15% of Brits Think Aliens Will Dominate the Earth by 2040

Article by Cameron Frew                                       March 23, 2021                                            (unilad.co.uk)

• Kicking off ‘UFO Week’, BLAZE pay television did a survey of 2,000 UK adults on matters concerning extraterrestrials and UFOs. According to the results, 15% of the Brits think the Earth may be ruled by a species from another world by 2040.

• Former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope called it ‘the single-most astounding figure’ in the study. Said Pope, “This is not just the latest probe on Mars finding microbial life, this is full on alien invasion – that’s big.”

• Philip Mantle, director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, said that contrary to sci fi movies and pop culture, he couldn’t find any information which would supporting an impending alien invasion. Mantle mused philosophically as to why another species would travel all that way to dominate our lowly planet. Or perhaps life on Earth evolved from ancient bacteria brought here from Mars via a meteorite, and the we humans are in fact the aliens from Mars dominating this planet.

• As such, Mantle believes that we would be better served looking at potential meteorite impacts on earth, such as the Tunguska meteor of 1908 in Siberia more than studying NASA’s database of Mars images. “It’s not if we’ll get struck again, it’s when,” says Mantle. “[I]t may be a long time coming, but that’s the kind of thing we should be looking for.”


                       Philip Mantle

Earth will be invaded and dominated by aliens in the next 20 years, according to 15%

                           Nick Pope

of Brits.

Ahead of UFO Week kicking off today on BLAZE, the channel carried surveyed 2,000 UK adults on matters concerning extraterrestrials and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

There’s no evidence to suggest the White House will be blown up by aliens anytime soon, nor will we be visited by the shells like those in Arrival. However, come 2040, a large portion of Brits believe we may be ruled by a species from another world.

According to the results, 15% think aliens will dominate the Earth over the next 20 years. Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator called it ‘the single-most astounding figure’ in the study.

He told UNILAD: ‘This is not just the latest probe on Mars finding microbial life, this is full on alien invasion – that’s big.’

While accepting the rising interest in UFOs and the surrounding theories could be indebted to pop culture, Pope urged: ‘Let’s get beyond the idea that this is just sci-fi, let’s realise and acknowledge [UAP] for the serious defence issue that it is.’

This was echoed by Philip Mantle, director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, who said: ‘It does reflect the interest in this thing in popular culture,’ with countless action sci-fi movies, whether it’s Alien, Life, Predator, Cloverfield, Edge of Tomorrow or even the Marvel Cinematic Universe and beyond. ‘There’s not very many nice ones like E.T. and things like that,’ he said.



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US Navy Destroyers Swarmed by Mysterious ‘Drones’ Off California in 2019

Article by Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti                                March 23, 2021                                         (thedrive.com)

• On July 14, 2019, a group of US Navy ships were conducting exercises about 100 miles off Los Angeles, near San Clemente island, and south of the Channel Islands off of Ventura/Santa Barbara. Around 10:00 pm, the US Navy destroyer, the USS Kidd logged the sighting of two “UAVs” or ‘unmanned aerial vehicles’, more commonly referred to as a ‘drones’. In addition to utilizing some of the most sophisticated sensors on Earth, a “SNOOPIE team” – or ‘Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation’ team, ie: a group of sailors with consumer-grade cameras – was deployed to track and record the UAV drones.

• Ten minutes after the initial sighting, the USS Kidd advised the USS Rafael Peralta of the situation, and the second destroyer activated its own SNOOPIE team. Reports of additional sightings were coming in from a third destroyer, the USS John Finn. The USS Rafael Peralta described a ‘white light’ hovering over the destroyer’s helicopter landing pad, matching the ship’s speed at 16 knots (about 18 mph) as it operated in low visibility weather conditions and at night. This continued for over 90 minutes—significantly longer than what commercially available drones can sustain.

• As this was going on, the civilian bulk carrier Bass Strait was situated towards the northern edge of the encounter area. A Liberian-flagged oil tanker, the Sigma Triumph, was just south of the position of the three destroyers. And the 50-foot catamaran, the ORV Alguita, was just off the western tip of San Clemente Island.

• On the following night, July 15th, 2019, the USS Rafael Peralta spotted the drones again at 8:39 pm. By 9:00 pm, the USS Kidd also spotted the drones. This time, the ships were located further south and closer to shore, between San Diego and San Clemente Island. The drones seem to pursue the ships as they maneuvered. By 9:20 pm, the USS Kidd log reads: “Multiple UAVs around ship”.

• At 9:37 pm, the command was issued to man Mark 87 stations – the Mk20 Electro-Optical Sighting System (EOSS) located above the bridge, which provides surveillance and tracking over long distances. At about the same time, logs from the Navy destroyer USS Russell describe the drones dropping in elevation, and apparently moving forward and backward, left and right.

• Meanwhile, the USS Rafael Peralta received a radio call from a passing cruise ship, the Carnival Imagination, notifying the Navy that the drones were not theirs, but they could see as many as five or six drones maneuvering nearby. The incident continued into the night, with the USS Rafael Peralta recording two drones, and then four drones near their own ship. This continued for nearly three hours, but none of the warships were able to identify the drones.

• A formal investigation appears to have been launched on July 17th. By the morning of July 18th, a Navy liaison to the Coast Guard and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) assigned to 3rd Fleet got involved. Their findings would go directly to the commander of the Pacific Fleet and to the Chief of Naval Operations. The initial focus of their investigation was the 50-foot catamaran, the ORV Alguita. While the ORV Alguita did have drones onboard, they were small quadcopter drones with a maximum flight time of 28 minutes and incapable of operating more than a few feet from the ship. Also, they were not operating at the time of the incident. Navy investigators conceded that they needed to keep looking.

• Next, Navy intelligence and the director of the Maritime Intelligence Operations Center sought to rule out the possibility that the drones were operated by the Navy itself. A representative from the Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility based in San Diego clarified that UAV drones were only operated by the Navy in certain limited areas. By the afternoon of July 23rd, the investigators were still grappling with the intent behind the incidents.

• Remarkably, the USS Kidd detected the drones again in the early hours of July 25th and July 30th. Further information continues to emerge from The Drive’s FOIA requests, but based on the available evidence it appears that the initial investigation did not ultimately identify the source of the drones. It remains uncertain if other ships also continued to have drone encounters in July.

• It is unclear why anyone would operate drones near Navy warships in such a brazen manner. Commercially available drones are not usually capable of flying for such long durations across great distances at relatively high speeds. It is estimated that the drones traversed at least 100 nautical miles during the July 14th incident. The drones were able to locate and catch a destroyer traveling at 16 knots in conditions with less than one nautical mile of visibility. Equally baffling, their operators appear to have coordinated at least five to six drones simultaneously.

• Is it possible that the drones were operated from the Navy’s nearby training area on San Clemente Island in an errant test of some kind? No UAV activity was scheduled during July 14th. If there were classified drone exercises, why would the incursions continue after an investigation that reached the highest level of the Navy hierarchy? This is the same area where the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO (and the ‘fleet’ of them according to a Navy pilot’s remark) was seen in 2004.

• If the drones were not operated by the American military, these incidents represent a highly significant security breach. If they were part of some kind of covert action, it is nonetheless unclear why they were flown so openly and so frequently in almost a harassing manner. More troubling still, if a foreign state actor was involved, where exactly were the drones launched from? And was there ever a hard description of these craft beyond ‘lights in the sky’?


                   USS Rafael Peralta

In July of 2019, a truly bizarre series of events unfolded around California’s Channel Islands. Over a number of days, groups of unidentified aircraft, which the U.S. Navy simply refers to as ‘drones’ or ‘UAVs,’ pursued that service’s vessels, prompting a high-level investigation.

During the evening encounters, as many as six aircraft were reported swarming around the ships at once. The drones were described as flying for prolonged periods in low-visibility conditions, and performing brazen maneuvers over the Navy warships near a sensitive military

       50-foot catamaran ORV Alguita

training range less than 100 miles off Los Angeles. The ensuing investigation included elements of the Navy, Coast Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The incidents received major attention, including from the Chief of Naval Operations—the apex of the Navy’s chain of command.

                        USS John Finn

The following is our own investigation into these events, during which we discovered these events were far more extensive in scale than previously understood.

A Strange Story Emerges

                            USS Kidd

Last year, documentary filmmaker Dave Beaty uncovered initial details about the events, centering on the Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Kidd (DDG-100). That initial account described a tense encounter, culminating in the deployment of onboard intelligence teams.

                   Carnival Imagination

New documents significantly expand the public’s knowledge of the scope and severity of that incident and reveal others that occurred around the same time. These details come largely from our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which resulted in the disclosure of deck logs from the ships involved. Additionally, our investigation utilized hundreds of gigabytes of automatic identification system (AIS) ship location data to forensically reconstruct the position of both military and civilian ships in the area during this strange series of events.

By using the USS Kidd’s position as a starting point, we were able to identify several other ships in close proximity to it during the incidents in question, including U.S. Navy destroyers USS Rafael Peralta, USS Russell, USS John Finn, and the USS Paul Hamilton. Subsequent FOIA requests for these ships’ records allowed us to build a composite picture of the events as a whole.



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Luxembourg Petitions Parliment to Disclose UFOs

Article by Emery P. Dalesio                                      March 21, 2021                                        (luxtimes.lu)

• Under the laws of Luxembourg, if a petition approved for circulation collects more than 4,500 signatures, then the parliament must debate the petition’s proposal with the minister in charge, although it is not required to take further action.

• On March 19th, fifteen petitions were approved for circulation. One of them calls on government agencies to disclose any information they have on UFOs. Some believe that Luxembourg government X-Files may contain evidence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs.

• “Although the (UFO/ET) subject is still often ridiculed or treated with contempt and derision by those who defend it, there have been an increasing number of serious attempts in recent years to persuade governments of various countries to publish the information collected on this subject”, petition supporters said.

• The request for transparency about alien visitations in Luxembourg comes as the US government has begun releasing some of its presumed trove of reports about UFOs. In January, the CIA released what it says are all its 2,700 pages of UFO files. In December, the US Congress ordered national intelligence and defense chiefs to release a report on UFOs by the middle of this year.

