FAA Westbury Radar Facility was evacuated during October 13 UFO New York sighting.
On October 13, 2010 several dozen UFOs were sighted over Manhattan, New York City. Reports of the sightings began from around 1:30 pm and lasted into late Wednesday afternoon. On being approached by several news media for comment, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) first reported nothing appeared on their radar. When it was later learned that a school in nearby Mt Vernon had released several party balloons in the sky, many media sources claimed the mystery behind the New York UFOs was solved. What media sources covering the New York UFO sightings failed to mention was that from 6:45 pm of the same day (October 13), the FAA had closed down air operations at New York’s three airports for about an hour.
The FAA claimed that the flight delays were due to a “gas smell” from the FAA radar facility in Westbury that handles New York City flights. According to an Associated Press story on the mysterious gas smell, it led to the radar facility being closed and the evacuation of radar technicians. What’s more likely is that the FAA closed its radar facility and delayed flights due to the UFOs hovering at the time over Manhattan. More importantly, the UFOs may have interfered in some way with the radar equipment. If so, then it appears that the FAA is covering up the true significance of UFOs witnessed over New York City.
Here’s what Jim Peters, an FAA spokesperson, first said when asked about the UFO sightings over Manhattan.
We re-ran radar to see if there was anything there that we can’t account for but there is nothing in the area…. There was some helicopter traffic over the river at that time and we checked with LaGuardia Tower. And they said they had nothing going low at that time…. Nothing that we can account for would prompt this kind of response.”:
Peters went on to claim, “if it was a weather balloon or any kind of organized balloon release, authorities should have been notified in advance. Police officials said they had received no notification.”
While the FAA was denying any significance to the New York UFO story, an Associated Press story revealed that New York’s three major airports had been disrupted during the UFO sighting. The official cause for the disruption was the “smell of gas” at the radar facility handling all three major airports that led to its brief evacuation. Here’s what the AP reported
Authorities say the radar facility that handles all arrivals and departures for New York City’s three major airports was briefly evacuated after the smell of gas was reported. Flights were being delayed. Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Jim Peters says the facility in Westbury was evacuated as a precaution at about 6:45 p.m. Wednesday. A handful of air traffic controllers remained behind. He says other staff members were cleared to return about an hour later. But he says the evacuation led to residual delays at LaGuardia, Kennedy and Newark airports. The FAA’s website says departures at LaGuardia were delayed up to an hour. It wasn’t immediately clear how many flights were affected.
The one hour closure of air operations at New York’s three airports together with the evacuation of the radar facility during the appearance of UFOs over Manhattan may simply be an extraordinary coincidence. What’s far more likely, however, is that the FAA is covering up the true significance of the UFOs sighted on October 13, and how the UFOs led to flight delays for three major airports, and even interfered with the FAA’s radar facility in a way that led to its closure. This has many parallels with recent airport closings in China where radar operations were disrupted by UFOs.
The likelihood that the FAA is covering-up the significance of the UFOs leads to serious doubt over the party balloons explanation now being circulated by the mass media as to what appeared over New York City. The New York Post , Fox News and other media sources have all claimed the UFOs were balloons released by children at a nearby school in Mt Vernon. A Youtube video reveals that about a dozen party balloons were accidently released around midday for a birthday celebration.
The party balloon explanation is however very unlikely given the time involved between initial and later reports. Even though the New York UFO sightings were first officially reported at 1:30 pm, shortly after the accidental Mt Vernon party balloon release, witnesses described seeing the UFOs as early as 9:30 am on October 13, and that they numbered as many as 50. Also, the closure of the New York radar facilities and flight delays began at 6:45 pm. Up to this time, UFOs were being sighted and filmed by New York residents. Could a dozen party balloons hover for more than five hours over Manhattan after first drifting down from nearby Mt Vernon, and remain stationary over NYC? More importantly, could party balloons have mysteriously contributed to the evacuation of the Westbury radar facility, and flight delays for up to an hour at three major airports?
The party balloon explanation falls apart at closer examination. It nevertheless appears to have been quickly accepted by the mass media in what appears to be an officially sanctioned attempt to cover up the truth behind the New York UFO sightings. This leads to the most plausible explanation that the UFOs were intelligently controlled objects that caused problems with the Westbury radar facility. This led to flight delays at New York’s three major airports. This seems to be a similar series of events as occurred earlier this year at several Chinese airports after UFO sightings. Most significantly, what happened over New York’s skies vindicates the October 13 prediction made four months earlier by a retired NORAD officer that extraterrestrial vehicles would begin appearing over major world cities as the first step in a process to prepare humanity for the truth that we are not alone.
UFO photographed in New York on October 13. Photo: Jason Diamond Barcroft.
On October 13, several dozen UFOs were sighted over New York City. The sightings began around midday and lasted until early evening. They were sighted by hundreds, and filmed by witnesses and television crews. Multiple videos of the UFOs have been broadcast. There was no official comment from government authorities over the source of the UFOs that maintained a steady position for hours on end. The FAA said nothing showed up on radar and it had no advance reports of balloons being launched in the area. The October 13 sighting would be like so many other unexplained UFO sightings over major cities, except for one notable exception. Stanley A. Fulham, a retired NORAD officer, actually predicted October 13 as the date that extraterrestrial visitors would appear as the initial step in a process to educate the world public that we are not alone. Astonishingly, his prediction was validated by the mass UFO sighting in New York, as well as in other major cities. Could the New York UFO sighting on October 13 be the first step in extraterrestrials indisputably revealing themselves to the world public as Fulham claims?
Fulham first made his prediction in a Youtube video posted on June 26, 2010. The prediction was elaborated upon in a Press Release that appeared on September 13:
Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world’s principal cities. According to the author [Fulham], the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date…
In an interview on his website, Fulham explains more about the October 13 date as the first in a series of steps to prepary humanity for overt extraterrestrial intervention in 2015:
The aliens’ UFO display on 13 October 2010 is a tentative date. The aliens function with their Free Will and Choice and may determine that the conditions on Earth are so bad with the earth changes and the world’s economic and financial collapse that their intervention at that critical time would collapse humanity in massive panic, fear and confusion. If so, it will only be a temporary postponement of their intervention because their UFO display is only the initial step in preparing people for their intervention, possibly in 2015, without creating massive fear and panic.
There has been a succession of past predictions concerning UFOs showing up on specific dates to demonstrate the reality of extraterrestrials visiting our world. One of the most prominent was an Australian psychic, Blossum Goodchild, who predicted October 14, 2008 as the date that UFOs would show up. Given the dismal track record of prior UFO predictions demonstrating the existence of extraterrestrial life, this writer like many others, did not get too excited by Fulham’s October 13 prediction. Furthermore, when it became clear that Fulham’s prediction derived in part from the alleged channeling of extraterrestrials he calls the “Transcendorsâ€, that made it even less appealing.
The spectacular October 13 sighting of up to several dozen UFOs over New York city, as well as independent UFOs sightings in San Francisco, Seattle, Orlando, Puerto Rico, and Malaysia is partial vindication for Fulham’s prediction. Though he pointed out that “the aliens will neither land nor communicate on that date,†the consequences of the mass UFO sightings are not what Fulham predicted in his Press Release. He said that the mass UFO sightings will “occur this year, in what will surely be one of the great dramas of our galaxy, the introduction of their alien civilizations and technologies to mankind. We are not alone, and our world will have changed forever.” However, what was sighted and filmed in New York was hardly indisputable proof of extraterrestrial life. The objects were distant lights that held a steady position for hours on end. This would rule out the idea that they were helium party balloons as claimed by students from one school in nearby Mt Vernon. The opinion of many observers was that the objects were not balloons, aircraft or stars, and were in fact UFOs of some kind. But that is a long way from saying that the UFOs were indisputable proof of extraterrestrial life.
Fulham’s prediction made clear that the October 13 sighting would be the first in a series culminating in an overt intervention by 2015. Perhaps, he was referring to the consequences of later UFO sightings in the series in his Press Release. More information about the series and his predicted extraterrestrial intervention by 2015 is found iin his book, Challenges of Change, and on his website. So we are likely to have more predictions from Fulham in the months and years ahead about mass UFO sightings he claims will culminate in an overt extraterrestrial intervention by 2015. At the very least, Fulham has gotten the attention of many who did not give much thought to his October 13 prediction. We will certainly pay closer attention the next time he predicts UFOs appearing in a process that indisputably demonstrates the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Kavli Royal Society International Centre. Venue of Oct 4-5 conference: "Towards a scientific and societal agenda on extra-terrestrial life." Photo: Royal Society
On Sept 26, I reported on a breaking story that at an upcoming Royal Society conference, the head of the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Dr Mazlan Othman, was to reveal how the UN was preparing to appoint her to be the First Contact liaison with extraterrestrial life. The story was first reported by Jonathan Leake, the Science Editor for The Sunday Times, and was picked up my multiple international mainstream media sources including the Sunday Telegraph and The Australian. The Guardian newspaper was eventually able to get in touch by email with Othman to confirm Leake’s story and she replied: “It sounds really cool but I have to deny it.” In addition to Othman’s email, when business opened on Monday, Fox News was able to get in touch with Jamshid Gaziyev, a UN spokesperson who described the story as “nonsense.” The question that remains to be answered is why did the Science Editor of a major British newspaper write about the UN appointing a First Contact liaison with extraterrestrials if there was no substance to it?
… the UN is set to select an obscure Malaysian astrophysicist who is head of its little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa). Mazlan Othman will describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire.
