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Author: Michael Salla

Alex Jones on Arab Spring & Globalism – an exopolitics perspective

Alex Jones Infowars Radio ShowBy Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Tripoli has fallen to a rebel advance and freedom loving people in Libya and around the world are celebrating the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. A cause for celebration given Gaddafi’s four decades old eccentric hold over Libya. Not so according to a giant in the alternative media – Alex Jones. Jones is a champion of the 911 Truth movement, and indeed the first to expose 911 as a false flag operation. Alex Jones has been at the forefront of efforts to warn the American public about the dangers of an unchecked police state, unfettered corporate power, secretive groups, and exploitative international banking. Jones’ websites, Infowars.com and Prisonplanet.com are filled with articles that broadly fall under the rubric of anti-globalism. Globalists, according to Jones and supporters, are those advocating the formation of a New World Order wherein government authority is centralized around the planet. A New World Order would be one wherein big government, big corporations and secretive organizations such as the Bilderberg Group dominate international politics and finances.

According to Jones, globalists use cherished U.S. Constitutional principles such as democracy and rule of law as fig leaves for the ever-steady effort to centralize life all over the planet into a future fascist, corporatist state. That’s why the Arab Spring, where young Arab protestors overthrow despots who have held power for decades, is criticized by Jones as a sham. The real agenda is to remove Arab dictators opposed to globalists now ready to expand into the Arab world in order to promote international banking, corporate penetration, etc.

Jones stance on the Arab Spring and support for dictators appears odd at first given mainstream media coverage of events in Libya, Egypt, Syria and elsewhere, but is consistent with the anti-globalism Jones espouses. For Jones, better the little devil of Arab dictators firmly controlling their populations, than the big devil of globalists adding the Arab world to their international balance sheets. So the big question becomes, is Jones right? In many respects, Jones is insightful in his geo-political analysis, yet fails in a major way to understand the underlying dynamics driving international politics and events such as the Arab Spring. He fails to seriously consider the question of extraterrestrial life, and how an exopolitics perspective would change the way we view geo-political events.

Alex Jones, like many media personalities with large listening audiences, has largely sidestepped the question of extraterrestrial life. Jones has avoided immersing himself into controversies of whether or not extraterrestrial life is visiting our world and whether a “Cosmic Watergate” is occurring. Instead, he has considered the possibility that a fake alien invasion can be staged, and has publicly commented about an alien false flag operation. Jones position here is both consistent and cautious. He acknowledges that a false flag operation featuring alien life could be done with holographic technologies, without acknowledging that extraterrestrial life is real and is being covered up. In this cautious way, Jones has introduced his audience to the alien issue, but solely in the context of a possible future false flag operation. This is where Jones’ caution prevents him from seeing the bigger picture. That is visiting extraterrestrial life has been interacting with governments, corporations, military and private citizens for at least six decades. The policies implemented to shield all this from the world public all fall under the rubric of ‘exopolitics’ – the politics of extraterrestrial life.


The field of exopolitics is vast in its implications across all aspects of human life, and directly impacts on Jones’ central concern of the dangers of globalism. For Jones, globalism is driven by the avarice of international bankers and transnational corporations wanting to penetrate and control new markets and populations. That’s true to an extent, and we have much to learn from Jones and his supporters in that regard. If Jones, however, peeled back the onion layers a little more he would find a deeper dynamic behind globalism. A powerful factor behind globalism is the need for those in control of the extraterrestrial issue – to gain control over any extraterrestrial artifacts, knowledge or contacts found throughout the planet. The best way of understanding exopolitics is to consider that for at least six decades, major governments and militaries have worked secretly together to gain intelligence and conduct counter-intelligence on extraterrestrial life and technology. In addition, covert operations have been led around the planet wherever any information, technology or contact with extraterrestrials has occurred.

Organizations such as the Bilderburg Group, Council of Foreign Relations, etc., have played key roles by providing the intellectual firepower on how such a network of intelligence, counter-intelligence and covert operations can be conducted without the world’s populations learning about it. Globalism, in that respect, provides a very useful process for being able to conduct such operations across international borders. More importantly, international cooperation on the extraterrestrial issue has led to the creation of a “breakaway civilization” in highly classified underground and undersea bases. According to some credible sources, there are even human colonies on the moon, Mars and beyond. For many readers that might appear to be sheer science fiction. Yet once thorough research is conducted, the conclusion is inescapable.

The existence of a breakaway civilization is one of the great failings of contemporary world politics, and especially for progressive thinkers who have eschewed serious discussion of the extraterrestrial issue. The most advanced technologies known to humanity have been secretly developed and used in vast network of classified projects without any kind of oversight by representative government institutions, media or population. So where does Jones and his take on the dangers of globalism fit into this exopolitics picture?

Globalism is simply a process that can be used for good or evil depending on how it is managed by those with the most influence in directing and controlling it. In making globalism the big devil of the progressive movement and alternative media, Jones errs. He makes the profound mistake of not recognizing that it is how globalism is currently being managed that is the problem. Globalism can be a very good thing in monitoring and regulating international practices, especially when it comes to introducing transparency and accountability into the classified programs that have been conducted for decades around the planet. Humanity has a need-to-know what technologies have been secretly developed. This will require transparency not only in classified military programs; but, more importantly, classified corporate programs around the planet that defy oversight by any government or military agency. In the United States alone, the amount of black budget funds siphoned by the CIA into this network of deep black programs was estimated to be up to 1.7 trillion a year over the three year period from 1998 to 2000.

The reflexive anti-globalist stance, taken by Alex Jones and supporters has the unintended consequence of facilitating the continued secrecy that makes possible classified military and corporate programs across international borders. An anti-globalist ‘every country mind-their-own business’ approach encourages opacity and unaccountability across international borders. Anti-globalism eschews international cooperation and the strengthening of multilateral institutions such as the United Nations and International Criminal Court. At the same time, one needs to be wary that globalism is not hijacked in order to facilitate corporations and military programs seeking to secretly manage even more extraterrestrial information and contact all over the planet. Done correctly, globalism can help expose and bring to account those responsible for hiding how advanced extraterrestrial technologies have been secretly developed and used.

Supporting peoples struggling for democratic governments such as we are witnessing in Libya, Syria and other Arab Spring countries is an important means for promoting transparency and accountability across international borders. Alex Jones reflexive anti-globalist agenda not only unintentionally supports recalcitrant dictators in the Arab world, but also aids those that have secretly controlled a vast complex of secret projects and covert operations focused on extraterrestrial life and technology. The world has a need-to-know what has secretly happened behind the closed doors of highly classified compartmentalized alien related projects spanning the globe. We should not be afraid of globalism. Wisely embraced, globalism can bring about the kind of transparency and accountability across international borders needed to protect humanity’s freedoms well into the 21st century

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Scientific Study adopts unrealistic stance on extraterrestrial contact

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Extraterrestrial contact where humanity is almost destroyed to protect the ecosystem

There has been a flurry of recent stories by The Guardian and other major world media about the possible benefits or harm that may occur after contact with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. The stories were sparked by a scientific study published in the June/July edition of Acta Astronautica. Titled, “Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis” the study examines a number of scenarios concerning extraterrestrial contact. It adopts the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) paradigm that intelligent extraterrestrial life has not yet been discovered, and that scientific modalities such as radio signals are among the most feasible ways of establishing communications. The study examines the FERMI paradox, first established by Enrico Fermi, that alien life should be abundant in our galaxy, but he asked “where are they?”

Responses to the Fermi Paradox by the authors leads to three possible scenarios. The last scenario examined is the Zoo hypothesis that Aliens may be studying us remotely or invisibly, reminiscent of the non-interference principle popularized by the Star Trek series as the Prime Directive. They explain: “ETI are treating Earth like a wildlife preserve to be observed but not fully incorporated into the Galactic Club.”

The main purpose of the study (which I’ll abbreviate as “A Scenario Analysis” – full paper is here) is to answer the question: “If contact between humans and ETI is possible, then it is important to consider the capability of ETI to cause us benefit or harm” (p.6) In stressing the importance of the question, they go on to point out: “we do have a compelling reason to believe that ETI would be significantly stronger than us and therefore highly capable of causing our total destruction.”

The authors go on to consider extraterrestrial ethics. They write:

If ETI are significantly more advanced than humanity, then the outcome of contact may depend primarily on ETI desires. However, this leaves open speculation as to the specific desires of ETI and raises the question of what ethical framework they follow. Much can be said about ETI ethics. Here we focus on one key aspect: selfishness vs. universalism (p. 7).

In response, the authors examine three broad motivations or ethics of extraterrestrials. Basically, extraterrestrials would fall into categories of the good, the bad, or the indifferent leading to three broad scenarios. Considerable discussion is given to each scenario, and the benefits or harm to humanity. Of special interest is the possibility that “good extraterrestrials”, may decide to wipe out humanity for a higher good such as preserving the eco-system. This frightening scenario was vividly demonstrated in the 2008 remake of the Sci-Fi Classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still.

“Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis” is a very useful summary of a priori speculations about extraterrestrial life. It is the latest in a series of scientific speculations about contact with extraterrestrial life. Recent scientific discoveries such as exoplanets in habitable regions of solar systems, abundance of water found in our solar system, and the ability of life to flourish in extreme biological conditions has stimulated scientific curiosity about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. This inevitably leads to questions about the motivations of advanced extraterrestrial life after contact with them is made by SETI or other means.

What “A Scenario Analysis” fails to do is to actively engage with the more than abundant evidence that humanity is currently being visited by extraterrestrial life. In the abstract, the authors categorically state: “humanity has not yet observed any extraterrestrial intelligence.” Yet there is an incredible amount of physical evidence concerning sightings of UFOs under intelligent control displaying flight characteristics far above what is known to be possible in conventional or even classified aerospace research. In addition, there are also numerous whistleblower reports concerning crashes of UFOs, and retrievals of extraterrestrial biological entities. Finally, there are also first hand witness reports of contacts, both voluntary and involuntary, with extraterrestrial entities. Rather than acknowledge the existence of such evidence, the scientific study chooses to dismiss it all together adopting the well known SETI perspective that no extraterrestrial contact has yet been made.

In failing to even acknowledge the extensive literature that contact has already been made, and that a successful cover-up has occurred by select government, military, corporate actors, “A Scenario Analysis”is taking an unrealistic stance. Basically, it is ignoring the possibility that UFOlogy and exopolitical literature may contribute substantially to answering the main goal of the authors in answering whether extraterrestrial contact would be more harmful or beneficial to humanity.

For example, an innovative course in the new field of exopolitics titled “The “Science, Spirituality and Politics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations” offers a different conceptual framework for examining how extraterrestrials may benefit or harm humanity during contact. The course, taught in the Exopolitics Institute a examines how a typology of extraterrestrial civilizations based on energy consumption might help us understand how different alien societies behave, and how the available literature helps illustrate this. Another exopolitics course, both of which begin in mid-September, “The Role of Hollywood and the Media in the Disclosure Process,” examines how Hollywood is helping prepare humanity for both the beneficial and harmful aspects of various contact scenarios.

It is encouraging to see an increasing number of scientists openly engage with scientific, social, political and even economic consequences of the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Ongoing scientific discoveries make it clear that the conditions for the life flourish throughout the galaxy. This makes scientific curiosity over the motivations of intelligent extraterrestrial life inevitable. Encouraging scientific speculation on the basis of what can be deduced from NASA and other Space Agency press releases or peer reviewed scientific journals should not require an outright dismissal of the abundant literature from the fields of UFOlogy and exopolitics that extraterrestrial contact has already occurred. It would be basically advocating the very unscientific approach that a priori reasoning on the benefits and harm of extraterrestrial contact should be encouraged, while simultaneously dismissing all a posteriori evidence and arguments concerning the benefits and harm of such contact. If the Zoo Hypothesis is the more accurate answer to the Fermi Paradox, the authors of “A Scenario Analysis” might have to acknowledge that they might be among the majority of Zoo dwellers that have been kept in the dark by their Zoo keepers about who might be watching them

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

UFOlogy Grand Deception–hiding the truth about human looking ETs

First Contact meeting with Italian ETs
Graphic of First Contact: first Friendship case meeting between 8 & 3 foot tall extraterrestrials with thee Italian witnesses.