• Other Luxembourg petitions include: a bronze statue of Napoleon Bonaparte; a prohibition on landlords to pass marketing costs on to tenants; security guards positioned in front of schools and day care centers; basic income for all adults; a ban against special advantages for COVID vaccinated people; and a tax break for cryptocurrency mining companies.


The truth is out there: files Luxembourg’s government holds may describe sightings of unexplained aircraft that some believe contain evidence life on other worlds exists.

It is a pressing question, at least for the people who submitted a public petition calling on government agencies to disclose any information they have on unidentified flying objects.

“Although the subject is still often ridiculed or treated with contempt and derision by those who defend it, there have been an increasing number of serious attempts in recent years to persuade governments of various countries to publish the information collected on this subject”, petition supporters said.

The proposal was one of 15 petitions that were approved for circulation on Friday. If any of these often colourful petitions collect more than 4,500 signatures, parliament will need to debate the proposal with the minister in charge – although it is not required to take further action.

Another petition calls for a bronze statue of Napoleon Bonaparte to be installed in the geographic centre of Luxembourg in recognition of his persisting influence on the legal system, schools, commerce and church-state relations during his occupation of the country after the French revolution.

On a more practical note, one petition would prevent landlords from charging tenants for the cost of real estate agents marketing their property. The charges, which usually amount to the value of one month’s rent, should be borne by the landlord who hired the agency, the petition said.

The request for Luxembourg to become fully transparent about possible alien visitations comes as the US government has begun releasing some of its presumed trove of reports about UFOs.



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Relativity Space Wins US Military Launch Services Contract

Article by Sandra Erwin                                             March 15, 2021                                         (spacenews.com)

• Space Force’s ‘Space and Missile Systems Center Launch Enterprise’ (SMSCLE) was looking for a third launch services provider to carry payloads into low Earth orbit for the DoD Space Test Program’s ‘Rapid Agile Launch Initiative’ (RALI) in 2023. A SMSCLE subdivision, the ‘Defense Innovation Unit’ (DIU), is tasked with finding suitable providers in the private sector.

• DIU’s space portfolio director, Steve Butow, said the military is looking for “low-cost, responsive launch services that not only improve our access to space, but it also enable small satellites to be placed precisely in their mission designed orbits with little if no delay.” The DIU previously hired two launch services companies for RALI, Rocket Lab and Virgin Orbit.

• On March 9th, CEO Tim Ellis announced that his company, Relativity Space, had been selected by the DIU to become the third launch provider for the RALI program since its inception in 2017.

• Relativity Space will launch relatively small military payloads to lower inclination orbits utilizing its new Terran 1 rocket, which will see its first test flight from Cape Canaveral, Florida later this year. Relativity Space builds its rockets with 3D-printed components at its factory in Long Beach, California. The company recently announced plans to develop a larger Terran R reusable launch vehicle to compete with SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket.


WASHINGTON — Relativity Space was selected to launch a small U.S. military payload to orbit in 2023 using a 3D-printed rocket.
The company in a statement March 15 said it received its first Defense Department contract to launch a DoD Space Test Program mission. The award was first announced March 9 by Relativity’s CEO Tim Ellis in an interview with CNBC.

        Relativity Space CEO Tim Ellis

The Defense Innovation Unit — an organization that works with commercial companies and startups — picked Relativity to become a launch services provider for the DoD Space Test Program’s Rapid Agile Launch Initiative. RALI is a program managed by the Space Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center Launch Enterprise to identify viable commercial launch systems with capacity between 450 to 1,200 kilograms to low Earth orbit.

                        Steve Butow

Both Relativity and DIU declined to disclose the value of the contract.

Relativity builds its rockets with 3D-printed components at its factory in Long Beach, California. For the DoD mission it will use the Terran 1 small satellite launcher that is expected to fly for the first time later this year from Cape Canaveral, Florida. DoD is the ninth announced launch customer for Terran 1 and the second U.S. government deal following a NASA Venture Class Launch Services contract.

Relativity is the third launch provider selected by DIU for the RALI program since it started in 2017. The other two are Rocket Lab and Virgin Orbit.

Steve Butow, DIU’s space portfolio director, said the military is looking for “low-cost, responsive launch services that not only improve our access to space, but it also enable small satellites to be placed precisely in their mission designed orbits with little if no delay.”



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First Air Force to Serve as Air Component to US Space Command

Article by Douglas Clark                                      March 15, 2021                                   (homelandprepnews.com)

• Air Force officials have named First Air Force to serve as the future air component to the US Space Command. USSPACECOM commander, US Army General James Dickinson, welcomed First Air Force to the joint Space Command team.

• Air Force Chief of Staff General Charles Q. Brown, Jr. said that First Air Force was the natural choice to serve as Air Force component to the US Space Command. “In this new role, First Air Force will be better able to identify and address gaps and seams when integrating spacepower into the support of the homeland defense mission,” General Brown said. “This will also inform efforts to better fuse space operations into air operations centers around the globe.”

• First Air Force will continue to provide uninterrupted air component support to North American Aerospace Defense Command and US Northern Command, in addition to exercising command and control over Air Force forces supporting US Space Command. Air Combat Command will organize, train, and equip First Air Force for the new role. The new air component is currently expected to achieve initial operating capability by the end of 2021.


Air Force officials have named First Air Force to serve as the future air component to

               General James Dickinson

U.S. Space Command.

“The U.S. Air Force is a critical contributor to the U.S. Space Command mission as evidenced by their support to Human Space Flight,” U.S. Army Gen. James Dickinson, USSPACECOM commander, said. “We welcome First Air Force to our joint team.”

First Air Force is slated to continue providing uninterrupted air component support to North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, officials said, in addition to exercising command and control over Air Force forces supporting U.S. Space Command.

           General Charles Q. Brown, Jr.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. said First Air Force was the natural choice to serve as Air Force component to U.S. Space Command.

“In this new role, First Air Force will be better able to identify and address gaps and seams when integrating spacepower into the support of the homeland defense mission,” he said. “This will also inform efforts to better fuse space operations into air operations centers around the globe.”

Air Combat Command plans how to organize, train, and equip First Air Force for the new role. The new air component is currently expected to achieve initial operating capability by the end of the 2021 calendar year.



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Extraterrestrial Life About to Be Revealed, Says Royal Psychic

Article from Pikitsa Ltd.                                     March 15, 2021                                  (digitaljournal.com)

Rex Winston, A New York City ‘psychic advisor’ to celebrities and even the British royal family, charging $700 for a phone call and $15,000 for one-on-one weekend retreats, says that 2021 will see indisputable proof of extraterrestrial life that is about to be made public.

• “It has taken a long time to prepare humans for this. There will be some who still have a hard time grasping it, but the extraterrestrials are convinced that most humans are now ready,” says Winston. “The revelations are coming in a series of disclosures from secret documents, and from extraterrestrials themselves, beginning in 2021. Additional, astonishing things will slowly be revealed over the next four years.”

• “Until now, secret knowledge about extraterrestrials and their involvement with Earth has been closely held by a small number of highly-privileged humans. Not even political leaders have been allowed to know about this,” Winston said.

• Mr. Winston claims that he and several others have been officially contacted by the extraterrestrials and asked to assist with the gentle dissemination of the alien disclosure that is about to occur. “This will be the biggest news in all of human history.”


“This will be the biggest news in all of human history.”

                psychic, Rex Winston

New York, NY — (SBWIRE) — 03/15/2021 — For the first time in history, indisputable proof of extraterrestrial life is about to be made public, according to royal family psychic advisor, Rex Winston (http://www.rexwinston.com).

“The revelations are coming in a series of disclosures from secret documents, and from extraterrestrials themselves, beginning in 2021. Additional, astonishing things will slowly be revealed over the next four years,” said Mr. Winston from his New York City office.

“Until now, secret knowledge about extraterrestrials and their involvement with Earth has been closely held by a small number of highly-privileged humans. Not even political leaders have been allowed to know about this.”

Mr. Winston, whose VIP and celebrity clients pay $700 for telephone consultations and $15,000 for one-on-one weekend retreats, explained the reason for the timing of this incredible news. “It has taken a long time to prepare humans for this. There will be some who still have a hard time grasping it, but the extraterrestrials are convinced that most humans are now ready.”

Mr. Winston also explained that he, and several others have been officially contacted and asked to assist with the gentle dissemination of what is about to occur.



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UFO Tech That Alters Space-Time Is “Operable” Says US Navy Tech Officer

Article by Arjun Walia                                        March 16, 2021                                    (collective-evolution.com)

• According to Freedom of information responses to The Drive website, two Navy patents – the room temperature superconductor (RTSC) and the high-energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG) – may in fact already be in operation in some manner. The inventor Salvatore Pais (pictured above), Navy patent attorney Mark O. Glut, and the US Naval Aviation Enterprise’s Chief Technology Officer Dr. James Sheehy, all assert that these inventions are not only enabled, but operable.

• Inventor Salvatore Pais presented a paper, “Room Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft” (HUAC) at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego. The hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC) can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities. The room temperature superconductor and high energy electromagnetic fields “enable (the HUAC’s) unbelievable speed and maneuverability.”

• The HUAC craft employs an inertial mass modification device which allows it to move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath to alter space-time around the craft. “Artificially generated high energy electromagnetic fields, such as those generated with a high energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG), interact strongly with the vacuum energy state,” reads Pais’ paper. “Matter, energy, and spacetime are all emergent constructs which arise out of the fundamental framework that is the vacuum energy state.”

• Placing a craft within a space that is moving faster than the speed of light is known as the ‘Alcubierre Drive’. The craft itself does not have to travel at the speed of light by its own propulsion system. “By creating a “warp bubble” that expands space on one side of a spaceship and contracts it on the other, the spaceship will be pushed away from the Earth and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself,” notes Dr. Miguel Alcubierre.

• We don’t need to break the speed of light in order to become an interstellar species, says Gianni Martire, a scientist at Applied Physics. “Our warp drive research has the potential to unite us all.” Martire and his team at Applied Physics recently announced the development of the first model of physical warp drives. The team’s study received the blessing of the esteemed theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre, with their findings being published in the peer-reviewed journal, Classical and Quantum Gravity.

• Recently retired Director of Advanced Systems at Lockheed Skunkworks Steve Justice has also alluded to the idea that this type of technology is real. He has been quite outspoken about the “black budget” world, and crafts that can mimic the capabilities that are observed in UFOs/UAPs. “We have glimpses of how the physics of this works, but we need to harvest technologies from the Science Division to realize the capability,” said Justice.

