A clinical study which had the effect of reverse aging nine human subjects has been announced in a news article by the prestigious science journal Nature. The result of the study provides stunning corroboration of the testimonies of multiple insiders who claim that they were age-regressed after completing 20-year tour of duties in secret space programs.
The study involved a cocktail of drugs used on nine participants, as explained in the Nature news article authored by Alison Abbot on September 5:
For one year, nine healthy volunteers took a cocktail of three common drugs — growth hormone and two diabetes medications — and on average shed 2.5 years of their biological ages, measured by analysing marks on a person’s genomes. The participants’ immune systems also showed signs of rejuvenation.
The results of the cocktail of common drugs allegedly came as a surprise:
“I’d expected to see slowing down of the clock, but not a reversal,” says geneticist Steve Horvath at the University of California, Los Angeles, who conducted the epigenetic analysis. “That felt kind of futuristic.” The findings were published on 5 September in Aging Cell.
Horvath is cited in the Nature article describing the robust results indicating age reversal had in fact taken place:
Horvath used four different epigenetic clocks to assess each patient’s biological age, and he found significant reversal for each trial participant in all of the tests. “This told me that the biological effect of the treatment was robust,” he says. What’s more, the effect persisted in the six participants who provided a final blood sample six months after stopping the trial, he says.
Previous scientific studies have commented on the use of various drugs and gene therapies used on mice and how age-reversal had occurred on various organs.
In an article published back in March 2016, I commented on how the rodent study impacted the testimonies of the first three individuals who came forward to testify that age reversal had been used on them in secret space programs: Michael Relfe (2000), Randy Cramer (2014) and Corey Goode (2015).
In my book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs (Sept 2015), I compared the testimonies of Relfe, Cramer, and Goode in terms of the drug cocktail that was used on them over a two to three-week period to age reverse them. For example, Goode said that he was given a drug cocktail while he was held immobile and unconscious, and it had the effect of age regressing him 20 years in 2007. He was then returned back in time to when he began his covert service in December 1986.
Recently, Cramer underwent a lie detector test which found no deception in his retelling of his alleged involvement in a secret space program.
Soon after my book’s publication, William Tompkins, a retired aerospace engineer, emerged and explained his involvement in the development of different drugs that could be used for age-regression in a classified project conducted by the aerospace company TRW from 1967-`1971.
In addition to Relfe, Cramer, and Goode, I have found a number of former military servicemen who believe they went through an age-reversal program at the end of a 20 year covert assignment in a secret space program. To date only one has agreed to come publicly forward – Michael Gerloff who served in the US Marine Corps and as an Army Ranger before serving as a police officer.
Gerloff’s testimony of having been recruited during USMC boot camp, has had the effect of triggering others to recall similar experiences. They have approached me with their stories but have decided to remain anonymous due to concerns over their current careers if they publicly start discussing their involvement in a 20 and back program.
At the time of the 2016 age regression study on rodents, clinical studies on humans were forecast to be years away. The news article published in Nature suggests that such studies have begun even though the September 2019 clinical study was framed to be an accidental byproduct of the experiment’s original intent.
The result of the experiment using a cocktail of three drugs is stunning validation for insiders such as William Tompkins, Corey Goode, and the growing list of others who claim they have been involved in either the development or use of age reversal drugs used in secret space programs.
Prior to his surprising death in August 2017, Tompkins says that he was told that plans had been made for age-reversal drugs to be released into the public arena. With the publication of the clinical study showing age regression on nine human subjects, it appears that we are getting much closer to the day that age reversal and other life changing technologies are released into the public arena.
• Shoshi Herscu is a professional Israeli/English translator in Haifa, Israel. As an independent journalist, Herscu conducted in-depth research of the testimonies of insiders and whistleblowers over several years. In 2018, she published a book, Mass Awakening, exposing a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation carried out behind the scenes by an elite cabal over the past fifty years. Despite this cabal’s grim agenda, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. By prosecuting these elite offenders, disclosing hidden advanced technologies, and promoting a new economic model, humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings charting the course for our collective ascension in consciousness.
