes as “the Pais Effect”, a theoretical physics concept where the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter changes it from a solid to plasma via accelerated spin and vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.” This effect creates incredibly powerful electromagnetic energy fields that can “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level”, leading to incredible revolutions in power and propulsion, quantum communications, energy production, and even weaponry.

• The documentation reveals that the NAWCAD felt this technology has “National Security importance in leading to the generation of Thermonuclear Fusion Ignition Energy with commercial as well as military application potential, in ensuring National Energy Dominance.” It is unknown whether the HEEMFG has transitioned to other DoD agencies such as DARPA.

• The devices tested appear to have been benchtop or multiple versions of Pais’s High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator concept. The devices used spinning capacitors to “demonstrate the experimental feasibility of achieving high electromagnetic field-energy flux values toward the design of advanced high energy density/high power propulsion systems.” Often when new experimental systems are tested, subsequent experiments work toward mastering different aspects of a particular design before bringing everything together once the separate components are proven to be feasible. It’s unclear whether or not the HEEMFG test article was designed to focus on maturing just one part of the complete system.

• One document describes how Pais’ Plasma Compression Fusion Device patent could be used to design a “Spacetime Modification Weapon” that makes a hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison.

• As with all of the patent documentation received so far, it appears even NAWCAD’s testing could not validate the claimed “Pais Effect.” Nevertheless, a Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAVAIR) quad chart published in September 2018 states that NAVAIR is aiming to transition the Pais technology in 2019.

• These new documents show that Pais’ inventions were not solely the product of an enigmatic maverick inventor, but received support from the highest levels of the US Navy’s NAWCAD and led to research projects and experiments with an eye on producing exotic new forms of propulsion and weaponry. The patents appear to be hypothetical applications of theoretical physics that no mainstream physicist thinks is feasible, but are viable enough to the US Navy to continue testing. Yet considering there have been all types of theories behind these patents, ranging from a government disinformation campaign to alien emulation technology, it is still inconclusive what is going on here.


         Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais

In our continuing investigation into the bizarre inventions of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, an enigmatic aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy, The War Zone has just obtained a wide range of documents detailing experiments that the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted to test the core concepts and technologies underlying his seemingly out of this world “UFO patents.” These same patents were vouched for by the head of the Navy’s aerospace research enterprise who cited Chinese advances in similar technologies as one of the reasons why the Navy was filing them.

The War Zone’s most recent report on the strange circumstances surrounding these patents underlined that there were indeed some type of physical experiments conducted related to them, even if very limited. Now, new Freedom of Information Act releases provide unprecedented insights not just into how seriously the Navy took Dr. Pais’s work, but also exactly how elements of it were actually tested at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars and where the program may have ended up. The materials even include mention of a “Spacetime Modification Weapon (SMW- a weapon that can make the Hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison).”

The releases, which are all related to a Naval Innovative Science and Engineering – Basic & Applied Research Program under the project name “The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG),” contain hundreds of pages containing detailed technical drawings, photographs, and data related to actual tests of the HEEMFG. The system was meant to evaluate the feasibility of Dr. Salvatore Pais’s claimed “Pais Effect.” If you haven’t yet read about the ongoing saga of the enigmatic Dr. Pais and the science-fiction-like inventions he made on behalf of the Navy, be sure to get caught up on our previous reporting.

Each one of Dr. Pais’s inventions is stated to be enabled through what he himself described to The War Zone as “the Pais Effect,” a theoretical physics concept that is claimed to be enabled through the “controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.” This effect, the inventor claims, can lead to incredibly powerful electromagnetic energy fields that can “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” leading to incredible revolutions in power and propulsion, quantum communications, energy production, and even weaponry.

These latest internal documents, which The War Zone obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), show that NAWCAD felt this technology has “National Security importance in leading to the generation of thermonuclear Fusion Ignition Energy with commercial as well as military application potential, in ensuring National Energy Dominance.”



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Kesha’s Summoning Aliens Because of Demi Lovato

Article by Saman Javed                                              January 17, 2021                                                (

• Pop singer Kesha has a podcast called ‘Kesha and the Creepies’ where she invites other pop musicians to talk about ‘anything supernatural and anything unexplainable’. “I’m talking to musicians about the craziest stuff we’ve ever gone through. All different kinds of people from all over the world, and giving their wildest experiences,” Kesha says. “It’s just helping my perspective grow. Just seeing the world and spirituality and the supernatural from everybody’s different perspectives. It’s so interesting to me because I’ve always been into that.”

• On December 18th, Kesha had pop singer Demi Lovato on her podcast. Lovato told Kesha that she had an ET experience with Dr. Steven Greer, the founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, when Lovato, Greer and their group psychically summoned ETs to them. “The first big thing that happened was that we saw this really, really bright light. This blue orb kept floating in front of us just 20-30 feet away,” said Lovato. She even attempted to chase the source of the light but it kept moving further away.

• “I loved the conversation we had because… there were a couple books she (Lovato) mentioned and an app she mentioned that I immediately downloaded,” said Kesha. “I told my family, all I want for Christmas is for us all to meditate and try to channel extraterrestrials.” Following the podcast episode, in an interview with Entertainment Tonight Kesha said she now had a new hobby of trying to summon aliens. “I’m like trying to get all my friends and family into meditating the aliens to us. It’s my new hobby because of Demi Lovato.”


Kesha says she is now summoning aliens in her spare time following Demi Lovato’s appearance on her podcast, Kesha and the Creepies.

‘I loved the conversation we had because… there were a couple books she mentioned and an app she mentioned that I immediately downloaded,’ the TiK ToK singer said of their conversation.

                           Demi Lovato

‘I told my family, all I want for Christmas is for us all to meditate and try to channel extraterrestrials,’ Kesha continued.

Lovato appeared in an episode of the podcast in December, when the pair sat down to discuss her experiences of extraterrestrial sights.

She told Kesha that she has been in touch with Steven Greer, a US-based urologist who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Describing one of their encounters with an extraterrestrial blue orb, she said: ‘The first big thing that happened was that we saw this really really bright light. This blue orb kept floating in front of us just 20-30 feet away.’

9:06 minute video of Kesha interviewing Demi Lovato (‘kesha’ YouTube)



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Space Force Exists to Meet Threats in Space Domain

Article by David Vergun                                             January 22, 2021                                          (

• Speaking at a National Security Space Association “Space Time” online event on January 22nd, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force General John E. Hyten characterized the US Space Force as ‘critical’ to national security, given the threats to US access and capability in space posed by Russia and China. Critical space assets include GPS; missile warning; reconnaissance; and position, navigation and timing.

• “Russia and China are building capabilities to challenge us in space because if they can challenge us in space, …they can challenge us as a nation,” Hyten said. “Therefore, it is our responsibility as leaders of the defense enterprise to make sure that we continue to educate the population about the threats that we face and, then put forth recommendations to deal with those threats in a rapid, responsive way” – with emphasis on agility and adaptability.

• Hyten notes that Russia and China are both building antisatellite weapons and other military space assets at an alarmingly fast rate. As a result, the Pentagon has to go just as quickly in defining joint requirements and delivering capable systems to counter the threat. And in doing so, “you have to accept a certain amount of risk”.