• Could some of these advanced technologies have been developed and discovered from reverse-engineering crashed UFOs? Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell said, “Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary stated, “Much to my surprise, these (advanced technology) concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories around the world, but have not really seen the light of day.”

• This type of technology could theoretically send humanity to the stars and beyond, or be weaponized for defense purposes. But it can also provide a clean, free, and unlimited source of energy to free humanity from our current state of scarcity. We have to change our underlying way of thinking as to how we should apply these technologies to change the human experience for the better.

• Why do we choose to give our power over to those who do not have humanity’s best interests at heart? Eventually, people will have to take matters into their own hands at a grassroots level and create new solutions instead of constantly looking towards government and other ‘powerful’ entities. “It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. It is a matter of converting our high technology from weaponry to livingry.” – Buckminister Fuller


                inventor Salvatore Pais

I was recently scrolling through the twitter feed of Christopher Mellon, the

                              HUAC craft

former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002. In doing so I came across an interesting post from The Drive regarding documents they received via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regarding a “spacetime modification weapon” developed for the U.S. Navy which, apparently, has already gone through experimental testing. This in turn led me to evidence suggesting that other revolutionary type of technology, that could no doubt be used to change the world for the better in a major way, was already “operable.”

On a side note, Mellon is one of many with such a background who has been

                  Dr. Miguel Alcubierre

speaking up about and creating awareness regarding the reality of the UFO phenomenon for a few years now. He was part of the “mainstream” UFO disclosure initiative “To The Stars“, which seems to be, in my opinion, a Department of Defense mainstream UFO disclosure initiative. He has left that initiative, which has been heavily scrutinized by UFO researchers who feel it portrays the phenomenon with a threat narrative attached to it when there is no need/evidence to do so.

        Dr. James Sheehy

Back to the topic at hand. In 2018, inventor Salvatore Cezar Pais presented a paper, “Room Temperature Superconducting System for Use on a Hybrid Aerospace Undersea Craft” at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum in San Diego in January 2019. In the paper, Pais writes that “the achievement of room temperature superconductivity (RTSC) represents a highly disruptive technology, capable of a total paradigm change in Science and Technology,” and adds that its “military and commercial value is considerable.”

The paper states that: “The subject matter of this paper describes the design of an active room temperature superconductor, to be incorporated within the Hybrid Aerospace-Undersea Craft (HAUC), described in a recently published paper, “A Hybrid craft using an inertial mass modification device.”

“The granted patent application for the HAUC describes this craft, with its capabilities to alter space-time around the craft: “It is possible to envision hybrid aerospace-undersea craft (HAUC), which can function as a submersible craft capable of extreme underwater speeds (lack of water-skin friction) and enhanced aerial/underwater stealth capabilities (non-linear scattering of RF and sonar signals). This hybrid craft would move with great ease through the air/space/water mediums, by being enclosed in a Vacuum/plasma bubble/sheath, due to the coupled effects of EM field-induced air/water particles repulsion and Vacuum energy polarization.”



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Private Chinese Firm to Build Space Lab by 2025

Article by Deng Xiaoci and Fan Anqi                                    March 14, 2021                                        (globaltimes.cn)

• In July 2019, China’s manned Tiangong-2 space lab completed 1000 days in orbit before the spacecraft was allowed to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. The communist state’s first permanent manned space station is to become operational by 2022.

• Now, a private Chinese space technology start-up firm based in Huzhou, East China’s Zhejiang Province has entered the space arena. ‘Rocket Pi’ is working putting a manned space station biology lab into orbit by 2025. The firm’s founder, Cheng Wei, says that the lab will conduct studies relating to changes in human vital signs in space to support the development of future manned space activities.

• In September 2021, a biology experiment platform, ‘Sparkle-1’, is expected to be launched via a Long March carrier rocket. A multi-functional platform supporting biological experiments may be put into orbit by 2022. By 2025, a reusable payload that is able to shuttle between Earth and space objects will provide platforms for in-orbit biopharmaceutical experiments.

• The Rocket Pi space station will also test a self-generating bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) to study the feasibility of long-term human stays on the Moon or other celestial bodies. “The moon lab project simulates a lunar base where humans, animals, plants and microorganisms co-exist in a closed cabin,” said chief designer Liu Hong. “[W]ater and food are recycled within the lab, creating an Earth-like environment.”

• In 2017-2018, eight volunteers took turns living in a 150-square-meter cabin for 370 days as an experiment to study the participants’ physical and mental conditions. Currently, smaller BLSS equipment is being studied, which could be loaded onto space labs as well as Moon and Mars probes.

• By the end of 2022, Rocket Pi plans to launch its own rockets into space, and is currently developing a wide range of launch vehicles to support launches for various payloads of different weights into Low Earth Orbit and into a sun-synchronous orbit. These flexible, reusable rockets will transform the future of space exploration, says Cheng, to support a range of new space infrastructure programs including space labs, satellite-based internet networks and a microbial pharmacy research platform.

• Although these are the very early days, Rocket Pi’s goal of building a space biology laboratory to provide commercial space technology products and services for the biomedical industry heralds the rise of a private commercial aerospace industry in China.

• China has been considering the establishment of an ‘Earth-Moon space economic zone’ by 2050, generating up to $10 trillion a year. Bao Weimin, director of the Science and Technology Commission of the state space giant China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, revealed the ambitious plan during a seminar on the space economy in November 2019. Bao pledged to complete basic research on key technologies before 2030, establish the transportation system by 2040, and have the Earth-moon space economic zone up and running by 2050.


              Tiangong-2 space lab

As China has scheduled 11 launch missions in the next two years for the building of

  bioregenerative life support system (BLSS)

its first space station, a private space technology start-up based in Huzhou, East China’s Zhejiang Province has been keeping its pace close to the national program, with an ambitious goal of initiating an orbital space biology lab around 2025, firm founder Cheng Wei told the Global Times on Sunday.

It aims to conduct studies relating to changes in humans’ vital signs in space to explore the development of future manned space missions, while also planning to

         Cheng Wei, founder of Rocket Pi

load a self-generating life support system onboard its lab to study the feasibility of long-term human stays on moon or other extraterrestrial bodies.

Named after rocket plus the Greek symbol representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Cheng’s firm, Rocket Pi, has a four-step framework toward its ambitious goals.

Bao Weimin, director of the Science and Technology division of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp

A single-function biology experiment platform payload, Sparkle-1, is expected to be launched via a Long March carrier rocket by September, while a multi-functional platform supporting biological experiments may be put into orbit by 2022. The company will establish a space shuttle-like mode for platform launches during the same period.

  BLSS designer Liu Hong

Next, by 2025, reusable payload that is able to shuttle between Earth and celestial bodies will become reality, which will provide platforms for in-orbit experiments for biopharmaceutical studies.

The company aims to launch a program to build the space biology lab after 2025.

Against the backdrop of China putting the construction of a space station, which is expected to become operational by 2022, Rocket Pi aims to conduct studies relating to changes in human vital signs in space to explore and support the development of future manned space activities.

According to material that the company provided to the Global Times, its spacecraft will be very much like China’s manned Tiangong-2 space lab, which successfully left orbit and re-entered the atmosphere in July 2019 in a controlled manner after more than 1,000 days in service, with a small amount of debris falling into a designated security area in the South Pacific Ocean. Most of the spacecraft burned up in the atmosphere.



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UK UFO Files Reveal Schoolchildren’s Sketches of 1977 ‘Alien Encounter’

Article by Alex McIntyre                                        March 13, 2021                                    (cheshire-live.co.uk)

• UFO files released in 2009 by the UK Ministry of Defence’s UFO Desk have revealed children’s sketches of what appears to be an alien spaceship at the Upton Priory School in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England in October 1977.

• On this day, ten children at the school, aged between 7 and 11 years old, had gone out for their lunchtime break. When they came back, they told a teacher, Mrs. Hindmarsh, that they had seen something hovering around the trees before it vanished into the sky. The teacher told the children to draw what they had seen independently of each other using crayons and colored pencils. The images were so striking that she passed the drawings along to police in Cheshire.

• After checking with air traffic control in Manchester to see if they had anything on the radar, a Chesire police officer passed the pictures along with his written report to the UK Ministry of Defence, saying that there was ‘a remarkable similarity in these sketches with regard to the UFO and its location between two trees’. The file was then passed along from the Ministry of Defence in London to the MoD’s UFO desk.

• “It really is quite something,” said Dr. David Clarke, a professor at Sheffield Hallam University who was involved in transferring the ministry’s files into the public domain between 2009 and 2013. Said Dr. Clarke, “When I opened this particular (file), it struck me as more interesting than the usual, because it was full of all these crayon drawings by these schoolkids from Macclesfield.” “[T]he teacher must have thought this was something to be taken seriously and sat them down to get them to draw what they had seen independently. Then, because the drawings were so similar she actually gathered them together and took them to the police station in Macclesfield.”

• The Macclesfield case images were “just so amazing” that Dr. Clarke featured them in his book UFO Drawings from The National Archives, published in September 2017. Dr. Clarke speculated that the children could have been inspired to draw a spaceship in the trees due to the fact that the sci fi movie ‘Star Wars’ had been released earlier that summer.


      student’s drawing of UFO

UFO files released by the Ministry of Defence have revealed children’s sketches of what

               student’s drawing of UFO

appears to be an alien spaceship at a Cheshire school in 1977.

The pictures drawn by school pupils at Upton Priory School in Macclesfield were made public by the MoD’s UFO Desk shortly before it closed down in 2009.

The documents reveal that the sighting occurred in October 1977 when 10 children at the school, aged between seven and 11 years old, had gone out for their lunchtime break.

         student’s sketch of UFO

They came back and told a teacher, Mrs Hindmarsh, that they had seen something hovering around the trees before it vanished into the sky.

        Cheshire, England

The teacher told the children to draw what they had seen independently of each other using crayons and coloured pencils.

The images were so striking that she passed the dossier to police in Cheshire before it ended up at the UFO desk at the Ministry of Defence.

In a covering letter, the police officer said there was ‘a remarkable similarity in these sketches with regard to the UFO and its location between two trees’.

