Article by Ellie Abraham May 28, 2021 (
• Ron Watkins is credited with actively facilitating the rise of QAnon. He was the administrator on the QAnon 8chan forum, and was even suspected of being Q himself. Now Watkins is channeling his expertise into creating a WikiLeaks-like website called ‘AlienLeaks’. The idea is that people will have a place to anonymously send documents and information about extraterrestrial activity where it can be made public.
• Speaking on the podcast, Alien Agenda, Watkins said: “The AlienLeaks project is going to be an anonymous dropbox for anybody to send documents to. It’s inspired by WikiLeaks and the work Julian Assange did with government accountability. But instead of focusing on government accountability, the goal of AlienLeaks is to focus on extraterrestrial disclosure including topics related to alien technology, alien biology, communications with aliens.” Watkins added: “I’m sure there’s people around the world sitting on troves of documents.”
• “With humanity on the brink of alien disclosure, do you really trust the government to tell you the whole truth?” Watkins posted. He has also set up a Telegram channel associated with AlienLeaks, claiming: “The government is currently gearing up for some kind of soft alien disclosure. [This] will only be the tip of the iceberg. A brave scientist, researcher, or specialist may just step forward to leak documents that show us the full iceberg.”
Ron Watkins
A QAnon promoter in the US is setting up a WikiLeaks website all about aliens, called AlienLeaks.
Ron Watkins was reportedly a major force in pushing the QAnon conspiracy and is credited with actively facilitating the rise of it in the US. He was also accused of being the elusive Q character in a documentary series that aired earlier this year. He also used to be the administrator of the controversial forum 8chan which has known right-wing links.
Now, his interest in aliens has led him to set up a website made for sharing information about aliens.
Julian Assange
Watkins wants people to send him documents and information about extraterrestrial activity so he can publicly leak it on his forthcoming website, AlienLeaks.
Speaking on an episode of the alien-based podcast, Alien Agenda, Watkins said: “The AlienLeaks project is going to be an anonymous dropbox for anybody to send documents to.
“It’s inspired by WikiLeaks and the work Julian Assange did with government accountability. But instead of focusing on government accountability, the goal of AlienLeaks is to focus on extraterrestrial disclosure including topics related to alien technology, alien biology, communications with aliens.
“This is all interesting stuff and I’m sure there’s people around the world sitting on troves of documents.”
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Article by Bec Heim August 31, 2020 (
• People believe in the existence of alien life. One in five Americans believe that UFO sightings prove the existence of extraterrestrials. Former Blink-182 singer and guitarist Tom DeLonge (pictured above) is one of those people. In the early 2000s, DeLonge told an interviewer that he believed that the US military knew more about UFOs than they were letting on. He claimed to have spoken with someone who ran into an alien seven stories underneath the Pentagon.
• DeLonge’s fascination with UFOs and aliens has been well documented and praised by the community. In 2015, DeLonge left the band to work on non-musical endeavors. Later he became the president and CEO of the UFO research organization, ‘To The Stars Academy’, which he founded due to his frustration with government secrets regarding space and the universe at large.
• In an interview with Papermag, DeLonge claimed that while camping on a flight path to Area 51, he tried to project his thoughts and “made contact with aliens”. That night, DeLonge claims he was “woken” at 3am. “My whole body felt like it had static electricity,” says DeLonge. “It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something.”
• In 2016, WikiLeaks exposed emails between DeLonge and Hilary Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta. DeLonge was trying to arrange a meeting with Podesta about “intellectual life and greater government disclosure.” DeLonge also assisted Air Force Major General William N. McCasland in assembling his UFO advisory team. DeLonge’s research into UFOs gave him inroads with officials in government and the military.
• In 2017, as a New York Times article revealed the existence of Pentagon videos of Navy jets chasing UFOs, DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars Academy’ ‘unofficially’ released those videos. Those UFO videos were officially released by the Pentagon in 2020.
• In 2019, DeLonge struck a deal with the History Channel to produce a six-part series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” in which DeLonge and others investigate the secret UFO program of the US government. “I’m thankful to History for giving the To The Stars Academy team of world-class scientists, engineers, and intelligence experts the opportunity to tell the story in a comprehensive and compelling way,” said DeLonge in a written statement. “I think everyone that watches the show will walk away with questions answered and a feeling of, ‘Wow, I get it now.’”
• In October 2019, ‘To the Stars Academy’ entered into a five-year, $750,000 cooperative agreement with the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command to “to advance To The Stars Academy’s (exotic) materiel and technology innovations in order to develop enhanced capabilities for Army ground vehicles.” Dr. Joseph Cannon of US Army Futures Command said, “[W]e look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.”
• In June 2020, DeLonge announced that ‘To the Stars Academy’ was able to have language regarding ‘unidentified aerial phenomenon’ (ie: UFOs) added to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Authorization Act. The act, if passed, will change how the government reports and conceals classified info about UFO sightings and related topics.
John Podesta
People believe in the existence of alien life. In fact, one in five Americans believe that cases of UFO sightings are, in fact, confirmation of alien visitation. There have been some odd UFO sightings over the years, infamous cases of probably alien abduction, and, of course, the infamous Pentagon tapes, that make people look to the sky and think “maybe”. One of those people? Former Blink-182 singer and guitarist, Tom DeLonge.
The “All the Small Things” singer has been looking into the existence of UFOs for decades. One of Blink-182’s
Maj General William N. McCasland
songs is entitled “Aliens Exist” and DeLonge also has his own UFO research organization called To The Stars Academy. DeLonge’s decades-long research and fascination with UFO sightings and aliens has been well documented and praised by the community. Here’s a somewhat condensed version of things.
Early 2000s — DeLonge talks about hidden UFO info in the military
In the early 00s, DeLonge had an interview with an unidentified person in which he shared his thoughts on the US military and their knowledge of UFO sightings. DeLonge mentions a friend who talked with government employees about UFO sightings and activity. DeLonge also has a collection of over 100 hours of testimonies about UFOs.
In one testimony, DeLonge claims, he has a story of a man who went seven stories underground of the Pentagon and ran into an alien.
2015 – DeLonge ramps up with his UFO investigation
2015 was a busy year for DeLonge, who left Blink-182, in order to work on non-musical endeavors. During that year, he claimed to have made contact with aliens in an interview with Papermag. He said that while camping on a flight path to Area 51, he tried to project his thoughts. DeLonge was woken up at 3am by the following:
“My whole body felt like it had static electricity . . . It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something.”
Later in 2015, he founded To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, where he is also President and CEO. The company was created due to DeLonge’s frustration with government secret regarding space and the universe at large.
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The April 11 arrest of Julian Assange has resurrected the narrative that emails stored on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) were not hacked by Russia, but leaked by a disenchanted employee, Seth Rich, who wanted to expose how Bernie Sanders was systematically undermined during the 2016 primaries by the DNC. According to this narrative, Rich communicated with Assange and handed over the DNC emails through Wikileaks’ secure online drop box.
