Is Comet ISON accompanied by UFOs?


The latest news reports reveal Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) is brightening and may yet become the comet of the century. But is ISON a comet? A startling photo has been circulating of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) that shows it comprises three objects rather than a solitary nucleus as claimed by NASA astronomers. The photo was taken by the Hubble space telescope on April 30, 2013, and it shows two of the objects are highly symmetrical cylinder shapes. In August, a number of bloggers began claiming that comet ISON was accompanied by two UFO motherships, and/or its core was in fact a large biosphere. Not so according to NASA scientists who officially responded in a post that the three objects are merely an overlay of three different time exposures of comet ISON.

Comet ISON was discovered in September 2012 by Russian amateur astronomers. It was first photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope on April 10. After disappearing behind the sun from June to August, it appeared again in late August. According to NASA, the Hubble image shows a conventional comet with a small nucleus and a large coma. NASA estimates the nucleus as between three to four miles across, while its coma is about 3100 miles wide and its tail is 57,000 miles long.

Comet ISON began passing Mars on October 1. It was photographed by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on September 29. Comet ISON will make its closest approach to the sun on November 28, which is Thanksgiving Day in the USA. On its way back from the sun, Comet ISON makes its closest approach to Earth on December 26, where it will be 40 million miles away. Clearly too far away for doomsday collision theories. NASA has plotted the trajectory of Comet ISON showing how it passes relatively close to Mars, makes a close flyby of the sun, and then orbits back at some distance from Earth. Many astronomers hope it displays spectacular fireworks as it passes close to the sun in late November. Some going as far as claiming it will the “comet of the century.” Normally, comets heat up and some expand spectacularly as the icy core heats up and gasses ignite. Comet ISON has begun brightening as it approaches the inner solar system. Alan Pickup from the Guardian newspaper today wrote: “The comet was near the 10th magnitude a week ago and may brighten to the 8th or even the 7th magnitude by the end of October. As such, it may soon become visible through binoculars as it dives closer to the Sun.”

Amateur astronomers have analyzed the Hubble telescope images and found that one of them shows the core of Comet ISON comprises three objects – two of which are highly symmetrical cylinder shaped. The three objects clearly reveal themselves when the lighting in the photo is turned down. You can test this yourself here  or watch the embedded video below. According to the amateur astronomers, NASA could not have failed to have noticed this. It is claimed that NASA is hiding the true composition of Comet ISON with images it has released that show only a solitary nucleus. Did NASA simply overlook that the comet’s core comprises three objects or is it hiding something?

Hubble astronomers claim, however, the April 30 photo of ISON doesn’t show three objects at all. In an official reply to blogger claims, Hubble astronomers claimed that the photo, “is the result of combining three exposures that produce the three components, and the shapes are produced by the combined motion of the Hubble telescope and the comet.”

 What makes the issue even more mysterious is an alleged video of comet ISON that appears to show the nucleus being circled by two UFOs. The video is claimed to be from a Chinese satellite, however, the Chinese Space Agency does not contain the video on its website. Furthermore, the resolution is too clear for such a distant object suggesting the video has been forged. Why would someone go to the trouble to create a fake video of comet ISON comprising two cylindrical UFOs circling a nucleus? Was it to generate confusion over the true composition of comet ISON or to call attention to it being accompanied by UFOs?

Regarding the latter possibility, there are many competing claims. One blogger, Tolec, claims that Comet Ison is, in fact, a large biosphere accompanied by two smaller ships:

It is not a comet. This is a large scale ship operated by Galactic Federation forces. Expect it to arrive in the ‘sol’ (solar) system, in Earth’s ‘space’ & in orbit over this planet… sometime in the near future. Consider this sighting to be another major harbinger of the many changes coming to this planet!

One thing is clear so far, a Hubble image of comet ISON taken in April does appear to show that it comprises three objects making up its nucleus – two of which are highly symmetrical cylinder shaped. Could it be that the image is simply an overlay of three different time exposures as Hubble astronomers suggest? In this scenario favored by NASA, the most we can hope for is that ISON spectacularly expands to become the “comet of the century.” Alternatively, does Comet ISON comprise two UFOs accompanying its nucleus as depicted in the alleged Chinese satellite imagery, or is it a large biosphere accompanied by two escort ships? We will have to wait for the truth to emerge as Comet ISON makes its closest approach to the sun in November 2013.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Kennedy’s Last Stand: Roots of JFK Assassination lie in what he saw in 1945

Kennedy's Last Stand Front CoverJust before the start of his first term on January 20, 1993, President-Elect Clinton made a strange request to close family friend and lawyer Webster Hubbell: “If I put you over there in justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs.”  According to Hubbell, “Clinton was dead serious.”  The key to unlocking the mystery of President Kennedy’s assassination and a possible UFO connection lie in events that occurred 18 years earlier in post-war Germany.

In the summer of 1945, John F. Kennedy was a guest of Navy Secretary James Forrestal in a post-war tour of Germany. Kennedy personally witnessed technological secrets that have still not been disclosed to the general public. These secrets stemmed from technologies that Nazi Germany had acquired from around the world, and were attempting to develop for their weapons programs. The advanced technologies stunned the military government running the U.S. zone of occupied Germany. How did the Nazis develop them? The answer according to the father of German rocket design, Herman Oberth, shocked U.S. military officials. The Nazis had help from “the people of others worlds” – some of the technologies were extraterrestrial in origin.

 In searching for answers to who killed President Kennedy we need to start with the death of his mentor, James Forrestal in 1949. Forrestal became the first Secretary of Defense in 1947, a position he held until March, 1949. Forrestal was a visionary who thought Americans had a right to know about the existence of extraterrestrial life and technologies.  Forrestal was sacked by President Truman because he was revealing the truth to various officials, including Kennedy who was a Congressman at the time. Forrestal’s ideals and vision inspired Kennedy, and laid the seed for what would happen 12 years later.

After winning the 1960 Presidential election, Kennedy learned a shocking truth from President Eisenhower. The control group set up to run highly classified extraterrestrial technologies, Majestic-12, had become a rogue government agency. Eisenhower warned Kennedy that Majestic-12 had to be reined in. It posed a direct threat to American liberties and democratic processes. Kennedy followed Eisenhower’s advice, and set out to realize James Forrestal’s vision. The same forces that orchestrated Forrestal’s death, opposed Kennedy’s efforts at every turn. When Kennedy was on the verge of succeeding, by forcing the CIA to share classified UFO information with other government agencies on November 12, 1963, he was assassinated ten days later.

Kennedy’s Last Stand is a book about how two American Presidents, Eisenhower and Kennedy, confronted “black world” operations outside of the control of “white world” constitutional government representatives. Kennedy’s Last Stand reveals how JFK tried to realize his friend’s and mentor’s vision of a world where humanity openly knows about extraterrestrial life. The book reveals for the first time, the principal government officials responsible for denying that vision, and orchestrating the assassination of President Kennedy.

Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 and JFK’s Assassination by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., becomes available at Amazon on October 22, 2013 – one month before the 50th anniversary of the JFK Assassination.

Pre-order from  Amazon or order your personally autographed copy now!

An extraterrestrial ethical understanding & consciousness development

A Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide
A Mission Rahma Extraterrestrial Guide

Is a practical, universal ethics compatible with ethically advanced, benevolent, cosmic civilizations possible for humanity? Does it require the slow progression in psychological developmental stages of a majority of individuals? If so, what if the social system and culture (s) regress from slowly developing (and challenged) democracies to pre-modern stages? If we have the wherewithal or potential to be substantially different, does it require a shift in attitudes that can be stimulated worldwide thanks to the dire environmental circumstances (and other so-called “hypercomplex,” “wicked” problems) that we are provoking and for which we must adapt or perish? Or does it require AI to surveil and control our lives, perhaps in combination with massive genetic engineering, hybridizing with specific extraterrestrial species, or (as some channeled material mentions) will inevitably come about as some sort of “ascension” process thanks to vibratory frequency shifts forcing us to change? We need to be realistic and consider all reasonable possibilities.

What kind of ethics do we need to establish a constructive rapport with the kind of extraterrestrials that may be the most respectful and positive to our long-term well-being? Harmonious universal values and principles become personally binding and not just “lofty words” disconnected from “reality” and soon to be forgotten IF our sense of belonging, our self-identity expands beyond irrational, pre-integral exclusivisms and we become intimately connected with levels of trans-rational (not non-rational), integral inclusivism. These levels include and transcend the “either-or” physical logic of distinctions and may even transcend and also transcend and include the “both-and” relational logic of the subtle worlds of energy and life. They vibrate with the heart of love as a higher, more inclusive form of logic that may be known in the Orient as “neti-neti” or “neither-nor.”

After years of reviewing contactee literature, I’d say that many alleged extraterrestrials seem to have an expanded sense of belonging, not only in a cognitive sense and in ways of dealing with complexity and multidimensionality but also in heartfelt, spiritual, and instinctive a-rational (not irrational) terms. These types of ETs seem to be more human-compatible and to offer the most human-enhancing and whole free will-respecting contacts. The question is can we rise to the challenge and get a grip of such an ethics as exopolitical ambassadors representing the whole human species?

There’s an ethical understanding called the “Bredam.” The Bredam or Cosmic Song of the Universe is not found in any particular place but is everywhere at once. It is not written in any language, books, manuscripts, or codes. Its place and expectation is from always. There is no secret needed to find it because as it is it is without you (as a separate being). It is a perennial form of energy and all have access to it when the time arrives (this is an alleged ET transmission to a contactee within Mission Rahma).”

Within the (international but mostly Latin American) ET contact group called “Mission Rahma” (originated in 1974 by Sixto Paz Wells, his family and friends inside the (now extant) Peruvian Institute of Interplanetary RelationsIPRI” (founded by his father Carlos Paz García Corrochano in 1955), the “Bredam” is alleged to be a moral understanding and a set of “laws” adhered to in every planetary civilization that functions under the spiritual authority of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy. I suppose that it would also apply to civilizations that follow the spiritual advice of an even higher council of the Nine of Andromeda.

The following extract is a conceptual transmission that allegedly took place during a contact experience in which a physical and inter-dimensional transference to “Morlen” (Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter) was achieved through an artificially generated dimensional gateway called “Xendra.” I translated the following passage inspired on the “Bredam” from


One can only see well with the heart

One can only identify correctly with intuition

One can only understand well with respect to reasons

One can only judge well with an understanding of motivations

One can only dialogue adequately with tolerance to diverse opinions but,

above all, one can only teach well through example.”

Mission Rahma” is one of several contact missions that relate with specific varieties of our extraterrestrial forefathers/elder cosmic brothers. These particular “forefathers” admit that in the past they committed several mistakes that hurt humanity. Nonetheless, this particular group currently seems to be aligned with the love-based esoteric teachings of the world religions and to be very respectful of Master Jesus the Christ in particular because this being is one with the “Cosmic Christ” or Logos, the firstborn in an ultra-terrestrial Universe. The latter element seems to be a reason why they found a more receptive human community among Spanish-speaking, idealist, spiritual seekers willing to consistently work with a lofty mission without excesses of fanaticism.

Why can’t we be motivated by lofty values, feelings, understanding and spirituality and not be fanatics? The motto currently used in this contact experience goes something like this: “Rahma is to love, God is love, Christ is the lord and the Mission is for Humanity. Why can’t this also be important for intelligent, wise, technologically advanced extraterrestrials? Why can’t there be a level of consciousness capable of balancing the dichotomous excesses to which pre-integral human minds tend to fall?

In the word “Rahma” “Ra” symbolizes the “Sun” and “Divine Light;” “Ma” symbolizes “the Earth” and the letter “h” symbolizes our “humanity” capable of bringing light and wisdom to Earth but also to the Cosmos and, furthermore, of acting as a “bridge” to the highest dimensions of existence which extraterrestrials themselves do not reach. Even if the group is numerically small (perhaps in the thousands over the years in more than 20 countries), the unity of altruistic purpose and collective spiritual “work” is deemed an effective representation in the name of humanity.

Allegedly, according to physical contactees from this group, Ganymede (the moon of Jupiter) harbors a technologically-sustained intentional community (a multi-faceted colony of colonists from many civilizations which did not adhere to the Orion rebellion). The colony (called “Morlen”) is thought to be located in another time frame and subtler vibratory level of physical reality. It is also considered to be the local seat (or at least a local seat) of the “Council of the 24 Elders of the (Milky Way) Galaxy.” After preparing themselves a group of individuals was transported there all at once and also Sixto Paz Wells may have been taken there by himself.

The truthfulness and objective reality of the Mission Rahma contacts are validated by decades of shared experiences of people that have followed the same contact methods and obtained similar interpretations without being abused according to common sense human standards. Some “anomalous” sightings were verified collectively even with the presence of news reporters. Hundreds of people have experienced various kinds of contact including holographic, physical, energetic, and telepathic and, while the sense of mission and the information indeed has a spiritual pseudo-religious-sounding appearance, this doesn’t mean that genuine contacts don’t surpass physical and psychical components and are capable of going into the spiritual heart of the matter or into crucially important spiritual reasons.


The point is that spirit and not technology or power-seeking, unending distrust-enhancing and manipulation are keys to these kinds of high-level, loving, and mutually respectful contacts with friends we can trust. Even so, what might seem as simple pseudo –religiosity and none else to rigid, modern “rational” minds and feelings are not accompanied by a rigid “follow the leader” scam. They are usually accompanied by order, freedom, coherence, voluntary work, and sufficient rationality. Let’s not confuse spirituality with fanaticism and technology-power seeking contacts with genuine contacts. There are instead many kinds of contacts and beings in a complex range of interactions across the globe.

While I’m quoting ideas expressive of the “Bredam,” this “code” is more like the “spirit of the law” thought to be felt and understood by the spiritual heart and through common sense. Some of the sayings that follow (allegedly communicated by extraterrestrial “guides” and by some of their spiritual “masters” during telepathic transmissions) may give us a better sense of this unwritten “code”:

Close your eyes to see; Open your heart to understand; Seal your lips to vibrate; Feel the Christ presence to shine.

The beginning of reason is logic and the logic of its beginning is its end. Reason doesn’t rest in knowledge but in wisdom.

The goal of a wise master is not that his disciple equals him but to be surpassed by him; in this way he will have an opportunity to become a disciple once again.

What you understand with the heart is integrated with the mind and is communicated with the sublime act of love.


These guidelines were extensively used within the Mission Rahma contact groups, especially during the first years. Ideally, the guidelines which serve to judge the truthfulness and positive contributions of an extraterrestrial message could also give us some hints on the “Bredam” that inspires whom we would call “benign” or “life-enhancing,” “freedom-respectful” extraterrestrials: 1) A genuine life-enhancing message is coherent and logical (in the classic rational sense). 2) It possesses a simple and yet profound wisdom. 3) It is positive and provides options for change and improvement, never falling prey to catastrophism. 4) It always provides a new contribution or something new and isn’t simply the repetition of previous messages, or contradicts the previous messages but, rather, expands and deepens upon them. 5) It is outside of time: Its knowledge transcends time. 6) It brings an intuitively perceived subtle contribution which quite often reason (classical reason) cannot understand. This is a sense of light and spirituality which is felt upon relating to the message. 7) A genuine message is universal and not personal or exclusive. It doesn’t exalt the “antenna” or receiver above the rest of the participants whose role in harmony is just as crucial. It doesn’t over-differentiate. 8) It can propose specific spiritual tasks or a change for the good but never impose them on others.

Some Personal Reflections: Is a Cosmic/Universal Ethics Humanly Possible?

It seems that – in relation to most ET groups coming to Earth/our physical time frame – whatever their orientation might be they at least perceive themselves as part of a coherent planetary species as a group. Their consciousness is sufficiently integral to operate under a universal concern that goes along with the capacity and responsibility to manipulate space-time. The different groups seem to agree with shared engagement rules even if they might have serious differences among themselves. Thus, it is not easy to judge them under our simpler “either-or” incipient rational parameters. We would need to mature a level of consciousness that identifies with larger living-intelligent wholes, like with the whole of Earth and with the whole of our Earth human species. Only then we might achieve a form of cosmic sovereignty and respect from other species who might want different things from us. Only then can we expect some varieties of ETs not to manipulate us for us to give them permission to intervene us as inferior creatures. Only then and when we understand the power of our free will and creative potential can we safely engage with the whole variety of ET groups and not just with those that respect us the most (as the ET groups that have been operating through Mission Rahma volunteer participants).