Dr David Clarke, a former journalist and currently a professor at Sheffield Hallam University, was involved in transferring the ministry’s files into the public domain between 2009 and 2013.

 Dr. David Clarke  (credit: Richard Hanson)

Speaking to CheshireLive, he said: “When I opened this particular one, it struck me as more interesting than the usual, because it was full of all these crayon drawings by these schoolkids from Macclesfield.

“I suppose kids say all kinds of things about things they’ve seen in playgrounds but the teacher must have thought this was something to be taken seriously and sat them down to get them to draw what they had seen independently.

“Then because the drawings were so similar she actually gathered them together and took them to the police station in Macclesfield.

“Then this copper had written a report about this and sent it to air traffic control in Manchester to see if they had anything on the radar.



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London Stock Market Pressured to Invest in British Space Industry

Article by Aleksandra Serebriakova                                        March 13, 2021                                     (sputniknews.com)

• Last November, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised a $22 billion investment into British defense with an aim to create Britain’s own ‘Space Force’ space command. Johnson hopes to send British spaceships into space as early as 2022, as his government is boosting millions of dollars into the defense sector.

• Britain has been one of the global champions when it comes to operating civil and military satellites, but has yet to launch its first rocket from UK soil. “Space is the key to the world’s future,” said Will Whitehorn, chairman of UKSpace trade association. “We need to wake up and smell the coffee!”

• UKSpace is calling on British businesses to take a more active part in launching a “new industrial revolution” and turning Britain into a space superpower by investing big bucks into the industry. Whitehorn compared how Wall Street space firms were raising “billions” for American space initiatives, but nothing like that has happened in the UK. “I believe a new investment trust to invest in brilliant space companies is needed on the London Stock Market,” said Whitehorn.

• Meanwhile, the ‘UK Space Agency’ – Britain’s civil space authority (like NASA) – announced in October 2020 that America’s aerospace giant Lockheed Martin will develop UK launch operations from Shetland Islands, Scotland. And Scottish firm Orbex plans to launch its innovative Prime rocket from the Sutherland, Scotland spaceport in 2022.

• Virgin Orbit also plans to release a group of satellites from Spaceport Cornwall in southwestern England for the first time in spring 2020. The spaceport supports so-called “horizontal” launches, where modified aircraft such as the Boeing 747 will carry a rocket under its wings to send small satellites into orbit.

• The UK Space Agency’s plan is to control 10% of the world’s space economy by the end of this decade.


Last November, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised a $22 billion investment

 Prime Minister Boris Johnson

into British defence with an aim to create Britain’s own Trump-like ‘Space Force’. The country is planning to send its first rocket into space from British soil next year.

The trade association UKSpace is calling on British businesses to take a more active part in launching a “new industrial revolution” and turning Britain into a space superpower by investing big bucks into the industry.

           Will Whitehorn

“I believe a new investment trust to invest in brilliant space companies is needed on the London Stock Market,” Will Whitehorn, the president of UKSpace, told Express.co.uk.

Whitehorn has compared how Wall Street Space firms were raising “billions” for American space

              Shetland Islands

initiatives, but “nothing” like that has happened in the UK, he says, signalling that this had to change, albeit with the government’s support.

“Space is the key to the world’s future, key to battling climate change and could be a key to our future prosperity,” the trade association’s chairman went on. “We need to wake up and smell the coffee!”

Britain has been one of the global champions when it comes to operating civil and military satellites but has yet to launch its first rocket from UK soil.

PM Boris Johnson hopes that this could happen as early as 2022, as his government is boosting millions of dollars into the defence sector. He announced in November 2020 that the UK will create a new Space Command in a similar fashion to former US President Donald Trump with his much-debated US Space Force.

The prime minister expects that the first rocket will go into orbit from Scotland, as two large space ports are currently underway in the country: Space Hub Sutherland and Shetland Space Centre.



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The Military Cover-Up of the Dexter, Michigan UFO Incident

Article by Doug Marrin                                      March 12, 2021                                      (thesuntimesnews.com)

• On March 14, 1966, law enforcement officials in Washtenaw County and Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan; Sylvania, Ohio; Livingston and Monroe counties in Colorado reported seeing “four strange flying objects” in the sky, moving at high rates of speed”. The same day, the US Air Force and Civil Defense begin an investigation into the incidents.

• On March 20, 1966, the colored lights of a UFO in a wooded swamp on the farm in Dexter Township, Michigan caught the attention of Frank Mannor and his son, Ronald. The men reported the strange object it to the police. Doug Harvey, Washtenaw County Sheriff at the time, got the call. “We got a call that the Mannors out in Dexter seen a UFO. So I went out there, and the grass was down flat in a round circle… [T]hey said they definitely seen an object come down and lift off.”

• According to Frank Mannor: “We got to about 500 yards of the thing. It was sort of shaped like a pyramid, with a blue-green light on the right-hand side and on the left, a white light. I didn’t see no antenna or porthole. The body was like a yellowish coral rock and looked like it had holes in it—sort of like if you took a piece of cardboard box and split it open. You couldn’t see it too good because it was surrounded with heatwaves like you see on the desert. The white light turned to a blood-red as we got close to it, and Ron (his son) said, ‘Look at that horrible thing.’”

• The Dexter Township police report states: “Frank Mannor and his son, Ronald [plus 40-60 others including 12 policemen?] saw hovering over a swamp about 1,500 ft away a brown luminous car sized object, with a ‘scaly’ or ‘waffled’ surface, cone-shaped on top, flat on bottom, or football shaped, and 2 bluish-green lights on right and left edges that turned bright red and helped illuminate the object in between. Lights blinked out and the object reappeared instantly across the swamp 1,500 ft away. The whole object lit up with a yellowish glow at one point and also rose up 500 ft then descended again. After 2-3 minutes of viewing, when two flashlights appeared in the distance, the object seemed to respond by flying away at high speed directly over the witnesses with a whistling sound like a rifle bullet ricocheting. Object remained in the swamp area for 1/2 hr.”

• Robert Hunawill, a patrolman with the Dexter Police Department, saw the same object perform a series of passes over the Mannor swamp. Hunawill described the thing as having red and white lights, which changed to a bluish tinge at times. While he watched, the object was joined by three other aerial craft, and all four flew off together.

• Sheriff’s deputies Stanley McFadden and David Fitzpatrick also witnessed the craft in the sky over North Territorial and Mast Roads. The officers turned their spotlight on it. “It was the size of a small house, kind of pushed down flat,” McFadden reported. “It had red-green lights on it and movements which could not possibly have been made by any aircraft I’d ever heard of.”

• Soon, UFOs were being spotted everywhere. Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey’s office was bombarded with reports of UFOs faster than officers could respond. Accounts of “unidentified aerial phenomena” quickly spread throughout the Midwestern states coming in as far away as Kansas. The UFO reports were first dismissed as a hoax gaining momentum, then as a mass delusion of some kind. But the sightings continued pouring in from more credible witnesses. Something strange was happening that couldn’t be denied.

• The U.S. Air Force sent in astrophysicist Dr. J Allen Hynek of Northwestern University to investigate the matter at ground zero. Dr. Hynek arrived in Dexter and found what he later described as “near hysteria.” Considered the nation’s leading Ufologist, Dr. Hynek worked with the USAF’s ‘Project Blue Book’ program, which ran from 1952-1969. Hynek’s gols under Project Blue Book were to: 1) determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, and 2) scientifically analyze UFO-related data.

• “A professor Hynek came to our jail and introduced himself,” recalled Sheriff Harvey. “He said, ‘I’m from Washington, and I’ve come down to inspect that site about the UFO.’ So I drove him out there, and he looked at it and talked to the Mannors. He got back in the car, and I said, ‘What do you think?’ He said, ‘You know, I really don’t know. I really don’t know. Something was there.’”

• “As soon as we got back to the jail, he had a call from Washington,” continues Sheriff Harvey. “He went in my office. Twenty minutes later, he comes out of my office, and he says (to the press there), ‘We have definitely discovered that it was swamp gas.’” Hynek had suddenly gone from “I really don’t know what it is” to “it was swamp gas” in a matter of minutes said Harvey.

• At a March 25, 1966 press conference in Detroit, Dr. Hynek explained that marsh or swamp gas is produced by rotting vegetation. “This gas can be trapped by ice and winter conditions and may be released in some quantity when a spring thaw occurs. No heat is felt, and the lights do not burn or char the ground. They can appear for hours at a time and sometimes for a whole night. Generally, there is no smell and usually no sound, except the popping of little explosions. Sometimes the lights are on the ground and sometimes floating above it.”

• Then, around midnight of March 28th, police officer Robert Hunawill and his wife saw these same strange lights in the sky for five or ten minutes, and took a photo of it. Hunawill said the lights were moving all the time. Reporters noted that this sighting and others occurred nowhere near swampy areas. But Dr. Hynek did not attempt to explain these incidents.

• “With all due respect to Dr. Hynek, I’m not ready to accept this weak excuse of gas from marshes,” said Sheriff Harvey. Hynek’s statement outraged many people, most notably the witness at the center of it all. “I spent time on army maneuvers in the swamps of Louisiana during World War II,” said Frank Mannor. “I’ve seen plenty of swamp gas. This wasn’t it. We saw what we saw, all right.” Of all the responses to Hynek’s disclosure, Mrs. Frank Mannor cut to the heart of the matter, stating simply, “I think there’s something going on the people don’t know about.”

• In a letter to the editor in the March 29, 1966, edition of the Ann Arbor News, Lawrence Espey, Ph.D., wrote of witnessing a bright crimson light near Ann Arbor’s VA Hospital that made maneuvers uncharacteristic of aircraft. It was also observed by an independent witness. In his letter, Dr. Espey took exception to the idea that such phenomena was simply swamp gas. He noted that swamp gas, or methane, burns with a colorless flame, while these objects appeared to ‘glow’. Also, swamp gas tends to expand, while these objects remained as a dense, uniform sphere at altitudes over a thousand feet. “What propels the gas during the rapid unpredictable ‘maneuvers’ commonly described by viewers?” queried Dr. Espey. “Why do the spheres of ignited gas sometimes terminate in a high velocity dive to the ground? It seems like a burning gas would rise.”

