Tag: Woodrow Derenberger

UFO Spotted on Mercury – And It Looks Just Like Alien Spaceship Seen On Earth

by Sean Martin                    November 8, 2018                      (express.co.uk)

• Scott C Waring, who routinely scours NASA feeds and photos, posted a NASA photo of an anomaly on the surface of Mercury to his blog, UFO Sightings Daily. (see featured image above) The NASA photo was discovered by Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher.

• Waring believes that the anomalous object on Mercury is an alien craft similar in appearance to one described in 1966 by Woodrow Derenberger in Parkersburg, West Virginia, which was said to be occupied by travelers from the planet Lanulos.

• Mercury is 58 million kilometres from the sun, as compared to the 150 million kilometre distance between the Earth and the Sun. Temperatures on Mercury are 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celcius) by day, and -290 degrees Farenheit (-180 degrees Celcius) at night, due to its lack of atmosphere.

[Editor’s Note] A UFO? It looks more like a surface component to an atmospheric ventilation system for an underground base to me.


The strange object spotted on the surface of the planet closest to the sun is shaped similarly to conchiglie, shell-shaped pasta and could provide evidence that extraterrestrials conquered the solar system long before we have.

UFO hunters believe the craft on Mercury resembles one spotted by Woodrow Derenberger is 1966, near a town called Parkersburg in West Virginia.

Mr Derenberger went on to write a book about his encounter titled Visitors From Lanulos – the planet where the supposed extraterrestrials came from.

US alien hunter Scott C Waring posted on his blog UFO Sightings Daily: “Here is a great discovery of a crashed ship on Mercury found in NASA photos by Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher.

The UFO resembles an old craft from a UFO that landed on the road. As you see in the drawing above, its very similar. Awesome discovery.”

However, the chances of finding life on Mercury are extremely slim, if not impossible by our current understanding.

Mercury is just 58 million kilometres from the sun, a small fraction compared to the 150 million kilometres the Earth is from our host star.



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