Did space aliens kill President Kennedy?

Did space aliens kill President KennedyA new book on UFOs and U.S. Presidents has created quite a stir with sensational headlines about an alien connection to the JFK assassination by several mainstream U.S. news media sources. The New York Post led the charge on March 22 with the headline: “Aliens killed Kennedy! And other wild tales of UFOs vs. the USA.”  The Business Standard followed up today with the headline: “Aliens planned John F. Kennedy’s assassination, claims author.” So did space aliens really kill President Kennedy?

The headlines derive from Larry Holcombe’s new book, The Presidents and UFOs: A Secret History from FDR to Obama. In it Holcomb covers the history of how U.S. Presidents have responded to the UFO issue. Holcomb cites a number of FOIA documents and leaked “Majestic” documents in presenting his history. The chapter on President Kennedy is what got mainstream media attention. Here is how the New York Post summarized Holcombe’s views:

Holcombe cites a classified CIA communication from the Kennedy era that reads, in part, “when conditions become nonconductive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further . . . it should be ‘wet.’ ” Since “wet” was Soviet code for “assassination,” Holcombe thinks this could be CIA code for a plot to kill Kennedy. Why? He was considering telling the world that aliens existed, of course.

The classified CIA document is known among UFO researchers as the “Burned Memo”, and has generated much interest since first made available by Dr Robert Wood and Ryan Wood on their Majestic.com website. The “Burned Memo” does indicate that a mysterious committee called the MJ-12 Special Studies group was setting policy on how to respond to President Kennedy’s efforts to get access to classified UFOs. The “Burned Memo” contains eight directives – the last of which was an assassination directive called “Project Environment.”

The 2013 book, Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK’s Assassination goes into length about the membership of MJ-12 and the timeline behind the drafting of the Burned Memo. Kennedy’s Last Stand asserts that the CIA’s head of counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton, orchestrated the JFK assassination on behalf of the directives issued by the MJ-12 Group. Kennedy’s Last Stand identifies the most likely members of the MJ-12 committee at the time the Burned Memo was drafted. All were prominent military and civilian officials – none of whom appeared to be space aliens. So the New York Post article doesn’t appear to be correct in making the case that space aliens were responsible for Kennedy’s assassination.

However, before dismissing any alien involvement in the Kennedy assassination, one needs to consider the full implications of what President Obama said on March 12 on Jimmy Kimmel Live. In response to Kimmel’s question about how he would seek to gain access to UFO files and Area 51 if he were president, Obama said:

The aliens won’t let it happen. You’d reveal all their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.

While Obama’s comments were widely interpreted as a joke by most mainstream media, it’s important to mention that only a month earlier, John Podesta, Obama’s counselor for energy policy and the environment said that his biggest failure for 2014 was: “Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.”

Podesta’s frank admission of failure was interpreted as evidence that there exist powerful government and/or corporate forces enforcing UFO secrecy. Obama’s comments on Jimmy Kimmel Live raises another possibility. Space aliens themselves, at least some of them, play a key role in maintaining UFO secrecy.

Podesta’s frustration over the inability of the Obama administration to gain access to classified UFO files was almost certainly shared by President Obama. Podesta’s statement now makes clear the full context of Obama’s space alien comments on Jimmy Kimmel live. His comment that space aliens “exercise strict control over us” was no joke. He was making an important admission about who was ultimately in control when it comes to gaining access to classified UFO files.

If space aliens were responsible for blocking the Obama’s administration’s access to classified UFO then it stands to reason that they played a similar role during the Kennedy administration. Kennedy’s interest in UFO files started during World War 2 when he witnessed captured Nazi technologies, some of which were UFOs, is discussed in Kennedy’s Last Stand. A new Kickstarter film project that goes into more detail on Kennedy’s knowledge of Nazi UFOs, reverse engineering captured UFOs and alien life is planned to be released on Nov 22, the 52nd anniversary of the JFK assassination.

The New York Post and Business Standard headlines on aliens and the JFK assassination may appear to be outlandish. Yet when one examines all the available evidence on President Kennedy’s knowledge of classified UFOs and Obama’s recent comments, it may not be that outlandish after all. Space aliens, at least some of them, may have played a key role in the Kennedy Assassination.

© Copyright 2015. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

Extraterrestrial response to Obama remarks on Jimmy Kimmel Live

I watched a recent video posted [above] at exopolitics.org of Jimmy Kimmel interviewing on his show special guest President Barack Obama. In part, the interview was centered around inquiring what the President’s awareness is regarding extraterrestrial life and their advanced space-faring technology.

My contacts with highly evolved benevolent extraterrestrials and the Master teachers that mentor them have taken place for more than 5 decades. Because of this arrangement, I was in telepathic contact with Ambassador Torellian of the highly evolved human Seres extraterrestrial race while I watched the interview.

When Jimmy Kimmel asked President Obama if he checked into all he could about extraterrestrials after he was sworn in as the Commander In Chief, Obama replied as follows:

“You know aliens control the entire planet.”

“They won’t let it happen.”

“That would reveal all their secrets.”

“They keep a really tight rein on us.”

Jimmy Kimmel then asked, “Did you look? Did you see?”

Obama replied, “I can’t reveal anything. That’s what we are instructed to say.”

The most interesting thing is that the President did not blink when he jovially gave those replies, and he offered more replies than Jimmy Kimmel asked him to reveal. This is important because when a person is hiding something or outright lying about what they say, their eyes blink a lot.

After President Obama made his statements regarding extraterrestrials, Ambassador Torellian just nodded his head in the affirmative regarding the truthfulness of the answers. This means the President was telling the truth, while expressing cheerful lightness to mask a very difficult situation.

In addition, we must remember that what Jimmy Kimmel asked the President regarding the extraterrestrial issue was not exactly spontaneous – not with the President of the United States. What Obama stated for the first time by any President is very revealing – and it was meant to be.

There is so much taking place now off-world and from behind the classified scenes on planet Earth to bring about the actual safe circumstances for full disclosure (not the planned false disclosure) of the entire extraterrestrial topic to the worldwide populous.

Seres AgendaI have learned much from my personal contact experiences with Torellian and many other highly evolved human beings, Master teachers, and other benevolent extraterrestrials over the years. One thing is certain. True disclosure must also involve the benevolent but permanent removal of the classified (deceptive) system. This is essential because this system is currently but temporarily run by the direct controlling influence of a totalitarian extraterrestrial race. They gained covert control over an elite covertly classified second government group that officially came into existence during President Harry S. Truman’s and then President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s terms in office. This tyrant race has broken a 500,000 year old treaty that was created after the end of the last great galactic war between the vast majority of benevolent space-faring races and the few defeated totalitarian or tyrant space-faring races. If fact, this treaty has been broken so many times since then, always just short of starting another galactic war, it is not worth the paper it’s written on. This most ancient cold war is coming to a head or rather a permanent enlightening resolution.

What is taking place now that will ramp up is not the past prophesied Armageddon or destructive destiny for our planet, because that destiny was fortunately permanently altered for all of us living on planet Earth just a little over four years ago Earth time. What is taking place now is the beginning implementation of a very recently decided but entirely unexpected uplifting transformation for the first time in the galactic history of our Milky Way galaxy. Our currently subconsciously suppressed and therefore extremely backward human occupied world is part of this now underway great change.

What was genetically done to human beings long ago on and off planet Earth has been passed on generation after generation for many thousands of years. However, this continuing temporary suppression of the higher faculty in the vast majority of human beings living on Earth today to directly plug into the universe and know hidden truth with certainty is rapidly losing ground.

The good news is, this diabolical manipulation through the intentional misuse of extraterrestrial technology is on its way out permanently. Everything that was done can and will be reversed by those highly evolved off-world beings that have the spiritual development, dedicated will or driving commitment, new tools they did not have before, and the technological expertise to actually accomplish this wondrous feat in a non-destructive benevolent manner on a planetary scale.

My purpose or mission for being on our planet today, as a published book author and speaker/presenter on radio shows and in person at major hidden truth revealing conferences held around the world, is to reveal to others how to go about exploring purposefully hidden truth in a new protected way on a grand multidimensional scale. During this awakening, we discover the much greater knowing of the expansive love within it.

All human beings have conscious access to these faculties once they are awoken. However, first we must be set free from artificially created subconscious terrorizing implanted programs that were covertly placed in the subconscious mind or electromagnetic field that surrounds a human body on planet Earth. We are then able to directly plug into the universe to experience and then know with certainty hidden truths by our own direct experiences. We are able to actually connect to the underlying omnipresent living energy field that supports and sustains all life, and all that exists.

We literally begin to awaken, as if from a deep sleep, to once again know how to kindly utilize these special abilities during the gradual but permanent subconscious implant removal or neutralization process. In other words, they are dissolved back into the pure energy from which they originated. This process, now underway, will become ever more apparent to everyone living on planet Earth in the days, weeks, months, and over the next several years.

You are all truly wished the very best from me and from a vast host of highly evolved benevolent friends and Master teachers from very far out of town – that is from off-world and from higher dimensional realities.

R. Scott Lemriel
(Author of The Seres Agenda and the coming books of The Parallel Time Trilogy)
Website: http://www.paralleltime.com

Angels versus Aliens

ets-5thdensity-2By Alan Foster

One of the main conclusions that comes with any honest assessment of the Extraterrestrial situation on Earth, by those involved in UFOlogical studies such as the Exopolitics Institute, the Disclosure Movement, the French COMETA report etc., is that once we have full and open Disclosure, this will affect the political and economic situation, but most particularly the Theological situation. Discussions and arguments about the central figures of world religions, and whether they are of Divine or Alien origin, will be hotly debated by spiritual and religious people, by UFOlogists, aetheists, sceptics and the media; particularly in light of the ‘Ancient Astronaut’ theory. This is an emotive subject, so to put this into a wider context, I would like to put forward the reasons why Angels, regarded as being of a Divine spiritual origin, should not be confused with the physical properties and motivations of Extraterrestrial beings. This does not have to be an either-or scenario, as it will be easier for many people to accept Disclosure if it doesn’t come at the expense of their religious beliefs.

Monsignor Corrado Balducci was a leading theologian at the Vatican, and interestingly enough, he was also one of their expert exorcist priests. He ended up speaking out openly, particularly on Italian mainstream T.V., about the fact that he was on a Vatican Commission looking into extraterrestrial encounters. In 1997 he was interviewed by the cultural anthropologist and UFOlogist Michael Hesemann , where he advised that the Vatican was receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans, from their papal ambassadors in various countries such as Chile, Mexico and Venezuela. Father Balducci said that he was on the Vatican Commision looking into extraterrestrial encounters and how to cope with the emerging awareness of the reality of extraterrestrial contact. In August 1998, he said, “It is reasonable to believe and affirm that extraterrestrials exist. Their existence can no longer be denied, for there is too much evidence for the existence of extraterrestrials and flying saucers.” He also made reference to Angels while being interviewed by Michael Hesemann in 1997, when he said, “We know with certainty of the existence of God, of the Angels, and of us. The Angels, God’s messengers, have always concerned themselves with humanity, and it is certain they are still doing this today. Each human being has his or her own Guardian Angel that follows him or her everywhere. There are visible appearances of Angels.” He also emphasised that extraterrestrial beings are like us, they are physical, you can touch them. However, there is a spiritual reality as well. It is important people realise there is a difference.

This is one of the aspects of reality I have also referred to regularly in articles and lectures, and I feel it is imperative we are aware how the spiritual realms differ from UFOlogical and extraterrestrial interactions. The ET technology has anti-gravity capability, seems to be able to go inter-dimensional and super-luminal, even warping space and time, and is able to beam people through solid objects like windows, car roofs, walls etc. This gives them a god-like status. And yet our own ‘mainstream’ technology would make us seem like gods, compared to only 110 years ago, with the first attempts to fly by the Wright Brothers, let alone from the perspective of Neanderthal Man. However, there is a difference between Divine spiritual beings like the Angels, whose purpose seems to be to subtly and unconditionally help souls in their evolution at pivotal moments in their soul existence, compared to the more physical properties of the various ET’s interacting with humanity. The extraterrestrials purpose, briefly, seems to range from those involved with manipulation, control and the taking of our resources and genetic material, to those who are observing as we go through these incredible changes on Earth, to those beings that are more benevolent and also concerned with a higher purpose, morality and a more cosmic evolution. It is a complex scenario.

Features of an Alien.
Kim-Carlsberg-ET-FamilyIn 1964, Command Sgt. Major Bob Dean was stationed as an Intelligence Analyst at the NATO Headquarters, at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe), originally in Paris, and then in Brussels, Belgium. With that role he had a clearance above Top Secret, actually ‘Cosmic Top Secret’ clearance. It was while there he came across the ‘Assessment’ Document, that was only for those with a ‘need to know’, as an assessment of the current extraterrestrial situation on Earth. It became clear that the military who were aware of the ET situation knew there were at least a dozen different species of ET interacting with Earth at that time.This comprised different types of the Grey Alien, Reptilians as physical beings, or in some cases as inter-dimensional negative entities, there were Mantid types and also Human types eg: the Nordics. Infact the document made it clear that the ‘Top Brass’ were more concerned with the Human-type of ET’s, rather than the non-humans, because they knew they could walk in the corridors of power, eg: political and military buildings, and not be noticed. Whereas the non-human types, who also had incredible technological superiority, could easily be distinguished as not human. It was with thanks to Bob Dean that we are now aware of this document and the military’s assessment of the situation, even back in 1964. It is generally regarded now that the count of ET species is much higher than a dozen. Once again, it is because of this that when Disclosure happens, and debates are raging about the many types of ET beings, that there will need to be a distinction between physical and spiritual beings, to give the full picture of extraterrestrial reality and hierarchies of heaven, so as not to simply overlay one with the other.

Features of an Angel.
angels1– References to Angels appear in most of the religious texts, from over 600 acknowledgements in the Bible, to references within Islam and Judaism. They have appeared with wings and without wings, physically, and in dreams and visions. The word ‘Angel’ comes from the Greek – Angelos, and the Latin – Angelus, which means Messenger or Courier. ‘EL’ at the end of Angel means ‘bright’, ‘shining’, or ‘shining being’. Within religious texts, Archangel Gabriel is referred to as the Angel who appeared in front of Mother Mary at the Annunciation, and who also, known as Jibra’il, dictated the Holy Koran to the Prophet Muhammed. They are often regarded as heavenly beings that work for God and the Divine ‘Light’, and facilitate the transition of the soul between this world and the next.
– Prior to the first battle of the First World War in 1914, at Mons, there were many witness reports from both the British and German Forces, that a huge Angel was seen over the battlefield with his hand raised, as if to say ‘stop’ to the slaughter that then followed.
– Within the Native American tradition there are references to the Angels, where they are called the ‘Bird Tribes’. It was believed that the Bird Tribes (Angels) would not interfere with their freedom of will without invitation. Extraterrestrial beings were generally referred to as ‘Star Nation People’.
– In David Morehouse’s book ‘Psychic Warrior’ (1996), David relates to his experiences working as a U.S. military remote-viewer for the CIA’s Paranormal Espionage Programme. The covert programme originally started with remote-viewing, but as the accuracy rates become higher, it was decided to also operate a ‘remote-influencing’ programme. It was then that David wanted to get out, as the operation became more nefarious. What is of interest here, is that via remote-viewing operations, he states that all the members of the unit were aware of other races and species of extraterrestrials, many who were more advanced than us. However, through all the trials, tribulations and retaliations from the CIA for trying to get this information to the world, he says that he was saved by his Angel, who helped him, and who he refers to many times in the book.
– In the Oct / Nov 2014 issue of ‘Nexus’ magazine, there is an article by Paul Stonehill about ‘Cosmonauts on UFOs and Strange Phenomena’. On p.43 he refers to the 1984 Salyut incident, where six cosmonauts seemed to have a profound Angelic experience. Outside the orbital station they saw seven gigantic shapes,… “that turned out to be seven heavenly Angels. The Angels looked so much like humans, and yet they were different: they possessed huge wings and blinding haloes. When the Angels gazed upon the Soviet crew, they did so with the most wonderful smiles of joy and rapture; no human could smile like that.” The cosmonauts’ report was classified as Top Secret, and medical tests indicated they were of sound mind.