• In 1977, ten years after the Dexter, Michigan UFO sightings, Hynek wrote in his book, The Hynek UFO Report, about the Air Force’s policy to cover up unexplained aerial phenomena. He explained that by 1948, sharp intra-agency disagreements brought the Air Force to the hardened stance that, given our own advanced scientific knowledge, these sightings’ very nature and purported behavior had to be complete nonsense. “Once the decision was made that UFOs had to be figments of the imagination, the Air Force policy on UFOs never changed direction. ‘It can’t be, therefore it isn’t’ became the guiding principle,” writes Hynek. “[A]nd anyone associated with Blue Book, from Director down, learned to follow suit or else…”

• In his book, Hynek continues: “Even though the shifting winds of public opinion about UFOs often reached gale proportions (especially at such times of great concern as the great UFO scare over Washington, D.C. in 1952 and the Michigan ‘swamp gas’ episode in 1966), the Air Force held firm, like a rusted weather vane that stubbornly points in one direction only.”

• The Dexter Leader newspaper reported on March 31, 1966: “The United States Congress has been reluctant to investigate the UFOs. If an investigation is launched, Congress will appear to give credence to the idea that there is more to the UFO sightings than a mistaken sighting of natural or human-made objects. To refuse to investigate opens Congress to the charge that the government knows what the UFOs are but is covering up.”

• What the Dexter, Michigan UFO incident did accomplish was to serve as a turning point in UFO investigation and government transparency. As a result of the 1966 Dexter reports, Congressmen Gerald Ford and Weston Vivian, both from Michigan, called for a Congressional hearing into the matter. “We’ve had several incidents in Michigan in the last week, incidents that many reliable good citizens felt were sufficient to justify some action by our government, and not the kind of flippant answer that was given by the Air Force, where they passed it off as swamp gas,” said Congressman Ford.

• The congressional hearing became an impetus for greater governmental transparency and public accountability. From there, an initiative began that would diminish the Air Force’s sole control of UFO investigations by focusing on a collaborative scientific analysis of selected sightings. The Air Force didn’t even try to create a plausible alternative explanation for the Dexter incident. In fact, it became a metaphor for the government gaslighting a canny public who knew better – ‘nothing to worry about here folks, just some swamp gas’.

• The UFO hype around the Dexter, Michigan UFO incident also delineated between those people who accept the unknown and those who attack it. While we never got a glimpse into other worlds, we got a pretty good look at our own. As Hynek quotes Air Force Captain E.J. Ruppelt, “The powers-that-be are anti-flying saucer, and to stay in favor it behooves one to follow suit.”

[Editor’s Note]   By 1965, Michigan Congressman Gerald Ford had helped to whitewash the assassinations of both John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald as a member of the Warren Commission. In 1966, Ford needed to boost his public persona, so he jumped at the opportunity to come out on the ‘side of the people’ with regard to the Dexter UFO incident. Of course, nothing ever came of the Congressional hearings besides getting so-called ‘reputable scientists’ involved in future UFO investigations. This only paved the way for the US Air Force to end Project Blue Book in 1969 after the further ‘gas-lighting’ of the UFO phenomenon by the University of Colorado’s Condon Committee Report, and for scientists such as Carl Sagan to step in and continue the government’s anti-UFO whitewash propaganda at that level. In 1974, the Deep State infested government rewarded Ford for his loyal and nefarious service as the successor to the equally-corrupt Richard Nixon, as President of the United States.


         Frank Mannor and son Ronald

“A cover-up is an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information. In a passive cover-up, information is simply not provided; in an active cover-up, deception is used.” – Wikipedia

“The powers-that-be are anti-flying saucer and to stay in favor, it behooves one to follow suit.” – Air Force officer quoted by Capt. E.J. Ruppelt, (Hynek, J. Allen. The Hynek UFO Report)

March 14, 1966, Lima Township

Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Deputies spot “four strange flying objects” in the sky, moving at high rates of speed. Law enforcement in Livingston Co, Monroe Co, Sylvania, OH, and

            witness description of UFO

Selfridge Air Force Base near Mt. Clemens also report “red-green objects … moving at fantastic speeds.”
The same day, the U.S. Air Force and Civil Defense begin an investigation into the incidents.

    Officer Robert Hunawill’s UFO photo

March 20, 1966, Dexter Township

Colored lights catch the attention of Frank Mannor and his son, Ronald, in a wooded swamp on the farm where they live. The two men run to the strange object and report it to the police.

“We got a call that the Mannors out in Dexter seen a UFO,” recalls Doug Harvey, Washtenaw County Sheriff at the time, in an interview with the Ann Arbor District Library. “So I went out there, and the grass

Dr. Hynek speaking to Chelsea Police Officers Charles Sharpe and Clyde Myers

was down flat in a round circle…and they said they definitely seen an object come down and lift off.”

Frank Mannor later tells reporters, “We got to about 500 yards of the thing. It was

   Dr. J Allen Hynek

sort of shaped like a pyramid, with a blue-green light on the right-hand side and on the left, a white light. I didn’t see no antenna or porthole. The body was like a yellowish coral rock and looked like it had holes in it—sort of like if you took a piece of cardboard box and split it open. You couldn’t see it too good because it was surrounded with heatwaves like you see on the desert. The white light turned to a blood-red as we got close to it, and Ron (his son) said, ‘Look at that horrible thing.’”

                           swamp gas

The police report states: “Frank Mannor and his son, Ronald [plus 40-60 others including 12 policemen?] saw hovering over a swamp about 1,500 ft away a brown luminous car sized object, with a ‘scaly’ or ‘waffled’ surface, cone-shaped on top, flat on bottom, or football shaped, and 2 bluish-green lights on right and left edges that turned bright red and helped illuminate the object in between. Lights blinked out and the object reappeared instantly across the swamp 1,500 ft away. The whole object lit up with a yellowish glow at one point and also rose up 500 ft then descended again. After 2-3 minutes of viewing, when 2 flashlights appeared in the distance the object seemed

        Deep State politician Gerald Ford

to respond by flying away at high speed directly over the witnesses with a whistling sound like a rifle bullet ricocheting. Object remained in the swamp area for 1/2 hr.”

Robert Hunawill, a patrolman with the Dexter Police Department, saw the same object perform a series of passes over the Mannor swamp. Hunawill described the thing as having red and white lights, which changed to a bluish tinge at times. While he watched, the object was joined by three other aerial craft, and all four flew off together.

Sheriff’s deputies Stanley McFadden and David Fitzpatrick also witnessed the craft in the sky over North Territorial and Mast Roads. The officers turned their spotlight on it. “It was the size of a small house, kind of pushed down flat,” McFadden reported. “It had red-green lights on it and movements which could not possibly have been made by any aircraft I’d ever heard of.”



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Government Will Have to Share Info on UFOs

Article by Daria Bedenko                                           March 12, 2021                                        (sputniknews.com)

• As there has been “thousands” of reports of UFO/alien-related occurrences in the US military, and military pilots who “were afraid to report these strange things happening—for fear it would affect their advancement in the officer corps”, former Senator Harry Reid helped secure funding for UFO-studying efforts in the Pentagon. “The one thing that we established is that not a dozen people have seen these occurrences. Not 100 of them,” noted the former senator. “Thousands of people have seen them.”

• In August 2020, the Pentagon re-established a task force dedicated to investigating UFO sightings and alien-related incidents. It is unclear what the ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force’ will be doing, but the Pentagon will soon have to provide members of Congress with what is currently known about the existence of UFOs and aliens.

• Whether UFO sightings are of an extraterrestrial origin or will be found to come from an Earth-bound adversary, people expect the task force to use sophisticated technology to find the truth. “Space travel is difficult—for many reasons,” says Dr. Joseph Pesce, an astrophysicist with the National Science Foundation’s division of astronomical sciences. “I’m not arrogant enough to think that we know everything about nature and the universe, and the laws of nature.” Dr. Pesce does not rule out the possibility of out-of-this-world ‘tools’ to be used to “understand the universe around us and our part in it.”


  former Nevada Senator Harry Reid

In 2020 the Pentagon established a task force dedicated to puzzling UFO sightings and

               military image of a UAP

several reports of alien-related incidents. With possible extraterrestrial activity long bothering the minds of both scientists and citizens, the new agency has only boosted curiosity around the “little green men”.

There have been “thousands” of reports of alien-related occurrences in the military, according to former Senator Harry Reid, who helped secure funding for UFO-studying efforts during his time at Congress, Nextgov reported.

“In the past, pilots were afraid to report these strange things happening—for fear it would affect their advancement in the officer corps”, Reid told Nextgov in one of the episodes of the podcast ‘Critical Update’.

         Dr. Joseph Pesce

He also noted that many people he randomly encounters at work often ask him about UFOs, and the report outlined that the government will soon have to provide members of Congress with what is currently known about allegations of the existence of aliens.

“The one thing that we established is that not a dozen people have seen these occurrences. Not 100 of them. Thousands of people have seen them”, the former senator noted.

In August 2020, the Pentagon announced the formation of a task force dedicated to what is believed to be UFO-related issues. Although it is unclear what the so-called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force will be doing, some are hyped about the mysteries in space that could potentially be solved.



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Does Biden Take Space Seriously?

Article by Charles Beams                                           March 12, 2021                                            (politico.com)

• In 2017, President Trump resurrected the National Space Council where senior government and industry leadership would plan and organize the U.S. and the world roles in a new ‘space century’. Putting the Vice President in charge was vital to the council’s integrity. Now, the Biden administration’s decision to assign oversight of space to the National Security Council has fueled speculation that the high-level National Space Council will be discontinued.

• Does Administrator Biden and his senior advisers truly appreciate the gravity of the situation and the opportunities before us in the final frontier? Seventeen industry groups representing hundreds of companies critical to our nation’s space future have recently endorsed keeping the National Space Council. They says that retaining the council “will provide stability and continuity to the United States’ space endeavors, enabling historic exploration and scientific achievement”. Its continuation would reflect that space is indeed a real priority.

• Serious questions regarding space need to be addressed in the next few years. These will require senior attention and active support across the Executive Branch. Should one person, ie: Elon Musk, monopolize the commercial space sector? Or should it be regulated to encourage small business growth in space? How should we encourage fair play among nations in space? How should we respond to anti-competitive Chinese business practices? And how can we prevent the growing menace of space debris from inhibiting future generations’ expansion into space?

