The Coming Alien False Flag Psyop – New Webinar

In the last 18 months, the US and other major countries have created national space forces to deal with threats in space, and have pledged to cooperate in a multinational alliance to deal with such threats. We are in an unprecedented era of disclosure as billions of people around the world are finally being told about the reality of the UFO phenomenon and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

The June 25 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Report to the US Congress not only asserted the reality of the technological superiority of some UFOs, but firmly placed their activities in the context of a major national security threat. Only a week later in Sun Valley, Idaho, Major Media and Big Tech CEOs met with intelligence insiders and CIA representatives in a closed-door meeting to coordinate narratives for the next twelve months as part of Operation Mockingbird.

While mainstream news agencies act as intelligence community propaganda tools to control and distract citizens, Major Media companies continue to produce blockbuster movies and television series depicting post-apocalyptic Earth societies dealing with alien invasions.

Today, UFO researchers are openly warning that a decades-long Deep State plan for a false flag alien invasion is about to go ahead and are calling it the “Cosmic Hoax.” Alternatively, several insiders have suggested that the more likely false flag scenario is an alien salvation event.

  • Why is the Deep State moving forward with an alien false flag event now?
  • What is the difference between a false flag “alien invasion” versus an “alien salvation” event?
  • How does the behind-the-scenes power struggle between White Hats/Earth Alliance and the Deep State over the 2020 US elections, COVID-19, and the June UAP Report, factor into the coming alien false flag event?
  • Where do different extraterrestrial groups stand on such a contrived event?

To answer these critical questions, Dr. Michael Salla, author of the Amazon best-selling Secret Space Programs series of books (2015-2021) will examine what the future holds in store for humanity as we are about to enter the final act in a decades-long titanic battle for dominance over Earth’s future.

Aug 1, 2021  – Webinar

2 hours + 30 min Q& A

Cost $33

alien invasion, alien psyop, alien salvation, false flag alien event

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