Angelic Appearances.
The more research you do, and the more eye-witness reports and experiences you have of personal Angelic appearances, the conclusion is that Angels are Divine helpers, guides and messengers, whose remit is to help the greater good as seen from their elevated perspective. And yet, their interactions are subtle, personal and deeply relevant to the situation at that intense moment when they are needed. It is the relevance to the situation in the moment, and the life-changing effect it has, that makes so many people feel they have experienced an Angelic interaction. Below follows just a handful of those testimonies I have been made aware of:-

Two Angels in London.
I spoke to a lady who said that in 2004 she had been to a Conference in central London, and after taking the train late at night to another area of the city, she had a long walk in the dark to her car. She was nervous and asked that the Angels would be with her to protect her. She then instantly saw, next to her own shadow on the ground cast by a single street lamp, two new shadows appear, one on either side of her. She then had an overwhelming sense of peace, and felt that the shadows were cast by the Angels helping her.

Help with the Transition.
I know a lady who worked in a Cancer clinic in a major city, and in 2005 she told me about one case, of the many Angelic appearances she was aware of, that had happened to terminally ill patients and their loved ones. It involved a man who was sadly on his death bed. His wife was there as he was dying. The man said to his wife that he could see an Angel in ‘Light’ at the foot of the bed, who had come to meet him. The reason this seemed a particularly powerful testimony, was because his wife said that her husband was normally sceptical about this subject.

In March 2006 there was a programme on U.K. Television about bereavement and its effects on people concerned. One of the accounts in the programme was of an eight year old boy who died of leukemia. Just as he was dying, he sat up and whispered to his mother, who was by his side, “Angel.” She said, “Can you see an Angel?” He said, “Two of them!” Then he passed away. This incident helped his mother greatly as she had to deal with the bereavement and loss of her young son.

Averting a Driving Disaster.
A lady told me that in about 1999 she fell asleep behind the wheel of her car while driving. She had just been to see her husband in hospital and was concerned and very tired. As she fell asleep, the car drifted onto the verge and was going to crash, she then felt a presence on the back seat and a voice said, “It’s OK, just keep going straight, you’ll be alright.” She felt very peaceful, and was able to calmly drive the car back onto the road. She looked into her rear-view mirror and saw a figure sitting behind her in the supposedly empty car. She said she knew it was her Guardian Angel and he had saved her.

The White Feather.
Over the years, countless people who believe they have had an Angelic experience or feelings of protection, have said they have come across a small white feather that appeared inexplicably as if to acknowledge that there had really been the presence of an Angel. One case involved a lady in 2008, who said that her husband had just died in a hospital in Somerset, U.K. She and her family had gone to the hospital, driving through thick fog to get there. As they stood around the bed they all noticed a white feather on her husband’s chest, on his pyjamas by his heart, and said that it hadn’t been there previously. Simultaneously, the fog seemed to clear outside, and a shaft of sunlight shone through the window and shone on his face. Her daughter, who recently had been suicidal, was so affected by this event that it changed her view of life and she kept the feather and a cutting of his pyjamas. When his wife visited his grave for the first time, there was another white feather on it, which she showed me from her purse. This also gave her great courage and helped with her bereavement, but also with her belief that the soul goes on after death, and that her husband was OK.

Any serious discussion of Angels and their interactions with humans becomes deep and profound, when you genuinely look at the implications. It invariably involves appearances at pivotal times, such as life-changing moments, healing meditation, helping lost souls and ghosts, protection against dark forces, and in many cases at the point of death, when a person is passing over. This seems to be not only to help the person passing over, but also to give faith to those who are left behind afterwards. This is why this goes far beyond physical extraterrestrial encounters with humanity, and to the subjects of life, death, soul, reincarnation, Divinity, God and Holy purpose. A most profound subject. And if we are to truly understand the processes that are at work on Earth, at the most basic level, we also need to respect the eye-witness testimony, and the evidence given. In a court of law the eye-witness to an incident is listened to with respect, but when it comes to Angelic experiences and also to Alien abduction, it is as though the eye-witness has no value. This needs to change.

With Disclosure will come many complex discussions regarding not just the Cosmic neighbourhood but also the Realms of Heaven. By recognising the distinctions between the two, it can help Cosmic and Heavenly truths to co-exist, rather than come into conflict.

Alan Foster. Copyright 2015.
Email: alanfostersky@googlemail.com

Film to reveal how JFK’s quest to end UFO secrecy was eclipsed by shadow government


[March 20, 2015 – Kaimu-Kalapana, Hawaii] Today the moon’s shadow blocks the sun in a total or partial eclipse, depending on location, as well as the spring equinox. Today is also the official launch of a Kickstarter campaign for the making of a unique documentary film about how John F. Kennedy’s presidency was eclipsed by the dark shadow of a sinister force operating behind the scenes in the US government.

The planned documentary begins with Kennedy’s World War II experiences that laid the foundations for a powerful behind the scenes battle during his presidency to access the nation’s deepest national security secrets. Kennedy’s Last Stand is a documentary film project that will introduce evidence never before revealed about how President Kennedy learned about classified UFO files during World War II; and why his multiple attempts to gain access during his presidency to UFO related projects and files became a key factor in his assassination.

Kennedy’s Last Stand will be the first JFK assassination documentary to examine the close personal friendship between John Kennedy and James Forrestal, who became the first Secretary of Defense in 1947. The film will cover how Forrestal introduced Kennedy to the UFO issue during a trip to Germany in July 1945 when JFK witnessed advanced NAZI technologies that were repatriated to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip – an Operation Forrestal helped orchestrate as the then Secretary of the Navy.

Kennedy’s Last Stand will examine new evidence confirming the relationship between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy brothers, and how Monroe learned from Kennedy that he had seen retrieved a UFO craft and extraterrestrial biological entities. Monroe’s threat to give a Tell All Press Conference in Aug 1962 led to her murder in a way that implicated Robert Kennedy, who visited her twice during her final hours to retrieve a red diary with the President’s UFO secrets.

This film will reveal for the first time in any documentary how Kennedy’s dramatic Sept 1963 initiative to cooperate with the Soviet Union’s Nikita Khrushchev on joint space and lunar missions included a secret attempt to share access to classified UFO files previously denied to his administration.

Finally, smoking gun documentary evidence that Kennedy was assassinated before his efforts to gain access to classified UFO files succeeded will be examined along with the shadowy force and key figures behind his assassination.

Kennedy’s last Stand will be approximately 45 mins in length, and is planned to be released shortly before the Nov 22 anniversary of JFK’s assassination.

To learn more or to support this Kickstarter project, please visit the Kickstarter Film Project webpage, or the official film website – www.KennedysLastStand.com.



Disclosure Canada’s Letter to Minister of Defence demands national security answers


Four city Canadian tour to present indisputable National Security evidence to Canadian Minister of Defence the Hon. Jason Kenney and the Canadian public


Press Release

For Immediate Distribution




Toronto [ZNNZlandCommunications has learned that, in addition to over 9,500 UFO files on record in the Department of National Defence and RCMP archives, the NORAD Commander has verified in a correspondence to Disclosure Canada of a five year average of 1800 reports and 75 intercepts of what they refer to as ‘UNKNOWN TRACKS’ or ‘Tracks of Interest’. Government officials have never before disclosed this information to the Canadian public. [Canadian Access to Information file A0441177_1-A-2014-01494-000]

According to Disclosure Canada – a recently formed investigative group – questions about these reports and intercepts, along with thousands of archived files about UFOs and extraterrestrials appear to be something Canadian government officials do not want to talk about. Disclosure Canada wants to know more from Canada’s Minister of Defence.

In a dramatic venture to get answers from the Canadian government on the questions remaining in the dark about the NORAD report and Canada’s UFO files, this Toronto group has sent a letter of inquiry to Jason Kenney, Canada’s recently appointed Minister of National Defence. This letter is expected to be sent to Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau, the NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May in addition to Parliamentary Defence critics Jack Harris and Joyce Murray and Parliamentary Secretary James Bezan.

Disclosure Canada today revealed to ZNN that the Canadian Department of National Defence has confirmed receipt of its letter to Minister Kenney.

It appears Disclosure Canada has indeed done their homework. Disclosure Canada has informed ZNN that they have in their possession a mistakenly divulged, line by line NORAD air traffic control flight log document from Canada’s Department of Defence that describes a minute by minute transcription of how Canadian CF-18 jets were scrambled out of COMOX AFB in British Columbia Canada to intercept and eventually make contact with three UFOs in 2001.

This UFO encounter was  also corroborated by the visual confirmation of pilots aboard a U.S. LR-35 Medical Evacuation jet out of Anchorage Alaska. [Ed. Note: ZNN has been informed by Disclosure Canada that due to the sensitivity of this specific document, only journalists with a desire to acquire this ATC report will be granted access upon request.]

The letter to Minister Kenney along with its support documentation can be access below. 



The Disclosure Canada Tour

To bring all of this information to Canadians and media, Disclosure Canada is set to launch a four city cross-Canada tour beginning in Montreal Quebec on April 4th, 2015 and ending in Vancouver on April 19th with stops in Toronto and Calgary.

The purpose – according to the group’s spokesperson – is to disclose the truth to Canadians about what the Canadian government knows and has known about the phenomenon of UFOs for over 60 years.

Disclosure Canada, headed by entrepreneur Chris Russak and broadcaster David Whitehead is kicking off its four city cross-country tour with its broadside letter to Minister Jason Kenney. And, they seem to have the proof to back-up each alarming claim in it.

Russak – the tour’s co-ordinator told ZNN: “We plan to bring forward some very shocking news and we will start by sending it to the Minister of Defence. Out of respect we at Disclosure Canada feel the Minister should be made aware of what we know before we tell the Canadian people. We have discovered and have absolute proof that the Canadian government has, for decades, investigated, researched and attempted to sequester open debate and discussion about what many call flying saucers or unidentified flying objects. Not only that, we have confirmed documentation that unequivocally proves Canada has been an active partner with the United States through their joint operation – NORAD and  have been engaged in tracking what they refer to as ‘unknown tracks’ or ‘unknowns’ at altitudes of up to 35,000 feet. Our Minister of Defence – the Hon. Jason Kenney has oversight of these matters and, as citizens with the right to know, we want answers. It’s quite simple actually.” 

Russak went on to point out, “We also have clear documentation that information about the nature of these encounters and the many other government discussions about UFOs have been kept hidden from the public. We want the Honourable Minister to fully explain what these encounters are and, to account for why this information has been kept secret from our elected representatives in Parliament and from the public he serves.”

Russak also told ZNN that information obtained by one of his research advisors through a recently acquired Access to Information request confirms that a letter from the NORAD Commander at Petersen Air Force Base in Colorado stated that over the last five years there has been a yearly average of 1800 Tracks of Interest resulting in 75 intercepts.

Regrettably, according to Russak’s research advisor, all other information requested about ‘unknown tracks’ or ‘Tracks of Interest’, has been denied. Russak plans to have this document, along with a barrage of other documents, available for media and public review as part of his letter to the Canadian Minister of Defence.

Canadian Broadcaster David Whitehead, Mr. Russak’s associate stated to ZNN, “This is something the mainstream media in Canada has ignored for far too long. It’s time for those in the Canadian media who investigate everything from Senate scandals and election improprieties to rail disasters and a former mayor’s drug problem to take this decisively authentic and politically explosive issue with the seriousness it deserves. They will have a field day with this one. We feel it will be a “Watergate-like” event. Top level military brass know all about this – why shouldn’t we? Why all the secrecy? If you want to know more, read the letter to Minister Kenney, visit our web site or,  for the whole narrative by our expert speakers – attend one of our Disclosure Canada conferences in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary or Vancouver, you won’t regret it – guaranteed.”

Finally, when asked by ZNN whether the letter to the Minister of Defence has anything to do with the Harper government’s pension for metal-plated secrecy and, whether the timing of the tour is a politically motivated forerunner to the 2015 Federal election, Whitehead, with no hesitation responded cryptically, “Both…”

According to one Disclosure Canada research expert, governments have consistently refused to openly discuss the UFO matter in any manner – choosing to hide behind the mantra of ‘national security’. Researchers appear to be asking – If, as government officials insist, there is no evidence of the reality of UFOs, then why is it a breach of national security to discuss it, why does so much documentation exist and why has there been a massive embargo of secrecy surrounding this matter for over six decades?

Disclosure Canada’s first salvo to the Minister of Defence seems destined to spark controversy within a secrecy-prone Harper Cabinet. If Russak and Whitehead get their message across, as they seem well-prepared to do, the soon to arrive deluge of the Duffy-Senate Scandal investigation will be compounded when Canadian’s and the media in four of Canada’s largest cities get wind that UFOs are real and the government has known it for over 60 years.

Read the LETTER and DOCUMENTS sent to the Hon. Jason Kenney at:






Disclosure Canada Tour Information and Speakers’ Bios: http://www.modernknowledge.ca/disclosure-canada.html

 Contact Mr. Russak and Mr. Whitehead at: modernknowledge.events@gmail.com

[Ed Note: Unbeknownst to most Canadians – Canada did release over 9500 UFO files in 2007. These UFO files have never been publicly addressed by government officials. They have however been carefully sequestered in a complex labyrinth of categories that present even the most accomplished researchers with the daunting task of finding out what the Canadian Defence Department and the RCMP have tucked away about UFOs. Visit Library and Archives Canada to find out how difficult it is to access and sort through these files.]

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Obama White House denied access to UFO files

Obama Podesta in discussion - access deniedJohn Podesta’s candid admission on Feb 13, his last day as Counselor to President Obama, that his biggest failure was to secure disclosure of UFO files raises many questions. The dominant response by the mainstream media has been to ignore questions of who, what, why a senior White House advisor was denied access to UFO files, and focus instead on Podesta’s long history of a fascination with the X-Files TV series. The Washington Post, UPI, The Hill, etc., have all made Podesta’s admission on Twitter a personal issue about his X-Files fascination, rather a serious policy issue concerning information denied to the White House.

For those that missed it, here’s what Podesta said on Friday:

 my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.

The Washington Post’s Al Kamen wrote in response:

Podesta was a major fan of the “X-Files” television show. Our colleague Karen Tumulty asked him in 2007 about the FOIA jam at the library, and Podesta, through a spokesman, replied: “The truth is out there.” That’s the show’s tag­ line.

Amy Connolly of UPI writes: “In a nod to the long-running television show The X-Files, Podesta, who has had a longtime fascination with all things extraterrestrial, tweeted using hashtag #thetruthisstilloutthere.”

The Hill’s Julian Hattem writes:

John Podesta’s biggest regret on leaving the White House is not proving Fox Mulder right… The humorous tweet about his time in office came in a list of his top 10 moments over the last year,

Here are just a few who, what, why questions the above writers didn’t bother asking.

Podesta’s admission came on his White House Twitter feed while he was discussing initiatives related to his official responsibility of overseeing climate change and energy policy for the White House. Did Podesta attempt to gain access to classified UFO files possessed by one or more government entities due to its relevance to his official duties?

His admission suggests that UFO information has relevance to climate change and/or energy policy. If so, does that mean that UFOs are indeed interplanetary spacecraft that use energy sources far more advanced than anything offered by the fossil fuel industry?

If UFO information has relevance to energy policy, then why wasn’t Podesta able to gain access despite having all the power of the White House behind him? What government entity can deny access to information requested by a senior advisor to a sitting President in the performance of his official duties?

Thankfully, there are some in mainstream media willing to explore such questions. CNET writer Chris Matyszczyk asks:

Is it possible that both the president and Podesta know more than they (are allowed to) let on? If your answer is yes, that leaves us to speculate on why they’re not revealing it. Is it because we’d be frightened? Or is it because our belief systems would become so displaced that what remains of our social cohesion would dissolve?

These are just a few of the more obvious who, what, why questions raised by Podesta’s admission. Unfortunately, much of the mainstream media isn’t asking them because it is treating his admission as wry X-Files humor. We are basically being told that the Twitter revelation of a senior White House advisor is not something to take seriously.

Podesta’s involvement in a number of earlier attempts to learn the truth about classified UFO files points to a different conclusion. He was very serious. As a counselor to President Obama, with all the power that position conveys, he was still unable to pierce the veil of secrecy surrounding classified UFO files.

Podesta’s earlier involvement in a failed attempt by the Clinton administration to gain access to classified UFO files is well documented. FOIA documents gained by Canadian UFO researcher Grant Cameron detail a timeline involving President Clinton and Hillary Clinton seeking information from deceased billionaire Laurence Rockefeller on the topic. Strategies were developed for how the Clinton White House could gain access.