Assange first stated in a June 12, 2016, interview that Wikileaks had more of the missing emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server during her time as Secretary of State: “We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton … We have emails pending publication, that is correct.”
Two days later, the computer security company “Crowdstrike” published a report that the DNC email servers had been hacked by Russia. The mainstream media quickly embraced the Russia hacking narrative to explain why Clinton and DNC emails were in the hands of Wikileaks.
Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.
However, multiple sources pointed out major problems with Crowdstrike as a competent and impartial investigator into the alleged Russian hacking:
The Nakamura [Nakashima] piece marked the first salvo in the Russian hacking meme. But the claim was not backed up by independently verified forensic evidence—it rested solely on the conclusions of a computer security company—Crowdstrike. The pro-Ukrainian politics of Crowdstrike’s founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, and his strident opposition to Russia cast a pall of bias over the findings of Crowdstrike. No U.S. Federal Law Enforcement official or agency was given access to the DNC servers. Neither the FBI nor Homeland Security were permitted to examine the servers and the alleged evidence of a hack.
In his 2019 best-selling book, Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump, Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service officer, detailed the multiple flaws in the Crowdstrike investigation and the puzzling decision to deny the FBI access to the allegedly hacked DNC email server.
Almost a month after Assange’s interview that Wikileaks had more Clinton emails and was vetting them for eventual release, Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, in very strange circumstances. Nearly two weeks later, on July 22, Wikileaks dumped 20,000 DNC emails on its website.
A July 25, 2016, story published in Vox by Timothy Lee covered the Wikileaks DNC dump and found that many showed the DNC favored the Clinton campaign over Bernie Sanders. In November 2017, Donna Brazile, the former chair of the DNC, confirmed that the DNC had systematically supported Clinton over Sanders. Brazile’s admission provides a solid foundation for understanding what motivated Rich to leak to DNC emails to Wikileaks in the first place.
In an August 2016 Dutch television interview, Assange firmly hinted that Rich’s murder was related to his leaking of DNC emails to Wikileaks:
Assange: Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often significant risks. There was a 27-year old that works for the DNC who was shot in the back… murdered.. for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.
Host: That was just a robbery wasn’t it?
Assange: No. There’s no finding.
Host: What are you suggesting?
Assange: I am suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that.
Wikileaks then offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of those responsible, fueling the rumors that Rich was Wikileaks source.
Those who claimed that Rich was responsible for the release of the DNC emails were vilified and forced to backtrack on their claims. Here’s how Wikipedia summarized the situation:
Fact-checking websites like,[5][8],[9] and stated that these theories were false and unfounded.[4]The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post wrote that the promotion of these conspiracy theories was an example of fake news.[10][11][12]
Influential figures such as Fox News and Sean Hannity were forced through litigation to abandon their investigations into Rich’s murder due to his parents leading the charge condemning “conspiracy theories”.
Rich’s parents condemned the conspiracy theorists and said that these individuals were exploiting their son’s death for political gain, and their spokesperson called the conspiracy theorists “disgusting sociopaths”.
A story published by two Fox News reporters, Malia Zimmerman and Ed Butowsky, in May 2017 was subsequently pulled from the news site and Hannity also stopped covering the story.
Even Bongino’s book, Spygate, failed to mention the Rich connection and what this meant to the whole Russia hacking narrative, which he uncritically endorsed as valid.
After Fox News reporters and Hannity suspended their investigations into Rich leaking the DNC emails, only alternative news sources were willing to investigate the available evidence. Most prominent among them was National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower, William Binney, who was among the first to conclude that Rich was responsible for the leaking and that Russia was being framed by the Deep State.
Binney, a former Technical Director at the NSA, together with Ray McGovern, a 27 year CIA analyst, wrote on September 20, 2017:
We stand by our main conclusion that the data from the intrusion of July 5, 2016, into the Democratic National Committee’s computers, an intrusion blamed on “Russian hacking,” was not a hack but rather a download/copy onto an external storage device by someone with physical access to the DNC.
After Q Anon publicly emerged in late October 2017, Seth Rich was soon mentioned in several posts alluding to his role as the true source for the Wikileaks DNC email leaks, and that he was murdered as a result by hitmen tied to the MS-13 criminal gang and the Clintons.
The alternative news investigation into Rich’s role in leaking the DNC emails subsequently languished but gained renewed life a year later on October 4, 2018, when the NSA responded to a Freedom of Information request that showed Rich had indeed been communicating with Assange. In their response to a FOIA request filed by attorney Ty Clevenger about information concerning Seth Rich and Julian Assange, the NSA wrote:
Since the FOIA request and the NSA response were not released, the NSA’s startling admission received no attention by the mainstream media, and only a few alternative media sources picked up the story. One of these was an April 19, 2019, article by Mark McCarty who cited a blog post published six months earlier (October 23, 2018) that first discussed the NSA FOIA response.
McCarty raised important questions over the precise language used in Clevenger’s FOIA request and what this meant in terms of documents being withheld. In his April 19, 2019, article he pointed out that many of these questions were resolved by Binney in an April 17 interview:
“Ty Clevenger has FOIAed information from NSA asking for any data that involved both Seth Rich and also Julian Assange.
And they responded by saying we’ve got 15 files, 32 pages, but they’re all classified in accordance with executive order 13526 covering classification, and therefore you can’t have them.
That says that NSA has records of communications between Seth Rich and Julian Assange. I mean, that’s the only business that NSA is in — copying communications between people and devices.”
Binney’s interpretation of what the NSA had admitted through FOIA is astounding in its implications. The single issue that has come to dominate analyses of the 2016 election is that Russia hacked the DNC and interfered with the integrity of the US Presidential election by passing this on to Wikileaks.
This spawned the nearly two-year Mueller investigation into Trump’s collusion with Russia, which generated reams of anti-Trump and anti-Russia stories in the mainstream media. Both Trump and Russia were vilified by a hostile media that was anxious to promote the Russia hacking narrative, and ridiculing anyone suggesting that Rich was the true source of the DNC info being released to Wikileaks, not Russia.
The NSA’s admission is the first concrete sign that the Deep State and the mainstream media are about to be exposed for willfully lying and misrepresenting the truth. Assange is all but certain to be extradited to the USA, and will reveal what he knows about Rich and his connection to the DNC email dumps.
While the questioning and extradition of Assange are likely to take an extended period of time, it’s worth emphasizing that the truth is already known to the NSA, which is keeping this classified for the moment. It is not known when and how this information will be released, and whether it will be done through Assange, the NSA or some other process.
