The World of Back Engineered UFO Technology
Article by Ryan Dube October 16, 2020 (
• When one considers the world of reverse engineering, it is often assumed that this is done in secret government DARPA facilities. Nicholas Evans points out in Military Gadgets: “…airplane, tank, radar, jet engine, helicopter, electronic computer, stealth technology and internet, none of these that transformed warfare in the 20 and 21st century owed their initial development to the military but were accelerated into service by DARPA.” With an annual budget of $3.5B, compared to that of NASA at $22.6B, DARPA is limited to what it can afford to do.
• In 1987, Robert Lazar went on television claiming to have been part of an operation that worked on alien technology at the S-4 facility in Nevada where at least nine alien spacecraft were parked. He claimed EG&G hired him to help reverse engineer the technology. In the process, Lazar discovered a rusty, heavy substance he called “Element 115” that powered the alien spacecraft as an energy source which would produce anti-gravity. A vehicle producing this anti-gravity distortion could alter its own relation to the space around it, allowing it to dramatically shorten the distance between itself and its destination. As element 115 is not naturally found on Earth, Lazar suggested that our stocks of the element 115 were a gift from an off-planet civilization to be used as fuel for our own spacecraft.
• In 2004, a team of American and Russian scientists succeeded in producing element 115 as an unstable isotope, confirming the existence of such an atom. However, the isotope has virtually none of the qualities that Lazar described. Even ufologist Stanton Freidman debunked Lazar saying that there’s no evidence he ever attended CalTech or MIT as claimed. Other academic physicists and engineers found the alleged propulsion system to be “critically flawed”.
• In 1997, Philip Corso published the book, The Day After Roswell (co-authored by William J. Birnes), relating how he stewarded extraterrestrial artifacts recovered from a crash at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, at the direction of the first Director of Central Intelligence, Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter. Different parts of the Roswell craft were sent to various defense companies, who reverse engineered their properties, and that this led to the development of achievements such as accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, night vision equipment, lasers, integrated circuit chips and Kevlar material. Corso also said that the Strategic Defense Initiative in the 1980’s was meant to disrupt the electronic guidance systems of incoming enemy warheads, as well as enemy extraterrestrial spacecraft.
• A DuPont lab chemist, Stephanie Kwolek, is credited, however, for inventing the liquid crystalline that could be spun into fabric known as Kevlar. And the contractors who reverse-engineered these technologies were told that the parts were stolen from Russia. The ‘Klass Files’ and reviewer Tom Mahood say that much of Corso’s account has minor factual flaws, or are simply “uncheckable”. Said Mahood about Corso, “Is it some sort of “disinformation”? Many will say it is, but I don’t know. Honestly, I’m not completely sure just what to make of it. I know it’s not the truth, that he’s likely a loon, but beyond that….”
• Richard Boylan includes the TR3-B triangular craft among twelve US classified aircraft that employs anti-gravity technology. The November 2000 issue of Popular Mechanics identifies it as a ‘Lenticular Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer – the first version of which allegedly went operational in 1962’. defense industry alleged insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche claimed that the TR-3B generates an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89 percent. But that it does not have a an antigravity propulsion system. It merely uses the Biefeld-Brown effect to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speed.
• ‘Morphing metals’ are materials which have the ability to bend on command, “sense” pressure, transform from liquid to solid when placed in a magnetic field, and shape-memory polymers. Memory materials are used in alloys like Nitinol, which have the stiffness of steel but can return to its previous shape when heat is applied. Anna McGowan, program manager at NASA’s Langley Research Center, says that “This is technology that most people aren’t aware even exists.”
• NASA science teams at the Langley Research Center are currently working on intrinsically “smart materials” which can perform self-diagnosis and self-repair. These “self-healing” materials are human-made (not alien-made) of long-chain molecules called ionomers which react to penetration, such as a bullet, by closing behind it. The implications of this technology for space flight are tremendous.
• Philip Corso, Robert Lazar and Richard Boylan all claim that our latest technologies come from the reverse engineering of alien craft and artifacts. But each of these technologies have seemingly verified ‘human sources’ that prove otherwise. Consequently, there is no fast, hard evidence to support any of these reverse engineering tales. Instead, these stories generate questions about the creators of these tales and their motives for doing so.
• [Editor’s Note] And the deep state spin on debunking alien technology continues…..

The world of reverse engineering is indeed a strange one. It’s a landscape of claims and counter claims. Fantastic stories and skeptical analysis. The characters are legendary and the truth elusive.

One constant is the proposition that DARPA may be the agency responsible for any advances in the technology. While DARPA does have a hand in a lot of advances in technology, they only push projects forward – they don’t do the work.
As noted by Nicholas Evans in Military Gadgets: “…airplane, tank, radar, jet engine, helicopter, electronic computer, stealth technology and internet, none of these that transformed warfare in the 20 and 21st century owed their initial development to the military but were accelerated into service by DARPA.”
And they work with a limited budget.
A quick look at the DOD fiscal 2020 budget report shows the research budget for DARPA at a little less than 3.5 billion per year. NASA had a 22.6 billion per year operating budget of which the shuttle takes a third.

Robert Lazar and Element 115

Back to the characters.
In 1987, Robert Lazar shocked the world when he went on television claiming to have been part of an operation that worked on alien technology. Lazar said that the government has possession of at least nine alien spacecraft at a base called S-4.
He claimed EG&G hired him to help reverse engineer the technology in the alien craft for use in U.S. military vehicles and power production. In the process, he discovered a rusty, heavy substance he called “Element 115” that powered the alien spacecraft.

Lazar explained how the atomic element 115 (or ununpentium (Uup)) served as a nuclear fuel for the propulsion of the

alien craft. Element 115 provided an energy source which would produce anti-gravity under particulate bombardment.
As the intense strong nuclear force field of element 115’s nucleus was properly amplified, the resulting effect would be a distortion of the surrounding gravitational field. A vehicle producing this distortion could alter its own relation to the space around it, allowing it to dramatically shorten the distance between itself and its destination.
Lazar speculated that element 115’s probable absence on Earth was due to the fact that the supernovae in Earth’s region of the galaxy were insufficiently massive to produce nuclei of this density. He postulated that other parts of the universe could be richer in this element. Lazar indicated stocks of the element 115 were a gift from an off-planet civilization to be used as fuel for our own spacecraft.
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