Podesta was involved in one of these strategies. The passage of Executive Order 12958 aimed at streamlining declassification of thousands of national security files, and involving the White House in the process. The goal was to shake loose some of the classified files hidden away in the national security archives of various U.S. government entities and corporate contractors and see if any could cast light on the UFO phenomenon. Podesta became Chief of Staff to Clinton, yet despite all the power available to him then, and to the President himself, access to UFO files was denied.

If a sitting President and his most senior advisors can’t access UFO related information relevant to policies being developed, then who is the real power behind the throne? Surely that’s a question worth a serious investigation by the Fourth Estate.

© Copyright 2015. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

Declassified Project Blue Book Files Were Made Easily Available by The Black Vault but…


With a honorable citizen’s effort the Black Vault’s John Greenwald had painstakingly placed in PDF format for the general public to read and to easily research previously USAF declassified Project Blue Book files held at the National Archives. http://www.archives.gov/foia/ufos.html  (I’m correcting my previous erroneous statement that what had just been released to the public were recently declassified files). It was a major effort and this was newsworthy as it would help anyone interested at how research had been conduceted take a good look at these files produced by an iconic UFO research project.

Unfortunately, in a letter by John Greenwald director of The Black Vault dated January 29, 2015 he announced that, due to a copyright claim (!!), he’s decided to take these files off the internet for now. Here’s the link: http://www.openminds.tv/usaf-ufo-blue-book-files-forced-taken/31946

“It is with great frustration to announce, that Ancestry.com, and their subsidiary Fold3, has laid down a claim to copyright on the Project Blue Book material – which has long been labeled as “public domain” by the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA).   Ancestry.com is claiming ownership to the digital version of this material – despite me having records that Fold3 doesn’t even have in their archive and I received under the FOIA starting back in 1996.  They simply claimed it was 100% theirs and I was forced to remove it.”

Still, the availability of these files at the National Archives should be a step in the right direction of transparency on an issue that cannot (and should not!) be hidden for ever. Other countries have already been open about much of their files as very few of them may be of direct security interest.  I would say in some Latin American countries an average of 2-3 out of 1000-1500 files may be of conventional security interest. In the U.S. part of the reason given for the debunking and  classification was fear of disruption of emergency channels that the Soviet Union could take advantage of.

Even reviewing these old Project Blue Book files related with what may be “average” types of sightings – as normally reported worldwide – would be of scientific interest today as conventional explanations could not be found to explain away a remarkable % of them. That in itself should make them of scientific interest. That percentage varied according to how much freedom the Blue Book researchers had or how much they were expected to debunk. A fair review of the UFO cases reported could still be helpful today when we have no access to any other investigations that might be secretely accruing somewhere else.

Optimistically, in spite of this hopefully temporary setback, more events pointing towards the reality of an intelligent extraterrestrial presence will keep coming en force to change the psychological discomfort, scorn, fear and shame felt by so many of our political and cultural leaders  who prefer to remain in their comfort zones without taking a serious look at an ever-increasing pile of “anomalies” that indicate that our classical concepts about “reality” are way our of phase with that reality.

The Black Vault is a good source for these and other UFO-related declassified files  http://www.theblackvault.com/
and to http://www.openminds.tv/usaf-ufo-project-blue-book-files-go-online-free/31656 

Hawaii welcomes diplomatic relations with space aliens

Preparing to welcome space aliens to Earth is not as farfetched as it seems. In September 2014, NASA and the Library of Congress held a symposium titled “Preparing for Discovery”, where the likelihood of extraterrestrial life being discovered was widely regarded as inevitable. Last week, the Astrobiology Magazine released an article where the symposium convener, Professor Steven Dick, was interviewed in his official capacity of NASA/Library of Congress Chair of Astrobiology. Dick shared his thoughts on his position, the symposium, and the implications of discovering alien life and making contact:

It’s very farsighted for NASA to fund a position like this…. They have all their programs in astrobiology, they fund the scientists, but here they fund somebody to think about what the implications might be. It’s a good idea to do this, to foresee what might happen before it occurs.

NASA and the Library of Congress have a rival in preparing for the discovery and making contact with extraterrestrial life. Lazo’s Wall Street Journal article covered the genesis of the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary, and reactions to the idea of a creating a landing place for space aliens. Lazo interviewed Dr Seth Shostak, senior astronomer for the Center for SETI Research who was skeptical:

In terms of any of this making any sense, of course it doesn’t. If you had the technology to fly yourself to another planet, to visit another star system in our galaxy, I think the last of your concerns would be finding a flat, ready-made landing strip.

Shestak’s response misses the point. Space aliens seeking to land on Earth would certainly not have a shortage of landing options, but clearly would have a desire to be welcomed rather than shot at. Currently, no government on Earth has developed a clear policy where they would officially welcome alien visitors who peacefully appear in the skies.

The closest we have come was back on Dec 20, 2007, when Japan’s Defense Minister, Shigeru Ishiba, made a statement in response to a parliamentary question of how the Defense Force would respond to UFOs appearing in Japanese airspace. Ishiba said that official defense policy was that if no hostile intent was displayed, the Japanese Defense Force would not militarily engage with the space visitors. Ishiba’s statement is one of the few public policy statements released on possible responses to extraterrestrial visitors by a major nation. Unfortunately, his statement was widely ridiculed by the international media and did not result in an official policy being developed by Japan

In contrast, representatives of the Lawful Hawaiian Government took up the issue, and went ahead in issuing a declaration officially welcoming star visitors to sovereign land it controls. On June 27, 2014, land was officially dedicated by Lawful Hawaiian Government representatives including its Minister for the Interior, Naliko Markel. Later, a document setting out protocols for extraterrestrial contact was approved by Lawful Hawaiian Government representatives. At the Lawful Hawaiian Government’s annual congressional convention held in January 2015, both documents concerning the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary were officially presented and included in the official parliamentary record. Both the Prime Minister, Henry Noa, and Foreign Minister, Nelson Armitage, subsequently gave interviews in which they expressed their support of the initiative by Big Island representatives to welcome star visitors to Hawaii.

What is going to happen now? No one knows for sure. As Lazo writes, “so far, curious Earthlings are the only outsiders who have turned up.” But that can quickly change if space aliens accept the welcome by the Lawful Hawaiian Government. Lazo is correct that if aliens do accept, that would give a boost to Hawaii’s sovereign independence movement, Not only would Hawaii become a major center for diplomacy at a galactic level, but humanity would get a giant boost to the stars!

© Copyright 2015. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

Humans on Mars: Obama makes pledge in State of the Union

Obama to put humans on Mars

President Obama pledged to land humans on Mars in last night’s State of the Union speech. In a show of his commitment he arranged to have astronaut Scott Kelly in the audience.

Kelly is scheduled to spend a year in the International Space Station. Kelly’s mission is vital for a future manned mission to Mars given the three years or so for a round trip.

Last month, we launched a new spacecraft as part of a re-energized space program that will send American astronauts to Mars. In two months, to prepare us for those missions, Scott Kelly will begin a year-long stay in space.

Republicans and Democrats all stood to give Kelly a standing ovation after Obama’s introduction.

On Dec. 5, 2014, NASA successfully tested its Orion spacecraft which will be used for manned missions to Mars. The Orion will be launched on top of NASA’s new heavy lift rocket, the Space Launch System which is scheduled to be ready by 2018. The Space Launch System is planned to become NASA’s most powerful rocket launch vehicle ever, surpassing the Saturn V rockets used for the Apollo missions five decades ago.

Back in April 2010, President Obama gave a speech at the Kennedy Space Center where he revealed his plan to get humans to Mars by 2035. “I expect to be around to see it,” Obama told NASA employees.

NASA is not the only U.S. organization planning to put humans on Mars. Elon Musk’s Space-X is also planning to develop sufficiently powerful rockets and spacecraft for the long trip Mars.

“The reason SpaceX was created was to accelerate development of rocket technology, all for the goal of establishing a self-sustaining, permanent base on Mars,” Musk told an audience back in May 2014. Musk plans to develop a Falcon Heavy Lift rocket, the most powerful rocket since the Saturn V that will be used for manned missions to Mars.

If all goes well for NASA and Space X, sometime within the next decade or two, humans will be taken to Mars. The first human landing on Mars will be a historic global event, rivaling the first moon landing. Or will it? Ardent conspiracy theorists argue that humans have already landed on Mars.

Alleged whistleblowers have come forward over the last few years claiming to have traveled to a secret colony on Mars using different classified travel technologies. Among the more recent is ‘Captain Kaye’, who claims to have spent 17 years on a Mars military base after being taken there by a spacecraft belonging to a classified space fleet.  Another alleged whistleblower, Andrew Basiago, an attorney based in Washington state, claims to have been teleported to a secret Mars base after being recruited into a classified program called Project Pegasus.

Without concrete evidence to support extraordinary claims of a secret human colony already on Mars, there has been heated controversy. Is there a secret space fleet already ferrying humans to Mars; or advanced teleportation technologies for instantaneous travel there?

One thing we can be sure of from the Edward Snowden NSA leaks, intelligence agencies are very skilled in hiding highly classified programs through compartmentalization. Documents confirm that the NSA and its partners train operatives to use covert forms of online deception to lead the public away from the truth.

For President Obama, his immediate challenge is to convince the Republican controlled Congress that putting humans on Mars is a policy worth funding.

 © Copyright 2015. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

PRG’s Stephen G. Bassett announces White House Petition VII

Press Release

 Toronto [ZNN] Stephen G. Bassett Executive Director of the Paradigm Research Group is extending PRG’s world-wide influence to once again challenge the White House on the ET question. This challenge is a re-assertion of actions taken by PRG over the last several weeks to test the metal of American democracy.

First – the distribution to all members of the US Congress and Senate of the entire DVD set cataloguing the proceedings during the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure on the ET question held in May of 2013 at the Washington National Press Club.

At the week-long hearing before former members of Congress and the Senate, Bassett brought forward 40 former government, military and agency witnesses to present over 30 hours of compelling testimony about their knowledge of and involvement in specific incidents, briefings and research attesting to the reality of an extraterrestrial presence.

 Actual government documents, threats and intimidation by senior military officials towards military personnel and accounts of and interactions with the phenomenon of craft of unknown origin were brought forward each day in unrelenting waves of evidence. This evidence challenges the White House assertion that this phenomenon and the entire matter of an ET presence do not exist.

 Former Congressional and Senate members were unanimous in their call for the US government to hold open hearings and make public all files in their possession on these matters.

 Second –  Now Bassett, in his most recent We the People Petition, challenges the White House to do the same: Support open congressional hearings that will allow former US military officers, government agency and political witnesses to testify under oath before a committee of the US Congress.

 Many have questioned Bassett’s relentless pursuit of the entire matter of the existence of UFOs and a so-called ET presence on Earth – saying it’s falling on deaf ears. Others say Bassett is doing something historic and difficult but very concrete about government secrecy and intransigence.

Those who do question Bassett’s ET pursuits – particularly a timorous mainstream media and an imperious elite within the US government – know full well they are playing a fruitless political game of ‘truth or dare’ with Bassett – one that can only be ended by the sheer magnitude of the evidence and the force of the truth behind that evidence. 

There is no question Bassett has revealed the truth with bona fide and irrefutable witness testimony and documentation on the ET question. He has presented this truth to Congress and the Senate on a silver platter in the form of HD DVD coverage of witness testimony. With that in their hands, Bassett is now daring Congress to acknowledge what he has given to them by holding open hearings to let the truth be known to the American people.

 This is why Bassett is counting on public support to sign the We the People Petition at: THE PETITION. Bassett needs 150 signatures to gain visibility of the petition on the We the People web site and 100,000 before February 6, 2015 to get a public response from the White House.

 When asked what his basic message to Congress is, Bassett stated: “The message will be the same: open and review the Citizen Hearing DVD sets, meet with PRG’s lobbyist to discuss the content, and hold hearings for military, agency and political witnesses to testify.”

ZNN Editorial Comment

We the People Bassett

Will Bassett succeed? The determination of all who seek the truth could be the determining factor for Mr. Bassett. One can only imagine what will happen next if or when Bassett gets the 100,000 signatures. This eventuality raises three plaintive questions of a moral nature about the fate of American democracy:

•   Will the compelling desire for an open dialogue about the ET question and interspecies ethics materialize should elected officials in Congress and the Senate come to a conscious understanding of their sworn duty as servants of the people?

•   Or, will the dialectic between YES and NO continue – leaving citizens helpless in the amorphous middle-ground of uncertainty where the power of the State continues to assert its dominance over citizens’ rights to know about their place in the cosmos? 

•   Will the miasma choking American ‘democracy’ and the futile ramblings of a gutless President be somehow resolved if the people were to react and actually decide to give Bassett his 100,000? 

 ZNN supports PRG in its efforts to bring forward the truth. What are your plans?


 For more information go to: http://www.citizenhearing.org



Spring Semester Courses for Exopolitics Certificate start 19 Jan 2015

ExoCertificcate-Logo[Jan. 2, 2015 – Kalapana, Hawaii] The Exopolitics Institute is pleased to announce that classes begin on Jan 19, 2015 for a number of educational programs designed for those interested in developing professional qualifications in exopolitics; and/or acquiring analytical tools, research methods and investigative techniques for evidence concerning extraterrestrial life. Our experienced faculty of educators and trainers collectively offer decades of experience in the teaching profession and in researching extraterrestrial life; and offer you the opportunity to apply exopolitics in a number of unique areas.

Classes offered for the Spring 2014 Semester are:

For 2015 schedule visit: click here. Some comments from students completing earlier courses.

Exo-101 is what exopolitics is all about; this is a comprehensive overview, but with a plethora of amazing details, of all crucial aspects and issues regarding the UFO phenomenon and the ET presence on planet earth – P. Dermentzoglou, Spring, 2014

I appreciated the structure the course offered me in coming to the field with little background in ufology or exopolitics.. Flexibility regarding differing beliefs and opinions is particularly important to me. I enjoyed reading Manu’s and my classmates’ thoughts and opinions and felt encouraged and supported in expressing my own. – Karen Kael, USA, Exo-101, Spring, 2013

If you interested about UFOs , but know nothing about the implications regarding the issue to our world , I strongly recommend this course .- Stan Ho, Hong Kong, Exo-101, Spring, 2013

The course as a whole was very interesting. The quantum mechanics part was very useful, as this field has been “Greek” to me so far. The same must be said about RV. I also enjoy the exo 106 YouTube channel – very good movie clips! The course was produced and composed in a way that makes the student see comparative events (connecting the dots), and such methodology served as quite an eye opener to me. – Kai Olsen, Exo-106, Spring, 2011

This is not a course for the faint hearted. It requires a sound prior knowledge base of the topic, substantial self-discipline and absolute dedication. Some of the information on abductions is sheer horror which one would prefer to believe only exists in Hollywood, but like the 911 atrocity, reality dwarfs Hollywood and nowhere more so than in the exopolitical field. The truth is that interaction on this level between terrestrials and others is vastly more common place than we could ever begin to give credit for and the reasons for this cover a wide range of issues, some of which are as disturbing as they are provocative and inspirational. Douglas McClure, South Africa, Exo-106, Spring, 2009

For more student comments on past courses click here Whether you plan to be or are a journalist, a diplomat, educator, artist, scientist, historian, researcher, lawyer, policy maker, or health, government, religious, or business professional, you will find a suitable way of incorporating evidence concerning extraterrestrial life into your chosen profession. The certification program offers a two-tiered system of courses and seminars that each culminate in an Exopolitics certificate or diploma.

a. Exopolitics Certificate – Entry level certification provides the core conceptual understanding so you have basic competency in writing about, researching or investigating exopolitical issues.
b.. Exopolitics Diploma – Third level certification designed for those intending to teach or train others in exopolitics.

These certification programs are competitively priced and provide you the opportunity to learn and practice exopolitics in a way that is suited to your interests and career. With a minimal investment of time and energy, you could soon be on the way to acquiring the skills and training to set you off to a path that will establish you as an exopolitical pioneer in your respective fields.

Explore our certification program then register for the certificate program that will open your path to exopolitical knowledge and training.

Website: click here. Email: courses@exopoliticsinstitute.org Phone: +1 202 470 0140

The Exopolitics Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization based in Kalapana, Hawaii. Website: http://www.exopoliticsinstitute.org/

Top ten UFO and exopolitics stories for 2014

Top 10 Exopolitics Stories2014 was a big year for the field of exopolitics – the nascent science of understanding the political implications of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. There were many exopolitics developments that figured prominently in news articles and videos from around the world. These developments point to two complementary processes that are likely to continue in 2015 and lead to very different outcomes. The first is a decades-long top secret policy of covering up evidence of extraterrestrial life that appears to be slowly unraveling due to an ongoing disclosure movement. Second, there is an official effort to prepare the general public for the impending discovery of extraterrestrial life. These processes can lead to either a “post-disclosure world” where the alien UFO cover-up has been exposed; or a “post-discovery world” where humanity learns that we are not alone. Here are my top ten exopolitics stories (listed in reverse order) based on a combination of popularity, persuasiveness and significance to either a “post-disclosure” or “post-discovery” world in the near future.