This is a plan to create a new Space Force within the Air Force which would be the sixth branch of the U.S. military by 2020. This Space Force is not supposed to fight extraterrestrials (or aliens as they are sometimes called), but those who are competing the U.S. in space: Russia and China. The renowned author, Dr. Michael Salla, who promotes theories about U.S. SSPs and longtime extraterrestrial presence on Earth says that the goal of creating this force is to patrol the atmosphere and thwart threats to the U.S. satellites.
This will accelerate the government’s “full disclosure” of secret space programs (and black budget projects as a result), extraterrestrials, the connections of governments with extraterrestrials for decades, and advanced technology discovered on crashed alien spacecrafts. This may provide a release of advanced technologies used in the SSP, such as real free energy (not the use of solar, wind, or other such resources that some erroneously call them “free energy”) and anti-gravity.
Shoshi Herscu
However, this plan also positions Trump against his bitter adversary: the “Deep State” operatives within the government which keep these secrets and oppose the establishment of such force. According to Jordan Sather, disclosure filmmaker and commentator, the Pentagon [and Deep State operatives within] would oppose a separate space force, as it “would provide an avenue for the public release of advanced technologies such as free energy and anti-gravity.”
It appears that one side, President Donald Trump, pushes toward disclosure of these secrets while the other side wants to continue business as usual and keep these secrets sealed from the public. The separate space force will facilitate the disclosure of SSPs on Mars, the Moon, and perhaps other planets which will lead to the release of super advanced technologies used in these programs and could free humanity. This disclosure could usher us into a star trek society, as SSP whistle blower Corey Goode said.
The advanced ET technologies hidden from us include zero gravity space crafts, free energy, and advanced healing technologies to name a few (The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcock). According to Corey Goode, (a whistleblower who worked twenty years in the secret space program), super-advanced products are already manufactured by military defense contractors and once they are released it will totally transform life on Earth as we know it. This will immediately transition our society into a Star Trek society, with teleportation, food materializers (replicators as shown in the Star Trek TV series), free energy, and super advanced healing technologies. (The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcock). As you may already know, both the Cabal and the Alliance exposed these technologies in movies, on TV and other MSM outlets.
These technologies have been hidden from us to prevent us from an age of peace and prosperity according to Goode. But if you think that it’s only “we the people” all over the world who are being kept in the dark, you’re wrong. For instance, the president of the U.S. is at 17 security clearance and there are twenty-one security clearance levels above the president of the U.S. Cosmic clearance level (at 35 clearance level supposedly one gains access to information about UFO’s).
We can deduce from this that the president is a mere PR tool in the hands of the Cabal that continues to hide this knowledge, while misleading us (not only in the U.S.) that we have a real choice by voting once every four years. It appears that we don’t have any say on our governance.
I’m using the pronoun “us,” as this same deception applies to Israel and other countries with so-called free elections. (I even argued with my family during lunch before the last elections here in Israel, March 2015, that it’s all a show and the results are pre-planned in advance. I asked them, “Do you want me to prove it to you?” And everyone around the table shouted in unison “No.”) It appears that the top ten clearance levels are supposedly based around “black” government projects such as the alien presence cover-up, underground alien bases, super soldiers, men in black, etc.
Apparently, the whistleblowers disclosures and their loss of control has precipitated reckless behavior, like some of them trying to escape earth in cloaked spaceships. Newsweek even claimed they attempted to leave for Mars.
Maybe the Space Force would herald the full disclosure of these “black” budget projects.
According to Randy Cramer (former U.S. marine who used the pseudonym Captain Kaye) and Corey Goode, there are corporate bases on Mars and the Moon for them to flee to.
