Article by Shaun Wooller February 15, 2020 (
• Dr Andrew Siemion of the University of California (pictured above) has launched a project using a huge telescope in New Mexico to hunt for advanced extraterrestrials. (see yesterday’s ExoArticle) Siemion expects this enormous telescope array to find evidence of intelligent beings before others find so much as a simple bacteria.
• His team, which includes folks from the SETI Institute, will tune in to tens of billions of radio signals above our heads, filter out the “noise” ie: signals from Earth and other known sources, and explore a larger area than other teams have around a planet.
• Dr Siemion told a conference audience that he believes aliens exist. Siemion expects to discover a radio signal from a distant civilization emitted as they search for us or as part of their daily life. “Our solar system is 4.7 billion years old and the universe is 13.5 billion years old,” noted Siemion. “So, surely the first civilization that we encounter [is] likely to have had technology far longer than we have, and would be much more technologically sophisticated.”
• Siemion thinks that the first aliens we encounter will have been around the galaxy billions of years longer than humans. They are likely to be extremely intelligent and more advanced than we humans. They will “undoubtedly” be more clever than humans. They may be floating around in something like the Star Wars’ Death Star with technology that makes our gadgets look Stone Aged.
The first aliens will have been around billions of years longer than humans, according to Dr Andrew Siemion, who is leading the search for ET-like creatures, and are likely to be extremely intelligent and more advanced than humans.
And he warned they will “undoubtedly” be more clever than humans, with technology that makes our gadgets look Stone Aged.
They may be floating around in something like the Star Wars’ Death Star that makes our technology look Stone Age, he claims.
Dr Siemion told a conference he believes aliens exist.
He added: “Our solar system is 4.7billion years old and the ¬universe is 13.5billion years old.
“So, surely the first civilisation that we encounter are likely to have had technology far longer than we have, and would be much more technologically sophisticated.”
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Article by Georgina Torbet February 15, 2020 (
• A collaboration between the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the SETI Institute will use the NRAO’s “Very Large Array” (VLA) of radio telescopes (with operations center in Socorro, New Mexico) to search for the presence of extraterrestrial life in the universe by such indicators as laser beams, structures built around stars, constructed satellites, or atmospheric chemicals produced by industry.
• In a statement, Andrew Siemion, Chair of the SETI Institute and Principal Investigator for the Breakthrough Listen Initiative at the University of California, Berkeley, said “The SETI Institute will develop and install an interface on the VLA permitting unprecedented access to the rich data stream continuously produced by the telescope as it scans the sky. This interface will allow us to conduct a powerful, wide-area SETI survey that will be vastly more complete than any previous such search.”
• NRAO Director Tony Beasley stated, “As the VLA conducts standard observations, this new system will allow for an additional and important use for the data we’re already collecting.” “Determining whether we are alone in the universe as technologically capable life is among the most compelling questions in science, and NRAO telescopes can play a major role in answering it.”
• Bill Diamond, President and CEO of the SETI Institute said that “Having access to the most sensitive radio telescope in the northern hemisphere for SETI observations is perhaps the most transformative opportunity yet in the history of SETI programs,” giving SETI researchers the opportunity to search further than ever before. “We are delighted to have this opportunity to partner with NRAO, especially as we now understand the candidate pool of relevant planets numbers in the billions.”
• [Editor’s Note] Well this should be a huge waste of time and money for a few more years as SETI continues to search the skies in bad faith, desperately trying not to actually find any sign life in the universe, which is its true deep state objective. For if SETI ever admitted that there are signs of an extraterrestrial presence all around us, and has been for decades if not millennia, then they would be exposed as the frauds they are and find themselves out of a job.
Andrew Siemion
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is getting a boost through a collaboration that will use existing
Tony Beasley
radio telescopes to search for indicators of life elsewhere in the universe.
A new collaboration has been announced between the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and the SETI Institute, to add SETI capabilities to the NRAO’s radio telescopes. To begin the project, an interface will be added to the NRAO’s Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico to search for events or structures which could indicate the presence of life, such as laser beams, structures built around stars, indications of constructed satellites, or atmospheric chemicals produced by industry.
