Article by Dan Robitzski May 21, 2020 (
• With China’s new Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in place (pictured above), astronomers say the country is positioning itself as the new leader in the search for extraterrestrial life. Although the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has traditionally been a Western SETI pursuit, researchers say that if there’s any first contact to be made, FAST will be the instrument that does so.
• Given the singular focus its government can lend to projects like FAST, it is not surprising that China would emerge as the leader of the search for extraterrestrial life, said science author Michael Michaud. “Most scientific fields had been dominated by Americans and other Westerners since the end of World War II. China is now catching up with, and in some areas surpassing, Western achievements,” Michaud told “Already, China has the resources to become the world’s leading nation in several fields of scientific research and technology development.”
• Experts in the hunt for aliens see China’s progress as more of an opportunity for collaboration than a matter of national pride. “Anyone hoping for a redo of the 1960s ‘space race’ between the Soviet Union and the United States in today’s international SETI scene is going to be disappointed,” said Douglas Vakoch, president of the extraterrestrial research group METI International. “In SETI, international cooperation wins over competition.”
• [Editor’s Note] For the past sixty years, SETI and METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have led the charge to intentionally never find any evidence of other extraterrestrial beings or civilizations. SETI leaders such as Seth Shostak and Doug Vakoch have dutifully served their deep state masters, telling the world that their consistent failure to find any evidence of intelligent ETs indicates that intelligent beings, besides ourselves, simply do not exist in our galaxy. It will be interesting to see how SETI will attempt to infiltrate the Chinese astronomical community, under the guise of “international cooperation”, in order to sabotage and suppress their operation to prevent the public from learning the truth – that the galaxy is teeming with intelligent beings and civilizations, and that we have all been lied to for decades.
With China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) in place, astronomers say the country is positioning itself as the new leader in the search for extraterrestrial life.
Traditionally, SETI research has been a largely Western pursuit, scientists told But FAST bucks that trend — if there’s any first contact to be made with alien civilizations, researchers suspect that FAST will be the instrument that does it.
Shifting Landscape
To some, like scientific author Michael Michaud, it’s not surprising that China would emerge as the leader of the search for extraterrestrial life, given the singular focus its government can lend to projects like FAST.
“Most scientific fields had been dominated by Americans and other Westerners since the end of World War II. China is now catching up with, and in some areas surpassing, Western achievements,” Michaud told “Already, China has the resources to become the world’s leading nation in several fields of scientific research and technology development.”
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by Peter Fimrite February 25, 2019 (
• A faction of the San Francisco-based SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has split off to form METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence. While SETI traditionalists believe humans should only look and listen for extraterrestrials to avoid tipping off evil aliens, the METI group intends to broadcast messages to space aliens. The clash is the first major division in the tight-knit community of astronomers, astrophysicists, philosophers, psychologists and science fiction writers who are convinced intelligent beings are out there somewhere.
• SETI has been searching in vain for radio signals or some other sign of life beyond Earth from its Bay Area Mountain View headquarters for 35 years. Astrobiologist Douglas Vakoch, who split with the METI group, says, “What if [the ET’s] position is, ‘No, you are the ones who are new to this game. You send us a signal first.’” METI will employ radar and laser technology to beam more powerful multi-directional messages into space.
• SETI astronomers are worried that less-then-friendly extraterrestrials might be more inclined to enslave Earthlings and mercilessly plunder and destroy Earth. “We wonder whether the galaxy that we are in is maybe a dark forest, where it is dangerous to scream because there are creatures out there unhappy with new life forms,” said astronomer Andrew Fraknoi. “You don’t want to advertise your presence in a dark forest.” Stephen Hawking was among those who warned that aliens “may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria.”
• Vakoch formed METI after a vote in 2014 by the SETI Institute board rejecting his plans to broadcast messages. Vakoch and his supporters reason that any predatory civilization would probably have detected us by now, since our radar, radio and television signals would long ago have signaled our presence. They began sending active signals into space in 2017. “We may have to target hundreds and thousands and maybe millions of stars before we find anything.” Says Vakoch. “I view this as a reflection of the natural growth of SETI.”
• Using Earth’s current technology, it would take 80,000 years for an astronaut to reach the closest star, Alpha Centauri. Fraknoi speculates that self-replicating civilizations could travel through space for thousands of years and still be alive to tell about it when the trip is over.
• Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute who supports Vakoch’s work, says that given the enormous distances, we may never find intelligent life if we don’t get out there and look for it. “No transmissions into the sky because there might be nasty aliens out there.’ That’s just paranoia. Paranoia is not a good long-term policy.”
• The issue moved to the forefront in 1989 when SETI scientists published a declaration of principles on how international leaders should be consulted before anyone replies to an ET signal. A committee of the International Academy of Astronautics took it a step further in the 1990’s, urging consultations with world leaders before anyone attempts to broadcast a powerful message into space that is likely to be detectable by alien life.
• “Human history is littered with examples of societies disrupted by direct contact with others, even when it was led by idealistic missionaries,” Says Michael Michaud, former director of the State Department’s Office of Space and Advanced Technology. “Ignore the Hollywood scenario of reptilian aliens landing on Earth’s surface to conquer our planet. They would not need to use futuristic weapons; the correct pesticide would do.”
• [Editor’s Note] Could the real purpose for these “scientists” to labor in vain for decades be to simply to create a disinformation campaign to make people believe that ‘smart people’ are actively looking for alien beings, and since they haven’t officially found any, then we can presume that there are no aliens out there? Mainstream science willfully denies the ample proof that dozens of different extraterrestrial species have visited the Earth over the past seventy years. Some alien species are positive and some are negative. The positive ones abide by a galactic law of non-interference with a low-level developing species such as we humans on Earth. The negative ones however, which do include the Draco Reptilians, couldn’t give a hoot about galactic law. But their M.O. is not to wipe us out and take over the planet. They prefer to keep us mind-controlled, determining what we are allowed to know, and using us as slave workers to generate an economic and industrial resource that they can exploit to continue to build out their own secret space program, off-world bases and colonies. Also, the system is set up so that humans must perpetually endure emotional fear, confusion, hardship, conflict and war, in order to create a form of energetic sustenance called ‘loosh’, which the higher negative Archon beings require. If we all woke up, turned to the loving Creator, and denied these negative beings all of this negative energy, this perverted system would collapse virtually overnight.
A cosmic rift has opened between Bay Area astronomers and a splinter group of San Francisco stargazers who are hell-bent on contacting space aliens, hang the consequences.
Douglas Vakoch
The schism pits the traditionalists, who believe humans should only look and listen for extraterrestrials to avoid tipping off evil aliens, against a rebel faction that wants to broadcast messages to intelligent beings, assuming they are altruistic.
The battle is so heated that one prominent scientist quit the Mountain View group known as SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, to form METI, or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Andrew Fraknoi
“We’ve always assumed the extraterrestrials were looking for us,” Vakoch said. But “what if their position is, ‘No, you are the ones who are new to this game. You send us a signal first.’”
SETI has been searching for radio signals or some other sign of life beyond Earth from its Mountain View headquarters for 35 years, but with nothing to show for its effort, Vakoch and other restless alien hunters are insisting on a more active search, including employing radar and laser technology to beam more powerful multidirectional messages into space.
The problem, many SETI astronomers warn, is that, instead of an intergalactic kumbaya, intelligent extraterrestrials might very well be more inclined to enslave Earthlings and mercilessly plunder and destroy Earth.
Those who adhere to this dark theory imagine humanity as a childlike form of life lost in an Amazonian jungle crawling with skulking predators, said Andrew Fraknoi, a SETI Institute board member.
Seth Shostak
“We wonder whether the galaxy that we are in is maybe a dark forest, where it is dangerous to scream because there are creatures out there unhappy with new life forms,” said Fraknoi, an astronomer who will be teaching a course in April called Aliens in Science and Science Fiction at the University of San Francisco’s Fromm Institute. “With every strong signal we send out, we advertise our presence, and you don’t want to advertise your presence in a dark forest.”
The clash represents the first major division in the traditionally tight-knit community of astronomers, astrophysicists, philosophers, psychologists and science fiction writers who are convinced intelligent beings are out there somewhere.
Vakoch and his supporters, including some astronomers at SETI, call the dark forest analogy silly. Any predatory civilization would probably have detected us by now simply by analyzing our atmosphere, they reason. Humans, Vakoch said, have been using radar, which can purportedly be detected 70 light-years away, since World War II. Television and radio signals would long ago have signaled our presence to malevolent space ruffians, he said.
Michael Michaud
Unconcerned about an invasion of intergalactic invertebrates who are out for our heads, Vakoch adapted a transmitter and used a Norwegian observatory in late 2017 to send a message 12.4 light-years away to Luyten’s Star, a red dwarf with a large planet in the constellation Canis Minor.