• Hyten says there is bipartisan support for the Space Force, and he expects the newest service, along with Space Command, to continue to make great strides in the new administration.


     General John E. Hyten

Threats by Russia and China to deny U.S. access and capability in space make the Space Force critical to national security, said the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten, spoke at an online National Security Space Association “Space Time” event today.

Critical space assets include GPS; missile warning; reconnaissance; and position, navigation and timing.

“Russia and China are building capabilities to challenge us in space because if they can challenge us in space, they understand as dependent as we are in space capabilities that they can challenge us as a nation,” Hyten said.

“Therefore, it is our responsibility as leaders of the defense enterprise to make sure that we continue to educate the population about the threats that we face and, then, put forth recommendations to deal with those threats in a rapid, responsive way,” he said.

In a time of conflict, DOD must deny adversaries access to space while maintaining its own freedom to maneuver in that domain, he mentioned.



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UFO Shone ‘Fine Rays of Light’ onto Soviet City in 1977 Says Declassified CIA Report

Article by Harry Pettit                                          January 20, 2021                                         (

• John Greenewald Jr., proprietor of the ‘The Black Vault’ website, a repository of over 2 million declassified government documents on UFOs, recently topped off his data collection with a final data dump from the CIA, which the CIA claims to be everything they have on UFOs. While many UFO (or ‘UAP’ – unidentified aerial phenomenon) claims may turn out to be tricks of the light or a faulty airplane instruments, a handful of them are real targets of investigations by the Pentagon.

• Within the pages of these declassified CIA documents is a bizarre story of a mysterious explosion in a small Russian town, which ripped off roofs, blew out windows, and left a 90ft-wide crater. Another file details a Bosnian fugitive who claimed to have made contact with aliens. While Britain’s secret UFO files were also opened up to the public recently, the British government acknowledges that they plan to keep one particular UFO dossier secret for another 50 years, to the chagrin of the UFO community. Last year, one researcher claimed that the discovery of alien life was not only “inevitable” but “imminent”. And a NASA scientist has admitted it’s entirely possible that aliens have already visited Earth – and we simply never noticed.

• One intriguing CIA report details a mysterious occurrence reported by multiple terrified townspeople of Petrozavodsk near the border of Finland in northeastern Russia in 1977. Witnesses described “very fine rays” raining down from the high-speed object, which appeared like a “huge star” over the town. The CIA file appears to be a copy of a story published at the time by Russia’s TASS news agency. According to the report, “On 20 September, at about 0400 a huge star suddenly flared up in the night sky, impulsively sending shafts of light to the Earth. The star moved slowly toward Petrozavodsk and spread out over it in the form of a medusa.” The light then “hung there, showering the city with a multitude of very fine rays which created an image of pouring rain.” After the rays ceased, the “medusa” turned into a bright semi-circle and moved in the direction of nearby Lake Onega. A semi-circular pool of bright light, “red in the middle and white at the sides”, then formed in a shroud of grey cloud on the lake’s horizon.

• According to citizen reports, the ordeal lasted between 10 and 12 minutes. The CIA document states that what caused the phenomenon “remains a riddle”. Russian weather experts reported having never seen anything like it, and that no “technical experiments” were being carried out at the time. “Many eyewitnesses” from various parts of the city reported sightings, meaning it was unlikely to be a mirage.


     image of ‘Petrozavodsk phenomenon’

DETAILS of a mysterious UFO that shined bright rays of light onto a Soviet city in the 1970s have emerged from a treasure trove of declassified CIA documents published online.

Multiple reports from terrified locals described “very fine rays” raining down from the high-speed object, which appeared like a “huge star” over Petrozavodsk in what is now western Russia.

Dated September 1977, the once top secret CIA file appears to be a copy of a story published at the time by Russia’s TASS news agency.

It was released earlier this month as part of a dossier of newly uncovered declassified records on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs).

Known as the “Black Vault”, the database is available thanks to a decades-long effort to access CIA records dating back as far as the 1970s.

According to one of hundreds of files in the vault, a peculiar UFO sighting above Petrozavodsk peaked the interest of agents almost 54 years  ago.

“On 20 September, at about 0400 a huge star suddenly flared up in the night sky, impulsively sending shafts of light to the Earth” the report reads.
“The star moved slowly toward Petrozavodsk and spread out over it in the form of a medusa.”

The light then “hung there, showering the city with a multitude of very fine rays which created an image of pouring rain.”

After the rays ceased, the “medusa” turned into a bright semi-circle and moved in the direction of nearby Lake Onega.

A semi-circular pool of bright light, “red in the middle and white at the sides”, then formed in a shroud of grey cloud on the lake’s horizon.



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Mars 2020 Mission to Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Article by Joey Reams and Brian Day                                          January 20, 2021                                      (

• At this moment, the Perseverance Mars rover (pictured above) is hurtling toward Mars, planning to touch down on the Red Planet on February 18th. The landing – part of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission – will signify the first planetary mission since Viking with an explicit objective to seek signs of life on another world.

• Ken Williford, the Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s ‘Astrobiogeochemistry Laboratory’ in Pasadena, California, and the deputy project scientist for the Mars mission, said, “Unlike Viking, which was concerned with seeking evidence of living or recently dead organisms, Mars 2020 will explore rocks deposited more than three billion years ago when Mars was broadly habitable and the earliest records of life on Earth were forming.”

• A primary goal of the Perseverance rover will be to drill and store Martian rock samples, which will be retrieved and brought back to Earth in a future mission for study on Earth. If successful, it would be the first time samples from another planet were returned to Earth. “By analyzing those samples, we’re interested in: How did Mars evolve as a planetary system? How do terrestrial planets — that is the ‘rocky’ planet like Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury — like ours form?” Williford said. “We only are able to study rocks from Earth that we carefully select, but we want to expand that field to Mars.”

• Williford says he believes it isn’t a matter of if life will be discovered in space, but when. “I would say that it’s extremely likely in my view…that life is widespread in the universe,” he said. When it comes to the ability to detect the presence of ancient extraterrestrial life, ”I think Mars Sample Return is our best near-term opportunity to potentially make that discovery.”

• “[T]he conditions required to support life are almost certainly very broadly distributed in the universe,” says Williford. “We don’t know how many times life has emerged. I expect it’s many times. Then the question is: Has that ever happened independently in our solar system? [Have]…other locations in our solar system exchanged living organisms and sort of seeded one another?”


As the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Perseverance Mars rover (pictured above) hurdles toward the Red Planet ahead of touching

           Ken Williford

down next month as part of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, the mission’s deputy project scientist will be sharing his thoughts about the project and what it could mean for the search for life on another world.

Ken Williford, who also serves as Director of the JPL Astrobiogeochemistry Laboratory, is scheduled to host a free online lecture Thursday through the Pasadena Public Library.
The landing of Perseverance at Jezero crater on Feb. 18 will signify “the first planetary mission since Viking with an explicit objective to seek signs of life,” the library said in a written statement. “Unlike Viking, which was concerned with seeking evidence of living or recently dead organisms, Mars 2020 will explore rocks deposited more than three billion years ago when Mars was broadly habitable and the earliest records of life on Earth were forming.”