Reflecting on what causes self-reflective, intelligent beings to behave for the benefit of others I realize that a most crucial ingredient is the shared values of the group we participate with in a vital or personally important way. If our self-identity depends on valuing being humans and our group implicitly says “humans are tough” we’ll try to show toughness. If we are Americans and our self-identity depends on groups that implicitly say that “Americans are predestined by God” we’ll support that. Every value we support, if it is partially true will not just negate its opposite. It will support our core sense of self-identifications and also leave out other partially true values. Nevertheless, the more UNIVERSAL and INCLUSIVE our sense of self and group-related values are, the more these values will partially coincide with other people’s. It may be a matter of gradually expanding our inclusivity along with greater values with which our sense of self-identity can coexist with.

Can we expect ETs to risk openly contacting us in our own terms any time soon? Can we live by a universal and unspecified ethics like the “Bredam?” Can we listen and resonate with the “Song of the Universe?” I think that we already do it to a greater or lesser extent in so far as we value others besides ourselves to whichever degree. Nonetheless, I also think that that to do so in a similar way as the alleged extraterrestrials mentioned in this essay more importantly requires an expansion or leap in the spiritually (Monad presence) “heart-felt” and constitutionally (gross and subtle bodies integration) “instinctively-felt” self-identity. These are the spiritual and fundamental sides of our conscious capacity to include. Secondarily it requires a cognitive expansion into a trans-systemic, integral-level understanding. In other words, cognition and mental understanding may be necessary and useful but not as fundamentally important as spiritually-inspired feelings and structurally-inspired instincts. This may be why benign extraterrestrials often choose not just people who don’t have a personal stake in institutions but also who are not very intellectually inclined. Their good feelings and good instincts about their contacts are in these cases what matters most.

While cognitive expansion of our conscious “space” would deal with extraterrestrials (and any other form of life) in depersonalized, Third Person-objective, inter-systemic ways (like a “Vulcan” from the TV series “Star Trek” would) spiritual and instinctive conscious expansion would deal with extraterrestrials in personal, First Person-subjective ways. Both ways could be necessary but the latter would be more fundamental since even subjectivity may be ultimately linked to the Universal Conscious Presence that gives rise to everything, including objects and the intelligence needed to understand them.

Perhaps a basic “gentlemen’s agreement” kind or respect in our relations with ETs may require our self-identities to embrace a healthy cognitive respect for the vital integration of all systems (terrestrial and extraterrestrial) but a kind and superior alignment with the highest good for everyone, in the long run, may require a self-identity extended by an opening of the heart. This opening of the heart may lead to a more coherent and profound logic cohering different ways of knowing interpenetrating realities/realms and not to a fanaticism as is erroneously assumed by some proud modern rationalists which oversimplify the issue.

Contactees within Mission Rahma (as well as contactees from other groups, theosophists, new agers, and channelers) have generally privileged the former kind of leap and within Mission Rahma, it has been called a leap into the “Fourth Dimension of Consciousness.” This appears to be a level of consciousness in which individuality is not lost but in which there’s a healthy interest in the good of the whole in which an individual participates. Planet-wide challenges call for this kind of consciousness in which integral solutions can be applied and in which local or personal closed-minded preferences inimical to the harmony of the whole (as a species and the planet’s life forms) are reorganized for the good of all individuals as participants in that greater unit.   Different world and culture transforming collectives need to start recognizing each other,  coming together, and integrating their advanced ideas into an even greater level of unity-coherence-knowingness.

Preparing the planet for open contacts is about integrating the Good, True and Beautiful elements of many complementing integrative ideologies and movements. 

In fact, this expansion, this development or perhaps “leap in consciousness” might also correlate with the research and theories put forth in the work of several coinciding developmental psychologists like Dr. Clare W. Graves’ and his “Levels of Existence” (, Dr. Elizabeth Cook-Greuter and her “Action Logics,” Dr. Jane Loevinger’s and her “Stages of Ego Development” ( and Harvard Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Behavior Dr. Robert Kegan’s and his “Orders of Consciousness” ( Research like this being recognized by Integral Theory followers (who tend to be psychologists) also needs to be incorporated into the exopolitical and world transformation discourse.

In relation to a cognitive and self-identity level of awareness capable of dealing with the world as a whole (and in my view even perhaps) with extraterrestrial contact Professor Kegan refers to the possibility of an emerging “Inter-Individual Order of Consciousness.” Consciousness and cultural evolution is possible and a universal tendency according to Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. While success is not pre-determined we can make use of the cosmic tendency to develop more inclusive forms of life, downloading higher potentials from subtler levels of existence and actualizing them through choice in “bottom-up” evolution. At least all of these researchers using different kinds of structuralist methods through psychological tests and other approximate objective ways of quantifying human psychological development coincide with one of the fathers of Humanistic psychology, Dr. Abraham Maslow ( who thought that higher stages of human development were indeed possible

I think that each particular group of self-aware and self-reflective beings on Earth (and elsewhere) admit values which themselves are degrees of understandings which ultimately derive from the original explicated Source, the sound and light sustaining all of creation, universes, densities, realities and materiality. As that which provides essential meaning, coherence and order it has been variously recognized in different religions as: All inclusive love, the Logos/Christ, the Word, AUM, the compassionate Buddha Mind, and even by esoteric mystics as a vibratory essence of MIND behind the seven Hermetic principles given in The Kybalion  (which may have been written or telepathically received by William Walker Atkinson but still remains hauntingly inspiring).

The human sense of order, of right and wrong, of better and worse, of more or less harmonious, of what to value, include or to exclude so as to choose and evolve would emerge from this original vibration at the Heart of all that is manifesting or may manifest relatively to each other entity. The ability to recognize the vibration surpassing definition but aligned with Truth, Order, Beauty, and shared Harmony would always be with us (however we may have been genetically modified for the worse) because without it intelligent living systems would not flourish. It would be naturally encoded within our bodies and our DNA blueprint. This knowingness would enhance and harmonize with all forms of constructive harmonious meaning-making, logic, and order and so we would know that it is not foible and self-deception.

If we felt it as a single thread connecting our body, mind and spirit essences and their corresponding “bodies” we would be potentially capable of acting more inclusively and kindly to all of life, extending our vital participating self (and absolutely necessary) sense of belonging and participation to the entire Cosmos made of living entities at all levels sustauined by the Creator Source, God, Oneness, Being, LOVE.



Atkinson, William W. & Philip Deslippe (edit) (1908/2011). The Kybalion. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin: Los Angeles.

Contacto Rahma Blogspot

El Bredam: Código Moral Cósmico

González, Ricardo. (2007). El Decadrón. Proyecto ECIS Publicaciones: Buenos Aires.

Kegan, Robert (1994). In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Harvard University Press: Cambridge.

Misión Rahma New York Blogspot

Paz Wells, Sixto. (2000). The Invitation. 1st World Library: Fairfield.

Unidos en el Contacto

Wilber, Ken “The Kosmos Trilogy, part II. Excerpt B: The Many Ways we Touch” at,2

Wilber, Ken (2006). Integral Spirituality Boston: Integral Books.


By Giorgio Piacenza

Exopolitics is about …


A Definition df Exopolitics developed by members of the Exopolitics Institute
A Definition df Exopolitics developed by members of the Exopolitics Institute


EXOPOLITICS is about studying the political implications of the possible or real extraterrestrial presence. It is a subject of world interest and research which is very serious and promoting public education and a new way of thinking about our cultural foundations, new laws and public policies on a world-wide basis. The percentage of concrete evidences (like physical implants with nanotechnology analyzed in prestigious universities and institutes) eliminate the credibility of the psychological factor of considering the possible ET presence as “TABOO.” Exopolitics is part of a world conversation and exchange of ideas that need to flourish to improve and mature our emerging planetary civilization. It is necessary to develop a more integral society that knows its place in the Cosmos.

1) A discipline based on the social sciences (and its methods) and that it studies the institutions, processes and political ‘actors’ pertaining to the relation between human beings and the extraterrestrial presence, including in this relation the organization of cosmic governance among extraterrestrial-cosmic civilizations. (This statement is a combination of some definitions by Dr. Michael Salla’s and Dr. Alfred Webre’s).

2) An intelligence gathering and assessing activity. This aspect doesn’t need to operate under 100% concrete corroboration and proof as may be an ideal of the hard sciences. Instead it relies on a well-informed, ‘intelligent’ assessment of probable situations. Objectivity, cross references, falsifiability, coinciding and non-coinciding evidence toward one position or another is welcome.

3) A social activism or social movement promoting public education, open dialogue and as much official disclosure as may be possible by world governments or covert groups controlling research of the reality of the extraterrestrial presence, technology, extraterrestrial civilizations, alternative or forgotten history of humanity.

4) An active search to establish peaceful and mutually respectful relations-exchanges with possible physical, parallel physical, extra dimensional, transdimensional extraterrestrial presences engaging our world and humanity and, while promoting dialogue and personal and collective preparation for direct contacts, seeks to understand who represents the interests of humanity, the planet and other living species as a whole.

5) A culturally transformative intellectual and spiritual opening to new paradigms, the role of consciousness, the most inclusive scientific advances, integral philosophies and metaphysics which may inform a larger understanding of humanity’s relationship with the Cosmos.

British Scientists Claim ET Life May Have Been Found in the Stratosphere

A research team working with the University of Sheffield claims they may have found extraterrestrial life in the stratosphere at approximate altitudes between 25-27 KM. The results are found in the Journal of Cosmology

Milton Wainwright et al analyzed samples taken over northern England by a stratospheric balloon on July 31, 2013. Their article “Isolation of a Diatom Frustule Fragment from the Lower Stratosphere (22-27Km)-Evidence for a Cosmic Origin” includes photographs of the remains of what may be extraterrestrial microorganisms.  Because Earth-based diatom-size organisms do not survive for a long time at these heights the scientists give as their probable origin a comet.

A “frustule” is the hard shell or cell wall of “diatoms” and they are normally composed of silica. “Diatoms” are unicellular organisms normally representing a form of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are wondering (autotrophic), photosynthesizing micro organisms typically found in the oceans. The balloon had a video camera, an electron microscope and a collecting stub designed to avoid contamination. What would a frustule be doing in the stratosphere at about 25 KM in altitude? The research team used an aseptic electron microscope onboard the balloon and claims that it is the first time an isolated diatom frustule has been obtained from the stratosphere. Moreover, they report that the size and mass of the specimen were especially significant.  The sampling was conducted during the Perseid meteor shower. However, a comet origin is more specifically suggested.

No known Earth-based source at the time of the sampling (as volcanic eruptions may have been) would have sent a diatom to the stratosphere so the possibility of an extraterrestrial origin is given. The team of scientists (also including Christopher E. Rose, Alexander J. Baker, Briston, K.J and N. Chandra Wickramasinghe, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Leonardo Centre for Tribilogy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK; and Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, University of Buckingham, UK) is trying to determine whether the diatom frustule corresponds to a known earth species but they are quite serious about the possibility of it being of extraterrestrial origin.

Commentary: Even the scientific finding of an extraterrestrial diatom fragment would be a significant step toward the acceptance of extraterrestrial life. This acceptance would contribute to a more open-minded attitude on the current scientific and exopolitical evidence that self-aware, intelligent, extraterrestrial life is already found here among us.




 Scanning Electron Microscope image of a DIATOM FRUSTULE found in the stratosphere


Contactee Enrique Castillo-Rincón dies



CIO (Centro Investigaciones OVNI) located in the UFO-enclave of Capilla del Monte, Argentina shared this news today through its director Luz Mary Lopez.  CIO was directly in touch with contactee Enrique Castillo-Rincón & family and announced that today in the morning our friend Enrique left his physical body. He was one of the “good ones,” meaning, one of the really good contactees of our times.


Enrique Castillo-Rincón was one of the “classic” contactees that rose to world attention in the 1970’s (like Eduard “Billy” Meir and Sixto Paz Wells).  He was part of a new wave of contacts with human-looking ETs, this time outside of the U.S.  Enrique was a straightforward man that clearly showed that easygoing, positive, mutually respectful,  friendly contacts with ETs are possible. Through his no nonesense and candid style he demystified the contact experience and made it more accessible for the common man or “down to earth.” He also reported his encounters in an objective manner and maintained a consistent narration. Enrique Castillo-Rincón was very courageous and accomplished his work adequately for all of us. He will be missed although we know that his work will be honored and in the years to come will continue awakening people to intelligently join our cosmic community/family in peace, harmony. Enrique led the way to speak courageously and speak up for those willing to listen in spite of his wife asking him for divorce and not being understood by many others close to him.
Enrique Castillo-Rincón was born in San José, COSTA RICA. He was an electrical engineer. Enrique had a UFO sighting in 1963 on Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica and was contacted by human-looking Pleiadians in 1973. Among others he contacted an extraterrestrial named “Krishnamerk” also known as “Cyril Weiss” who was similar to Earth humans and whom he had previously met in Caracas, Venezuela. He also contacted an extraterrestrial named “Orion” and others.
Enrique moved to Bogota, Colombia and was not inclined to mystify or turn contacts into pseudo-religious events. He avoided mysticism leading to fanaticism. He led the Instituto Colombiano de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Extraterrestres (The Colombian Institute of Investigations of Extraterrestrial Phenomena).
His group in Colombia helped him to go to the telepathically arranged physical encounters. Some of the ETs were 6′  – 6’2″ tall. Some were exceedingly blonde. The light that took him up into the air into a space ship was “solid” to the touch. After his first contact he was elated but his wife didn’t understand. His contacts lasted from 1973 to 1976. They told him over the phone that they had come to him to give him specific information and since that had been accomplished the contact period was over (both telepathically and physically). He lost his job for speaking about ETs. To survice he needed to start charging money for conferences.
Fabio Zerpa from Argentina was the first researcher that saw him and then came Andreas Faber-Kaiser. In the begining some researchers didn’t believe him but later on (and after four more physical encounters) they did.
For Enrique Castillo-Rincón and the ETs science and consciousness and spirituality must combine without getting into fanaticisms.
In 1974 he also contacted Nordic looking, human-looking Venusians that were just shorter in height (5’2″) and was taken to a high place in the Andes of Perú and to a magnetic vortex located somewhere between Marcawasi and Macchu Picchu. The Venusians were in the same organization as the Pleadians: The Great Solar Cosmic Brotherhood. Enrique didn’t understand why some of the ETs told him they were “Venusians” since Venus is known to be uninhabitable. However, he thought that perhaps they had originally been from Venus and then moved to another place.
Enrique gave lectures in several UFO congresses including the International UFO Congress. He reported being invited by human agents from the U.S. Embassy and taken to Washington DC where he willingly submitted to an interrogation and a regression under truth serum (sodium pentotal).  He did it to validate his experience. He thought it was a formal event as he probably saw CIA and perhaps FBI agents. Dr.  J. J. Hurtak later told him that two of the physicians that had participated in this procedure died under mysterious circumstances. The fact that he was interrogated was later corroborated by whistleblowers.
The ETs gave Enrique much information of a scientific, spiritual, prophetic, esoteric, technological character. While showing him a space ship they told him that mental energy is converted through “living memory crystals” to a discharge used for instant translation in space-time. They told him that the future and prophecies is malleable and negative events can be modified by humans joining in groups focusing their positive intention. He was given predictions that came to pass and predictions that didn’t but he didn’t like or understood well why. He didn’t like to have been given predictions that didn’t come to pass.
Enrique thought that the ETs contacted a simple non-powerful person like him precisely because they know what they do and are highly intelligent. It wasn’t a casual affair. Enrique understood that the ETs obey a great “plan” and much will become clear soon, without giving a specific date.
Recommended book   Ufos: A Great New Dawn for Humanity (available in Amazon regular and Kindle).