Ask any UFOlogist about the reality of extraterrestrial life, and you’ll most likely get one of three versions of what is happening. The first is that we have been witnessing UFOs since the mid-1940s that offer abundant physical evidence of other worldly technologies sighted in our skies. This leads to the conclusion that someUFOs are extraterrestrial space vehicles observing our world, especially locations where nuclear weapons were being developed or stored. The second most popular version is that since the early 1960s, short “gray aliens” have been abducting people for genetic experimentation. The thirdis that some UFOs have crashed, and that strange looking “gray aliens” have been recovered along with advanced technologies for study in classified reverse engineering programs.Ufology’s three main versions of what is happening with extraterrestrial life is grounded in abundant empirical data. There are tens of thousands of cases from around the world involving physical sightings, radar trackings, photographs, film and testimony of UFO sightings. Similarly, there are thousands of first hand testimonies revealing the existence of alien abductions, and a genetic program conducted by strange looking extraterrestrials with human subjects. Finally, many hundreds of witnesses have come forward to confirm that some UFOs have crashed, and that the technology and occupants have been removed for highly classified study.

All three versions make up what is today known as scientific UFOlogy, and claims that this is as close as one gets to real science when it comes to the question of extraterrestrial visitation. The problem with all three versions of scientific UFOlogy is that they mask something that has long been officially kept hidden from the public. A secret that many leading UFOlogists have actively conspired to keep, along with government agencies encouraging such a process. Human looking extraterrestrials have been visiting our world and making contact with the general public since the beginning of the modern UFO era.

Stories of human looking extraterrestrials making contact with members of the general public first became known in the early 1950s. Famed contactees such as George Adamski, Howard Menger, Daniel Fry, George Van Tassel, Orfeo Angelucci, and many other “contactees” from around the world thrilled the public with their accounts of meetings with extraterrestrial humans that in some cases where stunningly attractive. In many cases, the early contactees backed up their stories with supporting witness testimonies, photographs, film and other forms of physical evidence. The response from the world’s leading UFOlogists, let alone government authorities, was ridicule, derision, and outright dismissal.

Basically, the world’s leading UFOlogists – concluding that extraterrestrial life was visiting the earth and that select government/military agencies were keeping this secret from the public – were not interested in stories that extraterrestrials had made physical contact. Logically, one would assume that if extraterrestrials made the long journey to Earth from wherever they came from in the galaxy, that they would make contact with members of the public, let alone government authorities – that’s another story. Genuine stories of physical contact would be logical to assume, but UFOlogists employed another form of logic to dismiss such accounts. Yes, extraterrestrials were visiting and there was great public interest, but this unfortunately would lead to many charlatans and frauds deceiving the public with contrived contact stories. UFOlogists had to be on constant guard to filter out the many bogus contact stories if there was any chance that the conventional scientific community would take UFOlogy seriously. UFOlogists used the possibility of fraud to justify an impractically high evidentiary barrier for any claiming to have had physical contact with the occupants of flying saucers.

Consequently, the leading UFOlogists of the 1950s, experts such as Major Donald Keyhoe were quick to dismiss and ridicule the contactee stories. When the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP) was created in 1956, it quickly become the preeminent UFOlogy organization for almost two decades, its leading officers and investigators were in agreement. Not one of the many contactee stories deserved serious scientific interest. None met the arbitrarily high evidentiary barrier created by UFOlogists such as Keyhoe and NICAP. Unfortunately, whether out of bias, shortsightedness or active collusion with government/military authorities, NICAP and leading UFOlogists led the charge to dismiss from public debate claims that human looking extraterrestrials have made contact.

More importantly, any aspiring UFOlogist quickly learned that if s/he was to be taken seriously by their peers, they should not study contactee accounts, and needed to reaffirm the prevailing orthodoxy that contactee accounts were the realm of outright fraud and deception. Many of Keyhoe’s peers and successors, UFOlogists such as Stanton Friedman, Richard Hall, James McDonald, Jacques Vallee, and many others dismissed contactee accounts as fanciful fabrications. Even UFOlogists such as Budd Hopkins and Dr David Jacobs, sympathetic to accounts of abductions by grey aliens that first emerged in the 1960s, dismissed stories of contact with human looking extraterrestrials as outright hoaxes. Examination of Richard Dolan’s two volume UFOs and the National Security State – the preeminent history of modern day UFOlogy – reveals a similar shortsighted dismissal of contactee accounts with human looking extraterrestrials. Adamski gets barely a mention in his unofficial history of UFOlogy, and other contactee testimonies are ignored altogether. Dolan’s book, aspiring to set the record straight about how the U.S. National Security System has historically dealt with the UFO phenomenon, fails dismally when it comes to examining claims of contact with human looking extraterrestrials and their significance.

Dismissal by the world’s leading UFOlogists of the many contactee accounts with human looking extraterrestrials has not been universal. British researchers such as Timothy Good (author of Alien Base) and the recently deceased Wendelle Stevens did investigate contactee stories and concluded that some, if not many, of the claims were accurate descriptions of real events. More recently, testimony has emerged from Italy concerning a case of contact with human looking extraterrestrials from the 1950s to 1970s that involved hundreds of witnesses, photographs and film. Apparently, a large base of human looking extraterrestrials existed for a twenty two year period from 1956 around the north-eastern coast of Italy, and the aliens worked with humans to supply their base with food and other physical materials. Meanwhile the Italian military, along with other European military authorities and NATO, closely monitored the aliens but did little to interfere with their operations. A book, Mass Contact, was written about the Friendship case by a retired Professor in civil engineering, Stefano Breccia, and published in English in 2009. A documentary featuring Breccia and other witnesses was made about the case and is now available on Youtube.

Anyone drawn to the modern UFO phenomenon will find an abundance of experts and authorities claiming that serious UFOlogy is focused either on sightings of unusual aerial phenomena (UFOs); human abductions by strange grey looking aliens; or secret UFO crash retrieval operations. To this day, many UFOlogists will act as “gate-keepers” dismissing, if not vigorously attacking, any claims of physical contact with human looking extraterrestrials – regardless of any supporting evidence. In this regard, UFOlogy and its leading proponents are perpetrating a grand deception orchestrated, to some degree, by the same military-intelligence-corporate authorities that are keeping the truth about extraterrestrial life from the public. The truth about human looking extraterrestrials directly contacting private individuals, and government/military authorities for that matter, has been UFOlogy’s best kept secret. Thanks to cases like Friendship now emerging that secret is slowly unraveling, and a more comprehensive exopolitical understanding of extraterrestrial life and its real impact on Earth will be reached.

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Is Comet Elenin an incoming spacecraft heralding a New Age?

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Comet Elenin is an incoming spacecraft or intelligently controlled object according to a number of presenters at a recently completed conference hosted online by the popular whistleblower website – Project Camelot. Several presenters agreed that Elenin will approach its closest points near the Sun and Earth at a time of extraordinary planetary and societal changes coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar. A number of anonymous whistleblowers were cited in support of the view that Elenin was an artificially controlled object responsible for widespread planetary changes in the solar system. The conference broke important ground in uncovering some of the mystery surrounding Comet Elenin, and revealing expert opinions and whistleblower testimonies describing its artificial design and the significance of its orbit. In a surprising omission, the conference organizers did not feature ground breaking scientific literature detailing the seismic impact of Elenin on Earth. Combining insights from the overlooked scientific data and the conference proceedings points to an extraordinary conclusion – Comet Elenin is generating powerful gravity disruption technologies indicative of one or more interstellar spacecraft travelling towards Earth.

The Conference: Elenin was hosted by Kerry Cassidy and featured five presenters who discussed their research data and insights on Comet Elenin. Richard Hoagland, Dr Joseph Farrell, Keith Hunter, Dr Carl Johan Calleman, and Andy Lloyd. Hoagland began the conference with a succinct presentation on the significance of Elenin’s orbit, and why this pointed to it being either an artificial object under intelligent control (an ancient spacecraft) or a natural body (a comet) that has been deliberately launched on an artificial orbit. He placed special emphasis on Elenin’s perihelion (closest point to the sun) on September 11, 2011 as evidence that this was a result of artificial design to draw attention to the profound geopolitical events that occurred ten years earlier. Hoagland also pointed out that around the time Elenin would be passing by the Earth’s orbit on its outbound leg, that another celestial object Asteroid 2005YU55 would pass only 200,000 miles from the Earth on November 8. This was ‘coincidentally’ one day before FEMA was scheduling a FEMA Homeland Security Test where many television and radio networks would relinquish air time for some security drill – coincidence or did national security leaders know something of major significance was about to happen?

The next presenter was Keith Hunter who claimed that planets radiate harmonic signatures that influence orbits and seismic activity. Hunter clamed that Elenin is a small mass that could do something unusual if caught up in powerful harmonic configurations. Hunter’s most important contribution was to point out the relationship between seismic activity and planetary configurations. Sadly, he was not aware of the work conducted by Dr Mensur Omerbashich who had put together an exhaustive study of Elenin’s alignments with a number of planetary bodies during powerful seismic events on Earth. Dr Omerbashich claims that since 2006, comet Elenin has had a measurable impact on the Earth’s seismic activity. Dr Omerbashich’s paper was released on April 11, 2011 and is titled “Astronomical Alignments as the cause of ~M6 + seismicity.”His basic idea is that as planetary bodies align with the Earth, seismic activity increases. He provides historic data on large earthquakes, greater than magnitude 6, and how these have occurred during planetary alignments.

The Mayan Calendar according to the next conference presenter, Dr Carl Calleman, operates in 9 distinct levels or waves. The ninth wave, coinciding with the End of the Mayan Calendar, occurs on October 28, 2011. Calleman believes that the world will enter a New Age based on an expanding “unity consciousness.” While the precise ending of the Mayan Calendar is disputed by others advocating a December 21, 2012 end date, Calleman has produced cogent arguments for the October 2011 end date. He noted that the date coincides with Elenin’s crossing of Earth’s orbit suggesting it may have far more significance than generally attributed to it.

The main conference organizer, Kerry Cassidy, revealed that a number of anonymous whistleblowers had revealed that Elenin is a piloted spacecraft, and in fact was being trailed by a fleet of spacecraft. Hoagland claims that he has been confidentially told similarly by other whistleblowers of the artificial nature of Elenin. Dr Joseph Farrell agreed and claimed that Elenin was either an artificial object (controlled spacecraft) or a natural object placed in an artificial orbit. In probably the most significant observation of the conference, Hoagland claimed that Elenin was likely an “active torsion field generator.”

A torsion field describes the influence a spinning object exerts on its environment. In the case of a slowly spinning stationary gyroscope, for example, the torsion field has been observed to be almost zero. However, for moving gyroscopes rotating at velocities above 20,000 RPM, the torsion field has been observed to have a number of interesting properties. Russian scientists have been the leaders in the study of torsion fields. The most revolutionary results so far reveal that torsion fields impact on gravity and travel faster than electromagnetic radiation or radio signals. Professor Nikolai Kozyrev, a Russian pioneer in the study of torsion fields, experimentally confirmed that torsion fields travel at least 109 times the speed of light.

Kozyrev’s observations were experimentally confirmed by numerous other Russian scientists together with a few western colleagues. The work of Kozyrev and other scientists points to torsion fields as a possible means for extraterrestrial civilizations to travel large interstellar and even intergalactic distances. Significantly, the whistleblower, Bob Lazar revealed that extraterrestrial spacecraft used gravity waves for both navigation and propulsion purposes. Torsion field generators could be used to create the necessary gravity waves for spacecraft traveling long distances.

All presenters agreed that Elenin was not a super-large planetary body such as a red dwarf star mentioned by some researchers that was generating some alarm in the general public. As observed in an earlier article by this writer, Elenin’s orbit indicates that it is not a red dwarf star or large planetary body. In short, Elenin has a small mass as most astronomers contend, and indeed emphasized by Andy Lloyd and others in the Elenin conference. Yet, the pronounced seismic influence when it aligned with the Earth and the sun or other planetary body, as observed by Dr Omerbashich, indicated that Elenin was somehow exerting a powerful gravitational influence. If not a large planetary body, then Elenin’s seismic influence could be explained by it generating powerful gravity waves over long distances. Elenin was generating a powerful torsion field effect – something one or more spacecraft could be doing if traveling along Elenin’s orbital path to the inner solar system.