Among a host of scientific duties, a key goal of the Perseverance rover will be to drill, store and store samples of Martian rock, which will be retrieved and brought back to Earth in a future mission for study on Earth, Williford explained. If successful, it would be the first time samples from another planet were returned to Earth.

“By analyzing those samples, we’re interested in: How did Mars evolve as a planetary system? How do terrestrial planets — that is the Rocky planet like Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury — like ours form?” he said. “We only are able to study rocks from Earth that we carefully select, but we want to expand that field to Mars.”

The larger-scale endeavor, including the return trip, is known as Mars Sample Return, or MSR.

In the decades since astronauts first returned rocks from the Moon for analysis, “They’ve really revolutionized the way we understand the moon, obviously, but also our own planet,” according to Williford.



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George Carlin on UFOs, Aliens, Opioids, and Alcohol

Article by Duncan Phenix and George Knapp                                      January 19, 2021                                        (

• Comedian George Carlin was an avid reader whose often-scathing stand-up monologues skewered human frailties and social trends. Over the course of 20 years, Carlin often performed at venues in Las Vegas – so often that it became his part-time residence. In 2008, a week after one of these Las Vegas shows, Carlin died from heart failure.

• To keep his comedy material fresh and relevant, Carlin would constantly read articles and book on various subjects. On stage, Carlin often delved into the topic of UFOs and aliens as sort of a set-up to comment on the sad state of humanity. While he never took any public positions about extraterrestrials, he had an abiding interest in the topic.

• So it was only natural that Carlin would become acquainted with Las Vegas television personality and UFO researcher George Knapp. When in Vegas, Carlin and Knapp would have several occasions to confer on the topic UFOs. The two of them even exchanged tapes, books, and information about UFOs. Knapp met George Carlin in the mid-1980s when Knapp interviewed him for an evening newscast on KLAS-TV. “I chatted with him after the interview and then we stayed in touch,” says Knapp. “I would occasionally go to see him when he was in Las Vegas to perform. In 1990, I started sending him tapes of the UFO stories and the multi-part series I was producing. In return, he would generously send me stacks of VHS tapes of his comedy specials and performances. Over the years, I also sent him a few (UFO) books, …which he liked.” “When he came to town, I’d go to see him and chat in his dressing room about UFO-related stories. He was deeply interested and it was clear he read a lot about the mystery, though he didn’t really want to be known publicly as a UFO guy, so I kept that to myself.”

• Knapp’s final on-camera interview with Carlin came in 2004 and he spoke about his interest in what might await humans in the cosmos or in other dimensions. “Yeah, I read a lot of articles and I try to read the books and you know,” Carlin said during the 2004 interview at the Stardust Hotel and Casino. “It would surprise me as it would surprise you George. I know that you hold this sort of belief, I’ll call it. If this were the only thing that the universe stumbled into – this life of people we have here – whether it’s a god or whether it’s a some kind of organizing energy. …[T]here’s got to be a lot of stuff. And the ‘bubble’. I’m just wanting to see how that string theory works out in the bubble, the chains and what’s in there. And I mean, there’s no end to things you can imagine, and there’s bound to be some of them.”

• Carlin also talked to Knapp about being fired from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas in 2004 where he was a headliner, after an altercation with his audience. After a poorly received set filled with dark references to suicide bombings and beheadings, Carlin complained that he could not wait to get out of this “fucking hotel” and Las Vegas; he wanted to go back east, “where the real people are”. Carlin continued, “People who go to Las Vegas, you’ve got to question their fucking intellect to start with. Traveling hundreds and thousands of miles to essentially give your money to a large corporation is kind of fucking moronic. That’s what I’m always getting here is these kind of fucking people with very limited intellects.” When an audience member shouted, “Stop degrading us!” Carlin responded, “Thank you very much, whatever that was. I hope it was positive; if not, well, blow me.”

• Shortly after this incident Carlin was fired and almost immediately began treatment for alcohol and prescription painkiller addiction. Carlin was open with Knapp about his issues with opioids and alcohol, saying he began abusing opioids following a small surgery and was careful to keep his drinking in the shadows, saying he was a good functioning alcoholic.


      George Carlin with George Knapp

MYSTERY WIRE — Iconic comedian George Carlin was an avid reader whose often-scathing stand-up monologues skewered human frailties and social trends. One topic he sometimes mentioned onstage is alien life.

Carlin passed away in 2008 from heart failure. It happened just one week after performing another show in Las Vegas. Over the course of 20 years, Las Vegas was a town where Carlin lived part time and often performed.

During his time in Las Vegas, Carlin and Mystery Wire’s George Knapp talked several times, often delving into the topic of UFOs and aliens among other things such as politics and political correctness.

George Carlin used extraterrestrials a few times in his stand-up routines, sort of a set-up line to comment on the sad state of humanity, but he never took any public positions about UFOs or aliens.

Behind the scenes though, he had an abiding interest in the topics. The comedian and Knapp exchanged tapes, books, and information about UFOs.

“I met George Carlin in the mid 1980s. He came into KLAS and we interviewed him live in our studio for an evening newscast,” Knapp told Mystery Wire. “I chatted with him after the interview and then we stayed in touch. I would occasionally go to see him when he was in Las Vegas to perform (which was often.) In 1990, I started sending him tapes of the UFO stories and the multi-part series I was producing. In return, he would generously send me stacks of VHS tapes of his comedy specials and performances. Over the years, I also sent him a few books – UFO books and also books about strange and archaic words, which he liked. He would send autographed copies of books he had written. When he came to town, I’d go to see him and chat in his dressing room about UFO-related stories. He was deeply interested and it was clear he read a lot about the mystery, though he didn’t really want to be known publicly as a UFO guy, so I kept that to myself.”

Knapp’s final on-camera interview with Carlin came in 2004 and he spoke about his interest in what might await humans in the cosmos or in other dimensions.


2:36 minute video of George Carlin on Aliens coming to Earth (‘Gábor Hényel’ YouTube)

1:07 minute video of George Carlin on colonizing space (‘Gábor Hényel’ YouTube)



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Bigelow Offers One Million Dollars to Prove Life After Death Exists

Article by George Knapp                                     January 23, 2021                                         (

• Robert Bigelow, who is known for his funding of UFO research projects in his pursuit to determine whether other intelligent life exists in the universe, has launched a new project. The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) has announced a global essay contest seeking input from scientists, religious scholars, consciousness researchers and anyone else who can provide evidence of an afterlife. BICS will award $500,000 for the top essay, $300,000 for the second best and $150,000 for third place.

• “The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies, was formed to…conduct…and facilitate research into the possibility of the survival of human consciousness beyond bodily death,” Bigelow told Mystery Wire’s George Knapp. “[A]nd, if that is true, then to explore what is the other side all about.”

• In the mid-1990s, Bigelow created the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), a think tank and research program made up of eminent scientists, astronauts, academics, and intelligence officers that investigated UFO issues as well as the survival of consciousness. Bigelow said his interest in human consciousness and a possible afterlife was largely the result of personal losses, including the deaths of his father, son, grandson and wife. He was motivated to find out if his loved ones might still exist in some other reality.