A video translated into English

Did Apollo 17 find a Stargate on the Moon? Exonews TV (S01E13)

Title-page-Stargate-MoonThe latest episode from ExoNews TV examines a high resolution photo from the Apollo 17 mission (AS17/AS17-151-23127) that shows a strange glowing object on the surface of the moon. The object appears to be a space portal of some kind with an eery blue glowing ring around a central darker portion. The object looks similar to the travel device depicted in the fictional television series – Stargate SG-1. The photo was taken from the vantage of the Apollo lunar lander. Could Apollo 17 have photographed a stargate on the surface of the moon, or is it just a strange anomaly caught on camera?

Video examines the theoretical basis for traversable wormholes and the claims by South American contactees that extraterrestrials use stargates called “Xendra” for transporting themselves and contactees large distances through space and time. Sixto Paz Wells for example claims that in 1974 he walked through a Xendra created by extraterrestrials that instantly transported him to Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons. The stargate only existed temporarily as a projection from the extraterrestrial ship. Watch episode to learn more.

Further Reading


This is a news report which I’m translating from contactee Ricardo Gonzalez. Citizen contacts with benevolent beings are indeed happening and increasing in Latin America. Talampaya is a special energy vortex and mystical-spiritual place in Argentina. Information of friendly and BEAUTIFUL contacts like these should also be known to counteract so much negativity and information about aggressive ETs, misguided secret control groups, technological abuses, enslaving Annunakis, dangerous, atrophied, service-to-self ETs (of which – to be fair with a large amount of credible data – there are some) and things of that nature. Positive encounters which are gradually on the rise also are objectively genuine and only irrational predispositions toward paying more attention to sinister aspects of Human-ET contacts will give us an incomplete picture keeping us in a state of fear or a fixated willingness to fight. As much as fear-based events do occur, LOVE-based ones are more substantial, verifiable and promising of freedom, truth and justice in the long run and as a wiser form of Exopolitical development in human-ET relations.  We can truly say that simple, well-intended humanity is also being gradually contacted accross the world in a form of unofficial disclosure as groups of people are verifying good, beautiful and truthful forms of contact happening now.  The ensuing healing associated with these good types of contact (contacts that involve gradual preparation and respect) should be encouraged much further in order to awaken to our best capacities as a unified human species and wiser citizens of the Cosmos. The nature of these contacts is not about depending on ETs or about putting them on a pedestal. It neither is about condemning them or perhaps going to war with them. It is not about being assimilated or destroyed as a civilization. It’s about ending the conflicts and achieving an equally respectful, caring friendship with ourselves and with all of life. It is about waking up to our most wholesome potentials and not allowing abuses while healing and becoming examples that heal ancient conflicts in the Cosmos. It is about allying ourselves with defenders of the original human plan and with its Divine purpose.

Giorgio Piacenza  C.



The encounter suggested by the extraterrestrial Guides has been an extraordinary and unforgettable event. Us, more than 250 persons from 16 countries (arriving from different places of Europe, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Caribbean and a large part of South America) gathered from 7-9 September in that important sanctuary of the White Brotherhood in order to radiate light to the world.

The dates had been given by the elder brothers of the Cosmos. And so we informed others about it since the moment of receiving this information more than half a year ago in a place called “Sierra de la Ventana.” Later on, they gave us more information telling us about the importance of Talampaya in order to envelop the world with peace.

As we remember, the dates of the encounter “coincided” with the crisis in Syria. The extraterrestrials had anticipated it and, for some reason, they wished that country not to be attacked on those dates. This is a theme that I’ll further develop later on. Moreover, Pope Francisco requested a day of prayer for the tension in the Middle East for September 7th, the same date we had been given. If this weren’t enough, Obama waited the for the approval for the military strike on the 9th. Today we can see that none of this occurred.

It depends on us maintaining the energy and optimism to affect world events. Some of them can be avoided and the intensity of others can be diminished or be postponed in order to secure a better evacuation of the civilian population. Be as it may, the saying that we can create what we believe becomes a fact.

That was the main objective of the international encounter in Talampaya. An encounter that was open, free for every walker in the path that resonated with that task. We gather without names and labels. There, all of us were a single group.

The elder brothers allowed themselves to be seen during different sightings. Some of these apparitions were registered by two professional photographers, Christian Belluco and Matías Zubrzycki, both equipped with cameras which were sensitive to the light. Thanks to them we obtained extraordinary registers in which we can see the trajectory of the luminous UFOs glistening the starry laden sky in Talampaya. The light of these objects was so intense that it stood out over that of the stars. We signaled them out with a powerful laser light in order to have a reference point in the photographs, in the same manner as we had previously done in Sierra de Ventana. The support of the (ET) guides during the three nights was unequivocal.

On the 9th, 60 of us went to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City), an earth energy enclave located at the Talampaya National Park. We had received telepathic instructions to go there and to perform a connecting task at the pyramidal hill in order to connect it with the blue crystal found in the underground city of Erks (in Capilla del Monte, Argentina). This hill is the ancient nucleus of a volcano that protects one of the 13 solar discs. This experience – which was supported by the other participants forming the remaining group at base camp in Talampaya – was extraordinary…

It has allowed us to understand why Talampaya was the first place where the intraterrestrial retreat of Erks functioned; why for some time it was separated from the sanctuary of the Uritorco Mountain (in Capilla del Monte, near ERKS) and why they “joined” now as a single center of power.

The presence of the guardians from Talampaya and Uritorco was remarkable. We could hear their voiced singing mantrams while an aroma of flowers inundated the pyramidal hill. Furthermore, some persons were touched by invisible presences that made them feel a profound level of peace.

The support group that remained at the campground also lived through very important experiences. Not all of us could go because the National Park only provided authorized transportation for 60 persons. Here I must say that a large part of the contact group in Buenos Aires – a group that had been preparing for the encounter since January – gave up their place for brothers from other countries to be able to go to Ciudad Perdida (Lost City). This was an attitude of responsible surrender-commitment which I value and admire very much.

We created the (adequate) conditions to receive communications in a simultaneous manner. The contact took place and in the communications we were announced that in the second half of 2014 there would be an expedition to Belukha, in the Altai Mountain range. This would be a journey which, according to the extraterrestrial Guides would allow us to complete the crucial information about the Cosmic Plan and the human role in the new time.

Furthermore, the received messages – half a dozen receptions – notified about an experience for 9.00 PM. According to the Guides, some persons would receive the Cesium Crystals and other, an ethereal element, a sort of small crystal made of a rhomboidal shaped light which would act as an “amplifier” of the faculties of the Pineal Gland, which – as we know – relate with co-creation and healing. As far as we understood, this element would be temporal and only to show us what we are capable to do if through discipline and a mystical preparation we activate our psychic abilities through our own merits.

And thus it occurred: At 9.00PM, after the presence of the Guides in the skies of Talampaya, persons in sets of tens received this initiation that was coordinated among the extraterrestrial Guides and the guardians of Uritorco and Talampaya which, by the way, during an excursion to the canyon, I could photograph. I’m referring not just about those guardians shown to tourists but the original/previously unknown ones. I had already obtained a partial register of that in 2002 but during this journey I was able to take high resolution pictures of the “prohibited” petroglyphs.

Due to the importance of the experiences we have lived, the information received and the images achieved, I feel that I must write with greater detail about what Talampaya really is for it to be known. Starting tomorrow I’ll write a small book about all of that hoping to publish it in about two weeks. People will be able to download the text – which will be illustrated with images – for free. The message must reach everyone.

The encounter finished with an atmosphere of much peace and also of nostalgia due to the farewells. I got to known extraordinary persons and it was beautiful seeing different spiritual groups, contact groups, UFO research groups (as the friend from the Pedro Romaniuk Foundation) or persons unconnected with these themes but imbued with a strong sentiment of participating by working all of us, united.

After the encounter at Talampaya ended, we got into our vehicles and took the return road. While in the route, our minibus driver pointed toward a violent accident. We could see a wrecked car. Perhaps its driver had lost control and turned over. That route was veru dangerous and had many precedents of cars that came off the road due to speeding, animals crossing, etc.

Later on we found out that four of the participants in the encounter had been in that car… We found out that two of them were well but that the other two had suffered grave blows. They were in a serious condition and had been urgently taken to the Enrique Vera Barros Regional Hospital where they would be operated upon.

After gathering once again at Capilla del Monte, more than 30 persons performed a healing task. We asked help to the guardians of Talampaya and to the extraterrestrial Guides. In this way we could visualize our brothers healing and coming out well in spite of the serious situation.

Later on we received a phone call: Our brothers had recuperated. The doctors could not believe it…They had very serious internal wounds and these had healed. Bewildered, the physicians didn’t carry on with the surgery and they were released from the hospital. We have the previous evidence and all the documents that give credit to this.

Photos by Christian Belluco, Talampaya, 09/2013

<p>Foto: nave surcando el cielo estrellado de Talampaya, señalada con un potente láser como referencia. (Cristian Belluco / 2013).</p><br />
<p>El encuentro sugerido por los Guías extraterrestres ha sido un evento extraordinario e inolvidable. Más de 250 personas de 16 países (que llegaron desde distintos lugares de Europa, Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, Caribe y buena parte de Sudamérica) nos congregamos del 7 al 9 de septiembre en ese importante santuario de la Hermandad Blanca para irradiar luz al mundo.</p><br />
<p>Las fechas habían sido dadas por los hermanos mayores del cosmos. Y así lo informamos desde que lo recibimos hace más de medio año en Sierra de la Ventana. Posteriormente nos dieron más información, señalando la importantcia del encuentro de Talampaya para envolver en paz al mundo.</p><br />
<p>Como recordamos, las fechas del encuentro “coincidieron” con la crisis en Siria. Los extraterrestres lo habían anticipado y por alguna razón deseaban que no se atacara al país árabe en esas fechas. Es un tema que desarrollaré más adelante. Además, el Papa Francisco pediría una jornada de oración por la tensión en Oriente Medio para el 7 de septiembre, la misma fecha que nos habían entregado... Por si ello fuera poco, Obama esperaba la aprobación del ataque militar el día 9. Hoy vemos que nada de esto ocurrió.</p><br />
<p>Depende de nosotros mantener la energía y el optimismo para afectar los acontecimientos mundiales. Algunos de ellos se pueden evitar, otros, disminuir su intensidad, o postergarlos para asegurar la mejor evacuación de población civil. Como fuere, se cumple aquello de que podemos crear lo que creemos.</p><br />
<p>Ese fue el principal objetivo del encuentro internacional en Talampaya. Un encuentro que fue abierto, libre, para cualquier caminante que resonara con esta tarea. Nos reunimos sin nombre y etiquetas. Todos allí fuimos un solo grupo.</p><br />
<p>Los hermanos mayores se dejaron ver en distintos avistamientos. Algunas de esas apariciones fueron registradas por dos fotógrafos profesionales, Cristian Belluco y Matías Zubrzycki, ambos equipados con cámaras sensibles a la luz. Gracias a ellos, obtuvimos registros extraordinarios, en donde se puede ver la trayectoria de los luminosos ovnis surcando el manto de estrellas de Talampaya. La luz de esos objetos era tan fuerte que resalta por encima de las estrellas. Los señalamos con un potente rayo láser para tener una referencia en las fotografías, tal y como lo hicimos anteriormente en Sierra de la Ventana. El apoyo de los Guías, las tres noches, fue contundente.</p><br />
<p>El día 9, un grupo de 60 personas acudimos a Ciudad Perdida, un enclave telúrico que se halla dentro del Parque Nacional Talampaya. Habíamos recibido instruciones telepáticas para ir allí y hacer un trabajo de conexión en el cerro piramidal ⎯el antiguo núcleo de un volcán, que protege uno de los trece discos solares⎯ con el cristal azul de Erks. Esta experiencia, que fue apoyada desde el campamento base de Talampaya por los otros participantes del encuentro, fue extraordinaria…</p><br />
<p>Nos ha permitido comprender por qué Talampaya fue el primer lugar donde funcionó el retiro intraterreno de Erks, por qué estuvo separada un tiempo del santuario del Uritorco, y por qué ahora se “unían” en un solo centro de poder.</p><br />
<p>La presencia de los guardianes de Talampaya y el Uritorco fue impresionante. Se escuchaban sus voces cantar mantras… Mientras un olor a flores inundaba el cerro piramidal. Incluso, algunos fueron tocados por invisibles presencias que les hacían sentir una paz profunda.</p><br />
<p>El grupo de apoyo que quedó en el campamento también vivió experiencias muy importantes. No pudimos ir todos porque el Parque Nacional solo habilitó transporte autorizado para 60 personas. Aquí debo decir que buena parte del grupo de contacto de Buenos Aires, que venía preparándose para este encuentro desde enero, cedió su lugar para que hermanos del extranjero pudiesen ir a Ciudad Perdida. Una actitud de compromiso que valoro mucho y admiro.</p><br />
<p>Creamos las condiciones para recibir mensajes en simultáneo. El contacto se dio, y en las comunicaciones se nos anunció una expedición al Belukha, cordillera del Altai, para la segunda mitad del 2014. Un viaje que, de acuerdo a los Guías extraterrestres, nos permitirá completar gravitante información sobre el Plan Cósmico y el rol humano en el nuevo tiempo.</p><br />
<p>Además, los mensajes recibidos ⎯media docena de recepciones⎯, advertían una experiencia para las 9:00 pm. Según los Guías, algunas personas recibirían los Cristales de Cesio, y otras un elemento etéreo, una suerte de pequeño cristal de luz romboidal, que actuaría como “amplificador” de las facultades de la Glándula Pineal, que involucran, como sabemos, la co-creación y sanación. Este elemento, por lo que entendimos, sería temporal, sólo para mostrarnos de lo que somos capaces si a través de una disciplina de preparación mística activamos nuestras habilidades psíquicas por mérito propio.</p><br />
<p>Y así ocurrió: a las 9:00 pm., luego de la presencia de los Guías en los cielos de Talampaya, decenas de personas recibieron esta iniciación, que fue coordinada entre los Guías extraterrestres y los guardianes del Uritorco y Talampaya. En medio de esa sentida experiencia, me vi proyectado, astralmente, en un “viaje” espontáneo y súper vívido hacia el interior del Belukha. Allí tuve una breve pero valiosa entrevista con Emuriel, el ser que conocí en la expedición al desierto de Gobi, Mongolia, en 2007. Emuriel, quien ya no se encuentra en cuerpo físico en el Altai, me entregó pautas para el viaje al Belukha y me hizo comprender el trabajo que habíamos hecho en Talampaya.</p><br />
<p>Escribiendo estas líneas, una gran cantidad de información surge en mi mente. Ahora entiendo mejor el significado de los desconcertantes petroglifos de Talampaya que, dicho sea de paso, durante una excursión al cañón, pude fotografiar. No sólo los que se muestran al “turista”, sino los inéditos. En 2002 ya había obtenido un registro parcial de ello. Pero en este viaje pude fotografiar en alta resolución los petroglifos “prohibidos”.</p><br />
<p>Debido a la importancia de las experiencias que hemos vivido, la información recibida, y las imágenes que logramos, siento que debo escribir con mayor detalle lo que es realmente Talampaya, y darlo a conocer. A partir de mañana escribiré un pequeño libro sobre todo ello, que espero publicar digitalmente en unas dos semanas. El texto, que será ilustrado con imágenes, podrá ser descargado libremente. El mensaje debe llegar a todos.</p><br />
<p>El encuentro terminó en un ambiente de mucha paz, y también nostalgia por la despedida. Conocí personas extraordinarias. Fue hermoso ver a distintos grupos espirituales, de contacto, de investigación ovni (como los amigos de la Fundación de Pedro Romaniuk), o personas ajenas a estos temas pero con un sentimiento fuerte de participar, trabajando, todos, unidos.</p><br />
<p>Luego de que terminó el encuentro en Talampaya, subimos a nuestros vehículos y emprendimos el viaje de retorno.</p><br />
<p>En la ruta, nuestro chofer del minibus nos advirtió de un violento accidente. Se veía un auto destrozado; al parecer, había perdido el control y volcó. Esa ruta es muy peligrosa y tiene varios antecedentes de autos que se salieron del camino (velocidad, animales que se cruzan, etc).</p><br />
<p>Luego nos enteramos que cuatro participantes del encuentro se hallaban en ese coche…</p><br />
<p>Nos informamos y supimos que dos de ellos estaban bien, pero los otros dos ocupantes del vehículo habían sufrido serios golpes. Estaban en grave estado y por ello fueron traslados de urgencia al hospital regional Enrique Vera Barros, en donde se les iba a operar.</p><br />
<p>Ya reunidos en Capilla del Monte, más de 30 personas hicimos un trabajo de sanación. Les pedimos a los guardianes de Talampaya y a los Guías extraterrestres su ayuda. Así, pudimos visualizar a nuestros hermanos sanándose, saliendo adelante pese a la gravedad de la situación.</p><br />
<p>Más tarde recibimos una llamada: nuestros hermanos se habían recuperado. Los médicos no lo podían creer… Tenían heridas internas muy graves, y éstas se sanaron. Desconcertados, los médicos no hicieron la cirugía y les dieron de alta…<br /><br />
Tenemos las pruebas previas y toda la documentación que acredita esto.</p><br />
<p>Luego supimos que nuestros amigos accidentados trabajaron también consigo mismos, poniendo en práctica todo lo aprendido y recibido; sintieron nuestro apoyo y hasta escucharon nuestras voces. Además, un ser de Talampaya se comunicó con ellos y les apoyó…</p><br />
<p>Todo ha sido extraordinario…</p><br />
<p>El mensaje, una vez más, prevalece: en medio del pesimismo, hay razones para creer y crear. </p><br />
<p>Gracias por el apoyo. El encuentro en Talampaya ha sido un evento extraordinario.</p><br />
<p>Sigamos trabajando por la luz. Aún hay mucho por hacer…</p><br />
<p>Ricardo González en nombre de todos.