The conference Leake is referring to is titled: “Towards a scientific and societal agenda on extra-terrestrial life” scheduled to take place on October 4-5. The conference webpage says: “With a mix of invited talks and panel debates, we particularly look into the detection of life, the communication with potential extra-terrestrial civilizations, the implications for the future of humanity, and the political processes that are required.” This is what Leake went on to say about what Othman was set to announce at the conference:
She will tell delegates that the recent discovery of hundreds of planets around other stars has made the detection of extraterrestrial life more likely than ever before – and that means the UN must be ready to co-ordinate humanity’s response to any “first contact”.
What was the basis for Leake’s comments about Othman’s upcoming talk? This is what he wrote:
The Sunday Times has obtained a recording of a talk Othman gave recently to fellow scientists in which she said: “The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day humankind will receive signals from extraterrestrials. When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such co-ordination.”
From the recorded talk, it’s safe to conclude that Othman believes that the UN ought to “have in place a coordinated response” to the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Leake goes on to write:
As director of Unoosa, she has developed policies on issues raised by advances in space technology, such as how humanity should respond to the discovery of asteroids and comets found to be on a collision course with Earth. The same thinking lies behind her proposals for dealing with the discovery of alien life.
So what proposals is Leake referring to here? He doesn’t explain what these are and how he learned of them, but he nevertheless elaborates on what the UN is planning.
Her plans to make her department the co-ordinating body for dealing with alien encounters will be debated by UN scientific advisory committees and should eventually reach the body’s general assembly.
In contrast, according to Gaziyev, the UN spokesperson, Othman’s forthcoming conference presentation would: “discuss the problems posed by “space debris mitigation, near-Earth objects (asteroids) and the coordination mechanism for the use of space technology in the United Nations system.” That’s surprising given the theme of the conference and the panel Othman was set to appear on: “Extra-terrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN agenda.” It is sensible given the alleged recorded talk by Othman that Leake said the Sunday Times has and he cited, that Othman is at the very least interested in the UN having “in place a coordinated response” to the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Is the UN playing damage control on what Othman was likely to discuss at a Royal Society conference addressing exo-political issues confronting the UN with the inevitable discovery of extraterrestrial life?
Of course, we know now that a UN spokesperson dismissed the First Contact ET liaison story as nonsense, as did Othman. So the question is why did Leake publish a story that both Mazlan Othman and the UN would quickly repudiate? Why did he write about Othman’s “proposals for dealing with the discovery of alien life” and her “plans to make her department the co-ordinating body for dealing with alien encounters.” Did he infer, fabricate or was he tipped off concerning these “proposals” and “plans”? Was he acting alone or was he acting on behalf of others in preempting or sabotaging what Othman was planning to say at the upcoming Royal Society conference? There is a lot of mystery behind Leake’s initial report given his very responsible position as the Science Editor for a major UK newspaper.
Whatever the answer to the above questions and unsolved mystery behind Leake’s initial report, one thing is clear, leading scientists from around the world will travel next week to the Royal Society to discuss the political and social consequences of the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Most importantly, Othman will be there to provide insight into the role of the UN in coordinating international responses to the issues being discussed. Perhaps she’ll focus on space rocks hitting the Earth as the UN spokesperson said. Or perhaps she’ll open up and discuss the UN having “in place a coordinated response” to the discovery of extraterrestrial life as Leake suggested. We’ll find out shortly. While the conference is now filled,, I’ve been informed by organizers that sessions will be digitally recorded for audio and video release through the Royal Society website.
Dr Mazlan Othman, Director or the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs. Photo: UN/IISD
The United Nations is set to appoint the head of its Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) as the first official responsible for representing humanity in the case of contact with extraterrestrial life. At an upcoming Royal Society (of London) conference scheduled from October 4-5, Dr Mazlan Othman will explain how the UN plans to implement changes that will result in her being given responsibility as part of her current position as the director of UNOOSA. Othman says the need for such a responsibility is due to the discovery of exoplanets that makes it more likely than ever that humanity will eventually discover extraterrestrial life. She has said that the UN is now actively planning a coordinated response for ‘First Contact’ .
Othman is a respected figure in the astrophysics and Outer Space Affairs community. She was the first female to graduate with a Ph.D in astrophysics from the University of Otago New Zealand (1981) and became Malaysia’s first astrophysicist. She was nominated by Kofi Annan to head UNOOSA from 1999 to 2002, before being summoned back to Malaysia to head the Malaysian National Space Agency from 2002-2007. She was responsible for the training and flight of Malaysia’s first astronaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, and was re-appointed head of UNOOSA by the current UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in 2007. As far as Othman’s scientific expertise is concerned, Professor Richard Crowther, a space law expert at the United Kingdom’s space agency said: “Othman is absolutely the nearest thing we have to a ‘take me to your leader’ personâ€.
The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day human kind will receive signals from extraterrestrials. When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.
At the October 4-5 Royal Society conference, Othman will go into detail in the process the UN plans to undertake to appoint her as humanity’s first representative for First Contact. The Conference is titled “Towards a scientific and societal agenda on extra-terrestrial life,†and its webpage explains the need for political processes to accommodate scientific study of extraterrestrial life:
Even more than the scientific agenda, a corresponding complementary societal agenda needs to be debated. With a mix of invited talks and panel debates, we particularly look into the detection of life, the communication with potential extra-terrestrial civilizations, the implications for the future of humanity, and the political processes that are required.â€
Othman will present at a panel discussion titled: “Extra-terrestrial life and arising political issues for the UN agenda.”
Othman’s position shows that the United Nations is closely monitoring scientific developments concerning the discovery of exoplanets and the growing likelihood that life can be found throughout the universe. Recently, renowned astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking caused a furor when he said that extraterrestrial life is almost certain to exist, but we should be careful since they are likely to be predatory in nature. Hawking’s exopolitical speculations has stimulated wide ranging debate over the motivations of advanced extraterrestrial life. As a member of the Royal Society, Hawking’s views very likely played a role in influencing the agenda of the upcoming Royal Society conference.
The upcoming UN announcement of a First Contact official comes at a convenient time for a grass roots effort to get the City of Denver to pass an Ordinance, Initiative 300, that will create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. Initiative 300 is on the ballot for the November mid-term elections and deals with some of the same “First Contact†issues that Othman will be given responsibility for at the UN. For example, the proposed Ordinance asks:
Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations?
It will certainly be difficult to dismiss the importance of Denver’s proposed Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission if the UN moves forward with its plans to appoint Othman as the official responsible for First Contact, and the Royal Society endorses political processes to deal with the detection of extraterrestrial life.
The upcoming appointment of a UN official to be in charge of a future First Contact scenario is a welcome step forward in legitimating discussion about the social and political implications of extraterrestrial life. Such a political discussion – popularly known as exopolitics – is the explicit focus of the upcoming Royal Society Conference. Uthman’s upcoming responsibility makes it more important than ever that the academic/scientific community discusses the social and political implications of the discovery of extraterrestrial life, and the growing likelihood of First Contact. Further Reading
A Montage of Life Born in the Astronomical Context. Graphic by Keren E. Fedida: Planets and Life Certificate
Princeton University has just announced a “Planets and Life” Certificate program in astrobiology that offers students an interdisciplinary approach to the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing throughout the universe. Astrobiology, or ‘exobiology’ as it first developed, is a scientific discipline that by definition is interested in the biology of life beyond our planet. Astrobiology is attracting growing student and scientific attention due to the ongoing discovery of exoplanets. A recent announcement from scientists working on the Kepler Space Telescope that rocky earth-like planets are more prevalent than gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn, has fueled scientific speculation that suitable life-bearing conditions are far more common than previously thought. This has led to the realization that due to the advanced age of some solar systems, older and more advanced intelligent life very likely can be found elsewhere in the galaxy. Astrobiology conferences organized by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Science in November 2009, and the Royal Society of London in January 2010 began the task of exploring the implications of extraterrestrial life found elsewhere in the galaxy. According to the Planets and Life Certificate program Director, Astrophysics Professor Adam Burrows, “Biology is experiencing a great renaissance … there are a lot of people making this the focus of their scientific work … It’s the fastest growing field in astronomy.”
The student body at Princeton, a private university that relies on student tuition for operational expenses, was a key factor in the development of the Life and Planets astrobiology program. It was students who had earlier completed one of the courses taught by evolutionary biology professor Laura Landweber, that formed an Astrobiology Club and pushed for the creation of the certificate program. Professor Landweber’s course, AST 255 “is an introduction to astrobiology and explores topics like the origin of life on Earth and the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Mars and Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons.” Clearly, the question of life on Mars and elsewhere in our solar system is something that continues to inspire keen student interest.
A key aspect of the new astrobiology program is that it will be interdisciplinary. According to the Princeton University News Release, the program allows “students to take cognate courses in nine departments: astrophysics, chemistry, ecology and evolutionary biology, geosciences, molecular biology, mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, chemical and biological engineering, and computer science.” Noticeably missing from the list of departments are the social sciences of political science and sociology.
Most recently, Professor Stephen Hawking, a member of the Royal Society of London that sponsored the January 2010 astrobiology conference, took scientific speculation on extraterrestrial life to its logical conclusion by introducing political and sociological questions. He asked what would they be like in terms of their motivations, and would their political agenda involve resource acquisition to the degree that they might threaten the earth? Hawking’s introduction of political and sociological questions to the study of extraterrestrial life is part of the nascent field of exopolitics which has yet to be formally acknowledged by Princeton or any other university. While Princeton’s astrobiology certificate for the moment emphasizes the natural sciences in its interdisciplinary program, it’s hard to justify the exclusion of exopolitical questions when the world’s foremost astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, is explicitly raising such questions. Princeton University is to be congratulated for creating a pioneering interdisciplinary certificate program in the growing field of astrobiology. With time, however, the program will need to expand its certificate program in order to systematically address exopolitical questions, that cannot and should not be excluded from an interdisciplinary study of extraterrestrial life in the Galaxy.