• In 2008, a subsidiary of Bigelow Aerospace called the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), contracted with the US Defense Intelligence Agency to investigate UFOs as well as a wide range of related paranormal mysteries. The existence of the secret Pentagon study was made public in 2017.

• In the video below, Bigelow explains the origins of BICS and why he is prepared to support credible research into human consciousness. To enter the essay competition, interested parties must apply through the BICS website. A panel of judges will evaluate the expertise, qualifications and experience of applicants. Applications must be submitted by February 28th. The essays themselves, 25,000 words or less, are due by August 1st. The winners will be chosen by the end of the year and the prizes awarded thereafter.


Is there credible evidence to support the existence of an afterlife? A Las Vegas businessman says he will spend $1 million to find out.

Las Vegas space entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, known for his funding of UFO research projects, has launched a new project.

The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) has announced a global essay contest seeking input from scientists, religious scholars, consciousness researchers and anyone else who can provide evidence of an afterlife.

As an incentive, BICS will award $500,000 for the top essay, $300,000 for the second best and $150,000 for third place.

“The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies, was formed to try to conduct research and facilitate research into the possibility of the survival of human consciousness beyond bodily death, Bigelow told Mystery Wire in an exclusive interview, “and, if that is true, then to explore what is the other side all about?”

Bigelow, the founder and owner of Bigelow Aerospace as well as the hotel chain Budget Suites of America, has spent millions of dollars to pursue two enduring mysteries — whether there is other intelligent life in the universe and whether human consciousness continues after physical death.

In the mid-1990s, he created the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), a think tank and research program that investigated UFO issues as well as the survival of consciousness.

NIDS was guided by a Science Advisory Board made up of eminent scientists, astronauts, academics, and intelligence officers.


26:10 minute video: Robert Bigelow discussing his Consciousness contest (‘Mystery Wire’ YouTube)



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Virgin Orbit Rocket Reaches Earth Orbit in Commercial Space Race

Article by Christian Davenport                                      January 17, 2021                                     (

• On January 17th, Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit achieved the first successful trip into space of its ‘LauncherOne’ rocket (pictured above), a test flight over the Pacific Ocean that marks the introduction of a new method for low-cost satellite launches and the likely shake-up of the aerospace industry. “According to telemetry, LauncherOne has reached orbit!” the company tweeted at about 2:50 pm Eastern. “Everyone on the team who is not in mission control right now is going absolutely bonkers.”

• The flight marked a triumph for the British billionaire who now has two companies that have reached space successfully with two different vehicles. Said Branson, “This magnificent flight is the culmination of many years of hard work and will also unleash a whole new generation of innovators on the path to orbit.”

• The company hopes to be a disruptive force in the launch market by offering a small, 70-foot long, two-stage rocket suited to take advantage of a revolution in satellite technology that is shrinking their size and lowering their costs. LauncherOne would be able to hoist payloads of satellites ranging “from the size of a very big refrigerator to the size of a toaster oven,” said Will Pomerantz, Virgin Orbit’s vice president of special projects.

• Instead of launching vertically from a pad on the ground, the LauncherOne is tethered under the wing of a modified 747, which carries the rocket to an altitude of about 35,000 feet when the rocket is released, fires its engine, and heads into space. The “air launch” technique means the rocket is already above much of the Earth’s atmosphere and traveling just under Mach 1, or the speed of sound. Instead of requiring a lot of ground infrastructure, the company can be flexible, essentially taking off from any runway that can accommodate a 747.

• A test flight of the LauncherOne on Memorial Day in 2020 failed due to a technical malfunction. Dan Hart, Virgin Orbit’s president and CEO, said that the company had fixed the problem and has done “an enormous amount of testing since then”.

• Sunday’s mission carried ten satellites into orbit, in cooperation with a NASA program that allows universities and others to launch small satellites for Earth observation, weather prediction and other science and research projects. The company confirmed that all the satellites “successfully deployed into our target orbit.”

• Virgin Orbit is entering a crowded market of companies that want to capitalize on launching small satellites. Rocket Lab, a company that launches from New Zealand, has already sent several payloads into orbit for commercial and government customers. Rocket Lab plans to soon begin launches from Wallops Island on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. The companies are following in the footsteps of Elon Musk’s SpaceX, which upended the launch market by offering discount launch prices with its reusable Falcon 9 rocket.

• Virgin Orbit said it thinks the market for small satellites will grow. Ultimately, it hopes to expand its business to include commercial companies as well as satellites for the Space Force and US intelligence agencies that need to be able to respond rapidly to potential threats. After the launch, Space Force’s chief of space operations Gen. Jay Raymond Tweeted: “Congratulations to the Virgin Orbit Team!”

• Virgin Orbit is the sister company of Branson’s Virgin Galactic, a venture that vows to become the “world’s first commercial spaceline” by flying tourists to the edge of space and back. It has twice flown people on suborbital trips to the edge of space and is gearing up to fly paying passengers as soon as this year.


           Richard Branson

Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit flew a rocket into orbit on Sunday in a test flight that marks the introduction of a new method for low-cost

  Wallops Island on Virginia’s Eastern Shore

satellite launches and the likely shake-up of the aerospace industry.

The flight was the company’s first successful trip into space, launching a small rocket from the wing of a 747 airplane flying over the Pacific Ocean. And it marked a triumph for Branson, the starry-eyed British billionaire who now has two companies that have reached space successfully with two different vehicles.

In tweets, the company chronicled the flight of its LauncherOne rocket, celebrating each milestone, from engine ignition to second-stage separation. “According to telemetry, LauncherOne has reached orbit!” the company tweeted at about 2:50 p.m. Eastern. “Everyone on the team who is not in mission control right now is going absolutely bonkers.”

In a statement, Branson said, “this magnificent flight is the culmination of many years of hard work and will also unleash a whole new generation of innovators on the path to orbit.”

                       Will Pomerantz

The company hopes to be a disruptive force in the launch market by offering a small, 70-foot long, two-stage rocket suited to take advantage of a revolution in satellite technology that is shrinking their size and lowering their costs. LauncherOne would be able to hoist payloads of up to a few hundred pounds — satellites that would range “from the size of a very big refrigerator to the size of a toaster oven,” Will Pomerantz, Virgin Orbit’s vice president of special projects, said in a call with reporters before the test flight.

Instead of launching vertically from a pad on the ground, the company tethers LauncherOne under the wing of a modified 747,

                              Dan Hart

which carries the rocket to an altitude of about 35,000 feet. The rocket is then released, fires its engine and heads into space.

The “air launch” technique means the rocket is already above much of the atmosphere and traveling just under Mach 1, or the speed of sound, when it fires its engines. And instead of requiring a lot of ground infrastructure, the company can be flexible, essentially taking off from any runway that can accommodate a 747.

The company attempted its first launch on Memorial Day last year. The rocket dropped, but its engine cut off shortly after ignition. After an investigation, the company said there was a “breach in the high-pressure line” that carried liquid oxygen to the first-stage combustion chamber. Without the oxidizer, “that engine soon stopped providing thrust, ending our powered flight and ultimately the test itself.”



