ADHD – Always Dialed into Higher Dimensions
This film is more about the interviewer, Joe Bilbow, than the interviewee, Neil Gould. Joe Bilbow is Neil Gould’s nephew who is challenged with ADHD and Asbergers Syndrome and under the care and support of the local council.
In this interview it is clear that Joe is exoconscious and more suited to the new and forthcoming cosmic reality, a stark contrast to the mundane and depressing skewered world around him which he rejects and challenges for all the right exopolitical reasons.
Joe tackled the exopolitical questions in great depth challenging his uncle, covering the ET issue; abductions, super technology, disclosure, holographic universe and religion. His challenged mindset leads the interview into areas, which include ADHD cosmic awareness that the very people who support him, are unable to even perceive.
Well done Joe Bilbow, you are truly out there!
abduction, Benevolent Extraterrestrials, contactees, Exopolitics Hong Kong, extraterrestrial contact, joe bilbow, Neil Gould