In conclusion, the Project Camelot: Elenin conference provided a number of important insights into Comet Elenin – the most important being its artificiality, the torsion field effects it was exerting, and the possibility that it is some kind of spacecraft. Unfortunately, the omission of Dr Omerbashich’s work in the discussion meant that seismic impact of Elenin through planetary alignments was not adequately covered. If Elenin is generating powerful torsion field effects and seismicity, these can be expected to magnify as it gets closer. This is especially so when Elenin aligns with the Earth and the sun on September 26, 2011. If Elenin, however, is one or more intelligently guided spacecraft, then the torsion fields it is generating may vary as it approaches and passes by the Earth.

It’s now less than four months before Elenin passes by the Earth’s orbit, around October 28, 2011, and its eventual influence is unknown and arousing considerable speculation. The timing of passing by the Earth, the end of the Mayan Calendar according to Dr Calleman, does offer the tantalizing possibility of Elenin being a harbinger of a New Age. Alternatively, Elenin may be a small comet that will have little to no impact as it passes near the Earth as NASA and many astronomers contend. Fortunately, we do not have long to find out what precisely Elenin’s influence will be.

[Correction – 7/8/11] Dr Omerbashich’s name and paper was briefly mentioned at the three hour mark of the video conference by Andy Lloyd. To his credit Lloyd pointed out that Omerbashich’s planetary alignment theory suggested that November 22, 2011 would be a key date to watch which is when Elenin aligns with the Earth and the sun. Hunter also mentioned the November 22 date as important alignment date, without mentioning Omerbashich’s work. Unfortunately, Lloyd’s brief reference to Dr Omerbashich mistakenly refered to November 22 as the “second opposition” where the Sun and Elenin were aligned with the Earth. He referred to the March 2011 Japan EQ as the “first opposition”. This is an incorrect intepretation of Dr Omerbashic’s work which discusses multiple instances where Elenin and the Earth were in alignment and major seismic activity occurred.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Understanding the Implications of Human Extraterrestrial Contact

New Edition of Exopolitics Journal Now Available

New Edition of Exopolitics Journal Now Available!!!

One of the fundamental questions concerning evidence of extraterrestrial visitation and contact is how long has this phenomenon been happening, and what are its implications for us today as an emerging global society. This issue of the Exopolitics Journal provides a framework for understanding human extraterrestrial contact and how it shaped our identities historically, and its present impact on us in the modern era. We are given some helpful academic tools for understanding how human extraterrestrial contact is both theorized and presented by those either directly experiencing such contact, for those wishing to understand its implications in the development of public policy, or those involved in academic studies.

The first article by Come Carpentier, “Indian Cosmology Revisited in the Light of Current Facts,” is a detailed discussion of the best evidence that ancient India was very familiar with extraterrestrial life and technology. In fact, he reveals historic Sanskrit texts that demonstrate just how extensively extraterrestrials interacted with and influenced the ancient civilization of Vedic India. Carpentier discusses some of the ancient flying technologies used in ancient India, and how these relate to the modern UFO phenomenon. He provides a powerful case that human extraterrestrial contact happened long ago, and was fully integrated in the world view of those living during the time of Vedic India. Most importantly, Carpentier establishes that the modern UFO phenomenon is very consistent with what can be known of the capabilities of extraterrestrial technologies discussed in ancient Vedic sources.

Natasha Acimovic introduces some helpful conceptual tools for understanding how human alien identities are constructed, and their implications. She identifies how one academic model of “discourse analysis” – the perceptual framework used in theorizing and presenting issues – applies to the construction of human alien identities, and to extraterrestrial contact. She believes that as “new formations in human-alien interactions continue to emerge, new perceptual frameworks should be utilized for the purpose of widening our understanding of them, as well the impact upon the human condition.” Her hope is that by better understanding the accounts of experiencers’ interactions with extraterrestrials, that we will be able to fully determine the implications of alien contact.

The third article is the conclusion of George LoBouno’s, “Determining Human Relations with Aliens,” which first appeared in Volume 3:2 of the Exopolitics Journal. His article is a disturbing analysis of the challenges posed by extraterrestrials that have liaised and reached agreements with secret government authorities. He points out the origin of the liaisons began during the Eisenhower administration where the Rockefeller family featured prominently in developing policies on extraterrestrial affairs. LoBouno points out that “Rockefeller ended elected official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted.” Within months of agreements being reached, “[Gray] aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range.” If LoBouno is correct, it appears that agreements were reached with humanoid Gray aliens with questionable agendas who liaised with military authorities. LoBouno’s article helps us understand how contact with extraterrestrials is not merely a private affair of isolated individuals, but also involves contact with senior political leaders that has powerful expolitical implications.

In the final article, “How academia Processes the ET Contact Issue,” David Griffin and Natasha Acimovic probe the extent to which academia has been willing to engage with the material on extraterrestrial contact. They ask: “Although academia has failed to fully embrace the issue in any real manner, what can we learn from the approaches by some academics to codify the phenomenon to date?” They use “discourse analysis” in pointing out how there has been systematic omissions in how academia has conceptually approached the literature on UFOs generally, and more specifically the contact issue. They furthermore ask: “By examining published sources and the available deconstructions of both theory and language, can we gain useful insights and transfer this knowledge to the wider investigating community?” Griffin and Acimovic focus on Alexander Wendt’s and Raymond Duvall’s pioneering article. “Sovereignty and the UFO,” and its implications for understanding the extent to which academia is willing to engage with evidence of human extraterrestrial contact.

The June 2011 edition of the Exopolitics Journal is now available for free online at: http://exopoliticsjournal.com/


Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Chief Editor, Exopolitics Journal

The Event and Comet Elenin

Extraterrestrial Home World appears betwen Earth and Moon in final episode of The Event
The Event is a fictional NBC television show featuring a black U.S. President grappling with the national security problem of whether or not to tell the U.S. public about the existence of extraterrestrial life. Comet Elenin is a long-period body from the Oort cloud that is approaching the inner solar system and has been associated with major earthquake activity on Earth. What is the relationship between Comet Elenin and the Event? Perhaps nothing; or, maybe, a very lot indeed. For there is an important paradox surrounding Comet Elenin. The solution to the paradox may well have been revealed in the season finale of the Event. Were elements of the U.S. government using a fictional television show to break to the world public something with tremendous global significance that might soon unfold? Read on.

Even though Comet Elenin was only discovered in December 2010 by Russian amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin, its passage through the solar system could be tracked back to when it entered the solar system by a very useful orbiting tracking software that NASA’s JPL makes freely available to the public. Something remarkable was found by a Bosnian earth scientist who tracked Elenin’s orbital passage back to 2006. Dr Mensur Omerbashich found that Elenin was aligned with the Earth and other planets when major earthquakes had appeared. In a paper released on an online science archive, he outlines the most significant alignments featuring Elenin that he claims are linked to seismic activities on Earth.

The remarkable discovery by Dr Omerbashich suggests that Elenin was something very large, with an enormous mass and gravitational field to be able to influence seismic events on Earth from a very long distance going back as far as 2006. Elenin’s size and mass could be even as big as brown dwarf star as some conspiracy theorists have been arguing has been secretly known to be approaching the inner solar system. In 1983, the Washington Post and New York Times published articles about a large mysterious planet X that could be a brown dwarf that was part of our solar system. According to some researchers, planet X was none other than the planet Nibiru revealed in the first published book by the recently deceased scholar of Sumerian history, Zecharia Sitchin.

In 1976, Sitchin wrote The 12th Planet (he included the moon and the sun as planets) which according to ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts was Nibiru, the home world of extraterrestrials called the Anunnaki. Nibiru or Planet X, was a long-period body that took 3600 years to revolve around our solar system. According to Sitchin, each time Nibiru/Planet X passed through our inner solar system, major destruction would occur to nearby planets. For some researchers, Elenin’s seismic influence on Earth is a sign that it is Nibiru. Some go as far as claim that the name Elenin, is in fact a code for Extinction Level Event Nibiru is Near (ELENIN).

The main problem with the Elenin is a brown dwarf star claim is that its orbit, as mapped and projected by JPL’s orbital tracker, showed that Elenin was an object with a tiny mass. Elenin would loop around the sun in less than the three months spanning September to November, 2011. This was an impossible orbital swing around the sun if Elenin was really a brown dwarf star. In the words of Donald Yeomans from JPL, the data revealed that Elenin was “kind of wimpy.” and there is nothing to be concerned about. So there is a paradox here over what JPL is telling us about Elenin, and its seismic influence from long distances as observed by Dr Omerbashich.

The season finale of NBC’s “The Event” finally revealed what “The Event” was all about. For those that watched all 22 episodes – it was a long wait but well worth it. The Event wasn’t about the disclosure of extraterrestrial life, or the announcement that extraterrestrials are living among us. It wasn’t even the appearance of extraterrestrial motherships over population centers – a favorite jaw dropping scene from popular movies such as Independence Day; Battle: Los Angeles; or television shows like V. The Event was something even more breathtaking.

The Event was preceeded by a series of world wide earthquakes, and then it was suddenly revealed. An exoplanet appeared out of some kind of cosmic anomaly in near Earth orbit, dwarfing the moon in size. More significantly, the exoplanet was the homeworld of extraterrestrials. As it appeared, earthquakes continued to intensify on Earth.

Was the Event foreshadowing something significant about to unfold in our planetary history? Is Comet Elenin merely the vanguard of something much larger following it that is responsible for the seismic activity discovered by Dr Omerbashich? Will a large exoplanet, the homeworld of ancient extraterrestrial visitors, suddenly appear during its passage through the inner solar system, close to the Earth, in the not too distant future? These questions all arise from the paradox that is Comet Elenin. The Event may have revealed the answer to the Elenin paradox. Thankfully we may not have that long to wait. Elenin will on October 16 be only 0.24 AU from the Earth (only a quarter of the distance to the sun). If something is trailing behind Elenin, we will find out soon enough.

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Will Comet Elenin cause major earthquakes as it approaches Earth?

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Fig 1. Is Comet Elenin really a Brown Dwarf?

There has been growing scientific debate about Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) as it approaches the Earth, and its significance as it comes as close as 0.23 Astronomic Units -about one quarter the distance between the Earth and the sun – on October 16, 2011. At one end of the spectrum are NASA scientists claiming that Elenin is little more than a comet comprising icy space debris with negligible mass that will have little effect on the Earth. At the other end are some scientists and private researchers claiming that Elenin is a large planetary body, possibly a brown dwarf star, and its near approach will have calamitous effects.

Much of the evidence for Elenin being a large planetary body has been centered on conspiracy theories related to a government cover-up of an incoming brown dwarf star given the name Planet X. Rather than mere conjecture by conspiracy theorists, Planet X was first reported by the Washington Post and New York Times in two articles that appeared in 1983.

The debate over Elenin’s significance has been dramatically changed with the emergence of a Bosnian scientist who has released a remarkable paper tracking the relationship between planetary alignments and seismic (earthquake) activity on the Earth. Dr Mensur Omerbashich claims that since 2006, comet Elenin has had a measurable impact on the Earth’s seismic activity. If Dr Omerbashich is correct, then we can expect a rapid surge in seismic activity in terms of major earthquakes as Elenin approaches the Earth during the latter part of 2011.

Dr Omerbashich’s paper was released on April 11, 2011 and is titled “Astronomical Alignments as the cause of ~M6 + seismicity.” His basic idea is that as planetary bodies align with the Earth, that seismic activity increases. He provides historic data on large earthquakes, greater than magnitude 6, and how these have occurred during planetary alignments. For example, he notes that the 9.1 earthquake that hit Indonesia on December 26, 2004 causing over 230,000 deaths around the Indian Ocean, occurred when the Earth, Mercury and Venus were in alignment. At first, the planetary alignment thesis seems puzzling since it’s not obvious what is happening during an alignment that would cause seismic behavior on Earth.

Dr Omerbashich doesn’t explain the dynamic processes behind planetary alignments and how these impact on seismicity. He simply provides historic data suggesting that physical processes are indeed occurring during an alignment that cause the seismic activity. So that naturally leads to the question, what is happening during a planetary alignment that would cause earthquakes on Earth? The main candidate for a viable response to this question is the “electric universe” or “plasma cosmology” model.

