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  • ‘Black Knight’ the Alien Satellite Orbiting Earth is Said to Be 13,000 Years Old

‘Black Knight’ the Alien Satellite Orbiting Earth is Said to Be 13,000 Years Old

by Chris Ford and Daksha Devani                   May 21, 2019                       (theepochtimes.com)

• Is the Black Knight satellite one of several satellites orbiting the Earth from the distant past? Or is it just a thermal blanket lost from the Endeavour space shuttle during the development of International Space Station as the deep state debunkers now claim? As to what this enigmatic black satellite is – what it does and where it came from – to this day, there are no definitive conclusions.  (see 9:14 minute video on the ‘Black Knight’ enigma below)

• Some say that Nikola Tesla discovered the Black Knight satellite when he began receiving strange “timed” signals while he was testing a high-voltage, magnifying transmitter device in 1899. Tesla was shocked by the discovery and deduced that they were coming from extraterrestrials, either from Mars or from elsewhere in outer space.

• Soon after Tesla’s discovery, other inventors such as Guglielmo Marconi reported that Morse code signals sent from transmitters were being sent back to them from an unknown source after a delay of several seconds. The returned signals were dubbed as “long delayed echos,” (LDEs), which some thought were of extraterrestrial origin. Experiments were conducted from 1928 through the 1930’s, which verified the existence but not the explanation of LDEs. To this day, scientists do not have a conclusive explanation for their existence.

• In 1954, both the St. Louis Dispatch and the San Francisco Examiner reported that several of these strange, artificial satellites had been spotted. Soon there were an untold number of sightings of these mysterious artificial satellites orbiting Earth in very abnormal patterns during the 1950’s and 60’s.

• In March 1960, a huge black object weighing 15 tons was tracked in a “polar orbit” around the Earth, traveling at twice the speed of normal satellites. Neither the U.S. nor the Russians had the capability to put a satellite this heavy into polar orbit at the time. The object was dubbed “Black Knight” after a rocket developed by the British in the 1950’s.

• When the Black Knight satellite made front page headlines in numerous newspapers, the Pentagon stepped in and stated that the objects were merely asteroids. But many did not buy this explanation, believing them to be of either Russian or alien origin.

• In 1972, science writer and astronomer Duncan Lunan deciphered a code from the previously documented LDEs which revealed an extraterrestrial message: “Start here. Our home is epsilon bootis. Which is a double star. We live on the 6th planet of 7–Check that, 6th of 7 – Counting outwards from the sun, which is the larger of the two. Our planet has one moon, our 4th planet has three, our 1st and 3rd planets each have one. Our probe is in the orbit of your moon. This updates the position of Arcturus shown on our maps.”

• Lunan charted the LDE signals and discovered that they formed a pattern, which matched the Epsilon Boötis Constellation as it had looked 13,000 years ago. Based on this, he surmised that the Black Knight probe was at least 13,000 years old.

• After the 1970’s the world lost interest in the Black Knight until 1998 when high-resolution images of the Black Knight satellite were captured by astronauts from the Space Shuttle Endeavour while in space (see image above), and public interest was rekindled. Astronomers began tracking these satellites (reports suggested there were several), which were said to appear and disappear, sometimes for years at a time, before reappearing again. The objects were also reported to change directions, making 90 or 180 degree turns while in mid-flight.

• The director of the Adler Planetarium, Robert L. Johnson, said: “The object doesn’t even have the decency to maintain a regular schedule, like any other heavenly or man-made object … we don’t know when to watch for it.” 


For more than a century, there have been signals and sightings of an “alien” satellite orbiting our planet. In 1998, for the first time ever, high-resolution images of this “non-terrestrial” satellite were captured by astronauts from the Space Shuttle Endeavour while in space. This inexplicable satellite is known to us only as “the Black Knight.”

From the famous inventor Nikola Tesla’s early discovery of strange signals coming from outer space, to the untold number of sightings of mysterious artificial satellites during the 1950s and 60s, evidence suggests that there are one or more alien satellites orbiting Earth in very abnormal patterns.

This satellite was dubbed “the Black Knight” after a rocket developed by the British in the 1950s.

After the Pentagon dismissed the object as an “asteroid,” people eventually began to believe that’s what it was … that is, until it was caught on camera in the late 90s.

When visual evidence from the Space Shuttle Endeavour finally captured images of what was believed to be the Black Knight in 1998, public interest on the topic was rekindled, along with interest in stories from decades past, of Tesla’s discovery, strange signals from space, countless sightings, and decoded messages, which made the object the stuff of legend throughout the 20th century.

As to what this enigmatic black satellite is—what it does and where it came from—to this day, there are no definitive conclusions. Some say that Nikola Tesla discovered it when he began receiving strange “timed” signals while he was testing a high-voltage, magnifying transmitter device in 1899.

Tesla was shocked by the discovery and deduced that they were coming from extraterrestrials, either from Mars or from elsewhere in outer space.

Some speculate that Tesla had been in contact with aliens, who assisted him in creating his electrical inventions, and that he was receiving ideas through telepathic communications sent to him from extraterrestrials, which helped him realize groundbreaking new technology.

Soon, other inventors such as Guglielmo Marconi started reporting similar strange phenomena. They found that Morse code signals sent from their transmitters were being sent back to them from an unknown source after an unusual delay of several seconds. The returned signals were dubbed as “long delayed echos,” (LDEs), which some thought were of extraterrestrial origin.

The occurrence of these unexplained signals caused a commotion in the press, and many experiments were conducted from 1928 through the 1930s, which verified the existence of LDEs though could not explain them. To this day, scientists do not have a conclusive explanation for their existence.

9:14 minute video on the ‘Black Knight’ enigma (‘Beyond Science’ YouTube channel)



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“long delayed echos”, “polar orbit”, Black Knight Satellite', Duncan Lunan, Epsilon Boötis Constellation, Guglielmo Marconi, Nikola Tesla, Robert L. Johnson, San Francisco Examiner, Space Shuttle Endeavour, St. Louis Dispatch, thermal blanket

ExoNews Editor

Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his life’s work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanity’s collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planet’s history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species’ ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community.

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