Tag: Satanism

Epstein Murdered to Hide Satanic Pedophile Network Manipulating Global Elites

Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide/murder came as a shock to all that believed his imprisonment was an effective means of protecting him from global elites that wanted to silence him and prevent his upcoming trial from ever going forward. The shock from Epstein’s surprising death was even more palpable after the release of 2000 pages of documents on July 9 naming some of the prominent global figures implicated in the international sex ring involving minors.

Especially disturbing was that his alleged suicide/murder came only two weeks after an earlier incident where he was found unconscious after a previous apparent suicide/murder attempt on July 25. His suicide/murder has led to outrage over apparent lapses at the Metropolitan Correctional Center Manhattan, a Federal facility, that left him alone and vulnerable in the early morning hours of August 10.

Such lapses include no camera surveillance during the critical hours when the event happened, guards not conducting the regular 30 minute checks of his cell, and his cellmate being transferred out of the cell only hours before his suicide/murder.

Epstein’s suicide/murder throws a spanner into efforts to expose the full extent of the sex trafficking network that he helped set up, and which would have exposed many prominent individuals. Those identified as having sex with minors procured by Epstein include former President Bill Clinton; Britain’s Prince Andrew; the former Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson; and former US Senator/Ambassador George Mitchell.

Many are rightly incredulous that Epstein could have committed suicide or been murdered, and are seriously considering the possibility that it was all staged and he is still alive. Some believe Epstein may have been taken into protective custody by White Hats in the US military in order to reveal his secrets without being silenced. Others claim Epstein has been taken to Israel in a secret deal with the Mossad, where only a limited number of Deep State secrets will be exposed.

While rumors and unsubstantiated theories swirl over what really happened to Epstein, one of the things we know for sure is that the trial which would have provided an opportunity for state’s evidence to be presented exposing his criminal activities will never happen. The stunning disclosures of the full range of his activities that many expected to emerge in a trial may never occur.

While it is possible that key subordinates such as Ghislaine Maxwell may ultimately be arrested and brought to trial, it’s difficult to imagine that such trials would have anything near the impact of Epstein’s.

While media attention has been firmly focused on the widespread sex trafficking that Epstein was involved in with the help of Maxwell and others, there was a deeper and darker layer to his activities, which the mainstream media has avoided.

This darker layer concerns the Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) that occurred on Epstein’s private island of Little St James, which I discussed in a previous article based on what the military intelligence group QAnon has revealed. While pedophilia is the initial means by which elites are compromised by the Deep State so they can be exploited, SRA takes such exploitation to a far deeper level.

Elites that participate in SRA are fast-tracked into the most senior positions in the Deep State’s global network. This promotion system is what former Deep State insiders such as Ronald Bernard, a former successful Dutch banker, have revealed with their startling firsthand testimonies.

Bernard explained how the only way he could be promoted in the murky world of international finance, which is largely controlled by the Deep State, was to participate in the abuse of children. The thought of harming children through SRA is what led to Bernard’s emotional breakdown, separation from the Deep State, and why he later decided to come publicly forward.

In sum, the first tier of compromised global elites are those that have been caught up in the sex rings involving minors. The 2000 pages of court documents released on July 9 reveal some of the global elites that were caught up in these sex rings.

The second tier, which is far more influential, comprises elites that have participated in SRA, and risen to more senior positions in the Deep State. According to QAnon, the Rothschild family sits at the apex of this international network of Satanic worshippers and practitioners of SRA. Lynn de Rothschild has been cited by QAnon as a prominent Satanist with deep ties to Epstein, Maxwell, the Clinton family and other members of the global elite.

At this point, we need to consider how a global sex trade in minors and SRA are connected to Secret Space Programs and the existence of extraterrestrial life. In a previous article, I explained how SRA is related to the Vatican and Reptilian extraterrestrials who have great influence over the Catholic Church hierarchy.

There is also the galactic slave trade that involves the disappearance of millions of children from around the world every year as also explained previously. Most children are taken off-planet to be used as slaves, while a smaller number are recruited for SRA at elite gatherings such as regularly occurred at Epstein’s Little St James Island.

