Attention Houston: We have heat shield re-entry issues with the Orion craft and heavy lift rocket scheduled for Mars. The Aerospace Safety advisory panel expresses concern for manned missions to Mars and the Moon.
After a test flight in December 2014, the Orion team found cracks in some of the seams of the spacecraft’s heat shield. That’s not good, since spacecraft face temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees when they’re reentering the Earth’s atmosphere from space. As a result, Orion engineers have had to make changes to the heat shield design.
NASA hasn’t really explained how it plans to test the new heat shield design. Under the current plans, the report notes, the only opportunity to flight-test the new heat shield will be on the Space Launch System’s first flight in 2018–and the next one after that will be a crewed launch in 2021 or 2023. That thought probably won’t be terribly comforting to the astronauts who’ll be flying on that mission.
What About Apollo? Secret Space Programs?
Gee, we didn’t have issues fifty years ago in the space programs of the 60s and 70s.
Maybe NASA should consult Apollo engineers—who sent 11 manned missions into space and six to the moon and back.
Or maybe NASA should consult with military Secret Space whistleblowers Corey Goode, Randy Cramer, Andrew Basiago, or their program engineers.
The Aerospace Safety Advisory panel’s public concerns do not make sense in our historical context of space missions and with our emerging secret space program information. It doesn’t add up.
Deep Space Deception and Disinformation
We are deep into a decades-long Psychological Space War, a propaganda-spun slur of information and disinformation. So nothing ever adds up. One question after the other and we have a domino stream of questions ready to collapse. But it doesn’t. Like Magic–all the information stays upright.
It makes me feel like a confused child. And, maybe that’s the point. Keep ’em confused and dumbed down. But at some point, too many citizens will become aware of the ongoing games in space. And those citizens will admit how we unwittingly play along. Until…we stop playing. Simply stop.
Child’s Play Psywarfare
Even children know a Psywarfare Dream when they experience one. If you are confused, sing along to sort out the information and disinformation.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that
And mix it up with morning dew
That’s all you want to make your dreams come true–children’s song.
Where are the Adults?
My question is where are the adults? The Citizens? When do we begin the embarrassing sorting out of space information and disinformation as scientists, military, historians, media, politicians, citizens? Or do we bury our heads, keep our egos intact, collect our paychecks, and spend our money on Hollywood’s silly Tomorrowland of Star Wars?

Exoconscious Citizen Sanity
As an adult, my choice is to first gain clarity. When you find confusing information–you confront the psychological program and sort it out. Then you speak up and hold yourself and others accountable.
If we do not act like adults, ask questions, seek answers–then we deserve to spin around in the psycho playground. Dazed and confused…another Hollywood movie.
Or, we can become Exoconscious-aware of our human innate ability to connect and communicate with cosmic mind, the Extraterrestrial Presence. We can use logic, rhetoric, science, and psychic intelligence and abilities to cut through the confusion and find clarity.
The massive psychological war can be dismantled. It only takes a few hearty spirits who ask questions, that leads them to information, that leads them to clarity. It will be slow. It will be worthwhile. It will be how we become adults.
Thanks to Andrew Johnson, UK, checktheevidence.
Rebecca Hardcastle, Ph.D.