Despite knowledge of the Rich and Assange connection, the NSA and its two directors since the DNC hacking – Admiral Mike Rogers (2014-2018) and General Paul Nakasone (2018-) – have done very little to publicly alter the mainstream news narrative that Russia had hacked the DNC servers; and that Rich’s murder was unrelated to the DNC documents that Wikileaks released less than two weeks after his murder.
Why did the NSA stand by and allow the accusations of Russian hacking to grow to the extent that relations with Russia have been severely damaged, economic sanctions imposed, and a two-year long investigation was established into potential collusion between the Trump Presidential Campaign and the Russians?
One answer worth exploring is that the Deep State had much to fear about a potential collaboration between Trump and Putin in revealing many advanced technology secrets possessed by their respective intelligence services; secrets which President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev unsuccessfully attempted to unlock 56 years ago, with tragic consequences for both.
[Note: An expanded audio version of the above article is available on YouTube.]
[Editorial Note: A three part ExoNews series of articles on Seth Rich was published two years ago and is available here]
[Update 4/25/2019 – A May 16, 2017 article published by the Free Thought Project discussed reports about alleged email communications between Julian Assange and Seth Rich provided by a former homicide detective, Rod Wheeler, from confidential FBI sources. A week later, Wheeler’s comments were retracted. It’s important to note that the 2018 NSA FOIA release confirms that the email correspondence did take place and was being tracked by the NSA]
In this second part of the true Seth Rich story, as disclosed by Karl Mollison’s channeling of Spirit Seth, I present a step by step timeline showing how the deep state, comprised primarily of the American intelligence community, controlled the public narrative in 2016 through their influence over prominent politicians, government and quasi-government officials, and the mainstream media. As Spirit Seth relates, “they (the deep state) use the very acts of the truth-teller to turn things around… to use it for a nefarious purpose, to enlist an opposition, and to make that the truth of things. …That was the case in my revelation.”
Spirit Seth’s account came through renowned channeler, Karl Mollison, in a June 2017 interview by Denny Hunt on his YouTube channel, “Why Is This True?” Karl’s background and channeling process is more fully explained in the first of this three-part article, along with an overview of Seth’s murder and its subsequent spin by the deep state shadow government to create a narrative of alleged Russian government hacking into the email servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the spring of 2016, with the alleged collusion of the Trump campaign, turning those emails over to Wikileaks to publicly reveal information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s election campaign and otherwise interfering with the American election process.
In this channeling, Spirit Seth, who had been a twenty-seven year old employee of the DNC, revealed that his murder in the early morning of Sunday July 10, 2016 on a neighborhood street corner, “… was indeed a political assassination. This was payback for the actions I took that were a form of wrongdoing and were harmful to certain vested interests politically. The retribution was directed towards me because of the role I played.” That role was in leaking a cache of damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks.
To fully understand the significance of the information that Spirit Seth offers, one needs to place it within the context of the events surrounding his murder. Of course, a spirit entity cannot name the names of the guilty parties, nor give any specifics that could create karmic entanglements and alter the free will of people living on the planet. But as a higher third density human being preparing to transition into the fourth density (and hopefully soon) this writer is under no such restriction.
Knowing now that Seth was indeed murdered for leaking the DNC emails, from my own perspective I will provide a timeline summary of the DNC email leaks, Seth’s murder, and the deep state psychological operation, or “psyop”, enlisted to cover up the murder. I do not attempt to cite a source for every piece of information presented. I gathered the information from the numerous news articles and video reports that can be found on the internet. Anyone can Google any part of this essay to find the source of the information, and discern the context and veracity for themselves.
Who Was Seth Rich?
Seth Rich was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. Always interested in Democratic politics, Seth did volunteer work for the Nebraska Democratic Party, interned for U.S. Democratic Senator Ben Nelson during high school, and worked for the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2011 Seth graduated from Creighton University with a degree in political science and moved to Washington D.C. to work for Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, a Democratic pollster and political strategist.
Seth Rich
In June 2014, when Seth was 25 years old, he was hired by the Democratic National Committee to become the DNC’s Voter Expansion Data Director. The election process was something that Seth believed in deeply. It is not surprising that Seth’s job was to assist voters to locate their polling place and to expand the voter base. And though not a computer programmer per se, Seth helped to develop a computer program for the DNC where by typing in their name, people could more easily locate their polling place. Seth’s father Joel characterized Seth as a “tireless worker for the expansion of voter’s rights” and that Seth’s motto was always “go big, go bold, or go home”.
Seth considered himself a progressive idealist. According to his friends, Seth only cared about helping others. Seth’s brother Aaron said that Seth was extremely passionate about his civic duty and making sure everyone has a chance to be heard. On his LinkedIn page, Seth wrote that as a public servant, he “worked towards making the world a better place.”
Creating the Russian Narrative
The Democratic National Committee is the political organization that impartially oversees the individual state primary elections and caucuses leading to the party convention where the Democratic presidential candidate is chosen based upon the results of those state primaries.
The DNC employed a cyber-security firm out of Irvine, California called CrowdStrike. The founder and CEO of CrowdStrike is a Moscow-born political activist by the name of Dimitri Alperovitch. Alperovitch is a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council, an international anti-Russian think tank funded in part by Ukrainian billionaire, Victor Pinchuk, a major financial supporter of the Clinton Foundation. Somewhere along the line, Alperovitch developed a deep-seated hatred of his motherland.
In the spring of 2016, CrowdStrike had been tasked by the DNC with ‘snooping around’ to see if any of Bernie Sander’s campaign staffers may have accessed the voter database without permission. By April 2016, CrowdStrike announced that they were analyzing improprieties with the DNC’s email servers. The Wikileaks’ emails later showed that they had been downloaded from the DNC servers sometime in late May 2016. So whoever was tampering with the DNC emails had been doing it right under their noses. It should be noted that the DNC didn’t seek out experts in Russian cyber-hacking. They had CrowdStrike conduct the investigation, most likely because they considered it an internal leak at the time.
By April 2016, Seth had been working for the DNC for a couple of years. The Democratic Party’s state primaries and caucuses had been going on since February and had two months to go. Seth had likely seen first-hand how the DNC, and in particular DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had actively undermined the Bernie Sanders campaign in favor of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Also there was an enormous amount of wheeling and dealing with wealthy potential donors, offering them insider perks, favors, and political appointments. All of this was ultimately revealed in the leaked DNC emails. To someone as idealistic about politics as Seth Rich, this must have been a very difficult reality check.
By mid-May 2016, it appeared that while Seth had moved some DNC files around on his computer, the main cache of 19,000 emails with attachments were apparently downloaded to a zip drive and passed along to his source at Wikileaks. CrowdStrike caught wind of it and the DNC brought in the intelligence agencies.
On May 18, 2016, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, stated that he had seen “indications” of foreign cyber-attacks in the presidential campaigns, and that he expected more to come. This planted the seed for a narrative where they would claim that the DNC servers were “hacked” by some outside actor rather than “leaked” by an insider at the DNC.