While the Deep State can deal with the exposure of its global sex trade in minors and have a few prominent individuals exposed, it will do everything possible to stop the exposure of the SRA occurring worldwide that is used to control prominent elites. In addition, the Deep State wants to hide the truth about the Reptilian extraterrestrial element in SRA, and the galactic slave trade that supplies a large pool of minors that elites can sacrifice in their SRA gatherings. These far deeper secrets are what the Deep State hopes to hide with Epstein’s murder.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

Epstein Arrest Supports Q Anon Claims of Global Satanic Cult blackmailing Political Elites

The arrest of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein on child sex trafficking charges threatens to unmask a far deeper layer of crimes that involved the ritualistic abuse of children on Epstein’s private island, and the many political elites that were flown there to participate. The arrest directly supports repeated claims made by the military intelligence group Q Anon that Epstein was part of a global Satanic cult that blackmailed political elites who were compromised at Epstein’s island through the sexual exploitation of children, and more serious physical abuses.

As US Federal prosecutors investigate the full extent of the crimes committed by Epstein through his child sex trafficking ring, the sinister activities that occurred on his island will receive closer scrutiny, as will the involvement of those elites that participated.

News of Epstein’s arrest was first broken by the Daily Beast, which revealed that he was to be formally charged with sex trafficking of children. On Monday, July 8, Epstein’s sealed indictment was unsealed and publicly released. It states:

  1. As set forth herein, over the course of many hears, JEFFREY EPSTEIN, the defendant, sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations. Source.

In the unsealed indictment, the focus is on two of Epstein’s properties, those in Manhattan and Palm Beach. The indictment opens the door to further changes of similar sex trafficking at “other locations” including his private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands called “Little Saint James.” In addition to a mansion and guest houses, Little Saint James includes a temple-like structure, which I will discuss later (see Wikipedia).

Source: Google Maps.

At a press conference, prosecutors invited other victims to come forward and share their testimonies with investigators from the FBI and the Southern District of New York. The invitation is expected to open the floodgates to many new witnesses coming forward with their accounts of what they witnessed or participated in at the various residences owned by Epstein, especially his private island that was a popular retreat for elites as evidenced by flight records.

Among the first to draw attention to Epstein and the crimes being committed on his private island was the military intelligence group Q Anon. In a November 11, 2017 post, Q Anon laid out the big picture of how a Satanic cult controls social and political elites through the sexual exploitation and abuse of minors, and how Epstein’s Little Saint James was a key part of this global network.

Q began (post 133) by laying out who were the “puppet masters” atop this Satanic network and how they control more than seven trillion dollars in assets to manipulate governments and political elites through slush funds, war, and various global agreements:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB No.149063235
Nov 11 2017 23:29:35 (EST)

Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) – $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) – $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) – $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Q goes on to describe how at the pinnacle of global power structure lay different families (bloodlines) that are part of a global Satanic cult:

Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?

Q next describes Epstein island and how it is an integral part of this global Satanic cult

Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

The temple on Epstein’s island was situated atop a small hill on Little Saint James, and appeared to be the top level of a multilayered structure comprising tunnels and rooms situated deep beneath it, as illustrated by the following image. Q’s post alluded to the temple being part of a global network of Satanic worshippers.

Source: The Clover Chronicle

By “puppet masters”, Q was referring to the Rothschild Family, the House of Saud, and the Soros Group, and asking supporters to investigate how many members of these elite families had visited Epstein’s Little Saint James.

It’s important to keep in mind that Q made the above post in November 2017, and has referred to Epstein many times since as attempting to hide the activities that occurred on his private island. In an April 3, 2018 post (#999), Q said:

Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island?
Phones were allowed in.
These people are stupid.

So even though the tunnels under the temple on Epstein’s island were being destroyed to hide evidence of Satanic ritual abuses that occurred there, Q was alluding to phones that covertly recorded what had happened through backdoor hacking tools used by the NSA. Apparently, the NSA was able to monitor and record activities inside the temple through the phones brought in by elites who never thought they would be caught.