He spent years developing the message, combining mathematics and the fundamentals of language that he believes even a blind alien could understand. It was the first of what Vakoch hopes will be many signals sent by his group.
“Our goal is to say we are interested in making contact,” Vakoch said. “We may have to target hundreds and thousands and maybe millions of stars before we find anything. I view this as a reflection of the natural growth of SETI.”
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by John Wenz October 10, 2018 (
• In 1960, Harvard PhD Frank Drake and his colleagues decided that rather than using the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia to determine the surface temperature of Venus or the radiation belts of Jupiter, they’d train it on two nearby stars to listen for signs of life from intelligent extraterrestrials. This was the beginning of the modern Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI.
• In the meantime, physician/philosopher John Lilly was trying to communicate with earth-bound intelligences. From apes to elephants to pig to octopus, these creatures seem to possess intelligent self-awareness. He found that the most intelligent were the dolphins and whales. Lilly also saw the experiments as a way to help efforts to contact extraterrestrial aliens. If we can crack the code of dolphin language, we might have a shot at decoding other alien communication.
• In 1961, a group of scientists met at green Bank to discuss the search for alien intelligence. They included Drake and Lilly, radio expert Dana Atchley, biochemist Melvin Calvin, optical astronomer Su-Shu Huang, computing pioneer Barney Oliver, Russian radio astronomer Otto Struve, and a young Carl Sagan. To begin with they wanted to get an idea of how many ET’s were possibly out there. They came up with what is no referred to as ‘The Drake Equation’.
• Lilly used this meeting to tell his colleagues about his dolphin research, pointing out that the dolphin’s brain was actually larger and more complex than the human brain. The dolphin was clearly an intelligent being. Lilly even heard signs of language and empathy in recordings of the dolphins.
• But after this 1961 meeting, Lilly began introducing substances such as ketamine and LSD in his research to assist in communicating with dolphins. Drake and some other scientists began to distance themselves from Lilly’s dolphin research, calling it “poor science” and “unreliable”. As a result, Lilly’s work has tainted subsequent attempts to understand the intelligence of dolphins.
• Still, this episode in the history scientific research spawned the SETI research of today. More resources than ever are pouring into SETI efforts, thanks in part to a $100 million project from Russian billionaire Yuri Milner called Breakthrough Listen. As we search for intelligent aliens in ‘habitable zones’, we also may discover life that existed in Mars’s past, or currently on the moons Enceladus, Europa, Titan or Triton.
• [Editor’s Note] The advances in our knowledge of intelligent extraterrestrial life that we will see in the near future, and indeed, the existence of extraterrestrials on and around our own planet, will make these initial scientific explorations trivial, if not irrelevant. We are on the brink of an entirely new and exciting exo-scientific age.
In 1961, when UFOs were all the rage, a group of top scientific minds met in secret at a rural observatory in West Virginia. At the time, the Green Bank Observatory was the biggest, baddest telescope in the burgeoning practice of radio astronomy. While the list of meeting attendees now reads like a who’s who of the era’s luminaries, the reason they gathered covertly was because of the taboo nature of their topic of discussion. These scientists wanted to find, and talk to, aliens. They didn’t know it, but they were about to launch the modern Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI.
SETI First Steps
Let’s back up a moment. In 1958, a newly minted Harvard PhD named Frank Drake came to Green Bank. Usually he sought out typical radio astronomy targets — the Van Allen Belts around Earth, say, or the surface temperature of Venus, or the radiation belts of Jupiter.
But one day in 1960, Drake and his colleagues instead tuned into two nearby stars, Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. Their goal was simple: they were alien hunting, hoping to hear radio communications originating from intelligent extraterrestrials.
UFOs were popular then, but Drake’s research was legitimate, one of the first dedicated scientific searches for aliens. Drake had been spurred on by Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison, who the previous year had co-authored a Nature paper with the provocative title “Searching for Interstellar Communications.” It remains a foundational SETI text.
Much to Drake’s surprise, his team actually heard something in those first few experiments. Unfortunately, it ended up being just a high altitude plane. Project Ozma, as the research was called (after L Frank Baum’s fictional monarch of Oz), was both the first SETI experiment and the first SETI false alarm.
“We had failed to detect a genuine alien signal, it was true, but we had succeeded in demonstrating that searching was a feasible, and even reasonable, thing to do,” Drake wrote in his book Is Anyone Out There?, co-written with science writer Dava Sobel.