On June 11th CrowdStrike reported that they had put a stop to all of the hacking activity in the DNC computer servers. Shortly thereafter, two “independent” cyber-security firms, Fidelis and Mandiant, reported their own findings that it had been the Russians who had hacked the DNC servers. This was followed by CrowdStrike’s confirmation that it was indeed the Russians who had penetrated the DNC’s email servers.
It is commonly known that there exists a symbiotic relationship between American high tech/cyber-security firms and the U.S. intelligence community. Most of the high-tech and cyber-security firms employed by the U.S. government were started by people closely connected to the intelligence community and initially funded by the CIA’s venture capital organization, In-Q-Tel. And once started, the government usually hires these cyber-tech firms and provides them with the majority of their operational revenue.
On June 12, 2016, Julian Assange announced that Wikileaks had obtained a large cache of DNC emails and would be publishing them.
The DNC’s lawyer, Michael Sussman, called an emergency meeting to inform the FBI that the Russians had hacked into the DNC email servers in an act of “foreign espionage,” telling the FBI “we need to tell the American public that, and soon.” But by mid-June, CrowdStrike had secretly replaced the DNC’s entire computer system, wiping clean all of the DNC’s computers and laptops. The FBI were never allowed to analyze the DNC servers or computers.
On June 14, 2016, the DNC announced in the Washington Post that their email server had been penetrated by Russian government hackers. CrowdStrike reported that Russian intelligence had been hacking the DNC computers since May 2016.
On June 15, 2016, the anonymous Guccifer 2.0 appeared on the scene to claim responsibility for hacking the DNC servers and turning the emails over to Wikileaks.
In the first week of July 2016, the CIA gave President Obama a top secret report ostensibly drawn from sources deep inside the Russian government that confirmed newspaper reports that the Russians were indeed responsible for the DNC email hack. But the CIA report went further, detailing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direct involvement in the cyber-campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race. Putin’s specific instructions, according to the CIA report, were to defeat or at least damage Hillary Clinton and to help elect Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, Seth told his friends that he’d been getting pressure from his bosses at the DNC. Co-workers at the DNC reported that Seth was very upset when he’d heard that it was Russian hackers that had broken into the DNC computers and could be interfering with the presidential election. A source close to the investigation told Big League Politics that in the weeks prior to Seth’s death, DNC boss Donna Brazile and Seth had a heated verbal altercation regarding the DNC’s treatment of candidate Bernie Sanders. Seth was ultimately offered what would be a dream job for a political junkie from Omaha – a promotion to Hillary’s campaign headquarters in New York City for the duration of the campaign.
The Murder
On Saturday evening, July 9, 2016, Seth Rich went to his regular hangout, Lou’s City Bar, and sat in his regular bar seat. Seth’s girlfriend of two years, Kelsey Mulka, was out of town and he was by himself. Usually upbeat, the bartender recalled that Seth was quiet this evening and was drinking heavily, and that Seth and Kelsey had been arguing a lot lately. Seth mentioned that he had been getting a lot of heat from his superiors at work. He finally left the bar at 1:15 am saying that he was heading to the Wonderland Ballroom, another bar on his way home.
As was his habit, Seth walked home. About an hour is unaccounted for from the time that the Wonderland would have closed at 3:00 am and the time Seth arrived near the Flagler Market around 4:15 am. Inebriated and too distraught to sleep, he may have been mulling over what he should do in light of the the pressure he was getting from Donna Brazile at the DNC.
Was he being pressured to go along with the fabricated Russian narrative? Was the sudden promotion to Hillary campaign headquarters in Brooklyn contingent upon his being silent about the Russia story? Did Seth meet with a shadowy figure monitoring him in those early morning hours of July 10th, giving him one last chance to go along with the Russian narrative?
In any event, he was talking to Kelsey on his phone as he neared the market just a couple of blocks from his home. Kelsey says that she heard people talking. He told her not to worry and that he’d call her back. Kelsey later said that there was no sign of trouble in his voice. Did he know his assailants? Two minutes elapsed between the time Seth hung up with Kelsey and when the police detected gunshots at 4:18 am.
scene of the shooting
According to Metropolitan Police public incident report CCN#16113797 filed by the responding D.C. police officer, six officers arrived at the scene at 4:20 am at the SW corner of Flagler and W Street, just across the street from the Flagler Market. Seth was reportedly “conscious and breathing”. He was even “talkative” and apparently didn’t realize that he had been shot twice in the back. His watch band was torn from his arm and he had bruising on his face, hands and knees indicating a struggle. But if this was a botched robbery, the so-called “robbers” didn’t bother to take any of his personal belongings. Whoever it was, they were more interested in leaving the scene in a hurry.
Seth was taken to the nearby Washington Hospital Center. The assisting surgeon, Dr. Jack Sava, said that it was a routine non-fatal gunshot wound. There were no vascular injuries and the operation was successful. The patient was in stable condition when he was moved to the Intensive Care Unit to rest. The doctors planned to perform a follow-up procedure later in the day since they felt that the patient was in no immediate danger. Sometime after noon on July 10th things turned “weird as hell” according to Dr. Sava. Suddenly the ICU was swarming with police officers. The police cordoned off the area, refusing visitors and non-essential hospital staff entry into the ICU. The police physically blocked the doctors from entering a particular patient’s room. This is when the doctors and staff first learned that the patient getting all of this attention was Seth Rich.
After a short while, the attending physician was called into the room. Seth was dead. There was no resuscitation code called. Nothing. This would have been around 2:00 pm. He had mysteriously died under the watch of the police officers. Said Dr. Sava, “I’m just a low level doc. Something’s fishy, that’s for sure.” Curiously, the D.C. police public incident report marks the time of death at 5:57 am, shortly after Seth arrived at the hospital earlier in the morning.
Through Spirit Seth’s testimony, we now know that Seth was more seriously wounded than the doctors realized. Spirit Seth relates, “I was gravely wounded and was in danger of having organ failure in addition to paralysis, and this did become fatal and ended the discussion.” So he was allowed to die in the ICU. There is no doubt that they wanted Seth dead. “This was a deliberate act that was an execution and not a robbery, as claimed by the authorities,” says Spirit Seth.
Dr. Sava’s account reveals an outrageous cover-up that the mainstream media has completely ignored. But even if the doctor’s story turns out to be a falsehood, it doesn’t necessarily render the entire story false. One way or the other, Seth died at the hospital from an assassin’s bullets.