[Special Notice: The author teaches a course in the Exopolitics Institute’s Certification Program titled: The Science, Spirituality and Politics of Extraterrestrial Life. Fall Semester clases have just begun. More info here.]
Further Reading
On Monday night, September 20, NBC premieres its new show – The Event. The Event is a high powered television mini-series that shows a black U.S. President who is given possession of a highly classified file about a program that he officially had not been made aware by his national security officials. In the NBC trailer (see below), he has a confrontation with his CIA Director, who informs the President that only those with a need-to-know were informed about the classified program. The President declares to the CIA Director that by virtue of the office of the President, he has need-to-know. The President learns that the program involves 97 prisoners or mysterious ‘others’ being held in a secure facility in Alaska. He travels there to meet them and their leader. He then announces a major Press Conference and a failed assassination attempt then ensues. While the NBC trailer of The Event does not explicitly mention the ‘others’ as extraterrestrials, the context does point firmly in that direction.
A number of UFO researchers claim inside knowledge of who the ‘others’ being held in Alaska are. Larry Lowe, a veteran UFO researcher, claims: “I can assure you that the viewer will be treated to the unprecedented visualization of the President of the United States finally admitting to the public that ET exists—and that some of them look a lot like us and are here on the planet already.†We will have to watch the series to learn who the ‘others’ are and what The Event is all about. If it is about an officially sanctioned UFO cover-up, the Event would be the latest in a long line of Hollywood productions that hides the truth about extraterrestrial visitation in plain sight. Putting the truth out in the open through various movies and television series makes the public aware of a possible official cover-up of extraterrestrial life while simultaneously making it appear to be science fiction.
Hiding the truth in plain sight is not limited to Hollywood and the entertainment industry putting out movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Trek, The Day the Earth Stood Still; or television series such as X-Files, Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, and most recently V. There has been a decades long series of testimonies by whistleblowers from the government, military and corporate sectors; and leaked official documents that all point to secret government and corporate involvement with an extraterrestrial presence. Such testimonies and documents typically suffer from the same mix of a lack of supporting hard evidence, inconsistencies in whistleblower testimonies, and even character flaws making it all hard to accept. This is despite the obvious sincerity of those disseminating the information who are typically convinced of its earth shaking significance. Many of these testimonies and documents ultimately find their way to a Hollywood scriptwriter who puts out another compelling movie/TV series that many believe must be close to the truth, but which skeptics can easily dismiss as science fiction. If an observer from another world visited our planet, they would be intrigued at how well the truth about extraterrestrial visitation is hidden in plain sight.
Unraveling the truth about extraterrestrial visitation, government, military and corporate cover-ups, and the extent to which Hollywood and the entertainment industry is involved is no easy task. Fortunately, some do specialize in exposing the link between Hollywood and extraterrestrial visitation. Paola Harris holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has been researching UFOs for over 30 years. She has written a series of books detailing the testimonies of many of the hundreds of whistleblowers and witnesses she has personally interviewed. Some of their testimonies reveal the very important role played by Hollywood in hiding the truth in plain sight. In an online course titled “The Role of Hollywood and the Media in the Disclosure Process,†Ms Harris reveals how Hollywood and the entertainment industry is gradually preparing the public for the truth about extraterrestrial life. If you want to learn more about how Hollywood is part of a gradual disclosure process, then you’re in luck since her Fall Semester class has just begun.
If you want to learn what The Event is and who are the mysterious ‘others’ held secretly in Alaska, then tune in to NBC on Monday at 9 pm EDT. If The Event does indeed feature a black President officially announcing the existence of extraterrestrial visitors that look just like us, then Hollywood may finally go a step beyond hiding the truth in plain sight, and be actually preparing us for an impending government disclosure of the truth.
On October 2, the popular British Rock group Muse travels to Denver for a concert that is part of their North American Resistance Tour. Muse is best known for its number one hit Uprising and other songs featuring themes of revolutionary change, ending UFO secrecy, and government mind control. In their recent two night concert stint in Wembley, England before a combined audience of 150,000, a giant UFO appeared as a prop with Muse singing Exo-gensis from their 2009 Resistance album. Muse’s Resistance Tour arrives in Denver during a truly revolutionary event. The proposed creation of an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission through a ballot initiative officially titled Initiative 300. The brainchild of Denver City resident Jeff Peckman, Initiative 300 aims to educate the citizens of Denver about issues concerning extraterrestrial life. Debate about Peckman’s Extraterrestrial Commission heats up around the same time as Muse’s Resistance Tour hits town to inspire a North American uprising against UFO secrecy.
Muse is a three person rock band with a number of songs referring to government secrecy over UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The most explicit was titled exo-politics and featured on their 2006 album, Black Holes and Revelations. The exo-politics song featured lyrics about a false flag operation where the government would imitate the Zeta, extraterrestrials from Zeta Reticulum, in a staged invasion.
When the Zetas fill the skies
it’s just our leaders in disguise
fully loaded satellites
will conquer nothing but our minds. (Exo-politics)
Such a scenario is not far fetched as evidenced by Dr Carol Rosin who has claimed that a staged alien invasion was privately revealed to her by Dr Wernher Von Braun shortly before his death in 1977. According to Rosin, Von Braun warned that an extraterrestrial invasion would be staged after a shadowy transnational governmental corporate group had exhausted other threats to manipulate the world public. These were successively international communism, rogue nations, global terrorism, and asteroids.
In its latest album, Resistance, Muse advocates full scale uprising against government institutions hiding the truth behind UFOs and its nefarious mind control activities. The lyrics in its number one hit single Uprising, which won an MTV award for special effects on Sept 11, 2010, says it all:
Another, packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed
And all the, Green belts wrapped around our minds
And endless, red tape to keep the truth confined
(so come on)
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
so come on
Muse’s popularity and influence as a cultural force can’t be underestimated. The revealing lyrics and revolutionary fervor have hit a chord with a generation of youth disenchanted with government lies over UFOs and mind control to dampen down public awareness. With over 350,000 followers on Twitter, Muse could easily inspire the revolutionary fervor featured in its song lyrics.
Peckman’s (exopolitical) approach is less confrontational than Muse’s clarion call of revolutionary uprising against a global system designed to keep the public in the dark about the truth behind UFOs and mind control. Peckman wants to begin with a modest educational reform program led by local governments in control of Extraterrestrial Affairs Commissions. He has created an eight page education ‘newspaper’ that will printed for mass public distribution during the run up to the November 2010 election. In it he cites a book by Michael Luckman, Alien Rock: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Extraterrestrial Connection, that reveals how earlier rock stars such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson were strong supporters of government coming clean about the extraterrestrial origins of UFOs. Luckman’s book goes into great detail into why Presley, Jackson along with John Lennon, David Bowie and other rock stars became fascinated by UFOs and the extraterrestrial issue. Peckman designed his extraterrestrial initiative (officially called Initiative 300) so it wouldn’t cost Denver tax payers a dime. Still, opponents with the help of the mainstream media are distorting the intent behind Peckman’s Initiative 300, and claiming the City of Denver can’t afford such a Commission in the present economic climate.
Despite strident opposition from skeptics and even some UFO groups, Peckman succeeded in getting his initiative on to the November elections ballot. If the initiative is passed, the resulting Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission will spark a series of similar local government initiatives. While the odds have been against him from the start, Peckman’s muses have smiled upon him so far. Muse’s Denver Resistance concert comes just in time for Peckman’s ballot efforts, and may kickstart a real UFO uprising!
President Obama plans to have the U.S. Congress authorize up to $300 billion in tax credits and $50 billion in infrastructure development to create jobs. As the U.S. economy slowly recovers, job creation has been painfully slow for the Obama administration. The reason for U.S. unemployment is all too evident to see. One just has to enter any large retail store, Wal Mart, Macy, etc., and see the all pervasive Made in China sign. China’s open access to U.S. markets had been a principle reason for rapid economic expansion which only a month ago led to China becoming the world’s second largest economy. Why have the U.S. manufacturing and textile industries been allowed to collapse with production moving off-shore primarily to China? Is it merely because U.S. companies are making windfall profits with off-shore production, and their lobbyists have succeeded in getting Congress to approve the legislation to make this possible? Yes that’s part of the answer, but is there a deeper factor at work? Is the U.S. paying China off for its support on some unknown policy issue by sacrificing the US manufacturing and textile industries to Chinese products? What possible policy could China have secretly agreed to that warrants U.S. policy makers giving Chinese products unrestricted access to U.S. markets? The answer is in China holding off in developing advanced technologies that could revolutionize the energy industry. China is being paid-off to play dumb while the oil industry continues its global monopoly on how to power industries through fossil fuels.