Talking to Dolphins
While Drake was launching some of the first SETI programs, John Lilly — a physician, philosopher, writer and inventor — was attempting to communicate with his own alien intelligence. He just wasn’t looking quite as far.
Humans are, in fact, surrounded by intelligence. Our fellow great apes understand the rudiments of language, and seem to possess highly organized social structures, tool-making skills and self-awareness. Creatures literally great and small — elephants and crows — have many of these qualities as well. (Alas, the pig is also remarkably intelligent; your bacon was likely self aware.)
Intelligent life isn’t isolated to land, either. The octopus brain is one of the most remarkable on Earth, and its close cousin, the cuttlefish, is no slouch either. But the superstars of the sea, to most humans, are marine mammals, especially dolphins and whales.
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by Arjun Walia September 27, 2018 (
• Elon Musk plans to take his SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket to the Moon and Mars. Tom DeLonge of the ‘To the Stars Academy’ wants to tell the world that UFOs are real. Is this part of a plan by the world’s elite to further their own selfish agenda? Or it is truly intended to disclose the truth?
• Donald Trump has announced the United States’ intention of putting a base on the Moon. Private corporations are jumping on the opportunity for some type of space “tourism.”
• A Tokyo-based lunar exploration startup named Ispace has signed up for launches on Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2020 and 2021. The first will carry a lunar lander into orbit around the Moon, and the second aims to put one on the moon’s surface so it can deploy a pair of rovers. And a Japanese billionaire has signed up for he and his guests to be the first paying passengers to travel around the Moon on a SpaceX rocket in the year 2023. Elon himself may even go on this voyage.
• Col. Ross Dedrickson is one of approximately 500 members of the United States military who have revealed the presence of extraterrestrials on the Moon. Dedrickson claims that in the late 1970’s extraterrestrials destroyed a nuclear weapon before it could be deployed on the Moon.
• Strange artifacts and bases have been said to exist on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon. The Society for Planetary research (SETI) has identified “Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C”, which non-human beings may have built.
• Remote viewers like Ingo Swann and Dr. Paul Smith from the Stargate program have ‘seen’ strange structures and humanoid creatures on the Moon.
• Will Musk be allowed to go to the Moon? If so, what will he find there? Will Musk be allowed to talk about what they find?
Elon Musk is making a lot of noise with regards to space. His latest announcement that he plans to send multiple people not just to Mars but also to the Moon is making headlines in the alternative news community for several reasons. One of the reasons is because there has been a tremendous amount of controversy surrounding what exactly is going on in space.
This confusion was further sparked when the To The Stars Academy, founded by Tom Delonge, revealed a plan dedicated to letting the world know that unidentified flying objects are real, despite the fact that it is well known. This is for the mainstream. They’ve released several videos in cooperation with the US government, and the team consists of world-renowned scientists, recently retired defense employees from the US government, former senior intelligence officers, and a recently retired Director of Lockheed Aerospace, who has stated that the technology utilized in these objects can actually alter space & time. You can read more about that here.
UFO Disclosure
We are in the midst of mainstream UFO disclosure; whether this is coming from good intentions that have humanity’s best interests at heart is another question. The global elite has always used major phenomena, like terrorism, to create solutions and implement political actions that best meets their needs. And since world domination seems to be at the top of the list, some have even suggested that mainstream UFO disclosure is driven by an elitist desire to stage a false flag alien invasion. Of course it’s also possible that it’s driven by good people from within, who actually want to get the truth out to the public. Is that what we’re now seeing?
The fact remains, we now have credible testimony from hundreds of military people, scientists, and academicians. We also have actual radar data, and materials have been retrieved from these objects. This is no longer taboo, and a large portion of the world seems to be well aware that many of these strange objects might actually be extraterrestrial in origin.
To The Moon
But what about the Moon? Will Elon Musk actually be allowed to venture to the Moon if something ‘out of this world’ is really going on there? For years, the lore surrounding the dark side of the moon, strange artifacts, bases and more have all been hinted at. Reports of artificially made structures on the moon are both common and persistent. Among the first were from George Leonard’s 1976 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon.
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by Elizabeth Howell April 30, 2018 (
• If aliens reach out to us, what would happen first? Would it cause a panic, as when the H.G. Wells novel “War of the Worlds” played on the CBS Radio system across the United States? Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researcher Duncan Forgan thinks that the “War of the Worlds” broadcast may be instructive as SETI scientists worldwide update their “first contact” protocols. The International Academy of Astronautics SETI Permanent Committee created a post-ET detection protocol in 1989 which was updated in 2010. The new update should be finished in a few years, says Forgan.
