Article by Nadine Linge June 16, 2021 (
• Uri Geller (pictured above) who has claimed to use his powers of psychokinesis to help Scotland beat England in the (delayed) Euro 2020 football championship, says that he got these abilities – reading thoughts and manipulating objects with his mind – after an encounter with a UFO when he was three years old.
• As a boy, Geller was struck by a ray of light like a laser beam from a UFO. Days later when he had a bowl of soup, the spoon drooped. He then progressed to making the metal of his watches move, causing basketballs to curve towards the hoop when he threw them and looking at the back of other students’ heads to see what they were writing in exam papers.
• Geller, 74, was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, where he now lives. He is a distant cousin of famous psychologist Sigmund Freud on his mother’s side. At 18, Geller volunteered as a paratrooper in the Israeli army and was wounded in the head and arm during 1967’s Six-Day War which saw Israel clash with Jordan, Egypt and Syria. Afterward, he worked as a male model before finding fame with his own shows involving spoon bending, describing hidden drawings, and making watches stop or run faster.
• In 2009, Geller bought an uninhabited island off the coast of Scotland, which he believed to be the hiding place of ancient Egyptian treasure.
• In 2017, documents revealed Geller underwent a week of CIA experiments in 1973 as part of the Stargate Program, which investigated psychic powers and how they could be weaponized by the CIA. They concluded he did indeed have paranormal abilities. Geller says he worked with both the FBI and the CIA, to wipe KGB computer files, track serial killers and use brainwaves to influence Russia to sign a nuclear treaty.
Uri Geller
Uri Geller plans to use his powers to help Scotland beat England on Friday – but how much do you know about the celebrity spoon bender?
He vowed to make up for his actions at Euro 96 after claiming to have moved the ball as Scotland’s Gary McAllister ran up to take a penalty.
And while Brits are sporting the tin foil hats your trusty Daily Star printed to combat his spooky brainwaves, we reveal 12 eerie Uri facts.
1. Geller, 74, was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, where he now lives. He is a distant cousin of famous psychologist Sigmund Freud on his mum’s side.
2. Geller says his powers of telepathy and psychokinesis –reading thoughts and manipulating objects with his mind –were activated by an encounter with a UFO when he was three. He claims he was struck by a ray of light like a laser beam and days later when he had a bowl of soup, the spoon drooped.
3. As a boy he progressed to making the metal of his watches move, causing
Uri Geller and John Lennon
basketballs to curve towards the hoop when he threw them and looking at the back of other students’ heads to see what they were writing in exam papers.
4. At 18 Geller volunteered as a paratrooper in the Israeli army, and was wounded in the head and arm during 1967’s Six-Day War which saw Israel clash with Jordan, Egypt and Syria.
5. After the army, he worked as a male model before finding fame with his own shows involving spoon bending, describing hidden drawings, and making
Geller in his Isreali Army days
watches stop or run faster.
6. In 2017, documents revealed Geller underwent a week of CIA experiments in 1973 as part of the Stargate programme which investigated psychic powers and how they could be weaponised by the CIA. They concluded he did indeed have paranormal abilities.
7. Geller claims he worked with both the FBI and the CIA, to wipe KGB computer files, track serial killers and use brainwaves to influence Russia to sign a nuclear treaty.
8. Sceptics claim Geller’s performances can be duplicated using tricks. Stage magicians suggest spoon-bending can be done using misdirection to get an audience to briefly look away as the implement is physically bent, or heating it previously, making it easier to manipulate.
9. Geller was pals with Michael Jackson, and Jacko was best man when he renewed his vows to wife Hannah in 2001. He also introduced the singer to controversial journalist Martin Bashir – whose interview sparked Jackson’s child sex abuse trial.
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Article by Arjun Walia December 10, 2020 (
• Declassified CIA documents reveal that telepathy, parapsychology, remote viewing, ESP and psychokinesis have all been studied in-depth within the black budget special access programs of multiple countries. The Department of Defense has openly stated that this phenomena is real although somewhat inexplicable. The crazy thing about parapsychology is the fact that hundreds if not thousands of studies conducted worldwide have yielded statistically significant and positive results. In 1999, the head of the statistics department at UC Irvine, Jessica Utts, published a paper showing that the results dealing with parapsychology and mind-body connection are a lot stronger than the results used to approve some of our medications.
• In April 1960, Dr. Leonid Leonidovich Vasiliev addressed a group of high-ranking Soviet scientists stating: “We carried out extensive and until now completely unreported investigations under the Stalin regime. Today the American Navy is testing telepathy on their atomic submarines. …We must again plunge into the exploration of this vital field.” Soviet parapsychology research was stimulated by a 1960 French article concerning the US atomic submarine Nautilus. “Is telepathy a new secret weapon? Will ESP be a deciding factor in future warfare? Has the American military learned the secret of mind power?” the French article speculated. In Leningrad, the Nautilus reports went off like a depth charge in the mind of Vasilev.