So what ‘free’ or new energy sources exist that could revolutionize the energy industry? The answer goes back more than 100 years to the work of the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943). Tesla’s inventions and patents have inspired generations of inventors to come up with commercially viable models of his ideas. For example, in 1928, Dr Henry Moray successfully developed a “radiant energy†device from a 1901 patent developed by Tesla that could draw energy from a vacuum – free energy. Dr Moray, a highly talented electrical engineer with Bell Laboratories successfully demonstrated the device to many scientists. Their response was the same. What Moray claimed was impossible since it violated the conservation of energy laws. So the device must be some kind of trick, and was never seriously considered for commercial development by Bell Labs. Eventually, Moray’s prototype radiant ‘free’ energy device was destroyed by a disgruntled assistant. Ever since Moray, there have been numerous inventors who have developed free energy devices using off-the-shelf material.
Claims of inventors being either bought off or harassed are numerous and form a very long list. One prominent example is Otis T. Carr who successfully developed a free energy device that could be used to power a prototype civilian spacecraft. In the late 1950s, Carr succeeded in gaining private funding to develop a commercially viable model only for production to come to a halt after he refused offers to sell off his work. According to one of his technicians, Ralph Ring, a number of federal government agencies raided his California production plant in 1960 to close it down. The reason they gave was that it was a threat to the US. Monetary system since Carr’s device could lead to a collapse of the oil and power industries. In 1961, Carr was convicted of securities fraud. He was imprisoned and discredited. It was only the public emergence of Ring in 2007 that the truth of what happened to Carr had emerged. It appears that a carrots and sticks approach is used against individual inventors to prevent their new energy devices ever being commercially developed for mass public distribution. So what would be a carrots and sticks approach to a rising superpower such as China?
The carrot for China not to commercially develop free energy devices is for its products to be given unrestricted access to the U.S. market. As long as China plays dumb, and doesn’t develop such free energy devices for its growing industries, then all will be well and it can continue to generate large annual export surpluses in its trade with the U.S. For example, for the first six months of 2010, according to the US Census Bureau, China had a trade surplus of $145 billion with the U.S. In 2009, the trade surplus was 225 billion. Over the last five years, the trade surplus has averaged over $200 billion annually for a total of over one trillion dollars. So that’s the carrot given to China. A carrot that has led to the U.S. manufacturing and textile industries virtually disappearing in the U.S. as large companies have relocated production plants to China. The result is a huge loss in jobs and a middle class back lash against the U.S. Congress and Presidents that have done nothing to prevent the export of U.S. jobs to China and elsewhere.
So if the carrot for China in not developing Tesla inspired free energy technologies is unrestricted access to the U.S. market, what’s the stick? Not surprisingly, the stick itself is an off-shoot of some of Tesla’s pioneering work. One of Tesla’s devices could be used to draw large amounts of energy from the Earth’s ionosphere. This energy could be used for generating seismic activity (earthquakes) in remote locations and/or weather modification. Indeed, Dr Nick Begich revealed that the original patents behind the HAARP facility in Alaska built to send electromagnetic bursts into the ionosphere was based on Nikola Tesla. President Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, tacitly acknowledged in 1997 the existence of eco-weapons that could generate seismic activity and weather modification. He said:
Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real…
Cohen’s comment is very significant since it reveals how one nation or (powerful oil industry cartel) could threaten or ‘terrorize’ another nation by the use of Tesla inspired eco-weapons. Cohen’s tacit acknowledgment reveals the powerful stick that could be used against China if it doesn’t accept the carrot offered to it to play dumb on the existence of free energy devices.
Free energy devices continue to be developed by private inventors in the U.S. using off the shelf equipment. Dr Thomas Valone, who worked with the U.S. Patents Office, is the world’s foremost expert on free energy or “zero point†energy devices. He has personally investigated many inventors’ free energy devices and found some to be commercially viable. If free energy devices continue to be privately developed in the U.S. then it’s inconceivable that the same is not happening in China. But the Chinese are playing dumb and not developing these for large scale commercial application. Why? The answer lies in the carrots and sticks approach used to maintain China’s complicity in a secret policy that protects the international oil industry. The continued loss of jobs as the U.S. market is flooded with cheap Chinese products and/or services from other rising powers such as India will not be reversed by stop gap business tax incentives and infrastructure development projects proposed by President Obama. As long as China and other countries are bought-off to prevent the commercial development of free energy devices, U.S. workers and the economy will continue to be sacrificed to protect oil industry monopolies on energy production.
Special Note: Dr Thomas Valone will be speaking about free energy devices that have potential for commercial production at the Fifth Annual Earth Transformation Conference on the Big Island of Hawaii, December 29 to January 2, 2011. Click here or image for more info.
(then) Major Wendelle Stevens at Wright Patterson AFB.
The world’s foremost authority on alleged cases of direct human contact with extraterrestrial life passed away on Tuesday, September 7 at the age of 87. Lt Colonel Wendelle Stevens (ret. USAF) first became involved in the UFO issue back in the summer of 1947 when he was assigned by the U.S. Army/Air Force to Anchorage, Alaska. He was part of a classified project involving data collection of UFO sightings in the Arctic Circle. He was involved in debriefing pilots who witnessed UFOs landing on Arctic ice fields, and passing along radar, film and photographic evidence to more senior Air Force authorities. What he learned during his classified duties impressed him enough for his interest in UFOs to become a life long passion. After his retirement in 1963 as a Lt Colonel, Stevens dedicated his time to researching claims of extraterrestrial contact from around the world. He traveled to many countries to learn at first hand whether individual claims of extraterrestrial contact were genuine. Along the way, he amassed the world’s largest private collection of photos, testimonies and files concerning alleged claims of human extraterrestrial contact.
The cases that most interested Col Stevens were those involving human looking extraterrestrials that interacted with private citizens in a respectful peaceful way. In contrast to the many horror stories churned out by many UFO abduction researchers, Col Stevens emphasized the peaceful respectful aspects of human extraterrestrial contact. At the 2006 “Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference”, he elaborated on the many aspects of human extraterrestrial contact that were peaceful, and he had great optimism for humanity’s future as a result. He was a signatory and enthusiastic supporter of the unique consensus document that emerged from the conference titled: “Hawaii Declaration on Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations.”
I got to know Col Stevens best when we traveled together as part of a small group of five researchers to Japan for a three city extraterrestrial conference tour in October 2007. He impressed me with his razor sharp mind and great attention to detail with the many UFO/contactee cases he had researched during his six decades of interest in the field. His passion for the UFO field led to him maintaining a remarkable intellectual vitality and youthfulness despite his advanced years and declining health. His greatest contribution lies in making available to the general public a great number of little known human extraterrestrial contact cases that otherwise would have been lost. He transcribed interviews, translated foreign texts, edited material in a long series of books typically beginning with the title “UFO Contact from the …” Many of these are available online on a website maintained by his daughter Cece Stevens.
After decades of research sparked by his classified US Air Force work, there was no doubt in Col Stevens mind that humanity was being visited by extraterrestrial life. He knew from first hand experience that government authorities from around the world were secretly researching the evidence and covering up the true significance and origins of UFOs. He also learned that select government agencies preventing disclosure of extraterrestrial life would stop at nothing to maintain the secrets they had acquired.
Some of the better known books that Col Stevens edited/wrote included, Contact from the Pleiades (Bill Meier case); Contact from Andromeda (Prof Hernandez case); UFO Contact from Planet Korendor (the Bob Renard case) and many many more. Wisely, Col Stevens decided to hand over much of his private library to Open Minds TV so future researchers could have access to some of the most important UFO cases to yet be fully investigated.
Col Stevens compiled profiles of many extraterrestrial civilizations that had interacted with humanity from the testimonies of the different contactees. His most sincere hope was that when the right time had arrived, humanity would be able to learn the truth about the ethically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that had interacted with multiple individuals. In the meantime, his mission was to keep in the public awareness a record of what had happened in these extraterrestrial contact cases despite secret government efforts to suppress this information.
Col Stevens legacy lives on in the books he wrote/edited, the photographic archive he created, and the hope he instilled that contact with ethically advanced extraterrestrials was a reality that would eventually transform human civilization for the better. His character and mission was the noblest among all the UFO researchers that I have had the honor of meeting. Bon voyage Col Stevens, while we will miss you on Earth, your life and spirit will carry you forth into a magnificent new journey to the stars.
In a speech at a science forum held in the city of Guangzhou on August 23, a veteran Chinese astronomer with almost 40 years experience claimed that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft. Professor Wang Sichao is a planetary astronomer at the Purple Hills Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based on scientific observations of UFOs over his 39 year career, he has concluded that some are powered by antigravity devices. Also, in contrast to Professor Stephen Hawking, who recently declared intelligent extraterrestrial life was likely to be predatory in nature, Wang dismissed such thinking as premature. He claimed some extraterrestrials are visiting Earth in a Research and Development capacity, and are therefore friendly enough to begin cooperation and mutual exchanges. A summary of Wang’s speech was reported by a number of China newspapers including the influential People’s Daily Online. This ensures wide coverage in China, and raises the following question. Are Chinese authorities tacitly encouraging an ‘exopolitics debate’ over the motivations of advanced alien life in order to prepare the Chinese and world public for the inevitable official disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrials?
Based on his observations at Purple Hills Observatory and analysis of UFO sightings, Wang was able to conclude that some UFOs are not natural phenomenon, and use antigravity technology. This is how the People’s Daily Online summarized Wang’s reasoning: “Wang also found that in the terrestrial space between the height of 130 kilometers and 1,500 kilometers, UFOs have appeared many times. Their flying speed is … as slow as 0.29 kilometers per second [1000 km/hr] and they can fly in the 1,460 kilometers' height for more than 25 minutes. This means UFOs have the anti-gravity ability. Otherwise, they would fall soon.”
