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Women pave the way at UFO Symposium in Glen Rose,Texas

If you enjoy hanging out with intellectual people, have an open mind, and can think outside the box, then save the date – May 18-20. The date is set for the first ever 2012 UFO Women’s Symposium in Glen Rose, Texas, at the Sommervell County Expo. The unique conference will be hosted by Starworks USA, led by Paola Harris. Harris has been involved in UFO research for more than thirty years and is a highly sought after speaker, author, and researcher. She makes her home in Colorado, but has dual citizenship via Italy and is regularly invited to speak and share her experiences all over the world.

Predominantly, more men than women have been involved in the topic, but Harris aims to change that trend and has set out to highlight and encourage women in the field. The symposium boasts a list of noted women speakers, but there will be plenty of men in the audience as well. The fact the symposium is being held near Stephenville is not by accident. Harris has been interested in the mass January 2008 UFO sighting reported by Angelia Joiner, former staff writer of the Empire-Tribune. Joiner is among the cast of speakers and will lead a question and answer panel on the internationally recognized Stephenville Lights story. The Saturday afternoon panel includes: Constable Lee Roy Gaitan, witness, Steve Allen, witness, Ricky Sorrells, witness, and co-author of the Stephenville Radar Report, Robert Powell.

Joiner has appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live, Discovery Channel’s “Investigation X”, History Channel’s documentary “I Know What I Saw,” and has consulted for ABC and National Geographic. Joiner has been featured on Coast to Coast AM and continues to do many radio interviews. Also speaking is Lynne D. Kitei, M.D.  She is the producer of the award winning “Phoenix Lights” Documentary and best-selling book, “The Phoenix Lights…A Skeptic’s Discovery That We Are Not Alone.” Kitei pushed her distinguished medical career of more than 35 years aside to investigate the source and meaning of the Arizona mass-sighting event of March 12, 1997, and continues to do many interviews for television and radio across the nation.

Schedule of Events

  • May 18 – Meet the speakers cocktail evening party at the Glen Rose Holiday Inn Express /Screening of award-winning documentary “The Hidden Hand” with producer/director James Carman
  • May 19 – 20 – Speaker presentations and panels
  • May 19 – Evening meal (Dutch treat) Hammond’s Barbeque followed by sky watch in Seldon, Texas, at the Odom Ranch

The list of speakers and events can be viewed at www.starworksusa.com. The symposium fee is $90. For more information call Paola Harris at 303-415-3900 or email at paolaharris@hotmail.com

Interview requests welcomed.

Angelia Joiner – 254-434-1015 or ajoiner@nctv.com

Dr. Lynne Kitei 602- 943-4357 or email at drlynne@msn.com

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