ESA Singing Comet# 10.  On Nov. 11, the European Space Agency (ESA) confirmed that it was receiving a mysterious signal from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The ESA described the signal as a “mystery song” and uploaded a recording with the caption: “Hear our comet sing.” The confirmation follows months of rumors that the Rosetta mission was originally sent to explore a radio signal from the comet first detected 20 years ago.

#9. On Feb. 24, a leaked NSA document was released that explicitly reveals a clear connection between online covert operations by the “Five Eyes” intelligence community (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) on the UFO issue. Titled, “The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations,” the document is smoking gun evidence that the intelligence community is training its covert operatives to deceive the public on a range of sensitive national security issues including UFOs.

Dyson Lens and Sun#8. Over a four day period up to Nov. 9, NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected a strange area near the sun where solar activity was apparently being absorbed by an invisible object. The immense spherical lens shaped field was claimed to be part of an advanced technology based on the principle of a “Dyson Sphere.” NASA’s SOHO images appear to be evidence of the sun’s energy being absorbed by a gigantic lens shaped solar collector whose approximate size was larger than the sun itself!

NASA Source Image of thigh bone#7. On Aug. 14, the Mars Curiosity Rover photographed an object that appears to be a thigh bone on the Martian surface. When the photo was released by NASA’s JPL affiliate a few days later, initial observers claimed that the object was a fossilized bone fragment. The first thigh fossil claims generated much media attention and public controversy with coverage by major media outlets such as the Huffington Post and Britain’s Daily Mirror. In an unusually quick response, NASA replied to the growing controversy on August 21 by claiming that the object was a rock. Not so according to a growing number of independent researchers that have uncovered past Curiosity Rover images of what appear to be different life forms on the Mars surface.

1 Title-page-iPart-1-mage#6. On April 8, an alleged USMC whistleblower came forward to claim that he spent 17 years on Mars serving at a secret military base whose main mission was to protect five civilian space colonies. In exclusive testimony released on ExoNews TV, Randy Cramer, who used the pseudonym, Captain Kaye, said that the Mars Defense Force recruits personnel from different military services. He claims that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section,” and also served in a secret space fleet for nearly three years.

Star Visitor Sanctuary Opening Ceremony#5. On June 27, the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary was officially launched in a dedication ceremony on the Big Island of Hawaii aimed at welcoming extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. The extraterrestrial sanctuary was first promulgated in a declaration by official representatives of the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii. The “Declaration for Creating Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary” makes it possible for extraterrestrials to land on sovereign land claimed by the reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii.

Vatican-mothership-Pope Francis#4. On Oct. 27, Pope Francis I endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life – which he referred to as “beings of the universe” – has evolved in ways that is consistent with the plans of “God the creator.” The Pope’s statement was a surprising endorsement of the view that the activities of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the universe can be part of a universal plan. Consequently, Pope Francis’s statement is preparing the Catholic world for the discovery of extraterrestrial life visiting our world in UFOs may be part of “the plan of the creator.”

#3. On Aug. 19, ITAR-TASS reported that Russian scientists have found microbial life on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS). The Russians first detected the microbes over a year ago and confirmed that the organisms can live in zero gravity, extremely low temperatures and with cosmic radiation. Despite the harsh conditions, the scientists reported that the bacteria were thriving on the surface of ISS and could live there for years. The Russian discovery is startling since it confirms that extraterrestrial microbes can flourish in deep space. Read more.

2 NASA and ET Life#2. From Sept. 18-19, 2014, NASA and the Library of Congress hosted a symposium on how society can prepare for the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Leading astrobiologists from around the world convened at the Library of Congress in Washington DC., to discuss the latest scientific theories and developments in the search for extraterrestrial life. Presenters discussed the implications from recent scientific breakthroughs in discovering the existence of exoplanets, new theories of the conditions under which extraterrestrial life can flourish, and how to communicate with them. The symposium took the position that the discovery of extraterrestrial life is imminent and the public needs to be prepared.

1 UFO docked at ISS#1. On Jan 29 the live camera feed of the International Space Station (ISS) showed what appeared to be a strange yellow elliptical object docked with the hull of the ISS. The video shows the sleek looking yellow UFO docked at the ISS for just over two minutes with the Earth slowly rotating in the background. The video ends with ISS live feed going into blue screen mode. This suggested that NASA cut the ISS live feed once it was realized that the video of the UFO docked at the ISS was going live to the world. The docking positioning of the UFO suggests that it is not the result of a camera anomaly but a genuine spacecraft of unknown origin. This led to much speculation that the UFO was docked so that extraterrestrials could meet with NASA astronauts as has allegedly occurred in the past.

 © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

Curiosity Rover image of coffin on Mars goes viral

coffin on Mars

RT News today ran a story about what appears to be a coffin on Mars filmed by NASA’s Curiosity Rover. The coffin-like object is rectangular and very symmetrical, with smooth edges and curves. Its color is different to nearby rocks. According to a Dec. 28, UFO Sightings Daily report the object is a coffin made of stone designed to “stand the test of time.” The original Curiosity Rover image was taken on Oct 10, 2012 (Sol 64) and can be independently viewed on NASA’s JPL website. Clearly, the image is not photoshopped suggesting either a remarkable symmetrical rock formation, or an actual ancient coffin laying intact on the Martian surface.

The coffin like object was first identified by Youtube user, Will Farrar (aka WhatsUpInTheSky37) who wrote in his description:

This little box sure does look like a modern coffin concrete liner. As well as the stonework on the back part of the hill that looks like stairs or some left over stonework from some old civilizations constructions.

Scott Waring from UFO Sightings agrees and adds:

This stone object looks like a coffin. Coffins are made to stand the test of time, but this one is made from a stone like substance. What would it take to get NASA to turn the rover around and examine the contents of this box? It looks to be about one meter across and a foot and a half wide and high.

RT News raises the possibility that the object may be an example of Pareidolia which is described as “a psychological phenomenon of noticing a significant pattern in unexpected places.”

The highly symmetrical nature of the coffin-like object, however, suggests that this is not simply a case of Pareidolia. It’s highly unlikely though, that Curiosity Rover will investigate further an anomaly captured on film over two years ago. Judging from public reaction so far, many believe that the Curiosity Rover image is evidence of an artificially created object from a past Martian civilization. If the object is a coffin, then it is a good metaphor for the fate of NASA’s decades-long policy of covering up evidence of extraterrestrial life.

ZNN’s Victor Viggiani Interview on Coast to Coast AM Trending

Provocative C2C Interview Post Nearing Viral on the Net


Toronto [ZNN] ZlandCommunications has just learned that the interview of Victor Viggiani, News Director of the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork on Coast to Coast AM on December 15.2014 has reached near viral proportions on the internet. As of this posting – the You Tube interview has reached over 30,650 hits.

 ZNN reports that its web sites have received over 5700 hit/reads and counting. Furthermore, ZNN has been receiving countless e-mails from listeners from all over the US and Canada – sharing their views on what some have described as an ‘awesome conversation of epic proportions’.

Canadian broadcaster Richard Syrett, the host of that evening’s Coast to Coast AM program, has informed ZNN that the interview with Victor Viggiani is currently trending in the number 4 position on Coast to Coast’s most Popular Shows.

This highly provocative interview features Richard Syrett vividly probing Viggiani’s career as a Catholic elementary school Principal to elicit a very unsettling description of how one young student at Viggiani’s school and another older student relayed to him as Principal – two horrifying alien abduction experiences.

Viggiani later consulted with the late Dr. John Mack in his Harvard University office in Cambridge Massachusetts about this occurrence in an effort to determine its validity and the actions Viggiani might take, if any.

In a statement for the media Victor Viggiani stated: “This remarkable and chilling event makes this particular interview an historic one for educators. Educational leadership in school boards throughout North America may now have to contend with information that appears to indicate some students in their school districts have had encounters with Extraterrestrials; no doubt a highly controversial hypothesis.”

The interview also featured Viggiani’s assessment of the global UFO/ET Disclosure movement and re-counting his historic interaction with the Hon. Paul Hellyer – former Minister of Canadian National Defence, leading to Mr. Hellyer proclaiming at the University of Toronto that, “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.”  

Audio Graphic SmallListen to Victor Viggiani’s interview at: UFO Disclosure and Abductions.  The interview begins at the 40 min 44 sec mark.

Readers are also invited to the Coast to Coast AM Insider to review this and all other interviews.

Journalists and educators wishing more information about this interview and the work of Victor Viggiani at ZNN are invited to use the contact details below. Due to the very sensitive nature of this information ZNN guarantees confidentiality to all media reporters, columnists and educators who may wish to make inquiries.

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NASA reverses itself on methane and possible life on Mars

Credit: NASA/JPL
Credit: NASA/JPL

Yesterday was a good day for those proposing that extraterrestrial life currently exists on Mars. In a Dec. 16 paper published in the journal Science, NASA says that significant methane levels were detected by the Curiosity Rover over a two month period suggesting that “Mars is episodically producing methane from an … unknown source.” The “unknown source”, as a number of mainstream media articles were quick to point out given what is known about the creation of methane, may be extraterrestrial life, The New York Times published an article titled, “’A Great Moment’: Rover finds Clue that Mars May Harbor Life,” The Guardian wrote “Methane ‘spikes’ fuel speculation of life on Mars.”  ScientificAmerican used as its subtitle: “New results suggest evidence for extraterrestrial life could be near at hand.”  This is not the first time that NASA has released scientific data pointing to life on Mars. On previous occasions, NASA scientists argued over the results. Judging from the number of authors to the Dec. 16 paper, there appears to be rare unanimity. Are we on the verge of a major NASA announcement that reveals life has been found on Mars?

The New York Times pointed out that NASA’s announcement is a major reversal on the position it reached only a year earlier :

“the new findings … are a 180-degree flip from a year ago, when mission scientists said that Curiosity had found no signs of methane,”

The Curiosity Rover also found carbon-based organic molecules the significance of which the New York Times explained from comments given at a News Conference by NASA scientists at the American Geophysical Union:

The scientists also reported that for the first time, they had confirmed the presence of carbon-based organic molecules in a rock sample. The so-called organics are not direct signs of life, past or present, but they lend weight to the possibility that Mars had the ingredients required for life, and may even still have them.

NASA’s announcement is good news for scientists that have claimed that previous scientific data from Mars suggested that life exists there in the form of microbes. The most famous was the “Labeled Release” experiment from the 1976 Viking mission that obtained positive results for evidence of Martian life. The experiment’s designer, Dr Gilbert Levin, thought the results clearly indicated Martian life, but he was not supported by the NASA administration. In a 2012 reassessment of Gilbert’s experiment, he was finally supported by an independent team of scientists who concluded:

The only extraterrestrial life detection experiments ever conducted were the three which were components of the 1976 Viking Mission to Mars. Of these, only the Labeled Release experiment obtained a clearly positive response…. We have applied complexity analysis to the Viking LR data….We conclude that the complexity pattern seen in active experiments strongly suggests biology while the different pattern in the control responses is more likely to be non-biological….These analyses support the interpretation that the Viking LR experiment did detect extant microbial life on Mars.

More controversial are the claims by Richard Hoover, a former NASA senior scientist who claims that in 2004, the Mars Rover, Opportunity photographed what clearly looked like the fossilized remains of a crinoid, a marine animal that looks like a sea lily. Hoover showed it to colleagues who immediately recognized the object as a crinoid. However, rather than examine the exciting possibility that Opportunity had photographed the fossilized remains of a living organism, Hoover said that less than four hours after taking the photo, Opportunity’s rock abrasion tool ground the area where the possible fossil lay into dust. He asked David McKay, the former chief astrobiologist at the Johnson Space Center, why this had been done. The response Hoover received was less than satisfactory.

Gilbert’s and Hoover’s experiences suggest that there are those at a senior level in the NASA administration that have in the past deliberately prevented evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars being accepted, and even destroyed. This makes NASA’s reversal of its previous conclusions of methane levels on Mars significant, as is the emphasis that the New York Times gives to NASA’s recent backtracking. Has NASA changed its policy on releasing evidence of life of Mars?

Possible support for a recent policy shift can be construed from no less than NASA administrator Charles Bolden who made a surprising statement about life on Mars in an Oct. 9 interview in London:

People always ask the question ‘Why Mars?’ Several reasons: One, Mars is very Earth-like, or least used to be Earth-like. It is a planet, a sister planet to Earth. It is the most likely planet in our solar system, um, that had life at one time… may have life now, and we feel can definitely sustain life.

Was this merely a coincidence, or was Bolden preparing the world public for some surprising future announcement regarding life on Mars? NASA may be simply driven by new scientific data gained by the Curiosity Rover as the Dec. 16 Science article suggests. Alternatively, it may be that there has been a recent policy shift in the higher echelons of NASA, and it is poised to release data finally confirming that life, at least in the form of primitive microbes, does currently exist on Mars.

 © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

Further Reading

Exopolitical Highlights at the VI World UFO Forum at Foz de Iguazu – Brazil

UFOZ 2014 VI UFO Forum Brazil

The field of Ufology is moving forward and EXOPOLITICS is also becoming more recognized and talked about in this move. At the well-led forum by Mr. A.J. Gevaerd, the “Foz de Iguazu Letter 2014” intended for Brazilian representatives and senators was perfected and signed to ask them to begin to openly discuss UFO issues. The forum’s emphasis was on the social implications of the extraterrestrial presence. There also was an emphasis in speakers that proposed using effective psychic and “espirita” (spiritist) means to develop verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions.

While there were several outstanding researchers (like France’s CNES’ Jean Jacques Velasco and Professor Erling Strand of the Hessdalen Project and Østfold University College) objectively substantiating the high probability of advanced, intelligently directed objects behind some UFOs, definitely the tenor of the event was not about whether the ETs might be here but about moving forward now that it was clear for most researchers that they were. Next (from notes taken personally at the conference) I’ll give a few summaries of three specific presentations more specifically relevant to exopolitics.

From the presentation by Mr. Thiago Luis Ticchetti (co-editor of “Revista UFO” from Brazil):  

QUESTION: What will happen after disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence? Some possible answers:

After 1 min: Call relatives and tell them about the news. After 1 hr.: Billions of emails. After 1 day: More serious questions are asked.

First reactions

Are they similar to us? Are they intelligent but non-human? What are their goals? Are they benign or malignant? Are we safe?

Handling of disclosure information

Will it be handled stealthily? With how much aperture to the public? Will only a few of the secrets held be given to the public or all of them? Will this information be given voluntarily? A total radical aperture including the good and the bad?

What will happen with the political conflicts around the world? Will some be set aside to face as a species the new challenges? Ufologists will become important.

If there’s a partial (controlled) aperture it may be because governments fear a generalized panic. How will the world financial markets be affected? How will they be affected by extraterrestrial technology thereafter?

Most likely there’ll be a “false,” deceiving aperture because “nothing is certain in a trillion dollar industry filled with cover-ups. But changes do take place. Perhaps the population will have about 6 days to digest information that will change life forever.

Martial Law will be declared in a number of places in the world. The media will say that UFO stories were true after all. INTERNET will be working at maximum capacity. There will be some technical problems.

In Budhism, Hinduism and Spiritism there’s belief in extraterrestrial existence. Some other religions may have a problem with that.

There will be opposing and favorable opinions about ufological opening. Opposing: More armament will fall into aggressive hands. In favor: Technology can help people.

By the time of that dialogue/controversy perhaps more will be known about who the ETs are and what they want?

Who are they and what do they want?

Are they a threat or are they friendly? Are they in fact “extraterrestrials?” Are they intelligent machines? Are they terrestrial entities? Are they “extra” or ultradimensionals? Are they angels or demons? Are they time travellers? Are they from the future and cannot interact with us openly so as not to alter the future?

Are we like laboratory rats? Are they in a rescue mission? Do they want our DNA? Do they want to create a new type of species and-or save their own species? Do they want to eat our meat perhaps like the mutilated cows? Some evidence indicates that they were alive when they were eaten. 30,000 persons disappear every year.