According to a report in another Chinese online newspaper, Sina.com.cn, Wang stated that the extraterrestrials appear to be engaged in a scientific Research and Development mission. This contributed to Wang concluding that Hawking’s views regarding hostile intelligent extraterrestrial life was premature. Wang said: "If they are friendly to us, we can promote the human beings' civilization through exchange and cooperation with them. If they are not, as long as we prepared for their invasion, we can beat them back based on their weaknesses. After all, they are life entities, they would show their slips."
Wang’s speech has yet to be translated into English and released for distribution, but the prominent coverage given to it in China is certain to generate much interest in the rest of the world. The People’s Daily Online is an official organ of the Chinese communist party that still exercizes tight control over all media sources. This suggests that Wang has tacit official approval to disseminate his views to the media, and for the Chinese media to report on his conclusions, thereby generating an exopolitics debate between scientists over the motivations of extraterrestrial life.
Recently, China officially became the world’s second largest economy when it surpassed the Gross Domestic Product of Japan. It appears as though China is not content to simply exercize its economic influence, but also its scientific influence by encouraging Chinese scientists to openly discuss UFOs and extraterrestrial life. A global exopolitics debate among influential scientists on the motivations of extraterrestrial life, whether aliens are actually visiting the Earth in UFOs or not, is most definitely underway.
George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers is a refreshing look at the first and most famous contactee of the modern era. In the early 1950s, George Adamski stunned the world with his extraordinary stories of meetings and travels with human looking extraterrestrials from planets within our own solar system. He traveled all over the world relating his personal experiences and the esoteric ‘space philosophies’ explained to him. Adamski was invited by many influential VIPs to give first hand accounts of the “space brothers†as he described the extraterrestrial visitors. The author, Gerard Aartsen, takes an unconventional approach to writing this book about Adamski. He does not present new evidence or testimonies to settle the long standing controversies surrounding Adamski’s claims. Instead, Aartsen presents personal information about Adamski’s early life and travels to give a fresh new perspective of Adamski as someone who was “a visionary teacher who was far ahead of the small minds that were waging a cold war†against him (xi). Adamski’s experiences with the “space brothers†according to Aartsen, are merely an unfolding of a mission and philosophy that Adamski had already well embarked upon earlier in his life.
The most tragic early life experience for Adamski was the death of his Polish father not long after emigrating to the U.S. with his Egyptian born wife, and the then four year old Adamski. Luckily, a mysterious tall dark family friend called Sid, took it upon himself to mentor the young Adamski who received private tuition. “Uncle Sidâ€, as he became affectionately known to the family, proposed that Adamski would benefit from further education in Tibet in “a monastery of Lamas. (p.22)†Adamski’s mother readily agreed with Uncle Sid’s unusual proposal. At the significant age of 12, the age when most rites of passage are performed for young men, Adamski was taken to Tibet. He spent somewhere between three to six years learning Buddhist philosophy at the hands of Tibetan Lamas, and/or “Masters of Wisdom†as Aartsen describes them. Who was “Uncle Sid†that would provide for Adamski’s expenses and guidance for such an unconventional formative childhood education? According to Aartsen, and unknown to Adamski, Uncle Sid was himself one of the space brothers that Adamski would later famously meet and befriend in 1952.
After his return from Tibet to the U.S. Adamski had acquired some very unconventional abilities from his time with his Tibetan teachers who taught him to “master the four elements: fire, water, air and earth†(p. 22). His newly acquired abilities were demonstrated to some Adamski trusted, but Adamski played down such abilities as insignificant compared to the philosophy he had learned in Tibet. Aartsen cites another author Henry Dohan who explained further Adamski’s reasoning: “the people who were around Adamski and who knew of his unusual powers were asked to keep it a secret. Adamski thought it would prejudice his prestige as a teacher, as people would take him for a magician” (p. 22).
Some time in this period of the 1930’s Adamski established the “Royal Order of Tibet†and a monastery at Laguna Beach, California. He therefore became one of the first people in the U.S. to teach esoteric practices and philosophy that had been learned at first hand from Tibetan Lamas. Adamski’s first book followed soon after in 1936 and was titled Wisdom of the Masters of the Far East. In it he elaborated on what he had learned in Tibet which he summarized in a 1934 interview with the Los Angeles Times where he said: “I learned great truths up there on the roof of the world, or rather the trick of applying age-old knowledge to daily life, to cure the body and the mind and to win mastery over self and soul†(p. 23).
So Adamski was clearly no opportunist who had conjured up a philosophy and established a cult around himself. He was in contrast, someone who had spent his formative childhood years directly learning with some of the world’s greatest teachers of esoteric practices and philosophies in Tibet. This is perhaps Aartsen’s greatest contribution in his book. Most critics of Adamski ignore or downplay the very significant experiences and teachings Adamski had acquired while in Tibet as a youngster. Instead, they launch into character assassinations where Adamski is portrayed as a self-promoting cultist who had no formal training for the esoteric practices and philosophies he was teaching. In contrast, Adamski’s childhood training and education was the ideal training for what he taught and practiced later in life.
In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, Adamski began taking photos of UFOs, or flying saucers as they were known at the time. His flying saucer photos were among the finest ever taken and showed various types of craft – long cyclinder motherships, spheres of light, and the famous scout craft photos. Aartsen explains the famous 1952 Desert Center encounter with one of the space brothers. Orthon claimed to be from Venus and eventually Adamski would be taken to motherships from extraterrestrials from Venus and Saturn. Adamski claimed to have met on this motherships, Masters of Wisdom from both Venus and Saturn.
Aartsen describes the controversy arising from later NASA space probes showing extreme environmental conditions on Venus and Saturn that made human life as we know it impossible. While information from the early NASA missions was used to discredit Adamski’s claims of human life on other planets in our solar system, one thing that was overlooked was that life could exist on different dimensions. According to modern day string theory, as explained by Professor Michio Kaku, there are up to ten dimensions contained in space-time. So in the same space and time, one could encounter non-hospital life conditions in one dimension, and a flourishing civilization in another. Arguably, flourishing civilizations exist on Venus and Saturn today, but on a dimension that cannot be yet identified by scientific instruments.
Prior to Adamski’s death on April 23, 1965, Aartsen relates how Adamski promised that he would return as a young man to continue his earth mission. In an obituary, Lord Desmond Leslie, part of an English-Irish aristocratic family and co-author of Adamski’s first non-fiction book wrote: “I don’t believe by any means we have seen the last of him. If he is reborn on another planet, he has promised to come back and contact us when possible. (p. 28)†Incredibly, one day after his death, an Englishman by the name of Earnest Arthur Bryant had a contact experience with three extraterrestrials allegedly from Venus. Among them was one that the Englishmen remembered as being around 14 to 15 years old, Bryant wrote: “The youth appeared to be the leader of the group. He was more free and easy than the other two. ‘My name is Yamski’ he said (or at least sounded something like that). I was under the impression he was a Russian, except that he had a tendency towards an American accent, but when I asked where they had come from the reply was, ‘We are from Venus.’ Perhaps it was the look on my face, he turned to the others and said, ‘If only Des Les were here, he would understand.’ (p. 29)
Remarkably, the Venusian youth, ‘Yamski’ (a reincarnated Adamski?) went on to describe ‘Des Les’ in terms that made it clear he was referring to Adamski’s long time friend, Desmond Leslie. Incredibly, Bryant swore had no prior knowledge of George Adamski, let alone that he had died one day earlier.
Years later there was another incident that also seemed to fulfill Adamski’s promise of returning to Earth to help humanity accept the space brothers. An Italian contactee by the name of Giorgio Dibitonto claimed that in 1980 he and his companions met a young man from Venus whose name was George. Dibitonto described how a Venusian by the name of Raphael introduced him: “another man was introduced to us … ‘His name is George, said Raphael… This, our brother, lived for a while on Earth, where he chose to come on an assignment. Now he has returned to us†(p. 32).
Aartsen’s book will not satisfy the hardcore skeptic about the veracity of Adamski’s claims of contact with extraterrestrials from different planets of our solar system. Aartsen does, however, give important new insights into Adamski’s life and philosophy. For this reviewer, Adamski’s extended education in Tibet stands out as something out of the ordinary, and in itself a remarkable preparation for an extraordinary life. Adamski had certainly acquired experiences, philosophies and abilities that would later stand him in good stead as he confronted a skeptical world with his extraordinary claims of extraterrestrial contact. The best presentation of evidence supporting Adamski’s contactee claims is documented in a video which only recently resurfaced.
Aartsen’s succeeds admirably with his main aim of presenting information Adamski’s life, experiences and philosophy that many would not have known about. For this reader, George Adamski: Herald of the Space Brothers, is an open honest appraisal of someone who forever changed how our world would view extraterrestrial life. The idea of the benevolent human looking “space brothers†here to help educate and guide humanity has still not lost its appeal. This is despite the almost propagandist onslaught of non-human looking extraterrestrials abducting civilians for genetic experiments as portrayed by the mass media and many UFO researchers. Whether one agrees or not with Adamski’s contactee claims, what’s clear is that his childhood education in Tibet had prepared him well for the extraordinary events and teachings that he would later come to be known for around the world.
George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers is available at Amazon.com
The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization with which the author may be affiliated.