Plasma cosmology is an astronomical model that suggests that the sun and planets are electrically charged celestial objects that exist in an electric field that is generated by the sun in a radial direction (like the spokes on a bicycle wheel) throughout the solar system. Charges flow through this electric field by virtue of the plasma particles that are constantly being released by the sun (aka solar wind). Plasma is the fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, and gas being the first three) and comprises free protons, neutrons, electrons and ions that make up atoms. Plasma is not electrically neutral, but is a superconductor that can carry electrical charges throughout the solar system (and indeed into interstellar and intergalactic space)

As electrical charges are distributed by plasma through the solar system, then different regions of space become electrically charged depending on their distance from the sun. Put simply, the sun comprises a large positive charge while the distant ends of the solar system form the most negatively charged regions of the solar system. In between, the electric field of the sun and the plasma currents flowing from it through space, provide electrical charges to planets, asteroids and comets depending on the nature of their orbits and proximity to one another.

Plasma discharge - note the radial direction of charged plasma

Plasma discharges (see Fig 2) therefore regularly occur between celestial bodies. When a comet moves close to a planet or the sun, the comet’s electrical charge is significantly different in that region of the solar system’s electrical field. The accumulation of charge and/or a plasma discharge subsequently occurs. For example, when comets travel close to the sun, plasma discharges (aka Coronal Mass Ejections) have been observed to occur. Most astronomers are puzzled by such events which they currently regard as mere coincidence. For supporters of plasma cosmology, however, the sun’s behavior when comet’s approach is evidence of the plasma discharge that regularly occurs when two charged celestial bodies approach each other.

The plasma cosmology model gives us a means of understanding how the planetary alignments that Dr Omerbashich discusses are directly related to seismic activity. Essentially, when the Earth is aligned with two or more celestial bodies, then a plasma discharge occurs and seismic activity is stimulated. So now we can better understand how planetary alignments might cause seismic activity which Dr Omerbashich has observed in recent historical data.

Most importantly, he argues that seismic activity has been observed when the Earth aligned with Comet Elenin as early as 2007. In his paper, he writes:

Note that, in terms of seismicity, the Elenin started playing a role in 2007, and continued doing so, contributing in 6 out of the 22 alignment-relating seisms. Similarly, the sun participated in 19 such alignments, the Mercury in 9, the Venus in 8, the moon in 9, the Mars in 2, the Jupiter in 4, the Saturn in 1, the Uranus in 2, and the Neptune in 1.

Under the electric universe model, it is understandable how the sun would be so dominant in planetary alignments associated with large earthquake activity. This is consistent with Dr Omerbashich’s own view that: “Proximity of the Earth to the alignments of other celestial bodies, particularly of those involving the Sun, can result in intense seismic activity…” Similarly, the electric universe model helps explain why Mercury and Venus also play prominent roles in alignments associated with seismic activity on Earth. What’s very important is noting that larger planetary bodies such as Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, have not played prominent roles in planetary alignments. Yet mysteriously, Elenin has.

Fig 3. Elenin's alignment with Mercury and Earth on March 8, 2011

For example, on March 8, 2011, Elenin formed an alignment with the Earth and Mercury, 3 days before the devastating Japan magnitude 9 earthquake (see fig 3). How can Elenin play such a prominent role in seismic activity if it is just a small comet with little mass as NASA argues?

Dr Omerbashich’s model does point to a large planetary body given Elenin’s effect on Earth from distances as far away as Uranus. This has been cited by researchers believing Dr Omerbashich’s paper supports the brown dwarf explanation for Elenin. There is, however, a major problem with the brown dwarf explanation. If Elenin was a brown dwarf, its huge mass (not yet known) and velocity of approximately 50,000 miles per hour during perihelion of 0.46 AU (closest point to the sun on September 10, 2011) would give it a massive amount of momentum. Elenin’s momentum would carry it far past the sun and the inner solar system, well into the outer solar system before the sun’s gravity could slow and change Elenin’s direction enough to make it swing back past the sun in a very long and narrow loop.

According to JPL’s simulation for Elenin’s orbit, however, it in fact swings around the sun in a 90 degree arc when it passes into (August 1, 2011) and leaves Earth’s orbit (October 16) (see figure 4). A brown dwarf would take far longer than the less than three months it took for Elenin to change its direction by 90 degrees in passing by our sun while within Earth’s orbit.

Fig. 4. Elenin's passage through the inner solar system
Fig 5. Passage of Elenin through solar system

Elinin’s projected orbit into and out of the solar system shows that its path is similar to many long period comets where the sun swings it back almost 180 degrees (see figure 5). The JPL simulation tells us that Elinin’s momentum is not that large since the sun’s gravity so quickly changes its direction. Elenin is therefore not a brown dwarf. Its 90 degree swing around the sun before passing the inner solar system suggests Elenin has the mass of a comet. Yet paradoxically, Elenin’s distant effect on Earth’s seismic activity is similar to what would be expected of large planetary body. So what exactly is Elenin?

If Dr Omerbashich is correct with his planetary alignments and seismic activity thesis, then his data suggests that Elenin is more than a comet with a small mass. Yet the JPL orbital model for Elenin rules out a brown dwarf, and suggests something with negligible mass such as a comet. Despite the paradox from the scientific data, one thing is clear from Dr Omerbashich paper. Elenin’s influence on seismic activity on Earth has yet to peak. As it approaches Earth, the planetary alignments with Earth will grow in intensity. In this regard he writes:

The alignments were occurring at the rate of some 20-30 times per year before the Elenin crossed into the Uranus orbit in 2006, and around 30-40 times per year afterwards…. The ongoing increase in seismic activity due to combined effects of the Elenin and other celestial objects … will continue until the comet crosses into the Earth’s orbit around 1 August 2011, when the seismicity will subside as the comet speeds up significantly. At that time it will not have enough time for participating in long astronomical alignments in order to pose imminent danger to the Earth as before. The strongest seismicity will then again increase around 20 October 2011, ie., upon the comet’s crossing of the Earth’s orbit on the way out, only to continue subsiding till year 2016.

So up to August 1, the incoming Elenin will be involved in further planetary alignments that lead to increased seismic activity on Earth, and then again from October 20 on its outward path. Strangely, Dr Omerbashich argues that between August 1 and October 20, seismic activity will diminish since Elenin will not “have enough time for participating in long astronomical alignments.” Yet what he overlooks is what happens as Elenin passes directly between the Earth and the Sun.

Fig 6. Elenin directly between Earth and Sun on September 26, 2011

On September 26, 2011 Elenin will pass between the Earth and sun and will be only 0.396 astronomical units from the Earth (see fig. 6). Not the closest it will be to the Earth during its orbit, that occurs on October 16, but quite possibly the most significant for evaluating its seismic effect on Earth. According to the plasma cosmology model, the position of Elenin directly between the Earth and the sun will make it possible for the most powerful plasma discharge involving Elenin in relation to the Earth. The plasma discharge is likely to stimulate a spike in seismic activity during the August 1 to October 20 period when Dr Omerbashich predicts seismic activity will wane.

Fig 7. Elenin aligns with Earth and Sun on Nov 23, 2011

Another date to watch is November 23, 2011 when Elenin and the Earth will again be in direct alignment with the sun. This time Earth will be in the middle with Elenin only 0.596 AU away from the earth, and the sun on the other side (see Figure 7). This alignment again makes possible a large plasma discharge leading to seismic activity.

In conclusion, Dr Omerbashich’s planetary alignment hypothesis is a dramatic new way of understanding how seismic behavior on Earth is influenced by the sun and planets. When combined with the plasma cosmology model, we have a way of understanding the hidden dynamics behind planetary alignments and why they can directly affect seismic behavior on planets. Elenin’s quick 90 degree swing around the sun before passing Earth’s orbit rules out the brown dwarf explanation. Yet Elenin’s influence on seismic activity on Earth suggests something more than a comet. Despite the paradox over Elenin’s composition and influence, the scientific data points to it causing intense seismic activity as Elenin approaches and aligns with the Earth and other celestial bodies. The dates of September 26 and November 23, 2011 will be very important to watch in terms of high magnitude earthquakes as Elenin swings in a 90 degree arc through the inner solar system, and aligns with both the Earth and the sun.

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

National Geographic promotes alien invasion scenario

Promotional graphic for National Geograpic's When Aliens Attack
National Geographic has announced a television show to air on Sunday May 22 examining the possibility of an alien invasion of Earth. The show features the realistic depiction of Earth’s military forces and major cities being overwhelmed in an alien shock and awe campaign. It raises the question of whether the public is being psychologically conditioned to accept the possibility of hostile extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. National Geographic’s “When Aliens Attack” follows a recent story on ExoNews.org that Osama Bin Laden’s death paves the way for a false flag alien invasion.

Here is how National Geographic justifies its upcoming show:

What if an extra-terrestrial force attacked Earth? What might that look like and how will the people of Earth respond? Consulting a cast of world-renowned scientists, survival experts and defense experts, this two-hour special, Alien Invasion explores this frightening scenario. Experts reveal what could motivate alien invaders to attack Earth, and speculate on how the attack might play out — the strategy alien invaders might use and the most effective ways for humans to respond. Well turn to science and history to figure out what works. Well show how humanity can survive this ultimate test. Read more

Will Osama’s death lead to new contrived global threat – Aliens?

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. 

The death of Osama bin Laden announced by President Barack Obama on May 1, 2011

Osama bin Laden’s death was announced by President Barack Obama on Sunday evening May 1, 2011. Obama described bin Laden as the perpetrator of 911, and public enemy number 1. Bin Laden’s death was celebrated by many mainstream U.S. media outlets, political leaders and organizations. For many Americans, it brings closure to an incident that traumatized the American psyche and sparked a relentless global War on Terror. On the other side of the political divide, are those claiming that bin Laden had been killed some time ago and that the announcement was to be trotted out at the most politically expedient time for the Obama administration. There is more than political expediency behind the announcement of bin Laden’s death. There is a powerful archetypal element behind it. Not least is the irony of President “Obama” announcing “Osama’s” death given the name similarity. In a definite sense it brings closure to an ugly chapter in American history. For Obama, it represents a way of answering his critics over the direction he is taking the country. The U.S. is now free to concentrate on new emerging challenges in the international arena. Yet it’s hard to ignore the massive evidence that much of the Global War on Terror was contrived. Does the announcement of bin Laden’s death clear the path for the USA to embark on a new contrived global threat? This time, rather than extremists hiding in remote Afghanistan caves planning terrorist attacks, it will be against a more technologically advanced enemy – extraterrestrials?

First, this is what President Barack Obama had to say about Osama Bin Laden:

Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children. It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in our history. The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memory — hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky; the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground; black smoke billowing up from the Pentagon; the wreckage of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the actions of heroic citizens saved even more heartbreak and destruction.

Whether one agrees or not that Bin Laden has just been killed by U.S Special Forces, his announced death certainly brings closure to the threat posed by him as the mastermind behind the 911 attacks, and as the head of Al Qaeda. There has been, however, much evidence that 911 was a contrived incident, and that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were puppets for mysterious forces that operated at the highest levels of government in the U.S. and internationally. These forces operate clandestinely to manufacture new global threats to justify the massive U.S. military industrial complex, and an enormous number of covert operations run by the CIA and other intelligence agencies around the world.

Bin Laden’s announced death clears the path for a new contrived global threat. Now what would be the new threat? To answer that question, we can turn to someone who had deep insider knowledge of the mysterious forces behind the U.S. military industrial complex and covert operations around the world. A mysterious force that has more than ample means, resources and opportunities to manufacture global threats.

Dr Werner von Braun was one of architects of the NASA space program, and before that helped Hitler’s Nazi Germany in the development of the V1 and V2 rockets. During his decades in advanced military and aerospace research, von Braun became very familiar with inner workings of the military industrial complex. More importantly, he learned at first hand how global threats are manufactured or contrived by mysterious forces in control of the U.S. military industrial complex. During the final four years of his life, he confided his deepest fears on what these mysterious forces had in mind for the world. This is what he said, according to Carol Rosin who worked with him at the Fairchild aerospace company:

What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with him. He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics That was how we identify an enemy. The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had “killer satellites”. We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were “Commies.”
Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country “crazies.” We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.
The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it.
Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. “And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.”

Osama bin Laden’s death will not end the need for new enemies to justify the enormous expenditures to run the military industrial complex, and the covert programs that help create the global and political circumstances supporting such expenditures. New enemies will be found. Von Braun’s warning about a contrived extraterrestrial enemy is not science fiction. There are many hints that the American public is being conditioned and prepared for the announcement of an extraterrestrial threat by a multitude of movies and television programs. War of the Worlds, The Event, V, Skyline, Battle: Los Angeles, Cowboys & Aliens are but a few of the recent movies and TV shows that portray extraterrestrials as the new enemy. Almost exactly one year ago, one of the world’s foremost astrophysicists, Professor Stephen Hawking, described extraterrestrial life in terms of a new kind of global threat if they were ever discovered.