Do they want our souls? Do they want our “oasis” planet? Perhaps they want nothing? Do they have empathy towards human beings? What technological level do they have? Have they already infiltrated in our society? Would some hybrids be able to pass for us easily?

Giorgio Piacenza: I’ll add: Do they want us to teach them something (let’s not assume that they can’t learn some things from us). Do they want to have our capacities, even capacities which we have not clearly recognized in us?

Institutional, Social & Cultural Questions

Will some cultural foundations crack? Will some institutions suffer credibility problems for having previously hidden this reality? How much did they know inside the government? Who knew?

There will be a new “energy equation” (new sources of energy affecting societies, productions, the economy).

How will the legal system of countries with extraterrestrial presence change?

In the coming Age what is liberated-disclosed will determine what is going to happen.

How will the day-to-day life of people continue? How will the educational structure change?

History will be re-evaluated. With respect to anthropology and archaeology we will ask: What is true or false?  Psychology will have questions like: Is it possible to control experiences and memories like some ETs have shown?

Exopolitics will grow. All politics will be global. Since Brazil is the 5th country in terms of population and area and with several ufologists it will become a ufological power.

Soon we will all know the truth.

In 1986 there was a night in which after several dramatic sightings UFOs were admitted in Brazil with the presence of Brigadier Moreyra Lima https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT8VuLKOGzE#t=58

From the presentation by Dr. Alexandre Dittrich Buhr “Proposal for an Ethics for the Encounter with Cosmic Civilizations”:

Dr. Buhr is a professor and a judge, with a MsC in legal sciences and lives in the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina (where important crop circles have been regularly appearing in the past few years). He’s also had a long-time interest in Space Law, is the author of “Direito Espacial” (Space Law) and clearly includes important Exopolitical considerations.

We have to consider Space Law, Ufological Events and Ethics: Space Law regulates how countries and businesses use space. Ufological Events need to be understood under a legal perspective and Ethic need to be developed for encounters with cosmic civilizations.

By convention In Aeronautical and Space Law the limit where space starts is at 100 Km over sea level. Space technology is present in daily life. Economy, agriculture, airplanes already use space related technology.

There is Public International Space Law; Public Internal Space Law and Private International Space Law.

Space activities tend to be messy. However, there have been some treaties like the foundational 1967 Space Treaty, the 1968 Agreement on the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, the 1972 Space Liability Convention (how states are responsible when satellites fall), the 1974 Registration Convention (only 62 signing states have to inform the UN of satellites launched and their orbits but military satellites are not controlled), the 1979 Moon Agreement (subscribed by very few countries). But the 1967 Space Treaty is for the good and interests of ALL countries, stating that nothing from Outer Space can be an object of national appropriation. But the U.S. probably places weapons in space even if the UN is in agreement with the spirit of the 1967 Treaty.

Brazil has already celebrated treaties with the European Space Agency (ESA), Germany, Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, France, India, Russia, Ukraine and the US. Brazil has been a member of the United Nation’s COPUOS (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space) since its foundation in 1959.

It is currently considered that private activity is not contemplated under Space Law. This includes activities like space tourism, asteroid mining exploitation and rendering services to space agencies. There also is the issue of space waste. Also militarization of outer space is prohibited but it is done. There are unilateral and multilateral considerations. There’s the possibility of “space terrorism” (like attacking necessary satellites). There also is the possibility of encounters with hostile cosmic civilizations.

For most aerospace legal authorities there is no UFO phenomenon to consider. However, the violation of air space requires a legal interpretation. Also the issue of human contamination due to contact with extraterrestrial organisms requires more understanding. Moreover, the Penal Code would apply to implants, as a form of creating damage to the human body. It would also apply for sexual experiences during abductions and to the sanctity of home space violations.   Some UFO-ET related events typified in the (Brazilian) Penal Code are implants generating corporal lesions (art 129), subtraction and/or placement of genetic material (213), kidnapping and withholding a person (art 150), illegal subjection of a person.

Mario Nogueira Rangel who wrote “Secuestros Alienígenas” (Extraterrestrial Abductions) made clear that many symptoms associated to the Abductions are violations both of the Penal Code and of Human Rights. However, we should recognize that there also are positive types of contacts. Think of Ezequiel’s experiences and of Elizabeth Klarer’s reference to the extraterrestrial Akon from Alpha Centauri. Interestingly J.J. Hurtak provided additional insights to the revealed names present in Klarer’s case.

But how should we position ourselves before a variety of extraterrestrial encounters? We need to develop an ethical understanding, a philosophical understanding and Interplanetary Space Law. We need to identify who they are and if they correlate with our basic ethical norms. We need to develop the philosophy of Interplanetary Space Law. For instance was the European civilization that brought modernity but enslaved so many in the New World good or bad? Are older extraterrestrial civilizations that have been interacting for a long time with us but which violate our rights good or bad?

From the presentation by Dr. Michael Salla “Exodiplomacy: How will Humanity  Negotiate with the Extraterrestrial Visitors”:

“Exodiplomacy” is defined as the profession, activity or skill of managing diplomatic interplanetary relations by national and/or planetary representatives. There are many events signaling an increasing recognition of issues dealing with the extraterrestrial presence. Exoplanets are being discovered; in 2009 the Pontificial Academy of Sciences held an astrobiology conference; followed by the Royal Society conference on the Scientific, Societal Agenda on the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life. On September 18-19, 2014 there was a NASA -SETI – Library of Congress symposium called “Preparing for Discovery.” The message (in agreement with the Royal Society is that it is important to prepare.

In a ceremony dedicated to unveling a bust for Pope Benedict XVI on October 27, 2014 Pope Francis I stated that God gave autonomy to beings in the Universe assuring them of His continuous presence according to the internal laws he gave them to develop http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/pope-francis-lauds-benedict-xvis-emphasis-on-harmony-of-faith-and-science

Dr. Salla announced that the Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii, a sovereignty independence political movement dedicated land to welcome the extraterrestrial visitors and could be a lead which governments could follow.

Regarding the practice of exodiplomacy who will represent the Earth? The UN? Major nations? Amnesty International? Popular Individuals? The Dalai Lama? Is there a role for private citizens? We can speak of “second track” exodiplomacy which includes non-official efforts to establish lines of communication. We need to educate society. However, discovery of extraterrestrial life may have already happened and secret negotiations may have taken place. For instance, Canadian Engineer Wilbert Smith found that UFOs exist and that they were the most highly classified matter in the U.S. Also, whistleblowers claim that President Eisenhower had two secret meetings with extraterrestrials (one at Edwards AFB in 1954 and one at Holloman AFB in 1955). Moreover, former Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer believes (as stated in his 2014 “Money Maffia” book) that secret negotiations with ET races have taken place. First-hand testimonies also suggest that alien technology has been reversed-engineered.

Dr. Salla informed us that – according to the U.S. Constitution – the U.S. senate has to ratify International Treaties but that “Executive Agreements” “other than treaties” are allowed. If such agreements had been held in 1954, 60 years would have passed until today (2014).

However, “Galactic Diplomacy” or extraterrestrial contact is also already happening through private citizens and perhaps we already have enough information to start preparing as citizens for more open contact with ETs. We can also educate and prepare other private citizens.


UFO Evidence Ignored – Edgar Mitchell and Paul Hellyer Co-sign Critique to NASA and Library of Congress

Breaking News

Dr Edgar Mitchell
Dr Edgar Mitchell

Press Release

For Immediate Distribution

Toronto [ZNN] Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and the Hon. Paul T. Hellyer former Canadian Minister of Defence, along with colleagues Professor Bill Wickersham and ZNN news director Victor Viggiani, have co-signed an Open Letter critique to the NASA/Library of Congress Symposium on Astrophysics on ET life and its host Dr. Steven Dick. The symposium was held in Washington DC at the Library of Congress Sept 18-19, 2014.

The symposium attempted to explore how we might prepare for the discovery of ET life, but failed to adequately address the widely available yet unacknowledged evidence that verifies the planet is already being engaged by off-world civilizations. 

A quote from the introduction of the group’s open letter states: 

“The signatories to this response feel it is most critical… to thoroughly recognize the deleterious political management of human history by elements of national and international governance which have appropriated unabridged jurisdiction over the truth concerning the existence of off-world civilizations.”

Open Letter Excerpts:


“In the symposium’s panel discussion moderated by Derek Malone France, several ideologically challenging notions were raised by yourself and Robin Lovin that we found both profound yet which proved to be inadequate in addressing the vast spectrum of knowledge currently available on this matter.

The entire topography of the symposium is laden – in an unarticulated manner with the thesis of interspecies ethics – yet for whatever reason no authentic attempt was made to allow for a full exploration of this concept, which must inexorably include the UFO phenomenon, and the possible existence of an ET presence.

 Despite the current body of available evidence… it remains self-evident that the UFO/ET matter has become culturally, politically and theologically inscribed and accepted as a norm by a vast percentage of North Americans and within the international community. Consequently, the exclusion of the UFO/ET matter became obvious by its very absence at the symposium.”

“Even though the government – on all counts remains silent and pokerfaced on this matter – there are courageous individuals of rank and influence who demand a level of truth from the very governments they faithfully once served.

 This list includes such dignitaries as NASA Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, former Governor of Arizona Fife Symington, former FAA Senior administrator John Callahan, the late former NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary, the late NASA astronaut Col. Gordon Cooper, former UK Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, former White House Chief of Staff under President Clinton attorney John Podesta and a host of other professionals. The specific testimony of these individuals is only one measure of the public record on this matter.

 Why would the oral testimony of such notables be ignored and not figure into any authentic attempt to get at all information that would illuminate all facets of this enigmatic component of human existence?

 This question calls into doubt the primary premise of the symposium’s ability and mandate to illuminate the ET matter – especially when entities such as SETI – a previously government funded investigative front is used as a focal point of examination while other evidence is ignored. This is truly regrettable but – one must suppose – politically expedient. Unfortunately, in our opinion, the gaping hole left by the absence of this category of evidence calls into question any findings or conclusions of the symposium – scientific – religious or otherwise.”

“CONCLUSION: The discovery, presence and public revelation of sentient Extraterrestrial life and the vehicles that appear to manifest this presence is the greatest story in the history of humanity. All of the available documentation indisputably suggests the government of the United States, is in fact, withholding this information from its citizens and the citizens of the world.”

Read the entire Open Letter at: 

NASA/Library of Congress Symposium

Find the Astrobiology Symposium Web site: HERE

Who is Dr. Steven Dick? Click HERE

Send your comments to: The Library of Congress – scholarly@loc.gov


Futuristic Airbus design mimics antigravity UFO

Airbus flying bagelAirbus has filed a new patent for a UFO-like airplane that looks like something right out of a Sci Fi movie. RT today described the radical Airbus design as a “bagel plane” where passengers sit in a ring. The Financial Times, which was the first to announce the new design in a November 16 story, reported that the UFO-like shape addresses key structural problems faced by aircraft engineers for cylindrical designs. Will the new Airbus design use a traditional propulsion system such as aviation fuel that is currently the standard for civilian aircraft? The UFO-like design makes more sense if Airbus was preparing for an innovative future propulsion system for the aviation industry – antigravity!

The Airbus Patent application says that the design attempts to address the structural problems created by cylindrical shaped aircraft with have to deal with huge air pressures at the front and back:

The present invention proposes an aircraft wherein the structure delimiting passenger cabin extends over 360 degrees around a space defined outside structure. The invention allows structure to be more resistant to loads induced by the cabin pressurization, while allowing to reduce or even to avoid the need for a sealed bottom ….

Avoiding “a sealed bottom” leads to one of the most radical differences with conventional aircraft as the Financial Times describes regarding the “flying doughnut”: “Diagrams in the patent application show passengers entering the aircraft through steps leading up to doors arranged around the hole in the doughnut’s middle.”

Aviation experts are skeptical that the UFO-like design is feasible. Loren Thompson from the Lexington Institute told the Financial Times: “I’ve never seen anyone suggest anything like this in a heavier-than-air system,” Thompson’s skepticism is understandable given current fuel propulsion systems for the aviation industry. So is there an alternative propulsion system that might make the Airbus design feasible?

Classified antigravity technologies have been secretly developed by military-corporate entities, but kept from the public realm for over six decades. It was revealed in 1992, for example, that the B-2 Bomber used electrostatic charges on its leading wings and exhaust.  According to aerospace experts, this was confirmation that the B-2 used electrogravitic principles based on the Biefeld-Brown Effect.  The Biefeld-Brown Effect is based on the research of Thomas Townsend Brown who in 1928 gained a patent for his practical application of how high voltage electrostatic charges can reduce the weight of objects. The B-2 bomber employs sufficiently high voltages to significantly reduce its weight. This enables the B-2 and other classified antigravity vehicles to display flight characteristics that appear to defy conventional laws of physics.

In 2002, an internal Boeing project called “Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion” (GRASP) was disclosed to the aerospace industry. A GRASP briefing document obtained by Jane’s Defense Weekly stated Boeing’s position: “If gravity modification is real, it will alter the entire aerospace business.”

According to a 2008 book by Dr Paul LaViolette, Secrets of Antigravity Technology, Boeing completed a separate classified study for the U.S. military of electrogravitic propulsion before October 2007. Boeing was rebuffed in its efforts to have such technology declassified and released into the public sector. The Airbus patent for a UFO-like “flying bagel” is the future of the aviation industry once antigravity technologies are declassified into the public arena. Perhaps on the insiders track, Airbus knows something we don’t, and is getting ready for a future when “flying bagels” fill the skies!

 © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

Experimental Contact Exopolitics: Contacteeism & Scientific Colaboration

At Teotihuacan, Mexico July 2014 sighting with Sixto Paz
Photo 1: Meditation contact group pointing at ETI craft in Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 (with contactee Sixto Paz)
UFO over Teotihuacan with Sixto Paz July 2014
Photo 2: One of the several metallic craft observed at Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 after telepathic messages were received.


To develop Exopolitics we need to know who the ETs are. Developing a more proactive-interactive approach which is both verifiable and trust building we could find out more. We need to RELATE with them more and with greater equality. Let’s try it! Discard it if its false but also accept it and change our prejudices if it is not! Genuine contactees can contribute to this by assisting with the applications of scientific procedures. Furthermore, adequate, objective results would also legitimize their contact claims. It is 2014 and high time to shift ufological tactics first by relaxing many psychological, ideological and social prejudices and, quite simply…by seriously attempting to scientifically verify the extraterrestrial presence with the assistance of some of these beings and their contactees.

With the growing abundance of documentaries on extraterrestrial life people are getting used to entertaining ideas and news about extraterrestrials, UFOs and contacts. Conventional documentaries sell the expectation of an eventual intelligent extraterrestrial contact mostly through technological means and the unconventional clearly suggest that it may be actually happening  through means which often include mental, psychic, spiritual and-or advanced spacetime/reality manipulating means. It is time to bring both approaches together to detect and measure unconventional flying vehicles in an objective manner and to augment any verifiable interaction with their designers.

Can we move into a more proactive, experimental stage blending scientific verification means and the mental-psychic-social contactee means? Yes, I think so after  considering that already – on occasions – some degree of collectively verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions have taken place through contactees in agreement with extraterrestrial varieties. It is not so much a matter of possibility but of overcoming the prejudices inhibiting us from even attempting it. It is a matter of thinking beyond fears, a matter of surpassing social control mechanisms and limiting self-centered ‘comfort zones’. It is a matter of intersubjective agreement. Instead of dimissing beforehand contactee efforts that may provide evidence but may also seem to be “pseudo religious,” let’s go out to the fields and find repeatable, objective evidence through experimental interaction! Empirical results are possible and the implications are vast. A new stage of Ufology suitable for Exopolitics is possible.

The Context

We seem to be dealing with a phenomenon that bridges the gap between purely physical and purely psychic-social experiences and explanations of reality. However, to begin dealing with this adequately, first of all the very term “extraterrestrial” must become legitimate and not the butt of jokes in the perspectives of social actors.

Under the build-up of social awareness on ET issues any dramatic UFO phenomenon event may spur enough social demand and the possibility of some kind of citizen or government-induced public “disclosure.” But before that first it would be good to try to find out who’s who among the ETs to be disclosed.

I think that certain types of extraterrestrial intelligences (or “ETI”) interacted with through a few serious contact groups may become more disposed to show up (materialize?) their vehicles less ambiguously and more regularly under telepathically established place, date and time. Some ETI may be willing to work with well-meaning, balanced individuals to boost a scientifically verifiable kind of Ufology.