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NY Man Had His UFO Research Monitored by the CIA

Article by Lou Milano                                          January 15, 2021                                       (

• John Greenwald Jr. recently released a trove of CIA documents related to UFOs on his Black Vault website. Among these is the story of Leon Davidson. In the late 1950s, having earned a PhD from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science and being recruited into the Manhattan Project during WWII, Davidson was sought after in the new field of computer development. Davidson worked with IBM, Union Carbide, the Nuclear Development Corporation out of White Plains, NY, and was an engineering design supervisor at Los Alamos, New Mexico where he assisted in the development of cutting-edge atomic technology.

• Davidson became a volunteer for the Civil Defense Filter Center in White Plains, NY, tracking UFO activity in the New York Metro area. Davidson also began publishing at least seven pamphlets on ‘flying saucers’, some of which can still be found in the archival collection on Columbia University’s Library website. You can also find them for sale on Amazon. The Amazon book description says of Davidson’s findings: “Examines the last Project Blue Book Report by the U.S. Air Force (No. 14), showing how the government lied, in order to cover up not only their own experimental craft, but also the possible existence of extraterrestrials. For many years, this volume was almost impossible to obtain.” Needless to say, these pamphlets became very popular.

• In the late 1950s, Davidson began requesting information from an array of Government agencies about UFOs. For example, Davidson wrote to ask for information regarding a strange communication received by a public radio station which the Government claimed was Morse code. Davidson’s response from a Wallace W. Elwood, Captain USAF, was that it was not a ‘space message’, but Morse Code from a public radio station. But Davidson persisted, saying that he did not believe this was Morse Code due to the “characteristics of the sounds on the tape recording of the message”.

• Declassified CIA documents show that Davidson was becoming a nuisance to the agency. Nevertheless, Davidson had convinced a Congressional committee to allow him to publish and distribute his pamphlets. A CIA memo refers to Davidson seeking information for a “space magazine”, resulting in a string of internal agency memos as to how to ‘handle’ Davidson. “Dr. Leon Davidson is on our backs again. He wants a verbatim translation of the space message and the identification of the transmitter from which it came.” “Can you obtain from the attic the message translation… we’d like to dismiss this man once and for all. If you cannot obtain this information, Davidson is going to pressure us…”

• The 1957 CIA memos continued: “We are sending …a publication of Davidson’s criticizing the Air Force for concealment of information on flying saucers. Incidentally, Davidson is …no fool and it appears that the attic is treating him as one if they think he can be satisfied with a SOP such as Captain Elwood’s.” “Davidson was calm and pleasant but very determined. …[W]e wish to bow out of this thing, but urge that headquarters…and the attic…concern themselves with this man and try to satisfy him. Please do not…let us down on our agreement to communicate with him. We are committed.”

• The references to “the attic” in these CIA documents references a department, research lab or physical space where evidence is analyzed, maintained and or stored at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. It’s either an official code name or an unofficial nickname.

• The Pentagon will intentionally make this new information dump overwhelming and confusing the way the CIA did in their response to Davidson’s requests during the 1950s and 60s. Davidson died in 2007 at the age of 84 in White Plains, NY. With all he accomplished and the truths he tried to share, his story and work only exist in the margins because the government didn’t want any of it getting out. Whatever this mysterious Morse Code communication was, we know that the CIA thought it was important enough to keep away from Leon Davidson. If enough people become convinced the United States government is hiding something on the UFO topic, we can all work together to force their hand.


         Davidson’s pamphlet

Leon Davidson was a native of New York City who was born in 1922. Davidson was a highly educated man who earned a PhD from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. As a student at Columbia, he was recruited into the Manhattan Project.

In the late 1950’s, Davidson became a sought after talent in the new field of computer development. Davidson got contracts with the Nuclear Development Corporation out of White Plains, NY and worked with IBM and Union Carbide.

In addition, Davidson became a engineering design supervisor at Los Alamos, New Mexico where assisted in the development of the most cutting-edge atomic technology of the day.

Right around the same time (late 50’s), Davidson became a volunteer for the Civil Defense Filter Center in White Plains, NY. The center studied and tracked UFO activity in the New York Metro area.

It’s also around this time period that Davidson became a nuisance to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). CIA documents from that era that were once considered classified, have been made available to the public.

Davidson’s pamphlet

John Greenwald Jr. is an author and podcast host (The Black Vault). According to the NY Post, Greenwald has been taking advantage of the Freedom of Information Act for years. He has sent countless Freedom of Information Requests to the U.S. Government seeking information related to UFO activity in the states.

Greenwald recently shared thousands of CIA documents that the agency released to him. Some of these documents are internal agency communications about Leon Davidson’s UFO research.

Like Greenwald, Davidson was requesting information from an array of Government agencies about UFOs. Davidson got the agencies attention and there are documents in which unnamed agency members communicate with one another on how to handle Davidson if he should reach out.

Davidson was writing an article for a publication the CIA referred to as a “space magazine” and was seeking information about a communication the Government claimed was morse code. In a document (Ref #-C00015243) from 1957, an agency member whose name was redacted wrote the following: “Dr. Leon Davidson is on our backs again. He wants a verbatim translation of the space message and the identification of the transmitter from which it came. Your attention is called to a letter to Davidson from Wallace W. Elwood x Wallace W. Elwood, Captain USAF x USAF, Attic x Attic, dates 5 x 5 August 1957 x 1957, in which Elwood tells Davidson the message was identifiable as morse code and from a known US x US licensed radio station.



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Military Witness videotapes a Flying Saucer

My long time contact JP has sent me a compelling video of an antigravity craft he personally witnessed and recorded on the night of February 6, 2021. The video shows a flying saucer shaped craft flying over North Carolina. JP is currently serving with a branch of the US military, and wishes to maintain his anonymity for personal and professional reasons.

I have known JP since 2008 when he first contacted me about an extraterrestrial encounter he had in Brazil. He has over the subsequent years supplied me many photographs and videos of different shaped antigravity craft and encounters with their occupants. These include both extraterrestrial entities and military personnel, including Air Force Special Operations.

I have written multiple articles about his previous encounters along with supporting photos and videos here.

The flying saucer craft he videotaped on Feb 6 is very similar to one that he witnessed on May 24, 2018, which landed near his home in Orlando, Florida. The Nordic looking extraterrestrial occupant offered JP a ride which he declined. He wore an Air Force uniform and said his group was working with the USAF. JP took a photo of the departing flying saucer which I wrote about here.

JP believes that the same Nordic group wanted to let him know that they are ready to make contact again, and are aware of his current position with the US military. His Feb 6 video can be viewed on Rumble or in the following YouTube video.

All photos and videos sent to me by JP are originals and have not be altered in any way. Enhancements are provided in addition to the original to provide clarity on what is being witnessed. The photos and videos are empirical evidence of other worldly contact and of secret space programs operating on Earth using antigravity technologies.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading

Ancient ‘Super-Earth’ Offers Clue That Life in Our Galaxy Could be Older Than We Thought

Article by Morgan McFall-Johnsen                                              January 13, 2021                                               (

• On January 11th, astronomers at the University of Hawaii informed fellow scientist at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society that they have found a ‘rocky’ planet 280 light-years away, orbiting a star located within the Milky Way galaxy’s ‘thick disk’ that holds most of the Milky Way’s material. Stars in this thick disk region are about 10 billion years old, and researchers think that this planet is just as ancient.