• Soviet research into the biocommunications phenomena apparently extends to outer space as well. The so-called Father of Soviet rocketry, K.E Tsiolkovsky, stated, “In the coming era of space flights, telepathic abilities are necessary. While the space rocket must bring men toward knowledge of the grand secrets in the universe, the study of psychic phenomena can lead us toward knowledge of the mysteries of the human mind.” “There are reports that the Soviets are training their cosmonauts in telepathy to back-up their electronic equipment while in outer space,” said Tsiolkovsky. “One of these back-up schemes is known to involve coded telepathic messages. This method was previously demonstrated in March 1967, when a coded telepathic message was flashed from Moscow to Leningrad.”
• In February 1971, during the Apollo 14 flight to the Moon, astronaut Edgar Mitchell made 150 separate attempts to project his thoughts from inside the space capsule. Mitchell used 25 numbered cards in the experiment, in which he attempted to send a thought message to four people on Earth regarding the symbols on each card. He said two of the four got 51 of the 200 correct, and the other two were less successful. The results of the Apollo 14 experiments have been well-documented.
• “Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world,” said Dr. Gary Schwartz, a professor at the University of Arizona. Refusal to publish legitimate scientific findings in order to adhere to a post-materialist framework is antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry. “Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science” and prevent these subjects from being openly studied in mainstream academia. It appears that any in-depth study into parapsychology only occurs at the highest levels of government.
• Declassified US Army/CIA STARGATE program documents show that remote viewing was successfully used for intelligence collecting purposes. Remote viewing allows a person to view other people or objects in different locations, regardless of the distance. “[O]ver the years, …refinement of methods and successful replication of …remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. …[T]his capability …has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.”
• According to Dr. Hal Puthoff, a participant of the Army’s remote viewing program, Ingo Swann, suggested remote viewing the planet Jupiter. Much to Swann’s and the other scientists’ chagrin (including Puthoff) Swann saw a ring around Jupiter. He wondered if perhaps he had remote viewed Saturn by mistake. “Our colleagues in astronomy were quite unimpressed as well,” said Puthoff, “until a close flyby of Jupiter revealed that a ring did in fact exist.”
• The fact that the study of paranormal phenomena is not taken seriously by the mainstream is truly a shame. This can expand human consciousness and what we understand about the true nature of reality. But most of what’s known in the field is still locked up within the black budget world. Whatever has been declassified and revealed is only the tip of the iceberg. The documents referenced above are decades old. Imagine what’s been discovered since then. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla
The Soviet Union is well aware of the benefits and applications of parapsychology research. In 1963, a
Dr. Leonid Vasiliev
Kremilin edict apparently gave top priority to biological research, which in Russia includes parapsychology. The major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetics, and bionics is said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB. Today it is reported that the USSR has twenty or more centres for the study of parapsychological phenomena, with an annual budget estimated in 1967 at over 13 million dollars and reported to be as high as 21 million dollars.
Soviet parapsychology research was actually stimulated by the 1960 French story concerning the US atomic submarine Nautilus. The French journalists
Jessica Utts
splashed the now rather infamous Nautilus story in headlines “US Navy Uses ESP on Atomic Sub!” Ship to shore telepathy, according to the French, blipped along nicely even when the Nautilus was far under water. “Is telepathy a new secret weapon? Will ESP be a deciding factor in future warfare?” The speculating French sensationalized, “Has the American military learned the secret of mind power?” In Leningrad the Nautilus reports went off like a depth charge in the mind of L.L Vasilev.”
It goes on to mention that in April of 1960, Dr. Leonid Leonidovich Vasiliev addressed a group of high-ranking soviet scientists stating: “We carried out extensive and until now completely unreported investigations under the Stalin regime. Today the American Navy is testing telepathy on their atomic submarines. Soviet scientists conducted a great many successful telepathy tests over a quarter of a century ago. It’s urgent that we throw off our prejudices. We must again plunge into the exploration of this vital field.
Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky
As you can see, telepathy and parapsychology, which include remote viewing, ESP and psychokinesis, have all been
Edgar Mitchell
studied in-depth within black budget special access programs in multiple countries. These programs are often highly classified, and so whatever has been revealed in official documentation is only the tip of the iceberg. Sometimes, the declassification of documents is used to halt more questioning into the phenomenon.
The STARGATE program is a great example of that in the United States. Although the documents that were declassified show some startling findings, like the fact that remote viewing is real and that it was used for intelligence collecting purposes, it’s safe to assume that many details of this program remain highly classified.
Russel Targ was the co-founder of that program.
