Newsletter Institute for Exoconsciousness December 2019 Vol 1, Issue 5

We are building an Exoconscious Civilization and welcome you to join us.
The Institute for Exoconsciousness is the first sustainable nonprofit organization focused exclusively on humans co-creating technology, education, art, and healing with extraterrestrials and multidimensionals.
Exo Institute Programs

Our Exoconscious Human—ET and Multidimensional Co-Creative Programs include:
- An EXO Incubator for Inventors and Artists–mainstreaming innovations created by Experiencers
- Scientific teams who research the Exoconscious Human Reality–Psychokinesis, Telepathy, Star Language
- Exoconscious Academy–Digital courses and webinars
- Galactic News Wire Service–ET Multidimensional Communication
- Exoconscious Healers Association
- Social Media
- Marketplace, “Amazon for Experiencers”–featuring goods and services created by Experiencers
Exoconscious Entrepreneurs

Exoconscious Artists and Writers
Mia Feroleto is creating a residency program for artists and writers at Thunderheart Center in Wasta, SD, near the Badlands. Plans are for thirty artists and writers at a time coming for one to six-month visit. Additional buildings will provide studio space, a conference center and gallery space for exhibitions of art created by the visiting artists as well as shows curated by invited guest gallerists and critics from around the globe. For more information please contact Mia Feroleto at mia.feroleto@gmail.com or by phoning 802 952 6217

SUPERHUMAN:The Invisible Made Visible
Based on experiences of individuals with extra-sensory powers that defy the laws of physics, Caroline Cory’s award-winning documentary film “SUPERHUMAN: The Invisible Made Visible” takes you on an extraordinary journey to discover tangible and measurable proof of seemingly miraculous phenomena.

The Transgression of Fact
New Observations, an art and culture magazine, published by Mia Feroleto, features a spiritual examination of reality–from lower to higher realm. Click on PDF Download to read the magazine.

Forbidden Questions: A Guide to Human-ET Contact
Hypnotherapist, Gwen Farrell’s, book honestly addresses the questions of experiencers, possible experiencers and the general public about contact with extraterrestrial beings. This new expanded edition contains updated material not available before, while still getting to the heart of human-ET contact compassionately, directly and honestly.
Welcome to the Wide Open Wonders (W.O.W.) Podcast hosted by Katie Cook. Katie covers everything from U.F.O.s and Aliens, to Bigfoot and Crop Circles, and just about everything in between.

Star Origin Readings
Jacquelin Smith, a Star Language Communicator, will connect you with your Star Family directly as to your soul’s first expression when it became individual after leaving the Creator. You’ll be told your core frequency, as well as your star family’s frequency. This will assist you in communicating with your star family. Jacquelin also does Star Language.
FREE ENERGY FOR A BETTER WORLD. Hidden Energy readies you for humankind’s next leap-tapping into an abundance of truly clean power, the ultimate renewable. Making the leap is more about mindsets and a consciousness shift than technology.
We need your support to build an Exoconscious Civilization.

Cosmic Consciousness Conference: Uluru Australia, January 11-13
Join our Exoconscious Community who are traveling to Uluru for the conference. Visiting a site such as Uluru, especially to mediate and make ceremony, can result in strong connections with Gaia. It will also activate your energy system, bring immense personal healing and advance your spiritual awakening.

SpiritFest 2020: The Flip Side of the Coin
Sheila Seppi welcomes you to Spirit Fest 2020, June 26, 27, and 28 in Leadville Colorado. Give the gift of conscious awakening! Early bird special $199 through December 31.

Consciousness and Contact Conference
July 23 through 27, 2020, in Wasta, South Dakota, on the edges of the Badlands National Park at the Thunderheart Center for the Arts and Conference Center. Speakers include Whitley Strieber, Linda Moulton Howe, Barbara Lamb, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, David Louis, Tolec, Victor Viggiani, and Juliano Pozati. For more information please contact Mia Feroleto at mia.feroleto@gmail.com or by phoning 802 952 6217
We partnered with Amazon’s Smile program. Please register at Amazon Smile and select Institute for Exoconsciousness. Then, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Institute for Exoconsciousness. To have your donation apply you must register our name and shop through Amazon Smile website. All the prices and Amazon prime eligibility remain the same.

Caroline Cory, Consciousness and Contact, Cosmic Consciousness, Exoconscious Artists, exoconsciousness, Forbidden Questions, Gwen Farrell, Hidden Energy, Institute for Exoconsciousness, Jacquelin Smith, Jeane Manning, Katie Cook, New Observations Magazine, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Sheila Seppi, South Dakota, SpiritFest, Star Language, SUPERHUMAN, Susan Manewich, Thunderheart Center, Wasta, Whitley Strieber, WOW YouTube