• One specific policy issue that the National Space Council would manage is the evolution of the United States Space Force. Space Force is charged with protecting and ensuring free and fair access to space and defending contested domains where commercial companies and developing nations are increasingly operating. Space Force must create a culture to recruit and retain world class intellects and leaders to guide a developing military domain that is more defined by artificial intelligence, autonomous robotics and machine learning, than bullets and bombs. In the coming decades, Space Force must become a military service that understands, partners with, and sometimes puts commercial and civil needs before warfighting requirements. Guidance from the highest levels is essential for the Space Force to be successful.

• To date, however, no senior appointees have been nominated for the most senior space positions, including the NASA administrator or the space policy and space acquisition positions in the Pentagon. Without the high-level attention of a strong National Space Council, low earth orbit will become a no man’s land of discarded satellite and rocket debris, exploited only by the ultra-wealthy. The unique ability of the space sector to promote commerce, enhance international trade, strengthen diplomacy, and prevent military conflict will be lost.

• If the Biden administration cannot see the value in the National Space Council to lead a coherent space policy for a new century, it should disband it. Pretending it is important while assigning it no clear purpose would be a waste of time and resources, and actually hamper progress in space. The decisions the Biden administration makes regarding the National Space Council, Space Force, NASA and commercial space policies will determine whether space will remain a safe, nonpartisan domain for an economy to flourish or will become an inhospitable orbital minefield where only military hegemons joust for supremacy.


                National Space Council

The early signs coming from the Biden administration have more than a few of us

                  groper-in-chief Biden

worried about its approach to space policy.

The decision to assign oversight of space to the National Security Council has fueled speculation that the high-level National Space Council will be discontinued. And it comes at a time when a similar lack of seriousness by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and her flippant comments about the Space Force are playing out in the media.

The two recent events beg the question: do President Joe Biden and his senior advisers truly appreciate the gravity of the situation and the opportunities before us in the final frontier?

The rumors of dismantling of the National Space Council should give us all pause. Resurrecting the council in 2017 and putting the vice president in charge was vital to focusing senior government and industry leadership on organizing the U.S. and the world for a space century.

Which is exactly why 17 industry groups representing hundreds of companies critical to our nation’s space future have recently endorsed keeping it. Retaining the council “will provide stability and continuity to the United States’ space endeavors, enabling historic exploration and scientific achievement,” they wrote in their letter to President Biden’s chief of staff. Its continuation would reflect that space is a real priority for our new president.

Serious space questions need to be addressed in the next few years that require senior attention and active support across the executive branch.



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Indonesian Residents Unhappy With SpaceX Launchpad

Article by Akanksha Arora                                          March 10, 2021                                         (republicworld.com)

• Earlier in March, SpaceX launched a second Falcon 9 rocket from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. It was the 6th launch toward completing the ‘Starlink’ mission of a constellation of thousands of small internet communications satellites in orbit around the planet. Musk claims that internet service will improve from here, and officials at launch sites in the United States are content with SpaceX’s progress.

• People living on Papuan Island in Indonesia aren’t so happy. Indonesia has offered Papuan Island to Elon Musk for the launch of his SpaceX project. Indonesia’s coordinating minister for maritime and investment affairs said that Musk and the Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, had discussed the plans in December, and that Musk sent a team to Papuan Island in January to look at the potential investment.

• Papuans deny the Indonesian government’s claim that the local Papuan government was consulted about the planned launch facility. The tribal chief of Papuan Island, Manfun Sroyer, said that he fears that Papuan residents will be forced from their homes, and that the spaceport would encroach upon traditional hunting grounds. Papuan residents deny that the SpaceX launch facility would bring a positive economic impact to the community. They say that it will lead to deforestation in the region and devastate the ecosystem. It will also increase the presence of the Indonesian military and if the people protest, they will be immediately arrested.


                            Elon Musk

Indonesia has offered its Papuan island to Elon Musk for the launch of his SpaceX

      Indonesian president, Joko Widodo

project. The residents of the island do not seem to be happy about it as they have said that Musk is not welcome on their land. According to the reports by The Guardian, the residents said that Musk’s presence on the island would devastate the ecosystem and also drive people from their homes.

Residents unhappy

Papuans on Biak do not agree with the government representative who told The

                         Papuan village

Guardian that the plan was being developed after consulting the Papuan government and local communities. He also believed that this development would bring positive economic impacts. The residents, however, said that this will lead to deforestation in the region and increase the presence of the Indonesian military. According to the reports by The Business Insider, Indonesia’s coordinating minister for maritime and investment affairs said that Musk and the Indonesian president Joko Widodo had discussed the plans earlier in the month of December. Musk was planning to send a team to the island in

    Falcon 9 rockets with Starlink satellites

January to look at the potential investments.

The tribal chief of the island Manfun Sroyer said that he fears that the residents will be forced from their homes. He further added that the spaceport would cost the people their traditional hunting grounds. He also said that if people protest they will be arrested immediately.

SpaceX Rocket all set to launch

The SpaceX Rocket launch will be taking place on March 11th at 3:13 AM EST. This is the second rocket they are sending for the Starlink Launch this month and the 6th in total for the Starlink mission. The launch will be taking place in their Falcon 9 Rockets from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. SpaceX Launch for Starlink is being highly anticipated by everyone.



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Extraterrestrial Contact & the Galactic Federation – 2nd Interview with Elena Danaan

In our 2nd interview, Elena Danaan recounts her personal contact experiences, the most dramatic of which involved an abduction at age nine by five gray aliens. In the midst of two medical procedures involving implants, she was rescued by two human looking extraterrestrials using laser weapons. In the interview, Elena explains how her rescuers repurposed one of the implants so they could subsequently remain in telepathic communications. Elena learned that her rescuers belong to a Galactic Federation of Worlds that is helping Earth’s Great Awakening.

Elena explains how the Galactic Federation first became interested in Earth after it was advised by another extraterrestrial political organization, the Andromeda Council, that a future galactic tyranny could be traced back to Earth in the present era. This matches the testimony of Alex Collier who said, around 1991, that the sudden appearance of a galactic tyranny about 350 years in our future could be traced back to the Earth, Moon and Mars. In Defending Sacred Ground, Alex wrote:

Now, in our galaxy there are many councils. I don’t know everything about all those councils, but I do know about the Andromedan council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is not a political body. What they have been recently discussing is the tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects everybody.

Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future. They have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to further track it down to Earth, Earth’s moon and Mars. Those three places. (Defending Sacred Ground, p. 10)

Elena recounts how President Eisenhower was betrayed by the Majestic-12 Group which made an agreement with Gray aliens without his permission. This matches insider accounts that Eisenhower was on the verge of ordering the US Army to take over the Area 51 S-4 facility controlled by the MJ-12 Group in 1958 for their failure to fully brief him on their activities.

She also discussed how the Galactic Federation has been working with an Earth Alliance, and the four countries most active in this cooperation are Russia, USA, France and Israel. In addition, she corroborated Prof Haim Eshed’s recent claims that President Trump was actively collaborating with the Galactic Federation.

Elena further explains how in November 2018, she was advised by one of her alien rescuers, Thor Han Eredyon, that in two years, the Earth would enter a very dangerous phase, but at the end of it humanity would be liberated from the dark forces that have controlled it for centuries. This brings us to contemporary political events and multiple insider accounts that claim White Hats have set the stage for a series of earth shattering announcements.

Watch this fascinating interview for a glimpse into how different extraterrestrial factions are battling one another to steer humanity’s destiny.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Available on Rumble and YouTube

Note: The first Interview with Elena Danaan is available here.

Related Articles/Podcasts:

SpaceX Reveals its Starport Plans in South Texas

Article by Eric Berger                                           March 8, 2021                                             (arstechnica.com)

• The US Army Corps of Engineers has posted a public notice about the spaceport that Elon Musk’s SpaceX proposes to construct in Boca Chica, Texas, at the southern tip of the state along the Gulf of Mexico. The major hardware includes orbital and suborbital launch pads, landing pads, structural test stands, and a ground support “tank farm”.

• What is striking about this architectural drawing is the relatively limited amount of land that SpaceX has to work with, as a substantial portion must be devoted to stormwater flooding ponds. All of these facilities will be concentrated within a couple dozen acres, in stark contrast to the expansive launch sites in Florida at the Kennedy Space Center and the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

• Since acquiring the south Texas launch site in 2014, SpaceX’s planned scope of activities has grown from planning about 10 Falcon 9 launches a year to launches of the massive Starship vehicle. SpaceX has acquired two floating oil rigs, named Phobos and Deimos, that are being converted at shipyards along the Texas coast into massive floating launch pads (see video below). The plan is to launch Starships on suborbital hops from the ground launch pad in Texas to the floating platforms towed and anchored out in the gulf waters. The Starships can be launched from there into space without collateral damage.

• Musk has also proposed the incorporation of nearby Boca Chica Village into a new city, called Starbase, Texas. Such a city would need to have at least 201 residents and follow state rules for incorporation. Prior to SpaceX’s arrival, the small Boca Chica community consisted of several dozen homes. In recent years, the company has sought to buy out or otherwise remove residents so that it has more control over its nearby launch activities. SpaceX is also undergoing an environmental assessment in south Texas for evaluation by the Federal Aviation Administration.


                           Elon Musk

As part of a federal review process for its plans in South Texas, details of SpaceX’s

Starship rocket

proposed spaceport have been made public. They were posted late last week in a public notice from the US Army Corps of engineers, which is soliciting public comments on the changes.

Most notably, the new documents include a detailed architectural drawing of the multi-acre site at the southern tip of Texas, along the Gulf of Mexico. The major hardware that exists or will be built includes:
• Two orbital launch pads, one of which is already under constriction
• Two suborbital launch pads, one of which already exists
• Two landing pads, one of which already exists
• Two structural test stands for Starship and the Super Heavy booster
• A large “tank farm” to provide ground support equipment for orbital flights
• A permanent position for the totemic “Starhopper” vehicle at the site’s entrance

What is striking about this architectural drawing is its compact nature, largely because SpaceX has limited land to work with at the facility and must include stormwater ponds to mitigate against flooding. All of these facilities will be concentrated within a couple dozen acres, which is in stark contrast to more expansive launch sites in Florida at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

However, SpaceX appears confident that it can control the launch and landing of its vehicles such that any mishaps will not severely damage nearby equipment. This is a non-traditional and possibly risky bet, but SpaceX has always been willing to take risks during development programs in order to move more quickly.