Video has recently emerged of a speech by Professor Dimitar Sasselov, Harvard astronomer and co-investigator of NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, where he declared that the "Galaxy is rich in small, Earth-like planets." His speech was given at a Technology Entertainment and Design conference at Oxford University in mid-July where speakers are limited to 18 minutes on the latest scientific trends. The Kepler telescope uncovered evidence of up to 140 different planets similar in size to the Earth. Sasselov believes that the discovery amounts to a Copernican revolution where a clear affirmative answer is given to the question: “Are there other Earth like planets out there that can harbor life?” Significantly, Sasselov asserts that the evidence points to more earth-like planets in the galaxy than gas giants as previously thought. Estimates of earth-like planets in the galaxy could be quickly revised up to 100 million or more. Most importantly, he says that the data allows scientists to scan exoplanets for tell tale signs of life. Sasselov’s findings is good news for researchers in the fields of astrobiology and exopolitics since it encourages more scientific inquiry into the implications of intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Sasselov’s speech was quickly featured in the international media with bold headlines such as Britain’s Daily Mail that “More than 100 'Earth-like' planets discovered in past few weeks." Not so fast according to Space.com.
What Dimitar presented was 'candidates,'" said David Koch, the mission's deputy principal investigator at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. "These have the apparent signature we are looking for, but then we must perform extensive follow-up observations to eliminate false positives, such as background eclipsing binaries. This requires substantial amounts of ground-based observing which is done primarily in the summer observing season."
Indeed, Sasselov confirmed that more work was to be done over the summer to confirm what the Kepler data was suggesting, and that more news was “to come later in the year!"
That did not however stop Sasselov commenting on the significance of what has been discovered so far. He said that smaller rocky Earth like planets were statistically more common than gas giants: "Even before we have confirmed the planets among these hundreds of candidates, we can see statistically that the smaller-sized planets will be more common than the large-sized (Jupiter- and Saturn-like ones) in the sample,"
Sasselov explained that the results so far of the Kepler mission heralded a Corpernican revolution. Just as Corpernicus revolutionized astronomy by publishing data that the solar system rotated around the sun, rather than the earth, so too the data from the Kepler mission would lead to another scientific revolution. Rather than planets like earth being unique or an uncommon occurrence in the galaxy, they in fact are plentiful. Sasselov declared in his speech that the “Galaxy is rich in small, Earth-like planets”
While more scientific investigation will occur in the months ahead to confirm the results of the Kepler mission so far, its implications are enormous. Astrobiologists will be able to conclude with great confidence that extraterrestrial life is certain to exist elsewhere in the galaxy. Importantly, for the field of exopolitics, intelligent extraterrestrial life will also be deemed certain to exist, and this has profound social and political implications for humanity. In April 2010, Prof Stephen Hawking claimed it was “perfectly rational” to discuss the motivations of advanced extraterrestrial life. The findings of the Kepler mission make inquiry into the possible motivations of intelligent extraterrestrial life not only “perfectly rational" but now a logical necessity. The Kepler space telescope results will not only bring about an astronomical revolution, but a revolution in social and political thought about technologically advanced intelligent life in the galaxy and its impact on humanity.
[Breaking News] The Washington Post has begun publishing the results of a two year investigation into the world of Top Secret programs in the U.S. Titled: Top Secret America, the investigation aims to expose the waste, redundancy and lack of oversight of many of the Top Secret programs created in response to the 911 attacks. More specifically, it states: “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.†One of the findings of the report is that the military chain of command is routinely undermined as personnel are ordered not to reveal their activities to their commanding officers. This supports the claims of whistleblowers who have come forward to reveal cases of military personnel being ordered not to tell commanders about Top Secret programs to which they had been recruited. The programs in question concerned UFO technology and extraterrestrial life, and commanding officers denied access included senior admirals and generals.
”][Updated] On July 9, 2010, The China Peoples Daily ran a story about a UFO witnessed by hundreds over China on July 7. The UFO closed down the regional airport of Hangzhou for an hour, and Air Traffic controllers could not identify the UFO. A resident took a photo of the cigar shaped UFO that was cited in the People’s Daily story. Together with radar evidence and the closing of the regional airport, the photo has been widely circulated as physical evidence of a UFO.
An anonymous source cited by the People’s Daily claimed there was a military link in an apparent bid to dampen speculation about the UFO’s origins.
The July 7 photo was included in a video titled “Amazing Photos of UFO over China” (see below) that began to be widely distributed on July 10. Along with the genuine photo of the July 7, 2010 incident, there appears to be a number of others taken from 2009 of helicopters that were shown on a popular internet forum, Above Top Secret. It appears that someone wanted to muddy the waters by mixing a genuine UFO photo with a number of dated photos taken of helicopters elsewhere.
New edition of Exopolitics Journal just released – Available for Free Online!
By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
July Edition (Vol 3:3) of Exopolitics Journal just released
The BP Gulf Oil leak continues to arouse global concern as its toxic effects threaten not only the Gulf of Mexico, but also the Atlantic Ocean itself. Worst case scenarios project the entire planet’s oceans being contaminated for years if not decades to come if the spill continues unabated. Humanity stands on the brink of environmental catastrophe if radical solutions don’t quickly emerge. Albert Einstein once said “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.†The idea of using fossil fuels for our civilization’s ever increasing energy needs is the kind of thinking that made it possible for the risky deep water drilling practices that have created the oil spill crisis. We need some radical new thinking about how to generate energy for our burgeoning global civilization. Thinking that takes us into the realm of new energy technologies developed by pioneers such as Nikola Tesla, and what is used by extraterrestrial civilizations visiting our world. As we make the transition from a Type 0 civilization based on fossil fuels, into a Type 1 global civilization using new energy technologies, we need to consult with and learn from extraterrestrials civilizations that have traveled the road before us. We simply need to open ourselves to radical new ways of thinking about how advanced technologies and extraterrestrial life can assist our planetary transition through crises such as the Gulf Oil spill. The articles in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal provide a new way of thinking about planetary issues from the perspective of alien life observing our world, wishing to assist us, and the challenges of extraterrestrial disclosure.
In “The Andromedans & Mentoring Humanity,” the transcript of his 2010 lecture at the 4th Annual Earth Transformation Conference, Alex Collier discusses his contact experiences with extraterrestrials from the Andromeda Constellation, and how they are offering to ‘mentor’ humanity in the transition to a membership in a galactic society as a Type 1 civilization. He reveals the existence of new energy technologies that can completely satisfy all the energy needs of our civilization:
cold fusion has been nailed, it does exist, a program working under DARPA has solved it, and literally for under $2 million they can build a system that can power a city of 50,000 people indefinitely. It’s a done deal, but they’re sitting on it. They’re sitting on propulsion systems that could take us to the stars.
These energy technologies have been suppressed from public knowledge by the same influential cartels that have kept secret the existence of extraterrestrial visitors. Collier reveals that the Andromedans and other advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are ready to assist us in finding solutions to planetary problems – among which can be included the BP Gulf Oil leak – but wish to do so in a way that empowers humanity in our transition from a Type 0 civilization. Open contact with extraterrestrials, however, requires great discernment. Not all extraterrestrials have our best interest at heart according to what the Andromedans have revealed to Collier. The Andromedans warn that “some groups will bare gifts and then ask for something that we could not possibly give. And turn on us… For 2 thousand years religions have believed in the Book of Revelations. And the universe is going to oblige us by playing it out. Except it’s not about being saved, it’s about self-responsibility, voluntary introspection and spiritual evolvement.â€
In “The Abduction Phenomenon and its implications for Disclosure,†Philippa Foster believes that advocates and students of exopolitics “will have to be prepared to face all aspects of the Extraterrestrial phenomenon:- from the wonderfully enriching Contact scenarios and the benefits that come with that, all the way through to the disturbing ET Abductions and MILABs (alleged Military Abduction) programs.†She argues that in “order to successfully adjust to this huge cultural shift, people will need to know the whole truth, even if it is not always palatable, and there should be support mechanisms in place for those who need it.†Her “article explores how we can benefit from decades of research by scientific, medical and academic professionals within UFOlogy, in conjunction with numerous first hand accounts from experiencers themselves.†The goal is to
prepare for any potential ‘fall-out’ from Disclosure, and to enable humanity to forge a strong and rewarding future into the Cosmos.
David Griffin, author of “The Exopolitical Implications of Night Vision Technologies on the Extra-terrestrial Truth Embargo,†believes that new technologies will open the door to more information about what is really happening in the night sky with extraterrestrial life. He traces the extraordinary development of night vision technologies, and how this can be partly attributed to the extraterrestrial artifacts from the 1947 Roswell crash that Lt Col Philip Corso selectively passed on to key industries. Griffin believes that “placing the increasing use of night vision systems by civilians on top of the contemporary exopolitical situation or framework a new paradigm is ushered in.†He examines a
new era in the light of the various forms of disclosure and contact and posit the ramifications for the human species and the interface between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial beings.
Finally, on June 24, 2010, a video emerged revealing that Lt Col Corso had briefed Robert Kennedy about his knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, and this information was relayed to his brother, President John F. Kennedy in 1962. Corso’s video testimony supports the conclusions made in Part One of my article, “President Kennedy’s deadly confrontation with the CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files,†insofar as it shows that the Kennedy was actively seeking information on extraterrestrial life and he had to get this from unconventional sources since he had been denied it from official channels. Part Two of my article appears in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal, and reveals the explosive consequences of President Kennedy’s efforts to gain access to classified files concerning extraterrestrial life and technology. On September 20, 1963 Kennedy embarked on a high risk political strategy of getting NASA to cooperate with the USSR on joint space and lunar missions. This brought to a climax a confrontation over the release of classified UFO files with the CIA & those in control of the MJ-12 Special Studies Project – the secret committee appointed to run extraterrestrial affairs.