About two or three years ago, I even watched a video of this alleged escape from earth in a cloud-cloaked spaceship. After being shot down (by the alliance or the resistance movement, I presume), I could see a small spaceship moving out of a cloud. They are confined to earth. I tried to find this footage, but unfortunately, it appears that it was taken down. I had a lot of fun watching this video with friends who follow this intel cover-up.
Randy Cramer is another whistleblower, one who served as a marine both on the moon (as a pilot) and on Mars (as security) for twenty years combined. He was authorized by a superior in the military to “spill the beans,” and he’s sharing his experience and knowledge about the technologies used by the Cabal.
Randy’s information and firsthand accounts of this strange new world backs up what other whistleblowers have also shared, including the establishment of bases on Mars. The experience that really shook me was his description of the trauma of almost dying after a battle and “being put [back] together many times,” with technology that could “replace his whole body, and depending on what parts [organs] needed replacement, often took days to accomplish.” The original article was taken down by those who published it, so I’m sharing this video of an interview with Randy Cramer who provides his testimony about the time he spent in the SSP.
For those who are new to this information and not aware that these super-advanced, unintrusive healing technologies exist and in use, they are called “Med beds” or “Holographic Medical Pods”.
Can you imagine a world where all illnesses could be eradicated by using painless healing procedures? So much suffering would be eliminated and prevented from so many people. No more intrusive, harming, and useless procedures that cause so much suffering worldwide!
Why would the Cabal allow and even authorize these leaks? According to Cramer, “Under authorization from the U.S. Marine Corps chain of command, Capt. Cramer is speaking out against US government policies, a secret gene-pool colony on Mars, the depopulation plans of what he calls the Breakaway civilization of the military industrial complex.” He stated that he was authorized to reveal his experiences on Mars and other suppressed information as it was part “of a secret mechanism established by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower to warn American citizens in the event their government was compromised and in danger of failing them or being overtaken.”
There are other testimonies from people who worked on projects related to these ultra-advanced technologies, such as time travel, teleportation, and anti-gravity-driven space craft.
They come from a variety of people, including military leaders, bankers, media executives, corporate CEOs, judges and lawyers, Hollywood actors and producers, law enforcement, and insiders from various intelligence agencies, whether it’s NSA, CIA, KGB, FBI, DHS/MI-5&6, or MOSSAD. According to testimonies from whistleblowers, it allegedly has to do with an alien directive to disconnect people from the “prime creator,” which some would call “the source.”
According to various scientists, many strands of our genetic code (DNA) were tampered with and have been totally disconnected (what is called the dormant or junk DNA strands) from the primary chromosome strands to disconnect humans (us) from the Great Cosmic Intelligence. This was done so that “we humans,” as a species, would be vulnerable and accept their different mind control programs, which are compelling us to behave in ways that are highly destructive to us and to our planet. This lower vibrational modality maintains our controlled and illusionary reality. Without a connection to the “source,” we can only “serve” the team dark, those dimensional beings who are feeding off the discord of this false “matrix.”
It’s really intriguing that even our language has hints of some ancient ET intervention. Think about all the expressions containing the word draconian in English. We have the same expressions in Hebrew, too. And why are there statues of dragons in the City of London marking its borders? The history of dragons has been known for six millennia. It can be traced back to approximately 4,000 B.C. So they hide their existence in plain sight? I’m starting to sound like QAnon, the famous intel source thought to be in Trump’s workforce, or a team in the intelligence community close to Trump, who raises the readers’ awareness by posting questions on his Twitter account.
It makes us think about what we actually know about our origins. According to David Wilcock, “There are at least 40 different humanoid extraterrestrial groups that have tinkered around with our DNA for many thousands of years[…] We have a lot of problems that are because of them tinkering with our DNA. That includes the fact that we have bad backs, the fact that we get sunburns, and the fact that the sun is bad for our eyes. There are lots and lots of strange things that we have that are because our genetics have been tampered with.”