Q’s repeated posts mentioning Epstein, and the existence of thousands of sealed indictments targeting corrupt elites/Deep State have long been examined by supporters and critics alike. Critics have vehemently attempted to debunk the existence of thousands of sealed indictments even though court records show an unusually high number of sealed Federal cases that have accrued since October 2017.

The current estimate is over 100,000 sealed cases, a significant proportion of which are sealed indictments such as Epstein’s. Another recently unsealed indictment involved Keith Raniere, founder of the sex cult, NXIM who on June 19, 2019, was found guilty of sex trafficking by a Brooklyn jury.

Many major media sources are giving Epstein’s arrest prominent coverage, but are spinning the information in a way that is damaging to the Trump administration through his current Labor Secretary, Alex Acosta, who had negotiated a sweetheart deal for Epstein under previous Federal charges brought forward in Florida. Acosta is expected to soon resign  or be sacked by the Trump White House.

Presently, the mainstream news is focused firmly on child sex trafficking abuses that occurred at Epstein’s Manhattan and Palm Beach residences. Yet, Q Anon has been telling us for over 1.5 years about even more sinister abuses occurring at Epstein’s private island, and the many elites that directly participated.

Given the current charges brought against Epstein, it’s all but certain that similar sexual exploitation of children was occurring at Epstein’s Little Saint James, and this will likely lead to further charges as victims come forward identifying those who abused them. However, it’s the far more sinister Satanic ritual abuses that occurred at Epstein’s island that Q Anon is telling us to pay close attention to, since this involved elites that would subsequently be blackmailed by the “puppet masters” (Rothschilds, Saudis, and Soros).

Epstein’s arrest is not the first time that evidence has emerged of political elites being compromised through sexual liaisons with minors and/or being involved in Satanic ritual abuse. The 1992 book, The Franklin Coverup, by John DeCamp, a former State Senator for Nebraska (1971-1987), presented much evidence of such practices.

Additionally, a former Dutch banker, Ronald Bernard, has given his firsthand testimony about how the pyramid structure of the Illuminati (aka Deep State) operates, and how the progression to higher levels requires participation in Satanic ritual abuse of children.

Unfortunately, both DeCamp’s book and Bernard’s revelations were widely ignored by the mainstream media, which, as Q repeatedly tells us, is controlled by the Deep State.

As Federal investigators dig deeper into the elite figures involved in the manipulation and abuse of minors in a sex trafficking ring, there will be many more sealed indictments being publicly unsealed for upcoming arrests and trials. This will ultimately lead to the exposure of abuses that occurred at Epstein’s other residences, particularly at Little Saint James.

The unsealing of the sealed indictment against Epstein comes as a powerful vindication for what Q has been revealing for well over a year about thousands of sealed indictments secretly put in place against Deep State figures. As more sealed indictments are released to the public, we will learn about the Satanic practices that lie at the core of how the Deep State operates and is run by leading families.

In previous articles, I have shown the connections between Satanism, ruling bloodline families, extraterrestrial life, and the suppression of advanced technologies. As the collapse of the Deep State accelerates with Epstein’s arrest, we are destined to learn much about many previously kept secrets and can thank Q Anon for having been a catalyst for the events we are presently witnessing.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin

In Part 1, I analyzed QAnon posts identifying the puppet masters behind the Deep State – the Rothschild family, House of Saud, and George Soros – and the enormous financial resources at their disposal. To achieve control at a global level, the three puppet masters coordinate their efforts through different functions they respectively exercise.

QAnon referred to a cult led by the Rothschild family which has been a critical part of this global control system. In a November 11, 2017 post, QAnon succinctly described the chief characteristics of the worldwide cult:

QAnon is telling us that the puppet masters, the Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros are Satan worshippers. At the apex of this Satanic cult are the Rothschilds, according to QAnon.