This article reviews the dramatic efforts by Kennedy to move forward with space cooperation with the Soviet Union, and how this entailed sharing classified files on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. This culminated in a deadly behind-the-scenes confrontation with the CIA and MJ-12 in the final month of President Kennedy’s life.
The articles in this edition of the Exopolitics Journal give important clues about new energy technologies that can replace fossil fuels, and end the dangerous drilling practices that led to the BP Oil leak. The articles give insight into the important challenges that lie ahead as humanity has to deal with a large body of events and policies surrounding extraterrestrial life and technology. Disclosure will involve many disconcerting issues as the public learns that not all extraterrestrial life interact with humanity in ethically responsible ways. Part of the disclosure that lies ahead is learning about the pervasive suppression of extraterrestrial information, and how even a sitting U.S. President failed to prise open the treasure trove of advanced technologies from the secret custodians of this information. President Kennedy paid the ultimate price for his efforts but if he had succeeded, then tragedies such as the BP Gulf Oil leak could never have happened.
For more info: The July 2010 edition of the Exopolitics Journal (vol 3:3) is available for free online at: http://exopoliticsjournal.com/
In finding background information that revealed Source A/Richard Theilmann sought health insurance for surgery apparently conducted in 2008, this is what Broadbent asks.
Surely, an active duty officer of the United States Navy would not need to be a dependent of their ex-wife just in order to get an operation, they could have the operation as part of their military benefits? Surely, an active duty officer of the United States Navy would not class themselves as being “self-employed†or having to give up a contracting business? Surely, an active duty officer of the United States Navy would not need to look for employment that provides health insurance?
Broadbent goes on to answer his own questions: “Of course not, Richard Theilmann is not an active duty officer of the United States Navy otherwise he would never have found himself in such a precarious position in the first place.†Having reached this definitive conclusion, this is what Broadbent has to say about the final confirmation that led to the ‘outing’ of the officer in question:
The information we already had was more than sufficient to nail this down, but this was, after all, the man who had personally met with Source A on a navy base and indirectly ended up vouching for him. I called him up a couple of days later and had a very productive conversation. Whilst on the phone, I told him that we had discovered the name of Source A and I wondered whether Source A had identified himself by name to him. He said he had, to which I replied “Richard?†he answered by saying “Yeah Richard, Richard Theilmannâ€.
This final confirmation along with other material used to reach the conclusion that Source A had not served in the military since at least 2001 led to the stark (in bold) conclusion: The Source A / UN Meeting Story as told by the Pickering’s and assisted by Source A and other personalities in the exopolitics scene is a total and utter fabrication.
First of all, I work at a Navy Laboratory, at the time, he visited me, I think it was in April 2008. In a Navy Laboratory in order to get in you had to have credentials, you had to have clearances, a badge that would allow you to come in, and even if you get in, you might need an escort, if you didn’t have a sufficiently high clearance. Well Source A came right to my office, without any escort. Which tells me he had the credentials. He gave me a review of all the things he had done over the years. It … certainly looked real. At the very least, he was able to go right through the security of the laboratory and came right through to my desk. I told him how to get to the office and he did it. [Click here to listen]
Among the security protocols at the Naval Warfare Center were showing a valid military ID card, scanning a barcode on the back of the card, as well as other security protocols in place depending on the location and classification level of secure facilities. These might include electronic fingerprinting, retina scans, biometric readings, etc. Security clearances are regularly updated and limited to specific periods so even if Source A used an old uniform or military ID card from 2001 or earlier, how was he cleared by security personnel to enter the various levels of security and finally enter Maccabee’s secure facility in 2008?
Perhaps Dr Maccabee himself may have the answer. In his 2009 interview he went on to say:
As far as the meeting at the UN was concerned, he affirmed that there was one, he was there, and it was not a formal meeting of the UN. I got the impression it was an informal meeting of people who were in the subject… He did tell me some things that indicate the Navy has run into UFOs. UFOs have screwed up some Navy Systems. The Navy, apparently some high level people in the Navy feel this ought to be publicized .. that is the existence of UFOs.
The implications of Source A’s meeting and discussion with Dr Maccabee are startling. A senior Navy Scientist is discussing with an unescorted officer with high security clearance in his classified facility, issues concerning UFOs, secret UN discussions, and senior Navy personnel wanting to disclose the existence of extraterrestrial life. If Source A is not who he claims to be, then it appears that a secure US Navy facility was compromised at various security levels by someone who wanted to have a conversation about UFOs with a Navy Scientist for unknown reasons.
The outing of Source A as Richard Thielmann is a significant development for all who have been following discussions on secret UN UFO meetings. His alleged exposure as a fraud omits serious questions about his ability to enter highly classified military facilities to discuss the UFO topic. That lends credence to his original claims that he is a covert operative within the shadowy world of classified operations and UFOs sanctioned to leak information by a group of Navy admirals disenchanted with official UFO policy. Source A’s outing coincides with Admiral Dennis Blair’s forced resignation as the Director of National Intelligence. Perhaps it’s sheer coincidence but Source A’s outing may signal a push back against Navy sources in favor of UFO disclosure. If he is an exposed covert operative, his ‘outing’ is likely to have significant effects including official attempts to discredit him as a legitimate source of information that can be traced to more senior Navy officers.
Special Notice: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization with which the author may be affiliated.
The study of UFOs is commonly assumed to have began on June 23, 1947 with a sighting in Washington State by a respected local pilot Kenneth Arnold. After an interview describing what he saw, the crescent shaped objects were quickly dubbed by the media ‘flying saucers.’ Subsequent books by Major Donald Keyhoe (ret. USMC) and other popular authors of the time increasingly came to the conclusion that flying saucers were extraterrestrial in origin. The term ‘flying saucer’ more and more became associated with the extraterrestrial hypothesis. If one spoke of flying saucers, it was accepted that one was talking about technologies that had an other-worldly origin, and this had important public policy implications. Keyhoe eventually realized that the highest echelon of the military leadership in the U.S. were very anxious to cover up the extraterrestrial explanation, and ignore the conclusions of investigations conducted by even their own senior technical specialists.
Covering up the extraterrestrial element was described by Keyhoe as “The Flying Saucer Conspiracy†which was the title of his popular 1955 book. Keyhoe rightly understood that the flying saucer phenomenon had become deeply political and imbedded within the national security system with respective advocates and opponents of releasing all the evidence to the public. The scientific question about flying saucers had already been conclusively answered – they were not of terrestrial origin, at least not of any terrestrial science known at the time. The most plausible explanation was the flying saucers were extraterrestrial in origin, and the USAF was trying to steer the public from this obvious conclusion. Keyhoe’s analyses of the politics surrounding flying saucers as extraterrestrial vehicles, forms the original source for what today is better described as exopolitics – the study of extraterrestrial life and its public policy implications.
During Keyhoe’s time, the US Air Force took the brunt of accusations of a systematic cover up. The best minds of the USAF, secretly supported by the CIA and select U.S. government agencies, tried to come up with satisfactory answers to Keyhoe’s probing questions and voluminous evidence he had gathered. Some of the evidence in fact was classified data that the Air Force itself had given Keyhoe access to during a time of greater openness, but now wanted to deny in what was clearly a change of policy. The final solution adopted by the USAF in response to Keyhoe and others was to obfuscate. The key to this new policy was to introduce a term that would help steer the public away from discussion of the extraterrestrial hypothesis. In 1952, the USAF through its Project Blue Book, introduced the term Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) claiming it to be a more objective term that did not have the same extraterrestrial connotation as flying saucer. The USAF left a big question mark over the origin of UFOs.
The new term at first did not take off with the public, but over time the scientific study of UFOs has come to represent research of any unidentified flying object whether of a terrestrial or non-terrestrial origin. The flying saucer term eventually disappeared from media and public accounts of what was being witnessed in the skies and the world’s oceans. Thus the UFO term has become associated with many mundane explanations that account for many public sightings. Up to 95% of UFO sightings are routinely dismissed as having mundane explanations which is consistent with the final report of Project Blue Book in 1970 that only 6 % of UFO reports are genuinely unexplained. Proponents of the scientific study of UFOs typically respond by saying 5% or so of thousands of UFO sightings still constitutes a lot of cases that might have an extraterrestrial origin.
More recently, retired civilian contractors and/or military personal personnel have emerged to claim that many UFOs are in fact highly classified aircraft built in the US. For example, retired contractors/servicemen who worked at Area 51 claim that UFOs were mistaken sightings of the OXCART spy plane and other highly classified aircraft from the 1950s and 1960s. This explanation supports a claim by CIA historian, Gerald K. Haines, that the CIA actually encouraged UFO reports as a cover for the secret spy aircraft being built for it at Area 51. If up to 95% of UFO reports have a conventional explanation, and among the remaining 5% many in fact are highly classified aircraft, what does that mean for the extraterrestrial hypothesis? One is looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack as more historical data comes out about classified military aviation projects being misidentified as UFOs. It increasingly appears that the scientific study of UFOs is a dead end if one wants to learn the truth about whether or not extraterrestrials are visiting the earth.
Exopolitics is a relatively new discipline that focuses on evidence of extraterrestrial life, and its public policy implications. Exopolitics has two main tracks of study. These are: A., the study of scientific evidence pointing to the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe; and B., whistleblower and witness claims that extraterrestrials are currently visiting earth and interacting with private citizens and/or military authorities. Professor Stephen Hawking, along with astrobiology conferences held in Rome (November 2009) and London (January 2010) have recently given a major boost to the first exopolitics track. It is now “perfectly rational,†according to Hawking, for scientists to discuss the policy implications for extraterrestrial life.