Spinning the Murder
On July 12, 2016 at a campaign rally two days after Seth’s murder, Hillary Clinton invoked Seth’s shooting in her call for stricter gun control. It would appear that they had their story all worked out. The Russians hacked the DNC email servers, and Seth Rich’s murder was simply a botched robbery having nothing to do with the DNC emails. This cast Hillary as a sympathetic party. The cautionary tale would be the horrendous gun crime in the United States – a narrative that fit right in with Hillary’s Democrat politics. And this is the narrative that the deep state would instill in anyone whom the media would likely talk to – the D.C. police and Seth’s closest friends and family – through direct intervention and mind control.
Three days after Seth’s murder on July 13, 2016, his family gave a short interview to ABC News. Seth’s father Joel, mother Mary, and brother Aaron all seemed a bit rambling and distant as they laid out the deep state narrative. Seth was shot on a street corner at 4:30 early Sunday morning. He was reportedly alert and talking with the officers at the scene, but then he died at the hospital. Seth had been the victim of a robbery, plain and simple, and they may never know who did it. Joel’s attitude was ‘oh well… what can you do?’ Brother Aaron looked as if he was trying not to laugh. Rather than question the motive of the murder, they would focus on what a big-hearted person Seth was and how much good he wanted to do in the world.
Any mention of the possibility that Seth may have been in contact with Wikileaks would instantly trigger Seth’s family and friends to defensively argue that Seth was a patriot who would never betray his country. To them, such a thing would be tantamount to Seth working for the Russians. Their mind control simply wouldn’t allow them to consider the possibility that it could be something besides a botched robbery.
Joel Rich did reveal in the interview that the D.C. police took all of Seth’s belongings, including his computer. Did the police intend to identify the robbers by scouring Seth’s personal belongings?
The Rich Family
On July 18, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released a limited amount of innocuous DNC documents to the political news source, The Hill, presumably to prove that he actually had them and to lessen the impact of the inevitable Wikileaks bombshell.
On July 22, 2016, three days before the start of the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, Wikileaks publicly released 19,000 DNC emails with over 8000 attachments dated between January 2015 and May 2016. The emails revealed that the DNC actively undermined the Bernie Sanders campaign in favor of Hillary Clinton’s nomination and went to great lengths to coddle wealthy donors.
Later that same day, Guccifer 2.0 claimed responsibility for providing the scandalous DNC emails to Wikileaks.
On July 25, 2016, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was jeered and booed at a Democratic Convention delegation breakfast. Pressed by President Obama himself, she announced her resignation that evening at the convention. Donna Brazile became the interim DNC chair.
After the Rich family’s plea for information in the ABC News interview, the family was swamped with media requests. Seth’s brother Aaron mentioned this to a friend of Seth’s at the DNC. The DNC sent a long-time Democratic party ‘crisis public relations consultant’ by the name of Brad Bauman to help the family. Bauman installed himself as the official unpaid spokesman for the Rich family.
In March of 2017, Seth’s father Joel would become acquainted with Ed Butowsky, a Dallas businessman who would cover the cost of a private investigator for the family. Joel told Butowsky that “we were assigned to a guy named Brad Bauman. I don’t know why we were assigned to him. I have no idea why I need somebody to speak for me. The DNC assigned him to us.” Later, when the family turned viciously on Butowsky and the investigator for daring to consider an alternative scenario in which Seth himself may have been in contact with Wikileaks, Butowsky stated it that seemed like Bauman’s job was “to discredit and try to go after people.”
The Russian Narrative Takes Shape
By late July 2016, the Russian state hacking narrative had already been accepted as a foregone conclusion by the government and the media. National Intelligence Director James Clapper smugly noted that Russia had a long history of meddling in American elections. With regard to the DNC hack, Clapper prodded deeper. “Was this just to stir up trouble?” Clapper openly pondered. “Or was this ultimately to try to influence an election?” They were steadily building up the mainstream narrative.
On August 5, 2016, the Washington Post reported how D.C. insiders were greatly upset with Trump campaign advisor, Carter Page, for his pro-Russian remarks. Page had the audacity to compliment Russian President Putin and predicted that a Trump presidency would have a positive effect on U.S.-Russian relations. Said Page, “Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress [with Russia] through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption and regime change.”
According to the Post article, U.S. foreign policy experts sensed there was something sinister behind Trump’s “unusually” friendly views toward Russia, and they were “distressed” at Page’s tepid response to the Russian cyber-attacks on the DNC. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee declared that all of this was evidence proving that the “Kremlin has tentacles into the Trump campaign.”
Friendly relations with Russia is clearly not a part of the deep state agenda. Anytime that anyone suggests a positive relationship with Russia, the deep state is certain to dismiss such a notion through ridicule and suspicion of their loyalty to America. This is how the deep state manipulates public opinion. Spirit Seth explains this further, “All who are in positions of power and authority are heavily subjugated and manipulated because they are decision-makers and hold power over other humans. So they are in a position to constrain things, to cause damage, to cause delay, to foster confusion, inefficiency, waste, fraud, and corruption, and all are used as tools to drain away human capital and degrade performance, and make people less effective and successful in all they do.”
Julian Assange
On a Dutch television program that aired August 9, 2016, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange cryptically identified Seth Rich as the inside source at the DNC who leaked the emails. Assange also announced that Wikileaks would contribute $20,000 toward the police reward for information on the Seth Rich case. This fueled widespread speculation across the internet that Seth may have been killed by the DNC for leaking the emails.
On August 11, 2016, Democratic Congressional Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, pushed hard to re-engage the Russian narrative in order to distract the mainstream media and public from any “fringe” element tying Seth to Wikileaks, stating unequivocally, “I know it was the Russians [who hacked the DNC emails]. This is an electronic Watergate. This is a break-in.” “And anyone who would exploit this (referring to Trump’s collusion) is an accomplice.”
The D.C. Police’s Part
Metropolitan Police public incident report CCN#16113797 lists three of the six police officers responding to Seth’s shooting as wearing body cameras. Yet the D.C. police refused to confirm or deny the existence of any police surveillance footage of the scene.
The city of Washington D.C. has a popular civic program where businesses and residents may receive a cash rebate for setting up security cameras pointed at the street. The Flagler Market located at the intersection where Seth was shot has many cameras, as do most of the residential homes near the intersection. In fact, the Bloomingdale neighborhood holds one of the the highest concentrations of surveillance cameras in the city. And the entire area is well-lit with streetlights. Authorities must request video footage from these private security cameras. But the D.C. police only requested video from one camera at this intersection. It purportedly showed the legs of two people following Seth across a crosswalk, not nearly enough to identify the assailants.
Instead, the D.C. police spoke about a rash of robberies in the neighborhood by a group of young men brandishing a silver handgun. Several weeks later the police arrested three suspects with a history of gun robberies: Tyrone Dorn, Demetrius Brandon, and Marquis Williams. This was nothing more than misdirection by the D.C. police. But it planted the idea that the police were hot on the killers’ trail in the public’s mind.
On August 16, 2016, D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier, left her 26-year career with the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department to take a position as the head of security for the National Football League at reportedly four times her $253,000 police chief’s salary.