Ricardo González
You Tube Channel

Galactic Diplomacy: Interview with a Nordic

nordicA discussion between Neil Gould, Director of the Exopolitics Institute and Cheuk Fei, host of MJ13, Hong Kong’s Exo Media Platform including analysis of a document containing a channeled interview between a Nordic ET and human. The film makes it clear that whilst channeled information cannot be regarded as an absolute truth, it can certainly be compared against core information [testimony from contactees] collected from researchers. In this film part of the discussion centers around an exhausting attempt to set aside anthropocentricism and in some sort of bizarre way adopt the perspectives of ET; the findings are that human expectations and position in the food chain are less significant than the preservation of the planet against its destruction by mankind.

Note:This video begins in Chinese and after 5 minutes completes its 1hr:57 minutes in English.

False Flag event in Syria: the Third Force and exopolitics

Syria-Hidden-HandThis week President Barack Obama personally leads an attempt to persuade the US Congress to authorize a US militarily attack against the Syrian regime in response to a chemical weapons attack on rebel held areas in Damascus on August 21. Casualties range from 355 to 1729 dead, with three times as many being injured in the attack. Obama lays responsibility squarely at the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Obama claims intelligence sources confirm with ‘high confidence” that the attack was launched by the regime even if Assad did not give the order. This is reflected in a German Intelligence report that has just emerged that suggests that the attack was conducted by government forces without Assad’s approval.

For many military analysts and independent observers the timing of the attack raises many troubling questions for the scenario depicted by Obama. Why would the Assad regime resort to chemical weapons when it was winning the war using conventional forces? Also, why would the regime launch chemical weapons during a visit by United Nations chemical weapons inspectors? According to US Ambassador Samantha Powers, the attack was timed to show the contempt of the Assad regime to international norms, and its intent to increasingly use chemical weapons.

Not so according to the majority of alternative media sources. The consensus that has quickly emerged is that it was Syrian rebels themselves that launched a chemical weapons attack on rebel held suburbs in Damascus Syria in a false flag attack to provoke Western military intervention.  What both President Obama’s administration and the alternative media are not considering is a shadowy “Third Force” operating in Syria. There is evidence that a “Third Force” is operating in Syria that plans to decimate Damascus for an otherworldly “exopolitical” agenda.

Let me begin by describing this shadowy “Third Force” which can also be described as the “Hidden Hand” of both world politics and the relatively new field of exopolitics. The “Hidden Hand Dialogue” is a set of questions and answers given by a self-described Illuminati insider and members of the Above Top Secret Forum that was recorded in October 2008. The insider responds to questions in a sincere and consistent way, and reveals valuable information about the secret control mechanisms used by an elite group of insiders s/he calls “The Family”. S/he wrote:

I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family… Our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded “history”, and beyond, our Family has been ‘directing’ the ‘play’ from behind the scenes, in one way or another.

Among the many insights s/he gives is that the leadership of the family is very much aligned with a group of extraterrestrials that has been on Earth for millennia:

I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.

This echoes the apocryphal Book of Epoch where a band of 200 fallen angels/extraterrestrials arrived on Earth and mate with humanity to create a new bloodline of ruling elites – the Nephilim.

Preston James has just written an article on Veteran’s Today describing the Luciferian extraterrestrial aspects of this “Third Force:”

Some credible insiders have claimed that most top world leaders have had to enter into a contract with the Third Force which is really lucifer, the fallen one, the great deceiver of mankind, who has presented himself as the Annunaki Master Controller Chief Alien ET which is claimed to be an an inter-generational, inter-dimensional entity that is manipulating the world according to his alien ET agenda.

The Hidden Hand gave detailed answers to questions, and made some predictions. Among these was the following: “Damascus, will be uninhabitable by the end of 2010, possibly even sooner…”

Significantly, Benjamin Fulford, a former Asia Pacific Bureau chief for Forbes Magazine, claims that someone with connections to what he describes as a “criminal cabal” made a threat in September 2011 that “Damascus would be made ‘uninhabitable.’”  There’s no evidence that Fulford was aware of what the Hidden Hand had predicted back in 2008, so it’s a curious coincidence that the same language was used for claiming that Damascus would become uninhabitable at some point by a mysterious group of individuals with great power behind the scenes.

In 2008, such a prediction appeared very fanciful, and indeed did not occur by the predicted date. Fulford’s similar prediction did not have a timeline but clearly suggested that the coming devastation was to be contrived by the Third Force/criminal cabal. Now, however, we are witnessing the Syrian capital of Damascus being slowly destroyed in an expanding civil war where indiscriminate aerial bombing and artillery force was initially used by the government as reported by independent organizations such as Amnesty International.

As the Assad regime continued its use of indiscriminate force to cow its opponents into submission and punish civilians supporting the opposition, it’s not unrealistic to assume that Assad would eventually resort to chemical weapons as he lost control of densely populated urban areas. In retaliation, rebel units could themselves use chemical weapons they have gained access to against regime forces and areas, as Assad’s regime is now claiming. If chemical weapons were used in a large scale in Syria’s capital by opposing forces, then Damascus could indeed become uninhabitable in the not too distant future.

The tide of the war, however, changed dramatically for the Assad regime with an influx of Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and Quds Force volunteers from Iran. Cities and territory that had been held by rebel forces for months began to fall starting with the border town of Qusayr in April 2013.  So why would Assad resort now to the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s capital city? He most likely didn’t as some press reports are now claiming. Nor is it feasible that the rebels themselves would target a rebel held area thereby dealing themselves a significant tactical military setback. The most likely culprit is therefore a shadowy Third Force calling itself “The Family” that desires to escalate the conflict in Syria and fulfill its own prophesy that Damascus would become uninhabitable.

The ultimate fate of Damascus will be a sign that the revelations of the Hidden Hand and Benjamin Fulford were accurate – the Earth has been controlled by a “Family” or “Criminal Cabal” of ruling bloodlines with enormous power behind the scenes that manipulates both sides in international conflicts. A book by William Bramley, the Gods of Eden, traces how the Third Force – he calls them “the custodians” – has historically manipulated both sides of conflicts to achieve its long term goals. Numerous witness reports suggest that most visiting extraterrestrials, however, are not part of the Third Force, and in fact are in conflict with them. According to multiple contactees and the Book of Enoch, the Third Force was a criminal band of extraterrestrials banished to Earth millennia ago.

President Obama’s attempt to persuade the US Congress to authorize military force against Assad’s regime is facing heavy resistance and may fail. More people than ever have become educated by the alternative news media about false flag events, and strongly suspect that the chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Damascus was indeed a false flag operation. It was not however an attack launched by the Assad regime or by the rebels who both had no clear interest in authorizing such an attack. Instead, ultimate responsibility lies with the Third Force which explicitly mentioned years ago that Damascus would in future suffer from calamitous events that would make it uninhabitable. We are very likely witnessing the beginning of a chain of events that may fulfill this dire prophesy. However, the power of the alternative media to educate the general public about false flag events and a historic extraterrestrial presence (exopolitics) is a positive development. It may culminate in the planned chain of destructive events in Damascus involving chemical weapons and U.S. intervention not occurring. There is good reason to believe that the power of the Third Force to manipulate humanity’s fate is being increasingly exposed, and will eventually come to an end.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

A Tribute to Jesse Marcel Jr.


In Memoriam

It is with great sadness and a sense of profound loss that we announce the death of Jesse Marcel Jr.

Few figures in history have captured the imagination and journalistic presence that Jesse brought to the world community about contact with the Others.

His conviction and testimony about what his father Jesse Marcel Sr. showed him one night as a young boy in July of 1947 – the remnants of the ROSWELL CRASH – are an indelible part of a history denied to us by those in government and the military that Jesse himself served with honour and dignity.

It is fitting therefore that a tribute to Jesse, from one who knew him well – Kevin Randle – be a legacy to the people of the world who will read it.

ZNN is proud to bring you this intimate tribute.

Take a moment to know the man through the eyes of Kevin Randle – one who well knew the man – Jesse Marcel Jr.


A news service that takes you to the edge… and beyond.
ZlandCommunications is an independent Canadian news service.


Area 51 is now official: where are the alien spaceships?

Area-51-map-with signCIA has admitted for the first time that Area 51 exists by officially acknowledging it by name in a document released through the Freedom of Information Act. Major media networks today gave wide coverage to the CIA admission that Area 51 is real. The CIA document was released to Jeffrey Richelson, a Senior Fellow at the National Security Archive, George Washington University who requested further information on the history of the U-2 Spy Plane. In the document, the CIA acknowledges that Area 51 was chosen due to the suitability of the Groom Lake dry sand flat for testing secret spy planes. What the CIA document didn’t mention was another dry lake bed nearby, Papoose Lake, which is only 12 miles away. According to whistleblowers, this is the location of an even more secretive facility called S-4 where a variety of saucer shaped spacecraft are tested and reverse engineered. This is the facility named by Bob Lazar in 1989 who briefly worked there, and disclosed all to George Knapp in a series of interviews for Las Vegas television station KLAS. S-4 is where you will find alien spacecraft and even live extraterrestrials according to Lazar and other whistleblowers.

According to the document released by the CIA, The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: The U-2 and Oxcart Programs, Area 51 was discovered in April 12, 1955 during an overflight and landing at Groom Lake located near the Nevada (Atomic) Test Site. The document authors, Gregory Pedlow and Donald Welzenbach, wrote that no less than the U.S. President officially approved the building of the secret facilities at Area 51: “President Eisenhower also approved the addition of this strip of wasteland, known by its map designation as Area 51, to the Nevada Test Site.”

According to Richelson, the official acknowledgment:

… marks an end of official secrecy about the facts of Area 51. It opens up the possibility that future accounts of this and other aerial projects will be less redacted, more fully explained in terms of their presence in Area 51.

What Richelson doesn’t mention, along with the authors of the CIA document, is another facility nearby at Papoose Lake. This is where the whistleblower Bob Lazar claims to have been taken after flying to Area 51 from Las Vegas on a JANET flight – an air shuttle for Area 51 workers. Lazar claims to have personally seen up to nine different flying saucer type craft, some of which were alien in origin. Lazar worked on the propulsion system and was paid by an unacknowledged branch of the US Navy called the Department of Naval Intelligence. Lazar eventually decided to go public, and become a whistleblower. His interviews with George Knapp from KLAS-TV became world famous, and put Area 51 on the map for UFO investigators.

More recently, in May 2013, a retired CIA agent going by the pseudonym ‘Kewper’ gave video testimony before six retired members of the US Congress about an incident involving President Eisenhower requesting information and access to the S-4 facility in 1958. It appears that in the three years or so since the building of Area 51 and the adjacent S-4 facility, that the managers of S-4 decided to withhold information about what was happening there. Eisenhower had to threaten to invade S-4 with the US First Army before its managers decided to share classified information with him. According to the CIA agent, the S-4 facility housed a number of extraterrestrial space vehicles along with a captured live alien that he personally saw. His CIA boss, along with other agents, even got to directly interview the live alien. In 1997, a whistleblower using the pseudonym Victor, released a video of a live alien being interviewed at S-4.

The official acknowledgement by the CIA that Area 51 exists is welcome advance in getting the CIA to release information about secret aviation projects near Groom Lake. However, the testimony by Lazar, Kewper and others suggests that Area 51 is not where the most classified projects take place. Area 51 is a convenient cover for even more secretive advanced aviation programs housed at S-4 at the nearby Papoose Lake. The CIA is only telling a half-truth that you won’t find any extraterrestrial technologies or alien beings at Area 51 according to Lazar and others. It is at the nearby S-4 facility next to Papoose Lake where alien spacecraft and their pilots can be found.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Alien interview video: hoax or real thing?

alien interview videoIn 1997 an anonymous whistleblower calling himself “Victor” came forward to tell a fantastic story about a captured alien held at a remote secret U.S. facility near Area 51, Nevada called S-4. What made Victor different was that he had a video to prove what he was saying was real. The Alien Interview video has been controversial since it was first aired in 1997 in a documentary titled: Area 51: The Alien Interview. Experts have analyzed the video frame by frame and are still divided over its authenticity. Jim Dilettoso, a highly respected image analyst did not find any evidence of fraud in his frame by frame analysis of the video. On the other hand, a Hollywood special effects expert believed the video used a puppet in an elaborate fraud. Recently, another whistleblower has come forward to give startling corroboration of the content in Victor’s video. Apparently, S-4 is the secure military facility where live extraterrestrials are taken for questioning by authorized officials.

The video itself takes place in a darkened room where a large headed creature with big black eyes appearing like a classic Gray alien is being interviewed. Two individuals appear to be conducting the interview. One is allegedly a general asking questions while the other is a telepathic communicator relaying the alien’s responses. Towards the end of the nearly three minute video segment, the Gray alien being appears to have breathing difficulties and is helped by two medics who rush into the room to give assistance. The video released by Victor had the audio removed allegedly to protect identities, so Victor added his own commentary to one version to explain what was happening.

Victor does not provide many specifics about his work at the S-4 facility where the video interview occurred. He claims that he came into possession of a digital version of the video after it had been transferred from the original analog version. Victor smuggled the digital copy out of the S-4 facility and made a VHS copy which he took to various major news networks to have it released as part of a major disclosure. He was rejected by the major networks and had to settle for a home video company called Rocket Pictures which paid him an undisclosed amount of money. A one hour documentary that focused on Victor’s revelations was produced with the title: Area 51: The Alien Interview. Victor was also interviewed on May 23 by Art Bell and Sean David Morton on Coast to Coast AM radio where he elaborated on aspects of his involvement at S-4. That was the last time the public was to hear from Victor.

There are aspects of Victor’s role that immediately raise suspicion over whether he was truly acting alone. Victor used voice distortion software to hide his voice in the two interviews he did with Rocket Pictures and Coast to Coast AM. He claims he did so to protect his anonymity, yet it also ensures that his identity and history can’t be independently confirmed. Most importantly, Victor says that he traveled to major news companies such as Fox News to get them to air the video. It’s inconceivable that someone at Fox or any other major media network would not have attempted some form of due diligence that would not have alerted authorities that someone had footage of a live alien being interviewed. This suggests that Victor, perhaps unwittingly, had been allowed to take the video out of S-4 with the aim of releasing it publicly with some degree of official complicity. Perhaps some authorities wanted to establish plausible deniability while preparing the public for the truth about alien life. Alternatively, the video may be part of an official disinformation effort to muddy the waters about what is known about extraterrestrial life and Victor was a willing participant.