For Hawking, intelligent extraterrestrials are more than likely to be marauders in search of resources and should be avoided. In contrast, the Vatican’s chief astronomer, Gabriel Funes, believes extraterrestrials are more than likely to be ethically advanced “space brothersâ€. No matter where one stands on this wide ranging debate, it’s important to understand that major scientists are giving serious thought to it; and that this is clearly an exopolitics debate, and not a debate over UFOs. Indeed, the same scientists who are encouraging an exopolitics debate ignore the UFO phenomenon altogether.
When it comes to the second track of exopolitics, the testimony of whistleblowers and witnesses pointing to the visitation of extraterrestrial life in advanced space vehicles, it’s important to accept that UFOs are NOT unidentified. They in fact are Identified Flying Objects whose origins are extraterrestrial in nature. According to these whistleblowers and/or witnesses, this is a well known among responsible government, military and corporate authorities. Thus the term UFO merely serves to obfuscate what these many whistleblowers/witnesses claim they have direct knowledge of, i.e., advanced extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs) visiting our planet.
In conclusion, the rise of exopolitics in scientific debates over extraterrestrial life is to be welcomed, and is likely to quickly expand in future as more evidence is found of life supporting conditions in the universe. It is therefore important that exopolitics as a new field is not undermined by those wishing to subsume it with the scientific study of UFOs. Such a study is a dead end given the way in which the UFO term lumps together anomalous phenomena that have conventional explanations (up to 95% of sightings cases), highly classified military aircraft (remaining 5%), and objects that may be genuinely extraterrestrial in origin (again, part of the remaining 5%). Instead, something similar to the original ‘flying saucer’ term is necessary in order to be explicit that what is being discussed or investigated is a possible extraterrestrial vehicle (ETV) belonging to one or more visiting civilizations with profound (exo)political implications for our planet.
Special Notice: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization with which the author may be affiliated.
Henry W. McElroy, a former New Hampshire state legislator, claims he saw a briefing for President Eisenhower that revealed the presence of extraterrestrials in the United States. It went on to discuss a possible meeting being arranged between the President and extraterrestrial entities. The alleged briefing witnessed by McElroy supports earlier whistleblower testimonies that President Eisenhower did in fact meet with extraterrestrials in 1954 and 1955 (click here).
Hello, I’m speaking with you from Fort Monroe, Virginia. We’re also known as The Gateway to Freedom.
We sit right next to a little town called Phoebus, Virginia. Interestingly, they call themselves The Gateway to the New World.
Phoebus sits inside of Hampton, Virginia whose motto is First from the Sea, First to the Stars.
My name is Henry McElroy, Jr. a retiring, former State Representative from New Hampshire. Thank you for your attention to this brief message concerning the world’s interaction with both earth-based, and off-world astronauts.
The reason I am making this announcement is in the hopes of encouraging better perspective to all who explore the universe. Therefore, as a result, making a more valuable contribution to humanity, for the benefit of all faiths, all races and all nations.
Another reason I am here today is because I believe in the *foundational wisdom of our nation, which was laid down by our founding fathers and because we know that highly advanced knowledge and information can assist human beings in solving various problems both in current times, and in our future.
When I was in the New Hampshire State Legislature, I served on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee. It was, apparently, important that as a Representative of the Sovereign People who had elected me to this Honorable Office, that I be updated on a large number of topics related to the affairs of our People, and our Nation. As I understood it, some of those ongoing topics had been examined and categorized as Federal, State, Local development, and security matters. These documents related to various topics some of which spanned decades of our nation’s history. One of those recurring topics is the reason I am addressing you this evening.
I would like to submit to our nation my personal testimony of one document related to one of these ongoing topics which I saw while in office, serving on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee.
The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower. Â Â To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America.
The brief seemed to indicate that a meeting between the President and some of these visitors could be arranged as appropriate if desired.
The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for concern, since these visitors were in no way, causing any harm, or had any intentions, whatsoever, of causing any disruption then, or in the future.
While I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors – – because of his optimism in his farewell address in 1961, I personally believe that Eisenhower did, indeed, meet with these extraterrestrial, off world astronauts.
I hope my personal testimony will aid the nation in its quest for continued enlightenment.  I am honored to follow in the footsteps of those who have come forward with their personal testimonies – those who deserve the admiration of the American people for sharing their accounts publicly, in an effort to elevate our knowledge to a higher understanding of our existence.
People such as:
Former Astronauts
John Glenn
Edgar Mitchell
Gordon Cooper
Buzz Aldrin
Former Presidents
Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Carter
Captain Bill Uhouse of the United States Marine Corps
Lt. Col John Williams of the United States Air Force
Co Phillip Corso Sr. of the United States Army
Commander Graham Bethune of the United States Navy
Along with:
David Hamilton of the Department of Energy
Donna Hare of NASA
James Kopf of the National Security Agency
I would also like to thank the countries of: France, Brazil, Britain, Russia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand.
And, our neighbor to the North, Canada, Uruguay, and Australia
….for also opening their files to the citizens of their countries, and allowing them access to information that is so very important to the evolution of humanity.
I thank you for allowing me this opportunity to have a small part in doing the same, by sharing the information I have given you today.
Thank you very much and I’d like to thank our communications crew for helping us make this happen today.
And, I’d also like to authorize distribution of this video for anyone who wants to use it for educational purposes.
Thank you.
Eisenhower briefed about extraterrestrials claims former New Hampshire State Rep
In an extraordinary television interview, the Governor of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov who is also President of the World Chess Federation, claimed that in 1997 he was taken from his penthouse apartment on board an extraterrestrial vehicle. Ilyumzhinov claims that the extraterrestrials he met were humanoid and gave him a tour of their ship, and even took him to another world. According to Ilyumzhinov, his experience is backed by three witnesses who searched for him at his home after he had boarded the alien spaceship. Most revealing is that Ilyumzhinov appeared on Russia’s no.1 rated television station, Channel One, which is 51% controlled by the Russian government. The interviewer, Vladimir Pozner, began the segment with questions about Ilyumzhinov’s experience. This reveals that the host and producers knew in advance of what had happened, and wished to discuss it on air. Significantly, there was no censorship of Ilyumzhinov’s experience which was immediately made available on the Channel One website. At the very least, this signifies that the Russian government remains open to public debate on extraterrestrial life sparked by its most prominent television station. More importantly, the airing of Ilyumzhinov’s experience may signal a covert attempt by Russian officials to prepare its citizens for eventual public disclosure of extraterrestrial life.
In the interview, Ilyumzhinov described how he was woken from his sleep and exited his apartment through a balcony onto the waiting ship. He said:
In the evening I read a book, watched TV, and went to rest. And then, probably, fell asleep, and felt that the balcony opened and someone called. He came up, I looked – a kind of translucent half-pipe. I went into this tube and saw people in yellow spacesuits.
Ilyumzhinov went on to describe how the extraterrestrials took him on a tour of their vehicle. Then they claimed that they needed samples from another planet and took him with them before returning him safely to his apartment. Significantly, three witnesses can confirm Ilyumzhinov’s disappearance from his apartment. In the interview, Ilyumzhinov explained what happened:
I probably would not have believed in it, if there were not three witnesses – my driver, a minister, and my assistant, who arrived in the morning, and found that I was not there. Things are in place, the balcony is open (it was the top floor). They looked around, began to call friends…. Then they sat in the kitchen, discussing where to call, where to contact – because the phone, the things are in place, the apartment was closed, but they had their own key. And then they see me coming out of the bedroom, guiding myself to the kitchen.… They say: “Where were you?” Well, I replied as if normal: “Well, I flew. I was on a saucer.â€Â They were upset, and said: “We are asking you seriously.” And then I sat down, and began to reason logically. So for this time, for about an hour they were here, and I was not in the apartment. One was in the hall, I could not have passed him… Then for a few months they were in shock about this.
The prominent public airing of Ilyumzhinov’s experience led to Andrei Lebedev, a member of the Russian Parliament from the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, asking President Medvedev to launch an official inquiry into the alleged alien contact. In his letter, Lebedev wrote:
I ask you to say if the head of Kalmykia has made an official report to the Russian presidency about his contacts with representatives of an alien civilisation. Is there an established procedure of informing about such contacts by high-ranking people who have access to secret information like Ilyumzhinov? And did he in the course of his seemingly innocent conversation disclose secret information?
Both Ilyumzhinov’s testimony and the official request by Lebedev for an official inquiry ensures continued public interest and scrutiny of the 1997 incident.
Ilyumzhinov’s testimony comes at a time of unprecedented public interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. British physicist Stephen Hawking on April 25 stated that it’s “perfectly rationall†to discuss intelligent extraterrestrial life and the political motivations of any civilization visiting Earth. In November 2009 and January 2010, both the Vatican and the Royal Society of London sponsored astrobiology conferences where the scientific and social implications of intelligent extraterrestrial life were discussed.
The way Ilyumzhinov was able to publicly share his experience on a Government controlled television station without any censorship suggests the tacit approval of senior Russian officials. His status as both a sitting Governor and President of the prestigious World Chess Federation ensured his testimony would get much public attention both in Russia and beyond. At the very least, Russia is displaying an extraordinary degree of public openness on UFOs and alien life by allowing elected officials to share their experiences. Alternatively, it is very possible that Russia is covertly preparing its citizenry for official disclosure of the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life.
Special Notice: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization with which the author may be affiliated.