The Deep State Digs In
On August 25, 2016, CIA Director John Brennan privately briefed Congressional leaders of a significant Russian breach of the DNC and signs of a connection between the Russians and the Trump campaign.
On September 5, 2016, the Washington Post reported that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was investigating Russian efforts to “sow distrust” and cause “chaos” in the presidential election and to counter U.S. influence in international affairs.
On September 13, 2016, to keep his name in the limelight, Guccifer 2.0 released another cache of hacked DNC emails online to Forbes magazine.
While most Republicans and some Democrats paused to weigh these very serious yet unsubstantiated allegations of Putin’s attempt to directly attack Hillary’s campaign by hacking the DNC emails, top lawmakers were determined to push the deep state narrative forward. On September 22, 2016, two familiar California Democrats, Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Adam Schiff issued a statement that they had learned from intelligence briefings that Russia was directing a campaign to undermine America’s democratic process.
On September 30, 2016, Crime Watch Daily aired a video exposé on the Seth Rich murder. The piece was done from the collective point of view of Seth’s friends, family, and the D.C. police that Seth was too nice a guy who loved his country too much to be the target of vicious conspiracy theories. The D.C. police wrote: “There’s no indication that Seth Rich’s death is connected to his employment at the DNC.”
The mind controlled reasoning of his family and friends is that Seth would never betray Hillary, which amounted to a betrayal of his country, by leaking the DNC emails to a terrorist organization like Wikileaks. In the Crime Watch Daily video, his parents revealed the last thing that Seth had written on his computer: “All my life I wanted to be in the position that I can make a difference.” They couldn’t see that by leaking the DNC emails, Seth was making a difference.
On October 4, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released documents purportedly hacked from the Clinton Foundation, but they turned out to be previously released documents along with some public records thrown in. They were still keeping Guccifer 2.0’s name out there to give the public and the media a distraction.
On October 7, 2016, the day that Wikileaks began releasing Hillary campaign manager John Podesta’s incriminating emails, the entire U.S. intelligence community consisting of seventeen agencies unanimously reported that they were “confident” that the Russian government directed the DNC hack. They identified and Guccifer 2.0 as the Russian agents acting on behalf of the Kremlin. The Obama White House, the Director of Intelligence James Clapper, and the Department of Homeland Security jointly accused the Russian government of hacking into the DNC servers and turning the emails over to Wikileaks. As per the deep state spin, Podesta adopted the role of the victim. “I’m not happy about being hacked by the Russians in their attempt to throw the election to Donald Trump,’’ said Podesta.
This announcement came only hours after Secretary of State John Kerry called for Russia to face war crimes charges for atrocities in Syria, further escalating tensions with Russia and inciting the American people. It also came on the day that the public saw the Access Hollywood video of Trump having a lewd conversation with Billy Bush on a bus.
On October 12, 2016, interim DNC chair Donna Brazile, who was also a paid contributor for CNN and ABC News, spoke at the University of Nebraska where she condemned the hacking into the DNC servers by Russia which were intended to “manipulate an election; disrupt or discredit or destroy our democracy.”
Donna Brazile
So by mid-October 2016, in the run-up to the election, the deep state had covered up Seth’s murder as a botched robbery, a position vehemently supported by Seth’s friends, family, and the D.C. police. They twisted the leaked DNC emails into a Russian threat to the American election process and to American democracy itself, orchestrated by none other than Russian President Vladimir Putin, and had characterized these “attacks” as an act of war. And of course, Donald Trump was implicated as an “accessory” in cahoots with Putin.
Spirit Seth learned to his dismay what an uphill battle he was taking on against the master manipulators within the deep state. “If you play their game, they will win. Because they hold the power, they have the game rigged at the outset, and all who participate are being duped. This is simply the way it is,” confirms Spirit Seth. “So my role as whistleblower, in a sense, had a deeper purpose, and the purpose was to serve the cause of truth. But it became perverted and has been used now to serve the darkness yet again. This is how they (the deep state operatives) are able to stay in control, because they use the very acts of the truth-teller to turn things around and work it in such a way to use it for a nefarious purpose, to enlist an opposition, and to make that the truth of things, and then the exact opposite happens. That was the case in my revelation.”
The Election
On the evening of October 19, 2016 in her third debate with Trump, Hillary touted the endorsement of all seventeen U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had tampered in the election process, which Trump flatly denied. With the unanimous support of the entire intelligence community, the media was handed a free pass to bang the drum in outrage at this potential act of war by the Russians. And bang the drum they did, stirring the public into a greater frenzy. This was the deep state’s last chance to once again install one of their own into the White House, a pattern that hadn’t been broken since they eliminated JFK.
On November 6, 2016, WikiLeaks released a second batch of over 8,200 new DNC emails.
On November 8, 2016, to the astonishment of the heavily compromised mainstream media, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.
So what effect did the public exposure of the DNC emails ultimately have on the election? “The effects on the election were quite minor,” concedes Spirit Seth. “We can tell you definitively from the perspective as a light being that the disclosure of the email contents had a non-significant effect on the outcome of the presidential race. This is hard to prove via human terms, but the divine perspective can be quite precise. So we can make that statement categorically, that this was a non-issue with regard to the greatest perception of harm done.”
While the deep state would have preferred that Hillary won the election, they still had the fall-back narrative that Russian President Putin, in collusion with U.S. President-elect Trump, had infiltrated and attacked the democratic American election process. This Russian narrative would be “used as a weapon to stir up discord and to fan the flames of party hatreds and mistrust of government, and growing mistrust of the legal system and its apparent susceptibility to political influence, and on and on,” asserts Spirit Seth. “All those actions, all the turmoil, all the doubt, all the fear, all the revulsion towards the human institutions on one level is deserved. But in a practical sense [it] serves the darkness more than the light, because it is all based on falsehoods and all serves the cause of the extraterrestrials to disempower humans.”
Here Spirit Seth arrives at the essence of the manipulation and corruption. “The corruption is engaged in and orchestrated by the extraterrestrials through multiple layers, through multiple extraterrestrial beings with differing origins, all of whom wish to control and conquer.”
Through his channelings on the subject, Karl Mollison has learned that there are three primary negative extraterrestrial races who orchestrate the corruption and manipulation of humanity on Earth. They are the original negative ETs known as the Anunnaki, plus the relative newcomers, the Draco Reptilians and the negative Nordic-type Arcturians. They each have their own selfish agendas. However, “they are tolerating one another at the moment because each has unique things it contributes to the overall effort and subjugation,” says Spirit Seth. “The end purpose is the elimination of humans and the control of the planet directly. So the stakes are quite high here.”