Very recently, there have been developments that lend plausibility to Victor’s video. In May 2013, video testimony emerged of another whistleblower who was a former CIA agent using the pseudonym “Kewper.” Kewper revealed that in 1958 President Eisenhower had to threaten to invade Area 51 and S-4 to find out what was happening with the extraterrestrial programs there. The agent and his CIA superior travelled to Area 51 under Eisenhower’s orders, and his boss questioned a Gray alien at the S-4 facility. The alien answered various questions concerning its origins and motivations that the whistleblower Kewper relayed at an earlier 1998 interview with Linda Moulton Howe. This is startling corroboration of Victor’s claim that the S-4 facility has housed live aliens for periods of time who have been questioned by various officials.

Victor’s alien was allegedly captured in 1989 and interviewed at S-4 in January 1991. Apparently it was a different alien to what the CIA agent’s boss had seen and interviewed back in 1958. There have been other whistleblowers who have claimed to have worked at S-4 and witnessed a live alien being housed there. These include Robert Lazar (1988)  and Dan Burisch (1994).

There is much testimonial evidence that 12 miles south of Area 51 there is a highly classified facility called S-4 that in the past has housed different extraterrestrial entities for limited periods starting as early as 1953. To this pool of testimonial evidence we can add the live alien video. If genuine, it is hard evidence that extraterrestrials have been held at classified military facilities, and have been interviewed by various officials who have yet to share with the general public what they have learned.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D..

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading


The Missing Times – News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up


“When UFOs Appear, National News Agencies Fall Silent…” Terry Hansen

Very few if any books written about the mass media and the UFO cover-up display the insight and hard hitting critical analysis as that provided by Terry Hansen in his book The Missing Times – NEWS MEDIA COMPLICITY IN THE UFO COVER-UP.


Although it was published nearly 14 years ago Hansen’s research has withstood the test of time by sustaining and keeping relevant the incestuous relationship that exists between the American intelligence agency infrastructure and the news media.

Hansen describes it best when he quotes Joseph DeTrani, former CIA Director of public affairs:

“In many cases, we (the CIA) have persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests…”

Hansen uses an enthralling assortment of examples to illustrate how the US military and its co-terminus intelligence agencies have constructed a well-orchestrated political strangle-hold on the news. He graphically depicts how exquisite governmental manipulation of public perception is used to under-mind democracy while at the same time deftly sustain the facade of a free press. This theme flows consistently through his work.

President Kennedy – A Media Master

Hansen uses President Kennedy’s interaction with the New York Times as a classic exemplar of government and media complicity.

Little known to the public, President John Kennedy cleverly attempted to utilize covert censorship when he contrived to restrain Times publisher Orvil Dryfoos from publishing details of a controversial CIA program to recruit and train Cuban exiles in Guatemala for what eventually became the disaster known as the Bay of Pigs invasion. Kennedy’s glowing and almost saint-like persona would have been severely tarnished had this kind of news been allowed to seep into the public domain. Moreover, the political price Kennedy would have had to pay had the Times not complied was reason enough to impose his will on Dryfoos.

In another startling revelation Hansen also reveals that during the development of the atomic bomb in the 1940’s, government and military and government officials contrived to have the media communicate to an unwitting public that the horrendously huge first test of the A-bomb was a ‘munitions dump explosion’ that caused little or no damage and; that claims by some journalists about radiation poisoning were nonsense – both as it turned out were blatant government lies.

Somehow they got away with it. Eventually this kind of historical deception in journalism has become an accepted way of doing business among those in the media and between the government interests they are persuaded to protect.

Katherine Graham – A Media Mistress

In altering public opinion by manipulating facts and perceptions over the decades, it has become almost impossible to distinguish the truth from treachery. Regrettably this kind of complicity between the news media and the American political system has continued unabated for decades. It leads any inquiring mind to question the kind of ‘democracy’ we really have – or, even more disturbingly – is there a democracy at all? Hansen provides more specific clarity on this point with a poignant illustration that many may feel borders on sedition.

The one-time matriarch of the American press industry Katherine Graham is quoted as saying, before select members of the CIA, “There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t.”

This kind of editorial philosophy by a leading American newspaper should be of real concern to the American public.

Hansen goes on to quote Graham in the same address – “I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.” This unambiguous statement by a media giant does more than imply complicity between government and media – it guarantees it!

Members of the press who may read Hansen’s work might need to pause to re-assess their role as journalists when they hear one of their own describe how those in the upper echelons of government and media contrive to control the news and succeed at institutionalizing it. The question occurs to this author – what was Katherine Graham doing talking to the CIA in the first place?

Methods of Media Mendacity

As Hansen discusses later in his book, it is of little surprise that US intelligence agency’s propensity to feign disinterest in the UFO phenomenon gives mainstream press carte-blanche to do exactly the same. Even though some foreign news agencies do a fine job of exposing UFO related stories – the powerful American mainstream media seems to be able to pulls its influential trump card to manage UFO news – thus keeping foreign press stories on UFOs from reaching international wire services.

Hansen suggests several methods have been and are used to manage news about UFOs: recruiting influential journalists, monitoring and intercepting UFO-related news, instilling fear through the film industry about ‘evil aliens’, surveillance of UFO organizations, propaganda, misleading information or disinformation or, recruitment of influential people as media spokespersons to name a few.

Hansen goes into great detail to illustrate how these strategies are regularly used to pummel UFO news or evidence of it into oblivion so that no reputable news agency will touch it.

The result is a woefully uniformed and indolent citizenry that ensures the success of an institutionalized form of control through mendacity and complicity.

Hansen also goes to great lengths in pointing out that some of the historical media-control strategies used to manipulate public opinion during the second world war, the war in Vietnam and the Gulf war were re-cycled to tackle the ‘new media-menace’ called UFOs and extraterrestrials. The fact that the UFO issue has never become the massive mainstream story of the century is a testament to the success and over-all effectiveness of these strategies.

Monster Media-Machine

Ultimately what we learn from Hansen’s research is that this mendacity has created a two headed monster media-machine; one funded by tax dollars and one funded by billions in commercial advertising revenues.

We also learn how large corporate-media interests are permitted, in an unrestrained manner, to flood or dilute the essence of the political and national security implications of the UFO matter with fantasy, delusion and, what many call – the ‘giggle-factor’. Fundamentally the UFO issue is the most openly talked-about government secret in history – yet few in the public domain take it seriously.

Under these nearly perfect set of circumstances Hansen depicts why there is little wonder the authentic nature of the UFO phenomenon has virtually no chance of ever being fully disclosed in American mass media.

[Ed. Note: This feature of UFO secrecy has changed significantly since Hansen first published his book. Today – global efforts by many activists and groups to bring UFO/ET Disclosure into the political arena for the public have met with good success but continue to fall short of full government disclosure.]

Hansen goes on to suggest news stories about UFOs circulate with vigour within American intelligence channels. Hansen’s assertion is clearly corroborated by many UFO analysts who have often written about how validated information about UFOs is routinely supplanted by stories on terrorist bombings, war in the Middle-East or the waist size of Jennifer Aniston.

Routinely, the general public satiates itself on a feast of celebrity trivia, the banality of local news and the tireless on-slot of an expensive war economy. With little or no resistance, this news media-monster has come to life. It tramples on the US constitution by employing obfuscation, diversion and censorship as key tools in the dumbing-down of public awareness.

This is the world of the American news consumer – and quite frankly – they seem to gleefully accept it all as a way of life.

The Hansen Alternative

In The Missing Times Terry Hansen reminds us that all information – regardless of how unpalatable or uncomfortable it may be, must be accessible by the public. This is especially true when the source and holder of this information is the elected body known as the ‘government of the people and by the people’. Any other standard for or use of information that restricts the public’s right-to-know is an abrogation of authority and an illegitimate use of power.

Most if not all of Hansen’s book is quite familiar territory to UFO researchers and analysts. However to those unfamiliar with the UFO issue or with the historical techniques used by military and intelligence agencies to control public perceptions about everything from weapons of mass destruction to Monsanto’s influence within the American pharmaceutical industry, what Terry Hansen has to say about government/media complicity may appear quite unbelievable even mind-boggling to the average consumer of news who accepts at face value what the media spews out on a daily basis.

Hansen offers a thoroughly different worldview.

For those who may wish to venture beyond the edge of the worldview of Nightly News, Dancing with the Stars, Kate and William’s baby and who might win the World Series, Terry Hansen has drawn a picture of an alternative, uncomfortable yet very authentic new worldview about our place in the universe – among off-world civilizations who are knocking at our door and, more importantly – why the US government and media refuse to answer the door. The adventure of reading this powerful and professionally researched work by an accredited journalist is as energizing as it is painless for those who wish to know more than what’s on TV or Facebook.

As one reads Hansen’s entire work, the complicity of the diversionary brand journalism he describes so articulately becomes readily apparent in the very first chapter. The careful reader will discover two essential ideas from Hansen’s analysis. First, the UFO cover-up is real and second – the truth is free – not open to negotiation, attack or control by elite factions that seek to define reality for their own purposes.

In its infancy, the press served to protect such attacks on the truth. As the watch-dog for the people the press at one time exposed and challenged attempts by government to control news.

According to Terry Hansen – it appears this is no longer the case.


NOTES: For those who are interested in gaining a full appreciation of  how the media has become an unofficial arm of government propaganda with respect to the UFO issue – The Missing Times by Terry Hansen is a must read.

Sample Topics in The Missing Times:

  • Sources of Silence
  • A brief History of Lies
  • Editing History
  • Perception Management

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Victor Viggiani

29 July 2013


Victor Viggiani is the News Director of ZNN – the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

News of an Exotheology


Jesus Cósmico

Jesus a Being of Love and Cosmic Dimensions 

Is he serving the Creator within all levels of Creation? Is he recognized by extraterrestrials?

We are just beginning to discover the connections between mind, consciousness, dimensions and physical space-time. We need to step out of the box. A worldwide accumulation of objective evidence amassed in more than 68 years since the beginning of modern ufology merits scientific research and considering not only that “they” are here…but that “they” may have probably been here for eons. Considering what some of the extraterrestrials may have told some bona fide contactees and, as a very brief exotheological summary of information harmoniously received since 1974 by those contactees associated with “Mission Rahma” (a contact mission capable of occasionally providing some collectively verifiable evidence), I’ll offer the following outline which may be considered by many as  important “news” or at least as “newsworthy.”

Three contactees: Sixto Paz Wells, Luis Fernando Mostajo and Ricardo Gonzalez have – to the best of my exopolitical assessment – individually experienced various kinds of contacts that supplement and complement each other’s views of the same coherent “exotheology” in which Jesus plays the important role of a most advanced Master, head of Earth’s White Brotherhood of benign and saintly beings following God’s benevolent will; a role allowed by being a/the spiritual representative in perfect unity with the Universal Christ Intelligence. As the story goes, his human physical body was prepared or modified by advanced extraterrestrials for him to incarnate as a human capable of sustaining a direct connection with the Cosmic Christ or Logos, the first Intelligence expressed from the Absolute or “the Father.” As the extraterrestrial transmissions go, his mission was to rescue (or redeem) humanity from completely falling into satanic-luciferian forces, some of which were made of discarnate negative extraterrestrial entities (in large part from Orion) who had perished on Earth after trying to interfere with human evolution. These forces attempting to influence world affairs have allegedly followed their leader “Satanael” who himself had become a follower of a powerful non-physical being in the Mental Universe known as “Lucifer.”

The information given by conscious will-respecting extraterrestrials working for a “Cosmic Plan” following Jesus Christ’s guidance for intervening on our planet and in connection with a spiritual hierarchy (the White Brotherhood of the Star) connected both to Earth, to the Galaxy and to the evolution of numerous civilizations in our local group of galaxies is that, after millions of years of evolution, many extraterrestrial civilizations became stuck on somewhat advanced high 4 or 5th dimensional levels of consciousness without being able to move beyond that as they became overly dependent on technology by being guided by (mostly benevolent) co-creator beings from the “Mental Universe.” After the Luciferian rebellion of a segment of beings from that Mental Universe they also experienced negative influences and severe conflicts but even earlier than that (by becoming dependent on beings from the Mental Universe guiding them along their evolution across the various planes of the Physical Universe) their capacity for deep spiritual sentiment (a subtlety that could reach into the Creator’s “heart”) became atrophied or underdeveloped missing what was necessary to reach the highest echelons of creation (a structure basically composed of a three-tiered Cosmos and various levels of consciousness occupying 7 physical, 3 mental and 2 spiritual planes). These beings (while not necessarily “negative”) needed to work under their respective levels of physicality using their wills, understandings and love in order to evolve. However they sorely needed to go beyond the excessively mental approach to life which the “ultraterrestrials” (those of the non-physical, angelic kingdoms in the Mental Universe) had taught them.

In these circumstances, the Logos; the Cosmic Christ; the first born which had emanated directly from God, the Absolute; that prism through which God the Father (an otherwise unreachable Absolute) proposed a “Divine Plan” which would entail a “fresh start”: to establish humanities in the Physical Universe gifted with a greater range of free will while living in biologically hyper dynamic planets, seeded by Life’s greatest potentials, even if prone to major survival dangers and to large degrees of uncertainty. These humanities would be able to experience a greater depth of feeling capable of connecting with the Spiritual Universe while eventually managing to live in harmony amidst highly life-challenging, physical conditions thus showing previous extraterrestrial civilizations the way to move forward. In these circumstances a large coalition of extraterrestrial civilizations accepted the Christ’s Plan as it had been transmitted to their most evolved individuals/masters and then intervened to contribute genetic and other characteristics. The net result would be more than the sum of the parts.

First spores of life were brought to specific planets to inseminate oceans with the possibility of actual life forms. Life evolved under natural laws which allowed intelligent patterns from the Creator’s Mind to materialize as the Creator worked through a chain of beings from the Mental and Physical Universes. We could say that these beings co-creating eternally exist like us within the Mind of God and their relative existences are sustained by God, the only real Being. More recent contact messages also mention that essential aspects of life on Earth was also assisted by life generating elements brought from Orion’s Nebulae and when humanoid species began to naturally develop on Earth at times they were combined with the genetic factors of various extraterrestrial lineages.

In other words, we potentially possess the combined capacities of several extraterrestrials that listened to the Christ’s Plan and to the Christ’s interpretation of the Father’s will. However, Lucifer and his followers from the Mental Universe opposed to be surpassed by a new and primitive physical species and thereafter also generated followers among many physical civilizations. Apparently, some of the negatively-oriented extraterrestrials known today are descendants of some of those original lineages and under karmic laws are allowed to intervene with restrictions until we become fully aware of who we are and-or command our rights and decide to stop this.

Out of 8 “UR” planets suitable for this major “experiment” 7 were destroyed by various sorts of cataclysms and even the Earth was destroyed millions of years before in its original timeline but a unique permission was granted by a council of the most evolved extraterrestrial masters in order to create an artificial timeline in which to relocate Earth before its destruction.  We are allegedly living in this alternative timeline while having recently crossed point of beginning to merge with the original timeline. There’s great expectation in the Universe on how we will unfold becoming aware of who we are in the Cosmic scheme of things. How we solve our human conflicts, learn to live with technology while respecting “Pacha Mama,” forgive the errors (sins) or mistakes committed by many of our extraterrestrial relatives and learn to live in harmony all of life will be a unique example for the cosmic community and becoming the “harvest” which positive extraterrestrial groups will experience. Our unique “voice” or “note” in the Cosmos is just beginning to blossom as a fruit that has never been known before.

According to the benevolent extraterrestrial group (which involves beings from Orion that left their home worlds avoiding falling into negative warrior-based paths and beings from a higher physical vibration in Venus, certain Pleiadians, a planet called Cerpican, Xilox in the Andromeda Galaxy and colonists in Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter), after humanity began to evolve it was partially interfered by various ‘negativized’ extraterrestrial groups. There were also mistakes committed,sometimes in a paternalistic fashion. Besides that also human-ET hybrid colonies were installed on Earth. Under Satanic influences these colonies (like Mu and Atlantis) also experienced misgivings and conflicts and some of the survivors which remained steadfast to the original benevolent ethical precepts of their civilizations moved into underground bases and occasionally influenced the development of human civilizations (as in Egypt in the African continent and Tiwanacu next to Lake Titicaca in South America).