Although all this sounds too “out there” to be true, David Wilcock says that insiders and other researchers, who have shared information on these technologies with him, claim that the Cabal has and does use “cloning technologies, highly advanced space craft and they’ve been talking about alien invasion [like] this since the 1950’s.”
The separate Space Force may be the alliance’s way to slowly reveal these truths to the unaware masses and mentally prepare them so they won’t experience future shock when it is all revealed, which among other things is, “that cloning of humans is possible & has gone on for decades.”
This technology has been mainly suppressed and is being used to control us. How do they hide these technologies in plain sight? They present those, which have already been invented, in “science fiction” movies (as mentioned previously). This is why I call our true reality: “Our Science Fiction reality.” Think about such Hollywood films for a moment: “Clones and cloning in Avatar; “Jurassic Park – cloning animals; Genesis II – underground genetics laboratories that are connected by tube shuttles; Terminal Man – brain stem implants; Star Trek – various items.”
I know it’s hard to believe all this, but what about the Jimmy Kimmel interview with Obama about the aliens (even if it seems that Obama is joking). Here’s the excerpt from the interview: [Kimmel] wanted to know whether Obama had tried to get to the bottom of the “UFO files” about the mysterious desert region known as Area 51.
“The aliens won’t let it happen,” Obama joked. “You’d reveal all their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.”
But President Clinton once said he’d checked on the matter and found nothing, Kimmel protested. “That’s what we’re instructed to say,” Obama responded.
Corey Goode explains that, “The ‘free energy’ technologies would end the need of the ‘Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies,’ The ‘Frequency and Light Healing’ technologies would end the ‘Current Pharmaceutical Corporations,’ the ‘Neurological Interface’ technologies would end the need for ‘Large Education Institutions’ and the ‘Food Replication’ technologies and ‘Environmental Purification and Restoration’ technologies would end poverty, starvation, and begin to reverse the damage humanity has done to the earth virtually overnight. The real reason is that these technologies have been suppressed is that they would immediately collapse the world economies and make the ‘Babylonian Money Magic Slave System’ of no use anymore. It means the ‘Loss of Control’ of the .01% (Elite) over the ‘Masses’ and a complete ‘Paradigm Change’. In short it means ‘Freedom’! Freedom for the first time in humanity’s ‘known’ recorded history.”
Namaste is a beautiful word that most people who use it don’t know it’s meaning which hints to our real source. Next time you hear someone saying this you’ll know that it means “I see your divinity and you see my divinity within me.” Here’s a more detailed explanation.
How our world would look if we all felt this way about each other? It would really become what Louis Armstrong sang about a few decades ago in his song What a Wonderful World.
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by Brent Swancer March 14, 2019 (mysteriousuniverse.org)
• In 2006, a man calling himself “Captain Kaye” (aka Randy Cramer, pictured above) came forward claiming to be a member of the United States Marine Corps’ ‘Mars Defense Force’, a part of the U.S. Secret Space Program established for the purpose of protecting Earth’s five Mars colonies.
• Cramer was covertly recruited at age 3 or 4 into a program called “Project Manequin” – an ultra-secretive government program designed to create super-soldiers who would be stronger, more efficient, and more obedient killers on the battlefield. Children were seen as more malleable and physically adaptable. As a child in the program, government agents would come and take Cramer away from his home in the middle of the night. He would be taken to a secret off-planet base where he was trained and indoctrinated for days or weeks at a time. Then he would be time traveled back to the exact place and moment from which he had been abducted. He simply thought it was a dream. Later, Cramer, along with 300 child recruits, would take part in a project run by the MK Ultra government mind control program called “Project Moon Shadow”.
• By 1987, with his training completed at age 17, Cramer was assigned to the ‘Mars Defense Force’- a joint program run by the United States, China, and Russia, secretly working together to operate the numerous personnel bases that have been on Mars since the 1960’s. Cramer says that he lived in Mars bases called ‘Aries Prime’ and ‘Forward Station Zebra’. He was surprised that the Martian air was breathable. The Sun was dimmer on Mars, but still hot and bright.