The Proposal

I think that we can and ought to initiate a new stage of research. Ever since the begining of the modern era of “Ufology” some researchers went on to work with contactees, telepaths and experiencers and others went on to work with classical “nuts & bolts” approximations establishing themselves as more “scientific” and dismissive of the former. Today, there’s evidence that each approximation is valid for different aspects of a reality that encompases them. Thus, these knowledge worlds must merge. Genuine contacteeism should not be further dismissed as steming from illusion and-or crank cases especially if independent researchers and media reporters are objectively verifying it.   

The ETI connection between physical reality levels might occur through a non-physical, mental, information realm related to our subconscious minds and with which we are always connected. ETIs would be  able to reach “our planet” not only  by “tunneling” or quantum jumping between sectors of our universe but also among reality sectors, time rates and other parameters between various physical universes. This is why the concept of “ETI” would have to include the possibility of “transdimensionality.”

Let’s remember that the term “UFO” is an easy-to-use, but often imprecise, acronym pertinent to objects that have not been adequately identified, but if we have enough evidence that some of these objects are used by ETI, we should find another definition that applies to that. If we repeatedly verify in a reasonable way an intelligent interaction with objects connected with ETI after communicating with them we should apply another term, such as “ETV” (extraterrestrial vehicle) or such. Understanding these vehicles and the intelligences linked to them may be best done through a lessening of classical scientific strictures. The reason may be that, in order for them to function in our reality frame, subjective, probability-modifying, qualitative connections would also have to be in operation.

There are no clear statistics but I have the impression that for every few hundred or so typical abduction accounts (a la Budd Hopkins) there may be one that qualifies as communicative, friendly contact through invitation and respect of conscious choice. The requirement may be to possess a more permeable subconscious while in the conscious state. These types of contacts now seem to be less common and, due to our minds often being set on thinking of these encounters as truly “alien” and even manipulative they seem to be too nice to be true. However, generally speaking – even with benevolent, “space brother,” “classical contactee” cases – it is “them” (the particular extraterrestrial group involved) who generally decide how and who to initiate contact with.

For the most part it seems that we are still too primitive, emotionally attached to simplistic, dichotomous views of reality and to unpredictable but, according to some contactees we can still evolve way beyond that situation without co-dependent attachments to ETI. Some ETI would be “benevolent” in that they would believe that we can still “catch up” awakening to actualize much greater potentials. They would thus keep an eye on us advising and protect our possibilities to evolve through a conscious effort. Moreover, these ETI varieties seem to be willing to communicate at least with a few of us more in our communication styles as respectable entities of equal worth.  Other ETI groups not knowing what we may become and observing not only that we are destroying our ecosystems but that we have not yet obtained a decent planetary coherence as a species may have the right to take advantage of us, for instance by hybridizing with us to “enhance” us by producing hybrids. However, I think the highest path for us relates to consciously chosen, VOLUNTARY forms of contact in which fear and limiting attachments are overcome and important information is consciously gained.

Let us find some bona fide contactees that seem to work with varieties of ETI willing to interact more openly in a mutually respectful manner. In George Adamski’s time few other witnesses (like Madeleine Rodeffer) were able to see and film the craft or to accompany the main protagonist to a contact experience. Most of the alleged physical contactees from the 1950’s had experiences almost exclusively reserved to them as it’s been known through their individual testimonies. It seems that when the possibility of making these experiences more collectively verifiable was increasing, the “CONTACTEE ERA” (a window of opportunity in time) was questioned to the point of almost coming to a close. It didn’t make much difference even if some pictures (like for instance Paul Villa’s) really looked outstanding.

The many alleged contact cases with human-looking, conversant and friendly ETI known in the 1950’s were almost forgotten and contacts with other kinds of ETI naturally surged from the 1960’s on. We don’t need to condemn that but to understand it as a natural shift after easier contacts were rejected. For various reasons the tendency in the northern hemisphere was -generally speaking – also unable to match the more flexible – even if less analytical – adaptive mindset in some of the best (albeit few), coherent, idealist, Latin American contact groups able to blend spirituality, some degree of intellectual coherence and hard work with a natural, easygoing INTERSUBJECTIVE acceptance of the extraterrestrial presence as “elder brothers” or simply…as friends. Thus, a different contact plan with a different subgroup of ETIs was implemented in Latin America in the 1970’s.

While most contact procedures in the Northern Hemisphere apparently became more, instrumental, intrusive, matter-of-fact, one-sided and result-driven, the ones in the Southern Hemisphere became subtler, more open to voluntary participation, but also at times tending towards sociological forms of psycho-spiritual cultism and over-idealization. However, contacts were real…even physicallly so and ocassionaly collectively verified and today there’s a slowly growing awareness that a dynamic middle ground compromise accepting greater objectivity can be achieved. In the beginning, mostly due to a non-scientific attitude and to great respect for the “extraterrestrial guides” only in very rare instances did people bring along their cameras to try to document the ETI presence. Now, there’s a mildly growing interest in using video and photo cameras to document what is happening and with it there are more opportunities for a more modern kind of worldwide recognition.

Ufologists and scientists in the more rigidly intellectual “north” should at least “suspend judgment” as much as possible and go see what is happening with a spirit of genuine scientific exploration and straightforward sincerity. That is what Michael Salla (political scientist) and Paola Harris (investigative journalist) did through a particular serious contactee as reported in http://exopolitics.org/extraterrestrial-message-for-humanity/ and in http://edy.rdz.mybluehost.me/exonews1/encounter-antarel-mt-shasta/.

In my my view, those experiences can be repeated and improved in different countries with the respect and CONSENT of the particular friendly extraterrestrial beings directly associated. That would be more exopolitically convenient for humanity at large since these beings seem to respect our self-determination. Moreover, it should be repeated in a progressive manner with the aim of building genuine, amicable relationships of trust and respect not only with the ETI but with ourselves, learning and respecting the process involved.

Our worldviews, premises and paradigms (now mired in conflicting views, materialism, lack of trust and even excessive post-modern relativism) will definitely receive a refreshing expansive influence after “first contact” becomes clear or after a socially impacting form of disclosure is widely acknowledged. However, we still need to learn much more about benign forms of contact not only easier to assimilate by honest, rational human minds but offering a communicative broad-spectrum picture. We would need to psychologically move beyond the traditional “let’s first consider them as potential enemies” military-like, approach and this shift in view could even officially take place through  gradual, voluntary contacts and interactions establishing trust.

We can bring together useful intelligent, QUALITATIVE approaches that, due to a sense of self invested in the partial solutions of dichotomous thinking, only SEEMED UNREAL AND NON-CREDIBLE . What can arise from this is not only a form of “scientific contacteeism” and a more “proactive exopolitics” but also “experimental ufology” and, in the latter case (with increasing degrees of cooperation from ETI) we could have more opportunities to measure energy fields and other aspects related to various scientific theories that may begin to explain the “transphysical” and-or “interdimensional” nature of devies that operate across a vaster cosmic reality. The bulk of the effort, of the coming together and research would fall upon human shoulders, not upon the “space brothers” (a perfectly valid term) who are not here to “save us” as is often generalized among intellectuals and researchers that often OVERSIMPLIFY contacteeism.

Through specific contactees and through their psychic-psychological-ethical, group-based contact methods (however “naïve” and “soft” they may seem) there may rise opportunities both for accredited scientists and for objective “citizen scientists” to verify contacts; to interact and communicate with ETI (and-or to verify interactions and communication events) first hand. That is important and that is a possibility.

I understand that contacts through genuine telepathy and telepathic psychography are generally more respectful of human dignity and more accurate and that through them the contact can sometimes be verified, for instance, through consecutive and simultaneous communication receptions, synchronicities and sufficiently unequivocal specifically expected verification sightings. However, to be fair I must say that it is known that psychiatrist Mario Dussuel advisor to Chile’s CEFAA carried on some proactive scientific contact experiences through the use of voice channeling. He requested a particular extraterrestrial group to provide a way to analyze the substance of “foo fighters” and apparently was soon given a PHYSICAL SAMPLE through another person and the analysis was performed.

The Fear

The fear of being made fun of by peers inside academic, political and other modern institutions and then shunned from opportunities has been a powerful deterrent against serious research into genuione contacteeism. There simply is a stubborn resistance to consider something as crucial, especially through means outside of recognized academic methods. But evidence for a reality that urges to be recognized will eventually win out against avoidance, closed-mindedness, denial and fear.

Let me state that I do admire the work of regular scientists revealing the cosmos in other specific, valid, necessary, objective and conventional ways. I’m all for SETI, ESA and NASA’s continued discoveries and look forward to the launch of the Tess and James Webb Missions. The scientists’ revealing of patterns in the known physical universe may reflect deeper aspects of the non-physical cosmos. Their discoveries are necessary. In fact, connecting with ETI through alternative telepathic and contactee means may not necessarily reveal to us all there is to know as some ETI may want to avoid propitiating co-dependencies or not be willing to inform us of everything they know. Thus scientific research (also open to an open dialogue with the humanities and social sciences) should remain just as important in order to develop our understanding even after widely acknowledged verification or disclosure.

However (even if not coinciding with current theoretical frameworks or being taken seriously by most individuals with PhDs) credible evidence for an intelligent extraterrestrial presence does already exist, should be carefully looked into and should be creatively approached. Scientific but non-conventional methods are called for. If institution-based scientists remain unwilling to work with contactees to verify human-ETI interaction a new breed of “citizen scientists” also providing objectively-gathered evidence can promote knowledge and disclosure.

The Opportunity

The next step is to try to develop rapport with the extraterrestrial entities willing to establish a dialogue, allowing us to verify their presence. It is not naive because it has been gradually happening on a small scale. They may be willing not only to appear with their craft at a set place, date and time but to eventually – for instance – facilitate us filming or taking pictures of their vehicles, perhaps during daytime. That’s were science and scientific equipment can come in. Some reporters have even been occasionally able to witness and-or film anomalous aerial objects through some contactees.

If “CITIZEN SCIENTISTS” produce enough serious evidence, then an academic interest in actually verifying and communicating with ETI through contactees may also follow. Their work may also be scientifically valid and deserve due respect and being reproduced.

We would have to come to terms with the legal status of ETI as much as with our own legal status (or analogous concept) according to ETI procedures and understandings. We would have to understand whether existing in a non-completely physical form within our reality frame exempts ETI from our legal prohibition against flying over our nation’s skies without permission.We would have to come to terms with the likely fact that “they” have been coming and going before we even thought what a modern “legal status” was. We would have to consider that perhaps “they” (how many and why?) have influenced our cultural and biological evolution over eons. We would have to learn to communicate with them also according to their understandings.  

It is time to make contact, solidifying the evidence in an undeniable way, dialoguing in tandem with verifiable events to build our knowledge of who ‘they’ are, what their plans are, their differences, agreements, excesses, and so forth. We also need to know who ‘we’ are in relation to ‘them’ and who expects what from us. I think that treating contactee and UFO research in a non-trivial way will be a first step crucial to be treated by most ETI varieties as sufficiently responsible, intelligent, as equals and as sovereign whose conscious minds deserve to be respectfully consulted before interactions.


It is time to think more inclusively. The contact experience itself doesn’t need to be limited to individuals without scientific training. It can be both with a subjective-intersubjective approach as well as a careful, objective evidence-gathering approach. Both skeptical, materialist scientists claiming that there’s little or even “no shred of evidence” that we are being ‘visited’ and small segments of humanity claiming to already be in voluntary contact with ETI would have to come together recognizing the merits of each other’s methodologies as their exclusivist attitudes become passé.

Knowing when and where extraterrestrials may become detectable would give accredited scientists and “citizen scientists” time to prepare for careful data gathering including the use of measurement devices such as infrared, gamma ray, x ray, detectors. Perhaps the decay of spacecraft produced particles into gamma rays expected by theorists like Robert L. Schroeder can be tested. The role of consciousness, the subconscious, premonition, why some individuals can clearly see an ETI vehicle and someone next to them cannot could come to be better understood

Taking simultaneous pictures at a known distance between two cameras preferably in the daytime and with some clouds for reference and (with ETI consent) could be useful to triangulate the distance from materialized ETI objects establishing that they are indeed three dimensional, of a certain size and apparent distance as they become detectable in our spacetime reality.

I also take the proposal of working with bona fide contactees and willing extraterrestrial entities as an enhancement over already interesting and partially successful CE-5 methods because of the particularity of being friends with ‘them’,knowing who ‘they’ are, and when and where they will manifest. This would lead to more repetitive, experimental opportunities. What is need the most is not to dismiss offhand the requirement to work in a respectful manner with the finest available contactees, whether we agree or not with their ideologies or with their more qualitative, subjective-intersubjective methods. Contactees, contactee supporters, accredited scientists, citizen scientists and also the general public, cultural leaders and politicians al lneed to grow up. Given that most people may not be serious enough, nor ethically motivated or sufficiently  easy-going about full-blown, open contact interactions, most likely the process would have to be relatively gradual. However, it needs to get on its way.

Verified, objective interactions connected with associated extraterrestrial information could also gradually inform our exopolitical considerations. We could assign more credence to some of the information imparted about cosmic history, human history and the structure of an intelligent cosmic community.  Some of us could even have onboard contact opportunities and ETI ambassadorship may gradually manifest. The UN would have to establish a multi national research office and congressional hearings would ensue.

Practical, empirical results that can be analyzed would help scientists overcome their prejudice against the possibility of directly affecting physically verifiable phenomena through an interactive “space” not limited to a rigid external reality. Even the possibility of scientists experiencing some degree of verifiable physical and-or “transphysical” contact themselves could happen. Not facing these mind-expanding challenges would probably signal that we are an unviable, closed-minded  species, incapable of facing planetary challenges as a whole.




Experimental Contact Exopolitics

At Teotihuacan, Mexico July 2014 sighting with Sixto Paz
Photo 1: Meditation contact group pointing at ETI craft in Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 (with contactee Sixto Paz)
UFO over Teotihuacan with Sixto Paz July 2014
Photo 2: One of the several metallic craft observed at Teotihuacan, Mexico on July 19, 2014 after telepathic messages were received.


To develop Exopolitics we need to know who the ETs are. Developing a more proactive-interactive approach which is both verifiable and trust building we could find out more. We need to RELATE with them more and with greater awareness and equality.

Genuine contactees can contribute to this by assisting with the applications of scientific procedures. Furthermore, objective results would also legitimize their contact claims. It is 2014 and high time to shift ufological tactics first by relaxing many psychological, ideological and social prejudices and, quite simply…by attempting to scientifically verify the extraterrestrial presence with the assistance of some of these beings and their contactees.

With the growing abundance of documentaries on extraterrestrial life people are getting used to entertaining ideas and news about extraterrestrials, UFOs and contacts. Conventional documentaries sell the expectation of an eventual intelligent extraterrestrial contact mostly through technological means and the unconventional clearly suggest that it may be actually happening  through means which often include mental, psychic, spiritual and-or advanced spacetime/reality manipulating means.

It is time to bring both consciousness and scientific approaches together to detect and measure unconventional flying vehicles in an objective manner and to augment any verifiable interaction with their designers.

we need to be bolder and to move into a more proactive, experimental stage blending scientific verification means and the mental-psychic-social contactee means. I do think so after considering that already – on occasions – some degree of collectively verifiable human-extraterrestrial interactions have taken place through contactees in agreement with intelligent extraterrestrial varieties. It is not so much a matter of possibility but of overcoming the prejudices inhibiting us from even attempting it.

It is an issue of thinking beyond fears, a matter of surpassing social control mechanisms and limiting self-centered ‘comfort zones’. It is also a matter of intersubjective agreement. Instead of dismissing serious contactee efforts that may provide evidence but may also seem to be “pseudo-religious,” to the premises of our particular identity “tribe” let’s go out to the fields and find repeatable, objective evidence through experimental interaction! Empirical results are possible and the implications are vast. A new stage of Ufology suitable for Exopolitics is possible. Integrative Ufology: scientific, activist and psychic. The field demands this integration.


We seem to be dealing with a phenomenon that bridges the gap between purely physical and purely psychic-social experiences and explanations of reality. However, to begin dealing with this adequately, first of all, the very term “extraterrestrial” must become legitimate and not the butt of jokes in the perspectives of social actors.

Under the build-up of social awareness on ET issues, any dramatic UFO phenomenon event may spur enough social demand and the possibility of some kind of citizen or government-induced public “disclosure.” But before that first, it would be good to try to find out who’s who among the ETs to be disclosed.