Before Jesus’ birth it was noticed that if humanity continued developing without a deeply felt reverence for a loving God, the sacredness of life and kindness to fellow human beings, the last surviving “UR” experiment would also fail. Under this conditions the Logos/Cosmic Christ originating the new evolutionary “Plan” “felt responsible” for the human plight and sent Master Jesus (the most evolved human), to show the most direct and deepest path to God (the way of love) and to represent with his teachings and living example a supreme act of forgiveness (in this case as a human when – for a moment – the Christ force apparently abandoned him) in the cross.

With Jesus’ presence on Earth, the course of history inevitably leading to self-destruction was changed and a new dispensation/opportunity was obtained. While service to others or benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations (even if sentimentally under developed) guide and recommend and humbly look forward to learn from what we can demonstrate, those still under the influences of Lucifer tend to denigrate our species and often pretend to forcefully extract or “harvest” our capacities obtaining permission from our subconscious premises and state of ignorance. However, the first ones also want us to remember our ancient and complex earthly and cosmic history and why – as souls – we came to Earth in the first place. They want us to become more aware of who we are in order to choose a conscious return to the cosmic family, being able to contact them by intelligently choice with respect and without dependencies.

In this story apparently transmitted to the three contactees previously mentioned (and to others also participating in the Mission Rahma contacts) Jesus’ role must be understood as compatible with in depth, non-Christian, religious perspectives. I believe that the concept of a “master” is key here and can be understood in a way that satisfies Christians and non-Christians alike. We would have to transcend and include some pre-Nicean Council understandings and come up with a Jesus that is compatible with the idea of a prophet as that of a Bodhisattva and of God’s “Logos” expressed as an “avatar” in human form. This would be a Jesus so infused by divine force that he becomes or – in fact -recognizes his ever-present, timeless unity with the Creator’s supreme Intelligence in such a way that (as a soul and as an expression of that Logos before creation) his relative being and understanding becomes indistinguishably fused with that of the Logos or the Absolute’s first expression. In a way he would still be a man expressing the will of God and in a way an identity with God’s “Logos.”

Furthermore, concepts similar to that of the “Logos” or supreme organizing, uncreated intelligence interpreting the will of the “Father” (perhaps equivalent to the “Para Brahm” in Vedic terms, and to the “Ain” in Jewish, mystical terms) may also occur within some understandings of Buddhism and mystical and philosophical Islam (for instance as “Bodhicitta” in the case of Buddhism and in the case of Islam as Fritjoff Schuon elucidated as an aspect of the a trinity expressed by God when understood with a relative sense). Even within the normally considered non-theological and deity non-compatible Buddhism the least known (and formerly suppressed) Maha Madhyamika/Jonangpa school posits an essence (compatible with the concept of the Absolute) to which the emptiness which all relative phenomena are inherently subjected to doesn’t apply.

Definitely I’m not saying that Jesus was an extraterrestrial or that the Creator is an extraterrestrial. The issues are much more deeper and sacred to minimize them like that! However, there’s a spiritual relationship that  transcends the confines of the Earth and possesses a universal reach.  Have the aforementioned contactees from Latin America been told part of a story and-or history that relates to Jesus because of the receptivity of their Catholic/Christian cultural background? What may be learned from similar contactees in the Far East, India, or perhaps Africa, Melanesia, Eastern Europe, Siberia, Indonesia or the Middle East?  How much more of an exotheology will we have to discover and to carefully integrate under deep and “trans theological” patterns to mature as a planetary species?

If the Mission Rahma’s extraterrestrial messages are a valid account of part of our forgotten or unknown history we’ll have to overcome our exclusivist rejections of different superficially understood theologies to get at the crux of their meaning and of human history and destiny in relation to the Cosmos. We need to remember and to contact beings that respect us and may tell us more of our cosmic history. We also need to compare information from other similar contactee sources like George Adamski. On a deeper level of research we may find that that which connects us is more than that which separates us and that, as Thomas Merton showed, we may be climbing different sides of the same mountain even if the terrain looks seriously different on each side.

Interesting comments beyond a limited understanding of Jesus by Fr. Richard Rohr at

US to create Exopolitics Department to run alien affairs according to insiders

Mockup of Department of Exopolitics Logo. Credit:
Mockup of Department of Exopolitics Logo. Credit:

According to well-informed sources the US Government is set to announce a new department or office that would run extraterrestrial affairs. Today, in his latest installment in the popular Veterans Today website about an undeclared space war, Dr Preston James argues that an internal decision is about to be reached by a secret “exopolitics” committee that manages extraterrestrial affairs. They are on the verge of deciding that the time has arrived to go public – full disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence. The Secret Committee is called Majestic 12 or MJ-12 according to Dr James, and it is about to approve the creation of a formal Department or Office of Exopolitics. Its job would be to formally conduct relations with extraterrestrial life in the same way that the Department of State manages US relations with international governments. Dr James claims several “esteemed” individuals are under consideration to run the first Department/Office of Exopolitics.

Dr James begins with reports he has received from unnamed sources about the deliberations of the secret exopolitics committee called MJ-12 that has run extraterrestrial affairs since 1947. He writes that the decision to go public is being driven largely by younger members:

“some reports have suggested that there has been a deep internal split in this group, with younger members pushing hard for complete USG public disclosure followed by the setting up of an official USG Department of Exopolitics”.

James claims that several “esteemed individuals” have already been considered to run the proposed “office:”

USG is now in the process of setting up an official Office for Exopolitics and considering several esteemed individuals from which to choose a director to run this new office.

There is a major difference between creating a new government Office versus a new Department. There are a variety of bureaucratic models that could be used in creating a government entity to formally conduct exopolitics – relations with extraterrestrial visitors. Here are the three that stand out as the most obvious choices.

First, some existing government departments would argue that exopolitics is merely an extension of their current activities and therefore should be located entirely within their department. For example, the U.S. Department of State could argue that US government relations with alien civilizations is an extension of its current role of managing relations with international governments. Therefore an “Office for Exopolitics” should be set up within the Department of State in the same way in which the “Office for Civil Rights” is located within the Department of Education. The main advantage here is that an “Office of Exopolitics” could be expected to harmonize with ongoing diplomatic relations at an international level. Main disadvantage is that other government departments and agencies could argue that key areas of relations with extraterrestrial visitors fall under their responsibilities, e.g., Department of Defense, Department of Energy, NASA, etc.

A second bureaucratic model would be to set up an “Exopolitics Office” that directly reports to the US President such as in the case of “The Office of Science and Technology Policy” whose mandate is:

advises the president on the effects of science and technology on domestic and international affairs. It also develops, coordinates, and implements science and technology policies and budgets.

The main advantage here is that the US President, for the first time since Presidents Truman and Eisenhower would be directly involved in setting policy on extraterrestrial visitors. Main disadvantage is that relations with extraterrestrial visitors is too important an issue to add to an already overburdened President whose responsibilities are diverted to many government priorities.

A third bureaucratic model would be to create a Department or Agency for Exopolitics that would be a fully independent entity with its own bureaucracy and headed by a Secretary or Director that would be given Cabinet status within the Obama administration. This model has many advantages since it could coordinate policies on a wide range of issues, diplomatic relations, defense, science and technology, energy, health, etc. that involve extraterrestrial life and technology. The main disadvantage is that other more established government departments might compete with and undermine the new Exopolitics Department/Agency in terms of policy and influence over extraterrestrial affairs.

There is no precedent for setting up a Department or Office of Exopolitics in the world. While the United Nations passed Decision 33/426 in 1978 authorizing the creation of a UN Agency to monitor reports of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, the decision was never implemented by member states. The only bureaucratic history that is known with any degree of reliability is that the Majestic 12 committee that originally constituted a de facto Office of Exopolitics was initially set up as a covert program within the US National Security Council system. Here is a description of MJ-12’s reconstitution during the Eisenhower administration:

The most significant institutional reorganization as far as political management of the ET presence was concerned was expanding and formalizing MJ-12 as an autonomous institution fully authorized by executive order to deliberate upon and make policy decisions on the ET presence. MJ-12 became formally embedded in the Covert Operations Committee of the National Security Council – Committee 5412, named after National Security Council Edict 5412. MJ-12’s earlier existence as an ad hoc committee appointed by executive authority, was now transformed into a permanent sub-committee institutionally embedded within the most secret of all the National Security Council’s committees. Evidence from whistleblower testimonies suggest that Truman’s ad hoc committee, MJ-12, was reorganized so as to now comprise two layers. The outermost layer was a group of up to 40 individuals who would form a Study Group (hence the names PI-40 and Special Studies Group also attributed to MJ-12) whose function was to provide specialized studies and policy recommendations concerning ET issues for a smaller decision making group (MJ-12) that would actually make official policy recommendations for implementation after gaining executive approval by Eisenhower.

Initially hidden within the National Security Council system, the MJ-12/Office of Exopolitics has morphed over time into a quasi-governmental entity with significant corporate involvement, and a distinct international element.

According to Dr James’ undisclosed sources:

[Y]ounger members of MJ-12 want complete public disclosure as soon as possible, within 2013 and have actually been providing leaks for over twenty years, helping Hollywood writers and producers by supplying information so that movies can be made and the public can be conditioned in small baby steps to accept the idea of alien visitation.

How credible is Dr James and his unnamed sources? Veterans Today is a highly respected website which has key individuals in its editorial board with deep connections to the world of military intelligence. Dr James is a board certified psychologist with 35 years experience in marriage/family therapy, and claims many contacts with those in military intelligence. His professional background and military intelligence connections suggest his sources are worth taking seriously.

If Dr James’ sources are correct then not only can we expect a formal government disclosure of extraterrestrial life in the near future, but the creation of a US Government Office or Department of Exopolitics to follow soon after. The Director/Secretary of such an Office/Department could be vetted by Congress to determine their suitability in managing the most important policies confronting humanity in the 21st century.

Creating an Exopolitics Office or Department, would be a tremendous step forward in bringing transparency and accountability to how relations with extraterrestrial visitors are being run by elements of the US government, and internationally. For the first time, American citizens would be informed of how covert elements of their government is managing the issue of extraterrestrial life and technology, and will have a voice in how policies are developed and implemented.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D..

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Apollo 11 photo reveals base on far side of moon

NASA image AS11-41-6155 reveals what appears to be an alien base on the far side of the moon.
NASA image AS11-41-6155 reveals what appears to be an alien base on the far side of the moon.

A photo from the online archive of the Apollo 11 mission reveals what appears to be a base on the far side of the moon. The object appears to be on the moon’s surface and is well illuminated. It is symmetrical with a long shaft separated at each end by a small sphere with another in the center. The spheres appear to be living quarters with connecting corridors. The object was recently discovered by an observer and announced today on UFO Sightings Daily. The photo, AS11-41-6155, is significant since whistleblowers have claimed that NASA regularly scrubs or destroys photos with any evidence of alien life or artificial structures. The Apollo 11 photo does not appear to have been digitally altered in any way, and may be stunning visual evidence of alien life on the far side of the moon.

Here is what the observer who first discovered the photo had to say in an email sent to Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily:

I need to let you know about my discovery of what seems to be some kind of UTO (unknown Terrain Object) or UFO, that appears on one of the pictures from an Apollo mission which I don’t remember which one (Apollo 11) it was…I took some screenshots so that you can see the object in very good detail. To me it looks like some kind of crystal tube with something that appears like an antenna or some kind of special weapon…not sure what it is, but we can figure it out. The first image is the original one which has lots and lots of unknown objects on the surface of the moon! J.M.

The object is well illuminated and symmetrical. It appears to be artificial structure of some kind.

Location of object on far side of moon in image AS11-41-6155 - its relative size made it escape detection until recently. Click image for enlargement.
Location of object on far side of moon in image AS11-41-6155 – its relative size made it escape detection until recently. Click image for enlargement.

Significantly, whistleblowers have come forward to claim that NASA and affiliated government agencies have a policy of destroying or altering photos that reveal artificial structures on the moon or in space. Karl Wolfe, for example, claims that he witnessed NASA, the NSA and the US Air Force cooperating to remove such structures from Apollo and satellite imagery when detected. The Washington Times had this to say of Wolf’s whistleblower testimony:

Karl Wolf, an Air Force sergeant who was assigned to the National Security Agency, said that mysterious structures were discovered on the far side of the moon when the United States was mapping its surface before the 1969 lunar landing. Those photos too were culled out of the public record.

Another whistleblower is Dr Ken Johnston who was a manager of NASA’s Data and Photo Control Department. Johnston claims that he also witnessed moon photos showing artificial structures and was asked to destroy the photos. He refused and was fired by NASA.

If tampering of Apollo and satellite imagery of the moon’s surface is a regular policy implemented by various NASA and other US government agencies as Wolf and Johnston claim, then Apollo imago AS11-41-6155 may have remained unaltered since the object it depicts escaped detection. The photo is very large (40 megabytes) and it takes close scrutiny to discover the anomalous object. In conclusion, Apollo 11 image AS11-41-6155 may be smoking gun proof of an alien base on the far side of the moon.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Nuclear Base Security Police Officer touches landed UFO


Toronto [ZNN] Stephen G. Bassett Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group and co-ordinator of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has placed video summaries on the CHD web site of some of the most stunning and dramatic witness testimony of the Washington DC event held from April 29 to May 3 2013.

ZlandCommunications. along with other members of the North American and international press sat spell-bound in the Washington DC National Press Club hearing room as dramatic and unnerving testimony was given by a US soldier about how he witnessed the landing of an unidentified craft – approximately 9 feet long by 6 feet high.

The video segment below actually reveals how this military officer approached and touched the landed UFO as his partner witnessed the entire event.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure video includes:

  • Testimony from two military security police officers who served on an American nuclear base in the UK who were the first on the scene of a UFO landing. These officers saw the craft land. One of the officers approached the craft and reports making a diagram of the vehicle, recording the embossed hieroglyphics on the craft and touching the craft while running his hand over the hieroglyphics. Both have suffered severe physical ill-effects and PTSD.
  • Testimony from a US nuclear facility Launch Commander who witnessed the shut-down of 10 nuclear ICBM missiles at Malmstrom AFB in 1965 during the appearance of a UFO over missile silos.
  •  Stunned reactions from former members of Congress who formed the hearing committee to review 30 hours of testimony from 40 witnesses.

Members of the press should consider this as verified, high priority and need to know information.

Watch the entire video at:

Journalists wishing further details on this dramatic testimony are asked to contact ZlandCommunications for details on reaching these witnesses.

To review all information on the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure go to: 

ZNN AudioNews – Listen to Security Officer describe his encounter (1 min. 30 secs)

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ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

Toronto Ontario Canada



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British UFO Document Release Designed to Deflect Public and Media Interest says former UK MoD UFO specialist Nick Pope

British X-Files photo







Nick Pope – former UK MoD UFO Specialist 

[Photo-Courtesy NatGeo]

Toronto [ZNN] Reuters Press has released information to the wire indicating that the British government has made it a practice to deflect attention away from the UFO issue among members of Parliament and the media. This, according to a former Ministry of Defense UFO specialist.

Nick Pope – a former administrator in the UK Ministry of Defense in charge of UFO projects indicated that claims by the British MoD that UFOs are of no defense significance “…is designed solely to keep Parliament, the media and the public off our backs.”

It appears that by down-playing the national security significance of the massive compendium of declassified UFO reports released by the UK government over the last several years, the UK Ministry of Defense has attempted to ‘soften’ the impact of the grave national security implications caused by craft of unknown origin entering and leaving sensitive UK military airspace with impunity.

What does this mean? Essentially the UK government appears to implicitly concede they are virtually helpless in tracking down these ‘unknowns’ – even with their most sophisticated aircraft.

Conclusion: Major military forces in the world – the UK, the USA, France and other nations’ military do not have control over their own air-space as they espouse. Eventually this will become a difficult and indisputable admission that will have to be made on the international stage by leaders of the so-called free world.

Many in the UFO research community also feel the UK government’s process of dumping UFO files into the public domain is in essence, a jaundiced and suspicious attempt to appear transparent while, in reality – insiders well know that the UFO issue is of deep concern to UK officials.

An August 2010 CBS News Report certainly illustrates this as does a BBC article on the very same topic.

