Tag: UK’s Ministry of Defence

UFO Expert Insists Alien Technology Poses Huge Security Risks for Earth

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Article by Jasper Hamill                     September 3, 2019                  (metro.co.uk)

• Nick Pope (pictured above), a British investigator who headed up the UK’s Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, has just released a film called ‘Indistinguishable From Magic’ which explores what might happen if we encountered beings from outer space. The film is a “deeply personal look at the question of how first contact with extraterrestrials might unfold,” said Pope.  (see 1:25 minute movie trailer below)

• “The possibility of open first contact no longer seems like science fiction,” says Pope. “[A]nd while a few cynics may still think the subject is a joke, those of us who’ve looked at this from within government aren’t laughing.” “[I]n the past few months… the US Congress and the mainstream media have learned what many of us on the inside already knew, namely that whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, it raises critical defense and national security issues.”

• The film looks at the implications of alien contact with particular focus on extraterrestrial technology in weaponry, interstellar travel and energy generation. Extraterrestrial creations are likely to be so advanced that we humans would be totally unable to understand them.

• Pope says that Hollywood sci-fi movies have convinced people that when we make open contact with extraterrestrials, their technology will only be around a hundred or two hundred years ahead of ours. But “given the age of the universe, there could be civilizations out there with millions or even billions of years’ head-start on us. Their power would be indistinguishable from the power of the gods that religious people worship, and their technology would truly be indistinguishable from magic,” as coined by science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke.

• To get a sense of just how advanced alien technology would be, just think about the distances involved in space travel. Our fastest space probe would take around 70,000 years to get to the nearest star outside our solar system. Any alien craft that reached the Earth would have to be designed using incomprehensibly advanced technology. Pope says that “We aren’t going to be able to figure out alien technology millions of years ahead of our own.”

• Nick has been accused of secretly working for the government, and pushing the ‘threat angle’ of alien contact with this new film. “Some internet pundits have labeled my film ‘propaganda’ and ‘fear-mongering’,” says Pope. “The accusation is that I’m still secretly working for the government and that my new film is part of a deep state plot to talk up the possibility of an alien invasion, to help the Military Industrial Complex get more funding, while also building support for President Trump’s Space Force.”

• “The accusations are nonsense,” Pope insists. “I do support the creation of a Space Force, on the basis that space will be a key battle space in any future war.” But no, “I’m not talking about a war with aliens!”


When most people imagine alien technology, they probably think of UFOs and flying saucers.

But extraterrestrial creations are likely to be so advanced that we puny humans would be totally unable to understand them.

Nick Pope, a British investigator who headed up the Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation desk, has just released a film called ‘Indistinguishable From Magic’ which explores what might happen if we encountered beings from outer space.

The film has been released amid growing interest in ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ – the official name for UFOs.

Over the past two years, details of a secret US research project called Advanced Aerospace Threat and Identification Program (AATIP) have slowly leaked into the public domain, suggesting there really is something strange happening in our skies.

“‘Indistinguishable from Magic’ is a deeply personal look at the question of how first contact with extraterrestrials might unfold,” Pope told Metro.

“The revelations about the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (the subject of my previous documentary, Aliens at the Pentagon), recent US Navy encounters with UFOs, and the fact that several US Congress members have received classified briefings on this make Indistinguishable from Magic a timely film.”

“The possibility of open first contact no longer seems like science fiction, and while a few cynics may still think the subject is a joke, those of us who’ve looked at this from within government aren’t laughing.”

“What’s happened in the past few months is that the US Congress and the mainstream media have learned what many of us on the inside already knew, namely that whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, it raises critical defence and national security issues.”

The film sets aside arguments about whether UFOs are real and looks at the implications of alien contact, with particular focus on three aspects of extraterrestrial technology: weaponry, interstellar travel and energy generation.

Nick added: “I avoided getting bogged down in an attempt to prove UFOs were extraterrestrial and simply said: ‘Let’s assume humanity is imminently going to make first contact’.”

“From there, all sorts of questions arise, and my film explores the answers to some of these questions.”

1:25 minute video: “Indistinguishable From Magic” movie trailer (YouTube Movies)



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UFOs Are Real and Often Narrowly Miss Crashing Into Planes

by Nick Pope                July 13, 2018                  (thesun.co.uk)

• Aliens, UFOs and death rays sound like the stuff of science fiction. But from his 21 years with the UK’s Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope (pictured above) knows that UFO’s are real and that our government leaders take them very seriously. The recent disclosure of MoD documents show that the UK government has spent 50 years investigating alien technology.

• Pope says that while the majority of UFO sightings could be explained, but around five per cent remain mysterious. And there are several cases of near-misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft. Pope also got to look into other X-File types of cases such as crop circles, alien abductions, ghost sightings, and psychic phenomenon.

• The declassified MoD documents revealed that the Russians had put a lot of effort into researching and investigating not just UFOs, but parapsychology – telekinesis (moving objects with the mind), psychic phenomena and similar things.

• The British military viewed this in terms of threats and the possibility that “novel military applications” might result from a better understanding of UFOs. It was suggested that UFOs might not objects, but rather the result of changes in energy in the atmosphere. This raised the intriguing possibility of channeling this energy to develop a death ray weapon.

• All the while, the Americans were conducting their own research through a Pentagon program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Some declassified videos surfaced of US Navy jets chasing UFOs. 

• If anyone was laughing about UFOs before, they’re not laughing now. Those who have looked at this subject from within the government knew better. RAF pilots had seen UFOs and occasionally chased them. The MoD had gun camera footage similar to the declassified US Navy videos. Radar operators tracked UFOs from time to time, and the speeds and maneuvers were astounding.

• The MoD told Parliament, the media, and the British public that UFOs were of “no defense significance”. However, this was a meaningless soundbite designed simply to get people off our backs, said Pope.


ALIENS, UFOs and death rays sound more like the stuff of science fiction than the subjects of top-secret government briefings… but I know from my 21 years at the Ministry of Defence that our leaders take these threats more seriously than they let on.

I also learned from my time there that UFOs are real. And I should know, because my job throughout the nineties was to investigate them.

World UFO Day fell last week, and it was very clear that the usual scepticism and ridicule had been replaced with a far more serious tone.

This may be helped by the fact that details recently emerged of MoD documents showing the UK government’s interest and involvement in UFOs – and suggesting that we had spent 50 years investigating the possibilities of developing alien technology.

I worked on these files and came out of retirement to help with the MoD’s release project – the decade-long declassification of top-secret papers – which concluded in January.

And while the Official Secrets Act binds me for life, now that the government itself is releasing more details of my old MoD job, I can give people an insider’s perspective on what we really got up to.

From UFOs almost crashing into planes to alien abductions

The bottom line was that we knew UFOs were real, but we didn’t know what they were.

The majority of UFO sightings could be explained, but around five per cent remain mysterious.

The cases that concerned me most were the near-misses between UFOs and commercial aircrafts – there are several such cases in the MoD’s UFO files.

What was much more fun was the other weird stuff that came our way simply because there was nowhere else in government to send it: crop circles, claims that people had been abducted by aliens, ghost sightings and people who claimed to be psychic and volunteered their services to British intelligence.

But is it really true, as the latest declassified files suggest, that we were racing against the Russians and the Chinese to acquire alien technology and develop some sort of super-weapon?

Not quite, but the reality is almost just as bizarre.



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