• Cramer found that humans were not alone on Mars. Underground colonies of Insectoids and Reptoids were there already. The Mars Defense Force occasionally skirmished with these two species. But these three races of beings would become allies, fighting a series of massive battles to drive off an army of evil Draconian (Reptilians) invaders. Cramer participated in some of these battles. During his time on Mars, Cramer also completed flight training.
• At the end of his 17-year Mars mission, Cramer was relocated to a Moon base where he was age-regressed and sent back to Earth at the age and time when Cramer was first taken into the program in 1987. Donald Rumsfeld attended the military ceremony on the Moon base to honor the occasion of his ‘retirement’ from the program. Back on Earth, it would then take Cramer years to regain his lost memories that had either been disrupted by the time travel process or intentionally wiped.
• After regaining his memories, Cramer says that his Marine Corps commander, Brigadier General Smythe, told Cramer that he had the “go-ahead” to go public with everything that he had experienced in the Secret Space Program. Other individuals have also come forward claiming to have been a part of the Mars Defense Force with their own tales to tell. And a large number of people who have listened to their stories of military bases on Mars do believe them.
The Internet can be a pretty wild place, a badlands of rumors, hearsay, tall tales, fake videos, and straight up misinformation at times, all unregulated and seeming a bit like the Wild West. Through this din of off-the-wall stories and outlandish accounts, every once in a while one will stand tall as particularly bizarre and absurd, yet managing to get picked up and talked about to the point that it takes on a life of its own. Surely one such tale is the story of a man who came forward with his experiences that deal with super soldiers, Martian bases, and intergalactic war, which he claims are all completely true. So strap yourself in and maybe put on your tinfoil hat, because we are about to blast off on a wild ride into the orbit of the truly odd.
In 2006, a man calling himself “Captain Kaye” (later found to be Randy Cramer but Captain Kaye sounds cool so we’ll stick with that) stepped from the shadows of top secrecy, claiming to be a member of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and with quite the incredibly bizarre tale to tell. It began, he said, when he was just a very small child of just 3 or 4 years old, when members of a shadowy organization came to him in the night to covertly recruit him into a program called “Project Manequin.” According to him, this was an ultra-secretive government program designed to create super-soldiers who would be stronger, more efficient, and more obedient killers on the battlefield. Children were chosen because their young minds were seen as more malleable and easily warped, their bodies abler to withstand and adapt to the rigors of what awaited them, and he would claim of the whole training process:
“The techniques used to make me have been described to me as a ‘with-the-grain’ style of programming as opposed to most ‘against-the-grain’ styles of programming that try to force Super Soldiers to kill anything, anytime, anywhere – and as human animals, most of us just aren’t made that way, so we resist – and the main function then becomes ‘suppressing’ the urge to resist. Rather than creating the best Super Soldier you can, you only create the most compliant. The ‘with-the-grain’ style programming doesn’t try to create something that kills on command, but, rather, it creates a deep seated instinct to protect its tribe and its territory when threatened. So, as long as you can explain the threat credibly, the soldier will use all of its strength and cunning to destroy any that would harm those it’s genetically predisposed to protect.”
To engage in this training, he says that these agents would whisk him away from his home in the middle of the night and take him to a secret base off-planet, where he was trained and indoctrinated for days or weeks at a time. In order to make sure that no one knew he was gone, time travel was used to bring him back to the exact moment he had been abducted, leaving the memories within his mind like a dream. Kaye, along with the 300 child recruits, would also take part in a program called “Project Moon Shadow,” which was next stage and according to him an offshoot of the government mind control program called MK Ultra.