The mind control and manipulation that pervades our human civilization right now explains a lot. It provides answers to seemingly incomprehensible dilemmas such as how our elected officials continue to implement laws and policies that further enrich the wealthy and powerful to the direct detriment of the vast majority of Americans struggling just to get by, and how these so-called leaders remain stagnant in providing basic health care for the people. It explains the increasing number of instances of senseless violence that we see in the news every day, and how a guy could bust out a window on the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel and mow down hundreds of people at a music festival with military-style weapons.
“Everything done by humans [on a day to day basis] is largely irrelevant, other than to further undermine one another, which helps the extraterrestrials.” “Every evil act, every act of corruption that drains something away from a good project or cause; all acts of war, all criminal activities; all of the terrorist actions to disenfranchise, to sow fear, to impede human sharing and love and acceptance of one another, create doubt and suspicion [among human beings]… and on and on,” explains Spirit Seth. “All acts of human failing, human shortcomings, the harming of others, and the lack of developing the self and finding ways to heal one’s own personal difficulties and shortcomings, all [of these] serve the extraterrestrial agenda,” which is to completely subjugate humanity and to ultimately count the Earth among the many worlds that have been conquered by these negative extraterrestrials.
Will humanity wake up to this immediate threat and take action to save itself? The Divine Realm assures that through the love and compassion of Creator, we humans have the ability to raise our collective consciousness and overcome these evil forces in our midst. We must see through this veil of subterfuge, recognize how dire our situation truly is, and begin to take action to save ourselves, our civilization, and our long-term human experience.
In the third and final article in this Seth Rich series, I will continue with the timeline of the events surrounding the Seth Rich murder to further reveal the deep state psyop as it expands to ridiculous proportions. As the evidence of Seth’s insider leaks of the DNC emails becomes more and more obvious, the deep state’s response becomes more and more desperate to maintain their media narrative and to attack the Trump administration as being in collusion with the Kremlin in order to destroy American democracy.
by Lucien Cometta August 29, 2017 (
• Classified NSA Documents on Pine Gap Base in Australia, and others, as leaked by WikiLeaks
• The U.S. funded Joint Defense Space Research Facility is hiding “something real big”
• Even the Australian Parliament doesn’t know what is going on
• Pine Gap descends five miles below ground, used as a “giant antenna” and computer system interconnected with U.S. bases around the world
• The Rockefeller Foundation is setting up an international headquarters in Canberra
• Information on every citizen of the world is collected in Deacon Center, Canberra
• The Cabal is orchestrating a global financial collapse, global chaos
Pine Gap Base: World Context (Area 51 of Australia)
“In order to understand the case of the Pine Gap US base (near Alice Springs, Australia) better, I feel compelled to give some explanations beforehand. I hope these explanations will help to increase the general awareness of the extraordinary importance that facility has for mankind as a whole. “The majority of people, all over the world, are not lingering in doubt as to whether UFOs and ETs are real. They know they are real. Here in early 1989, no one questions their existence. The case for UFOs and ETs aroused passions, controversies and grandstanding for many years. Some of it has not been quite rational. The matter being relatively settled, public opinions should cool down. It is with a serene and clear mind that we ought to be thinking of our future relationship with the peoples from space. However, the public mind is not at peace. It vaguely feels that the governments are hiding “something real big”, and it wonders where our leaders are going to lead mankind. “During the process of research and study of UFOs and aliens, researchers who do not take the explanations of the scientific establishment at face value have discovered unsettling facts; these facts have started the lifting off (of) the lid of the coverup. The value and prestige of their sources of information do not leave any doubt about the truthfulness of these reports; the main outlines are summarized below.”
“The United States has three major bases in Australia. One is in South Australia (Nurranger, near Woomera, T.N.), another in New South Wales, and the third (and by far the largest) is located within about 230 km (143 miles) of the geographical center of the continent, not far to the west of Alice Springs (Northern Territory), at the foothills of the southern slopes of the MacDonnell Range. This base is completely underground, with barely visible entrances to the surface.
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Who believes Military-Intelligence have UFO-ET information to disclose to the American citizens that has not been leaked or that you do not already know?
Was Edgar Mitchell’s Wikileaks meeting with John Podesta, scheduled for the week of August 11, 2014, when Podesta was Counselor to the President and Edgar was Chief Science Officer and founder of Quantrek, a first step to arranging a meeting with President Obama?
In the first of a series of “Live People’s Conferences” where Julian Assange directly responds to public questions about Wikileaks, he has clarified the nature of most UFO references in its yet-to-be-published diplomatic cables. Back on December 3, 2010, Assange raised expectations when he said in an interview in the Guardian newspaper that “it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.” This led to many wondering whether an alleged U.S. government cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life was going to be finally exposed. Indeed, one of the diplomatic cables released by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten, referred to extensive funding for UFO research in the former Soviet Union. In his February 6 response to a question about UFOs, Assange revealed that the contents of the yet-to-be-published diplomatic cables largely dealt with the Raelian UFO cult and its claims of cloning.
In response to a question about releasing cables concerning UFOs, Assange said:
I have said in passing there is information about UFOs in Cablegate. And that is true, but these are only small passing references. Most of the material concerns UFO cults, and their behavior in recruiting people. For instance, there is quite a large cable, which we’ll try and release in the next few days, concerning the Raelians, a UFO cult which has a strong presence in Canada and was of concern to the U.S. ambassador in Canada. At that time, the Raelians claimed to have cloned an individual, and fantastically, the press all around the world ate this up and turned it into front page stories.
The cable in question, yet to be published by Wikileaks itself as Assange said, in fact was released by the Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten on January 4, 2011. It details the extent of U.S.concerns about the Raelian UFO cult, its cloning claims, and recruiting activities. The cable describes for example, Rael’s beliefs about the creation of humanity by extraterrestrials:
The diplomatic cable focuses on the possibility that the Raelians would use their cloning claims to recruit adherents in the U.S. After reviewing some of the beliefs of the Raelian’s founder, Rael, the cable went on to conclude:
Assange’s response lays to rest some of the rampart speculation about the extent of UFO reports in Wikileaks cables. For example, Michael Cohen from AllnewsWeb claimed on January 17:
A source from within the inner circle of the Wikileaks team has confidentially leaked to All News Web the content of a State Dept cable, concerning UFO affairs, that Wikileaks has declined to upload onto their website. The cable states: “It is critical all embassy staff understand that they are not to discuss under any circumstance concerns DOD has with UFOs entering orbit, once again the seriousness of this matter cannot be overstated.
According to Assange’s interview, it is safe to conclude that no such diplomatic cable exists of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) being concerned about UFOs entering earth’s orbit; or, at least, is not part of the diplomatic cables held by Wikileaks. If UFOs are a major headache for the DOD, as in fact evidence suggests is the case, then this would certainly be more highly classified than the Secret and Confidential files possessed by Wikileaks. According to researcher Timothy Good, such information is classified above Top Secret with “Need to Know” special access.
