Hitler Had a Secret Anti-Gravity UFO, and the US Took It
Article by Kyle Mizokami June 1, 2021 (popularmechanics.com)
• After World War II, the Nazis emerged with an almost mythical reputation for high-tech weapons: tanks, jets, and rockets. The American military considered the achievements of Nazi scientists and engineers to be so advanced that in the later stages of the war, the US Army sent reconnaissance teams into Germany to secure scientists and military technology before other powers, particularly the Soviet Union, could capture them, under Project Paperclip.
• The noted aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun who invented the V-2 rocket was among the Paperclip trophies. Von Braun later designed the Saturn V rocket for NASA’s Apollo program.
• US forces put these German scientists and engineers to work on developing anti-gravity technology. According to legend, the Germans developed a bell-shaped anti-gravity craft known as ‘Die Glocke’. Rumors of the device first appeared as Nazi sci-fi in the 1960 book Morning of the Magicians, and then showed up in Igor Witkowski’s 2000 book Prawda o Wunderwaffe (The Truth About the Wonder Weapon), followed by Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point—as a “glowing, rotating contraption” that possibly had “some kind of antigravitational effect,” or was even a “time machine” that was part of an “SS antigravity program” for the “Repulsine” flying saucer.
• Cook even suggests that the notorious SS colonel Hans Kammler traded Die Glocke to the US military in exchange for his freedom. Kammler disappeared in the closing days of World War II and was never seen again. Mainstream historians claim that Die Glocke crashed outside Kecksburg, Pennsylvania in December 1965.
• According to dubious mainstream historians, all of this is ‘extraordinarily unlikely’. If the U.S. had had access to anti-gravity technology, then where are the anti-gravity planes? And NASA attributes the Kecksburg Incident to the reentry of a failed Soviet Venus probe, Cosmos 96.
• Nevertheless, the legend of “Die Glocke” (“The Bell”) persists in conspiracy and UFO circles. A new video from military historian Mark Felton (see below) explores the bell-shaped device that Adolf Hitler’s Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary organization purportedly developed. However writers and sci-fi hoaxers may have actually concocted the machine, plying the postwar reputation of Nazi scientists being capable of almost any technological feat.
• [Editor’s Note] Is it that hard to imagine that Hitler was allied with a malevolent extraterrestrial race who provided the Nazi’s with advanced technology in return for the German’s long-term assistance in capturing and controlling this planet, along with other worlds throughout our galaxy? This would explain how Hitler became so fanatical and confident that he could take over the world. William Tompkins said that he saw Hans Kammler at a NASA facility in Huntsville, Alabama. If the thing that the military took away at Kecksburg was just a Soviet satellite probe, then why didn’t they parade it in front of the media as a Cold War trophy? Of course the deep state military industrial complex orchestrated all of it.
‘Where are the anti-gravity planes’ you ask? The deep state has kept all of this advanced technology hidden from the public in order to control it and thereby control the planet, just as their extraterrestrial overlords had planned. We have seen these “UFOs” in our skies ever since World War II. More recently we’ve seen smaller ‘drone’ versions of them “swarming” Navy vessels. The US Navy has patented the technology and the US Senate has requested an intelligence report on them due out this month. Of course, the report will reveal nothing, because the deep state holdouts in the Pentagon and Congress do not want the public to know that we have this technology. They see a better use of this ‘unknown phenomenon’ to create public fear and panic of a national security threat. The deep state can exploit this to demand greater and greater defense budgets, to justify more black budget projects, and to persuade the people to willingly turn over their rights and freedoms in return for this deep state military faction stepping in to save the world from a false flag UFO invasion. Let’s hope and pray that the white hat Alliance military leaders will not allow this to happen.

Did Nazi scientists, eager to devise a weapon that could throw back advancing Allied

armies, create a time-traveling UFO to win World War II? Almost certainly not. Nevertheless, the legend of “Die Glocke” (“The Bell”) persists in conspiracy and UFO circles.
A new video from military historian Mark Felton, included below, explores the bell-shaped device that Adolf Hitler’s Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary organization purportedly developed. However, sci-fi writers and hoaxers may have actually concocted the machine, plying the postwar reputation of Nazi scientists being capable of almost any technological feat.
Even though the Nazis lost World War II, they emerged from the war with an almost mythical reputation for high-tech weapons. Nazi tanks were often technically superior to Allied tanks; the Luftwaffe flew fighter jets in combat before the Allies did; and the V (for Vengeance) series of terror weapons, including the V-1 cruise missile and V-2

ballistic missile, made for terrifying, though strategically questionable, weapons.
Adversaries considered the achievements of Nazi scientists and engineers to be so advanced,

in fact, that the U.S. Army sent reconnaissance teams into Germany in the later stages of the war to secure scientists and military technology before other powers, particularly the Soviet Union, could capture them. The effort, known as Project Paperclip, secured V-2 missiles and important figures like Wernher von Braun, the infamous aerospace engineer Wernher von Braun who invented the V-2 and later designed the Saturn V rocket for NASA’s Apollo program.
According to legend, Die Glocke was reportedly one such German “wunderwaffe” (“wonder weapon”).
Rumors of the device first appeared as Nazi sci-fi in the 1960 book Morning of the Magicians. Die Glocke also showed up in Igor Witkowski’s 2000 book Prawda o Wunderwaffe (The Truth About the Wonder Weapon)—and soon after, Nick Cook’s The Hunt for Zero Point—as a “glowing, rotating contraption” that possibly had “some kind of antigravitational effect,” or was even a “time machine” that was part of an “SS antigravity program” for the “Repulsine” flying saucer.
14:15 minute video on Die Glocke (‘Mark Felton Productions’ YouTube)
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