It’s worth repeating from Part 1 that Dr. Deagle told us about Guy De Rothschild being the Pindar, CEO of Earth in 1992, which I discussed in more detail in an earlier article. This corroborates what QAnon revealed about the Rothschilds being the leaders of a cult followed by the puppet masters.

Prior to his death in 2007, Guy De Rothschild arranged for leadership of the Rothschild family to be passed on to his son, David Rene de Rothschild, in 2003. Recently,, David de Rothschild announced on April 17, 2018 that leadership of various Rothschild companies would in turn be passed on to his son, Alexandre de Rothschild.

According to what QAnon and Deagle have revealed, it can be concluded that the role of Pindar (Satanic cult leader) had passed on from Guy to David de Rothschild, and that Alexandre is being groomed to take over the position at some point.

QAnon refers to a temple on Epstein’s island with underground levels that the Satan worshiping Rothschilds, Saudis and Soros, along with their followers and compromised politicians, regularly visit. Compromised politicians include the Clintons, who are deeply involved in events at Epstein’s island as evidenced by Bill Clinton’s frequent visits there – 26 of which have been documented in flight logs.

QAnon refers to how the Clintons were compromised by Soros, and how evil they became through their association with the Rothschilds:

What kind of “EVIL” activities are performed Epstein’s island, the Rothschild’s Black Forrest estate, and other locations like Bohemian Grove, California?

QAnon said that the Saudis are in control of sex and child trafficking. There are multiple witnesses that describe Satanic ceremonies that involve child sacrifice. John DeCamp, a former state senator for Nebraska, wrote The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebrask (1992), which provides the most well documented and researched book detailing child abuse and ritual sacrifice at Satanic events all over the United States.

In an article where he summarized multiple interviews with children who survived the abuse and Satanic ceremonies, De Camp wrote:

The essence of the story the children told, was that they were used in a coordinated ring of child abuse. When I say child abuse, I don’t mean the traditional child abuse that social workers yak about, but serious, big league abuse of children. They are used as drug couriers, as sexual objects to compromise this or that politician or businessman. They are used in the most gross fashion possible, including ritual murder and things like that. I am talking about the most unbeliev­able things, which I still have difficulty believing. But having seen enough evidence, I know they exist, in an organized fashion, and not committed by the sleazes in the bars and the guys in the alley. I’m talking about the most prominent of citizens, the most respectable.

De Camp gave an example in his book, of how young children are exploited at Satanic ceremonies held at private locations such as Bohemian Grove:

Paul was taken by Larry King [not the talk show host] and others to a wooded area in California – identified after publication as the Bohemian Grove. There Paul and another boy were forced to do sex acts with and to consume parts of a child whom they had watched being murdered by the cultists. The body was to be disposed of by “the men with the hoods.

I now return to the last comment in QAnon’s November 11, 2017 post:

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”.

Here QAnon is signaling that President Putin is fully aware of the Satanism practiced by the puppet masters – Rothschilds, Saudis, and Soros – and that there is secret coordination between U.S. military intelligence and Putin in responding to the Deep State.

This is why Russia has repeatedly stood down its military forces despite U.S. military provocations in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere in Russia’s sphere of influence. Putin knows that the Deep State is intent on fomenting World War III.

Putin is also well aware that the Deep State has been pressuring Trump from the beginning of his administration, and now blackmailing Trump through material acquired from the Cohen raid. Nevertheless, Putin/Russia and Trump/US military intelligence are coordinating to prevent any military clashes that could quickly escalate out of control due to deep state actors embedded within each of their administrations.

This scenario is corroborated by a comment given by Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, who said in an April 20 interview:

Speaking about risks of a military confrontation, I am 100 percent sure that [both the US and Russian] militaries won’t allow this, and of course neither will President [Vladimir] Putin or President [Donald] Trump.

QAnon’s revelations have been very helpful in understanding the puppet masters behind the Deep State, their connection to a Satanic cult that has compromised political systems in the U.S. and around the world, and how Trump and U.S. military intelligence are secretly coordinating with Putin’s Russia to deal with these multifaceted challenges.

Back to Part 1.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

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