8:22 minute video on Starship Floating Launch Platform (‘Science of Space’ YouTube)



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Short Film – Global Reset, Reptilian Overlords, Rise of the Resistance & Full Disclosure

This is an historical overview of how the Earth has been run as a prison planet through secret agreements between the Cabal/Deep State and their Reptilian extraterrestrial overlords. The film introduces modern day plans to engineer wars, poverty, disease and genetic modifications that all contribute to covertly fulfilling these agreements. The recent proposal to create techno-governments in the US State of Nevada is shown to be yet another means by which the Deep State minions of these alien visitors can hide their operations and fulfillment of these agreements.

As more individuals awaken to the contrived nature of modern wars, health crises, and economic collapse, the masses are rising up in open resistance to the Deep State. What will accelerate this Great Awakening is full disclosure of suppressed advanced technologies, secret space programs and a Galactic Federation waiting for humanity to reclaim its galactic heritage.

I wish to thank my incredibly talented and inspired wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues.

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

[Short Film Available on Rumble and YouTube

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March 27, 2021 Webinar





Space Force’s Operational Anti-Satellite Weapon

Article by Thom Dunn                                      March 8, 2021                                       (boingboing.net)

• In May 2020, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Space Force was necessary because “our adversaries in the last several years have weaponized space. They’ve made it a warfighting domain.” It has been assumed that Space Force is unique among US military branches in that it has no overt space weapons. But creating a branch of the military for the explicit purpose of war in space suggests that the US is planning for more in space than it is disclosing.

• Military technologist Kelsey Atherton pointed out in Slate online magazine, however, that Space Force does in fact have one publicly disclosed space weapon: the “Counter Communications System Block 10.2. or ‘the jammer’ (pictured above). The jammer is a device on Earth that is able to jam satellite data communications in low earth orbit. (see article here). Space Force describes it as: “a transportable space electronic warfare system that reversibly denies adversary satellite communications”. Becoming operational on March 9, 2020, the jammer is a way to exert hostile control over other objects in orbit, both civilian and military, without blowing them up (and creating space debris). The US military considers the jammer a space weapon.

• In the ‘traffic cop’ version of the Space Force, it is less a military branch fighting wars than a military branch that sees itself as enforcing the day-to-day law in space orbit – whether they be satellites owned by countries or companies. The Space Force intends to exercise dominion over both. Space Force doesn’t even need to do anything with the jammer device. Its mere existence is an act of aggressive defense, which infers that a course is set for extending terrestrial conflicts into space. And there’s no turning back from that.



I’ve been following the work of military technologist Kelsey Atherton for years, and I’ve always enjoyed his insights into the most fascinating and horrifying aspects of the defense industry. In a recent article for Slate’s Future Tense section, Atherton explored the theoretical future of Space Force, and how the Biden administration could potential handle the Trump administration’s curious sci-fi vanity project. He then expounded upon the topic in his newsletter.

        Kelsey Atherton

Initially, Atherton had written in Slate: The Space Force is unique among military branches in that it has no (publicly acknowledged) weapons. Nevertheless, creating a new branch of the military for the explicit purpose of war in space suggests to other countries that the United States is planning for more in orbit than it is disclosing. Treating satellites like forts and orbits like territory risks war and, ultimately, the destruction of orbit as a useful space.

While the Pentagon has not adopted Trump’s exact language on the Space Force, in May 2020

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Space Force was necessary because “our adversaries in the last several years have weaponized space. They’ve made it a warfighting domain.”

But, as he acknowledged in his newsletter, this was a mista

ke—one that could potentially change the future of the Space Force: “I, in my error, initially filed a story claiming Space Force has no publicly disclosed weapons. It in fact has one: the “Counter Communications System Block 10.2,” a kind of jammer o̶n̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶a̶t̶e̶l̶l̶i̶t̶e̶, that became operational March 9th, 2020. As weapons go, jammers sit above compromised computers and below blown-up objects, so while it doesn’t have the same immediate threat of a space gun, it matters that the Space Force sees it as a weapon and wants to talk about it as such.”



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Investigated by Project Blue Book for Seeing a Formation of UFOs in 1967

Article by Bill Love                                         March 9, 2021                                          (wkdq.com)

• Bill Love (pictured above), a DJ for WKDQ radio in Evansville, Indiana, reports that a string of UFOs were sighted in February by Evansville Police officers. The same lights were also reported in Louisville, Kentucky. This made Love recollect an incident in 1967 on his first night as the midnight DJ at WHOO radio in west Orlando, Florida.

• As Love was broadcasting an Atlanta Braves baseball game, the WHOO station phone began ringing with callers asking about strange lights in the sky over the western part of the city. Love went outside and looked up in the clear night sky. He could see the lights. Several were traveling in formation very fast and would frequently change colors. They could dip and swerve faster than any plane. Love went back inside and answered more calls about the lights.

• In 1967, the Vietnam War was raging, and it was not uncommon to see heavy air traffic out of nearby McCoy Air Force Base. Also Cape Canaveral was sending space rockets up frequently. Love called McCoy AFB but they had no comment. They did take Love’s name and number there at the radio station.

• The next day Love got a call from the radio station receptionist to let him know that an Air Force officer was waiting in the lobby to see him. Love raced to the station and was greeted by a very stern US Air Force major representing Project Blue Book, the official US air force UFO investigation program. The major asked Love questions about the UFO’s proximity to the high radio towers on the property, and how large Love would estimate that the lights were.

• The AF major had Love fill out a multi-page questionnaire. At the end of our interview Love asked him, “Did anyone at McCoy AFB see the lights”? The major smiled, bid Love a good day and walked away. Love never heard from him or the military again.

• Project Blue Book was ended by the Air Force two years later in 1969. The main goal of the Blue Book investigation was to determine whether UFOs posed any threat to US national security. It was determined that they were not. Love’s report to Project Blue Book was only recently declassified along with never-seen photographs and home movies from decades ago. This fascinating evidence of “non-threatening” UFOs can be seen at the National Archives website.


             McCoy AFB in the 1960s

Unidentified flying objects or UFOs are back in the news again. During the first week of February a couple of Evansville Police officers saw a string of strange lights while sitting in their patrol car. The same lights were reported in Louisville. These reports brought up memories for me of something I saw in 1967. It even made the official US Government investigation of UFOs.

In ’67 I was working as the 6PM to midnight DJ on a radio station in Orlando Florida. Here I am standing in front of the studio and transmitter building of radio station WHOO on my first day at work.

The important thing to know is that the transmitter and broadcast studio that you see in the polaroid were located together on the very flat west side of Orlando with not too many lights to pollute the night sky. The station was 50,000 watts east-west directional which meant several very tall towers were located within a few hundred feet of the building.

The Milwaukee Braves baseball team had recently moved to Atlanta and on the night I spotted my UFOs we were carrying a Braves game. I had plenty of time to kill as I waited to insert local commercials into the broadcast. Suddenly the phone lit up. This was odd because not that many people could have been listening to the Braves getting clobbered again. Caller after caller asked about strange lights in the sky over the western part of the city. I knew McCoy air force base was located just a few miles away and since the Vietnam war had heated up in ’67, heavy traffic in the sky wasn’t uncommon. Also Cape Canaveral was sending space rockets up frequently. But the calls didn’t stop. More and more people wanted to know what these strange sights in the night sky were.



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To Quarantine the Moon and Mars

March 7, 2021                                    (rtd.rt.com)

• In July 1964, representatives from several institutions including NASA held a conference to discuss the topic of preventing ‘back contamination’ – bringing contaminants from extraterrestrial bodies back to Earth. They feared that such contamination of the Earth could multiply and lead to unpredictable consequences, up to and including the extinction of our civilization. The attendees at the ‘Conference on Potential Hazards of Back Contamination from the Planets’ concluded there was no way to protect a spacecraft returning from the Moon from any possible extraterrestrial life forms. The best solution to prevent a disease from spreading among people would be isolation until a vaccine could be produced.

• In July 1969, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin returned to their Apollo 11 lunar module after walking on the Moon and took off their helmets, they could smell the acrid stench of Moon dust on their suits. They brushed it off as best they could, but it was impossible to get rid of it all. If there were traces of microorganisms in it, astronauts would inevitably become infected. When their space module touched down in the ocean, the first thing that the retrieval team did was to treat the module door with disinfectant.

• Upon reaching the aircraft carrier, the Apollo 11 crew changed into biological protection suits, traveled in an isolated quarantine van aboard the aircraft carrier, then through special tunnels from the aircraft carrier to land and then onward to a special laboratory. The three astronauts along with six other technicians who were exposed to a film cassette that had fallen on the lunar surface, and any lunar rock samples, objects and equipment that the astronauts had handled on the Moon, were isolated and quarantined for three weeks while scientists examined how the people and objects exposed to the Moon’s surface now interacted with terrestrial plants, animals and living tissue.

• In June 2020, NASA unveiled its new policies regarding bio-protection during manned or robotic flights to the Moon or Mars and back to Earth. The latest NASA guide looked at preventing ‘back contamination’ of moon microbes from invading Earth but also ‘forward contamination’ to protect other celestial bodies from Earth/human contamination. Now that the world is preparing for Mars missions, the planet where life forms are more likely to be found than on the Moon, planet protection policies have become a widely discussed issue.

• There is currently a debate whether the responsibilities and liabilities imposed under the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and signed by world governments including the US also pertain to private commercial space flights. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk claims the treaty does not apply to the private sector, and that the planet Mars is free from “Earth-based government… authority or sovereignty over Martian activities”.

• With the probability of humans landing on Mars, scientists are proposing that a Martian “exploration zone” be established on the planet’s surface where visiting humans can isolate themselves for a period to prevent their contaminating Mars. It has now been demonstrated that people and objects exposed to the Moon’s surface do not pose any risk of ‘back contamination’ on Earth. But there is a concern whether Moon tourists would faithfully follow NASA recommendations regarding the protection of other moons and planets from ‘forward contamination’ of Earth-born bio-contamination.

