A Tribute to Jesse Marcel Jr.


In Memoriam

It is with great sadness and a sense of profound loss that we announce the death of Jesse Marcel Jr.

Few figures in history have captured the imagination and journalistic presence that Jesse brought to the world community about contact with the Others.

His conviction and testimony about what his father Jesse Marcel Sr. showed him one night as a young boy in July of 1947 – the remnants of the ROSWELL CRASH – are an indelible part of a history denied to us by those in government and the military that Jesse himself served with honour and dignity.

It is fitting therefore that a tribute to Jesse, from one who knew him well – Kevin Randle – be a legacy to the people of the world who will read it.

ZNN is proud to bring you this intimate tribute.

Take a moment to know the man through the eyes of Kevin Randle – one who well knew the man – Jesse Marcel Jr.

Visit http://kevinrandle.blogspot.ca/2013/08/jesse-marcel-has-died.html

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