Osama bin Laden’s death closes one chapter in what America has been conditioned to accept as a global threat. Now a new chapter will follow. Perhaps that chapter is already well underway with a covert psychological warfare program using the US media and key scientists. Advanced space based weapons have been covertly developed and deployed. The groundwork has been laid for contriving extraterrestrials as a threat like no other. This would enable the funding and development of advanced space based weapons, super solider programs and other exotic technological operations to move from the black covert world of little known military corporate programs, into the white world of congressionally mandated appropriations through the Department of Defense. All that remains is for an announcement by President Obama that extraterrestrial life is real, and they form a new type of global threat.

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

FBI Memo reveals flying saucer crashes in 1940s

Stories of flying saucer crashes secretly retrieved by elite military teams have been boosted with the release of a new electronic reading room by the FBI known as “The Vault.” Among the documents first released by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and now more easily accessible to the American public in The Vault is one by Special Agent Guy Hottel. In 1950, Hottel sent a memorandum to J. Edgar Hoover about flying saucer crashes. The Hottel memo is causing a sensation in Britain since the Daily Mail discussed it in a provocative article titled: The memo that ‘proves aliens landed at Roswell’… released online by the FBI.”. The Daily Mail story was quickly followed by other major media outlets. The memo is startling since it reveals that an unidentified Air Force Investigator, most likely with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, was relaying accurate information about three flying saucer crashes recovered by the Air Force in the 1940s to an FBI Special Agent.

The Hottel Memo states:

Three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50ft in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3ft tall dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.

The document cites as its main source an Air Force investigator without giving details of his rank, position, or how he received the information. Given that the memo’s recipient was none other than FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, it can be safely assumed that the Air Force investigator was a credible military source being cited by an FBI field agent reporting directly to his boss. Hottel’s job as an FBI Special Agent was to relay accurate information of activities coming under his field of operations, or of particular interest to the FBI Director. In relaying such information, Hottel would have to judge the significance and accuracy of the information before relaying it in an official FBI memo to his superior. What the Hottel document does prove is that an Air Force Investigator was willing to share information about crashed flying saucers to an FBI agent who judged the information relevant and significant enough to relay it directly to his superior.

The Hottel memo does not go into specifics as to what flying saucer crashes the Air Force Investigator had in mind. This has led to much speculation and debate among researchers as to whether or not it confirms the 1947 Roswell Crash, or other historic cases such as the 1948 Aztec UFO crash. The FBI’s launch of The Vault has certainly had the effect of sparking public interest in the FBI’s X-Files.


© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Is new Jerusalem UFO video proof that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth?

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic Shrine built over Jerusalem's Temple Mount

Eligael Gedalyovich, who released the first video of a UFO hovering over the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem on January 28, 2011, claims to have found new video that reveals in greater detail the UFO that appeared that day. Eligael claims to have been present during the filming of the very first video of the Dome of the Rock UFO which he posted to his Youtube channel. Another video soon emerged from a different source (Shshsh331) from another angle, and appeared to independently confirm the original video posted by Eligael. These first two videos have been widely viewed to be the most credible of the videos that have emerged so far of the Dome of the Rock UFO incident. At least one of the subsequent videos that have emerged, has been concluded to be a fake intended to discredit the first two genuine videos. Now Eligael has posted 3 seconds of what he claims to be conclusive proof that the Dome of the Rock UFO was in fact an interplanetary extraterrestrial vehicle.

The new Eligael video shows what appears to be a large metallic shaped flying saucer hovering over the Dome of the Rock, and casting a light in the vicinity. In Eligael’s original video, the UFO was descended over the Dome of the Rock and hovered for about 25 seconds, before quickly shooting up vertically. The new video appears to be a close up of the UFO during the period it was hovering. Eligael claims that the new video is three minutes in total, and the three seconds released so far is a teaser of what’s to come. It appears with captions: “Now the answer is clear” and “We are not alone.” Here’s the video.

Veteran Israeli UFO researcher Barry Chamish, was interviewed on the Kevin Smith show on February 4 about the Dome of the Rock UFO. He talked about the hundreds of witnesses and how the Israeli media and public is vigorously discussing the UFO sighting. He said that he had absolute confidence in the authenticity of the first two videos and claims that Eligael is a credible source. His interview can be heard here: Chamish is one of the few UFO researchers that can speak with authority about UFO sightings in Israel. These first two videos can be seen side by side and provide the context for the new video posted by Eligael.

The new video is bound to raise further controversy over what happened over the Dome of the Rock on January 28. If the Dome of the Rock incident involved an interplanetary vehicle its significance cannot be underestimated. It is a site holy to the world’s three major monotheistic religions: Islam; Judaism; and Christianity. A UFO appearing over the Dome of the Rock may well have the principal function of uniting humanity in response to the imminent appearance of extraterrestrial life. Alternatively, it may be setting the scene for a Second Coming type of event that some believe is part of a covert operation called Project Blue Beam using holographic technologies Was the UFO conducting a form of galactic diplomacy in preparing humanity for events that will point to the existence of extraterrestrial life? Or was it a scene setter for a contrived Second Coming and/or alien invasion?

One thing that is not in dispute is that soon after the January 28, Dome of the Rock incident, Hillary Clinton recalled up to 260 U.S. ambassadors from around the world to Washington DC for a one week conference that began on Monday, February 14. The unprecedented diplomatic recall involved discussion of issues too sensitive even for the Top Secret diplomatic communication channels used by the State Department. It is worth pointing out that the Wikileaks material that has been released so far involves diplomatic cables classified below Top Secret (Secret and Confidential) that were widely shared between different U.S. bureaucracies. In this writer’s opinion, the State Department recall was related to forthcoming events with momentous global significance that far exceeded in scope the official agenda released to the U.S. media.

If the new video posted by Eligael is genuine and conclusive proof of the visitation of extraterrestrial life over one of humanity’s most important religious sites, then it would qualify as the kind of global event that would have required secret discussions by the diplomatic elite of the U.S. in a highly secure environment. Eligael has given no date for when the rest of new video will be released. If genuine, its contents may well change the world as we know it.

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Is historic meeting of 260 U.S. ambassadors related to UFOs and ET life?

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Hillary Clinton meeting with Laurence Rockefeller in 1995 to discuss UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Photo: President Clinton Library

On Monday, Feb 14, in the first meeting of its kind, 260 U.S. ambassadors began meeting in Washington D.C. for a week long conference to discuss foreign policy priorities for 2011. Among the priorities scheduled to be discussed are regional political upheavals, the rising international influence of social networks, and leaks by Wikileaks. Hillary Clinton will address the ambassadors on Wednesday about “leading through civilian power.” The meeting was first reported by the Associated Press on January 31, less than a week after the conclusion of the Global Competitiveness Forum where world business leaders were given an informal briefing about UFOs and extraterrestrial life by a panel of experts. Perhaps even more importantly, the Ambassadorial meeting was announced only three days after a spectacular UFO was filmed over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. The question that arises is whether the historic meeting of 260 U.S. ambassadors is in some way related to UFOs and ET life?

This is what Politico had to say about the agenda of the Ambassadorial meeting:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called top envoys from U.S. embassies to gather in Washington on Monday for a wide-ranging foreign policy meeting. Ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries are expected to convene at the State Department for what’s being billed as the first meeting of its kind…. The ambassadors hold meetings with their regional bureaus Monday and Tuesday. Clinton is set to address the ambassadors Wednesday about “leading through civilian power,” after a welcome from her chief of staff and counselor, Cheryl Mills. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice will then forecast the year ahead at the United Nations, and Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns will do the same for the year ahead in foreign policy. The ambassadors will also hear from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen on civilian-military operations in the 21st century …

According to official releases concerning the agenda of the Ambassadorial enclave, there is nothing that hints at the UFO phenomenon being discussed. The timing of the meeting, first announced less then a week after two extraordinary world events, however, does point to a likely UFO connection.

The first event was a meeting of the Global Competitiveness Forum held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from January 23-25, 2011 which had for the first time a panel on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Five panelists were heard on the opening day at a plenary session, where most of the conference participants, comprising world business leaders such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others were told about evidence of UFOs and ET life. In short, world business leaders were told that flying saucers were real and that the advanced technology of extraterrestrial civilizations made possible a special kind of UFO for astute entrepreneurs – Unprecedented Financial Opportunities. A mystery participant to the GCF was former U.S. President Bill Clinton who spoke about advanced energy systems that await international development.

The second event concerned video and witness testimony of a spectacular UFO over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem on January 28. The UFO was filmed by up to four independent sources, and witnessed by hundreds. The UFO appears first to descend directly over the Dome of the Rock, and then shot straight up in a spectacular flash of energy. Controversy has arisen over whether one or more of the videos is a fake. Credible Israeli researchers such as Barry Chamish, however, say that at least the first two of the videos are genuine and well supported by witness testimonies.

The significance of the Dome of the Rock cannot be underestimated in terms of a UFO sighting. It is a site holy to the world’s three major monotheistic religions: Islam; Judaism; and Christianity. A UFO appearing over the Dome of the Rock may well have the principal function of uniting humanity in response to the appearance of extraterrestrial life. Alternatively, it may be setting the scene for a Second Coming type of event that some believe is part of a covert operation called Project Blue Beam using holographic technologies? Was the UFO conducting a form of galactic diplomacy in preparing humanity for events that will point to the existence of extraterrestrial life? Or was it a scene setter for a contrived Second Coming and contrived alien invasion?

Adding a further element into the hiddent agenda behind the U.S., ambassadorial enclave, is that the current U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has a documented interest in the UFO phenomenon that goes back to her days in the Clinton White House. Hillary supported an initiative by deceased billionaire, Laurence Rockefeller, to get the White House to release government documents concerning UFOs. This raises the question, was her summoning of a historic meeting of 260 U.S. ambassadors from around the world done so they can be briefed in a secure environment on events about to unfold around the planet? Are these events related to the Dome of the Rock UFO incident and the Global Competitiveness Forum meeting where World business leaders were informally told of the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial life? The need to have nearly all U.S. ambassadors flown in, rather than participate in an internet linkup suggests momentous events needed to be discussed in a secure leak-proof environment.

Hillary Clinton will speak tomorrow, Wednesday, February 16, to this first-time assembly of 260 U.S. ambassadors from around the world. Will she brief them about UFOs and their relationship to events about to unfold around the planet? Only time will tell, but in the meantime, look to the skies – especially if visiting Jerusalem.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Assange reveals significance of Wikileaks UFO cables

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Julian Assange with photoshopped UFO.

In the first of a series of “Live People’s Conferences” where Julian Assange directly responds to public questions about Wikileaks, he has clarified the nature of most UFO references in its yet-to-be-published diplomatic cables. Back on December 3, 2010, Assange raised expectations when he said in an interview in the Guardian newspaper that “it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.” This led to many wondering whether an alleged U.S. government cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life was going to be finally exposed. Indeed, one of the diplomatic cables released by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten, referred to extensive funding for UFO research in the former Soviet Union. In his February 6 response to a question about UFOs, Assange revealed that the contents of the yet-to-be-published diplomatic cables largely dealt with the Raelian UFO cult and its claims of cloning.

In response to a question about releasing cables concerning UFOs, Assange said:

I have said in passing there is information about UFOs in Cablegate. And that is true, but these are only small passing references. Most of the material concerns UFO cults, and their behavior in recruiting people. For instance, there is quite a large cable, which we’ll try and release in the next few days, concerning the Raelians, a UFO cult which has a strong presence in Canada and was of concern to the U.S. ambassador in Canada. At that time, the Raelians claimed to have cloned an individual, and fantastically, the press all around the world ate this up and turned it into front page stories.