• The CEO of fashion retailer Zozo, Yusaku Maezawa, plans to take more than a dozen civilians to the Moon under the ‘dearMoon project’. Foreseeing the rise of such space tourism, last summer (2020) NASA released updated biosafety guidance for such civilian space missions. The risk of catching an ‘alien plague’ on the Moon, or the contamination of other celestial bodies with Earth bacterias is no joke to space experts.


Apollo 11 astronauts in the quarantine module

With space tourism on the rise, the risk of space contamination may undermine the

       NASA Mobile Quarantine Facility

endeavour. The CEO of fashion retailer Zozo, Yusaku Maezawa, who started a project to launch the first civilian flight to the moon in 2023, has recently announced he’ll pay for five randomly chosen candidates as well. But it is still unclear whether the dearMoon project offers the required biosafety level while taking more than a dozen civilians to the moon. Even though no-one has been infected, the risk of catching an ‘alien plague’ on the moon is not a joke to space experts. In the summer of 2020, NASA released updated guidance for civilian missions, foreseeing the rise of space tourism. The advice added new rules concerning contamination of other celestial bodies with Earth bacterias.

   Nixon greeting the Apollo astronauts

Throughout the 70s, NASA scientists were testing space systems for biosafety during

       Yusaku Maezawa and Elon Musk

the Apollo programme. After years of research, they only concluded that biosafety is impossible in space. NASA developed a guide for preventing bio-emergencies half a century ago. However, until now, social isolation and containment remain the most reliable ways of avoiding space viruses and bacterias from invading Earth.

Interplanetary contamination

Following the first flight into space, the United States set a goal to send a manned mission to the moon earlier than the USSR. But a closer look into the prospects of the mission led to safety concerns over the biological threat. The US spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer’s dollars researching whether it’s true. Scientists from NASA were seriously considering the worst outcome of what they named ‘back contamination’.



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Astronomers’ New Way of Searching for Alien Worlds in the Stars

Article by Cody Fenwick                                       March 5, 2021                                     (salon.com)

• A group of astronomers at UCLA have published findings on a new method of searching for signs of technological civilizations in the stars using radio signals. Radio signals are easy to create. The universe is naturally filled with radio signals. They can encode detailed information within its signal, and they can travel long distances between solar systems. So the key is to detect those signals that appear to be artificial. But almost all of the artificial radio signals that we detect in space actually came from the Earth.

• In order to clear away the clutter and pinpoint radio signals coming from a star out in the galaxy, the UCLA researchers developed an algorithm to weed out extraneous signals in the data coming from the Earth. The researchers applied a concept known as ‘topographical prominence’ that is used when mapping a particular mountain relative to the terrain around it. The algorithm is able to find a particular narrow radio signal among other signals.

• Utilizing the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and applying the algorithm, the researchers were able to identify 26 million signals – about 200 times as many candidate radio signals than would be found using standard search methods. The algorithm then screened out more than 99% of those signals as human-made. After that, 4,539 unique radio signals were left over. Going through them one-by-one, the researchers were able to conclude these, too, were from human sources and not evidence of alien technology. A disappointment, to be sure — but the real point was to hone the technique.

• They further honed their technology by injecting fake signals into their raw data. The computer algorithm was able to correctly identify 99.73% of the detected signals as ‘technosignature’ candidates, and illuminate imperfections in the technology that could ultimately be used to calibrate the signals for prevalence of other civilizations.

• Through this process, the UCLA researchers were able to narrow rogue radio signals down to 31 Sun-like stars whose properties are similar to the only star currently known to harbor a planet with life – the Earth’s Sun.


NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars last month in a mission to, in part, search for signs of ancient microbial life on our

    Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia

neighboring planet. If any evidence of such extraterrestrial organisms — likely long dead — is found, it will be a massive development in astrobiology and humanity’s understanding of its place in the universe. But when people are honest, they tend to admit that fossilized remains of ancient microorganisms aren’t what gets them excited in the search for alien life. What really fires the imagination is the search for intelligent alien life and extraterrestrial civilizations.

A recent paper, though, flagged by astronomer and writer Phil Plait at SyFy, offers surprisingly promising developments in that branch of space exploration. Working at UCLA, a group of astronomers published findings on a new method of searching for signs of technological civilizations in the stars.

“We selected 31 Sun-like stars,” they explain, “because their properties are similar to the only star currently known to harbor a planet with life.”

And to be upfront about it, they unequivocally found no sign of civilization. But Plait argued that they showcased a promising method for pursuing the search.

Basically, the technique entailed using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to scan for radio signals. Many scientists hopeful about searching for intelligent alien life think that the most likely way we’ll uncover it is by receiving radio transmissions from non-human sources. Radio signals are easy to create, they can travel the long distances between solar systems, and they can encode detailed information. And if there are any civilizations out there listening, they may have already picked up many of our own transmissions.



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NASA’s Perseverance Rover’s Test Drive on Mars

Article by Jesse O’Neill                                            March 5, 2021                                            (nypost.com)

• On March 4th, NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover (pictured above) took its first test drive of about 21 feet on Mars. For thirty-three minutes, the rover negotiated turns and backed up into a new parking space at a snail’s pace, officials said. The mobility test is one of many milestones to check off Perseverance’s do-to list, as team members calibrate every system and instrument on the rover. When scientists decide all systems are ‘go’, the rover will begin regularly driving the length of several football fields at a time.

• “When it comes to wheeled vehicles on other planets, there are few first-time events that measure up in significance to that of the first drive,” said Anais Zarifian, Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mobility test bed engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “The rover’s six-wheel drive responded superbly. We are now confident our drive system is good to go, capable of taking us wherever the science leads us over the next two years.”

• Since the February 18th Mars landing, mission controllers have also completed software updates, deployed Perseverance’s wind sensors and tested the rover’s 7-foot-long robotic arm. The rover is now poised to begin more complicated missions, including finding a launch site for its mini helicopter next month.

• Scientists hope its multi-year mission gathering Mars samples and data will provide insight into the region’s geology and climate history, and determine if life once existed on the planet. Perseverance will ultimately prepare astronauts for human exploration on Mars.


NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover took its first test drive on Mars Thursday,

                           Anais Zarifian

covering about 21 feet of the extraterrestrial landscape, the space agency said.

The mobility test is one of many milestones to check off Perseverance’s do-to list, as team members calibrate every system and instrument on the rover.

When scientists decide all systems are go, it will begin regularly driving the length of several football fields at a time.

“When it comes to wheeled vehicles on other planets, there are few first-time events that measure up in significance to that of the first drive,” said Anais Zarifian, Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mobility test bed engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

“This was our first chance to ‘kick the tires’ and take Perseverance out for a spin. The rover’s six-wheel drive responded superbly. We are now confident our drive system is good to go, capable of taking us wherever the science leads us over the next two years.”

The drive lasted about 33 minutes, as the rover negotiated turns and backed up into a new parking space at a snail’s pace, officials said.



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Pope endorses Great Reset while Vatican hides environmentally friendly technologies

On March 16, a book length interview of Pope Francis was published where he calls for the creation of a New World Order and Great Reset following the Covid-19 Pandemic. He claims that this will allow for a global redistribution of wealth from richer to poorer countries, and solve environmental problems caused by fossil fuels.

The problem with the Pope’s bold assertions is that the Vatican has secretly participated in the research and development of advanced technologies, and hidden this from the public sector for well over a century. In this Exopolitics Today podcast, Dr. Michael Salla discusses the secret Vatican involvement in classified research on advanced technologies that could end the fossil fuel industry overnight and solve many environmental problems if fully disclosed.

Podcast available on Rumble and YouTube

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NASA Invests in Building Landing Pads and Structures Out of Moon Regolith

Article by Andy Tomaswick                                       March 4, 2021                                           (universetoday.com)

• The NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Fellowship is considering sixteen ‘Phase 1 selectees’ to flesh out advanced Moon mission concepts ranging from a solar system-wide “Pony Express” to autonomous deep drilling rigs on off planet worlds. One of these proposals is entitled ‘Regolith Adaptive Modification System (RAMs) to Support Early Extraterrestrial Planetary Landings (and Operations)’. The RAM would allow flexible landing pads flown down to the lunar surface and anchored directly to the regolith (rocks) with minimal effort, ensuring that the pads won’t simply blow away the first time they are hit with a booster engine blast.

• The RAM proposal comes from Dr. Sarbajit Banerjee, a chemist at Texas A&M. The process of making use of materials found on celestial bodies in the solar system is known as ‘in-situ resource utilization’. A previous NIAC program foused on developing the flexible landing platforms. The RAM component focuses on anchoring the platform to the lunar surface. This provides an early-stage infrastructure that would be useful before larger infrastructure such as sintering or geopolymerization equipment can be put in place.

• RAMs also employs a novel anchoring technique centered around “precursors” that weld anchor points to the underlying regolith on the surface. Other precursors can be directly introduced into the regolith itself to stabilize certain regions directly. The precursors are made up of a combination of nanothermites and organosilanes. When heated, they blend together with the surrounding regolith to create much more stable structures. Interesting, the source of much of the energy needed to create the bonds that stabilize the material is actually pulled from the material itself.


Materials are a crucial yet underappreciated component of any space exploration

     Dr. Sarbajit Banerjee

program. Without novel materials and ways to make them, things that are commonplace today, such as a Falcon 9 rocket or the Mars rovers, would never have been possible. As humanity expands into the solar system, it will need to make more use of the materials found there – a process commonly called in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Now, the advanced concepts team at NASA has taken a step towards supporting that process by supporting a proposal from Dr. Sarbajit Banerjee, a chemist at Texas A&M. The proposal suggests using lunar regolith to build a stable landing pad for future moon missions.

         the RAM team at Texas A&M

The proposal, entitled Regolith Adaptive Modification System (RAMs) to Support Early Extraterrestrial Planetary Landings (and Operations), focuses on providing early-stage infrastructure that would be useful before larger infrastructure such as sintering or geopolymerization equipment can be put in place.

Alternatively, RAMs uses a novel anchoring technique centered around “precursors” that can weld anchor points on the surface to the underlying regolith. Other precursors can be directly introduced into the regolith itself to stabilize certain regions directly.

The precursors are made up of a combination of nanothermites and organosilanes. When heated, they blend together with the surrounding regolith to create much more stable structures. Interesting, the source of much of the energy needed to create the bonds that stabilize the material is actually pulled from the material itself.



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