I think that certain types of extraterrestrial intelligences (or “ETI”) interacted with through a few serious contact groups may become more disposed to show up (materialize? temporarily relocate?) their vehicles less ambiguously and more regularly under telepathically established place, date and time. Some ETI may be willing to work with well-meaning, balanced individuals to boost a scientifically verifiable kind of Ufology.


We ought to initiate a new stage of research. Ever since the beginning of the modern era of “Ufology”, some researchers went on to work with contactees, telepaths and experiencers and others went on to work with classical “nuts & bolts” approximations establishing themselves as more “scientific” and dismissive of the former. Today, there’s evidence that each approximation is valid for different aspects of a reality that encompasses them. Thus, these knowledge worlds must merge. Genuine contacteeism should not be further dismissed as stemming from illusion and-or crank cases especially if independent researchers and media reporters are objectively verifying it.   

The ETI connection between physical reality levels might occur through a non-physical, mental, information realm related to our subconscious minds and with which we are always connected. ETIs would be able to reach “our planet” not only by “tunneling” or quantum jumping between sectors of our universe but also among reality sectors, time rates and other parameters between various physical universes. This is why the concept of “ETI” would have to include the possibility of “transdimensionality.”

Let’s remember that the term “UFO” is an easy-to-use, but often imprecise, acronym pertinent to objects that have not been adequately identified, but if we have enough evidence that some of these objects are used by ETI, we should find another definition that applies to that. If we repeatedly verify in a reasonable way an intelligent interaction with objects connected with ETI after communicating with them we should apply another term, such as “ETV” (extraterrestrial vehicle) or such. Understanding these vehicles and the intelligences linked to them may be best done through a lessening of classical scientific strictures. The reason may be that, in order for them to function in our reality frame, subjective, probability-modifying, qualitative connections would also have to be in operation.

There are no clear statistics but I have the impression that for every few hundred or so typical abduction accounts (a la Budd Hopkins) there may be one that qualifies as communicative, friendly contact through invitation and respect of conscious choice. The requirement may be to possess a more permeable subconscious while in the conscious state. These types of contacts now seem to be less common and, due to our minds often being set on thinking of these encounters as truly “alien” and even manipulative they seem to be too nice to be true. However, generally speaking – even with benevolent, “space brother,” “classical contactee” cases – it is “them” (the particular extraterrestrial group involved) who generally decide how and who to initiate contact with.

For the most part, it seems that we are still too primitive, emotionally attached to simplistic, dichotomous views of reality and too unpredictable but – according to some contactees – we can still evolve way beyond that situation without co-dependent attachments to ETI.

Some ETI would be “benevolent” in the sense that they would believe that we can still “catch up” by awakening to actualize much greater dormant potentials. They would thus keep an eye on us advising and protecting our possibilities to evolve through a conscious effort. Moreover, these ETI varieties seem to be willing to communicate at least with a few of us a bit more under our communication styles as respectable entities of equal worth.

Other ETI groups not knowing what we may become and observing not only that we are destroying our ecosystems but that we have not yet obtained a decent planetary coherence as a species may have the right to take advantage of us, for instance by hybridizing with us to “enhance” us by producing hybrids. However, whether we see “eye to eye” with them or not this “taking advantage” may also be beneficial to us as future incarnating souls as we blens with another species perhaps generating a more balanced one.

However, I think the highest path for us relates to consciously chosen, VOLUNTARY forms of contact in which fear and limiting attachments are overcome and important information is consciously gained. As most ETs seem to be benevolent or neutral (and playing by non-undue interference rules) according to most experiencers, most ET contacts also seem to lead to spiritual and personal development.

Let us find some bona fide contactees that seem to work with varieties of ETI willing to interact more openly in a mutually respectful manner. It would beeasier to interact with human-looking ETs. Some called them “Adamic Race” ETs.

In George Adamski’s time, few other witnesses (like Madeleine Rodeffer) were able to see and film the craft or to accompany the main protagonist to a contact experience. Most of the alleged physical contactees from the 1950’s had experiences almost exclusively reserved to them as it’s been known through their individual testimonies. It seems that when the possibility of making these experiences more collectively verifiable was increasing, the “CONTACTEE ERA” (a window of opportunity in time) was questioned to the point of almost coming to a close. It didn’t make much difference even if some pictures (like for instance Paul Villa’s) really looked outstanding.

The many alleged contact cases with human-looking, conversant and friendly ETI known in the 1950s were almost forgotten and contacts with other kinds of ETI naturally surged from the 1960s on. We don’t need to condemn that but to understand it as a natural shift after easier contacts were rejected. Apparently, society and those in the know within Government would not believe such lofty propositions. Their values and intersubjective agreements would have to evolve to accept heartfelt information for them to get more objective evidence or to permit social change.

The first human-looking ETs seemed to invite us through a feeling of trust towards a higher form of living and it was not a mind thing. Grays and other ETs seem to be less healthy and needier but most may not actually be “negative.”

For various reasons the tendency in the world’s northern hemisphere was -generally speaking – also unable to match the more flexible – even if less analytical – adaptive mindset in some of the best (albeit few), coherent, idealist, Latin American contact groups, able to blend spirituality, some degree of intellectual coherence and hard work with a natural, easygoing INTERSUBJECTIVE connectivity and acceptance of the extraterrestrial presence as “elder brothers” or simply…as friends. Thus, a different contact plan with a different subgroup of ETIs was implemented in Latin America in the 1970s.

While most contact procedures in the Northern Hemisphere apparently became more, instrumental, intrusive, matter-of-fact, one-sided and result-driven, the ones in the Southern Hemisphere became subtler, more open to voluntary participation, but also at times tending towards sociological forms of psycho-spiritual cultism and over-idealization. However, contacts were real…even physically so and occasionally verified in a collective way. 

And today there’s a slowly growing awareness that a dynamic middle ground compromise accepting greater objectivity (while maintaining spiritual idealism) can be achieved. In the beginning, mostly due to a non-scientific attitude and to great respect for the “extraterrestrial guides” only in very rare instances did people bring along their cameras to try to document the ETI presence. Now, there’s a mildly growing interest in using video and photo cameras to document what is happening and with it there are more opportunities for a more modern kind of worldwide recognition.

Ufologists and scientists in the more rigidly intellectual “north” should at least suspend judgment as much as possible and go see what is happening with a spirit of genuine scientific exploration and straightforward sincerity. This is what Michael Salla (political scientist) and Paola Harris (investigative journalist) did through a particular serious contactee as reported in http://exopolitics.org/extraterrestrial-message-for-humanity/ and in http://edy.rdz.mybluehost.me/exonews/encounter-antarel-mt-shasta/. They verified the possibility of a peaceful, interaction with ETI.

In my view, those experiences can be repeated and improved in different countries with the respect and CONSENT of the particular friendly (and more human-compatible) extraterrestrial beings directly associated. That would be more exopolitically convenient for humanity at large since these beings seem to respect our self-determination much more markedly. Moreover, it should be repeated in a progressive manner with the aim of building genuine, amicable relationships of trust and respect, not only with the ETI but with ourselves, growing, learning and respecting the process involved.

Contact would also induce us to think of ourselves as a single species or family worldwide, overcoming hyper nationalisms and, if we connect more with each other like this, the various groups of ET (acting different plans and provisions in case of different eventualities) may see as a whole that we are more deserving of sovereignty.

Our worldviews, premises, and paradigms (now mired in conflicting views, materialism, lack of trust and even excessive post-modern relativism) will definitely receive a refreshing expansive influence after “first contact” becomes unequivocally clear in a conscious, worldwide sense or after a socially impacting form of disclosure is widely acknowledged. However, we still need to learn much more about benign forms of contact which not only are easier to assimilate by honest, rational human minds but also offering a communicative broad-spectrum picture. We need to converse with them’ and to know ‘who’s who’ among them. For this, we would need to psychologically move beyond the traditional “let’s first consider them as potential enemies” military-like, approach and this shift in view could even officially take place through gradual, voluntary contacts and interactions establishing trust.

We can bring together useful intelligent, QUALITATIVE approaches that, due to our self-investment in the partial solutions of dichotomous thinking, only SEEMED UNREAL AND NON-CREDIBLE. What can arise from this is not only a form of “scientific contacteeism” and a more “proactive exopolitics” but also an “experimental ufology” and, in the latter case (with increasing degrees of cooperation from ETI) we could have more opportunities to measure energy fields and other aspects related to various scientific theories that may begin to explain the physical, “trans physical” and-or “interdimensional” nature of devices that operate across levels of reality. The bulk of the effort, of coming together and research would fall upon human shoulders, not upon the “space brothers” (a perfectly valid term) who – in my view and that of a majority of contactees (in spite of detractors prejudices) are not here to “save us.”  They are not here to save us as is often generalized among intellectuals and researchers that often OVERSIMPLIFY contacteeism.

Through specific contactees and through their psychic-psychological-ethical, group-based contact methods (however “naïve” and “soft” they may seem) there may rise opportunities for accredited scientists and for objective “citizen scientists” to verify the interactive contacts; also greater opportunities to interact and communicate with ETI first hand. That is important and that is a possibility. A step forward to look up to.

I understand that contacts through genuine telepathy and telepathic, instrumental psychography are generally more respectful of human dignity and more accurate and I understand that, through them, the contact can sometimes be verified, for instance, through consecutive and simultaneous communication receptions, synchronicities and sufficiently unequivocal specifically expected verification sightings. However, to be fair, I must say that it is known that psychiatrist Mario Dussuel (advisor to Chile’s formal UAP/UFO research office CEFAA) carried on some proactive scientific contact experiences through the use of voice channeling. He requested a particular extraterrestrial group to provide a way to analyze the substance of “foo fighters” and apparently was soon given a PHYSICAL SAMPLE through another person and the analysis was performed. Therefore, there may be other methods but we must be careful so as not to deceive ourselves or be interfered by negative ETI groups or other entities.


The fear of being made fun of by peers inside academic, political and other modern institutions and then shunned from opportunities has been a powerful deterrent against serious research into genuine contacteeism. There simply is a stubborn resistance to consider something as crucial, especially through means outside of recognized academic methods. But the evidence for a reality that urges to be recognized will eventually win out against avoidance, closed-mindedness, denial, and fear.

Let me state that I do admire the work of regular scientists revealing the cosmos in other specific, valid, necessary, objective and conventional ways. I’m all for SETI, ESA and NASA’s continued discoveries and look forward to the launch of the Tess and James Webb Telescope Missions. The scientists’ revealing of patterns in the known physical universe may reflect deeper aspects of the non-physical cosmos. Their discoveries are necessary. In fact, connecting with ETI through alternative telepathic and contactee means may not necessarily reveal to us all there is to know as some ETI may want to avoid propitiating co-dependencies or not be willing to inform us of everything they know. Thus scientific research (also open to open dialogue with the humanities and social sciences) should remain just as important in order to develop our understanding even after widely acknowledged verification or disclosure.

However, (even if not coinciding with current theoretical frameworks or being taken seriously by most individuals with PhDs) credible evidence for an intelligent extraterrestrial presence does already exist, should be carefully looked into and should be creatively approached. Scientific but non-conventional methods are called for. If institution-based scientists remain unwilling to work with contactees to verify human-ETI interaction with a new breed of “citizen scientists” also providing objectively-gathered evidence can promote knowledge and disclosure.


The next step is to try to develop a rapport with the extraterrestrial entities willing to establish a dialogue, gradually but clearly allowing us to verify their presence. It is not something naive because it has already been gradually happening on a small scale. We can take the small-scale methods and what was learned and try to verify even more publicly.

“They” may be willing not only to appear with their craft at a set location, date and time but to eventually – for instance – facilitate us filming or taking pictures of their vehicles, perhaps during the daytime. That’s were science and scientific equipment can come in. Some reporters have even been occasionally able to witness and-or film anomalous aerial objects through some contactees. “They” may agree to move their craft in a certain way or produce certain energy emissions following our requests and a type of experimental verification could take place.

CITIZEN SCIENTISTS may be able to work with some open-minded, respectful accredited scientists but if the latter don’t show up the “CITIZEN SCIENTISTS” could produce serious evidence so that academic interest in actually verifying and communicating with ETI through contactees may follow.  Of course, the work of citizen scientists can also be scientifically valid and deserve due respect and also being reproduced.

We would have to come to terms with the legal status of ETI as much as with our own legal status in the cosmos (or analogous concept) according to ETI procedures and understandings. For instance, we would have to understand whether existing in a physical-but- non-completely physical form and materializing more to coincide within our reality frame exempts ETI from our legal prohibition against flying over our nation’s skies without permission.

We would have to come to terms with the likely fact that “they” have been coming and going before we even thought what a  “legal status” was in the modern sense of the word. We would have to consider that perhaps “they” (how many and why?) have influenced our cultural and biological evolution over eons. We may have to understand that we already share the planet with them. We would have to learn to communicate with them also according to their understandings.  

It is time to make direct contact, solidifying the evidence in an undeniable way, dialoguing together with verifiable events to build our knowledge of who ‘they’ are, what their plans are, their differences, agreements, excesses, and so forth.

We also need to know who ‘we’ are in relation to ‘them’ and who expects what from us in the larger scheme of things.

I think that treating contactee and UFO research in a non-trivial way will be a first step crucial to be treated by most ETI varieties as incipiently or sufficiently responsible, intelligent, or as equals and sovereign, beings whose conscious minds deserve to be respectfully consulted before interactions.


It is time to think much more inclusively. This is not wishy-washy thinking. It is vital to survive. The contact experience itself doesn’t need to be limited to individuals without scientific training. It can take place both with a subjective-intersubjective approach as well as with an objective evidence-gathering approach.

Both skeptical, materialist scientists claiming that there’s little or even “no shred of evidence” that we are being ‘visited’ and small segments of humanity claiming to already be involuntary contact with ETI needs to come together recognizing the merits of each other’s methodologies as their exclusivist attitudes become passé. The phenomenon itself may decide to increase its demonstrations worldwide because it may be urgent for us and them that we do not to destroy the Earth’s ecology. They may not want to show up in a shocking way but may also try to legitimize their presence by appearing to members of formal institutions.

Knowing when and where extraterrestrials may become detectable would give accredited scientists and “citizen scientists” time to prepare for careful data gathering including the use of measurement devices such as infrared, gamma-ray, x-ray, detectors. Perhaps the decay of spacecraft produced particles into gamma rays expected by theorists like Robert L. Schroeder can be tested. The role of consciousness, the subconscious, premonition, why some individuals can clearly see an ETI vehicle and someone next to them can be better understood. How can science grow by understanding UFOs? Is it a science of resonance in which consciousness is paramount?

Taking simultaneous pictures at a known distance between two cameras preferably in the daytime and with some clouds for reference and (with ETI consent) could be useful to triangulate the distance from materialized ETI objects establishing that they are indeed three dimensional, of a certain size and apparent distance as they become detectable in our spacetime reality.

I also take the proposal of working with bona fide contactees and willing extraterrestrial entities as an enhancement over already interesting and partially successful CE-5 methods because of the particularity of being friends with ‘them’, knowing who ‘they’ are, and when and where they will manifest. This would lead to more repetitive, experimental opportunities. What is need the most is not to dismiss offhand the requirement to work in a respectful manner with the finest available contactees, whether we agree or not with their ideologies or with their more qualitative, subjective-intersubjective methods. Contactees, contactee supporters, accredited scientists, citizen scientists and also the general public, cultural leaders and politicians al need to grow up. Given that most people may not be serious enough, nor ethically motivated or sufficiently easy-going about full-blown, open contact interactions, most likely the process would have to be relatively gradual. However, it needs to get on its way. We need to learn to think like an intelligence observing us observing outside of our historical routines to stop the stupid destruction of our lives, political systems, and environment.

Verified, objective interactions connected with associated extraterrestrial information could also gradually inform our exopolitical considerations. We could assign more credence to some of the information imparted about cosmic history, human history and the structure of an intelligent cosmic community.  Some of us could even have onboard contact opportunities and ETI ambassadorship may gradually manifest. The UN would have to establish a multinational research office and congressional hearings would ensue.

Practical, empirical results that can be analyzed would help scientists overcome their prejudice against the possibility of directly affecting physically verifiable phenomena through an interactive “space” not limited to a rigid external reality. Even the possibility of scientists experiencing some degree of verifiable physical and-or “trans physical” contact themselves could happen.

Not facing these mind-expanding challenges would probably signal that we are an unviable, closed-minded species, incapable of adapting beyond close-at-hand realities (local realism) or facing current planetary challenges as a whole.