• The planet, called TOI-561 b, is a “super-Earth” – about 50% larger than Earth and three times its mass. But it orbits so close to its star that has a surface temperature over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This would turn the top layer of rock into molten magma, drastically reducing the chance that it could host life forms.

• “TOI-561 b is the first planet with a confirmed rocky composition around such an old star, demonstrating that rocky planets have been forming for most of the history of the universe,” said Lauren Weiss, lead researcher in the discovery.

• While this super-Earth is far older than expected for a rocky planet, its existence suggests that other stars could have ancient Earth-like worlds with temperatures more suitable for life. Having existed for twice as long as Earth, such planets would have had plenty of time to support complex life and even intelligent civilizations.

• The finding was published in The Astronomical Journal.


A rocky, molten planet orbiting one of the galaxy’s oldest stars could be scientists’ best evidence yet that alien life may have

                 Lauren Weiss

arisen in the distant past.

The planet, called TOI-561 b, is a “super-Earth” 280 light-years away. It’s about 50% larger than our planet and three times its mass, but it’s unlikely to host life. It orbits so close to its star that the researchers who discovered it calculated that its surface temperature is more than 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, turning the top layer of rock into molten magma.

But this super-Earth is far older than scientists previously expected for rocky planets, suggesting that other stars could have ancient Earth-like worlds with temperatures more suitable for life. Such planets may have existed for twice as long as Earth, giving them plenty of time to support complex life and even intelligent civilizations.

The star that TOI-561 b orbits lies in the galaxy’s “thick disk,” the outer region above and below the flat plane that holds most of the Milky Way’s material. Stars in the thick disk are about 10 billion years old, and researchers think that this planet is just as ancient.



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Video of Glowing Object Streaking Behind Outer Banks Lighthouse

Article by Mark Price                                           January 13, 2021                                            (

• On January 7th, at 10:20 pm, North Carolina photographer, Wes Snyder, was spending the night at the Cape Hatteras lighthouse on the Outer Banks shooting time-lapse photos for a video he is producing. Reviewing his footage, Snyder noticed an object streaking across the sky behind the lighthouse. (see 3:08 minute video below)

• “It’s much larger than your typical plane appears,’ says Snyder, “and it’s moving way faster than clouds.” Snyder thinks that the best explanation is that it is space junk or a satellite burning up in the atmosphere. It looks a lot like a meteor, but Snyder says that’s only because he sped the video up.“ The object was visible for just under 3 minutes total so I doubt it’s a meteor, (or) shooting star as those typically only last a few seconds.” Snyder notes that the object also appears to have corners in some of the time lapse photos.

• Some Facebook commenters said that it was “clearly extraterrestrial”, while others suggest something more ghostly, tied to the thousands of mariners who died in Outer Banks shipwrecks, known as the ‘Graveyard of the Atlantic’.

• North Carolina’s coast is well known for reported UFO sightings. Large segments of the Outer Banks are undeveloped and the lack of light pollution allows for extended viewing of the night sky. Add to that the ocean reflecting light and you have a perfect mix for strange sightings.

• Experts believe some of the suspected UFOs that have been reported off the coast are actually military exercises employing a mix of aircraft and flares, or a US Coast Guard helicopter, or lights on a fishing trawler.

• “I’m happy to see the response, as it validates that I’m not crazy and that I captured something unique,” Snyder said. “I’ve seen tons of planes, meteors, shooting stars, satellites in my time lapses before and this just didn’t act like anything I’ve ever seen before. …[I]t’s been fascinating to see all the various guesses and responses. I always love when I capture something I can’t explain.”

[Editor’s Note]  This sighting brings to mind, a famous video taken by a tourist to the Outer Banks in October 2019 while traveling on a ferry across the Pamlico Sound. (see 3:16 minute video below). William Guy believed that he spotted a “fleet” of fourteen luminous objects in a cluster in the western sky as the sun was setting. In the video, Guy remarks, “We’re in the middle of the ocean, on a ferry.”

In my ‘Editor’s Note Update’ added to the October 2019 ExoArticle (see here) I noted that Guy’s video is pointed toward the sunset – or west. When he pans slightly to the left to see the UFO flotilla. Well, that wouldn’t be pointing east toward the Atlantic Ocean. That would be pointing southwest. This makes sense because in the YouTube video’s description, Guy says that the ferry is crossing the “Pimlico Sound lagoon”. As a native of the Outer Banks area (Virginia Beach) I remarked: “It’s the “Pamlico Sound” and it’s no lagoon. It is a huge body of water – so wide that you cannot see across it. So it looks a lot like the ocean. But it’s the sound. And they were crossing it from Ocracoke to Swan Quarters North Carolina… Therefore, these lights would be situated over the Croatan National Forest. Beyond this forest is the city of Jacksonville, NC and Marine Corps’ Camp Lejeune.” So this UFO flotilla could very well be a Marine Corp aerial exercise.


                 Wes Snyder

A lively debate has erupted on social media over a video that appears to show an unidentified flying object last week over North Carolina’s Outer Banks.

It looks a lot like a meteor, but photographer Wes Snyder says that’s only because he sped the video up.

“The object was visible for just under 3 minutes total so I doubt it’s a meteor, (or) shooting star as those typically only last a few seconds,” Snyder posted on YouTube.

The object also appears to have corners in some of the time lapse photos.

Snyder, who is well known in the Carolinas for coastal photography, shared the video on Facebook and YouTube in hopes of getting sensible explanations. The result has been 300-plus comments, 600 shares and 1,500 reactions. The video was recorded around 10:30 p.m. on Jan. 7, he says.

“I spent a night at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse shooting time lapse photos in order to create an upcoming video. While I was looking through my footage I realized there was something in the video that I could not explain,” he wrote on Facebook. “It’s much larger than your typical plane appears, and it’s moving way faster than clouds.”

3:08 minute video of UFO streaking over the Outer Banks of NC (Wes Snyder Photography)

3:16 minute video of ‘fleet’ of UFOs over North Carolina coast (‘Only Real UFOs’ YouTube)



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Strange Radio Signal Discovered Coming From Jupiter’s Moon

Article by Chris Ciaccia                                         January 12, 2021                                        (

• In 2018, NASA researchers monitoring the Galileo Probe spacecraft observed extraordinary electromagnetic waves, or “chorus waves,” on Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede. NASA recently published in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters that NASA’s Jupiter space probe ‘Juno’ (pictured above) detected a “decametric radio emission” as it traveled over Jupiter’s polar region at a speed of 111,847 mph. The radio emission lasted for only five seconds, but it was enough time to confirm the source.

• “It’s not ET,” says NASA’s Patrick Wiggins. “It’s more of a natural function.” Electrons spiraling in Jupiter’s magnetic field are thought to be the cause of the radio noise. Scientists have known about radio waves on Jupiter since the mid-1950s, but this is the first time the phenomenon has ever been seen emanating from Ganymede.

• The Juno spacecraft launched in 2011and was scheduled to stop functioning in July 2021. But NASA recently extended the duration of the Juno mission around Jupiter to September 2025, if it survives that long. During its mission, Juno has made a number of discoveries and captured remarkable images of the planet and its moons. Juno will continue to observe the gas giant and its rings, and is planned to make close flybys of moons Ganymede, Europa and Io.