The cable in question, yet to be published by Wikileaks itself as Assange said, in fact was released by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten on January 4, 2011. It details the extent of U.S.concerns about the Raelian UFO cult, its cloning claims, and recruiting activities. The cable describes for example, Rael’s beliefs about the creation of humanity by extraterrestrials:


The diplomatic cable focuses on the possibility that the Raelians would use their cloning claims to recruit adherents in the U.S. After reviewing some of the beliefs of the Raelian’s founder, Rael, the cable went on to conclude:


Assange’s response lays to rest some of the rampart speculation about the extent of UFO reports in Wikileaks cables. For example, Michael Cohen from AllnewsWeb claimed on January 17:

A source from within the inner circle of the Wikileaks team has confidentially leaked to All News Web the content of a State Dept cable, concerning UFO affairs, that Wikileaks has declined to upload onto their website. The cable states: “It is critical all embassy staff understand that they are not to discuss under any circumstance concerns DOD has with UFOs entering orbit, once again the seriousness of this matter cannot be overstated.

According to Assange’s interview, it is safe to conclude that no such diplomatic cable exists of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) being concerned about UFOs entering earth’s orbit; or, at least, is not part of the diplomatic cables held by Wikileaks. If UFOs are a major headache for the DOD, as in fact evidence suggests is the case, then this would certainly be more highly classified than the Secret and Confidential files possessed by Wikileaks. According to researcher Timothy Good, such information is classified above Top Secret with “Need to Know” special access.

Similarly, a report in the European Union Times on December 13 revealed what its alleged confidential sources were saying were going to be released by Wikileaks:

A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables details that the Americans have been “engaged” since 2004 in a “war” against UFO’s based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.

Again, it can be concluded from Assange’s “Live People’s Conference” that no such references to a secret UFO war exists in the diplomatic cables held by Wikileaks.

It appears that if smoking gun documentary evidence of a government cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life exists, such evidence has not yet come into the possession of Wikileaks. What can be expected in the weeks or months ahead for Wikileaks is the release of files documenting extensive UFO research by the former Soviet Union (already released by Aftenposten), and perhaps more references to public officials around the world interested in UFOs. None of the UFO references, according to Julian Assange, are of special significance and amount to little more than “small passing references.” So the wait continues for the release of documentation revealing the true extent of U.S. and international government knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality – Book Review

Paola Harris has dedicated over three decades to interviewing key witnesses and experts concerning extraterrestrial life, and an international government cover-up. In her newly released book Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality, she discusses nine protocols for extraterrestrial contact. The interviews and insights in her book will open the reader up to the grand possibilities confronting humanity as we collectively deal with the visitation of extraterrestrial life – a secret harder to keep due to the pioneering research work of Ms Harris. Her work in documenting whistleblower and experiencer testimonies has made her one of the founders of the new academic discipline of exopolitics which she believes is the key to forging a new international political reality.

I caught up with Ms Harris and asked why her book is important for the general public at this time? She referred to keen interest by a younger generation of researchers, and a number of noteworthy events that occurred in the latter part of 2010 in her reply:

This book is about “passing the baton to the youth.” One essay by Michael Vogt expresses fear at disclosure. Another by Jason Friend welcomes it. Even Travis Walton has mixed feelings about full disclosure. It has updated UFO news, i.e., The Denver Ballot Initiative, The Washington Press Club missile shutdown whistleblower press conference etc.

It’s worth pointing out that Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality is the fourth in a series of books documenting whistleblower and experiencer testimonies by Ms Harris. I asked her why whistleblower and experiencer testimonies were so important to document. She replied:

They make the field credible. Most are military and pilots and scientists working on Black Projects (first hand witnesses). They are in Chapter 3″ Tears in rain.” There is also a new unpublished Colonel Corso interview with a medical doctor in Colorado.

I asked her: “What are the most important challenges facing the world given the material in your book?” Ms Harris replied: “Transparency, and national security issues in a world racked with chaos, rebellion and transformational political and economic crises.” As we await revolutionary events to unfold in Egypt and other parts of the Arab world, it’s important to consider that a global event as momentous as an official announcement of extraterrestrial life, will likely take place alongside unpredictable social and political events around the world.

Her book title incorporates the word “exopolitics” which Ms Harris defines as “an academic study of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and its sociological, as well as political, implications for humanity.” I wanted to know why the field of exopolitics was important for emerging into the new reality she describes in her book? She referred to the work of former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer:

The old order is shifting. This change needs to occur for our planetary survival as Paul Hellyer writes in his book: LIGHT at the END of the TUNNEL: a Survival plan for the Human Species. We are undergoing radical political changes and we must have something in place to substitute the old;  A New World View as Dr. John Mack called it. In the field of UFO Contact, it is an opportunity to enter into a cosmic reality, a galactic neighborhood; but only those educated in this field who can be diplomatic in their approach will be admitted. Education is the key.

Ms Harris book has been eagerly awaited by many seeking to learn more about the fascinating whistleblowers and experiencers she has interviewed over her long career. This and her three prior books are groundbreaking historical records of whistleblower and experiencer testimonies that will be studied closely by students and the general public for years to come. As we move closer to that day when the existence of extraterrestrial life is officially disclosed, Ms Harris book(s) will reveal much of the hidden history behind alien visitation and government efforts to suppress this from the public.

Exopolitics: Stargate to a New Reality, by Paola Harris, M.Ed. is available from AuthorHouse

Book Review by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Information:

Paola Harris Website

World business leaders told flying saucers are real & extraterrestrials exist

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Graphic summary of GCF discussions by Sunni Brown reveals prominence of ET contact and new energy systems.

At five thousand dollars a ticket, some business leaders got more than they bargained for when they attended the first day of the Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They were told flying saucers are real, and they had better start thinking about the business implications of extraterrestrial life and technologies. Convened each year by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, the GCF brings together business and political leaders to discuss ways of promoting business competitiveness. For the first time at its annual conference, the GCF held a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Titled “Learning from Outer Space” the panel comprised five speakers who all endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life is real, and has many implications for the world as we know it.

The panel was held on January 23, and was a “main plenary” session meaning all GCF participants were able to attend and hear what the experts had to say about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Up to 1000 participants included business and political elites such as former British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Jean Chretien; Jim Albaugh, President and CEO of Boeing; Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International; Jared Cohen, Director of Google ideas, and many others. The advice they got was that the issue of extraterrestrial life is real, and they better start paying attention to the business implications. Here’s how the GCF summarized the panel presentations on its website:

Learning from Outer Space – Panel
The unconventional and highly relevant topic of extraterrestrial life forms was addressed by yesterday’s panel discussion “Contact: Learning from Outer Space”. Experts Zoaghloul El-Naggar, Stanton Friedman, Michio Kaku, Nick Pope and Jacques Vallee made compelling cases for the existence of living beings elsewhere in the galaxy, drawing upon empirical evidence, religious theology and logical reasoning.
Mr. Friedman opened his remarks with a bold statement, “Flying saucers are real!” and this summed up the perspective of the panel members. Mr. Pope explored the potential business implications of outer space, such as the profitability of alien branding or sponsorship.
While El-Naggar was also convinced of their existence, he raised the interesting point that it may not be ethical to spend resources trying to contact alien societies when we still face war and poverty in our own society.
Mr. Vallee encouraged more academics to analyze the evidence. However, on behalf of his successful Venture Capital fund, he said, “We are not ready to invest in this type of research, but we think that somebody should.”

The 2011 GCF conference panel on Outer Space has opened the door for world business leaders to seriously consider the implications of evidence concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. A graphic summarizing GCF discussions by artist, Sunni Brown (top right), reveals the prominence given to issues of extraterrestrial contact and the overwhelming changes new energies will bring to humanity. Business leaders are poised to do what political leaders have so far failed to do – proactively deal with compelling evidence that we are being visited by galactic civilizations who have advanced technologies to share with humanity.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

50th Anniversary of Eisenhower Military Industrial Complex Warning – the UFO connection

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

President Eisenhower Farewell Adress - Jan 17, 1961

Today is the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers posed by the military-industrial complex in his farewell speech televised on January 17, 1961. It was the most unusual of farewell addresses for a U.S. President, especially so for a retired five star general. What exactly did Eisenhower have in mind with his farewell address? More importantly, what did Eisenhower tell President-Elect Kennedy about the military-industrial complex in his confidential meetings with him away from their staffers during the Presidential transition period? After all, the issues that so concerned Eisenhower would be passed on to Kennedy. It would be only natural that Eisenhower would confidentially brief Kennedy about critical policy issues that he could only vaguely allude to in a public speech. This leads to the critical question. Did these confidential discussions away from presidential staffers, play any role in what subsequently happened to Kennedy less than three years later? Most Kennedy assassination theorists ignore any direct link between Eisenhower’s farewell speech and the Kennedy assassination. The reality is that there is a direct link between Eisenhower’s warning of the military-industrial complex and the actors that conspired to physically eliminate Kennedy in 1963. The link in question was executive Presidential control over advanced technologies associated with the UFO phenomenon.

First, let’s begin with Eisenhower’s farewell speech itself and the warning he gave exactly fifty years ago:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

Eisenhower emphasized the importance of “an alert and knowledgeable citizenry” in ensuring a proper balance of national security interests and personal liberties. Clearly, what Eisenhower had in mind was that the citizenry would be sufficiently informed about national security issues so that a balance could be reached in the policy making process. When the private citizenry, along with elected political representatives and the mass media were not informed, the potential for disastrous misuse of power under the guise of national security existed. Eisenhower desired transparency when it came to the national security process, and saw this as the means of maintaining a proper balance between security and liberty. Given Eisenhower’s military background and long familiarity with the need for secrecy on vital national security issues, it is an extraordinary statement from him. So what was it precisely that so concerned Eisenhower that he would take such an extraordinary position in his farewell address?

Most assume that the military-industrial complex referred to the enormous armaments industry developed in the U.S. to feed the growing appetite of the U.S. military in policing the world. Enforcing Pax America would require long range bombers, aircraft carriers, nuclear missiles and a whole array of armaments that would be built by private contractors and spawn a vast military-industrial complex. Herein lay the danger according to the conventional view where highly paid corporate lobbyists would exercise undue influence over legislators and the mass media to justify expenditure on more powerful armaments. There was, however, a deeper aspect to the military-industrial complex that concerned Eisenhower above all else. Something so veiled in secrecy that the citizenry, elected political representatives, and even the President himself was out of the loop of the policy making process. The issue concerned advanced technologies associated with UFOs.

Insight into the thinking of President Eisenhower in referring to the danger of the military-industrial complex was given by Steven Lovekin who worked during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations in the White House Army Signal Agency, and later retired as an Army JAG officer with the rank of Lt Colonel. From 1959-1961, Lovekin was in an elite group of military servicemen whose job it was to maintain the integrity of Eisenhower’s communications channels. This brought him into close proximity with Eisenhower who confided to this elite military group some of his private concerns. This is how Lovekin describes Eisenhower’s concerns over the power of the military-industrial complex, and its handling of the UFO phenomenon:

We would sit around with him when we were at Camp David, and he knew who each and every one of us by name. That was the great thing about being under him. I was just a sergeant at the time. I was still privy to some stuff that some people wouldn’t be privy to…. When he said the main thing we have to fear is the military industrial complex, he wasn’t kidding, and he had the subject matter we are talking about [UFOs] in mind. He was quite explicit about that.

Lovekin’s testimony is an eyewitness account that Eisenhower believed that the danger posed by the military-industrial complex was directly related to management of the UFO phenomenon. In another interview, Lovekin described Eisenhower’s growing frustration with the way the UFO issue was being managed:

This frustration, from what I can remember, went on for months. He realized that he was losing control of the UFO subject. He realized that the phenomenon or whatever it was that we were faced with was not going to be in the best hands. As far as I can remember, that was the expression that was used, “It is not going to be in the best hands.” That was a real concern. And so it has turned out to be…

So if Eisenhower did privately warn Kennedy about the threat posed by the military-industrial complex in managing the UFO issue, how might this be related to the Kennedy assassination?

There have been a number of whistleblowers who have come forward to reveal that President Kennedy actively sought to be briefed about UFOs, but was denied access by senior policy officials. Kennedy tried to do an end run against those denying him access and visited military bases to learn directly about classified projects conducted there. Kennedy also sought to be briefed by military intelligence officers who knew about the UFO issue and how it was being managed by an elite control group. This is confirmed retired Lt Col Philip Corso who worked in the Eisenhower administration, and during the Kennedy administration, claims to have worked in a Top Secret Army project to seed civilian industries with recovered UFO technology. In an interview, Corso revealed that he personally briefed Bobby Kennedy about UFOs, who relayed what he had learned to his brother, the President.