• Scientists assume alien contact would happen through a signal purposely sent toward Earth. The signal would be verified by multiple observatories, and once confirmed it would be announce this to the world at a press conference. Everyone in the project would need to be sworn to secrecy during the verification period. But in this day and age, it would likely be leaked. In such a case, scientists would inform the public on the degree of likelihood that the alien contact is “real.”
• If aliens physically arrived here, these “first contact” protocols likely would be useless as the ET beings would do whatever they liked. The manner in which the ET’s presented themselves to the planet would be up to them.
• The first modern SETI experiment searching for an extraterrestrial ‘signal’ took place in 1960. Under Project Ozma, Cornell University astronomer Frank Drake pointed a radio telescope (located at Green Bank, West Virginia) at two stars called Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. On August 15, 1977, the Ohio State University SETI’s program made international headlines after a project volunteer wrote, “Wow!” beside a strong signal received by a telescope there. The “Wow” signal was never repeated, however.
• The SETI Institute was founded in 1984, giving rise to many other independent SETI groups at universities and institutions worldwide. Currently, the SETI Institute, in collaboration with other institutes, is working on a concept called the Allen Telescope Array, which has dozens of radio dishes in northern California.
• Greetings to aliens have also been offered through space probes such as Pioneers 10 and 11 on which a plaque was mounted showing the form of the human body and where the Earth is located in the galaxy. The Pioneer spacecraft also contained two golden records with recorded Earth sounds ranging from whale calls, to music, to the word “hello” in many languages. A 1974 radio transmission from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico included such things as the numbers 1 through 10, the atomic numbers of elements such as hydrogen and oxygen, information about DNA, and diagrams of a human body, the Earth and our solar system.
If aliens reach out to us, what would happen first?
It’s a question that has puzzled science fiction fans and scientists alike for decades, and we already may have a hint of how people will react. On Oct. 30, 1938, a dramatized version of the 1898 H.G. Wells novel “War of the Worlds” played on the CBS Radio system across the United States. The story details how Martians attacked Earth.
The radio broadcast caused a reaction when people mistook it for a real radio report, but accounts vary as to how much of a reaction. Some accounts describe nationwide panic, while others say not very many people actually listened to the broadcast. The promise of alien life stars in Episode 1 of “AMC Visionaries: James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction,” which debuts on AMC tonight. Still, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) researcher Duncan Forgan told the “War of the Worlds” broadcast may be instructive to think about as SETI scientists worldwide update their “first contact” protocols.
“If you pick the right science fiction — the hard science fiction — it’s placed in the best possible educated guesses about what will happen,” said Forgan, who is a research fellow at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He explained that “hard” science fiction refers to science fiction that emphasizes accuracy (think the 2015 movie “The Martian,” for example).
If researchers find a signal today, Forgan said, one of the things they will have to manage is a public used to getting constant news updates on Twitter and other forms of social media. It’s something Forgan and his colleagues are already working on. The International Academy of Astronautics SETI Permanent Committee created a post-detection protocol in 1989 that was slightly updated in 2010; a new update is starting soon and should be finished in a few years, Forgan said.
Scientific work
For the most part, scientists assume alien contact would happen through a signal purposely sent toward Earth. The “acid test” is to make sure the signal is verified by multiple observatories, said SETI Institute senior astronomer Seth Shostak. “It would take a while to verify, and then the people who like to think about these matters say you would have a press conference and announce this to the world,” he said, but he added that wouldn’t work unless everyone in the project were sworn to secrecy. In this era of news leaks, he said that situation is very unlikely to hold.
So, scientists try instead to stick to a protocol that includes informing the public. The 2010 IAA protocol only runs to two pages and covers facets such as searching for a signal, handling evidence and what to do in the case of a confirmed detection.
If the evidence gets out to the public while the scientists are still analyzing the signal, Forgan said they could manage the public’s expectations by using something called the Rio Scale. It’s essentially a numeric value that represents the degree of likelihood that an alien contact is “real.” (Forgan added that the Rio Scale is also undergoing an update, and more should be coming out about it in May.)
If the aliens did arrive here, “first contact” protocols likely would be useless, because if they’re smart enough to show up physically, they could probably do anything else they like, according to Shostak. “Personally, I would leave town,” Shostak quipped. “I would get a rocket and get out of the way. I have no idea what they are here for.”
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