Hawaii lava flow to facilitate First Contact according to extraterrestrial message


On October 31, an alleged communication was released from an extraterrestrial group calling itself the Intergalactic Board of Council regarding the Puu Oo lava flow in the Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii and its connection with First Contact. Major national news outlets have covered the lava flow which is poised to cut through the town of Pahoa, and flow soon after over Route 130, the major roadway connecting lower Puna to the rest of the Big Island. If the lava flow continues on to the ocean, which is a distinct possibility, the only access to the lower Puna region will eventually be through Chain of Craters road which is currently being rebuilt in case Puna is cut off. Chain of Craters road runs through the Volcano National Park which puts it under U.S. Federal jurisdiction in terms of who will have access into and out of lower Puna. This is a significant fact when it comes to the possibility that lower Puna will be a location where extraterrestrial First Contact will allegedly occur, making possible the creation of a model society for the rest of Hawaii, and the planet.

First it will be useful to explain a little about the Intergalactic Board of Council which has previously issued what it calls “communiques” through Gesanna, an individual chosen by the Council as their “oracle.” The October 31 communication is the 20th in series that began in early 2013, and is available for free on the website, Contact2Ascension.com. The messages have been psychically received by Gesanna, either through automatic writing or telepathic means. In a previous article I have commented on the importance and relevance of Gesanna’s communications which are worth considering, especially given what is happening with the Puu Oo lava flow and the changes it is bringing to the lower Puna region.

The October 31 Communique begins with Gesanna receiving information regarding the flow and how it will impact on her own home which is in the projected lava path. The communique claims that while a secret government cabal has been trying to influence the lava flow through technological means, the flow is essentially being directed by natural Earth changes, which for native Hawaiians is represented by Pele, goddess of volcanoes. The end result has been foreseen by the Intergalactic Board of Council as lower Puna being eventually cut off, and becoming an island within an island. This is where things become interesting since the Council claims that it will play a role in First Contact happening, and lower Puna becoming a model society for the rest of the planet to emulate as it sees fit.

It is worth pointing out that by “First Contact,” what is meant is that contact with extraterrestrial visitors occurs for a whole community, that is then able to transmit this information through modern communication technologies to the rest of the planet. While contact with extraterrestrials has been occurring since the Second World War era, this has always happened with select individuals that have been deliberately discredited, and/or secret government organizations that have kept such information highly classified. The planet’s population has been kept largely ignorant of these previous extraterrestrial contact events which are described in the book, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET. Consequently, events predicted to occur in lower Puna represent a First Contact event that potentially impacts the whole planet.

The October 31 Communique also mentions other significant recent developments such as the creation of a Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary in the lower Puna area called Kalapana. The Intergalactic Board of Council says that the Sanctuary will be the primary location for First Contact to occur. What makes the Council’s message especially significant here is that the dedication and opening ceremony for the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary occurred on June 27, 2014. That very evening, some of the more than 200 people who attended the ceremony saw major flashes of light at the Puu Oo crater, which is a major vent of Kilauea Volcano. Those flashes of light were the start of the new lava flow currently affecting Puna which was named by the U.S. Geological Survey, the June 27 lava flow.  This is a remarkable fact. It is more than coincidental that a major lava flow affecting the entire Puna region occurred the same day that a Sanctuary aiming to facilitate First Contact was dedicated and opened.

Click Map to Enlarge
Click Map to Enlarge

Significantly, the only access road into the lower Puna region, if and when it is cut off, Chain of Craters road, will be controlled by U.S. Federal Government authorities through the National Parks Service. This prediction really impressed me when reading the latest Intergalactic Board of Council communication. The National Park Service had indeed already announced that it will limit access to Chain of Crater’s road, once it is open, to lower Puna residents only. If First Contact was to occur in Kalapana, lower Puna, then it would be predictable that elements of the U.S. Government would want a means of exerting influence over what they would probably regard as an “experiment.”

If the Intergalactic Board of Council is correct in its predictions that lower Puna is destined to be cut off, and First Contact will occur there, then that will certainly create the conditions for a model society to be created. Such a society could indeed transform the rest of the Hawaiian Islands, and eventually the planet. Many of the predicted events in this latest Council communication are yet to happen, but it is worth keeping these in minds as the June 27 lava flow slowly winds its way to whatever its final destination. If the lava flow does indeed cut off lower Puna, and it becomes an island within an island, with remote access, then it would be feasible for extraterrestrials to make open contact for the first time with an entire community. First Contact would not only transform the people and area of lower Puna, but the rest of the planet.

Is that an elongated human skull on Mars?

Martian skull
Is this an elongated skull on Mars and is it connected to ancient Egypt? Source: UFOvni2012

A photograph taken by the Mars Curiosity Rover shows what appears to be an elongated skull on the Martian surface. According to an October 18, 2014, report by UFO Sightings Daily, the curious object is an elongated head similar to those found in ancient Egypt. In a Youtube video, the Martian skull like object is compared to elongated human skulls found in various Egyptian murals and the similarity is striking.

Around the same time the skull like object began to be discussed on the internet, NASA administrator Charles Bolden made a surprising statement about life on Mars in an October 9 interview in London:

People always ask the question ‘Why Mars?’ Several reasons: One, Mars is very Earth-like, or least used to be Earth-like. It is a planet, a sister planet to Earth. It is the most likely planet in our solar system, um, that had life at one time… may have life now, and we feel can definitely sustain life.

Was this merely a coincidence, or was Bolden preparing the world public for some surprising future announcement regarding life on Mars? Perhaps Martian life once existed, and it was connected to ancient Egypt?

The photograph was taken by Curiosity Rover on September 14, 2014 and was the focus of a video posted a month later. In the video, comparisons with various elongated human skulls depicted in Egyptian murals and statues, the suggestion is that the object is a human skull. If so, then the elongated skull may be evidence of a tangible connection between ancient Egypt and Mars. Both Earth and Mars at one time in their history possessed a human population with elongated skulls that were part of their respective planetary leaders.

Whatever the origin of the mysterious object, it is unlikely that the Curiosity Rover will investigate it more closely due to the standard response by NASA that such fossil like bone fragments are just rocks. For example, in its response to a Mars Rover image of what appeared to be a thigh bone found on Mars, NASA responded that it was nothing more than rock. Former NASA employees, such as Richard Hoover, however disagree. Hoover claims that NASA administrators go to great lengths to cover up the possibility of Martian life, and in one case directed one of the Rover missions to actually destroy evidence of a Martian fossil.

Perhaps NASA’s standard response is right, and the skull looking object captured by Curiosity Rover is just a rock. Alternatively, the object may be the elongated skull of a humanoid species that had a historical connection to ancient Egypt. Was NASA Administrator Bolden’s October 9 claim of past Martian life purely coincidental in timing, or the start of NASA releasing more of what it really knows about life on Mars?

© Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading

NSA document supports whistleblower claim of alien UFO communication program

NSA leaked slide showing SENTRY EAGLE program where different DHS, DOD, and NSA clasified programs are hidden within less classified national programs. (NSA)
NSA leaked slide showing SENTRY EAGLE program where different DHS, DOD, and NSA clasified programs are hidden within less classified national programs. (NSA)

On October 10, Peter Maass and Laura Poitras writing for The Intercept, released more powerpoint slides from leaked NSA documents concerning highly classified programs that are hidden from public scrutiny. The documents, originally leaked by Edward Snowden, reveal that “Sentry Eagle” is used as an umbrella term for hiding the NSA’s most sensitive programs that are classified “Exceptionally Controlled Information” (ECI). Several powerpoint slides show how ECI programs are hidden beneath less classified programs as a cover. The leaked documents support claims made 16 years earlier by Dan Sherman, another NSA whistleblower, who revealed that he worked in a secret communications program with alien (extraterrestrial) entities that was hidden beneath less classified NSA programs as a cover.

The Intercept article discusses a 13 page “brief sheet” about “Sentry Eagle”:

“You are being indoctrinated on Sentry Eagle,” the 2004 document begins, before going on to list the most highly classified aspects of its various programs. It warns that the details of the Sentry Eagle programs are to be shared with only a “limited number” of people, and even then only with the approval of one of a handful of senior intelligence officials, including the NSA director.

Among the leaked power point slides is a set called “Core Secrets Slide Slices.” These slides (see slideshow) reveal how ECI programs are only made available to a few select individuals within the Intelligence Community with a strict need to know access. Two of the slides show how Sentry Eagle acts as an umbrella for hiding its most sensitive ECI programs under less classified programs. This supports the claims by Dan Sherman who worked for three years as an electronic intelligence specialist with the NSA.

Dan Sherman served with the US Air Force for twelve years (1982-1994), and received a number of awards including the Commendation Medal and the Achievement Medal. He revealed that he was recruited into a classified program, “Project Preserve Destiny” (PPD), that was conducted under the auspices of the National Security Agency (NSA). The training was for Sherman to become an “intuitive communicator” with extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs). Essentially, Sherman would learn to telepathically interface with EBEs and pass on this information through a secure computer system to his handlers within the NSA. Sherman’s training for PPD was conducted at the same time while training for a conventional military career in electronic intelligence (ELINT), which itself was classified.

Sherman NSA Certificate
Dan Sherman’s NSA Certificate. Extracted from Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny, p. 69. (Dan Sherman)

Sherman described that his ELINT training acted as a cover for his participation in PPD that spanned a three year period (1991-1994). In his book, Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny – Insider Account of Alien Contact and Government Cover-Up (1998), Sherman revealed how he was recruited and trained in a way unknown to his normal ELINT military trainers. The training occurred over the same period as his normal training in ELINT. When he was subsequently assigned to the NSA, Sherman worked on a specially designed computer where he could perform both his normal ELINT work, and also work as an intuitive communicator with EBEs.

This is how Sherman describes, in his 1998 book, the rational for hiding deep black alien related projects under the umbrella of a less classified program:

When someone is assigned to an alien project they are also assigned to the collateral black mission (cover mission). One of the reason for this is if someone were to reveal any alien information, by extension, they would most likely reveal something about the cover project and it would be on this basis that someone would be prosecuted for divulging classified information. (p. IX)

Sherman’s claim of working within a deep black project hidden within a less classified NSA project has been corroborated by the leaked NSA documents. “Sentry Eagle” operates precisely in the way described by Sherman’s account of his time working in two classified programs for the NSA from 1991 to 1994.

The leaked NSA documents reveal that Sentry Eagle has six programs:

  • Sentry Hawk (for activities involving computer network exploitation, or spying),
  • Sentry Falcon (computer network defense),
  • Sentry Osprey (cooperation with the CIA and other intelligence agencies),
  • Sentry Raven (breaking encryption systems),
  • Sentry Condor (computer network operations and attacks),
  • Sentry Owl (collaborations with private companies).

Sherman’s claims that he was recruited from the USAF for the NSA alien program while training as an ELINT specialist with the USAF suggests that Project Preserve Destiny was likely part of the Sentry Osprey program that involved cooperation between the NSA and other intelligence agencies.

After officially retiring from the USAF and ending his classified work with the NSA, Dan Sherman went public with his 1998 book in which he supplied documentation of his training and work with the NSA as an electronic intelligence specialist. Sherman’s claim made 16 years ago that he worked in a highly classified (“above black”) program hidden within a less classified NSA “black” program has not been corroborated until now with the leaked Snowden documents. Sherman’s claims suggest that within one or more of the NSA’s Sentry Eagle six compartments, there are ongoing alien (extraterrestrial) projects that are hidden within less classified NSA cover programs.

 © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

An Encounter with Antarel at Mt Shasta

By Paola Harris
September 29, 2014

As in the movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, I was invited.

This 1977 film began my life as a researcher because I went to find the father of Ufology, Astronomer Dr. J Allen Hynek, and I worked with him for 6 years until he died. So it is logical that the film invitation would be followed by a invitation to experience actual contact 34 years later on September 21st, 2014.


This past year, I was researching Contact from the Stars and Spacebrother / Human-type alien interactions when I encountered Ricardo González from Peru. I interviewed him for my Italian magazine X-TIMES.

His Extraterrestrial contact is the three meter tall, muscular Spaceman named ANTAREL from the Alpha Centauri system.

Ricardo is perhaps one the most prepared, brilliant researchers in the world. He is impressive with his commitment to world peace and his search for truth and his many travels around the world. He is a Peruvian who lives in Argentina with his companion SOL SANFELICE , who has the singing voice of an Angel.

Ricardo has a group of 7 confidants, including SOL SANFELICE, his companion. Corinna Muzi was my Spanish interpreter as she speaks Italian, my first language. She was another of the 7 confidants —  friends who travel with Ricardo and with whom he has recently returned from ALTAI in Russia. They all were very aware of the precarious, geopolitical situation that interests, not only us, but the star people. In three days on Mount Shasta, we surrounded the planet with light, chanting OM and meditating and praying for peace.

Ricardo and Sol, Mt. Shasta, September, 2014

In August of this year, Ricardo wrote me that he was holding his annual Mount Shasta meditation seminar and that Antarel asked I be present. I have always wanted to go to Mount Shasta, and for three days that I was there with 165 Spanish speaking participants. It was an emotional experience.

We were sleeping in tents under the stars, fasting — with little food — to raise the vibration, and meditating on WORLD PEACE most of each day. It was here that I experienced a life changing moment. I was quite content to be part of this wonderful group of Hispanic light workers, knowing that Extraterrestrial craft was flying over our heads — at times captured by Ricardo’s night vision equipment. At 20:00 hours, two UFOs flew parallel over our heads as predicted [see video above].  It was an omen of things to come.

Around 22.30 PM, the night of the Autumn Equinox, Ricardo asked us to do a most unusual exercise. We were to chant OM in the Sand Flats under the stars, not using any flashlights, with no full moon in total darkness. We were then to disperse and walk in a limited area for one half hour. In that time we were to select a small rock to place on the peace flag which was created out of stones in the main camp site. Then we were to return to our chairs.

The WoodsI noticed my interpreter, Corinna, was missing. It was that moment that Ricardo rushed over to me and said “Antarel is here. My people are with him, do you want this contact? Can you handle it? Can you come to the Forest Area with me?”

It was a terrifying, split second decision that would change my reality forever. My heart was beating very fast.

Antarel had invited 2 more ladies and all three of us held hands, walking toward a corner of the dark forest on Mt Shasta. Ricardo shouted back to his Group to continue meditating with a friend, who he put in charge. It was quite unexpected for him as well. I was on the right side of the group and as long as I my right hand was in the hand of the other woman, I felt safe. From far away, I saw a light mist rise from the ground, on the left side of a spruce tree. Ricardo explained to me that a porthole had opened called a Zendra.

Mt Shasta ET contact

I then saw Corinna and, next to her, Sol Sanfelice, whose arms were stretched out. She was standing still, looking at at a three meter giant in the woods. Sol was inching her way towards him because that was the first time she had seen him in the physical form. She told me later she wanted to embrace him. I was asked to drop the hand of the woman on the right. As I stood in the darkness, that was perhaps the most terrifying moment of all, that feeling of being alone. I could hear Ricardo chanting in the background, as he was not to be part of this encounter.

It was an invitation of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS and a moment in time that transformed a human like me to awareness that the forest, the people, the stars, Antarel and the group were ONE!


Antarel spoke in a language I could not understand. It was an echoing voice, much like a radio transmission. I tried so hard to hear his words that were coming from high on the trees to the right of me. Two words were very very clear “THANK YOU”! They echoed in perfect English. They were perfect and clear and came in an Echo.

We all felt him, some saw him…and he spoke to me. It was Contact. “Thank you” was for all of us. It was what this phenomena is all about. There is no separation.

As terrifying as the darkness, the forest and the situation was, it is that moment which changes everything. I remember when I first met Colonel Corso in Roswell, New Mexico in 1997. He told me that he had contact with an Alien being in Red Canyon and that the ET being asked the colonel to come aboard the ship. The Colonel asked him “What do you have to offer me?” The Extraterrestrial being answered “A NEW WORLD, IF YOU CAN HANDLE IT.”

Seventeen years later, Ricardo González asks Paola Harris,“Can you handle this contact tonight?” It comes full circle in the human experience of my research.

The answer is “YES!” Yes to contact and yes to the Paradigm Shift.

Grazias, Ricardo and your friends.

Thank You to Antarel.

I recently found out that there was a psychic transmission, on September 16th, of this event, which one of Ricardo’s friends drew on paper. There are 3 drawings depicting this very event with my name, marked “Harris,” standing next to that spruce tree in the exact spot I was standing on September 21st. It was all pre-programmed. All I needed to do was
to say “Yes!”


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