I have written elsewhere about evidence suggesting that President Kennedy from the beginning of his administration, did indeed attempt to re-establish direct Presidential authority over management of the UFO issue. Kennedy was thwarted again and again. His assassination was a direct consequence of his final, and most audacious effort to regain control of the UFO issue. In September, 1963, Kennedy proposed joint space and lunar missions with the Soviet Union. This would have required an extensive information sharing program including data about UFOs. On November 12, 1963, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev finally accepted Kennedy’s offer. Ten days later Kennedy was dead.

Kennedy’s efforts to re-establish Presidential control of the UFO phenomenon can be directly traced back to President Eisenhower’s warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex; and what Eisenhower had, almost certainly, privately confided to him about the secret management system for UFO technology. 50 years ago the world was warned about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Few are aware of the extent to which President Kennedy tried to secretly deal with the danger that Eisenhower had only vaguely described in his farewell address; and how Kennedy’s efforts to decisively act on Eisenhower’s warning was directly related to his assassination.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Do Moscow UFOs fulfill NORAD officer predictions?

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Moscow UFO filmed on Jan 12, 2011. Screenshot.
Moscow UFOs filmed on Jan 12, 2011. Screenshot.

On December 3, 2010, the recently deceased retired NORAD officer, Stanley Fulham, predicted a major wave of UFO sightings in Moscow in early-to-mid January. This was to be followed a week later by a major UFO wave in London. Fulham’s prediction raised considerable interest given his earlier success in predicting a major UFO sighting over New York City on October 13. What was particularly noteworthy about his earlier prediction was that the FAA radar facility responsible for three major airports in the New York City metropolitan area was shut down for an hour leading to flight delays. Caught off guard by Fulham’s apparent success, I like many others paid more attention to his next prediction about UFOs in Moscow and London. There have indeed been UFOs sightings in Moscow during period Fulham predicted, but to date these have only been reported by one source and been observed over one location. Nevertheless, this has led to one reporter declaring that Fulham’s prediction has been fulfilled.

In his most recent Examiner article, Alfred Webre writes: “A remarkable UFO wave over Moscow, Russia in early January 2011 has reportedly confirmed the predictions of an apparent regional galactic governance council that its interdimensional spacecraft would appear over Moscow Russia at that time.” Webre lists eight youtube videos confirming the “remarkable UFO wave.” The problem is that six of the videos are taken by one person, Oleg Tarabanov over the same location over the first two weeks of January. The seventh is of a hard to see object in an entirely different rural location; and the eighth UFO video has been pulled and is no longer available.

The videos by Tarabanov are the most interesting and clearly show up to two UFO objects over a location that appears to be in an industrial area of Moscow.

While Tarabanov’s videos are interesting evidence of what appears to be up to two UFOs, they hardly constitute a “UFO wave”; and, most importantly, there has been no independent confirmation of Oleg’s videos. Neither the Russian general public nor media have reported UFO sightings in the period specified by Fulham. This contrasts with the New York UFO October 13 event that was seen by thousands of witnesses and widely reported in the media.

So can the minimal UFO activity reported by Tarabanov from Moscow in early January 2011, be put down as yet another failed UFO prediction, or has Fulham been confirmed as Webre claims with enormous exopolitical significance? Of the latter possibility, Webre writes: “The January 2011 apparent galactic governance UFO sightings over Moscow Russia undescore an apparent determination by the ET council to break the USA-Russia ‘conspiracy of silence’ around the extraterrestrial presence…” In this reporter’s opinion, it is premature to declare Fulham’s prediction has been confirmed. Especially so if the goal was to break a US-Russian “conspiracy of silence.” Perhaps, there is more to come in Moscow or a wave of UFOs will appear over London as Fulham predicted, In either case, the exopolitical significance of Fulham’s predictions will deservedly come under closer scrutiny.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

World business leaders to discuss UFOs & extraterrestrial life

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

A leading business forum discussing global competitiveness will in its annual conference host a panel discussing UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The Global Competitiveness Forum is hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and discusses business trends and insights essential for future business investment and competitiveness. The panel is titled: “Contact: Learning from Outer Space”, and features famed astrophysicist Dr Michio Kaku and a leading Islamic scholar, together with prominent UFO experts Stanton Friedman and Nick Pope. The Global Competitiveness Forum is poised to introduce, perhaps for the first time, many world business leaders to key issues concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life, and how these impact on economic competitiveness.

The Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF) is hosted by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority and will be hosted in the capital Riyadh from January 22-25, 2011. The GCF website says:

The Global Competitiveness Forum (GCF), the only event of its kind, is an annual meeting of global business leaders, international political leaders, and selected intellectuals and journalists brought together to create a dialogue with respect to the positive impact organizational and national competitiveness can have on local, regional and global economic and social development. It was founded in 2006 by the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), and is held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the patronage of HM King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

The description for the GCF’s forthcoming panel on “Contact: Learning from Outer Space” is:

Psychological and socio-cultural assumptions and preconceptions constrain us to a large extent, and shape our views of the universe so that we are inclined to find what we are looking for, and fail to see what we are not. Using knowledge gained from research in the fields of Ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life, what might we possibly learn about hindrances to innovation in other areas of inquiry?

According to an email from veteran UFO researcher Stanton Friedman, the panel will feature five speakers including himself:

It is interesting that the 5th Annual Global Competitiveness Forum to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 23-26 has the courage to have a panel “Contact: Learning from Outer Space.” Featuring Dr. Jacques Vallee, Nick Pope, Dr. Michio Kaku, myself and an Egyptian Scientist Dr. Zaghloul El Naggar”, a member of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs.

A clue into what is likely to be discussed in the upcoming panel is the question: “using knowledge gained from research in the fields of Ufology and the search for extraterrestrial life, what might we possibly learn about hindrances to innovation in other areas of inquiry?” The GCF appears to be interested in learning about how information and/or technology has been constrained in the past, and what this means for the future business investment. In a recent book, Flying Saucers and Science and article on his website, Stanton Friedman discusses how nuclear fusion energies were stifled in the past, along with repression of information concerning extraterrestrial life and technologies used for interstellar propulsion. Similarly, Dr Michio Kaku has described some of the advanced energy propulsion systems most likely to be used by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

The GCF hopes to stimulate dialogue over how issues related to UFOs and extraterrestrial life impact on the national competitiveness of oil producing countries such as Saudi Arabia. As the world’s leading oil energy supplier, Saudi Arabia is taking a keen interest in future trends where new energy systems are developed for mass consumption. By taking a proactive role in business dialogue and investment plans that discuss extraterrestrial life and alternative/new energy technologies, Saudi Arabia hopes to use its enormous wealth as a means of ensuring the future prosperity of its kingdom and citizens. That is both the right political move and smart business strategy, and will encourage world business leaders to also take proactive steps on issues related to extraterrestrial life and technology.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Scientists endorse study of societal consequences of extraterrestrial life

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

The discovery of exoplanets is stimulating scientific discussion of extraterrestrial life and its scientific and societal implications

The proceedings of a scientific conference that studied the societal consequences of extraterrestrial life has just been released. Organized and hosted by the Royal Society in October 2010, the conference was titled, “The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society.” The conference received wide international attention when one of the participants, Dr Mazlan Othman, was wrongly described as being on the verge of being appointed by the UN to become Earth’s official liaison to extraterrestrial life. In the published proceedings, Othman sets the record straight. She believes that the UN already has a mechanism in place to deal with the detection and contact with extraterrestrial life, but work needs to be done in formalizing this by UN member states. Other conference participants endorse Othman’s recommendation, and further believe that the time has come to study the societal consequences of extraterrestrial life.

The continuing discovery of exoplanets – over 500 have been discovered by December 10, 2010 – has emboldened many scientists to come out publicly with recommendations concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life. Beginning with the premise that extraterrestrial life is almost certain to exist, Professor Stephen Hawking raised scientific eyebrows with claims in his 2010 television series that extraterrestrials are likely to be resource predators. The existence of exoplanets is opening the floodgates to scientific speculation about extraterrestrial life, and programs in astrobiology are becoming increasingly popular. Princeton University, for example, just launched its first astrobiology program and took an interdisciplinary path. However, Princeton’s program is only focused on a strictly scientific study of the consequences of extraterrestrial life, and eschews any social science or societal component.

Such an approach is wrong, according to the two scientists that organized the Royal Society conference. In their introduction to the conference proceedings, Dr Martin Dominik and Prof John C. Zarnecki endorsed studying the societal aspects of any discovery of extraterrestrial life. They stressed the importance of determining the possible motivations of extraterrestrial life and any search for such life:

The detection and further study of extra-terrestrial life will fundamentally challenge our view of nature, including ourselves, and therefore the field of astrobiology can hardly be isolated from its societal context, including philosophical, ethical and theological perspectives. With the detection of extra-terrestrial life being technically feasible, one needs to address whether perceived societal benefits command us to search for it, or whether such an endeavor may rather turn out to be a threat to our own existence

Dr Dominik and Prof Zarnecki went on to point out the importance of having in place the political mechanism by which humanity can responsibly deal with the future detection of extraterrestrial life:

While scientists are obliged to assess benefits and risks that relate to their research, the political responsibility for decisions arising following the detection of extra-terrestrial life cannot and should not rest with them. Any such decision will require a broad societal dialogue and a proper political mandate. If extra-terrestrial life happens to be detected, a coordinated response that takes into account all the related sensitivities should already be in place.

Their view was supported by the current head of UN’s Office for Outer Space Affairs, Dr Mazlan Othman who said:

The continued search for extra-terrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that someday humankind will receive signals from extra-terrestrials. When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The United Nations forums are a ready-made mechanism for such coordination.

So where to from here? The Royal Society and like-minded scientific bodies such as the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, are likely to continue hosting meetings discussing extraterrestrial life and its societal consequences – an endeavor some believe falls under the rubric of exopolitics. More universities are likely to follow the path of Princeton and offer interdisciplinary astrobiology programs that use methods from the natural sciences for discussing extraterrestrial life; and perhaps, in the near future, open the door to formal discussion of its societal consequences. But what about those interested in a comprehensive study of the societal implications of extraterrestrial life, and evidence that such life is currently visiting Earth in the here and now?

One solution is offered by a small but pioneering program hosted by the Exopolitics Institute (a 501(c)3 educational organization based in Hawaii) that offers a Certificate/Diploma program for those interested in exopolitics. Students can enroll and complete online up to six university level courses that examine various aspects of the societal and political implications of extraterrestrial life. While the Exopolitics Institute’s program is not yet accredited with any tertiary organization, this is expected to change as it expands in size and offerings over the next 18 months. The Spring 2011 semester, which features two courses, “Introduction to Exopolitics” and “Developing the Road to Disclosure”, begins next week on January 17.

The future is bright for those interested in studying the societal aspects of extraterrestrial life, and some organizations such as the Royal Society are pioneering efforts to do so. Together with ad hoc programs and courses offered by the Exopolitics, Institute and other educational bodies, the general public can begin comprehensively studying the consequences of extraterrestrial life in all its aspects, scientific, societal, religious and political.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org

Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Wikileaks cable confirms extensive Soviet UFO investigations

Photo of crashed UFO surrounded by Soviet Army soliders

The first Wikileaks U.S. diplomatic cable that mentions UFOs has just been released. It is based on comments by Yuriy Zhadobin, chairman of the intelligence service of the former Soviet Republic of Belarus. In the cable prepared by the U.S. Embassy in Minsk, Zhadobin is reported to have said that during the time of the Soviet Union, there were almost unlimited funds for investigating the UFO phenomenon. He laments that after the Soviet break up, Belarus no longer has the funds to investigate UFOs to the extent it once had.

This is what Zhadobin said in the cable just released by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten:

Unlike during the USSR, the department is not engaged in studying paranormal phenomena. [Back then,] we had greater means and opportunities which we could spend on anything and everything. Today the situation is different. Then, when society was excited by something, it entered our sphere of interest. But when it comes to healers, UFOs and such, we just can´t deal with them any more.

Wikileaks has so far only released 2000 of approximately 250,000 diplomatic cables, less than one percent. In an interview with the Guardian newspaper in December 2010, Julian Assange confirmed that some of the unreleased cables do concern UFOs. Those yet to be released cables may reveal the extent to which the U.S. and other countries have investigated, and publicly covered up the UFO phenomenon and its relationship to extraterrestrial life.