The crazy thing about parapsychology is the fact that studies have yielded statistically significant results. I’m talking about hundreds if not thousands of studies that have been conducted worldwide have seen positive results.
There seems to be a deep concern that the whole field will be tarnished by studying a phenomenon that is tainted by its association with superstition, spiritualism and magic. Protecting against this possibility sometimes seems more
Dr. Gary Schwartz
important than encouraging scientific exploration or protecting academic freedom. But this may be changing. —
Cassandra Vieten, PhD and President/CEO at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Ingo Swann
Many of these results are just as strong, if not stronger, than a lot of the results that come from hard sciences like physics and mechanical engineering. The Department of Defence has openly stated that the phenomena within this realm is real, despite the fact that they are still somewhat inexplicable. As far back as 1999, the head of the statistics department at UC Irvine, Jessica Utts, published a paper showing the results dealing with parapsychology and mind-body connection are a lot stronger than the results used to approve some of our medications!
Most of what’s known is still protected and locked up within the black budget world.
The documents referenced above are also decades old, so just imagine what’s happened or what’s been discovered since then!
The documents also outline how these experiments were not limited to Earth.
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The Institute for Exoconsciousness is the first and only sustainable nonprofit organization focused exclusively on humans co-creating technology, teachings, art, and healing with extraterrestrials and multidimensionals.
This annual report brings you up to date on our members, communities, and programs as well as our nonprofit’s accomplishments and hearts’ desires. Where we are and where we see ourselves advancing as a Community of the Exoconscious.
First, we will share brief 2018 data of our accomplishments, so that we can get to the fun stuff of members, communities, and programs.
May-June: We received our State and Federal Nonprofit. We reached out to professionals and our community for support and assistance.
June-November: We completed our business plan and legal documents
December: We completed our first fundraising initiative through emails, Facebook and our website. In 2018, we raised $1,246 ( we are waiting on our FB giving Tuesday funds to arrive.)
What’s Next? In 2019 we continue fundraising to build our international online infrastructure for Experiencers. Our infrastructure will eventually be financially sustainable, but we need your support to launch our multifaceted website.
We partnered with Amazon’s Smile program. Please register at Amazon Smile and select Institute for Exoconsciousness. Then, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the Institute for Exoconsciousness. To have your donation apply you must register our name and shop through Amazon Smile website. All the prices and Amazon prime eligibility remain the same.
Enjoy our Newsletter. It’s packed with exciting offerings to open, activate, and advance your Exoconsciousness.
Join Rodolfo de Oliveira ’s group and study the history, applications, and science of Spirituality/Spiritism and Exoconsciousness. Rodolfo offers an in-depth examination of the philosophy and history of spiritism with lots of opportunities for interaction. Here is Rodolfo’s description of Spiritism. To join the study group, please email Rodolfo at
Psychokinesis Research Groups
Can you move an object with your Mind? We are partnering with three psychokinesis researchers who are developing scientific experiments in moving matter with consciousness.
Here is a blog from Eugene Kovalenko, PhD describing his research. George Weissmann and Caroline Cory are also conducting PK experiments. If you wish to participate, please email
Suzanne Ross is the creator and Executive Producer of a revolutionary new internet TV network featuring a new genre: Sci-Spi®: Merging Science & Spirituality. Along with over 20 progressive shows on the network, “The Institute for Exoconsciousness” features members of our community. Join Sci Spi TV.
Filmmaker, Juliano Pozati’s, CIRCLE studies the work of Brazilian Medium Chico Xavier and integrates with Exoconsciousness and Spiritism. Join Juliano’s Circle where you can connect with their community and view Julian’s films. Available in Portuguese and English.
Mia Feroleto is the publisher and chairman of the board of directors of New Observations Magazine. She is the creator of ARTWALK NY and other ground-breaking events in the New York City contemporary art world. The January/2019 issue of New Observations focuses on consciousness and contact. A conference of the same name will be held from May 16 – 20th at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Support New Observations.
Deborah West and Michael Hathaway co-Host and co-write Lost Knowledge Articles, host a radio show, and blog, examining the new reality of multi species existence on and off the earth and our ability to expand our position in the universe as sovereign beings. Tune into Lost Knowledge.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, asserts that humans having direct experience with extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional beings are the missing factor for space exploration. Read how Exoconscious Humans participate in our planet’s exploration in space. Book Available here.
Published by FREE, Beyond UFOs details the academic research findings of the world’s first 5-year academic research study on individuals that have had UFO related contact with Non Human Intelligence (NHI).
The Institute for Exoconsciousness maintains the planet’s biggest social problems, from health to education to human rights, deserve the best creative consciousness solutions. The Institute invests in extraterrestrial and multidimensional entrepreneurs who are using Exoconsciousness to accelerate social impact and who are developing technology, teaching, art, and healing toward an Exoconscious Civilization.