When he turned 17 his training was considered complete, and he was supposedly sent to join what he calls the “Mars Defense Force “(MDF) part of the U.S. Secret Space Program (SSP), which had been established for the purpose of protecting Earth’s five Mars colonies and claiming Mars as a U.S. territory, as well as providing a safe place to retreat in the event of some world-ending cataclysmic event on Earth. Interestingly, this was purportedly a joint program run by the United States, China, and Russia, who were secretly working together to make everything run smoothly behind the scenes. These colonies had apparently been on the planet since the 1960s(!) and that the moon landings had been a cover to divert public attention from the real aims of NASA, which was Martian colonization and planetary defense.
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How do we, as Exoconscious Citizens, sort out our “official” and “unofficial” space history?
Space travel involves extraterrestrial consciousness. It is beyond weapons, technology and billionaire mining and ticketed travel.
Exoconscious Citizenship requires our response to mainstream history. We have questions. Observations. Ideas. How we respond and communicate, with compassion and heart, matters. As Exoconscious, we are an Extraterrestrial Presence with a voice.
Attention Houston: We have heat shield re-entry issues with the Orion craft and heavy lift rocket scheduled for Mars. The Aerospace Safety advisory panel expresses concern for manned missions to Mars and the Moon.
After a test flight in December 2014, the Orion team found cracks in some of the seams of the spacecraft’s heat shield. That’s not good, since spacecraft face temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees when they’re reentering the Earth’s atmosphere from space. As a result, Orion engineers have had to make changes to the heat shield design.
NASA hasn’t really explained how it plans to test the new heat shield design. Under the current plans, the report notes, the only opportunity to flight-test the new heat shield will be on the Space Launch System’s first flight in 2018–and the next one after that will be a crewed launch in 2021 or 2023. That thought probably won’t be terribly comforting to the astronauts who’ll be flying on that mission.
What About Apollo? Secret Space Programs?
Gee, we didn’t have issues fifty years ago in the space programs of the 60s and 70s.
Maybe NASA should consult Apollo engineers—who sent 11 manned missions into space and six to the moon and back.
The Aerospace Safety Advisory panel’s public concerns do not make sense in our historical context of space missions and with our emerging secret space program information. It doesn’t add up.
Deep Space Deception and Disinformation
We are deep into a decades-long Psychological Space War, a propaganda-spun slur of information and disinformation. So nothing ever adds up. One question after the other and we have a domino stream of questions ready to collapse. But it doesn’t. Like Magic–all the information stays upright.
It makes me feel like a confused child. And, maybe that’s the point. Keep ’em confused and dumbed down. But at some point, too many citizens will become aware of the ongoing games in space. And those citizens will admit how we unwittingly play along. Until…we stop playing. Simply stop.
Child’s Play Psywarfare
Even children know a Psywarfare Dream when they experience one. If you are confused, sing along to sort out the information and disinformation.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that
And mix it up with morning dew
That’s all you want to make your dreams come true–children’s song.
Where are the Adults?
My question is where are the adults? The Citizens? When do we begin the embarrassing sorting out of space information and disinformation as scientists, military, historians, media, politicians, citizens? Or do we bury our heads, keep our egos intact, collect our paychecks, and spend our money on Hollywood’s silly Tomorrowland of Star Wars?
Exoconscious Citizen Sanity
As an adult, my choice is to first gain clarity. When you find confusing information–you confront the psychological program and sort it out. Then you speak up and hold yourself and others accountable.
If we do not act like adults, ask questions, seek answers–then we deserve to spin around in the psycho playground. Dazed and confused…another Hollywood movie.
Or, we can become Exoconscious-aware of our human innate ability to connect and communicate with cosmic mind, the Extraterrestrial Presence. We can use logic, rhetoric, science, and psychic intelligence and abilities to cut through the confusion and find clarity.
The massive psychological war can be dismantled. It only takes a few hearty spirits who ask questions, that leads them to information, that leads them to clarity. It will be slow. It will be worthwhile. It will be how we become adults.