Similarly, a report in the European Union Times on December 13 revealed what its alleged confidential sources were saying were going to be released by Wikileaks:
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables details that the Americans have been “engaged” since 2004 in a “war” against UFO’s based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.
Again, it can be concluded from Assange’s “Live People’s Conference” that no such references to a secret UFO war exists in the diplomatic cables held by Wikileaks.
It appears that if smoking gun documentary evidence of a government cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life exists, such evidence has not yet come into the possession of Wikileaks. What can be expected in the weeks or months ahead for Wikileaks is the release of files documenting extensive UFO research by the former Soviet Union (already released by Aftenposten), and perhaps more references to public officials around the world interested in UFOs. None of the UFO references, according to Julian Assange, are of special significance and amount to little more than “small passing references.” So the wait continues for the release of documentation revealing the true extent of U.S. and international government knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
Julian Assange arrested in London on December 7, 2010
On Tuesday morning at 9:30 am, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was placed under arrest and denied bail by British authorities for allegations of rape being investigated in Sweden. A new Swedish prosecutor had reopened an investigation against Assange despite a previous prosecutor deciding against pressing charges. One of the women involved in the case had after the alleged rape incident thrown a party for Assange’s benefit. That and other actions by the women involved persuaded the original prosecutor not to charge Assange. One of the women has been found to have connections to the CIA suggesting Assange may have been set up in a ‘honey trap’ operation. The arrest and detention of Assange creates confusion over how and when future diplomatic cables will be released. Of special interest, are those concerning UFOs.
Wikileaks had come increasingly under pressure from the U.S. government and major allies such as Australia, Sweden and France to prosecute Julian Assange, and/or curtail internet servers hosting leaked classified U.S. diplomatic cables. Amazon.Com, Paypal, and the internet service all quickly jettisoned their connections to Wikileaks after pressure from U.S. authorities. All this has occurred despite the fact that many believe the documents released so far are pretty innocuous and amount to little more than diplomatic chatter. Some Wikileaks critics had gone so far as to claim that Assange is actually aiding and abetting a major U.S. ally, Israel, by selectively releasing documents. Others viewed the Wikileaks release as part of a false flag operation to justify internet censorship. The most recent response by U.S. authorities to request diplomatic and military personnel NOT to read the Wikileaks material is deemed by some to be a panicked over-reaction that may in the end only help Wikileaks grow in popularity. If the diplomatic cables released so far are innocuous, helping a major U.S. ally or a false flag operation, as some claim, why the panicked response by U.S. authorities? The answer may lie in a brief response Assange gave to a question in a Guardian newspaper interview. Assange said that some of the diplomatic cables soon to be released contain references to UFOs.
In response to a question about whether any of the documents sent to Wikileaks discussed UFOs and extraterrestrial life, Assange began his response by dismissing the relevance of much of what he had received:
Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.
Just as it appeared that Wikileaks had no credible documents about UFOs, Assange made a bombshell admission: “However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.†Assange did not elaborate on the context of the UFO related documents, nor did he give a time table for their release.
According to a number of confidential insider sources known to alternative science researcher David Wilcock, there has been a furious behind-the-scenes struggle over the pace and extent of UFO disclosure. He claims that Wikileaks is likely to release enough information about UFOs to bring a rapid end to the decades-long secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial life and technology.
This is very, very interesting. Disclosure is happening now. It hasn’t gotten into UFOs just yet, but we’re already seeing the signs of what true Disclosure will be like – an explosive burst of new information that the insiders do not want you to know, all coming out at once.
If Wilcock is correct, Wikileaks is poised to transform the world as we know it. That would explain the panicked reaction to the Wikileaks releases by U.S. authorities, and may even be related to the apparent honey trap operation that has resulted in Assange’s arrest.
Prominent figures on the right wing of U.S. politics such as Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh have gone as far as calling for Assange to be hunted down, tried and executed for the damage he has caused to U.S. national interests. The FOX news network is most prominent in advocating a draconian line to be taken against Assange and Wikileaks. What is not well understood is that FOX news has been instrumental in creating a debilitating partisan political environment that has hamstrung the Obama administration in its policy initiatives. FOX news represents the interests of prominent political and industrial figures that have long been associated with the cover-up of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
Hillary Clinton with Laurence Rockefeller in Wyoming August 1995
At the other end of the political spectrum, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has tried to make lemonade out of the Wikileaks lemon by focusing on what it reveals about the professionalism of U.S. diplomacy. In a recent dinner she praised the “full breadth and depth of American artistry and diversity,” adding in jest, “I am writing a cable about it, which I’m sure you’ll find soon on your closest website.” What Clinton is not revealing is her own past role in endorsing the release of UFO files as First Lady during the Clinton administration. Hillary, along with President Clinton, met with Laurence Rockefeller in 1995 in Wyoming. The Clintons were given an informal briefing about why it was in U.S. national interests to disclose information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. FOIA documents confirm that Hillary then became Rockefeller’s point person in encouraging the Clinton administration to move forward with such a release. Political contingencies led to the Clintons eventually failing in their efforts to have UFO files released. Similarly, the Obama administration has failed to make much headway in behind the scenes efforts to release UFO documents partly due to the highly partisan political environment created by the FOX news network.
Hillary Clinton is very aware of the contents of diplomatic cables yet to be released. If some concern UFOs, they may well be the catalyst for the collapse of secrecy surrounding the truth behind UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That may help explain why Clinton is more muted in what punitive action should be taken against Assange. Clinton, along with others in the Obama administration, privately welcome the release of documents that bring to an end the secrecy surrounding UFOs. However, the prominence and influence of many right wing commentators associated with the FOX news network, the Obama administration has to be seen to be taking action to put a stop to Wikileaks. Hence the dubious legal effort to investigate bringing criminal charges against Assange, and attempt to prevent diplomatic personnel reading online the classified documents released by Wikileaks. The official U.S. response to the Wikileaks release is not well thought out and is predicted to very likely increase public interest and support for the Wikileaks material. The U.S. response very likely reflects conflicting reactions of panic and elation among senior policy makers over a possible catastrophic collapse in the secrecy system surrounding UFOs.
Assange’s arrest in Britain creates uncertainty over when and how future diplomatic cables will be released. The denial of bail to Assange on flimsy legal grounds is likely to be used as a lever by authorities behind the scenes to prevent or slow the release of some of the more damaging diplomatic information. The result however may be the so called ‘nuclear option’ Assange has threatened where all the diplomatic cables will be released at once without any redactions or filtering. Despite Assange’s arrest, Wikileaks continues to function and today tweeted that the gradual release will continue. So whether the nuclear option happens or classified information continues to come out gradually, the eventual release of diplomatic cables concerning UFOs may lead to a collapse of the secrecy system surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial life. That will change the world as we know it.