In her CBS News article Ann Binlot brings forward evidence that Winston Churchill may actually have ordered a clamp down on the dissemination of information to the public and media about UFOs. The BBC article which also quotes Pope extensively provides details such as: “The files(UFO files) come from more than 5,000 pages of UFO reports and letters and drawings from members of the public, as well as questions raised by MPs in Parliament.“

The Reuters press release goes on to say: “…[O]ther provocative comments by Pope have just been published in an article by UFOs and Nukes researcher Robert Hastings, who discovered a credible UFO involvement in the famous Rendlesham Forest/RAF Bentwaters case, which occurred in Suffolk, England.”

Robert Hastings author of UFOs and NUKES in his exhaustive research on Bentwaters stated: “If the incident at the Weapons Storage Area [at AFB Bentwaters] actually occurred, and it appears that it did, then UFOs do indeed pose a defense threat to the UK.”

To read the entire press release click on: Reuters Press UFO Release

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 ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork

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ExoNews TV Launches on Father’s Day 2013

Happy Fathers Day – ExoNews TV has arrived!

ExoNews-logo-alien-faces - Copy[June 16, 2013 – ExoNews TV] Nearly every day we hear news that we are not alone in this vast universe. Scientists are confirming the existence of exoplanets in the habitable regions of their suns. Scientific opinion has shifted from outright skepticism to curious optimism that extraterrestrial life will soon be confirmed to exist. More political leaders are disclosing what they know, or are willing to listen to evidence regarding extraterrestrials visiting our world. Captains of industry are meeting to discuss the implications of advanced extraterrestrial technologies in aerospace, biotechnology, energy production and more!

ExoNews TV brings you ground breaking stories about extraterrestrial life, and how this impacts our lives at the individual, national and global levels. ExoNews TV covers the increasingly popular fields of exoplanetology, exobiology, exopolitics, exotheology; and many new exciting fields of knowledge focusing on the implications of extraterrestrial life and technology.

 ExoNews TV has been officially launched on Father’s Day, 2013, and will release regular video stories featuring the latest news about alien life and technology. All videos are designed to be succinct presentations of the most pertinent information on an extraterrestrial related topic to four minutes or less – ideal for all those in a hurry to get their ExoNews!

Upcoming stories feature evidence that NASA is ignoring evidence of life on Mars; that the Vatican is preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure; that new fusion technologies promise to revolutionize space travel within our solar system; whether President Obama secretly has aliens protecting him, world business leaders meeting to discuss the implications of extraterrestrial technologies; and many more exciting ExoNews stories.

 Watch our official ExoNews trailer.


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Google earth reveals strange Antarctic entrances – evidence of secret UFO bases?

Google Earth Image of one of the strange entrances into Antarctica. Image Credit: UFO Sightings
Google Earth Image of one of the strange entrances into Antarctica. Image Credit: UFO Sightings Daily

On Google Earth one can find two large entrances that extend below the Antarctic surface and ice near the coastline. For some observers, they are natural caverns formed over time by the intense Antarctic weather conditions. Not so according to Scott Waring owner of the popular UFO Sightings blog. In a post released yesterday, Waring claimed that they might be entrances to an alien base or a secret facility of some kind. He highlighted a video containing close-ups of the two large entrances. In the video, there is also an image of what Waring believes to be a huge saucer shaped object buried under melting ice near Antarctica. While there is no Google Earth image available of the mysterious buried UFO, the cave/base entrances are available for independent analysis. If the latter are indeed entrances to underground bases, then it would appear that claims that UFOs have bases in Antarctica, and may have even helped fleeing World War II Nazis escape a punitive U.S. Naval expedition, are not so far-fetched after all.

Let’s begin by examining the two large entrances discovered on Google Earth which are highlighted in a Youtube video uploaded on June 8 by Stephen Hannard showing various angles of the entrances. These entrances are available for independent confirmation at the following Google Earth coordinates (-66° 36′ 12.58″, +99° 43′ 12.72″ and -66° 36′ 12.58″, +99° 43′ 12.72″) They show entrances into the rocky underground. The first is approximately 30 meters high and 90 meters across. The video also shows a UFO allegedly found by Google Earth, but it is claimed that the image was removed and is no longer available.

According to Waring in his blog post:

Very interesting and intriguing images from Google Earth, which seem to show two possible entrances to an alien base or at least an entrance to something, and a huge saucer shaped object buried in the ice. If there are Alien bases in the Antarctic it would follow that there are ET craft their also.

Waring’s comments appear to accept a connection between the two large entrances and the alleged crashed UFO found in melting ice on South Sandwich Islands. The video shows no obvious connection other than all were allegedly discovered using Google Earth – the UFO, as mentioned earlier, is no longer available for independent confirmation. There is no independent confirmation that the UFO is genuine.

Nevertheless, the two entrances are clearly genuine and immediately raise the question over their artificiality. According to Hannard’s Youtube video, one of the entrances looks as though it has a metal canopy or dome covering it. This suggests that it is artificial. So if one or both of the entrances are artificial, then who built them? Are they recent, or some artifact from a bygone age when Antarctica was not covered by ice. Interestingly, the famous Piri Reis map show Antarctica without ice suggesting that its ice sheets are a geologically recent phenomenon.

One intriguing possibility is that the entrances are related to post-World War II events related to an alleged NAZI exodus to Antarctica, and a brief military confrontation between the US Navy and UFOs based under or near Antarctica.

An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary revealed new information about the US Navy Antarctica expedition of 1946/47 – Operation Highjump. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd whose expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities” according to initial news reports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview in Chile that his Task Force had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.”

After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on Operation Highjump. A 2006 Russian documentary made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of the Operation Highjump mission to Antarctica. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile. While there is a possibility the report resulted from US disinformation fed to a known Soviet mole, the more likely explanation is that the report exposes the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed in underground facilities in or near Antarctica.

The mysterious entrances found in Antarctica by Google Earth may be nothing more than naturally formed entrances into caverns that extend under the Antarctic surface and ice. The entrances, on the other hand, may be artificially constructed entrances into underground UFO bases. If the latter option is correct, then perhaps we have an historical answer to where the mysterious UFO forces came from that attacked Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump expedition in early 1947.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

Book Review: Galactic Diplomacy – Getting to Yes with ET

Available from on June 16, 2013. Click graphic for link.

Review by Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera

This book is a comprehensive source for individuals who think  that sufficient evidence merits acceptance of the premise that intelligent extraterrestrials are already interacting with humanity and who are already asking what an appropriate, democratic, political response might be (even if an unsupervised “shadow government” maintains negotiations, exchanges and de facto agreements not only detached from common democratic processes but with the extraterrestrial groups it finds more appropriate. “Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET” is a seminal book written to offer a leading edge analysis of the nature of different extraterrestrial groups so that mindful citizens willing to represent their “vital interests” and even those of humanity, the Earth and even of all planetary sentient beings acquire basic, general information to intelligently proceed with a peaceful, “track two,” complementary, citizen’s “Galactic Diplomacy.”

Michael E. Salla has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland and an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. He was Professor of Politics at American University and at George Washington University, held an academic appointment at the School of International Service and was a researcher in residence at the Center for Global Peace. As a distinguished scholar in conflict resolution and foreign policy Dr. Salla wrote The Hero’s Journey: Toward a Second American Century, substantiating America’s need to remember its national character by conducting a principled foreign policyAfter conducting distinguished fieldwork and research in ethnic conflict resolution in East Timor, Sri, Lanka, Kosovo and Macedonia, Dr. Salla founded (in 2005) Exopolitics Institute and Exopolitics Journal and became an internationally acclaimed promoter of the leading-edge field of Exopolitics.  In 2004, Dr. Salla published Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (seminally defining Exopolitics within the framework of the social sciences) and in 2009, he published Exposing U.S. Government Policies on Extraterrestrial Life: The Challenge of Exopolitics carefully describing that the U.S. has secretly implemented a policy of research, technology gathering and exchanges with intelligent extraterrestrial life.

By cross-referencing information from selected notable contact experiencers (typifying a diversity of contacts), credible whistleblowers, selected channelers and leaked government documents Dr. Salla explores what different extraterrestrial civilizations might be up to, not only confirming that a major cover-up is proceeding (possibly nourishing unholy alliances with less convenient or adverse extraterrestrial groups) but also surveying what principled negotiations with extraterrestrial civilizations would entail, including the possibility that numerous denizens of our galactic community may respectfully offer us educational options while gently attempting to awaken  remembrance of our cosmic nature and inmost potentials.

There’s a well-balanced exposition of issues pertaining to exodiplomacy. For instance (besides delving INTO who might adequately represent Earth in exodiplomatic negotiations), issues of how some ET groups might manipulate citizen diplomats or if (from the perspective of ET groups) open citizen’s negotiations will be as binding as covert government ones? Will exodiplomacy be allowed, found complementary to conventional diplomacy or suppressed by Earth-based powers?

1982 British newspaper story on Eisenhower ET meeting
1982 British newspaper story on Eisenhower ET meeting

Some of the surprising  but necessary themes presented in this book (which endeavor to give a wide range of perspectives and information applicable to “Galactic Diplomacy”) include the diplomatic encounters with extraterrestrials that allegedly took place during the Eisenhower Administration, both in relation  to “First Encounters” with human-looking ETs (allegedly including planetary system-based “solarians,” and other extraterrestrials offering a spiritually-based, edification programs for humanity to subsequently/gradually be able to handle advanced technology and to integrate with a vast cosmic society responsibly). It also includes the “Secondary Encounters” typically with non-human or humanoid-looking ETs (which apparently suffer from complex physical and social-hierarchical problems even though offering technology in exchange for some negotiated benefits). I felt that Dr. Salla’s emphasis on circumstantial and testimonial evidence on the alleged Eisenhower encounters (like Bill Kirkling’s and Phil Schneider’s) is important but also left me feeling that some exopolitically significant events transpiring before his term of office (perhaps since the early 1940’s) should have also been mentioned.

Dr. Salla’s inevitably audacious book also offers a preliminary analysis of possible Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex (MIEC) ETs and of possible non-Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex ETs; evidence for human-looking ETs living among us; evidence of a program (called Galactic COINTELPRO) to discredit or suppress contactees. Furthermore, it deals with the (never implemented) 1978 UN resolution “33/426” to establish an agency for researching and informing about UFOs and related phenomena; presents exopolitical, citizen’s resolutions to deal with the ET presence in constructive ways (including the creation of an expected “code of conduct” for ETs) and even touches upon the possible role of “celestials” (higher entities with less physical limitations which should be studied because they are repeatedly mentioned in contactee literature) might play in the transition to a higher degree of human consciousness.

It may be the first time a book like this has been written. In fact, Dr. Salla’s book isn’t – by necessity –  just  pioneering and mind-expanding on such a unique but politically vital topic like “extraterrestrial contacts” and associated decision-making. Furthermore, it isn’t just sufficiently academic and ‘rational’ but also quite ‘reasonable’ since each chapter substantiates the aforesaid issues in a comprehensive and critical manner using – with an open and inclusive attitude – the varieties of evidence a sufficiently rational, sensible but normal “citizen of the world” (not overly encoded with a haughty academic skepticism) would consider.

Dr. Salla’s book shows us that one can be intellectually proficient even if evincing that sense-of- reality-challenging events indeed occur while a variety of otherworldly beings approach us with different vested interests. It shows us (unlike what other books in the UFO/ET contact phenomenon and its implications have shown) that – besides an exclusivist, disproportionate interest in particular aspects of human-ET relations (like the cover-up, technology and the contact-experiencer phenomenon) an earnestly INCLUSIVE analysis of the complex human-ET interaction (often combining subjective and objective types of evidence) it is not only possible but clearly necessary to understand the situation wholesomely to make informed political decisions soon to affect our collective fate. I think that implied in the book is the need for a critical but inclusive approach to coming to terms with a reality beckoning us to expand our physically limited sense of reality.

Artist depiction of 8 foot extraterrestrial and his dwarf companion walking with three Italian contactees. Amicizia case. Italy.
Artist depiction of 8 foot extraterrestrial and his dwarf companion walking with three Italian contactees. Amicizia case. Italy 1956-1978.

This book covers many areas of inquiry but also elicits additional questions. For instance, I do favor citizen’s diplomacy as it seems that particular benevolent ET species/races (allegedly the ones not predominantly negotiating with the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex) even have indeed chosen to contact individuals attempting to share aspects of their particular “universalist” messages but, judging from how contactees every so often dismiss each other’s cases (or present their cases as central to human-ET contacts are we really able to definitely come together at once as a unified, planetary-wide group or only gradually?

As Dr. Salla also writes in chapter one “…a premium needs to be placed on maintaining a high level of integrity for this form of citizen based diplomacy. This will prevent undue manipulation by ‘unfriendly’ extraterrestrial races…”  Will this ‘integrity’ include thinking in connected, mature ways embracing all compatible contact experiences? Thus far, a main quality sought in contactees seems to have been a principled mind capable of assuming a ‘mission’ to at least attempt to re-transmit parts of an emancipating, educational message. This subjective feature probably entails a degree of post formal ethics for which ETs sufficiently esteem such persons as bona fide Earth representatives. However, perhaps efforts should also be coordinated under a supervising, integrally aware council embracing all vital political (Earth-based and extraterrestrial) needs. Will it be best if citizens’ diplomacy with non-MIEC ETs is coordinated with broad-minded, post-formal, ethical overseers (perhaps connected to the UN) similar to how MJ-12 allegedly oversees MIEC-ET diplomacy?

The book mentions benevolent “first contacts” occurring before the “grays” became popular. Furthermore, it mentions contacts with “intraterrestrials” (entities living in underground bases), with “solarians” (Solar System based ETs) and with other human-friendly, galactic neighbors. While I agree that these types of contacts occur (I have truthful friends who claim to have had such contacts), because of the gravitational pull we experience (requiring sufficient planetary mass), I don’t think they can possibly relate (as suggested) to beings living in an extensively hollow Earth but, rather, those who in enhanced cavities within the Earth’s crust. However, I found the evidence for human-looking “solarians” more compelling, since the presence of extraterrestrials like “Val Thor” and from the “Amicizia” contacts in Italy was supported by several witnesses and photographs.

By agreeing with Dr. Salla’s politically reasonable idea that by incorporating and cross-referencing a broad range of plausible information from contact experiencers, researchers, leaked government documents, whistleblowers (like Stewart Swerdlow, Robert Dean, Philip Corso, Dan Sherman) and more credible channelers (like Lyssa Royal and Norma Milanovich) we may basically recognize the existence of two main types of extraterrestrials (those allegedly cooperating more actively with the MIEC and those that not doing so).

Crucially, I think that one of the main strengths of the book is a reasonable search for overall patterns without excessive efforts to validate any one aspect. While not being scientifically undeniable (even if some details have been amply corroborated, for instance, by serious Ufology), it is politically sufficient and useful. It is a balanced search which can provide an informed assessment appropriate to a social science approach or to an intelligence information gathering suitable to human decision-making. Given the circumstances this is a good example to follow since – in order to advance informed exopolitical responses – whether specific appraisals are correct or not, we must first come to terms with the general patterns.


Final speaker panel from 2006 ET Civilization and World Peace Conference adopting Conference Declaration
Final speaker panel from 2006 ET Civilization and World Peace Conference adopting Hawaii Conference Declaration

Readers interested in this book and in plausible exopolitical responses might be particularly pleased by some chapters alluding to various citizen resolutions in which UFO/ET cognizant/aware people from different countries and Dr. Salla were involved. Thus, we read about the 2006 “Hawaii Declaration on Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations” which not just affirms “the intent of humanity to join in peaceful and cooperative relations with extraterrestrial civilizations” and “the natural right of all citizens to have open contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization in all cases and to engage in non-official diplomacy” but also to declare “the need for Civil Society to develop acceptable protocols (standards of behavior) with extraterrestrial civilizations, that the protocols should be representative of humanity, and that all nations should work in concert to establish peaceful relations.”