• Ganymede, the largest of Jupiter’s moons, has long fascinated astronomers. In 2015, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope spotted evidence that Ganymede has an underground ocean. Jupiter’s moon Europa is the sixth-largest moon in the solar system and home to an ocean that “could be habitable,” say researchers.


                    Galileo Probe

NASA recently extended the life of two of its planetary discovery missions, including the Juno mission to Jupiter. Now it’s come to light Juno has discovered an FM signal emanating from one of the gas giant’s moons, Ganymede.

                      Patrick Wiggins

The discovery is not an indication of extraterrestrial life, but it is fascinating nonetheless, given it’s the first time it’s been discovered coming from the celestial satellite.
“It’s not E.T.,” Patrick Wiggins, one of NASA’s ambassadors to Utah, said in comments obtained by Fox 8 Cleveland. “It’s more of a natural function.”

The spacecraft, which launched in 2011, happened to be traveling across Jupiter’s polar region at a speed of 111,847 mph when it crossed the radio source, known as a “decametric radio emission,” or simply Wi-Fi. It saw the radio emission for only five seconds, but it was enough time to confirm the source.


According to NASA, the decametric radio waves have frequencies between 10 and 40 MHz, but never above 40 MHz. “Electrons spiraling in Jupiter’s magnetic field are thought to be the cause of the radio noise we hear,” the space agency added.

Scientists have known about radio waves on Jupiter since the mid-1950s, but this is the first time the phenomenon has ever been


seen emanating from Ganymede.
The findings were recently published in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters.

While notable, this is not the first time scientists have discovered strange occurrences on Ganymede. In 2018, researchers observed “extraordinary” electromagnetic waves, also known as “chorus waves,” thanks to the Galileo Probe spacecraft.

Jupiter’s moon Ganymede has long fascinated astronomers—as it is the largest of the planet’s moons. In 2015, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope spotted evidence that Ganymede has an underground ocean.



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New Discovery+ Series Unveils Unseen Project Blue Book UFO Files

Article by Patrick Cavanaugh                                     January 11, 2021                                      (

Project Blue Book is one of the most well-known investigative efforts into UFOs and extraterrestrial life, conducted by the US Air Force in the ’50s and ’60s before shutting down in 1970. While some of the research conducted within Project Blue Book has been released, there is still valuable information that the general public has never seen. On January 14th, the online streaming service, discovery+, debuted the series UFO Witness to explore all manner of intergalactic phenomenon, from UFO sightings to possible contact with humans. Among the topics in the UFO Witness series is a fresh look at Project Blue Book.

• Jennie Zeidman was the last surviving member of the Project Blue Book investigative team. Before her death in April 2020, Zeidman spoke publicly for the first time about her decades of research for UFO Witness. She believed we’ve been visited by UFOs and that the Earth is under extraterrestrial surveillance. Zeidman gave discovery+ exclusive access to her Project Blue Book files, including the personal files of chief scientific consultant, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, to help continue Hynek’s investigations.

• In UFO Witness, former federal agent and paranormal investigator Ben Hansen reopens case files of some of the most astounding UFO encounters in history, which have been hidden from the public for decades. With unprecedented access to more than 10,000 of Dr. Hynek’s case files, Hansen believes the answers to UFOs in America are hidden in the cases of the past. Aiding Hansen on his quest is UFO investigator Mark O’Connell – Dr. Hynek biographer and member of J. Allen Hynek’s Center for UFO Studies. Together, Hansen and O’Connell will attempt uncover the secrets of the past to shed new light on today’s newest UFO encounters.


                    Jennie Zeidman

Project Blue Book is one of the most well-known investigative efforts into UFOs and extraterrestrial life,

                        J. Allen Hynek

with the study being conducted by the United States Air Force in the ’50s and ’60s before shutting down in 1970. While some of the research conducted within Project Blue Book has been released, there is still valuable information that the general public has never seen, with the upcoming discovery+ series UFO Witness to debut all-new information about the phenomenon. The upcoming discovery+ series will explore all manner of intergalactic phenomenon, from UFO sightings to possible contact with humans. The first three episodes of UFO Witness debut on discovery+ on January 14th.

          Ben Hansen

Per press release, “We are definitely not alone! For more than 70 years, the U.S. government has been documenting

sightings and cases of unidentified flying objects. In cooperation with former Project Blue Book investigator Jennie Zeidman, former federal agent and paranormal investigator Ben Hansen reopens case files of some of the most astounding UFO encounters in history, files that have been hidden from the public for decades. In the new series, UFO Witness, launching Thursday, January 14th exclusively on discovery+, these findings are finally seeing the light of day.

“Zeidman was the last surviving member of the Air Force’s top-secret UFO investigation called Project Blue Book, which

                      Mark O’Connell

looked into sightings from 1952 through 1970. She has broken her silence, speaking publicly for the first time about her decades of research – motivated to share her expertise because she believes we’ve been visited by UFOs before – and fears Earth is under extraterrestrial surveillance. Sadly, Zeidman passed away in April 2020, but she has given discovery+ exclusive access to the files from the chief scientific consultant of Project Blue Book, Dr. Allen J. Hynek, to help continue his investigations.

“With unprecedented access to more than 10,000 of Dr. Hynek’s case files, Hansen believes the answers to UFOs in America are hidden in the cases of the past. Also aiding Hansen on his quest is Mark O’Connell – an accomplished UFO investigator, Dr. Hynek biographer and member of J. Allen Hynek’s Center for UFO Studies. Together, they will uncover the secrets of the past to shed new light on today’s freshest UFO encounters.”



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UK Proposes the Creation of a Space Command

Article by Nicholas Puschman                                         January 5, 2021                                            (

• Since the 1967 Outer Space Treaty established the international legal framework for space activities, space has become recognized as a potential domain of warfare. Satellites are increasingly viewed as essential components of critical communications for military and defense purposes, and space-faring countries have made clear the importance of space and space technology to their current and future defense posture.

• In 2019, space was recognized by NATO as the latest operational domain (along with air, land, sea and cyberspace). In October 2020, NATO announced that it would establish a center for space operations at Ramstein airbase in Germany to increase deterrence and defense. While many countries have had space-related functions within existing military branches, both the US and France have recently established new military branches devoted to the strategic and military importance of space. In 2019, the U.S. established Space Force and France formed a new Space Command (Commandement de l’Espace), which supersedes the previous French military service dealing with space.

• In recent years, the UK government has been considering how to develop its capabilities in using space technology and ensuring that space is part of its national defense strategy. In 2019, the UK Ministry of Defence announced several new military space initiatives and published plans for a Defence Space Strategy, noting that “satellites and space-based services are vital to modern life” and that “there would be severe consequences from any disruption, whether by natural or man-made hazards, or intentional threats from hostile states”.

• On November 18, 2020, the UK announced its proposal to establish a new military command dedicated to space. (see previous ExoArticle here) The proposal of a new Royal Air Force (RAF) space command was part of an announcement by the UK Government of the largest defense budget since the Cold War of £16.5 billion over the next four years. The full details of how this new UK space command will be composed, and what it will do, remain to be seen.