Further Reading

Assange arrest impacts on impending release of classified UFO cables

Assange arrest impacts on impending release of classified UFO cables

Stanley Fulham dies – leaves legacy of UFO/ET predictions

Stanley Arthur Fulham (Capt, ret. RCAF)

Stanley A. Fulham, a retired Captain from the Royal Canadian Air Force, died on December 19, 2010 after a battle with cancer. Fulham came to the attention of the UFO/exopolitics community with his recently published book, Challenges of Change, where he made a number of predictions concerning the appearance of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. His prediction of UFOs over New York City on October 13 attracted international media attention when unidentified objects did show up and were witnessed by thousands. The closure of New York’s three major airports on the same day has been claimed to be linked to the UFO sighting. He next set of predictions concerned UFOs appearing over Moscow in early January 2011, being followed one week later with UFOs showing up over London.

If UFOs do appear over Moscow and London, as Fulham predicted, then further predictions in his book will gain closer scrutiny. Among these is his prediction that UFOs will appear more frequently in 2011 culminating in a face-to-face encounter between extraterrestrials and major world leaders at the United Nations. He said in his most recent public statement on December 3:

Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind’s acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next year (2011)…. Objective—a dramatic introduction of the alien reality—an appearance at the United Nations.

Details of Captain Fulham’s passing was released by his family after a memorial service on Dec 23. An obituary of Captain Fulham’s life is found here. Stanley Fulham’s website featuring articles, interviews and information about his book is available here.

Some articles about Stanley Fulham:

Stanley Fulham was a brave man who lived the final years of his life dedicated to disseminating the truth about extraterrestrial life. He will be missed by many. May he rest in peace.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.





Assange arrest impacts on impending release of classified UFO cables

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Julian Assange arrested in London on December 7, 2010

On Tuesday morning at 9:30 am, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was placed under arrest and denied bail by British authorities for allegations of rape being investigated in Sweden. A new Swedish prosecutor had reopened an investigation against Assange despite a previous prosecutor deciding against pressing charges. One of the women involved in the case had after the alleged rape incident thrown a party for Assange’s benefit. That and other actions by the women involved persuaded the original prosecutor not to charge Assange. One of the women has been found to have connections to the CIA suggesting Assange may have been set up in a ‘honey trap’ operation. The arrest and detention of Assange creates confusion over how and when future diplomatic cables will be released. Of special interest, are those concerning UFOs.

Wikileaks had come increasingly under pressure from the U.S. government and major allies such as Australia, Sweden and France to prosecute Julian Assange, and/or curtail internet servers hosting leaked classified U.S. diplomatic cables. Amazon.Com, Paypal, and the internet service EveryDNS.net all quickly jettisoned their connections to Wikileaks after pressure from U.S. authorities. All this has occurred despite the fact that many believe the documents released so far are pretty innocuous and amount to little more than diplomatic chatter. Some Wikileaks critics had gone so far as to claim that Assange is actually aiding and abetting a major U.S. ally, Israel, by selectively releasing documents. Others viewed the Wikileaks release as part of a false flag operation to justify internet censorship. The most recent response by U.S. authorities to request diplomatic and military personnel NOT to read the Wikileaks material is deemed by some to be a panicked over-reaction that may in the end only help Wikileaks grow in popularity. If the diplomatic cables released so far are innocuous, helping a major U.S. ally or a false flag operation, as some claim, why the panicked response by U.S. authorities? The answer may lie in a brief response Assange gave to a question in a Guardian newspaper interview. Assange said that some of the diplomatic cables soon to be released contain references to UFOs.

In response to a question about whether any of the documents sent to Wikileaks discussed UFOs and extraterrestrial life, Assange began his response by dismissing the relevance of much of what he had received:

Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.

Just as it appeared that Wikileaks had no credible documents about UFOs, Assange made a bombshell admission: “However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.” Assange did not elaborate on the context of the UFO related documents, nor did he give a time table for their release.

According to a number of confidential insider sources known to alternative science researcher David Wilcock, there has been a furious behind-the-scenes struggle over the pace and extent of UFO disclosure. He claims that Wikileaks is likely to release enough information about UFOs to bring a rapid end to the decades-long secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial life and technology.

This is very, very interesting. Disclosure is happening now. It hasn’t gotten into UFOs just yet, but we’re already seeing the signs of what true Disclosure will be like – an explosive burst of new information that the insiders do not want you to know, all coming out at once.

If Wilcock is correct, Wikileaks is poised to transform the world as we know it. That would explain the panicked reaction to the Wikileaks releases by U.S. authorities, and may even be related to the apparent honey trap operation that has resulted in Assange’s arrest.

Prominent figures on the right wing of U.S. politics such as Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh have gone as far as calling for Assange to be hunted down, tried and executed for the damage he has caused to U.S. national interests. The FOX news network is most prominent in advocating a draconian line to be taken against Assange and Wikileaks. What is not well understood is that FOX news has been instrumental in creating a debilitating partisan political environment that has hamstrung the Obama administration in its policy initiatives. FOX news represents the interests of prominent political and industrial figures that have long been associated with the cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Hillary Clinton with Laurence Rockefeller in Wyoming August 1995
Hillary Clinton with Laurence Rockefeller in Wyoming August 1995

At the other end of the political spectrum, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has tried to make lemonade out of the Wikileaks lemon by focusing on what it reveals about the professionalism of U.S. diplomacy. In a recent dinner she praised the “full breadth and depth of American artistry and diversity,” adding in jest, “I am writing a cable about it, which I’m sure you’ll find soon on your closest website.” What Clinton is not revealing is her own past role in endorsing the release of UFO files as First Lady during the Clinton administration. Hillary, along with President Clinton, met with Laurence Rockefeller in 1995 in Wyoming. The Clintons were given an informal briefing about why it was in U.S. national interests to disclose information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. FOIA documents confirm that Hillary then became Rockefeller’s point person in encouraging the Clinton administration to move forward with such a release. Political contingencies led to the Clintons eventually failing in their efforts to have UFO files released. Similarly, the Obama administration has failed to make much headway in behind the scenes efforts to release UFO documents partly due to the highly partisan political environment created by the FOX news network.

Hillary Clinton is very aware of the contents of diplomatic cables yet to be released. If some concern UFOs, they may well be the catalyst for the collapse of secrecy surrounding the truth behind UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That may help explain why Clinton is more muted in what punitive action should be taken against Assange. Clinton, along with others in the Obama administration, privately welcome the release of documents that bring to an end the secrecy surrounding UFOs. However, the prominence and influence of many right wing commentators associated with the FOX news network, the Obama administration has to be seen to be taking action to put a stop to Wikileaks. Hence the dubious legal effort to investigate bringing criminal charges against Assange, and attempt to prevent diplomatic personnel reading online the classified documents released by Wikileaks. The official U.S. response to the Wikileaks release is not well thought out and is predicted to very likely increase public interest and support for the Wikileaks material. The U.S. response very likely reflects conflicting reactions of panic and elation among senior policy makers over a possible catastrophic collapse in the secrecy system surrounding UFOs.

Assange’s arrest in Britain creates uncertainty over when and how future diplomatic cables will be released. The denial of bail to Assange on flimsy legal grounds is likely to be used as a lever by authorities behind the scenes to prevent or slow the release of some of the more damaging diplomatic information. The result however may be the so called ‘nuclear option’ Assange has threatened where all the diplomatic cables will be released at once without any redactions or filtering. Despite Assange’s arrest, Wikileaks continues to function and today tweeted that the gradual release will continue. So whether the nuclear option happens or classified information continues to come out gradually, the eventual release of diplomatic cables concerning UFOs may lead to a collapse of the secrecy system surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That will change the world as we know it.

Further Reading:

© Copyright 2010. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

Breaking News: Wikileaks to release UFO documents from US diplomatic cables

Julian Assange. Screen shot from Washington DC Press Conference

In an online interview with readers from Britain’s Guardian newspaper, Julian Assange responded to a question concerning UFOs.

Mr Assange,
have there ever been documents forwarded to you which deal with the topic of UFOs or extraterrestrials?

Julian Assange:
Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.
However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.

So far only 667 US diplomatic cables have been released from an estimated total of 250,000. Assange gave no date for when those dealing with UFOs  will be released.

UFOs predicted over Moscow and London in January 2011

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

ONe mile wide Pyramid UFO allegedly hovers over Kremlin on December 9, 2009

Stanley Fulham, a retired NORAD officer, has been given further predictions concerning the appearance of extraterrestrial spacecraft/UFOs over major world cities. In an alleged communication with a group of extraterrestrials called the “Transcendors” he was recently told that extraterrestrial vehicles will first appear in early January 2011 over Moscow and then one week later over London. Fulham’s latest set of predictions are noteworthy since he successfully predicted UFOs over New York City on October 13, 2010. Shortly after the UFOs appeared, the FAA Westbury radar facility responsible for three major airports in New York City was evacuated for an hour leading to flight delays/cancellations at La Guardia, Newark and JFK airports. According to a reliable source, similar radar disruptions occurred at a major Chinese airport in the region of Hangzhou in July 2010 after UFOs appeared, leading once again to flights being delayed/cancelled for an hour. If UFOs do appear over Moscow and/or London in early January 2010, any flight disruptions at nearby airports will help confirm whether or not Fulham’s predictions are accurate.

Fulham’s latest prediction was given to him soon after the UFO appearance over New York City on October 13. This is what Fulham said:

In my last ‘Reading’ with the Transcendors on Tuesday, October 2010, the Transcendors advised me of the following predictions on the Pleiadian’s UFO displays: A. There will be a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011. B. This ‘display’ will be followed by a major display over London approximately seven days later. C. Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind’s acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next year (2011).

During the October 13 UFO sighting in New York City, the media was quick to attribute the sighting to party balloons launched from a nearby Mt Vernon elementary school around 1 pm. This was despite the fact that the UFOs were first sighted in the morning of October 13, and continued throughout the day. Most remarkably, the FAA radar facility was evacuated later in the day due to an apparent gas leak that led to temporary airport closings at La Guardia, Newark and JFK. The FAA explanation was likely a cover story that attempted to hide any possible link between the temporary radar disruption and the UFO appearance.

On July 7, 2010, similar circumstances happened at a major Chinese airport in the Hangzhou region when a UFO appeared nearby. According to a reliable source, the UFO directly interfered with the airport radar system closing the airport temporarily and leading to the re-routing of flights. This is what Neil Gould begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting from Exopolitics Hong Kong had to say about his source concerning the Hangzhou UFO incident.

A reliable Source which must remain anonymous has said that the UFO was first noticed by an airline but prior to being reported, the radar in the control tower suffered temporary failure.

If a UFO does appear over Moscow, it will not be the first time in recent history. On December 9, 2009, one day before President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a one mile UFO pyramid allegedly hovered over the Kremlin for several hours. The UFO appeared to be related to a mysterious spiral that appeared shortly before over Norwegian skies.

According to a confidential source, a Russian submarine had earlier fired missiles at the spiral in order to prevent UFOs/extraterrestrial vehicles coming through it. If the spiral was in fact some kind of stargate/dimensional portal for extraterrestrial vehicles, then the appearance of the one mile wide pyramid UFO over the Kremlin was likely a show of force to send a strong message to Russian leaders about the folly of firing missiles in the vicinity of extraterrestrial vehicles. If Fulham is correct in his Moscow UFO prediction, it will be interesting to see the response of Russian leaders.

Fulham’s successful October 13 prediction of UFOs over New York has gained the attention of this writer and many others given the rare success of such predictions. The fact that New York’s three major metropolitan airports were temporarily closed during the UFO appearance, as happened earlier in the July 7 incident in Hangzhou China, does suggest a relationship between UFO sightings and radar operations. If UFOs do appear over Moscow and London in early January 2011, one way to confirm that they are extraterrestrial in origin is whether nearby airports in Moscow and London are affected in some way. One thing is certain. Fulham will gain even more global attention if his latest predictions prove to be accurate.
Further Reading

Is FAA covering up flight delays due to New York UFO sighting?

Retired NORAD officer accurately predicts UFO appearances over major cities

China UFO photo mixed with fakes in psyop to thwart disclosure

Chinese researchers dismiss UFO photos while authorities remain silent

Pravda hides link between Kremlin UFO pyramid & Norway light spiral

© Copyright 2010. Michael E. Salla. Exopolitics.org
Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: drsalla@exopolitics.org

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