“The SETI Institute will develop and install an interface on the VLA permitting
Bill Diamond
unprecedented access to the rich data stream continuously produced by the telescope as it scans the sky,“ Andrew Siemion, Bernard M. Oliver Chair for SETI at the SETI Institute and Principal Investigator for the Breakthrough Listen Initiative at the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. “This interface will allow us to conduct a powerful, wide-area SETI survey that will be vastly more complete than any previous such search.”
As well as adding the new interface, the data collected by the VLA will be analyzed for signs of life. “As the VLA conducts standard observations, this new system will allow for an additional and important use for the data we’re already collecting,” NRAO Director Tony Beasley said in the statement. “Determining whether we are alone in the universe as technologically capable life is among the most compelling questions in science, and NRAO telescopes can play a major role in answering it.”
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• Navy pilots recently interviewed by The New York Times and appearing in the History Channel documentary series: Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation, reported detecting several UFOs during flight training between 2014 and 2015. Their radars detected these UFOs flying at hypersonic speeds at altitudes just over 9000 metres (30,000 feet), despite having no obvious means of propulsion. UFO sightings along the Southeastern US coast and in the Persian Gulf have been reported by six Navy pilots. One of the pilots, Lt. Danny Accoin, said, “It seemed like (the UFOs) were aware of our presence because they would actively move around us.” None of the pilots suggested that the UFOs were alien in origin, however.
• Leon Golub, a senior astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the possibility of an extra-terrestrial cause “is so unlikely that it competes with many other low-probability but more mundane explanations,” such as “bugs in the code for the imaging and display systems, atmospheric effects and reflections, neurological overload from multiple inputs during high-speed flight.”
• As a rule, the more mundane explanation for UFO sightings is the logical one. The US Air Force’s Project Blue Book collected more than 12,000 sightings between 1952 and 1969. All but 6% were “explained” astronomical, atmospheric or human phenomena. The US National Science Foundation’s Project Ozma monitored two stars: Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani for six hours a day from April to July 1960. No signal was found.
• Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) said the UFOs could be drones from rival countries. Shostak also noted that these pilots began spotting the UFOs after their plane’s radar system was upgraded, which suggests that the sightings might be due to some software bug. SETI began as a government program under NASA, and continued as a private effort in 1993 when funding from the US Congress ended.
• The SETI Institute in a joint project with the University of California, Berkeley, built 42 individual telescopes that function as a single massive instrument to observe up to 1 million nearby stars for radio or optical signals. Dubbed the Allen Telescope Array, it began observations in 2007. Italy’s University of Bologna also has a radio SETI search, and Harvard University in Boston has an optical SETI search. So, while the US Air Force’s detection of UFOs might not be aliens visiting the Earth – the various SETI efforts around the world might just one day lead to such a discovery.
• [Editor’s Note] Once again, the Deep State institutions are lining up to debunk what Navy pilots are seeing with their own eyes. Seth Shostak and SETI along with Harvard-Smithsonian, are leading the charge toward abject unenlightenment and disinformation surrounding the extraterrestrial/UFO phenomenon. Despite the overwhelming evidence of UFO’s, or ET-controlled drone UFOs which is most likely, that are routinely operating in our skies, the Deep State is pushing hard to make sure that the mainstream public does not take this seriously, and to disregard it all as a ‘glitch in the technology’. ‘There’s nothing to see here. We have it covered. Move along. Move along.’
According to recent media reports, between 2014 and 2015, US Navy pilots detected several Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) during training. Their radars detected these UFOs flying at hypersonic speeds at altitudes just over 9000 metres, despite having no obvious means of propulsion.
In total, six pilots who were stationed on the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt during that time period spotted UFOs during flights along the Southeast coast of the US, The New York Timesreported late last month.
Two of the Navy pilots interviewed by The New York Times have also appeared in the new History Channel documentary series: Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation, which also premiered late last month.
The objects had “no distinct wing, no distinct tail, no distinct exhaust plume,” Lt. Danny Accoin, one of the pilots said. “It seemed like they were aware of our presence because they would actively move around us.”
Accoin had told the Times that although tracking equipment, radar and infrared cameras on his aircraft had detected the UFOs twice, he was unable to capture them on his helmet camera.
Meanwhile, Lt. Ryan Graves, the other pilot featured in the documentary said that a squadron of UFOs followed his Navy strike group up and down the eastern coast of the US for months. After the USS Theodore Roosevelt was deployed to the Arabian Gulf in March 2015, the UFOs reappeared.