In other words, concerned individuals will find in this pioneering book that citizens with principled intentions have already come together attempting to plant the kernels for peaceful and constructive interactions with extraterrestrials. In fact, they’ll find that there have already been at least six citizen (international civilian) diplomatic initiatives and that the concepts of ecological balance and respect for all life have been central. One of them was the 2007 “Earth Transformation Declaration” which focused on taking personal responsibility for the transformative creation of a planetary civilization while recognizing interconnected health and wholeness and affirming the “political sovereignty and self-determination of humanity in relation to extraterrestrial civilizations,” besides the “promotion of new energy technologies to provide solutions to urgent global environmental and resource depletion issues” and  the protection of cetaceans as sentient, intelligent species.  Other important diplomatic initiatives were the 2009 “Declaration for the Creation of a European Agency to Study UFOs and Extraterrestrial Affairs,” the 2008 “Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils” (promoting the use of positive, international contact procedures), and the “Statement of Aspirations and Code of Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth” which outlined “standards (of conduct) extraterrestrials would need to observe” (something I very much agree with).

“Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET” showed me that it was possible to treat the complex and startling exopolitical situation with fairness, academic distinction and a form of reasonableness that includes an objective analysis and qualitative assessment suitable to a useful, normal and moral human standpoint. It succeeds in presenting a necessarily challenging overview of various unique categories that must be inclusively studied to practice exopolitics and to responsibly launch a new stage in real-world human-ET interacting with a vital and extraordinary political situation.

 [Note: Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET will be available in paperback and Kindle versions on June 16, 2013 at . Autographed copies are also available – click here.]

Will Vatican declaration of an alien savior spark a religious war?

ExoVaticanaNew-350pxExovaticana is both an informative and dangerous book. Informative insofar as the authors, Chris Putnam and Thomas Horn, provide extensive scholarship into the history of the Catholic Church and its evolving position on extraterrestrial life. They claim that the Catholic Church has begun a global dialogue on extraterrestrial life where Pope Francis I will ultimately disclose the former’s existence to the world. Exovaticana is dangerous insofar as Putnam and Horn undergird it with some powerful religious prejudices about the motivations of alien visitors to our world. They claim that biblical scripture is a solid foundation for understanding that aliens are demonic entities who destructively intervened in human history, and are about to return and do so again. In contrast, according to Putnam and Horn, Pope Francis I is preparing to lead the Catholic Church to embrace the returning/visiting aliens as “brothers in Christ” – reflective of the 1950s and 1960s contactee reports of benevolent “space brothers.” Putnam’s and Horn’s Exovaticana portends a future religious war between those accepting visiting extraterrestrials as “brothers in Christ” and those believing them to be returning demons about to enslave us.

Putnam’s and Horn’s main thesis is that the Catholic Church is about to move publicly forward in a bold way on the issue of disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life. They claim:

[W]hen reading Exo-Vaticana, the number of documents and the amount of commentary evidence on the part of Rome’s astronomers and the Vatican’s emerging theology as conveyed herein would be enough in a legal proceeding to convince the majority of a grand jury to determine “probable cause” – that is, to conclude beyond reasonable doubt that the Vatican has intentionally positioned itself to be the religious authority on, and ecclesiastical benefactor of, Official Disclosure: the imminent and authorized public admission by world governments of advanced extraterrestrial intelligence. (p 523)

In Petrus Romanus, their previous book, Putnam and Horn revealed how the Catholic Church has acted to fulfill a 12th century prophesy by St Malachy about the last Pope – Petrus Romanus – who will lead the Catholic Church during the End Times described in the Book of Revelations. Putnan and Horn provided detailed analysis of the Malachy Prophesy and how the current Pope Francis I is Petrus Romanus. The dissolution of the Catholic Church – as we know it – will come about due to events associated with the visitation of extraterrestrial life, and emergence of an alien savior. Putnam and Horn write:

The investigation you are reading uncovers this clandestine blueprint … and along the way, an astonishing exotheological plan by the Vatican itself for the arrival of an alien savior intelligence …and its connection with Petrus Romanus, the Final Pope. Pope Benedict resigned as this book headed to the printer. By now, the world knows who Petrus Romanus is. But do you know his role for the alien savior? (337-38).

Not only is Pope Francis I destined to disclose the existence of alien life, according to Putnam and Horn, but he will endorse a radical exotheological position of alien saviors on other worlds which is promoted by the Jesuit community. That is the idea that alien worlds may have had their own unique experience of the second aspect of the Christian Trinity – an alien ‘Jesus Christ’ may have lived and died on more than one exoplanet. This would mean that Christian salvation would not be unique to earth, and that aliens could have their own Christic traditions and religious insights.

For the Catholic Church, according to Putnam and Horn, this would make it possible to accept aliens as “brothers in Christ.” They cite the Pope’s chief astronomer, a fellow Jesuit, for endorsing this very idea in 2009 when he said: “To use St. Francis’ words, if we consider earthly creatures as ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters,’ why can’t we also speak of an ‘extraterrestrial brother?”

Putnam and Horn cite Father Kenneth J. Delano who proposes the possibility that visiting aliens are ethically superior as evidence of the Vatican’s developing exotheological position :

For man to take his proper place as a citizen of the universe, he must transcend the narrow-mindedness of his earthly provincialism and be prepared to graciously accept the inhabitants of other worlds as equals or even superiors. At this point in human history, our expansion into space is the necessary means by which we are to develop our intellectual faculties to the utmost and perhaps in cooperation with ETI, achieve the maximum consciousness… (pp. 555-56)

Putnam and Horn cite the key role of Teilhard de Chardin, a famed Jesuit, in influencing the Vatican’s belief in extraterrestrial life. Chardin wrote:

… considering what we know now know about the number of “worlds” and their internal evolution, the idea of a single hominized planet in the universe has already become I fact … almost as inconceivable as that of a man who appeared with no generic relationship to the rest of the earth’s animal population. At an average of (at least) one human race per galaxy, that makes a total of millions of human races dotted all over the heavens (p. 288).

De Chardin’s influence over Catholic theology can be recognized in a homily by Pope Benedict in 2009 that Putnam and Horn cite as key evidence of Vatican’s preparations for the introduction of an extraterrestrial inspired theology:

The role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, a liturgy: so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world, but that the world itself shall become a living host, a liturgy. This is also the great vision of Teilhard de Chardin: in the end we shall achieve a true cosmic liturgy, when the cosmos becomes a living host. (p. 564)

As to the question of the identity of the extraterrestrials that the Catholic Church appears to be preparing for, Putnam and Horn are very clear:

… we have scant evidence that we are dealing with nuts-and-bolts-type craft, and even if so, it is not a matter of need, rather subterfuge to promote belief in space aliens camouflaging demonic entities. (p.231)

They describe the “space aliens camouflaging demonic entities” as fallen angels or “Watchers” that first landed on Earth at the biblical location of Mount Hermon. They go on to describe how once the fallen angels spawned a race of giants:

 … the extraterrestrial beings that landed there and those that used women to birth the original giants called Anakim and Nephilim (and other abnormal creations in the Day of Noah (p. 469).

Putnam and Horn go on to endorse J.R Church who wrote: “Perhaps  the original group of Nephilim were scouts for a much larger force of demonic angels who, under the leadership of Satan came to Earth after the Flood (p 469).” They claim that the atmosphere is the domain of these rebellious spirits or fallen angels:

Given that the biblical and occult sources agree, we have ample grounds to posit that the atmosphere – where the majority of strange sightings occur – is the realm of these rebel spirits. It seems inescapable that fallen angels are the source of some UAP or UFOs. (p. 512)

Finally, we get to the crux of Putnam’s and Horn’s book. This is where they believe that the Vatican is preparing its Catholic adherents to embrace extraterrestrial saviors who are “demons in disguise”:

Given that the Vatican holds sway to over 1 billion followers as well as influencing an even greater number of peoples, governments, and policies world-wide, and puny obstacles to their revised Christianity will thus hardly keep most of the world’s “spiritual” people from wholeheartedly embracing the alien serpent –saviors on their arrival (546-47).

What do we make of the fantastic claim by Putnam and Horn that the Vatican is embracing demons camouflaged as extraterrestrials as future saviors of the Church and humanity?  Much of it is based on the skewed writings of UFO authors who ignore the extensive literature revealing the benign activities and intentions of many extraterrestrials visitors – far removed from the abduction phenomenon.

Putnam and Horn quote Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel , authors of A.D. After Disclosure, who give serious credence to the idea of “demons camouflaged as extraterrestrials”:

If the Christians are right about how they interpret the UFO phenomenon, it is hoped that the rest of humanity will thank them for their stand against a demonic presence masking as extraterrestrials. If they are wrong, or even incomplete, in their analysis, they will be seen as obstructionist or even dangerous, refusing to see the truth that stares them in the face.  (221)

As a widely cited UFO historian, Dolan displays his and his co-author’s blind side here in considering “a demonic presence masking as extraterrestrials” as a plausible evaluation of the extraterrestrial phenomenon. In an online extract from their book on the religious implications of extraterrestrial disclosure, it becomes clear that Dolan and Zabel only take seriously the abduction phenomenon for assessing the motivations of visiting extraterrestrials. They don’t consider evidence from early “contactee reports” where human looking “space brothers” were claimed to have arrived to help humanity navigate the perils of the nuclear age.

Initial reports of human-looking extraterrestrials were overwhelmingly benign and non-invasive, suggesting that the “space brothers” were highly advanced ethically as well as technologically.  Dolan has written two earlier books on UFOs and the National Security State, in neither does he take seriously early contactee reports of friendly human alien contact. Zabel, co-creator of the television series Dark Skies, similarly focused on the abduction phenomenon and the invasive aspect of extraterrestrials behind it – again ignoring contactee reports entirely. Putnam and Horn, like Dolan and Zabel, focus on the invasive nature of the abduction phenomenon and the extraterrestrial entities behind it. This is a dangerously skewed position to take in attempting to evaluate the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors in general, let alone their impact on world religions.

In addition to putting a negative spin on the motivations of visiting extraterrestrial life based on data exclusively from the abduction phenomenon, Putnam and Horn are against the idea of there being possible alien christs that incarnated on other worlds:

The most compelling biblical argument for the uniqueness of terrestrial life is the incarnation. The Second Person of the Trinity, the One who brought the entire universe into existence (John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrew 1:1-2), became an everlasting member of the human race in the incarnation (John 1:14; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 7:24-25). He ascended to heaven bodily and sits on His throne as a man. This strongly counts against the existence of extraterrestrials and multiple incarnations on alien worlds. (p. 216).

Putnam’s and Horn’s dismissal of possible alien christs that incarnated on other worlds displays an astounding homo chauvinism. This leads to them concluding Exovaticana with the exhortation:

 We … suggest aggressive preparation for an Antichristogenesis – an Alien Serpent Savior  … it is obvious to all now that the Vatican has cleverly prepared for his coming…  (pp. 556-57).

“Aggressive preparation” appears to be a codeword for a possible religious war where evangelical Christians will collaborate with UFO abduction researchers who take a negatively skewed approach in evaluating the motivations of alien visitors. High on this religious war agenda would be an effort to sabotage any constructive dialogue or cooperation with extraterrestrial life.

Putnam and Horn are very likely correct in their assessment that the Vatican and the Catholic Church is positioning itself to accept extraterrestrial visitors as “brothers in Christ.” In that regard, we might all be surprised by the future role to be taken by the Vatican in disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life. Exovaticana, insofar as it presents the history of the Catholic Church’s position on extraterrestrial life is very informative and helpful.

 Exovaticana is dangerous insofar as it skews data towards an overly negative assessment of the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors. Evidence clearly shows that not all alien visitors have behaved in ways that could be considered harmful to humanity’s vital interests, or violating the rights of individuals. A more balanced approach, as found in the new book Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET is needed – where a comprehensive evaluation of all data on extraterrestrial visitors is analyzed. This will help ensure that humanity moves harmoniously into a wider galactic society where our vital interests are respected, rather than precipitate a religious (interplanetary) war as Exovaticana appears to be advocating.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading:

Squirrel on Mars photo goes mainstream – evidence of Martian life?

Close up of NASA/JPL photo of what appears to be a squirrel/rat on Mars. Credits:  UFO Sightings Daily
Close up of NASA/JPL photo of what appears to be a squirrel/rat on Mars. Credits: UFO Sightings Daily

A photo of what looks like a squirrel or rat on Mars first released in September 2012 suddenly became a hot topic after Fox News covered the story on May 29. Fox was quickly followed by Discovery News, International Business Times and other major news outlets. It appears that the mainstream news is interested in raising the possibility that the Curiosity Rover is capturing images of life on Mars, even though the coverage is slanted towards dismissing such a possibility. In the meantime NASA has remained silent on photographic evidence of animals on Mars from its own Mars rover instruments. According to NASA, Mars atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide with only a trace amount of oxygen 0.13% – not enough to sustain animal life on Mars. If Mars atmosphere is inhospitable to life what is the Curiosity Rover photographing on Mars – rocks that look like animals, animal life that has somehow adapted to live in the Martian atmosphere, or Earth animals released in secret NASA experiments on Mars?

The Curiosity Rover mission photographed what appears to be a rodent of some kind – a rat or squirrel – back on September 28, 2012. Scott Waring from UFO Sightings was the first to post the story about what he thought looked like a squirrel on December 4. He wrote:

A friend emailed this in to me today … and it’s really amazing and strange. I guess that’s why I love this one so much. It’s a cute rodent on Mars. Note it’s lighter color upper and lower eyelids, it’s nose and cheek areas, its ear, its front leg and stomach. Looks similar to a squirrel camouflaged in the stones and sand by its colors. …

There was no mainstream news interest in Waring’s fascinating discovery. Joseph Skipper from Mars Anomaly Research provided the first detailed analysis of the photo with an article on May 10 where he claimed:

Believe it or not, in the above image shown just a presented [sic] by NASA and with no graphics work in it by me, there is very strong anomalous life evidence of mammal life. The question is it of life on Mars similar to that here on Earth encountered by the Curiosity rover on Mars Sol 52 or, alternatively, is it proof that someone has been messing around with the imaging and managed to miss something very important, something revealing what is really going on with the Curiosity imaging.

In the Fox News story, the writers favored the conclusion that the photo depicted rock with an animal face in it:

Others pointed out that the similarity in coloring and position mean it was most likely just a rock, fingering the psychology phenomenon known as pareidolia, a propensity to pick out faces from everyday objects and structures.

Charles Poladian from the International Business Times embraced Fox News explanation  that it was the psychological problem of pareidolia.  Ian O’Neill from Discovery News followed up and mocked the idea that the photo was of a real animal on Mars:

But as you may have guessed, after exercising an ounce of logical thought, what was once a cute furry four-legged creature suddenly becomes… wait for it… this is a good one… a rock. And there you have it ladies and gentlemen: We’ve found a rock on Mars… that looks like a rat.

While the major news media were dismissive that the NASA/JPL photo showed an actual animal on Mars, there was an interesting possibility raised by Scott Waring in an update:

A lot of people are emailing me saying that this squirrel was part of a NASA experiment to test  how long it would live on the surface of Mars and I do believe this does sound like something they might do. Why would they not tell us about it? Because the squirrel would be expected to die eventually and that would get PETA to fight against them in a court of law. SCW

Could animal life survive on Mars in some secret NASA experiment testing adaptability to high carbon dioxide levels? According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals:

Inhalation of CO2 at a concentration of 7.5% increases pain threshold, and concentrations of 30% and higher cause deep anesthesia and death with pro­longed exposure … In rats, un­consciousness is induced in approximately 12 to 33 seconds with 80% to 100% CO2 and 40 to 50 seconds with 70% CO2.

Not all animals immediately succumb to high carbon dioxide and can resist for varying lengths of time according to the AVMA guidelines:

On the day of birth, rats and mice ex­posed to 100% CO2 required exposure times of 35 and 50 minutes, respectively, to ensure death. By 10 days of age, exposure times of 5 minutes were sufficient to en­sure death.272,273 For adult mink, 5 minutes of exposure is sufficient to ensure death using 100% CO2, but not using 70% CO2. Rabbits of the genus Oryctolagus also have prolonged survival times when exposed to CO2.

It’s possible that earth animals released on Mars may survive for extended periods – enough to be monitored in secret experiments.

There are three possible conclusions over the squirrel/rat photo taken on Mars. One, the photos depict rocks that appear to be animals in a case of pareidolia, as sceptics insist. Two, terrestrial animals have been released on Mars in some secret NASA experiment monitored by the Curiosity mission. Finally, the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen on Mars is not what NASA is telling us and indigenous animal life exists on Mars.

© Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading:

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