• The potential opportunities of a new UK military space command will likely be of interest to industry players, and in particular those involved in the UK spaceport market in relation to commercial spaceflight and spaceports, such as those being established in Scotland. In announcing the new defense budget, Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that “we will establish…a new RAF space command, launching British satellites and our first rocket from Scotland in 2022.”


Space has long been recognised as a potential domain of warfare – indeed, it was one of the major motivating factors in establishing the international legal framework for space activities in the form of the Outer Space Treaty 1967. Space continues to be viewed as an area of strategic importance for military capability, and satellites are increasingly viewed as essential components of critical communications for military and defence purposes. In recent years, many space-faring countries and international organisations have made clear the importance of space and space technology to their current and future defence.

At an international level, in 2019, space was recognised by NATO as the latest operational domain (along with air, land, sea and cyberspace) and adopted a new space policy. In October, NATO announced that it would establish a centre for space operations at Ramstein airbase in Germany to increase deterrence and defence.

At a national level, while many countries have long had space-related functions within existing military branches, countries such as the US and France, as two examples, have recently established new military branches to clearly demonstrate the strategic and military importance of space. In 2019, the US established an independent military branch dedicated to space defence, named the US Space Force. In the same year, France formed a new Space Command (Commandement de l’Espace), which supersedes the previous French military service dealing with space.

       UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson

The UK announces the establishment of a new military command dedicated to space

On 18 November 2020, the UK announced its proposal to establish a new military command dedicated to space, similar to the recent moves taken by allied countries such as France and the US. The proposal of a new Royal Air Force (RAF) space command was part of an announcement by the UK Government of the largest defence budget since the Cold War of £16.5 billion over the next four years.

This announcement is in the continuity of the UK’s national defence strategy

While a new military branch is new, the UK Government has in recent years been considering how to develop its capabilities in using space technology and ensuring that space is part of its national defence strategy. In 2019, the UK Ministry of Defence announced several new military space initiatives and published plans for a Defence Space Strategy, noting that “satellites and space-based services are vital to modern life” and that “there would be severe consequences from any disruption, whether by natural or man-made hazards, or intentional threats from hostile states”.



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Ohio Man Shares UFO Experience – Part II

Article by Stacy Turner                                        January 7, 2021                                            (

• In this second part of a two-part article, we continue sharing the story of ‘Joe from Ohio’, who in 2017, was on his way home from his job in Garrettsville when he noticed strange blinking lights over a field from what he determined were three craft, and took some photos from his flip phone. A year later, driving through the same area Joe noticed lights in a wooded area, and thought he saw some figures as if they were looking for something. When he tried taking some photos on his flip phone, the cab inside his truck became illuminated with light. The charm hanging from his rear view mirror was inexplicably moving, but for some reason, Joe was not afraid. Before long, he had forgotten about the incident and the pictures on his flip phone, until a year ago when he was deleting photos and transferred the photos of these incidents to his computer. (see Part 1 of Joe’s story in this previous ExoArticle)

• Once the photos had been transferred to his computer, it provided a much larger view of the photos. Joe and his wife then noticed a figured shifting in the background between photos which Joe had taken while shielding his eyes from the light inside his truck. In the first shot, they noticed a shape that filled in a small portion at the top of the rear view mirror (featured photo above). Each frame showed the unidentified shapes’ reflection taking up a larger portion of the mirror. That looming shape appeared to be a face that came into more clarity as the image series progressed. The enlarged images also depicted what looked like a cylindrical shape entering the left side of the photo frame. In successive frames the figure changes shape, filling more of the mirror that reflected the event unfolding behind the cab of Joe’s truck.

• Joe’s wife admitted to being “creeped out” by the images, which appear to depict at least two figures approaching Joe’s vehicle amidst an unnaturally bright light source. While Joe remembered taking the initial photos that depicted bright lights above the field (see below), he noted that he wasn’t afraid. “I didn’t feel it/they wanted to hurt me.” But he had trouble remembering some of the other photos he found on his camera roll.

• Looking closer at the dates the photos were taken, Joe realized that several unexplained photos on his phone that he assumed were taken on the same date had actually taken place over multiple days. “In my mind, it all happened then and there,” he says. But a look at the time stamps shows that these experiences happened a number of different times. Since then, Joe’s had “weird dreams” along with an urge to get up and write them down, although the resulting mix of odd letters and numbers doesn’t make sense to him. Joe admits that every so often, he sits at his desk and studies the photos to try and jog his memory. But he hasn’t come any closer to explaining it, and “had to back away from it for a while.” “If I keep dwelling on it, it encompasses me.”

• The couple has also noticed strange lights near their home, which leads them to believe the visitors have some sort of connection to Joe. These experiences seem to occur when Joe takes out his photos to try and gain some clarity. He likens the visits to an experience with a stray dog. He explains, “When you first see it, you might be scared. But as you see it more often, you may feed it and you get used to each other, and then it’s not so scary.” His wife quickly added, “I don’t see it that way.”

• On at least two occasions, Joe and his wife have awoken to discover their home alarm system had been unarmed. They experienced what they considered a ‘break-in’, where someone had opened a ground floor window. They found small prints and a ‘mud-like” substance on the exterior of the house and on the windowpane, though the sticky substance didn’t match the type of soil around their home. Joe noted that the ‘visitor’ appeared to have moved items on the table below the window, presumably to make space to climb in the house. But nothing was taken, even though money was sitting on his desk in plain sight. The window was left open, with the blinds blowing, alerting him that someone had been there that evening.

• Joe wonders how many people have seen or experienced what he has, and hopes that they too will come forward to share what they’ve seen, and maybe help solve this mystery.


   Joe’s photo of ‘lights’ seen across a field

You’ll recall from the first part of Joe’s story, which appeared in the December 25th issue, where he shared what he experienced one night on Shanks Downes Road on his way home from work. You’ll remember that Joe set the phone aside, and didn’t think about them again until he sat down to remove old contacts and download photos to his computer. When he and his wife downloaded the photos, they made a startling discovery. Once they saw the series of photos enlarged on the computer screen, they noticed details that had escaped their notice on the tiny flip phone screen.

In the rear view mirror, in addition to the bright light that appeared to be coming from above the truck’s cab and the movement of a charm hanging from the rear-view mirror, the two noticed movement behind the cab where Joe sat. In the first shot, they noticed a shape that filled in a small portion at the top of the mirror. As Joe continued pressing the shutter with one hand while shielding his eyes from the intense light with his other, each frame showed the unidentified shapes reflection taking up a larger portion of the mirror. That looming shape appeared, to the couple, to be a face that came into more clarity as the image series progressed. In addition to what appeared in the center of the mirror, the enlarged images also depict what looked to the couple like a cylindrical, tube-shape entering the left side of the photo frame. In successive frames, the figure changes shape, filling more of the mirror that reflected the event unfolding behind the cab of Joe’s truck.

As we spoke, Joe’s wife visibly shuddered and admitted to being “creeped out” by the images, which appear to depict at least two figures approaching Joe’s vehicle amidst an unnaturally bright light source. While Joe remembered taking the initial photos that depicted bright lights above the field, he noted that he wasn’t afraid. “I didn’t feel it/they wanted to hurt me.” But he had trouble remembering some of the other photos he found on his camera roll.



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