Such accounts would surely fire up the imagination of those of us who are fascinated by the thought of extra-terrestrials visiting our planet. However before we get too excited about this prospect, it’s worth noting that none of the pilots interviewed by the Times suggested that the UFOs they detected were alien in origin.
So, what were they? Well, the pilots themselves thought that they might have been part of a highly-classified drone programme using cutting-edge technology. There are other possibilities.
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by Arjun Walia April 12, 2019 (
• Remote viewing, i.e.: an ability of a human “viewer” to mentally “see” a remote time and place, which they may have never been to, has been proven scientifically to be accurate and consistent. Governments all around the world, including the United States, have had successful remote viewing programs. Still, because the concept of remote viewing conflicts with people’s belief systems, especially those in academia, it is often brushed off as ‘pseudoscience’.
• Dr. Jessica Utts, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine, said, “What convinced me (that remote viewing was real) was… the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field…. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing, and I could see that they had really tight controls…and so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done.”
• Harold E. Puthoff, the lead scientist and co-founder of Stanford’s remote viewing program, said, “… remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. . . . The development of this capability at [the Stanford Scientific Research Institute] has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.”
• The DIA’s remote viewing program was known as Stargate Project (established in Fort Meade, Maryland in 1978 until 1995) in which multiple viewers with exceptional skills were utilized. Among them were Lyn Buchanan, Pat Price and Ingo Swann.
• Through his remote viewing experiences, Lyn Buchanan categorized the four types of extraterrestrial beings interacting here on the Earth: “We’ve got those [ETs] who are more psychic than us and those that are less psychic than us. In each of those two categories we’ve got friendly to us [ETs] and unfriendly to us, the unfriendly non-psychic ones tend to not come here. They don’t like us, they don’t want to be around us. The non-psychic friendly ones come here for trade. The psychic friendly ones actually want to help us develop our abilities and become stronger at it. And the unfriendly psychic ones want us wiped off the planet, they want us dead, period, no questions asked.”
• Lyn Buchanan also mentions five extraterrestrial bases on (or “in”) the Earth. They are all inside of mountains, and humans are working with these extraterrestrials at some of these bases. Ingo Swann has also talked about extraterrestrial bases on Earth in his book, Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy.
• Pat Price had also remotely viewed four alien bases on Earth, one of which was located under Mount Ziel, some 80 miles west-northwest of Pine Gap (Australia). Price believed that this base contained a mixture of ‘personnel’ from the other bases. The other bases were said to be under Mount Perdido in the Pyrenees (Spain), Mount Inyangani in Zimbabwe (Africa), and under Mount Hayes in Alaska. Price described the bases’ occupants as ‘looking like homo sapiens, except for the lungs, heart, blood and eyes’.
For anybody who’s looked into the Remote Viewing programs that were (and probably still are) in operation within several governments around the world, it’s very easy to become awe struck with regards to the validity of these programs, despite the fact that they’ve received a lot of criticism from skeptics. One merely has to look at the facts to get a good picture of just how successful, accurate, and useful these programs were, and again, probably still are. Here is a great quote from Dr. Jessica Utts, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine and a professor there since 2008.
“What convinced me was just the evidence, the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field and I got to see more and more of the evidence. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing and I could see that they had really tight controls…and so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done. And in fact I will say as a statistician I’ve consulted in a lot of different areas of science; the methodology and the controls on these experiments than any other area of science where I’ve worked.”
Lyn Buchanan
Such an eye opening and revealing quote, and a fact that needs to be emphasized because when it comes to remote viewing, it conflicts with so many people’s belief systems, including many within the fields of academia. Thus, it is often brushed off as ‘pseudoscience’ without any proper investigation or inquiry. This is odd, given the fact that multiple governments have admitted to studying remote viewing and other phenomena that falls under the umbrella of parapsychology.
What is remote viewing? It’s an ability that allows the ‘viewer’ to be able to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometres away (even more) from their physical location — one that they have never been to.
Here’s another great quote from the declassified literature in 1995 from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) archives, from scientist and co-founder of Stanford’s remote viewing program, Harold E. Puthoff: “To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods, and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. . . . The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.”
Multiple viewers were used with exceptional skills inside of this program, which was known as the STARGATE program. One of them was Lyn Buchanan, a veteran and an Army Remote viewer who worked inside of the program. His status within the program has been verified by the declassified literature that was released on the program in 1995.
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