Joanne Summerscales, founder of the ET News Room, produced the world’s first album featuring artists who are Experiencers of ET, UFOs and Paranormal. Dug/Duggy Degnin became the right-hand man on the Eklectia album project, and as well as taking on the role of Associate Producer, he was also an accomplished singer songwriter, and you can hear him on the album. He recently passed away. Here is a link to enjoy Eklectia.
For 30 years Darlene Van de Grift co-created and collaborated with her Council of 28. Her February 2, 2019, workshop focuses on humans as Universally the Heart of the Matter. Darlene shares how our Evolution is essential to not only who we are but how our existence ripples throughout the Cosmos. Register for the workshop here or on Darlene’s website: You are SELF: Spiritually Evolved Light Force
The Sanctuary for Evolutionary Vision is committed to providing tools and experiences for Fifth Dimensional living and Cosmic Ascension. Retreats, individual sessions, and bimonthly global meditations are offered to facilitate Cosmic consciousness and create a New Human Global Community.
Zazar, a Fifth Dimensional ET being, is lovingly channeled by Marilyn Gewacke, providing profound Cosmic wisdom about our Ascension process and our Star origins. Diane Saunders offers Quantum Healing and Past Life Regressions crucial to mapping our path and mission in creating New Human Consciousness. The New Energies body work and chakra balancing sessions given and designed by Jennifer Westacott are paramount to keeping balanced and stable during these transformational times. Join SEV and learn about their work.
Sheila Seppi currently operates Spirit Way Wellness in Eagle Vail Colorado where she offers traditional and non-traditional spiritual and healing sessions for integrated total body wellness and integration services. Sheila also provides spiritual teaching circles and offers workshops. Learn about the services of Spirit Way Wellness.
Maya has a mission to assist in opening the door for those who want to explore their otherworldly experiences, their inexplicable dreams and their contact with beings from other worlds. As a Harvard Psychotherapist for 30 years, she uses writing, guided therapy, trance states, and psychic material to help you integrate your true self into your life. Join Maya.
Terri is a Lightworker committed to assisting Starseeds, Healers, Lightworkers and those experiencing contact with angels, extraterrestrials, and multidimensional beings. With understanding and genuine caring, she honors your life events and non-ordinary reality experiences. Co-creating through Divine and cosmic consciousness, Terri helps you to discover your hidden past; transforms your self-limiting belief system into a life of inner-strength and purpose; and facilitates the release of physical, sexual, emotional and astral traumas to help you create a life filled with joy, love and true purpose. Go from surviving to thriving! Join Terri.
Claudine Varesi is a yoga instructor, yoga therapist, coach and artist. She was a member of Peru’s RAMA mission for many years. She motivates and inspires others to maximize connections and personal empowerment, and to actively find purpose and lasting fulfillment in their lives. Available in Spanish and English. Join Claudine.
Flávio Michelutti offers a 60-minute session to clean energetic fields, understand the missing links (pain or other conditions), bringing new extraterrestrial energy and frequency. A massive update from the Pleiades. In addition, you receive information from mentors, description of new information, including your healing processes. Available in Portuguese and English. Join Flávio.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, offers Exoconscious Coaching to promote self-discovery, bringing unconscious experiences into awareness, for healing which leads to Exoconscious integration and expansion. Rebecca assists as you co-create through your ET, multidimensional relationships, strengthening your psychic abilities for a healthy life. Join Rebecca.
Institute Exoconscious Communication: Rosetta Stone
Star Language Rosetta Stone Project
The Institute would like to create a Rosetta Stone for translating Star Languages. Do you speak Star Language? Join us. Email:
new book, Soul Seeds: Remembering Light Language, details her understanding of light language, how it is both a modality and a way of being—the inner workings of soul.
offers an online course, How to Telepathically Communicate with Star Beings and Better Understand Who They Are. She shares her personal experiences and guides you in communicating with your star family. Also, she offers an Apprenticeship program on light language for those who are just opening to light language or for those who have been speaking it for years.
Luis Sérgio Marotta YouTube – Spirit Connections- is a bilingual English/Portuguese channel. It aims to build bridges in the understanding of the scientific, philosophical and religious implications of afterlife issues between English and Portuguese speaking nations. We believe there is a lot to share that can clarify the pathways of those who try to unveil the afterlife truths. Subscribe to channel.
Spiritual Consciousness: A Personal Journeydetails Kevin’s life of communication with the Ort and the Council of 8. Kevin will be featured on Susan Shatzer’s streaming television show, Unlocking your Limitless Life. His segment was nominated for a Webby award, awarding excellence on the Internet. In his segment, Kevin channeled Ort.